Yellow Block Road - Q2

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APRI L •Fol l owt heYel l owBl ockRoad: Member s’ Onl yLaunch •6Ecommer ceI nt egr at i ons Reveal ed:Pr est ashop, OpenCar t , Magnet o, WooCommer ce, Dr upal , ZenCar t •Ozar kI nspi r edCampai gnGoes Vi r al onSoci al Medi a: Tweet sSeen 1 . 64Mi l l i onTi mes •WadzPayxAl gor andPar t ner shi p Reveal ed •WadzPayHost st heI naugur al Gl obal Leader shi pConnecti nI ndi a •WadzPaySecondI ndi aO ce, Cel ebr at edwi t hRi bbonCut t i ng andMedi aPr esence

•BonusWhi t el i stSl ot sf or WadzPay&Fr ont er aLi mi t ed Edi t i onNFTPr esal eAnnounced •WadzPaySponsorGl obal I nvest or Ni ghti nVi et nam, al ongsi de LuaVent ur es, KuCoi n, Tokoi nand Fr ont er a •WadzPaySpot l i ghtSer i es Launch •WadzPaySponsor sF1School Compet i t i onCandi dat ei nUAE •Al l 3pr ot ocol sofWTKsuppor t ed onD’ CENTwal l et

JUNE •WadzPayannouncedaswi nner s i nt heCommer ci al BankofDubai I nnovat i onChal l engeatDI FC Fi nTechHi ve •Websi t ev3. 0Launch •O ci al WTKTokenWebsi t e Launch •WadzPayAnnouncesi t s Upcomi ngBl ockchai n •WTKNewTokenomi csand Ai r dr opAnnouncement

MAY •TeaserofPOSPr oductUnder Test i ngi nUAERel eased •WadzPayLeadst heWayi n Suppor t i ngNat yaVr i ksha' sWor l d DanceDay •WadzPay’ sYel l owBl ockRoadQ1 Compet i t i onEnds! •WadzPaybecomesamemberof Bl ockchai nAssoci at i onSi ngapor e ( BAS)

•Dubai O ceLaunch •WadzPayDi scussesDi gi t al Cur r enci esonCommer ci al Bank ofDubai ’ sO ci al Podcast •WadzPayCel ebr at es1yearof Team Spot l i ght&PowerHour ! •Technol ogyMi l est one:DEX I nt egr at i oni nAt l yt i caEcosyst em, Al l owi ngPar t ner st oEasi l y Conver tBet weenSt abl ecoi nsand ot herDi gi t al Cur r enci es, Easi ng Set t l ementPai nPoi nt s, Whi l e Enabl i ngAccesst oAddi t i onal Li qui di t y

•AMAwi t hWadzPay’ s Por t ugueseSpeaki ngCommuni t y •WadzPayPr esent si t sDi gi t al Wal l etSol ut i oni nt heCommer ci al BankofDubai ' sI nnovat i on Chal l engeatDI FCFi nTechHi ve andi sShor t l i st edi nt heTop1 0 Compani es, f r om aFi el dof1 00. •Technol ogyMi l est one:Ext er nal Wal l etTr ansf er •Technol ogyMi l est one:Peert o PeerRequestofDi gi t al Cur r enci es, PushNot i ficat i ons

Y T I N U T R O P MARKET&OP CURRENTMARKET DOWNTREND •The di gi t alcur r ency mar k et i s exper i enci ng a downt r end;however ,i ti sst i l lval ued atal most$1 t r i l l i onUSD.

•Thr ough API s,t he mer chanti sabl et o gener at e dynami c QR codes f ort he wal l ett he consumer wi shest omak epaymentf r om.

•Thedownt r endwaspr i mar i l ydr i venbyt hecol l apse of t he al gor i t hmi c‘ st abl ecoi n’ UST. Al gor i t hmi c st abl ecoi nsar en’ tact ual l yst abl ebynat ur e:t hi si s t he k ey r eason t hatWadzPay onl y suppor t st r ue st abl ecoi ns:t hose back ed by asset s/ pegged t oa r eser veandar er edeemabl e1 : 1 .


•Whi l et he‘ bearmar k et ’doesi mpactt r ader sand i nvest or s, our busi ness i s i n payment s, and payment scont i nuet ooper at er egar dl essofmar k et condi t i ons.I nf act ,wear eseei ngmor ei nt er estf r om t he i ndust r i es we wor k wi t h, especi al l y af t er demonst r at i ng t he e ci ency ofst abl ecoi nbased payment s,andourvol at i l i t ymanagementsof t war e, whi chensur est hatvol at i l ecur r enci esar econver t ed t ost abl ecur r enci es.

