Eighteenth Century Documents of the Nine Partners Patent

Page 1




TUA map which appecoz in the Dutche44 County HiztoAieut Society Veatbook 1939 show's aft the patents o4 sand gAanted in Dutchas County togethet with the pitezent town tina.





GATEWAY PRESS, INC. Baltimore 1979

Copyright © 1979 The Dutchess County Historical Society Box 88 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601 All rights reserved

Permission to reproduce in any form may be secured from the Society

Please direct all correspondence and orders to the Society at the above address

Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 79-67338

Book No.

Published for the Society by Gateway Press, Inc. 111 Water Street Baltimore, MD 21202

Mode in the United States of America


Map Map Map Map Map Map

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Nine Partners Patent Dutchess County Fauconnier Patent Fauconnier Patent(Hyde Park) the Oblong Pawling Patent

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1 Proceedings of the Nine Partners 1730 - 1749


Indian Deed








Minutes of Annual Meetings


Tax List - 1801


Index - Names


Index - Supplementary


' ed. note:

This book contains its own Table of Contents. It begins on page 100 below.

; I


This book grew out of a need to understand more completely the early growth and development of Dutchess County. The county was initially opened for development in 1683 when the first land grant was issued. Fourteen years later, in 1697, the Nine Partners Patent was granted. It was the largest land grant in Dutchess County encompassing approximately 145,000 acres or about 40% of the county's total size. The towns presently known as Amenia, Clinton, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Stanford, Washington and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast fall within its boundaries. In order to research this early period, historical data which traces its development had to be gathered. Until now and except for an earlier workl much of the 18th century material related to the history of Dutchess County lay dormant on the shelves and in the storage bins of several public offices. The purpose of this book is to assemble this data into one reference source to provide researchers easy access to information which took the compilers two years to gather. Researchers with various interests were kept in mind during the compiling and editing process. Historians interested in 18th century New York, historical geographers, geneologists, and historians of the 19th century studying the western flow of population will find material relevant to their studies in this work. The information in this book falls into two general categories. First, documents which should remain intact to be studied have been transcribed verbatim. The PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINE PARTNERS 1730 - 1749 and the MINUTES OF ANNUAL (town) MEETINGS fall within this scope, Secondly, documents which tend to be filled with nonsubstantive information have been abstracted and the relevant information summarized. Documents which describe land transactions and descriptions of probated estates fit this category. Twenty-two hundred documents have been summarized.

1-Reynolds, Helen W. ed. Eighteenth Century Records of the Portion of Dutchess County, New York that was included in Rombout Precinct and the original Town of Fishkill. Collected by William W. Reese. Dutchess County Historical Society Collections, Vol. VI. Poughkeepsie, 1938. (Out of Print)




In addition to gathering material relating to the Nine Partners Patent, information has been compiled in the same manner about two smaller patents on the western border of the Nine Partners grant. These two patents, Pawling's Purchase and Fauconnier's Patent, together fill out the upper part of the town of Hyde Park which was not part of the Nine Partners grant. Also in 1743 a narrow strip of land along the Connecticut line was added to the Nine Partners tract through legislative action. The last two decades of the 17th century began the gradual transformation of Dutchess County from a wilderness filled with good forest land hunted by a few trappers to the active agricultural community it became at the close of the 18th century. The population when the first Dutchess County census was taken in 1714 was less than 500 people. Rapid growth increased the number of residents almost a hundred fold at the time the second national census was taken in 1800. This pattern of growth was reflected in all areas of Dutchess County. The area within the Nine Partners boundaries also participated in this change. Its population grew from zero at the close of the 17th century to about 17,000 individuals populating its homes and farms when the 18th century ended. Also it was Dutchess County which was the haven to which refugees from the British invasion of New York City fled during the American Revolution. While some of these displaced persons returned to New York City when the war closed a number remained. They settled in various parts of the County including the Nine Partners Patent. Also Dutchess County residents favorable to the British who had fled Dutchess during the war years returned after the war and many of their families remained in Dutchess throughout the 19th century. Dutchess County's growth continued into the 19th and 20th centuries. Its debt to the 18th century is yet to be understood. And further, the contribution of Dutchess County to the development of other parts of the country requires serious research. Perhaps this volume will contribute some measure to future research efforts along these lines.

In Appreciation Clifford Buck's contributions to the recording of Dutchess County history are monumental. Over a period of 40 years his special interest in geneology has resulted in recording five full standing file cabinets of information. Beyond this his contributions have captured census lists, church records, tax lists, land records and a variety of other materials pertinent to the history of the



county. His work can be found in local libraries as well as the New York State Library in Albany, N.Y. He is an acknowledged geneological authority whose reputation has extended well beyond the borders of Dutchess County. Are there words to express appreciation for his work? His own record speaks volumes leaving the historical community recognizing the limitations of their words of appreciation. Appreciation is extended to the Dutchess County Historical Society's Board of Trustees for their support throughout the period of editing this work. In addition both the Dutchess County Historical Society and the New York Historical Society have permitted use of several of their publications. Specific references to these are found in the text. Their generosity made an important contribution to the completeness of this work. Thanks to Cornelis Mol, Holmes, N.Y. and Dr. Benjamin Vroman, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. for their patience in reading difficult mid-18th century penmanship to translate into English the Dutch letter on page 76. W. P. M. July 1979

It is insufficient to acknowledge that Doris Washburn typed the manuscript. The book reflects her special attention to detail, format and general organization. Beyond all of these skills was her personal interest in the project which kept its course steady throughout the months of periodic frustration. She more than accomplished her goal — to produce a readable reference work. On the more personal side special and deserving appreciation is given to my wife, Louise, who once again has been my unheralded worker, chief consultant, trusted critic, supportive spouse and patient friend throughout this project. Kerry and Eileen are my two teenage children who have special qualities which have contributed to this work. Faced with over 20,000 index cards to alphabetize, they plunged in and put in order what seemed like chaos. Their patience is especially remarkable for they knew that the index had already been completed once and the second run of the index was simply to strengthen the accuracy of the first indexing completed singlehandedly by Clifford Buck. Thanks kids. Thanks Louise.


Dutchess County has played an important role in New York and national history almost from its beginnings in 1683. Located midway between New York City and Albany, it participated and contributed to the activities of these two most important and influential centers during the colonial period. During the eighteenth century Dutchess was the fastest growing county in New York and as a result it moved swiftly from a position of the least populated county in 1700 to second position in 1750 (1). Smith acknowledged this in his early history of New York, "The growth of this county has been very sudden and commenced a few years ago" (2). Dutchess County's role in the Revolution is more widely known and appreciated. In addition to its being Washington's headquarters, it was an important staging area for troops and supplies during many of the war years. It was the principle link between New England and the middle colonies during that troubled period. British plans to separate the colonies were restrained because of Dutchess County's strategic military position on the Hudson River. Dutchess was also the site to which refugees from New York City escaped during the British occupation. Dutchess County played a significant role in the development of New York State government. In 1778, only months after the state constitution was written, Dutchess became the capital of New York State. It continued to serve as the state capital throughout the war years and for a number of years thereafter until the close of the eighteenth century. In 1788 Dutchess was the site of the great Federal Constitutional controversy in New York State (3). The Federalists and Anti-Federalists sent many of their most talented men, Hamilton, Jay, Clinton and others to Dutchess to debate the ratification of the United States Constitution. In fact, if the Anti-Federalists delegates from Dutchess County had not changed their position New York State would not have ratified the Constitution. Dutchess continued to exercise considerable influence in the development of New York State into the early nineteenth century. In 1624 the first settlers from the Netherlands arrived in New York and traveled up the Hudson River to Fort Orange (Albany) passing the thickly forested shoreline of the area later to be called Dutchess County.




During the Dutch period Dutchess County was ignored as a place for settlement in favor of Albany and New York City. When the British captured the Dutch colony in 1664 the pattern of settlement established by the Dutch continued. It was not until after New York was divided into twelve counties in 1683, at which time Dutchess received its name, that settlement was considered. Two years later, on October 17, 1685, the first Crown Patent for land in Dutchess County was granted. This tract in southern Dutchess was called Rombout(Fishkill) Patent(4). This began a pattern of land acquisition which continued until 1705. At the time the first grants were considered, certain regulatory controls were established. In order to receive a land grant evidence of negotiations with the Indians was required. Licenses permitting negotiations were issued by the colonial Governor. Before a Crown Patent was granted a deed from the Indians had to be obtained. Licenses were issued, negotiations took place and Crown Patents were granted with such energy that in only 20 years all of Dutchess County's* 450,000 acres of land had been acquired by a number of partnerships. In the discussion which follows an area in central Dutchess County which includes approximately 170,000 acres of land, representing almost 40% of the total land mass within the borders of Dutchess, will be examined. Three smaller tracts have also been described in this reference work. These tracts border the Nine Partners tract. They include land in towns which fall within the Nine Partners Patent. These three tracts are Pawling Patent, Fauconnier Patent and the Oblong.

NINE PARTNERS PATENT (5) In February 1697 a license was granted by Governor Benjamin Fletcher to Caleb Heathcoat and Augustine Graham, Surveyor General of the Province of New York, to purchase land in Dutchess County from the Indians (6). Over the next few months seven others joined the partnership. How the partnership was achieved is not presently known, however it was to become clear within two years that each partner was equal. A successful bargain was achieved through negotiation with the Indians for a tract of land of approximately 145,000 acres in central Dutchess County. The newly formed group, Nine Partners Although Dutchess County included Putnam County until 1812, material related to Putnam County has not been included in this reference work. The Philipse Patent granted in 1702 encompassed all the area now known as Putnam County.



as they were called, petitioned the Governor for a patent on May 7, 1697. Three weeks later, on May 27, 1697,Governor Fletcher signed the land grant. In less than four months Caleb Heathcote and his partners had acquired one of the larger grants of land in the New York Province. This tract was referred to as the Nine Partners Patent or the Great Nine Partners Patent to distinguish it from a tract acquired in 1706 which shared its upper boundary. The second tract to the north acquired by nine other men was referred to as the Little or Upper Nine Partners Patent. The Nine Partners Patent captured the only remaining land in Dutchess which bordered the Hudson River (7). This parcel had apparently been overlooked during Governor Thomas Dongan's tenure when many of the patents bordering the Hudson River were granted. The Nine Partners grant included about four miles along the Hudson River. The entire tract is basically rectangular in shape except for a roughly trapezoidal shaped piece along the Hudson most of which had been granted to the Pawling Patent. Beginning at the Hudson River the north-south line of the rectangle is about thirteen miles long and the eastwest line is about twenty miles long. The Pawling Patent, together with a small piece to the north of it, forms a trapezoid, the southern line of which is about one mile long and its northern side is about six miles long (see maps on the front and back inside covers). The eight mile western border of this trapezoid is the Hudson River and the eastern border is the irregular line of the Crum Elbow Creek. The eastern border of the Nine Partners Patent was the Connecticut line before that line was moved easterly 1 3/4 miles in 1731. The change in the Connecticut State line is discussed under the Oblong below. In 1699 two years after the Nine Partners Patent was granted the first distribution of land was made. The land bordering the Hudson River, having a total acreage of about 12,500 acres, was divided equally into nine Water Lotts. The speculative interest in the land was confirmed at the first division. Of the nine original partners, only five retained ownership of their original share at the time the first division was made. One other partner retained one half of his land. Caleb Heathcote, the organizer of the partnership, and two other partners had sold their share before the two years elapsed. In 1699 the original nine shares were owned by nineteen partners in the expanded Nine Partners Company. The years from 1699 to 1725 seem to have been inactive. In 1725 David Jamison, the only surviving original partner, petitioned the House of Assembly to pass "an act of Division" (8) which would permit further division of the tract. The petition was not granted. However,



five years later Mr. Jamison found that the partnership did not require permission. The Nine Partners Patent, itself, gave the owners the right to divide the tract. A meeting of the partnership was called for September 1, 1730. Many of the expanded partnership, now numbering thirty one, attended. Agreement to divide further was voted and a survey was ordered. During the next decade the attention of the Nine Partners Company was focused on dividing this large tract of land. Several sales were made during this period to finance the expenses of division. There were two principle divisions. The first of these was accomplished in 1734 when thirty six lotts were surveyed and mapped. The total acreage in this division was approximately 120,000 acres. The second large division of the tract was accomplished in 1740. Except for two parcels all the land which remained undivided at that time, approximately 10,500 acres, was divided into 15 smaller lotts, referred to as the Third Division Lotts. The divisions which began in 1734 and ended seven years later are listed below with the approximate acreage for each.

1699 1734 1736 1737 1738 1740 1741

Nine Water Lotts 36 Second Division Lotts Nelson's Purchase John & Roeloff Oostrom Aart Williams & Frans Van Dyck 15 Third Division Lotts Van Dyck, Banker & Garrison Total

12,500 120,000 1,300 350 1,000 10,500 700

acres acres acres acres acres acres acres

146,350 acres

For the purpose of comparison the three additional tracts included in this reference work which were mentioned above are listed below with approximate acreage for each. 4,000 acres 4,000 acres 14,000 acres

1696 Pawling Patent 1703 Fauconnier Patent 1731/43 Oblong Total

22,000 acres

The final 700 acre division made in 1741 brought the period of division to a close. Sales of land which were made during these years began the period of settlement in the patent. Prior to 1734 there had been no settlement except for a few squatters who were given the oppurtunity after the divisions were accomplished to purchase the land on which they settled. In order to trace the development of this large tract during the period between 1734 & 1741 each division of land is



described below. Reference to the maps inside the book covers will also help the reader. 1734 - referred to as the Second Division. Thirty six Lotts averaging over 3000 acres each were surveyed and mapped. At a later date, probably 1737, a resurvey was completed. As a result the upper line of the Second Division was moved more northerly as noted in the Nine Partners Patent map. The land between the upper lotts in the Second Division and the new line was divided into four(?) gores and sold to members in the partnership. The western line of the Second Division began at a point slightly more than five and a half miles from the Hudson River. Its eastern boundary was the Connecticut line prior to 1731. Each owner of a one ninth share in the Nine Partners Company received four lotts in this division (9). When these lotts are discussed below they are referred to as Lott with the number ie. Lott 5. 1736 - Polycarpus Nelson purchased two parcels along the east bank of the Crum Elbow Creek. These two parcels, 1304 acres, followed the course of the creek on the western boundary. They extended into the woods about one mile on the southern boundary and about a half mile on the northern boundary (10). 1737 - John and Roeloff Oostrom purchased 350 acres near the eastern boundary of Water Lotts 2 and 3 in an area which was later to be referred to as Lott 15Third Division (11). 1738 - Aart Williams and Frans Van Wyck purchased 1000 acres adjoining the east bank of the Crum Elbow Creek. The eastern boundary began at the northeast corner of Nelson's purchase extended northerly and maintained a parallel course about a half mile distance from the Crum Elbow Creek (12). 1740 - referred to as the Third Division. Except for two parcels listed below the remainder of undivided land between the Water Lotts, Nelson's Purchase, Oostrom's land and the Williams-VanDyck tract was surveyed and divided into fifteen lotts. All but three of these fifteen lotts exceeded 700 acres (13). Each share holder received a one ninth share. Hereafter these are referred to as Lott - Third Division with the number of the lott ie. Lott 4 - Third Division. 1740 - Henry Filkin purchased a 200 acre parcel which adjoined the east boundary of Water Lotts 1, 2, 3 and 4. This parcel which was located between the Water Lotts and Lott 15 - Third Division was sold at the time the Third Division Lotts were distributed among the shareholders.



1741 - Frans Van Dyck, Adolph Banker and Joost Garrison purchased a 700 acre parcel which adjoined the eastern line of the Williams-Van Dyck purchase. The eastern line of the Van Dyck-Banker-Garrison parcel maintained a parallel course about six tenths of a mile from the Williams-Van Dyck eastern line (14).

PAWLING PATENT (16) Pawling Patent was granted to Henry Pawling on May 11, 1696. Sometime before 1695 Captain Pawling of Ulster County had received a license to negotiate with the Indians for a tract of land on the Hudson River in upper central Dutchess County. His negotiations with the Indians resulted in a purchase of 4000 acres along the Hudson River. This tract was bounded easterly and southerly by the Crum Elbow Creek, westerly by the Hudson River and northerly by a line of marked trees which extended from the Hudson River to the Crum Elbow Creek. Henry Pawling died shortly after and the patent was actually granted to his wife and their childrem. The patent has sometimes been referred to as the PawlingStaats Patent or the Staatsburgh Patent thereby reflecting the purchase of Mrs. Pawling's share by Dr. Samuel Staats and Dirck Van de Burgh in 1701. The children's share was not sold because they were minors at the time. The patent was divided in 1751 into 18 lots averaging about 225 acres each (see map at the end of this chapter). Nine lots bordered the Hudson River and the remaining nine lots bordered Crum Elbow Creek. Settlement in this tract of land began in the 1750's. When these lots are discussed below they are referred to as Pawling Lot with the number ie. Pawling Lot 16. In some instances these lots are also referred as Staatsburgh Lots.* At a later time it was discovered that the land within the patent actually exceeded 4000 acres. This discrepancy is discussed under the Fauconnier Patent.

FAUCONNIER PATENT (17) In 1703 Peter Fauconnier, while serving as secretary to the recently appointed Governor Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury, noticed the probable existence of another tract of land bordering the Hudson River within the Pawling *

The reader is cautioned that land which adjoin the Hudson River is sometimes referred to in this and the Fauconnier Patent as Water Lotts. As a result there may be some confusion with the Water Lotts more usually referred to in the Nine Partners Patent.



Patent. He petitioned Lord Cornbury to order another survey of the Pawling Patent based on the fact that the grant had specified only 4000 acres. The survey, performed by Augustine Graham, Surveyor General of New York Province, uncovered 6000 unalloted acres. Two later surveys indicate that the unalloted tract was actually about 4000 acres (18). It is interesting to note that Augustine Graham is the same individual who was one of the nine partners named in the Nine Partners Patent. Based on Graham's survey Peter Fauconnier, through his attorney Jacob Regnier, petitioned the Governor to issue a patent for the unalloted acreage to him, his attorney and three other partners. Careful wording was necessary to avoid any conflict with the Pawling Patent. This was accomplished and the patent was granted on April 18, 1705. The tract was surveyed in 1721 and divided in 1730 into seven lots, six of which were double lots (19). One lot initially held in common to defray expenses was given to Peter Fauconnier to pay his expenses from 1705. The remaining six double lots were divided between the five partners. The heirs of Daniel Regnier dec'd, John Berrian, John Cosens and Benjamin Ashe received one double lot each. Peter Fauconnier received two double lots. Each partner received one lot which bordered the Hudson River and one lot which bordered the Crum Elbow Creek. The single lot referred to above contained 250 acres while the double lots were 600 acres each. It does not appear that any sales of land were made until the patent was acquired sometime later by Dr. John Bard. However, the survey map used to divide the land between the partners indicates the presence of a house in Lot 4 along the Hudson (see map at the end of this chapter). Sometime after Peter Fauconnier's death in 1745 Dr. John Bard acquired almost i interest (2i parts of 6) in the patent from his mother in law, Magdalene Fauconnier Valleau. Later Dr. John Bard acquired the remainder of the patent and began in the 1760's to sell portions of it. Bard referred to his own estate and all his holdings in the Fauconnier Patent as Hyde Park in honor of Governor Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury. As a result the patent is often referred to as the Hyde Park Patent (20). In the present work John Bard's division of this patent is referred to as Hyde Park Lot and the number of the lot ie. Hyde Park Lot 6.* *

The reader is cautioned that lots which adjoin the Hudson River are sometimes referred to in this patent and Pawling Patent as Water Lotts. As a result there may be some confusion with the Water Lotts more usually referred to in the Nine Partners Patent.




The Oblong, sometimes referred to as the Equivalent Land, is a narrow strip of land 53 miles long by 1 3/4 miles 20 rods wide. It was transferred from Connecticut's western border to New York's eastern border as a result of the Treaty of Dover in 1731 between these two colonies. A similar or equivalent amount of land on Long Island Sound was transferred from New York to Connecticut. The treaty concluded a 50 year period of negotiations, often controversial, between the two colonies. Following the treaty there were controversies of a different nature. During the next decade the issue was ownership (22). Patent owners like the Nine Partners Company believed their grants included the land at the rear of their patents. To add to the complexity, deeds were given for the same land to competing partnerships. Aspects of the controversy continued for at least two more decades. The matter of jurisdiction was settled on December 17, 1743 when the New York Assembly simply extended precinct lines, formerly patent lines, to include the Oblong land. As a result the part of Dutchess County adjacent to the Nine Partners Patent was added to the Crum Elbow Precinct thereby adding more than 14,000 acres to the precinct. Much of the Oblong had already been divided into lotts during the previous decade (see map at the end of this chapter). Most of the lotts contained 500 acres or more. The lotts which were affixed to the rear of the Nine Partners tract were numbered Oblong Lotts 43-72. When these are discussed below they are referred to as Oblong Lott with the number ie. Oblong Lott 45.

CIVIL DIVISIONS Settlement in Dutchess County in the 18th century increased at a rapid pace. The area within the Nine Partners Patent also felt the sudden surge of people purchasing land for farms and settlement. Many of the very early settlers came up the Hudson. However when the Nine Partners Patent was opened to settlement a great many families left their New England homes to settle the newly opened rich farm land. As expected the complexity of the settled area increased with the increase in population. Roads were needed to accommodate travel from one newly settled area to another and to transport goods to and from the Hudson River. Mills and stores were built. In addition a growing population required changes in government. It became increasingly difficult to respond to the needs of people who had become so many and were spread so far geographically. Changes in government reflected the changes in the settled area. These changes can be traced through the changes in civil divi-



sions which occurred during the 18th century, As the number of people increased the number of civil divisions changed from one to four at the close of the 18th century. In general all the governmental units were identical in services provided, method of governing and citizen participation. However, the spread of the population simply required more governmental units to attend to the various areas within the Nine Partners Patent, Listed below are the changes in civil divisions which occurred during the 18th century. Also listed are the towns as presently constituted which fell under each division. Prior to 1737 Dutchess County was divided into three large wards, the boundaries of which extended east-west from the Hudson River to the Connecticut line. The Nine Partners Patent fell into the north and middle wards. December 16, 1737

The colonial legislature divided Dutchess County into precincts one of which included all the land in the Nine Partners Patent and the Fauconnier Patent. The Pawling Patent was included in the Rynbeck Precinct to the north. The towns of Amenia, Clinton, the lower two thirds of Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Stanford, Washington and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast were included in the Crum Elbow Precinct (23). December 17, 1743

The land within the Oblong on the New York-Connecticut line which adjoined the Nine Partners Patent, then the Crum Elbow Precinct, was added to the precinct. As a result the towns presently known as Amenia and Northeast were extended eastward 1 3/4 miles. March 20, 1762

The Crum Elbow precinct was divided into two precincts called Amenia and Charlotte Precincts. Within the Amenia borders were the towns presently known as Amenia and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast (24).

March 13, 1786

Charlotte Precinct was divided into Clinton and Washington Precincts in honor of the two generals most respected in New York. Washington Precinct included the towns presently known as Stanford and Washington. Clinton Precinct included the towns presently known as Clinton, Hyde Park and Pleasant Valley. At that time the upper one third of Hyde Park, formerly Pawling Patent, which had previously been included in the Rynbeck Precinct was now included in Clinton Precinct (25). An administrative change which only changed the precincts to towns. For example, Clinton Precinct became known as the Town of Clinton. This administrative change applied in the same way to all other precincts (26).

March 7, 1788


March 12, 1793

Introduction The Town of Stanford was separated from the Town of Washington. Both became independent units at that time (27).

The Town of Clinton remained unchanged until January 26, 1821 (28). At that time it was divided into three separate towns presently known as Clinton, Hyde Park and Pleasant valley.

Present Town Lines and Division Lines Listed in the table below are the present town names and the early lotts which were located within the present town lines. AMEN IA

Lotts 28 - 32, most of Lott 33 and the southern corner of Lott 34; Oblong Lotts 45 - 60; a 2500 acre unnumbered lott in the Oblong south of Oblong Lott 45/46.


Lotts 1 - 4, most of Lott 5; Gore; Third Division Lotts 1 - 4 and the eastern 90% of Lotts 5 & 9; the upper portion of the Williams-Van Dyck tract; the upper portion of the Van Dyck tract.


Water Lotts 1 - 9; Third Division Lotts 6 - 8 and the western 10% of 5, 9 - 12; Nelson's Purchase; the lower portion of the Williams-Van Dyck tract; the lower portion of the Van Dyck tract; Fauconnier Patent; Pawling Patent.


Lotts 35 and 36, 90% of Lott 34, and the northeast corner of Lott 33; Gore; Oblong Lotts 61 - 80; a 2500 acre unnumbered lott in the Oblong adjacent to Oblong Lotts 75 - 80.


Lotts 6 - 9, the southwestern corner of Lott 5; Third Division Lotts 13-15 and the eastern 90% of Lott 10 - 12.


Lotts 15 - 22; Gore.


Lotts 10 - 14. 23 - 27.



Conclusion Changes in the Nine Partners Patent occurred rapidly. At the close of the eighteenth century the heavily forested wilderness 70 years earlier had been transformed into a rich agricultural community. In fact all of Dutchess County had experienced dramatic change. In 1810 Spafford described Dutchess as "one of the most oppulent farming counties in the state" (29). But Dutchess and the towns within the Nine Partners Patent lines had become much more than a farming community at the end of the eighteenth century. It had become an industrial community as well. It led New York State in the number of fulling mills, carding machines and cotton factories. It was one of the largest cloth producers in New York State. Dutchess County was also the state leader in the number of tanneries and hides tanned for the production of leather goods. It produced more paper than any other county in New York State. Dutchess was second to Albany in the number of hats manufactured (30). The transformation in the county and the towns in the Nine Partners Patent was so swift that the children of the first settlers witnessed all of the important eighteenth century events. The children of the first settlers in the Nine Partners Patent participated in the French and Indian war and also fought in the Revolution. They witnessed the reading of the first New York State Constitution and also were present in Poughkeepsie during the debates which surrounded the ratification of the Federal Constitution. Having witnessed those memorable events they were still present to report to the first census taker that they were, at 55 years of age, still head of a household of older children. In 1800 when the census taker came again they were able to report, at 65 years of age, that much of the farm had been divided among their children. In less than 70 years the Nine Partners Patent and Dutchess County had moved from the quietude of virgin land to the fullness of a community contributing to the development of a new state and a new country.






3. 4.


6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


19. 20.

21. 22.

O'Callaghan, E.B. editor.The Documentary History of the State of New York. 4 vols. Albany: Weed and Parsons & Co., 1849, vol.I, pages 691-697. Smith, William.History of New-York from the First Discovery to the Year 1732. Albany: Ryer Schermerhorn, 1814, page 304. Lynd, Staughton.Anti-Federalism in Dutchess County, New York. Chicago: Loyola University Press,1962. Reynolds, Helen W. editor.Eighteenth Century Records of the Portion of Dutchess County, New York that was included in Rombout Precinct and the original Town of Fishkill. Collected by William W. Reese. Dutchess County Historical Collections, vol. VI. Poughkeepsie, 1938. New York State Archives, New York State Library. Nine Partners Patent. Letters-Patent of Lands, vol. 7, 1696-1712, pages 80-82. Fox, Dixon R. Caleb Heathcote. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926, page 70. Mac Cracken, Henry N. Old Dutchess Forever! New York: Hastings House, 1956, page 51. Proceedings of the Nine Partners Patent 1730-1749. Transcribed by Clifford Buck and William Mc Dermott in this volume, page 4 Ibid., 11-28. Ibid., 13. Ibid., 15. Ibid., 25. Ibid., 36. Ibid., 39. Ibid., 34-37. Ulster County Clerk's Office, Kingston, N.Y. Deeds, Liber AA, page 258. New York State Archives, New York State Library. Pawling Purchase. Letters-Patent of Lands, vol. 7, 1696-1712, pages 258-260. New York State Archives. Henry Pawling. Deeds, Liber 20, page 581. Also Proceedings of the Nine Partners Patent 1730-1749, page 54. New York State Archives. Pawling Purchase. LettersPatent of Lands,vol.7, 1696-1712, pages 258-260. Hackett, Henry. The Hyde Park Patent. Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook, 1939, vol. 24, page 79. Proceedings, pages 22-24. Mac Cracken, pages 130-151.



23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

The Colonial Laws of New York. Chap. 652. Ibid., Chap. 1175. Laws of New York State, March 13, 1786. Ibid., March 7, 1788. Ibid., March 12,1793. Ibid., January 26, 1821. Spafford, Horatio G. A Gazetteer of the State of New York. Albany: H.C. Southwick, 1813, page 74. 30. Ibid., pages 50-51. 31. COLLECTIONS of the New-York Historical Society, The Letters and Papers of Cadwallader Colden. New York: New York Historical Society, 1919, frontspiece. The Oblong began at a place twenty miles inland from a point on the Hudson River called Cortland Point, Westchester County. It extended northerly along the western border of Connecticut almost 53 miles for a total of 61,400 acres. When the Oblong was divided, about two thirds of it was partitioned into eighty lotts, each containing about 500 acres. The remaining one third of this large tract was divided into six larger lotts ranging in size from 1000 acres to over 4000 acres. The discussion which follows is based on measurements taken from Cadwallader Colden's survey map and compared with modern maps of the area. The 500 acre lotts began in Westchester County with Lott 1 and were numbered in successive order in a double tier, for the most part, until Lott 80 reached the north boundary of Dutchess County. The lotts located in Dutchess County were numbered Lotts 21/22(?) through Lott 80. Three of the six large lotts mentioned above were located in Dutchess County. The first of these was a 2500 acre parcel which was located in the upper part of the town presently known as Northeast. It adjoined the Connecticut State line on the east and Lotts 75 through 80 on the west. The other two lotts, a total of 8000 acres, adjoined each other and were located The between Lotts 43/44 and Lotts 45/46. southern lott adjoined the north line of Lotts 43/44 and was located in the town presently known as Dover. The northern lott was located


Introduction Its between the south lott and Lotts 45/46. 3100 acres is almost equally divided between the town of Dover and the town presently known as Amenia. Monuments(mile markers) were placed along the entire length of the Oblong. The part of the Oblong at the rear of the Nine Partners Patent began near the thirty two mile monument and extended to a point slightly north of the forty six mile monument. Within this fourteen mile span were 1) approximately i a large lott and 2) Lotts 45/46 to the middle of Lotts 71/72. Together these lotts added approximately 14,000 acres of land to Crum Elbow Precint which was the jurisdictional name for the area called the Nine Partners Patent.

Peter Fauconnier 250 acres Lott 1

John Berrian 300 acres

John Berrian 300 acres Lott 2


John Cosens

300 acres

Lott 3

303 acres

Lott 6

heirs of Daniel 300 acres

Regnier decid 300 acres

Lott 4



Peter Fauconnier 304 acres



301 acres

Lott 2 Benjamin Ashe 300 acres 301 acres

Lott 6



Peter Fauconnier 300 acres 300 acres Lott

7 Lott 4

Map of FAUCONNIER PATENT Thi.4 map 61Tom the division o6 the patent in 1730 bazed on a suAvey compteted in 1721. New Voith. State Atchives. Deeds, Libet 20,

page 581.


Map of HYDE PARK PATENT (Fauconnier Patent) TW map was made by Henty T. Hackett On the Dutchem County Hiotonicat Society Veanbook 1939. It 4h0ws the divizion oi the patent made by DIL. John BaAd and DA.. Samuel BaAd.









mile L3 -63



mile 40 -2000 Cadwallader Colden Cr. Burnett,s children Elias Clapp John Barnes Samuel Field Adam Ireland 'Irish Root G. Villets Henry Cuyler John Sall(?) Daniel Townsend George Clark Jo. Brown & Co. Cornelius Flamen Ben. Birdsall John Thomas J. Alexander V. Matthews Wm. Smith Arch. Kennedy



Lott #

1 mile

45,56,60 46 47,55 48 49 50 51 52,74 53 54,71 57 58,65,69 70,72,75 59 61 62 63 64 66 67,68 73


1160 acres

miles 2

Map of the OBLONG Thi.4 map which appeafus in the Catections the New-Yank Histonirat Society 1918, Lettem and PapeA4 o6 Cadwattadet Cotden sham the division oi the Obtong made ca. 1731.


eeetAnt.n. 4.

J.h, /o Lt.:. 14:vs A.

Wk.t. /7



e Pt7 et,tht2 7Pat,. .74..44e ,e44.,..6.t.44q,


A, a.

Map of PAWLING PATENT TW map which appewo in the Dutchess County Histonicat Society Veatbook 1939 was compiled in 1839 by Geonge Van atet, 6uAveyot, 6Aom the ohiginat zunvey by Chattes Canton in 1751.



In 1730, 33 years after the Nine Partners were granted their patent in Dutchess County, the company began a written record of their activities. The newly appointed treasurer, Jacob Goelet, a trustee and land owner, was responsible for keeping this record. For the next 19 years a detailed handwritten record was kept in a small (4i inches by 7 inches) parchment covered untitled volume of 188 pages. In it is contained a broad range of information which provides new insights into the activities of the owners of this large land grant. The minutes of approximately 150 meetings were recorded together with copies of numerous letters written between the partners in New York and those in Dutchess County. This record provides information about the subdivision and sale of acreage in the Patent. Legal actions to defend the boundries of the Patent from challenges of surrounding patent owners are discussed in considerable detail. The procedures for dividing the land grant and the economic aspects of managing the grant are described. Needs of surveyors on field trips and the costs of many of the supplies for these trips are meticuously recorded. Also the accounts of these meetings reflect personal differences between some of the members of the expanded Nine Partners Company. The small volume itself has an interesting history. The final entry reads "1749 Apr. a deed to Jacob Smith". Where the volume rested between 1749 and 1850 is not known. Jacob Goelet was still living in New York City in 1769.1 The volume next appears in 1850 in the possession of John Albert Stoutenburgh who lived at Hyde Park, Dutchess County, N.Y. His signature and the date 1850 are written on the front cover. He was the great great grandson of Jacobus Stoutenburgh who resided at Hyde Park from the 1740's. Jacobus was a large landowner in the Great Nine Partners Patent and a member of the expanded company of Nine Partners prior to 1730. Perhaps the volume passed from Jacob Goelet to Jacobus Stoutenburgh. In any case John Albert Stoutenburgh, upon his 1New York Historical Society Collections 1898, vol. 7, pg. 269.




death, left the volume to his daughter MaudeStoutenburgh Eliot who subsequently sold it to Harry Harkness Flagler of Millbrook, Dutchess County, N.Y. Mr. Flagler'sdaughter, Mary Flagler Carey, was its guardian until her death. A gift from Mrs. Carey's estate added this important historical document to the collection of the Dutchess County Historical Society. One additional curious notation in the volume appears twice on the front cover. The letter "A" clearly scribed about 3/4" high in both places entices one to believe this may have been the first of two or more volumes. At present there is no additional evidence to support this speculation. Did Jacob Goelet continue these records? Was there another volume? On April 16, 1748 one year before this volume closed Jacob Goelet had tendered his resignation. He gave age as his reason but in fact in his remarks he stressed his dislike of law suits and "contention". He finally agreed to continue for "a short season". Can one imply he resigned about the time he made that final notation in April 1749? Did some other trustee begin another volume? Was it Jacobus Stoutenburgh? One thing is clear, the boundary disputes with the Little Nine Partners, Fauconnier's Patent and the Hermanse Patent had not been settled at the close of this volume. Does this suggest the existence of another volume? Perhaps if it exists it will appear sometime in the not too distant future. Clearly,record keeping continued to be important. Legal matters continued into the mid 1750's as the legal brief for one trial to be held in June 1754 attests.2 This volume also makes note of a number of other documents which were lent to W. Smith by Augustine Creed. Mr. Smith was a lawyer who the Nine Partners Company had consulted on several occasions about their disputed boundary lines at Fauconnier's Patent and the Harmanse Patent. A copy of a letter of receipt from Augustine Creed follows the meeting date February 14, 1748/9. In it is listed the dozen documents which A. Creed lent to W. Smith. Mr. Smith refused to return these documents and their present location is not known. Perhaps these too will appear in the future. Particular care was taken by the compilers in transcribing and proofreading this important document in order to preserve its information exactly as it was written. As a result the reader may experience some inconveniences due to the peculiarities of language and spelling. This book's table of contents begins on page 100. 2 Tryal at Poghkeepsie the 5th June 1754. County Historical Society Collections #184.



[PROCEEDINGS] Proceedings of the Nine Partners of land in Dutches County granted to Caleb Heatcoat & Comp by Pattent the 27th May 1697 butted and bounded as follows Viz Bounded on the West by Hudsons River, between the creek called by the natives Arquasshing, and by the Christians the Fish Creek, at the mark trees of Pauling (including the said Creek) and the land of Myndert Harmence comp; then bounded Southerly by the land of ye said Harmense and company so far as their bounds goes, then Westerly by ye lands of said Harmence & Comp. until a Southerly line runs so far South, until it comes to the south side of a meadow, wherein there is a white oak tree marked with the letters H.T. Then Southerly by an East and West line to the division line between this Province of New York, and the Colony of Conetticut and so bounded Easterly by the said division line, and Northerly by the said Fish Creek, so far as it goes and from the Head thereof by a Paralell line to the South bounds, running east and west to the said division line. The Names of the Nine Pattentees are as follows Caleb Heatcoat Augusten Graham James Emmot Henry Filkin David Jamesson Hendrick TenEyk John Aartsen William Creed Jarvis Marshall About two years after the obtaining the Pattent, the then Partners came to a division of the nine lotts on Hudsons River bettween the white oak tree near Harmanse land & the mouth of the Fish Creek which lotts of something less then 1 mil broad run 41 miles into the woods were drawn lotts for, and accordingly conveyed to each other by deed of partition bearing date of 8th of May A° 1699 by which it appears that onely five Pattentees stood seesd of their whole ninths vis. Aug: Graham Henry Filkin David Jamisson John Aartsen Will: Creed

Lott N° 3 2 7 5 6


Proceedings Haveing the other four conveyed as Caleb To To To


Heatcoat Will: Creed Wolfert Webber Hend:Cornelesse

1/2 1/4 1/4

James Emmot To Lancest Syms To Peter Cartelyou

1/2 1/2

Hend:TenEyk To Jacob Boelen To Dirk TenEyk To Jos:Rodman To Will:Huddelston To Abraham Bokee To Wolfert Webber To Hendrick VanSchayck Jarvis Marshal To Jacobus Rollogom To himself ye rest


1 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/12 1/12 1/12 9 1/2 1/2

All which part owners together with ye other five Pattentees have fixed their hands & seals to ye above mentioned deed of partition. The Patent, the above deed of partition the Indian deed and some small papers haveing been for many years past lodged in the hands of Jacob Boelen, after his decease they were by his widdow gave in keeping to her son in law Jacob Goelet. David Jamesson the then onely surviving Pattentee inquireing att the old Gentlewoman for the wrightings, and finding them shifted, went forthwith to Goelets where he found them all in good order, looked in to them, and orderd Jacob Goelet to keep them. This hapned about ye beginning of February in the year 1729/30. The Company haveing before met Viz in the year 1725 in Septemb, when a petition with a bill was drawn by Mr Jamesson, and brought into the House of Assembly, praying for an act of Division for which Goelet paid to R:Egberts dorekeeper 9 shillings Butt all to no effect; butt now Mr Jamesson discovered a parragraf in the deed of partition which enabled the Comp. or the Major part of them to proceed to the division, the Paragraph runs thus: "And that all further divisions to be done shall be ordered by the parties, or so many of them at least as shall be owners of the greatest part of said land, and their heirs and assignees, and that by sortiledge or lotts of equall nine parts, and not otherwise." So that


Proceedings much was talked of running out ye boundaries of the Patent. A° 1730 Septemb 1.

The Greater part of the Part owners being called together met in New York att Obadiah Hunts and heared Henry Filkin that the Indians was paid for no more land than from the River to the fall kill at 2 mils: and that they insisted to be paid for the Bulck of the land according to the Pattent wherefor the Company hade gave him orders to aggree with ye Indians. He now reported their demand was L 150 which the Company agreed to, ordered Henry Filkin to let them all sign & seal to a new deed and to pay them in his way, all promising to repay him. Septemb. 11

the company met att the same house with Mess Beekman, Livingstone and Pauling owners of the land to the southward of the Companies land consulting with them about the partition line between them, and made some progress towards setling of itt. On the 12 instant met again at the same house, and aggreed with Mr John Alsop Surveyor to Run out the bounds of the Patent for 12/ a day. And farther to carry on the work aggreed that every ninth part should pay L 10:00- and so every smaller part in proportion, and that Jacob Goelet be appointed Treasurer to receive the same of the several Partners, and that he prepare everything for the survey & division; as he with Mr Alsop shall see necessary and Mess. Theod. VanWyk & Francis Hegeman be appointed to order said survey provisions, hors hire, baggage & that the day appointed be the 29 inst and farther that Goelet do obtain a warrant of survey for that end. Accordingly several sums were paid to Goelet from this day & after att the rate of L 10:-. for every ninth as on the other side [of this page] as may be seen by those crossed with an x 1 By David Jamesson

for 1 ninth

x L10:


Cornelis VanWyk Theod. VanWyk Neeltie VanSchaik Jan DeGroof

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4

x x x x

2:10: 2:10: 2:10: 2:10:


Edward Antil Will:Antel

1/6 5/6


1:13: 4 8: 6: 8


Antho. Rutgers John Crook Junr Charles Crook

1/3 1/3 1/3

x x x

3: 6: 8 3: 6: 8 3: 6: 8


Henry Filkin




Jacob Goelet



10: 1: 5




Hend. Boelen Neeltie TenEyk Andries TenEyk Coenrd TenEyk Abr:TenEyk Tho: Rathburn Richard Sacket Tanneke Bokee Neeltie VanSchaick

1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/4 1/12 1/12 1/12

x x x x x

Cathrine Syms Corneles VanDuyn Heirs of Nys VanDuyn Jores Blom

1/2 1/6 1/6 1/6


5: 1:13: 4 1:13: 4 1:13: 4

1/2 1/2


5: 5:

1/2 1/6 1/6 1/6

x x x

5: 1:13: 4 1:13: 4 1:13: 4

1 By Aug:Creed John Everson 1

John Crook Charles LeRoux Jacobus Stoutent Jede Myer & Comp

x x

1: 5 :12: :12: :12: :12: 2:10: :16: :16: :16:

6 6 6 6 8 8 8

Out of the whole assessment Goelet colected as crossed the sum of L 52:10. On the 18 instant Mr Jamesson drew up a petition in order to obtain a warrant of survey of which this is a true copy viz. To His Exelency Coll:John Montgomery Capt Genrl and Govr en Chief of the Province of New York, New Jersey, and the Territories, and Tracts of land depending on them in America The humble petition of David Jamesson in behalf of himself, and the heirs and assigns of his other eight partners Deceased, of a tract of land in Dutches County, granted to Nine Partners the 27 May Anno 1697 under the seal of the Province of New York Humbly sheweth unto your Exelency That the Southern bounds of their said land does depend upon the running of sixteen miles in length up Wappingers Creek, as itt runs into the woods, which is understood to be very full of turnings & windings as the Petitioners are informed, and the Pattents of land bound on said Creek, are of a prior date to their Patent; to prevent all obstructions in the running of the same sixteen miles upon Wapangers Creek, and the boundary of their said Land. May it please your Exelentie to grant a warrant of survey to the surveyor of land or his depuity to survey & lay out the said sixteen miles upon said Wapingers



Creek, and the boundary of said Patent of ye Petitioners; and ye petitioners as in all duty bound shall ever pray. Sebtemb. 18, 1730. David Jamisson

Copy of the Warrant of Survey By His Exelency John Montgomery Esq. Capt Genrl and Governour of the Province of New York, New Jersey, & Teritories there on depending in America & Vice Admiral of ye same & To Cadwallader Colden Esq Surveyor Genr1 of his Maj: Province of New York Whereas David Jamisson Esq in the behalf of himself, and the heirs and assignes of the other Eight Partners deceased, of a tract of land in Dutches County, granted to Nine Partners ye 27 Day of May 1697 under the Seal of the Province of New York; by their Humble Petition presented unto me & read in Council the 24th day of Septemb last, setting forth, that the Southern Bounds of their land does depend upon the running of sixteen miles in length up Wappingers Creek, as it runs into the woods which is understood to be full of turnings and windings as the petitioners are informed, and the Patent for land bound on said Creek are of a Prior date to their Patent, to prevent all obstructions in the running of the same sixteen miles upon Wappingers Creek and the boundaries of their said land. And haveing prayed a warrant of survey may be granted them to run ascertain, and lay out the said sixteen miles upon the said Wapingers Creek and the Boundary of said Patent. I have there for by and with the advice and consult of his Majes Counsel thought fitt to grant the Prayer of the said petition: You are therefor hereby required to repair to the lands aforesaid and there to survey and lay out the said sixteen miles upon the said Wapangers Creek, and the Boundaries of the said Patent; all parties concerned haveing timely notice of the proceedings herein; and all officers Majesterial & Ministerial are hereby required to be aiding and assisting to you in the execution of this warrant. Given under my hand and seal att fort George in New York the Tenth Day of October in the Fourth Year of His Majest. Reign Anno Domini 1730. was signed Jo: Montgomery By his Exelencyes Comd was signed Fred: Morris Dept. Secretary

It was ye 10 Octob ye same year 1730 when this warrant was obtained and cost with the fees to Clerk E 3:10



Abt that time Goelet also obtained out the office ye copia of Beekmans Patent & paid for the same as N°2 1:1:6 att Mr Hunts it was aggreed by a majority of the Partners that Mr Cornelis VanWyk goe forthwith to call on Mr. Jn. Alsop and gett the land of the Patent laid out, he to have allowed him for self & horse 6/ a day, and that Goelet do provide provisions & for that purpose, and in case the season proves too far gone, then VanWyck to doe as much as he can, & ascertain the Marke Tree H T according to a written order by the majority ye 12 Septemb. N°1 Spent that evening & paid by t -:10:Goelet the sum of Novemb 6

Goelet prepared the equipmt for the survey as a tent, a case with rum 47i lb bacon, 12 lb hung Beef; 20 lb cheese, 1 box to hold provisions, 1 glass 4 balles twine i lb wax, 6 blankets to value of L 10:10:0 i which were sent up to Pokeopzy. Novemb. 7

Mr Cornelis Van Wyk being Retourned said Mr Alsop could not attend and that the season being far spent he spent some time in looking for the Mark Tree H T and other services for the Comp, to the charge of t 4:16:6 as charged in his ace, N°3, Novembr 17.

Decemb 21

Goelet with Mess Rutgers & Leroux took council of W. Jamisson concerning Marytees land and paid him 28/.

1730/31 Janua 21

March 9

took the same of Mr. Jos. Murry & paid t 1:8:him ye same.

Meet att Hunts to order ye laying out the land 3:4. spent

April 17

Att Hunts aggreed with the ye majority with Mr Jacobus Brown act Surveyor for 15/a day to survey said 16 miles along ye Wapangers Creek & boundary of our Patent according to warrant of Survey. Spent 9/4Apr 30

Gott the deed of partition acknowledged by Councelor P: V. Cortland att Hunts. Paid for same 10/ & spent 5/ July 24

Att a meeting of a majority att Hunts Rutgers, Ch: LeRoux with Jacob Goelet nominated Trustees, and ordered to aggree with Beekman & Comp. abt. setlin ye South bounds of tent to come as near to our tree as may be Spent

Mess A. were Mess. our Pat2/6



1731 Septemb 1.

The three appointed Rutgers LeRoux & Goelet meet Mess: H. Beekman, G. Levingston, & A: Pauling att Coddens; butt could not aggree; apointed to meet again Fryday next. Spent 3/ Septemb 3

Meet said Gentlemen with Mr. C. V. Wyk when aggreed that att ye end of 16 miles along ye Creek should begin ye partition line between ye 2 Patents and ye method of running itt, ye persons to effect it & drew a small memorandum in order to show our constituents Spent 4/ Septemb 4

Meet ye majority of Nine Partners att Hunts. Shewed them our proceeding which they agreed to and ordered a Power to be engrossed to empower the Trustees Rutgers, LeRoux, & Goelet to enter into Articles with Beekman & Comp and to act in name & stead of the whole in all farther proceeds abt. ye division spent 6/ and then also aggreed to a second desburstment of E 20:- to a Ninth. Executed ye Power N°4 in part Septemb 7

Meet again & the Remainder signed and execut2/. ed Power also att Hunts. Spent

Septemb 17 Att Hardings meet the trustees with Beekman & Comp. percuring draught of ye articles order3/ ed them to be engrossed as agreed Spent 1731 Septemb 17 of of of of of of of of of of of of of of

Abt. this time Goelet had received and was yet to receive the following sums: Mr. David Jamesson for 1/9 E 20; 1/36 5: Cornelis VanWyk 1/36 5: Theod. VanWyk 6:13; 4 1/27 Antho. Rutgers 1/9 20: Henry Filkin 1/18 10: Aug: Creed 1/36 5: Neeltie TenEyk & Comp 1/72 Jacob Goelet 2:10: 1/27 6:13: 4 Neeltie VanSchack 3: 6: 8 1/54 Charles LeRoux 1/18 10: John Crook 6:13: 4 1/27 John Crook Junr 6:13: 4 1/27 Charles Crook 3: 6: 8 1/54 Edwd. Antell

By ye 26 Octob. 1732

E. 110:16: 8

& by Acc. of Henry Filkin as Provisions sold to value of 3:18:5 Then Goelet paid Henry Filkin ye 1 150.- ye 10 of this month & after The three Trustees meet with Beekman & Comp. att M. Crugers & executed ye Articles of agreement to settle ye south bounds of our

Septemb 25, 1731



Patent. N°4 Spent /7 our part drawing articles 12/Copia of D 8:6. Then Goelet equipped for the survey with 128 lb cheese; 162 lb bacon; 2 Baggs, 2 caggs, box; hatchet, broad ax; brass kettle; Frying pan; marking irons; guimblet; 13 Gall:Best Jamaica Rum; with a Chest sent up by John Cruger & paid for carteing on board. [ ? ] to Value E 11:2:4. Aggreed with David Humphryes to goe and assist in the survey for 10/ a day wet & dry and delivered to said Humphreys copia of Patent and Boundaries of our neighburing Patents. October ye 11th

David Humphreys retourned and informed ye trustees Att Hardings that they had run ye 16 miles on the Creek and erected a monument, 2/ butt did not agree abt ye place of Begining; Spent October 12

Meet with Beekman to fix ye station. But Levinston not being come could not act. Spent 1/4

October 19

Meet and consulted to take a copia of Marytees Pattent & to take counsel. Spent Hardins 3/3.

Novemb. 1.

A Retaining fee to Mr Murry, E 1:8-

Novemb. 18

Paid to Secrat:office for copy of Marytees Pattent and Dispatch N°5E 1:5:6

Decemb. 4

Paid Davd Humphreys as per acc. & receipt N°6 5:10.-

Now abt. ye Indian Deed Retournd N°7. Decemb. 28


Consulted att Hardings about Marytees & Har4/ mance Pattent. Spent

January 5

January 24

Paid James Alexander for councel fee abt. Marytees Pattent t 1:8-

Paid Jn Cruger to cane up provisions


Septembr 16 Att Hardings resolved to run ye East line 5/2 Spent 1732 Septemb. 28

Paid Aug. Creed for service done in E 4:2. chain Bearing

Septemb. 29 Met att Hardings to execute letters Sundries were written & sent and directions to Mr. 2/ Brown, Van Wyk & Spent May 10, 1733 [?] Mr. Jamessons compas tried and sealed up in a small trunk. Ye begin [?] a



letter to John DeGraaf, who was to deliver it to none butt Mr. Jacobus Brown an ye presence of Mess. Crook & Levingstone. Had a screw made for ye compas cost 1/ & carting chest /6 June I

Paid P. Zenger for printed advertisement abt. land to sell at Plum Hill N°. 8 4/

Octob. 13 Consulted with Jn Crook att ye Black Horse abt method of dividing. Spent 7/2 Octob. 23 Brown makeing retourns of his work. Meet him at Hunts 2/ Spent Octob. 27 Paid Jacobus Bruyn for work done E 33:10:6. Goelet appointed to disburst and the majority of Partners bound as for instrument N°. 9 Spent 9/ Novemb 3

Paid Corn V: Wyk as per acc. N°3

Decemb 17 Paid Theod. VanWyk as per ace. No 10

1 17:1:3 6:-:6

Att the close of this year Goelet computed the interest due to him for disburstments above what was att that time rec'd viz the sums at this time desbursted E 276:11:9i Money Recd Sundry Paymt 167: 5:1 The difference now 1 109: 6:8i Interest to this time 10: 8:0 1733/4 March 2.

