2023-2024 Whole Board Training Brochure

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Whole Board Whole Board TRAINING TRAINING 22023-2024 023-2024 Interactive Training for Interactive Training for Excellent Boards Excellent Boards


Quality training is one way the Alabama Association of School Boards is accomplishing its mission to develop excellent school board leaders. Our exemplary training team comprises AASB staff members with decades of experience working with and for boards as well as a cadre of former board members and superintendents who were schooled in the real world. The team is prepared to help improve your skills via a wide variety of interactive courses created to meet boards’ needs

The state requires 2 hours of whole board training per year for board-superintendent teams, but more importantly, research says school boards are more effective when all members of a school board learn together as a team AASB’s standard and customized training sessions allow the whole board to come together and focus on a particular area of need, discuss the school system’s specific situation, ask questions and develop plans for improving performance.


Most workshops are $599 plus expenses for up to 4 hours. Legal workshops are $699. Fully customizable, full-day board retreats of 4 or more hours are $999 plus expenses.

Discount available when boards contract for multiple sessions.

TRAIN WITH NEIGHBORS: When multiple boards train together, there is a cost savings.

“Interactive whole board training" hours must be completed annually by each board-superintendent team. 06 Hours of continuing education must be earned annually by each school board member. Two of those hours must be your whole board training.


14 Hours of coursework are included in AASB’s two-part orientation This satisfies the one-time requirement for an orientation covering specific topics.


The training year begins July 1 and ends June 30 Training hours do not roll over from year to year.


Each August, AASB must provide the state superintendent of education a report indicating whether each board member met training requirements in the previous training year.

10% A 10% discount is applied to whole board workshops scheduled for July, August or September.

Workshops Available in a Variety of Topic Categories:

In addition to our 32 Standard Workshops, AASB offers other workshops upon request.

ANEFFECTIVETEAM Clarifiedroles&improvedteamcommunication Page
ANEFFECTIVEEVALUTION Definedexpectations&meaningfulfeedback Page
A WELL-TOLD STORY Meaningful relationships
stakeholders Page
Enhanced understanding of school finance FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Page
7 Measurableprogress&performance
Pages 7-8
8 Sharpenedfocusonstudentlearning STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Pages 9-10
Familiaritywithcriticallaws&regulations BOARD & THE LAW Page 11


Clarified roles & improved team communication

Boardmanship 101

2 hours | $599

This practical course uses numerous real-world scenarios to help members and the superintendent clearly understand one another’s roles. A great introduction for new board members, this training also serves as an important refresher for even veteran board members.

Boardmanship 201

2 hours | $599

Subtitled “Practical Boardmanship,” this scenario-based session allows board-superintendent discussion of real world issues that can diminish the board’s ability to function effectively Discussion can be focused on specific issues the team is grappling with or can be focused on preventing problems that could arise in the relationships and operations of the governance team. The session typically results in the team’s drafting of operating agreements to solidify expectations

Board-Superintendent Relations

2 hours | $599

In this session, the board and superintendent will discuss their respective roles and work with common scenarios to identify actions that are within the board’s oversight role versus overstepping into the responsibilities of the board or individual members

Conflict, How to Avoid It

2-4 hours | $599

Whether a leadership team is in conflict or is focused on being proactive to avoid conflict, this training helps the team understand each member's communication style It can address ongoing issues, examine governing policies and develop clear agreements for the team to avoid conflict.

Communicate in Style

3 hours | $599

Nothing torpedoes a board’s effectiveness and the relationship between a board and its superintendent faster than chronic miscommunication. Using humor and an online assessment taken prior to the training, we will identify the communication style of each board member and the superintendent Reports are generated to give each member a deeper understanding of how he or she communicates and makes decisions. AASB then teaches the board-superintendent team to work with each style to improve team function and communication.

Effective Board Meetings - The Basics

2 hours | $599

How you do business is as important as the business you do Holding board meetings that are professional, orderly and student-focused will raise your stock with stakeholders. But it takes planning and a common understanding of how boards that get things done operate. This session blends videobased scenarios with discussion of best practices.

