DC DAR Juniors Newsletter Sept 2012

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District of Columbia State Society - Organized November 30, 1901

DC’s Junior Daughters Future leaders of the DAR and the nation. A Seasonal Newsletter

Issue 1 - September 2012

Introducing your 2012-2014 DC Juniors Leadership Team

Chair, DC DAR Juniors Annie John Lives in Alexandria, VA From Lake Forest, IL Solutions Specialist, IBM Member since 2008 Col John Washington Katherine Montgomery

Vice Chair, Social/Outreach Carina May Lives in Falls Church, VA From Alexandria, VA Business Development & Marketing, The Hill Group Member since 2011 Judge Lynn

NSDAR Celebrates 75 years of Juniors On June 30, 2012, the DC Daughters celebrated with the nation’s Daughters 75 years of tremendous success! Additionally, our very own Ms. Jane Chick was selected as an Outstanding Junior National Finalist!

Vice Chair, Social/Outreach Kate Henvey Lives in Glover Park, DC From Dallas, TX Public Affairs, World Bank Member since 2011 Manor House

How YOU can get involved

-Attend Junior and State events (p. 5) -Seeking a Vice Chair of the Website -Seeking a Vice Chair of Junior Sales -Seeking help to document DC DAR’s Junior Membership History (p. 2-3) -Be a Page! (p. 5) -Help plan a fundraiser with the Vice Chairs of Socials, Carina and Kate, in conjunction with one of our Junior Happy Hours (p. 4) -Nominate the Outstanding Junior in your Chapter (p. 2) -Attend a Membership Workshop to Meet and Greet prospectives (p. 4) - Fundraise for Helen Pouch Fund (p. 2)

September 2012

Vice Chair, Communications Ariel Batungbacal Lives in Crystal City, VA From Marietta, GA White House Fellow Member since 2012 Margaret Whetten

Vice Chair, Outstanding Junior Rebecca Hough Lives in Fredericksburg, VA From Long Beach, CA Federal Election Commission Member since 2006 Ruth Brewster

Save the Date HIS EXCELLENCY François Delattre AMBASSADOR of FRANCE to THE UNITED STATES is honored to invite the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DAUGHTERS of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION to a reception honoring the anniversary of the birth of the Marquis de Lafayette

& the historic ties between France and U.S. Monday, November 19, 2012 5:30 to 7:30p The Residence of France, 2221 Kalorama Road, NW Due to strict protocol, daughters and prospective members wishing to attend must RSVP via Stephanie Green at greenandglover@gmail.com. Those who have RSVP'd will receive official invitation from the Ambassador's staff later this fall.














End of Summer Juniors BBQ Thank you to DC Daughter, Ms. Lisbeth Strimple Fuisz, for hosting the DC Juniors at her lovely home in Georgetown. Great food, great company! Helen Pouch Memorial Fund

Consider having a special chapter fundraiser for the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund. The Helen Pouch Memorial Fund was established in April 1938 and named in memory of Helen Pouch, 1901-1919. Helen was the daughter of Mrs. William H. Pouch, the first National Chairman of the Junior Membership Committee, 1937, and President General, NSDAR, 1941-1944. The annual Junior commitment to the DAR Schools totals $43,000. This is achieved through the sales of nationally approvedJunior products at the state and national levels as well as the contributions of chapters for Achievement Award credit. For planning purposes, please host your fundraiser before November as we need to submit donations by Dec 1. 2

The Miss Merry Ann 75th Anniversary Junior Membership Doll Fundraiser Aug 14, 2012 From the President General’s Blog: Each year since 1956, voices have been sold on a fundraiser that is unique to DAR: the annual Junior Membership Doll. That first doll nearly 60 years ago was named “Miss Merrie Annie.” It is also tradition for the President General’s home state to sponsor that doll, and New York Daughters have done a remarkable job quite unlike any other Junior Doll in the history of this fundraiser.

That’s because in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Junior Membership Committee, Miss Merry Ann’s wardrobe actually salutes 75 outstanding women who are honorees of the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New York, the birthplace of the Suffrage Movement and located in my native state. For more information, her Facebook page is https:// www.facebook.com/ MissMerryAnnJuniorDoll All proceeds benefit the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund to support the DAR Schools. Voices are one for $5 or five for $20.

