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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4,April 2017

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Internati onal e-J ournal For Technol ogy And Research-2017

Design and Implementation of Optical Palm Scanner Greeshma K G, Sowmya Poojary, Swathi G, Vidyashree H I, K V Nagalakshmi  Abstract—This paper proposes the method of designing and implementation of optical palm scanner. An individual’s palm lines do not significantly change after a certain age. This paper explains the method of extracting clear palm print image. This image will highlight creases and ridges pattern in the palm which will be distinct to each disorders and diseases. This image can further be used by physician to monitor the health state of individual.

In online palm print, we use input devices like our palm scanner connected to a computer to transfer palm print directly for real t ime processing. Features of Palm:These are the features that need to be highlighted in the image 1.



Palm normally contains distinct and stable features such as principle lines, secondary creases (wrinkles) and ridges. The three major flexions are genetically dependent, most of others are not. These are not affected by age and accessories. These non-genetically determin istic and complex patterns , are very useful in monitoring health care. Th is method mainly focuses on feature extraction. These features are extracted fro m the optical palm scanner. This method is advanced than the existing manual laborious ink based methods used in labs. Scanner gives a high quality, clear palm image containing these features. Further this can be analyzed by the physicist to identify various diseases and vulnerability to others. The palm features are distinct for different health disorders .




Palm geometric features: Th is feature includes width, length and area of palm‟s shape. Principle line features: These are unique and important physiological characteristics. Palm texture feature: It includes wrin kles of palm. Hence these need to be removed to extract the principle lines. Data point features: These features has delta like central region of the palm.

III. DESIGN OF OPT ICAL PALM SCANNER A. Light Source For the design of the optical palm scanner, we first need to design the Light source comprising of white LEDs. These LEDs are arranged in such a manner so that we obtain the required lu minosity of 400 lu x. So we use two identical LED arrays so that we get the correct picture of the image. The shape of LED chosen for this purpose is “S” so we can get the required lu minosity with min imu m nu mber of LED, on the acrylic sheet which acts as palm placing platform.

Classification of palm print and its features: B. Camera Specifications

We can divide palm print images in two categories – Online and Offline In offline palm print, we use images that are previously taken fro m in ked pad and convert them into digital form by a digital scanner. This method is tedious and so we are not using it.

For capturing the image of the palm, we use HD webcam to get high clarity image. The specifications of the camera are mentioned in table [1]. C. Timing and Operation Control

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4,April 2017

Available at:

Internati onal e-J ournal For Technol ogy And Research-2017

The Arduino board (Arduino Uno board) is used to set the timing for image capturing and processing. The pressure sensor (MS5837-30BA) is used to ensure proper placing of palm. The switching of indicat ion LEDs as well as LED array source are controlled using Arduino programming.

IV. IMPLEMENTATION There are two main steps involved in implementation of palm scanner. The block diagram of the proposed system is in fig [1]. 1. Image capturing In this first step we collect the image of palm fro m the scanner. The user is asked to place the palm on the capturing platform. The colored image is captured from the webcam and the image is then converted to grey scale before applying preprocessing operations which involves filtration operation on the image obtained. In this step the background noise having low frequency is removed, normalize the image intensity for pixel and removing existing reflections. This results in enhancement of the captured image. (Refer fig[2])

VI. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have proposed a novel method of palm print acquisition mechanism wh ich is able to capture real time palm images that are of high quality with less cost and effective functionality. In our proposed approach we could get accurate faster response when compared to existing ink based methods. Our proposed system is able to obtain features fro m a palm including principal lines, wrin kles and ridge texture with better efficiency. For the user interface, we have specially designed an acrylic platform wh ich allows all the light to reflect fro m the palm surface without any hindrance thus getting a better quality palm print. VII. FUTURE SCOPE For future improvements, the focus needs to be on the database management which will be required to store the palm prints of various individuals. Co mparison algorith ms can also be used to compare the individual‟s vulnerability to other diseases. The early diagnose of diseases helps in its prevention and can be cured at a faster rate. The designed optical scanner can also be extended to other applications.


2. Palm Feature Ext raction For extraction of the major lines from the palm image, the preprocessed image is filtered using a low pass filter wh ich removes the lighter unnecessary lines and highlights the required lines. Morphological transformations are applied on the filtered image. These transformat ions include opening used to remove the background noise, closing which helps in removing small holes inside the foreground objects. Canny Edge algorithm is used to detect start and end of principle lines and creases. (Refer fig [3])


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The designed palm scanner can take any number of user palm prints. Each clear palm print image is extracted and separately stored. This stored image that is scalable, can be used to identify the current health state of individual. The difference in the principal lines, creases and ridges can be used to determine the individual health state. However, the patterns of lines which determine the health state is beyond the scope of this paper as our aim is just to design and imp lement optical palm scanner.

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4,April 2017

Available at:

Internati onal e-J ournal For Technol ogy And Research-2017

Camera specificat ions: Table [1] Image capturing: figure [2]

Screen Resolution Picture clarity Height Width Upload Speed Autofocus Built in features

1280 x 720 5MP 15.2cm 7.6cm 1Mbps Enabled Automatic light correction with noise reduction

Block Diagram: Figure [1]

Different palm images Figure[3]

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