DCF 2018 Annual Report

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Building Opportunity Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report

Table of Contents Engaging Communities ........ 2

Our Vision – What we want for the community We envision a Delaware where generosity expands opportunity for all and enhances the common good.

Empowering Philanthropy......... 4 Community Impact Grants ........ 12 African American Empowerment Fund........ 14

Our Mission – What we do for the community Our mission is to improve the lives of the people of Delaware by empowering and growing philanthropy through knowledge and relationships, now and in the future.

Fund for Women........ 15 The Next Generation........ 16 Youth Philanthropy Board........ 17 Rodel........ 18 Strengthening Nonprofits........ 19 Legacy Giving........ 20 Professional Advisors........ 24 Friends........ 26 Financials & Investments........ 28 Board & Committees........ 30 Delaware Forever Fund........ 32

Our Values

All of our work is underpinned and informed by these values: Passion a drive to improve the lives of the people of Delaware Joy a sense of delight for life and philanthropy Service a commitment to go the extra mile to help others Creativity an eagerness to explore opportunities for constant improvement Excellence a pledge to perform our work at the highest level in everything we do Inclusion a belief that a variety of voices and experiences expands impact

Dear Friends, At the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF), our passion and our core function is to help our fundholders make a difference in the charitable causes they care about. It’s also our role to step back and look at the community as a whole, encompassing all of the issues our fundholders care about, as well as thinking about how they intersect, looking for opportunities to do more, and shining a light on unaddressed needs and untapped opportunities. While our first duty is to help our fundholders take care of their favorite “trees,” we’re also responsible for the forest. When we look at the forest, what we see is that our whole community benefits when everyone has the opportunity to succeed. So we have set our sights on expanding opportunity in Delaware so that everyone — from Southbridge to Harrington to Delmar — has a chance to get a good education, grow up in a safe and healthy community, earn a living and (with hard work and maybe a little help along the way) achieve the American Dream. This is how we grow strong communities, and this is how we will grow a stronger Delaware. Expanding opportunity is a big concept with many facets. So we at the DCF spent much of 2017 working to identify exactly where and how we can have the greatest impact.

Stuart Comstock-Gay and Kelly E. Firment

Through a thoughtful and rigorous process, using qualitative and quantitative information, we have identified three focus areas in which the DCF can provide valuable civic leadership: the success of Delaware youth, a thriving Latino population and equitable communities. To advance this work, in 2018, we launched “Building Opportunity in Delaware,” a multiyear initiative to explore the imbalance of opportunity, convene conversations that lead to solutions, and leverage resources for the greatest impact on creating opportunity for all Delawareans. (Read more on pp. 2-3.) Through our Building Opportunity initiative, we will continue to grow our knowledge of those individual trees that interest our fundholders, as well as deepen our understanding of the forest. This year, whether you are a fundholder, a private- or public-sector leader, or a friend, we hope that you will become even more invested in expanding opportunity in Delaware. We thank you for the support, energy, hope and heart you bring to the work we do together. Yours,

Stuart Comstock-Gay President & CEO

Kelly E. Firment DCF Board Chair 1

Engaging Communities

We all enjoy a better quality of life when all people have opportunities to succeed. In 2018, the DCF launched Building Opportunity in Delaware, a multiyear community engagement initiative to explore the opportunity gap, convene conversations that lead to solutions, and increase the impact of philanthropy on creating opportunity for all Delawareans. In the coming years, the DCF will shine a light on the areas of greatest need and opportunity in Delaware that hold the most promise to provide a better quality of life for Delawareans. Through Building Opportunity in Delaware, the DCF is sponsoring a series of activities to engage the community in conversation and collective action around narrowing the opportunity gap. Activities during our Fiscal Year 2019 (July 30, 2018June 30, 2019) include: Book Circles – More than 450 Delawareans reading and discussing Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by world-renowned sociologist Prof. Robert D. Putnam. Thanks to a partnership with Delaware Humanities, the DCF provided free copies of the books and reading guides. Leadership Lecture – A special presentation by Prof. Putnam about the growing opportunity gap in Delaware and around the nation. Focus Conversations – A series of convenings around the state to bring focus to important community issues and opportunities to address them more effectively through collaboration and strategic approaches. 2

Joan Hoge-North, DCF vice president for philanthropy, and Joanna Carty, director of Seasons of Respect at Connecting Generations, are among the hundreds of Delawareans reading Our Kids as part of the Building Opportunity Book Circles.

Opportunity for All We are focused on helping the community improve quality of life in the First State by expanding opportunities for all — opportunities such as access to high-quality education, a rich culture, employment, health care, a safe and healthy environment — and ultimately enhancing the common good.


Empowering Philanthropy Helping Donors Build Opportunity For All

At the DCF, we partner with generous people and organizations who care about building opportunities and improving the lives of the people of Delaware in a variety of ways. With more than 1,200 charitable funds addressing different aspects of quality of life, we are continuously working to find ways to help our fundholders maximize the impact of their charitable giving by leveraging our community knowledge and relationships.

DCF fundholders are our partners in building opportunity in Delaware. In the next few pages, enjoy just a few stories of impact from the past year.


We were pleased to welcome these new funds to the DCF family July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. Designated John & Gloria Burton Charitable Fund Jennings & Lisa Hastings Legacy Fund** Dorothy Fleetwood Miller Memorial Fund Ritgert-Jelski Charitable Fund Donor Advised Ballard Community Fund Doane Family Fund Ron and Candice Gray Fund Heisler Family Foundation Fund Anthony Penna Fund Barb & Bill Philips’ Animal Welfare Fund Riverview Works Fund Sands Family Fund Triple H Fund Field of Interest K.D. Smith Fund

Nonprofit Basilio Nicolo Bautista, III Fund Basilio Nathaniel Bautista, IV Fund Basilio Noah Bautista, V Fund Bernadette Nazarie Bautista Fund Child HELP Foundation Youth Board Fund Delaware Community Blood Foundation, Inc. Endowment Fund Delaware Community Blood Foundation, Inc. Reserve Fund Georgetown Aid Endowment Fund Justin’s Beach House Fund Greater Lewes Foundation - Lewes Historical Society Seaford Kiwanis Club Trades Fund Westminster Village - Dover Fund Operating DCF Social Impact Fund Special Funds Ballard Community Fund Event Fund Melody Joy Foundation Fund *For a list of all DCF funds, visit delcf.org/give. ** A CenDel Foundation Fund


Josephine Osbun Fund A Legacy of Caring Children in Wilmington are enjoying opportunities they wouldn’t have, thanks to the legacy of Josephine Osbun. Today, Osbun’s donor advised fund at the DCF benefits Wilmington children at the Cathedral Choir School of Delaware, St. Michael’s Daycare and Nursery, and other organizations. “The DCF has always been a leader in supporting organizations throughout the state,” said Ben Osbun (pictured with children from the Cathedral Choir School), who advises the fund with his brothers.


“The DCF has always been a leader in supporting organizations throughout the state,” said Ben Osbun . “It’s the most beneficial organization to go with for people who are committed to supporting Delaware.”


“It’s the most beneficial organization to go with for people who are committed to supporting Delaware,” he said. “It’s been a great relationship with the DCF facilitating our contribution to the community.”


