Yellow Block Road - Q1

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nts e em v e chi A s y’ a P adz W of y e n r u o AJ


JANUARY •Technol ogyMi l est one:XDC Net wor kandBSCBr i dgel aunch •Moment svi deocampai gnl aunch •Top1 0MostPr omi si ngPayment& Mer chantSer vi cePr ovi der sAwar d wi n( Si l i conI ndi a) •RevampedBi t r uest aki ng •WadzPayxFr ont er aPar t ner shi p conf i r med •Whi t epaperv2. 0r el ease

•Ledger Fi St r at egi cPar t ner shi p conf i r med •Si gnedupcomi ngpr oj ecti n Canada •WadzPayexpandst oBahr ai n •I ndi aSer vi ceDel i ver yCent r e l aunch •YahooNewsandCoi nTel egr aph cover age •I nt er vi ewbyCr ypt oEr i on YouTube

MARCH •Technol ogyMi l est one:6 eCommer cei nt egr at i ons compl et ed •Technol ogyMi l est one: API sf or Mer chantPOS •Technol ogyMi l est one: Andr oi dbasedPOSf orDynami c QRCodeGener at i on •WadzPayWomen’ sDay Campai gn: Tackl i ngGender I nequal i t yi nt heWor kpl ace •Par t ner shi pwi t hDaf abet expandst ot wonewmar ket si n Sout hAsi a

•WadzPayPr essRoom i n Devel opment •Coi nTel egr aphcover age •D’ CENTWal l etAddsXDC Net wor kandBSCsuppor tf or WadzPay •Bi t GoaddsWadzPayt oi t s cust ody, t r adi ng, andfinance pl at f or m •SDCupdat e:Hi ghestnumberof i ncomi ngenqui r i esr ecei ved

FEBRUARY •Technol ogyMi l est one:Ext er nal wal l etdi gi t al assett r ansf er s exper i enceopt i mi sedont he WadzPayApp •Technol ogyMi l est one: WadzPaynat i vet oken i nt egr at i onwi t hWadzPayApp •NewGl obal Headquar t er s: Si ngapor eOfficel aunch •NewLegal Ent i t ySet upi n I ndonesi a


Seni orManager–Engi neer i ng Over23year sofext ensi veexper i encewi t hi nt heI Ti ndust r y, andaspeci al i zat i oni nSof t war eEngi neer i ng. I nvol vedi nsof t war eenhancementf orcl i ent si ncl udi ngBr i t i shAi r waysi n1 998, al ongsi det hever yfir stecommer ceappl i cat i onscr eat edf orJapanesehousewi ves. 1 0. 5year s’ exper i enceasaSof t war eDevel opmentSubj ect Mat t er Exper tf ort heGover nmentofI ndi aandai ded t heMi ni st r yofCor por at eAffai r s, Di r ect orGener al ofCi vi l Avi at i on, Depar t mentofI ndust r i al Pol i cyandPr omot i onsandt heMi ni st r yofEl ect r oni csandTel ecommuni cat i ons.

SyedMohammadAr shad Vi cePr esi dent–Oper at i ons&Cust omerSer vi ces Over1 8year sofI Tser vi cemanagementexper i encei nl eadi ngor gani sat i onsacr ossvar i ousdomai nsi ncl udi ngt echnol ogy, phar maceut i cal s, andr eal est at e, wher ehebecomeanexper ti nser vi cei nt r oduct i onandchangemanagement , i ncl udi ngt hesuccessf ul i mpl ement at i onofmul t i pl e 24/7suppor tt eams.

Kel vi nLee Pr esi dent–Asi aPaci fic Over28year sofexecut i vel eader shi pexper i encewi t hcompani esi ncl udi ngVi saI nc, Mast er car d, FI SandRi ppl eLabs. Champi onedt headopt i onofr eal t i mepayment sacr ossmanynat i onal domest i cpr ocessor si nAsi aandr ecogni sedasapat enthol derf ort wofinanci al i nnovat i onsi nconsumerandcor por at epayment s.

Par agPati l Seni orVi cePr esi dent&Gl obal Head–HumanResour ces Over25year s’ exper i encei nHumanResour cesacr ossgeogr aphi esi ncl udi ngI ndi a, Mi ddl eEast& Af r i ca, Eur ope, andSi ngapor e, i nvar i ousi ndust r i esi ncl udi ngTechnol ogy, Tel ecommuni cat i on& FMCG, andhaspl ayedavi t al r ol ei ni nt egr at i ngt heHRf unct i onf ol l owi ngbi gmer ger s&acqui si t i ons

Di neshVer ma Seni orVi cePr esi dent–Pr oduct( Bl ockchai n) opoductmanagementanddevel pr ng, nbanki encei i exper obal vegl ensi sofext Over20year or ansf r t al t gi ngdi ngbanki i ansact r ngandt ebanki cor , opment nessdevel busi ng, i t consul , ment ope. andEur ASEAN, ca, i r Af , eEast ddl Mi a, ndi ossI vesacr i at i t ni oni i mat

