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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017

An Opportunistic Routing Protocol Moonisa Sana M.Tech Computer Sciene Engineering, School of Computing & IT, REVA University,Bangalore, India

Dr. Mallikarjuna Shastry School of Computing & IT REVA University,Bangalore, India

Abstract— In this paper we discuss about how to increase the reliability, energy-efficiency in a wireless sensor network. Since energy saving has become the top factor on demand due to the increasing multimedia services in mobile devices. The existing batteries unfortunately do not provide the desirable lifetime. Therefore reducing energy consumption has become very crucial factor in all the tasks the mobile devices perform. This work presents an Opportunistic Routing Protocol, which supports energy consumption by increasing the networks performance and also providing reliability to the wireless sensor networks.

techniques/Protocols are necessary in order to reduce the consumption of energy for communication in wireless sensor networks is placed as the top demand factor and also to extend the lifetime of batteries, to increase the efficiency and also the reliability of the network. The higher efficiency of Opportunistic Routing Protocols are compared with the traditional Protocols, therefore the former may represent a real alternative technique for reducing the consumumption of energy in the Routing tasks.

II. THE OPPORTUNISTIC ROUTING PROTOCOL Index Terms— Opportunistic Routing; reliability; energy efficiency.

I. INTRODUCTION Routing has become an important research issue in wireless sensor network. Many Opportunistic Routing networks have emerged which have become an interest for research community and due to having the factors of capability for enhancing; it has been attracting many researches. The Opportunistic networks evolve from the Mobile Ad-hoc Networks called MANETs, which include various new functionalties that make them efficient use. These Opportunistic networks take the advantage of the boarddcast nature of WSNs. They provide direct communication between the devices which can be a overhead by any nearest device. Traditional Routing Protocols calculate the unique route value between the communicating devices ie., the transmitter and the receiver. So here each device is considered as a single node for the next hop to reach the destination. However, in this Opportunistic Routing Protocol each node selects a set of neighbors, as the potential next hops towards their final destination. Since the mobile devices are battery powered, the development of energy efficient networking

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This paper presents an Opportunistic Routing Protocol that addresses the trade-offs between the Quality of Experience (QOE) and energy consumption in the multimedia transmission. This Protocol presents an uniqueness in selection of neighbors and the coordination phases, which permits increase in the performance of the network, enhancing the energy efficiency of the nodes. We also highlight the packet-delivery reliability by showing the increased in the reliability and the multimedia service quality of the network without adding extra overhead to the network. In the proposed system, we consider the client, the file server and two neighbors- neighbor1 and neighbor2. The client requests for a video from the file server which distributes the frame to the two neighbors, neighbour1 and neighbor2; the neighbors receive the frames from file server alternatively. Finally the client receives the videos in the form of frames, one frame at a time from the two neighbors. By using this proposed system we can reduce the time consuming and hence reducing the energy consumption. The increase in the number of candidates is never advantageous. This fact is manifested in the next section, where we consider less number of candidates

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 and try to achieve high level of QOS (Quality of Experience) instead of trying to employ a more number of forwarders. The energy consumption by the terminals is another important factor that affects the ad-hoc networks because these devices a usually make use of the battery power which does not have the required lifetime. So, this leads to the development of the power-efficient techniques for diminishing the consumption of the energy in the communication networks and has become one of the compelling needs. The energy consumption in the wireless networks has become remarkable in the power draining of mobile devices. Hence it is necessary to develop an efficient networking Protocol/techniques for extending the lifetime of the batteries. The main contribution of this paper is as the following:  A detailed description of the ORP is presented. In this description, we present the main features of this Routing Protocol and compare with other Protocols.  We also present new method for selecting candidates. In this Protocol we consider both distance progress towards the final destinaton as well as reliability of the packet delivery of the network.  A timer-based and an acknowledgement-based coordination scheme, in addition to a dynamic adjustment of the Protocol’s control-message for detecting intervals during sending a message is developed aiming to reduce the energy consumption d reducing energy consumption. III. LITERATURE SURVEY QoS Routing has become an important research issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially for missioncritical monitoring and surveillance systems which requires reliable and timely data delivery. The existing work exploits multipath Routing to guarantee both reliability and delay QoS constraints in WSNs. However, the multipath Routing approach suffers from a significant energy cost. In [2][3], they exploit the geographic Opportunistic Routing (GOR) for QoS provisioning with both end-to-end reliability and delay constraints in WSNs. Existing GOR Protocols are not efficient for QoS provisioning in WSNs, in terms of the energy efficiency and computation delay at each hop. To improve the efficiency of QoS Routing in WSNs, we define the problem of efficient GOR for multi-constrained QoS provisioning in WSNs, which can be formulated as a multi-objective multiconstraint optimization problem.

