Experimental Investigation On Mechanical Properties Of Hybrid Jute Fiber Reinforced Composites

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 3, Apr 2017

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

Experimental Investigation On Mechanical Properties Of Hybrid Jute Fiber Reinforced Composites M Phani Bhushan 1, Mukesh G 2, P Yuva Kishore 3, Rajath A T 4, Praveen B A5, UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NMIT Bangalore, Karnataka, India 1, 2, 3, 4 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NMIT Bangalore, Karnataka, India 5

Abstract: The composite manufacturing has been a wide area of research and it is the preferred choice due to its superior properties like low density, stiffness, light weight and possesses better mechanical properties. This has found its wide applications in aerospace, automotive, marine and sporting industries. There has been continuous lookout for synthesizing composites without compromising on the mechanical and physical properties. In this project, fiber reinforced composites is preparing with jute fibers & glass fiber of fiber length 5-6 mm. The resins used in this study are epoxy. The prepared composites were tested to study the mechanical properties of the composite such as tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength and hardness. Keywords: Composites, epoxy, glass fiber & Jute fibers

1. INTRODUCTION For the sake of simplicity, however, composites can be grouped into categories based on the nature of the matrix each type possesses. Methods of fabrication also vary according to physical and chemical properties of the matrices and reinforcing fibers. 1.1 Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) Most commonly used matrix materials are polymeric. The reasons for this are two-fold. In general the mechanical properties of polymers are inadequate for many structural purposes. In particular their strength IDL - International Digital Library

and stiffness are low compared to metals and ceramics. These difficulties are overcome by reinforcing other materials with polymers. Secondly the processing of polymer matrix composites need not involve high pressure and does not require high temperature. Also equipments required for manufacturing polymer matrix composites are simpler. For this reason polymer composites developed rapidly and soon became popular for structural applications. Polymer composites are used because overall properties of the composites are superior to those of the individual polymers. They have a greater elastic modulus than the neat polymer but are not as brittle as ceramics. Polymeric matrix composites are composed of a matrix from thermoset (unsaturated polyester, epoxy or thermoplastic polycarbonate, polyvinylchloride, nylon, polystyrene and embedded glass, carbon, steel or Kevlar fibers (dispersed phase). The potential applications of polymer composites include consumer goods (sewing machines, doors, bathtubs, tables, chairs, computers, printers, etc), sporting goods industry (golf shafts, tennis rackets, snow skis, fishing rods, etc.), aerospace industry (doors, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, wing skins, fin boxes, flaps, and various other structural components), marine applications (passenger ferries, power boats, buoys, etc.), automotive industry (molecular structure after curing. They decompose instead of melting on hardening. Merely changing the basic composition of the resin is enough to alter the 1|P a g e


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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 conditions suitably for curing and determine its other characteristics. They can be retained in a partially cured condition too over prolonged periods of time, rendering Thermosets very flexible. Thus, they are most suited as matrix bases for advanced conditions fiber reinforced composites. Thermosets find wide ranging applications in the chopped fiber composites form particularly when a premixed or moulding compound with fibers of specific quality.[1]

platelets from natural or renewable resources, in contrast to for example carbon or aramid fibers that have to be synthesized. Natural fibers include those made from plant, animal and mineral sources. Natural fibers can be classified according to their origin. The detailed classification is shown in Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2: Classification of natural fibers Figure 1: Thermoset resin The composite manufacturing techniques can be classified into two categories: A. Open mould process a) Hand lay-up process b) Spray up process c) Vacuum-bag auto clave process d) Filament winding process

Figure 1.1: Reinforced based composites 1.2 Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites Fiber-reinforced polymer composites have played a dominant role for a long time in a variety of applications for their high specific strength and modulus. The manufacture, use and removal of traditional fiber–reinforced plastic, usually made of glass, carbon or aramid fibers–reinforced thermoplastic and thermoset resins are considered critically because of environmental problems. By natural fiber composites we mean a composite material that is reinforced with fibers, particles or IDL - International Digital Library

B. Closed mould process a) Compression moulding b) Injection moulding c) Sheet moulding compound (SMC) process d) Continuous pultrusion process In this experimental procedure we have used vaccum bag method has shown in figure 1.3 [2]

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Material used Matrix Lapox L 12 International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Reinforcement Glass fabric (unidirectional) & Jute fabric Hardner K-6 Determine the best among the composition among the four laminates.  To compare the results with same layers and for different layers. And variation with respect to thickness of the laminate.  Based on the results evaluated specific application is determined.[3]

3. SELECTION MATERIALS Figure 1.3: From clockwise applying the binding agent. Applying bleeder sheet. Enclosing vacuum bag on to the composite. Fixing suction cup to the Vacuum bag.