Met at Hardings & aggreed with Edsel to divide the land of the Pattent for 9/. a day Spent 2/2

Mar 19

att Hardings in signing orders to Edsel 4/10 Then Goelet prepared provisions and equipment for the survey in the division as 73 lb bacon; 1 lb nails; 1 guimblet, 12 lb shuger in a bagg, 1 box with wafers, 2 scanes twine; paper, ink; 2 blankets, 1 bushel peas & bagg, 18 lb chees, 8 gall. Rum, 1 barrel mid bread; 2 loofs bread, a drinking cupp, 2 bottles & 10.- in money made 1 15:19:2 April 29 Met at Hardings Consulted on Crooks and Edsels letters Spent 2/ Jun 10 Jun 13

Goelet paid Edsel ace for survey

I 30:15-

& to Henry Filkin for several disburstments and 1 11:19:6 charges for the Comp. To Henry Filkin for ace, of Francis Hegeman as pr. ace. of work & charges 25:1:6


12 Jun 19

Paid to P. Zenger for printing an avertisement 4/9 for the sale of land on Fish Creek

Septemb 7

Consulted with Mr. W. Jamisson att Hardings. 3/ abt. the manner of drawing lotts Spent

Met att Hunts with Major part of Partners. 14/6 Drew Lotts and signed articles. Spent & Paid John de Graaf for sundry charges & disbursements t 8:10:as per. acc. which was Where of deducted his quota for the 1st & 2nd disburstments 7:10:t 1: Paid ye difference Septemb 9

1734 Octob. 24.

Novemb. 5

Paid for ye protracting of 17 Mapps @ 10/ t 8:10

& spent att Hardings in consulting Hegeman & 2/ Filkins

December 31.

At the close of this year ye interest of ye balance of disbursements which was t 15:1:9 E 195:2:2

Met at Hardings consulted abt laying out more land to defray charges for sale 6/ and appointed Henry Boelen to goe with Corn. Berrian surveyor & lay out 700 acres along Fish Creek or where he saw most convenient as [?] to him ye 6 May following N°111735 Apr 3.

May 22.

Paid to Henry Boelen for his charges and disbursements in laying a part of 700 acres. t 5:00:N°11

June 3

Paid printing & posting avertisement of ye land 5/ to defray charges

Aug 29.

Spent att Hunts makeing conditions of vendue 6/ sale with Mr. Cruger

September 5 Paid for pourtracting a parch. map & parch13/ ment to fix to the deed of partition Sept 9

Met att Hunts the day advertised for the vendue 4/9 sale butt no bidders. Spent 3/ & Paid Rob:Carnmel [?] for crying

Paid for a copia out the office of Paulings Pattent, the bders having been informd that itt was prior to ours Cost with clarks t 1:00:6 fee N°13 1735 September 10

Septemb. 19 Printing and posting advertisement again


Proceedings Octob. 13


Spent att Hardings in examining ye Deed of partition with Mr. Wm. Jamesson 6/4

Octob. 15. Spent at Hunts on the day appointed for vendue sale. No bidders & to R:Carnmel [?] for crying

8/3 3/

November 29.

Paid Mr. Hunt for expenses att sundry times executing the deed of partition as per acc. N°14 14/6

December 30

Interest on the balance of the disbursements att this time ab. t 206:t 16:-

1735/6 Februa 11

Paid P. Zenger for printing and posting advertisemt agan


May 11

Met att English att Vendue sale and sold ye 1300 acres att ye Fish Creek to Polycarpus Nelson for t 205.- in three payments Spent 9/7, Cryer 6/ May 17

Paid Mr. Cruger Comiss for sale t 5:2:9

Novemb 1. Spent at Hardings to consult abt the sale of more land to Jn. Oostrom 2/ Decemb. 31

The interest of t 244:5:8 being the whole balance until ye 2 August last at which time Goelet took on him in part the first payment of Mr Nelson E 68:6:8 for 2 months 1 11:1. The interest of the remaining ballance E 169:6:10 for 5 months 5:13:-

1736/7 Apr 25 Met att Hardings and concluded to have the north bounds of the Pattent run out at ye request of our neighboring Nine Partners; LeRoux & Goelet appointed as by a resolve dated 23 Inst. N°15. Goelet being ordered to equip for the survey and a letter Spent sent to Jacob Brown surveyor. 3/ May 24

LeRoux and Goelet being returnd gave acc. of their proceedings having run out said bounds, sold land to defray quittrent, run ye front lotts & treated with Pokeepsy people, and rendered acc. of equipm & charges viz. 2 Cash & small bagg bread, 14i gall rum, 10 lb sugar; 6 spoons, twine, & nails, 10 lb butter; 1 gamon; 119 lbs bacon; 1 bushel peas, 3 runlets, 1 cheese; baggs, 2 gall. wine; i bl. beer; freight upwards for self & baggage 10/ to Henry Filkin to fetch ye surveyor Jacobus TerBos, Brown being sick. 5/6 Paid J:VanEtte & others to show ye head of the Fish Creek 5/ & to Jn. Row for lodging 2/10. To Gerbrants for sundry charges over and above what was paid him in Bakon, 7/6 spoons, bear, cash & some rum



12/ 35/ 24/

to Joseph Harry chain bearer to Jn. Oostrom 5 days him & 2 horses to F. Hegeman 4 days & horse

to F. Hegeman for former service 20/ & to Jn. Gay 15/.2 glass bottles, 1 dram bottle lock & 1/3 to A:V. Allen for freight back 6/ & chargd also for LeRoux & Goelet for their trouble and time @ 5/ a day t 7:10 being in t 24:2:4i the whole Met Mr. DeG. att Hardings to speak abt. sale of some land, and about the proposal of the Pokeapzy people in the right of Myndert Harmsons 3/4 Pattent. Spent Have Sold to Frans Hegeman att Pokeapzy when there one small kettle and one runlet for 14/ which Comp. hath cred. for May 25

Mr. Jacobus TerBos being come to town met in att Hardings, rendered an acc. of his work haveing since the departure of LeRoux & Goelet finished all the running of the water Lotts and layd out the land for John Oostrom according to order, Spent 4/ June 18

June 18

Paid Jacobus TerBos for 15 days work @ 10/ L 7:10 & for so much paid to Chain bearer 1:13

June 25

met att Nibblets & executed a deed to Henry Beekman for the sale of the nioke of land on ye mouth of Fish Creek for L 50 payable 1 Februa Spent 2/6 1737 June 25

Paid to Ab: Governeur for one half of the deed to H. Beekman 18/ Itt being aggreed some time before to account with Arch:Kenneday Esq. and to pay all the arrears of the quittrent due on the land butt not finding all ye Partners inclined Goelet gathered in all the receipts possible and the arrears due on each part, and paid to ye Receiver Genr above ye former sums Paid as pr receipt viz June 30 for ye right of of of of of of

Caleb Heatcoat Hend:TenEyk John Aartsen Will:Creed Jarvis Marshal i of James Emmot


6: 3: 3i 5: 5: 14: 7: 9 8: 9: 9: : 5 :15:10


44: 1: 3

Paid also for the residue of the whole viz from 27 May 1734 to Oct. 1737 for 3 years the quit rent of ye Patt. 10:10:0. The right of David Jamesson, Aug Graham, of James Emmot not yett paid and that of H: Filkin paid butt no receipt shown & so not included in this receipt.



Aug 17

Met att Hardings with Wm. Jamesson & Consulted how to act in & abt Marytees land, & ye widow Allen possessing of itt. Itt was concluded that we wright her to keep possession in Right of Nine Partners and wrote to Roseboom to come & single out (1737) his 200 acres. Also considered abt. ye nature of an indorsemt on ye back of Deed of Partition to mend ye error comitted in Edsels obscure lines & Spent 7/4 Octob. 28

Met Mr. Roseboom att Hardings Had a long conference abt the right of their Pattent where we concluded & told him that iff he did not come to take up his 200 acres we would defend ye Widd Allen, or any other that shall be by them molested; he differing us, & so we parted without much succeed in ye affair Spent 4/2. Nov. 4

Mess: John Crook & Edsel being in town we met att Goelets and att evening with Edsel and Young Crook att Hardings abt ye possibility of correcting ye Division Spent 3/4 Then two Indians being come to town Shawash & Shawenah with letters from the Partners on the premises showing they were real owners. Shawash owning the greatest part of ye land & not yett paid. We met them at Cap A. Rutgers agreed & gave them for their right and to execute ye Indian deed which was executed accordingly upon delivery of ye following goods Shawash, his son and Shawenah; the goods were delivered to ye Indians 7 hatchets, 2 guns, 10 streched & 10 duffel blankets, 2 strouds streched, 9th led 24 lb Powder, linnen, knives, paper & Cash and provisions 32/ per I 24:15:4 mile 3:00. & to J. Marschalk a gun to young Shawash Met John and Roelof Oostrom att Hardings with Mr Jamesson to peruse ye draught of deeds for ye land 350 acres to be conveyed to R & J Oostrom, lying at ye back of ye nine water lotts, on condition, they to pay the quit rent for ever beginning May next & then to pay ye sum of Ti 50.- Spent 3/ Novemb. 15

Novemb. 18

Met said Oostroms & Jamesson att said house executed ye deed and took a mortgage & 6/8 Spent

Novemb. 18

paid Mr Jamesson as pr acc & receipt for drawing Deed of Partition and that to Nelson Ti 21:1/2 & order

Being the day appointed for a generl meeting by letters written by Jacob Goelet in order to consult abt. corecting ye division butt few meeting nothing was effected, onely a draught made by Goelet Spent 6/8

Novemb. 22



Novemb. 29.

Decemb 6

took a leather trunk to contain the most matterial papers and charged 6/

Paid W. Jamesson for i of drawing Oostroms deed E 1:10 & to J:TerBos for returns & 1:5 map

Met att Hardings with Mess. Theo. & C:VanWyk & Ch:Crook in order to come to a resolution abt. ye corecting ye division butt to no effect. Got a letter from ye Partners on the premises which disaprovd of any alteration Spent 4/

1737 December 19

At the close of this year found ye ballance nearest to E 150.- Haveing Goelet takeing 2 payments upon him of Nelson ye one 2 August & ye former ye 1 February last making t 126:13:4 So now computs ye interest for li t 10:-:year 1737/8 February 1 Goelet received the consideration money for ye neke of land att Fish Creek sold to H Beekman & cred: ye Comp. E 50:0:0. Then Goelet Compueting ye account of Quit rent neat & exactly agreeable to ye book viz That as he hade received several receipts from ye Partners & the residue in money to make up their respective quotas, and hade computed all receipts att por tem money; He now found in the tender of them that some of them were for N: York Currancy, for which reason. He was obliged to avance for some viz :18: 8 for ye 1/9 of Caleb Heatcoat E :12: 9 for ye 1/9 Hend. TenEyk : 3:10 for ye 1/18 James Emmot :15:10i for ye 1/9 Wm.Creed E 2:11: li And also disbursed for others which did not pay att all E 3:12: viz for Jn. deGraaf his heirs : 8: 9 for Tannike Bokee : 8: 9 for J:Sacket 1: 6: 2 for Jn. Gay E 5: 5: 8 And here Goelet thought fit to place the whole acct of charges to this day. Being all the particulars of w4at is here before contained according to several pages.'

1 ed. note: There are minor inconsistencies between the accounting below and the accounting on the previous pages.



1730 Septemb 30 to R. Egberts for petition 1725. t 9: to copia of Hend Beekman Pattent 1: 1; 6 Octob. 10 to warrent of survey 3:10: Novemb. 6 to spent att Hunts :10: 7 to 36 yd ozenb.[?]for tent t 2: 8 1 case 15 bottles 1: 8 gall rum in bottles 1: 4: 47* lb bacon /6 1: 3: 9 20 lb cheese /4i : 7: 6 12 lb hung beef /4* : 4: 6 1 box w. lock & key for Provis. : 3: 1 Glass, 4 bottles carting : 2: 3* 6 blankets 10/ 3: Making tent :15: E 10:10:00* Decemb. 21 To W:Jamesson consel fee 1730/31 Janua 21 To J Murry consel fee March 9 Spent att Hunts

1; 8: 1: 8: : 3: 4* E 18;19:11

1731 brought over from ye other side t 18:19:11 Apr 17 Spent att Hunts Agg: w. Brown : 9: 4* 30 Att Hunts acknow. deed Partitn. : 5: To Counceler Cortland for acknow, :10: July 24 Spent at Hunts impowered Trustees : 2: 6 30 W.Jamesson for Indian deed 1: : Septemb. 1 Spent at Codden w. Beekman : 3: 3 Att Codden with Beekman : 4: 4 Att Hunts executing Power ; 6; 7 Att " for : 2: " 17 Att Hardings with Beekman : 3: 20 To 10 Cheeses 128 lbs @ /4 E 2: 8: 161 lb Bacon @ / 5* 3:13:11 7 yd ozenb.[?]for baggs :10: 4 2 six gall: Caggs for Brine : 4: 1 box for ye bacon : 1: 6 1 Hatchet : 3: 3 1 Broad ax : 6: 1 small brass kettle :18: 1 Frying pan : 3: marking iron guimblet : 2: 4 13 gall:Jamaica Rum 4/ 2:12: 11: 2: 4 25 To cash to Mr. Livingston for artikles Spent at Crugers in executing to artikles

:12: : 7



Octob. 11

To Levingston for a copia of articles Paid cartidge for goods on board Spent at Hardings in 2 sittings

: 8: 6 9 : 3: 4 L 34:12: 3i

E 34:12: 3i 1731 Brought over from ye other side : 3: 3 Octob. 19 Spent at Hardings abt. Marytee : 3: Paid for searching records, 1: 8: Novemb. 1 To Mr. Murry retaining fee 1: 5: 6 18 For copia of Marytees Pattent 5:10: Decemb 4 To David Humphrey as per ace. 150: : 24 To Henry Filkin Pay ye Indian : 4: 28 Spent at Hardings Consuller 1: 8: 1731/2 Janua. 5 To J:Alexander for Counsel : 8: 24 To carreing ye provisions up : 5: 2 Septemb. 16 Spent at Hardings Counsulling 4; 2: 28 To Aug:Creed as for ace : 2: 29 Spent at Hardings in despatch : 1: 6 1733 May 10 For screw in ye compass : 4: To advertising land at Plum hill June 1 : 7: 2 Octob. 13 Spent att Black Horse with Crook : 2: 23 At Hunts with Jamesson & Brown 33:10: 6 27 To Jacobus Bruyns for acct Spent at Hunts when Goelet ; 9: appointed 17: 1: 3 Novemb. 3 To C. V. Wyk as per acct 6; : 6 Decemb. 27 To Theod VanWyck as per ace. 10; 8: Interest due to this day 1733/4 : 2: 2 March 2 Spent at Hardings with Edsel : 4:10 19 Att Hardings with Edsel 1 1: 4: 4 To 73 lb Bakon @ /4 : 1: 1 1 lb nails 1 guimblet @/4 : 5: 9 12 lb shugar & bagg 1 box wafers /4, 2 sceine : 1: 4 twine . : 6 Package & cord for bacon ' 1: 9 i quier paper 2 sheet ragel t 1:14; 9 1268: 2: li Brought over from ye other page From below March 19

1 small bottle of ink 2 large blankets 1 Bushel Peas 1 bagg for Peas 18 lb cheese @ /4 8 Gall rum @ 2/9

1268: 2: li I, 1:14: 9

1: : : : 1:

:10 5: 5: 1: 6 6: 2:



1 Bread barrel in it 1 G. 19:15 lbs mid bread 4 loafs of bread 1 cup & 2 bottles Carting chest & goods Paid in money to Edsel

: 1: 6 :19: : 1: : 1: : 0: 10: :

4i 4 7 5

E 15:19: 3 Spent at Hardings Crook & Edsel : 2: Edsel above for his work 30:15: To H: Filkin " A suit of cloaths E 6:10: " Bread last year :18: " Fetched Alsop 2: : " Provisions delivered 2:11: 6

Apr 29 June 10 June 13

11:19: 6 To n n n

Fr: Hegeman 57 days work 1 horse 2/6 1 day work 2 ds for Alsop 12/. 2 ds for Crook II 1 ds Crook & Brown 3 horse " 1 ds Gott hands to Goe

E22:16: 7: 6 1: 2: :12: : 4: 25: 1: 6


Advertising land at Fish Creek

Septemb. 7 Spent at Hardings with Jamesson 9 att Hardings drawing lotts

: 4: 9 : 3: :14: 6 E353: 1: 7i

1734 Brought Septemb. 9 To Octob. 24 To Novemb. 5 To Decemb. 31 To 1735 Apr 3 May 22 June 3 Aug 29 Septemb. 5 9


10 19 13 15 -

over from ye other side J. DeGraaf as per ace. pourtracting 17 maps 10/ spent at Hardings Hegeman interest of E 195

L353: 1: 7iL 8:10: 8:10: : 2: 15: 1: 9

att Hardings, consult to sell land : 6: to H:Boelen Charges survey 700 acres 5: : To advertising ye 1300 acres : 5: att Hunts with Mr. Crooger : 6: To ye parchment map :13: To att Hunts, vendue no sale : 4: 9 To R: Carnnel[?] cryer : 3: To copia Pauling Pattent 1: : 6 To advertisement again 1300 acres : 5: To att Hardings exam deed partition : 6: 4 To att Hunts vendue no bidders : 8: 3 To R:Carnnel[?] cryer : 3:



Novemb. 29 To att Hunts signing deed partition Decemb. 30 To interest at 1 205

;14: 6 16: : : : : 5: :

1735/6 Feb 11 To advertising again May 11 To att Englysh. vendue sale 13 To R:Carnnel[?] cryer 17 To Jn. Crooger commission Novemb. 1 To Att Hardings, with Jn Oostrom Decemb. 31 To interest of 1 244:5:8 to 2nd Aug for 7 months 1736/7 March Apr

5: 9: 6: 2: 6 2:

11: 1: 5:13: : :10 : 3:

To interest 5 months 1 169:6:10 14 To postage for a letter Jn. Gay 25 Att Hardings signing orders

1434:03: OA 1434:03: OA

Brought over from other side May 24 1737 To 1 Bushel Peas 6/. 1 3 runlets 4/6 119 lb bacon @ 4 1 Cheese 29 3/4 lb @ /6 Bagging 14 lb milk bread 1 h:lq. 14 lb midl: bread 14/ & 2 coffee 2/ 14A Gall Jamaica rum @ 3/6 10 lbs shugar, 6 spoons, nails, twine 10 lbs. butter & Caggs Gam bacon 2 Gall: wine, 1 quart lime juice 4 loafs bread 1 mugg A barle Strong bear & cask Freight upwards, silver & baggage To H: Filken to fetch surveyor To J. V:Etten old acc. service done To J. V:Etten for lodging & showing creek To Jn. Row for lodging To Gerbrants for lodging above what left To Jn. Harris 4 days chain bearing To Jn. Oostrom 5 days & 2 horses 7/ To F. Hegeman 4 days & horse To F. Hegeman for Waiting on people before

:10: 6 1:17: 8 :14:10A : 4: 6 : 3: 3 :19: 6 2: 7: 9 : 8: 6 :14: 2 :10: : 2: 4 :12: 3 :10: : 5: 6 : 3: : 5: : 2:10 : 7: 6 :12: 1:15: 1: 4: 1:

Proceedings To Jn. Gay for same 2 bottles i dram bottles, Lock & To freight back To LeRoux and Goelet for their trouble

21 :15: : 1: 3 : 6: 7:10: L 24: 2: 4i.

May 25 Spent at Hardings with Hend: Pels : 3: 4 June 17 Att Hardings with J: TerBos : 4: To J: TerBos for 15 days work surveying L 7:10: for chain bearer 1: 3: 9: 3: L467:15: 9 Brought over from other page 25 At Niblets executing deed to H:Beekman To Part for writing same 30 To A:Kenneday 3 yr quit rent Aug. 17 Att Hardings with W. Jamesson Octob. 28 Att Hardings with Roseboom Novemb. 4 Att Hardings with Edsel To A. Boelen for 2 hatchets t Jn. Marschalk 1 gun Jn V.Gilder 1 gun Levingston 10 blankets Peyster 10 duffel blankets Hammons by 2 stroud blankets P. Rutgers 9 lb to lead 24 to Powdr A. Rutgers Cash and Provisions A. Peyster Linnen J. Goelet 30 knives paper

467:15: 9


: 2: :18: 10:10: : 7: : 4: : 3: 1: 2: 9 3: : 1:13: 5: : 3:15: 1:16:


4 2 4

3:17: 3 1:12: 4 1:10: 1: 9:

15 Att Hardings peruse draught of 10 18 Att Hardings executing deed & mortgage of 10 To W. Jamesson for that mortgage of Nelson & for deed of partition 22 Att English ye day appointed for a meeting Decemb. 6 To W.Jamesson for deed for Oostrom To 1 leather trunk for ye papers To J:TerBos for map and returnings 19 Att Hardings with VanWyks 30 To interest of abt. t 50 for i year To interest for 1 100 for

24:15: 4 : 3: : 6: 8 1: 20: : 6: 8 1:10: : 6: 1: 5: : 4: 4:


Proceedings a whole year

1737/8 Februa. 1 1 months interest on t 150 @ 7 pc.

8: E539:17; 9 ;17; 6 L540:15: 3

In part of which charges Goelet hath received several sums in payment as on & abt. ye 12 Septemb. 1730 of several Partners att ye rate of E 10 to every ninth, t 52:10: ye whole then colected was fol. [page] 9And the year following by another collection 110:16: rec'dand by acct. Provisions sold at Pokeapzy 3:18: for Comp. acct. 7;10: From John DeGraaf for his quota 19 27 68: 6: of Mr Nelson 1st payment Aug 2 of Mr Nelson 2nd payment 1 Feb68: 6: rua. :14: for a small kettle and runlet sold 68; 6: of Mr Nelson ye third Payment 50: : February 1 of LeRoux for H Beekman L430: 9: 1737/8

8 5 8 8 8 1

March 8

The Trustees haveing been informed that some body was about obtaining a Pattent for land in the rear of our Pattent between that & Connetticut line, and that ye Governour would shorten our north bounds to just 20 miles from ye River. We met att Hardings and consulted ye matter. Resolved to speak to ye other Nine Partners and Mr H. Beekman whom were equally concerned; and to goe and speak with ye Governour & enter a Cavet in the office: Also perused the draught of a letter to Henry Filkin Esq to ascertain the mark tree H T for our south bounds farther Goelet read all the former proceedings & every article of the preceeding acc & examined ye balance Spent 2/4 March 9

LeRoux and Goelet (Rutgers being hindered) with Rob; Levingston Junr. Esq one of the other Nine Partners went to the fort and told his Hon. ye L:Governeur that we were informed that ye Govm. declared a vacanty in ye rear of our Pattent, and that some body was ab taking of it up; that we came to inquire ab. the certainity of itt; that his hounor had declared some of ye Nine Partners land vacant to Goelet, butt that we did not conceive it so; nor could aggree to any vacancy bettween the rear of our Pattent and Conetticut line; The Governer replied that itt was uncertain and not fully determined yett, that for that end he would have every Pattent that borders on ye said line be cautious



not to exceed 20 miles from Hudson River, that onely one Westchester man had been with him and said to have found some vacant land there; butt that ye Gov. answered him, that that vacancy hath been discovered ever since ye year 1725, & so was no new thing; Ye Gover was asked if he was certain that ye present division line was more easterly than that of ye year 1683. He said yes: Lastly he was asked iff when any petition should be offered for a grant to purchase, before he grants itt, he would first hear ye Nine Partners, he said yes and so we parted March 27 The Trustees that is LeRoux & Goelet (A. Rutgers not attending) Met H. Beekman & R. Levingston as both concerned equally with us to oppose the takeing up land as a new vacancy to the westward of the Oblong; as joining thereon with ye rear of their Pattent; We perused the agreement formerly made bettween the two Governments of New York & Connetticut, and found by an order from the King, an agreement was made att Hartford in Conetticut ye 8th May 1683 by the commissioners appointed by both parties; whom pursuant to this agreement run the division line between the two Provinces as by the return of their survey ye 10 Octob. 1684. signed and approved of by all the persons comissionated and rattified by both Governours Tho: Dongan & Rob Treate & by them ordered to be thus recorded att Milford Feb 23 1684/5. The same we also found rattified & confirmed by King & Counsel in ye year 1702. Both ye survey and aggreement itt being all the time of the trouble in the Revolution here detained & not till then sent over by my Lord Belmount when itt was forthwith ratified. We find in the whole that the division line was established & appointed be everywhere 20 miles from & parallel to Hudsons River, and as such was to run southward to the Sound would have taken in the Oblong between the Sound & ye parallel line E N E 12 miles to ye Sound of 61440 acres. In which there were att that time the TownShips of Rye and others settled they for an Equivelent joined to our government to the 20 miles over & above itt ye Breath easterly of 305 rods att the end of which the then division line bettween the two provinces was actually settled; being that slip of ye Breath of 305 rodds over & above ye 20 miles to the true division line, the Equivelent land; now called the Oblong as here demonstrated in this small map.






a jtail -myti (244.

We att last concluded unanimously to admit of no vacancy in the rear of our Pattents; and farther that ye right of the oblong was very precarious, and that we did not give up our right to itt; butt thought that all ye pattents bordering on ye division line ought to run close up to itt and so parted. Paid reckoning at Englsh 3/10 April 5. Received a letter from Frans. Filkin Esq. containing two depositions the one of Edw Dymon who sware before Judge Ter Bos that he had seen the Wh. oak tree with H T on itt ab. 15 years agoe, and was since informd that that was ye south bounds of Nine Partners land. The other was Tho. Lewis who declared to have thereat seen such a tree in a meaddow H T which ye Indians told him was ye extent of Harmisens & Sanders Pattent. tile place was lookt for and showed by ye deponent ye 29 March and in the presence of Barent VanKleek, Frans Van DeBogart and Fr:Filkin, who erected a monument of stone in ye aforesaid meddow by a swamp white oak and declared surly from under their hands before Jacobus TerBoss; whom ordered ye same to be recorded; was accordingly by ye 2 depositions & ye Declaration recorded in Dutches County record. Charges accrued & paid for ye same are viz: 1738

Judge TerBoss for attending To Edw.Dymond 2 trips attending


:15: 6 :12:

Proceedings To To To To To


Tho: Lewis one trip Frans VanDenBogart Barent VanKleek the Clerk for recording Frans Filkin his trouble & attenden L

: 5: : 2: : 3: : 5: :17: 6 3: 0: 0

Mr J Terbos also informed us that one of the deponents swore that on ye forementioned tree markd H T also stood markd R.S. & M.H. and that the same place was abt. ml east from ye house of Ahasuerius Van Kleek; & about 4i or 5 miles as he thought from Hudsons River. He also told Goelet the offer ye Pokeapsy people vis. H, Pels, P. Parmetie & others had made to settle the southernmost line of ye nine water lotts for a Portion line between us & ye right of Harmense Pattent. He haveing order to offer in their name the sum of E 50:00:00; and he haveing no time to communicate it to ye other trustees Goelet answered that he would tell them of itt; and desired Mr TerBos to consult the Partners on the premises about itt and lett us know by a letter from their own hand their assent to itt. Received a letter from H:& F. Filkin & in itt a receipt of E 9:- Proe Ca for quit rent Reed desiring Goelet to tender ye receipt to Mr Kenneday & pay him the residue & charge it on the t 30:- which they disbursted for charge & to take ye money out when that was refunded, which Goelet did & obtained a receipt paying ye sum of E 3:17:9 which he charged to the disburstments of ye Filkins and not to Comp. April 11.

Met at Goelets with Aart Williams & Frans VanDyk. Agreed with them to sell them 1000 acres of land in the Comons in one entire peace, to border on Nelson, on ye Fish Creek, on the ninth water lott & or on ye W. most line of ye 36 lotts; to be laid out at ye Comp. charge, where they shall desire to have itt; they to pay for same viz, one payment as soon as the wrightings are drawn and executed of which each party to pay E 100 and residue May next 1739 E 180. Total L 280 May 10

1738 May 23.

Frans VanDyk retourning met A. Rutgers & Goelet att Goelets house & reports that they hade seen the land and pitched upon that on ye Fish Creek to ye northw of Nelson, to say 3/4 of a mile into the woods from ye Creek and in length along said Creek so far until they have their 1000 acres. And that the first payment of 100 pounds may be paid forthwith not with standing ye wrightings are not drawn, upon a good receipt of ye Trustees; they promising to have ye land surveyed as soon as the woods is clear and the deed



drawn presently after May 25 Goelet received a letter from Henry Filkin att Phokeapzy by Mr Noxon earnestly desiring Goelet to pay into the hands of Mr. Noxon the Bearer of the letter the money that Henry Filkin paid to Goelet by way of discount (when ye Indian deed was paid for in ye years 1730, 1731 in order to deffray charges) with ye interest as was promised; as being in great nessessity, The trustees consulting the matter thought Goelet might pay him iff he had money and as they did design to repay everyone their disburstments with ye interest that Goelet may be safe in paying him now & so he computed Filkins acct and finds: ye ye ye ye

t 30: : Principle sum disbursd :16: Interest for t 10 at 1 yr Interest for t 30 at 7 yrs 8 pc, 16:16: Interest for abt. 8 months @ 7-i pc. 1: : t 48:12:0

June 15.

A letter came to the trustees of 7 inst of Symon Fleglar whom now lives on ye farme in the Room and by order of ye widdow Allen calling for their assistance against the Sheriff, whom trettens to make a seizure and strain on all he finds on ye premises for ye quitrent due on Maritie Roseboom Pattent since first granted; 106 bushels of wheat; the trustees consulting together advised with Mr William Jamisson whom wrote a letter to the Sheriff James Wilson Esq in the name of the Proprietors informing him that Symon Fleglar being their tennant, ought not to pay the quitrent for Maryties Pattent & - and the trustees wrote a letter to Symon Fleglar something to ye same effect on the 17 following att which time Augustine Turk paid to Jacob Goelet for Jn. Oostrom the sum of t 25 in part of his Bond and t 3:20 for a years quitrent June 29.

Goelet paid Mr Kenneday three pounds ten shillings for Jn. Oostrom for one year quit rent and took a receipt on the Generl list for ye same and spoke to Mr Kenneday abt. Fleglar case; He said ye Sheriff would not destrain with out his advice; and Mr Roseboom is so obstinate, we ought to compel him in Chancery August 9.

The trustees met Mr Jn Gay at Hardings discoursed the case at larg abt. the quit rent demanded of Marytie Pattent; and told him as attorney to ye Widdow Allen that we could not assist her in this affair; and that in case he would opose the Sheriff in destraining on the premises he must not do it in the name of ye Nine Partners, for they'l do nothing in itt. Butt the chef reason of their meeting was abt. ye pur-



chasing of some land in ye comons for ye Widd Allen, and the Trustees find4 ng themselves necessitated to procure more money to repay every Partner disbursements with ye interest and several other charges as recording of deeds and have offered to sell 600 acres in the undivided lands for t 40 per 100 acres; provided he takes it off ye northwd of Jn Oostrom from line to line and takes in the goar or slip between the rear of ye nine water lots and Jn Oostrom as part of ye 600 acres on which he was to give an answer. Spent at that selling 2/4 August 10, 1738.

Goelet discounted with Jn Gay & allowd him according to his ace of 6 May 1737 for 10 days attending ye survey @ 3. E 1:10: 3 days showing ye land to people :15: t 2: 5: & charged him for ye tent :13: & Paid him balance for which ye Companies ace. is charged E 1:12:0 Octob. ye 13.

Frans VanDyk comeing from Phokeopzy desired orders for ye laying out of his land in ye undivided; So the trustees wrote & sent with him a letter to Jn, Gay whereof this is an exact copia New York Octob 13. 1738 Mr. John Gay Sir: the bearers here of Mess. Aart Williams & Frans VanDyk have bougt of the trustees 1000 acres of land of ye undivided; We have desired them to call on Mr. Brett in their way to lay out the same and have you to assist on the survey, and see the same effected to agreement which is that it begins on the north of Nelsons land and so up along the creek to the northward half a mile in breath from the Creek until the contents be 1000 acres. Note the north bounds of Nelsons land is known by an ash tree on the creek Marked C D on the south, from thence east 15 Gr. South 38 chains & 3 rods to a Wall Nutt sapling marked on the west A B. Pray be sparing in charges, you may procure one chain bearer, one of the Bearers will be the other. Desire Mr Brett when done to make his returns & amount and send them because we may draw the deed & make conveyance and he shall be punctually paid. Inclosed you have t 2:0:0 in small bills to defray charges. Pray let us know how the acct stands when the work is Done. You are also desired to acquaint all the Partners within your call that a General Meeting of all the proprietors will be held here ye 7 November next, where every one is earnestly



desired to appear, it being to compleet matters of Great Importance, Pray speak particulars to them as to Messrs Creed, Moses Graaf, Filkins and others concerned and so doing youl oblige Ye humble sert Antho Rutgers Charles LeRoux Jacob Goelet To Mr John Gay in Dutches County The same bearers also took letters to Mess C. and Th; VanWyk & Jacobus Stouenburg 1738 Nov 7

Being the day appointed when all the partners were to meet and Consell matters at correcting the division. There met at Mr English butt a small number where a scheme was read, the substance of which was that the variation of the present lines in ye 36 lotts should be ascertained to deg & Min and so deemed called for the fewter & in the evennt parts of each parcele ye length of each tear lott should be run in two different places, and that ye 1, 2, & 3 tear must have their lengths ye residue iff over or ye differents iff under to be added or taken from ye 4 teir: to which them that were there present for ye most part aggreed; and desired Mr. Will. Jamison with Mess. Everson and Goelet to meet ye next day or att evening to consult and draw up heads of an instrument to be executed by all ye proprietors and then parted. Spent that evening 14/4 Nov 8 and 9

Had no more meetings about it and so made no firm conclusion that season; the persons to make ye draught not meeting and ye partners going to their respective homes. Especially while lawyers gave butt poor encouragement. 1738 November 9

Frans VanDyk and Aardt Williams being returned informed us that ye 1000 acres of land was surveyed and layed out for them on the Fish Creek. brought the returns from Mr Rob Brett surveyor, butt no map of the survey. Goelet gott one protracted and made and charged the Company for their part 6/, and for computing of the content found butt to contain 939 acres wherefor the trustees concluded to add the breath of 3 chains to south east bounds ye whole length of the tract ye space of [blank] from the N E part to ye lands of Nelson to make the whole just 1000 acres. Paid F:Brett 20/ December 4

A draught was made of the deeds of conveyance to A:Williams and Fr:VanDyk and examined and ord to be engrossed haveing meet 2 days before abt. ye error of the survey att Hardings Spent 3/



Decemb. 5

Goelet brought the first deed of partition in the secretary office to be recorded. In the evening executed ye deeds to Aaart Williams & Frans VanDyk for 1000 acres of land on the Fish Creek. They paid to Goelet t 100 ready money and gave bond for t 180 to Goelet to be paid 1 May next. Spent at English 6/ Paid to James Lyne for Comp. Post and writing 25/ 1738 December 7

Roelof Oostrom Paid Goelet ye residue of ye bond between him and his brother John and so paid his part of Principle sum t 25 and ye interest on principle 0:17:6 for which Goelet gave company credit t 25:17:6

Decemb. 19. now Record.

The deed of partition was returned by the clark and his receipt canceled, itt being Paid clark his fee 3/

Decemb 23.

Goelet Paid Mr Murry Dept. Secretary for recording deed of Partition t 3:9:0 And this coming near the close of this year, Goelet thought fitt to make his acc. compleat as the former year, haveing thereof colected all the debtors and cred, together placed them in an acc. on the other side [of the page] may be seen as the acc. current of the Nine Partners for the preceeding year 1738. N York 1737/8 NINE PARTNERS Dets To sundry charges and to February last t 540:15: 3 March 8 To spent at Hardings : 2: 4 27 To spend att. English w. Beekman & Leving. : 3;10 Apr 5 To charges ascertain tree H T 3: : May 25 To 1 ninth disburstment to H. Filkin 48:12: Aug 9 To Spent att Harding with Jn. Gay : 2: 4 Aug 10 To paid Jn Gay ball:of acct. 1:12: Octob 13 To Jn. Gay in a letter 2: : Nov 7 To Spent at English when a Genr. :14: 4 meeting was expected 9 To Paid Rob:Brett ball:due 1: : To spent at Harding with Aart Williams and VanDyk : 3: Dec 5 To spent execut deed att English : 6: To paid James Lyne for writing 1: 5: : 6: To Paid for the draught and Map 9 To Clerk of Secret, office fee : 3: 3: 9: To Fred Murry Record deed Partit 30 To 11 months interest of ab t 125 8: att 7 pc J 611:14: 1



N York 1738 Contra By sundry sums received by Goelet att Sundry times to 1 February last June 17 Recd by Goelet of Jn Oostrom in part Dec 5 Recd by Goelet of Aart Williams 7 By Goelet of Roelof Oostrom

Cred, t 430: 9: 1 25: 100: : 25:17: 6 L 581: 6: 7

1738/39 Janua. 8

Met att Englishes with P. VanCortland Esq and got the deed of partition and our power acknowledged by Mess. Hunt and Jamison the witnesses to the same deed where Mr. Hunt made affidaved, that he and other witness seen all the parties mentioned seal & deliver as their Act & deed, and was such certified by Mr. Cortland. Paid him for acknowledgment 6/ and spent that evening 7/ At the beginning of February Goelet brought ye Power to the Trustees and the new deed of partition to be recorded in ye Secrat. office; and were returned at ye 24, Paid clerk and fee 4/6 and to Mr Fred Morris 9:13:6 April 2

Goelet Haveing consulted with LeRoux (Rutgers not being to be met with) about ye sale of more land, Goelet wrote a letter to Jn Gay as follows: New York April 2, 1739 Mr Jn Gay Sir: Iff you hear of any people that will buy land; there are abt 6 or 700 acres to be sold out of undivided land, to pitch on any place, provided it be bounded on some fixt line or creek in one entire peace. This from ye serv, Jacob Goelet By order of Trustees Since that time Goelet sent a letter to Jn. Gay advising him to show ye land for sale to High Germans. May 30 a letter came to Goelet from Richd. Betts desireing him to acquaint abt. the land to be sold in ye Commons, the price and who to show itt to him. So Golet answ. him in substance that ye quantity for sale was abt 800 acres, all intire and fixt some were ye price t 40. per 100. & ye person to direct him Frans Hegeman whom he had already advised with but that he might wait a little untill we had an answer from ye Germans. By this day Goelet had recd more for ye Comp. acct. of Frans VanDyk E 140:0 and then concluded to return some part of the disbursements to ye Proprietors, with the interest, upon a narrow computation I find every full ninth come up to L 50:0 Viz. the interest of E 10:0 ye first



disbursement in April and May 1730 for one year amounts to 1 :16:0 and that of 1 20:0 ye second disbursement from 1731 to 31 May 1739 8years at 8 per cent pc 19:4:0 to which ye whole disbursement added 30:0 Makes ye Comb deb to 1/9 disbursement E 50:0

Sum desburst Eliz Johnston 130: : 1730-1731 C & Theod. 15: VanWyk A Rutgers 30: & Comp Aug Creed 15: R Van7:10: Schaick 2:10: Jan De7:10: Graaf Jacob 3:15: Goelet Ch: LeRoux 5: John Crooke 15: Edwd. Antell 5: Cath: Syms 5: 1730 Hend Boelen 1: 5: Coenradt 10: TenEyk Tanncke Bokee 16: 8: The whole being








20: 10:

50: 25:

25: : 12:10:

half 125:

5: • 1: 7:4

12:10: 4: 7:4

6: 5: 2: 3:8



6: 5:


6: 5:

3: 2:6

3: 6:8

8: 6:8

4: 3:4




3: 6:8

8: 6:8

4: 3:4



4: 6:


2: 3:

1: 1:6

: 5:



1: 8:8

6: 5: :14:4

I. 251:19:4

And haveing att this time butt abt. E 125 of Comp money by me, I concluded to pay ye one half as is mentioned in last column above for every one desbursted & so the Comp. account as for moneys paid out and to pay when come for stands E 125:19:8. Haveing there to reed of Aart Williams also 31:2:0. Then I forthwith sent letters abroad and acquainted far and near as to Mess VanWyck and Creed, DeGraf and those of the Proprietors disbursted in Town paying according to ye complete computation under receipts, to every one that came, retaining thereout for my disbursements quitrent Vis as for:



Conraad TenEyk & Comp Hend Boelen Moses DeGraf E 3:12 interest 12/ Theod & Cor. VanWyk 1:8:6 interest 2/ Johannis DeGraaf & Comp Tanncke Bockee

Aug Creed


: 4: :15: 4: 4: 1: : : 1: :10:

6 3 6 5 2

E 6:15:10 :15:10

June 20th.

Met Mess Rutgers & LeRoux consulted anew about correcting the Division of 36 lots. Teroured[?] the former scheme made 7th November last, agreed to proceed in a lawful manner. I was ordered to get an instrument drawn to be executed by all ye proprietors; butt met with ye same dissappointment we did before the clerk was to draw the writings shewing ye[?] thereof as Mr Jamisson did before. July 4.

Frans Hagaman coming to town acquainted us that two of the Pokeapzy people Viz Meet Parmetee & Ab. de Graaf had sold their farms butt the buyers wanted the Trustees to sign to their deeds & relinquish their right in behalf of the Nine Partners for doing of which the sellers above mentioned offer a sum of money for the use of the Company, and do desire to know our demand how much. The same Hegeman told us of four men whom offered E 200 for 600 acres of land, not fixed to any line, some where to the N°W, of ye 9 water lotts and desired our answer. On the first proposal we answered him, that we should consult our Partners here, and advise with a lawyer wether we were impowered thus to act in conveying-and as for ye last we told him, as we were determined to sell no land remote from any fixed station, so we cold not embrace this offer. July 15.

Abt. this time haveing consulted and considered the Trustees thought fitt to send no answer on that affair as to relinquish their right in their farms for sund reasons 1739 Aug 6

Mr. Jacob Haff comeing to town insisted for himself and sevrall of ye Proprietors, and perticular for Mr. Isaac Germain ye appointed clerk of ye precinct; that as ye nine Partners land was become a separate ward and Township, a book might be allowed by ye Comp for records; for which reason I sent them one with ye consent of an other Trustee and charged ye comp ye cost of a Blank Book for 11/. Aug 24.

John Gay comeing to town rendered an account of ye 40/ sent him 1 Octob. 1738 and made



appear to have Pd to Mr. Brett to Provisions on survey to him self & horse 2 days


1: 5: :11:3 :10:


2: 6:3

So Paid him ye ballance of 6/3 and also for 2 days service since in the woods to show the land offered for sale to the High Germans 10/ October 9.

I Met A: Rutgers & C:LeRoux att Rutgers, and consulled to aggree with Johannes Bremer at some part of the undivided land, Vis att the back & joining on the land of Frans VanDyk & Aart Willemsen where the said Bremer pitched on that he the said Bremer should pay for 700 acres there t 210 or t 200 as I could bargain with him. We thinking itt highly necessary to raise such a sum in order to repay ye residue of the disbursments, and to divide ye remain of the common with all further charges paid ye residue to be shared among ye partners. Octob. 10.

And accordingly I aggreed with ye said Bremer for said land for ye sum of t 210 that next spring ye land should be layed out to him and on the retourn of ye survey to be conveyed to him he paying ye above sum of 1 210 to which end small aggreements were drawn & Subscribed by him and me, he haveing leave to goe & Improve the land this fall October 15.

Jacob Haff having occacion for money desired me to pay him his dividend in the next repayment of the money disbursted, his 1/36 part being t 6:5:0 he allowd me for year interest to spring 4/, and so paid him t 6:1:0 for E 6:5:0. October 26.

Met with Capt A. Rutgers & Mr TerBoss att Mr Witts consulting abt. ye laying out ye residue of the undivided land and aggreed that Mr TerBoss goe early in the Spring to ascertain and rectifie ye boundary of Frans VanDyk & Aert Willemse to lay out ye 700 acres for ye High German J:Bremer and to divide ye residue in lotts as shall be ordered him, he taking along ye map & ye return & maps of ye several parcels sold To consult in ye interval the best means of ye Division and to send in his scheme, when we shall conclude & send him our order. Paid at that setting 2/6.



Met with Mess Ant. Rutgers & Ch. LeRoux att Hardings expecting Mr. Will Jamisson who did not come. We then concluded to leave 2 or 300 acres for the right of Marytie Sanders & abt, 500 for a farm to be left in common befor the whole be divided for a safe guard iff any of the partners should be molested in their lawful possessions, that then such land may be sold to defend them, and that Mr TerBoss have account thereof before he proceeds to the division. Spent at ye setting 2/6 1739 November 23.

November 29.

Payd to Mr Nicolds Depet Rec Genr for Mrs. Sym to compleat ye 1/9 quitrent. In the right of James Emmot E 7:3:10 3/4 & for Jno Oostroms 1 years quitr 3:10 and seen itt booked & took a receipt for the same on ye Gen list of receipts December 3.

Paid Jno Gay for 1 days attendance of Joh Bremer to show ye land 5/.

December 31.

Att the close of this year settled my acct current as my other side may be seen being ye debtor above and ye Cred underneath on ye same page Vis

New York 1739

Nine Partners


December 31 to sundries as p. last acct. 1738/39 January 8 To spent at English acknowledged power & deed partition & Acknowledgmt February 26 To Clerks fees recording deeds partition April 10 To Fred Morry Receiving D " Aug 6 To a blank book for records to lastf?] October 26. To Cash Respaid since 30 May To spent at Witts consult TerBoss To Jn. Gay ball of acc Novemb. 23 To spent at Hardings December 3 To Jn. Gay work done


;13: ; 4:6 9:13:6 :11: 125:19;8 ; 2:6 :16:3 : 2:6 ; 5: 750; 2;

1739 Contra Apr 17 By cash of Aart Williams May 18 By cash of Frans VanDyk June 21 By cash of aart Williams & ye cred last december


Cred 31; 2: 140; : 8:18: 581: 6:7

I 761: 6:7

Proceedings 1739/40


New York February 4 1739/40

Mr Jacobus Ter Bos Sir These serves for a little further direction in affair of the Nine Partners land. We desire you would as before directed ascertain the bounds of VanDyk & Comp, and along the land lay out the land for Bremer. Measure out the 200 acres for Marytie Sanders. Right to see what part of Creeds lott it takes in, and to allow or leave so much out the comons in lieu as to quantity and quality about that place by Oostroms or Maxfields. All the residue or comons we desire you would render us in a plan or map, the slip or goar on the north of the Pattent included; and to bring or send itt with the other papers. We do propose to lay it before the partners before we divide or lay it apart, to have their opinions about itt. This all att present from your friend & sery Antho Rutgers Charles LeRouix To Jacobus TerBos Esq Jacob Goelet Fishkill, Dutchess County

Aug 27.

Since wrote sevrall letters to the Partners acquainting and calling them to meet as aggreed here in New York on the 25th of September next in order to account with them of our whole proceedings & to divide the Residue of the land in comon; to settle all farther difficulties with Marytie Sanders Pattent; Harmsess Pattent, & haveing for the same end also despatch a letter to Peter Palmatier, in Dutch desiring him and his partners to be here on ye time appointed, & see if they could aggree with ye Body of ye 9 Partners to avoid other difficulties. 1740 August 27.

Wrote a letter to Jacobus TerBos Esq acquainting him of the meeting of the Nine Partners, and desired him to furnish us with material to lay before them att ye time appointed being ye 25 next month Septemb 9.

Received a Bundle of papers with a letter from Jacobus TerBos, excusing his not sending an account of his proceedings sooner in our affairs; occasioned by his sickness wherewith he was still afflicted; he sent the return of survey for Bremers land of 700 acres. Also a map of all the remains of the land of the Pattent laid apart on the map in 18 lots as near as he could, before the draugt of every lott sold before as that of Oostroms, Nelson, VanDyk & Bremer.



At the appointed day met with the greatest part of the Proprietors att Mr Niblets. Consult abt the right of Marytie Roseboom Patent, searched the record for her Indian deed, found none, nor Schuylers Pattent, aggreed to meet Parmelee & DeGraaf to see what they offered for a release for their lands. And ended the remaining time and evening in a debate abt. the corecting the division Pro and Con, and not agreeing, proposed to met at 9 next morning. Reckoning was 27/6 Septemb 25.

Met greatest part of the company at Niblets much was discoursed abt ye Nine Partners right in Pokeepsy Patent. Peter Palmetier & Ab:DeGraaf being calld in were asked what they offered. 100 acres, to be released by the Nine Partners they offered L 15: they being ordered to retire. The Company by a majority of votes, voted that Parmelee, Ab:DeGraaf & wid Lip each of them should pay at the rate of X 30 per 100 acres. Then concluded to apoint and empower three men Vis. Corn VanWyk, Mr Lester and Aug Creed to inquire in the Nine Partners right to call to acc. all or any of the possessions of such part as is unlawfully held, to agree to sell, convey, or covenant or act in all such cases in the name & with full power of their constituents of as many as have subscribed their power. Then went upon ye corections of survey, three of the company went to a lawyer, whom said it was not to be done unless they flung up the whole division. Then I made ready for the drawing of Lotts in the new division. Mr TerBos & Hegeman sorting the lotts, some contest arose abt. ye sortment & W:Jameson would not attend for Mrs. Johnson we did not draw Spent 32/4 1740 September 26.

Met again at Niblets in a large company, executed the power by some, & drew lotts for the new division of the land bettween the rear of the 9 Water Lotts, & Fysh Creek & ye W. bounds of the 36 lotts being all the vacant land then divided in 18 lotts vis 1740 September 27.


1 2 3 5 10 8 7 14 36

& -

4 to Right of 11 19 9 6 13 12 15 with 200 acres

Jarvis Marshall Aug:Graham Caleb heatcoat Will Creed Jn. Aartsen David Jamesson Hend:TenEyk James Emmet Henry Filkin

These lotts being thus drawn an instrument was executed to which all the Party then present signed to confirm their assent and some more executed the power and



so the Company parted being some more to execute the power and ratifie the division next week; the reckoning for the three days being called was t 4:12:10 & paid. Octob. 1.

Paid to Jn. Crook for his part of work & attending on the Wappingers Creek and partition line between us and Beekman 1 9:0 October 15.

Met at Mr Charles LeRoux (he not being well) with Jacobus TerBos Esq & James Lyne (Capt A. Rutgers not comeing) where we examined ye returns of survey, settled ye boundary of the Lott N°15 in the new division, delivered ye return and map of the new division to Mr Lyne in order to draw deed of partition, to the agreement & alotment, Examined the acc, of Jacobus TerBos Esq which is as foil. 1740 April 20 Then surveyed for the Nine Partners Company 2 days spent for myself and horse chain bearer 8 days laying out lotts, myself, son & horse @ 15/per day 3 days spent bringing draft to firm 7i days Elk. Griggs self & victulaing @ 4/6 7 days Gerret VanDole & victuling 4/ 2 gall:Rum and 2 lb Shugar making return survey Paid to Jacobus TerBos as for receipt & to Frans Hegeman 4 ds:work.


