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Smart Car Parking system using GSM Technology S Suresh Kumar1B.E., M.Th., (Ph.D.)Dilip S2Kumuda S3 Manu M4Govindraju A5 1

( Assistant professor, Department of CSE, VKIT, Bengaluru, 2 (B.E Student, Department of CSE, VKIT, Bengaluru, 3 (B.E Student, Department of CSE, VKIT, Bengaluru, 4 (B.E Student, Department of CSE, VKIT, Bengaluru, 5 (B.E Student, Department of CSE, VKIT, Bengaluru,

Abstract— In this paper, we present PGS, a Parking

Guidance System based on wireless sensor network(WSN) which guides a driver to an available parking lot. The system consists of a WSN based VDS (vehicle detection sub-system) and a management subsystem. The WSN based VDS gathers information on the availability of each parking lot and the management sub-system processes the information and refines them and guides the driver to the available parking lot by controlling a VMS (Variable Messaging System). The paper describes the overall system architecture of PGS from the hardware platform to the application software in the view point of a WSN. We implemented the WSN based VDS of PGS and experimented on the system with several kinds of cars. Keywords—WSN, VDS, Parking Guidance System.

I. INTRODUCTION Smart Parking is one of the most adopted and fastest growing Smart City Solutions across the world. Airports, universities, shopping centers and city garages are just a few entities that have begun to realize the significant benefits of automated parking technology. The ability to connect, analyze and automate data gathered from devices, powered by and described as the Internet of Things, is what makes smart parking possible. Smart Parking involves the use of low cost sensors, real-time data and applications that allow users to monitor available and unavailable parking spots. The goal is to automate and decrease time spent manually searching for the optimal parking floor, spot and even lot. Some solutions will encompass a complete suite of services such as online payments, parking time notifications and even car searching functionalities for very large lots. A parking

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solution can greatly benefit both the user and the lot owner. This paper proposes a smart parking system to solve the problem of unnecessary time consumption in finding parking spot in car park areas. A parking reservation system is developed in such a way that users book their parking spots through short message services (SMS) or by application. The SMS sent will be processed by PIC microcontroller. This microcontroller will reply the confirmation of booking by giving the details of reservation like password and lot number. The password will be used to enter the parking area and valid for a certain period of time. The system is fully automated with the use of the Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC). This microcontroller is capable in storing information of empty parking spaces; provide passwords as well as allowing or denying access to the parking area. When a car arrives at the door the microcontroller receives the signal from the entry sensors and then checks whether there is a capacity of cars to be accommodated. Simultaneously it will also display the number of cars present in the parking lot on a LCD screen and also opens the gate. When a car moves out of the parking area the microcontroller reduces the count displayed accordingly and also closes the gate. A prototype of a car park system has been designed to demonstrate the capability of the proposed work. The demonstration has proven the capability of the system to reserve the parking, gain entry to the parking area and hence eliminates the hassle of searching empty parking slots.

II. EXISTING SYSTEM Recent increase in the growth of automotive industry coupled with the perpetual demand of commuters urged the need for better and smarter parking mechanisms. Studies have estimated that on a daily basis 30% of traffic in

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 the downtown area of major cities is due to cruising for parking spots and result in traffic congestion. Most of the existing parking management systems rarely address the issues of parking space management, vehicle guidance, parking lot reservation etc. The major parking lot problems like Difficulty in Finding Vacant Spaces Quickly, finding a vacant space in a multilevel parking lot is difficult if not impossible, especially on weekends or public holidays. Finding spaces during weekends or public holidays can take more than 10 minutes for about 66% of visitors. Stadiums or shopping malls are crowded at peak periods, and difficulty in finding vacant slots at these places is a major problem for customers. Insufficient car park spaces lead to traffic congestion and driver frustration. If a car is parked in such a way that it occupies two parking slots rather than one, this is called improper parking ,.Improper parking can happen when a driver is not careful about another driver‟s rights and there is a chances of revenue leakage and results in loss to parking lot owners. Fig.1 system


The limitations of existing systems are Manipulation of bills, Poor guidance for parking a customer‟s vehicle, Time consuming, Insufficient parking lots leads to traffic congestion, Fuel loss and

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Revenue leakages causes loss to lot owners.