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The Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (B.A.T.M.A.N.) [4][5] calculates a unique route between the transmitter and the receiver. So each node considers only one neighbor as the next hop to reach a given destination. Whereas, with ORP each node will selects a set of neighbors as the potential next hops towards the final destination. Since the mobile devices are powered by battery, reducing the consumption of energy for communication in wireless sensor networks is a compelling need. Wireless card energy consumption has a remarkable weight in mobile device power draining, thereby, the development of energy efficient networking techniques/Protocols are in order to extend battery lifetime. With the higher efficiency of Opportunistic Routing Protocols when compared with traditional Protocols, therefore the former may represent a real alternative technique for reducing the energy consumed in the Routing tasks. The Multirate Opportunistic Routing Protocol proposed in [6] discusses about how to achieve the transmission rate diversity and high throughput by exploiting multi-user diversity in wireless networks. However, the performance of this Protocol still cannot be guaranteed when participating nodes contributed by different parties and have selfish behaviors. This paper presents the first Cooperation Optimal Protocol namely COMO for mltirate Opportunistic Routing and forwarding,. They prove the game-theoretic properties of this Protocol. Experiment results show that this Protocol can prevent the selfish behaviors of the participating nodes and guarantee high performance with a low communication overhead. Multicast has become one important mechanism in modern wireless networks as it has made significant efforts to improve its performance with different metrics such as energy efficiency, throughput, delay etc. Traditionally, a loss-free channel model is widely used to design a Routing Protocol. In [7] it discusses that when the quality of wireless link is affected it results in transmission failures due to many factors like fading, collision or the noise of environment. In this paper, they propose a Protocol called CodePipe, which is a reliable multicast Protocol, with throughput, energy-efficiency and high fairness in lossy wireless networks. The CodePipe Protocol not only eliminates the coordination between nodes, but it significantly improves the multicast throughput by exploiting both inter-batch and intra-batch coding opportunities. The four key techniques, namely, the LP-based Opportunistic Routing structure, Opportunistic feeding, fast

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IDL - International Digital Library Of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 batch moving and inter-batch coding, are proposed to offer significant improvement in throughput, energy-efficiency and fairness in the wireless networks. Simulation results show that CodePipe Protocol significantly outperforms both of them. In [8], says that we can tremendously improve the end-toend throughput in mult-ihop wireless networks by considering spatial reusability of the wireless communication media. To support the argument, a spatial reusability-aware single-path Routing (SASR) and any path Routing (SAAR) Protocols are proposed, which are compared with existing single path Routing and any path Routing Protocols, respectively. Experimental results show that, for single-path Routing, the throughput gain is up to 2.9xs; and for any path Routing, the throughput gain is up to 62.7%. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have increasingly become an attractive inventory solution for many applications. The low price of the sensor nodes help to deploy large sensors in various applications. Most of the WSNs operate in an unlicensed band of spectrum and have become over-crowded. Therefore, as the number of the nodes in a network increases the need of energy-efficient and resource-constrained Protocols also increase. Incorporating cognitive radio capability in sensor networks yields a promising networking paradigm, also known as cognitive radio sensor networks. In [9], a cognitive networking with Opportunistic Routing Protocol for WSNs is introduced. The objective of this Protocol is to improve the performance after increasing the scalability of the network. A discrete event simulator is used to examine the performance of this Protocol in comparison with two other Routing Protocols. Simulation results show that, the proposed Protocol performs better with respect to throughput, packet delay, and total energy consumption, when compared with other common Routing Protocols.

hence improving the overall performance of the network as well as energy efficiency of the nodes. REFERENCES [1]

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VI. CONCLUSION It can be concluded that the Opportunistic Routing Protocol is an efficient Protocol for the distribution in streaming of traffic in the wireless networks, considering the energy constraints. As future work, it is planned to continue to explore the approach to the Opportunistic Routing. It permits an efficient management of the wireless sensor networks by taking an advantage of the inherent characteristics of these systems, and

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