WadzPay YBR 2023 Q3

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THEOVERVI EW Jul y New Bl og publ i shed on wor kl i f e bal ancef orWadzPayEmpl oyee. New vi deos publ i shed: Di ver si t y andI ncl usi on&WadzPayEmpl oyee Test i moni al s

Announcement of AMA ( Ask Me Anyt hi ng) schedul ef or t he New Mar ket sSer i es-MENA( Mi ddl eEast andNor t hAf r i ca) ,Af r i ca,andJAPA ( Japan, Asi a Paci fic & Aust r al i a) mar ket s.

August WadzPay' sGr oupCEOand Managi ngDi r ect or , Mr . Ani shJai n, r ecogni sedasoneoft heGl obal 200I nspi r at i onal Leader satWhi t e PageLeader shi pConcl ave2023.

AMA -New Mar ket s Ser i eswi t h Mr . Khal edMohar em, Pr esi dent–MENA.

Mr . Car l osWaf o, AVP-Sal es& Mar ketDevel opment ( Fr ancophoneAf r i ca) , at t ended t he1 stHi ghLevel Conf er enceon Bl ockchai nAssoci at i onof Camer oon.

NewI nscopear t i cl eont heemer gence of CBDCs ( Cent r al Bank Di gi t al Cur r enci es )i n Japan, APAC, and Aust r al i a wr i t t en by Ami t Mal i k, Pr esi dent–JAPA.

Yel l ow Bl ockRoad' sQ22023edi t i on hasbeenr el eased.

Sept ember WadzPay execut i ve l eader s, Mr . Ami tMal i k( Pr esi dent–JAPA)&Mr . Ni kunjAggar wal( Gr oup Head of Fi nance) , at t ended t he Gl obal Fi nt echFest i val i nMumbai , I ndi a. Announcement of a new AMA aboutWadzPayChai n( WPC)wi t h Mr . St as Mador ski , Seni or Vi ce Pr esi dent– Bl ockchai n St r at egy, f or9t hNovember2023.

Announcementon Temasek Racer s ( H2GP)maki ngi tt oGr andPr i xfinal s i nLasVegas. Vi deo Publ i shed Congr at ul at i ng Temasek Racer sr eachi ng final ei n LasVegas. ( Sponsor shi p) AnnouncementofAMA-NewMar ket s Ser i eswi t hMr . Ol i vi erDi penda, Seni or Vi cePr esi dent–Mar ketDevel opment Af r i ca.

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GHLI GHT PRODUCTHI KeyFeat ur es WadzPay' s i nnovat i ve appr oach t o l oyal t y pr ogr ams br i ngs abouta t r ansf or mat i on whi ch ensur es: ·Loyal t ypoi nt sf r om dier entcompani esand br andscanbei dent i fiedasdier entt ok enson l oyal t ymanagementbl ock chai n. ·T ok ensassi gned t o a br and orcompanyar e i nt er changeabl easpert heagr eed exchange r at es.Thi smak esr edempt i onoper at i onmuch si mpl er . Thi s i nt egr at ed l oyal t y net wor k r emovest het r ansact i onal f r i ct i onbet weent he var i oussi l oeds yst ems.

LOYALTYTOKENI ZATI ON T r adi t i onal l oyal t y pr ogr ams have t hei r own l i mi t at i onssuchasl ow cust omerengagement ,l ow r edempt i onr at es, t i medel aysf orpoi ntupdat esand hi ght r ansact i oncost s.Al lt hesef act or sevent ual l y r esul ti nl ow cl i entr et ent i on,andt her ebymaki ng t r adi t i onal l oyal t y pr ogr ams l ess at t r act i ve. However ,i fyouar eseeki ngawayt oengageyour cust omer si namor ei nnovat i vemanner , WadzPayi s t her i ghtpar t nerf oryou. Loyal t y pr ogr ams have hi st or i cal l yf aced sever al chal l enges t hat have hi nder ed t hei r st r at egi c i mpor t anceand over al lappeal .Of t en,r edempt i on opt i onsar enotemphasi zedal ongwi t hexpi r at i onof uncl ai med poi nt s maki ng i t di cul tf or t he consumer . Even, wi t hi n or gani zat i on, l oyal t y pr ogr ams ar e vi ewed as cost s r at her t han i nvest ment s.Uncl ai medr ewar dsar eaccount edf or asl i abi l i t i eson company bal ance sheet s,f ur t her under scor i ngt hel ackoff ocusont hei rpot ent i al . Whati smi ssi ng i nt heset r adi t i onalpr ogr amsar e i nt er oper abi l i t y ,qui ckandeas yr edempt i onwi t hno expi r ydat e,andt heabi l i t yf orcust omer st ot r ade poi nt sand/ orcol l ect i vel yusepoi nt shel dbyf ami l y member s.Based on r esear ch,cust omer s desi r e f ungi bi l i t y bet ween l oyal t y pr ogr ams, and addr essi ng t hese i ssues i s essent i alf orl oyal t y pr ogr ams t or each t hei rf ul lpot ent i aland meet cust omerexpect at i ons. Swi t cht oWadzPay’ sLoyal t yT ok eni zat i onsol ut i ons t o enhance cust omer exper i ence. Loyal t y t ok eni zat i on enabl es or gani sat i ons t or un t hei r l oyal t y pr ogr ams on bl ock chai n and l ever age f eat ur esl i k esmar tcont r act sanddi st r i but edl edger

