DC DAR Juniors Newsletter Feb 2013

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District of Columbia State Society - Organized November 30, 1901

The Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution

DC’s Junior Daughters Future leaders of the DAR and the nation. A Seasonal Newsletter

Issue 3 - February 2013

DC DAR State Conference - March 8 & 9th A l l

D a u g h t e r s

112th DC State Conference Friday, Mar 8 - Saturday, Mar 9th Doubletree by Hilton 8727 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD Silver Spring Metro

✥ Champagne ✥ & Chocolate Reception

Here is the form: http://www.dcdar.org/State_Conference/ Registration%20Form.pdf P a g e

P r o s p e c t i v e s

Next big Juniors event will be during State Conference!

Final Registration - Final Days!

S e e



Friday, 09 March from 9p - until f o r


f u l l

l i s t

Junior Feature ❦ Katie Weider ❦ Why I love my chapter: Through work I became involved with Veteran issues, and when I discovered that the Emily Nelson chapter has a dedicated mission to help Veterans and service members, I knew this chapter was for me. But what I really love about the Emily Nelson chapter and what ultimately made me Emily Nelson Chapter join this chapter was warm environment Member since October 2012 and friendly attitude of all the Emily Nelson members.

My Patriot:

Christopher Weinder came to America from Germany on the ship the Patience. My lineage to the Christopher is through all males, so we have the same last name, which was my favorite discovery in the application process! If you’d like to nominate a Junior for our Feature, please email us at juniors.dcdar@gmail.com. February 2013

a r e

i n v i t e d !

First EVER New Member Class will Graduate at this State Conference!! Graduation will take place Friday/08 Mar at around 8:45p--come out to cheer on the first ever class to graduate the New Member Course!! Contact Janet McFarland at jmcfarland@retrostpectpublishing.com for more information. o f

e v e n t s !

DC DAR Junior Stats * 21% of DC DAR members are juniors! * Of the 68 new DC DAR members, 38 are juniors (56%) * Chapters: *Most new juniors: CJW-KM, Descendants of '76 & Eleanor Wilson *Most juniors: Judge Lynn, CJW-KM & Ruth Brewster * 2012 National awards (for 2011 #s) *1st place for small chapters for Largest Total Contribution to Helen Pouch Memorial Fund, Junior Sales, New Juniors by Application, and Friends of Junior Membership * Manor House: Highest # of juniors (through application submissions) * 2012-2013 Junior Newsletter: *Since its September edition, we’ve had 338 online reads, 2,481 impressions while posted on www.issuu.com.












Dazzling Diamond Daughters of the DC DAR LAST DAYS TO REGISTER!!!

will gather for the 112th State Conference of the DC DAR on March 8th. Key Information: Registration form can be found here: http://www.dcdar.org/State_Conference/Registration%20Form.pdf Event information can be found here: http://www.dcdar.org/State_Conference/State%20Conference%20Information%20Sheet.pdf Dear District of Columbia Daughters: D.C.DAR State Regent Julia Rogers cordially invites you to attend the 112 th Annual State Conference of the District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution. During State Conference, Chapters and Committees will showcase their accomplishments & share in the presentation of awards to our DC Daughters for their outstanding service to God, Home and Country. It's easy to register. There is one registration form for the Conference Registration and all conference meals, one check and one stamp! Our 2013 State Conference will be conducted at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Wa s h i n g t o n , D C / S i l v e r Spring, 8727 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, Maryland. We look forward to seeing you at State Conference!

2013 D.C. DAR Conference Chairman Katrina Sarlin 2

REGISTER TODAY! Conference registration is $20, and all attendees must register. Guests who are only attending the Luncheon or the Banquet do not have to pay the registration fee. Complete the Meal Reservation and Registration Payment Form, and make your check payable to: State Treasurer, DC DAR. Mail your Form & your Check to: Adele Bowyer, 14600 Cambridge Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-7749 PAGES NEEDED All D.C.DAR Daughters and prospectives between the ages of 18 and 40 are invited to page at State Conference. These tireless ladies in white serve in a variety of capacities to ensure that State Conference proceedings run smoothly. Visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/ DCDARPagesGroup/ for more information about the Page Committee. Please contact the D.C.DAR Page Committee Chairman Devon Seibert at 201-739-0594 or DCDARPages@yahoo.com.



