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TRUMPZINE first 100 days

weeks 8 & 9 histor y in a tasty gummy pill art & words . Dana Simson

Way to make friends... Week 8 & 9

Trump appeared distant(?) distracted(?) Daft(?) during the Presser when reporters shouted for a

handshake shot. Angela Merkel tried to get his attention without success. Later he quipped that in 2013, American spooks had tapped one of Mrs Merkel’s mobile telephones to further his claim that a British spy agency, GCHQ, secretly intercepted Mr Trump’s communications at Mr Obama’s request. Turning to his guest, he said: “At least we have something in common, perhaps.” The look that the chancellor shot back blended incredulity with horror. -the Washington Post

B est friends for this week:

Washington wants China, North Korea’s neighbor and main trading partner, to use its influence to rein in their weapons programs. Underscoring tensions in the area, and to gain attention during Tillerson’s globe trot, North Korea conducted a test of a new high-thrust engine at its Tongchang-ri rocket launch station.

Leader Kim Jong Un said, “Rockets are so cool.”

tillerson china

At the House Intelligence Hearing;

(Comey and Rogers) declined to comment on whether Russia’s attempt to influence the U.S. elections had actually changed the outcome. But they said it was definitely a “success,” in Russia’s eyes, on at least one front — it “introduced chaos and division and discord, and sowed doubt,” as Comey put it. - Washington Post Trump tweeted his spin on things throughout the hearing, causing Comey to have to correct him.

Odd Russia connections trips to Russia by Carter Page Paul Manafort Ukraine connections Meetings with Kislyak Jeff Sessions Mike Flynn Jared Kushner JD Gordon Ties to Exxon-Rosneft Tillerson Ties to Russian Money Trump Jr. RT Russian TV Curious events Moscow Miss Universe Sale of over-priced Trump beach house to wealthy Russian & more murky moments filtering to the surface

Neil Gorsuch is up for the Supreme Court. The Democrats are still smarting (rightly) from

the stonewalling Obama’s pick for the court got from the Republicans. “Gorsuch is a favorite of legal conservatives because he has sharply questioned a three-decade old legal precedent that many on the right believe has given too much power to the regulatory state.” - Politico Translation: Big business (oil) further unleashed.

“As we speak we are preparing new executive actions to save our coal industry and to save our wonderful coal miners from continuing to be put out of work. The miners are coming back,� Trump told a(Gosh I love ME) rally in Louisville, Kentucky, without providing any details.

Devin Nunes, (republican & member of Trump’s transition team) ALSO Chairmen of the House

inquiry into the Russian meddling investigation got his mitts on some foreign surveillance routinely swept up involving the Trump gang and foreign nationals. He took this directly to Trump rather than through policy channels, speaking with the press afterwards. However, there was no evidence of a wire tap by Obama of Trump Tower during the election in this information.

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA),

the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, abruptly canceled a public hearing scheduled for the following Tuesday with former DNI director James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. (Yates was fired by Trump week 2 allegedly for her refusal to enforce the first Moslem ban) The decision comes a day after CNN reported that Later it came out that she “The FBI has information that indicates associates had informed Trump of of President Donald Trump communicated with Flynn’s Russian connections suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate which he sat on for a week the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s before firing Flynn. campaign.” Schiff himself now calls the evidence of coordination between Trump associates and Russia more than circumstantial. Schiff described the cancellation as part of a pattern of odd behavior by Nunes seemingly designed to distract from the core issues of the Russia investigation. - thinkprogress “The chairman has to make a decision over whether he is a surrogate for the president, as he was during the campaign and transition, or whether he’s leading a bipartisan investigation,” Schiff told the Chronicle, “because he can’t do both. - the guardian

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

(R-Fla.) criticized House GOP leaders’ handling of their plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, saying party leaders rushed the bill and focused too much on conservative lawmakers. “The only reason they wanted the vote on Thursday is because it’s the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, ObamaCare, passing. Who cares about that?” she told CBS4 in Miami. “We should have a well-thought-out, deliberative process,” she continued. “But then again, this is Congress. We are never The bill, primarily the work of Paul Ryan, was pulled by him at the last going to get that.” minute. Trump insisted the vote go forward the following day. -thehill.com He never did like Ryan.

And it failed.

Trump reacted by picking up his toys and going home. So far BIG campaign promises 0, logic and fair minded resistance 2.

The American people weren’t keen on the notion of just letting Obamacare implode as “Hyde Trump” loudly predicted was in the works. “Jekyll Trump” appeared shortly (after a few Republican’s got sent cases of whoop.ass by constituents) to say “why can’t we all just get along.” I have noted that he never says “BELIEVE Me” anymore. Now he says; ”Don’t worry.”

In other news... David Friedman, the new US ambassador to

Israel squeaked out approval from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by a two vote margin. Friedman’s record of funding illegal Israeli settlements, his support for Israeli annexation of the West Bank, and his likening of supporters of the two-state solution to Nazi collaborators should disqualify him from one of the most sensitive and complex diplomatic postings in the world. -fcnl.org

But now Trump wants to make the big peace deal that US Presidents dream of brokering, so he says

hold back on those illegal settlements and that Embassy move isn’t going to happen either. Netanyahu finds himself trying to balance the demands of his own coalition with the unpredictable expectations of a President who is not the partner Israel’s right wing thought it was getting. -CNN.com In addition to Trump’s shifting alliances and the political pressure from all sides Netanyahu faces, he is also under criminal investigation for corruption. Not the year he planned.

HUMOR HELPS A real mini-series where Truth is SO much Stranger than Fiction

All content copyright 2017 . Dana Simson* made in the USA . Salisbury, Maryland *

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