: 8: 6; 1: 4: 1: 6;6 1: 5: : 8: 1:

t 11:11:6 1:

1740 October 22.

Met at Mr LeRoux with Cap A. Rutgers & Mr Lyne consulting abt. the Power given to the new Trustees VanWyck, Lester and Creed, found some Difficulty and were afraid the comp or the subscribers might be involved in some needless lawsuits and haveing no fund left, none to disburst, nor no more land to sell to defray the law expenses. We concluded as the power was but executed in part, to advise the above mentioned Trustees, to agree in a friendly manner. with as many as will compound & to make a new inquiry what might in justice more be found to belong to the Comp. what particular land or farm, by whom possessed and detained, to acquaint the Comp therewith when further measures may be taken Met at Hardings, perused ye deed of partition, examined by the map of ye last division, agreed to Mr Lyns acc. to pay him for drawing aggreement of Division, Power & Deed of partition &

December 12.



obtained and paid him accordingly t 12: 2: 5: Charged company for @ 9/ : 4: Spent at Hardings And so charged comp for

L 14: 9:

This evening also consulted about an error in the deed of conveyance to Frans VanDyk & Aart Williams where by a mistake of the surveyor Rob. Brett a rong course is mentioned as N°15°West should be W15°N° which we thought not fitt to altering deed but wrote them a letter as follows

December 12.

New York Decemb 12, 1740 Mess Frans VanDyk Aart Willemse We have considered the boundarys of the deed from the Nine Partners to you which is dated the 5th day of December 1738 and find that Mr. Brett has made a mistake in his survey of the land which was granted you by it for the first course in the said deed is N°15°W but we acknowledge it ought to be W 15°N° and as the deed confirms your south bound to ye land of Francis & Paul Nelson, we conceive there is no necessity to alter that course and consequently no need of reexecuting said deed. We remain your humble servt Anth Rutgers Charles LeRoux Jacob Goelet Wrote a letter in Dutch to inclose these to acquaint him with the nature of it & acquainted him abt, ye land adjoining him being to be sold Decemb 31.

With the close of this year I made up my acc as it nowstands with the Nine Partners, and

is thus The total last year D. was Septemb 27 Cash spent at Niblets 1 to Jno Crook as per acc Octob. 17 To TerBos & Hegeman Decemb. 12 To drawing Deeds & Maps 31 To interest for advance

t 750: 2: 4:12:10 9: : 12:11: 6 14: 9: 1: : L 791:15: 4

By an Cred. ye same 761: 6: 7 as last year By an error in the computation of the first disbursement 1730 I took for 10: : 52:10 & is E62:10 and so cred 1 771: 6: 6



March 14, 1741

Met with Capt. Ant. Rutgers & Mr C. LeRoux Mess Lester & Creed at Niblets, consulted about the power given them; that we as trustees were not empowered to raise money to defray lawsuits, onely to pay the expense of the divisions, & to reimburse the sevral disburstments and pay the Indians and as no more land was in common save 700 acres for sale to afore mentioned use, they the new Trustees could not depend on us to lanch[?]out any money and I for my own particular protested that I would have no hand in nor advance money for to prosecute Harmsons people. So it was agreed that we forthwith get the power copied, send them the original, with Harmsons oath, ye copia of his and our patent & what more we saw needful, as Schuyler Patents Copia, they to retourn a receipt for power and to consult, & see to aggree in an amicable manner with whom of them they can, to account of their proceedings to the Company when further steps will be taken regierary[?] and so the new Trustees departed giving each a new map. Spent that setting 2/ Met at Hardings with Frans VanDyk & Adolph Banker and made a bargain for the 700 acres of vacant land, they to pay therefor E 210 vis E 110 in September next and the other E 100 on ye I May 1742 - wrightings to be made out of hand; a small agreement was signed to by VanDyk and Banker. I wrote forthwith to Mess Lester & Creed about sale & Spent 1/5 1741 April 21

June 2.

Concerning the many and costly Supbeanus dayly servd and that two ninths of our Pattent quitrent was yet behind to 27 May 1734, I haveing in hands four pounds, three shill & 4 p. ye disburstmt of Mr Antell with interest ye 1 paym. which I now took to belong to Mess Mord. Lester & Comp and being shortly to have in my hands ye other half vis E 4:3:4 will make together E 8:6:8 to which I disbursted ye residue 6:1:1 & so paid of whole for 1/9 ace. E 14:7:9 Mrs Elis Johnson promised to settle with Mr. Kenneday & pay her 1/9 part. This day concluded with Mr Lester and Comp. to meet ye proprietors ye 23. Septemb. next Met at Hardings, Capt Anth. Rutgers LeRoux and myself, executed the deeds to Frans VanDyk, Ad:Banker & Mrs Johnson haveing signed to the Power. Spent 1/

1741 Septemb 18.

Paid Mr. Will Jamesson for writing ye deeds to Frans VanDyk & Comp for Comp E 1:5 and advanced for VanDyk & Comp 25/

Septemb 19

Met at Niblets the appointed time for the General Meeting with the greatest part of the Proprietors, where sevrall matters were considered,

Septemb 23.



first my ace. of the whole preceeding being drawn out Deb. & Cred, was publickly read, without any exception approved of, and laid on the table, the remainder of that sitting to every ones perusual. Next the new deed of partition of the last division was executed by the parties then present, the matter relating the rong pretended right of Jacobus Stoutenburgh in his new purchase of the niche of land by the Fish Creek, which much disturbed the Proprietors as iff the trustees should have conveyed him over the creek to the mark trees of Pawling, which we utterly demed, and made appear that Mr Stoutenburgh had clandestanany desired such Alteration under pretense of a defect in his wrighting but was never given him. It was therefor resolved that Messr, Frans Hageman and Mr Lester make a near inquiry in the Right of the Nine Partners over the Creek: on the side of Pawlings Purchase, and that the trustees have the same surveyed & iff butt small sold & the money divided for which reason the Comp would not discharge the trustees, saying all the land was not yet divided or sold: the Power to us was read of ye year 1734 and agreed to continue on the former trustees. The words of the Boundary of our Pattent were consulted by and the advice of Mr Will Jamesson, especially those, bounded on the Hudson River, between the Creek called &'blank] at the mark trees of Pawling (including the said Creek), and the land and whom took it the word (between) did not limit us, to its mouth on the River but to such part of it where Pawlings Mark trees should interfere with the Creek, and as we were informed that the aforesaid mark trees of Pawling lands & Pattent were up to the northward at 3, some said 4 miles above the creeks mouth ranging easterly from the river to the creek, that those trees were our northerly bounds and thus the word between should so signifi, between the Fish Creek and those mark trees, to include the Creek. The affair of the Harmens Pattent being taken in consideration, Mr F. Hegeman related to have spoken with two of the contracting parties Vis Peter Palmatier & Abrah: de Graaf whom we offered at this same house this time 12 months. Upon their request to pay t 30 per 100 acres for the land of the Nine Partners which they unlawfully possesd and says they were willing to stand to their proposal which I do think was t 15 per 100 acres Provided we do point unto them such unlawful inherritance, to know the number of acres theyr willingly pay. With that the power executed last Septemb. to Mess C. V. Wyck, Lester & Creed was read, approved of & farther executed and given to them, with this promise that Goelet should answer their charges in acting out of the residue of Companies money as long as it holds, provided they enter into, or commence no lawsuit; they were to see and agree, or compound in the best and Easiest manner they could, but if not prevailable by fair means,



they must call the Partners together & see who will go to law and advance money for it. Maryties affair came next under our consideration, when the copia of her pattent was read, her bounds considered and the Comp. seems to rest satisfied in that affair. Now rose some discusion abt. the close of the acc when the money should be recd of VanDyk & Banker this month, t 110 & ye E 100 May next the charges and reimbursements paid what might remain, I therfor here thought fit to compleat & balance my acc with ye 9 Partners, the money not yet recd of VanDyk & Comp, but to deem as recd and as they proposed, I to charge my trouble during my administration 1740 Dec 31 Comp of Nine Partners to Jacob Goelet Dr. to Sund Disbursments & charges to 31 December last as pr t 791:15: 4 1741 To sundry Charges since vis: March 14 Spent at Niblets with Lester at Hardings with VanDyk Septemb 18 At Hardings executing deeds Paid Will Jamesson of wrighting 23 To at 9 months interest L 20, To of reimbursement To all my trouble from 1730 to this time being 11 years at 30/

: 2: : 1: 5 : 1: 1: 5: 1: 1: 125:19: 8

16:10: 3 E 936:15: 8

The Comp had Cred last written ye 21 december as 1741 9 May appear Septemb. 23 to receive of VanDyk to receive more May next t 100. interest inn deduct t 4:1:8

L 771: 6: 7 110: :

95:18: 4 E 977: 4:11

& so the balance stands now in favour of Comp for which it hath of a new acc. Cred


40: 9: 3

Met some more of the Partners at Niblets when had compleated my acc. and showed the ballance. Executed the deed of partition & left in keeping with Mr. Niblet. Paid the whole reckaning being then t 1.11:8 - and began to pay the Partners that came to me their Divid out of t 125:19:8 1741 September 25.



I wrote a letter to Mess Hegeman & Lester as it had been aggreed on before to imploy these gentlemen to inspect in Partners Right over the Creek. Contents are vis. Septemb. 30

New York Septembr 30, 1741 Mess Fr Hegeman & Mr Lester Gentlemen: We desire you to demand of Mr. Jacobus Stoutenburgh the copia of Pauling Pattent, which he hath borrow from us and that you make a near inspection about the Right of the Nine Partners over the Creek; the quantity of land by guess you check might belong to Comp, and iff you can hear of an older Right. Please to render an acc. to us, and we shall order a survey to be made by you in order for sale or Division Thus doing youl obilidge. Gentl. Your Serv. Jacob Goelet in name of the trustees

New York September 30, 1741 Mr. Fran Hegeman Sir, these are to desire you & one Mr Smith, whom you say was with you on the premises in dividing the 36 lotts to give a particular acct of the matterial errors and difficulties you met with then, and what appears to be wrong now, about corners of lotts, their mark trees, or monuments throughout the whole 36 lotts. Please to make affidavit of this on oath. Mr John Evertson, or any other able wrighter may compose itt, the trouble shall be paid, and let it be entered on record on the Book there on the premises, this we do think to be good for the Comp and may be of use in time to avoid disputes, this doing youl oblige the trustees & your Humble serv, in their name Jacob Goelet

New York September 30, 1741 Mr Isaac German Sir: I have spoke with Mr Jacob Hoff about your demand in half the rembursements, he say



he has an equitable demand on you for E 5: - . Iff so pray compound the matter: he paying you the rest; & before I beseech the friends and Brethren on the premisses not to contend & quarrel together You are sworn sir to keep & preserve the Peace, Pray be faithful in that for your selves & others & you may expect your reward. I do hope youll affect where you can in the Public Tranquility of the part owners and inhabitants of the land. Mr Hegeman and Mr. Smith are desired to relate on oath all ye difficulties in the division and what mistakes they are aware of, in order to have such record for time to come when they shall be no more. We desire your helping hand also to this necessary work; and in every other thing for the good of the publick. Thus doing and acting youl highly oblige ye trustees & in their name ye Humble sery J. G.

New York September 31, 1741 Mess VanWyck, Lester & Creed. Gentlemen: You have here inclosed the boundaries of Harmmons Pattent & ours I have no other matterial papers by me to send you now, Harmmons oath being as I told you not now in my hands, I do hope you may propser in your business so as to finish without contentions. As we have all along in a friendly manner been conversant together without strife or matterial contention, so I do hope you will aim at the same end, that is as we began in peace, went on in friendship, we may end in tranquility, always keeping that Xtian Motto before our eyes: Do as you would be done by. Concluding I remain Gentlemen yr most huml Sert in name of Trustees J. G, P.S. You may draw on me for Comp. acc for charges accruing as long as any money holds, and is not taken up by the other charges as by inquiry abt. by Pauling land.

1742 April 9.

A letter came to hand from Lester and Hegeman shewing they had made some discovery over ye Little Fish Creek and found to Paulings mark trees to contain at random abt. 6000 acres,



that they heard of another Pattent being taken for the same by Mr. Faulknier but he being not here at the time of the date of our Pattent, we have determined to have ye land laid out in lotts and so send orders vis New York April 12, 1742 Mess Lester and Hegeman Yours of 31 March we have recd., we do conclude that the other pattent was taken by Mr Faulknier & is younger than ours, for he came here after the year 1700. And so we desire the land of the next to Paulings mark trees be laid apart in 9 Equale parts as to quantity & quality in the best manner possible. We have wrote to Judge TerBos, to officiate this affair, and if it should happen that he could not attend, you may appoint any other able surveyor or rending us a map & return as soon as may be. As to the charges of the survey we are answerable, but what the surveyor or yourselves shall advance, pray if you can let it be compleated this season, and iff too late, then you may wait for Judge Ter Bos in ye fall season; & this doing youl oblige Sirs your most humble servt

New York April 12, 1742 Mr Jacobus TerBos Sir. Inclosed you have a letter to Mess. Lester & Hegeman, which we desire you would forward. It contains an order to them for the laying apart some more of our land to ye north of Crom Elbow Creek, to Paulings mark trees which we desire you to survey. Pray serve us this season if possible and we shall pay your charges and remain sir you most

June 3

The time drawing near for the new trustees to meet the Pohkeapzy people at Phokeapsy Vis 7 instant, and two of them haveing been to town insisting they much wanted our original Pattent without the tender of which they cold not proceed to business and also insisted that Mr John Everson could be of great service to them in the tendering and explaining of his map, and ye said Everson being in town and offered his service, we agreed to send him with the original pattent by giving his receipt for the safe delivery there of back



again on his return, let him have also thirty shillings for which he is to be accountable to the trustees. June 20.

Mr John Evertson being returned reports that the meeting of the trustees with the Pokeepzy people was prolonged to a farther time. He returned with out doing anything matterial. Returned the original Pattent, canceled his receipt, paid him for his charges and time above ye 30/ Let him have before 15/ and so he gave his receipt as I charged the Company for 45/ 1742 June 23.

Met Mr Lester and Evertson Consulted matters relating our difference with the possessors of our keepzy. Examined the Indian deeds, found very material. Spent at the setting 3/

at Niblets. the affair of right in Posome things

June 25.

Met Judge Filkin, Mr Evertson, Mr Green. Consulted about the best manner to execute ye deed of partition by the remote Proprietors, found many yet in town & country mentioned in ye deed yet to signe. Mrs Cath. Filkin & Hend. Bogert executed the deed. Spent 3/6 Made out a list of them yet to sign vis: Rich: TenEyk And: TenEyk Jacob TenEyk Rich. TenEyk And.TenEyk Jr And:Varck Aasie his wife

Coenrd TenEyk Jr Tho:Dodge Math Nelson Cornelis Bogert John Bogert Isaac VanHock Jacob VanSchack Johan V. Schaick Moses DeGraef Richard Sacket

Corn. VanDuyn Will:VanDuyn Den VanDuyn Jn Lane George Henderson Ch:LeRoux Jacob Stoutenburg John Crook

A letter came to hand from Mr Mordecai Lester desiring us to send Mr Jn Evertson to Pokeepsy to meet them with ye matteral papers the latter end of this or beginning of next month; whereupon consulting with Capt Anth. Rutgers & his approbation sent a letter to Mr. Jn. Evertson, desiring him to come & meet the new trustees at time and place appointed.

September 7.

September being expired and Mr Jn Evertson not yet come to town, Cap Turk just up on sayling I wrote the affair to Mr Lester & Comp. P.S. Cap Turk being sailed I came to late with my letter, must now sent it with ye first opportunity. 1742 October 1.

Mr Jn Evertson being come to town haveing been detained by sickness; we went to Secrat office to obtain copias of Harmens Indian purchase as that of

Oct 8.



Peter Schuylers and of Len Lewis his confirmation and haveing with Mr. More Dup. Secratary searched all ye books could not find anyone of those recorded. Paid Mr. Moore for his trouble & Attendance 1/6

New York Octob. 24 1742 Gentlemen: Inclosed you have a letter which just came to late. Mr Turk was gone. I came just after. Mr. Jn. Evers haveing been detained by sickness it was ye 8 just out before he came to town When we thought not proper to send him it being to late, and ye Comp not aware of it. Wee'd have you consult about yr. survey meeting and let us know ye time & yeild[?] today Sir. Ye Humble serv. J. G. forself & Comp. To. Mess. Lester & Comp: Nine Partners Duchess County.

1742/43 March 6.

Mr Lester being in town was of opinion their meeting the people of Pokeepzy would not suffice without Mr. John Evertson was present. It was therefore we wrote Mr Evertson for that end as followeth. New York March 10, 1742/3 Mr John Evertson Sir Mr Lester was with me of late, and would feigne have you up amongst them, he doth not care to act without you with ye people of Pokeepzy. Iff you incline to goe to his and their assistance we desire you would proceed the sooner the better. Mr Lester himself must be down again by the later end of April and would meet the Pokeepzy people before that time iff you were there, this from your friend & Serv. J. G. for trustees To Mr. Evertson Pd. J6



March 30.

Mr Jn Evertson being come to town in order to proceed to ye new trustees about ye Pokeepzy affair was detained by bad weather for wont of passage; in meantime obtained a copia of ye record of Lewis, his confirmation for which I paid with clerk fees L 1:9 April 2.

This evening delivered him in a small trunk ye original Pattent, and some other papers and in cash t 32:

1743 April 11.

Judge Filkin being in town, relates how ye laying apart of ye land beyond the Fish Creek is in a manner finished; and have allready two tennents possing in Right of ye Nine Partners. He proposed to take ye deed of partition of ye latest division up with and deliver at Jn Everts in order to get those of ye proprietors those not yet signed to Execute it but finding, but one or at most two to signe, I thought best to take them when they came to town; since here are many yet to signe. Sent a letter to Mr Everson vis. New York April 11, 1743 Mr. Jn Everson Sir I hear by Judge Filkin how ye land beyond Fish Creek was surveyed and in a manner laid out in lotts. When the affair about ye differences with ye Pokeepzy people is finished we shall proceed to ye division. I wish you may find them on ye other side plyable, that all may be amicable decided and that we may not be constrained to appeal for justice by law,. My love & service to all our friends there I remain Sir ye humble serv. J. G. P.S. Please to remind Moses DeGraef to come to town as soon as may be to execute ye new deed of partition, and Richd. Sacket, ye only two wonting that way and I think young Mr Nelson. I also handed him in a small foulded slip of paper inclosed how Judge Filkin expressed himself in our favor.

Received a letter from Mr Jn Evertson of 21 inst acquainting us how he with ye trustees had appointed to meet with the people of Pokeepzy, and only a few of them met, without their Pattent or Materal papers, when on the other side all our papers were prod1743 Apr 26



uced and read. That a report is spread as if they would goe and obtain a new Pattent, that his coming there hath greatly allarmed the people, that many amongst them gives but we Dearst not go to law with them; and that Mr Everts with ye trustees there were of opinion some ejection must be served; that some of the trustees will be in town soon and consult matters. In the close of his letter by Postscriptum he seems to be of an other minde; that things perhaps may be accomadated at least with some. April 30.

Mr Francis Hegeman coming to town acquaints me they had in a manner finished the survey and division of the land over the Fish Creek to Paulings mark trees, in Nine Parcels or farms equal as near as may be in vallue, though not in equal quantity, his opinion was they ought to be sold he knew of sereral whom purchase each of them buy a parcel or ninth; and thus the money divided. He takes it that we ought to goe further north yett Pawlings land is to be but 4000 acres, and hath now perhaps dout ye quantity, and that Coll:Beekman on this report moved his line mile to ye northward. Mr Lester being in town I met him and Cap A. Rutgers at Niblets Mr Smith being present where I first read the letter from Mr Evertson. Then Mr. Lester told us how they the trustees had a meeting first amongst themselves, and afterwards to meet the Chief of the people of Pokeepzy that very few of the other side met and had no papers with them; that our papers were all openly read without reserve. That Judge Filkin hath been with them to contract for a deed for abt. 100 acres of land, which he was in a law suit about, with one LeRoy he offering E 15- that a deed was drawn for that end by Mr Evertson & executed by Lester & Creed which deed Lester had by him and gave it to our perusal; it haveing been aggreed on that the same should be left with me untill Judge Filkin took it, and paid the consideration money to me for it. We concluded amongst ourselves, that this deed should be consulted about with Mr Will:Jamesson, and iff not compleat to the purpose he to draw one in order for the new trustees to execute. Since this was like to come before the law in the Tryal of Judge Filkin with his contending party. Mr Lester also gave an acct. of his and the others with him Vis, Hegeman and TerBos, their proceedings in and upon ye land to the N'ward of the Little Fish Creek, how they had laid it apart as near as well might be done in nine parts equal as to its value & quality; that each part as they thought would make a tollerable living for a family. It was purposed to sell all nine the parts there being purchasers for sevrall lotts, and the money to be divided but not fully aggreed on. We also spoke 1743 May 3.



as to the extent of the northermost part of that land joining Paulings land; and thought it requisite to trye & view close in to the contents of that land which is to be but 4000 acres; and as we were informed, that Coll: Beekman in running out his northern Pattent had closed to the north bounds of Paulings land and plainly fixed that station; We thought that Coll:L. Morice might be consulted on this head and to hear wether he'd admit us to Trye his quantity ye 4000 acres in Paulings purchase. Mr Lester & Smith both mentioned some difficulty that semed to rise with ye Little Nine Partners as to ye fixed stations for ye head of the Fish Creek. May 6.

I went with the deed executed by Lester & Creed to Mr Will:Jamesson, whom haveing perused the same said it might doe for the end proposed, he saw no need to make another, although it was not very formal, yet the substantial matter was there; spoak with him abt. a further inquiry of our right to ye N'ward of the Fish Creek; I desired him to meet to consult matters when called on. 1743 May 6

Mr Fr Hegeman tendered his acct. to send charges towards ye survey of land over ye creek to 1 gal rum 4/6. provisions 2/ to attending of survey 8i ds him & horse 42/6. his son working l ds 4/6 E 2:18:6 which paid him according to receipt 48/6 & for expenses more for lodging 1:6 So charged ye Comp

L 3:

June ye 16

Capt. Lester met with me at my house, Spoak about the people of Pokeapzy and about some other affairs relating the Nine Partners. He had his acct. not with him but paid him in part toward it I 3:4 June 24.

Mr Jn Evertson being returned, met me with Capt Rutgers at his house. Evertson reported his proceedings jointly with the new trustees in order to bring the people of Pokeapzy to measures of an accomadation, and how they treated with them in all Sivility but in vain; and said farther that it was the resolution of ye trustees on, an abt ye premises together with the advice of him self, that some ejectments must be served on some of the possessors of ye land which they unlawfully posses. And that they the trustees expected such ejectments Should have been procured by the trustees here Capt Rutgers and myself. On which we replied that we in this affair were onely private members, as other proprietors & Constituents of the Power, and that they themselves had the onely Power to commence lawsuits; or any such as they constitute by virtue of their power for that end. And that neither Capt Rutgers nor myself



would exept of any such power when offered us; that I was ready to answer any Draught made on me by the before mentioned new trustees for the Companies use As long as the companies money lasted. And that iff Mr Evertson as haveing a verbal order of them to enter actions in their name, will for that end receive money for ye use of the new trustees, he may have it upon his receipt as far as companies stock will run. We farther advised together about the land lying over the fish creek, that the new trustees ought to be consulted as they onely being empowered iff they thought fitt to sell those lotts or nine parts layd apart in the late division; we were of opinion that such should be done on the premisses after an usual warning & advertising the same some convenient time; out of hand or to the higher bidder at vendue; or iff they otherwise should think fitt to consult all the Proprietors at New York and desire to meet in town at a certain time appointed that also measures might be taken how to proceed in any farther right of land we might have to the northward of that allready layd out. Mr Evertson shew us in a draught by vulgar computation, which made our right on the land possessed by severall Pokeapzy people very clear. As also some copias of boundaries and remarks by discourses all lending much to right of the Nine Partners. He made an estimate of his charges and agreed with us that he should charge from 1 April to 25 for 25 ds @ 6/ and farther quitt the Company all other charges of passage, provisions, lodging and horse hire. But Cap Rutgers and I were of opinion, he ought to have brought in his acct to the new trustees and on their approving his acct must hade an order from them on me for money. Since Mr Evertson went up on their request and acted in the affair of their commission as their assistant. In the close I paid Mr Jn Evertson as on their (that is ye new trustees) their request as they had defined Evertsons attendance for which I charged the Company E 7:10 Wrote a letter to ye new trustees as follows: New York June 29, 1743 Gentlemen Mr Jn Evertson told us you expected some ejectments to be sent up on sundry persons, whom unlawfully possesses our lands but we are not the proper persons, the Power is onely vested in you, or in them you constitute to plant any actions in ye law. Some Partners call for a Generall Meeting in Town, and we judge it necessary too, we think some time in the beginning of September next. Please to aquaint in the day you think proper, the 5th day will fall on Munday. Iff you think it will suit the country proprietors in that week let



us know. Pray acquaint all the Partners about your Even Mr John Crook if can be the time of our meeting, and press on them not to fail coming there being matters of moment to be consulted And had any yeul blidge Sr Antho Rutgers To Mess. Mord. Lester. Jacob Goelet Cor:V.Wyk & Aug:Creed on Nine Partners Precinct Dutchess County Wrote also to Mr Jno. Evertson at two sundry times the particular proprietors now and then in town called aloud for a new election of ye trustees September 5.

The time appointed to meet the Proprietors at Mr Niblets I called on all of them to meet at 10 this morning, but not finding one of our country Partners in town, we putt of our meeting to another call. Butt finding some out of Dutchess County in town in the afternoon, I called those in town and we met abt 3 of the clock, but a small number being present Mr Lester & his two partners, Aug:Creed, Will Jamesson for Mr Johnson, H:Bogert, Jacob Haff, & H.Boelen A ; T Eyk, myself, A Bokey. So the whole then met could not make out above 3 whole ninths, & so only consulted about matters matterial. As to the new choice of ye trustees was put by. No one appeared against ye old ones, and we were not qualified to act on that head, but the power of ye former trustees were examined and Mr Jamesson deemed them lawfull, impowered to act, and to contract with ye Pokeapzy people; and to proceed in law, but as to that particular he was not assenting to without a great deal of caution.. However the two trustees thought proper to begin now to proceed in law; and that I might for that end advance to them some of ye companies moneys by me, which I did on their request, and paid Mr Lester on Receipt E 4. We consulted Mr Jamesson what & how was to be acted and done with ye land over ye Creek. He consented as representing Mrs Johnston that it ought to be sold by publick out cry to the highest bidder for the whole company, aggreed that a fund of abt t 200 might remain undivided on good security the possessor thereof rendering acct of ye intrest and as counsel said that the new trustees were not impowered to sell that land over the Little Fish Creek afore, their power being limited to the south part of our land. But said he the ould trustees are, by virtue of their power as he conceived it, so that we ought to act jointly, they on the premises to contract; and the trustees in New York to convey; and might jointly act and convey being of opinion, that these two Branches ought to be one entire Body, these being the most matterial things spoken of



and advised about, we parted and paid Mr Niblet 8/. Went to my house & settled with Mr Lester as to his acct of charges in the late survey the whole acc. as in two particular sums were t 11:9:111 whereof haveing before paid him as charged 3:4:- I now charged the Company for remaing L 8:5:111 and also paid Aug:Creed for 2 days attending to the head of the Creek, and expenses for him self & Mr Evertson as charged to Company E 0:16:0.

Cap Lester, Mr Creed, & F. Hegeman being in town abt ye suit att law with ye people of Pokeapzy, were in wont of money to proceed and no provision being yet made, by sale of any land, and I haveing no more to disburse. We met at Capt Ant. Rutgers, where were also John Crook Esq & Rich Alsop, by whom all was desired to advance & answer the demands of charges to cary on ye suit; that lands should be sold forthwith, and I might repay myself on ye former footing. I agreed as I was against going to law and even had protested against their unweary proceedings, of ye new trustees going to law with out haveing wherewithal to cane it on; I would as a trustee for ye publick credt of ye Company advance and it was aggreed that I write to Judge TerBos, inclosing ye map of ye land over ye Creek to have it perfected in Nine Lotts, to be severally circumscribed, there boundaries & contents, and to send it me bak, in order to advertise them for sale, that ye trustees with Mr Hegeman, whom is to act with them, as assistant, do bargain and sell them at ye best rate, and such sale made shall be ratified here by deed of sale by Cap A. Rutgers & myself. 1744 April 18

Pursuant to our resolution last night I advanced to Capt. M:Lester for Comp. use L 8. Prickd of a copia of the draught of Mr TerBos and closed ye original in a letter of ye following contents 1744 April 19.

New York April 19, 1744 Mr Jacobus TerBos Sir Inclosed you have the draught some time since returned us of the survey of the land over the Little Fish Creek. We now desire you would be pleased to compleat it, out of your field book or journal, single out the sundry nine divisions, ye length of chains & courses with their contents as near as may be We are about to advertise them for sale out of hand; Mr Hegeman, the bearer hereof either he or Cap Lester will call on you abt ye beginning of next month.



Pray do not disapoint us; so that either of them when they come may find it ready, Youl be paid for yr extraordinary trouble. By yr friends and servt. Antho Rutgers Jacob Goelet To Jacobus TerBos Esq at Fish Kill, Dutches County

1744. July 31.

Met Fran Filkin Esq and Mr Jn Evertson at Niblets to consult the state of affairs now relating the Comp of Nine Partners; the difficulties arising by the Little 9 Partners, incroaching in our north bounds and the manner how; also how the affairs stood with relation to our contention with the people of Pokeapzy south ward Pd 2/7 August 1.

Francis Filkin Esq going homewards I wrote a few lines with him as follows New York Aug. 1, 1744

Mr Jacobus Terbos Sir We wrote you ye 19 April last by Mr Francis Hegeman and inclosed the mapp of the land you returned us of your survey over the Crum Elbow Creek desiring you to compleat it; and haveing had no account from you since, we desire you would effect it and send it as soon as may be for reasons before mentioned and youl oblige Sir your Friends & Servt J. G. for Self & A:R. To Jacobus Terboss at Fishkill Dutchess County

1744 September 2.

Mr Aug Creed came to town and brought with him the draught of survey of land over Fish Creek unfinish as I sent it in a letter to Mr TerBos 19 April last. Mr Creed urged strongly to have the land above mentioned sold all in one sale as it being not fit to be laid apart; he with Mr Evertson waited on Capt A: Rutgers whom could not assent to sell it entire. I after with Mr Evertson spoke Capt Rutgers, when we aggreed to write to Mr TerBos once more, to compleat ye survey, and wrote the following letter New York September 3, 1744 Mr. Jacobus TerBos Sir.

Since Mr Aug Creed brought heither the



mapp you returnd of the land over the Fish Creek without any amendment, we had expected some reason of yours for this omission, Iff it be that you have survd but in part, we now earnestly desire you to compleat the rest, so that we may advertise ye nine divisions to sale. Please to call on Mr Hegeman for your assistance and iff it doth not suit you at all to spare time, then pray refer ye whole to him for we desire to have it compleated as soon as the season will permit. This doeing youl oblige Sir your friend and sery Antho. Rutgers Jacob Goelet P.S. Mr. Creed shall deliver you ye draught again and by him you may send word to Mr Hegeman. Pray let us hear from you on this head.

Receive a letter from Jacobus TerBos of ye 18 inst and in itt the mapp of the survey with ye return thereof of ye land over Fish Creek separated in nine divisions, five on Hudsons River & four on ye Creek The five on ye River containing: No. 1 180 2 225-0 3 237. 480-5 4 678-5 5 6 441ye four others as 7 485-5 630-8 8 9 665-5 Charged for ye whole L 2:5 I forthwith met Cap A:Rutgers whom after consulting ye affair aggreed to draw out advertisements for sale of hand 1744 Octob ye 22

1744 Novemb 2

I consulted Capt Rutgers abt ye manner of advertising ye said land; and made out the following advertisement: Advertisement About four thousand acres of land in the Right of the Nine Partners to the North Ward of the Little Fish Creek on Hudsons River in Dutches County; is to be sold the whole or in nine divisions; Enquire of Mordecai Lester



or Francis Hegeman on Nine Partners Precinct or Anthony Rutgers or Jacob Goelet in New York New York November 2, 1744 Which said advertisement I had forth with printed, posted in town & dispersed abroad November 6.

I consulted Capt Rutgers abt the manner of sale of the afore said land. When we aggreed to the following appointment & direction, which in letter to those gentlemen directed was set forth and sent them with a pourtraccted copia of ye draught, and some printed advertisements, the written order runs thus New York November 7, 1744 Messeurs Francis Hegeman & Mordecai Lester Gentlemen.


After posting the enclosed advertisement we desire you to answer the enquirers of those that seem to have a mind to purchase the whole or in part the land over the Little Fish Creek as it is separated by the late survey of Mr Jacobus TerBos according to the draught returned of said survey of which you have here a copia inclosed. We think you might insist on eighty pounds for every division the one with ye other one more and another less according to their quality; we desire you not to engage positively with any one before we see that all the other parts will sell to an advantage, otherwise it will suit better to sell it all together to one man. A gentleman in town here will take the whole at the rate of L 60 for every Ninth Division, Iff none exceeds that sum, and it be sold entire we think him ye nearest to have it. The Purchasers, and in particular of the divided parts must be cautioned that the one half of the purchase money must be paid on hand, the other half a twelve month after the sale and that good security is to be given for the payment thereof, we take no mortgages on the land. This is all at present from ye friend & Serv't Jacob Goelet Antho. Rutgers To Mess. Francis Hegeman &


Proceedings Mordecai Lester on Nine Partners Precinct, Dutches County

The letter to Mess Hegeman and Lester being as yet detained for want of a passage. Mr Hegeman came to town and acquainted me that whilest some of the advertisements had reached them, some purchasers had appeared as one Jn Edwards living on the premises for ye Lott N°4 Would pay t 90- ye E 50 May next and the remaining t - 40 the year after, his bargain was to be mentioned hundred pound out of which ye Comp was to make him a present of E 10 for sundry survey done and to be done & Another man appeared also for 2 lotts and would give upwards of t 100 each with good security. He also told me a gentleman offered t 650 for the whole I desired him to communicate the same to Capt Rutgers, gave him ye letter before mentioned and referred to a farther consultation together. Paid to Mr Hegeman for 2 days work of Jn Edwards which he had paid him for 6/ Two men since Mr Hegeman was gone from me came to me they were Davidsons asking abt said land. I showed them ye map and told them they might apply to Messrs Hegeman and Lester, and the lotts not then engaged for they might have, I thought ye price would be t 100 a lott and that we should refer to their advice when they said they would goe & see ye land. I afterwards spoak Capt. Rutgers on that lead and abt. what Mr Hegeman related and aggreed together to his and their proceedings Took from Capt Rutgers a memorandum gave him by Hegeman to take a copia of ye Patent of Jn. Cuyler, granted ye 2nd Novembr. 1697 Sent it to ye office. 1744 November 22.

November 27

Cap A. Rutgers at his house moveing the difficulty it might attend to disapoint Jn Edwards, when we both agreed that said Edwards should hold the part for ye price aggreed for with Hegeman & Lester and that Judge TerBos might take ye whole for L 750- provided Jn Edwards be therein included and his purchase money there out deducted, which resolution of ours I afterwards communicated to Mr Hegeman with this addition vis that if Judge TerBos would give E 700- for ye eight divisions exclusive that of Jn Edwards, wee would be as favorable abt ye payments as might be November 29

four men came to me abt ye said land & I showed the draught, answered their inquiry about its situation & title, told them that Mr Hegeman & Lester were the persons to be consulted on that lead that we chose to sell it all together excepting one part that was reserved for Jn Edwards, that E 750 had been offered for the whole & if they found that no more was offered they might bid above it and Mess Hegeman & Les-



ter would aggree with them. Dec 5

Jacobus TerBos drew on me & I paid t 2;5 and to secretarys office for copia of Jn Schuylers Pattent ye survey of 12:-. And as were now drawing toward close of this year, I thought proper to state the amount currant between me and the Company for the three years past since the time I made up accounts with them in a full assembly vis. ye 23 September 1741 and now followeth on ye other side [of the page] New York Company of Nine Partners Det, 1741 September 25 To spend at Niblets at the General Meeting X 1742 June 23

June 25 Oct.


Dec. 31

to Cash to Mr Evertson for attending the new trustees with Pattent To cash spent with Lester & Evertson To cash signing deed of partition To cash searching the records To my trouble in attending the affairs of the company 1 year

1:11; 8

2; 5; : 3: : 3: 6 : 1; 6


1743 April 1

To cash to Secretary office for ye copy of Lewis his confirmation May 3 To cash spent with Mess Rutgers & Lester 7 To cash to F. Hegeman charges in the survey the land over ye Creek June 11 To cash to Mord. Lester as per acct 24 To cash to Jn Evertson for 25 days attending the new Trustees September 5 To Lester the remainder of his acct of charges above ye above 4:12:9 To Aug Creed for service done November 21 To spent at Niblets To Cash to Jac TerBos to his Bro. Henry TerBos surveying & charges December 31 To my trouble and attendance & ye 3 Septembr 1743 to Mr. Lester

1: 9: ; 2:

3: 4:12: 9

7:10: 6:17: 2i :16: : 8:

5: 1: 4:


58 1744 Apr




Novembr 22 Decembr

3 5



To Cash to New Trustees Lester & Creed To cash spent with Judge Filkins and Evertson To Cash to F Hegeman for 2 days work of Jn Edwards To cash to Secret. office copia of Cuylers Patent To the order of Jacob TerBos for compleating the survey over Creek To my trouble and attendance

8: : 2; 7 : 6: :12:

2; 5; 1:

E 52:05: 2i And as the balance in favour of the Company 23 Septembr 1741 was So it is now in my favor

1744/45 January 14

40: 9: 3 E 11:16: 0

Mr Stout came to my house complained of our advertising ye land his grandfather Faulconier had purchased which he had actually sold, and was about conveying, if those advertisements had not put a stop to it, he produced the Pattent he claimed by, and insisted on a conference before some learned counsell, to ascertain each others Right; that he might but not totally be disappointed of his Bargain. I answered I was but one of the trustees but conceived that our consultation would be in vain, for we claimed the whole land to Pauling's mark trees, by the pryority of our Pattent to theirs and cannot alow them any land there; but that I would consult ye other trustees about it. He told me this matter would cause us some difficulty, they could not give up, this important afair; without a lawful decision; So I forthwith met with Capt. Anth. Rutgers, whom aggreed, that we consult Mr. Smith and Mr. Chambers about it where we went ye next morning, Butt Mr Smith being very busy preparing for the Supreme Court, we withdrew, and refer it untill a farther day, when we again met them at ye house of Mr Smith and offered them these following questions in writing vis: The Trustees inpowered by the majority of the Proprietors of the land belonging to the Nine Partners, Caleb Heatcoat & Comp. in Dutchess County, do crave an answer upon these following questions: 1. Weither the words of the Boundary of the Pattent vis "Bounded on the West by the Hudson River between the Creek called by the natives Acquasshing, and by the Christians the Fish Creek, att the mark trees of Pauling (including the said Creek) and the land & " will intitle the said Proprietors to the land over the said



Fish Creek, towards Hudsons River and admit them so far north until they meet Paulings mark trees. And in case Paulings boundaries were not sett of at the time the Pattent was granted to Nine Partners, weither if they are found any time after will not suffice. The Trustees conceive the word between to mean between the mouth of the Fish Creek and Pauling mark trees northwards and again between the said creeks mouth & Sanders and Harmsens land southwards. Also weither the Indian Deed gave any force here. 2. Weither by the power now before you the Trustees may or can sell or convey the said land the whole or in part, and after what manner they are to convey. on the 16 January Wednesday mornin- at the appointed hour of 9 Capt A: Rutgers & I met Mr Smith at his office, Mr Chambers not being there; when he read over our questions, considered the words of the Pattent & the parragraff out the Indian deed. He said the Boundaries of our Pattent were very clear on all quarters excepting in this, had it been between the marked trees of Pauling including the Creek and the land of Rob:Sanders & Myndert & , it would have been out of dispute, but he conceives however as it is that our right extends to Paulings land, and iff no markd trees found on the south bounds, that ye word between must intend between ye Creek & Paulings land, ye Creek included, and again between the Creek and Sanders land. And that the deed of ye Indians although no proof for ye title may serve for illustration; and show the real meaning of the limmits of the Pattent on that head but dearst not affirm, that it will bear no dispute in law of the Contrary Party this much to ye first query. As to ye 2nd query Mr Smith read our Power, examined the parragraff in the deed of partition by virtue of which all our divisions were since made whereby the Trustees acted, and the ground work of this power, after a near inquiry of our Proceedings, he advised us to proceed no further on this Power, unless we could get all the present Proprietors to renew the same. We told him of a proposal weed been talking of, that is to call all ye Proprietors together early in the Spring before ye tryall with the New Trustees, and their parties came on then to draw lotts for the land now under consideration, and to convey each ninth as drawn to its proper owners, then to gett each of them to engage for the charges to accrue by this ensuing lawsuit, and iff any short of money to mortgage part of their land for it and then also to get rattified the sales of land heitherto made for ye publick charges and so to come to a new apointment of Trustees. Which proposal Mr Smith aggreed to, as being for the safest, advising us to forward this our resolution by timely advertising, and constraining the owners of the land to meet as soon as may be. He desired us to communicate the same to Mr Jn Chambers,



lest he might resent it, We promised him to see he is paid for his trouble. Accord to this resolution was taken to call the Partners together; wrote the following letter, and sent it by Mess Hegeman and Lester to communicate it to the Proprietors on and about ye premises. New York January ye 17, 1744/5 Gentlemen. As the power given to us by the Proprietors to act for the whole hath been long since executed, so that many of the constituents have departed this life, and some conveyd their rights to others: We think our selves no farther inpowered to sell or convey any more land, and in particular that which is lately layed out in Nine Divisions over the Little Fish Creek; wherefore it is our earnest desire that all ye Proprietors, or at least one for every ninth; two for every eighteenth and so on in proportion sufficiently impourd by their respective partners, May meet in a generall meeting here att New York on Fryday the twelfth day of Aprill next. In order to divide the land over ye Fish Creek afore mentioned as also to consult measures to be taken about careing on ye law suit now begun by new trustees against the people of Pokeapzy, and other difficulties in raising a fund for the same. The lawyers give us good incouragement Gentlemen we hereby desire you will not disapoint the Company, for your appearance will be very necessary, and without it the whole tryall will be defeated; and your interest elsewhere very much indengered. This doing youl highly oblige Gentlemen Yr friends & Servt Antho Rutgers Jacob Goelet To Mrs Elizabeth Johnson Cornelis VanWyk Theod VanWyk Moses deGraaf Jacobs Stoutenburg Mordecay Lester August Creed Francis Hegeman Isaac German Jacob Haff Joseph Carsten John Crook John Gay

Charles Crook Richd. Allsop [?]:County Jos:Mott Jacob Smith Mica Smith Jn Evertson Hend:Bogert Ab:Bokee Lan:Green



New York January 17, 1744/45 Mr Jacobus Stoutenburg: Sir You being one of the Proprietors on the premises, we are sorry that we have no more communication with you abt ye Publick welfare of ye Comp; we haveing considered ye long duration of our Power given us, that many of our constituents are no more extant and others parted with their rights do not care to venture in ye sale of land over the little Fish Creek. Wherefore we have desired all ye Proprietors by a circular letter to meet on ye twelfth day of April next to divide the said land over the little Fish Creek and consuil about carying on ye tryal to appoint new trustees & Your presence is of very great moment and is very much desired, we pray that you will animate others to come for with out a General Meeting of all the Partners, or at least actors for every ninth, the tryall against ye Pokeapzy people can not be carried on. Pray do not disapoint us & youl oblige Sir your most humbl sery A. Rutgers. Jacob Goelet To Mr Jacob Stoutenburg on Crum Elbow Precinct 1 1743/4 January 22

I acquainted some of the other partners of the time apointed for our general meeting and for what end as Mess Evertson, Allsop & Carston also waited on Mad. Johnston, whom I give an acct of our proceedings and the apointment of a general meeting ye 12 April next, for ye end mentioned in ye letters before mentioned. The means how we became plunged in a law suit by the ungarded forwardness of our new trustees and moved a difficulty she conceived about ye back of our land joining ye oblong January 24

I consulted Capt Rutgers abt. waiting on Mr Chambers for advice, whom aggreed I should proceed. Alone, I went accordingly, told Mr Chambers what we offered Mr Smith and how we expected to see him there; showed him our queries of 17 inst. resting in those Two Matterial questions vis 1. Weither our right extended over the little Fish Creek to Paulings land, to Pattent & Indian deed on which Mr Chambers answered he thought it did. 2. Iff by our power we could act on ye sale of it. His opinion was, as many of the constituents were dead, and others conveyd their rights weed but 1 ed. note:

Probable error.

Date should be 1744/5,



call the Partners together to renew it & as to the ensuing tryall he had a bad opinion of wishing we had strove to compound with ye possessors of the land we claim; that it is an unreasonable demand to level all their improvements and that he realy believes, no jury will give it our favour. Iff the person whom applied to him first, had been in a capacity to understand him, he would have told him so then. 1744/45 on ye 13 February

Mr Rich Alsop came to my house, told me something in relation to the people of Pokeapzy, of which he'd have the trustees take notice, which I forthwith communicated to Cap A. Rutgers, whom with me concluded to dispatch the following letter vis of which this is an exact copie

New York February 13, 1744/5 Gentlemen Mr Richard Alsop informs us by way of advice, as a Proprietor. Mr Livingstone told him the people of Pokeapsy would be glad to take up with a moderate demand, to purchase from the Nine Partners; he hath desired us to take notice thereof; and as we always were for accomodating matters we desire you would use or try your sckill in making some discoveries in this important matter. Mr Hegeman, as not inpowered, might the better pump some of them with less suspicion; Please also iff you think fitt to communicate such to Mr Stoutenburg, or any other matterial Partner we assure you that on speaking Mr Cham. hers on affair of the ensuing tryall, he told Goelet and from sincerity of his mind was, we should find no jury to give it us. Iff you find any inclined to compound, see to get them down with you at our General Meeting, But if can be make some sort of agreement on condition of our approbation, there is no fear but we can stand to it. This from your friend and servt Anth Rutgers, Jacob Goelet To Messeurs Mordecay Lester & Francis Hegeman Esqs. Nine Partners Precinct, Dutches County

February 14

Told Mr Evertson about ye above adventure and of our sending the letter whom approved thereof, Delivered the letter to the Post A, Aalstyn, and paid him the postage on hand to marke Postage Pd 1/3



1744/5 February 22

Jn Gay came to town with a letter from Mr Hegeman where in we were desired to answer its contents, which was accordingly done as follows

New York February 23, 1744/5 Gentlemen By Mr Hegemans letter of 18 Inst. we find that he could do nothing with ye people of Pokeapzy, our own people being unwilling to come to an aggreement with them, that he expects an answer from us weither we aggree to t 25 per 100. This serves for answer to Mr Lester & Comp & Mr Hegeman, that we for our part, will readily aggree to t 30 or even L 25 per 100 acres As to the Jurors, Mr Smith is out of town and Mr Chambers says it will not be determined before April next out of what County they are to be taken; Mr Smiths absence deprives us of getting att ye Indian deeds, iff we knew they were on record we would have gotten copies out of the Secretary office, butt shall take care to forward copies when Mr Smith returns. We do hope you have acquainted the Proprietors of our meeting in April. So concluding we do remain Gentlemen & Yr most humble sert Anto. Rutgers Jacob Goelet To Messeurs Mordecay Lester & Comp, Nine Partners Precinct Dutchess County P.S. We send you a transcript of ye Bounds out of Indian Deeds we had by us, which you may relie on According to the call the Proprietors met at Mr Niblets- for the greater part of them, the first thing concerted was to look into the Right we had by the Words of our Pattent of the land over the little Fish Creek which we deemed clear, We then considered what to be done with that land since the cost of careing on the law suit depended thereon, some were for dividing the same, and the Proprietors to advance abt. t 24 for a ninth, but as such could be expected but of a few, and as many ninths were subdivided in many small parts and some scarce able and unwilling to disburst; it was unanimously aggreed that the land be sold by ninths as it was laid 1745 ye April 12



a part. and whereas the late trustees A. Rutgers and Jacob Goelet had gave up their power of acting the instrument for that purpose being out of use by the change of Proprietors; itt was by all aggreed to appoint said Anto Rutgers & Jacob Goelet of a new, adding to them Rich. Allsop as trustees, for which a Power was ordered to be drawn up by Mr Chambers, in all hast, to be executed in ye morning Met at Niblets at 9 in ye morning I then rendered acct. produced the acct current given of the money receivd at the sundry disbursements and sale of land September 23 1741

1745 April 13

As the disbursements at E 10 per ninth 1730 the same at E 20 per ninth 1731 1736 the land sold to Nelson 1300 acres for The Nooc of land to H Beekman for 1737 the land to R & J Oostrom & quitrent for the land to Williams and VanDyk 1000 . . . the land to V.dyk, Banker and Gerrise 700 . . .


62:10: 118: 6: 8 205: 50: 50: 280: 210.

E 975:16: 8 deducted interest of 1 210 not yet due

4: 1: 8 E 971:15:

When the balance remained in favour of the company Haveing now brought in my. acct. of charges a new to ye 31 December last

40: 9: 3


52: 5: 2i

which acct. layed on ye table for perusing and were deemed without exception Abt. 10 of ye clock Mr James Alexander appeared in behalf & with Mr Stout Mr Faulconiers grand son whom desired us to produce a consel on our side to hear him on his demand on ye land over the Little Fish Creek. We told him we had none but we would hear him ourselves; he then produced ye boundary of Paulings Pattent, with a map of all the land over ye Creek; then showed us Mr Faulconiers Pattent given 1705 for ye very land we now took in, it Exempting ye 4000 acres to ye Heirs of Pauling. also a survey of Pawlings land by Cor:Low in ye year 1729 when Paulings south bounds were asserted. Mr Alexander said now to have proved their right to said land; asking what proof we had on our side we told him none but the very words of our Pattent its copia being perused by Mr Alexander, we



expounded upon the words of our Boundary that the words between ye Creek & at ye mark trees of Pauling (including ye said Creek) and we pointed out how far we were bound on Hudsons River Vis to the mark trees of Pawling on ye Creek. Mr Alexander objected, that our bounds farther were limitted between ye said creek to its head as bounded on ye Creek, we told him thats right We included ye Creek to, and were bound on it after Paulings mark trees, He again that Paulings mark trees were not in being when our Pattent was given but in ye year 1729. and that we must be bound on ye Creek, which we thought weak. In fini Mr Alexander desired us to meet him with our counsell to consult matters for accomodation. We told him we had consulted them already, and were satisfied of our indisputable right, and could in no way consult about it. He told us that a suit at law must determ it, we that we were satisfied in ye affair; we should dispose of it as our own proper right and so he withdrew. By this time the Power was engrossed by Mr Chambers and sent in; being read aloud to the Company all there approved of it, and began to execute in ye presence of Tho:Nibblet & David Cocks. The names of the Owners & Proprietors of the undivided land especially were now Elizabeth Johnston Antho. Rutgers Aug: Creed & Jn Evertson Jacobus Stoutenburg, Richd Alsop & Jn. Crook Joseph Mott, Jacob Smith, Mica Smith & Mord: Lester Corn. Van Wyk, Theod. V. Wyk, Jacob Haff, Mos deGraaf Joseph Castings, Henry Filkin, John Lester, Joseph Hicks, Johnat. Holmes, Sam. Jackson Catherina Filkin Coenraad Ten Eyk, Jacob Goelet, Henr. Boelen, Hend. Bogert, Richd Sacket, Ab: Bockee, John Gay, Jn Rells widdow, Nelson family

for 1 ninth 1 " 1 1 I 1

1 1

1 9

In ye afternoon waited on Mrs Johnston whom I acquainted with our proceedings and abt the law suit. She said as Mr Jamisson had not been with us this morning, nor with her, she would consult him further about it. She was not willing to agree to sell land in dispute. whereon I promised to show Mr Jamesson our proceedings and then hear her opinion about ye matter.