To determine the posibility of weight and cost reduction of the composite / Hybrid composite‟ by reinforcing it with jute fiber & glass fiber. To fabricate the specimens to the ASTM standards using ― VACCUM MOULDING‖ process for the following combinations.


Glass Fabric , Yawn Jute fabric, Epoxy Resin L-12and Hardner k-6 was supplied by atul polymers The jute fiber are mainly composed of cellulose, lignin and pectin. Jute fiber are usually off-white to brown in colour and have length in range of 4 mm and 10 to 25μm breath. Whereas glass fiber cloth measures as 72x40 in., The leaves of the jute fiber have long length and soft with shiny appearance. The properties of glass fiber and Jute fiber are given in Table 2 [4]

Table 2:Raw materials used vaccum moulding

Table 1: Composition of the laminates Specimen Number Of Layer compositions Number Layers JF(JUTE FABRIC) GF(GLASS FABRIC) 1 7 JF-GF-JF-GF-JF-GFJF 2 7 GF-JF-GF-JF-GF-JFGF 3 9 GF-JF-GF-JF-GF-JFGF-JF-GF 4 11 GF-JF-GF-JF-GF-JFGF-JF-GF-JF-GF 


Figure 1.5: Jute fabric

To Examine the strength and properties of the hybrid composite (glass fiber-jute fiber) through mechanical testing. To compare the strength and properties and to

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Figure 1.6: Glass fabric

Figure 1.4: Flow Chart of Experimental Work

3.2 MANUFACTURING METHOD Figure 1.7: Lapox L-12 & hardner K-6


The fabrication of the various composite materials is carried out through the vacuum moulding technique. The mould used for preparing composites is made from two rectangular chromium-Plated stainless steel sheets having dimensions of 300 mm Ă— 300 mm. Four beadings were used to maintain a 3 mm thickness all around the mould plates realise film and sealant tape is covered around the vacuum bag. The functions of the suction cup is to compress the glass and jute fiber after the epoxy is applied, pressure of 700 MPA is applied Through the suction cup and vacuum is applied through the mould for 2 hours. And then left 24 hours For curing as shown in figure 1.4[6]

Figure 1.5: vacuum moulding

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3.3 SPECIMEN CALCULATIONS For Jute/Glass/Epoxy fabrication, the Jute/Glass fibres were laid uniformly over the mould before applying any releasing agent or epoxy. After arranging the fibres uniformly, they were compressed for a few minutes in the mould. Then the compressed form of Jute/Glass fibres is removed from the mould. This was followed by applying the releasing agent on the mould, after which a coat of epoxy was applied. The compressed fibres were laid over the coat of epoxy, ensuring uniform distribution of fibres. Alternative layers of jute and glass is laid up and the epoxy mixture is then poured over the fibres uniformly and compressed for a curing time of 24 h. After the curing process, test samples were cut to the required sizes prescribed in the ASTM standards.[5]

Volume of jute fibre VJF =

= 45.52cc

Volume of glass fibre VGF =

Hence, Volume fraction of epoxy resin = 75.58% Volume % of resin = 324 ×

= 244.87cc

Weight of the resin = 244.87 × 1.12 (Density of epoxy resin) = 274.25gm Weight of the hardener =

= 27.425gm

Total weight of the laminate = Weight of Jute Fibre + Weight of Glass Fibre + Weight of Epoxy Resin + Weight of Hardener