2 PM

7:45 AM

Continental Breakfast (Reservations required)

9 AM

Morning Business Session

11 AM

State Historian's Workshop


Lunch & Awards

2:30 PM

Afternoon Business Session

6 PM

State Regent's Gala Reception

7 PM

Banquet (Reservations required)

Memorial Service

3:30 PM Opening Business Session 6 PM

Cocktail Reception

7 PM

Dinner (Reservations Required)

8 PM

9 PM

Chapter Regents' Night New Member Graduation! Champagne Reception honoring Juniors

You are Invited! Juniors-Hosted

Champagne & Chocolate Reception 9 PM at the Doubletree in Silver Spring Daughters, Prospectives, & Guests Welcome! You CAN attend withOUT registering for State Conference! Any questions, please email juniors.dcdar@gmail.com.

February 2013













Sweethearts for Soldiers On Feb 7, 2013, the DC DAR Juniors hosted the First Annual Sweethearts for Soldiers event at George in Georgetown. We raised over $824 to donate to Project Patriot to be used for Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed!!! This sets a great baseline to raise even greater amounts for next year! Thank you all who supported.

Juniors Across D.C.!

Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth’s Swearing-in Ceremony

On January 3, 2013, the Daughters were invited to attend Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth’s swearing-in ceremony at the headquarters of the Disabled Veterans of America. Congresswoman Duckworth is also a Daughter through her father’s lineage. As soon as she saw us, she exclaimed, “Aww the Daughters are here!!” Our State Chaplain, Ms. Cathy Ball, gave the invocation at the ceremony. Congresswoman acknowledged the DAR in her speech, noting her pride and honor of carrying on the tradition of her father’s legacy.

New Member’s Tea

On January 13, 2013, the DC DAR new members hosted a tea at the Chapter House for the DC DAR Board of Management. We had more deliciously sinful desserts than we could have wished for (#soooogood) ! Welcome to all the DC DAR new members!!

Happy B’day to George Washington!

DC Junior, Ariel Batungbacal, presenting a DAR award at the Juniors at the GW Luncheon Georgetown University’s on Feb 18, 2013 Army ROTC ceremony February 2013














Junior Shoppe Always open! Top off your holiday shopping with a stop at the DC DAR Juniors Sales Shop! Take advantage of the many opportunities to get your DAR flair at upcoming DAR events. Also, you can check out our shop on our Facebook photo album. Contact our Vice Chairman of Junior Sales, Caitlyn McAllister at juniors.dcdar@gmail.com to make your personal purchases!

Junior Item of the Month: White gloves These are perfect if you are paging at State Conference! Universal size and made of nylon. They are $15 and we will make sure to have them available at the conference (just in case you forget yours).

DC DAR’s New Member Course and Degree Program http://dcdar.org/NewMembers/newmembers-2.html WHAT IS THE NEW MEMBERS’ COURSE? The New Members’ Course provides an opportunity for new members to learn more about DAR and how they can become active participates in DAR at all levels, chapter, state and national. This is accomplished through a series of on-line webinars, optional in person activities, and an independent project. All participants that complete the course curriculum will have the opportunity to take part in a special graduation ceremony at State Conference. ELIGIBILITY Any new DCDAR member within the last 2 years or prospective DCDAR member with her NSDAR application submitted is eligible to participate in the New Members’ Course. This also includes Daughters who have transferred into DCDAR from another state within the last two years. If you are not a “New Member,” but are interested in the course, contact the New Members’ Course Adviser. REGISTERING and GETTING INVOLVED All you need to do to register is to drop the New Members’ Course Adviser, Janet McFarland, an e-mail and come to one of the New Members’ Activities or start the New Members’ Course curriculum. On-Line Course Work – NSDAR Webinar jmcfarland@retrospectpublishing.com. REQUIRED: 4