Proceedings The Partners whom executed the Power this day Anto Rutgers Francis Hegeman for Cath Filkins Mord:Lester Jos Mott Jac. & Mica Smith John Evertson and Aug:Creed Henry Filkin for himself for Jonathan Holms & Samuel Jackson Mord. Lester for Joseph Hicks and Jn. Lester Richd. Allsop for Jacob Goelet Coenraad Ten Eyk

1 ninth 1


1 1


April 15

Cap A Rutgers, myself with Mr Jamesson and Mr Evertson waited on Mrs Johnston at her house where our Right over Little Fish Creek was look into. Mr Jamesson determined that Pauling must have had mark trees at ye commencement of our Pattent and as Paulings Pattent limmited their bounds northerly by a line of markd trees from ye River by a meadow to ye Creek; haveing no other marked trees mentioned. Our Pattent must refer to them. But that the King should grant that land to Pauling first, and that same land to us afterwards seems an absurdity. In short it would bear a dispute and as we had Mr Alexander Coll:Beekman and such Like to contend with, it would be better to aggree and have part sure, then be harrassed & in danger. Mrs. Johnson was of the same opinion, so we were determined to desist from advertising until we had heard Mess Smith & Chambers consult with Mr Jamesson on that head; and in the mean time to advance E 25 for a ninth to cane on ye law suit. Mr Everts produced the map he and Mr Hegeman pourtracted of the sundry lands and boundaries in contest and showed Mrs. Johnson the nature of the contention to her satisfaction, and so parted. Ye same day being ye 15 April Mr Evertson brought young Mr Stoutenburg at my house whom we communicated our adventure. So far as that Mrs Johnson was not for selling the land before every difficulty was cleared up, and that the tryall was to near at hand; that she would pay her part; Mr Stoutenburg said his father would rather disburst likewise; but insisted he might have that ninth division ye southermost joining him, we said we were willing for our parts he should, and would do our endeavour to persuade others into it. That I was always to give every partner all ye satisfaction possible he would communicate it to his father, whom would be down he thought and bring the money with him. April 17

Wrote two letters in Dutch ye one to Jacob Haff and another to Moses DeGraaf, exhorting them to sent their quotas out of E 25 for a ninth; or



else ye action in ye law must drop. April 18

I had a conference with Peter Palmatier one of the persons our trustees served an ejectment on haveing shown my dislike of Law Suits as well as Cap A. Rutgers & severall others, it was still better for him to come to an accomodation with us, he said as he was joined by his neighbors, whom were under the same difficulty with him. He could not betray them by a separate aggreement; I replied he need not, but might act for the whole in this manner. We (if our partners were willing as I douted not but would) would enter into articles with them under a strong pennalty, to refer the whole dispute to 4 or 5 indifferent sckillfull persons, lay your supposed right and our protention before them and iff they find that you or either of your friends holds our land for so much to pay E 40. E 35 or even E 30 a hundred acres as we can aggree and iff they find that you posses no land of ours then we to pretend to none but to acquit one and other forever, and thus every one to pay his own lawyer & drop ye action, assuring him that ye trustees here Capt. Rutgers & myself were far from aiming at his inprovement, protesting in case of recovery thereof for my part would never finger a penny of his sweat & Blood the fruit of his hard toil & labour. To which he made no farther replie as before, that he was engage to stand by ye rest. I told him there were some designing people whom had their private ends in setting them on at the risque of & Partners ruin. 1745 April 20.

Our friends frequently attended ye court and their councell insisting to have a jury to trye ye cause allowed them out of another County; no number of indifferent persons being to be nominated in Dutches County. One Jacob Low made oath to ye contrary. Ye decision of the court in this matter was put of all this week; the uncertainty of the courts determination on this point; the difficulty in raising money out of so many & remote partners, the vast disbursements we must be at, and in case we got the cause, seeing no probability of ye defendants capacity to refund us and mostly as we were conciencious to ruen some families to disinherret them of their all Moved me to labour more earnestly with some of our friends to a reconciliation. I, for that end stated my own particular idea on ye affair and haveing shown it to Cap. A. Rutgers whom approved thereof, brought it sealed up to Mr Chambers, left it in his office being of ye following contents: Sir My desire to reconciliation moves me to these proposals, not as doubting our right, but being concientious of depriving Palmatier


Proceedings of his inheritance. That we would agree with him either separate or for all his friends he engaged with to leave it to 4 or 5 indifferent men and to be bound under a strong pennalty, to stand to their decision. In this manner iff they find that he or they hold any land of ours, he or they to pay us at the rate of so much L 30 - 35 for 100 acres. And iff they find it otherwise, then to declare every side to pay their own charges. This is what I have already offered P:Palmatier for my own part, but he could not act alone he said. I Believe my Partners will come in to it. By even to leave it to one of ye councill of each side. Please to keep this by you, and only to use it if required & you feel proper. Sir yr Huml Serv.


N. York Apr 22 1745 To Jn. Chambers Esq.

At evening had another conference with Palmatier when we in a manner aggreed to arbitration; in ye morning met Hegeman, Lester, Evertson and P. Palmatier at my house; when ye matter was debated, an arbitration resolved on iff Palmatiers Partners aggreed to it; and both parties went to thier lawyers, but if ye tryall not to come in June term next, and resolved to give P:Palmatier our proposals in wrighting, which I made out read it to them of which he approved, Mr Evertson and I waited therewith at Mrs Johnston & Capt. Rutgers, but neither of them home, I gave it after haveing taken a copia as followeth:

Proposals of the Nine Partners to Peter Palmateer and others with him Concerned in the Dispute That two indifferent persons be chosen by each party, and those four to chose a fifth before which five arbitrators, ye demand of the Nine Partners, and the Right of Possession of P: Palmateer and his friends to be produced, and for what land said arbitrators find as they hold and doth belong to Nine Partners, he the said Palmateer for himself, or either of his friends and partners under the same circumstance shall pay to the trustees for the Nine Partners thirty pounds per 100 acres; in hew of which consideration money the said trustees shall release & quit claim to ye purchaser or purchasers of such land then aserted.



Or the Nine Partners will agree to make the South Bounds of the Nine Water lotts, so far as it joins P:Palmateers possessions to be the standing partition line between ye two Pattents provided they, that is P: Palmateer with his friends & neighbors with him herein concerned will make a generous offer for ye whole ye tender of which ye trustees of Nine Partners wait for Jacob Goelet for ye trustees New York April 22, 1745

1745 April 29

Paid Mr Niblet for his acct of charges at ye meeting of ye 12 & 13 instant 1 -:17:5

September 20

A letter came to hand from Mr Hegeman containing that Mr Palmateer had been with him ye 19 instant, desiring him to sett a time to meet him and his friends in order to aggree to settle the south bounds of our Pattent on ye south line of ye water lotts; He referred of time until he advised us; and now desired an answer what sum we should insist on in such case and gave some further caution in case we came to arbitration abt ye persons to be appointed Cap: A.Rutgers & I consulted the letter with Mr Evertson, could not conclude as then to write anything positively, left it to a farther consideration; thinking to send Mr Evertson with our finall resolution October 11

Mr. Jn Rouw living on ye north bounds of our Pattent, on the slip of ground of ye Lott N° 19 told me how he was threatened to be ejected out of his possession; and came to me for advice. I asked him in whose Right he was settled there. He said he was first sett there by ye Little Nine Partners, and had since ye running of our north bounds purchased of ye assignes of James Emmot under which he still sett his possession. I told him how we had acted in running that line haveing before we began applied to Govr. Clark in behalf of ye other Nine Partners, to order some body to assist & see the line settled between ye two Pattents, that ye Governour told me he could appoint none, that we must run our north bounds, and what we left was theirs, that we had since fixed our station at ye head of ye Creek as reputed duly by the most experienced Judges; and from thence run N° to Connecticut line; and haveing heard since that ye Little Nine Partners had fixed the Reputed head of the Creek much farther southwd. I waited on Mr Alexander with my complaint whom told me their station was right and when I proposed to accomadate ye matter by an inspection of an indifferent survey he said



none but 12 men should decide it / Whereon I told him, that we were as yet in possession. Upon ye whole I told him, that I cold not advise him anything positively; Iff the Company had any money in stok, I believe they would defend their bounds, but it was now otherwise. Much in substance to ye same purposers was. My answer to Jacob Haff abt his question in the same case. I waited on Cap A Rutgers when we both concluded to call ye Partners together in ye beginning of April, and I was determined to write a letter to that purpose. I Met Mr Henry Filkin whom desired ye Trustees might send up orders P: Palmateer & one more were ready to come to arbetration; on which I wrote ye following letter. 1745/6 January 22

New York January 22, 1745/6 Gentlemen We were this morning fully determined to call all the Partners together in town by a circular letter, to meet here on Tuesday the first day of April next, in order to consul measures to be taken abt ye law suit put of last year to June term this year; But were prevented by Mr Henry Filkin Ameing to town, whom informs us that two of the possessors of the land in dispute propose to come to a friendly accomodation, by referring the decision of the dispute to five indifferent persons according to our proposal ye 23 April last delivered in wrighting to Mr Palmateer, whereof you have the copia here inclosed. And as we have nothing more at heart, as to avoid law suits & contentions with our friends and neighbors, it is our earnest desire that you meet, ye gentlemen of the other side as soon as may be and aggree on ye appointment of the arbitrators. Iff they insist that ye two you nominate are not to be interested in ye land now in dispute, you must insist on ye same privilege, and tell them all four be uninterested, ye one side or the other. Those four to chose a fifth, and if in their choice they be two and two divided let it be decided by lott. We shall readily concur with such regular decision and for to get it confirmed by the Proprietors when down here together which we pray may be as soon as ye business now proposed will admit you to come down with all of Partners for ye concerting of other matters of weight and concern. Please to let us know the time you can best attend to come here



and this doing youl oblige Sirs your Humbl sery Ant. Rutgers Jacob Goelet To Messieurs Francis Hegeman Mordecay Lester Jacobus Stoutenburg) Augt. Creed ) or any three of them Corn. V. Wyk Henry Filkin P.S. We desire iff can possible be that the Partners may meet at New York ye 8 being 2nd Tuesday in April next.

Waited with this letter on Mad. Johnson whom heard it read, and perused it herself, she aggreed to it but did not chose to sign any papers, she would always attend to any reasonable proposals So I closed the letter and delivered it to Capt. Mord. Lester ye 24 inst. April 5

Mr. Jn Evertson being come to town with him met Mr Green (he being ye other evidence with ye late Mr Theo. Niblets) in order to perfect of execution of ye said deeds of partition yet lodged at Mr Nibblets; but he Mr Green finding severall raisors and interlineations to be examined first we aggreed to take ye deed to his office, examine those difficulties & ye signers and then to compleat it. 1746 April 14

On Monday afternoon, being ye day mentioned to me by ye Partners on ye premises, by a letter of Mr Hegeman met at Mr Niblets. Capt A. Rutgers, Mr Lester, Corn VanWyk, Henry Filkin, Jacob Haff, Young Mr Johnson, John Evertson, Coenraad TenEyk, & myself making out acton with friend Casten for above 6 ninths Was also present young Mr Stoutenburg. Most of the Gentlemen had been present this day week to view the head of the Little Fish Creek and aggreed with one accord that the place deemed as head of said Creek by Jacobus TerBos as he by inspection & advice of ye neighbors, Jacobus VanEtten & Symen Zool in April 1737 plainly found to be such; on this plain discovery, they are now firmly convinced their station is right and were resolved to maintain it. We forthwith took in hand the most matterial matter for which our meeting was chiefly calculated, namely the difference between our proprietors & the possessors of our right in the name of Harmsens Pattent. Capt. Lester related that both parties came to town to get it settled by a rule of Court to have ye controversy decided by arbitration; ye arbitrators were named and approved of



vis Mess Wooley & Willes & Mess Jones [James or Ja Omes] & Thomas Mr. Bart: Noxen and Jacobus Bogart were inpowered on the other side; as aggreed by a written instrument executed in due form by many if not all concerned and was gain endorsed by Jacobus Bogert on Bart Noxent, and so he became the sole actor; we desired him to aggree with us, in the nominating a fifth person but Mr Noxent took time to consider of his choice until tomorrow, and thus he parted. The land over Little Fish Creek was also taken into consideration. I repeated to the Comp the substance of the opinion of the three lawyers on that head; which was that ye right might be disputed, and wed better aggree with our opponents. Mr Evertson had for that end been out iff any acting for ye other side might be found, but in vain.. It was started that we should sell ye whole or iff laid apart & by lot divided; every proprietor should be bound to defent ye other, but this was both rejected; and so nothing concluded on that head; we broak up in order to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock. April 15

Mr Noxent being gone over at Long Island to get ye asent of ye 2 arbitrators; then sitting in General Assembly, ye Comp did not meet, but put it of to 2 o'clock in ye afternoon. When they came together, I by means of my Rhumatik pain in my arm cold not attend. CoenrdTenEyk came to give me a call, but could not attend. April 16.

The company met at ye place appointed when young Mr Stoutenburg came to see if I could meet them, they wanted me. I told him of my indisposition; but that ye Gentlemen if they pleased might meet me in my room, which they did a while after vis M: Lester, Cor. V.Wyk, Jn Evertson, Jos Castens, Jacob Haff, Henry Filkin. They told me they had been with ye lawyers, and that Mr Murry rejected ye power to B:Noxent & as insufficient; whence they went to Mr Chambers whom took on him to settle the difficulty in conjunction with me; I undertook to provide him with the names of the Proprietors of our Pattent and made out a list of them as to their equal ninths; as also ye names of ye parties concerned on ye other side; which were all to be invested in ye arbitration bonds.. We also aggreed that I should prepare a copia of the return of Jacobus TerBos Esq of ye head of the Creek & our north bounds for Mr. H. Filkin to take a long, and that some of the Proprietors being neerest ye County Clerks office obtain a copia of Mr Clintons return of the supposed head of ye Creek & the partition line made by ye Little Nine Partners -- that Mr Willes survey or one of our arbitrators be spoke with by Jos. Castens (whom undertakes to call on him) to come and survey or discover ye true head of ye Creek; when Mess Hegeman, M. Lester, & Filkin will attend him, and as many more as



find curiosotie and Leasure to accompany them and farther that every proprietor in his turn and way must disburst a little, while we get money when everyone may bring their acct. that allhong ye Comp owed me near 1 25. I for this time yet would advance ye charges spent at this meeting; and that iff Mr Stout whom holds, under Mr Faulconier comes to town, I should hear his proposals. April 16

The Company being broke up and going to their respective homes, Mr Henry Filkin goeing to Long Island promised to call on me 2 or 3 days for the return of Mr Jac. TerBosch, against which time transcribed the same, with the following introduction: On the pressing desire of some of the Proprietors of our neighboring Pattent, ye other Nine Partners; the trustees concluded to run out the north bounds of our Pattent. For that end I waited on ye Honor. George Clark a Principle Proprietor, and told him our resolution and craved his Honour to appoint some person of knowledge and Judgment, to see it performed impartially, to avoide dispute. His answer was, they were not yet prepared thereto, nor was it need full. We should run out our north bounds, and what was left belonged to ye other nine Partners that we onely run it right and just. Accordingly Mr Charles LeRoux & myself were appointed ye 23 April 1737, went together, got Jacobus TerBos Esq for our surveyor, and approached the head of ye Creek and acted as herein contained in the return of Survey vis. At the request of Mess C: LeRoux performed in ye beginning of May 1737 for Jacobus TerBosch Surv. According to this just and equitable return, the four goars, the difference between Edsels line and that of TerBos, hath since been divided by lott, in our latest general division, and since been in peaceable possession of some of the Proprietors or their assignees.. But to my great surprise, I was since informed by some of our Partners that the Proprietors of ye other nine Partners had by Mr Clinton surveyor fixed ye head of Creek much more southerly, and that they insisted to keep it there, and this with ye last parrellel line to cutt a way, not onely ye goar above mentioned, but also great part of ye four lotts joining ye Goar. Haveing heerd this I forthwith waited on ye Lieut. Governour, reminded him how I intreated him to send some body with us at ye time of our survey, and how I was denied, and desired to proceed by ourselves. His Honour directed me to Mr Alexander, whom not being in town I waited on him when home telling him our grievance, and repeated my former adventure with Gov. Clark; but as matters stood now we would chose to let it be inspected by indifferent surveyors, to avoid contention. All ye answer I got was that it should be decided no other way but by 12 men.



ye 16 April 1746 A true Relation, Given at New York J. G. New York ye 20 April 1746 Gentlemen The result you know of our late meeting in affair of the north bounds of our Pattent was, that for Jos. Casten should call on Mr. Willis as surveyor and that some of you in the mean time procure a copia of Mr Clintons return, or map & return of both be recorded, so that on ye arrival of Mr. Willis you forthwith repair with him to the place to be apointed. . We desire you to take all possible care to do yr. work effectively. We think you ought to try & trace the return of Mr Clinton, since you deem it false to prove it as such, and to ascertain ye true head of the Creek by traceing ye brooks and runs of water neer it, to make it cleer that such and no other is the true head of ye Fish Creek, both by plain proof, circumstances and evidence if any may be procured. Pray desire Mr Willis to be particular to this in his return & map. Iff he and you judge it necessary, you might have sworn Chain Bearers, provided their asertion can be of use. As for ye charges of survey provisions & We hope youd make out amongst you; the company will repay every disburstment in due time as ye Comp shall see cause when met together. To Mess Frans Hegeman, Mord Lester Francis or Henry Filkin Cornelis VanWyk or any of ye proprietors near ye premises as Mr. Jac. Stoutenburg & others. Twas said ye 5th arbitrator is Mr. Pen Townsend.

1746 April 22.

Paid the widd, Nibblet for ye expense at 17/5 our meeting of 14, 15, & 16 day

May 6

Mr Henry Filkin being gone home without calling in town ye letter and copia of return yet laid by me, thought it to late to send it now.

May 9

Met James Haff just come to town, whom told me, that Mr Castings had called on Mr. Willis ye surveyor, but that he could not attend, and See nothing had been done as to ye fixing ye head of ye Creek. He



asked me how it was with ye Power to be signed by both parties abt ye contention with ye people of Harmsens Pattent, and that in June term such must be compleat. I forthwith waited on Mr Chambers with ye names of our Proprietors, and them of the other side; but he was just going abroad, promised to send for me when at Leisure. I afterwards reminded this to Mr Chambers whom said as before he would send for me. July 2

Mr Aug Creed came to me with 2 papers ye one an engagement for the Proprietors to stand together at the suit in ejecting John Row out of possession; which I was desired to get the Partners to sign to; and which I loged among ye other papers. The other was ye method of the said ejectment & a relation of the affair how John Row had been ejected by Alexander; and afterwards put in possession by him; which Mr Creed offered me to put in execution & get an ejectment served on John Row. . I told him as I was one of the Trustees, I could not act in affair of any dispute relating the Nine Partners, but in a pubblick manner and had no order from ye Company for to act thus; Iff Mr C. VanWyk or any of ye partners had wrote me Personal to act in their own behalf, would willingly complied; but as my name was not made use of especially in that light; that I would goe with Mr Creed to Mr Chambers; but that he must act. Mr Creed on this as Mr C:V.Wyk was the person who desired this, to goe to his brother Capt. A. V. Wyk to desire him for to act in behalf of his brother. Cap Lester and I waited on Mrs. Johnston to prevail on her to subscribe towards deffraying charges of ye survey in order to settle our north bounds and for that end discover ye true head of ye Creek, desiring her to disburst a certain sum of E 3 or L 4 for her ninth; that her precedent might be followd who answered no farther, then she would do as ye rest.

Septembr 18

Next morning Judge F. Filkin went & got her subscription to a note to stand her part of ye charges, and paid Mr Filkins 40/ for which he gave his receipt, it being lodged in ye back of this book, Filkin giving money to Lester. Ye same day I went to some of ye Proprietors urging upon them to disburst on ye same footing, that every one should have his money paid him back with interest as far as ye Company had any in stock. Met that evening at Mrs Nibblets Capt Lester, Mr. Evertson, Mr Bogert and myself where we concluded that Capt Lester should collect by ye Partners what he could, and so proceed to call on Mr Willis ye surveyor, and go on with all speed to settle our north bounds. Spent for which charged ye Company 2/4 Septembr 19



Capt Mord. Lester come to town & brought with him ye map of Mr Willis of the survey of ye head of the Fish Creek, left it with me and on the 16 Mess Hegeman, Evertson and I went with it to Mr Alexander. Told him the purpose of our coming; pointed out to him on the map the reasonableness & justice of our cause in fixing the head of the Little Fish Creek and how wrong Clinton had placed it on ye south branch. He was very condescending, desired us to leave the map with him, he would make his remarks & extracts out of it & communicate it to Mr Clinton, and would have goe up again with any person we should appoint and have the matter amicable ajusted. I replied we should want ye map this night he again that he might have a copy of it to act as he proposed. . We coming to my house aggreed that Mr. Evertson should make out a copy of that part in quest, and that I should write to P: Palmetier ab ye arbitration which I did in Dutch as followeth:

December 6

New York den 16 December 1746 Mr. Pieter Palmatier Zedert Mr. Noxent met zyn vollemagt hier neer was hebben wy niets van u vernomen, nog van Uwe mede Participanten. Sommige onrer partenaars werde verdrietig, en Randen my Dikwyls aan, waarom wy niet met het Proces voortgaan, dewyle die van Uwe kant het zo dragend houde. Ik Pay haar al met beloften dat de zaak Gans ter Arbritatie komen zal. Nu Pieteroom gy weet hoe ik Gearbyd hebbe om een vreedzaam verdrag, en niet in de wet te komen. Ik verzoek dat gy Uwe partenaars hier van kennis geeft, dat men verwagt, dat ze tot een Spoedige Resolutie komen mogen of ik vrees voor quade gevolgen, die anders onvermydelyk komen moeten. Gylieden moest ieman appointen om met ons by de Advocaten de Banders te laten Schryven. Ik stuur hier zo een Schrifte mede, Gy kund daar in vullen de persoon die Gy daar toe neemt, en onder aan den dag van de maand, en teykenen het met malkander en dat hoe eer hoe beter, of maken een ander Schrift na u zin, al t wagten is er na verblyve t.t. vriend & dienaar J. G.



[Translation] New York, 16 December 1746 Mr. Pieter Palmatier We have not heard from you, nor from your partners, since Mr. Noxent was down here with his power of attorney. Some of our partners became dismayed, and attacked me frequently, why we don't proceed with the lawsuit, because those on your side procrastinate so much. I keep appeasing them with promises that the affair will soon come to arbitration. Well, Uncle Pieter, you know how I have worked for a peaceable agreement and not to resort to the law. I request that you inform your partners of this, that it is expected of them, that they may come to an early decision, or I fear evil consequences. You[plural] have to appoint a person to register with us the boundaries at the lawyers'. I am sending you a deposition of this nature; you may fill in the person whom you select for it, and at the bottom the day of the month, and sign jointly, and the sooner the better, or prepare another deposition according to your views, all the waiting is for this. I remain, completely your friend and servant J. G.

1746/7 Jan 2

I recd a letter of Mr Abr. VanWyk of the following contents vis

Mr Goelet. We the Nine Partners or a part of them have had a meeting concerning a law suit against the Upper Nine Partners, and have ventured to take out leases of ejectment without your approbation, it being winter time, and difficult traveling, but have heard by Mr Lester that you liked ye draught very well, we therefor thought there would be no scruple, but you would join with us; we have concluded in ye first place for every ninth part to disburst E 3:9 towards feeing lawyers & desire you to secure Mr. Chambers for our attorney, we have got our leases out from Mr. Cronny, we shall send our money by ye first good opportunity. Mr. Filkin will be down in a short time & give you further acct. We remain your friends and



Proceedings Humble servt Cornelis VanWyk Theodorus VanWyk To Mr. Jacob Goelet at New York

With this letter, and ye map of ye head of Little Fish Creek of Mr Willis, I immediately went to Mr Chambers, showed him ye letter which he read and then opened ye map, and pointed out ye controversy on ye head of ye Creek and asked him if he would be concerned for us, I had money by me to retain him in our interest; he said he was attorney to Gov Clarke, and must consider abt it as it effected his interest; he would speak with Mr Alexander and iff he could not convince him of ye justice of his cause, he would serve us, but said he if so he ought to have taken out ye ejectments, I told him ye gentlemen were forced to shift in this bad season as they could. . He cautioned me not to mention Branches N° or S° for where it spreads in Bronches there is ye head of a Creek or River. He promised to give me an answer. On which I forthwith wrote this answer. New York January 2, 1746/7 Mess Corn & Theod Van Wyk Yours I recd abt. an Hour ago whereupon I forth with took Mr Willisses map & a 40/ bill and went to Mr Chambers showed him ye bills and pointed out to him on ye map, ye head of ye Creek and ye matter in dispute, and then asked if he would receive a fee in our behalf; he said he was attorney for Gov. Clark and as it effected his interest must consider of it. He would speak with Mr Alexander, and iff he could not convince him of ye justice of their pretentions, he believed he would serve us. He would let me know. Which when he doth, and will espouse our cause. Il give him ye fee in yr. name, because I have no assent of ye Comp to do it as trustee, although I believe theyl all come into it. he said if he acts for us he ought to have taken out ye ejectments. I told him he must excuse you in this, nessesity drove you to do it at any rate, He said farther iff he could not serve us, he believes he'd be a means to make up matters. He cautioned in not to mention ye words Branche N° or South for where they begin ye river stops. this all at present from ye humb sery J. G.



To Mess Cornelis and Theodorus VanWyk Fish kills.

January 17

Recd of Mr Cornelis VanWyk for himself & Theo VanWyk

left in my hands January 21 Rec'd of Jos: Carsten by hands of Mr Henry Filkin and delivered to Said Mr H: Filkin in order for a fee to Mr Jn. Chambers

L 1:12:0 2: 2:0 3:

which being tendered by Mr Filkin, Mr Chambers would not receive although he acted in ye affairs of ye ejectment; repeated ye same to him as he had done to me; and said he'd speak with me. I uttered my dislike of the proceedings of our partners when I was earnestly buzy to convince Mr Alexander who had made fair offer; and Mr Chambers was use his endeavours to avoid a law suit, that they unexpectedly frustrated all my designs By this untimely ejectment; and that by their inadvertancy they caused me much difficulty. On ye 4 February the Suppream Court being past & that of the Sessions almost ended I began to prepare, and as I as yet had no copy of the map and return of Mr Willis to inform Mr Alexander I was forced to make one myself of that part where ye head of the Creek was laid down at large which I pourtracted on a sheat of large post paper, with all the observations which I copyed litterely, and subscribed to it as an exact copy. taken by me ye 4 February 1746/47. Then I made some remarks of my own at ye bottom of the abstract to clear up a difficulty with these words: "Note if it be objected, the south branch just above the fork is a little wider and deeper than the north branch at a like distance. It is answered thus; that such part from H to C is swelld up by the north Branch splitting at B and pouring into it by the stream B.C., for the part above it, that is the Brook (so called) from C to G hath scarcely any visible stream mostly a soaking through ye medows, and thence, that is from G to ye swamp E no stream at all, as I am creditable informed by several present at ye survey, and who had inspections at other times. The surveyor not making these remarks, he was slanted to act impartial between the two Nine Partners, for such was his instruction from ye trustees." I charged ye Company for this copy 12/ as also for a draught made by ye late Mr Abt.[?] Governeur for ye articles between in & Coll. Beekman long since; Paid Wid Governeur ye 6 January last 8/ I waited on Mr Chambers with ye copy. Left it with him to peruse and then to lett Mr Alexander have a view of it. He said Mr Alexander desired a

Febr. 10



conference with us, which I promised as soon he'd appoint ye time. Received a letter of ye 19th instant of Mess Corn & Theod Van Wyk, desiring me to acquaint the Partners here, that them on & near the premises intend to meet at New York with ye others ye 15 April next in affairs of the law suit with Mr Alexander 1746/7 March 20

Ye members from Dutches County came to town, as Mess Theod & Corn VanWyk, Mord. Lester, Jacob Haff & Jos Carsten, got Mr Evertson & Johnson with us and met at Niblets, first I went by consent to Mr Chambers acquainted him what we were met for that is on the affair of ye difference with ye Little Nine Partners; he said he could not now attend us, being very busy to prepare for the Supream Court; I asked him if we should now meet Mr Alexander as was proposed by him self. He aggreed to it, accordingly I wated on Mr Alexander, asked him weither he had recd ye copy of the draught; and that he was desirous of meeting us on that subject, he said yes to both, and for his part aggreed that both our surveyors should repair to the premises, and iff Mr Willis could point out the matter according to his draught, so as to convince Mr Clinton he'd aggree to our station. I haveing also acquainted Mr TenEyk & Bogert of our meeting, returned and reported the Company the result of my adventures. Mr R. Alsop also present, The affair in hand being taken into consideration. It was resolved that Mr Theod. VanWyk as he was to be in Queens County call on Mr Willis, and with him limmet the time when to meet Mr Clinton at ye head of ye Creek, whereby ye Company judged to be best in May, that such time limmited was to be communicated to me; and I forthwith to acquaint Mr Alexander; and he to advise Mr Clinton; all in order to avoid law suits. This being settled, we next entered on the affairs of Pokeapsy. I read ye copy of the letter I sent in December last as fol 151[ed. note: this is page 151 in the original book] and read it also in English and the letters I recd from Palmatier ye 8 Janu. and aggreed that I write again & to get Mr Chambers to write them to ye same purpose. The third subject came in consideration was the land over ye Creek, and after some debates it was determined that it should be lotted for as it was laid apart in nine Lotts, and that every ninth should stand on his own deffence, provided before conveying or quiting claim to each other; every ninth division bring up one ninth of ye charges an arrears due on severall disburstments, to Goelet, Lester &. It was further talked on that Mr Alexander should be spoke to abt. settling the difference between us and ye claim of Heirs of Fauconier make on it. Paid at that setting 4/8 Ye next morning being 16 we met again at Mr Niblets April 15.



Judge Filkin not attending yesterday or now, although called had no time; Mr Cor:Rutgers & Ch:Crook had been acquainted of our meeting but did not appear. Mr. Johnson also did not appear this morning. Mess Alsop & Evertson reported the result of the meeting. Mr Alexander, which in relation to ye difference at ye Head of the Creek was to ye some purpose as I related yesterday, and as to ye land over ye Little Fish Creek he said he has nothing to do with. So our former resolution at ye division was confirmed, and the time at random stated sometime in Octob. next; In the interim every Partner was to inform him self abt. Fauconiers right as that of his heirs or assigns; if possible some accomodation might be conserted. Paid that sitting 2/ 1747 April 22

I had a notice both by letter and by word of mouth of Mr Theod V. Wyk that he had talkd with Mr Willis, who could not attend this spring, but could some time in the fall, and now expected my answer whether the Comp would depend on him to meet Mr Clinton at the Head of the Creek in fall season which when he hath receivd he will acquaint me abt 5 or 6 weeks before hand the time when which message I undertook. My letter to him to be directed At Jericho in Queens County April 30.

I waited on Mr Alexander ye Supream Court being ended, and told him that said Willis had been spoke with and that he desired we should write him if we depended on him, that he could not attend this spring but sometime in September next, and that he would write in the time when; on which Mr Alexander aggreed to that month but that we now together do fix a day which we did and fixed ye 8 Septembr and iff S. Willis could not then meet to let us know by time to shift ye time. on which he made these following minutes vis: "Memorandum its agreed that S. Willis and Charles Clinton shall meet on the eighth day of September next at or near the Head of the Fish Creek in Dutches County and view it carefully and particularly to examine the severall things pointed out in Sam. Willis's map, which shall be sent to Ch:Clinton, and that after they have diligently viewed all matters tending to ascertain the Head of the Fish Creek they make their report to us jointly iff they can aggree where they verily believe the Head of The Fish Creek ought to be fixed; and iff they cant agree, then to obtain the reasons of each other for disagreeing, and report the whole to their respective employers in order that that point may be amicable aggreed on between them. New York


Proceedings April ye 30, 1747" Jam: Alexander

I took a copy of them, shewed it to Mr Chambers who approved of it, thence I read it before Mrs Johnson & her son who thought it reasonable I should subscribe as I did ye copy I made & brought it to Mr Alexander & left it with him and promised to send ye copy to Sam Willis with farther advice. I forthwith wrote to S. Willis vis. New York April 30, 1747 Friend Sam Willis In answer to yr demand these serve to acquaint you that the Nine Partners depend on you to meet C: Clinton on the appointed place for the end proposed. Mr Alexander thought fit we should stipulate the time and made the minutes hereunder mention to both of which he or I subscribed, Mr Alexander shall refer wrighting to Ch:Clinton until we have yr. answer, weither the day will suit you which I desire may be without delay, and in the interim remain yr friend & Servt. J. G. P. S. the map shall be at Mr Cor. Van Wyk and youl be attended by the Company & get further advice from them you may appoint a place of rendevous if you please To Mr Saml Willis at Jericho, Queens County Long Island May 23 1747

I haveing waited on Mr Chambers in order to write to the people of Pokeepzy. He now gave me a letter to forward to them the copy whereof is as follows vis. New York May 23, 1747 Gentlemen I have for some months past waited in expectation that you would send me the names of all the parties concerned, and of the arbitrators with proper instructions to draw the arbitration bonds between you, and the owners of the Nine Partners in order to have your difference settled and



determined in an amicable way as was proposed and I understood aggreed upon but your delay heither to seems as if you slighted & Neglected it, and as we are very much pressed by our clients to finish the bonds or bring on the tryal, I have undertaken to give you this notice there of and to desire yr answer before next Supream court which will be held on ye last Tuesday in July next. In expectation of which I remain Gentlem. ye humble sery Jn Chambers To Mr. Peter Palmateer & Comp.

1747 May 25.

A letter came to my hand directed to Mr Alexander and myself from Saml Willis of 22 of ye 3 month this inst containing in substance that he cannot attend ye stipulated time vis ye 8 of Septembr that he cannot possible meet before ye fore part of October, but cannot yet fix ye day, which he undertakes to do in August. He avises that Mr Clinton should be acquainted with these proposals of meeting in ye fore part of Septembr and again with ye fixed time when that come to hand & - . I waited on Mr Alexander with it who haveing seen ye contents we aggreed to write S. Willis with all speed which I did as follows: New York May 25, 1747 Friend Saml Willis I just recd yours of 22 inst, went forth with to Mr Alexander, where it was opened & perused, and concluded that I write you out of hand; that Ch:Clinton living at 10 miles from ye water side, a letter may lay long time before he gets it; so that he needs to have timely warning to have ye day and place of rendevous fixed, which you are desired to do as soon as may be iff possible by ye middle of next month; but in fixing the time is to be minded, that it must be after the Tuesday in October when Mr Clinton must spent as justice in his County Court. Pray be as expedient as may be in resolving us & youl oblige. Yr friend


I also wrote a letter to our Partners for conveyance of that of Palmateer & advice abt ye surveyors meeting as follows vis:


Proceedings New York May 25, 1747 Mess. Cornelis & Theod Van Wyk, and others of the Nine Partners Gentlemen Inclosed you have a pressing letter from Mr Chambers to Mr P. Palmateer & Comp, which you may chose to deliver or procure to be delivered by a safe hand as Court time draws near in yr County. I have been with Mr Alexander abt. 4 weeks since when we determined to fix a time for ye surveyors to meet at ye head of Fish Creek. I wrote to Mr Willis on that head, who wrote on ye 22 inst that he can not attend before the fore part of October, and can not fix ye day before some time in August. Mr Alexander presses on to know it sooner that Mr Clinton who lives remote from ye water side may have timely notice. I wrote said Willis this day on that head, desiring him to let us know by middle of next month the time & place of rendevous he fixes, and shall acquaint you when I have his answer & in the meantime remain Sirs Yr most humbl Serv. J. G. To Mess Cornelis VanWyk & Mord Lester & Dutchess County

Receivd a letter of S. Willis wherein he acquaints me & Mr. J. Alexander that the day he can meet Mr Clinton will be ye 7. Octobr next the place of rendevous to be at Matthew VanEtten on the North Branch of ye Fish Creek; he desired there in that Mr Clinton might be advised there of, and the map might be sent to Mr. C:V.Wyk. I forth with wated on Mr Alexander with ye letter who desired me to leave it with him which I did ye 27 d. I had occasion to write & send ye draught to Mr C:V.Wyk, wrote him as follows: 1747 August 25

Sir Mr Willis wrote me that he thinks to meet Mr Clinton ye 7 Octob at ye house of Matthew VanEtten on ye north bounds of ye Fish Creek. he desires me to acquaint Mr Alexander thereof & ye Company and that I would send ye map to your house which I now send by ye Bearer here ye Jacob Wendel. I left ye letter with Mr



Alexander who will acquaint Mr Clinton of ye time & place. Remain Sir Yr most Humble Servt J. G. Paid Jacob Wandel for his trouble 3/. November 12, 1747

Jo. Caston came to inform himself, at the conditions made in favour of Lott N°15 before drawing of ye 3rd division, weither ye 200 acres referd in that lot in right of Marytie Rosebooms Pattent, was in case ye heirs of Marytie made no demand Thereof was to belong to ye owners of lott N°15 or weither it belonged to ye Company On this I advised him to apply to Mr Lanc: Green who had ye deed of that division and obtain an abstract of that paragraph relating to ye Lott N°15 & ye before mentioned 200 acres of which he got a few lines, we thinking more might be in it, and as Mr Green promised to let us have ye deed Mr Heat went & fetched it to me, where it now remains I haveing since Mr Tho. Niblets death desired Mr Green who was a witness with Mr Niblet to certifie that he & Mr. Niblet see ye deed executed, but had no time, no do I now when and so must wait while Mr Green is at leisure, or get ye Partners when to gather to acknowledge their Sign & seal anew 1747/48 January 19

Saml Willis came to my house & returned the map, and pointed out to me several amendments or particular remarks he had added, as also another draught he had made of sittuation of ye place in controversy, he said that the N°E branch was drye and aggreed with me to wait on Mr. J. Alexander to morrow abt 10 ye clock with ye maps. Paid him his acc took receipt for 1 6:13:5 January 20

Call on Mr Evertson and with him & Saml Willis at my house perused ye map with its additions and the separate draught abt ye head of ye Creek. We thought it meet to wait on Mr Chambers, but he being at Court, we went to Mr Alexanders in order to see what return Mr Clinton had made but he proved to be out of town. February 12

receivd a letter dated ye 6 inst from Mr Cornelis VanWyk inparting he had understood we had appointed ye 15 April next for the time of a General meeting of the Partners at New York, he had spoke with severall of them, and they in general aggreed it would do better ye 15 he desired my assent thereto in wrighting, on which I wrote him as followeth vis



New York February 12, 1748/9 Mr Cornelis VanWyk Sir I aggree to the time you mention ye 15 April next for a General Meeting of the Partners here. I should be glad if they would all attend, at least one to act for every ninth, the more whilest we are to settle that affair of the land over the Fish Creek, and severall other matters of concern. I wish Mr Stoutenburg would attend, and bring with him the copy of Pauldins Pattent he hath had from me long since. I hope youl not fail in giving notice here of to the Partners about you & youl oblige Sir Your Humble Servt

J. G.

1748 April ye 15

being the day appointed for a General Meeting, some of the Partners met at Mr Clark Cooks Mess. Lester, Mott & Smith 2/9 2/9 Mr Lispenard for widow Rutgers & Casten. Mr Johnston, Evertson & C.V.Wyk 2/9 Jacob Haff for 1/36. Myself for 1/18 & The first thing they went on was the affair of our north bounds, Lester and Goelet waited on Mr Alexander, who showed them Clinton's return of Head of the Creek and that he was now fully convinced their station was right and he him self would enter defendent & would listen to no other proposal. The same Company met with Mr Henry Filkin for 1/9. Mr Lester reported he had spoke with Mr Chambers to serve us in the affair of the ejectment of Jn. Row against the Little Nine Partners, but he made the same appology as formerly, that he being an attorney for Gov. Clark who was one of the Pattentees, was not clear if he could act against his interest, but he'd speak to Mr Alexander, and advisd us to retain Mr Murry accordingly Mr Lispenard & Johnson waited on Mr. Murray offering him if he would take a fee in this case, who replied, he had been spoke to by Mr Alexander concerning an affair in relation to ye Little Nine Partners but was not certain against who, he would peruse his minits & let them know Monday morning. Doctr Beard haveing on his request been acquainted we were met and where came to us with like Pattent and Map of the land of Paulins Purchase in right of Mess: Faulconier & others, whereof he claimed two and one half, sixth parts. We found their pattent to contain the same land butted and bounded as Paulins was; on which we shewed him our right by ye words of our Pattent. He replied that Mess. AlexanApril 16.



der & Beekman had assured him his right was indisputable, and that he was come to convince us thereof, and insisted on the whole, that he was told not to come to any other proposal with us & so Boke [spoke] of. He said how ever as for his own part he would be willing to hearken to any proposal we should make, and was told we were to chose new Trustees, and he might speak with them in due time. Goelet haveing told the Proprietors that he could act no longer in his station as trustee, not onely on account of his age, but as he was averse to law suits & contentions, desired to lay down & that others might be appointed trustees, on which he being again prevailed on onely for a short season to continue with Mr. R: Alsop, and had joined to them in the administration Mess Lespenard & Johnson, Mr Evertson declining. An endorsement was made on the back of the former Power, whereby the two new Trustees Lispenard & Johnston before named were added to ye two old ones & was signed with the names of all there present Mr Ferris being renound for a man qualified, and adapted to inspect and manage difficult controveries in land disputes being calld in amongst us, the nature of the dispute between us and the possessors of Harmens Pattent was laid open to him, he said he believed he could on some reward assist us in making matters easy, we were to give him and interview when he come to town & sight of all ye papers Pro and Con. But the affair of the land over the Fish Creek he judged to be very plain in our favour. Joseph Caston having ye 200 acres reserved in ye 3rd division in lot N°15 for Rosebooms rights in his possession, promised to hold it in right of Nine Partners & to pay I, 10: a year for ye use thereof. It was aggreed that ye said 200 acres should be surveyed and layed apart. We then come to ye following resolution vis: That the law suit against Jn Row be maintained that the land over ye Fish Creek be called for ye 25 October next when all ye Proprietors are to meet and for every ninth to pay 1 20:-:-. That the Trustees send a circular letter to all ye remote Proprietors for that end: a letter to Jn Edwards to continue in the possession of ye land over ye Creek for ye Nine Partners, and one to F: Hegeman to get ye evidence & proof of Paulins mark trees perpetuated. Goelet paid ye reckoning which was E 1:07:8 It was also aggreed with Jos: Caston that if should aggree with ye Roseboom and purchase their right so that he obtained a full quitt claim from them he then should be exempted from paying ye rent. The trustees met at Mr Clark Cooks with Mess: Evertson & Lespenard, where the letters here under were read, approved of and signed and 1748 April 19



ordered to be sent by Henry Filkin; and that by him be sent also the copy of Paulins Pattent to Mr Hegeman. We then spoke about procuring Counsel to maintain our suit against Jn Row. Mr Lespenard reported how he had spoke with Mr Murray, offered him a fee of E 5:- to be concerned for the Nine Partners, he made the same apology as before, and said he would peruse his minnits when the hurry of Court business was over and iff possible would serve ye Nine Partners. Goelet having spoke with Mr Smith who also promised he would see how far he had engaged with Mr Alexander. We resolved to wait on Mr Smith in the morning to urge him to move that the tryal might be forwarded against Palmateer & Comp; to insist on a jury out of Queens County; and at ye same time to offer him a fee to secure him in our interest against ye Little Nine Partners; It was also aggreed to that if Mr Ferris came to town the trustees with Mr Evertsen were to meet him and hear him farther abt. ye affair of the Pokeapzy difference. We also aggreed speak with Mr Chambers about ye affair of the Pokeapzy law suit. Spent E 4:8

New York April 19, 1748 Mr John Edwards As you are now sealed on the right of the Nine Partners on the land over the Little Fish Creek, it is the desire of all the Proprietors that you remain in possession in their right and not be terrified, or frightened to the contrary; The Nine Partners will at all events deffend you; thus doing youl prove faithful to the Proprietors & real owners of said land and muchly oblige the trustees who are: Jacob Goelet Richard Alsop

Leonard Lispenard David Johnston

New York April 19, 1748 Mr. Francis Hegeman The Proprietors met here ye 15 & 16 instant for seven ninths had among other matters of concern a conference with Doctor Bard who holds a part of 2i sixths in Faulconiers Right. The result whereof was that the whole of our title would hinge upon proving the mark trees of Pauling, to which Paulings Pattent, that of ours, and theirs have refference to. Now it was the unanimous desire of the Company


Proceedings that you do forth with see to perpetuate the evidence of them trees, or iff cut down their trunks or place where they have stood, and for such trouble & charge you shall be paid. Your Humbl Serv: Jacob Goelet Richard Alsop Leonard Lisp.

New York April ye 19, 1748 Gentlemen You have no doubt heard and made known the result of our late General Meeting, which is as to the north bounds, that we are forced in to a law suit with the Little Nine Partners, and as to the land over the Fish Creek, that the assignees of Faulconier demand the whole, and will hear of no proposal, where of we hold it that the right is indisputable in us, and will wholy turn on this point, if we can prove the mark trees of Pauling where for we hope every one concerned will aid Mr Hegeman, who we have wrote to get them ascertained, and to Mr Edwards to keep in possession. Now Gentlemen, as you know there is no publick stock existing, and the law charges run high. The Proprietors when together unanimously aggreed that the Proprietors pay in hands of the Trustees the sums of twenty pounds for every ninth at or before the 25th October next, which day is fixed for a general meeting here at New York where we hope the remote Proprietors may resort, at least one commisionated for every ninth to execute and sign deeds & conveiances as we then design to draw for the land over ye Fish Creek & convey to each other; in Complying here to will highly assert ye Common Cause. oblige Ye friend & sery Jacob Goelet Richd Alsop Leond. Lispenard David Johnstone P.S. The trustees waited on Mr. Smith with a fee to assist them against the Little Nine Partners, but could not conclude to take it. They gave him L 3:- to forward ye suit against P: Palmateer & Comp and like sum to Mr Chambers, who advised them to goe to Mr Abraham Lodge, whom they feed against



Proceedings ye Little Nine Partners, and secured Mr Jn Alsop to ye same purpose To Mess Cornelis VanWyk, Mordecay Lester and others the Proprietors in right of the land for Nine Partners in Dutchess County. The moneys paid vis ye 20 To To To To

Mr Mr Mr Mr

Smith by Goelet Chambers by Lespend Lodge by Alsop by

L 3: 3: : 1: 8: 1: 4:

1748 April 22

Peter Ferris with Mess Lespenard & Evertson with Goelet met at ye house of the last. Mr. Johnson being from home, He told us how he had spoke with Ad. Simonds and how said Simonds seemed ready for accomodating the matter with ye Nine Partners, as having all the right vested in him, said Ferris would undertake it as he thought on a little farther information, not for any reward of money but on succeeding to have one tenth as a tenth Partner which proposal ye trustees were to consider, & Peter Ferris in ye meantime to have an interview with Simmons, and give ye Trustees a farther acct. when come to town. May 11

Peter Ferris being in town ye trustees were called on to meet him at Goelets, Mr Lespenard being in ye country and Mr Johnson did not come, Mr Evertson and Goelet heard him make his proposals which was that as he had spoken with Ad Simonds, and was convinced he could make up matters greatly to our advantage without law or arbitration, he desired iff we could confide in him who merits nothing but Honesty, that we give him Power to act; that he before he proceede being duely qualified will lay open his scheme which if we disaprove he'll drop all; We read the power given unto ye trustees which he deemed sufficient and promised to speak to ye other trustees as he himself undertook to wait on Mr. Johnston and promised to be in town next week when we to get ye Power ready and a conveyance to him for his 10th part in ye right of our interest in Pokeapzy 1748 May ye 18

Goelet, Evertson & Lespenard waited on Mrs Johnston at her house (her son Mr D. Johnston being abroad) in order to come to a resolution on ye proposal of P: Ferris, which was by Goelet produced in wrighting & some difficulties & queries thereon. Mr Chambers was called in to us and haveing acquainted him of our new Scheem with P. Ferris, and he haveing read his proposal the objections & queries of our side, advised us to propose to Ferris to enter into articles, and iff he still do insist on haveing a deed for ye 10



part of the land to be procured, that such executed do remain in hands of indifferent person. June 15

Peter Ferris calld on Goelet they two on Mess. Lespenard & Evertson and all four on Mr. Johnson, with who they all went to Mr Chambers, where the matter and manner of their proceeding was considered, & at length concluded that no articles, Power nor deed be yet made but a written order from ye trustees to Said Ferris which was made out, as here is its copy on the other side.

Mr Peter Ferris Sir We desire and impower you to meat & treat with Mr. Adam Seamans and the rest of ye owners & Proprietors of the land at Pokeapzy in dispute between us & them and to hear, and make such proposals as you & they Shall think most proper & reasonable to accomadate our dispute & differences in the most amicable & friendly manner; and that you report to us with all convenient speed what you shall do therein, that we may consider thereof, and take such farther measures to effect the end proposed in ye best manner we can. We the subscribers being ye trustees appointed for ye rest of the Nine Partners: Dated in New York this 15 day of June 1748. Remain your friend and sery J G Leonard Lespenard David Johnston

The trustees also wrote to Mr Hegeman in this manner viz. New York June 15, 1748 Mr Francis Hegeman Sir. The Barer hereof is Mr. Peter Ferris, who the Trustees have appointed to inspect and settle the difference between us and the People of Pokeapzy as may appear by a written order to him by ye trustees, he to have for his reward iff effected one tenth part of such lands (as they hold from us, and he procures,) conveyed him. We desire youl give


Proceedings him proper intelligence & assistance & in so doing youl oblige Your most humbl sery Jacob Goelet Leonard Lespenard David Johnston

Peter Ferris came to town, met Goelet and Lespenard at Mrs Johnston; he told the Trustees, Mr Seamans & his friends would give no heed on his written order, and would not act or treat with him unless he produced an absolute Power from ye trustees for which ye trustees concluded to give him such, provided he signed to them a restriction to limit his Power. They desired Mr. Chambers to make out ye one & the other, out of hand for which end Goelet left with him, ye Generale Power from ye Company to ye Trustees 1748 August I

Mr Chambers sent a draught of ye Power to Goelet to peruse which was returned ye same day with some amendments; which Mr chambers promised to engross. Goelet took ye Power of ye Trustees back again August 16

Goelet called on Mr Chambers, who promised him they should have it to morrow with out fail. In the mean time Goelet received an affidavit made before Jacobus Stoutenburg Esq in the words following vis: August 26.

