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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

Efficient use of Energy in WSN using HLEACH Dr. Tippeswamy G R

Pavithra R V Department of Computer Science & Engineer

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, at uneven heights where human interaction is not Banglore, Karnataka, India

Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India,






developing technologies in communication area,

possible in most of the cases. Power consideration

because WSN works in rough condition where

is a major role in looking the routers for better

human is out of reach. This paper discuss about H-

efficiency. Sink drain, power are the major things that

LEACH, using H-LEACH energy consideration

make the Wireless sensor network tabove issue we are

problems can be solved by selecting a cluster head


(CH). H-LEACH uses remaining energy and

Transmission of information without dropping an

maximum energy of the nodes to select a cluster

energy disturbance for nodes to form cluster for longer

head using some threshold constrain.

distance is the main issue.

Key words: LEACH, HEED, H-LEACH.







heterogeneous networks, to making the nodes to use


less energy from batteries. LEACH and HEED are the

Wireless sensor network are placed in everyday

homogeneous network [2]. For large range of networks

activities for environmental monitoring, industrial

LEACH cannot be considered and using LEACH there

monitoring applications. Wireless sensor network are

is a problem in selecting the cluster head based on

commonly placed in sensor’s require inputs where

energy constrain.

security is the main constrain. Placement of routers is

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

WSN usually consists of number of sensor nodes

HEED allows calculating Channel head based on

and these sensor nodes are placed randomly in the

remaining energy. Here all the nodes are supposed to

network. Signals are sensed by the sensor in a network

maintain same energy at the beginning [2]. HEED has

and data accepted node process the information and

a disadvantage that it cannot be operated for different

finally transmits the signal to sink node. Cluster heads

levels of energy considerations from the first round.

are used to combine the data received from the nodes

Energy efficient LEACH (EE LEACH) [4] routing

thereby conserving energy of the network [4].

protocol is used in wireless sensor network functioning

Cluster can be formed by grouping the nodes in the

based on optimal clustering and effective data

network and any one node among each cluster is

ensemble. The node with the highest remaining is

selected as a cluster head. HEED can be used as a

selected as a cluster head. The data or information

measure to obtain channel head based on energy

aggregation is performed by cluster head before

parameters apart from threshold condition. All the

sending data to base station. LEACH protocol has

nodes in the network get a chance in their life time to

lesser packet delivery ratio, lesser consumption of

become a cluster head and thereby increasing the

energy, but it fails to provide integrity of data and

lifetime of the network [8].

confidentiality. LEACH [5] protocol is used for the energy


efficient operation. LEACH improves the life time of

LEACH is one of the clustering routing protocols

the network by saving the energy of the nodes and the

to select cluster head of a node using energy and

data from the nodes in a cluster are aggregated by the

threshold conditions. Selection of a node is not based

cluster head and sends to the base station. Few attacks

on amount of energy, which could cause problem in

like Sybil attack, selective forwarding, and hello

selection to give priority to low power node. If low

flooding attack degrades the LEACH’s performance

power node is not used efficiently, more number of

by dropping, spoofing, replying or altering the data

nodes has to be taken to form a cluster. LEACH cannot

packets. Clusters are distributed unevenly and divided

be used for larger networks because it uses the single

randomly. If the cluster head dies data would never

hop clustering routing. Nodes with low energy, elected

reach the base station.

as CH could cause energy holes and coverage

D-HEED is used in order to avoid threshold problems and to give a deterministic approach for


calculating the channel head based on 1/p last rounds [10]. Cluster head formation is usually smooth in D-


HEED compared to HEED. IDL - International Digital Library

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

Line 4 describes about average energy used, which is used later to compare the energy with other nodes and

4. H-LEACH H-LEACH uses remaining and maximum

derive a second channel head that is used to send

energy of the nodes to select a channel head for each

information to Base station using TDMA mechanism.