IMPROVING SERVICES FOR LATINO FAMILIES: ARSHT-CANNON FUND INVESTS IN INNOVATIVE LA COLECTIVA Supported by a $200,000 grant from the ArshtCannon Fund (ACF) at the DCF, a new and growing network of collaborating nonprofit and educational organizations is inspiring hope and driving change for Latinos in Sussex County. La Colectiva de Delaware (The Delaware Collective) is a network of people and organizations committed to sharing expertise, identifying gaps in services and resources, testing ideas and strategies to design solutions, and achieving outcomes of critical importance to Sussex County’s Latino families. Since December 2017, with ACF funding and additional support from the Matt Haley Trust and La Esperanza, the 30-plus members of La Colectiva have held monthly day-long sessions to learn from each other about the Latino communities they serve. “This new ‘collective will’ and hope for long term success are strengthened by the ongoing engagement of Latino youth and immigrant families in developing — and ultimately, leading — the work that will help them to thrive,” ACF Director Christine Cannon said. With leadership from Social Contract, the consulting framework of the Summer Learning Collaborative, La Colectiva has developed working groups to focus on four areas:

• Increasing access to high-quality out-of-school care. • Providing support needed to pursue college and/or career opportunities. • Providing coaching and navigation to access community resources and services to help families meet their basic and advanced needs. • Helping families understand their immigration status and possible pathways to citizenship.


ACF Executive Director Christine Cannon and April Veness of the University of Delaware at a La Colectiva meeting.

The working groups are developing pilot programs targeting these concerns. All successful pilot programs will develop proposals to seek funding from a variety of sources. “For the Arsht-Cannon Fund, this type of funding — targeted on addressing challenges through partner and community learning and collaboration — provides us with the greatest chance of making the differences we have envisioned for many years,” Cannon said. “My hope is that, by late spring 2019, we will have all realized that our most satisfying work and most effective outcomes are the gifts of our collective efforts.” The ACF is a donor advised fund at the DCF. Since 2007, the ACF has invested more than $7 million dollars to improve the lives of Delaware’s Latino immigrant families, helping them gain language, parenting, and career skills while assisting their children to achieve personal growth and academic success. “The Arsht-Cannon Fund is a true partner in the community foundation’s work to improve quality of life in Delaware,” said Sarah Grunewald, DCF vice president of community engagement and programs. “By investing in creating more opportunities for the Latino community, Arsht-Cannon is making life better for all Delawareans.”

Gary Spitzer supports Easterseals of Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore through his donor advised fund at the DCF.

Making Philanthropy Simple, Joyful and Powerful Through Knowledge & Relationships Philanthropy doesn’t have to be complicated.

The Gary and Silvia Spitzer Foundation Fund supports Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s

Gary Spitzer’s financial advisor first made him

Eastern Shore, one of the largest nonprofit

aware of the benefits of donor advised funds.

providers of services to people with disabilities

He chose to work with the DCF because of the

and aging conditions in Delaware. The fund also

foundation’s expertise and trusted relationships

contributes to Christian organizations, including

throughout Delaware.

those serving the poorest of the poor in nations around the world.

“My investment advisors and counsel for estate planning know the people at the DCF very well.

“We really like working with Delaware

This makes planning and execution so much

Community Foundation because it’s an easy

easier,” he said. “In addition, I have strong

way for us to give and then to disburse funds

confidence in the Investment Committee at the

to different organizations,” Spitzer said. “It’s tax

DCF and the way they manage the fund.”

effective and administratively efficient.” 7

Riverview Plant, Speakman Company

Creating Opportunity while honoring the past through the Riverview Works Fund Since 1869, when Joseph and Allen Speakman opened a modest workshop in Wilmington, The Speakman Company was a trusted employer and committed community force in Delaware. To this day, its iconic brass showerheads and brass plumbing fittings are known worldwide. Although The Speakman Company was sold in 2018 after 149 years of family ownership, its legacy will live on, benefiting generations of Delawareans, as the wellspring for the new Riverview Works Fund at the DCF. For some time, Rod Ward, Speakman’s Chairman and a fifth generation family member, and his wife, Gina, wanted to find a way to help the people of Delaware. The Wards worked with the DCF to establish the Riverview Works Fund, a donor advised fund, through a gift of Speakman Company stock. It honors all those who were part of The Speakman Company and their devotion to the state and the City of Wilmington in particular. The Wards chose to work with the DCF because of the foundation’s commitment to Delaware and its reputation for helping maximize the impact of charitable resources through community knowledge and relationships.


“There are a lot of proven, well-run organizations in Delaware that need support,” Rod said. “We truly appreciate the knowledge and expertise the DCF provides us in deciding where our charitable dollars are greatly needed and can help make a significant impact. Working with them made a lot of sense to create a Delawarefocused donor advised fund.” The new Riverview Works Fund is one of more than 1,200 charitable funds at the DCF. From these funds, the DCF awards an average of $20 million each year in grants and scholarships to charitable causes and organizations that affect quality of life in Delaware. “The Riverview Works Fund is a model of how the DCF partners with generous people to help empower their charitable giving,” DCF President and CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay said. “The value in this work is the symbiotic nature of the relationship,” Comstock-Gay said. “The Wards are passionate about making a difference, and so are we at the DCF. We look forward to learning from them. And, as the community foundation, our role is to use our community knowledge and our relationships to help the

Wards determine how they can make the greatest impact on the causes they care about most.” The Wards will work with the DCF to develop a process to make grants from the Riverview Works Fund to organizations primarily in the education and wellness sectors.


“We truly appreciate the


knowledge and expertise the DCF provides us in deciding where our charitable dollars are greatly needed and can help make a significant impact.” — Rod Ward

In 1906, the company moved to its Riverview Plant which was on 30th and Spruce Street in Wilmington, named for its scenic view of the Delaware River. In 2003, when the company relocated to New Castle, Speakman worked with the Ingerman Group and the West End Neighborhood House to replace the Riverview Plant with Speakman Place, a community of much-needed affordable townhomes for neighborhood homeownership. “Speakman Place was a fitting ending to the Riverview Plant, and a wonderful beginning for new homeowners,” Rod said. Through the Riverview Works donor advised fund, The Speakman Company legacy will continue for generations to come.

Gina, who serves on the board of managers at Nemours Children’s Health System, is passionate about health care. Rod, who was a longtime board member at the Eastside Charter School in the Speakman neighborhood, is deeply interested in education. They both also serve on other not-forprofit boards ranging from education advocacy to positive youth development. “We wanted to make an investment in the state’s future to propel positive change and enhance opportunity for many well-deserving Delaware organizations,” Gina said. Serving the community as well as customers always has been part of the culture at The Speakman Company. Establishing the fund also honors Bill Speakman, who led the company as a fourth-generation family member for four decades until his death in 2006, when Rod assumed that position. “Bill was a wonderful and beloved individual known throughout Delaware,” Rod said. Gina and Rod Ward 9

INCREASING ACCESS TO JUSTICE: HOLLAND FUND SUPPORTS LEGAL AID FOR THOSE IN NEED More low-income families and victims of domestic violence will have access to legal support thanks to the new Holland Fellowship, which will be funded in perpetuity by the Randy J. Holland Family Law Chair Endowment Fund at the DCF. The new fund honors the legacy of Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland, who retired in March of 2017 after more than 30 years on the state’s highest court bench. The Holland Fund will pay for an attorney to work at one of Delaware’s three civil legal aid groups for two years at a time. The three organizations, which combined fundraising efforts through the Combined Campaign for Justice, are Delaware Volunteer Legal Services (DVLS), Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. and Legal Services Corporation of Delaware. The fund has already raised more than $2.2 million in gifts and pledges. The first Holland Fellow is expected to be hired to work with the DVLS, starting in the fall of 2019. DCF President and CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay said, “We’re grateful that Delaware’s legal community remains so involved in the public welfare, and is willing to make the charitable donations necessary to support it. This permanently endowed position will continue Justice Holland’s legacy of fairness before the law for years to come.”