·The WadzPay Loyal t y pl at f or m cal cul at es, updat es,and r edeems t he t ok ens.I t uses aut onomoussmar tcont r act st o: ·Cal cul at et ok ensf ort r ansact i onsi nr eal t i me ·Redeem t ok ens ·Conver tt ok ensbet weent hebr ands ·Updat e and mai nt ai n cust omer ’ st ok en bal ance. KeyBenefit s I mpl ement i ngabl ock chai nbasedl oyal t ypr ogr am o er samul t i t udeofbusi nessbenefit s: ·Si gni ficant l yr educei nher entr i sksassoci at ed wi t ht r adi t i onall oyal t ypr ogr amsbypr ovi di ng r obust secur i t y f eat ur es. Bl ock chai n t echnol ogy al l ows mul t i pl e or gani zat i ons t o j oi nt hepr ogr am ont hei rownt er ms,f ost er i ng e ect i vemonet i zat i on. ·Bl ock chai nt echnol ogyenabl esi nst ant aneous ear ni ng,st or i ng,t r ansf er r i ng,andr edeemi ng ofl oyal t yt ok ens,l eadi ng t oar educt i on i n l i abi l i t yandmor ee ect i veut i l i zat i onofpoi nt s. Thi s,i nt ur n,l eads t oi ncr eased cust omer engagement t hr ough per sonal i zat i on, as bl ock chai n anal yt i cs can pr ovi de val uabl e i nsi ght si nt ocust omerbehavi our , pr ef er ences, andspendi ngpat t er ns. · Bl ock chai n t echnol ogy' s i mmut abi l i t y and t i mest amped di st r i but ed l edger s yst em maki ng i texcept i onal l y di cul tt o hack.Al l l oyal t y poi nt s ar et ok eni zed, gi vi ng t hem uni que,t r aceabl ei dent i t i est hatar er esi st ant t o count er f ei t i ng. Thi s pr event s doubl e spendi ng, f r aud, and ot her t ypes of t r ansact i onmani pul at i on.

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GHLI GHT PRODUCTHI WhyChooseWadzPay ·Seaml essI nt egr at i on Seaml ess I nt egr at i on i s at t he hear t of WadzPay' scommi t mentt omaki ngt het r ansi t i on t ot hei rbl ock chai nbased l oyal t y pl at f or m as e or t l ess as possi bl et hr ough a smoot h and e ci enti nt egr at i onpr ocess. ·Exper t i sei nBl ockchai nTechnol ogy Usi ng i t s deep bl ock chai n t echnol ogy exper t i se, WadzPay o er s a r evol ut i onar y appr oach t o l oyal t y pr ogr ams, o er i ng busi nesses t he oppor t uni t y t o enhance cust omer engagement ,r educe cost s, and i ncr easespeed. ·Tr ueCust omerDel i ght