Volume of the composite = 30×30×0.36 = 324cc


VM = 1- 0.2442

Total weight of the laminate = 66.45+82.8+348 = 497.25gm

= 32.47cc

Volume of fibre = VJF + VGF = 77.99cc WEIGHT FRACTION Weight fraction of




Jute =




VGF = 10.02%





= 13.36


= 14.40% Glass





Weight fraction of Glass fibre WG =

= 16.6%

Total weight fraction of the fibres = 30.01% Weight fraction of resin =

Total volume fraction of the fibres = 24.42%

= 64.76

VF + VM = 1

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Youngs modulus (Gpa)



Lapox – L12 3.7















Properties Jute Glass International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Table 3 : Results for sample calculations Material Weight Volume (gm) fraction Jute fibre 66.45 gm 14.40 % Glass fibre 82.8 gm 10.02 % Resin 348 gm 75.58 %

Weight fraction 13.36 % 16.65 % 70 %

absorption Tensile strength(mpa)

Table 4. Mechanical properties of the materials

Specific gravity (gm/cc)



The hybrid composite materials seven, nine and eleven layer plate were fabricated by using Jute, glass and epoxy. Tensile test, Bending test and Impact test, were done on the specimens to find out the mechanical properties. Before going testing in specimens, will be cut with the help of Carbide cutter .The specimens were notched as per ASTM D-3039 standard. The test were done to determine the values of tensile strength, Bending and impact strength. The tensile test for two specimen pieces were performed in the universal testing machine and impact test were done with the help of Izod impact testing machine.[7]

The specimen is tested on UTM-machine. It is mainly used to find the ability of a material to be bend before the breaking point. The specimens were notched as per ASTM-D 790-03 standard.[9]

Figure 3.5: Test specimen

3.4 TENSILE TEST The specimen is tested under Hydraulic Testing Machine by keeping the loading rate constant of 20 KN. A tensile load is applied on the specimen until it fractures. During the tensile test, certain elongation were done on the material due to the load which will be recorded. A load elongation curve is plotted by an x-y recorder, so that the tensile behavior of the material .Dimensions (165*13)mm[8]

3.6 IMPACT TEST The specimen is tested on Izod Impact Testing Machine. The test specimen is clamped upright in an anvil, with a V-notch at the level of the top of the clamp. The test specimen will be hit by a striker carried on a pendulum which is allowed to fall freely from a fixed height, to give a blow of nearly 120 ft lb energy. After fracturing the test piece, the height to which the pendulum rises is recorded by a slave friction pointer mounted on the dial. It is mainly used to find the absorbed amount of energy in the specimens. The specimens were notched as per ASTM-D 256-05 standard.[10]

Figure 3: Tensile test specimen dimensions

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Figure 3.6 : Impact test

3.7 BRINELL HARDNESS TEST Brinell hardness test was conducted on the specimen using a standard Brinell hardness tester. A load of 250 kg was applied on the specimen for 30 sec using 10 mm diameter hard metal ball indenter and the indentation diameter was measured using a microscope. The hardness was measured at three different locations of the specimen and the average value was calculated. The indentation was measured and hardness was calculated using Equation.

The test specimen for sheets shall be in the form of a bar 76.2 mm (3 in.) long by 25.4 mm (1 in.) wide by the thickness of the material. When comparison of absorption values with molded plastics is desired, specimens 3.2 mm. [11] Twenty-Four Hour Immersion—the conditioned specimens shall be placed in a container of distilled water maintained at a temperature of 23 6 1°C (73.4 6 1.8°F), and shall rest on edge and be entirely immersed. At the end of 24, +1⁄2, −0 h, the specimens shall be removed from the water one at a time, all surface water wiped off with a dry cloth, and weighed to the nearest 0.001 g immediately. If the specimen is 1⁄16 in. or less in thickness, it shall be put in a weighing bottle immediately after wiping and weighed in the bottle. This test method for rate of water absorption has two chief functions: first, as a guide to the proportion of water absorbed by a material and consequently, in those cases where the relationships between moisture and electrical or mechanical properties, dimensions, or appearance have been determined, as a guide to the effects of exposure to water or humid conditions on such properties; and second, as a control test on the uniformity of a product

