DCF 2016 Annual Report

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Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Report

Quality of Life Building Stronger Communities Together

Table of Contents Doing More for Donors..... 2 Doing More for Delaware..... 4 DCF Grants..... 10 Rodel..... 14 Fund for Women..... 16 YPB & NextGen..... 18 New Funds..... 20 Nonprofits..... 24 Friends & Business Partners..... 26 Professional Advisors..... 30 Legacy Society..... 33 Investments & Financials..... 34 Board & Committees..... 36

What exactly does that mean, “quality of life” ? Stuart Comstock-Gay and Tom Sager

Dear Friends,

Over the past several years, the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) has been making changes to increase our positive impact on communities throughout the state. We started down this path in 2012, without a map or even a clear destination. We knew we wanted to grow and do more for Delaware, but what exactly did we want to do? What did Delaware need? How could we address that need? As we listened to community members, studied the work of our counterparts around the country and charted our course, it became clear that the community foundation should focus on leveraging philanthropy and community knowledge to help improve quality of life for everyone in the First State. What exactly does that mean, “quality of life”? It’s about our general state of well-being, about being happy with different aspects of our lives, ranging from health and family to employment and cultural enrichment. It’s a little different for each individual, but every philanthropist, nonprofit organization and government agency is focused on addressing one or more of its components. At its core, the foundation has always been about quality of life, about helping our fundholders make Delaware a better place to live and work by managing charitable funds and awarding grants to the causes they care about.

To be sure, service to donors remains at the center of our work. The expansion of our community engagement work will make the DCF an even greater resource for our fundholders. As we strengthen our ability to provide highquality data, meaningful insight and collaborative partners, our fundholders will be able to direct their charitable dollars to make the greatest impact. This is challenging work, but we are fortunate to be in a strong position, thanks to the great successes of our former President and CEO Fred Sears, as well as his predecessors. Already, we have begun to update our investment strategies, grow our grantmaking and civic leadership work, and refine our operations and client service. This will be a year of exciting changes! As a new leadership team, we are inspired by those who have come before us, and we are mindful of the generations of Delawareans to come. We invite you to be our partners as we strive to improve quality of life in Delaware, now and in the future. Thank you for your support of the DCF. Yours, Stuart Comstock-Gay President & CEO

Tom Sager Chair


Doing More for donors

Delaware, like all communities, changes and evolves over time. Our core work, however, is the same today as it was in 1986 when a group of community leaders launched the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF): We help philanthropists and nonprofit organizations build charitable funds to meet our state’s needs, now and in the future. Fundholders are the DCF’s most important constituency, and we are committed to continuously improving our service and providing value. This year, we have launched several initiatives to elevate and expand our service. Deeper Community Knowledge In October 2015, we launched the community indicator project DelawareFocus.org, the keystone of our community engagement initiative. We are also expanding our team and developing new processes to help us deepen our knowledge of Delaware. How does community engagement work help fundholders? It provides the tools to make giving more effective. Through this work, we are increasing our ability to provide high-quality data, meaningful insight and collaborative partners to help philanthropists make real and lasting change. The DCF’s broad community knowledge and relationships are key benefits that other institutions cannot offer. By growing and strengthening our capacity in this area, we will be able to provide fundholders with even more information and partnership opportunities. 2

Improved Digital Access In January 2016, the DCF launched DonorCentral, a new online portal for fundholders, at www.edonorcentral.com. Through DonorCentral, fundholders and advisors can review fund activity, download quarterly fund statements and make grants 24 hours a day. This mobile-friendly platform is proving to be much easier and more intuitive than our previous system, and fundholders have been especially pleased that the information is now updated daily. In the coming year, we plan to make additional technological improvements to benefit our fundholders and other donors. Client Satisfaction Survey In the spring of 2016, the DCF issued its first client satisfaction survey to learn how we can serve you better. We were delighted that so many fundholders and friends returned their surveys, providing us with invaluable feedback about opportunities for improvement. As a result of that feedback, we are updating our processes and further developing our team to ensure that we consistently provide: • Accurate, timely information in user friendly formats • Opportunities to connect with like-minded philanthropists, and • Access to valuable data and knowledge about issues affecting quality of life in Delaware and how charitable giving can have the greatest impact.

Pictured left to right: Ben, Murray, Jason and Dan Berstein

“The DCF provided us with valuable information about a range of community issues and nonprofit organizations. It helped us determine how our giving could make the greatest impact on the issues we care about most.” — Dan Berstein, Nixon Uniform Service & Medical Wear Foundation Fund

Investment Options The DCF’s current investment strategy has been endorsed for decades as one that delivers long-term growth. And yet, we are not getting enough short-term return for many of our fundholders. Therefore, the Investment Committee is reviewing the strategy for our primary portfolio and considering changes. Also, we plan to create additional investment pool options for fundholders. Donors will still have the option to invest in our primary pool, and other pools will be offered for fundholders who prefer more conservative or alternative investment choices. Over time, we also expect to establish a socially responsive investing pool, one that focuses on investments that address specific goals, such as sustainable energy use.

As we strive to increase our community engagement, we are mindful that all of the work we do at the DCF – from making grants to providing community knowledge to engaging the next generation of philanthropists – is possible because generous people have entrusted us with the management of their charitable funds. While the DCF is growing and transforming, our fundholders will always be the engine for change in Delaware and around the world.


Doing More for Delaware

Since 1986, the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) has focused on the critical work of helping individuals and organizations create charitable accounts and distribute grants to nonprofits. But in 2012, our board of directors realized the DCF has the capacity to do so much more for Delaware. After more than two years of research, conversations with community stakeholders, and planning, the board resolved that the DCF, while continuing our historic support of donors and nonprofits, should become a hub for the philanthropic community – serving as a resource for information, knowledge and expertise – as well as a convener and builder of partnerships. Informally, DCF team members have been acting in these roles for years. The challenge is to structure our work, broadening and deepening our knowledge with both qualitative and quantitative information, and strategically focusing our energies in ways that will be of greatest benefit to Delawareans. Ultimately, we aspire to serve Delaware as: Facilitator Throughout the state, the DCF is often called on to serve as a neutral facilitator and convener when multiple players are involved in grappling with complex issues. Over the years, the DCF has facilitated initiatives that improved transportation for seniors, increased collaboration among agencies fighting hunger, and expanded mentoring. 4

Rebecca Elzey, DCF vice president for central Delaware, with Jean Dowding, Fund for Women’s Kent County development chair

Convener Sometimes, community needs or opportunities arise, but there’s no obvious entity to respond. In these situations, the DCF may pull relevant parties together to initiate action. For example, when the opportunity arose for women in Delaware to pool their charitable resources, the DCF seeded and nurtured the Fund for Women, which now awards more than $150,000 in grants each year to benefit women and girls statewide. Cultivator The DCF focuses on addressing community needs now and in the future, and Delaware will need great nonprofit leaders and philanthropists in years to come. To engage and develop a strong pipeline, the DCF established the Youth Philanthropy Board for high school students and The Next Generation for 25- to 40-year-olds.

After more than two years of research, conversations with community stakeholders, and planning, the board resolved that the DCF should become a hub for the philanthropic community – serving as a resource for information, knowledge and expertise – as well as a convener and builder of partnerships.

Jim Martin, executive director of the A.C.E. Peer Resource Center in Seaford, talks with Bill Allan, DCF vice president for southern Delaware. A.C.E., in partnership with La Red Health Center and TAP Faith, received a $100,000 collaborative grant from the DCF this year.

Resource The DCF is a source of community knowledge and funding, gathering information and fostering relationships throughout the state to help individuals and organizations make the best use of their resources. The DCF applies knowledge of community needs to award approximately $600,000 in annual capital and collaborative grants, and to help inform the grant-making decisions of DCF fundholders, who award approximately $15 million in annual grants. Much of our work to transform the DCF has culminated during the past year. In October 2015, we launched DelawareFocus.org (see pp. 6-7) and entered a partnership with the University of Delaware. In January 2016, we introduced the Delaware Community Focus

Council (see page 9), and in February 2016, we welcomed our new president and CEO. Now, we are in the process of revising our strategic plan; building our community engagement team; creating internal tools to manage, analyze and share our knowledge; revising our grants programs; and conducting a statewide listening campaign. At the DCF, we are committed to doing more for Delaware. To invest in our work, please make a gift to the Friends Campaign at delcf.org/friends or by calling 302.571.8004.




