Material Handling Robot For Smart Manufacturing in Industries

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Material Handling Robot For Smart Manufacturing in Industries Mr. Shivashankara.B.S.1, Mrs. Asha.I.V 2, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering,Hassan, Karnataka, India

Abstract—Material Handling Robo’s are mechanically controlled devices designed to replicate the movement of a human arm. The devices are used for lifting heavy objects and carrying out tasks that require extreme concentration and expert accuracy.In this highly developing society; time and man power are critical constrains for completion of task in large scales. the automation is playing important role to save human efforts in most of the regular and frequently carried works e.g. most of the industrial jobs like welding, painting, assembly, container filling etc. one of the major and most commonly performed work is picking and placing of jobs from source to destination. For this purpose, We intend to design a prototype based robo using pick and place mechanism.Material Selection is done using RFID Technology.The Material Handling Robot is a microcontroller based mechatronic system that detects the object based on the instruction given by the RFID Reader, picks that object automatically from source location and places at desired location.A mechanical gripper is robotic, usually programmable, with similar functions to a human arm.Thus designing a Material Handling Robo most often can be used for industrial and nonindustrial purposes. Keywords— material handling robo, pick and place mechanism,manufacturing,industrial engineering.

I. INTRODUCTION A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled. Robots range from humanoids such as ASIMO and TOPIO to Nano robots, Swarm robots, Industrial robots, military robots, mobile and servicing robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. The branch of technology that deals with robots is robotics. II. LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 Industrial Robots

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MattWicks1 designed a Robotic material handling solutions are comprised of complex systems, including many different types of equipment in addition to the robot(s). These systems generally include components such as infeed conveyors, discharge conveyors, pallet dispensers, transfer cars and other additional equipment. System components are typically controlled via a PLC, therefore the robotic controllers must interface to the system controller, handshaking data and interlocks to achieve the desired functionality. Aaron James2 have proposed a paper where the robotic hand which controls the missile launcher will be controlled by a PLC and secured image authentication technique. In our project, the hand which is holding the missile that to be launch is controlled by the PLC. The robotic hand is operated by with the help of DC motor. The PLC controls the two kind of position of robotic hand.

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Mohanraj presents a mobile robot environment is treated as a grid based environment in which each grid can be represented by an ordered pair of row number and column number. The mobile robot is considered as a point in the environment, to reduce the computational complexities. Sumanth4 present the construction of an autonomous self navigating robotic vehicle. Once the robot reaches the desired location it turns on a RF Transmitter which is tuned to the communication frequency of the opposing unit. Since the transmission is in the same frequency as that of the communication frequency of the opposing unit, their communication will become noisy and they will be unable to do any meaningful communication. Mamta Gupta5 Swarm robotics is influenced from Swarm Intelligence. As Swarm in real life work with co-ordination for a specific goal, in the same way robots are expecting to work using artificial intelligence. This paper gives an overview of the Issues of swarm robotics and its application in various fields. Swarm robotics has a large area of applications. 2.2 Material Handling Robots M.Selvam6 proposed a robotics and automation industry which is ruled the sectors from manufacturing to household entertainments. It is widely used because of its simplicity and ability to modify to meet changes of needs. The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle using android application for remote operation attached with wireless camera for monitoring purpose. The robot along with camera can wirelessly transmit real time video with night vision capabilities. This is kind of robot can be helpful for spying purpose in war fields. Goldy Katal7 deals with the designing and implementation of Synchronized Robotic Arm, which is used to perform all the basic activities like picking up objects and placing them. In this paper, a robotic arm is designed, synchronized with the working arm and would perform the task as the working arm does. The work done by the robotic arm would be highly precise, as a digital servo motor is used. A servo motor of 230 oz-inch is used in the project, but motors with more capacity can also be used as according to the desired work. This robotic arm can also be used for precision works.

control is in the human hands which poses a lot of drawbacks such as more wired connections are required which may again lead to large number of mechanical faults and difficulties in troubleshooting the errors. Due to these drawbacks the PLC based automation systems were introduced which focused on controlling the various process control systems with the help of software and Hardware units. III. METHODOLOGY 3.1 Objective The main aim of this project is to design a Prototype based Wireless Material Handling Robo used for pick and place mechanism for material handling in industries. 3.2 Proposed Sytem The purpose of developing this project is to get familiarized with the modern field of robotics and to find the technology know-how. Also here we are using the sophisticated emerging technology embedded system. Here we have designed a material handling robo, controlled by a microcontroller wirelessly. We choose this design because it is the most common form of robot we can find anywhere in industries like car assembling, bottling plant, packing section etc. The driver circuits for these motors are to be controlled using PIC microcontroller with a control key pad. The movement is established using simple DC motors. Material Handling robots are the small robots used for continuous purpose in the industries.



Niharika Thakur 8 proposed a system in which n a traditional industrial control system, all the control devices in the field are wired directly to each other on how the whole system is to be operated. The main

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 the speed. We are using 30RPM DC Gear Motor for operating the robo.

Fig 1.Tramsmitter Block Diagram

4.3 LCD Unit A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronically modulated optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals.A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and it is used in our project to display as which material is handled by the robo.