Superintendent Search




This workshop is for boards faced with appointing a superintendent. Selecting a superintendent is one of the most important actions a school board takes. In this pre-search workshop, AASB walks boards through legal requirements related to a search, discusses the pros and cons of various search options and facilitates initial discussion of skills and qualities the board will seek in the system's next CEO

The Core Work of School Boards

2-4 hours | $599

Using an array of board-focused research, this session focuses on the core skills effective boards need to ensure all student achieve at high levels. You will learn how to put those skills into action and fundamentally change the effectiveness of your board-superintendent team’s work.



Defined expectations & meaningful feedback

Board Self-Evaluation + Goal Setting

2 hours | $599

Self-evaluation is critical to the board’s efforts to continuously improve its performance and should be done at least every two years Prior to the session, each board member completes a broad online assessment covering an array of areas in which the board works AASB then analyzes the results and, in the training session, facilitates board discussion of the results and best practices.

Superintendent & CSFO Evaluation

2 hours | $599

School systems progress when their boards set clear, measurable expectations for their superintendent and chief school financial officer annually, and evaluate their progress. This session helps the board ensure the evaluations are both fair and productive. It also covers the mechanics of a quality evaluation process. Use this session as a stand-alone training or as part of AASB’s superintendent evaluation service



Meaningful relationships with stakeholders

Community Engagement

2 hours | $599

Schools tend to be the heart of their community It's no wonder community expectations for schools are soaring Discover the value of meaningful engagement Participate in a facilitated discussion of strategies school systems use to engage stakeholders and build a lasting relationship with their communities.

Communicating in a Crisis

2 hours | $599

No school system can predict when or what a crisis will be, but every school system needs a plan to respond quickly, accurately and appropriately when a crisis strikes. Get hands-on guidance for proactive crisis communications, from working with the media to maintaining transparency and accountability in the eyes of stakeholders

Media & Public Relations

2 hours | $599

Telling your success stories in ways that interest and engage your community requires an understanding of how public relations and media relations work in the 21st century. Learn ways to communicate more effectively with internal and external stakeholders and build public support for your schools

Social Media Pitfalls, Potholes & Pointers

2 hours | $599

How can school systems effectively and creatively use social media to connect with their community and the digital natives in their schools? Learn tips for steering clear of social media tripwires that can spark lawsuits, lead to job loss or cause public embarrassment. Discuss the dos and don’ts of using social media as a school board member.

Measurable progress & performance DATA&GOALS

Data 101: Understanding Data

2 hours | $599

Can your board identify and understand the data that will be most helpful in informing decisions? This introductory data workshop teaches boards how to read various types of reports and to use costbenefit analysis when looking at a program’s value Boards also learn ways to help their communities get a clearer picture of school system performance Follow this primer with Data 201 & 301 for a deeper look at data.

Data 201: Using Data to Drive Decisions

2 hours | FREE FOR 2023-24

This advanced data workshop is dynamic and grounded in research. It gives you a detailed look at the various data types available to Alabama school boards and helps you identify questions to ask to ensure your school system continuously improves It is a logical next step for those who have had Data 101 training


Facilitated Goal Setting

2 hours | $599

Goals are crucial to the success of any organization. Strategic plans generally establish long-term goals, but what if your board needs to plan for the short term? If your board-superintendent team is determining its annual goals, AASB can help you identify critical school system data and set goals for improvement. This workshop can stand alone, be used as a precursor to strategic planning or serve as a stopgap between strategic plans. It can be used as part of AASB’s strategic planning service.

Strategic Planning

2 hours | $599

All boards need a current, forward-thinking strategic plan to guide their actions and the actions of the staff. This training focuses on the role of the board in the planning process, from determining expectations to holding the system accountable for reaching strategic goals Also, the trainer will facilitate a board-superintendent analysis of the system's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats -- a critical precursor to the strategic planning process.

Enhanced understanding of school finance FINANCIALOVERSIGHT

Bids, Buildings and Blueprints

2 hours | $599

Management of capital assets is generally thought of as the CSFO’s job But this course offers insight into laws and issues related to capital planning as well as the types of data a board should study before planning begins. It also provides a primer on key laws, including the bid and public works laws, which impact capital planning decisions and processes.

