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An Analysis of Solar Heating System for Building Satish Kumar Maurya1 & Dr. Jeeoot Singh2 1.P.G. Student, 2. Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, Department, MMMUT Gorakhpur, India


In this paper, the analysis has been carried out for the solar energy technologies (PV) system employed for energy supply in a hostel building for different end uses e.g. heating and electricity. The building is Ramanujam Hostel located in Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur. The building was designed based on current regulations on energy efficiency in buildings. This analysis is designed for minimizing energy consumption by the appropriate choice of the space heating and electricity systems and to find the power capacity of the hostel building. A major part of electricity required for lighting, domestic appliances and the functioning of space heating system is generated through a PV system. The PV systems are installed on the building roof. Keywords: Solar energy, Electricity generation, Photovoltaic system, Residential building. 1. INTRODUCTIO The potential for building integrated PV to actively mitigate electricity consumption and carbon emissions at point of demand is highly significant. The solar PV system is installed on the roof of Ramanujam hostel in MMMUT, Gorakhpur. The capacity of this hostel is 73049 KWh per year. The total power is generated by solar PV panel and supply overall buildings. The solar PV system is analyzed by the software of RETScreen. The RETScreen software provides the location (latitude and longitude) of solar PV panel. Cost, number of solar PV panel and its features will be IDL - International Digital Library

estimated by RETScreen software. In this project, we use Samsung (mono-Si-LPC250SM) PV panel. The efficiency of the PV panel is 15.62% and frame area is 1.6 m2. The total numbers of installed system are 176 and cover 282 m2 areas on the roof of hostel building. The project life is 25 years. The electricity and space heating power supply by PV panel. The produced energy from PV and it is added to the economic benefits, who besides receiving the incentive, also can use the solar electricity directly or successively through the net metering or supply it to the hostel building. The equipment; computers, multimedia devices in hostel buildings is growing fastest. Cumulative energy consumption of AC appliances in hostel building already forms a significant proportion of the total electrical demand. The continuing and rapid shift to LED lighting, ever increasing adoption of mobile appliances and future innovations and networked services such as internet of things are expected to put proportion of AC consumption in hostel building. The savings can be obtained either with an appropriate design or renewal of the envelope and with the use of renewable and low energy technologies. Among various renewable and low energy technologies, solar technologies like photovoltaics (PV) systems are gaining a rapid growth in the market. This trend is driven not only by the environmental benefits derived from these technologies, but also because of the incentive mechanisms developed at national level.

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

2.METHODOLOGY: The building is located in Gorakhpur region in MMMUT of Ramanujam hostel and was designed based on current regulations on energy efficiency in buildings to minimize energy demand derived from the building envelope, which in turns, represents the energy quality of the building. Further, different types of energy supply systems have been proposed and analyzed in order to understand and demonstrate the differences and improvements in terms of energy savings that could be achieved through the use of the systems based on renewable energy sources (RES). The energy performance of PV systems was estimated by means of the software provided by RETScreen Expert. Finally, a preliminary economic assessment has been made for investments required for the different cases assumed plant and an estimate on the CO2 emissions avoided by the renewable energy technologies.

3. BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The analyzed building is a Ramanujam hostel, located in MMMUT, Gorakhpur. The hostel details are shown in given table. Table I summarizes the geometric data of the building.

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4. CLIMATE DATA AND LOCATION: The hostel building is located in MMMUT, Gorakhpur. The climate data and its location are prepared by RETScreen Expert software. The hostel’s electricity supply is totally depends on solar PV system. The PV system is fixed type and mounted on roof of hostel. The PV panel is fixed and placed on north hemisphere i.e. south facing angle, =0o. The latitude angle of PV panel is 26.8o and longitude angle is 83.4o. The PV panels absorb solar radiation and converted into electricity. The amount of solar radiation is 1000 w/m2. The number of total panel is 176 and the capacity of this plant is 44 KW. This plant produces 73049 KWh power per year. The solar radiation at different climates (summer, winter and rainy day) being changes. At low radiation, the electric energy will produce low while high radiation produce high electric power. The electricity generation is depends on amount of solar radiation. By RETScreen Expert, we find the monthly wise solar radiation in Gorakhpur. The highest solar radiation achieved in May month and lowest solar radiation achieved in December month. The highest air temperature achieved in May month and lowest air temperature achieved in January month. The monthly wise air-temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure and wind speed data are shown below. These data’s source is approved by NASA[2].

