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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

Structural and Thermal Analysis of a Single Plate Dry Friction Clutch Using Finite Element Method (Fem) Yogesh Emeerith1 Dr. Rabindra Nath Barman2 1

B.Tech Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, 713209, W.B, India 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, 713209, W.B, India

Abstract: A clutch is a critical component of a vehicle to transfer torque and speed from a driving shaft to a driven shaft with the use of friction. The efficiency of the clutch depends enormously on friction that result in heat generation during engagement and disengagement. Rapid heat dissipation is primordial to prevent the friction plate from reaching the fade temperature where friction coefficient decreases. The present study is an attempt to model and analyze structural deformation, stress concentration, elastic strain, thermal gradient and heat flux distribution of a copper alloy friction lining and structural steel friction lining of a clutch plate with the help of finite elements methods software. It is observed that copper alloy frictional lining of clutch plate dissipates frictional heat at a faster rate than structural steel frictional lining of clutch plate. The design is done in Solidworks 2016 and the FEM analysis is carried out using ANSYS 16.0 Transient Structural and Steady State Thermal workbench.

Keywords: Solidworks 2016, ANSYS Workbench 16.0, Single plate friction clutch, Finite elements analysis, structural analysis, thermal analysis.

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1. Introduction: A clutch is a mechanism that allows transmission of power from a motor to other driven components by engagement and disengagement of the friction plate from the flywheel.[1] It is an indispensable part in vehicle application located between the motor and transmission of automobile.[2-3] The main components of a friction clutch are flywheel, friction plate, diaphragm ring and pressure plate. The friction plate is sandwiched between the flywheel and pressure plate during engagement and released from flywheel during disengagement.[4] The operation of the single plate clutch is as follows: The friction plate is mounted on a hub that can moves freely and axially along a spline onto the driven shaft. During engagement, the pressure plate pushes the friction plate using diaphragm spring onto the flywheel which is mounted on the driving shaft. Hence providing torque and speed transmission. During disengagement pressure releases friction plate from flywheel thus disrupting flow of power.[5] Common friction material are classified as semi-metallic, ceramic and organic. The main purpose of friction materials is to 1|P a g e


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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 provide a good friction coefficient while having a low wear rate. Semi-metallic materials consists of a mixture of metals such as iron, steel or copper and organic material. These are useful for heavy duty vehicle due to its high durability and relatively low friction coefficient. Organic material were originally made from asbestos but due to health issues it has been replaced by a mixture of fiberglass and brass. It is used mostly in vehicles with average power and speed. Ceramic material are much more expensive to manufacture and are usually used for racing cars.[6-10] Grooves are present on friction lining to prevent formation of vacuum during disengagement and also reduces the temperature and internal energy of friction clutch.[11-12] Just before immediate full engagement of friction clutch, slipping occurs before the driven shaft matches the speed of the driving shaft. This slipping causes heat energy to be generated as the friction material slides over the flywheel. With higher relative velocity and continuous usage higher amount of frictional heat is generated leading to a larger increase in temperature on clutch disc surface.[13] The heat generated is absorbed by the pressure plate and friction plate.[14] The kinetic friction coefficient is gradually reduced as the friction material reaches its fade temperature. This can result in an increase in slipping.[8] Fade is described as a change in friction causing an alteration in Amonton’s law of friction in a material property in case of high temperature.[15]

2. Objective: The main objective is to observe the heat distribution and strength of a friction plate of clutch for two distinct frictional material while in operation. The friction material proposed is structural steel and copper alloy. A model is designed using Solidworks 2016 and a finite element analysis(FEA) is carried out using Ansys 16.0. 3. Design

specification and calculation: Automobile model: TATA 475 IDI TCIC Maximum power 52KW @ 4500 rpm Maximum torque 135Nm @ 2500 rpm Table 1 Dimension of friction plate of clutch Items


Outer diameter


Inner diameter




Fig 1 Structural design of Friction plate of clutch Clutch failure or damage usually occurs when exposed to high temperatures resulting from frictional heat generation. This can cause deformations and crack that can lead to increased slipping time and ultimately failure of the component.[16] Surface roughness of flywheel and friction lining also plays a major factor in faster wear and failure if not properly machined.[17]

Table 2 Dimension of friction lining of clutch

In this analysis the friction lining is considered to be homogeneous.