•BNPLt r ansact i onsar e pr oj ect ed t or each $680 bi l l i onby2025.


•Bl ock chai nt echnol ogycoul d enhancet heBNPL exper i ence by al l owi ng consumer st o st ak et hei r di gi t alasset soverafixed dur at i on,t o be gi ven a cr edi tl i mi tofaper cent age oft he col l at er al .Thi s woul d al l ow consumer st o spr ead payment s over t i me, whi l e pr ovi di ng t he oppor t uni t yt o gr ow i nt er estonsavi ngs.

•McDonal dsdi st r i but ed some oft he ear l i estPOS s yst emsbacki n1 984.Thesewer e bul kypayment pr ocessi ngcashr egi st er s,whi chusual l yi ncl udeda physi cal but t onf oreachi t em f orsal e. •I nt he 2000s,mor e advanced comput er s wi t h f ast eri nt er netconnect i onscame i nt ot he pl ayi ng fiel d.ePOS s yst ems l ever aged t he cl oud,whi ch meantanydevi cewi t hani nt er netconnect i oncoul d actasat er mi nal ;mor ee ci entandcheaper . •I n 201 0,mer chant s pr ef er r ed usi ng t abl et s and smar tphones due t oi t sl ar gerdi spl ay and mor e enhancedpr ocessi ngcapabi l i t y . •Overt hepastdecade,POSs yst emshaveevol ved t r emendousl y ,andnow al l ow mer chant st omanage bot ht he f r ontand back end,whi l e al so al l owi ng access t o cust omer dat a, and i nnovat i ve t echnol ogi es i ncl udi ng Bl uet oot h and NFC,al l ow mer chant s and consumer st o mak e and accept payment si nt het apofabut t onont hei rowndevi ces. ’ •Appl ear ecur r ent l yt r ansf or mi ngi Phonesi nt oPOS t er mi nal s,enabl i ngbusi nessesofal lsi zest oaccept payment s. •Ther ei s gr owi ng demand f or mor e enhanced paymentpr ocessi ng ser vi ce.WadzPay’ s back end t echnol ogy ,At l yt i ca,canbei nt egr at edi nt oexi st i ng POS s yst ems, t o accept payment s i n di gi t al cur r enci es. Consumer sar eabl et omak epayment sat a WadzPayenabl ed POS t er mi nal f r om t hei r bl ock chai nwal l etofchoi ce, andani nst antexchange occur si nt he cl oud wi t h set t l ement made t o mer chant si nt hefiatordi gi t alcur r encyofchoi ce ( dependi ngonr egul at i ons ) .

•Buy Now Pay Lat er ( BNPL) i s a $1 00 bi l l i on i ndust r y ,t hatcan ai di ni ncr easi ng sal esby45%, whi l eal sopr ovi di nga45%decl i nei nconsumer swho abandont hei rbask et satcheck out .

•BNPL ser vi ce KLARNA has appr oxi mat el y1 47 mi l l i onact i veuser s. •BNPLpr ovi desconsumer swi t haflexi bl eshoppi ng exper i encebyal l owi ngt hem t ospr eadt hepayment f orgoodsandser vi cesovert i me. •Ther ei sanest i mat ed25% i ncr easeofmer chant s whopl ant oo erBNPLser vi cest hi syear .

•Bl ock chai n t echnol ogy al l ows mer chant s t o i mpl ementandmai nt ai nBNPLser vi cesatamuch l owercost ,whi l eal sopr ovi di ngpr ofit maxi mi sat i on oppor t uni t i es.

WEB3. 0 •Web1 . 0wast hefir stgener at i onoft hei nt er net , t he ser ver ’ s fil es yst em was a sour ce ofcont ent ,and user scoul donl ybr owsest at i cpages. •Web2. 0i st hesecondgener at i onoft hei nt er net andi susedbymaj or i t yofuser st oday . I ti sknownas t he soci alweb and r ef er st o websi t es and/ or webbased apps t hat ar e eas yt o access and i nt ui t i ve t o use,emphasi se par t i ci pat or y cul t ur e, consi st of user gener at ed cont ent ( Facebook, YouT ube)andar ecompat i bl ewi t hot hers yst emsand devi ces. •Fol l owi ng Web 1 . 0 and 2. 0,Web 3. 0i st het hi r d gener at i onoft hei nt er net . •Web3. 0i sdefinedbyi nt el l i gence,evi dentwhen anal ysi ng i nt er act i onsbet ween i t suser s,devi ces, and websi t es, al ongsi de i nt er act i ons bet ween dier entsof t war e