All course graduates must complete the following Webinars. • DAR 101 • Generational Difference • Introduction to Continental Congress ELECTIVES: Required: Complete 3 Electives or attend 3 Activities/Tours (see below) or any combination. For a concentration in one area, complete at least 2 of the webinars in one area. DCDAR WORKBOOK All graduates are asked to complete the DCDAR Workbook modules. The workbook modules focus on topics not emphasized in the NSDAR Webinars. • Navigating NSDAR’s and DCDAR’s Members Only Websites – The Basics • Communications – NSDAR Magazine, forms and other important info from NSDAR & DCDAR SENIOR PROJECT Senior Projects can range from the very simple to the complex. The goal of the Senior Project is for you to explore and try something new within DAR, while contributing to and supporting the work of DAR and your chapter. All Senior Projects must be initiated and/or finished by graduation.

CHAPTER ACTIVITY Initiate a chapter program and/or activity like BINGO for the Veterans, sponsoring a DC child in one of the many student essay contests, initiate the process of awarding one of the many DAR medals or volunteer to serve as a chapter chairman for one of the many DAR committees that interest you and see how you can engage your chapter in the committee’s work. GRADUATION – STATE CONFERENCE March 8-9, 2013

Be the FIRST EVER graduation class! New members that complete the course will graduate at State Conference in a graduation ceremony on Friday evening. All graduates will receive free registration for State Conference unless they are a delegate or an alternate for State Conference.

Come support your Juniors who are graduating! February 2013













Upcoming Events Events highlighted include Junior-hosted events, DC State meetings, and New Member workshops. Unless noted, all members and prospectives are welcome to the events listed. Date




Feb 22


Final Registration for DC DAR Conference

Details: http://www.dcdar.org/State_Conference/ StateConference.htm

Feb 23


Membership Workshop **Request Juniors to meet/greet Prospectives**

Mar 8-9 Mar 8

All Day 9:00p



DC DAR State Conference DC DAR Juniors Champagne & Chocolate Reception Happy Hour Mixer with the Sons of the American Revolution “Juniors”

National Society Library; Members of the State Society are present to answer questions and assist with membership to the DC DAR. For more info, contact Ms. Jane Chick at Jane.Chick@gmail.com. See page 2 for more information. **Pages needed** Doubletree Hotel in Silver Spring; Guests welcome

Apr 6


Apr 20

9:30-3:30p State Historian’s Tour

May 9


Jun 22


Jun 26-30 Jun 29

All Day 12-1:45p

DC DAR Juniors Tea

Sidecar P.J. Clark’s; Invite to follow, event will be after state conference Mayflower Hotel (private dining room); $35pp with champagne, Invites will go out in March, RSVPs will be due by Apr 2 Contact State Historian Ki Treelike at Ki.Trelaine@gmail.com. Tour & lunch are $75. Stay tuned for a paperless post evite!

DC DAR Juniors Happy Hour at Occidental’s patio State Board of Management Meeting DC Chapter House; **Pages needed**; Attendance open to chapter regents and delegates, honored guests, state committee chairmen NSDAR Continental Congress Memorial Continental Hall; **Pages needed** NSDAR Juniors Luncheon JW Marriott Hotel; During Continental Congress

In 1938, the DC Juniors held tea-dances at the Mayflower Hotel... ...this spring, we will renew the tradition of hosting a tea at the Mayflower Hotel!

Juniors Sp"ng Tea Mayflower Hotel

Ap"l 6, 2-4pm

All members, prospectives, and guests are welcome! More information will be sent out in March For more information on Juniors-hosted events (highlighted in purple above), check out the DCDAR Juniors Facebook page. Additionally, you can email us at DCDAR.Juniors@gmail.com. Typically, we will both post the event on Facebook, as well as send an evite. To page, please email dcdarpages@yahoo.com February 2013










Becoming a Daughter





Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible to join the DAR. She must provide documentation for each statement of birth, marriage and death, and of the Revolutionary War service of her Patriot ancestor. www.dar.org/natsociety/pmd/ where you are in your Once she determines your Before you begin your prospective.cfm? research process. application has the necessary Step 4: process, it is helpful to information, she will have the As you continue to solidify understand that an Talk to your family to chapter officers sign off on Step 3: both which chapter you want application for membership determine leads in family lineage. Leads include both names of relatives, as well as any documentation to help you identify historical facts. Helpful facts include dates, birth/death/wedding locations, and relatives’ names. If your family member is a Daughter, acquire a copy of her application and national member number.

requires you to both provide proof of ancestral lineage to a Revolutionary Patriot, as well as a chapter you want to become a part of. We want you to stay connected: please join us at any of our chapter meetings or Junior / State events! For more info on the process, contact the DC DAR Membership Chair, Ms. Jane Chick-jane.chick@gmail.com .