As part of our work to increase and deepen our knowledge of Delaware, the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) launched DelawareFocus.org, a statewide community indicator project, in October 2015. Community indicators are measurements of social, environmental and economic factors that affect quality of life. In a community indicator project, these factors are gathered and analyzed over time to monitor the community’s well-being and whether it’s improving, declining, or staying the same. These metrics can help us decide how to focus our resources to improve our community, and then to monitor the impact of our collective efforts. DelawareFocus.org is a publicly accessible online database of community indicators specific to Delaware and its many communities. In addition to the data and analyses, the site also links to the Delaware Focus report, an analysis of the data that outlines some of the insights it provides and the trends it reveals.


The full Delaware Focus report is updated annually; the online data is being updated more frequently to allow for continual monitoring of the community’s evolving needs. Using this data, the DCF aspires to help the community build a common understanding of the quality of life in Delaware, and identify opportunities to make it better. In time, the DCF will strive to facilitate partnerships and strategic initiatives to help align the community’s resources. The community indicator project is a new model for the DCF, but not to our new President and CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay.


DelawareFocus.org is a publicly accessible online database of community indicators specific to Delaware and its many communities. Before coming to Delaware, Stuart was the CEO of the Vermont Community Foundation, where he oversaw the organization’s use of data and information to help address community needs. Community foundations around the country are using similar approaches to identify and address needs in their communities. In other regions, community profile projects have driven neighborhood-based initiatives to green their cities, foster entrepreneurialism, increase civic engagement and much more. To build and maintain DelawareFocus.org, the DCF is contracting with the Center for Governmental Research (CGR), a Rochester, N.Y.-based nonprofit that specializes in helping communities and organizations use data to evaluate and address needs. CGR has an excellent record of successfully supporting numerous other foundations and organizations in similar endeavors. In the coming months and years, the DCF plans to enhance its working relationships with local organizations to analyze, share and use the data, in combination with the DCF’s unique expertise and insight into Delaware.



beyond data

DCF President and CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay visits the Children’s Beach House in Lewes.

Data is important, but a true picture of our community will not emerge from statistics and bar graphs alone. To understand our community and the human impact the statistics represent, we must talk with people throughout the state, hear their stories and listen to their thoughts about if and how the data plays out in their lives. That is why, parallel to our work with quantitative data through DelawareFocus.org, we also are expanding our capacity to maintain deep and broad qualitative knowledge of Delaware and its many communities. 8

One of our exciting initiatives to gather and leverage qualitative information is our new knowledge database, which is still in development. In this internal database, we are capturing and building on our team members’ knowledge of and passion for Delaware, and continuously gathering and learning more about our state’s many communities — geographic, ethnic and interest based.

Through these conversations, we can learn where there are not only needs, but also energy and resources to address them. We also are conducting an ongoing series of community conversations to learn, from both community leaders and laypeople, about the needs that exist and the opportunities to make real change. Through these conversations, we can learn where there are not only needs, but also energy and resources to address them. With this knowledge gathered and organized at the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) — and combined with the data at DelawareFocus.org — we will increase our ability to help funders and other community stakeholders identify and target opportunities to improve quality of life throughout the state. In addition, the knowledge database will support our direct work with the community. With the expertise of our Community Focus Council (see sidebar), the DCF strives to help the community build a common understanding of the quality of life in Delaware, and opportunities to make it better. The DCF will then facilitate partnerships and strategic initiatives that help align the community’s resources to support the agenda. To steer this work, the DCF is hiring a new vice president of community engagement. This individual will oversee our grants program and lead new initiatives to address communityidentified objectives and leverage philanthropic momentum throughout the state. In the upcoming year, the combination of these community engagement activities and our enhanced fundholder service will enable us to continue to increase our community impact. With the support of our generous fundholders, donors and other community partners, we can increase the quality of life in Delaware for everyone.

Delaware Community Focus Council The DCF’s new community engagement initiative includes two core components: the community indicators website DelawareFocus.org and the new Delaware Community Focus Council. The Community Focus Council is helping the DCF lead a series of conversations with various stakeholders around the state, listening to their concerns and developing insight about community issues that data alone will not reveal. “Council members are contributing their own knowledge of social, economic and environmental issues in Delaware, as well as helping us gather information and insights from other community stakeholders,” said Cindy Szabo, vice chair of the council. “By having all these knowledgeable people in one room, sharing their expertise in different aspects of the community, we’re able to identify some of our greatest systemic challenges and opportunities for change.” Armed with objective data from DelawareFocus.org and knowledge gathered from the community, the council will help identify opportunities for the DCF to convene and facilitate initiatives that will benefit Delawareans. The council plans to recommend leadership and action to the DCF staff and board of directors by the summer of 2017. “We are committed to helping Delaware develop a culture of data-driven decision making, but we are mindful that data doesn’t tell the whole story,” said Doneene Keemer Damon, council chair. “Our goal is to evaluate what the numbers say and what we hear from the community and, with this quantitative and qualitative assessment, determine what the DCF can do to have the greatest impact on quality of life, both statewide and within individual communities.” The 11-member council includes individuals from Kent, New Castle and Sussex County, representing a range of communities and areas of expertise. See p. 37 for a full list of Community Focus Council members.


Giving Nonprofits the Tools to increase impact

Capital & Equipment Grants

Nonprofits are most efficient and effective when they have adequate facilities and equipment, but it’s tough to get donors excited about paying for roof repairs and new photocopiers. That is why the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) awards grants specifically for capital and equipment needs. This year, the DCF awarded a total of $295,392 in 2016 capital and equipment grants to 24 organizations around the state. Among this year’s awards was a $20,430 grant for renovations to the CHEER Community Center in Georgetown.


“The grant from the DCF will help with a lot of improvements to the facility,” said Ken Brock, CHEER Center executive director. “Our clients will have more space for fitness activities that are important to both physical and mental health. It’s wonderful that the DCF supports capital needs so that CHEER can offer seniors in Sussex County a safe and comfortable facility that meets their needs.”

The Delaware Forever Fund Each year, the DCF awards about $600,000 in collaborative, capital and equipment grants to support important initiatives and organizations like DCF Grants Committee member Mary Hickok talks with Shannon McLaughlin at Exceptional Care for Children, which received a 2016 grant to help renovate facilities for skilled therapy, play therapy and education.

the ones described on these pages. These grants are funded by the Delaware Forever Fund (previously called the DCF Unrestricted Fund), a $12 million endowment fund that enables

Since 1989, the Delaware Community Foundation has distributed more than $6.5 million in capital grants. These are funded by the Delaware Forever Fund (see sidebar) and other funds established by generous individuals and organizations. Capital grants support projects that have a lasting, positive impact on the population served by the organization. They may be used to fund construction, renovation or repair of buildings, and/or land purchases. Applications are typically available in January, and awards are announced in July. “We are so glad we can help nonprofit organizations invest in their infrastructure so they can continue to provide services,” said Andy Staton, DCF Grants Committee chair. “These capital grants help organizations work efficiently and increase their impact on Delawareans.” For a complete list of this year’s capital and equipment grants, visit delcf.org/2016capitalgrants.

the DCF to help address some of Delaware’s most urgent needs.

But Delaware’s needs are great, and $600,000 is not enough. We need your help. As our community’s needs continue to grow, the DCF is working to increase the Forever Fund so we can increase our impact on the state’s most pressing social, economic and environmental issues. Through the Forever Fund, we aim to move past Band-Aid fixes and help address systemic community issues at their roots. Please consider supporting the Forever Fund and becoming part of this movement to address Delaware’s systemic issues at their roots. For more information about the Delaware Forever Fund, contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230.