4.4 RFID Reader




A radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) is a device used to gather information from an RFID tag, which is used to track individual objects. Radio waves are used to transfer data from the tag to a reader.RFID is a technology similar in theory to bar codes.The RFID Reader which we are using has a built–in antenna in minimized form factor. It is designed to work on the industry standard carrier frequency of 125KHZ. 4.5 Zigbee Transmitter & Receiver

Fig 2. Receiver Block Diagram IV. HARDWARE USED The following are the hardware components used in this project: 4.1 PIC Microcontroller A micro controller (also MCU or ÂľC) is a functional computer system-on-a-chip. It contains a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals.Microcontrollers include an integrated CPU, memory (a small amount of RAM, program memory, or both) and peripherals capable of input and output.We are using PIC16F877A in our project for interfacing with Wireless Tranceivers,Displaying data on LCD and for operating the robo.

ZigBee is the only standards-based wireless technology designed to address the unique needs of low-cost, low-power wireless sensor and control networks in just about any market. The Zigbee transreceiver module which we are using provides easy to use ZIGBEE communication at 2.4 Ghz. It can be used to transmit and receive data at 9600 baud rates from any standard CMOS/TTL source. 4.6 Power Supply The Power Supply at both the Transmitter and the Receiver end are designed to operate at 5volts using the Step-down Transformer,Bridge Rectifier and the Regulator. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

4.2 DC Gear Motor 5.1 Results A geared DC Motor has a gear assembly attached to the motor.A DC Gear motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity.The gear assembly helps in increasing the torque and reducing

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i) The developed Prototype Material Handling Robo can be operated wirelessly. ii) Inorder for the robo to decide as which material to

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 pick ,the RFID technology is used. ii) The prototype model will be able to pick 10gms of material from one location and successfully place it in other location wirelessly. iii) In this project we have used three motors for the operation of the robo.One for the operation of the gripper i.e., for holding and releasing the material,the other one for pick and place mechanism. The third motor is used to make the robo rotate 360 degrees to place the material at the desired location. iv) It can be generalized that the robo’s pick and place mechanism has satisfied the motion sequence of the system. 5.2 Design of the Protoype Robo

Fig.3. Fully Designed Prototype Material

efficiency for the system, changeable data for the angle of the desired position of the robo. iii) The weight handling capacity of pick and place robot is determined by the capacity of DC motors and vice versa. iv) By using this robo work is made easy, and this also decreases the quantity of human failures.

VI. CONCLUSION This robot is operated wirelessly and is used for pick and place operation.It can be used in some industrial works which are harmful for humans.This robot is mainly used for reduce the risk process and consuming time and avoid labors. Human are tired for hard work such as assembly line, material handling etc. this robot does all those things it mainly reduces the manual work our robot is designed at low cost as well as high efficient one.The material Handling is done via RFID Technology through PC.Upon Receiving data from the receiver as which material to handle,the robo operates automatically to pick the particular material and place it in the desired location.The arm has five motors which are controlled through the use of PIC micro controllers and Wireless Transcievers. The arm is very user friendly because of the wireless interface developed by us, even layman could operate it.They could lift objects upto weight of 10 gm. Keeping the design of robotic arm gripper simple, as well as implementing the gripping mechanism without using gears and only with simple DC motors. This project is to give the way for providing bigger effective robot for industrial applications.

Handling Robo REFERENCES 5.3 Discussions i) This system can operate several hours in industries and low power required for the Robot arm. ii) This robo is very suitable for dangerous area in industries. The controller of the system is the best

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[1]Matt Wicks,"PLC-Based Robotic Controls Versus OEM Robotic Controls",2011 [2]Aaron James.S1,Sabarivani.A2,Sunitha.N3,"Robotic arm controlled in missile launchers using plc and image authentication technique",International Journal of

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International e-Journal For Technology And Research-2017 Research in Engineering and Technology,Dec 2014. [3]T.Mohanraj1,S.Arunkumar2,M.Raghunath3,M.Ana nd4,"MOBILE ROBOT PATH PLANNING USING ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION",International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology,Jun 2014. [4]V.Sumanth1,M.E.C.Vidya Sagar2,Sk.Nowshad3,"Design And Implementation Of Autonomous Maneuvering Robotic Vehicle Using Global Positioning System For Jamming The Communication During Warfare",International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology,Nov 2012. [5]Mamta Gupta1, Devika Saxena2,Sugandha Kumari3 ,Dawinder Kaur4,"Issues And Applications Of Swarm Robotics",International Journal of Research in Engineering,Technology and Science,Aug 2016. [6]M.Selvam Muthuraman,"Smart Phone Based Robotic Control for Surveillance Applications",International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology,Mar 2014. [7]G. Katal, S. Gupta, S. Kakkar,"Design And Operation Of Synchronized Robotic Arm",International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology,Aug 2013. [8]Niharika Thakur,Manisha Hooda,"A Review Paper on PLC & Its Applications in Robotics and Automation",International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,Aug 2016. [9] o.pdf

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