Budgeting, Budget Hearings & the Board

2 hours | $599

If your board’s role in the budgeting process is limited to a work session to review the proposed budget right before you vote on it, this course is a must From working with the superintendent to identify goals and priorities early to identifying issues that should be included in the budget presentation to the board, this session will help your board stay in its lane while ensuring the budget meets system needs.

School Finance - The Basics

2 hours | $599

Brush up on the basics of school finance, including fund accounting, where your funds come from, including local, state and federal sources Learn about financial reporting requirements Board members learn to read and understand financial statements and financial reports.

School Finance - The Basics & Beyond

2 hours | $599

This training goes beyond the basics and includes the laws, rules, and new developments that drive local funding decisions. Follow this primer with a customized "Monitor Your Financial Health" session for a more strategic look at fiscal accountability.


Sharpened focus on student learning STUDENTACHIEVEMENT

Chronic Absenteeism

2 hours | $599

Students who miss 15-18 days of schools – excused or unexcused – are at substantially higher risk of failure and other long-term consequences. In this session, you will learn about the causes and impact of absenteeism as well as what approaches have succeeded in increasing attendance and the board’s role in addressing the issue

Barriers to Student Learning - 101

2 hours | $599

This interactive session examines policies and practices related to staffing, extracurricular activities and the rigor of expectations for student learning – practices that can unintentionally create barriers for students based on their socioeconomic level, race/ethnicity or other demographic factors. This course can be taken as a standalone as well as before or after the 201 level session Barriers 301 is a customized course to examine data specific to your system.

Barriers to Student Learning - 201


hours | FREE FOR 2023-24

This interactive session examines policies and practices related to funding and disciplinary actions that that can unintentionally create barriers for students based on their socioeconomic level, race/ethnicity or other demographic factors. This course can be taken as a standalone as well as before or after the 101 session Barriers 301 is a customized course to examine data specific to your system.

Improving Schools: Focusing on What Matters Most

2 hours | $599

What expectations has your board set for teacher and student performance? Do you have a sense of urgency about student achievement? In this research-based session, we will explore the ways the board can have a meaningful impact on student performance without encroaching on the roles of the superintendent and staff.


This intensive, research-based training series is designed to help board/superintendent teams build their governance capacity and focus on improving student outcomes. Just as it takes ongoing lessons and practice over time for professional development to permanently alter teachers’ classroom behaviors, this series provides at least 11 hours of training over 12 months. It provides enough practical experience during and between trainings to permanently board culture.

Governing for Achievement Project

The Board's Role in Raising Student Achievement

GAP Workshops:


Committing to High Expectations This session covers what’s at stake for students performing below grade level and includes efforts to create a sense of urgency among the board/superintendent team for addressing those students’ needs. The session also builds board members’ understanding of the impact of quality teaching and lack thereof and the importance of expecting more from employees, students and the board itself


Our Culture & Beliefs. This session introduces the seminal research that found board members’ and employees’ beliefs about education, learning and the system’s potential to impact learning are pivotal to the system’s ability to raise achievement The session gives boards the opportunity to study in-depth the results of a survey of their own board and employee beliefs and the degree to which the conditions needed for success are present.


Key Elements of Improving Teaching & Learning. In this session, the governance team discusses the importance of having strong building-level leadership, the board’s role in governance vs management, the elements of powerful professional development for teachers and the need to set a limited number of critical goals. The board-superintendent team also will identify its own expectations for the outcomes of professional development and will begin to discuss the data and information they need in order to set goals for improving student outcomes


Where Are We Now? This session equips the board-superintendent team to understand the current status of student achievement in their system and set goals for improving it. This includes hands-on practice working with their system’s achievement data and how to interface with the superintendent and staff team


Oversight for Excellence: The Ongoing Work of the Board/Superintendent Team. This session ensures that the board-superintendent team have the skills to sustain the work developed in the previous sessions. It includes creation of a data-monitoring plan as well as messages to be communicated throughout the community about the team’s vision and relentless commitment to improving student outcomes

In addition to the training, the work begins with administration of a survey to identify the culture of the board and system as it relates to expectations for student learning It also will measure their beliefs about students’ ability to learn at higher levels and the staff’s responsibility and ability to ensure that happens. The data will then be infused throughout the lessons of the five training modules


Familiarity with critical laws & regulations BOARD&THELAW

Legal Considerations in Personnel

2 hours | $699

This roundup of personnel-related legal topics can help your board avoid costly mistakes. Learn important information such as avoiding discrimination claims, posting vacancies, what you can and can't disclose about personnel and how to manage employee grievances

Open Meetings & Public Records

2 hours | $699

How you do business is as important as the business you do. This session focuses on when and how you notify the public of meetings, how to use executive sessions and the limits on what boards can do outside the public's view.