COUNTY | DELAWARE Sussex County is expanding its economic development efforts with a new small business loan program supported in part by a $250,000 donation from the Discover Community Development Fund at the DCF. The ExciteSussex Loan Program is a public-private partnership with Sussex County, Discover Bank and the National Development Council that’s designed to help companies grow their businesses in Sussex County. It allows qualifying businesses in three targeted zones of Sussex County to borrow money for building, expansion or adding new equipment. The economic zones are focused in western and central Sussex County, and loans range from $250,000 to $1 million. The $4 million loan program is funded by a $750,000 contribution from Sussex County, with Discover Bank providing $3.25 million, $250,000 of which came from the DCF fund. Discover has partnered with other communities in the state, including the city of Wilmington, to expand these kinds of economic development opportunities. “The county is a great place to do business,” said William Pfaff, Sussex County economic development director. “We’ve done a good job marketing it as a tourist attraction. This is also a great place to expand your business. We want you to stay here.”

EXPANDING ACCESS TO EDUCATION: DONORS BUILD OPPORTUNITY THROUGH SCHOLARSHIPS Many generous people create opportunities for young Delawareans by establishing scholarship funds at the Delaware Community Foundation, enabling us to award hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to support students pursuing post-secondary education.

This year, the DCF awarded 195 students with a total of $396,700. FOSTER CARE TRANSITION SCHOLARSHIP Among this year’s scholarship recipients is Andrea Person, one of the first recipients of the newly created Foster Care Transition Scholarship. The Foster Care Transition Scholarship was created using $100,000 from an existing DCF donor advised fund honoring the late Vaughn and Frances Lordigan. The advisors of the Lordigan Fund, who are remaining anonymous, said they admire individuals who are self-reliant and make their own success, in spite of challenging circumstances. “Our dear friends, Vaughn and Frances Lordigan had no children and no surviving family. It would be their delight that this scholarship may add to the life foundations and stable futures of the recipients,” they said. The scholarship is making it possible for Andrea, who has been in foster care since she was 15, to attend Universal Technical Institute in Exton, Penn., where she will study automotive and diesel industrial engineering. Andrea will be in the program for 72 weeks, and then get a job in the industry she loves. “What I really want to do is own my own shop and be able to employ other kids who are in foster care,” she said. “I want to make that happen.”

Andrea Person

NEW SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Corporal Stephen Ballard Memorial Scholarship Fund Foster Care Transition Scholarship Fund Elisabeth C. Tassone Oncology Scholarship Fund Lucille M. Tiro Scholarship Fund 11

DCF Community Impact Grants The DCF partners with nonprofit organizations to build opportunities for people throughout the state. One of the ways we work with nonprofits is through our Community Impact Grants. Since 1989, the DCF has distributed millions of dollars in grants to support the community. These are funded by the Delaware Forever Fund, which consists of gifts made to the DCF for discretionary grantmaking. In 2019, the DCF will launch a newly structured grants program with a focus on building opportunity in strategic priority areas. In 2018, the DCF awarded $298,000 in capital grants to 18 organizations. Capital grants help Delaware nonprofits secure and maintain the facilities, equipment and other infrastructure they need to fulfill their missions effectively and efficiently. This year’s recipients were:

Music School of Delaware: $15,000 to repair the roof. NCALL: $20,000 to support the “Restoring Central Dover” project, a major community development initiative focused on revitalizing the downtown area. Peoples Place II, Inc.: $15,000 to convert a trailer into a workshop at this emergency family shelter. Primeros Pasos: $11,250 to support the construction of the final building of the new Early Learning Center. Sacred Heart Housing, Inc.: $15,000 to support the construction of the Village of St. John, which will provide affordable housing for low-income seniors. Sussex County Habitat for Humanity: $15,000 to renovate the Race Street property, which houses AmeriCorps volunteers. United Cerebral Palsy of Delaware: $3,500 to support renovations to pavilions at Camp Lenape. Westside Family Healthcare: $20,000 to support roof repair and replacement at its Wilmington health facility.

H. Fletcher Brown Boys & Girls Club: $15,000 to support renovation of an existing weight room to be converted into a recording studio and an audio/visual games room. Brandywine Valley SPCA: $23,750 to support renovations to the Georgetown facility. Children & Families First: $7,500 to support renovations to the Georgetown facility. Delaware Botanic Gardens: $25,000 to support the construction of a welcome center. Delaware Theatre Company: $25,000 to support improvements to the theater’s HVAC system. Elizabeth W. Murphey School: $15,000 to support the construction of a maintenance shop. Habitat for Humanity New Castle County: $15,000 to support the renovation of the main office and ReStore. Ingleside Homes, Inc.: $12,000 to support renovations to the kitchen and laundry areas. Lewes Senior Activity Center: $20,000 to renovate existing space and add parking and outdoor amenities. Mary Campbell Center: $25,000 to support expansion of the dining area, nursing station, case managers’ office, support station, and physical therapy room.


“With this expansion, an additional 25 children will have the opportunity to thrive in a bilingual and culturally diverse environment.” — Primeros Pasos Executive Director Casey L. Christophel (left), with DCF Vice President for Southern Delaware Bill Allan and Primeros Pasos Board Chair Sandy Baker.

During a site visit to the H. Fletcher Brown Boys & Girls Club, Director Michael Crumble talks with Stuart Comstock-Gay and DCF Grants Committee members Wendy Danner and Mary Hickok.

“All of our teen members are anxious and excited for the completion of the Teen Digital Audio Lab. There is one young man who says, ‘Learning this type of skill at the relaxed environment of the club will be a lot less stressful than school.’ He sees this as the first step toward launching a real career.” — Michael Crumble, director, H. Fletcher Brown Boys & Girls Club


Special Funds Among the 1,200+ charitable funds at the DCF are a few unique funds that affect our community in special ways. AFRICAN AMERICAN EMPOWERMENT FUND This year, the African American Empowerment Fund of Delaware awarded $5,500 to help support three high-quality programs focused on education in our community. The recipients of the AAEFD’s 2018 Education Grants Program are: Nehemiah Gateway/Tennis Rocks Tutoring Program – $1,500 Provides opportunities for underserved, at-risk youth and families in the Wilmington area to fulfill their maximum potential academically, socially, and physically.

One Village Alliance – $2,500 Propels the most marginalized children and their families on a holistic journey toward excellence through education, entrepreneurship and the arts. TeenSHARP – $1,500 Prepares talented youth of color to attend and thrive at our nation’s most selective colleges and universities. The AAEFD was formed to establish a legacy of leadership in promoting philanthropy to fund causes important to education, social and economic empowerment of African American Delawareans.

The AAEFD awarded grants to three educationfocused organizations, including Tennis Rocks Tutoring Program. Photo courtesy of Tennis Rocks. 14

Fund For Women Marking its 25th anniversary, the Fund for Women at the DCF awarded $200,000 this year to 16 Delaware nonprofit organizations statewide, breaking its record of $190,046 from last year. Each recipient organization addresses the Fund for Women’s mission to empower women and girls in Delaware to achieve their potential.

Pacem in Terris — $1,000 to support a weeklong art workshop for the women of Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution.

Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (DAPI) — $15,000 to help participants with a tangible career plan that supports self-sufficiency. Fresh Start Scholarship Foundation — $15,000 to support scholarships and mentoring for women returning to college. Friendship House, Inc. — $15,000 to provide transitional housing and paid employment training to motivated homeless women. Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County — $15,000 to provide rental housing, with the opportunity for purchase after one year, for families experiencing homelessness. Lewes Public Library — $4,000 to fund a program introducing teenaged girls to different aspects of computer science and STEM career pathways. Literacy Delaware, Inc. — $10,900 to support “Women’s English Conversation Groups” that focus on participants’ English and survival skills. Nanticoke Health Foundation — $14,525 to provide breast cancer screenings for black women age 40+ and those under 40 who are at high risk for breast cancer. National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Delaware Chapter Inc. — $13,325 to support a statewide leadership development project targeting black women for active participation and decision-making roles in neighborhood, government, business and civic affairs.

Pathways to Success, Inc. — $6,250 to support mental health counseling for girls (15-19) who have suffered emotional, physical and self-esteem related traumatic experiences. People’s Place II, Inc. — $15,000 to support “Making Cent$” classes that teach survivors of domestic violence the skills to take care of themselves and their families financially. Planned Parenthood of Delaware — $15,000 to support the “Teen Council,” in which teens are trained to present to their peers about healthy relationships, rape culture, communication, and more, with the goal of changing teens’ sexual health attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs while honing their individual strengths. Ronald McDonald House of Delaware — $15,000 to provide housing and support services to Delaware mothers with pre-term infants who must travel 25 miles or more to the Wilmington area for neonatal care. The Way Home, Inc — $15,000 to help incarcerated women, while in work release and upon release, transition back into the community and maintain an independent life. UrbanPromise Wilmington — $15,000 to employ “StreetLeaders,” who are teens working as junior counselors in their after school programs and summer camps. YWCA Delaware — $15,000 to provide stipends for highly trained advocates who cover the 24/7 crisis hotline and go on medical and legal accompaniments with survivors.


The Next Generation An important part of our work at the DCF is engaging younger people in charitable giving. One of our most exciting initiatives is The Next Generation (NextGen), a giving circle with chapters in northern and southern Delaware. In NextGen, 20- and 30-something Delawareans learn about philanthropy and civic engagement, raise money to build charitable endowment funds, and make grants to designated focus areas. This year, NextGen North awarded $31,128 in grants to help fund arts-related programs that effect social change. The 2017 recipients were: 4youth Productions: $3,628 to create a traveling student photography studio. Christina Cultural Arts Center: $5,000 for the HeArt Under Hoodie 27-week Urban Improv program. Delaware Shakespeare: $10,000 to support the Community Tour. The Grand Opera House: $5,000 to help fund sensory-friendly performances. OperaDelaware: $7,500 to help fund the Neighborhood Choir Initiative afterschool program.

“I don’t usually think about this kind of thing happening in this city, so it opened my eyes that maybe I could get into some different kinds of things, not that far from here.” — Client of the Achievement Center in Wilmington in response to a Delaware Shakespeare Community Tour performance. Delaware Shakespeare brings high-quality performances to nontraditional locations such as homeless shelters, prisons and community centers. Photo courtesy of Delaware Shakespeare.


NextGen South awarded $12,500 in grants to organizations that combat the addiction crisis, including prevention and related reentry. This year’s grants were awarded to: Elizabeth W. Murphey School: $7,500 to expand addiction counseling to facilitate reunifying foster children with their biological families. Forge Youth and Family Academy: $2,500 to help young adults address substance abuse as they reenter society post-incarceration. Summer Learning Collaborative: $2,500 to support students’ participation in the program, which teaches them about resisting peer pressure, building self-esteem and coping strategies, and understanding the dangers of substance use.

Youth Philanthropy Board Each year, more than 60 high school students – one from almost every public and private high school in the state – participate in the DCF’s Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB) program. Over the course of nine months, students form a board in each county and receive funds to award as charitable grants in their communities. Just like the board of directors of a foundation, the students are responsible for reviewing data and information about community issues, setting a focus area, soliciting and evaluating grant applications, and conducting site visits. Then, the students decide how to award the money and conduct an awards ceremony. Through the YPB, students learn to make the most of charitable dollars by studying how organizations use their resources, collaborate with partners and continuously monitor the impact of their efforts.

2017-18 YPB GRANTS New Castle Focus: Programs that assist families or friends in the healing process after they’ve experienced the loss of a loved one through substance abuse, suicide or other tragic circumstances or offer suicide prevention and/or awareness programs for youth. • Delaware Guidance Services for Children & Youth - $2,000 • Delaware Hospice - $3,000 • Mental Health Association in Delaware - $1,000 • Supporting Kidds - $3,500 • UrbanPromise Wilmington - $3,000 • Wraparound Delaware - $2,500

Sussex County YPB members on a site visit



Focus: Organizations that provide mental health and substance abuse awareness & treatment programs.

Focus: Organizations that provide mental health and substance abuse counseling and services.

• Children & Families First - $2,000

• La Red Health Center - $3,000

• Mental Health Association in Delaware - $2,000

• FORGE Youth & Family Academy - $3,000

• Survivors of Abuse in Recovery - $2,000

• Survivors of Abuse in Recovery - $4,000

• Inner City Cultural League - $4,000


Christina Care Health System, and Nemours Children’s Health System helped make this important work a reality. This focus on SEL is a response to the rapidly evolving world that our graduates will inherit — and the working world that receives them. In turn, Rodel is doubling down on its support of Delaware Pathways, a growing public-private partnership that spans from the governor’s office to Delaware Technical & Community College to major employers — all working toward creating meaningful job experiences and college-level courses for high schoolers. Earlier this year, Rodel led an effort to secure more than $3 million in grant funding to help more than 9,000 students explore a career pathway.

Social and emotional learning is seeing a renewed focus in Delaware.

As public education continues to evolve, the Rodel Foundation of Delaware — and partners like the DCF — are helping to broaden the very definition of success for our young people. Educators and community members are taking a more holistic and commonsense approach to childhood development, and Rodel is excited to be a part of that discussion. For years, parents, teachers, employers, and students have been saying that, to be successful in today’s world, young people need a lot more than just reading and math skills. Rodel and its partners are increasing focus on the broader developmental needs for students — often called social and emotional learning or SEL — addressing the “whole child,” or “21st Century skills.” This year, Rodel published one of the nation’s first statewide analyses of SEL supports, A Broader Vision of Student Success: Insights and Opportunities for Social and Emotional Learning in Delaware. The DCF, Arsht-Cannon Fund, 18

All of this work is about helping Delaware become a global leader in educational excellence and equity. Rodel worked with DelawareCAN and more than 30 community groups that comprise Education Equity Delaware to ensure a new state law will make transparent what our schools actually spend. We advocated for investments in quality early learning so that our young people, particularly those most in need, get a strong start. As a result, more than $12 million was put into the state budget to support quality in early learning centers. In the coming year, Rodel and the DCF will continue to deepen our partnership to increase our impact. Together, we can help move our state forward — grounded in knowledge, inspired by the common good, and striving for worldclass schools. The Rodel Foundation is a supporting organization of the DCF. Join us and learn more at rodelfoundationde.org.

Strengthening Delaware’s Nonprofits

The DCF is committed to helping nonprofit organizations strengthen their financial positions through endowment building. By building endowed funds, nonprofits establish a steady stream of income to support their operations, independent of annual fundraising. Why do nonprofits choose to work with the DCF? PROVEN RESULTS Historically, the DCF’s portfolio has returned an average 7 percent per year — even including the 2009 market crash.

INCREASED DONOR CONFIDENCE By building an endowment fund at the DCF, nonprofits communicate they are serious about securing their financial future and managing their assets wisely.

