Communication Methods to build Smart Home Monitoring System: A Survey

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IDL - International Digital Library for Technology & Research Volume I, Issue 4, APRIL-2017

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Communication Methods to build Smart Home Monitoring System: A Survey Mr. RAMESHA R M1, Mrs. SNEHA K2, Dr. B.G.PRASAD3 Dept. of Computer Science 1 M-Tech, Student – B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India 2 Guide, Associate Professor – B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India 3 Guide, Prof & HOD, Dept. Of CSE, BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India

SURVEY PAPER ABSTRACT- The inability to access and control the appliances from remote locations is one of the major reasons for energy loss. An android application or any input method is used by the users to give instructions to home automation systems. This system can make use of a host of communication methods such as WiFi, GSM, Bluetooth and ZigBee etc.. Different controlling devices and configurations can be found in existing systems. Such systems have been found already in many places for a wide variety of applications. This paper presents a survey of such systems. Keywords: IoT, Automation Control, Wi-Fi, DTMF, Voice command, Bluetooth, GSM Technology. 1. INTRODUCTION: Electronic and Electrical environment with respect to this context is any environment which consists of appliances such as fans, television sets, air conditioners, motors, heater, lighting systems, etc. A remotely accessible environment is an environment in which each appliance can be remotely accessed and controlled using software as an interface, which includes an Android application and Web application. Such remotely accessible systems are already available in the market, but have a number of drawbacks as well. This paper aims to perform a survey of all the existing such systems and compare the available features. The paper will also compare and contrast all the systems and look at their various features and

disadvantages. A wide variety of options are available for the home automation systems. 2 SURVEYS 2.1 Smart Home Automation Control Using Bluetooth and GSM Home automation is automation of the home. Home automation can provide increased quality and revolutionizes their life. In this paper describe the implementation controlling various home appliances like light, fan, tv, washing machine and refrigerator through android mobile app. Home appliances controlled by using different technology like Wi-Fi, DTMF, Voice command and hand gesture method etc.. In this paper home appliances controlled using Bluetooth and GSM technology. Bluetooth android app developed and installed to user android mobile. The user sent commands to microcontroller using android app, microcontroller processing command based on the command relay circuit works. Relay circuit will power to turn on or off the home appliances based on the input from the microcontroller PIC16F877A. The status home appliances either on or off sent to owner of the house through GSM module anywhere in the world. The user send GSM command to GSM module and user receive status of home appliances either on or off send to user anywhere in the world through GSM module. The GSM command send by the owner also control home appliances. The step down transformer is connected with the main power supply. It will convert the AC to DC Which can be used for the electronic devices like microcontroller, LCD, GSM and sensors etc.. 1|P a g e

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Advantages • Using the Blue-tooth wireless technology home appliances are controlled through mobile android application. Disadvantages • Range 10m • More Power consumption 2.2 Mobile based home automation using Internet of Things (IoT) According to CISCO survey, it is estimated that 50 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2020. The concept of Home automation using microcontroller based Arduino board and android mobile phone. Arduino can be used for prototyping any hardware and software. Arduino can be programmed to receive input data and depending on the input data control various electrical appliances. Smart mobile phone interacted with the Arduino board through external HC-05 Bluetooth module, using the Bluetooth module 100m range of data transmission expandable. Android based mobile application is developed using android studio that provides complete development environment for developing any mobile application including tools for compilation, verification and debugging. Mobile application screen consist of 6 icon corresponding to various electrical appliances namely Lamp, AC, Fan, Refrigerator, TV, Washing Machine. The status of these home appliances are indicated using a LED. RED colour indicates that an appliance is in OFF state and GREEN colour indicates that an appliance is in on state. Whenever mobile app is launched, Arduino board gets paired to smart phone using Bluetooth connectivity using serial communication protocol. Depends on the user home appliances icon select on the android application electrical home appliances controlled. The Bluetooth based home automation system covers the data transmission range only 100m only overcome this drawback using Ethernet technology. Ethernet module is used for connecting Arduino board from any part of the world. Arduino Ethernet module Ip address and port number can be used to locate remote device connected to the internet in a smart home environment. Andriod mobile app can be used to control electrical home appliances.