DCF Grants Committee members Andy Staton and Carolyn Bray conduct a site visit to the CHEER Center, recipient of a 2016 capital grant. 11

Working Together

makes a difference

Collaborative Grants

Each summer, children from low-income families lose about three months’ worth of what they learned during the school year. But in 2015, 88 percent of campers in Wilmington’s Summer Learning Collaborative actually advanced or at least retained their reading and writing skills. That success, said SLC founder and Executive Director Catherine Lindroth, is largely thanks to the power of collaboration. “Making a lasting change is difficult, but these community agencies are working together and trusting each other to achieve a common goal,” Catherine said. “The collaborative is a coalition of community agencies whose leaders have come together to think differently about the future and what’s possible for their children.” The SLC was one of five collaborative initiatives to receive a grant from the the Delaware Community Foundation’s (DCF) 2016 collaborative grants program, which is funded by the Delaware Forever Fund. Through collaborative grants the DCF encourages organizations to work together to achieve sustainable, long-lasting results by leveraging each other’s resources and expertise. The SLC is a collaboration of five community centers, plus supporters from the region’s universities and public and private schools, that provides a summer camp curriculum focused on retaining and increasing reading and math skills. In 2015, the SLC served nearly 1,000 children and drove up to three months of reading gains with kids who statistically would have lost four. The SLC served 2,000 children in the summer of 2016 and aims to serve 7,000 each year by 2020. 12

“Parents are contacting community agencies asking how they can enroll their children in the SLC, because they know someone whose child participated and showed major progress,” Catherine said. “This is what the SLC is working towards.” In 2016, the DCF awarded $280,000 in collaborative grants, statewide, including $60,000 to the SLC. Other 2016 collaborative grants are supporting initiatives to help the homeless in Sussex County and address teen pregnancy to reduce the high school dropout rate in Kent County. (For details about all five initiatives, go to delcf.org/ 2016collaborativegrants.) “Through collaborations, organizations can achieve results they may not be able to achieve alone,” said Andy Staton, chair of the Grants Committee. “Systemic community issues have multiple root causes. To successfully address those larger community needs, we must develop and implement holistic solutions, which no single agency can do alone.” DCF collaborative grants help organizations and programs like the SLC make the greatest community impact possible by leveraging each other’s resources and expertise. The DCF invites you to support the Forever Fund and be part of the movement to improve quality of life for everyone in Delaware. For more information, contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230.

“The collaborative is a coalition of community agencies whose leaders have come together to think differently about the future and what’s possible for their children. Parents are contacting community agencies asking how they can enroll their children in the SLC, because they know someone whose child participated and showed major progress. This is what the SLC is working towards.” — Catherine Lindroth, SLC Founder and Executive Director


At the Rodel Foundation of Delaware, we are passionate about Delaware children getting what they need to be successful. Our common vision is Student Success 2025, a statewide, collaborative blueprint to build an education system that prepares every Delaware child for success by 2025. The plan, which was released by September 2015, was created and published by the Vision Coalition of Delaware with input from 4,000 Delawareans and some of the world’s leading thinkers. We’re proud of the tremendous progress over the past year across a number of policies and initiatives that are outlined in Student Success 2025 and supported by the Rodel Foundation and partner organizations. Supporting Teachers • Teach For America and the Relay Graduate School of Education — two programs initially supported by Rodel, today have more than 120 combined inspired teachers and alumni in Delaware schools. Early Learning • Rodel advocated for investments to strengthen high-quality programming for Delaware’s families. • Today, 72 percent of local early learning centers participate in the Delaware Stars quality rating system, and 70 percent of the state’s low-income early learners are attending a Stars program, up from just 5 percent just five years ago.


Personalized Learning • The BRINC Consortium, a collection of district leaders and teachers who collaborate on blended learning and technology strategies, grew to nine districts in the last year, covering nearly 60 percent of Delaware students. • “Schoology” — a state-endorsed digital learning management system — is now accessible to 28 districts and charter schools serving 108,000 students. • Members of the Rodel Teacher Council — a cross-section of 25 outstanding teachers from around the state — continue to inspire the future of Delaware classrooms via personalized learning. College and Career Access • Delaware Pathways continues to grow, with more than 2,500 students enrolled during the 2015-16 school year, gaining academic and technical skills, college credits, and industry-recognized credentials, in emerging industries like IT and healthcare. We expect 6,000 students to enroll for 2016-17. Some Big Wins • Delaware students made gains across the board in year two of the tougher, Common Core-aligned Smarter Assessment. • The number of high school students taking dual-enrollment college courses more than tripled, from 800 courses taken in 2014 to 2,700 by the end of the 2015-16 school year. • Delaware’s high school graduation rate climbed to 84 percent in 2013-14, up from 79 percent in 2010-11. Still, there’s much work to be done. We will continue to fight for excellence and equity for all students in Delaware, and welcome those who want to join our work to give voice to those who are often voiceless. The Rodel Foundation of Delaware is a supporting organization of the Delaware Community Foundation. For more information, visit www.rodelfoundationde.org. Follow us on Facebook at /RodelFoundationDE, and on Twitter @RodelDE.

Scholarship Funds: Invested in Education

Many DCF fundholders who care about education have established scholarship funds. In 2016, the DCF awarded $342,000 in scholarships to 172 students.

Scholarship Funds Opened FY2016 Mary H. Bailey Scholarship Fund Chester T. Dickerson, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Mark B. Holzman Scholarship Fund M. Jane Richter Scholarship Fund Sussex Foundation Scholarship Fund For information about all of the DCF’s scholarship funds, visit delcf.org/scholarships.

“I feel so honored and blessed to have received this scholarship. It has helped me pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and helping people live longer, healthier lives. Medical school is very expensive and this scholarship helped alleviate some of my concerns about how I was going to pay for it.” — Elyse Andrews of Wilmington, recipient of the Henry H. Stroud, MD Memorial Scholarship, attends the Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.

“The Thurman G. and Hilda McCabe Adams Family Scholarship and Delaware Community Foundation came to the rescue. Because of these great people, I am able to study at a school that provides handson experience at the campus livestock area, which houses cattle, sheep, pigs and horses. With the help of scholarship sponsors like the Adams family and the guidance of the Delaware Community Foundation, I and hopefully many more can continue their dreams for further education.” — Davey Peterson of Bridgeville studies animal science/livestock management at Delaware Valley University in Doylestown, Pa.


A Yearof Impact The Fund for Women (FFW) had a stellar year, welcoming 179 new Founders, hosting the first statewide Fund for Women Day, expanding its mission to include advocacy work and awarding a record-breaking $178,926 in grants to 16 Delaware nonprofits. During the two-year term of Michele Whetzel, 2014-16 chair of the board of trustees, the FFW grew by a total of 363 Founders and now exceeds 1,700. “Our Founders are constantly finding new and fun ways to welcome others to be part of our movement,” said Kay Keenan, who succeeds Michele as chair of the FFW board of trustees. “The more we grow, the more we can do for women and girls in Delaware.” Grants are awarded each spring to organizations addressing the FFW’s mission to empower women and girls in Delaware to achieve their potential. Projects funded this year range from Friendship House’s work with Wilmington women in recovery from addiction and abuse, to a pregnancy-prevention summit and follow-up programming for Sussex County teens, operated by Pathways to Success.

As of this year, the FFW has given more than $2.3 million in grants and built a $3.2 million endowed fund, which will continue to generate money for grants forever. Applications for 2017 grants will be available in December 2016 at delcf.org/grants. Founded in 1993, the FFW is a remarkably dynamic, active group, and Founders enjoy social and networking opportunities, holding fundraisers to grow the endowment, and strengthening community ties. Founders pledge to give $1,000, either in a single gift or over five years, to the endowment fund. From that fund, the FFW awards approximately $150,000 each year to causes benefiting girls and women in Delaware. For more information, to become a Founder, or to make a loved one a Founder, visit delcf.org/ffw.

“Last year, we started the summit to reach out to girls to teach them skills they don’t always learn in school,” said Sarah Gilmour, outreach coordinator at Pathways to Success. “The grant we received will be used for training sessions to keep the dialogue from the summit going and the girls engaged. This will help us to carry out our mission all year.” For complete details about this year’s grantees, visit delcf.org/2016FFWgrantees.


Tiffany Lane and her baby are doing well after receiving help at Friendship House in Wilmington, which was awarded a 2016 Fund for Women grant.

Driving Force Award Kay Preston, who led the FFW 2008-2010, received this year’s Driving Force Award, which is awarded to a Founder who has done extraordinary work to advance the organization. For years, Kay has been unwavering in her commitment to and passion for the FFW. She frequently offers creative ideas for opportunities to raise the FFW’s profile in the community and raise money to build the endowment.

First Founders Award Cynthia Primo Martin, founder of Trustees of Color, received the prestigious 2016 First Founders Award. The FFW’s highest honor, the award recognizes a Founder who has a record of exceptional generosity, demonstrates civic or charitable responsibility, and whose leadership has encouraged others in serving our community in Delaware. Since becoming a Founder, Cynthia has driven the FFW’s work to increase its diversity by identifying opportunities to attract minorities to become Founders and engage in the organization’s work. By reaching into different communities, the FFW is continuously growing its network and its ability to make a difference to women and girls in Delaware.