I n summar y ,bl ock chai n can ser ve as a ' si l ver bul l et ' f orl oyal t ypr ogr ams.I thast hepot ent i alt o connecta di sconnect ed wor l d,oper at ewi t hout i nt er medi ar i es,r educe cost s,el i mi nat ef r i ct i on, andpr ovi deamor esecur eenvi r onmentf orl oyal t y r ewar ds ’ ear ni ng, cr edi t i ngandr edempt i on. Fi tForDi ver seBusi nessesandI ndust r i es WadzPay i s a si gni ficant change f or l oyal t y pr ogr ams;i ti saver sat i l esol ut i ont hatst andst o benefit a di ver se ar r ay of i ndust r i es and pr of essi onal si ncl udi ngbutnotl i mi t edt oAi r l i nes, Hot el s,Ret ai l ,ECommer ce,Car Rent al s.Our sol ut i on can be t ai l or ed t o cat er t o di ver se r equi r ement ssuchas: ·Commont ok enf orbr andsacr ossdier entl egal ent i t i eswi t hi nal ar gebusi nesscongl omer at e ·Common t ok en acr ossr et ai l er swi t hi n al ar ge shoppi ngmal l ·Combi nedpr ogr am byagr oupofAi r l i nes, Hot el s, Carr ent al s, Fashi on/Li f est yl est or es ·Cobr anded Loyal t y Pr ogr am - Two ormor e br andscomet oget herandcompl ementl oyal t y pr ogr amsofeachot her

By embr aci ng WadzPay' s i nnovat i ve and secur el oyal t yt ok eni zat i onsol ut i ons, busi nesses can t r ul y enhance cust omerengagementand r et ent i on.Thi s pr opel st hem t o new hei ght s, al l owi ngt hem t ost ayatt hef or ef r ontoft hei r i ndust r y ,del i ght i ng cust omer s and achi evi ng exponent i al busi nessgr owt h.

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WADZPAYEVENTS ANI SHJAI NAWARDEDTHEGLOBAL200I NSPI RATI ONALLEADERS ATWHI TEPAGELEADERSHI PCONCLAVE2023 Upon r ecei vi ng t hi s pr est i gi ous awar d, our FounderandGr oupCEO conveyedhi sgr at i t ude, st at i ng," Iwoul dl i k et ot ak et hi soppor t uni t yt o expr ess my si ncer et hanks and appr eci at i on. Recei vi ng t hi s est eemed awar d has been an i ncr edi bl e honor and a genui nel y humbl i ng exper i ence.Whi l e Icoul dn' tat t end t he eventi n per son,Iensur ed t hatmycol l eagues,i ncl udi ng Khal ed,Pr esi dentMENA ( Mi ddl e Eastand Nor t h Af r i ca) Regi on, and Ashi sh, Gl obal Cust omer Del i ver y , r ecei vedt heawar donmybehal f . "

Wear et hr i l l edt oannouncet hatourFounderand Gr oup CEO has been honor ed by Whi t e Page I nt er nat i onalast heGl obalI nspi r at i onalLeaderof 2023. The o ci al announcement of t hi s pr est i gi ousr ecogni t i ont ookpl acei nAugust ,wi t h t heAwar dsGal ahel datt heest eemedDusi tThani , Dubaiont he7t hofSept ember ,wher et heawar d wasr ecei vedonhi sbehal f . The gal a eventwas gr aced byt he pr esence of di st i ngui shed di gni t ar i es,i ncl udi ng member s of t heRoyalf ami l i esofnei ghbor i ng count r i es,and Gl obal Power Leader s i n Mar k et i ng and Communi cat i ons,Human Resour ces,Fi nance & T echnol ogy , under t he Power f ul & Ri si ng cat egor i es. Amongt heest eemedVI Psi nat t endancewer eHi s Hi ghness Shei kh YousefA. S. N.AlSabah f r om Kuwai t ,amemberoft heRul i ngRoyalFami l y ,Hi s Hi ghness Shei kh Mohammad Al Sabah f r om Kuwai t ,who al so owns mul t i pl e compani es,Hi s Excel l encyYaqoobAlAl if r om Dubai ,amemberof t he RoyalFami l y ,and Hi s Excel l ency Bal vi nder Sahni( AbuSabah) ,t heowneroft heRSGGr oupof Compani esf r om t heUAE( Uni t edAr abEmi r at es ) , al ongwi t h sever alot herr espect edambassador s t ot heUAEf r om Cent r al Asi ancount r i es. Whi t ePageI nt er nat i onalal sobest owedt hehonor ofanI coni candGl obalI nspi r at i onalLeadert oH. H. Shei khYousefA. S. N. Al Sabah.