EXPERIENCE With more than $270 million in assets, the DCF manages endowment funds supporting more than 200 Delaware and national nonprofit organizations.

COMPLETE FUND ADMINISTRATION From tax filings to gift acknowledgment, the DCF handles all administration for each fund. The DCF even provides each fund with a unique giving page on our website, so donors can contribute directly to the organization’s fund.

HELP WITH COMPLEX GIFTS The DCF has the expertise to help nonprofit organizations accept complex gifts, including real estate, securities, life insurance and bequests.

COMMUNITY Like our nonprofit partners, the DCF is invested in Delaware. Fund management fees paid to the DCF are reinvested in the community in the form of grants and civic leadership, rather than becoming profit at a financial institution.

For more information, visit delcf.org/nonprofits or contact Joan Hoge-North, vice president for philanthropy, at jhoge-north@delcf.org or 302.504.5224.

“The DCF is created by and for the community. It provides a degree of access to knowledge about Delaware and thought partners who can help inform our organization’s work as part of the bigger picture in improving quality of life for Delawareans.” — Stephanie Staats, chief executive officer of the YWCA of Delaware, pictured with Eva Verplanck, who supports the YWCA through the Verplanck Family Fund at the DCF


Legacy Giving

Make a Gift That Costs Nothing During Your Lifetime Whether you have modest savings or a large estate, you can make a meaningful charitable gift without significant immediate impact to your finances through legacy giving. Legacy gifts, also called planned gifts, are made through wills, charitable trusts, beneficiary designations of insurance policies or IRAs, and more. Through legacy giving, you may be able to:

• Leave a permanent source of income for your favorite charitable cause. • Inspire your loved ones to give. • Secure a permanent stream of income for the rest of your life.

In 2018, Legacy Society member Carolyn Smith arranged to give most of her assets to grow the Phillip & Carolyn Smith Foundation Fund at the DCF.

• Enjoy immediate tax advantages. • Leave more of your estate to your descendants. • Leave your personal legacy.

The DCF has the expertise to work with you and your financial advisor or attorney to help you achieve your charitable goals and establish your personal legacy. For more information, visit delcf.planyourlegacy.org or contact Joan Hoge-North, vice president for philanthropy, jhoge-north@delcf.org or 302.504.5224. This information is not offered as legal or tax advice. Please consult your accountant or attorney for advice on how planned giving will impact you.


Legacy Society

These generous philanthropists have made plans to leave a future gift to a fund at the DCF. Mr. G. Lawrence Adams Charles C. Allen III Mrs. Paula H. Allen Gwendoline B. Angalet Eugenia Athan Dugdale Robert & Carol Baker Bernard & Helen Balick Feffie Barnhill Mona Bayard Paul & Beth Bechly James W. & Rosalyn S. Bishop Robert S. & Katherine M. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Bobby B. Brown Mrs. Gloria Burton Mr. James Carlo Ms. Marsha G. Cauthen Patricia Chappelle Janet I. Churchill Mr. Ross H. Claiborne Janet Clark Robert & Valerie B. Cloutier Addie Cole Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Davidson Theodore H. Dwyer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Gary Emory Mr. Robert E. Ewers Jr. & Ms. Penny Pleasance Ms. Jean D. Gandek Mr. Ajit George & Dr. Sarah E. Brown Bob & Jane Gibson Dr. & Mrs. Adly Gorrafa Donald L. & Abigail D. Greene Mr. Lawrence Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. Jennings P. Hastings Kathleen & James Hawkins Selma Hayman Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hendrix Susan & Stephen Herrmann Ann Hilaman G. Stewart Hoagland Wayne and Betsy Holden Marilyn K. Hyte Katherine A. Johnson, MSA, JD

Ms. Lucille D. Jones & Ms. Julie Cripps Trena & Robert Kelly Ms. Mary Jane Kimmins Jan King Joseph & Jean Kowinsky Brian D. & Janet P. Kramer William & Keiley Lafferty Andrew Langsam and Cabella Calloway Langsam Hugh & Kathleen Leahy Richard & Mary Legatski William D. Luke Jr. Mrs. Elaine Markell Mr. Robert D. Martz Stephen & Maria Mockbee Ms. Mary Jo Moore Dee & Bob Moore Mr. Gary C. Myers Jr. Ms. Joan D. O’Connor Brian & Linda O’Connor Austin “Pete” Okie Kateryna M. & James F. Orth Jr. Joe & Linda Outlaw Alan B. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Phillips Elizabeth G. Poole Brian & Joy Read Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Richards Ms. Karen A. Ritgert Charles & Patricia Robertson Richard D. & Cynthia Rowland Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schnee Jeanne Otis Shields Ms. Theresa M. Silver Ms. Joni Silverstein Mrs. Carolyn J. Smith Ms. Kathleen Duffy Smith Robert P. & Tina M. Sonzogni Sandra Spence Philip C. Timon Reade Tompson Mr. Robert D. Ullrich Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vincent Mr. Matthew G. Waschull

BERNARD & HELEN BALICK FUND: A LEGACY TO HELP ANIMALS IN DELAWARE In 2003, Bernard and Helen Balick established a fund at the DCF and became part of the DCF’s Legacy Society — a group of thoughtful philanthropists who have made charitable giving part of their estate plans. At the end of the Balicks’ lives, a portion of their estate will grow the fund and benefit animals in Delaware for generations to come. “We wanted a portion of our giving and our estate to support the care and protection of animals in our home state,” Bernard said. “We trust the Delaware Community Foundation to ensure our wishes are met.”


Legacy Gift Will Establish First LGBTQ Scholarship at DCF Bob Martz knows the challenges many gay, lesbian and transgender youth face navigating the sometimes-rocky seas of adolescence. This year, building on his decades of work as an LGBTQ activist in Delaware, Martz has created a legacy fund that will become the first DCF scholarship specifically designated for LGBTQ students.

About 13 percent of teens in Delaware selfidentify as LGBTQ. Statistics point to some of the challenges these youth can face, including 29 percent of LGBTQ teens who say they don’t have an adult to talk with about personal problems. Nearly 40 percent report being bullied. And those issues are in addition to the academic and family demands many students are facing.

As a legacy fund, the Bob Martz Scholarship Fund will be funded with money from Martz’s estate after his death. At that time, the fund will begin to provide a $5,000 renewable scholarship to four students each year who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, or transgender.

The scholarship will be available to two high school seniors from New Castle County and one each from Kent and Sussex counties. To qualify, students must graduate from a Delaware public or charter high school with at least a 3.0 grade point average and be enrolling full time at either the University of Delaware or the University of Maryland College Park.

In his role with the United Way of Delaware’s Pride Council, Martz has spoken to more than 4,000 teachers, counselors and others in the state about how schools can better support their LGBTQ students. “I have become passionate about supporting gay kids. They have huge hurdles to overcome – they have to overcome themselves, their parents and maybe their friends,” Martz said. “It’s always a challenge being different.”

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“The cost of education has gotten to the point that people with means really ought to look at how they can support people in ways more than just giving to a college,” Martz said. “I really do hope it encourages others to think about doing the same.” To discuss the impact your legacy gift could make, contact Joan Hoge-North, vice president for philanthropy, 302.504.5224.

“I have become passionate about supporting gay kids. They have huge hurdles to overcome .” — Bob Martz


HELEN ELIASON: A LEGACY OF GENEROSITY REVEALED As 2017 came to a close, so did the life of Helen Eliason, one of the DCF’s truest friends and greatest supporters. On Dec. 27, the day after Helen died, her friend and adviser Dr. Linda Poole emailed the many nonprofits that have benefited from Helen’s generosity and will continue to receive support from her legacy gifts to the DCF.