Special Education

2 hours | $699

The laws governing special needs students are complex and missteps can be costly. The session provides an overview of the expectations and strategies for avoiding pitfalls.

Students First Act & Teacher Accountability Act

2 hours | $699

There is much superintendents and boards should know about employment actions, including when and how to reassign, transfer and discipline employees and principals. This training details the Students First Act and Teacher Accountability Act's rules for personnel actions and walks the board through common mistakes boards make when serving as judge and jury in those actions

Title IX

2 hours | $699

Boards of education operate under the watchful eye of the Office for Civil Rights, which enforces multiple federal laws meant to prohibit discrimination, including Title IX Learn how this law designed to combat gender discrimination in schools can impact athletics and other program offerings.




Better Boardmanship

2 hours | $599

Quality teamwork takes a good working relationship among board members and between the board and superintendent. Leadership team members will learn how to work together more effectively and develop clear agreements about how the board will operate going forward Each team member will also learn about the others’ communication styles and how to better work with team members whose styles differ.

Building a Functional Team

2 hours | $599

Based on the work of Patrick Lencioni and researchers' findings on best practices for school boards, this session explores what sets successful teams apart and helps you identify collective behaviors that are helping - or hurting - your team.

Custom Conflict Resolution


Designed for teams with ongoing conflict and/or deeper divisions, this customized series of sessions aims to help teams work through the issues creating problems The series will include individual training, facilitated team discussion and development of team operating agreements

Effective Board Meetings - Beyond the Basics

2 hours | $599

This session begins with a review of the tenets of good meetings (the agenda, board packets and work sessions), but it focuses on the habits and beliefs of boards that use their meetings to improve student learning, including the eight traits of effective boards.

Parliamentary Procedure

2 hours | $599

Used properly, Robert’s Rules of Order give board meetings the structure and order needed to accomplish business effectively. We'll walk you through the rules, customs and ethics that govern school board meetings Every member of the board-superintendent team should understand how to conduct a deliberative meeting


8 Traits of Effective Boards: Next-Level Self Evaluation

3 hours | $599

Is your board operating effectively? Are there areas it could focus on to improve its own performance? Prior to this session, each board member completes a broad online assessment covering an array of areas in which the board works. AASB then analyzes the results and, in the training session, facilitates board discussion of the results and a 1-hour session to help the board set goals to improve its performance

In addition to our 32 Standard Workshops, AASB offers the following additional whole board training options by request. Customized trainings require a six-week notice when scheduling due to specific content.

Custom Data Training

2 hours | $599

This session combines both training and hands-on work with school system data. The system will provide data from a single area (such as academic, demographic or financial). AASB will teach the board-superintendent team how to review information effectively, identify questions to ask and choose areas they want to explore more deeply as a team The session also includes discussion of how boards use data to drive decisions.

Data 301: Exploring Your ACT Gaps

3 hours | $599

In this session, the board-superintendent team will review achievement gaps highlighted by their high school ACT results and begin discussing the causes and solutions. The session includes discussion of the board’s role in closing the gaps vs. the roles of the superintendent and staff as well as information about questions board members should be asking


Financial Questions Boards Should Be Asking

2 hours | $599

Does your board know the key indicators that reveal the financial health of your system and that can serve as an early warning that you’re headed for financial trouble? This training explains the data to monitor and the questions your board can ask to ensure the system is – and stays – in the black.

Monitor Your Financial Health

2 hours | $599

Financial stewardship and accountability are two critical areas of board leadership. Your board should have a solid understanding of the system's financial health. Learn about Alabama's School Fiscal Accountability Act and your chief school financial officer's fiduciary responsibility to the board This advanced-level workshop complements Introduction to School Finance.