He f ur t her emphasi zed t he commi t ment of WadzPayt opr ovi di ngqual i t y ,dr i vi ngchange,and maki ngasi gni ficanti mpactont hedi gi t al cur r ency i ndust r y .He hi ghl i ght ed t hat t hi sr ecogni t i on ser ves as a const antr emi ndert hatr emar kabl e achi evement sar et he r esul toft eamwor kand a shar edmi ssi on.Heexpr essedhi sappr eci at i onf or t he suppor t r ecei ved and emphasi zed t he i mpor t anceofcont i nui ngt owor kt oget hert omak e aposi t i vechangei nt hewor l d.

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WADZPAYEVENTS THE1STHI GH LEVELCONFERENCE ONBLOCKCHAI NASSOCI ATI ON OFCAMEROON 6.Regul at or ySuppor tf orDi gi t alAsset s:Ther e wasacal lf ordi gi t alassetser vi cepr ovi der st o appl yf ort her ecentdi gi t al asset sl i censesi ssued byt her egul at or( Cosumaf ) . 7 .Cent r alBank Di gi t alCur r ency ( CBDC) :The conf er ence suggest ed t hatt he Cent r alBank ( BEAC)shoul dconsi deri ssui ngi t sownCent r al Bank Di gi t alCur r ency ( CBDC) ,f ol l owi ng t he exampl eofnei ghbor i ngcount r i esl i k eNi ger i a. Mr . Car l os Waf o, AVP - Sal es & Mar k et Devel opment( Fr ancophone Af r i ca)atWadzPay , par t i ci pat edi nt hei naugur alConf er encehost ed byt heBl ock chai nAssoci at i onofCamer oonwhi ch was at t ended by seni or del egat es f r om t he banki ngandbl ock chai ni ndust r y.Theeventt ook pl acei nDoual a, Camer oon, onAugust2, 2023.

These t ak eaways hi ghl i ght t he conf er ence' s emphasi s on t he pot ent i al of bl ock chai n t echnol ogy ,par t i cul ar l yi nt hefinanci alsect or ,and t he i mpor t ance ofcol l abor at i on and r egul at or y suppor tf ori t ssuccessf ul i mpl ement at i on.

Her ear et hek eyt ak eawaysf r om t heConf er ence: 1 . Tokeni zat i on i s seen as t he f ut ur e of i nvest ment : The conf er ence emphasi zed Camer oon shoul d expl or et he pot ent i alof t ok eni zat i on t o finance i t s i nf r ast r uct ur e pr oj ect s.


2.Focuson PaymentSyst ems:Bl ock chai n was advocat ed as a payment s yst em wi t h an associ at edcur r ency . 3. Col l abor at i ve Economy: Bl ock chai n was hi ghl i ght ed as a t echnol ogy t hat enabl es a col l abor at i veandpar t i ci pat or yeconomyt hr ough i t speer t opeerf unct i onal i t y . 4.Pr omot i on of Bl ockchai ni n Banki ng:The conf er ence st r essed t he need t o pr omot e successf ulexper i encesofbl ock chai n adopt i on i nt he banki ng sect or , ci t i ng exampl es l i k e WadzPay' s pr i vat e bl ock chai n sol ut i on f or pi l gr i mst r avel i ngt oSaudi Ar abi a. 5.Par t ner shi pswi t hBl ockchai nBasedPayment Pr ovi der s: Encour agi ng col l abor at i on wi t h bl ock chai nbased payment t echnol ogy pr ovi der s, t o f aci l i t at e seaml ess i nt egr at i on bet weencor ebanki ngs yst emsandbl ock chai n pl at f or ms.

Fr om Sept ember5t ht o7t h,2023,Mr .Ami tMal i k ( Pr esi dent–Japan, Asi aPaci fic&Aust r al i a)andMr . Ni kunjAggar wal( Gr oup Head & Gl obalHead of Fi nance) , par t i ci pat ed i n t he Gl obal Fi nt ech Fest i val hel datJi oWor l di nMumbai , I ndi a. Dur i ngt heevent ,t heydi l i gent l ywor k edt owar ds st r engt heni ngexi st i ngr el at i onshi ps,est abl i shi ng new connect i ons,and engagi ng i ni nsi ght f ul di scussi onswi t hf el l ow Fi nt ech l eadi ng pl ayer s, banks, andfinanci al i nst i t ut i ons. Thei re or t swer e gear ed t owar dsenhanci ng ourpr esence i nt he fint ech i ndust r y , wi t h a f ocus on f ost er i ng r esi l i ence, i ncl usi vi t y , andsust ai nabi l i t ywi t hi nt hi s dynami csect oratt heGl obal Fi nt echFest i val .