YPB &Strong Next Gen Building Leaders Today for strong communities tomorrow

YPB member Laura Williams, a senior at Archmere Academy, accepts a certificate from YPB advisor David Woods. Beth Bouchelle, DCF director of grants, stands by to congratulate the students.

Much of the Delaware Community Foundation’s (DCF) work is about preparing and building resources for Delaware’s future needs, decades and even generations from today. Among the resources we’re developing are the philanthropists and nonprofit leaders of tomorrow. Through our Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB) program and The Next Generation (Next Gen) giving circle, the DCF helps young people develop the skills to thoughtfully and effectively deploy charitable resources to make lasting change in their communities. Youth Philanthropy Board Each year, more than 60 juniors and seniors from public, private and parochial high schools around the state participate in the YPB. 18

Over the course of nine months, students form a board in each county and receive funds to award as charitable grants in their communities. Just like the board of directors of a foundation, the students are responsible for reviewing data and information about community issues, setting a focus area, soliciting and evaluating grant applications, and conducting site visits. Then, the students decide how to award the money and conduct an awards ceremony. Through the YPB, students learn how to make the most of charitable dollars by studying how organizations use their resources, collaborate with partners and continuously monitor the impact of their efforts.

“The Youth Philanthropy Board program does more than give kids the chance to make a difference,” said Kelly Sheridan, DCF client services/scholarship administrator. “It gets them out into the community to experience firsthand the impact their work has on people’s lives.” The Next Generation The Next Generation (NextGen) is dedicated to engaging young professionals in philanthropic activities to benefit the community in years to come. A DCF giving circle, NextGen’s northern and southern chapters engage in hands-on fundraising, grantmaking, community outreach, education and endowment building. NextGen South raises money to improve children’s mental health services in Kent and Sussex. In December 2015, the organization awarded $5,000 to Delaware Guidance Services for Children and Youth, Inc., and $10,000 to La Esperanza. “One of the most fascinating things is that we are tasked with determining what the need is in our local environment,” said Rachael Mears, NextGen South president. “There is a drastic need for mental health services in this area, particularly for teenagers, whether it’s mental disabilities, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, or dealing with abuse in their environment.” After several years supporting STEM education in New Castle County, NextGen North took a year off grantmaking in 2016 to focus on strengthening its infrastructure and programming. “Thanks to our history of strong leadership, we were in the fortunate position to take a step back this year and re-evaluate our organization and our impact,” said Kristen Kuipers, NextGen North president. “By taking this year to focus on our strategic plan, we can strengthen our professional board member training and increase our ability to attract more young leaders in New Castle County.”

“It means a lot to be able to help out folks in the community that could use our assistance while being able to grow personally and professionally,” said Jamie Sharp, pictured with his wife, Jennifer, at a NextGen South fundraising event. 19

New Funds

that make grants recommended by donors {Opened July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016}

The Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) helps generous philanthropists establish and manage charitable funds and award grants from those funds to nonprofit causes and organizations in Delaware and around the world. These funds were newly opened in Fiscal Year 2016. Designated Funds that benefit one or more named charities for a designated period or in perpetuity

Special Funds Funds for special initiatives and finite projects or grantmaking

Jan & Bob Blanchfield Fund Hawkins Family Legacy Fund Martha S. Scherer Endowment Fund

Black Jobs Matter Fund Community Education Building Fund DDX3X Foundation Fund DE Faith in Action Fund Delaware Plastic Pollution Action Coalition Fund Drum Line Discovering Inner City Youth Club Fund A.I. du Pont High School Marching Band Boosters Club Fund Pete du Pont Freedom Award Fund First State Police Foundation Fund First STEP Fund Friends of Brandywine Creek State Park Fund Friends of Newark Police K9 Fund Jukebox Foundation Fund Kaleidoscope Fund: Empowering Survivors — Mind, Body & Spirit LifeSongs Fund Motivate the First State Fund Poetry by the Sea Fund Preston’s Playground Fund Summer Learning Collaborative Fund TEDx Wilmington Fund Tidewater Utilities Charity Golf Tournament Fund Travel Songs Fund Wilmington Leaders Alliance Fund Wilmington Neighborhood Conservancy Land Bank Fund

Donor Advised Funds supporting specific charitable interests as directed by the donor Acts of Kindness Foundation Fund Murray Clark Fund Stephen A. Cope Fund EP-Delaware Charitable Fund James H. Gilliam Sr. Fund for Social Justice & Equity Charles & Lisa Rochester Glow (Go Love Our World) Fund Charles & Lisa Rochester Glow (Go Love Our World) Fund II Fred Sears Community Engagement Fund SoDel Cares Fund Gary & Silvia Spitzer Foundation Fund Whetzel Family Fund Pat & Barb Williams Family Fund Windley Family Foundation Fund Field of Interest Funds supporting broadly defined areas of charitable interest Joe & Linda Outlaw Fund

For a complete list of DCF funds, visit delcf.org/give.


Enhanced Fundholder Service: Improved Online Giving and Fund Information

We are excited to share that the DCF recently launched a new online giving platform that provides each of our 1,200+ funds with a unique page on the DCF website. This platform enables DCF fundholders to share information about their funds and learn about the philanthropic goals of other fundholders, including more than 200 local nonprofit organizations. On each page, donors can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift to a fund. Because this online platform enables us to provide more complete and updated information, the printed annual report will no longer list all DCF funds. Starting this year, the printed annual report will list only funds newly opened during the fiscal year. To find a fund’s unique page, visit delcf.org/give and enter a word from the fund name in the

search box in the right-hand navigation bar. Funds also are searchable by geographic region and interest area, using the tags and categories below the search box. All funds’ unique giving pages are live and able to accept donations right now! To customize your fund’s page, we invite you to submit to alevine@delcf.org: · A logo OR a representative image · A mission statement OR a single sentence summarizing your organization, and · The address of the website for the organization the fund supports, if any. For assistance or more information, contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230. 21

Donor Impact As Delaware’s Population Changes, the Arsht-Cannon Fund changes lives

Language barriers sometimes make it difficult for Spanish-speaking parents in Delaware to partner effectively with their children’s teachers. But Yamel Akyol and his family are succeeding with the help of the Bilingual Communications Services program supported by the ArshtCannon Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF). In 2012, Yamel was admitted to Wilmington’s Nativity Preparatory School, a tuition-free middle school for inner-city boys that provides ongoing support to its students through their college years. Yamel showed great academic potential, but his mother, a native Spanish-speaker, struggled to support Yamel’s development because of difficulty communicating with his English-speaking teachers. Enter the Arsht-Cannon Fund. The Arsht-Cannon Fund partners with nonprofit organizations to offer educational support and improve access to physical and mental health care and family services for Hispanic Delawareans. Since 2008, the fund has awarded $5.4 million to programs throughout the state, including the Bilingual Communications Services at Nativity Prep. Nativity Prep initially served primarily African-American boys, but the student body has changed over the past few years and now is 28 percent Hispanic. The Bilingual Communications Services program ensures that Spanish-speaking parents have access to translation services for school meetings, enabling them to fully engage with their children’s academic progress. “It has been extremely helpful to receive information in Spanish,” said Yamel’s mother, Sandra. “When information about my son’s successes and struggles comes directly from his teachers in Spanish, it helps me to help him and be an advocate for his educational goals.”


Yamel’s efforts, along with those of his mother and his teachers, have paid big dividends. At Nativity Prep’s 2016 graduation ceremony, Yamel was awarded the Provincial Medal, the school’s highest honor, along with being named Delaware’s Hispanic Middle School Student of the Year. In the fall, Yamel began ninth grade on a full scholarship at Salesianum School. The Bilingual Communications Services at Nativity Prep will continue to support Yamel and his classmates as they pursue their educations. “This is just one of the areas in which the ArshtCannon Fund is improving the lives of Hispanic Delawareans, helping individuals and families to become more self-sufficient and successful,” said Dr. Christine Cannon, executive director of the Arsht-Cannon Fund. “Yamel is a shining example of the value these programs bring to our community.” To apply for a grant or for more information about the Arsht-Cannon Fund, visit arshtcannonfund.org. Yamel Akyol receives the Provincial Medal, the highest honor awarded by Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington.