III. LITERATURE SURVEY Various methods are prevalent for development of autonomous or intelligent parking systems. Study of these systems shows that these require a little or more human intervention for the functioning. One of the intelligent systems for car parking has been proposed by making use of Image processing. In this system, a brown rounded image on the parking slot is captured and processed to detect the free parking slot. The information about the currently available parking slots is displayed on the 7-segment display. Initially, the image of parking slots with brown-rounded image is taken. The image is segmented to create binary images. The noise is removed from this image and the object boundaries are traced. The image detection module determines which objects are round, by estimating each object‟s area and perimeter. Accordingly, the free parking space is allocated. A vision based car parking system is developed which uses two types of images (positive and negative) to detect free parking slot. In this method, the object classifier detects the required object within the input. Positive images contain the images of cars from various angles. Negative images do not contain any specified are used as input to detect the presence of cars in the region. Haar-like features are used for feature detection. However, limitations may occur with this system with respect to the type of camera used. Also, the co-ordinate system used selects specific parking locations and thus camera has to be at a fixed location. Limited set of positive and negative images may impose limitations on the system. Number Plate Recognition technique for developing autonomous car parking system uses image processing basis to process the number plates of the vehicles. In this system, the image of the license number plate of the vehicle is acquired. It is further segmented to obtain individual characters in the number plate. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect free parking slots. Then the images of number plate are taken and analysed. Simultaneously, the current timing is noted so as to calculate the parking fees. The LCD displays „FULL‟ sign to indicate that a parking spot is not available. However, some limitations with the system include background colour being compulsorily black and character colour white. Also, analysis is limited to number plates with just one row. Smart Parking system designed proposed a mechanical model with an image processing facility. The car would be parked with the use of lift at multiple levels. Also, image processing is used to capture the number plate and

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 store in database for comparison to avoid illegal car entry. Thus, we aim to propose a car parking system that represents a fully automated model with minimum human intervention and overcome the limitations of existing systems.

for parking which will be calculated automatically depends on parking area and time. TECHNOLOGY INVOLVED:

IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM This paper proposes a Smart Parking System using GSM Technologywhich provides advanced features like remote parking monitoring, automated guidance, and parking reservation mechanism. The paper describes the overall system architecture of SPARK from hardware to software implementation in the view point of sensor networks. We implemented a full-fledged prototype system for parking management to realize the design functionalities and features mentioned. Here we use IR sensors for monitoring and displaying the status of car parking in LCD. If anyone want to reserve parking slot by sending SMS to parking area or by using android application, in the parking area GSM modem gets the message and fed to microcontroller using UART communication. The PIC microcontroller processes the requested message and it will check the availability of space in parking area using IR sensor. If the parking slot available means the microcontroller replies with slot number, password and time to be arrival to parking area else controller replies unavailable status to requested mobile number using GSM technology. We are using Q-R code generation algorithm to generate Q-R codes. When customers confirm their booking of parking lots, a unique Q-R code is generated and send tocustomers over the internet. This Q-R code will be used as token or ticket to enter parking lot. At car parking lots there will be a Q-R code scanner which is used to scan customers Q-R code, if the Q-R code is valid then only customer can enter into parking lot area. In this paper we are also proposing automated gate control system and E-wallet. Automated gate control system helps in reducing human effort and the gate will open only after verifying the Q-R code, if it is valid then only gate open, this results in more secure and safe parking systems. Ewallet option is used for payment methods. E-wallet option made payment methods easier and it provides bidding option so that the customers can bid their required parking areas, in weekends or public holidays when there is more number of vehicles in the areas like shopping malls, stadium etc., this results in easy and fast booking of parking lots. After the booking of parking lots, amount to be paid by the customer

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Smart car Parking System using GSM

Micro controller


Controller Type

8 Bit controller

Software Platform

Micro-Vision Keil 3.0 IDE

Protocol used

I2C, UART (RS232)

Table 1: requirements for the system The features of proposed work are Provision for reserving a parking slot, Fast and easier method to book a parking slot, Automatically cancellation of the reservation after certain time (2Min), User-friendly interaction system Avoids revenue leakage, More Secure and safe ,Wireless interface between the customers and the System, Dedicated RTC, EEPROM hardwareâ€&#x;s for better performance and accuracy, Cost effective, Secured transaction using Q-R code and Efficient way of guiding. V. SYSTEM DESIGN System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product development. Designmust be set by the project management to coordinate the collective efforts of the team. System design includes System Architecture.A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of a system.

