The Quill August 28, 1915

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Vol.4,No. 11. •Poughkeepsie, N. Y., August 28. 1915. Price5Cents =::::::::============�·

NOTES AND COMJIE:NT.S jtertainment of their guests. Well, that is .IByyeEdUor. J justlikePoughkeep�ie.

for$500fromthiseffort. VI/ebelieveMiss1


InthegreatandgrandPopularityContest fi. Theoutsidedoorsandtheironrailingdown tobeheldbetweenourChurchandtheEbe- the steps of our Church have taken on a nezerBaptistChurch,Thursdayevening,Octo- greatlyimprovedappearanceduetotheper-· ber21,inZion,ourChurchwillberepresent-· IIsonaleffortoftrusteeChapmon. Heisone edbyMissSadieRhodesand Ebenezerby trusteewhoreallyseemstohavethe interMrs.EdnaFrancis. Thisissomethingnew estsofhisChurchatheart. Greatcreditis andpromisestobeagreatsuccess. Weaim 1 duehimforthissplendidwork.

Sd. Rl d z· d • 11 .h f

L, · h f dWORK I BlancheScottofYonkers, theaccompltshed etsgetmte rayan

a 1e 10 es, 10nan tnewe w1s erso i . ..,., b h • h • b d . H h 1 , efficientsecretanesofwhomweknow..�sMrs. ot atnotat1s oun towm. urra .1• ,..•

• d h f M dM p f h. • 1 augtero rs. ottero t1scity. Wordcomesbackfromallalongtheline I Sheservedassecretaryoftherecent S. S. thattheDelegateshavingattendedtherecent�Convention at Mt. Vernon and was highly sessionsoftheStateConventionoftheG.U. 1'complimentedfromtimetotimebytheofficers

0.o�Od�Fellows•andHouseholdofRuth/andmem?ersoftheConventio�fortheexheldmthiscity,reportoneofthefinestcon-,,,cellentmmutesoftheproceedmgsshe·proventionsyetheld,andthatthelocalorders.rt!duced. She-wasablyassistedbyMissBlanchecoveredthemselveswithlaurelsintheiren-11GreenofNewRochelle.

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IInterior of the Smith Stryt A. 1!. E. Zion Church.
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Dutchess County Historical Society | NY
Dutchess County Historical Society | NY
Dutchess County Historical Society | NY
Dutchess County Historical Society | NY

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