IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4,April 2017
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Ripeness Evaluation of Mango using Image Processing Sharadha shree 1 , Dr. Chandrappa D.N 2 1 2
Student ,M.Tech, DEC, GMIT Davangere.
Professor and HOD, Dept. Electronics Engineering, GM IT DA VANGERE.
ABSTRACT Abstract— Mangoes are delicious seasonal fruits
Agriculture is one of the largest economic sector and it
grown in the tropics. They are harvested from i ts
plays a major role in the development of our country. Th e
grove when matured enough for the market. They do
ever-increasing population demands for higher quality of
not mature uniforml y in trees but stage by stage.
mangoes with good appearance. There is a need for the
Most farmers use manual experts for ri pening
development of accurate, fast and focused quality
evaluati on of the mang oes which is ti me consuming,
determination of mangoes.
inconsistent and inaccurate . To avoi d manual effort,
Harvesting of mangoes is performed in several steps like
cutting of fruits from the farm, washing, sorting, grading,
introduced in this paper. This includes preprocessing,
packing, transporting and finally storing. Out of these
Segmentation, Feature extraction and classification.
sorting and grading are major processing tasks associated
Here 24 color features are extracted from the mang o
for preserving the quality of mangoes.
image. Classifying the mango into two di fferent
Sorting of mangoes is done based on appearance of fru its,
classes according to their maturity level using k-NN
whereas grading is done based on the overall quality
Classifier and this proposed system resulted i n the
features of fruits by considering a number of attributes
accuracy of about 97% in evaluati on of ri peness of
like shape, size, color and texture etc.
Classification is necessary for the quality evaluation of
techni que
mangoes. Fruit industry for its excellent trading purpose goes for highly selective ones in quality and standard. It
General Terms Quality Inspection, Feature Extraction, Color Feature.
demands the suppliers and the distributors the fruits of high standards of quality, package and presentation. So there is a increasing need to supply quality fruits within a
short period of time has development of Co mputer Vis ion Feature
Keywords—Segmentati on,
Feature Extraction, k-NN classifier.
Techniques to improve the quality. In present scenario, sorting and grading of fruit according to maturity level are performed manually before transportation. This manual sorting by visual inspection is labour intensive, time consuming and
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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 4,April 2017
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Internati onal e-J ournal For Technol ogy And Research-2017 suffers
from the
problem of inconsistency
Tajul Rosli et al.
Proposed and implemented
inaccuracy in judgement by different hu man and
methodologies and algorithms to determine the grade of
provides an opportunity to apply Computer Vision
local mango production in Perlis. The main contribution
based system to assess this problem
a design and development of an efficient algorith m for detecting and sorting the mango at more than 80% accuracy in grading co mpared to hu man expert sorting.
Problem statement
This work proposes a mango grading technique for
For exports, grading is done manually by the experts now
mangoes quality classification by fuzzy logic based
which is very time consuming and subjective. So,
image processing [3].
farmers need alternatives for sorting and grading
P. Sudhakara Rao et al. (2009) have adopted HSI
mangoes. An automated mango sorting system could be
model for sorting and grading of fruits by color and
more preferable as it can be cheaper, consistent and
developed a system for on-line sorting of Apples based
could result in better overall quality. Thus the scope of
on color, size and shape. Images are captured by a color
the project is to develop an automated computer vision
CCD camera and frames are separated by a frame grabber
system for sorting of mango based on maturity level.
card and it produced the image in RGB model. The image is analyzed by using advanced image processing
Literature Survey
techniques to estimate the color of image. Using image processing system achieved around 98 % accuracy in
Chandra Nandi et al. (2012), imp lemented a computer vision based system for automatic grading and sorting of mangoes based on maturity level fro m its RGB image frame, collected with the help of CCD camera. Parameters of different classes of mangoes are estimated using Gaussian Mixture Model. Graph contour tracking method based on chain code is adapted for finding the boundary of the mango. This automated technique is good but is further affected by ambient light intensity. Response time of system is on the order of 50 ms [1]. CCD camera was used to collect video image of Mangoes and several significant features of maturity
color inspection of apples [4]. Suzanawati Abu et al.
Proposed and imp lemented
Automated Mango Fruit Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Approach. This work developed a new method of automated mango Size and grade assessment using RGB fiber optic sensor and fuzzy log ic approach. The calculation of maximu m, min imu m and mean values based on RGB fiber optic sensor. To analyse the data and make the classification for the mango fruit uses the minimu m entropy formu lation method. The automated mango grading system using fuzzy logic achieved 77.78% accuracy in overall categories [5].
level of Mango was obtained. Colour of Mango was estimated using Gaussian Mixture Model. Accuracy can
be improved by using Support vector machine and neural network. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM ) and fuzzy
The follo wing steps are followed to perform the ripeness
logic was comb ined for size based grading of Mango.
evaluation of mango
Size of Mango was calculated using pixel area covered
1. Select the mango image.
by Mango [2].
2. Crop the area of mango. 3. Find and calcu late the major axis.
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Internati onal e-J ournal For Technol ogy And Research-2017 4. A lign the mango image.
Fig 1 .Fl owchat
5. Divide the 3 regions. 6. Extract the color features fro m the 3 reg ions. 7. Use nearest neighbour classification algorith m for database features. 8. Output results based on the maturity level.
The basic global threshold, T, is calculated as follows: 1.
init ial
(typically the average grey level in the image) 2.
Segment the image using T to produce two groups of pixels: G1 consisting of pixels with grey levels >T and G2 consisting pixels with grey levels ≤ T
Co mpute the average grey levels of pixels in G1 to give μ1 and G2 to give μ2
Co mpute
new threshold
Repeat steps 2 – 4 until the difference in T in successive iterations is less than a predefined limit T∞.
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Fig 2. Input Mango i mage
Fig 3. Conversion to g rays ca le
Fig 4. Image after threshol ding
Fig 5. Centroi d of mang o (red * )
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Internati onal e-J ournal For Technol ogy And Research-2017 After the analysis it was found that categorizat ion into unripe, semi ripe and ripe is possible by the range as in Table 1.
So at this point the dominant color, spots and size features are extracted from the mango. All the features with corresponding values are shown in Fig 6. These are the feature parameters for the grading. Based on this the grading rules are created. Some of them are shown Table 2. Table 2: S ample rules of grading
Fig 6. Dominant bin in histogram
Rule 1 If spots are more and Size is less and Color is unripe then Grade is Rejected
Rule 4 If spots are average and Size is medium and Color is unripe then Grade is Grade 3
Rule 8 If spots are less and Size is medium and Color is semi ripe then Grade is Grade 2
Rule 10 If spots are less and Size is large Color is Ripe then Grade is Grade 1
The following range of the dominant bin over ‘a’ channel of Lab color space was observed Table 1: Dominant ‘a’ color range Dominant a
Unripe Mango
Semi Ripe Mango
Ripe Mango On the basis of grading rules results are shown in section 3.
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as well as efficient. In the future work the texture on
Table 3. Accuracy with the proposed method
the surface of the mango can also be used as a feature Accuracy
Extra Class
S amples 86
S amples 86
Method 100%
Grade 1
Grade 2
parameter fo r grading so that the overall accuracy can be improved.
Average Accuracy
Acknowledgemet Authors would like to thank Mr.Ruknuddin Kazi (Valsad, Gu jarat) fo r the authentication of the dataset of the mangoes.
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