Since inception in 2004, the Arsht-Cannon Fund has invested more than $8.3 million in improving the quality of life for all Delawareans, including $5.4 million specifically supporting programs that provide Hispanic Delawareans with educational opportunities, increased access to health care, and special opportunities for youth to develop into leaders. Among the many programs the Arsht-Cannon Fund supports is the Latino Mental Health Workforce Program, which supports tuition for bilingual students pursuing graduate-level education. The students commit to work in mental/behavioral health care in Hispanicserving organizations in Delaware for at least four years after graduation. Pictured above is Arsht-Cannon Scholar Ronaldo Tello, a doctoral student in Neumann University’s counseling program, who was honored at Hispanic Heritage Day in October 2016 for his commitment to the Hispanic community and culture in Delaware. 23

Nonprofits Canine Partners for Life’s New Endowment Fund Strengthens Ability to Serve Clients with Disabilities Dogs that can sense impending seizures and cardiac problems, warn diabetics of low sugar levels, and provide companionship are helping people with disabilities lead more independent lives. Canine Partners for Life (CPL), an organization that trains and places service dogs, is taking steps to ensure that it will be around for many years to come by building up its endowment fund at the Delaware Community Foundation. To build a charitable endowment fund, individuals and organizations place a sum of money in an account and allow it to earn interest. Without touching the principal, the fundholder uses the interest it earns for charitable activities, such as making grants or contributing to a

nonprofit organization’s operations. The result is a permanent source of charitable funds. “I decided to open an endowment fund at the DCF, because I wanted to relieve some financial pressure as well as guarantee the future of the organization,” said Darlene Sullivan, who founded CPL in 1989. “I’ve seen this organization change the lives of a lot of people, and I want that to continue for as long as possible.” CPL, based in Cochranville, Penn., has placed more than 650 service and companion dogs in 45 states. The total cost to raise, train, place and provide lifetime support is more than $30,000 per dog. To provide this life-changing service, CPL relies on money from fundraisers and gifts from generous individuals and organizations. With the help and expertise of the DCF, CPL is now able to accept complex gifts, such as planned gifts, real estate and other non-cash donations. This year, the DCF helped the CPL accept one of its most unusual gifts — two cemetery plots. These gifts increase the CPL’s endowment fund at the DCF and help to ensure the future of the organization. “Opening up an endowment fund has brought me peace of mind. I no longer have to worry about the financial future of the organization, because the endowment has brought stability and longevity to it,” Darlene said. “Now I can focus on the dogs and the people we are trying to help.” Canine Partners for Life pairs service dogs with individuals who have physical, developmental, or cognitive disabilities. For more information about CPL, visit k94life.org. After suffering a stroke at age 11, Hunter began suffering frequent, unpredictable seizures. His service dog, Argos, is able to sense impending seizures and warn Hunter to get help.


“Opening up an endowment fund has brought me peace of mind. I no longer have to worry about the financial future of the organization, because the endowment has brought stability and longevity to it. Now I can focus on the dogs and the people we are trying to help.” — Darlene Sullivan, Founder and Executive Director Canine Partners for Life

Nonprofit Funds {Opened July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016}

Child HELP Foundation Fund • Mark B. Carlson Fund • Dr. Reynaldo A. Ebreo Memorial Fund • Dr. David Jawahar Fund • Jane A. Mattern Memorial Fund John & Linda Hollis Children in Nature Fund Delaware Housing Coalition Endowment Fund John M. Clayton Trust Fund Mary Frey Foss Memorial KSI Fund Friends of Woodburn Endowment Fund

What Can a DCF Endowed Fund Provide for Your Nonprofit?

Georgetown Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund Harry K Foundation Fund LYTE Scholars Fund

• Security and stability for your organization’s financial future.

Mariner’s Bethel Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund

• Fiscal efficiencies by being invested as part of a large pool of funds.

Mariner’s Bethel United Methodist Church Endowment Fund

• Free support to accept bequests, charitable gift annuities, real estate and other complex gifts.

Paws for People Dianne Galleshaw Memorial Endowment Fund

• Access to information and expertise about building your fund.

Shepherd Place Endowment Fund

• A role in the DCF’s larger movement to improve quality of life in Delaware.

Village Improvement Association Endowment Fund

For information about opening an endowment fund for your nonprofit organization, contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230.

Village Improvement Association Fund

For a complete list of DCF funds, visit delcf.org/give.


Friends {July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016}

Since 1986, the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) has been providing civic leadership services that benefit Delawareans throughout the state. Thanks to the generosity of the individuals and businesses listed here, the DCF has been a powerful force for good for more than 30 years, serving as a facilitator, convener, cultivator and source of community knowledge. Community Builders

Kate & Bob Pincus

Kenneth & Kathryn Nachbar


Grafton & Deenie Reeves*

Mr. Donald W. Nicholson Jr.

1916 Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Schell

Honorable & Mrs. John W. Noble

Mrs. Helen L. Eliason

Pete & Carroll Shannon

Austin “Pete” Okie*

Thomas R. Pulsifer

Thomas J. Shopa*

Mr. & Mrs. A. Duer Pierce Jr.

Valerie Sill & Dennis O’Brien*

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Preston

Edward Steiner*

Patricia & Richard Quinn*

Mr. Gary R. Stockbridge

Dennis Rochford

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stritzinger

Dennis & Beth Salter*

S.L. Townsend Family Fund*

William & Dawn Schieffer*

Verplanck Family Fund*

Steve & Judy Schwartz*

Wade Family Fund

John & Lorraine Seiberlich

Ms. Katherine K. Wilkinson

Susan & Wil Sherk*

Ronald & Janet M. Yabroff

Elaine & David Singleton

Community Partners ($5,000-$9,999) Mr. Robert E. Ewers Jr. & Ms. Penny Pleasance Marilyn & Nathan Hayward Ms. Fifi Hiotis-Blackburn Michael & Ellen Kullman* William & Melissa Lafferty Nancy & Tom Sager Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Sears II*

Patrons ($500-$999)

Ambassadors ($2,500-$4,999)

Judy Beardwood*

James C. Borel* Ms. Kelly E. Firment Pete & Tina Hayward

Mrs. Georgina M. Bissell* Joan R. Bolling* Ellison M. Carey Drs. Uma & Vinay Chowdhry Stuart & Lucy Comstock-Gay

Benefactors ($1,000-$2,499) Jill & Rich Abbott* Bob & Joan Appleby* Dr. Alex B. Bodenstab Mr. & Ms. Scott E. Burris Richard T. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins Jr. Barry A. & Joan D. Crozier* Doneene Keemer Damon Christopher F. Daniels Gadde Family Foundation Mr. Norman D. Griffiths Richard & Catherine Julian* Bryan & Kay Keenan Stephen & Joyce Lamb* Robert & Marcy MacGovern Kathleen Furey McDonough, Esq.* Mr. & Mrs. Omar Y. McNeill Richard & Mary Ella Nenno* Drs. Janice Nevin & Charles Pohl

*10 years or more supporting the DCF 26

Phoebe Craven Mr. William C. Dugdale Bob & Jane Gibson

Mr. Robert M. Sommerlatte & Dr. Christine Maynard Don & Leigh Sparks Mrs. Margaretta K. Stabler Chris & Bill Sudell Edward & Judy Tarlov* Carolyn & Clint Walker Mr. & Mrs. Howell Wallace John W. Ward Mark Olson & Jenny Warren* Mary Jane & Bill Willis*

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Goldenberg

Supporters ($250-$499)

Paul Harrell Jr.*

Thurman & Hilda Adams Charitable Fund

John & Niki Hawkins*

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Adkins*

James G. & Maret K. Headley

Frank & Marcella Albero*

Pepco Holdings

Mr. & Mrs. Julian H. Bauman Jr.*

Mrs. Judith Hoopes*

André G. & Sally A. Beaumont

Peter & Susan Horty*

Honorable Rosemary Betts Beauregard*

Peter & Patti Hurd

Craig & Sally Binetti*

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Iredale

Bison Way Fund

Holly Kershner*

Julian H. & Susan N. Booker

Mr. Robert C. Kline*

Ms. Elizabeth M. Bouchelle*

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuhns

Ann & Jeff Bross

Mr. & Mrs. David F. Lyons Sr.*

Ms. Laura A. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. William H. J. Manthorpe Jr.*