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 64 Kbyte address space; it can also be hidden from the program counter and used as an independent EEPROM-like data memory. In addition to the 72 Kbyte of EEPROM program memory on-chip and 1024 x8 bits of on-chip RAM, the devices can address up to 64 Kbyte of external program memory and up to 64 Kbyte of external RAM. The flash memory blocks can be programmed via a standard 87C5x OTP EPROM programmer fitted with a special adapter and the firmware for SST‟s devices. During power-on reset, the devices can be configured as either a slave to an external host for source code storage or a master to an external host for an in-application programming (IAP) operation. The devices are designed to be programmed in system and inapplication on the printed circuit board for maximum flexibility. The devices are pre-programmed with an example of the bootstrap loader in the memory, demonstrating the initial user program code loading or subsequent user code updating via the IAP operation. The sample bootstrap loader is available for the user‟s reference and convenience only; SST does not guarantee its functionality or usefulness. ChipErase or Block-Erase operations will erase the preprogrammed sample code. This microcontroller is act as central processing, it receives the information from IR sensors and update the parking area‟s status and sent over internet to user by using GSM.

Power Supply

IR Transmitter 1

IR Transmitter 2

IR Transmitter 3

IR Receiver 1

IR Receiver 2

IR Receiver 3


S S T 8 9 E 5 1 6 R D 2

LCD Module

GSM modem

Driver Circuit

Gate Model

Fig.2 Block Diagram of Smart car parking System

Fig.2 shows the block diagram of smart car parking system. The major components used in this system are as follows A. The SST89E516RD2microcontroller: it is a 8bit microcontroller products designed and manufactured with SST‟s patented and proprietary Super Flash CMOS semiconductor process technology. The split-gate cell design and thick-oxide tunnelling injector offer significant cost and reliability benefits for SST‟s customers. The devices use the 8051 instruction set and are pin-for-pin compatible with standard 8051 microcontroller devices. The devices come with 72 Kbyte of on-chip flash EEPROM program memory which is partitioned into 2 independent program memory blocks. The primary Block 0 occupies 64 Kbyte of internal program memory space and the secondary Block 1 occupies 8 Kbyte of internal program memory space. The 8-KByte secondary block can be mapped to the lowest location of the

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B.The Multipurpose Infrared Sensors: These are used for obstacle sensing, color detection (between basic contrasting colors), fire detection, line sensing, etc. and also as an encoder sensor. The sensor provides a digital and an analog output. The sensor outputs a logic one (+5V) at the digital output when an object is placed in front of the sensor and a logic zero (0V), when there is no object in front of the sensor. An onboard LED is used to indicate the presence of an object. The sensor outputs an analog voltage between 0V and 5V, corresponding the distance between the sensor and the object at the analog output. The analog output can be hooked to an ADC to get the approximate distance of the object from the sensor. IR sensors are highly susceptible to ambient light and the IR sensor on this sensor is suitably covered to reduce effect of ambient light on the sensor. The sensors Operating voltage: 3 to 9V (Range maximum for 9V). The sensor has a simple 4 pin interface –> +V(5V), Gnd, Digital Out and Analog Out. The sensor can operate within an operating voltage of 4 to 9V. The input power should be provided to the +V (Vcc) and the Gnd pin. The digital output of the sensor is provided on the third pin – Dout. The analog output of the sensor is provided on the third pin – Aout. Once the sensor is powered up, you will

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 have to calibrate the sensor for the specific environment it will be used in. To calibrate the sensor, you will have to set the potentiometer by turning its knob by hand or a screw driver. You will have to power the sensor and rotate the knob of the potentiometer until the output of the sensor changes from high to low. It is mainly used here for detection of approach or moving out of vehicle.