May ye 3 1748 This day appeared before me Jacobus Stoutenburg Esq one of his Majest. Justices of ye Peace for the County of Dutches and being duely sworn upon the Holy Evangely of Almighty God. Being upon the premises deposeth that a white pine tree upon the south side of the Eende Kill, about 60 yards from the mouth thereof, the tree being now fell down but the stump standing; and a spruce tree marked opposite to it; that himself with Mr Lewis Moris, Mr Cornelis Low Jun, and his son John Oosterhout begun to run out the south bounds of Paldens, and run with a due east line to the Fish Kill, and marked trees all along the line; and this deponent farther says that they took it for the true south bounds of Paulings Pattent; nor does this deponent know of



any other south bounds to the Pattent aforesaid and farther says not. Sworn before me in the presence of Peter Cacker & Tobias Stoutenburg


Mr F: Hegemans acct of charges thereon May 1 to fetch a man that knows ye place I markd the trees of Palden, who met him ye 3 days who he paid for coming & swearing 1 for himself 2 days with horse and charge

: 9: :12: 1: 1:

September 8

Mr Chambers having some time since engrossed these 2 instruments & left them with Jacob Goelet. Peter Ferris come to town & perused them, approved thereof. When Goelet and Lespenard execut the Power, and Peter Ferris the Restriction to ye trustees at Goelets in ye presence of Jn Dies, & Peter Poa Provoost P: Ferris tc wait on Mrs Johnston who promised to execute in behalf of her son Davd Johnston out of town. Copy of minutes taken down by Jacob Goelet of sundry disburstments made to survey the head of the Creek ye original in ye bak of ye book Elizabeth Johnston pd to Fr:Filkin Cornelia Rutgers Pd to Jn Evertson Pd to II Coenrd TenEyk Pd to Jacob Goelet Pd to Mord Lester

Charles Crook Pd to Fra Filkin New York October 4, 1746

12: : 1: 8: 1: : 1: : 1: : 6: 8: 1: : 1 7: 8:

1748 On Tuesday morning ye 25 October the time apointed for the Generall Meeting of the Proprietors, there met at Mr Clark Cooks Mess Lester, Haf, Hegeman & John Evertson with the 3 trustees, and had Mr John Alsop with them as counsell; waiting for more of the Partners. Little was done so adjourned to 5 in ye evening when again met all excepting Jn Alsop; but had more Fra:Filkin & Jacob Smith; the minits of our last meeting in April last were read, the means for raising money for the ensuing law suit began in ye morning was now resumed, found many difficulties to raise such a large sum as such law suit would requier out of the Proprietors many absenting themselves others



made flatt denials to disburst, and in case those willing had largely advanced for their indolent & stubborn Partners, saw no remedy if the suit be lost to get their money back, and yet they must proceed to prosecute their ejectment against ye Little Nine Partners to settle their north bounds. In this stress they proposed to sell the land over the Little Fish Creek & so it was set up for sale among themselves but not compleated that night, broke up, moved to meet next morning at 9. Wenesday morn the Proprietors who were there last night met & now came in Mr Mott when ye sale of ye land over ye Creek was resumed. Jacob Smith remaining ye highest bidder, he to pay to ye trustees for ye whole over 6 months E 400 & they to give him a deed, but no warrantee farther then against the Nine Partners. Which deeds to be made out as soon as Mr Chambers was better he now being sick; the trustees aggreed with assent of ye Company to fee Mr Jn Cocks of Trentown in our favour against the Little Nine Partners, and thought fitt that ye trustees wright him on that head and on his answer & willingness to serve us, that two of them wate on him with a fee & to inform him. Peter Ferris coming in reported to have met Adm. Simonds and some of the Proprietors in Harmensen Right but as yet to little purpose, he advised with us, and got what information he could of Mess Hegeman, Evertson & others of our Right & Interest in the land in dispute and was by consent of the Proprietors & Trustees to proceed & trye once more if he could come to accomodate matters he produced his Power which ye Company had not yet seen, which was now publickly read, he insisted on having a deed for his tenth part of the land he was to procure, We made him answer such would be attended with difficulty some being jealous of him, and having as yet made poor progress, he'd better leave it to ye promise of the Company, who all aggreed with ye trustees that Peter Ferris should have one tenth of such lands conveyed him, Goelet got Ferris his Power to take a Copy & he gave Ferris the restriction to his Power by him executd which Ferris copied, The fond being laid to defray charges Fr. Hegeman produced his acct which was approved of and that Goelet do pay him. When Comp broke up at 1 o clock Goelet paid Clark Cook for expenses in that meeting L 1:3:-. October 26

1748 October 26

Goelet paid Francis Hegeman: his whole acct. from 1743/4 till E 14: 9: now was Whereof Goelet had paid him ye 23 April 1745 as then charged to Comp. 1: 4: 3

So paid him rem'd & charge Comp. for

t 13: 4: 9



Mess Evertson & Ferris meeting at Goelets they found it meet to get some more proofs out of ye records, so they went, but could not be attended, ye office being to much hurried how ever got sight of Harmens & Sanders Raised Pattent; Evertson made out a copy of Harmens oath, and of Lewis his confirmation of which P. Ferris stood in need. F:Hegeman brought Goelet ye copy of Neeltie Paulings Pattent. Hearing Mr Chambers was better, Goelet & Johnston waited on him, desired him to draw ye deed to be executed by the Trustees to Jacob Smith for ye land over Fish Creek. He said we must bring him ye Boundaryes & our Power, and see if all parties had executed the same, else they might hinder ye sale. We advised him abt. feeing Mr. Cocks against the Little Nine Partners, he said it were very good, and that Mr Nichols was also an able attorney. He advised us to make regular & due information privately of old letters. What place was of old deemd to be Head of the Creek. The Trustees thought good to wright to some of the remote Proprietors as followeth. November 15.

New York November 15 1748 Mr John Crook Sir Our councel advises that we make close inquiry of the old impartial settlers in Dutches County what place or station hath of old been deemed the head of the Fish Creek, and that as private as may be, that the issue of the triall with the Little Nine Partners will much depend on such evidence. Our Partners now make amount to come up to that station at Van Ettens having found water there all the way in the last survey when that part in controversy was all drye. Iff so we take in VanEtten & his neighbors, and so they are no inpartiall evidence. We are advised to inquire if any of Mr Noxents jurors are yet living who run out Rombouts Pattent, that they might give some information. We would take it kind if you make any discovery that way, and the charge you are at we hope will in time be paid. We suppose you have ere now heard of the result of our last meeting here ye 25 & 26 Octobr the material business was to raise money where with to prosecute our ejectmt against our troublesome neighbors, but finding near one third part deficient & no remedy left for those willing to compell the rest, we put


Proceedings up the land over the Fish Creek for sale and sold it for t 400 to Jacob Smith one of the Proprietors, who lets in sevrall others as Partners, we to give him a deed not to defend him but onely against the Proprietors, but we find our Power deficient, as severall Mr Stoutenburg & others have not signed, we can not proceed with safety. We'd fain know your sentements as to our proceeding, and if Mr Stoutenburg should fall in yr way, if it would not do to offer him to come in for part & Thus doing & advising with us youl Highly oblige Sr yr most humble sery Jacob Goelet Leonard Lespenard To John Crook Esq Attorney at law Kings Town Ulster County

New York November 15, 1748 Gentlemen. Mr Chambers tells us our power is not sufficient to convey the land over the Fish Creek since all the Partners have not signed as Mr Stoutenburg & severall others, the onely means we think would be to offer Stoutenburg to come in for part, and to bring him in to aggree to the sale, All the rest we believe would be made easy. He also advises to get proper proofs of the oldest inportant letters when of old it was deemed to be the head of Fish Creek such evidence saith he will stand us in much need on ye triall, please there for to get such proofs aserted & youl oblige ye Sery Jacob Goelet Leonard Lespenard To Mess Lester, VanWyk, Hegeman & other the Proprietors

1748/9 Janu 25

Mr Chambers sent me a paper sent him by Mr Murray, it being notice of tryall to come next term between us and Palmateer & Comp. I went to Mr Smith produced Aug Creeds receipt of the papers he left with Mr Smith 1745 demanding them back again but was denied. He then told me we must prepare for Tryall



January 26

Mr Lispenard & I, Mr Johnston from home waited on Mr Chambers to get ye deed drawn of the land over Fish Creek for Jacob Smith. He desired me to provid & send him the boundary of the land to convey, ye names of the Pattentees & purchasers. He advised the Proprietors should signe the deed of sale as many as could be got, that the term for Tryall would be June next in Dutchess County. I directly prepared & sent Mr Chambers all he ordered, ye Boundary of our Pattent in relation to ye land to be conveyed; the Boundary of the land over ye Fish Creek with ye map of TerBos & the name of the purchaser, with all the names of the present owners of ye land. Peter Ferris came to town & told me that he & A: Simond were in a manner aggreed. It depended only on the issue of a trial between H. Van D Burg & others to be tried here next terme. He was astonished when I told him we had recd notice for trial of Mr Murray with Pokeapzy People next term; Communicated to Mr Smith & Chambers. I told him of our proceedings abt. getting Mr Smiths deed made for ye land over ye Fish Creek and how I had demanded the papers, A:Creed left with Mr Smith and was denied them; which memorandum & Receipt I here transcribe least ye original might be lost or miscary.

February 14.

New York Novembr 11, 1743 Received these following papers of Jacob Goelet in order to use them at a Meeting with Mr W. Smith abt. ye affairs of the difference with the Pokeapzy People, and promise to return them to Jacob Goelet forth with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. 7. 8.

The originall Patent of Nine Partners The first deed of partition The Three Indian Deeds The Copy of Beekman Pattent The Copy of Lewis his confirmation The Copy of Filkins Petition Three Slips of Paper, coppies The Map of the Land Augustine Creed

Capt Lester left with me a Bond of his to Mr R. Alsop in a letter to me, which I put by among the papers of ye Nine Partners. February 27.

Mr Chambers having sent me the draught of ye deed to Jacob Smith ye 25, I waited on



him with Mr Lespenard,we approved of it and aggreed that ye Partys Conveyors should in ye deed be termed, Elizabeth Johnston with ye rest of the Proprietors of ye one part. We told Mr Chambers what P. Ferris had related us; he said the method Mr Murray took in giving notice of trial would prove chargeable to us; that we'd best call our Partners together. He cautioned me to remind & Minit what he hath at severall times wrote & done for the Nine Partners. The which I collected out of the minits as far as I know vis: 1745 April 13 the new Power to Trustees fo.[page no,] 132 1747 May 23 a letter to P: Palmateer & 151 1748 June 15 An order from ye Trustees to P. Ferris, to act in their behalf 166 September 8 Power to Peter Ferris restraint to that Power 170 1749 April a Deed to Jacob Smith

I thought it meet before the closing of this book on this its last leaf, to state my acct. to ye 31 December last 1748

Deb 1744/5 Company of Nine Partners to J. Goelet to ballance Br. forward from fo. 116 February 4 to postage of a letter to Mr Lester April 29 to spent at Niblets 12 & 13 " 1746 Apr. 22 at Niblets ye 15 & 16 " September 20 to cash to Lester & spent at Niblets 3 Cash to Hegeman & 1746/7 Janua Lester to interest on disburstments 2 years to my commissions 2 yr.

12: 4: 01 1: 3 :17: 5 :17: 4 1: 2: 4 2:14: 3 2:10: 2: : 21:18: 7

' ed. note: The correct carry over amount should be 1 11:16:0. Jacob Goelet had corrected his error in the accounting he completed following December 5, 1744 but he carried over here incorrectly. With the corrected amount all calculations are correct.


Proceedings 6 to Wid Governeur for a draught by her husband for aggt. Beekman Janua 12 to postage for a letter from Palmateer Februay 4 to Pourtracting Willis his map August 27 to cash to Jacob Wendel to cary map & letter to Cor. V. Wyk Decembr 31 to 1 years interest on ye disburstments of abt. E 22. to my commission for year A°1747 Janua

: 8: : 1: 3 :12:

: 3: 1:12: 1:

E 25:14:10

1747/8 Janua

19 to S. Willis surveying head of Creek 6:13: Apr. 16 to Clark Cook Tavern expenses 1: 7: Apr. 19 to : 4: Octobr 26 to 1: 3: to cash Fr: Hegeman aprovd acct. 13: Decembr 31 to interest for disburstments 2:16: to my commissions one yr. 1: :

5 8 8


E 52:00: 4




1730 Septemb. 1 11 & 12





Decemb 21

1730/1 Janu 21

Septemb 4 17 24

Copia of the Boundary of ye Pattent Names of the Pattentees Subscribers to 1 Deed of Partition of Water Lotts The discovery of the Paragraph in said Deed The first Pubblick Meeting since at Hunts Met Beekman & Livingston to settle our S'Bounds, aggreed w. Jn Alsop to run out our Pattent, and aggrd to disburst E10 a ninth Persons and sums paid Governors Petition for warrant of survey

1 2 3 5 6

6 8 9

Warrant of Survey to Cad. Colden Obtained copia of Beekmans Pattent

11 13

Cornelis V.Wyk apoint to call on Alsop, Equipped His return Alsop could not attend

13 13

Consulted Mr Jamisson at Maryties Pattent


Took counsel of Mr Murry abt Maryties Pattent Aggreed with J:Brown to run out ye Pattent, deed Partition acknowledgd. A. Rutgers J. Goelet & Ch. Le Roux appointed trustees



Aggreed with Beekman & Comp abt S° bounds Second disburstments Names & sums Paid Henry Filkin before & now L150 David Humphreys equipped to assist ye survey


a counsel fee Mr Alexander abt Marytie


15 16 16

1731/2 Jan 5

1 ed. note: The numbers which follow refer to the page numbers as they appear in the original.



Fol 1733 May 10

June 23

1733/4 March

2 19



Mr Jamissons compas tryed, sealed UP & sent


Surveyors returned Acct made up & paid


Aggreed with Mr Edsel to divide ye land Equip him for ye survey Survey of ye 36 lotts Returnd and Drawn for

19 19 19

Equipped Berrian, w. Boele to survey 700 acre


Vendue sale of 1300 acres Fish Creek to Nelson


Goelet and LeRoux approved to settle N'bounds


1735/6 May 11

1737 Apr 25

May 24


4 22

1737/8 March




May 10

Acct of ye charges & equipment North bounds Return of Survey Arrears of quitrent due on ye whole Pattent Query abt ye 200 acres Marytees Pattent Shawash & Shawenah Paid & they executed Gen' Meeting for correct division but not appeard Advanced sundry sums to clear quitrent Acct current with Comp to 1 Februa. 1737/8

22 23 24 25

25 26 27 28

The Trustees hinder ye calling of ye rear of Pattent Map of ye Oblong

36 39

Wh oak tree H T asserted & charges


Aggreed with V.Dyk & Williams for 1000 acres




Fol 25

Decembr 30 1738/9 Janu. 8

May 31

June 20

July 15 Aug


Octobr 10


Novembr 23

Decembr 3 1739/40 Febru 4

Repaid H:Filkin his disburstments w. interest Proposals to Jn Gay for Wid.Allen Letters to Jn Gay abt ye sale to V. Dyk & Williams & to notifie ye Proprietors abt General Meeting First deed of partition recorded

47 51

Acct current with Company


New deed partition & Power acknowedged & recorded Offering 700 acres more to sail

54 55

Disburstments repaid w interest one half


Attempt to rectifie ye division in vain


Proposals abt sale of land


A book required for record & granted


Agreement with Bremer for land to no purpose Disbursted to J:Haf ye other half of his disbursts Consultation abt laying out remains of land

44 46

60 61 61

Met to conclude abt. Marytees right and to leave abt 500 acres in common


acct currant with ye Company


Order to J. TerBos abt ye survey undivided land



Aug 27

a call for general meeting 25 Septembr 1 25 Met at Niblets ye major part of Proprietors

1 ed. note: This and the following two dates are recorded in the text as September.

64 65



Fol 26 27

Octob 22 Decemb. 12

31 1740/1 March 14

April 21

Sept 18 23




Some Pokeapzy people met with proposals Drawing ye 18 lotts to ye E of Fish Creek J. Ter Bos ace of survey 18 lotts

671 77

Directions cautioning new trustees


New deed partition examd & paid for Correctd an error in VanDyks deed Acct current with ye company

78 79 80

Met new Trustees screuten'd their power



Sold 700 acres to V. Dyk & Comp Means to Clear of ye arrears of quitrent


Executed deed to V. Dyk & comp General meeting at Niblets New deed of partition executed Matters concerted abt. our right on Pokeepsi side & that over ye Little Fish Creek asserted Acct current with company The General acct of Goelet with ye Comp examined & approved when Goelet repaid ye disbursting Proprietors ye other half to their quota L 125:19:8 Order to Lester & Hegeman to inspect in ye land over ye Little Fish Creek Order to Hegeman to take ye particulars of Smith abt correcting ye survey of 36 lots a letter to Is:Jermain abt Hafs disburstment Advice to New Trustees to aggree



84 87



89 90 91

[1742] To Lester and Hegeman abt land 92 over Creek order to J. TerBos to lay out 93 said land 23 & 25 Consulting Evertson & F:Filkin 94 Esq abt Pokeapzy affair Names yet to sign ye deed 94 of partition 1ed. note: There is a 10 page error in the pagination of the original document. Nothing has been deleted. Apr 12



Fol 1742 Octob 2

Got copia of ye Harmsens Ind: purchase


Mar 6

New trustees call for Jn Evertson


Decembr 30

Evertson sent for & dispatched to Dutchess



1743 Apr 11 26 30 May 3


June 24


Septembr 5

Advice to Jn Evertson in a letter ye Purport of a letter from Jn Evertson Fr:Hegeman acct abt ye survey Met Capt. Rutgers & Lester perused Evertson letter Lester acct of proceedings with Pokeapzy Peop. Deed of Trustees to F. Filkin examd Hegeman & Lester acct Evertson returnd could not treat there We consulted him abt his proceedings Letter to new trustees, we would not serve ejection ye time of the General Meeting as summond Scarce any appear; yet new Trustees think proper to enter in a lawsuits

97 98 98

99 99 100 101

101 101 101



1744 April 18 19

Aug 1

Septembr 2 3


New Trustees want money Order to J:TerBos to compleat ye Mapp Difficulty on our North bounds

108 108

Another order to TerBos for ye survey


Mr Creed bought ye draught of TerBos no amend Draught sent again to TerBos for amendm.

109 109



Fol Octobr 22

Novembr 2 7 22

Decembr 31 1744/5 Janua 14

Janua 17



Febr 13

23 April 12

15 15 20 22 23

Septemb 28

Recd draught from TerBos compleated


Orderd advertisement to be printed Order to Hegeman & Lester to Post it & directions about ye sail Hegeman to town advise abt sale Several consultations with Cap Rutgers


Acct current with ye Company


Faulconiers Pattent produced, Mr Smith consulted abt our right over ye Little Fish Creek & to examine our Power weither we cold sell ye land Mr Smiths answer hereon Pursuant to that advice sent letters for Comp to meet here 12 Aprl. Names of all ye Proprietors sent to Letter to J. Stoutenburg on that head Waited on Mr Chambers for advice Information by Richd Alsop Letter to Lester & Hegeman abt. accomodat. Another to " General Meeting, New Power & Richd Alsop appointed trustee, Goelet amounted for his proceedings Comp met J. Alexander in Falconiers right The owners and Proprietors names & Right Consultation with W. Jamisson at land over Creek Wrote to Haf & Graef, Conference w. Palmateer Dispute about ye Jury out of which County Letter. of Proposals to Mr Chambers Proposals for accomodation, Palmateer & others Letter from Hegeman, Jn Row threatened by parties

111 112 113

117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 125 126

128 131 132 133 135 136 137




Fol [1745/6] Janu 22

Apr 5 14



Decembr 6

1746 Decemb 16

Circular letter to ye partners of ye trustees to labour for accomodation & to meet 2 April Theo Niblets dead. Mr Green took ye deed home General Meeting most abt Pokeapzy difference Proposals abt land over Fish Creek J. Stoutenberg attemt to get another deedl Differences with Little Nine Partners Resolve to run out north bounds. Goelet waited on Gov. Clark, he & Leroux appointd2 Ter Bosh returns ye north bounds 1737 Goelets consulting J. Alexander Letter of trustees to Proprietors abt. Willis survey


141 142 143


145 145 146 148

Account & Map returnd of Willis survey Goelet Hegeman & Evertson waited on Alexander


Letter to P:Palmateer to forwd arbitration



1746/7 Jan 2


Letter from Mess V. Wyk. Goelet watd on Mr Chambers Map Wrote an answer to Theod. & Cor. V Wyk Money paid by some partners to fee lawyer Goelet took copy of Willis his map for Alexander

152 153 154 154

1 ed.note: This item was crossed out in the original. 2 ed. note: The words "he & Leroux appointed" were crossed out in the original.



Fol Apr 15

22 30

May 23 25

Aug 25

Novembr 12

General Meeting Proposal with Alexander to have Clinton prove Willesses work Letter VanWyk; Willis could not go till fall Aggreement with Alexander abt Clinton & Willis Letter to Willis with copy of aggrement

1461 148 149 150

Mr Chambers letter to Palmateer & Comp a Letter from Willis, and answer thereto Letter to C & T. VanWyk; Chambers his [?]


Letter from Willis for ye time to meet Clinton


Jos:Caston proposals abt Marytrey land


Willis return. Reed letters VanWyk; wrote him


151 152

1747/8 Jan 19

Apr 15


Apr 22 & May 11 June 15

General Meeting Chambers, Smith & Murry could not appear for us against Little 9 Partners Goelet willing to decline, had added to him & Alsop in ye administret Lespenard & Johnston Letter to Jn Edwards, to Hegeman Letter to ye Proprietors abt. Pauling trees


Proceeding with P:Ferris


Order to P: Ferris of trustees Letter to Fra, Hegeman for Ferris Affadavit of Loh abt Paulings mark trees Minits of what money pd & to who


1 ed. note: Pages 146-158, 162-180 are numbered as in the original. Note they should be numbered 156-168, 172-190.


158 171

167 168 170


Proceedings Fol

Octobr 25 26

Novembr 15 1748 Novembr 15

1748/9 Janua 25 26

Febru 14


Decembr 31

General Meeting at Clark Cooks Sale of land over Fish Creek to Jacob Smith Further consultation & aggreement with P: Ferris Francis Hegeman acct approved & Paid Consultation with Mr Chambers

Letter to John Crook by trustees Letter to Lester, V:Wyk & ,... by trustees

Notice of Tryal from Mr Murry Consult ye manner of drawing J. S. deed Peter Ferris met ye trustees Acct of papers by A:Creed left with Mr Smith Memorandum of what wrightings Mr Chambers made for ye Company My acct with company & Lastly ye deed to Jacob Smith

170 171 172 172 172

174 175

176 176 176 177

178 180


In the Proceedings of the Nine Partners several references were made to an Indian Deed,' however the deed itself was not recorded. The references indicate there were at least two meetings with the Indians and at each meeting payments were made. On October 13, 1730 a group of Indians signed a deed in exchange for "certain goods and merchandize" and L150. However, seven years later two Indians presented letters from individuals residing on the Nine Partners Patent attesting to the Indians ownership of certain but unspecified parts of the Patent. These two Indians also received a payment on November 4, 1737. This Indian Deed is presented below to fill the void in the record. The deed has been copied with permission from the Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook, 1923, page 29 - 32.

1 Note the following pages in Proceedings: page page page page page

4, 10, 15, 18, 97,

introduction date -12/4/1731 date -11/4/1737 date -12/24/1731 date -2/14/1748



Indian Deed to the Nine Partners

To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come, wee, the native Indian proprietors of Land in Dutche County, viz't, Acgans, Nimham, Ouracgacguis, Taquahamas, Seeck, Pecewyn, Mamany, Perpuwas, Sasaaacgua, Wasanamonrg, Arichapeckt, Narcarindt, Ayawatack, Sacayawa, Cekounamow, Seeck's son named Arye, Wappenas, Tintgeme, Naghcharent, Nonnaparee, Kindtquaw, Shawanachko, and Shawasquo and Tounis son of the said Shawask: Whereas there was granted by patent under seal of the province of New York, bearing date the twenty-seventh day of May in the year sixteen hundred and ninetyseven, by Christian calculation, unto Colonel Caleb Heathcote, one of King William's Council for the province of New York, in America, in his lifetime, Major Augustus Graham in his lifetime, James Emott in his lifetime, Lieu't Colonel Henry Filkin in his lifetime, David Jamison, Henryck Teneyck in his lifetime, John Aertson in his lifetime, William Creed in his lifetime, and Jarvis Marshall in his lifetime, a certain tract of vacant land, situate and being on Hudson's river, between the creek called by the natives Aquasing, and by the Christians by Fish Creek, at the markt trees of Pawling (including the said Creek) and the land of Meyndert Harmense and Company; then bounded southerly by said Land of Harmense & Company so farr as their bounds runns; then westerly by said land of Harmense and Company until a southerly line run so farr south until it comes to the southside of a certain meadow wherein there is a white oak tree marked with the letters HT; then bounded southerly by an east and west line to the division line between this province of Newyork and Colony of Connecticuts, and so bounded easterly by the said division line & northerly by said Fish creek as farr as it goes & from the head thereof by a paralell line to the south bounds, running east and west to the said division line, with ith hereditaments & appurtenances,--to hold unto them, the said Caleb Heathcote, Augustus Graham, James Emott, Henry Filkin, David Jamison, Henrydck Tenyck, John Aertson, William Creed, and Jarvis Marshall, their heirs and assigns, forever. NOW, know you, that wee, the native proprietors of said tract of land, for and in consideration of certain goods and merchandize, to us in hand paid or secured to be paid at & before the ensealing of this present writing, have given, granted, bargained, sold, released, and confirmed, and do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm, unto the said David Jamison, the only surviving patentee of the said patent, and to the heirs, Exec's, & assignee or assignees of the other eight patentees, and to their respective heirs and assigns forever; and the said tract of land so patented as aforesaid, and all that our and every of our right & claim to the interest or demand whatsoever of, in, or to the said tract of land & every part & parcel thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same tract of land and premises

Indian Deed to the Nine Partners


unto the said David Jamison, and the heirs, Exec's, assignee or assignees of the other patentees aforesaid, and to their respective heirs & assigns forever. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto put our hands and seals this Thirteenth day of October, in the year 1730. Perpuwas Sasaragua Makerin Memram Shawanachko Shawasquo Tounis, Son of Shawasquo Acgans Nimham Ouracgacguis Taguahams Seeck Cocewyn Mamany

his her his his his his his his his his his his his his

mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark

Memorandum--that the words "John Aertson," between lines 8 & 9 from the bottom, & the words "do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm," between lines 6 & 7 from the bottom, were enterlined before sealing and delivery. A rye, Seeck's Son Wappenas Tintgeme Ayawatask Nonnaparee Kindtquaw

his his her his his his

mark mark mark mark mark mark

SEALED AND DELIVERED by Shawanachko and Shawasco, and Tounis his Son, in the presence of us. Phillip Cortlandt, John Crooke, Junior, Robert Benson, Lymon Arygier. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us. Barant Vankleeck, Tealk Tietsoort, Frans La Roy, Joseph Webb, Henry Van derburgh, Jacobus V. D. Boogert, The mark of H. O. Hendrick Ostrom, The mark of X Jonas Scott.


Indian Deed to the Nine Partners

On the back of the deed appears the following endorsements, showing that a not very high consideration was demanded for the property.

ENDORSEMENTS Received the thirteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty, of and by the hands of Mr. Henry Filkins, for all the land in full formerly granted by Patent and now sold by an Indian Deed for and in consideration of certain sums of money, goods and merchandise, to the value of one hundred and fifty pounds, to us Acgans & Nimham, Principal Sachemache and Proprietors, in behalf of all the rest, in hand paid by Mr. Henry Filkins as aforesaid, for the use of Mr. David Jamison, the only surviving patentee of said patent and Indian Deed, and to the heirs Exec's, and assignee or assignees of the other eight patentees, and to their respective heirs and assigns forever, the said sum of one hundred and fifty pounds, being in full for the said tract of Land according to the Limitts and Bounds within mentioned as wittness our hands and seals the day and year above mentioned, only excepting still the Whrits of some North Indians that are..,.which we since except. The mark af Acgans, Nimham, his mark. Signed and sealed in the presence of us. Henry Van Derburgh, Barant Van Kleeck, Frans La Roy, Jacobes V. D. Boogert.

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven, personally came and appeared before me, Philip Courtlandt, one of his Majesty's Councill for the Province of New York, Shawanachko and Shawasquo, two of the Indians within named, and acknowledged the within Deed to be their and each of their Voluntary Act and Deed, and that they executed the same for the uses therein mentioned; and also confessed and declared that they had respectively received the goods following, to witt, the said Shawanachko three striped Blanketts, three Dufills Blanketts, four Dozen of pipes, ten knives, two Hatchets, one Strouds Blankett, six pounds of powder, ten pounds of lead, two white shirts, and One Gunn. And the said Shawasquo seven striped Blanketts, seven

Indian Deed to the Nine Partners


Duffills Blankets, eight Dozen of pipes, twenty knives, five hatchets, one Strouds Blankett, eighteen pounds of powder, eighteen pounds of Lead, and one good gun, four white shirts, and one half barrel of strong beer, in full satisfaction of and for of consideration of their Respective shares, right and title of, in, and to the within Tract of Land--the words, "two white shirts" and "four white shirts" being interlined. Phillip Cortlandt.


The deeds which follow have been abstracted from the original records on file at the Dutchess County Clerk's office. The file at that office began in 1718 and has been continuous to the present. The only land transaction in the Nine Partners Patent which occurred before 1718 was the division of land on the Hudson River between the southern boundary of the Patent and Fish Creek,presently known as the Crum Elbow Creek. These nine Lotts were approximately "i mil broad run 4i miles into the woods". Permission to survey the Patent for further division was not received from Governour John Montgomery until 1730. Therefore, the deeds on file in the Dutchess County Clerk's office essentially are a complete record of all land transactions recorded in the Nine Partners tract between the years 1718 and 1800. These deeds are recorded in Libers 1 through 17. However, 81 deeds appear in Libers 18 through 25 which are 18th century records. These have also been included below. A few deeds in Liber 17 are dated after 1800 and have been included in order to complete this Liber to its end. The area covered in the Nine Partners Patent includes the present towns of Amenia, Clinton, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Stanford, Washington and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast. The present town of Hyde Park was included in two other Patents: 1) Pawlings Purchase or Staatsburgh which covers the northern part of the town while 2) Fauconnier's Patent or Hyde Park covers the middle portion of the town. The deeds from these two Patents have also been included to complete the record for Hyde Park. The abstracted deeds are numbered sequentially in the left margin. These numbers are used as reference numbers in the INDEX at the end of the book. The second set of numbers in the left margin refers to the Liber and page number of the deed as recorded at the Dutchess County Clerk's office. For example, 1:27 listed below refers to Liber 1, page 27. The date listed in the margin is the date of the land transfer. The remainder of the material in the margin is self-explanatory. Heading the body of the abstracted deed are the grantor and grantee. The grantor's name appears on the first line and the grantee appears on the second line. In some instances there are multiple grantors and/or grantees.




In these cases the word "to" is included to distinguish between grantors and grantees. The remaining material in the abstract describes the location, boundaries and size of the property and occasional other explanatory material. Refer to the introductory material in the beginning of the book for additional information about location in the Patent of the parcels of land referred to below.

Deeds 1.

1:27 Sept. 6,1721 1400



Richard SACKETT of Dover Henry VAUGHN of Lime Conn. Patent of 1704 known as Sackett farm Witness: Jonathan Sturgis Peter Burr

1:47 2,1725

Richard SACKETT of Dover John EDWARDS of Stratfield, Conn. Part of Sacketts farm. Bounded by Mill Brook, W.- Mountain, River. 335 acres Witness: Richard Hubbell, Benja Fayerweather, Samuel Couch Justice of Peace, Henry Vanderburgh Clerk

1:49 2,1725

Richard SACKETT of Dover Benjamin FAYERWEATHER of Stratfield, Conn. part of Sacketts farm Dover, Bounds John Edwards of South Stratfield, W.- Mountain and River. Richard Hubbell Witness: John Edwards Samuel Couch

1:81 Mar. 14,1716 1100

Philip MINTHORNE and Helegont of Bowrey of NYCity to Richard SACKETT, Gentleman of N Y City 1) Lott 1 May 3, 1714 Woolfert Webber of Bowery to Philip Minthorne and Jacques Fountain of Bowrey, 1/3 of i of 1/9 that Woolfert Webber bought of Hendrick TenEyck and Peternol with Hendrick Schuyler and Abraham Backeyas Jan. 3, 1698/99 2) Lott 8 Also i of i Woolfert Webber with Hendrick Van Schyck bought from Jacobus Dekey, merchant and Sarah of N.Y. City Jan. 10, 1698/99 Part of land granted by Gov Benjamin Fletcher to Caleb Heathcot, Major Augustin Graham, James Emet, Lieut Col, Henry Filking, David Jameson, Henry TenEyck, John Areston, William Creed, Jarvis Marshall by patent May 27, 1697. On May 5, 1714 Jacques Fountain and Anake sold to Philip Minthorne the above two parcels. Edward PennantWitness: J. D. Riemer Isaac Dorimer of NYCity Justice of Peace

Apr. 1131

3. Apr. 125



118 5.

1:166 Mar. 27,1735 E70

6. Apr. E70

1:179 7,1733

Frans FILKIN and Cathrina assign a deed or mortgage to Laavrance VAN KLEECK James Wilson Witness: Barent VanKleck Jacobus TerBos William CREED and Mary Cornelius VAN WYCK * of 1/9 of tract belonging to William Creed, the elder deceased Witness: John Tredwell William Stringham George Clarke

7. 1:210 Dec. 19,1729 E70

Richard SACKETT and Margery of Dutchess County to Jan DE GRAEFF, cordwiner of Dutchess County The description is the Lott 8 same as parcel 2) in Liber 1:81 above Witness: Louwerens VanClee Barent Van Kleeck Johannes VanKleck Justice of Peace.


1:257 28,1736

Katherin FILKIN of Flatbush, widow of Henry Filkin; Jane daughter of Henry and Katherin; Abraham, Isaac, Francis sons of Henry and Katherin; Catherine wife of Koert Van Vooren, daughter Anke [wife of Francis Hegeman] son Jacob Filkin [added later] all of Province of New York to Henry FILKIN of Dutchess County, trader Lot 25 Part of Nine Partners patented to David Jamison, Jarvis Marshall, Henry Filkin and others in Company. 3626 acres Witness: Jacobus V D Bogert Barth Noxon Ryck Suydam Adn Hegeman Francis Filkin Judge

9. 1:262 Feb 15,1737 E446

Peter PALMER and Nehemiah RUNNELS of Greenwich, Conn. to Henry FILKIN of Poghkeepsinck. Part of Nine Partners patented to David Jamison, Jarvis Marshall, Henry Filkin and others in company to number of nine Lot 25 3626 acres Witness: Bartho Noxon Fras Filkin Francis Filkin judge

May E5



10. 1:264 Aug. 30,1734 L150

Thomas RATHBURN of New Shoreham, County of Newport, Rhode Island Benjamin BENTLEY, Currier of Greenwich, Conn. 1/7 that his father bought of John Rodman and William Huddlestun in Nine Partners Witness: John Dickens Jr Barshal Dickens S. Ray warden

11. Nov. L150

1:266 2,1737

Benjamin BENTLEY, currier and Patience of East Greenwich, County of Providence, R.I. Polycarpus NELSON of Maroneck, Westchester Co. N.Y. Nine Partners 1/7 of father of Thomas Rathburn of New Shoreham, alias Block Island, dec. Witness: William Greene Otheniel Gerton Justice Sacis

12. 1:268 May 10,1736 5 shillings

On May 27, 1697 the Nine Partners Patent was granted to Caleb HEATHCOT, Major Augustin GRAHAM, James EMET, Lieut Henry FILKIN, David JAMESON, Henry TEN EYCK, John ARESTON, William CREED and Jarvis MARSHALL and on May 8, 1699 they released to one another and on Sept 9, 1734 they authorized Anthony RUTGERS, Jacob GOELET and Charles LE ROUX to sell and dispose of a certain tract of land for ye raising of money to defray the charges of further division and partition of said land 5 shillings The Nine Partners names listed againsell to Policarpus Nelson a lot at bent of Crum Elbough Kill. Bounds Near John Edward's house 600 acres Also near the Fish Kill 704 acres laid out by Richard Edsall. There follows the following list of names: David Jamison Edward Antii William Antil Anthony Rutgers Katherine Filkins Jacob Goelet Hendricus Boelen Nieltie TenEyck Andries TenEyck Coenraet TenEyck Abraham TenEyck

Johannes VanSchaick Tannike Bokee Katherine Symes Lancaster Symes Cornelius VanDuyn William VanDuyn Jores Bloom Mary Cornell Augustus Creed John Evertson Robert Crooke


Deeds Thomas Rathburn Richard Sackett Johannes DeGraef Elizabeth Turk John Bogart Cornelius Bogart Hendrick Bogart Isaac VanHook Jacob Van Schaick

Charles Crooke Gabriel Crooke Richard Alsop Nathaniel Marston John Crooke Charles LeRoux Jacobus Stoutenburgh Cornelius VanWyck Theodorus VanWyck John DeGraef

to Polycarpus Nelson Witness Charles LeReux, Jacob Goelet, Antho Rutgers, William Jamison, Gerret Roos, Philip VanCortlandt Description of above parcels. Begin at bent of Crum Elbough Kill where the run goeth north of a small run which is a branch of the Crum Elbough Kill by an elm tree marked on 3 sides by X on the east standing about one chain north of said run from thence running east 10 degrees southerly through the meadows and to the north of John Edward's house 80 chains to the white oak tree on direct course marked on three sides and an X on north side with stones about the tree, from thence running northerly on a direct course 90 chains to walnut marked on 3 sides with an X on west side with stones about the tree from thence westerly on a direct course 69 chains to a white wood tree marked on three sides with X on east side, then southerly along the run as it goeth to the first place where it began 600 acres. Also Begin at white wood tree near the fish kills marked on three sides with an X on east side and running thence along the aforesaid tract of 700 and laid out by Richard Edsall 69 Chains 1 rod to a walnut tree marked on three sides with an X on west side from thence north about 23 degrees east a mile and 3/4 to a walnut saplingA:B on the west from thence running west about 15 degrees north 38 chains 3 rods to an ash tree at the side of the fish kill marked C D on ye south and so along the fish kill as it goeth to the place where it 704 acres first began



13. 1:271 May 11,1736 L205

Same information as in Liber 1:268 above and long list of names to Polycarpus Nelson and same description of 600 acres and 704 acres and same witnesses.

14. Aug. L102

1:276 1,1736

Polycarpus NELSON and Ruth of Mamorneck, County of Westchester Francis NELSON One half of the above 600 acres and 704 acres. Witness: Leb Nelson, Jno Young, John Ward judge

15. 1:285 Nov. 1,1736 5 shillings

Tieick DE WITT and Ann Henry DE WITT Patent May 11, 1696 of 4000 acres to children of Neltie Pauling of which Ann is one Witness: Georg Wilhelm Mancius, Gil Livingston

1:287 16. Nov. 2,1736 10 shillings

Tieick DE WITT and Ann to Henry DE WITT, King William the Third of glorious memory gave patent as above of tract on the Hudson River by the Indians called EEQUAQUANESSINCK, to a meadow called MANSHARING and a small creek called NANCAPANUNCK, also bounds Hudson river and Crum Elbow 4000 acres. Grant made by John Albert, Anne, Henry and Mary Pawling children of Henry Pawling and Nieltie Witness: Georg Wilhelm Mancius, Gil Livingston

17. 1:301 Mar. 30,1723 Feb. 7,1737 L300

Catharine SYMES of New York, widow and Lancaster SYMES executors of Lancaster SYMES of New York to Ezekiel HALSTEAD of New Rochell and John GEDNEY of Scarddiel. Lancaster Symes made his will Mar. 30, 1723 and made his wife, Adolph Phillipse and his eldest son John Hendrick Symes executors. On Mar. 28, 1727 he made a codicil that all his children and grandchildren should be executors. Refers to nine partners grant May 27, 1697 and names them. March 1, 1697 (correct date as written) James Emmott to James DeKey and in 1698 James DeKey and Sarah to Lancaster Symes. to each. Beg. at NW corner of Lott 11 3173 acres Lot 10 Witness: John Bartow, Lancaster Green,


Deeds James DeLancey Surveyed May 28, 1734 by Richard Edsall.

18. May L5

1:309 28,1736

Henry FILKIN, trader to Katharine FILKIN, Queens Co., Flatbush widow and mother of Henry, James FILKIN of Flatbush, Abraham FILKIN, joyner of N Y City, Isaac FILKIN, Francis FILKIN, Katharine wife of Koort VAN VOOREN, Dutchess Co., Jacob FILKIN, Alletta only child of Cornelius Filkin deceased, Queens, Antie wife of Francis HEGAMAN, Dutchess Co. all the estate of their late father Henry Filkin of Flatbush. Witness: Jacobus V D Boogert, Bartho Noxon.

19. May 15

1:311 28,1736

Same as Liber 1:309 above.

1:350 20. June 23,1739 5 shillings

Lawrence GEBRANTZ and Mary Executors of Moses DE GRAAFF, Baltus VAN KLEECK, Abraham DE GRAAF executors of Jan DE GRAAFF whose will made out Nov. 14, 1733 to Gerrit Evertse VAN WAGENEN and Sara third daughter of Jan DeGraaff. fell to Jan DeGraaff, Lott 20 Theodorus VanWyck, Cornelius VanWyck and Hendrick VanSchaick and was divided into 738 acres 4 lots. Subdivision Lot 3 fell to Jan DeGraaff. 200 acres Begins at SE. cor. & SW. cor. of Nicholas VanWagnen and Hester who have the first 200 acres of lot 3 at East end. adjoind 3 and 4 of Theodorus VanWayck. Runs north along Nicholas VanWagenen 62i chains then W.-, So. and E.-. Witness: Frans Filkin, Henry Livingston

1:353 21. Nov. 17,1738 L400

Jacob VAN KAMPEN and Mary Philip LONEHARD and Nicholas BONESTEEL of Rhinebeck.. Sept. 12, 1738 John Everson, merchant of NY City sold to Jacob Van Kampen Lott 12 1 of Lott between John Everson and Augustin Creed. Bounded So. by 11, W.- by 7, No. by 13, E.- by lot 3173 acres 25 Out of this 801 acres bounded E.- by Augustin Creed, So. by Isaac Titsoort, and Jacob VanKeuren, No. by 11 and E.- by



Jacob VanKeuren. Witness: Frans Filkin, Henry Filkin 22. 1:357 Nov. 15,1738 L120

Jacob VAN KAMPEN and Mary Isaac TIETSOOT, blacksmith Lott 12 John Everson, merchant, NY City, had sold of lott 12 to Jacob VanKampen Sept. 12, 1738 3173 acres Out of this 385 acres Bounded No. by Lott 13 of Filkins; W.- by Augustin Creed; So. by Lonehart and Bonesteel and E.- by Jacob VanKampen. Witness: Henry Filkin, Frans Filkin

23. 1:361 June 3,1739 5 shillings

Lawrence GEBRANTZ and Mary executors of Moses DE GRAAFF, Baltus VAN KLEECK, Abraham DE GRAAF executors of Jan DE GRAAFF whose will made out Nov. 14, 1733 to Nicholas VAN WAGENEN and Hester 200 acres at SE corner by a lake. No along Lotts 3 and 4 W.-, So. and E.- to make 200 acres. Witness: Frans Filkin, Hy Livingston

24. 1:374 Aug. 16,1741 E50

Jacob HOFF and Isaac GERMOND of Crum Elbow to Johannis ROU Several divisions of Nine Partners. Last a survey by Jacobus TerBoss April 1740. Concerned division line between Upper and Lower Nine Partners. This divided into 4 parts. 3rd piece fell to Jan DeGraaf, heirs. Jacob Hoff and Isaac Germond, Cornelius VanWyck, Theodorus VanWyck i to each. Begins NW cor. of Lott 19; E.- length of 19; No. to Little Nine Partners; W.- to a south line 715 acres and So. to beginning. Bounded So. by lot 19; E.- Henry Filkins; No. Little Nine Partners; W.- by Augustine Graham. Witness: Isaac Germond Jr., William Creed

25. 1:403 Oct. 20,1738 L180

Theodorus VAN WYCK and Elizabeth Elizabeth ALLEN, widow Tract on Wappingers Creek bounded W.- heirs of John DeGrave; No. Lott 6; E.- Lott 12; So. Jacob Huff 1149 acres and Isaac Germond. Witness: Johannes S. Yongh; John line beaker

124 26. Apr 190

Deeds 1:408 8,1730

William CREED and Mary of Jamaica, grandson and heir of William Creed deceased and Mary to Theodorus VAN WYCK Jr of Flushing.. May 27, 1697 Caleb Heathcote and 8 other received Patent. Bounds described. One ninth went to William Creed Sr. No acres given. Witness: John Tredwell, William Stringham

1:414 27. Aug. 17,1741 150

Cornelius and Theodorus VAN WYCK to Johannis ROW Description same as in 715 acres Liber 1:374 above. Witness: Frans Filkin, Henry Livingston

1:420 28. May 15,1742 1240

Anthony YELVERTON and Abigail of Poughkeepsie Daniel DEVOE of Westchester [probably water lott 6] Lott 6 Bounded No. by David Jamison or heirs, E.- by undivided lot, So. other half of lot 6 belonging to John Everson, W.600 acres Hudson River. Witnesses: Henry Livingston, Barent Bond, Willem Teller.

28a. 1:425 Sept.17,1739 1125

Francis FILKIN and Catharine Capt. Jacob VAN CAMPEN of Filkintown Refers to a deed dated May 25, 1738 in which Catharien Filkin and all heirs of Henry Filkin as given in deed 1:309 sold to Francis Filkin Lott 13 Begins SE corner Lott 11 So. 57i chains to E.- side 13 and No. side of 12; W.- 37 chains to E.- side 12 and W.- side 9; No. 57 chains 50 link; E.- 37 chains Jacob Van Campen is to pay yearly on Jan. 1 to Francis Filkin one good fat dunghill fowl as quit rent 212 acres Witness: Israel Tietscort, Bartho Noxon.

1:441 3,1742

Henry FILKIN to Peter PALMER and Nehemiah RUNNELLS of Greenwich, Conn., now of Crum Elbow.. Lott 25 Same was granted to David Jamison, Jarvice Marshall, Henry Filkin and others. Refers to a mortgage Liber 1:262 2/15/1737/8 3626 acres Witness: Lawr Gerbrantz, Frans Filkin

29. Feb. 1446



2:26 30. Feb. 16, 1737/38 L650

Henry FILKIN of Dutchess County, trader Nehemiah RUNNELLS and Peter PALMER of Greenwich, Conn. Lott 25 Granted May 27, 1697 to nine men (named) by beloved Benjamin Fletcher Captain General and Governor, Was sold to Henry Filkin by his mother, brothers and sisters and laid out by Richard Edsall May 29, 1734. Witness: Bartho Noxon, 3626 acres Frans Filkin.

31. 2:29 Jan. 20,1742 5 shillings

John GAY, carpenter of Crum Elbow William SMITH of Rhinebeck, farmer Lotts 5, 16, 27 & 36 were divided into 4 equal parts. John Gay drew Lot 1 of 5; lot 3 of 16; lot 2 of 27; lot 2 of 36, Witness: James Wilson, Frans Filkin.

32. 2:30 Jan. 21, 1742/43 E392

John GAY and Elizabeth of Crum Elbow William SMITH of Rhinebeck Lotts 5, 16, 27 & 36. Refers to patent May 27, 1697 by King William of glorious memory confirmed to Peter Tenick and 8 others, now the Lower Nine Partners, Jan. 28, 1698 Henry Tenick and Petronella his wife gave remaining 6/7 of Thomas Rathbun to other 6 children, son in law Jonathan Rathbun, son in law Thomas to John Gay to other 1/7 of i of 1/9. John Rathbun and Margaret one other daughter of Thomas Mar, 6, 1739 to John Gay 1/7 of 1/9 4 shares in Lotts 5, 16, 27, of 36 as Liber 2:29 above. Witness: James Wilson, Frans Filkin

33. 2:39 Sept.18,1742 5 shillings

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Dutchess County and Richard ALSOP of Newtown in Queens to John CROOKE of Kingston. By mutual agreement Stoutenburgh has 1: Alsop 1/3; Crooke 1/6, Begins NW cor, E.- end Lott 15 of lot 22 of John Aertson So, 52, E,72, No. 52 to No. of 15 and So. of 16 of Henrick TenEyck, W,- 72, 374 acres Lott 24 SE cor. and NE cor. lot 25 of David Jamison W.- along division of 2 lots 21 miles to Richard Alsop to No. side white oak at bounds of Jacobus Stoutenburgh, E.- to bounds of 13 and So. 58 to beginning.


Deeds 1160 acres Lott 35 Begins NE cor. So. 51, E.- 84, No. 52, W.- 84 along line of 436 acres 36 ans 35. Begins SE cor. No. 38, Bott 1 W.- 89 to creek called small Wappingers, along creek to So. bounds of lot and No. bounds of lot 2 belonging to assigns of David Jamison; E.- 98. 361 acres Witness: Thomas Alsop, Abraham VanVleck.

34. 2:41 June 20,1743 L200

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH John CROOKE of Kingston and Richard ALSOP of Queens. of Lott 1 in 3rd diviLott 1 sion. Begins E.- of Fish Kill or Krom Elbough Kill S 122 chains W.- 90, NE along Creek to beginning. Also of Lot 4 of 3rd division. 765 acres Witness: Johannes Schalpmoes, John Crooke Jr.

35. June L210

Same list of names same as in Liber1:268 above [except Jamison, Antils andLeReux] and Elizabeth JOHNSON to Frans VAN DYCK, yeoman, Adolph BANKER and Joost GARRESON all of Westchester. All were owners of tract called nine Partners granted May 27, 1697 and names them: May 8, 1699 released to one another part of tract and Sept. 9, 1734 authorized Anthony Rutgers, Jacob Goelet, Charles LeRoux to sell and dispose of certain part to raise money for further division. 700 acres which bounds VanDyck and Williams. Witness: John Shurman, Henry Beekman Jr.

2:46 7,1741

2:49 36. Nov. 30,1744

Frans VAN DYCK Adolph BANKER and Joost GARRISON Same 700 acres as above Liber 2:46. Divides among these three and gives map VanDyck 253 ac.

Banker 234 ac.

Garrison 212 ac

Witness: John Losee, Henry Livingston



37. 2:51 Dec. 7,1744 5 shillings

Adolph BANKER Bastean TRAVER 700 Acre Lot 2 Witness: Henry Livingston, Andries Snow

38. Dec. 1115

Adolph BANKER Bastean TRAVER 700 Acre Lot 2 Refers to a division in Liber 2:46 and is same 234 acres as Liber 2:51. Witness: Henry Livingston, Andries Snow

2:52 7,1744

234 acres

39. 2:59 Apr. 27,1731 E118 & E100

Johannis JOHNSON of NY, John CROOKE, merchant, Nathaniel MARSTON executors of Michael HAWDEN to Anthony RUTGERS King William of ever blessed memory to Nine Partners named May 27, 1697; May 8, 1699 mutual agreement. There were 9 lots along the Hudson river and went back 4i miles. Lott 5 fell to John Aertson and Elizabeth and Oct. 10, 1701 they sold same to Michael Hawden. Apparently he gave mortgage to Philip French, merchant of N.Y., July 20, 1703. Michael Hawden made out will Mar. 22, 1711. The executors were as above and George Willocks since deceased. Philip French has also died and Hawden estate paid his heirs E372 which was paid by Rutgers and he paid additional E100. Witness: Mordy Gomes, Abraham Gouverneur

40. 2:63 June 9,1745 5 shillings

Joseph CAUSETEN of Dutchess County Anthony RUTGERS of N Y City, merchant Water Lott 4 on Hudson River at a point called Benses Boght. Witness: Leonard Lispenard, Peter Brown

41. 2:64 June 10,1745 1440

Joseph CAUSETEN of Dutchess County Anthony RUTGERS of N Y City, merchant Lott 4 Whereas Cornelius VanDuyn, John Lane, Tise Lane all of Kings Co., Mary Cornell of Queens Co., William VanDuyn, Dennys Van Duyn and George Anderson all of Somerset, N.J. by deed Sept. 29, 1740 to Aaron Haight and Joseph Causten of Westchester County 1/18 of tract (Nine Partners) (described) On



Hudson River between creek called by Indians Aquassing and by Christians the Fish Creek by marked trees of Pauldins, south by Myndert Harmense and Company to Conn. and on May 27, 1743 by Aaron Haight share of Lott 4 Cathto Joseph Causten arine Symes, Adolph Philips and Lancaster Green executors of Lancaster Symes of NY City leased on 20th and released on 21st of January 1744 to Joseph Causten of 1/9 of two lots as surveyed by Richard Edsall May 29, 1734 Lots # 8 and # 11 out of large tract in the 9th year of his Majestys William's reign May 27, 1697 (nine men named). Surveyed into 9 water lots. Lott 4 fell to James Emmott and May 8, 1699 granted to Lancaster Symes and Peter Cortellow originally laid out by Augustin Graham but complained of and so surveyed again by Jacobus TerBoss May 14, 1737. Witness: Leonard Lispenard, Peter Brown 2:67 42. June 13,1745 10 shillings

43. June E600

2:68 2,1736

Catharine SYMES, widow and Lancaster GREEN to Anthony RUTGERS. Lott 4 Witness: Leonard Lispenard, Peter Brown May 27, 1697 Majesty William 3rd attested by Coll. Benjamin Fletcher Capt. Gen. and Gov. granted to Nine partners (named and described). On 17 and 18th of April 1699 James MARSHALL to Jacobus ROLLEGON. of 1/9 share. Laidout in lots and divided into two parts going E.- from Hudson River 4i miles to a straight line No. and So. and not exactly parallel to the river bank. E.- of the great plain one to one and half miles from the river there is acertain meadow running No. and So. opposite Crom Elbo which extends further W.- into River than the other lands. This is to remain in common use. went to Jarvis Marshall Lott 9 and Jacobus Rollegon and James Marshall and wife Elinor sold same to John Crooke of Sept. 9, 1700 (another place 1734) 1/9. John Crooke made his will Aug, 16, 1733 Robert Crooke is now beyond sea.



