DC DAR Juniors Newsletter May 2013

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District of Columbia State Society - Organized November 30, 1901

National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution

DC’s Junior Daughters Future leaders of the DAR and the nation A Seasonal Newsletter

Issue 4 - May 2013

It’s Continental Congress Time!

In this issue: All Things Continental Congress..............2 Women Worthy of Honor...........................3 Photos from State Conference...................4 Honoring DC’s Outstanding Junior.........5 Upcoming Events Calendar.......................6 Member for Member Challenge................7

All your Congress needs are on Page 2--Check it out!

❦ Junior Feature ❦ Patricia Anne Janner

Member since October 2012

I joined DAR because my great grandmother was a member and I never got to meet her (nor her son, my grandfather). I'm the only surviving member of the family, so let's basically honor them by joining DAR.

Why I love the Richard Arnold Chapter: I'm surrounded by inspiring women who inherited history but have also made history. The chapter's deep roots to DC have made me love my adopted home so much more. My patriot is Lawrence Pope (VA). He was my great-greatgreat-great-great grandfather. He basically provided supplies and shelter to the revolutionary army in Westmoreland County in Virginia.

Becoming a Daughter.................................8

Did you hear?? 2013 Member for Member Challenge!

Introduce a Prospective to DAR! This challenge was announced at this year's State Conference and for the next year, the Membership and CDR committees are encouraging members to earn Member for Member credit by introducing a prospective member to DAR and/or assisting them with their research and application. This can be your mother, your sister, your BFF, et al! Be sure members are taking credit for their hard work. The goal is to encourage everyone to strive to earn at least one Love member for member credit this year. ❤ This Check out page 7 for more info!

May 2013














Don’t know anyone who is going? Want to sit with another DC Junior? Send us an email and we will make sure we go together! juniors.dcdar@gmail.com

122nd Continental Congress Calling all DC Junior Daughters! One of the most prominent experiences as a Daughter is attending the historic Continental Congress. June 26-30th ❃ Events at DAR Constitution Hall & J. W. Marriott Hotel What is Congress?

Love Key Events of Interest to DC’s Juniors ❤ This Full schedule details: http://members.dar.org/ The NSDAR Junior Committee

Junior Luncheon

Sweetly Invites All DAR Members to Attend the


Page Meeting/Tour ✤ Wed, 26 Jun 2p

❦ Annual Junior Luncheon ❦ Constitution Hall - Pages Only

Since the founding of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Saturday, June 29, 2013 12:00 noon until 1:45 pm JW Marriott Hotel in 1890, the organization has held Continental Ticket Price $52.00 Congress, its annual Please make checks payable to the Treasurer General NSDAR. national meeting, in Washington, D.C. National, state and chapter leaders as Present your name at the door prior to the well as other members fromluncheon. Make your reservations early! across the world meet at RSVP by May 31 (preferably early to the DAR National ensure there’s room!) to: Headquarters for a week during the summer to Annie John report on the year’s work, 418 Bashford Lane, Apt #101 honor outstanding award Alexandria, VA 22314-1124 (847)772-8432 msanniejohn@yahoo.com recipients, plan future initiatives and reconnect A great group of D.C. Daughters will be the with friends. icing on the cake for the sweet festivities!

*Last year, 40 DC Daughters attended!* 2

A “Must” Banquet Hall/3rd Floor at DAR’s Admin Building ❤ FREE - Serve food (usually Potbelly’s) Juniors Forum ✤ Thurs, 27 Jun 4-6p

National Defense Night ✤ Fri, 28 Jun, 7:30p Typically a “headliner” speaker, worthwhile to attend! Auditorium, Constitution Hall

A J.W. Marriott Hotel, Dress is your summer best “Must” ❤ Juniors Luncheon ✤ Sat, 29 Jun 12-1:45p

Gala Awards Banquet ✤ Sat, 29 Jun, 5:30p Grand Hyatt, 1000 H Street NW

$105. Checks payable to Treasurer General, NSDAR. Reservations by June 20. There will be a cocktail hour from 5:30–6:30 p.m., followed by a seated dinner featuring outstanding award winners and speakers. Memorial Service ✤ Sun, 30 Jun 9-10:30a Constitution Hall May 2013













Women worthy of honor "I took up my pen to awaken the patriotism of the women of this country." — Mary S. Lockwood, “Pen Founder” of the DAR

When the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) decided during the first National Congress on 20 April 1890 to exclude women from membership, many were indignant at such discrimination. The Washington Post printed that statement the day after the Washington, D.C. branch of the SAR met (for the first time) on 11 July 1890. Mary Smith Lockwood, a writer, read the newspaper account of this meeting with "interest and criticism." Angered at the Sons' attitude towards women, she immediately wrote a letter of protest, which was published in the same newspaper on 13 July 1890: Recently the first regular meeting of the Washington Branch of the newly organized Society, 'Sons of the Revolution', was held in this city. Prof. G. Brown Goods explained the object of the meeting, 'that it was purely historical in its purpose, and was to perpetuate the memory of the men who achieved American independence.' The South and North joined hands on a common platform, and good speeches were from all sections. So far we say amen. May 2013