round. The proposed algorithm is used to find the life

Line 5 describes about energy constraints used to

time of the nodes in terms of rounds when the

determine probabilistic value that is used to obtain



threshold in later stage. Line 6 initiates end terms of a

considered. The nodes with energy less than minimum

loop process for max number of rounds. In line 7, the

energy required for sending and receiving signal will

initial energy of each node is set. Line 8 considers

die as it lacks energy to do it.

threshold value that is used to estimate channel head of





The following algorithm briefly explains the

a node. Line 9 considers a random number between 0

logical part of the code used to find the life time of a

to1 and compares it with threshold value to determine

network with proposed H-LEACH protocol.

channel head. In line 10, it is checked if the random number picked is less than threshold and node has enough energy to transmit data. Line 11 indicates the

A. Design and Function The following flow chart describes the working of

assignment of first channel head. Line 12 describes

H-LEACH protocol. When the network enters the

about reducing the Etr from energy of the node.

setup phase, Ep, the probability of using energy

Line13 and 14 increments the process to next round,

considerations is calculated by using Emax, Cp and

line 15 starts the whole process again from line 8. Line

Ep, then the average energy of all the nodes are

16 indicates the plotting of a graph between alive

calculated. Then the threshold value is calculated. A

nodes and number of nodes.

number is randomly selected in the range 0 to 1. If the number selected is less than the threshold value and


the corresponding node is assigned as cluster head if

E=(e1,e2,e3‌.,en), r= number of rounds, Ech= Energy

its energy is more than that of the average energy. The

of channel head,e0 = initial energy of each node,

energy required for data transmission is deduced from

Eavg= Average energy of all nodes in particular

the energy of the node in every round. When the

cluster., Ep= Probability using energy considerations,

energy falls below the minimum value, it is declared to

Er= reaming energy, Etr= energy required for

be dead.

transmitting and receiving data Emax= Maximum

Lines 1 to 3 describe different parameters used in initializing the code, inputs and IDL - International Digital Library

outputs of a system. 3|P a g e





energy of a node, TDMA= Time division multiple access Copyright@IDL-2017

IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

2. Inputs: Er, Emax, n, r, e0,

a. Number of nodes (n)=100

3. Outputs: CH, graph plotting alive nodes.

b. Area R=100*100 c. Initial Energy=20J


d. Base Station Position= 50*30

5. i = 1 to r

e. X-axis=100

6. if (ni∈ N ) then

f. Y-axis-100

7. e0( i)=P*((Emax-Eused)/Emax)

g. Number of CH=5

8. t(n)= (e0(i)/(1-e0(i)*mod(r,round(1/e0(i)) 9. t= random number (0-1)


10. if((t<t(n)) && (ei > Eavg)) then

In this paper, results indicate that proposed H-

11. CH � ni 12. s( i).e = s(i).e- Etr :used to send information through TDMA

LEACH is more efficient than existing LEACH protocol. In the H-LEACH, the average energy and residual energy of the nodes play a main role in the

13. end if

selection of cluster heads. H-LEACH, being the

14. i= i+1

combination of HEED and LEACH over comes the

15. goto step 6

node energy issues, which is the major disadvantage of

16. Plot total alive nodes for each round

the LEACH protocol. A new formula is proposed in

17. end if

this paper to find the threshold value by using the average energy of the node. The energy consumed by

B. Cluster head Data transfer Cluster head is used for communication to base station and a radio model analysis is carried out in order to send the data. Transmitter sends the information to amplifier and then it is sent to receiver. Distance between transmitter and receiver is used to

the node for transmitting and receiving data is reduced in every round to keep track of the alive nodes in every round. Node is declared dead when its energy falls below the minimum energy required to transmit energy.

evaluate the performance of hopping distance among


the nodes.

[1] Dr.Tippeswamy G R, Prof Dept of CSE, Don Bosco Institute of Technology and

5. SIMULATION RESULT The count of alive nodes is plotted for all rounds.


The various specifications considered for the

Institute of Technology,


program are: IDL - International Digital Library

Pavithra R V, M.Tech student, Dept of CSE, Don

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

Available at:

International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

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