Dr. Christine A. Cannon

Jim & Georgia Mazarakis

Stephanie & Ruly Carpenter*

Grace & Blair Messner*

Mike & Jane Castle*

Frank & Brigitte Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Conrad*

Mr. & Mrs. William Goeller*

Delmarva Planned Giving Council

Robert & Nancy Crowe*


Mr. Mark Degrosselliers & Mrs. Kelly Degrosselliers


Stan & Martha Diver* Gary & Denise Ferguson* Thomas & Marie Forrest Steve & Jeannie Fowle Anthony M. Frabizzio* Thomas & Catherine Franceschini* Donald T. Fulton* Vance A. Funk III, Esq. Mr. Mukteeshwar Gande Elizabeth Cahill Garofalo & Edward F. Garofalo Jeff & Linn Goddess* Marcia Halperin & Norman Monhait* Thomas E. Hanson Jr., Esq. & Sophia L. Joppy-Hanson Marilyn K. Hyte* William & Mary Johnston* Ms. Nancy Karibjanian Kimberly & Larry Kimmel Dan & Mary Klein Faith B. & Eric Kuehn* Ruth & Greg Lavelle* Hugh & Kathleen Leahy* Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Martinelli Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. McDowell* Mr. & Mrs. Rex L. Mears* Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mitchell II Mr. & Mrs. Mel Monzack* Peter & Linda Morrow Shannon R. Owens Alan B. Palmer* Chris & Mary Patterson* Harold W. T. Purnell II H. Rodney & Andrea Scott Louis B. Rosenberg* Charles & Susan Salkin* Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Sam Severance Ms. Joan L. Sharp Bill Shea Michelle & David Shepherd Rob & Kathleen Siegfried William C. Spruance Charles & Theresa Sterner Marie & Edward Stewart Dale Stratton* Peggy & Leo Strine* Cindy L. Szabo & Brian M. Ellis Vernon & Michelle Taylor Timon Family Fund Reade Tompson Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Uffner Wakefield Family Fund, Inc.* Michael & Judith Walls* Mel & Peni Warren Mrs. Ann D. Wick*

Jeanne & William Allan Mr. & Mrs. Ashley R. Altschuler Ms. Joanne Ambrogi Dr. & Mrs. Robert Andrzejewski Mr. & Mrs. P. Brooks Banta Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bayard Ms. Madeleine M. Bayard & Mr. Jared Klose Bechly Charitable Trust Fund Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Bernetich Robert K. Beste Jr., Esq. Nancy & Jay Blumberg* Mr. & Mrs. Roberts Brokaw III David & Gwen Brown* Don Brown & Lynn Howard Marlene Elliott Brown Scott & Terri Brown Mr. & Mrs. Arnie Caine Lynda & Douglas Campbell* Ms. Anne P. Canby Steven & Deborah Casey Honorable & Mrs. Richard C. Cecil* Joseph & Suzanne Claricurzio Tom & Linda Cloud Dr. Arthur W. Colbourn Pam & Doug Cornforth* Mr. B. Craig Crouch Mr. & Mrs. Michael Darling Laura Day Rob & Debbie Director* Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiSabatino Richard & Christine DiSabatino* Mr. & Mrs. David C. Doane Eric M. Doroshow, Esq. Anne S. & Vincent Dougherty Linda & Robert Duncan John & Lena Elzufon Mary Page Evans Paul & Gloria Fine* Mark Fitzpatrick* David & Kathleen Fleming Israel & Patricia Floyd* Mr. & Mrs. William Frederick Edward J. Freel* Gregory Fuller Sr. Peter C. Fulweiler Gail Garbutt Tom & Vicki Gehrt Robert G. Gibbs, Esq. Martha S. Gilman & S. Gregory Smith* Peter & Susan Gilman* Mr. Richard A. Givens II Edward O. Gordon* Robert G. Hackett Jr. Rich & Dottie Harper* Jennings Hastings Susan & Stephen Hermann* Mary & Bob Hickok* John & Diane Himes* Dr. Ilona E. Holland & Justice Randy Holland Mr. & Mrs. John Hollis Dori R. Jacobson* Michael B. Johnson

“The dedication and commitment of the Delaware Community Foundation board, volunteers and staff inspires community members to become involved with other Delawareans to help Delaware continue growing. The Delaware Focus initiative shows that the foundation continues to support and lead the entire state’s philanthropic efforts.” — Anne Stallman Dougherty


Friends {July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016}

Support from Friends and Business Partners enables the DCF to conduct civic leadership work, including the new Community Conversations. In this photo, Charita Olabiyi of Westside Family Healthcare, Reuben Salters of the Inner City Cultural League and David Clendaniel of the Dover Federal Credit Union discuss Kent County trends after reviewing DelawareFocus data during a November 2016 session.

Contributors ($100-$249) Debbie & G. Ward Keever IV* Morton R. Kimmel Honorable William Swain Lee Allison & Jason Levine Carole & Robert Long Douglas W. Lundblad* Matt & Nancy Lynch* Maraleta & Jack Malloy* Mr. & Mrs. Joshua W. Martin III* Nancy & David Marvin* William H. Master, CPA, CVA Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. McDonough Frank & Carolyn McIntosh Mark & Elaine Mendelson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Miller Jr.* Ms. Julie Topkis Nason* Michael & Janis Nesterak Leslie Newman* Ms. Joan D. O’Connor


Mr. & Mrs. John W. Paradee Donald & Ethel Parsons* David Paul & Kathy Klein Roy & Michelle Proujansky Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Ridout Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Riegel Mr. & Mrs. John S. Riley Jay & Maxine Rosenthal* Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Russ Mr. & Mrs. William R. Russell III* Mr. & Mrs. David N. Rutt* Michele & Howard Sands* Ellen S. Scarborough* Joanne T. Scott* C. J. & Gail Seitz Ellen & Jim Semple Mr. & Mrs. Howard G. Sholl Jr. Thomas C. & Mary H. Short Sonia S. & Gilbert J. Sloan* Ben & Terry Smith Rita & Jack Speakman*

Jay & Sharon Stevens Danielle & Kevin Sullivan Rita & Tom Sweeney* John E. T. Taylor, ChFU, CLU Matthew & Alison Terrell Barbara & Len Togman* Steven & Suzanne Tooze Mr. Robert L. VanDyke Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wellons* Mr. Michael White Mr. & Mrs. Edward White* Amelia & Hirsch Wierzbicki Ms. Jane Wilke J. William & Patricia B. Andrew Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wilson Jr. Bill & Joan Winters S. B. & Katy Woo Cynthia P. Woolley Cam & Kathy Yorkston

*10 years or more supporting the DCF

Business Partners {July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016} Community Partner

Program Sponsors


Agents and Corporations, Inc. Chatham Financial Corp. Cooch and Taylor, P.A. DiSabatino Construction Company DRPR Strategies, LLC Feby’s Fishery Innovincent LLC JP Morgan Chase & Company Millennium Loan Fund Qwest Enterprises, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Russ Smith & McCartney LLC

Brandywine Trust Company

Ambassadors ($2,500-$4,999) Corporation Service Company WSFS Bank

Benefactors ($1,000-$2,499) AAA Mid-Atlantic Anthony & Catherine Fusco Foundation Fulton Bank Patterson Schwartz Foundation, Inc. W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

Patrons ($500-$999) Albero, Kupferman & Associates, LLC Chandler Funeral Home Commonwealth Group, Ltd. DiSabatino Construction Company Ellis & Szabo, LLP First Shore Federal Savings & Loan Association I.G. Burton & Co., Inc. Nixon Uniform Service & Medical Wear R and R Commercial Realty, Inc.

Supporters ($250-$499) Bancroft Construction Company Bayshore Ford - Sterling Biddle Capital Management Delmarva Broadcasting Diamond Technologies George & Lynch Inc. Harvey Hanna & Associates Jefferson Urian Doane & Sterner, PA Law Office of Schmittinger & Rodriguez, P.A. Lyons Companies Mitchell Associates, Inc. Shah & Associates P.A. Sobieski Enterprises, Inc. Stewart Becker Properties Vandemark & Lynch, Inc. Wayman Fire Protection, Inc.