Please make checks payable to the New York State Organization DAR. Loretta Cassidy & Megan Wiegard National Co-Vice Chairmen Junior Doll 2013 MissMerryAnn@aol.com

Outstanding Junior Contest Recognizing your work in the community & DAR The Outstanding Junior Member Contest, begun in 1963, honors young women who have truly promoted the goals and purposes of the National Society, and have participated in community activities. Our very own Ms. Jane Chick was selected as a National Finalist during the 2012 Continental Congress, Ms. Samantha McAnulty was a National Finalist in 2011! How to submit nominations: 1-Chapters can nominate a Junior within their chapter. To be competitive at the State/National contest, an eligible Junior must have 10 points. To determine point accrual: http://www.dar.org/ darnet/forms/jm-1005.pdf. 2-Chapter submissions/ paperwork are due Oct 31 to Rebecca Hough. Once received, she will verify eligibility and submit to a 3judge panel for selection as the State OJ. Any questions on the contest can be directed to the Vice Chair of OJ, Ms. Rebecca Hough, at RebeccaCHough@gmail.com. September 2012













History of DC’s Juniors NSDAR Juniors are in the process of updating the Junior Membership history. Here are the pages from NSDAR’s “History of the Junior Membership Committee.” We included the first two pages of our history as recorded in 1989. Ms. Morgan Lake, the National Junior Membership Chair, noted that DC’s history was one of the longest recorded! You may recognize a few familiar names, such as Ms. Ann Schaeffer in the 1980s. We are looking for volunteers to help update the DC Juniors history to work on this September-October. The deadline for submissions to National is November 1. If you are interested in helping, please contact Ms. Annie John at DCDAR.Juniors@gmail.com.

September 2012














Upcoming Events Events highlighted include Junior-hosted events, DC State meetings, and New Member workshops. Unless noted, all members and prospectives are welcome to the events listed. Date


Sept 13 Sept 15

6-8pm 9:30a-12p

Sept 22 Sept 29

10a-12p 11:30a

Oct 04-06


Oct 08


Oct 11 Oct 20

6-8pm 9:30a-12p

Oct 21


Nov 8 Nov 10

6-8pm 9:30a-12p

Nov 16


Nov 17


Nov 19


Nov 23


Nov 26


Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec

TBD Evening 7-9pm 7-9:30pm 9:30a-12p

01 05 05 14 15

Dec 16 Dec 16

TBD 2-4p



September Happy Hour Membership Workshop

Poste (Downtown) Members of the State Society are present to answer questions and assist with membership to the DC DAR. For more info, contact Ms. Jane Chick at Jane.Chick@gmail.com. Hiking & Lunch w/ the juniors Meet at Old Angler’s Inn; hiking section b, lunch to follow; rsvp to Founders Day Luncheon The Washington Club, 15 Dupont Circle, NW Checks payable to Julia Rogers/$33 by Sept 21 NSDAR Executive Board Meeting - Pages Pages are likely needed; if interested, contact dcdarpages@yahoo.com Columbus Day 100th Anniv - Pages Columbus Plaza, Union Station; 2-3 Pages needed; if interested, contact dcdarpages@yahoo.com October Happy Hour 701 Restaurant (Penn Quarter) Membership Workshop National Society Library Members of the State Society are present to answer questions and assist with membership to the DC DAR. For more info, contact Ms. Jane Chick at Jane.Chick@gmail.com. DCDAR Juniors Brunch Boundary Stone Public House of Note Includes an educational talk about the Boundary Stones Nov Happy Hour & Fundraiser More details to come on fundraiser cause Membership Workshop National Society Library Members of the State Society are present to answer questions and assist with membership to the DC DAR. For more info, contact Ms. Jane Chick at Jane.Chick@gmail.com. Ladies Night at the VA at the Washington, DC Veterans hospital.. DC DAR members will be taking oral histories for the Library of Congress Archives project to catalog all Veterans. Join us to celebrate Women Veterans! DC DAR State Board of Management - Pages Chapter House; 3-4 Pages needed; if interested, contact dcdarpages@yahoo.com Reception in Honor of Marquis de Lafayette + Pages Special invite by the Ambassador of France to the U.S. The residence of france, 2221 kalorama road, nw Must RSVP to Ms. Stephanie Green at greenandglover@gmail.com. Pages likely needed; if interested, contact dcdarpages@yahoo.com. “What does it look like now?” Arlington House State event; More Information to Follow Tour, Lunch and Bowling at Fort Myer Bowling Alley DC DAR LOL Holiday Shopping for a Cause Ann Hand jewelers, 4885 MacArthur Blvd; rsvp Ms. Stephanie Green at greenandglover@gmail.com. Scottish Walk Parade TBD; Alexandria, VA NSDAR 11th Annual Christmas Open House Memorial Continental Hall Post-Open House Holiday Happy Hour The Hamilton Cocktail Party Location TBD; For all of DCDAR, hosted by Juniors Membership Workshop National Society Library Members of the State Society are present to answer questions and assist with membership to the DC DAR. For more info, contact Ms. Jane Chick at Jane.Chick@gmail.com. DC State Executive Board Christmas Brunch Chapter House Christmas Tea and Bazaar State President’s Project Fundraiser