Step 2: Identify your Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor.

Step 1:

Depending on which state you selected to join, the State Chairman of the Membership Committee will contact you to help you navigate the process. Keep in good contact with her, and be prepared to communicate

We recommend simultaneous action during Step 1: If you are interested in the DAR, fill out a Member Interest Form on the National DAR website: https://

Attend the monthly Prospective Member Workshops to assist you with your lineage paperwork. Attend Juniors events: Our Membership Chairman will put you in contact with the Juniors. Attend various chapter meetings to meet Daughters. Things to consider when choosing a chapter: when chapters meet, meeting location, types of events scheduled, and ultimately, where you feel the most comfortable! Many chapters are quite diverse in DAR and professional experiences. This diversity supports the livelihood of the DAR and its future. A quick reference on chapter meeting schedules, look on the chapter page: http://www.dcdar.org/ StateChapters.htm.

What is a Junior?

to become a member, and your lineage paperwork: check in with your prospective chapter’s historian. She will serve as your conduit to help finish your paperwork.

Continue attending your prospective chapter’s meetings and Junior events.

Step 5: When your paperwork is complete, and you have the associated proofs (census, birth/death/wedding records, etc.), your prospective chapter’s historian will sit down and fact check your application and proofs. Remember, each generation needs to have proof of linkage to the next generation.

your application. She will mail off your application, membership dues check to the NSDAR.

Step 6: Membership approval includes two phases: the first, verification by genealogists. NSDAR genealogists typically require about 8 weeks for verification. The second phase is final approval by the NSDAR Board. They meet quarterly throughout the year.

Step 7: You will receive a welcome letter in the mail once the Board has approved your membership. You will be formally inducted into your chapter!

DC State Juniors Leadership

A Junior Member is a DAR member age 18 through 35 years of Chair age (until her 36th birthday). Vice Chairs of Social/Outreach

Annie John Carina May Kate Henvey Rebecca Hough Ariel Batungbacal Caitlyn MacAllister

She holds full membership in the National Society, State Society, and her chapter, and when qualified, she may serve as an officer and chairman at all levels. Many DC Junior members join with their mothers, grandmothers, and aunts. Other Juniors will start the research for her family’s lineage online and at our national headquarters. DC Junior members are college students, career women, and stay-at-home moms. DCDAR chapters understand time and family constraints and are making many efforts to accommodate these young women. The DC State Society supports junior membership by encouraging active participation within all levels of the organization.

Vice Chair of Outstanding Junior Vice Chair of Communications Vice Chair of Junior Sales

To learn more about the DAR, below are helpful links:

Public Relations

Visit DC State Society Juniors and Pages

Contact DC DAR’s Juniors via email: Juniors.DCDAR@gmail.com.

Stay connected with other Juniors here and Pages in DC by joining the group here.

Interested in Paging? DC DAR Page Chair Vice Page Chair

Devon Siebert Leigh Maltby


Visit the DC State Society, NSDAR Stay connected the DC State Society here: www.dcdar.org.

Visit National Junior Membership DAR Page Stay up to date with the Juniors at the national level by joining the group here.

Visit NSDAR Webpage Public site: www.dar.org

Members Only: http://members.dar.org

Facebook: DC DAR Juniors Facebook page: “DCDAR Juniors” DC DAR State Regent’s Facebook page: “Dazzling Diamond Daughters”

Visit DC DAR’s Juniors Online Newsletter http://issuu.com/dcdarjuniors To unsubscribe from DC DAR Juniors communications, please ask your chapter regent to remove your email. We use a .csv roster from the DC DAR eMembership directory.


February 2013

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