Since his will the tract was divided into 36 lots and lots 1, 15, 24 and 35 were allotted to Jarvis Marshall and i was granted to John Crooke Sept. 9, 1734. The measurements of the lots are given and the acerage. Lott 1 2312 acres; Lott 15 3173 acres; Lott 24 3626 acres; Lott 35 3475 acres. One half of these and one half of Water Lott 9 go to John Crook. Witness: Gerard Beekman, James Searls 44. 2:73 June 29,1736 1600

Thomas MARSTON, N Y City merchant John CROOK, son, Ulster Co., Charles CROOKE, N.Y. City, merchant, and Richard ALSOP, Newtown, Nassau Island. Refers to Patent of May 27, 1697 described and 9 named. Jarvis Marshall to Jacobus Rollogon i of 1/9 share, Apr. 17, 18, 1699. Tells of 9 water lots going inland 4i miles, divided into two parts, and of the common land. Jarvis Marshall and Elinor to John Crooke Sept. 9, 1700 i of 1/9 share. Crooke's will Aug. 16, 1733 and executors named. Division into 36 lots as above and June 2 and 3, 1736 fell to Thomas Marston which he now sells. Witness: John Van Galder, Jno Kipp dated 6/14/1743.

45. 2:78 Mar. 24,1740 1330

Charles CROOKE, N Y City, merchant and Anne to Richard ALSOP of Newtown, Queens, Nassau, gentleman. Refers to Nine Partners Patent and that they were to pay his Majesty yearly 13 on feast of Annunciation of the Blessed Mary. To Jarvis Marshall and to John Crooke and to Charles Crooke 1/6 of 1/9 share except what had been granted to Polycarpus Nelson, Roeloff and John Osterom, Henry Beekman, Frans VanDyck, Aart Williams and 700 acres east of VanDyck and Williams. Witness: James Searls and James Lyne.



2:80 46. Sept.18,1742 5 shillings

John CROOKE of Kingston, merchant, Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Westchester, and Richard ALSOP of Newtown by sundry conveyances and otherwise are seized of 4 Lotts. Lotts 1, 15, 24, 35 and by mutual agreement here divided. John Crooke 1/6; Jacobus Stoutenburgh Richard Alsop 1/3 Lott 1 Alsops share in Lott 1 Bounds Lott 2 of David Jamison, the small Wappingers Creek and Jacobus Stoutenburgh 827 acres Lott 15 Bounds Lott 16 of Hendrick TenEyck, John Crooke, Line of Alsop and Stoutenburgh and Lott 22 of John Aertson. 804 acres Lott 24 Bounds Lott 25 Henry Filkin, John Crooke, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Lot 12 William Creed. 1102 acres Lott 35 Bounds Lott 36 Hendrick TenEyck, John Crooke, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Oblong. 1280 acres Total for four Lotts 4013 acres Witness: Evert Bogardus, John Crooke Jr. 6/14/1743

47. 2:89 June 18,1746 E135

Johannis ROW of Crum Elbow Cornelius VAN WYCK Description same as Liber 1:374 above. Witness: Mordecay Lester, Henry Livingston.

48. 2:91 June 18,1746 E67

Johannis ROW to Jacob HAFF and Isaac GERMOND Similar description to Liber 1:374 above. Johannis Row having one fourth. Witness: Mordecay Lester, Henry Livingston.

49. 2:99 Oct. 23,1747 5 shillings

Francis HAGAMAN and Antie Philip FELLER of Rhinebeck Hendrick Hagaman eldest son of Francis and Isaac Hagaman another Son. Lott 6 subdivision lot 2. Bounded W.by lot 1 of 6 Abraham Filkins; So. by lot 13 of 6 Court VanVoorhees and Catharina; E.- by lot 3 of 6 Alletta Filkins dec'd.; No. by Great Lott 5 Jacob Goelet & Co. 327 acres



Witness: Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Henry Livingston. 50. 2:100 Oct. 24,1747 1150

Francis HAGAMAN and Antie one of daughters of Henry FILKIN Df Flatbush and Hendrick HAGAMAN to Philip FELLER of Rhinebeck. Lott 6 subdivision lot 2 Whereas Catharine Filkin widow of Henry Filkin of Flatbush and Abraham Filkin, Isaac Filkin, Jacob Filkin, Henry Filkin decd, Court VanVoorhees and Antie sold to Francis Hagaman May 25, 1738. Great lot 6 had been divided into 14 lots by Jacobus TerBoss. 327 acres See Liber 2:99 above. Witness: Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Henry Livingston.

51. 2:103 July 8,1747 10 shillings

Isaac GERMOND Jr of Crum Elbow and Catharine to Jacob BARTON, carpenter, Thomas NEWCOMB, Jacob HAFF, Henry LOTT, Samuel JACKSON. Lott 7 2 parcels 1) Begins by road Henry Filkins to Filkintown 251 rods. (This is a three corners piece north side of road.) 2) Southwest of road and back line bounds Henry Filkin. 55 rods. For use of all freeholders and inhabitants of Crum Elbow Precinct, their heirs and assigns being of the Presbyterian persuasion to build and maintain a convenient church or meeting house upon said premises wherein to worship God according to the rules and methods now used in the Kirk of Scotland and also to and for the use of a Dutch Congregation or Meeting House in the Dutch language according to the rules and methods as is agreed and concluded by the Synod National held at Dortreght in the year 1618 and 1619 as it is now used by the classes and church of Amsterdam provided always that they the Dutch Congregation shall give at least eight days notice to the English Presbyterian Congregation of the time they intend to worship God in said Dutch language as also in trust to and for the use of a Burial ground for the burial of Christian Corps If it should later be incorporated, it may be transferred to the incorporation. Witness: Augustin Creed,



Deeds Lawrence Haff, Jacob Sharpenstone.

2:115 52. Apr. 11,1740 L190

53. May L5

2:129 26,1738

Augustin CREED of Filkintown, Dutchess Co Anthony YELVERTON of N Y City, carpenter Lott 6 of lott 6 bounded No. by David Jamison; E.- by undivided land; So. by John Everson; W.- by Hudson River, Witness: John Dorsands, 600 acres Bartho Noxon. Jacob and Alletta FILKIN daughter of Cornelius Filkin deceased of Flatbush, Kings Co. to Katherine FILKIN of Kings Co. and Abraham FILKIN of N Y City, Isaac FILKIN, Francis FILKIN, Francis HAGAMAN and Antie, Cort VAN VOORHEES and Katharine of Dutchess Co. Lotts 6 & 13 We Katherine with the sum of my children (Naming them again) for 5 pounds paid by Jacob and Alletta Filkin release to them 8 lots 4 in Lott 6 and 4 in Lott 13. Lotts 6 & 13 were divided into 28 lots. Augustin Creed and Co. and Cornelius Van Wick bound along the So. of Lotts 6 and 13; John Gay and Co. bounds No. of Lott 6; and Lott 14 bounds No. of Lott 13. We named again divided Lotts 6 and 13 into 14 lots each, as follows: Lott


Lots 1 & 4 Abraham Filkin 7 & 8 Isaac Filkin Francis Hagaman & Antie 2 & 5 11 & 12 Francis Filkin 9 & 10 Jacob Filkin Cart VanVoorhees & Kath 13 & 14 3 & 6 Alletta Filkin

Lott 13 1 2 10 8 3 5 11

& 4 & 7 & 14 & 12 & 6 & 9 & 13

in consideration of tender love and motherly affection Katharine, widow having inherited same by will of husband Henry Filkin Jacob's lots 9 and 10 in Lott 6 were 327 acres each Jacob's lots 3 and 6 of Lott 13 were 211 acres each Witness: Bartho Noxon, Joseph Harris, Henry Filkin, James Russell Dated Apr. 4, 1748



54. 2:134 May 20,1748 1600

Philip LONEHART and Nicholas BONESTEEL of Rhinebeck to Timothy TRIPP of Crum Elbow Lott 12 Bought of Jacob Van Kampen Nov. 17, 1738. Bounded W.- by Creed; No. by VanKamp; E.- by Lott 25; So. by Lott 11. Signed also by Bonesteels' wife Margaret D. and Lonehart's wife Cathrine C. 801 acres Witness: Joshua Haight, Caleb Haight.

55. 2:136 May 20,1748 E321

Timothy TRIPP Caleb HAIGHT Lott 12 Bounded No. by VanKamp, and Thomas Wilber; W.- by Creed; So. by Christian Tobias and Joshua Haight; E.by Timothy Tripp. 400 acres Witness: Joshua Haight, Joshua Hunt Note: This is part of 801 acres Tripp purchased in Liber 2:134 above.

2:137 56. May 20,1748 1278

Timothy TRIPP and Susanna Joshua HUNT of Westchester Bounds Aaron Haight. Lott 12 206 acres Witness: Joshua Haight, Caleb Haight. Note: This is part of 801 acres Tripp purchased in Liber 2:134 above.

57. May

Catherine FILKINS of Flatbush, Kings, Nassau, widow of Henry FILKINS, Abraham FILKIN of N Y City, Isaac FILKIN of Dutchess Co., Corut VAN VOORHEES and Catharine of Dutchess Co., Francis FILKIN of Dutchess Co., Jacob FILKIN of Flatbush to Francis HEGEMAN and Antie. Henry Filkin willed all Lotts 6 & 13 property to his wife. She out of Tender love and motherly affection gave all to her children and by friendly agreement Lotts 6 and 13 were divided into 14 lots each. List given including Alletta a granddaughter of Henry Filkin. This deed includes lots 2 and 5 of Lott 6 and 2 and 10 of Lott 13, to which all agree. Witness: Joseph Harris, Bartho Noxon, Henry Filkin, James Russell Recorded 7/18/1748

2:139 25,1738

134 2:148 18,1749

Timothy TRIPP and Susannah of Crum Elbow sold on May 12, 1748 to Joshua HUNT of Westchester in Lot 12. (See Liber 2:137) To correct measurement in that deed which read No. 140 rods to read No. 251 rods. Same 206 acres. Witness: Jacobus TerBoss, Henry Livingston

59. 2:156 Dec. 28,1747 1210

Samuel FIELD and Joseph FIELD of Oblong to Isaac DE LA METRE of Oblong Oblong Lott 49 Crum Elbow. Begins 65 chains No. of 35 mile monument. 500 acres Witness: Henry Filkin, Isaac Germond Jr.

2:174 15,1743

Jacob HAFF Sr. Elizabeth ALLEN, widow. former Caleb Heathcote Lott 7 east of the Weonaghkee creek. Bounded E.- by Haff; So. by line of trees; W.by DeGrave; No. by Elizabeth Allen. 140 acres Witness: Hendrick H N Nees, John Everson

2:223 61. Oct. 17,1749 5 shillings

John SACKETT of Dover, youngest son of Capt. Richard Sackett late of Dover Moses HARRIS of Crum Elbow. 1/3 of / of Lott 36 Lott 36 Divided into 4 parts, West end Total 3497 acres. Divided No. to So, Bounded E.- by Oblong; No. by 1300 acres of Henry Filkini So, by Lott 35; W.- by Lott 19. Witness: Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Isaac Brinckerhoff.

2:224 62. Oct. 18,1749 1135

John SACKETT one of sons and executor of Capt. Richard Sackett of Dover Moses HARRIS Lott 36 with Abraham Bokey and Henry Bogart shared ownership in west end of Lott 36. Same bounds as Liber 2:223 above except bounded No. by 1300 acre lot in the gore beirs of Henry Filkin. 3497 acres. 1/4 to on west end went to Richard Sackett, Henry Bogart, Abraham Bokey 1/3 to each. Witness: Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Isaac Brinckerhoff.

58. May

60. May 154





63. 2:258 May 25,1739 E167

Augustin CREED of Dutchess Co. Caleb HAIGHT of Eastchester. In Lot 9. Bounded No. Lott 9 by James Emmott; So. by Col. Beekman; E.- by Caleb Heathcote and W.- by undivided lands and a No. and So. line between this and undivided Lands. 3328 acres Witness: Isaac Germond, Jr. Isaac Germond

64. 2:276 Aug. 29,1748 5 shillings

Cornelia RUTGERS widow of Anthony, merchant of N Y City, Leonard LISPENARD, merchant of N Y City and Elsie and Mary RUTGERS, Cornelia, Elsie, Mary being wife and daughters of Anthony RUTGERS and executors to William CROOK of Raritan, Somerset, New Jersey, Charles CROOK of Kingston, Ulster Co., and Mary ELMENDORPH wife of Petrus Edmund Elmendorph of Kingston, cordwainer. 1) Lott 5 - 1/6 of Lott 5 on Hudson River 2) Lott 3 - 1 of lot 2 of Lott 3 in 2nd division. Begins by small Wappingers Creek and goes east 1160 acres 3) Lott 17 - 1 of lot 1 of Lott 17. Begins SW cor. of 17 944 acres 4) Lott 22 - 1 of lot 1 of Lott 22. Begins SW cor. of lot 3 in lot 22 1566 acres 5) Lott 29 - 1 of lot 1 in Lott 29. Begins NE cor. of Lot 29 W.- of hill near Sacketts, near Oblong 722 acres 6) Lotts 6 & 10 - 1 of lot 3 in 3rd division of Lotts 6 and 10. Begins NE cor. of 2 in 6 and 10 415 acres 1/6 of 1/9 of still undivided lands Witness: Jno Lawrence Jr., Bartholomew Crannell

65. 2:279 Aug. 30,1748 E870

Same names as Liber 2:276 above (Mary is spinster). Whereas His Majesty King William III of ever blessed Memory granted patent May 27, 1697, 9 named and boundaries described. On May 8, 1699 by agreement 9 lots were laid out on Hudson River 41 miles deep. Lot 5 f011 to John AERTSON and he and wife Elizabeth Oct. 10, 1701 sold to Michael HAWDEN lot 5 and 1/9 of undivided lands. Hawden made will Mar. 22, 1711 granting his executors, John JOHNSON, George WILLCOCKS, Johannis JANSEN, John CROOK and Nathaniel MARSTON right to


Deeds sell which they did Apr. 27, 1731 to Since then a Division Anthony RUTGERS. of the lots was made into 36 lots. Lots 3, 17, 22 and 29 fell to Anthony Rutgers and in 2nd division Lots 6 and 10. 1) Lott 3 - Lot 1 of 3 began NW cor. of 3 and went E.- 2 miles and 3 chains to maple standing on E.- side of small 1635 acres Wappingers Creek 2) Lott 3 - Lot 2 of 3 began E.- side of Small Wappingers and went li miles 1160 acres 3) Lott 17 - Lot 1 of 17 began SW cor. 17 surveyed by Richard Edsall May 9, 944 acres 1737 4) Lott 22 - Lot 1 of 22 began SW cor. 1566 acres of 3 of 22 5) Lott 22 - Lot 2 of 22 began NE cor. 1487i acres of 1 of 22 6) Lott 22 - Lot 3 of 22 began SE cor, 1216i acres of 1 of 22 7) Lott 29 - Lot 1 of 29 began NE cor, of 29 W - side hill near Sackett and 722 acres Oblong 8) Lotts 6 and 10 divided into 3 lots a) 1 began NW cor. of 7 and E.bounds of Francis Nelson 621 acres 391i acres b) 2 began SE cor. 1 415 acres c) 3 began NE cor. 2 Surveyed by Jacobus Terboss 1746 Anthony Rutgers made his will 1746 and made his wife Cornelia and daughters Elsie, Mary and Allette (who has since died). William Crooke, Charles Crooke and Mary Elmendorph paid E870 and are to get: a) 1/6 of Water Lott 5 b) i of lot 2 of Lott 3 c) i of lot 1 of Lott 17 d) i of lot 1 of Lott 22 e) i of lot 1 of Lott 29 f) i of lot 3 in Lotts 6 & 10 g) 1/6 of undivided lands. Witness: Jno Lawrence Jr., and Bartholomew Crannell

2:287 66. Mar. 25,1749

John CROOKE of Kingston, Robert CROOKE of Rhode Island, merchant, Evert BOGARDUS of Kingston, mariner and Gertruyd, Catharine CROOK release and quit claim all property to William and Charles CROOKE and Mary




ELMENDORPH. Witness: Charles Crook, Bartholomew Crannell, Cornelis Nukerk, Zacharias Hofman 67. 2:289 Oct. 28,1748 10 shillings

Johannis JANSEN of Kingston, cordwainer to William CROOKE, Charles CROOKE, Mary ELMENDORPH 1) Lott 1 of Lott 1 Bounds Lott 18, Augustin Graham, Small Wappingers, and 2 of David Jamison 361 acres 2) Lott 15 of 15 begins NW cor, and E.- end of 22 of John Aerston. Bounds Lott 16 of Hendrick TenEyck 374 acres 3) Lott 24 of 24 SE cor. and NE, cor. Lott 25 David Jamison. Bounds Richard Alsop, Jacobus Stoutenburgh. 1160 acres 4) Lott 35 of 35 begins NW corner 436 acres 5) Lott 1 of 1/6 in 3rd division of Lott 1 E.- of Fish Creek or Crum Elbow Creek no acres 6) Lott 4 of 1/6 of Lott 4 3rd division 765 acres 7) of 1/6 of 1/9 of undivided lands. Witness: [ ? ] Hasbrouck, Nathaniel Marston

68. 2:292 Oct. 28,1748 L10

Johannis JANSEN, cordwainer of Kingston to William CROOKE, Charles CROOKE, Mary ELMENDORPH Lotts 1, 15, 24 & 35 Whereas Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Richard Alsop and John Crooke late of Kingston were tenants in common of Lotts 1, 15, 24, 35 in 2nd division and Mutually agreed to divide: to Jacobus Stoutenburgh 1/3 to Richard Alsop 1/6 to John Crooke. Sept. 18, 1742 Stoutenburgh and Alsop sold to John Crooke: 1) Lott 1 - Bounds David Jamison and small Wap. 361 acres 2) Lott 15 - Bounds John Aertson and Hendrick TenEyck 374 acres 3) Lott 24 - Bounds David Jamison, Richard Alsop and Jacobus Stoutenburgh 1160 acres 4) Lott 35 436 acres 5) Lott 1 - 1/6 of lot 1 in 3rd division E.- of Fish or Crum Elbow Creek


Deeds no acres 6) Lott 4 - 1/6 of lot 4 in 3rd division 765 acres 7) 1/6 undivided lands Also a parcel in Kingston called Hans 37 acres Pasture Will was made June 8, 1737 making executors Johannis Jansen, William Crooke, Robert Crooke, Evert Bogardus who sold same to Johannis Jansen Sept. 1, 1748 as itemized just above. Witness: Nathaniel Marston, [ ? ] Hasbrouck.

2:302 69. Oct. 22,1750 L3

Jost GARRISON of Crum Elbow, yeoman Basteyaen TRAVER of Crum Elbow, yeoman 1 acre 1 rod 20 perchhes South of Joost Garrison. Mentions run of water coming out of lake. Witness: Henry Livingston, James G. Livingston.

70. July L243

2:304 1,1750

Mahershalalalhashbaz NELSON of Westchester John NELSON of Crum Elbow. The father of above Mah.., was Polycarpus Nelson who bought May 10, 11, 1736 E.- of the Fish Kill or Crum Elbow Kill recorded deed 1:268. Polycarpus and to Franwife Ruth sold Aug, 31, 1738 cis Nelson. In his will he left 200 ac200 acres res to Mah... above 200 acres to Polycarpus 200 acres to Thomas Mah... bought the share of Thomas. This is south part of Polycarpus farm east of 404 acres Fish or Crum Elbow creek Witness: Henry Livingston, James G. Livingston

71. Dec. L110

2:237 4,1749

Peter PALMER of Crum Elbow Benjamin WRITE of Salsbury, County of New Haven, Conn. South half of lot 1 of Lott 21 228 acres 21 Witness: Moses Haight, Joshua Haight.

72. 2:329 Feb. 14, 1749/50 L164

Henry WINEGAR of Oblong Conrad WINEGAR of Sharon County of New Haven, Conn. Oblong Lott 52 100 acres Witness: Philip Nase, William Spencer.



73. 2:345 May 12,1749 E350

Jacob GOELET of NY City merchant 1st part, Henry BOELEN of N Y City, goldsmith and Yannetie of 2nd part to Joseph GIDNEY of Phillipsburgh, Westchester 3rd part. Lott 5 Refers to Patent May 27, 1697 that fell to Caleb Heathcote, Henry TenEyck and others and mutual agreement April 29, 1699 Henry TenEyck to Jacob Boelen and Dirck TenEyck, cordwainer of NY City Jacob Boelen out of love and affection for his sons Jacob Goelet (in law) 1 and Henry Boelen 1. Therefor they are entitled to i of Henry TenEyck's 1/9 share. In the second division May 29, 1734 Lott 5 fell to Jacob Goelet and Henry Boelen. 3626 acres This was divided into four lots: 1, 2, 3, 4. and Lot 2 of Lott 5 fell to Jacob Goelet and Henry Boelen. This begins at NE corner of lot 1 goes south 113 1/3 chains then east along south bounds of Lott 5 i of length then north 113 1/3 chains, then west I length. 9061 acres Agreement to divide was 12/8/1739. Witness: Peter De Jonecourt, John Dies

74. May 1170

2:353 3,1751

Laurence VAN KLEAK Jr. and Jennekee (Jane) farmer of Dutchess County to Samuel WINSLOE, carpenter of Dutchess County. Bounded So. by Theodorus Lott 8 VanWyck; W.- by Hudson River; No. by Isaac German; E.- by estate of John De200 acres Grave. Witness: Jac. Van Wagene, Peter DuBois

75. May E180

2:355 2,1752

Samuel WINSLOW of Crum Elbow and Hannah Christian BERGH of Rhinebeck Same description as in Lott 8 200 acres Liber 2:353 above. Witness: Henry Livingston, Susannah Livingston

2:361 76. Nov. 22,1751 1116

Joseph GIDNEY of Phillipsburgh, Westchester John THOMPKINS Same that he bought of Jacob GOELET and Henry BOELEN May 12, 13, 1749. 1 of lot 2 of Lott 5. Lott 5 Purchsed Dec. 8, 1739 see Liber 2:345. 9061 acres


Deeds 1/3 of Lot 2 of Lott 5 Begins NE cor. of 1 So. 30 chains 77 links, to 1/3 breadth; E.- to E.- bounds of 2 No. 37 chains 77 links. W,- i length. 302 acres Witness: John Nelson, Jothua Nelson 2:365 5,1751

Thomas NEWCOMB of Poughkeepsie Zacharias NEWCOMB of Crum Elbow Which Thomas Newcomb bought of Isaac Germond and Henry Filkin. Begins by road Filkintown to Poughkeep200 acres sie and Bounds John Everson. Witness: Thomas Newcomb Jr., Judith Newcomb

78. 2:366 Apr. 19,1751 L426

Hendrick KOOL of Crum Elbow and Maria Frederick STRYT 1) Lott 11 - Bounded E.- by Joseph Cousetan and Obadiah Griffin; So, middle line of lot 11 and Joseph Cousetan and Aaron Haight; W.- Thomas Soper; No. line of lot 11 and 12. 159 acres 2) Joins above and SE cor, of John Germond. Bounded W.- by John Germond; No, by brook; E.- by Augustin Creed and So. by line of 11 and 12. Same bought from Augustin Creed April 12, 1748. 251 acres Witness; Isaac Germond Jr,, Pierre VanCortlandt, John Wood, James G. Livingston

79. 2:369 Feb. 20,1749 L48

Elizabeth JOHNSTON Mordecai LESTER Joseph MOTT Jacob SMITH Micah SMITH heirs of John CROOKE, dec'd heirs of Anthony RUTGERS, dec'd heirs of Charles LE ROUX, dec'd Jacob GOELET Hendrickus BOELEN Coenraedt TEN EYCK Neeltie TEN EYCK Andries TEN EYCK Abraham TEN EYCK John GAY John ROLL Thomas DODGE Makershalalhashbaz NELLSON Catryna FILKIN Hendrick BOGERT (Continued next page)

77. Aug. L30



Jacob HOFF Charles CROOKE Isaac GERMOND Cathryne SYMES Corneoius VAN DUYN Jacobus STOUTENBURGH William VAN DUYN Cornelis VAN WYCK Dennys VAN DUYN Theodorus VAN WYCK George ANDERSON Moses DE GRAEF Jan LANE Richard ALSOP Augustine CREED Joseph CAUSETON John EVERSON Francis HAGEMAN to Capt. Barendt LEWIS of Poughkeepsie. Grant to Nine Partners (named) May 27, 1697 and an agreement May 8, 1699 and since divided. A dispute has arisen between the tract formerly patented to Harmense and Sanders and the owners of the Nine Partners. Sept. 27, 1740 they appointed Cornelius VanWyck, Mordecai Lester and Augustin Creed to sell the lands in controversy. This piece of 100 acres began at a point west of Kings road 1 chain from a pond and was east of Kings road with measurements given. Bounds Baltus Kip. Deed signed by Lester and VanWyck. Witness: Henry Livingston, James G. Livingston, John Concklin. 80. Aug. E150

2:373 7,1752

Theodorus VAN WYCK and Elizabeth of Rumbout Christian BERGH of Rhinebeck Water Lott 8 Whereas William Creed grandson and heir of William Creed dec'd of Queens L.I. and Mary released April 8, 1730 to Theodorus VanWyck i of 1/9 undivided lands and i of Water Lott 8 which fell to Theodorus VanWyck, 300 acres on south side of lot. Bounded So. by Lott 7; E.- by Lott 13 in 3rd division; No. by heirs of John DeGraef and Christian Bergh; W.- by Hudson River. Witness: Isaac Brinckerhoff, Isaac Ostrander

81. Oct.

2:379 5,1738

Augustin CREED and John EVERSON were partners. Lott 12 In a deed 1734 Jacob VanKampen bought from John Everson Sept. 12, 1738. They agree that he shall have the east end. Witness: Jacob Haff, Isaac Germond.


142 82. May 1110

2:381 1,1751

Mary GERRIBRANT widow of Laurance Gerribrant and former widow of John DeGrave and executor of Jan DeGrave and Moses DE GRAVE executor of his father Jan DeGrave late of Poughkeepsie, cordwainer to Laurence and Jenneken VAL KLEEK Will dated Nov. 4, 1733. Water Lott 8 He willed that his daughter Jenneken should have a farm or a child's share. She is now the wife of Laurence VanKleek Jr. and one of 200 acres is laid out for her. This is a release and quit claim to Laurence and Jenneken VanKleek in Lott 8 on Hudson River. Bounds same as in Liber 2:353 above. Witness: Jacob VanWgne, Peter DuBois

83. June 1500

2:383 1,1750

Benajam WILLIAM of Crum Elbow Garrit WINEGER of Sharon, Conn. Bounded: So. by Joseph Castin, Christian Tobias; E.- by Caleb Haight, John and Peter VanCamp; No. by Isaac Filkin and Francis Hageman & Co.; W.- by Benajah William. 500 acres Witness: Isaac Germond, Peter Germond

84. 2:393 Sept.20,1749 11000

Augustin CREED of Crum Elbow Benajam WILLIAMS of Crum Elbow Farm where Creed now lives. Begins NE cor. of land Creed sold John Germond W.- of kill Isaac Filkins grist mill stands on. Bounds road Filkintown to Poughkeepsie, cor, land Creed sold to John Wood, and land Creed sold to John Bulles now Henry Cole. Bounds Henry Bush. Another piece between Coles and Williams. no acres Witness: Bartho Noxon, Cyrnius Newcomb

85. 2:395 Jan. 23,1753 11000

Benajah WILLIAMS Theodorus VAN WYCK Esq, of Rumbout Lott 12 Same description as Liber 2:393, Witness: Azariah Newcomb, John Williams



86. 2:416 July 30,1747 1170

Jacob HAIGHT of Crum Elbow Samuel CORNELL of Crum Elbow Lott 26 Bounds So. Timothy Ricketson of lot 27; W.- John Lapham and Benjamin Boyce; No. Samuel Ross; E.Partnership of Jacob Haight and William Palmer. 280 acres Witness: Timothy Ricketson, John Hawkings

87. 2:418 Mar. 28,1751 1500

David NOBLE of New Milford, County of New Haven, Conn. Samuel DARLING of New Haven Lott 36 Leased for 999 years after Feb. next 1750 or 1751. Originally owned by Richard Sackett deed and Abraham Bookee, and Henry Bogart still held in common. i of Lott 36. i of 1/16 of 1/3. Buildings, houses, shops, precious stones, quaries of oars etc. Witness: John Ailing, Thos. Darling

88. Feb. 1200

Martin HOFFMAN of Rhinebeck and Moses HARRIS of Crum Elbow to Richard SACKETT of New Milford Lott 36 Lease 999 years 3/4 of 1/3 in Lott 36 of houses, buildings, mines, minerals, precious stones, quarries, oar etc. Property of Sackett, Bookee and Bogart. Witness: Samll Adams, p. John Sackett

2:419 9,1751

89. 2:421 May 22,1754 E570 12s

Timothy RICKETSON Hugh WENTWORTH Isaac Brinckerhoff, sells at auction May 21, 1754 to Hugh Wentworth at 32 shillings per acre to settle Ricketson's debt to Wentworth of 1914. Formerly Jonathan Ricketson on road Pell Soper to Beekman and also on Abner Whites road. Bounded: W.- road to Beekman and Joseph Ern; So. Timothy Tripp and Admer White; E.- George Wilbord; No. Seph Platt and Briggs, 361 acres Witness: Martin Hoffman, Henry Livingston, Andrew Yelverton



2:427 90. Apr. 13,1750 1275

John HARRIS of Cornwell, County of Hartford, Conn. Josiah CLEAVELAND Jr. of Canterbury Co., of Windham, Conn. Lott 31 subdivision lot 4. Originally Caleb Heathcote. Bounded So. by Lott 30; W.- by Jehosofit Homes; No. by Samuel Gilit and Joseph Skinner; E.- by 206 acres Joseph Skinner. Witness: Thomas Smith, Stephen Hopkins

91. Dec. E280

Elizabeth JOHNSON of N Y City, widow, only daughter of David Jamison, N Y City deceased, William VAN DUYN Katherine FILKIN Edward ANTIL John GAY Cornelius VAN DUYN Anthony RUTGERS Joris BLOOM John SYMES Charles LE ROUX Johannes DE GRAEF Theodorus VAN WYCK John SACKETT Jacob GOELET Abram TEN EYCK Hendricus BOELEN John CROOKE Jacobus STOUTENBURGH Jan DE GRAEF to Aart WILLIAMS and Frans VAN DYCK of Phillipsburgh, Westchester County. Refers to Patent of May 27, 1797 and agreement May 8, 1699 and that the above authorized Anthony Rutgers, Jacob Goelet and Charles LeRoux Sept. 9, 1734 to sell which they did to Aart Williams and Frans VanDyck 1000 acres of undivided land which bounds Paul Nelson and Fish Creek. Bounded W.Fish Creek and Paul and Francis Nelson; NW by Fish Creek; NE and SE by undivided lands. 1000 acres Witness: W. English, James Lyne.

2:439 5,1738

92. 2:445 Mar. 26,1751 love and respect

Richard SACKETT of New Milford, Conn. to only brother John SACKETT of Dover Lott 36 2/16 of 1/3 in Lott 36 for 999 years of Mineeral, oars etc of Richard Sackett deceased with Abraham Bookee and Henry Bogart at West end. They may discover dig etc. Witness: Jesse Bump, Partridge Thacher.



93. 2:447 Sept. 9,1754 love and affection 125

Aert WILLIAMS of Phillipsburgh, Westchester son Ridgebelt WILLIAMS Williams and VanDyck purchased 1000 acres Dec. 5, 1738 and made partition of same Apr. 11, 1750. Lot 3 of 200 acres fell to Williams. Begins at Fish Kill NW. corner of Peter VanDyck. This piece is 150 acres at south part of Lot 3. 150 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin.

94. 2:450 Dec. 10,1753 E500

Peter and Cornelius VAN DYCK sons of Frans VanDyck deceased to Frans VAN DYCK eldest son Part of 1000 acres of Aert Williams and Frans VanDyck. Lot 5 200 acres. Bounded West Fish Creek; No. Williams; So. Lot 4 Williams; E.- Joost Garrison, Bastean Traver. 200 acres Witness: Judith Livingston, James G. Livingston

95. 2:492 Aug. 3,1748 beloved son

Thomas NEWCOMB son Adonijah NEWCOMB Thomas Newcomb bought of Isaac Germond and Henry Filkin. Bounds John Everson and Haff. 200 acres Witness: William Spencer, Cyrenius Newcomb.

96. Apr. E130

2:496 8,1755

Jacob HAFF of Crum Elbow Jacob CRONKHITE of Dutchess County Bounds Mr. Fish and middle Branch of Wappingers Creek. Witness: Gabriel A. Wright, 131 acres Joseph Haff

2:498 15,1752

Henry FILKIN of Crum Elbow Ephraim MOSHER of Crum Elbow Bounded E.- Stephen Hicks, Christopher Devils; No. Johnston; W.- Filkins; So. Nicholas Traver. Witness: Jacob Sharpstone, 211 acres Barnardus Filkin

98. 2:500 Apr. 18,1750 E5

Samuel CORNELL of Crum Elbow John LAPHAIM Bounded So. Joseph Earl dec'd.; No. line of Lott 26 and Lott 27; E.- Highway; W.- Richard Saterly. Witness: Isaac Thorn, 1 3/4 acres Isaac Germond

97. May E70



99. May 1285

2:507 7,1749

Joshua HUNT of Westchester Nicholas DE LAVERGNE of Poughkeepsie Lott 12 west of road. Bounds So. Aaron Haight; W.- Caleb Haight; No. John VanCamp, Nicholas Trever; E.- road, Timothy Tripp sold to Joshua Hunt May 20, 1748. 206 acres Witness: Jno Bartow, Isaac Thorn

100. Dec. 1200

2:519 9,1748

Jacob HAFF Sr. and Jr. of Crum Elbow Frans NEHER cordwainer of Rhinebeck of 3rd division by JacoLott 3 bus TerBoss. Bounded W.- by Capt. Lester; SW and No. by Crooke & Co. 560 acres Witness: Henry Filkin, Isaac Germond Jr.

2:522 101. June 28,1755 1200

Frans NEHER, Cordwainer of Rhinebeck Cornelius MILLER and Johannis RONKELL Same as Liber 2:519 above. 560 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin

102. 2:525 June 30,1755 5 shillings

Johannis RONKELL of Crum Elbow Cornelius MILLER Same as Liber 2:522 above. Division line made with Miller 560 acres on east and Ronkell on west. Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin

2:527 103. June 30,1755 5 shillings

Cornelius MILLER Johannis RONKELL Same as Liber 2:525 above. Division line with Miller on 560 acres east and Ronkell on west. Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin

104. May E470

Peter PALMER of Crum Elbow Benjamin WHITE of Salsbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. 1) Lott 25 Bounds line of Lotts 24 and 25, road to Arnold's mill, and 140 acres Thomas Nelson. 2) Bounds road to Isaac Thorn, Christian 26 acres Tobias, George Soule. Signed by wife Judath. Witness: Isaac Thorn, Jonathan Holmes

2:529 3,1753



105. 2:537 Mar. 23,1750

Richard SATERLY of Crum Elbow John LAPHAM Line run by John Cuer. Releases north of line. Witness: Isaac Thorn, Joshua Haight

2:543 106. Apr. 15,1752 1146

Abraham BUISE of Crum Elbow, farmer Stephen ACKER of Batemans, farms Whereas Henry Filkin deceased of Kings County left by will to his sons and daughters a large tract of land of Nine Partners Patent. in 3rd division in map Water Lott 2 by Jacobus TerBoss Lott 2 of 1000 acres fell to them. Bounded 41 miles long and 32-34 chains wide; W.- Hudson River; No. Lott 3 of Augustin Graham; E.- Jeams Emmot; So. Lott 1 of Henry Ten Eyck. They sold same to Francis Hageman 300 acres of lot 2 east of Hudson River Apr. 12, 1748 released all her right to Lott 2 to Abraham Buise 146 acre farm. Begins NW corner Johannis Buise Jr. Bounds David Ralyeare, Lott 3, William Teller, Gideon DuBois, Peter DuBois. Last two names Witnesses.

107. 2:546 Dec. 9,1742 Love, good will, affection

Frenses VAN DIKE son Frenses VAN DIKE Jr. Bounded West by Fish Creek; No. Art Williams Lott 6; So. Art William Lott 4. 200 acres Witness: Tobias Stoutenburgh, Gilbert Williams, John Nelson

108. 2:549 Sept. 5,1755 E156

Benjamin HOLLISTER of Oblong Isaac DE LAMETTER of Crum Elbow On July 28, 1755, Oblong Lott 50 Clare Everitt, sheriff, sold goods of Benjamin Hollister to clear the debts of 1240 & E7 he owed to Cornelius Flamin. 1) Oblong Lott 50 Bought of Robert Watson. Bounds Conn. ; John Rose dec'd; 64 acres Abel Weeks. 2) Oblong Lot 47 of Eliat Clapp & Co. Bounds lot Cornelius bought of Samuel Gray; road; line between Clapp and 70 acres Flamin; Conn. Witness: Lourence VanKleek, James G. Livingston



2:552 109. Sept. 6,1755 £100



Capt. Isaac DE LAMATTER of Oblong, Crum Elbow Clare EVERIT of Poughkeepsie Same description as par70 acres cel 2 in Liber 2:549 above. Witness: Lourence VanKleek, James G. Livingston. A Poughkeepsie deed gives following relationship: Francis Filkin and wife Catharine late widow of Peter VanKleeck and daughter of Leonard Lewis

3:31 111. June 11,1751 £150

Jacob GOELET, merchant of N Y City, Hendrick BOELEN goldsmith and Jannetie of NYC to Abraham BUYS (Buis) and Jacobus VAN KLEECK of Dutchess Co. Grant May 27, 1697 to Caleb Heathcot and Hendrick Ten Eyck and others and May 8, 1699 division of water lots, fell to Jacob Boelen. On Water Lott I Aug. 26, 1735 South part of Lott was divided into 4. Lot 2 of Lott 1 fell to Jacob Goelet and Hendrick Boelen. Bounded: W.- rear of Lott 1; No. Water Lott 2 Henry Filkin; E.- Lott 3 and heirs of Dirck TenEyck dec'd; So. extremity of 300 acres Water Lotts. Witness: Boltus VanKleeck, S. Johnson

3:34 112. Sept. 6,1753 £130

Jacobus VAN KLEECK of Poughkeepsie, boatman and Sarah Abraham BUYS of Crum Elbow Same description as Liber 3:31 above. Name Coenraet TenEyck in place of Dirck TenEyck. Witness: Louwerence VanKleeck, Pieter VanKleeck

113. 3:36 Nov. 20,1751 £75

Henry BOGERT, baker, N Y City and Cornelia John CONCKLIN 1/3 of i easternmost Water Lott 1 Water Lott 1 Bounded: So. slip of Nine Partners; E.- slip of Henry Filkin; No. Abraham Briggs; W.- Coenraet TenEyck. Witness: Arent Banbeck, S. Johnson



114. 3:38 Oct. 18,1751 E63

Isaac BRINCKERHOFF, Sheriff John CONCKLIN of Poughkeepsie Goods of Richard Sackett, brewer, N Y City, John Sackett executor. Debt of 1670 8 shillings to Lothrop Lewis executor of Jonathan Sturgis Jr. and Jonathan Sturgis Sr. Sale on Oct. 17th for 146. Water Lott 1 1/3 of of Lott 1 1st division. [ ? ] acres Witness: John Sackett, Benjamin Boyce

3:44 115. Sept.10,1697 190

Col. HEATHCOTE Major of Westchester John HARRISON sheriff of Queens Co. One share with the Nine Partners (named) who had deed from Capt. Gen. Benjamin Fletcher. Witness: Jonathan Wright, Joseph Lee.

3:46 116. Sept.16,1697 E45

John HARRISON, Sheriff, Queens Co, Richard CORNELL of Flushing of 1/9 of Nine Partners (named). Witness: Robert Read, Andrew Gibb

117. 3:48 Sept.16,1697 Certain sum

Richard CORNELL of Flushing William CREED of 1/9 of Nine Partners (named). Witness: John Harrison, Samuel Ruscoe

3:104 118. Jan. 16,1756 E32

Daniel SMITH of Nine Partners John FORD In Lot 32. Bounds Saw mill, Abuah Smith, Iron Works Brook, Thomas Dickenson, Mountain, James Baker. Includes i iron works, saw mill and [ ? ] acres stream. Witness: Abijah Smith, James Baker

3:106 119. Dec. 11,1753 E300

Samuel JONES of Crum Elbow John FORD Bounded W.- Widow JohnLott 32 son and Crook; So. Iron Works River and road; E.- James Smith, Abraham Adams; No. Adams and Deliverance Bell. Bounds Thomas Dickenson bought of James Smith 54 acres Witness: Stephen Hopkins, Amos Thompson


150 120. May 158

3:107 18,1756

John FORD and Eunice of Nine Partners Ebenezer WARD of Cumberland, R.I. Bounds Forge Pond, Saw Lott 32 Mill, Abijah Smith, Thomas Dickenson, Mountain, Sames Smith, Forge Brook. 1 [ ? ] acres iron works and stream. Witness: Ephraim Tyler, James Baker, Thomas Dickenson

121. 3:108 Nov. 20,1753 1E101

Samuel JONES of Crum Elbow James BAKER Lott 32 Bounds Thomas Dickenson house, Samuel Jones, Iron Works brook, foot bridge, road. In west part of Lott 32. 1 of iron works, saw mill, iron ore, cool house, streams. Witness: Francis Olifuet, Abijah Smith

122. 3:129 Oct. 21,1755 E100

Henry FILKIN, Bartholomew CRANNELL,Anthony YELVERTON to Clear Everet Lott 25 John Chambers, Judge of Supreme Court on May 6, 1755 issued warrant to attach estate of John Jones who absconded leaving debts. They are to make inventory and act as trustees for creditors. Auctioned Oct. 20, 1755. Bounded No. James Marshall; E.- Eliphalet Clark formerly, W.- David Heusted, Witness: Barent Bond, 96 acres James G. Livingston, Barnardus Filkin, Cors Osborn.

123. Apr. 1560

3:176 2,1752

Court VAN VOORHEES and Chatharyna of Fishkill Daniel BARBER of Nine Partners Lott 30 subdivision lot 5. Divided into 9 small lots. Bounds Oblong Line. 979 acres Witness: Johannes Terboss, Jacobus Terboss.

124. May E240

3:179 1,1752

Daniel BARBER of Crum Elbow Ichabud PAINE Lot 30 NE corner. Witness: Daniel Brown, 200 acres Samuel Shearman



125. 3:180 Nov. 15,1757 1182

Daniel BARBER Daniel BROWN Lott 30 Bounds Ichabud Paine, Oblong, Swamp. 111 acres Witness: Ichabod Paine, Samuel Shearman

126. 3:182 Sept.27,1745 116

Aaron HAIGHT of Crum Elbow Jonathan HOLMES, sadler Lott 11 13 acres Witness: Isaac Thorn, John Tripp

127. 3:183 Aug. 15,1749 153 Recorded Mar. 23,1758

Isaac THORN and Hannah of Crum Elbow Jonathan HOLMES, sadler Lott 26 In Nine Partners obtained May 27, 1697 by Caleb Heathcot of NYC and eight others divided into 36 lots. Bounded by William Creed Lot 11 and road. 115 acres Divided into 2 lots. Witness: John Thomas, Joshua Haight

128. 3:186 Aug. 12,1749 160

Joseph CAUSTIN of Crum Elbow Jonathan HOLMES Lot 11. Bounds E.- Jacob Haight; So. Samuel Wily; W.- Joseph Causeton; No. Aaron Haight, Jonathan 100 acres Holmes. Witness: William Bedell, Joshua Haight

3:193 129. Mar. 26,1745 1400

Jacob HAFF and Theodorus VAN WYCK of Crum Elbow to Joel GILIT of Winsor, Hartford Co., Conn. NE part. Bounds John Lott 31 DeGraaf dec., Jacob Haff, Cornelius Van1106 acres Wyck, Lot 32. Witness: Stephen Hopkins, James Mead

3:194 130. June 13,1754 1/18 or 125 to C. Crooke 1/36 or 112 to Petrus

Charles CROOKE of N Y City baker and Annake and Petrus Edmundus ELMENDORPH of Kingston and Mary to Charles CROOKE Jr. of Dutchess Co„ merchant of 3rd division. Bounds Lott 1 I ? ] acres Elbough Kill. Witness: Hends Sleght, Henricus P. Sleght



3:198 131. June 13,1754 1300

Richard ALSOP of Newtown and Elizabeth to Charles CROOKE Jr. merchant 2/3 of lot 1, 3rd diviLott 1 sion. Bounds Fish or Crum Elbow Kill. [ ? I acres Witness: Hends Sleght, Henricus P. Sleght

132. 3:201 Mar. 25,1751 1125

Enos MEAD of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow Jeremiah REYNOLDS of Greenwich, Fairfield Co., Conn. Lot 19 of 100 acres. Witness: Nathan Smith Jr., Judah Thomson

133. July 1112

3:203 6,1754

John CROOKE of Kingston atty andMargaret to Charles CROOKE of Dutchess Co. 3/12 of lot 1 3rd diviLott 1 sion. Bounds Fish or Crum Elbow Kill. Witness: Gaasbeek Chambers, [ ? ] acres John Ellison

134. Jan. 1291

3:209 1,1748

Timothy RICKETSON of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow Daniel TRIPP Jr. of Dartmouth, county of Tanton, Mass„ Cordwinder. Ricketson homestead farm. Bounded W.- road; E.- and No. Ricketson; 32 acres So. Thomas Uenes. Witness: Jonathan Wood, Benjamin Bouce

135. 3:214 June 29,1745 1150

Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow Stephen HERRICK of Preston, New London County, Conn. Lott 34 Bought of Elizabeth Johnson, widow, originally David Jamison. West end of Lott 34 Bounded No. Daniel Harris and James Smith; W.- Lot 21; E.road; So. Isaac Burton. Mentions brook. Also 10 acres north from James Smith's grist mill. Bounded No. and W.- by Capt. Daniel Wright; So. and E - by James 234 acres Smith. Witness: Judah Alger, Stephen Kinne

3:216 4,1751

James SMITH, miller of Crum Elbow Stephen HERRICK Bought of Stephen HopLott 34 kins and he of Elizabeth Johnson widow, originally David Jamison. Bounded So. and W.- by Stephen Herrick; E.- Road; No, 18 acres Daniel Harris & Herrick. Witness: Stephen Herrick Jr. ,John Herrick

136. Apr. 1164

Deeds 137. Mar. 146

3:218 3,1752

138. 3:220 Apr. 18,1750 Love, good will, affection

139. May 1120

3:224 9,1755

3:226 140. Oct. 17,1758 1125


William BUCK of Crum Elbow Stephen HERRICK Bought of Stephen Hopkins and he of Elizabeth Johnson, widow, and she of David Jamison. Lott 34 Bounded So. Thomas Landros; W.- Isaac Burton; No. Lott 35; E.Stephen Hopkins' 42 acres; No. of James Smith's grist mill. Witness: Benjamin Herrick, Stephen Herrick Jr. Stephen HERRICK Sr. of Crum Elbow son Stephen HERRICK Jr. Bought of Elizabeth Johnson, widow, originally David Jamison. Lott 34 West end of Lott 34. Bounded So. Isaac Burton; W.- Lott 21 & Stephen Herrick; E.- Road; No. Stephen Herrick. 83 acres Witness: Joseph Herrick, Benjamin Herrick Daniel WRIGHT of Crum Elbow Jacob Eliot of Voluntown, County of Windsor, Conn. Lott 34 Bounded So. James Smith; W.- road and Isaac Burton; No. William Buck and Stephen Hopkins; E.- Daniel Harris and Hopkins. 66 acres Witness: Amos Thompson, Asa Thompson Jacob ELOIT of Crum Elbow James KINNE of Voluntown, County Windsor, Conn. Lott 34 Same as in Liber 3:224. 66 acres Witness: Isaac Burton, Peter Lyon

3:228 3,1757

Noah PHELPS of Oblong Daniel LUCE Oblong Lott 60 West side of Round Pond. Bounds Elijah Phelps, Samuel Smith. Witness: Jonathan Sackett, 100 acres James Phelps

142. 3:229 May 15,1748 1113

Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow James TALLMAGE Lott 34 1) Bounded So. Lott 33; W.- Benjamin Denton; No. Tallmage and Joseph Bronson; E.- Denton and land left for 104 acres road.

141. Feb. 1180


Deeds 2) Bounded So. Denton; E,- land left for road; No. Lott 35; W.- Isaac Burton, 39 acres Daniel Harris. Witness: Noah Hopkins, Trueman Powell

3:233 143. June 17,1755 L223

Moses VAN NAMEE and Elizabeth of Crum Elbow John ROGERS of Philips. Part of former Pollecarpus Nelson tract. Bounded No. NinePartners; W.- Fish Creek; So. Mephybosheth Nelson and SW corner of Reuben Nelson, Witness: John Nelson, Mephybosheth Nelson

3:237 144. May 30,1750 L400

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Crum Elbow and Margaret Moses HARRIS Bounded No, John Crooke; Lott 35 E.- Jacobus Stoutenburgh; So, Lott 34 David Jamison; W.- Lott 20 Caleb Heath426 acres cote. Witness: Martin Hoffman, Jan VanDuese, John Crooke, James J. Ross

3:241 145. May 10,1757 L225

Clear EVERITT of Poughkeepsie and Magdalin Ebenezer WARD of Crum Elbow Bounded No, James MarshLott 25 all; E.- Eliphalet Clarke; So, road and Joseph Barton; W.- David Heusted, 96 acres Witness: Saml Shearman, Gabriel Ludlow

3:243 146. Sept.30,1754 L350

James SMITH Jr. and Darces of Crum Elbow to Joseph FOWLER Bounds Abraham Adam, Lott 32 John Ford, Thomas Dickenson, Abraham Palmer, road, Jeduthan Dickenson 75 acres Witness: Joshua Dickenson, Thomas Dickenson

147. 3:256 Apr. 23,1747 L1800

Elizabeth JOHNSTON, widow of N Y City only child and heir of David Jamison deceased of N Y City to Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow Surveyed by Richard Edsall May 29, 1734. Lott 34 Bounded No. Lott 35; E.Oblong; So. Lott 33; W.- Lott 20 & 21. Witness: Theodorus VanWyck, 3488 acres Lancr Green



148. 3:277 Nov. 25,1750 183

Samuel JONES of Crum Elbow James SMITH Jr. Lott 32 Bounds small river,Abraham Adams, Lott 31, James Smith. Witness: Stephen Hopkins, 31 acres Martin Hoffman

149. 3:279 Mar. 26,1755 1100

Ezekiel SPICER of Crum Elbow James SMITH 3rd Lott 32 Bounds Philip Pittses, James Smith. 63 acres Witness: Martin Hoffman, Jno Schron

150. 3:281 Mar. 23,1755 17

Ezekiel SPICER of Crum Elbow James SMITH 3rd Lott 32 Witness: Martin Hoffman, Jno Schron

151. 3:283 Jan. 22,1749 135

Samuel JONES James SMITH Lott 32 Bounds brook; E.- James Smith; W.- Abraham Adams. 22 acres Witness: Moses Harris, William West

152. 3:285 Oct. 13,1759 170

Stephen HOPKINS James KENNE of Vollington, County of Windham, Conn. Lott 34 Bounds Jacob Burton, James Kenney Ebenezer Kenne. 63 acres Witness: Isaac Burton, Ezekiel Spicer

3:287 153. Oct. 10,1759 1146

John WILLIAMS of Killingsworth, County of New London, Conn. William GAY of Crum Elbow Bounds John Gay to Jonathan Rathbut. Oct. 23, 1739 1/7 of i of 1/9 rights conveyed to Thomas Rathbun. Dec. 24, 1730 Thomas to Jonathan and Sarah Rathbun and they to John Williams 116 acres Sept. 26, 1759. Witness: Mathias Marsh, Joseph Mott, James G. Livingston

3:308 154. Nov. 24,1758 163

Enos MEAD of Crum Elbow John WALL Bounds Caleb Brown, TimLott 19 68 acres othy Brown, Enos Mead. Witness: Timothy Smith, Enos Mead Jr.