Dr. Poole’s words capture Helen’s contributions better than any tribute we could write, so with

Helen Eliason, pictured with Jai Wright. Along

her permission, we are sharing a portion of it with you here:

began working with Wright when he was a small

“Helen Eliason passed away on the evening of December 26th. Her value of children’s literacy was unprecedented, especially because she wasn’t an educator or someone who works daily with teaching others to read. Helen did realize that if a child could read and communicate, then the child had hope and a future.


“Helen did realize that if a child could read and communicate, then the child had hope and a future.”


Her philanthropy was genuine. She wanted nothing in return. She didn’t want her name in lights or on programs and buildings, although she qualified for more than anyone would ever know.

Did you know that she paid for the parking lot at the Fraim’s Boys and Girls Club so that it would be safer and green? That she supported dozens of children’s gardens to make sure that children understood the value of the land and where food came from? That she renovated the locker room at the Boys and Girls Club? That she established a scholarship program that supported dozens of adult students to return

with her colleague, Dr. Linda Poole, Eliason child and helped pay for his education through her scholarship fund at the DCF. Born into a life of poverty, drugs, neglect and abuse, Wright is now a father of two and a paraeducator employed by the Red Clay Consolidated School District, where he works one-on-one with students who have disabilities.

to school and increase their abilities to move up in the work force? That she paid for children to attend extended time programs where they would get additional instruction in reading? That she sponsored educators to attend conferences to improve their skill set and expand their knowledge especially in regard to teaching reading? I could go on for pages with listing the facts of her philanthropy. She would not let me do this while she was here on earth and probably isn’t too thrilled with me now as she looks down from heaven! I ask that you honor Helen by recommitting yourselves to the children of Delaware. That you find within yourselves the same passion and focus that Helen demonstrated. That you use her gift as an example of true philanthropy and reach out to those who need adults to make sure that they have a positive future.” 23

Professional Advisors WHAT THE DCF CAN DO FOR YOU & YOUR CLIENTS Since our inception in 1986, the DCF has worked hand in hand with professional advisors. We serve as a resource and partner to help your clients achieve their charitable goals. Our goal is to make your clients’ charitable giving simple, joyful and powerful. We are experts in philanthropic tools and in opportunities to make a difference in communities throughout Delaware.

Your Clients Can Expect:

YOUR CLIENTS MAY BENEFIT FROM GIVING NON-CASH ASSETS Bob Boyd of Seaford recently donated an office building to grow

• Highly personalized service.

his charitable fund at the DCF. Your

• Access to information about opportunities to make a lasting impact.

clients may be able to realize tax

• A place in our community of givers who are making a difference for Delaware.

advantages by donating highly appreciated assets, such as stock, life insurance and real estate.

You Can Expect: • A trusted partner and resource in serving your clients. • Expertise in philanthropic giving and community needs.

Ask us about our Charitable Partners Program, which enables professional advisors to continue to manage assets their clients donate to the DCF. To discuss how the DCF can help you serve your clients, contact Joan Hoge-North, vice president for philanthropy, jhoge-north@delcf.org or 302.504.5224.


Partnering with the DCF


“The DCF has been a valuable resource to our firm and to our clients,” Kit and DeVon said. “Knowing that we’re both Delawarebased and focused locally, we certainly look forward to that continued partnership.”

Kit and DeVon Daniels, founding and named partners of Daniels + Tansey, LLP, have built their firm (an independent RIA) to deliver integrated, holistic financial services. Over their 40+ year careers, they’ve turned to the DCF on numerous occasions to provide solutions for charitably minded clients. “Applications for donor advised funds are really quite varied, particularly in the high net worth space,” Kit said. “Of course, there’s a fit for those who are charitably inclined. Beyond


that, however, there can be meaningful value in regards to tax and/or estate planning.” Kit added that, because of planning opportunities relating to 2017 tax reform, he expects donor advised funds to grow in popularity in the years ahead. “The DCF has been a valuable resource to our firm and to our clients,” Kit and DeVon said. “Knowing that we’re both Delaware-based and focused locally, we certainly look forward to that continued partnership.” 25


July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018 Since 1986, the DCF has been providing civic leadership services that benefit Delawareans throughout the state. Thanks to the generosity of the individuals and businesses listed here, the DCF has been a powerful force for good for more than 30 years, serving as a facilitator, convener, cultivator and source of community knowledge. COMMUNITY BUILDERS

Richard & Catherine Julian

Mary & Bob Hickok


Kay & Bryan Keenan

Peter & Susan Horty

Discover Bank

Holly Kershner

K. Peter Hurd & Patricia Hurd


William & Melissa Lafferty

William & Mary Johnston

Thomas R. Pulsifer

Stephen & Joyce Lamb

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuhns

SEI Investments

Jim & Georgia Mazarakis

Greg & Ruth Lavelle

Thomas D. Wren

Kathleen Furey McDonough, Esq.

Ms. Catharine Lyons

Mr. & Mrs. Omar Y. McNeill

William H. J. Manthorpe Jr.

Kenneth & Kathryn Nachbar

David & Sally McBride

Richard & Mary Ella Nenno

Mr. & Mrs. Rex L. Mears

Drs. Janice Nevin & Charles Pohl

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Messner

Nor’Easter Foundation

Tamika Montgomery-Reeves

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Sears II

Leslie Newman

Lynn & Rodney Sharp, in honor of Joan Sharp

Mr. Donald W. Nicholson Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Silver


Nixon Uniform Service & Medical Wear

Elaine & David Singleton

Honorable & Mrs. John W. Noble


Andrew W. Staton

Mark Olson & Jenny Warren

Corporation Service Company

Mr. Gary R. Stockbridge

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Preston

Claire DeMatteis & Michael Marquardt

Ms. Cindy L. Szabo & Mr. Brian M. Ellis

Dennis Rochford

EDIS Company

Edward & Judy Tarlov

Charles & Susan Salkin

Ms. Kelly E. Firment

Elaine & Sherman Townsend

Dennis & Beth Salter

Gary M. Pfeiffer

TPS Consulting, LLC

William & Dawn Schieffer

Katherine & David Wilkinson

Ms. Anne Verplanck

Steve & Judy Schwartz

Eva L. Verplanck

Susan & Wil Sherk

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wade

Mr. Robert M. Sommerlatte &

Jill & Rich Abbott


Mrs. Margaretta K. Stabler




Albero, Kupferman & Associates, LLC

Joan Appleby

Ms. Eugenia Athan

Mr. & Mrs. James Borel

André G. & Sally A. Beaumont

Stuart & Lucy Comstock-Gay

Honorable Rosemary Betts Beauregard

Mr. & Mrs. Rob Crowe

Herbert & Myrtha Calhoun

Mr. Daniel E. Cruce Jr.

Family Charitable Fund

COMMUNITY PARTNERS ($5,000-$9,999) Ms. Adrienne Arsht Marilyn & Nathan Hayward Nancy & Tom Sager

BENEFACTORS ($1,000-$2,499)

Mark & Susan Stalnecker Terry & Sandra Strine Chris & Bill Sudell Wakefield Family Fund, Inc. Michael W. Walls Mel & Peni Warren

Christopher F. Daniels

Stephanie & Ruly Carpenter


Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elson

Frank & Linda Chick


Mr. & Mrs. Mukteeshwar Gande

Mr. William C. Dugdale

Ralph & Margaret A. Adkins

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Goldenberg

Edgewell Personal Care

Jeanne & William Allan

Mr. Donald L. Gouge Jr.