Barriers to Student Learning - 301

2 hours | $599

This hands-on, final segment of the Barriers series helps your board put the lessons of the 101 and 201 sessions into action in your school system AASB will help your board-superintendent team review policies, practices and data to identify areas that may need revision and discuss ways to move forward while staying in the board's lane.


Board’s Role in Personnel Hearings

1 hour | $699

This scenario-based training walks the board through the pitfalls superintendents and boards can face when dealing with personnel matters and personnel hearings. Learn the right and wrong ways to handle persistent parents, board member bias and aggressive attorneys. (This course can be combined with another legal topic for the same price )


Charter School Law

2 hours | $699

Deciding whether to become a charter school authorizer requires a clear understanding of the benefits and obligations associated with Alabama's charter school law. Learn the basic components of the law, along with specific issues your board should consider before making this game-changing decision for your school system.

Ethics & Nepotism

2 hours | $699

When family or business interests intersect with your school board duties, missteps can be costly. This training session provides a deeper understanding of what the nepotism and ethics laws allow – and prohibit – when it comes to board members, the superintendent and system employees

Fair Labor Standards Act

2 hours | $699

No board plans to run afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act But noncompliance happens and often means expensive lawsuits, low employee morale and trouble for a school system Learn what rules apply to exempt, non-exempt and contract employees and the right questions to ask your superintendent to avoid wage-and-hour issues and other ticking time bombs.

Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era

2 hours | $699

Sexual harassment is a serious issue, but school systems with the right policies, procedures and staff training can lower their liability exposure and better protect staff and students. A school system’s improper response — or failure to respond—to allegations could lead to legal nightmares. The scope of this issue can extend from students and employees to third parties, so don’t be caught off guard

Students and the First Amendment

2 hours | $699

From free speech to religion, the rights given to students under the U.S. Constitution can be complex for schools and school boards to navigate In this session, you will learn how to preserve students rights using a series of legal cases that have made boards’ obligations clearer

Working With Your Board Attorney

2 hours | $699

Your board attorney is a key player on the leadership team. How do you choose an effective one? What should you expect to pay? What are the rules of confidentiality? What do you do if the relationship goes bad? These are just some of the practical, real-world questions that will be answered.




These may be areas identified during your own board conversations, the evaluation process, strategic planning, annual goal setting, accreditation, state intervention or through community feedback AASB can design a custom workshop or board retreat to help For extensive customization, call AASB for pricing at 334.277.9700.

Book Studies

Board-superintendent teams can elevate and enrich their learning with book studies Choose a thoughtprovoking book from our list. Then schedule an AASB facilitator to guide discussion of the key leadership concepts. On the shelf are books about change, student achievement, teamwork, leadership and more. Call for the list

Poverty Simulation

Experience one month of poverty in one hour with AASB’s Poverty Simulation, an eye-opening opportunity for board members and school staff to build awareness and empathy for students living in poverty. When your full board participates, the Poverty Simulation counts as your two-hour Whole Board Training credit The simulation requires 30-80 participants and approximately 20 volunteers Contact our Leadership Development team or visit AlabamaSchoolBoards.org/PovSim for more information.

Candidate Training (Call for Length & Pricing)

Sometimes -- through situations such as the conversion from an elected to an appointed board or the creation of a new school system -- school boards will see the potential for a large turnover in members. When that occurs, AASB can provide training for the would-be board members about what board service entails. The session is designed to help candidates understand the position they are seeking, the requirements and time commitments and the scope of the board's and board members' authority.

Startup Board Training (Call for Length & Pricing)

What options are eligible for Whole Board Training?

Whether a city system has formed a new school system or a new charter board has been created, this session provides a solid introduction to the law and practices that help a fledgling board avoid costly or embarrassing mistakes

Training taught by the Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) or external training preapproved by AASB is considered “eligible” for whole board training. The External Training Provider Application is available for download at Alabamaschoolboards org/training/external-training-application

To learn more about the guidelines for earning pre-approved whole board training using an external trainer, visit Alabamaschoolboards.org/training/external-training-guidelines.

Whole board training can focus on a specific area of need for your school board.
www.AlabamaSchoolBoards.org 800.562.0601 training@AlabamaSchoolBoards.org

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