Contributors ($100-$249) DE Technology Park Laird Stabler III & Associates, LLC

Youth Philanthropy Board Sponsors Atlantis Fund Paul & Gloria Fine McMullen Fund Mildred H. and Ray A. Thompson Fund Mr. Robert W. Wynn

Community Engagement Partners AstraZeneca PLC Bank of America Foundation Capital One Services LLC Corporation Service Company Crestlea Foundation Discover Bank DuPont Company Gannett Foundation, Inc. George J. Weiner Assoc., Inc. Laffey-McHugh Foundation M&T Charitable Foundation Marmot Foundation Rodel Sussex County Council Welfare Foundation

Matching Companies Agilent Technologies AIG Matching Grants Program Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Annie E. Casey Foundation Matching Gift Program Bank of America Foundation Barclays Bank Capital One Services LLC Corporation Service Company Fredrick W. Cook & Co., Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Graham Holdings Matching Gifts Program Microsoft Morgan Stanley Silicon Valley Community Foundation T. Rowe Price Foundation Turck Inc. UBS - Matching Gift Program

“The Delaware Community Foundation does such a great job of supporting a broad range of great organizations that help improve the quality of life for so many Delawareans. The DCF has helped connect me with the right folks to be working with and helped me make direct support to organizations that focus on important issues.” — Ernie DiAnastasis


Professional Advisors Charitable Connection

This year, the DCF launched the new Professional Advisors Charitable Connection (PACC). Financial planners, estate attorneys and other professional advisors benefit from access to periodic events, expert advice from DCF’s philanthropic services team, information about tax-advantaged charitable giving vehicles, and more.

The PACC: • Enhances your ability to serve your clients.

• Highlights your commitment to the community.

• Increases your own expertise in philanthropic financial vehicles.

• Includes no required meetings or obligations. • Costs nothing to join.

For more information, visit delcf.org/PACC or contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230. Sen. Chris Coons speaks to professional advisors at the first event hosted by the DCF’s Professional Advisors Charitable Connection.


Strengthening Your Client Relationships

while strengthening Delaware’s future Strengthen your client relationships by including philanthropic giving in your conversations. By raising charitable giving options, you can show clients that your expertise is broad, your thinking is creative, and your goal is to go beyond financial planning to help them establish a holistic legacy. Our team at the DCF offers free philanthropic expertise and community knowledge to professional advisors who wish to provide clients with charitable giving options. A 501(c)3 charitable organization, the DCF is a venerated institution with a 30-year history of helping generous people build lasting philanthropic resources for Delaware. Our goal is to help you help your clients achieve their philanthropic goals, and we tailor our service to meet your needs and the needs of your clients. We are pleased to serve as a behind-the-scenes resource for you or as an active participant in client engagement. We are committed to improving quality of life in Delaware by leveraging philanthropic giving. People who want to make charitable gifts, like your clients, are central to our ability to continually improve the community’s well-being. To discuss how the DCF can serve you, contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230.

“The Delaware Community Foundation is an effective vehicle for a person to make charitable gifts that will have long-term impact, carried out with an ongoing commitment to the donor’s goals and the good of Delaware.” — Chuck Durante, Partner Connolly Gallagher LLP

The DCF is a trusted, free resource committed to helping you and your clients address the causes they care about most, while receiving the maximum tax benefits. 31

Planning Pause Before You

write that check to charity Creative Use of a Life Insurance Policy May be the Best Way to Make a Charitable Gift If you are contemplating a sizable gift to your fund at the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) or directly to a nonprofit organization, check with your financial advisor to see if there is a creative way to use life insurance to meet charitable giving goals, realize immediate tax advantages and minimize your heirs’ losses to inheritance taxes.

Life insurance is typically used in two ways in gift and estate planning: • Inheritance replacement value — Because most life insurance benefits pass income — and estate-tax free to heirs, it can be a tax-advantaged way to leave resources to your heirs while using heavily taxed assets for your charitable purposes.

People usually think first of their taxable assets — such as cash, stocks and real estate — as the primary bequest passed on to heirs. But depending upon where you live and what assets you have, state and/or federal taxes will greatly reduce what your heirs will receive.

Gifting some or all of these taxable assets to charity through your estate plan means their maximum value is passed on as your charitable legacy. The net amount heirs would have received after taxes on these assets can then be passed to them simply and tax-free through life insurance in which they are the direct beneficiaries.


• Amplification of what you can afford to donate outright — By assigning ownership of a policy to the DCF or another charity, the premiums you pay become tax deductible, and the death benefit may far exceed what you thought you could donate from your estate without reducing assets earmarked for heirs.

Generally, life insurance is a great way to “purchase immortality on an installment plan.” That means that by shifting a portion of what you are currently giving in annual support to charities, you can purchase insurance to guarantee that either your annual support can continue in perpetuity, or a sizable gift will be available to the charity upon your death. In addition, the insurance premiums you pay are just as deductible as your direct charitable gifts.

Even dividends earned in existing policies can be used as deductible direct gifts or to purchase new insurance to directly benefit your charitable causes rather than becoming taxable income to you. There are many ways to use life insurance to efficiently meet your goals. We would be happy to work with you and your advisors to identify the best plan for you. Like any complex estate planning tool, rules and nuances are continually shifting, so it is important to consult a knowledgeable advisor to determine the optimum choice for your specific situation.

Future Legacy Society

These generous philanthropists have made plans to leave a future gift to a fund at the DCF. G. Lawrence Adams Charles C. Allen III Paula Allen Barbra Frank Andrisani Gwendoline B. Angalet Robert & Carol Baker Feffie Barnhill Mona Bayard Paul & Beth Bechly James W. & Rosalyn S. Bishop Robert S. & Katherine M. Boyd Bobby B. & Joan Y. Brown Sarah E. Brown James Carlo Marsha G. Cauthen Patricia Chappelle Janet Churchill Janet Clark Robert & Valerie B. Cloutier Francis & Addie Cole Ted Dwyer Lanny & Micki Edelsohn Don & Nancy Edwards Helen L. Eliason Gary & Cindy Emory Robert E. Ewers Jr. & Penny Pleasance Jean Gandek Ajit George Bob & Jane Gibson Adly & Sheila Gorrafa Donald L. & Abigail D. Greene Selma Hayman Lawrence Guthrie Susan & Stephen Herrmann Ann Hilaman G. Stewart Hoagland D. Wayne & Betsy Holden Marilyn Hyte Lucille Jones & Julie Cripps Trena & Robert Kelly Jan King Joseph Kowinsky Janet Kramer William Lafferty

Andrew Langsam Hugh & Kathleen Leahy Richard Legatski William Luke Elaine Markell Robert D. Martz Mildred McConnell Stephen Mockbee Mary Jo Moore Robert Moore Gary Myers Joan D. O’Connor Brian R. & Linda H. O’Connor Austin “Pete” Okie Joe & Linda Outlaw Alan B. Palmer Elizabeth G. Poole Robert T. & Rita E. Quade Brian & Joy Read Don & Lois Richards Margaret Richey Charles & Patricia Robertson Richard D. & Cynthia Rowland Dave Ryerson Carl & Doris Schnee Jeanne Otis Shields Theresa Silver Joni Silverstein Carolyn J. Smith Raymond F. & Rita O. Smith Robert P. & Tina M. Sonzogni Sandra Spence Philip C. Timon Reade Tompson Robert Ullrich Matthew Waschull Beverly Wik Hope R. Yerkes

To discuss how you can join this community of givers and leave your legacy of caring, contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230.

Make a Gift that Costs Nothing During Your Lifetime Whether you have modest savings or a large estate, you can make a meaningful charitable gift without significant immediate impact to your finances through legacy giving. Legacy gifts, also called planned gifts, are made through wills and trusts, and in other ways, such as through charitable funds, assignment of insurance policies or IRAs, and more. • Leave a permanent source of income for your favorite charitable cause. • Inspire your loved ones to give. • Secure a permanent stream of income for the rest of your life. • Enjoy immediate tax advantages. • Leave more of your estate to your descendants. • Leave your personal legacy. The Delaware Community Foundation has the expertise to work with you and your financial advisor or attorney to help you achieve your charitable goals and establish your personal legacy. For more information, visit delcf.planyourlegacy.org or contact Marie Stewart, client services manager, mstewart@delcf.org or 302.504.5230. This information is not offered as legal or tax advice. Please consult your financial advisor or attorney for advice on how planned giving will impact you.