TheYel l owBl ockRoadQ3

HI REHI GHLI GHT NEW HI RES Joi nusi nwel comi ngt henewestmember soft heWadzPayf ami l y. Taket heoppor t uni t yt ogetbet t eracquai nt edwi t hourr ecenthi r es.

Mr .Pr akash Assudanij oi ned WadzPay on 4t h Sept ember 2023. He br i ngs t o WadzPay an ext ensi ve and di st i ngui shed back gr ound i n mar k et i ng, spanni ng over 1 9 year s. Hi sr i ch exper i encei nt hemar k et i ngdomai n, par t i cul ar l yi n B2B mar k et i ng, br and management , communi cat i on,di gi t almar k et i ng,and t hought l eader shi p,mak eshi m aval uabl eaddi t i ont oour l eader shi pt eam. I n hi s pr evi ous r ol e atCar r i erCor por at i on,Mr . Assudani pl ayed an i nst r ument al r ol e i n est abl i shi ngCar r i erasal eaderi nsust ai nabl eand ener gye ci ent sol ut i ons. Hi s exper t i se i n st r at egi c mar k et i ng,coupl ed wi t h hi s abi l i t yt o dr i vebr andgr owt handcust omerengagement ,i s al i gnedwi t hWadzPay' svi si onandval ues.

Pr akashAssudani Vi cePr esi dent–Mar ket i ng&Communi cat i on

As Vi ce Pr esi dent of Mar k et i ng and Communi cat i ons,Mr .Assudaniwi l lover see t he devel opmentofourbr and and communi cat i on st r at egy , di gi t al mar k et i ng act i vi t i es, and communi cat i on pl ans.Hi sst r at egi cacumen and passi on f or nur t ur i ng br ands wi l lundoubt edl y cont r i but et oWadzPay' scont i nuedsuccess.

Mr .Mal l al ahhas1 3+year sofexper i encei nt heI T i ndust r ywi t ht echnol ogi esl i k eJava,React ,SQL, Azur ecl oudandAWS.Pr i ort oj oi ni ngWadzPay ,he haswor k edwi t hJaci nt haT echni calSol ut i onPvt . Lt d. AndI SPT. He has exper t i se i n di r ect i ng sof t war e devel opment act i vi t i es f or busi ness pr ocess mappi ngoft hecl i entandi dent i f yi ngappr opr i at e devel opment met hodol ogy . He has hands on exper i ence i n devel opi ng, i mpl ement i ng, and pr ovi di ng suppor t f or busi ness appl i cat i on sof t war ef or cl i ent s, as wel l as t r ansf or mi ng f unct i onal r equi r ement si nt ot echni cal sol ut i ons.

Bar pat i Mal l al ah Sol ut i onAr chi t ect

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HI REHI GHLI GHT Mr .Kumarhas over5 year s 'exper i ence as an accountexecut i ve i nt he fiel d ofAccount i ng & T axat i on. He i s wel l ver sed i n dayt oday account i ng,audi t i ng,GST,I ncomeT ax,TDS,BRS, MI SRepor t ,BooksFi nal i zat i on& Mont h/ Yearend cl osi ng.Pr i ort oj oi ni ngWadzPay ,hehaswor k ed wi t h T r adenfil l and Angel I ndi a. He hol ds a Bachel or ’ s degr ee i n Commer ce f r om Del hi Uni ver si t y ,and i s cur r ent l y pur sui ng mast er ' s degr ee.

