Trumpzineweek 5 issuu

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100 Days of Trump

* w e e k 5 * by d.bird

Week 5.

Team Trump tweaks the

spin on it’s dizzying round-up of illegal aliens, fraying long standing policies of basic human consideration to create a bigger, stickier net to catch all the bad hombres, their sisters, mothers, grandma and grandpa, the guy that clips your hedges, Tarick at the diner, your pool guy, the car wash boys, and the people that were going to re-do the kitchen for way less than that other company. 2

Trump rolls back regulations on private prisons (to hold more deportees,)

the right to a hearing and orders massive hiring of new ICE agents. Gun toting, red-neck bullies are lining up already for the fun. “On top of the stringent hiring standards and training, Border Patrol applicants are required to take a polygraph test, which nearly 60 percent fail. A previous surge in hiring under President George W. Bush resulted in dozens of corruption cases, with Border Patrol and other agents accused of taking bribes and providing information to Mexican drug cartels.� -new york times


Who is going to buy all the bus tickets?


“According to a recent estimate from the Pew Research Center, there are about 8 million unauthorized workers in the United States in total. The economic contributions of undocumented immigrants are responsible for nearly $74 billion in annual manufacturing output and billions in other industries.�

T rump watches an unhealthy amount of cable news.

He is especially hooked on Fox & Friends, Breitbart and Infowars. This gives him snarky tweet material and saves him from having to listen to those boring White House briefings. “So much paper! Just give that stuff to Bannon.” “I have my own experts on this stuff- including me.” 5

Sean Spicer, press secretary dissed all the loser, fake news reporters from “New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN and Politico uninviting them from his cool kid “press gaggle”. President Trump said that he will not attend the traditional White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, but no matter, everyone hopes Alec Baldwin will show up instead.


Reince appears to be in some hot water! No one is helping.

“The rules were developed to prevent even the appearance of political tampering with law enforcement—just the situation the White House finds itself in after a report that President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Reince Priebus asked senior FBI officials, including Director James Comey, to publicly refute a report about Trump associates’ contacts with Russian intelligence.” 7


t takes oil and gas to run a chainsaw. Scott Pruitt has stepped over the sky-high stinking mess of his incriminating emails right into the EPA ready to cut what ever he can. “Mr. Pruitt’s background speaks for itself, and it comes on top of what the president wants to do to EPA,” John O’Grady, president of the EPA’s union, told the New York Times. 8

on one hand you have Trump’s science deniers gutting any

forward momentum in slowing global warming, while an exceedingly warm winter sprinkles half the country with happy-land, springtime fairy dust in February. 2016 was the hottest year in 137 years of record keeping. The third year in a row to take the number one slot.



hould a president hold himself to a lower standard than his own appointees?� Commerce Department appointee, Wilbur Ross, decided to make serving his country enough of a priority that it was worth the price: resigning his positions with 37 companies and selling off his holdings in about 80 companies. Trump correctly notes that federal conflict-of-interest laws technically do not apply to the president and vice president, although previous holders of those positions have voluntarily observed the rules. 10

Trump changes Obama’s mandate

back to make trans-gender people use their birth-sex bathroom. Personally I will use either bathroom if the line at the women’s room is too long. Even the freedom to pee in peace is under attack.




own meetings where the community rants at their elected politicians are very popular therapy these days. It is a patriotic cardio exercise in waving your arms while jumping up and down, but due to the large number of irate issues on the agenda the main result is several hours of pandemonium punctuated by the new sport of chair tossing.

Trump wants to spend 1 trillion dollars on rebuilding crumbling infrastructure across America, using only machines and materials made here in the US. This also will require a huge workforce that we may not have. “1.1 million construction workers in the U.S. are undocumented, so stepping up deportations would deplete an already-too-small construction labor pool.�


President Donald Trump is proposing a huge $54 billion surge


in U.S. military spending for new aircraft, ships and fighters in his first federal budget while slashing big chunks from domestic programs and foreign aid to make the government “do more with less.� Many families have been doing this for quite a while.

Empathy and forward thinking are on the chopping block.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer tweeted that Trump’s budget outline would take “a meat ax to programs that benefit the middle-class.” -npr. 15

Trump’s divisive campaign;


his disrespectful treatment of Latinos, Moslems, immigrants, LGBT people and placement of pro-white nationalists as his closest advisors has led to a surge in hate crimes across the country. He seems oblivious that his mean spirited rhetoric could ignite such behavior. Cruel words as lit matches to dead wood.

In his address to Congress a sedated, good witch version of Trump

read a sugared speech trussed up by nervous speech writers stage left. Prudently they installed little buzz wires inside his shirt collar to keep him in the stall. He will want to do a speech a week now. All that applause after every sentence! Who knew?! Personally I was disgusted by the opportunistic parading out of widows and the downtrodden to forward his agenda, especially his quip about the dead army seal “smiling down at his wife from heaven�. 17

That is it for now, get up and stretch your legs. have a drink of clean water (while you can) and marvel at all the early daffodils. thanks for reading.

earlier weeks are available: week 1 and 2

week 3

week 4


Trumpszine . 100 Days of Trump will be published in book form if you are interested in purchasing one please contact me thru my

website I will keep you posted.


*Feb 22- 28*

100 Days of Trump Book five History in a tasty gummy pill. Copyright 2017 Dana Simson

No part of this book may be copied without expressed permission, but hey, just ask and get decent jpegs. salisbury . md . usa


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