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The Digital Priority
The digital transformation of services has been and remains important to the Council. The expectations of customers are forever evolving, requiring us to keep up to date with advances in technology to enhance and expand our digital offer. This is reflected in our Digital Strategy centred around three core themes;
Digital Customer Digital Organisation Digital Communities
The three themes provide clear direction to digitally improve services and deliver better outcomes for the people of Durham.
Whilst we were already making good progress in our digital journey, Covid has driven us to accelerate our digital transformation at an unprecedented pace. At a time when we all have a responsibility to reduce the spread of the virus, we have turned to our digital tools to maintain a sense of normality during these difficult times and to enable to us to continue to provide a full range of services to our communities.
The fast tracking of our digital strategy has enabled us to work safely and effectively throughout the pandemic, whilst also using technology to successfully stay connected both with staff, stakeholders and residents/communities.