•Web3. 0appl i cat i onsar ecommonl yr ef er r edt oas Dapps ( decent r al i sed apps ) and ei t her r un on bl ock chai ns,decent r al i sednet wor ksofP2Pnodes, orabl endofbot hwhi chcr eat esacr ypt oeconomi c pr ot ocol . •Di gi t al i dent i t i es and per sonas ar e anot her ext ensi onbl ock chai nt echnol ogyandak eyf eat ur e ofWeb3. 0. •Web 3. 0 pr ovi des mul t i pl e benefit si ncl udi ng al gor i t hms t hat pr omot e cont ent cr eat or s, decent r al i sed net wor kst hatgi vesuser scompl et e cont r olovert hei ronl i nedat a,andAIt hatenabl es i mpr ovedmar k et i ngbyonl ydi spl ayi ngadsr el evant t o a user ’ s pr ef er ences. Addi t i onal l y , Web 3. 0 pr omot esi nt er netcust omi sat i on,al l owi nguser st o t ai l ort hei rownwebsur fingexper i ence.

THEMETAVERSE&NFTs •Soci alt echnol ogi es and pl at f or ms have evol ved i nt owhatweknow ast heMet aver se,abl endofbot h physi cal anddi gi t al wor l ds. •TheMet aver sei smadeupofmul t i pl e“ wor l ds ”and set t i ngs and i nhabi t ed by peopl ei nt he f or m of avat ar swhoar eabl et oi nt er actandt r ansactwi t h eachot her . •I tcan be accessed vi a Vi r t ualand Augment ed Real i t y , andappsonot herdevi ces. •I ti sest i mat edt hat1 2% ofi nt er netuser si nt heUS ar ei nt er est edi nusi ngt heMet aver se.

•TheMi xedReal i t ymar k etsi ze( VR, AR)wor l dwi dei s over28bi l l i onUSD. •I ti sest i mat edt hatt her ewi l lbe1 . 73bi l l i onr eal i t y userdevi ceswor l dwi dei nt henext2year s. •Suppor t er s oft he Met aver se ar e hopef uli twi l l becomepopul arf orgami ng, gai ni ngi ncome, st ayi ng connect ed and i nt er act i ng wi t hf r i ends atvi r t ual event s,wi t h bl ock chai nt echnol ogy power i ng al l t r ansact i ons. •Recent l y ,t heMet aver sehasbecomeal ucr at i ve mar k etf ort hosei nPayment sduet oi t spot ent i ali n ecommer ce and t r ade,wi t h mul t i pl e payment compani es al r eady l aunchi ng met aver ser el at ed pr oj ectt ol ever aget r ansact i onsmadei nt hef or m of NFT s. •NFTst andsf ornonf ungi bl et ok en,meani ngsuch t ok ensar euni queand cannotbechanged and/ or r epl aced,and si mi l art o cr ypt ocur r ency ,NFT s ar e ver i fiabl e di gi t alasset st hat“ l i ve”on bl ock chai n t echnol ogy . •NFT smaybest at i cormovi ngr epr esent at i onsof ar t ,medi a,ser i es ofcol l ect i bl es,document s,and mor e.Theycanbet r aded,usedast i ck et st oaccess excl usi vemember shi pcommuni t i es,andgai nent r y t obot hvi r t ual andphysi cal event s. •AsofJanuar y2022,t he NFTmar k etsur passed $40bi l l i onwor l dwi de. •Wi t hover$6. 5bi l l i oni nt r adi ngvol ume, OpenSeai s t hel ar gestNFTmar k et pl ace.