A real time clock(RTC)is a computer clock that keeps track of the current time.Although the term often refers to the devices in personal computers, servers and embedded systems, RTCs are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time. The term real-time clock is used to avoid confusion with ordinary hardware clocks which are only signals that govern digital electronics, and do not count time in human units. RTC should not be confused with real-time computing, which shares its three-letter acronym but does not directly relate to time of day. C.RTC:

D.Power Supply: A regulated power supply is very much essential for several electronic devices due to the semiconductor material employed in them have a fixed rate of current as well as voltage. The device may get damaged if there is any deviation from the fixed rate. The AC power supply gets converted into constant DC by this circuit. By the help of a voltage regulator DC, unregulated output will be fixed to a constant voltage. The circuit is made up of linear voltage regulator 7805 along with capacitors and resistors with bridge rectifier made up from diodes. From giving an unchanging voltage supply to building confident that output reaches uninterrupted to the appliance, the diodes along with capacitors handle elevated efficient signal conveyal.

term is often used, for example, for a specialized integrated circuit that controls high-power switches in switchedmode power converters. An amplifier can also be considered a driver for loudspeakers, or a constant voltage circuit that keeps an attached component operating within a broad range of input voltages. H. Gate Model: The automaticgate model is used for automatic functioning of gate which reduces drivers or car parking lotâ€&#x;s employeeâ€&#x;s effort in opening and closing of gates.


The steps involved in Smart Car Parking system are as follows: A.User registration: To Book a slot for parking, first user must register their details like name of the user, carnumber etc. by using android application. B.Select nearest parking slot: After registering user details new window will be opened automatically so that we can select nearest parking area and check the availability status of that parking area.

E.LCD Module: The Liquid Crystal Display System Display(LCD)uses technology called electrooptical modulation. This means it uses electricity to change how much light passes through it. In this work it is used to display required information like available slots, filled slots, total number of slots etc. F.GSM Modem: SIM300 is a Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on frequencies EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz and PCS 1900 MHz..It provides internet connectivity and used to send or messages.

Fig.3 User Interface for registration

G.Driver Circuit: Driver Circuit is used to regulate current flowing through a circuit or to control other factors such as other components, some devices in the circuit. The

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Fig.6 Vehicle sensing by IR sensors


(b) Fig.7 Updated parking area status

Fig.4 (a) nearest parking places. (b) parking areas availability status. C.Confirmation of booking: Once user selects particular parking slot, he/she get the confirmation of booking in the form of Q-R code. D. Verification of Q-R code:The received Q-R code is used for verification in parking area. after verifying the Q-R code, if it is valid then only users can park their cars. D. Vehicle sensing:After verifying the Q-R code, if it is valid, customer is allowed to park their cars, when user‟s car approaches near parking slot it will be sensed by the IR sensors and send updated information to processing unit. E. Updating the Parking area status: after parking cars in a respective slot, the information will be updated by central processing system so that the number of available slots will be decreased and information about parking area‟s status will be displayed on LCD display.

F.Payment:When user is leaving parking slot he/she must scan the same Q-R code which they used for enter to go out also. After scanning Q-R code automatically cost will be calculated and displayed on user‟s interface. The amount to be paid can be collected manually or by online transaction. Once user left the parking area the updated information about parking area will be displayed on LCD. VII. OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSION The rapid growth in the number of vehicles worldwide is intensifying the problem of the scarcity of parking space. gain according to industrydata, 30% of traffic congestion occurs due to vehicle drivers struggling to find parking Space. These in turn are magnifying the necessity ofsmart and efficient parking systems. Today‟s intelligent parking management systems are capable of providing extreme level of convenience to the drivers, as well as simplifying and automating the business operation and administrative functions of the parking site owners.

Fig.5 Scanning of Q-R code for verification A. Emerging Trends in Parking:

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Following are the trends having the greatest effect on Parking Industry

and upcoming smart city projects worldwide willcreate room for the intelligent parking management systems. The global parking management industry is expected to grow at a CompoundAnnual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.4% from 2014 to 2019. The parking management market is estimated to be at $5,025.9 million in 2014. The market is expected to grow in tandem with the growthin vehicle ownerships and parking facilities development. Need for smooth traffic flow, business benefits to the parking site operators, anddecreasing hardware and connectivity costs are the key drivers for the parking management industry. Traffic congestion and gasoline prices leads the list for the major societal changes having significantinfluence on parking. Fig.9Factors influencing Parking system

Fig.8Trends in parking The high growth rate in the registration of new cars worldwide, with major boom from regional economies such as Asia Pacific (APAC), willopen the window of opportunities for parking management business. The ongoing