Sumi tKumar Seni orExecut i ve–Fi nance&Account s

NEWLYPROMOTED I nt hi ssegment , weshi neaspot l i ghtonourval uabl eempl oyeewhohasr ecent l year ned awel l deser vedpr omot i on. Wecel ebr at ehi sunwaver i ngdedi cat i on, except i onal ski l l s, andsi gni ficantcont r i but i onst oWadzPay. Mr .Ashi shKanungo,whohasbeenwi t hWadzPay si nceFebr uar y2022asVi cePr esi dent-Cust omer Del i ver y ,hasachi evedawel l deser vedpr omot i on. Asoft heendofAugust2023,henow hol dst he posi t i onofSeni orVi cePr esi dent-Gl obal Cust omer Del i ver y . Boast i ng an i mpr essi vecar eerspanni ng over22 year s i n t he I T i ndust r y , Ashi sh Kanungo speci al i ses i nt he financi alser vi ces sect or .Hi s exper t i se pr i mar i l yl i es i n ser vi ng as a del i ver y l eaderandsubj ectmat t erexper ti npayment sand car ds.

Ashi shKanungo Seni orVi cePr esi dent–Gl obal Cust omerDel i ver y

Pr evi ousl y , hepl ayedpi vot al r ol essuchasDel i ver y Head and Sol ut i on Consul t ant at a pr omi nent cr edi t and debi t car d pr ocessor .I n t hese capaci t i es, Mr . Kanungo pr ovi ded i nval uabl e l eader shi p i n del i ver y management , sol ut i on desi gn,devel opment ,anddepl oymentf orCr edi t , Debi t ,and Pr epai d EMV car ds on Vi si onPLUS, ext endi ng hi sser vi cest o mul t i pl ecl i ent si nt he Mi ddl eEastr egi on. Mr . Kanungo' sr emar kabl e car eer di spl ays hi s pr owess i n cl i ent col l abor at i on, pr ofit abi l i t y i mpr ovement ,cost savi ngi ni t i at i ves,anddemand management , al l of whi ch under scor e hi s i nval uabl econt r i but i onst oWadzPay .

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Par t ner shi psi n MENA l ai dt he gr oundwor kf or t hei rEur opeanexpansi on. ·Respect Thr ough Regul at i on: WadzPay' s commi t ment t o r egul at or y compl i ance has ear ned us r espectand t r usti nt he i ndust r y . Si gned agr eement s wai t i ng t o go l i ve once r egul at i onsar ei npl aceshowcaseourdedi cat i on t oet hi cal pr act i ces.

I nt heever evol vi ngwor l d ofdi gi t alfinanceand bl ock chai nt echnol ogy , WadzPayhasemer gedasa pr omi nentpl ayer .Thej our neyi nt heMi ddl eEast andAf r i ca( MENA)r egi oni smar k edbypi oneer i ng par t ner shi ps, r egul at or y excel l ence, and a si gni ficant i mpact on t he di gi t al payment l andscape. Whatar et heact i onpoi nt sf orWadzPayi nt he MENAmar ket ?

·Cont i nued I nnovat i on and Hi ghI mpact Pr oj ect s:WadzPay' sj our neydoesn' tst opher e. I nMENA, wehavet wogamechangi ngpr ogr ams i nt hepi pel i ne,demonst r at i ngt hei rcommi t ment t oi nnovat i on and col l abor at i on wi t hi ndust r y l eader s.

Wi thOl i vi erDi pendaAf r i caRegi on

·Pi oneer i ng Par t ner shi ps i n MENA:WadzPay hascement edi t spr esencei nt heMi ddl eEastby f or gi ng st r at egi c agr eement s wi t h maj or r et ai l er sandacqui r er s. Thesepar t ner shi pshave posi t i onedWadzPayasaf or mi dabl ef or cei nt he r api dl yevol vi ngdi gi t alfinancear ena.Ourf ocus oncr eat i ngaseaml essdi gi t alecos yst em wi t h f eat ur es l i k ei nst antr ef undsf ordi gi t alasset pur chasesset st hem apar t . ·Navi gat i ng Regul at or y Chal l enges:I n MENA, r egul at or ycompl i ancei saf or mi dabl echal l enge. However , WadzPay has demonst r at ed except i onal dedi cat i ont oadher i ngt or egul at or y r equi r ement s.We have r ecei ved pr el i mi nar y appr oval s, mar ki ngasi gni ficantmi l est onei nour j our ney .Ourmet i cul ouse or t si n ant i money l aunder i ng,sanct i ons scr eeni ng,compl i ance, andt r ansact i on moni t or i nghaver esul t edi na hi ghl yr egul at edecos yst em. ·Gl obal Expansi on i nt o Eur ope: WadzPay' s ambi t i onsext endbeyondMENAaswepr epar e t oopenar egi onal o cei nEur ope. Thankst ot he Mar k et si nCr ypt oAsset s( MI CA)r egul at i ons, we ar e poi sed f orexpansi on.Ourcommi t mentt o t hi sendeavori sevi dentwi t ht heappoi nt mentof adedi cat edl awyerandboar dappr oval .