2 acres



155. 3:309 Aug. 17,1742 1250

Matty SLEGHT of Dutchess Co. merchant and Catlyntie Hendricus SLEGHT Jr. Lott 4 2/3 of Lott 4 on side of lot where Arein Rosa Jr. formerly settled. Conveyed to Matty Sleght by Arien Rosa Jr. and Geeshie Mar. 5, 1740. Witness: John Elliston, Johannes Schepmoes, Hendr Sleght

156. 3:318 June 30,1739 E30

Isaac FILKIN of Crum Elbow Eliesabeth ALLON Lott 6 12 miles from Hudson River. Corner of Lott 6. 50 acres Witness: Magil Pels, Henry Filkin

157. 3:320 Sept.18,1739 190

Ellizabeth ALLEN of Poughkeepsie Simeon FLAGLER 1) Lott 6 in NE corner Lott 6 250 acres 2) Lott 7 50 acres Witness: Edward McGregory, Jas Wilson

158. 3:322 June 15,1741 1E10

Augustin CREED of Dutchess Co. Symon FLAGLOR Lott 12 NW cor. Lott 12. Bounded W.- by Symon Flaglor, No. Lott 13; SE swamp of Creed. Witness: Sarah Frost, William Creed

159. July E25

Charles HAMILTON of N Y City John WILLSON of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow, shopkeeper. On Aug. 27, 1757 Stephen Herrick for 11000 to Charles Hamilton of mines and minerals on farm at New Satuet which he had bought of Elizabeth Johnston. Privilege of carting ore and metal from mines and utensils for opening and digging, blasting and battering, building or erecting houses, smith's shops or forges, trenches to carry water, cut wood Hamilton agreed to sell 1/64 of mine to Willson. Witness: Daniel Harris, Stephen Herrick

3:330 8,1760



3:331 160. May 19,1755 1100

Isaac GERMOND and Jacob HAFF of Crum Elbow to Jeams SMITH, son of Nathan Smith Lott 19 / of Lott 19. Bounded So. by 19; E.- heirs Henry Filkin; No. Little Nine Partners; W.- middle of run of water that runs into Wappingers Crick. Begins NE corner of Lott 19. 350 acres Witness: Barnardus Filkin, Silas Smith

161. 3:343 Aug. 26,1749 1400

Thomas BRAIMS of Flushing only son and heir of Thomas Braims Sr. NY deceased and Meriam to Daniel PORTER of Dutchess Co. Oblong Lott 63 12 chains 2 rods north of 42 monument. 500 acres Witness: Timothy Clowes Jr., John Hurlburt

162. 3:349 Mar. 25,1760 1184

Joseph CLAPP of Oblong, Crum Elbow Caleb CURTICE of Sharon Bounded So, Samuel JudOblong son and Thomas Wolcott; E.- Land I sold Samuel Hitchcock; No. Land I sold Daniel Reed; W.- Road and land I sold Thomas 53 acres Wolcott. Witness: James Reed, Ludlow Owens

3:351 163. Mar. 25,1760 1184

Joseph CLAPP of Oblong, Daniel REED of Norwalk, field, Conn. Oblong Lott 47 Bounded sold Caleb Curtice; E.uel Hitchcock; No. land Doty; W.- road. Witness: Caleb Curtice, Daniel Castle.

Crum Elbow County of FairSouth Land I land I sold SamI sold Samuel 53 acres

164. 3:352 Jan. 15,1760 1300

Joseph CLAPP of Oblong, Crum Elbow Silas DOTY of Sharon, Conn. Oblong Lott 47 Bounds Abel Wicks, Abraham Webster's house, Samuel Judson. Reserves road on north side next to Abel 100 acres Wickes. Witness: Saml Hitchcock, Ludlow Owen

3:354 165. Feb. 12,1755 150

Catharine FILKIN widow of Henry Filkin of Flatbush Henry FILKIN of Dutchess Co. Refers to Nine PartLott 20 [Gore?] ner Patent of May 27, 1697 to David Jamison, Caleb Heathcote and others. Part


Deeds of land in 3rd division in Lott 20. Bounded No. Little Nine Partners; E.- by Oblong; So. by Lott 36; W.- by Lott 19. 1000 acres Witness: Jacob Filkin, Henry Smith, Isaac Germond Jr.

3:355 166. Oct. 29,1755 E300

Benjamin LESTER of Hempstead and Mary of Crum Elbow Samuel ROWLAND of Crum Elbow Lot 3 of Lott 5 being Lott 5 of Lott 5. Bounds Joseph Hicks [direction not given]; So. Isaac Wilde; W.- & 200 acres No. Benjamin Lester. Witness: Mordecai Lester, John Lester

3:357 167. Oct. 16,1760 E550

Henry FILKIN of Crum Elbow and Margery Joseph HARRIS, blacksmith Lott 20 [Gore ?] of Lott 20 3rd division. Bounded So. by Lott 36; W.by Lott 19; No. by Little Nine Partners; E.- by Henry Filkin in Lott 20. Witness: Clear Everitt, 650 acres Henry Livingston, William Doughty

168. 3:361 Oct. 16,1760 11100

Henry FILKIN of Crum Elbow Joseph HARRIS Same description Liber 3:357. Witness: Clear Everitt, Henry Livingston

3:363 169. Oct. 21,1741

John EVERSON of N Y City, merchant Henry FRANKLIN and John CLAPP, Greenwich, County Fairfield, Conn, In Patent of Caleb Heathcote, David Jamison and others. Lott 33 of 2nd division. Bounded E,Oblong; So. Lott 32; W,- Lott 21 and 22; No. Lott 34. Everson to have South part and North part to Franklin and Clapp. Witness: Francis Hagaman, Isaac VanArem

170. 3:381 June 24,1760 E50

Henry OSTROM of Crum Elbow Barendt OSTROM East part of Roeloff Ostrom land. Bounds Creek and house of Henry Ostrom. 15 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin



171. 3:382 June 10,1760 £400

Elizabeth GAY, William GAY, Barent BOND, executors of John GAY of Crum Elbow to William VANDERBURGH of Poughkeepsie, mariner Will made out Dec. 12, 1758. Exception: 31 acres John Water Lott 1 Gay sold to William Gay. ? ] acres Witness: James G. Livingston, Bartholomew Crannell

172. May £650

3:387 8,1761

Frans VAN DYCK of Crum Elbow Capt. Peter DE WITT of Rhinebeck Part of 1000 acres Nine Partners sold to Frans VanDyck deceased and Aart Williams known as lot 5 being 200 acres out of 1000. Bounded W.- Fish Creek; No. Aart Williams lot 6; So. Lot 4 of Williams; E.- Joost Garrison and (Gerretse) Bastian Traver. Frans father sold same to his son Frans Dec. 9, 1742 (See deed 2:546) and Peter and Cornelius Van Dyck sold to Frans Van Dyck Dec. 10, 1753 for £500 (See deed 2: 450) Witness: Jacob Watson, James G. Livingston

173. June £285

3:392 3,1760

Abel WEEKS and Mary of North Castle John and Martin BEEBE of Oblong Oblong Lott 50 Bounds James and Jedidiah Bumpus, Colony line, Isaac Delamater. No acres. Witness: Benjamin Kip, Nathan Barlow

3:394 174. Feb. 21,1746

John ADAMS of Sharon Samuel SNYDER of Oblong Bounds Nicholas Rough, Oblong 50 acres Conn. line, Joseph Gillit. Witness: Uldrick Winegar, Conrat Winegar

3:398 175. Aug. 21,1758 £100

Cadwallader COLDEN of Flushing Woodrick (Woolrick) WINEGAR of Oblong Oblong Lott 45 Crum Elbow. Lately Dr. Colden. Bounded So. Ephraim Seely; W.Nine Partner line; No. Clapp; E,- Brown. 100 acres Witness: William Philips, William Philips Jr.



3:402 176. Apr. 12,1759 1550

Ephrain TYLER of Crum Elbow Joseph HOSKINS Bounds road to Sharon, Lott 24 Tamarack Swamp, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, 240 acres brook, Lott 23. Witness: Zebulon Wallbeidge, Joseph Adams

3:410 177. Dec. 27,1760 1285

Cornelius MILLER and Christiana of Crum Elbow Peter TREVOR Sold June 28, 1755 by Francis Neher to Cornelius Miller and Johannis Ronkell. 3rd division by Jacobus Lott 3 Terboss. Bounds W.- by Capt. Lester; E.-, So. and No. by Crooke and Co. In division June 30, 1755 east end went to Miller and West to Ronkell. This is 560 acres east end. Witness: Jacob Lewis, Christian Schultz, Bastian Anrbos

178. 3:414 May 16,1755 1200

Cornelius and Theodorus VAN WYCK of Rumbout to James SMITH son of Nathan Smith dec'd of Crum Elbow Lott 19 At a place called Stissing i of Lott 19. Bounded E.- Filkins; No. Upper Nine Partners; W.- middle of a Branch; So. Lott 19 part of farm of Jo400 acres hannis Rowe. of same. Witness: Samuel Mills, Altie VanWyck

3:419 179. June 21,1760 1150

Lewis BARTON of Dutchess County Ebenezer TITUS Lott 21 South part. Bounded So. Cornelis Rutgers, in Roger Shearman division; E.- Nathaniel Wording; No. John Husted; W.- John Wetherhead. 100 acres Witness: Isaac Haight, Timothy Canfield Jr.

180. 3:420 May 20,1760 1200

William FOARD of Crum Elbow William ROBERTS Lott 32 Bounds a brook, Witness: Isaac Burton, 50 acres John Ford



181. 3:422 Jan. 10,1745 1800

Joseph CAUSTIN Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow Lott 32 3/4 of the lott. Witness: Richard Forge3412 acres son Jr., Joshua Haight

182. Feb. 130

3:424 8,1749

Joseph PALMER of Filkintown Thomas HAMMOND Lott 25 in Filkintown. Bounded No. road; E.- Peter Palmer; So. Lott 26 former Augustin Creed; W.- Mountain common lot. 163 acres Witness: Isaac Thorn, Samuel Badgley

183. 3:426 Dec. 18,1758 1290

Thomas WILLCOCK of Crum Elbow Zacheus SWIFT of Sandwich, County Barnstable, Mass. Lott 28 [ ? ] acres Witness: Moses Barlow, Thos Young

184. 3:427 Mar. 15,1760 1300

Zacheus SWIFT of Crum Elbow Stephen SWIFT of Nine Partners Lott 28 [ ? ] acres Witness: Benson Hunt, Ludlow Owen, Zurriah (her) Bryan

185. 3:429 Mar. 15,1739 1320

Catharine SYMES, widow of N.Y., Adolph PHILIPS of N.Y. executors of Lancaster Symes of N.Y. deceased to William WELLING of Jamaica, Cooper, John HAGAMAN, weaver of Jamaica, Hendricus HAGAMAN sadler of Jamaica, Hendrick LOT of Newtown, weaver. Will of Lancaster Symes Mar. 30, 1723. Named eldest son Hendrick an executor who is since deceased. Lott 8 of land in Lott 8. Bounded No. Lott 7; E.- other lands; So. Lott 9 William Creed; W.- Lott 11 (3rd division) of James Emmott. Map by Richard Edsall May 29, 1734 Nine Partners May 27, 1697. One ninth March 1, 1697 to Jacob Dekey by James Emmott and by him 1698 to Lancaster Symes with wife Sarah Dekey. One fourth goes to each and each shares quit rent. Witness: Fred Philip Jr., Lane Green


162 3:433 186. Sept.12,1753 115

Stephen HOPKINS Stephen HERRICK Lott 34 In Crum Elbow east from Herricks dwelling house. Bounded W.County Road; So. Daniel Wright; E.- Daniel Wright & Isaac Burton; No. Joseph Brownson. 63 acres Witness: Judah Alger, Elezebeth Gats

3:435 187. Aug. 15,1758 1332

Henry BOGART of N Y City Godfried HENDRICK of Rhinebeck Lott 36 1/3 of westernmost part, and middle lot of a second subdivision. 1) Bounds Col. Martin Hoffman, Moses Harris, Abr. Bocha. 350 acres 2) Bounds Hoffman and Harris. 12 acres Witness: Hends Sleght, Hendricus J. Sleght

188. Apr. 1200

Samuel SMITH of Crum Elbow Nicholas TREWER of Rhinebeck Lott 31 Mentions Great Brook in Lott 31. Bounds Lott 32; So. Lott 30; No. Samuel Jones; W.- Lott 23; E.- Samuel Smith. Smith is debarred from building a mill or dam but Trewer may build on east side as needful. 668 acres Witness: John Smith, Samill Smith

3:442 8,1751

189. 3:448 May 16,1749 1364

William ALEXANDER James ALEXANDER 2nd part and Joel HARVEY 3rd part Oblong Lott 64 12 chains 2 rods north of 42 mile monument 500 acres excludes mines, minerals and pine trees. First two release to Joel Harvey. Witness: John Lewis, Evert Bancker Jr.

190. 3:450 Dec. 16,1758

Daniel HARRIS of Crum Elbow, husbandman Nathan SMITH Lott 33 Bounds Road and Jonathan Reynolds. 23 acres Witness: Benjamin Holmes, Benjamin Purdy

191. 3:452 Dec. 16,1758 1135

Daniel HARRIS Jonathan REYNOLDS Lott 33 Crum Elbow. Bounds Jonathan Reynolds and James Smith. 22 acres Witness: Benjamin Holmes, Benjamin Purdy



192. 3:463 Oct. 16,1760 L120

James BULLES of Crum Elbow Nathaniel HAMMELL Lott 8 Bounded No. John Harris; So. John Bulles; W.- Newcomb; E.- Peter Germond, Thomas Bullis, 106 acres Witness: Joseph Barton, Abraham Palmer

193. 4:1 June 24,1760 L175

John HAGAMAN of Crum Elbow and Mary Henry OSTRUM Lott 8 Bounds Lott 7 and Denne Ostrum. 110 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin

194. 4:3 Jan. 26,1760 L1030

Theodorus VAN WICK and Elizabeth of Rumbout Joseph CLAP of Oblong Lott 10 Bounds W.- Theodorus VanWyck and Samuel Miller; So. William Green and William Fowler; No. Samuel Wildley and Aaron Vail; Moses Hait, Also on W.- Isaac German, Joseph Hoff, Witness: Theodorus [ ? 1 acres VanWyck Jr., Aelze VanWyck, William Green, Barnabas Tisdale

195. 4:9 Feb. 19,1753 L95

Obed HARVE of Oblong Thomas HARVE Oblong Lott 68 44 chains North of 44 mile monument. Witness: Augusstious Turck, Ezilpke Moncon

4:12 196. June 11,1760 L225

John WOOD and Eve of Crum Elbow Christian BERGH of Rhinebeck Water Lott 8[?] On May 11, 1751 Isaac Germond of Crum Elbow sold to Henry Coal and John Wood i of water lot originally Caleb Heathcot. Bounded So, Lott 7; No, other lands; W.- Hudson River; E.- other lands. 286 acres Witness: P. DeWitt, Bartholomew Crannell

197. Apr. L97

John and Jonathan PENOYER of Oblong Ichabod ROGERS of Sharon Oblong Lott 62 In 4th hundred acres 29 acres from north. Witness: Partridge Thacher, Joel Harvey

4:16 2,1760


164 198. 4:17 June 1,1759 love and affection

Stephen HOPKINS Roswell HOPKINS his son Begins at a rock in midLott 32 die line a little east of oarpath. Bounds Simeon Cook bought of Ephraim 80 acres Lord. Witness: John Furston, 'Thurston] Samuel King

4:19 199. Apr. 28,1757 L450

Daniel PORTER John KING of Lyme County of New London, Conn. Oblong Lott 63 Oblong. Bounds Simeon Wright, Job Porter, Coe Henman, Road. 100 acres Witness: Samuel King, Daniel Barber

4:24 200. Apr. 12,1759 L688

Joseph HORSKINS of Crum Elbow William ROBERTS of County of Hartford, Conn. Bounds Brook, John EvertLott 32 son, Stephen Hopkins, Samuel Smith, Timothy Mead, Road, Stephen Kemfer, 280 acres Witness: Ephraim Tyler, Joshua Haight

201. 4:27 May 17,1749 L600

William SMITH of N Y City atty Joell HARVEY of Sharon 1) Oblong Lott 67. Begins at 44 mile 500 acres monument 2) Oblong Lott 68, Begins at 44 mile 500 acres monument. Excludes mines, minerals and pine trees. Witness: Whitehead Hicks, John Morin Scott

202. June L793

4:54 5,1759

4:57 203. Feb. 17,1762 L138

Henry CLAPP of Crum Elbow Samuel JUDSON Oblong Lotts 47 and 48. Bounded So. Woldrick Weniger; E,- Conn.; No. J. Clapp, W,- road. Witness: Daniel Castle, Samuel Castle Henry CLAPP of Fishkill or Rumbout Samuel JUDSON of Oblong, Crum Elbow Oblong Where Judsons dwelling house stands. Bounded So. Wooldrick Wineger; E.- road by house to Thomas Woolcott to No.; W.- River. 48 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Gilbert Livingston

Deeds 204. 4:62 Aug. 6,1756 L1500


William CROOKE and Elizabeth of County Somerset, N.J., Charles CROOKE Jr. of Dutchess Co. merchant to Charles CROOKE of N Y City Lotts 1, 3, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 35 and 6 & 10 3rd Division, Water Lott 5 Refers to Patent from King William May 17, 1697 to Nine Partners (named)and describes bounds by Hudson River, Aquasingh, Pawling, Myndert Harmense and Company, Conn., Fish Creek. May 9, 1699 divided into 9 water lots and Water Lott 5 went to John Aertson and he and Elizabeth sold same Oct. 10, 1701 to Michael Hawden and 1/9 of undivided lands. Michael Hawden made out will Mar. 22, 1711 naming executors John Johnson, George Willcock, Johannes Jansen, John Crooke, Nathaniel Marston. They sold to Anthony Rutgers on Apr. 27, 1731 of N Y City, merchant, Lott 5 and 1/9 of undivided lands (See Liber 2:59 above). Since then Lotts were divided into 36 lots and following fell to Rutgers: 3, 17, 22, 29; Lotts 6 & 10 in 3rd Division and Water Lott 5. Each of these were divided into three smaller lots: Surveyed by Richard Edsall May 9, 1737. 1) Lott 3 subdivision Lot 1, bounds small Wappingers Cr 1635 acres 2) Lott 3 subdivision Lot 2, bounds east of Wappingers Cr 1160 acres 3) Lott 17 subdivision Lot 1 944 acres IT Lot 1 1566 acres 4) Lott 22 Lot 2 1487* acres 5) Lott 22 Lot 3 1216* acres 6) Lott 22 7) Lott 29 Lot 1, Hill near 722 acres Sacketts by Oblong 8) Lotts 6 & 10: a) Bounds Francis Nelson and 621 acres swamp 391* acres b) 415 acres c) Jacobus Terboss made survey May 7, 1746. Anthony Rutgers made will Aug. 2, 1746. Named exec. wife Cornelia, daughters Elsie wife of Leonard Lispenard, Mary and Aletta (since deceased). Proved Aug. 30, 1748. The executors sold to William Crooke, Charles Crooke Jr. and Mary wife of Petrus Edmund Elmendorph.


Deeds Lott 3 of Lot 2 Lott 17 - i of Lot 1 Lott 22 of Lot 1 Lott 29 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Lotts Lotts 6 & 10 6 & 10 3rd division 6) 1/6 of 1/9 of any undivided lands. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Jacobus Stoutenburgh and Richard Alsop and John Crooke, late of Kingston dec'd, held in common 4 lotts: 1, 15, 24, 35. They agreed on: Jacobus Stoutenburgh 1/3 Richard Alsop 1/6 John Crooke Sept. 18, 1742 Crookes share was: 1) Lott 1 - 361 acres bounds Lott 18 Augustin Graham, Small Wappingers Creek, Lott 2 David Jamison, 2) Lott 15 - 374 acres bounds Lott 22 John Aertson, Lott 16 Hendrick TenEyck, 3) Lott 24 - 1160 acres bounds Lott 25 David Jamison, Richard Alsop, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, 4) Lott 35 - 436 acres bounds Lott 36, 5) 1/6 of Lott 1 3rd division east of Fish or Crum Elbow Creek, [ ? ] acres 6) 1/6 of Lott 4 3rd division 765 acres 7) 1/6 of 1/9 undivided lands to Caleb Heathcot and others. Will of John Crooke made out June 8, 1737 naming executors wife Catherine, John, William and Robert Crooke and Evert Bogardus. August 31 and Sept. 1, 1748 they sold to Johannis Jansen of Kingston the part that fell to John Crooke out of 4 lots owned by Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Richard Alsop and John Crooke: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Lott 1 - 361 acres Lott 15 - 374 acres Lott 24 - 1135 acres Lott 35 - 436 acres 1/6 of Lott 1 3rd division 1/6 of Lott 4 3rd division 1/6 of 1/9 of undivided lands

October 27 and 28, 1748 Johannis Jansen sold above to William Crooke, Charles



Crooke Jr. and Mary Elmendorph. They now sell for E1500 to Charles Crooke of NYC the remaining 2/3 of their 1/2 ownership in the following Lotts: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Lott 3 subdivision Lot 2 Lott 17 Lot 1 Lott 22 Lot 1 Lott 29 Lot 1 Lotts 6 & 10, subdivision Lot 3 in each.

Also Charles Crooke receives their remaining 2/3 ownership in the following Lotts: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Lott Lott Lott Lott Lott Lott

1 15 24 35 1 4


361 acres 374 acres 1160 acres 436 acres 3rd division 3rd division

Also lands of William and Elizabeth Crook and Charles Crooke Jr. north of Crum Elbow Creek known as Pawling or Staatsburgh. Also 2/6 of 1/9 of undivided lands. Witness: Nick William Stuyvesant, John V Cortlandt, George Harawout, Joseph French 4:71 205. Dec. 17,1748 1500

Cornelia RUTGERS of NY City widow of Anthony RUTGERS, Leonard LISPENARD of NY City, merchant and Elsie, and Mary RUTGERS executors of Anthony RUTGERS dec'd. to Charles CROOKE of NY City merchant This deed goes through same steps as Liber 4:62 down to lots assigned to Anthony Rutgers and his will made out Aug. 2, 1746 and his executors sell to Charles Crook 1/9 of undivided lands and 1/3 following: 1) Lott 3 subdiv. Lot 1 (bounds Small 635 acres Wappingers) 944 acres 2) Lott 17 subdiv. Lot 2 1216i acres Lot 3 3) Lott 22 Lot 1 (near Weissayck 4) Lott 29 858 acres creek) 5) Lotts 6 & 10 3rd Division, 391i acres Subdivision Lot 2 Witness: Jno Lawrence, Anthony Rutgers

168 4:83 206. May 13,1760 Exchange

Deeds Petrus Edmundus ELMENDORPH and Mary of Kingston, merchant Charles CROOKE NY City, merchant and Annaka Mary Elmendorph has following property: 1) Lott 3 - 1/3 of i Lot 2, East of 1160 acres small Wappinger 944 acres Lot 1 2) Lott 17 - 1/3 of 1566 acres 3) Lott 22 - 1/3 of i Lot 1 4) Lott 29 - 1/3 of i Lot 1 of lot 3, 722 acres bounds Sackett and Oblong 5) Lotts 6 & 10 3rd Division 1/3 of 415 acres Lot 3 in each She agrees to exchange this for following Property of Charles Crooke. He agrees also. 1) Lott 17 - 2/3 of i of lot. Bounds Lott 18 of Augustin Graham, Small Wappingers and Lott 2 of David Jami361 acres son lot. Bounds Lott 2) Lott 15 - 2/3 of 22 of John Aertson, Lott 16 Hendrick 374 acres TenEyck lot. Bounds Lott 3) Lott 24 - 2/3 of 25 David Jamison, Richard Alsop, Jac1160 acres obus Stoutenburgh 436 acres lot. 4) Lott 35 - 2/3 of 5) Lott 4 3rd Division - 2/3 of * of lot. (one point says 2/3 of 1/6 of 765 acres Lott 4) Witness: Benjn Kissam, Nicholas Bayard Jr.

4:91 207. Jan. 23,1760 5 shillings

Cornelia RUTGERS NYC, widow of Anthony Rutgers brewer, Leonard LISPENARD and (Elsia), Rev. Henry BARELY (Barly), clerk and Mary, late Mary RUTGERS Executors of Anthony RUTGERS and Anthony RUTGERS infant under 21 a grandson son of Anthony a son of deceased, now deceased also, to Charles CROOKE merchant N Y City Bounded W.- by Hudson Water Lott 5 River; So. Lott 4; No. Lott 6; E.- rear 1/3 of this lot had been left Lott 14. in trust for Charles Crooke in will of Aug. 2, 1746. Rest willed to Cornelia widow and grandson Anthony and 3 daughters. The executors had sold 1/3 to Charles Crooke and William Crooke had sold 2/3 to Charles Crooke so he now has



all of Lott 5. There are only 2 convenient places for landings on Hudson River in Lott 5. All persons involved are to be tenants in common and the landings are to remain in common. Witness: Benj Kissam, Anthony Abramse 208. 4:96 Apr. 19,1751 L290

Daniel DEVOE of Westchester and Margaret Charles CROOKE, N Y City merchant Bounded W.- Hudson River; Water Lott 6 No. David Jamison; So. other half Lott 6; 600 acres E.- undivided lands. Witness: Joseph Haynes, Anthony Rutgers

4:98 209. Sept. 1,1748 1230

John CROOKE of Kingston, William CROOKE of Rariton, New Jersey, Charles CROOKE Jr. of Kingston, Peter Edmundus ELMENDORPH of Kingston and Mary to Charles CROOKE, N Y City merchant (Charles Crooke the elder). Water Lott 5 The above are tenants in common with heirs of Anthony Rutgers and Charles Crooke. Release 1/3 of water lott 5. Witness: Jacobus Bleecher, Bartholomew Crannell

4:102 1,1762

Enos MEAD of Crum Elbow Caleb BROWN 5th lot. Bounds James Lott 19 Wynons, Joseph Castin, Thomas Branan. 130 acres Witness: Andrew Quick, Enos Mead Jr.

4:104 211. Sept.20,1758 L425

Aaron BUCK of Crum Elbow Jedediah DEWEY Bounds Road and Nathan Lott 33 190 acres Mead bought of Aaron Buck. Witness: Ichabed Sparw Paine, Moses Kellogg

212. 4:106 Oct. 22,1761 L12

Aaron BUCK Jedediah DEWEY Bounds Jonathan Buck, Lott 34 3 acres Aaron Buck. Witness: Benjamin Benedict, Jonathan Buck

210. Mar. L147



4:107 213. Aug. 21,1753 190

Caleb OUTWATER (signed Atwater) and Margaret John FISH of Beekman Lott 20 subdivision lot 4 being * of lot. "whichI with 3 Thompsons bought of Theodorus VanWyck." Was Caleb Heathcot's Lott. Bounded: No. Jacob Huff; So. Gideon Thompson; E.- Samuel and Amos Thompson; W.- line between 3rd and 4th divi335 acres sion of lot. Witness: Amos Thompson, William Haight


4:108 1760

John FAISH of Nine Partners Jacob CRONKHITE Lott 20 subdivision lot 1. Bounded: W.Wapson Creek; So. Jacob Cronkhite, Esarhem Bullick; W.- Widow Rutcer; No. Jacob Cronkhite bought of Jacob Huff. Witness: John Bullis, Matthew Sullivan

4:115 215. Mar. 29,1760 L650

Jonathan LAPHAM and Mary of Crum Elbow James FREEMAN of Norwick county of New London, Conn. Bounds Benjamin Lott 21 - South half. Lapham, luis Barton, Joseph Stanton. Witness: Doxse Lane, 156 acres John Ames Jr.

216. June L120

4:117 9,1761

Mary GERRIBRANTZ wid, former widow of Jan DeGraf Abraham DE GRAF Jr. farmer son of Jan DeGraf and executors Mary, Moses DeGraf, Abraham DeGraf, Baltus Van Kleek which Cornelius VanWyck sold to executors Bounds Nickles VanWagenen, Hagerman, Henry Lott. 300 acres Witness: Richard Vanderburgh, John DeGraeff

217. 4:120 Feb. 15,1759 L172

Peter VAN CAMPEN of Crum Elbow Zebulon SMITH Clare Everitt, sheriff, sold goods of Peter Van Campen of Crum Elbow to clear debt of 14-4-6 + 6 shillings owed Henry Filkins, debt of 60-158 4-7-6 owed James Duncan, debt 13-4-6 + 4-11-3 owed Henry Livingston. Lott 12 Sold at auction Nov.18th of Lott 12, the other half belonging to John Keese. Bounded So. Thomas Wilbro; W.- Caleb Haight; No. Francis Filkin, Court VanVoris; E.- John Keese



171 96 acres

Witness: Peter Van Campen, Barnardus Filkin, John Keese 218. 4:123 May 22,1761 11000

Gertruyd COEYMANS of New Jersey widow Christian BERGH Lotts 6 & 15 3rd Division. In Staatsburgh or Pauling purchase. Survey of Charles Clinton Lotts 6 and 15. 1) Lott 6 bounds Hudson River 239 acres 2) Lott 15 bounds Crum Elbow Creek 256 acres Witness: John Braser, Abrm Lot Jr.

219. 4:127 Mar. 27,1752 E100

Obed HARVEY of Oblong James ALWORTH Oblong Lott 68 55A chains North of 44 mile monument. Excludes minerals and half of water for mills and ditches. Witness: Thomas Harvey, 100 acres Abigail A. H. Harvey

220. 4:129 Apr. 21,1762 E400

Nathan MEAD of Amenia Adonijah NEWCOMB of Little Nine Partners Lott 19 In Great Nine Partners, Charlotte Precinct. Bounds Jonathan Mead. 200 acres Witness: Enos Mead, Casper Rouse

221. 4:131 Aug. 28,1761 1200

Jacob HAFF and Elizabeth of Crum Elbow James MILLER Bounds William Wellen, Lott 7 Lott 8, William Beadel, Peter Germond. 200 acres Witness: William Doughty, Joseph Jaff

222. 4:134 Dec. 14,1757 130

John SACKETT of Crum Elbow Moses BARLOW Bound W.- Thomas WillOblong cock; No. Moses Barlow, Nathan Barlow; E.- and So. John Sackett. 15 acres Witness: Thomas Willcock, Ebenezer Cardy

223. 4:138 Aug. 21,1758 E150

Cadwallader COLDEN of Flushing Moses Barlow of Oblong Oblong one mile north of Lott 45 33 mile monument. Bounds Dr. Colden, 150 acres Ephraim Seely. Witness: William Philip



4:154 224. Feb. 25,1760 £140

Israel VAIL and Rebecca of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow Samuel BADSLEY, blacksmith Lott 26 1) Bounds Ebenezer Husted and road. 4 acres 2) Bounds No. Jeremiah Fereses; W.- Ebenezer Husted; So. road, Joseph Denton; 58 acres E.- Zephaniah Platt. Witness: Zephn Platt Jr., John Carpenter, John Carpenter Jr.

4:158 225. Oct. 27,1758 £333

Pelethiah SOPER of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow Zephaniah PLATT Jr. of Huntington, Suffolk Co. Bounds road to Chestnut Lott 26 Ridge, Benjamin Boice, Joseph Brown, 215 acres Joseph Runnels, Israel Vail. Witness: Nathaniel Sexton, Richard Smith

4:159 226. Dec. 22,1762 £50

Zephaniah PLATT of Smithtown, Suffolk Co. Zephaniah PLATT of Poughkeepsie Bounds Ebenezer Briggs, Lott 26 Daniel Soule, Samuel Cornell, road to Samuel Burlinggame, Clear Everitt bought of George Cornell, Benjamin Boyce, Zeph183 acres aniah Platt. Witness: Clear Everitt, Richard Davis

227. 4:175 Jan. 21,1759 £100

William CASH and Hannah of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow Elijah FERRIS Bounds Ephraim Boolock, Lott 21 David Sotherlin, Fleck, Nelson, Road, 83 acres Smith. Witness: Nicklas Webers, John Sotherland

228. May £80

Nathan SMITH Reuben SMITH Lott 33 1) Bounds road, John Everson, Timothy Mead, old well [?] acres 2) Bounds Road to John Everson, Reuben Smith, Timothy Mead. [?] acres Witness: Joseph Powell, Isaac Burton

4:177 24,1756



4:178 229. May 19,1757 115 and love and affection

Joseph RUNNELLS of Crum Elbow Abraham PALMER and Rachel daughter of Joseph Runnells Bounds Joseph Haight, Lott 21 140 acres Pugsley, Road Witness: Joseph Reynolds, Daniel Ferris

4:180 230. Mar. 20,1760 E112 and love and affection

Joseph RUNNELLS (Signed Reynolds) of Crum Elbow Jedediah FERRIS and Ruama daughter of Joseph Runnells. Lott 21 Bounds Joseph Reynolds 94 acres and road. Witness: Joseph Reynolds Jr., Silas Canfield.

4:181 231. Feb. 26,1761 1200

Joseph REYNOLDS of Nine Partners Aaron HAMMOND Bounds Ebenezer Cook, Lott 25 Thomas Hammond, John Butts, Joseph Rey100 acres nolds. Witness: Thadeus Canfield, Joseph Reynolds Jr.

232. 4:192 Apr. 18,1763 13000

Joel GILLIT and Mary of Nine Partners Clear EVERITT of Poughkeepsie NE part. Borders Oblong, Lott 31 Heirs of Jan DeGraf, Jacob Hoff, Cornelius VanWick. Includes negro slave Prime and 40 head horned cattle, 100 sheep, 16 hogs, 8 horses, 5 feather beds, 5 pewter basons, 5 pewter Dishers, 2 dox plates, 3 brass kettles, 3 small D; 2 looking glasses, 1 doz. chairs, 1 desk, 1 chest drawers, 4 small chests, growing wheat. 1106 acres Witness: Israel Gains, Daniel Roberts

233. 4:194 Dec. 30,1749 E166

Joel HARVEY of Sharon Obed HARVEY of Sharon Oblong Lott 68 37 chains North of 44 221 acres mile monument. Witness: Thomas Harvey, Phineas rowel.

4:195 234. Oct. 30,1750 1100

Philip BUMP of Sharon County of New Haven Obed HARVEY Oblong Lott 68 Bounds Obed Harvey. Reserves mines, minerals and pine trees. 80 acres Witness: John Williams, Margaret Williams



4:197 235. Oct. 15,1761 E154

Dirck STORMS of Crum Elbow and Bernica Michael WELDON Lott 14 3rd division. Bounded No. Lott 13, W.- Goris and Peter Storm; So. Rooloff Ostrom; E.- Dirck Storm. Witness: Gores Storm, 93 3/4 acres Thomas Storm

4:199 236. Mar. 19,1744 E340

Aaron HAIGHT and Joseph CAUSTIN of Crum Elbow Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow share (Lott 32 = 3412 acres) Lott 32 Witness: Theodorus VanWyck, Peter Flandran, John Flandran

237. 4:201 Feb. 22,1750 E870

Philip BUMP of Sharon Azariah SMITH of Salisbury County of New Haven, Conn. Oblong Lott 68 Bounds Indian Pond. Witness: Peter Pratt, 96 acres John Williams

238. 4:202 May 11,1750 L201

Derrick STORM of Crum Elbow, farmer Thomas STORM of Phillipsburrow, Westchester, farmer Lott 14 3rd division. Bounds Ostrum, John Ostrum, Crick. 201 acres Witness: Abraham Martlinghs Jr., Francis Purdy, Henry Purdy

239. 4:205 Sept. 1,1762 E45

Thomas SHEARLOCK of Amenia cordwainer John WADSWORTH of Amenia, Nine Partners. Lott 28 in Amenia near Oblong and house of Hiel Willcocks and Thomas Shearlock's house, bounds brook andpond. Jacob VanDusen sold John Wadsworth, Valley. 20 acres Witness: Hiel Willcocks, John Sackett

240. May L75

Jacob VAN DUESEN of Nine Partners, Amenia John WADSWORTH of Amenia Lott 28 Bounds Oblong, Jacob Benson bought of Peter Koon, road, Joseph Gillit deceased, Thomas Shearlock. Witness: Thomas Shearlock, 55 acres Dirrick VanDuessen

4:207 18,1763


Deeds 241. Jan. E50

4:209 8,1761

Nathan BARLOW of Oblong, Crum Elbow Moses BARLOW South of Lott 45 Oblong. Oblong Bounds Oblong, Valley, barn, John Sackett, Colden lot sold Moses Barlow. [?] acres Witness: Benjamin Chaise, Ludlow Owen

242. Jan. E300

4:210 8,1761

Moses BARLOW of Crum Elbow Nathan BARLOW of Oblong Begins SW corner oblong Oblong lot 45 Coldens lot. Bounds Niel Willcocks sold Moses Barlow, John Sackett, Nathan Barlow to Moses Barlow, barn, road. [?] acres Witness: Benjamin Chaise, Ludlow Owen

243. 4:212 Mar. 21,1760 E40

Pelitiah SOPER of Crum Elbow and Martha Ithamar DODGE Lott 5 West quarter of Lott 5. Witness: Selvester Heges, 250 acres Jonathan Lake

244. 4:214 Mar. 21,1760

Peletiah Ithamasr Lott 5 Lott 5. Witness: Jonathan

SOPER DODGE 1/7 of 1st quarter of Selvester Heges, Lake

4:215 1,1755

Jacob HAFF of Crum Elbow William BEDELL Bounded E.- Peter GerLott 7 mond; No. William Alling; W - William Welling. 140 acres Witness: Henry Sleat, Thomas Soper

246. 4:217 Jan. 25,1763 E160

James MILLER of Crum Elbow William BEAGEL Lott 7 Bounds So. James Miller; E.- Peter Germond; W.- William Wellen; 100 acres No. William Beagle. Witness: Simon Frear, Henry Livingston

247. June E400

Stephen SWIFT of Amenia and Ruth Moses BARLOW of Amenia on line of 27. 190 acres Lott 28 Witness: Stephen Swift, Ephraim Swift, Henry Livingston

245. May E120

4:220 3,1763



248. 4:222 May 22,1761 E100

Benjamin DAYLEY of Crum Elbow cordwinde Peletiah SOPER Parcel 1) Lott 32 bounds Stephen Hopkins, oarbed path, Daniel Dunham, Samuel 50 acres Smith. 2) Lott 31 bounds Joseph Herrick, Daniel Donham, Semeon Cook, Stephen Hop20 acres kins, Benjamin Dayley. forge lately Ichebud Paine Includes and Benjamin Skinner. Witness: Oliver Doughty, William Doughty

4:230 249. Apr. 14,1763 E400

Jonathan DAVIS of Amenia Ezekiel SACKETT and Abraham WEBSTER Oblong Lott 49 Bounds Mountain, Abel 122 acres Wicks. Witness: Henry Livingston, Isaac VanBunschoten

4:247 1,1760

Richard ALSOP of Newton appoints son Richard ALSOP atty to handle his affairs and property. Witness: Sarah Hicks, J. Hicks

4:249 251. 6,1762 May E1000

Joseph SACKETT of N Y City Physician (Dr of Physic) and Hannah to Richard ALSOP 4th of Queens SW corner. Bounds Lott Lott 24 25 of Henry Filkin, John Crooke, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Lott 12 William Creed. 1100 acres Witness: D. Matthews, Jonathan Fish

4:251 252. May 25,1762 E1000

Joseph SACKETT of N Y City Dr of Physic and Hannah to George WILLOCKS Leslie of N Y City Same description as Lott 24 Liber 4:249. Witness: Jonathan Fish, Richard Alsop 4th

253. 4:252 Sept. 6,1763 L250

Benjamin JOHNS Robert LIVINGSTON Jr. Oblong Lott 66 NE corner Lott 64 Joel Harvey excepts mines, minerals and pine 200 acres trees. Witness: Joel Hervy, Thomas Davis

250. May



254. 4:255 Sept. 12,1757 150

Benjamin JOHNS of Oblong Abel WOOD of Sharon Oblong Lott 66 Witness: John Williams, Margaret Williams

4:279 255. Apr. 13,1762 E750

Isaiah WILDY of Charlotte and Elizabeth Stephen POTTER and Othenial ALLEN of Batemans (Beekman) 1/3 part of lot which is Lott 5 i of Lott 5. Bounds Whopens creek and line of Lott 5 and 6 and lot 2 of Lott 5. Witness: Iacaemiah Wildy, 305 acres Wm. Doughty

4:282 2,1762

Othenial ALLEN of Batemans Stephen POTTER of Charlotte Lott 5 They jointly have in lot 3 which is 1/3 of lot of Lott 5. Potter releases to Allen off east end of 3. Bounds Whopens creek and swamp. 148 acres Witness: John Dousenbery, Wm. Doughty

4:284 257. Jan. 26,1751 E265

Benjamin LAPHAM of Crum Elbow Jonathan LAPHAM of Crum Elbow South part. Bounds WilLott 21 liam Palmer, Louis Barton, line of 6 and 7th lot of division, David Southerlin, 156 acres Round Pond. Witness: Lewis Barton, John Arnold

4:288 258. Nov. 19,1762 1200

Peter HALLOCK Jr. and Anney of Charlotte, shopkeeper Samuel MC CORD of Philips, Westchester formerly Caleb Heathcot Lott 8 & Co. SW corner John Germond. Bounded No. Barnardus Filkin, E.- Frederick Straight, and Obadiah Griffin; W.- John Bulles; So. Peter Hallock, Also Bounds 150 acres Great Pond. Witness: Wm. Doughty, Richard Titus

4:292 259. Sept. 5,1754 180

John NELSON of Crum Elbow James SCOTT of Rhinebeck, cordwainer Part of Nine Partners. Bounded No. Caleb and Justice Nelson; E.Nine Partners; So. John Nelson; W.- Fish Creek. Witness: Abner Armstrong, Arnel Scholefield

256. May

68 acres



4:296 260. Aug. 15,1763 37 shillings

Peter HALLOCK Jr. late of Charlotte, shopkeeper Samuel MC CORD, blacksmith formerly David Jamison Lott 8 and Caleb Heathcot and Co. of Nine Partners. Bounded W.- Peter Hallock; No. McCord; E.- Great Pond. 1 1/4 acres Witness: Wm. Doughty, Thomas Smith

4:299 261. Oct. 12,1761 L44

Sarah FOX has paid to estate of Joseph HAGERMAN. No description. Witness: Jacob Everson, Sarah Hagaman

262. 4:307 Nov. 17,1763 E600

Ephraim SEELY of Oblong, Amenia Ebenezer KNAPP of Norfolk, Leathfield Co., Conn. Oblong Lott 45 lately Cadwallader Colden. Bounded E.- Brown; So. Joseph Chamberlain; W.- Nine Partners; No. Ulrick Winegar. 160 acres Witness: Anthoe Tancret, Nicholas DeLaVergne

263. Mar. E46

David HARRIS of Crum Elbow Jacob ELLIOT Lott 33 Bounds Isaac Burton, Lott 35 24 acres Witness: Eli Reynolds, Joshua Harris

4:309 9,1759

264. 4:311 Mar. 26,1752 E165

265. June E150

4:313 1,1749

Joseph HORSKINS and Elizabeth of Crum Elbow Stephen KENNEY Lott 32 Bounded No. Joseph Horskins; So. Abraham Adams, James Smith 3rd; E.- and W.- roads. No. also William Brunly. 251 acres Witness: William Brumly, Joseph Fowler Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow Daniel HARRIS 1) Lott 34 originally David Jamison of Nine Partners. Bounded So. Capt. Daniel Wright and road; E.- Benjamin Denton and Daniel Wright; No. James Tallmage and Isaac Burton; W.- Capt. Wright, James Smith. Mentions mill brook. 204 acres 2) NW corner Lott 34. Bounded E.- road; No. Lott 35; W.- Lott 20; So. Stephen Hopkins and James Smith. 33 acres



3) So. line of Lott 34; E.- Allen Curtiss; No. Benjamin Benedict; W.- Stephen Hopkins. 42 acres Witness: Roger Sherman, Sarah Cook 4:316 266. Nov. 12,1764 1245

William Smith SCUDDER of Charlot Joseph VANAMBURGH of Beekman Lott 18 corner of subdivision lot 10 divided by Benjamin Boys, Jonathan Lapham, John Fish. 98i acres Witness: Simon Newcomb, Israel Thompson

267. Oct.

4:317 9,1764

Richard ALSOP of Newtown and Elizabeth and Richard ALSOP the 4th son to David TREVER Lott 1 Farm #2. Bounds Joseph Trever, hill called Offerbergh and line of Alsop and Jacobus Stoutenburgh. Witness: Abraham Duryee, 314 acres John Cooke

268. 4:321 Oct. 9,1764 421-7-6

Richard ALSOP of Newtown and Elizabeth and son Richard ALSOP 4th to John COOKE of Charlotte Lott 1 Farm #3. Bounds David Trever, hill Offerbergh, line of Alsop and Jacobus Stoutenburgh, West by branch of Wappingers Creek at bridge. 421 acres Witness: Abraham Duryee, David Trever

4:331 269. June 22,1749 1670

Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow William BUCK Lott34 1) Bought of Elizabeth Johnson Wid of NY City originally David Jamison of Nine Partners. Bounded So, Road and Benjamin Benedict; W.- Benjamin Benedict; No. Thomas Wheeler; E.- Benjamin Den123 acres ton. 2) Bounded So. Capt. Daniel Wright; W.Isaac Burton; No. Lott 35; E.- Stephen Hopkins. No. of James Smith's 42 acres grist mill. Witness: Benjn Johns, Treman Powell



4:333 270. Sept.25,1759 L2000

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Crum Elbow Lieut. William BUCK of Crum Elbow Bounded No. Benjamin Lott 35 Benedict; E.- John Thirstin; W.- and So. Benjamin Yale. Witness: Benjamin Denton, Benjamin Benedict.

4:339 271. May 23,1764 L820

William VAN DER BURGH of Rhinebeck, tavern keeper and Margaret Benjamin PEELE Formerly John Gay dec'd. Water Lott I of Crum Elbow now Charlotte owned water Lott 1 of Nine Partners. Bounded Hudson River and line of Lott 2. Made will Dec. 12, 1758. Executors widow Elizabeth, son William and Barent Bond. They sold same to William Van der Burgh June 3, 1760 except 3i acres John Gay had sold William Gay. Also one undivided piece in Paltz Patent, Ulster Co. bought from Richard Davis and Frace Oct, 9, 1761 Witness: Jacob Lon Jr., Jacob Concklin

272. Jan. L386

4:370 5,1765

James LIVINGSTON, Sheriff to Theodorus VAN WYCK, Richard VAN WYCK, Cornelius VAN WYCK Lott 31 Goods of Joel Gillet deceased of Crum Elbow. Executors Mary Gillet and Nicholas delaVergne are in debt 1600 and Ell 8 shillings to Francis Brett, Richard and Cornelius VanWyck executors of Cornelius VanWyck Sr. deceased. By court N Y City Sale Jan. 14th. Lott 31 NE part. Bounds Oblong, Heirs of Jan DeGraaf, Jacob Haff, Cornelius VanWyck. 1106 acres Witness: Roswell Hopkins, Michael Hopkins

273. 4:374 Feb. 19,1761 L70

Isaac FILKINS and Catherin of Crum Elbow Peter FILKIN Lott 13 subdivision lot 2. Bounded W.- millbrook from Isaac Filkins grist mill; E.- Jacob Sharpstone; So. Isaac Filkins and Jacob Sharpstone; No. Isaac Filkins. 70 acres Witness: Wm. Doughty, Henry Filkin Jr.



274. 4:377 May 25,1757 L400

Joseph MOTT of Hempstead Capt. Jacob MOTT of Hempstead Water Lott 3 Bounded So. Lott 2; No. Lott 4; W.- Hudson River; E.- as far as lot goes. 1200 acres Witness: Hendk Onderdonk, Phebe Onderdonk

275. Nov. L550

4:379 6,1760

Stephen SAILS of Nine Partners and Phebe to Benjamin BOYCE Crum Elbow 1) Bounded No. Joseph Thorn; W.- Timothy Devil; So. Jonas and Zephaniah Platt; E.- Ebenezer Briggs. 100 acres 2) Also So. of above 6 x 3 rods + 24 poles with spring. Witness: John Smith, Joseph Carpenter

276. Apr. L14

4:383 3,1765

Cyrus ALGER of Amenia Samuel KING of Amenia Lott 31 Bounded No. Ephraim Paine; E.- Benjamin Corey; W.- and So. Samuel Algers. 10 acres Witness: Nathan Spicer, Joseph Dickinson

277. June L695

4:387 2,1764

Thomas SOPPER of Charlotte Samuel TITUS Begins NW corner 20 and Lott 20 SW corner of 19. Bounded No. Timothy Huntly; Elijah Brower, Richard Bullock; E.- Wappingers Creek; So. Jacob Cronk228 acres hite; W.- Mr. Lipernard. Witness: Israel Lewis, John Wm. Sutherland

4:392 278. May 30,1765 L249

Richard ALSOP of Newton Adam TIPPLE of Rhinebeck Lott 1 1) Farm #1 in SW part of Lott 1, Bounds 225 acres Jacobus Stoutenburgh. 2) Also 13 acres from farm #2 conveyed to David Treva whole of his farm. 327 acres Alsop with his father conveyed to him 314 acres only Witness: David Traevir, Henry Livingston Jr.



4:394 279. May 30,1765 5 shillings

David TREVOR of Charlotte Adam TIPPLE of Rhinebeck Part of farm Richard Alsop and Elizabeth and son Richard Alsop the 4th released October last, the whole 314 acres. 13 acres reserved for the first farm and this day sold to Adam Tipple. Had been reserved for Joseph Trevor. At NE corner of David Trevor farm Witness: Richard Alsop, Henry Livingston Jr.

4:395 280. Feb. 11,1746 E500

Isaac GERMOND and Henry FILKINS of Crum Elbow to Thomas NEWCOMB of Salsbury, County of New Haven, Conn. Lott 8 Bounded So. Lott 9; No. Lott 7; W.- Hendrick Hegeman and Henry 3000 acres Lott; E.- Lott 11. Witness: Cyrenius Newcomb, Benajah Williams

4:397 281. Jan. 21,1744 E1200

Catharine SYMES of N Y City widow, Adolph PHILIPSE of N Y and Lancaster GREEN of N Y exec. of Lancaster Symes of N Y to Joseph CAUSETON of Dutchess Co. 1) Lott 8 - Refers to Patent of May 27, 1697, names of 9 Partners and description. James Emmott and Mary in 11th yr of King William III sold to Jacob Dekey of N Y 1/9th part. In 1698 Jacob Dekey and Sarah sold to Lancaster Symes of 1/9. He made his will Mar. 30, 1723. His son John Hendrick was executor since deceased and in codicil March 28, 1727 he made all children and grandson Lancaster Green executors. May 29, 1734 Richard Edsel surveyed Lott 8 heretofore sold to William Welling and others (three others). 2) Lott 11 - sold to Ezekiel Halstead and John Gedney. Remainder to Causeton. Witness: Brandt Schuyler, Tobias TenEyck

282. Nov. E133

Tristam BROWN and Hezekian of Amenia, husbandman acquired by will from Tristam Brown dec. to Samuel KING On line of Lot 31 and 32. Bounds Ephraim Griswold and Samuel

4:406 4,1764



King. Mentions a barn not on the land but we convey it. [?] acres Witness: Lemuel Youngs, Benj. Wood 283. Aug. 1300

4:410 3,1765

Hugh SMITH of Charlotte Daniel SOUTHWICK, currier Lott 26 1) Bounds Ebenezer Husted. 4 acres 2) Bounded No. Jeremiah Ferris; W.- Ebenezer Husted; So. road and Joseph Denton; E.- Zephaniah Platt. 58 acres Witness: Henry Livingston and Henry Livingston Jr.