i ncr easei nTwi t t erf ol l ower s

i ncr easei nYout ubesubscr i ber s

i ncr easei nLi nkedI nf ol l ower s

i ncr easei nMedi um f ol l ower s






i ncr easei nI nst agr am f ol l ower s

i ncr easei nTwi t t erf ol l ower s

i ncr easei nLi nkedI nf ol l ower s

i ncr easei nWadzPaywebsi t eruser s

T H G I L H G I H RE HI AboutBashi r ul l ah: Joi ni ng us as Bl ock chai n Ar chi t ect , Bashi r ul l ah i s WadzPay’ shi r ehi ghl i ghtofQ2.Wi t hover1 7year sofI T exper i enceacr ossmul t i pl eFor t unet op1 00compani es and st ar t ups,Bashi r ul l ah has wor k ed on r eal wor l d appl i cat i ons r el at ed t o Bl ock chai n Devel opment by desi gni ng ar chi t ect ur et o bui l d pr oduct s,appl i cat i ons, and i nt egr at i on ofendt oend appl i cat i ons.Pr i ort o j oi ni ng us,hewasassoci at ed wi t h el i t eor gani sat i ons i ncl udi ng Cambr i dge I nnovat i on Cent r e i n Bost on, Cogni zantT echnol ogi es,and Uni t ed Onl i ne Ser vi ces Devel opment .Bashi r ul l ah’ smai nf ocusatWadzPaywi l l be desi gni ng t he ar chi t ect ur e f or our upcomi ng bl ock chai n, as wel l as i nt egr at i ng wi t h par t ner bl ock chai nssuchasAl gor and.

G N I M O C P U R U O N BLOCKCHAI I nJune,weannouncedt hatwewi l lbebui l di ngourown Pr oofofAut hor i t y( PoA)bl ock chai n. Thi si sani mpor t ant st ep f orWadzPayasi twi l lenabl e numer ousbenefit s whi chi ncl ude: •Theabi l i t yt osetupcust om r ul es,suchast r ansact i on f ees, andmer chantdi scountr at es, f orourpar t ner s •WTK can be used as t he nat i ve/ t r ansact i on f ee cur r encyf ort hebl ock chai n,gi vi ngaddi t i onalusecases f ort het ok en •Oppor t uni t yt oal l ow f orcommonl yr equest edf eat ur es byourpar t ner swhi chi ncl udepr ocessi ngr ef unds •Apur posebui l tExpl or er , desi gnedf orpayment s •Scal abl ebl ock chai nwi t houtPr oofofWor k( PoW) /Pr oof ofSt ak e( PoS)r equi r ement s, whi chwi l l l eadt oTPSgai ns, whi l ebei ngenvi r onment al l yf r i endl y Wear ecur r ent l ywor ki ngont heWhi t epaper3. 0whi ch wi l l pr ovi de mor e det ai l about t he bl ock chai n ar chi t ect ur e.





Whati sSi bos? Si bos,or gani sed by SWI FT,i st he wor l d’ s pr emi erfinanci al ser vi cesconf er ence, exhi bi t i on, andnet wor ki ngevent . Eachyear Si bosi shost edi nadier entmaj orci t y ,andt hi syear ,Si bosi s comi ngt oAmst er dam! Manyl eadi ng figur esand compani esi nt he financi alser vi ces i ndust r yt ak epar ti nSi boseachyear .I n201 9,t her ewer emor e t han300exhi bi t or sand1 1 , 500del egat esi nat t endance,andi n 2020,over 23, 000 peopl ef r om mor et han 1 80 count r i es r egi st er ed. TheSi bos2022agendaf eat ur esi ndust r yt opi csi ncl udi ng,t he evol vi ngdi gi t all andscape,financi ali ncl usi on,r egul at i on,r i sks, sust ai nabi l i t y , et hi cs, and mor e. Thi s year , WadzPay ar e exhi bi t or s.WadzPay l ook f or war dt o showcasi ng a sui t e of pr oduct s;eachuni quel ydesi gnedt oenhancel egacys yst ems.

Pr oduct sonShow


WadzPayAt l yt i ca– As our flagshi p pr oduct and payment ecos yst em,WadzPay At l yt i caal l owsourpar t ner st ol ever aget hei rownf r ontendsand exi st i ngmer chantnet wor kswhi l stut i l i si ngWadzPay’ sbackbone asuni quel ydesi gnedsol ut i ont ot ackl et hei rbusi nesschal l enges.

I ssuance– WadzPayI ssuancesol ut i onsenabl esfinanci al i nst i t ut i onst oi ssue di gi t al cur r encywal l et st ot hei rcust omer s, gi vi ngt hem t hepower t ot r ansact .WadzPaypr ovi desaflexi bl emeanst oonr ampand or ampdi gi t al cur r enci es, t husbui l di ngi nt er oper abi l i t ybet ween t r adi t i onal andnext genpayments yst ems. Accept ance– WadzPayAccept ancesol ut i onsal l owconsumer st omak epayment wi t hdi gi t alcur r enci esusi ngt hei rbl ock chai nwal l etofchoi ceby scanni ng adynami cQR codeand al l owsmer chant st or ecei ve di gi t alcur r ency payment st hr ough t hei rexi st i ng accept ance channel s: Poi nt s of Sal e( POS) t er mi nal s and ecommer ce paymentpor t al s, wi t ht heopt i onofr ecei vi ngset t l ementi nei t her fiatordi gi t al cur r ency( accor di ngt ol ocal r egul at i ons ) . Remi t t ance– Ai mi ng t o become t he uni ver salt r ansf ermet hod ofchoi ce, WadzPay Remi t t ance sol ut i ons l ever ages bl ock chai nbased t echnol ogyandact i vat esk eycor r i dor st of aci l i t at ecr oss bor der payment sacr ossmul t i pl egeogr aphi es.Thi ssol ut i oni sr eadyt o i nt egr at e wi t hr emi t t er ’ sexi st i ng sol ut i ons,ensur esr egul at or y compl i ance,pr ovi des neari nst antand secur et r ansf er s,and r educest r ansact i oncost sby4080%.