WadzPay' s Rol ei n Af r i can Di gi t alPayment Evol ut i on: WadzPayr ecogni zesAf r i ca' si mmensepot ent i al andi sact i vel ypur sui ngl i censi ngandr egul at or y compl i ancei nmar k et sl i k eSout hAf r i caandt he Cent r al Af r i can r egi on. We ar e f or gi ng par t ner shi ps wi t h financi al i nst i t ut i ons and engagi ngi nt ok eni zat i onpr oj ect sl i k eFI GAi nt he Republ i c ofCongo.Ourover ar chi ng goali st o democr at i zeaccesst odi gi t alpayment sacr oss t hecont i nent . Fact or s Dr i vi ng Di gi t alPaymentAdopt i on i n Af r i ca: I nAf r i ca, di gi t al paymentadopt i oni ssur gi ngdue t osever al f act or s:

TheYel l owBl ockRoadQ3

AMARECAP 1 .I nflat i on Rat es:Hi gh i nflat i on r at es have l ed Af r i canst oseekal t er nat i vesl i k edi gi t al asset s t osaf eguar dt hei rsavi ngs.

I nt heCent r al Af r i canr egi on, wear eal soexpl or i ng l i censi ng oppor t uni t i es under t he COSUMAF f r amewor k.

2. Regul at or y Devel opment s: Favor abl e r egul at or ychanges, suchasl i censi ngr egi mes andCBDCpr ogr ams, i nst i l l confidencei ndi gi t al payment s.

·Par t ner shi psandt echnol ogyi nt egr at i on We ar e act i vel y engagi ng wi t h financi al i nst i t ut i ons,i ncl udi ng banks,t oi nt egr at e our di gi t al payment sol ut i ons i nt ot he exi st i ng financi al ecos yst em. By par t ner i ng wi t h est abl i shedent i t i es, weai mt opr ovi deseaml ess accesst odi gi t alpayment sf orbot hi ndi vi dual s andbusi nesses.

3. I nvest ment Oppor t uni t i es: Af r i cans ar e i ncr easi ngl y i nvest i ng i n di gi t al asset s, cont r i but i ngt ot hesect or ' sgr owt h. Whatar et heact i on poi nt sf orWadzPayi nt he Af r i canmar ket ? ·Leadi ngt heChar ge:Sout hAf r i ca Sout h Af r i ca has emer ged as a l eader i n est abl i shi ng ar egul at or yf r amewor kf ordi gi t al payment s. The Fi nanci al Ser vi ces Conduct Aut hor i t y has set t he st age f ora f avor abl e r egul at or y l andscape. Thi s has pr ovi ded a si gni ficant l evel of confidence f or bot h busi nessesandconsumer si nt hecount r y . ·BeyondSout hAf r i ca Whi l e Sout h Af r i ca t ak es t he l ead i n r egul at or y advancement s,Ni ger i ar emai nst he l eadi ngdi gi t alasseteconomyi nAf r i cai nt er ms ofadopt i on.Ot hercount r i es,l i k e Kenya and Ghana,ar eal sowi t nessi ngsi gni ficantgr owt hi n di gi t alpaymentadopt i on.Theover al lout l ookf or di gi t alpaymentadopt i oni nAf r i cai spr omi si ng, wi t h manycount r i esexpl or i ngt hepot ent i alof di gi t al cur r enci esandbl ock chai nt echnol ogy . ·WadzPay’ s Rol ei n Af r i ca' s Di gi t alPayment Evol ut i on As WadzPay , we have r ecogni zed t he i mmense pot ent i al of t he Af r i can di gi t al payment s mar k et . We under st and t hat a compr ehensi ve appr oach i s necessar y t o addr esst heuni quechal l engesandoppor t uni t i es i neachAf r i cancount r y . ·Li censi ngandr egul at or ycompl i ance I n some mar k et s,we ar e act i vel y pur sui ng l i censi ngt ooper at easadi gi t alpaymentser vi ce pr ovi der .Forexampl e,i n Sout h Af r i ca,we ar e appl yi ng f orl i censes i n compl i ance wi t ht he r egul at or y f r amewor k set by t he Fi nanci al Ser vi cesConductAut hor i t y .