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Homes of the 21st century will become highly selfcontrolled and automated using the home automation systems. These systems provide comfort and luxury to the people. A home automation system is a means that allow users to control electric appliances. Wireless systems can be of great help for automation systems. With the advancement of wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, cloud networks in the recent past, wireless systems are used every day and everywhere. In this proposed system consists of server and sensors. The Server controls and monitors the various sensors like temperature, motion and light level sensors. The Intel Galileo connects to the internet through Wi-Fi. When the connection is established between sensors and Galileo board, sensors are start to reading the parameters of sensors like p1, p2, p3 etc. The required sensors threshold levels are set as t1, t2, t3 and so on. The sensor data are sent to the web server and stored in the cloud using internet. The data can be received from cloud analyzed anywhere any time. If the sensor parameters are greater than the threshold level then the respective alarm a1, a2, a3 etc. will be activated. In the proposed system the gas leakage, temperature and motion in the house is monitored. The temperature and the motion detection is stored in cloud for analysis. If the temperature is more than the threshold level then the cooler will turn on automatically and it will turn off when the temperature decreases less than the threshold level. Similarly when there is a leakage of gas in the house alarm is giving the alert sound. The required lights are turned on or off automatically by detecting the light outside the house. The user can also monitor the electric appliances like fan and light through the internet via web server. If electrical appliances are on and turn off remotely through simply typing the IP address of the web server. Advantages • Reduced installation costs • System scalability 2.4 An Advanced Home Automation System Using Mobile Phone In this paper microcontroller is used as a control unit which gets inputs (instructions, commands) from a mobile connected through DTMF decoder. To make

2.3 Home Automation using Internet of Things

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the connection more secure, consumer authentication along with a password will be provided. To switch on or off any appliance by pressing the keypad buttons in the cellular phones are connected to DTMF decoder. The entered tone is decoded via the DTMF decoder. The entered tone further translated it into binary values. Binary values are the input to the microcontroller which verifies each tone individually and corresponding output is given at the output terminal. Depends on the microcontroller output relay circuit activated and control home appliances either gets ON or is switched OFF. Advantages • This project is simple and easy to access. • There is low power consumption. • It can be operated from a long range. 2.5 A comparison of the popular home automation technologies. Java [10] based systems have also been developed where the electronic devices are controlled via a web server based PC however it requires extensive wired installations which is certainly not a cost effective solution. Bluetooth [11] based home automation systems provides good amount of data rate and security but incurs latency issues and one-to-one pairing which make them less efficient to be utilized in automation scenarios. Telephone line [12] based systems are heavily dependent on separate telephone cable architectures which again requires heavy cable installation with no graphical user interface and furthermore it also involves the pain of remembering numerous access codes. A Zigbee[13] based automation and control system give rise to user fatigue and inaccuracy problems. Home gateway [14] systems are also used in various homes and industrial applications to interconnect the private area network along with the public network or internet but they consist of very complex architectures. Wi-Fi based [15] systems are efficient and interoperable but they suffer from higher cost and comparatively high power consumption. Table 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies that have been predominantly used to implement a HAS

Technology Type Java Based[10]



User interface, secured, Reliable

Complex, costly, expensive wired installation

Bluetooth based[11]

Secured, Support multimedia

Phone line based[12]

Easy access, simple, remote access

Medium power consumption, Supports up to 7 nodes only User has to remember access codes, wired architecture.

Zigbee based[13]

User interface, interoperable, easy

Link breakage problems, low data rate

Home gateway web server based[14] Wi-Fi based[15]

Remote access, accurate, fast

Costly, dependent on internet

Accurate, Fast, Support multimedia Table 1: Comparison of the already technologies

High power consumption, Complex existing automation

3. CONCLUSION Home automation is the residential addition to building automation and involves the control and automation of home appliances like air conditioning, refrigerator, washing machine, fan, lighting and TV using different technology like GSM, Bluetooth DTMF and IoT technologies. The internet module has the main advantage of controlling the home appliances from anywhere in the world. The home automation systems also use the calling system which runs on DTMF technology. Using the calling system home appliances can be controlled by calling and pressing buttons of mobile devices. This system has various applications like houses, offices, hospitals, industries and universities. REFERENCES [1] Anandhavalli D, Noorul S. Mubina, “Smart Home Automation Control Using Bluetooth and GSM”, International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Reserch, Volume 2, Issue 8, April 2015. [2] Kumar mandula, Ramu Parupalli, “Mobile based home automation using Internet of Things(IoT)”, International 3|P a g e

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