CBDC– WadzPay’ scor et echnol ogypr ovi desmoder ni nf r ast r uct ur et o suppor twhol esal eandr et ai l cent r al bankdi gi t al cur r ency( CBDC) and st abl ecoi n sol ut i ons f orcent r albanks,financi alser vi ce pr ovi der s,paymentpr ocesser s and t hei rmer chantnet wor ks wor l dwi de. Loyal t y– WadzPayLoyal t ysol ut i onsenabl epar t ner st oi ssuet ok eni sed t r adeabl el oyal t ypoi nt st ocust omer s.Thi sser vi cei scompl et el y cust omi sabl e( cl osed l oop oropen l oop) ,eas yt o depl oy and adapt , pr ovi desauni f or m exper i encebot honl i neando i ne, and canbeusedf orcoal i t i onl oyal t yschemes. Gami ng– WadzPayGami ngsol ut i onsal l ow gamer st opur chasei ngame powerups,ski ns and mor e usi ng t hei rbl ock chai n wal l etof choi ce,el i mi nat i ng t he need t o conver tt o fiatcur r ency ,and enabl esgami ngoper at or s,pr oducer s,andpubl i sher st oaccept di gi t alcur r encydeposi t sandpayment sr i skf r ee, wi t ht heopt i on of r ecei vi ng set t l ement i n ei t her fiat or di gi t al cur r ency ( accor di ngt ol ocal r egul at i ons ) . NFT– WadzPay’ sbl ock chai nbasedpayment si nf r ast r uct ur eandNFT mar k et pl ace par t ner shi pi nt egr at i ons al l ow cr eat or st of eel empower edt osel lt hei rwor kdi r ect l yt ot hei rf answhi l ek eepi ng mostoft hemonet ar yval ueatnomi nal t r ansact i onf eecost .

How at t endi ngSi bosai dsi nWadzPay’ s pl anf orgl obaladopt i oni n2023 WadzPay i s wor ki ng har dt owar ds nor mal i si ng t he use of bl ock chai n t echnol ogy i n payment s. Thi si s achi eved by pr omot i ngourpr oduct susecasesandbenefit s.WadzPay’ scor e pr i or i t yi s bui l di ng i nt er oper abi l i t y bet ween t r adi t i onaland next gen payments yst ems,and cat er i ng f ort he i ncr easi ng demandf ore ci encyandt r anspar encyi nfinanci alser vi ces.As t hewor l d’ spr emi erfinanci alevent ,Si bospr ovi desWadzPaywi t h an addi t i onal pl at f or m t o di scuss how our t echnol ogy i s speci fical l ydesi gnedt ohel peconomi esandsoci et yl eapf r ogi nt o t henextgener at i onofdi gi t al payment s.

Thr ough Q2 2022, WadzPay cont i nued i t s r api d expansi on.Wecont i nuedhi r i ngsomeoft het opt al ent s f r om t he payment si ndust r y ,whi l e expandi ng our geogr aphi cal f oot pr i nt i nt o mar k et s i ncl udi ng SubSahar an Af r i ca,whi ch we pr edi ctwi l lmassi vel y accel er at e adopt i on of di gi t alcur r enci es i ncl udi ng CBDCs. Ourcommi t mentt ot r ansf or mi ngpayment si sback edby t her ecentannouncementaboutWadzPaydevel opi ng ourver yownbl ock chai n:onet hatwebel i evewi l lbet he fir stpayment s f ocused bl ock chai ni nt hewor l d.Iam exci t edaboutt heseaml essexper i encei twi l l pr ovi def or ourcl i ent sandhow muchmor ee ect i veande ci ent t he endt oend exper i ence wi l l be compar ed t o t r adi t i onal payment st echnol ogy . Ani shJai n Managi ngDi r ect or&CEO

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