Senator Sherman was the presiding officer. There were sixty persons present, and twenty of these were women. In the opening remarks the Senator said 'he approved of any movement that would perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the Revolutionary war, and hailed with pleasure the organization composed of men and women of the descendants of the Revolutionary sires. The women might not have done any of the fighting, but they took an equally important part in looking after the homes, that the men might absent themselves in their country's cause.' If this is the case why do men and women band themselves to commemorate a one-sided heroism? If these were true, patriotic women, why is not the patriotism of the country broad and just enough to take women in, too? It is a noble act for the descendants of the Revolutionary sires. But were there no mothers of the Revolution?... "This is an opportune time to bring forward some of the women of '76 lest the sires become puffed up by vain glory..." Mary S. Lockwood, Washington, July 12, 1890

Love ❤ This Mary S. Lockwood was an avid historian and writer. HERE’S THE KICKER.... Her letter brought immediate response and within three months, the Daughters of the American Revolution was organized. Now known as the "Pen Founder," Mrs. Lockwood once explained, "I took up my pen to awaken the patriotism of the women of this country." 3













D.C. State Conference in Photos We had an outstanding State Conference in March...all the ladies looked so lovely in their regalia! Below are some photos to catch you up and enjoy. Special thanks to State Regent Julia Rogers for helping us host our FIRST EVER Juniors Chocolate & Champagne event!

Love â?¤ This


May 2013













DC DAR’s Own Outstanding Junior Ms. Devon Seibert Ms. Devon Seibert was recognized as this year’s Outstanding Junior for the DC DAR Society. This year is particularly special as it is the 50th anniversary of the National Contest. DC has had FOUR national winners, two runner-ups, and

From a page in our DC Daughters’ history books... Below is an article about Ms. Jane Wade, the first ever DC Daughter to win the National Outstanding Junior award in 1970!

eight division winners/national finalists. Devon will be recognized at the national level on Saturday, June 29th’s DAR Juniors Luncheon. Please come out to support & celebrate!

Love ❤ This

DC State Regent, Julia Rogers, and DC Outstanding Junior, Devon Seibert, in March 2013 at the DC DAR State Conference

Below are some words from our honored OJ: Fellow DC DAR Juniors, Thank you for all of your support over the past few years as I strived for the amazing honor that you bestowed upon me in March naming me the DC DAR Outstanding Junior (“OJ”) for 2013. This is not something to be taken lightly or to shy away from. We should all strive to achieve this honor which is given to our most dedicated Daughters, it is humbling to be among so many extraordinary women! When I joined the organization not too long ago and became more involved in our projects and activities, many ladies started to tell me that I needed to “track my points for the OJ award.” The first time I heard that, I thought OJ? What on earth does that mean? Orange Juice? I May 2013

was set right very quickly and began the loved ones! path. It is not as difficult as it seems, each thing that you do in your Chapter, for the State or National organization counts. Are you a Chair or Vice Chair of Committee at the Chapter or State level? Points for all of that. Have you paged at State Conference or Continental Congress….points there too! Additionally, they look for you to be well rounded, which all of our Juniors are. Your charity and volunteer work, your amazing careers, your membership in other organizations – all are looked at for the award. I really encourage all of our Juniors to consider applying for the honor, it is a wonderful experience to share with your fellow Daughters and

Congrats and best of luck, Devon!! 5













Upcoming Events Events highlighted include Junior-hosted events, DC State meetings, and New Member workshops. Unless noted, all members and prospectives are welcome to the events listed.




May 9


Jun 15


Jun 26-30

All Day

NSDAR Continental Congress

DC Chapter House; **Pages needed**; Attendance open to chapter regents and delegates, honored guests, state committee chairmen Memorial Continental Hall; **Pages needed**

Jun 29


NSDAR Juniors Luncheon

JW Marriott Hotel; During Continental Congress

DC DAR Juniors & SAR Young Members Happy Hour at Occidental’s patio State Board of Management Meeting

Details Check your email for the Paperless Post invite!

For more information on Juniors-hosted events, check out the DCDAR Juniors Facebook page. Additionally, you can email us at DCDAR.Juniors@gmail.com. Typically, we will both post the event on Facebook, as well as send an evite. To page, please email dcdarpages@yahoo.com.