The high growth rate in the registration of new cars worldwide, with major boom from regional economies such as Asia Pacific (APAC), willopen the window of opportunities for parking management business. The ongoing and upcoming smart city projects worldwide will createroom for the intelligent parking management systems. The global parking management industry is expected to grow at a Compound AnnualGrowth Rate (CAGR) of 11.4% from 2014 to 2019.The parking management market is estimated to be at $5,025.9 million in 2014. The market is expected to grow in tandem with thegrowth in vehicle ownerships and parking facilities development. Need for smooth traffic flow, business benefits to the parkingsite operators, and decreasing hardware and connectivity costs are the key drivers for the parking management industry. B. Challenges and major pain points: The major challenge in Parking Systems is of system integration due to wide variety of hardware and software platforms involved and hencepossess a great threat or concern to the system scalability.The technology platform supporting P&E, PARC and PUCRS systems comprises of a myriad of hardware sensors, dynamic messagingsystems and traffic control devices, wireless and wireline telecommunications systems, computer clients and servers and hardware driversand application interfaces.Enabling all these devices from thousands of different vendors to communicate and tying them together into one platform is the greatestchallenge in reducing the cost and complexity of smart parking. The variety of infrastructure hardware and software systems that need to be

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 integrated is enormous and add to it the conventional older hardware making investment in Smart Parking solution highly risky andfragmented. Another major pain point comes from the electronic payment vendors. These payment processors provide permit based electronicpayment, typically for a convenience fee. The key to many of these hosted solutions is scalability, the ability of the transaction processorto support over wide geographical, market and service areas, with minimal cost. VIII. GSM ARCHITECTURE The basic architecture of different cellular standards is thesame, their individual components and configuration may differ drastically. Basic components of GSM include Base transceiver station (BTS), base station controller, mobile switching control (MSC) and the variety of registers and network management systems.The mobile station comprises mobile equipment and a subscriber identity module (SIM) security and authentication or subscriber. The BTS and BSC together constitute the base station subsystem (BSS) and perform all the functions related to the radio channel for speech data signaling and frequency hopping control and power level control. The MSC, VLR and HLR are concerned with mobility management functions these includes authentication and registration of a mobile customers, location updating call setup and release.The HLR is the master subscriber database and carrier information about individual subscriber numbers. Subscription levels, call restrictions supplementary services and the most recent location of subscriber. The VLR acts as a temporary subscriber database for all subscribers and contains similar information as that in HLR.VLR obviates a need of the MCS to access the HLR for energy transaction. The authentication Centre (AUC) works close with HLR and provides the information to authenticator all cells in order to guard against fraud. The equipment identity register (EIR) is used for equipment security and validation of different types of mobile equipment.

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Fig 10.GSM Architecture Network management is used to monitor and control the major elements of the GSM network. In particular, it monitors and reports faults and performance data besides helping in reconfiguration of network. GSM also defines several interfaces which include the radio interface, the interface between MSC and BSC, the interface for external data device and signaling interface which allows roaming between different GSM networks.

IX. RESULTS This paper proposes a system that helps users automatically find a free parking space at the least cost based on new performance metrics to calculate the user parking cost by considering the time in each car park. This cost will be used to offer a solution of finding an available parking space upon a request by the user and a solution of suggesting a new car park if the current car park is full. The simulation results show that the algorithm helps improve the probability of successful parking and minimizes the user waiting time. We also successfully implemented the proposed system in the real world.

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Fig 11. Expected outcome CONCLUSION In this study, the smart parking system and has been presented. From the various examples of the implementation of the smart parking system being presented, its efficiency in alleviating the traffic problem that arises especially in the city area where traffic congestion and the insufficient parking spaces are undeniable. It does so by directing patrons and optimizing the use of parking spaces. With the study on all the sensor technologies used in detecting vehicles, which are one of the most crucial parts of the smart parking system, the pros and cons of each sensor technologies can be analyzed. Although, there are certain disadvantages in the implementation of visual based system in vehicle detection as described earlier, the advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to sincerely thank our project guide Mr. S Suresh Kumar, Asst.Professor, department of CSE, VKITfor his invaluable guidance, constant assistance, support and constructive suggestions for the betterment of the prefect, without which this Project Paper would have not been possible.

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