First Shore Federal


Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Hayward

Anthony & Catherine Fusco

Bernard & Helen Balick

Ms. Fifi Hiotis-Blackburn


Dr. Christine May

Charitable Foundation

Bancroft Construction Company

Mrs. Joan Hoge-North & Mr. David North

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gibson

Bank of America Foundation

Wayne & Betsy Holden

Mr. & Mrs. William Goeller

Mr. & Mrs. Julian H. Bauman Jr.

Mr. John Holloway

Ms. Cynthia A. Hewitt

Diane Boc & John McCooey

Joan R. Bolling

Dale Stratton

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Gummey Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth M. Bouchelle

Peggy & Leo Strine

Thomas & Sophia Hanson

Ann & Jeff Bross

Reade Y. Tompson

Rich & Dottie Harper

Don Brown & Lynn Howard

Mr. Robert Van Dyke

Jennings Hastings

Robert & Elizabeth Buccini

Vandemark & Lynch, Inc.

James & Maret Headley

Dr. Christine A. Cannon

Mr. & Mrs. Howell Wallace

Susan & Stephen Herrmann

Mike & Jane Castle

John W. Ward

Marilyn K. Hyte

Joseph & Suzanne Claricurzio

Mrs. Ann D. Wick

Jack & Marion Jacobs

Pam & Doug Cornforth Robert & Nancy Crowe Barry A. & Joan D. Crozier Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Stan & Martha Diver Mr. Alan Evantash & Ms. Peggy Lubin Exelon Corporation Paul & Gloria Fine Mr. George M. Fisher IV Thomas & Marie Forrest Thomas & Catherine Franceschini Donald T. Fulton Tom & Vicki Gehrt George & Lynch Inc. Jeff & Linn Goddess Robert & Linda Harra John & Niki Hawkins Dr. Ilona E. Holland & Justice Randy Holland Jefferson, Urian, Doane & Sterner, PA Lynn & Leslie Jones Ms. Sarah Jones Ms. Nancy Karibjanian Lynn Kokjohn & Polly Mervine Hugh & Kathleen Leahy Douglas W. Lundblad Mr. & Mrs. H. David Lunger Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Martinelli Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mitchell II Marcia Halperin & Norman Monhait Nason Construction Alan B. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. W. Charles Paradee Jr. Donald & Ethel Parsons Chris & Mary Patterson Dr. Vita Pickrum Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pierce David B. Ripsom Blake & Mitzi Rohrbacher Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Russ Anis & Sue Saliba Schiavi + Dattani Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. H. Rodney & Andrea Scott John & Lorraine Seiberlich Ellen & Jim Semple Mr. & Mrs. Sam Severance Ms. Joan L. Sharp Bill Shea & Marty Kromer Michelle & David Shepherd Thomas J. Shopa Rob & Kathleen Siegfried William C. Spruance Charles & Theresa Sterner Jay & Sharon Stevens Mr. Gordon Stone

Dori R. Jacobson

CONTRIBUTORS ($100-$249) Dr. & Mrs. Robert Abel Jr. Frank & Marci Albero Mr. & Mrs. Todd Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Andrzejewski Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. P. Brooks Banta Beverley V. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bayard Ms. Marcia Beazley Paul & Beth Bechly Robert K. Beste Jr., Esq. Mike & Sandie Bowman David & Gwen Brown Mr. Donald Bussard Mr. & Mrs. Arnie Caine Steven & Deborah Casey James & Mary Jo Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Clark Tom & Linda Cloud Dr. Lydia M. Cohen Wendy & Chad Danner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Darling Mr. Derrick M. Deadwyler Delaware Technology Park Rob & Debbie Director Steven R. Director Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiSabatino Mr. & Mrs. David C. Doane Anne S. & Vincent Dougherty Marlene Elliott Brown Rebecca Elzey John & Lena Elzufon Mary Page & Tom Evans Mr. & Mrs. James L. Everett Gary & Denise Ferguson Mark Fitzpatrick Neil & Jeannie Fleming Israel & Patricia Floyd Anthony M. Frabizzio Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. William H. Frederick Jr. Edward J. Freel Gregory & Esther Fuller Gail Garbutt Robert G. Gibbs, Esq. Mr. Timothy Gibbs Martha S. Gilman & S. Gregory Smith Peter & Susan Gilman Mr. Richard A. Givens II Norman D. Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grunewald Mr. & Mrs. George A. Guido

Debbie & G. Ward Keever IV Laird Stabler III & Associates, LLC Dr. Frances H. Leach The Honorable William Swain Lee Mr. Richard A. Legatski Allison Levine Matt & Nancy Lynch Robert I. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Joshua W. Martin III Bob & Peg Matarese Edythe Mendolia Mr. & Mrs. Charles Michael Anne L. Naczi, Esq. Ms. Valerie Noel Ms. Joan D. O’Connor Austin “Pete” Okie Mr. & Mrs. Ben M. Osbun Jr. Francis P. Parker David Paul & Kathy Klein Caroline du Pont Prickett Harold W. T. Purnell II Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Quisenberry Ms. Cheryl L. Rice-Moore Robert & Patricia Ridout Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Riegel Jay & Maxine Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. William R. Russell III Barbara & David Rutt Michele & Howard Sands Ellen S. Scarborough Ms. Catherine Seeber C. J. & Gail Seitz Shepherd Long, Inc. Ms. Kelly J. Sheridan & Ms. Debra J. Quinton Ben & Terry Smith Rita & Jack Speakman Andrew & Lauren Stayton Marie & Edward Stewart Ms. Donna D. Stone Danielle & Kevin Sullivan Phyllis & Bob Thomas Barbara & Len Togman Steven & Suzanne Tooze Norm & Suzy Veasey Jane & Andrew Vincent Mr. Donald L. Ward Paul & Ranney Ward Gary G. Washington Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wellons Mr. & Mrs. Edward White John D. & Beverly J. Wik Cynthia P. Woolley John & Morgan Zurn


Financials As a public charity, the DCF is committed to transparency to our fundholders and the broader community we serve. To review our Federal Tax Return Form 990s, investment policy, full audited financial statements and quarterly investment reports, visit delcf.org/financials.

June 30, 2018 and 2017 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents








Notes receivable





Unconditional promises to give Other receivables



Fixed assets - net






2018 2017 LIABILITIES $41,646

Grants payable Other accrued expenses



Charitable gift annuities



Nonprofit agency funds





Total Liabilities Total Net Assets



Total Liabilities and Net Assets



*2018 numbers are pending audit.



Investments Our investment philosophy is to maximize preservation and growth of capital over time, while minimizing risk and volatility. June 30, 2018 15.0% 12.0% 9.0% 6.0%


6.82% 6.21% 5.02%

3.0% 0





3.89% N/A

1 Year Return DCF FUNDS

3 Year Return

5 Year Return

10 Year Return

Since Inception


This chart illustrates the performance of the DCF’s Flagship Long-Term Pool. For information about the DCF’s other investment pools, please visit delcf.org/investments. Policy Index is a compilation of each money manager’s indices.