For more information on Juniors-hosted events (highlighted in purple above), check out the DCDAR Juniors Facebook page. Additionally, you can email us at DCDAR.Juniors@gmail.com. Typically, we will both post the event on Facebook, as well as send an evite. 4

September 2012









Becoming a Daughter





Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible to join the DAR. She must provide documentation for each statement of birth, marriage and death, as well as of the Revolutionary War service of her Patriot ancestor. Before you begin your process, it is helpful to understand that an application for membership requires you to both provide proof of ancestral lineage to a Revolutionary Patriot, as well as a chapter you want to become a part of. We want you to stay connected: please join us at any of our chapter meetings or Junior / State events! For more info on the process, contact the DC DAR Membership Chair, Ms. Jane Chick-jane.chick@gmail.com .

Step 1: We recommend simultaneous action during Step 1: If you are interested in the DAR, fill out a Member Interest Form on the National DAR website: https://

www.dar.org/natsociety/pmd/ prospective.cfm?

where you are in your research process.

Talk to your family to determine leads in family lineage. Leads include both names of relatives, as well as any documentation to help you identify historical facts. Helpful facts include dates, birth/death/wedding locations, and relatives’ names. If your family member is a Daughter, acquire a copy of her application and national member number.

Step 3:

Step 2: Identify your Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor. Depending on which state you selected to join, the State Chairman of the Membership Committee will contact you to help you navigate the process. Keep in good contact with her, and be prepared to communicate

Attend the monthly Prospective Member Workshops to assist you with your lineage paperwork. Attend Juniors events: Our Membership Chairman will put you in contact with the Juniors. Attend various chapter meetings to meet Daughters. Things to consider when choosing a chapter: when chapters meet, meeting location, types of events scheduled, and ultimately, where you feel the most comfortable! Many chapters are quite diverse in DAR and professional experiences. This diversity supports the livelihood of the DAR and its future. A quick reference on chapter meeting schedules, look on the chapter page: http://www.dcdar.org/ StateChapters.htm.

What is a Junior? A Junior Member is a DAR member age 18 through 35 years of age (until her 36th birthday). She holds full membership in the National Society, State Society, and her chapter, and when qualified, she may serve as an officer and chairman at all levels. Many DC Junior members join with their mothers, grandmothers, and aunts. Other Juniors will start the research for her family’s lineage online and at our national headquarters. DC Junior members are college students, career women, and stay-at-home moms. DCDAR chapters understand time and family constraints and are making many efforts to accommodate these young women. The DC State Society supports junior membership by encouraging active participation within all levels of the organization.

Step 4: As you continue to solidify both which chapter you want to become a member, and your lineage paperwork: check in with your prospective chapter’s historian. She will serve as your conduit to help finish your paperwork. Continue attending your prospective chapter’s meetings and Junior events.

Step 5: When your paperwork is complete, and you have the associated proofs (census, birth/death/wedding records, etc.), your prospective chapter’s historian will sit down and fact check your application and proofs. Remember, each generation needs to have proof of linkage to the next generation.

Once she determines your application has the necessary information, she will have the chapter officers sign off on your application. She will mail off your application, membership dues check to the NSDAR.

Step 6: Membership approval includes two phases: the first, verification by genealogists. NSDAR genealogists typically require about 8 weeks for verification. The second phase is final approval by the NSDAR Board. They meet quarterly throughout the year.

Step 7: You will receive a welcome letter in the mail once the Board has approved your membership. You will be formally inducted into your chapter!

DC State Juniors Leadership Chair — Annie John Vice Chair of Social/Outreach — Carina May Vice Chair of Social/Outreach — Kate Henvey Vice Chair of Outstanding Junior — Rebecca Hough Vice Chair of Communications — Ariel Batungbacal Vice Chair of Junior Sales — Vacant Vice Chair of Hospitality — Vacant

Interested in Paging? DC DAR Page Chair — Ms. Devon Siebert Vice Page Chair — Leigh Maltby


To learn more about the DAR, below are helpful links:

Public Relations

Visit DC State Society Juniors and Pages

Contact DC DAR’s Juniors via email: Juniors.DCDAR@gmail.com.

Stay connected with other Juniors here and Pages in DC by joining the group here.

Visit the DC State Society, NSDAR Stay connected the DC State Society here: www.dcdar.org.

Visit National Junior Membership DAR Page


Stay up to date with the Juniors at the national level by joining the group here.

DC DAR Juniors Facebook page: “DCDAR Juniors” DC DAR State Regent’s Facebook page: “Dazzling Diamond Daughters”

Visit NSDAR Webpage Public site: www.dar.org September 2012

Members Only: http://members.dar.org


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