Ol i vi erDi penda Seni orVi cePr esi dent–Mar ketDevel opmentAf r i ca Over1 4year sofdi ver seexper i encei nt hefinanci al ser vi cesandpayment si ndust r y, l eadi ng gr owt hst r at egi esandexpansi oneffor t soft i eronemul t i nat i onal or gani sat i onsi ncl udi ng, FI S Gl obal , Fi nanci al Sof t war eandSyst ems, Bankser vAf r i ca, Swi ssRe, Wi l l i sReandMozi doAf r i ca, as wel l asst ar t upsi nSubSahar an



Thebl ock chai nmar k eti sexpandi ngr api dl y , wi t ha compoundedgr owt hr at eof67%peryearandanest i mat ed mar k etsi zeof$40bi l l i onby2025and$1 64bi l l i onby2029.

Mi gr antwor k er swhopayhi ght r ansact i onr at est osend moneycr ossbor dert ot hei rf ami l i es, gethi twi t hhi ghf ees.

Accesst obl ock chai nt echnol ogyr equi r esasmar tphone andani nt er netconnect i on. Wi t hal most60%oft hewor l d’ s popul at i onwi t hani nt er netconnect i on( 4. 66bi l l i onact i ve i nt er netuser s ) , and7 . 26bi l l i onpeopl ewhoownasmar t phone( 92%oft hewor l d’ spopul at i on) , accesshasnever beenaspossi bl e. Bl ock chai nt echnol ogyal l owsaccesst oot hermeansof payment s, suchasdi gi t al cur r enci es, andmanybenefit s i ncl udi ngt hel at estar t i fici al i nt el l i genceandbi gdat a sol ut i ons. Manyl ar gefinanci al gr oupshaveshi f t edt hei rf ocust o cr eat i ngusecasesf orbl ock chai nt echnol ogy , i ncl udi ng Nasdaq, Bar cl ays, andGol dmanSachsI nc. I nor derf orbl ock chai nt echnol ogyanddi gi t al cur r enci est o unl ockt hei rf ul l pot ent i al , di gi t al i sat i onoft r ademustbeat t hef or ef r ont , meani ngi nt er oper abi l i t yi scr uci al . Mer chant scur r ent l ypayi ni t i al andongoi ngf eesi nor dert o acceptcr edi tcar ds, andi nst eadcoul dusebl ock chai n t echnol ogyt oacceptpaymenti ndi gi t al cur r enci esf ora f r act i onoft hecost , savi ngbot ht i meandmoney .

$597bi l l i onwassenti nr emi t t anceswor l dwi dei n2021 . Remi t t anceser vi cepr ovi der susual l ychar gef eesof bet ween1 01 5%. West er nUni onr epor t edi tr ecei ved$5. 5bi l l i oni npr ofitf r om moneyt r ansf erf eesi n201 8. Thei nt er nat i onal di st r i but i onoft heAPACwor kf acemeans manyr equi r eanal t er nat i vemeansofsendi ngpayment s cr ossbor der , wi t houtt hehef t yf ees. Remi t t ancest hathar nesst hepowerofbl ock chai n t echnol ogy , pr ovi deanal t er nat i vesol ut i onast heyar e bor der l essandcheap.

GAMI NG Thebl ock chai ngami ngmar k eti sexpect edt ogr owt o$39. 7 bi l l i onby2025. Bl ock chai ni ngami ngenabl esi nt er oper abi l i t y; whengames ar ebui l tont hebl ock chai n, pl ayer sar eabl et ot r ansf ert hei r pr ofil et oot hergames.

TheAPACr egi oni soneoft hebestr egi onsi nt hewor l df or bl ock chai nduet oi t sr egul at or yenvi r onment , maki ngi t f ur t heraheadpr oact i vel yt hant heEUandUS.

Bl ock chai ni ngami ngal l owspl ayer st ohavet r ueowner shi p andcont r ol overal l t hei ri ngameasset s, i ncl udi ngdi gi t al cur r enci esandnonf ungi bl et ok ens( NFT s ) .


I n2020, t hedi gi t al cur r encygami ngi ndust r yhadamar k et r evenueof$321mi l l i onwi t hover42mi l l i ongamer sgl obal l y owni ngdi gi t al cur r enci es.

Di gi t al cur r enci esar egr owi ng, t her ear ecur r ent l yover 1 8, 000var i et i esi nexi st ence.

Ther ear ecur r ent l y400act i vebl ock chai ngamesand est i mat eof1act i vewal l eti n24hour swi t hi nt hegame.

TheEmi r at esCent r al Bankpl anst ol aunchi t sfir stdi gi t al cur r encyby2026t odr i vet hedi gi t al t r ansf or mat i onof UAE’ sfinanci al ser vi cessect or .