“The DCF is the hub of Delaware’s philanthropic community. In addition to ensuring charitable dollars are available in the future, the foundation’s statewide work to build partnerships and collaborations is crucial to the nonprofit sector.” — Nathan and Marilyn Hayward, founders of the 1916 Fund at the DCF, with Delaware Theatre Company Executive Director Bud Martin


Board & Committees Officers & Executive Committee Kelly E. Firment, Chair Senior Vice President, Card Services, Bank of America

James Mazarakis, Vice Chair Retired Bank Executive

Directors Dan Cruce Vice President, Education, Hope Street Group Claire DeMatteis Special Assistant, State of Delaware Governor’s Office Drew Fennell Chief Officer of Strategic Communication and Experience, Christiana Care Thomas E. Hanson Jr., Esq. Partner, Barnes & Thornburg, LLP Nancy Karibjanian Director, Center for Political Communication, University of Delaware

David W. Singleton, Treasurer Retired Public Sector Executive

Lynn Kokjohn Chair, Fund for Women Kathleen Furey McDonough, Esq. Partner, Potter, Anderson and Corroon, LLP Hon. Tamika Montgomery-Reeves Vice Chancellor, Delaware Court of Chancery

William C. Dugdale, Secretary Private Wealth Advisor, Bernstein Private Wealth Management

Donald W. Nicholson Jr., CFP, AAMS President, Donald W. Nicholson & Associates, LTD Vita Pickrum Vice President, Division of Institutional Advancement, Delaware State University Joan L. Sharp President, Life Strategies, LLC

Thomas L. Sager, Esq., Immediate Past Chair Partner, Ballard Spahr, LLP

Andy Staton Andy Staton Group, Keller Williams Michelle A. Taylor President & CEO, United Way of Delaware (ex officio) Margie Lopez Waite Head of School, ASPIRA

Cindy L. Szabo, Esq., At Large Partner, Morris James, LLP


Tom D. Wren Retired Financial Services Executive

AUDIT & COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Claire DeMatteis, Chair Pete Kennedy Lynn A. Kokjohn Hon. Tamika Montgomery-Reeves Andy Staton

DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Donald W. Nicholson Jr., Chair Frank Albero Christopher F. Daniels Claire DeMatteis William C. Dugdale Deborah Frampton Jane Gibson Julie Russ Thomas L. Sager Catherine Seeber

FINANCE COMMITTEE David W. Singleton, Chair William C. Dugdale Robert W. Pierce Joan L. Sharp Gary Stockbridge

GRANTS COMMITTEE Andy Staton, Chair Don C. Brown Marsha G. Cauthen Dan Cruce Wendy R. Danner Len DeCapua Thomas E. Hanson Jr. Mary B. Hickok Kay Keenan Rodney A. Lambert Jr. Hon. Tamika Montgomery-Reeves Vita Pickrum Denise Schwartz Matthew H. Terrell Danielle Van Drew Dick Margie López Waite

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Thomas D. Wren, Chair Claire DeMatteis Kathleen Hawkins Marilyn R. Hayward Cynthia A. Hewitt Bud Martin James Mazarakis Donald W. Nicholson Jr. David W. Singleton Gordon Stone

At the DCF Annual Meeting in June, DCF President & CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay and new Chair Kelly Firment presented a seat from Veterans Stadium to outgoing Chair Tom Sager.



Nancy Karibjanian, Chair Drew N. Fennell Kelly E. Firment Peter Fulweiler Ranie Good Dori Jacobson Kay Keenan Louie Phillips Margie López Waite Mark Mendelson

Lynn Adams Kokjohn, Chair Diane Boc Marlene Elliott Brown David C. Doane Greg Fuller Sr. Marco Hernandez John Hollis Hugh D. Leahy Jr. Richard Legatski Shannon R. Owens Harold W. T. Purnell II Cindy L. Szabo

NOMINATING COMMITTEE James Mazarakis, Chair Drew N. Fennell Thomas E. Hanson Jr. Nancy Karibjanian Vita Pickrum Thomas L. Sager

PROFESSIONAL ADVISOR STEERING COMM. Joan L. Sharp, Chair William C. Dugdale Donald W. Nicholson Jr. Thomas R. Pulsifer Thomas J. Shopa Cindy L. Szabo Thomas D. Wren

YOUTH PHILANTHROPY BOARD ADVISORY COMMITTEE New Castle County Natalia Carlucci Neil Kirschling Kay Preston Michele Whetzel David T. Woods

Kent County Doug Crouse Michelle Dawson Susan Salkin

Sussex County Alonna Berry Keda Dorisca *Special thanks to Kathleen Furey McDonough, HR/personnel consultant, and Tom Pulsifer, legal consultant.




The Delaware Forever Fund, created by generous donors who care about Delaware, is the unrestricted endowment fund at the DCF. The fund enables the DCF to provide powerful grants each year to nonprofits that are addressing the most pressing needs and creating the most innovative solutions at that time.


WHY IS THE DELAWARE FOREVER FUND IMPORTANT? These flexible grants are important because they address the evolving needs of the community as they arise.

The DCF is in a unique position to identify community needs and opportunities to address them through our community knowledge and relationships. We are constantly studying Delaware and its many communities — communities based on geography, ethnicity, special interests and more — and bringing nonprofits, government agencies, private businesses and other stakeholders together to foster collaboration and spark initiatives to fill unmet needs.


The issues we face in Delaware today — including challenges faced by our growing Latino community, the need for more youth engagement, and the growing opportunity gap, to name just a few — were not prominent concerns 30 years ago when the DCF was founded. What will Delaware’s greatest needs be 30 years in the future? Whatever they are, through the Delaware Forever Fund, the community leaders of tomorrow will have the resources address them. 32

By supporting the Delaware Forever Fund, you can be part of our community of givers who are improving the lives of the people of Delaware and expanding opportunity for all. Your gift, combined with the generous gifts of many others, makes it possible for the DCF to pinpoint and fund the greatest opportunities to drive positive change in Delaware. There are many ways you can support the Delaware Forever Fund. To discuss the possibilities, contact Joan Hoge-North, vice president for philanthropy, at jhoge-north@delcf. org or 302.504.5224.



Stuart Comstock-Gay President & CEO scomstock-gay@delcf.org 302.504.5228

Sarah Hench Grunewald Vice President of Community Engagement & Programs sgrunewald@delcf.org 302.504.5267

Terri Waller Executive Assistant/Office Manager twaller@delcf.org 302.504.5221

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Allison Taylor Levine, MPA, APR Vice President of Marketing & Communications alevine@delcf.org 302.504.5226 Rebecca Klug Marketing & Communications Associate rklug@delcf.org 302.504.5222

Kelly Sheridan Scholarship Administrator/ Donor Services Associate ksheridan@delcf.org 302.856.4393

PHILANTHROPIC SERVICES Joan Hoge-North Vice President for Philanthropy jhoge-north@delcf.org 302.504.5224


William R. Allan Vice President for Philanthropy, Southern DE wallan@delcf.org 302.856.4393

Joyce Darling Vice President for Finance & Administration jdarling@delcf.org 302.504.5251

Rebecca Elzey Senior Philanthropy Officer relzey@delcf.org 302.504.5234

Calisa R. Emerson Accounting Associate cremerson@delcf.org 302.504.5229

Marie Mauk Stewart Donor Services Manager mstewart@delcf.org 302.504.5230

Michelle Marshall Gifts Administrator mmarshall@delcf.org 302.504.5227 Cheryl Rice-Moore Accounts Payable Coordinator crice-moore@delcf.org 302.504.5220



100 W. 10th Street, Suite 115 PO Box 1636 Wilmington, DE 19899-1636 Phone: 302.571.8004 Fax: 302.571.1553

36 The Circle Georgetown, DE 19947-4393 Phone: 302.856.4393 Fax: 302.856.4367

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Design by Hughes Design. Production by McClafferty Printing Company.

WEBSITE delcf.org I FACEBOOK facebook.com/DelawareCF I TWITTER @DelCommunity

P.O. Box 1636 Wilmington, DE 19899

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