4 RESULTS FOR TENSILE TEST Table 5: RESULTS FOR TENSILE TEST Specimens Ultimate tensile strength 1(7 layers) 126.8N/sq.mm 2(7 layers) 129.0N/sq.mm 3(9 layers) 114.6N/sq.mm 4(11 layers) 118.8N/sq.mm

Figure 3.7 : Brinell hardness test

3.8 MOISTURE ABSORPTION TEST IDL - International Digital Library

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1(7 layers) 2(7 layers) 3(9 layers) 4(11 layers) Figure 4: Tensile strength comparison of different specimen for various compositions

reading in grams

reading in grams

9.26 7.99 12.49 13.90

9.572 8.206 12.85 14.152

between initial reading and final reading in % 5.31% 2.88% 2.703% 1.82%

4.5 SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE In order to determine the microscopic structure of the composite and in depth analysis of the composite we have to study the images of scanning electron microscope. Gold sputtering is done to the samples because these composites aren’t conductive like metals Hence in order to get conductions of electrons we have to make use of gold sputtering.

Figure 4.1: Breaking load comparison of different specimen for various compositions

4.1 RESULTS FOR BHN Table 6: RESULTS FOR BHN Specimens BRINELL HARDNESS NUMBER 1(7 layers) 133.06 2(7 layers) 160.67 3(9 layers) 187.01 4(11 layers) 208.14

4.4 RESULTS FOR MOISTURE ABSORPTION TEST Table 9: RESULTS FOR MOISTURE ABSORPTION TEST Specimen Initial Final Difference IDL - International Digital Library

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5 CONCULSION The jute and glass hybrid composite specimen are prepared and subjected to tensile loading ,brinell hardness ,moisture absorption, flexural loading. From the experiment the following conclusions are derived 

The above SEM images shows the morphology of jute and glass fiber PMCs. Specimen 4.4 gives the micrograph of 4 layers of jute fiber and 3 layers of glass fiber. Specimen 4.5 gives the micrograph of 4 layers of glass fiber and 3 layers of jute fiber. Specimen 4.6 gives the micrograph of 4 layers of jute fiber and 5 layers of glass fiber. Specimen 4.7 gives the micrograph of 5 layers of jute fiber and 6 layers of glass fiber. The above figure depicts fairly uniform distribution of fiber. Specimen 4.8 gives the micrograph of 4 layers of jute fiber and 3 layers of glass fiber. Specimen 4.9 gives the micrograph of 4 layers of glass fiber and 3 layers of jute fiber. Specimen 5.0 gives the micrograph of 4 layers of jute fiber and 5 layers of glass fiber. Specimen 5.1 gives the micrograph of 5 layers of jute fiber and 6 layers of glass fiber. The above figure depicts fairly uniform distribution of surface layer of PMCs.

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Glass and jute hybrid composite samples possess good tensile strength and can withstand the strength up to 129.0 MPa. According to the hardness results, the composite samples having more percentage of glass fiber has highest value of brinell hardness test value of 208.14 BHN while composite having more percentage of jute fiber has the lowest brinell hardness test value of 133.04 BHN. The failure morphology of the tested samples is examined by using Scanning Electron Microscope. From the results, it can be concluded that the samples having more percentage of glass fiber performing better for tensile loading.


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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 [11] ASTM per ASTM-D 570 Standard test water absorption of plastics

REFERENCES [1] Hybrid Glass Fibre- Sisal/Jute Reinforced Epoxy Composites M.Ramesha, K.Palanikumar [2] Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bidirectional Jute Fibre epoxy Composites Vivek Mishra, Sandhyarani Biswas [3] Mechanical Properties of Coconut Fibers Reinforced Polyester Composites Mulinari, D.R.a*; Baptista, C.A.R.P.b; Souza, J. V. C.a; Voorwald, H.J.C.c [4] Mechanical properties of HDPE/textile fibres composites [5] Mechanical behavior of natural fiber composites . [6] Tensile behavior of environment friendly jute epoxy laminated composite. [7] A review of recent developments in natural fibre composites and their mechanical performance. [8] D3039 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials. [9] ASTM-D 790-03 Standard test Method for flexure Strength of polymer matrix composite materials [10] ASTM-D per ASTM-D 256-05 Standard test Method for impact test for polymer matrix composite materials

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