Bl ock chai nbasedgamesal l owmul t i pl ei ncomest r eamsf or pl ayer s;bat t l esagai nstot herpl ayer s, cr eat i onofval uabl e NFT swi t hopt i ont osel l t hem onsecondar ymar k et sand r ecei ver oyal t i esf orf ut ur et r ansact i oni nt hef ut ur e, and cr ypt or ewar ds.

Chi nal aunchedt her acei nMar chwi t ht het estphaseofi t s di gi t al yuan. TheCent r al BanksofUni t edSt at esandt heEur opeanUni on andEngl andar epl anni ngt hei rowndi gi t al cur r enci est o br i ngst abi l i t y . Ni ger i aj oi nedt heBahamasandCambodi a, asoneoft he fir stj ur i sdi ct i onst ooffici al l yl aunchCent r al BankDi gi t al Cur r enci es( CBDCs ) .

THEUNBANKEDAND UNDERBANKED Ther ear ecur r ent l ymor et han1 . 7bi l l i onpeopl ewhor emai n unbank ed. Thosewhoar eunbank eddonothaveaccesst oa bankaccountandi nst eadusecasht opayf orgoodsand ser vi ces. Thehi ghestnumberoft hoseunbank edcomef r om SubSahar anAf r i ca, t heMi ddl eEast , andLat i nAmer i ca. Bl ock chai nt echnol ogyanddi gi t al cur r enci esar et he sol ut i on, asi tdr i vesfinanci al i ncl usi onal l owi ngaccesst o di gi t al payment swi t hj ustamobi l ephoneandi nt er net . Thegr owt hi ndi gi t al cur r enci escoul daddr esst he$1 . 7 t r i l l i ongl obal t r adefinanci nggap. Hyper i nflat i onofcur r enci esandhi ghcr oss bor derf ees causemanyt or eal i set heyhavebeenunder bank ed

LOYALTYPROGRAMS 75%ofadul t si nt heUSar ei nvol vedi nl oyal t ypr ogr amsand mor et han$50bi l l i oni nr ewar dpoi nt sandmi l esar ei ssues 57%ofbr andshavepl anst oi ncr easel oyal t ybudget s, however , 70%ofconsumer sdonotsi gnupduet ot he i nconveni enceandt i mer equi r edt or egi st er . Loyal t ypr ogr amsar ecr uci al t omer chant s, notonl yboost cust omerr et ent i on, butt ot r ackconsumerbehavi ourand spendi nghabi t s. Bl ock chai nt echnol ogypr ovi desacostandt i meeffect i ve sol ut i ont ol oyal t ypr ogr amst hr oughuseofsmar tcont r act s, whi l stal soensur i ngpr emi um secur i t yandf r auddet ect i on. Bl ock chai npower edl oyal t ypr ogr amswoul dal l ow mer chant st ocust omi set hei rpr ogr amsf r om scr at ch, gi vi ng cont r ol backt obusi ness owner s, andal l owcust omer st o havet ot al accessf ornomi nal f ees. I nt er oper abi l i t ycanbebui l tbet weenl oyal t ypr ogr amsby i nt egr at i ngAPI s, al l owi ngconsumer sandmer chant st o benefitoffeachot her ’ sbusi nesses


Launchofmul ti pl ePOCs wi thpar tner s, par ti cul ar l yi n MENAandSoutheastAsi a

Devel opmentof Al gor andbr i dge

CBDCsol uti on

Upgr adestoAtl yti ca

Decentr al i sedexchange i ntegr ati onf orWadzPay/ whi tel abel l edwal l ets

WadzPaybr andedwal l et testi ngi nsel ectmar kets

Al mostayearagowewer eat eam off our . Now wehave60+acr ossmul t i pl egeogr aphi es. Wear e nol ongerast ar t up. Wear ei nnovat i ngand changi ngt hewor l dofpayment s, har nessi ngt he powerofbl ock chai nt oi mpr ovet hel i vesof peopl ear oundt hewor l d, whi l esol vi ng pai npoi nt swi t hl egacys yst emsf orourcl i ent s. Thi ngswi l l r ampupsi gni ficant l yt hr ought her est oft heyear , wi t hpi l ot sconver t edt oscal ed execut i ons, andwi t husbei ngoneoft hek ey bl ock chai nenabl er si nt heent i r ei ndust r y . The f ut ur ei sbeaut i f ul . Thef ut ur ei sWadzPay. Ani shJai n Managi ngDi r ect or&CEO

W O L L O F O T Y D A E AREYOUR ? D A O R K C O L THEYELLOW B s evement sAchi neyofWadzPay’ AJour s t esi gat i v a N t i s a r e t r a u Q h c a E s s o Acr yand t i l abi oper er nt ngI di l oBui Wayt onof i Adopt obal heGl headst Spear ogy. nTechnol ockchai Bl


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