DC Juniors & SAR Y!ng Members Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm Pennsylvania Patio (Outside) 1475 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

A “Must” ❤

⚜All members & guests are welcome!⚜


May 2013













For more information, contact Janet McFarland (jmcfarland@retrospectpublishing.com) or Jane Chick (jane.chick@gmail.com). May 2013














Becoming a Daughter Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible to join the DAR. She must provide documentation for each statement of birth, marriage and death, and of the Revolutionary War service of her Patriot ancestor. Before you begin your process, it is helpful to understand that an application for membership requires you to both provide proof of ancestral lineage to a Revolutionary Patriot, as well as a chapter you want to become a part of. We want you to stay connected: please join us at any of our chapter meetings or Junior / State events! For more info on the process, contact the DC DAR Membership Chair, Ms. Jane Chick-jane.chick@gmail.com . Step 1: We recommend simultaneous action during Step 1: If you are interested in the DAR, fill out a Member Interest Form on the National DAR website: https://

www.dar.org/natsociety/pmd/ prospective.cfm?

where you are in your research process.

http://www.dcdar.org/ StateChapters.htm.

linkage to the next generation.

Talk to your family to determine leads in family lineage. Leads include both names of relatives, as well as any documentation to help you identify historical facts. Helpful facts include dates, birth/death/wedding locations, and relatives’ names. If your family member is a Daughter, acquire a copy of her application and national member number.

Step 3: Attend the monthly Prospective Member Workshops to assist you with your lineage paperwork. Attend Juniors events: Our Membership Chairman will put you in contact with the Juniors.

Step 4: As you continue to solidify both which chapter you want to become a member, and your lineage paperwork: check in with your prospective chapter’s historian. She will serve as your conduit to help finish your paperwork.

Once she determines your application has the necessary information, she will have the chapter officers sign off on your application. She will mail off your application, membership dues check to the NSDAR.

Step 2: Identify your Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor. Depending on which state you selected to join, the State Chairman of the Membership Committee will contact you to help you navigate the process. Keep in good contact with her, and be prepared to communicate

Attend various chapter meetings to meet Daughters. Things to consider when choosing a chapter: when chapters meet, meeting location, types of events scheduled, and ultimately, where you feel the most comfortable! Many chapters are quite diverse in DAR and professional experiences. This diversity supports the livelihood of the DAR and its future. A quick reference on chapter meeting schedules, look on the chapter page:

What is a Junior? A Junior Member is a DAR member age 18 through 35 years of age (until her 36th birthday). She holds full membership in the National Society, State Society, and her chapter, and when qualified, she may serve as an officer and chairman at all levels. Many DC Junior members join with their mothers, grandmothers, and aunts. Other Juniors will start the research for her family’s lineage online and at our national headquarters. DC Junior members are college students, career women, and stay-at-home moms. DCDAR chapters understand time and family constraints and are making many efforts to accommodate these young women. The DC State Society supports junior membership by encouraging active participation within all levels of the organization. To learn more about the DAR, below are helpful links: Visit DC State Society Juniors and Pages Stay connected with other Juniors here and Pages in DC by joining the group here. Visit the DC State Society, NSDAR Stay connected the DC State Society here: www.dcdar.org. Visit National Junior Membership DAR Page Contact DC DAR’s Juniors via email: Juniors.DCDAR@gmail.com. Stay up to date with the Juniors at the national level by joining the group here. Visit NSDAR Webpage Public site: www.dar.org Members Only: http://members.dar.org Visit DC DAR’s Juniors Online Newsletter http://issuu.com/dcdarjuniors

Step 6: Membership approval includes two phases: the first, verification by genealogists. NSDAR genealogists typically require about 8 weeks for verification. The second phase is final approval by the NSDAR Board. They meet quarterly throughout the year.

Continue attending your prospective chapter’s meetings and Junior events. Step 5: When your paperwork is complete, and you have the associated proofs (census, birth/death/wedding records, etc.), your prospective chapter’s historian will sit down and fact check your application and proofs. Remember, each generation needs to have proof of

Step 7: You will receive a welcome letter in the mail once the Board has approved your membership.

DC State Juniors Leadership Chair Annie John Vice Chairs of Social/Outreach Carina May Kate Henvey Vice Chair of Outstanding Junior Rebecca Hough Vice Chair of Communications Ariel Batungbacal Vice Chair of Junior Sales Caitlyn MacAllister Vice Chair of Website VACANT

Interested in Paging? DC DAR Page Chair Vice Page Chair

Devon Siebert Leigh Maltby

dcdarpages@yahoo.com Public Relations Contact DC DAR’s Juniors via email: Juniors.DCDAR@gmail.com.

Facebook: DC DAR Juniors Facebook page: “DCDAR Juniors” DC DAR https://www.facebook.com/groups/DCDARJuniors State Regent’s Facebook page: “Dazzling Diamond Daughters” https://www.facebook.com/groups/195496670571984

To unsubscribe from DC DAR Juniors communications, please ask your chapter regent to remove your email. We use a .csv roster from the DC DAR eMembership directory.


May 2013

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