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Outer diameter


Inner diameter


Thickness of friction pad


Thickness of friction facing

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Fig 3 Structural design of Flywheel Nomenclature Ri – Inner radius of clutch disc in meters = 0.115m Ro – Outer radius of clutch disc in meters = 0.075m N – Speed of engine in rpm Fig 2 Structural design of Friction lining of clutch

Table 3 Dimensions of flywheel Items


Outer diameter


Inner diameter




ωr – angular velocity in rad/s Pmax – clamping pressure in MPa µ - Coefficient of friction of the material k – Thermal conductivity of the material in Watts per meter Kelvin h – Heat transfer coefficient of the material in Watts per sq. meters per Kelvin. q – Heat energy generated in watts qf – heat flux in W/m2 t – Slip time in seconds = 0.5s A – Area of a friction pad = 1.0853x10-3 m2 n – number of contact surface

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Uniform wear theory is considered for calculations:

4. Material

Radius of friction lining,

Material considered for analysis is Structural steel and copper alloy.


R = (Ri + Ro)/2 = 0.095 m Torque, T = n × μ × W × R = 135 Nm

Table 4 Material properties of Structural steel copper alloy

Frictional torque on clutch plate,

Structural steel

Copper alloy


Unit values

Unit values


2770 Kg/m3

8300 Kg/m3

Young modulus

7.1E10 Pa

1.1E11 Pa

Poisson ratio



Ultimate strength

3.1E8 Pa

4.3E8 Pa

Isothermal conductivity

60.5 W/m oC

60.5 W/m oC

Specific heat

434 J/ kg oC

390 J/ kg oC

W = T/( n × μ × R ) = 1776.32 N Considering uniform axial wear: W = 2 x π x C (Ro - Ri) C=PxR

(C is constant)

C = W / [ 2 x π x (Ro - Ri) ] = 7067.75 N/m


Maximum pressure, Pmax = C / Ri = 94236.70 N/m2 = 0.0942 MPa Minimum pressure, Pmin = C / Ro = 61458.72 N/m2 = 0.0615 MPa


Computational investigation of Friction plate: 5.1. Model Geometry

Angular velocity, ωr = (2 x π x N) / 60 = 471.2 rad/s Heat energy generated,

For the analysis, a simplified model of single friction clutch was designed in Solidworks 2016 for analysis in Ansys 16.0 as shown in figure 4 below. The following conditions have been considered to achieve the required analysis in the present study:

q = ωr x Pmax x μ = 17.75 W

Heat flux, qf = q/A = 16359 W/m2

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The model has been constrained to rotate axially and only pressure plate and friction plate are allowed to move on the rotating axis for engagement and disengagement of clutch.


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The Cartesian coordinate is located in the center of the design and represents the location of driving and driven shaft. Dimensions


Slip time is 0.5s Meshing method



17859 numbers


33755 numbers

Mesh sizing



Mesh element contact face sizing

20 mm 5 mm

Minimum edge length 3 mm be found by varying the parameters and it's comparison.[20] For this model, Ansys 16.0 have been used for the structural and thermal analysis. 5.3. Mesh generation of friction plate For the structural analysis, the single plate clutch disc was meshed using the tetrahedron method as shown in fig 5 below. The clutch plate is meshed and analyzed to obtain a accurate results for the stresses on the contact surface. Fig 4 Model of Clutch plate

For the thermal analysis, a tetrahedron method was used on the single plate clutch in fig 6 shown below. The plate is meshed and analyzed to acquire accurate results for the contact surfaces. This is important to show the heat flux and temperature distribution.

5.2. Finite Elements Method (FEM) A variety of numerical method can be used to obtaining an approximation of the optimal solution from partial differentiation equations and its boundary conditions.[18] Finite elements method is one which has been used globally by design and research engineers to provide accurate results from analysis. It is accurate, less time consuming and economic compared with experimental analysis to optimize the parameters.[19] The optimum structural design and temperature distribution can

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Fig 5 Structural meshing of clutch plate

Table 5 Structural Meshing of clutch plate

Table 6 Parameters of structural analysis Parameters

Unit values

Pressure on friction plate

0.0942 MPa

Rotation of flywheel

471.2 rad/s

Moment on flywheel

135 N/m

Initial temperature

35 oC

For the thermal analysis, the temperature distribution of the clutch plate depends on the heat flux on the friction pads and the heat transfer coefficient of the material. The initial condition and boundary condition have been entered in static thermal module of Ansys workbench 16.0 as follows:

Table 6 Parameters of thermal analysis

Fig 6 Thermal meshing of clutch plate


Unit values

Initial temperature

35 oC

Heat flux on friction pads

16359 W/m2

Convection Coefficient

40 W/m2 oC

Radiation emissivity


Table 6 Thermal meshing of clutch plate ELEMENTS


Meshing method


5.4. Loading and Boundary conditions



For the structural analysis, the stresses vary depending on the driving condition. An initial condition and boundary condition have been used in structural module of Ansys workbench 16.0 as follows:



Mesh element sizing

5 mm

Minimum edge length

3 mm

6. Result IDL - International Digital Library

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 6.1. Result for structural analysis

Fig 8 Total deformation of copper alloy plate

The figure below depicts the total deformation, directional deformation, equivalent (von-mises) stress and equivalent elastic strain acting on the friction plate.

Fig 9 Directional deformation of structural steel plate

Fig 7 Total deformation of structural steel plate

Fig 10 Directional deformation of copper alloy plate

Fig 11 Equivalent stress on structural steel plate

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Fig 12 Equivalent stress on copper alloy plate

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Fig 15 Temperature distribution on structural steel plate

Fig 13 Equivalent elastic strain on structural steel plate Fig 16 Temperature distribution on copper alloy plate

Fig 14 Equivalent elastic strain on copper alloy plate Fig 17 Total heat flux on structural steel plate

6.2 Results for thermal analysis

Fig 18 Total heat flux on copper alloy plate

Table 7 Table of results for Structural steel and Copper alloy friction plate.

6.3. Results and Discussions

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Structural steel friction lining

Copper alloy friction lining

7. Conclusion

Maximu m

Minim um

Maximu m value



Minim um value

1. Total deformat ion

4.7721e -005 m

6.2236 e-006 m

5.0598e005 m

6.5978 e-006 m

2. Directio nal deformat ion

2.3246e -007 m

7.0986 e-008 m

2.5398e007 m

6.918e -008 m

3. Equivale nt (vonmises) stress

1.838e+ 006 Pa

7986. Pa

1.4353e +006 Pa

8954.4 Pa

4. Equivale nt elastic strain

9.2673e -006 m/m

1.4937 e-007 m/m

1.3181e005 m/m

1.7784 e-007 m/m

In the present work, a friction plate of a single plate friction clutch is modeled in Solidworks 2016 and analyzed in the transient structural and steady-state thermal workbench of Ansys 16.0. It is necessary to represent heat dissipation from the friction lining contact surface in an attempt to reduce overheating in friction plate of clutch during slipping time. This leads to a decrease in wear rate and a constant frictional coefficient of friction plate during operation. From the results in the previous section, it is observed that both structural steel and copper alloy can withstand and quickly dissipate high temperatures to the other parts of machinery while maintaining its frictional properties. However copper alloy friction lining shows better heat dissipation properties ( with a maximum heat flux of 98299 W/m²) than the structural steel friction lining ( with a maximum heat flux of 60413 W/m²). It is concluded that copper alloy is more suitable as frictional material for a single plate clutch than structural steel.

5. Tempera ture distributi on

159.82 °C

138.69 °C

158.31 °C

139.72 °C

6. Total heat flux

60413 W/m²

Paramet ers

19.194 W/m²

98299 W/m²

565.49 W/m²

From the table of results, it is observed that structural steel and copper alloy frictional lining of clutch have a maximum von-mises stress of 1.838e+006 Pa and 1.4353e+006 Pa respectively. From a thermal point of view a maximum heat flux of 60413 W/m² is reached and a maximum temperature of 159.82 °C is generated by the structural steel friction lining of clutch. While for copper alloy friction lining of clutch a maximum heat flux of 60413 W/m² and a maximum temperature of 158.31 °C is observed.

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8. Future

scope of work

Further investigation is required to obtain a generalized model for different types of friction material and better investigation techniques need to be explored for more accuracy of verification. Cooper alloy is an expensive material. A better copper alloy design can be obtained while considering a more cost effective method by using copper alloy in the sections with high heat generation.

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