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 5. PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEM:

Fig.2: Monthly wise data

Considering the power and the operational period of electrical appliances in a hostel, a consumption of 73049 KWh/year is estimated for the analyzed building. The PV system consists of MonocrystallineSilicon (Samsung, mono-Si - LPC250SM) modules of 250 W with a nominal efficiency of 15.62% and frame area is 1.6 m2. Based on the space availability for the correct orientation of PV modules, it has been estimated that 176 modules with a total power of 44 kW can be installed on the building roof. The operation and maintenance cost of these plant is 44000 of 44 KW per year. The rate of electricity is 5 rupee per unit or per KWh. Fig. 4 shows the PV plant data estimated by the RETScreen software[2].

Fig.3: Climate data graph

Fig. 4: Description of PV Plant

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 about 8 months (from march to october) are coming in summer season. From march to october; no. of days = 245 Fan used in whole summer season = 112800 X 245 = 27636000 watt-hour

B. Winter season: In winter season, space heating is needed in each room. The electric equipment of Blower is required for space heating and above electric equipments are compersury used(fan not used).

The blower data are coming in per day usage. These value find in whole winter season, near about 1 months (from last half December to starting half January) are coming in extra cold season. During this period near about 30 days are coming.

7. ANNUAL REQUIREMENT OF POWER IN HOSTEL BUILDING: Annual power requirement in hostel = 36216395 + 27636000 + 8460000 = 72312395 watt-hour = 72312.395 KWh The solar panel capacity is 44 KW these panel produce 73049 KWh annual power these power description are provided by RETScreen Expert software. While the hostel power requirement is 72312.395 KWh annual and some annual power used by wire loss. Total annual used power by hostel = 72312.395 + wire loss = 73049 KWh

8. CO2 EMISSIONS: The fan data are coming in per day usage. These value find in whole summer season, near IDL - International Digital Library

The benefits identified through this assessment on the use of renewable energy technologies are not limited to energy and economics, but also encompass the issue of reducing emissions. Producing electricity with the 4|P a g e


IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 photovoltaic system can save additional 62.5 tCO2 per year and gross annual CHG emission reduction is 93%.

7. Kirschen et al, A Model of PV Generation Suitable for Stability Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol 19, No.4, 2004

9. CONCLUSIONS: This work is done in Ramanujam hostel MMMUT, Gorakhpur. The hostel power is depend on solar PV panel. Total 176 solar PV panel will be used. The capacity of panels is 44 KW and they produce 73049 KWh annual power. It has been shown that by using renewable and low energy technologies, the building energy consumption and environment impact can be reduced substantially and the initial higher investment is quickly paid back during life span of the building.

10. REFERENCES: 1. R.S.Adhikari, M. Buzzetti and S. Magelli, ‘Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Systems for Electricity Generation, Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water in a Residential Building’978-1-4244-8930-5/11/ ©2011 IEEE 2. RETScreen: “Clean Energy Project Analysis,” RETScreen Engineering and Cases Textbook, 3rd ed., Clean Energy Division Support Center, Canada, 3. Dr. Matt J Stewart, Professor John M Counsell and Mr. Ameer Al Kaykhan, ‘Design and Specification of Building Integrated DC Electricity Networks’978-15090-4171-8/16/ ©2016 IEEE 4. National Grid Solar PV Briefing Note, online resource viewed 05/16, ds/attachment_data/file/66609/7335-national-gridsolar-pv-briefing-note-for-decc.pdf 5. Balaras A.C., Drousta K., Argiriou A.A., Asimakopoulos D.N.: Potential of Energy conservation in apartment building. Energy and Buildings, 31(2), 2000, pp. 143–154. 6. Hans-Martin Henning and Jochen Döll, ‘Solar systems for heating and cooling of buildings’1876-6102 © 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the PSE AG doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2012.11.073

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