·Tokeni zat i onPr oj ect s WadzPay i s exci t ed t o wor k on t ok eni zat i on pr oj ect sl i k eFI GAi nt heRepubl i cofCongo. Thi s pr oj ectai ms t ot ok eni ze mi ner alasset s and democr at i ze access t o i nvest ment oppor t uni t i es. By l ever agi ng bl ock chai n t echnol ogy , wecancr eat easecur eande ci ent pl at f or mf ori ndi vi dual sandSMEst oi nvesti n asset st hatwer epr evi ousl yi naccessi bl e. ·Democr at i zi ngAccesst oDi gi t al Payment s Our over ar chi ng goal i s t o democr at i ze accesst o di gi t alpayment s acr ossAf r i ca.We envi si on a f ut ur e wher e ever y Af r i can has accesst oe ci entandsecur edi gi t alpayment sol ut i ons.Whet her i t ' s sendi ng r emi t t ances, maki ng cr oss bor dert r ansact i ons,or si mpl y managi ng dayt oday finances, di gi t al payment sshoul dbeaccessi bl et oal l . ·TheRoadAheadf orWadzPay Af r i ca' s di gi t alpayment r evol ut i on i si nf ul l s wi ng,andwear ecommi t t edt obei ng att he f or ef r ontoft hi st r ansf or mat i on. Aswenavi gat e t he evol vi ng r egul at or yl andscape and f or ge par t ner shi ps acr oss t he cont i nent , we ar e confidentt hatdi gi t alpayment swi l lcont i nuet o empowerAf r i cansanddr i veeconomi cgr owt h. I n concl usi on,WadzPay' sj our ney i n MENA and Af r i ca i s mar k ed by pi oneer i ng par t ner shi ps, r egul at or y excel l ence, and a commi t ment t o dr i vi ng di gi t alpaymentadopt i on.Aswe expand gl obal l y , wehavesetahi ghst andar df ori nnovat i on and compl i ance, cont r i but i ng t o t he t r ansf or mat i vedi gi t alpaymentl andscapei nt hese r egi ons.Af r i ca' sdi gi t alpaymentr evol ut i oni sal so flour i shi ng, dr i ven by f act or s l i k e i nflat i on, r egul at or y devel opment s, and i nvest ment oppor t uni t i es,wi t hWadzPaypl ayi ngapi vot alr ol e i nt hi sevol ut i on.

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EndNot e Ourf ocusf ort hel astquar t erandupcomi ngoner emai nsonst r at egi c expansi on,st r engt heni ngpar t ner shi ps,andcont i nuousi nnovat i on.By col l abor at i ngwi t hkeyfinanci ali nst i t ut i ons,mer chant s,andpayment ser vi cepr ovi der s,weai mt obr oadenourr eachandcat ert odi ver se cust omerneeds. Ourcommi t mentt or esear chanddevel opmentwi l ldr i veust oexpl or e emer gi ng t echnol ogi es l i ke bl ockchai n,ar t i fici ali nt el l i gence,and machi nel ear ni ng,ensur i ngt hatourpaymenti nf r ast r uct ur er emai ns secur e,f ast ,ande ci ent .Userexper i encei spar amount ,andwewi l l keep r efini ng ourpr oduct s based on cust omerf eedback,maki ng payment shassl ef r ee. Adher i ngt or egul at or yst andar dsandmai nt ai ni ngt r anspar encyi svi t al , andwewi l lact i vel ycol l abor at ewi t hr egul at or ybodi es.Expandi ngour mer chant net wor k acr oss var i ous i ndust r i es wi l lf ur t her sol i di f y WadzPayast hepr ef er r edpaymentsol ut i on. I nt heupcomi ngquar t erQ4,l etuscont i nuet opushboundar i es,set new benchmar ks,and r evol ut i oni ze t r ansact i onsi nt he Japan,Asi a Paci fic,and Aust r al i a mar ket s.Wi t h yourcol l ect i ve e or t s and our dedi cat edt eam,WadzPay' sj our neyi nt hi sr egi onpr omi sesr emar kabl e gr owt handaccompl i shment s. Thankyouf orbei ngpar tofoursuccess, andher ei sanexci t i ngupdat e.



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