Combined Statements of financial position

As a public charity, the Delaware Community Foundation is committed to transparency to our fundholders and the broader community we serve. To review our Federal Tax Return Form 990s, investment policy, full audited financial statements and quarterly investment reports, visit delcf.org/financials. June 30, 2016 and 2015 Assets


Cash and cash equivalents








Unconditional promises to give



Other receivables



Fixed assets - net





Notes receivable

Total Assets




Grants payable



Other accrued expenses



Charitable gift annuities



Nonprofit endowments



Total Liabilities



Total Net Assets



Total Liabilities and Net Assets



Investment Committee Robert N. MacGovern, Chair Matthew C. Beardwood Kathleen Hawkins



Cynthia A. Hewitt Bud Martin Valerie J. Sill

Gordon Stone Philip C. Timon Thomas D. Wren

Investment Investment performance

Our investment philosophy is to maximize preservation and growth of capital over time, while minimizing risk and volatility. Compared to similar-sized community foundations around the country, the Delaware Community Foundation’s investment portfolio delivers competitive returns, provides greater diversification and has lower volatility exposure. In 2017, we will be announcing new investment products for fundholders interested in pursuing other investment strategies. June 30, 2016 and 2015 8% 7.4

6% 4%



2% 0 -2%






1 Year Return 3 Year Return -2.6

5 Year Return

7 Year Return

Since Inception




As of June, 2016 1 Year Return


DCF Funds

Policy Index*



3 Year Return



5 Year Return



7 Year Return





Since Inception

*The Policy Index is a compilation of each money manager’s indices.


DCF Board &


Officers & Executive Committee Thomas L. Sager, Esq.,

David Singleton, Treasurer

John Paradee, Esq.,


Retired Public Sector

KCAC Chair

Retired General Counsel,


Partner, Baird Mandalas Brockstedt LLC

DuPont Company

Kelly Firment, Vice Chair Small Business Credit Card Product/Strategy Executive, Bank of America

Marilyn Rushworth Hayward,

John C. Hawkins,

Immediate Past Chair

At large

Principal, Hayward &

President/CEO, ab+c


Creative Intelligence

Bill Dugdale, Secretary

Lynn Adams Kokjohn,

Thomas J. Shopa, CPA, CFP,

Partner, Brown Advisory

SCAC Chair

At large

Retired DuPont Manager

Retired Partner, BDO USA, LLP

Directors Doneene Keemer Damon, Esq. Director, Richards, Layton & Finger

Kathleen McDonough, Esq. Partner, Potter Anderson Corroon

Martha S. Gilman Vice President, Gilman Development Company

Janice E. Nevin, MD, MPH Chief Executive Officer, Christiana Care Health System

Tom Hanson, Esq. Partner, Morris James

Donald W. Nicholson Jr. Financial Advisor, Donald W. Nicholson & Associates

Jennings Hastings Director of Operations, Faw, Casson & Co., LLP

Joan L. Sharp Founder and Principal, Life Strategies, LLC

Nancy Karibjanian Vice President, Delaware First Media

Gary Stockbridge President, Delmarva Power Region

Kay Keenan Chair, Fund for Women President, Growth Consulting

Andy Staton President, Andy Staton Group

Rob MacGovern Retired Investment Executive Jim Mazarakis Executive Vice President, WSFS Bank


Cindy L. Szabo, Esq. Partner, Ellis & Szabo, LLP (Gubernatorial Appointee) Michelle A. Taylor President & CEO, United Way of Delaware (ex officio)

Committees Audit Committee Jennings P. Hastings, Chair Peter S. Kennedy

Community Focus Council Doneene Keemer Damon, Chair Cindy Szabo, Vice Chair Daniel Cruce Bernice Edwards Rita Landgraf Matthew Lintner Steven Peuquet Bettina Riveros Bradley Skelcher Jose Somalo Michelle Taylor

Development Committee John C. Hawkins, Chair Frank Albero Christopher F. Daniels William C. Dugdale Timothy E. Gibbs Jane Gibson Martha S. Gilman Don W. Nicholson Jr. Deenie Reeves Laura Lubin Rossi Julie Russ Thomas L. Sager, Esq. Susan D. Sherk Robert M. “Mac” Sommerlatte Matthew H. Terrell

Finance Committee David Singleton, Chair Bill Dugdale Mark R. Hutton Jim Mazarakis Robert W. Pierce

Grants Committee Andy Staton, Chair Carolyn Bray Marsha Cauthen Wendy R. Danner Len DeCapua Kelly E. Firment Thomas E. Hanson Jr., Esq. Mary B. Hickok Joyce K. Lamb Rodney A. Lambert Jr. Donald W. Nicholson Jr. Denise Schwartz Gary Stockbridge Matthew H. Terrell

Kent County Advisory Committee

Sussex County Advisory Committee

John W. Paradee, Esq., Chair Ellison M. Carey, CFM, CRPC Jennings P. Hastings, CPA Rachael Mears Charles Rodriguez Charles Sterner Jr., CPA, CVA Brian J. Stetina, CPA Peni G. Warren, CFM, CRPC

Lynn Adams Kokjohn, Chair Marlene Elliott Brown Charles L. Burton Valery L. Cordrey David C. Doane, CPA Greg Fuller Sr. Mike Furnari John Hollis Hugh D. Leahy Jr. David Lyons Sr. C.W. Mitchell Shannon Owens, Esq. Harold W. T. Purnell II, Esq. Cindy L. Szabo, Esq.

Marketing & Communications Committee Nancy Karibjanian, Chair Meredith Chapman Peter C. Fulweiler Martha S. Gilman Ranie Goode John C. Hawkins Dorothy R. Jacobson Kay Keenan Lynn Adams Kokjohn Mark R. Mendelson Janice Nevin Donald W. Nicholson Jr. Frank J. “Skip” Pennella Leon Tucker

Personnel Committee Kathleen McDonough, Chair Doneene Keemer Damon

Youth Philanthropy Board Advisory Committee New Castle County Natalia Carlucci Daryl Graham Neil Kirschling Leslie Newman Kay Preston Michele Whetzel David T. Woods

Kent County Michelle Dawson Linda Chick Doug Crouse Nisha Lodhavia

Sussex County Alonna Berry Hugh Leahy Richard B. Wheeler

“I support the Delaware Community Foundation because it is invested in helping Delaware focus on the issues that need the most help and encouraging the community to make changes that will be most impactful.” — Janice Nevin, MD, MPH President & CEO Christiana Care Health System


DCF Contact




Stuart Comstock-Gay President & CEO scomstock-gay@delcf.org 302.504.5228

David W. Fleming Senior Vice President for Philanthropic Services dfleming@delcf.org 302.504.5224

Allison Taylor Levine, APR Director of Marketing & Communications alevine@delcf.org 302.504.5226

Marie Mauk Stewart Client Services Manager mstewart@delcf.org 302.504.5230

Terri Waller Executive Assistant/Office Manager twaller@delcf.org 302.504.5221


FINANCE AND OPERATIONS Elizabeth M. Bouchelle Director of Grants bbouchelle@delcf.org 302.504.5239 Deborah Burton Data Analyst dburton@delcf.org 302.504.5252 Calisa R. Emerson Accounting Associate cremerson@delcf.org 302.504.5229 Becky Cahill Garofalo Chief Financial Officer bcahill@delcf.org 302.504.5251 Michelle Marshall Gifts Administrator mmarshall@delcf.org 302.504.5227 Sarah Paul Operations Assistant spaul@delcf.org 302.504.5223 Cheryl Rice-Moore Accounts Payable Coordinator crice-moore@delcf.org 302.504.5220

Rebecca Elzey Vice President for Central Delaware relzey@delcf.org 302.571.8004

SOUTHERN DELAWARE OFFICE William R. Allan Senior Vice President for Southern Delaware wallan@delcf.org 302.856.4393 Kelly Sheridan Client Services/Scholarship Administrator ksheridan@delcf.org 302.856.4393

Locations Main Office 100 W. 10th Street, Suite 115 PO Box 1636 Wilmington, DE 19899-1636 phone 302.571.8004 fax 302.571.1553

Southern Delaware 36 The Circle Georgetown, DE 19947-4393 302.856.4393

Website delcf.org I FACEBOOK facebook.com/DelawareCF i Twitter @DelCommunity 38

Acknowledgments The DCF Annual Report is made possible by a generous gift from Tom Wren. Photography by Canine Partners for Life, Scott Ellis, the Cape Gazette, Dave Govoni/Flickr, Hoy en Delaware, Jeffrey/Flickr, K.W. Barrett/Flickr and the YMCA of Delaware. Design by Hughes Design. Production and printing by McClafferty Printing Company. Special thanks to DCF interns Laura Lyman and Daijah Miles for their contributions.

P.O. Box 1636 Wilmington, DE 19899

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