284. 4:416 Aug. 29,1765 190

Elnathan GOODRICH of Sharon Ichabod ROGERS of Oblong Oblong Lott 62 at west end of 400 acre lot at north side. Lately improved by Daniel Smith. Bounds Magdalane D'Bruce former George Johnson, Joseph Penoyer, Ichabod Rogers. 30 acres Witness: John Hervey, Samuel Johnson

285. 4:418 July 15,1764 150

Joshua GIDNEY of Charlotte, tavernkeeper and Margaret Francis DE LONG blacksmith which he bought of AdonLott 8 ijah Newcomb. 25 acres Witness: Eliab Youmans, Ezekiel Sheldon

286. May 1126

Stephen HOPKINS, Samuel SHEPPARD, Robert JOHNSON Jr. as trustees, farmers, to Michael HOPKINS, farmer Nov. 23 last Daniel Horsmander Chief Justice issued warrant for Sheriff to sieze the estate of John Penoire of Oblong, absconding debtor, The following 3 parcels were sold Mar. 26, 1765: 1) Benjamin Birdsall sold to John Penoire 1753 east half of Lott 62 Oblong 400 acres 2) Daniel Luce sold to John Penoire Apr. 7, 1757, In Oblong on bank of pond called Round Pond, Bounds Elijah Phelps, Samuel Smith, Burcham, 100 acres 3) Bounded W.- John Penoire; No. lot 1; E.- Conn. ; So. lot 2 besides pond. 50 acres Witness: Robert Hebard Jr., Roswell Hopkins

4:419 1,1765



4:443 Benjamin TILER of Amenia 287. May 20 5th yr Nathan WHEELER Bounded So. Elnathan King Geo. III Willcocks; E.- Oblong; No. Salvenius 1100 Wilcock; W.- Stoutenburgh. Witness: John Way, Elijah Wheeler 288. 4:447 Feb. 13,1749 1300

Joseph GILLITT of Oblong Henry WINEGAR of Oblong Oblong Lott 52 Bounds Conn. Witness: Allin Curtis, William Spencer

52 acres

289. Mar. 150

4:449 5,1749

Joseph HOSKINS of Crum Elbow Thimoty MADES Jr. former James Emmott, W,Lott 32 of mountain that lieth across lot. Begins at NW corner at brook bridge near Hoskins house middle line of Lott 32. 150 acres Witness: Treyntje Hoffman, Martin Hoffman

290. Mar. 1410

5:29 2,1752

Isaac LAMB and John ADAMS of Amenia Josiah BROWN of Amenia Oblong Lott 57 In SW cor. 37 rods south 67 acres of 40 mile monument. Witness: Roswell Hopkins, Christian Tobias

5:30 291. June 24,1766 1280

Jonas GARRISON of Poughkeepsie, cordwainer Gilbert PALEN Jr. Bounded So, Lott 1; E.Water Lott 2 William Teller dec'd. ; No. Lott 3; W.140 acres Late Abraham Buise. Witness: Zacharias Garnryck, Jacob Concklin

5:35 292. May 24,1760 1165

Jeremiah TELLER and Aleda of Crum Elbow Zacarrias CARRENRIKE Bounded So. Lott 1; E.Water Lott 2 William Teller dec.; No. Lott 3; W.140 acres Abraham Buys. Witness: James G. Livingston, Abraham Buyse

5:37 393. July 26,1766 140

John FISH of Charlotte and Widow Rachel FISH to Mary, Jemima and Rachel FISH daughters of Joshua Fish deceased. NW corner Joseph VanAmbLott 18 er. Bounds pond. Signed by John and 127 acres Thankful Fish.



Witness: Joseph VanAmburgh, Elijah Lake 294. 5:41 Apr. 10,1761 L200

Joseph MOTT Joshua HAIGHT Lott 4 Bounds Jonathan Hoag. Witness: Henry Hegaman, 100 acres Peter Harris

5:51 295. Mar. 28,1760 L50

Ithamar DODGE of Crum Elbow Hezekiah DODGE Lott 5 Bounded E.- Jacob Deane, Nathaniel Soles; So. Jacob Laurance; W.and No. Ithamar Dodge. Included dwelling 148 acres house Witness: Lenard Reed, Selvester Heyes

5:53 2,1760

Benjamin BOYCE and Sarah of Nine Partners Hohan June WALTEMYER and Peter TREVER Lott 18 * of Lott 18. Bounded No. Little Nine Partners; So. Lott 17 of John Aartson; E.- Lott 19 of James Emmott; W.- Lott 1 of James Marshall. i of lot was conveyed to Benjamin Boyce by Joseph Mott of L.I. Oct. 31, 1758. Other i by Benjamin Lester to Benjamin Boyce Mar. 4, 1760. Bounds Joseph Husted, Stoutenburgh, Benjamin Boyce, Jonathan 371 acres Sappon, John Sappon. Witness: Charles Crooke, Christian Schultz

297. 5:58 Sept.17,1766 L100

Benjamin PEELEN of Charlotte Rezin GEER Water Lott 1 west of Kings Road, Bounds line of Lott 2 and Hudson River. 26 acres Witness: Jacob Concklin, Ezekiel Palee

5:74 298. Feb. 4,1764 202-13-9

Benjamin BOYCE and Sarah of Charlotte, farmer Samuel JONES On Filkintown line and Lott 24 John Crooke, Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph. Bounded No. and W.- Isaac Boyce; SW and W.- Benjamin Boyce; So. David Husted; So. and E.- David Husted and Samuel Jones. Witness: Caleb Carton, Reuben Palmer

296. July L492



5:76 299. Mar. 16,1767 162

Zebulon WALLBRIDGE of Nine Partners Enoz NORTHROP Lott 26 Bounded So. William Palmer; E.- John Rinnes; No. road; W.Wallbridge and line of Wallbridge and Northrop west of certain spring near west and north bought of Jahanroad. 39 acres iah Palmer. Witness: Joseph Mabbett, Israel Vail

5:78 300. 5,1763 May 12200

George Willocks LESLIE of N Y City and Mary and Richard ALSOP 4th to Benjamin BOYCE of Dutchess Co. SW corner. Bounds Lott Lott 24 25 of Henry Filkin, John Crooke, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Lott 12 of William Creed. 1100 acres Witness: James Walsh, Adolph Bras

5:86 301. July 20,1764 1234

Caleb HAIGHT of Charlotte Col. Martin HOFFMAN Lott 34 Stephen Hopkins sold to Daniel Harris June 1, 1749 and Harris sold to Haight Dec. 28, 1759. NE from James Smith's grist mill. Bounded: So. Daniel Wright and road; E.- Capt. Daniel Wright and Benjamin Denton; No. James Talmage, Isaac Burton; W.- Capt. Wright and James Smith now in possession of Harris. Mentions mill brook. 204 acres Witness: Daniel Harris, James Bent, Anthony Hoffman Jr.

302. 5:94 Jan. 11,1763 1150

Samuel BADGLEY of Charlotte, blacksmith Hugh SMITH of Hempstead Lott 26 4 acres 1) Bounds Ebenezer Busted. 2) Bounded No. Jeremiah Ferris; W.- Ebenezer Husted; So. Road and Joseph Denton; E.- Zephaniah Platt. Witnesses: Henry and Gilbert Livingston

303. 5:96 Nov. 29,1760 1251

Peter DREVER (Trever) of Crum Elbow John Jury WALTERMEYER of Rhinebeck Lott 18 Bought together of Benjamin Boyce of Lott 18. Bounded No. Little Nine Partners; So. Lott 17 of John Aertson; E.- Lott 19 of James Emmott; W.- Lott 1 of James Marshall, 1 Joseph Mott to Benjamin Boyce Oct, 31, 1758 Benjamin Lester of Hempstead to Benjamin Boyce Mar. 4, 1760. Bounds



Joseph Husted, Stoutenburgh, Benjamin Boyce, Jonathan Lappon and John Lappon. Bought July 2, 1760. By mutual division north half to Peter Dreyer (Trever). Witness: John Ellistone, 371 acres Christian Schultz 304. 5:98 Oct. 11,1761 1460

Micah, Isaac, and Richard SMITH of Hempstead to Lewis BARTON of Crum Elbow Lott 21 surveyed 1748 by Roger Sherman. #8 in survey Bounded No. and E.- by Samuel Pugsley; So. Charles Crooke; W.- Joseph Stanton. 228 acres Witness: Jacob Balding, Isaac Smith

305. 5:103 June 1,1759 Love and affection

Stephen HOPKINS of Nine Partners Michael HOPKINS his son Lott 32 Bounded by road west from Stephen Hopkins to house of Michael Hopkins, and John Evenson. Includes 2 houses and barn. 80 acres Witness: John Thurston, Samuel King

306. June

5:104 9,1767

Michael HOPKINS of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON of New York, merchant Lott 32 Same as Liber 5:103 above. 80 acres Witness: Jacobus TerBoss, Henry Livingston Jr.

307. June 1800

5:106 9,1767

Roswell HOPKINS of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON of New York, merchant Lott 32 Bounds (oar) cart path, land Simon Cook bought of Ephraim Lord. Witness: Jacobus TerBoss, 80 acres Henry Livingston Jr.

308. 5:109 Apr. 21,1767 Love and affection

Jacob MOTT of Hempstead cousen Joseph MOTT of Charlotte Water Lott 3 East end that Joseph now lives on. Witness: Samuel Mott, Samuel Smith

5:110 309. Apr. 21,1767 Love and affection

Jacob MOTT of Hempstead cousen Samuel MOTT of Charlotte Water Lott 3 West end that Samuel now lives on. Witness: Joseph Mott, Samuel Smith



310. 5:111 Aug. 17,1767 £215

Joseph MOTT of Charlotte and Pheby, Samuel MOTT and Margaret to Albartus SCHRYVER, son of Peter of Rhinebeck Water Lott 3 Bounds John Mannen. Privilege of road thru farm of Joseph Near South Line to bridge across Fallkill creek. 120 acres Witness: Peter P. S. Schryver, Jacob Concklin

311. 5:129 Oct. 10,1767 £85

Benjamin WICKHAM of Charlotte Robert G LIVINGSTON of N Y City gentleman south half. SE corner Lott 21 Israel Brush. Bounds David Southerland, Alexander Nelson, middle line of lot. 38 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Henry Livingston Jr.

312. 5:131 June 4,1767 Love and affection £55

Thomas VAN KEUREN of Staatsburgh John PAWLING son in law 1) Lot 3 in Staatsburgh or Pawling purchase. Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. Lot 2 of Lewis Morris; E.- Elizabeth Schuyler and Lewis Morris; So. Lot 4 Elizabeth Schuyler; E.- Lots 11 and 12. 195 acres 2) Lot 3 Bounded No. Lewis Morris; E.Crom Elbow Creek; So. Governeur; W.Governeur and Elizabeth Schuyler. 232 acres Both mapped by Charles Clinton, Witness: Peter Scriver, Franseva F. Matrat, Levi Pawling

313. Nov. £450

Major John PAWLING of Staatsburgh in Rhinebeck Johannis CRAMER of Oswego in Beekman 1) Staatsburgh Lot 3 Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. Lot 2 of Teunis Van Buntschoten; E.- Lot 11; So. Lot 3 of Petrus DeWitt. 94 acres 2) Lot 13 Bounded No. Teunis VanBunschoten; E.- Crom Elbow Kill; So. Petrus DeWitt; W.- Petrus DeWitt and Teller. 112i acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Henry Livingston Jr.

5:134 3,1767



314. 5:154 Sept.12,1750 L122

Anthony ARNOLD of Crum Elbow, miller Timothy CLOSEN Lott 12 and 25 Bounded No. Christopher Deval; So. Anthony Arnold; E.- Peter Palmer; W.- Richard Tripp. 94 acres Witness: George Soule, William Palmer

315. 5:192 Feb. 19,1767 5 shillings

Nicholas VAN WAGENEN of Charlotte and Hester John DE GRAEF of Poughkeepsie, Mariner In Lot 7 SE corner of 3 by lake. Bounds Theodorus VanWyck. 200 acres Also in Lot 7 corner of Gerret VanWagenen from Exec. of Jan DeGraef deceased on line of lot 6 and 7. 106 acres Witness: Henry Bayeaux, Henry Livingston

316. 5:194 Feb. 24,1767 E545

John DE GRAEFF of Poughkeepsie, mariner Nicholas VAN WAGENEN of Charlotte In Lot 7 200 acres and 106 acres as in Liber 5:192. 106 acres is in NW corner of farm of Jan DeGraeff deceased. Witness: Henry Bayeaux, Henry Livingston

317. 5:196 Feb. 3,1767 5 shillings

John DE GRAEFF of Poughkeepsie, Mariner Nicholas VAN WAGENEN of Charlotte In lot 7 200 acres and 106 acres. See Liber 5:192 above. Witness: Henry Baueaux, Henry Livingston

5:198 318. Feb. 24,1767 E1400

Benjamin HICKS and Mary of Dutchess Co. Elias DOTY Lott 16 SW corner Lott 16, cor. of Lotts 3 and 15. Lately Joseph Palmer. 4291 acres Witness: John Bedel, Samuel More

319. May E250

5:210 1,1768

5:212 320. Nov. 9,1768 5 shillings

Joseph SMITH of Amenia David COLLIN Bounds Andrew Downer. Lott 34 Witness: Francis Boehlerff, 69 acres Anna Catharine Boehler Amos GILLET of Amenia acquired from his father Joseph Mortgaged to George FOLLIOTT Nov. 19, 1763 for L600 Amos bound with Daniel Barber, Daniel


Deeds Hopkins, Daniel Brown for £1200 Dec. 18, 1762. Unpaid. Formerly mortgaged to Henry Livingston of Poughkeepsie which George Folliott purchased. Not described. Witness: Henry Clapp, Rich. Harrison

321. 5:213 Nov. 3,1768 5 shillings

Daniel BROWN of Amenia mortgaged Nov, 1763 George FOLLIOTT of N Y City merchant £1000 July 8, 1762 with Martin Dewey, David Tracey, Israel Baker £2000. No description. Witness: Rich. Harrison, Simeon Wright

322. 5:215 Nov. 11,1768 5 shillings

Israel BAKER of Amenia George FOLLIOTT He bought of Daniel Brown, Mortgage Nov. 12, 1763 to George Folliott for £1000. July 8, 1762 with Martin Dewey, David Tracey, Daniel Brown for £2000. No description. Witness: Ichabod Paine, Israel Baker Jr,

323. 5:216 Nov. 11,1768 5 shillings

Amos MOORE of Northeast mortgaged George FOLLIOTT £600 Nov. 14, 1763. On Nov. 12, 1762 with Caleb Smith, Simeon Wright, Daniel Johns and Samuel Smith. E1200. Witness: Michl Hopkins, Rich. Harrison

324. 5:223 Sept. 9,1768 £250

James PHILLIP of Cortlandt, Westchester Israel BUCK of Sharon Amenia Lott 35 NE corner. Bounds Lott 36 and Oblong. 100 acres Witness: Ichabod Rogers, Silas March

325. 5:224 Feb. 20,1754 £137

John ADAMS of Oblong Crum Elbow Elias SHAVELIER Oblong Lott 57 at 40 mile monument. Mentions cross highway and main county road. Witness: James Atherton, Jene Adams

Deeds 326. Oct. L400

5:261 1,1762

327. 5:274 July 30,1767 5 shillings


Jacobus STOUTENBURGH Esq. of Charlotte Stephen HIX yeoman Lott 15 Bounds Elmendorph and Johnson and crosses a pond. 176 acres Witness: Samuel Rowland, Thomas Lewes Charles CROOKE of Dutchess Co. John CROOKE of N Y City and Gabriel William LUDLOW and Cornelia lately Cornelia CROOKE. Lotts 3, 17, 22, 29, 6 & 10 3rd Division, Water Lott 5 Refers to patent of May 27, 1697, names 9 partners and describes area. May 8, 1699 9 water lots 4A miles long, Lott 5 falling to John Aertson. Oct. 10, 1701 John Aertson and Elizabeth to Michael Hawden lot 5 and 1/9 of undivided lands. He made will Mar. 22, 1711 executors John Johnson, George Willcock, Johannes Jansen, John Crooke, Nathaniel Marston on Apr. 27, 1731 sold to Anthony Rutgers Water Lott 5 1/9 of undivided lands (see Liber 2:59). They were since divided into 36 Lotts and 3, 17, 22, 29 fell to Rutgers and Lotts 6 and 10 in 3rd division. Each divided into 3 smaller lots. 1) Lott 3 subdivision Lot 1 - west part bounds Little Wappingers creek 1635 acres 2) Lott 17 subdivision Lot 2 - middle 944 acres 3) Lott 22 subdivision Lot 3 - east part 1216i acres 4) Lott 29 subdivision Lot 1 - west part surveyed by Jacobus TerBoss, bounds 858 acres Wiessayick 5) Lotts 6 & 10 subdivision Lot 2 in 391 acres each Anthony Rutgers made will Aug. 2, 1746. Executors wife Cornelia and daughters Elsie, wife of Leonard Lispenard, Mary and Aletta since deceased. They sold Dec. 10, 1748 to Charles Crooke of New York 1/3 of above and undivided and Water Lott 5 bounded West Hudson River; South Lott 4; North Lott 6 and East Lott 14 (3rd division). Anthony Rutgers executors including Mary now married to Henry Barcly and Anthony Rutgers an


Deeds infant sold the north part of Lott 5 except keeping two landing places for common use. Charles Crook's will was made out Mar. 17, 1757 leaving to children Charles, John and Cornelia who married Gabriel William Ludlow. Survey by Charles Dewitt Jr. John and Charles Crooke and Gabriel William Ludlow and Cornelia divide. 1) Lott 3, lot 2 of subdivision Lot 1 580 acres Bounds Little Wappingers 2) Lott 17, subdivision Lot 2 - foot of hill near rattle snake den 288 acres 3) Lott 22, lot 3 of subdivision Lot 3 by line dividing Amenia and Charlotte 451 acres precinct 4) Lott 29, lot 2 of subdivision Lot 1 mineral spring and Wasayick cr 243i acres 5) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 2 of subdivision 144 acres Lot 2 6) and claim to 5 lots released to Gabriel and Cornelia Gabriel W. Ludlow and Cornelia release to Charles Crooke: 1) Lott 3, subdivision lot 1 - bounds 523 acres Little Wappingers 2) Lott 17, lot 3 of subdivision lot 2 328 acres 3) Lott 22, lot 2 of subdivision lot 3 456 acres 4) Lott 29, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 line of Amenia and Charlotte, mineral 300 acres spring 5) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 1 of subdivision lot 2 - near old Beaver dam 166 acres 6) right to 5 lots Also the following: 1) Lott 3, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 Bounds Little Wap. Cr. and house of Arie Buys west of Little Wappingers 637 acres Creek near bridge 2) Lott 17, lot 1 of subdivision lot 2 328 acres 3) Lott 22, lot 1 of subdivision lot 3 north of Separatists Meeting house, 493 acres near Mr. Johnston (Continued)



4) Lott 29, lot 3 of subdivision lot 1 near dwelling of Palmer and line of Amenia and Charlotte precincts 345 acres 5) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 3 of subdivision lot 2 - Bounds two branches of Fallkill and old Beaver dam 144 acres 6) right to 5 lots Witness: Cornelius Clopper, Benj Kissam Also see: Liber 4:62. 328. 5:294 Mar. 30,1769 11000

Joseph DOTY and Cashea of Charlotte, blacksmith Samuel SMITH Jr. of Jamaica and Melancton SMITH of Charlotte Lott 16 1/3 of lot 2 of i Lott 16. NW corner of Lott 21 41 chains from old line of Lotts 15 and 16. 263 acres Excludes 7 acres added to lot 3 of 2 bought by Henry Bogart of Abraham Bokee and Samuel Jackson Jan. 23, 1754. Witness: Elias Doty, Elias DeLong

5:297 329. Feb. 20,1767 E545

Nicholas VAN WAGENEN and Hester Jaohn DE GRAEFF of Poughkeepsie 200 acres in Lot 7 by lake and 106 acres. Witness: Henry Livingston, Richard Smith

5:309 330. Apr. 17,1765

John PAWLING and Neeltie of Pawling Purchase or Staatsburgh Peter DEWITT of Witts Mount in Staatsburgh. Each own one half of lots 3 and 13. Lot 3 195 acres Divided into 101 acres and 92i. Lot 13 232 acres Divided into 1211 and 112i. Witness: Isaac Teller, Albartus Sickner

331. 5:313 Apr. 24,1765 E47

John PAWLING and Neeltie of Pawlings Purchase or Staatsburgh first divided with Peter DEWITT and Thomas VAN KEUREN. Dewitt had 71 acres more than Pawling. As of April 17, 1765 Dewitt may keep extraordinary compliment of 7i acres. Witness: Isaac Teller, Albartus Sickner



5:315 332. Feb. 13,1767 5 shillings

Mary GERBRANTZ widow of Jan DeGraeff of Poughkeepsie; Baltus VAN KLEECK and Elizabeth, daughter of Jan DeGraeff; John DE GRAEFF Jr. son; Abraham DEGRAEFF Jr. son; Gerret VAN WAGENEN and Sarah, a daughter; Jenneke VAN KLEECH, widow a daughter; JAN DE GRAEFF and Jenneke VAN KLEECK exec. of Moses DeGraeff a deceased son toward the legacy of Hester another daughter to Nicholas VAN WAGENEN and Hester a daughter on line of Lott 6 of Lott 7 Henry Filkin. Bounds Gerret VanWagenen 106 acres Witness: Healah Carpenter, Henry Bayeux

333. May L100

5:318 1,1768

Lewis BARTON Caleb MOREY Bounds W.- Road and Lott 21 Isaac Haight; E.- Stephen Pugsley; So. Joseph Reynolds and road; No. Abraham 72 acres Palmer. Witness: Reuben Stanton, Rachel Barton

5:323 334. Mar. 13,1769 L170

Abraham PALMER of Crum Elbow Caleb MOREY Bounds Isaac Haight, Lott 21 72 acres Stephen Pugsley. Witness: Benjamin Lapham, Samuel Badgley

5:324 335. July 4,1769 L1200

William ROBARTS of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON, NYC merchant Amenia Lott 32 1) Bounds brook, John Everson late Stephen Hopkins, Samuel Smith, Timothy 280 acres Mead, Stephen Kinne. 2) Also in Lott 32 Amenia. Bounds 50 acres brook. Witness: James Mead, Isaac Burton

5:327 336. Sept.21,1769 5 shillings

Josiah BROWN of Amenia mortgaged Robert G. LIVINGSTON Aug. 11, 1764 for L300 and with Martin Dewey Aug. 28, 1761 for L300. Unpaid. Sells to Livingston. 1) Oblong Lott 57 - 37 rods south of 40 mi monument 67i acres 2) 45 chains south of 40 mile monument, Bounded W.- 9 partners line; So. and



E.- Miles Washbun; No. Josiah Brown. No description further. Witness: Elipelet Buell, Roswell Hopkins 337. 5:329 Oct. 4,1769 5 shillings

Uldrick WINNEGAR of Amenia mortgage July 6, 1765 Robert G. LIVINGSTON 1300 at 7% and with Ashbel Goodrich Feb. 23, 1761, 1120 and with Ephraim Seely Mar. 23, 1761, 1180. Unpaid. Sells to Livingston. Oblong Lott 45 lately Dr. Colden. Bounded So. Ephraim Seely; W.- 9 Partners; No. Clapp; E.- Brown. 100 acres Witness: Matthew Dubois, Nicholas DeLaVergne

338. 5:334 Nov. 21,1751 E63

Benjamin SOULS of Crum Elbow Bastian BROWN of Rhinebeck Lott 3 third division sold by Jacob Hoff Jr. Oct. 26, 1750. Bounded No. John Crooke Esq.; So. and E.- Cornelius Miller; W.- Morde Lester. 170 acres Witness: P. D. Witt, Christian Schultz

339. 5:337 Nov. 27,1769 E85

James LIVINGSTON Esq. Sheriff Peter BROWN of Rhinebeck Suit of Adam Fipple vs. George Barnhart. Lott 19 Bounded So. Charles Bulles; W.- Ezra Huntley; No. gore between Little and Great Nine Partners; E.- Jacob Benthuysen. 95 acres Witness: Tho Newcomb, Adonijah Newcomb

340. 5:338 Dec. 27,1769 185

George BARNHART of Charlotte Peter BROWN of Rhinebeck Lott 19 Same as Liber 5:337 above. 95 acres Witness: Tho Newcomb, Henry Bayeux

341. July 1500

Jemima HOPKINS relict of Stephen of Amenia and Noah, Roswell, Michael, Wait, Stephen, Benjamin, Reuben Hopkins all children and heirs of Stephen to Robert G. LIVINGSTON of N Y City, merchant Bounds road on line of Roswell and of Michael Hopkins; line of Lott 31; William Robart; Widow Cooke.

5:342 6,1769


Deeds 366 acres Witness: Nathan Spicer, Ephraim Griswold, Eliphalet Follet, Elizabeth Follet

342. 5:351 June 26,1766 El5

Benjamin PELEN (signed Piele) of Charlotte Rezin GEARS of Charlotte, cordwainer East of Kings Road and Charlotte north of road Mr. Calloes to Hegeman's Landing. Bounded W.- Kings Road; No. Rezin Gear and Hendrick Hegeman; E.- and So. road Calloes to Hegemans Landing. Witness: Daniel Roberts, li acres Jacob Concklin

343. July E300

5:353 3,1766

Rezin GEAR and Mary of Charlotte, cordwainer Daniel ROBERTS of Poughkeepsie Charlotte Bounded W.- Kings Road; No. Hendrick Hegeman; E.- and So. by the road from eastward to Hegemans Landing. 2 acres Witness: Cornelius Hegeman, Jacob Concklin

344. 5:355 Mar. 10,1767 E100

Rezin GEER and Mary of Charlotte, cordwainer Daniel ROBERTS of Poughkeepsie Water Lot 1 West of Kings Road; No. of Benjamin Pelens house on line of Lott 2 goes to point on Hudson River near road and flat rock marked DR and BP. 26 acres Witness: John VanKleeck, Jacob Concklin, Benjamin Piele, Ezekiel Piele

345. 5:364 Mar. 15,1770 E550

Samuel TITUS, cooper Israel WOOD and Isaac KETCHAM Lott 20 at SW corner of Lott 19. Bounded No. Timothy Huntley, Elijah Brown, Richard Bullock; E.- Wappingers Creek; So. Jacob Cronkchite; W.- Lispenard. 228i acres Witness: Israel Youngs, Isaac Young

346. 5:367 Dec. 30,1763 love and affection

Benjamin BENEDICT of Amenia son Samuel BENEDICT Lott 35 at south line of son John Benedict. 100 acres Witness: Daniel Castile, Roswell Hopkins

Deeds 347. Mar. L400


5:369 8,1769

Thomas FISH of Charlotte Jonathan PARKS of Beekman Lott 18 Bounds Joshua Fish children, Volentine Purkins. 170 acres Witness: Jonas Parks, Livi Fish

348. 5:370 May 14,1770 1350

Gilbert PALEN Jr. and Phebe of Charlotte Peter SCHRYVER of Rhinebeck Water Lott 2 Bounded So. Water Lott 1; E.- William Teller deceased; No. Lott 3; W.- Stephen Callow. Witness: Benjamin Piele, Henry Livingston Jr.

349. 5:379 Mar. 16,1768

John WHARTON of N Y City Gentleman appoints attorney Timothy CLOSSEN Witness: August V. D. Cortlandt, John Cozine Jr.

350. 5:381 Mar. 27,1770 E220

John WHARTON of Montreal, Canada Gentleman Samuel DUNHAM of Nine Partners by atty Timothy CLOSSEN Oblong Lott 57 Bounds Oliver Crocker, John Adams Jr., Isaac Lamb and road by his house west, Elias Shavalier. Excludes 5 acres sold John Adams Jr. Witness: August V. D. Cort77 acres landt, John Cozine Jr.

5:387 11,1763

Henry HEGEMAN, of Charlotte, Gentleman and Elizabeth Rezin GEARS, cordwainer Crum Elbow, now Charlotte Bounds William Vanderburgh, east of Post road and along Kings road. 1 acre Witness: James Wilson, William Gay

352. 5:395 Feb. 19,1753 L315

John LESTER of Crum Elbow James LESTER of Crum Elbow Lott 5 subdivision lot 4 which is * of Lott 5. Witness: Mordecai Lester, Enoch Lester

351. May L5

353. July L300

5:397 2,1761

William MITCHELL of Oblong, Amenia Henry WINEGAR of Amenia 500 acres Oblong Lott 51 Witness: Saml Doty, Jedediah Bump



5:402 354. Dec. 1,1763 11200

Abraham LOTT of N Y City, merchant, exec. of Henry LOTT Esq. of Dutchess Co. Abraham SCHENCK of Kingston, R.I. Henry Lott made will Lott 8 Mar. 9, 1762. Peter Lott of NYC also executor. 1) In Lott 8 west of Wappingers Creek starts at south post of great bridge near mill house of Henry Lott. Bounds 2 acres Everson. 2) Also west of Wappingers Creek and starts at south post of great bridge 31 3/4 acres Includes dwelling house, mill, mill dam, house. Witness: Joseph Montanya, Abraham VanAlstyne

355. July 1150

5:405 6,1764

Sarah HEGEMAN of Charlotte spinster Abraham SCHENCK of Bushwick, Kings Co Island of Nassau Sarah's brother Joseph Lott 8 Sept. 6, 1762 sold 30 acres near mill of Hendrick Lott to Sarah. Bounded So. line of Lotts 8 and 9; W.- William Barentsen, Henry Oserum; No, Joseph Hegeman and John Osterum; E.- John Osterum and the mill lot; So. Abraham Schenck. Witness: Dennis Oosstrom, Geertruy H. 0. Osterom

5:408 29,1770

Samuel VER PLANCK, N Y City merchant Peter CORNE and John BARNES Lott 8 House, mill, mill dam, mill house in three parcels. 1) West of Wappingers Creek. Begins by south post of great bridge. Bounds Everson 2 acres 2) West of Wappingers, begins by south 31 3/4 acres post of great bridge. 3) East of bridge. East of Wappingers Creek. Begins by foot of bridge and goes to Everson. No acres Witness: John Kennedy, David Mathews

357. 5:414 Nov. 13,1769 1100

Ulrie WINNEGAR of Amenia Stephen WARREN Oblong Bought of Henry Clapp. Bounds 100 acres of Winnegar on South; E.- road; No. Samuel Judson; West 100 acres. 4 acres Witness: James Reed,

356. May 134



358. 5:410 Sept.11,1770 L410

John SMITH farmer of Dutchess Co. Joshua DAKIN Oblong Lott 68 1) 1 acre 2) 44 chains 1 rod 14 ft. north of 44 mile monument 80 acres Witness: George Dickinson, Amos Covey

359. 5:416 Mar. 19,1762 L104

Joseph HEGEMAN and Elizabeth eldest son and heir of Henry Hegeman, farmer Henry LOTT Lott 8 1) West of Wappingers Creek. Begins by south post of great bridge. Bounds 2 acres Everson. 2) West of Wappingers Creek begins by south post of great bridge. 31 3/4 acres Witness: John Barns, Ruloff Ostrum

360. 6:6 May 1,1770 L1000

Stephen VAN CORTLANDT of Secondriver, Essex Co. NJ merchant; Samuel VAN CORTLANDT of Secondriver, Essex Co. NJ merchant; John VAN CORTLANDT of N Y City; Philip VAN CORTLANDT of Secondriver, merchant; Joanna VAN CORTLANDT spinster of Secondriver; John VAN RENSELAER of Albany and Geertruyd, merchant; John ABEEL of NY City merchant to Timothy CLASSEN of Nine Partners Staatsburgh 1) Lot 7 Bounded No. lot 6; So. Lot 8; W.- Hudson River; E.- line between 227 acres front and rear lots. 2) Lot 16 Bounded No. lot 15; E.- Crum Elbow Kill; So. Lot 17; W.- division 248 acres line. Partition made 1754. Witness: GsD/Bois, Miles Sherbrooke, Henry VanDyck, Peter W. Douw, Gerrard Heaghoort Jr., Philip Jacob Prince



6:14 361. Oct. 29,1743 L100

Isaac RANNOLDS and Mary, Jacob BARTON, Isaac RANNOLDS of Filkentown in Crum Elbow, to Joseph BARTON of Fairfield, Conn. Bounded No. Isaac RunLott 25 nolds, Joseph Soper, Elijah Phares; So. Isaac and Joseph Runnolds; E.- Joseph Runnolds, Isaac Knapp;W.- Joseph Soper. 108 acres Witness: John Allen, Joseph Reynolds

6:16 362. May 1,1770 love and affection

Jacob MOTT, yeoman of Hempstead Cousen Samuel MOTT of Charlotte East end. Bounded E.Water Lott 3 Joseph Hagaman; So. David Concklin; W.300 acres Samuel Mott; No. Lot 4. Witness: James Valentine, John Fitton

6:17 363. Nov. 12,1770 L300

Henry ROSEKRANS Jr. Sheriff Henry LIVINGSTON Jr. Action of Lott 30 subdivision lot 5. Robert G. Livingston, merchant of N Y City vs. Daniel Barber of Crum Elbow. Appraisers Michael Hopkins and Zacheus Newcomb appraised land at L827. Bill of complaint by Helen MC PHEADRIS widow of N Y City for L310. Notice posted Presbyterian Church Amenia. Sold at auction to highest bidder. Bounds Oblong. 979 acres Except 200 acres sold to Ichabod Paine and 3 acres sold to Daniel Brown. Witness: Casparus Mancius, Alexander Thompson, Jacobus Rosekrans

364. May 1250

Josiah GALE of Amenia, blacksmith Judah BURTON yeoman Lott 33 1) Near road and house of Nathan Smith deceased. Bounds Jonathan Reynolds, 16 acres Reuben Smith. 2) Bounds road Meeting house to Filkentown, John Everson 30 acres except 12 acres sold Edman Parlee. 3) NE corner where 2 roads meet, bounds John Everson 2 acres. Includes dwelling house, barns etc. Witness: Roger Gale, Asa Wallbridge

6:30 2,1770



6:34 365. Dec. 13,1770 1300

Henry LIVINGSTON Jr. of Dutchess County, Gentleman Robert G. LIVINGSTON, NY City merchant Lott 30 subdivision lot 5 Bought of Henry Rosekrans Nov. I last. 979 acres except 200 acres sold to Daniel Barber and to Jacob Paine. Witness: S. Johnson, Joanna Livingston

366. 6:63 Jan. 29,1765 E300

Daniel TRIPP of Charlotte, mason Remembrance GAGE Bought of William Barton. Lott 12 Bounds John Keefes, Silas Davel, William Green, Timothy Classon, Anthony Arnold, Nicholas Traver, creek. Witness: Richard Estes, 65 acres John Fitton

6:73 367. Apr. 11,1771 E400

William Burnet BOWNE late of Salem sex, Mass Bay now Virginia to David DOTY of Dutchess Co. Oblong Lott 46 1 mile north of 33 monument. By David Van Horne Atty City. Bounds Conn. line. 500 Witness: David Mathews, John Young


mile N Y acres

368. 6:83 May 26,1760 E350

Micah SMITH and Isaac SMITH Jr. of Hempstead Lewes BARTON of Crum Elbow Lott 21 South part of Lott 21. This lot was laid out in 10 lots beginning at west end by Roger Sherman 1748. This is lots 3 and 4 of lot 21. Bounded No. Moses Heigit, Ephraim Bullock, Elijah Ferris, Alexander Nelson; W.- Benjamin Lappam; So. Cornelia Rutgers; E.456 acres Benjamin Lappam. Witness: Jonathan Rowland, Samuel Rowland

6:86 369. Oct. 27,1760 E100

Benjamin PALMER Lewis BARTON In Lot 21 Bounds W.Isaac Hayghts former Joseph Haight; E.Stephen Pugsley; So. Joseph Reynolds; 72 acres No. Abraham Palmer. Witness: Abraham Palmer, Timothy Canfield Jr.



370. 6:88 Dec. 15,1755 E30

371. Mar. E350

Joseph STANTON Lewis BARTON In Lot 21 Bounded NW Lewis Barton; E.- and So. Joseph Stanton; No. Joseph Reynolds. 50 acres Witness: Timothy Edwards, Edmond Perlee

6:93 7,1771

Joshua DAKIN Phulip SPENCER Oblong Lott 68 1) 1 acre 2) 44 chains 1 rod 14 ft. north of 44 ml monument. 80 acres Witness: Jonathan Moor, Jonathan Moor Jr.

372. 6:101 Apr. 27,1771 E300

Henry OSTROM of Charlotte and Maritye Gerret VAN WAGENEN Lott 8 on line of Lott 7, 110 acres Bounds Denne Ostrum. Witness: Henry Ostrom, Henry Livingston, Henry Livingston Jr.

6:106 373. Sept.21,1771 E250

Elijah BALDWIN of Charlotte, Physician and Margaret Benjamin DE LA VERGNE Lott 12 1) Bounds Frederick rock, John Germond. 25 3/4 acres 2) also in Lot 12 2 acres 1) Bounded So. Frederick Straight late Frederick Ham; W.- John Germond; E.road Filkentown to Poughkeepsie. 2) Bounded West and north Road Filkentown to Poughkeepsie; So. Hallock; E.- brook. Total 27 3/4 acres Witness: Zebulon Smith, Jacob Tobias

374. 6:109 Apr. 17,1770 E200

Rezin GEER of Charlotte, cordwainer and Mary Daniel ROBARTS of Poughkeepsie Water Lott 1 west of Post road and south of Samuel Smiths house. Bounds William Gay. 1 acres Witness: Ezekiel Palee, Jacob Concklin




6:118 375. Nov. 7,1771 5 shillings

Jacob MOTT of Hempstead Joseph MOTT of Charlotte Bounds Samuel Mott and Water Lott 3 400 acres James Valentine. Witness: Fras Ludlow, Timothy Smith

376. 6:123 Apr. 20,1767 5 shillings

Capt. Jacob MOTT of Hempstead Samuel MOTT of Charlotte Water Lott 3 Witness: Elisabeth Smith, Saml Smith

6:125 377. May 24,1750 1428

Timothy CASE and John FULLER of Crum Elbow Joseph MOTT of Hempstead Water Lott 3 Bounded No. Lott 4; E.James Emmott; So. Lott 2; W.- Hudson River. Witness: Henry Livingston, James G. Livingston

378. 6:129 June 16,1749 1800

Mordecai LESTER of Crum Elbow and Joseph MOTT of Hempstead to Timothy CASE and John FULLER of Crum Elbow Bounded So. Col. Henry Filkin dec. ; No. Capt. Sims dec. ; E.Henry Filkins; W.- Hudson River. 1100 acres Witness: John Lester, Isaac Germond

379. Dec. 155

6:143 9,1771

Henry ROSEKRANS Jr. Sheriff George FOLLIOTT, N Y City, merchant Goods of Martin Dewey deceased, Executors Jedediah and Martin Dewey to settle debts. Bounds Joshua Paine, Amenia Noah Guernsey, Grover Buel, David Col33 acres lins. Sold at auction. Witness: Enos Northrop, Philip Spencer

380. Apr. 182

6:148 3,1765

Caleb BROWN of Charlotte Thomas BRAMAN Bounded No. Israel and Lott 19 Daniel Lewis; W.- Zebulon Mead; E,- Cal52 acres eb Brown; SW Braman. Witness: Daniel Lewis, Nehemiah Hearst

400 acres


204 6:149 6,1761

John WALL of Crum Elbow Thomas BRAMAN Bounded No. and W.- CalLott 19 eb Brown; So. Timothy Brown; E.- Enos 70 acres Mead. Witness: Benjamin Lapham, Lewis Barton

382. 6:171 Oct. 18,1771 1150

James KELLEY and Unus of Charlotte, yeoman Ezekil HOAG, yeoman Lott 4 50 acres Witness: Elijah Hoag, Joseph Thorn

383. June 1150

6:174 1,1762

Joseph MOTT of Nine Partners and Cathrin Ezekiel HOAG of Nine Partners Lott 4 Bounds Benjamin Lester, William Haight, Elijah Hoag, Joseph 100 acres Mott. Witness: Rezin Geer, Peter Windover

384. May 1138

6:176 1,1770

Capt. Joseph MOTT of Nassau Island, Gentleman Ezekiel HOAG of Charlotte At NW corner of James 171 acres Allen. Bounds Henry Sleght. Witness: James Valentine, Jacob Concklin

385. Dec. 1330

6:181 2,1769

Joseph ODLE and Martha of Charlotte Frances VANDIKE of Rigne Beek Water Lott 1 and 2 1) Bounded W.- William Gay; So. assigned of Polmeter deceased now Lenard Vaneleak; E.- Stephen Callow; No. Stephen 96 acres Callow. 2) Bounded E.- and No. Stephen Callow; W.- Francis Hegorman; So. above lot, 20 acres Witness: Samuel Mott, Philip Cain

386. May 1363

6:185 1,1772

Daniel WASHBORN of Amenia Elijah PARK, heir of his father Miles Washborn. Oblong Bounded W.- Nine Partners; No. Daniel Townsend; E.- and So, Cornelus Fleming. Lott 55. Except 15 acres sold Josiah Brown. 110 acres Witness: Joseph Clapp, Nicholas DeLaVergne

381. Jan. 1142



387. 6:187 Mar. 25,1772 L900

Mary BARCLAY of N Y City widow and exec of Henry BARCLAY, clerk; Lenard LISPENARD of N Y City; Andrew BARCLAY; David CLARKSON, merchants N Y City; Nicholas GOVERNEUR, Anthony A. RUTGERS, gentleman of County of Essex, N.J. to Philip NEASE of Dutchess Co., Yeoman Lott 29 Had owned 1/3 as tenants in common. Henry Barclay will made out June 19, 1764. Wife Mary Barclay and Anthony A. Rutgers sold his share to Leonard Lispenard and Nicholas Governeun The share of Anthony Rutgers deceased was in Lott 29 being lot 5 in figure 5 at SE corner. Bounds Wassayick creek. Map by Benjamin Stephens Apr. 9 - May 12, 410 acres 1771. Witness: James Blucker, John Fitzpatrick, Herman Governeur

388. 6:191 Mar. 26,1767 £360

John ADAMS of Amenia, practioner of Physick John WHARTON of Montreal, Canada Oblong Lott 57 Bounds Oliver Crocker, John Adams Jr., Isaac Lamb, Elias Shavalier. 77 acres Witness: Abraham Bliss, Joseph Adams

389. Apr. £300

6:196 2,1771

Benjamin LESTER of Queens Simon FLAGLER Jr. of Charlotte corner of Jonathan Hoag Lott 4 150 acres and bounds Peter Flagler. Witness: Eliab Youmens, Peter Flaglor

390. Apr. £300

6:197 2,1771

Benjamin LESTER of Hempstead, Queens Peter FLAGLOR Lott 4 on line of 5 40 chains west of SE corner of 4, SW corner of Jonathan Hoag. Bounds Simon Flaglor. 150 acres Witness: Eliab Youmans, Simon Flaglor Jr.

391. 6:201 July 20,1771 £1000

Charles CROOKE of Dutchess County Gentleman & Jane; John CROOKE of N Y City merchant; Gabriel W. LUDLOW and Cornelia of NYC merchant; Children of late Charles Crooke of NY City to James and Ezra REED of Dutchess County, merchants


Deeds Lott 29 near house of Ebenezer Knapp Jr., west of Dover River. Bounds Oblong and Line 1 and 2 of subdivision. 485 acres Witness: Richard Davis, Jonah Rogers

392. 6:208 July 14,1738 E100

Frans HAGEMAN of Dutchess County, Yeoman Johannes MARSCHALL of NY City, gunsmith Catherine, widow of HenWater Lott 2 ry Filkins of Flatbush and his children, Isaac, Frans, Catherine wife of Court Van Voorhees, Abraham, Jacob sold to Frans Hageman formerly of Nine Partners Caleb Heathcote & Co. May 27, 1697 Water Lott 2. Bounded No. Augustus Graham; So. Lott 1 John Gay; W.- rest of lott of Isaac Filkin and others; W.- Hudson River. 300 acres Also Bounded W.- Hudson River; E.- Kings road; So. Lott 1 and No. lott 3. Reserves 40 ft. square. Also Bounds east by Frans Hageman. 58 acres Witness: Batho Noxon, Lane Gerbrantz

393. June 1100

Francis MARSHALL surviving executor of Johannes MARSHALL and George MARSHALL to Charles CROOK of Dutchess Co., Gentleman Lott 2 on Hudson River. Formerly Cather Filkin widow of Henry sold to Frans Hageman west of Kings High Road. Bounded W.- Hudson River; E.- Kings High road; So. Lott 1; No. Lott 3. Executors of Johannes Marshall; Francis and George Marshall; John and Malcom Campbell. 58 acres Witness: John Davis, Viner VanZandt

6:213 3,1772

394. 6:222 June 8,1772 love and affection

Nicholas EVERSON of South Ward, Perth Amboy, N.J. son Jacob EVERSON Lott 33 division line between Henry Francklin, John Clapp, Jacob Everson. Bounds large brook, swamp and line of 32, 33. 1100 acres Witness: Benjamin DeLaVergne, Samuel Dodge Jr.



6:223 395. June 17,1772 E100

Nicholas EVERSON of South Ward, Perth Amboy, N.J. Jacob EVERSON of Dutchess Co. Lott 9 Begins 41 chains east from NW corner Lott 9. 60 acres Witness: George Everson, Samuel Dodge Jr.

396. 6:236 July 31,1770 10 shillings

Margaret CROOKE Jr. spinster of New Windsor, Ulster Co. to Charles CROOKE of Dutchess Co., Gentleman; John CROOKE of N Y City, merchant; Gabriel William LUDLOW, N Y City, merchant, & Cornelia Refers to Patent May 27, 1697 to Caleb Heathcote and 8 others; division in 1699 into 9 water lots; and the division into 36 great lots (2nd division) with Lots 3, 17, 22, 29 and 6 and 10 of 3rd division falling to Anthony Rutgers and these being divided into 3 smaller lots: 1) Lott 3 subdivision Lot 2, east of small Wappingers 1160 acres 2) Lott 17 subdivision Lot 1 944 acres 3) Lott 22 subdivision Lot 1 1566 acres 4) Lott 29 subdivision Lot 1, Hill near Sackett near Oblong 722 acres 5) Lotts 6 & 10 subdivision Lot 3 415 acres The above are tenants in common. Each lot divided into two smaller lots.

1) Lott 3, lot 1 of subdivision lot 2, Bounds Little Wappingers, John Crooke, Anthony Rutgers, David Johnson 704 acres 2) Lott 3, lot 2 of subdivision lot 2, Bounds Little Wappingers, John Crooke, Anthony Rutgers, Joseph Mott 507 acres 3) Lott 17, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 526 acres 4) Lott 17, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1 409 acres 5) Lott 22, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1, near house of Solomon Sherwood 756 acres 6) Lott 22, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1, near house of Solomon Sherwood 783 acres (Continued)


Deeds 7) Lott 29, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1, near house of Ebenezer Knap Jr., west of Dover River near Oblong line. 330 acres 8) Lott 29, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1, near Knap house, Dover River, hill 485 acres and Oblong. 9) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 1 of subdivision 266 acres lot 3 10) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 2 of subdivision 273 acres lot 3 They drew lots and following fell to Margaret Crooke Jr.: 1) Lott 3, lot 2 of subdivision lot 2 507 acres 2) Lott 17, lot 2 of subdivision lot 2 409 acres 3) Lott 22, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 756 acres 4) Lott 29, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 330 acres 5) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 2 of subdivision 273 acres lot 3 The following fell to parties of second part: 1) Lott 3, lot 1 of subdivision lot 2 704 acres 2) Lott 17, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 526 acres 3) Lott 22, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1 783 acres 4) Lott 29, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1 465 acres 5) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 1 of subdivision lot 3 266 acres Witness: Henry Holland, Thomas Ellison Jr.

397. June 1309

6:251 9,1756

Samuel ROWLAND of Crum Elbow Robert MARVIN of Hempstead Lott 5 subdivision lot 3 which is i of lott 5. Bounds Joseph Hicks; So. Isaiah Wildey; W.- and No. Benjamin Lester. 200 acres Witness: John Golden, S. Clowes 3rd



398. 6:260 July 15,1770 L300

Elijah WHEELER of Amenia Thomas PALMER Oblong Bounds Joel Harvey, Simeon Wright, Elijah Wheeler, Elisha Gilbert. 117 acres Witness: Silas Marsh, Joseph Gray

399. 6:262 Feb. 16,1770 L530

Obed HARVEY of Amenia Philip SPENCER Oblong 1) Lott 68 former Obed Harvey. 80 acres 2) Lott 68 37 chains north of 44 mi. monument 221 acres Excludes 1) 100 acres Obed Harvey sold to James Allsworth on north side, 2) 80 acres to Thomas Harvey south of 100 acres, 3) 7 acres to Billi Munger west of road where Daniel Warner now lives, 4) 1 acre east of road to John Truesdale. 3) Lott 68 bounds Azariah Smith and Indian Pond. Includes pond. 43 acres Witness: Dorcass Canfield, Jno Canfield

6:268 400. Apr. 14,1767 L230

Tyler PALMER of Charlotte Jabis SMITH, cooper Lott 24 former Joseph Horskins, NE corner Peliah Tabor. Bounded No. Lott 25; W.- Peleg Tabor; So. Peter Palmer; E.- Abishas Wilbur. 100 acres Witness: Enos Northrup, Nicholas DeLaVergne

401. Apr. L250

6:270 5,1760

Joseph HUSTED and Jemima of Crum Elbow, Yeoman Benjamin LAPHAM, yeoman. Lott 21 subdivision lot 5. Bounded No. Moses and Isaac Haight; E.- Lewis Barton and James Freeman; So Benjamin Lapham; W.- [ ? ] Smith. 80 acres Witness: Jonathan Lapham, David Husted

402. 6:272 June 24,1767 150

John Wells BROWN Jonathan LAPHAM Bounds Moses Haight. Lott 21 67 acres Witness: Benjamin Lapham, Thomas Dunkin



403. Aug. E155

6:278 3,1749

Timothy RICKETSON of Nine Partners Jonathan RICKETSON Lott 27 3rd quarter. Bounds: W.- Ricketson; No. Soule; E.- Cotat; So. Beekman line. Witness: Samuel Buellingone

404. Nov. 1300

6:282 5,1766

Peter HALLOCK of Charlotte, yeoman Joshua HALLOCK, taylor Lott 12 1) Bounds Frederick Ham, small creek, river Isaac Filkins mill is on, Zebuion Hallock. 80 acres 2) Corner Augustin Creed sold to John Wood, now Elijah Baldwin; river Isaac Filkins mill is on; road Poughkeepsie to Filkintown, Creed sold to Bulles. 1 acre Witness: Nathan Mithel, Daniel Hamilton

405. 6:332 Aug. 19,1768 11086

Benjamin BOYCE and Sarah of Charlotte Richard ALSOP Bounds Lott Lott 24 SW corner 25 of Henry Filkins; John Crooke dec.; Jacobus Stoutenburgh; Lot 12 of William 1100 acres Creed. Witness: Benjamin Boyce, Thomas Poole, Silas Deuel, Richd Snedeker, John Allen

6:344 406. May 16,1748 1400

Joseph CAUSTIN of Crum Elbow Derrick STORM of Rumbout Lott 14 new Division (3rd). Bounds Lott 13, water lots, John °strum, NW corner Henry Filkin. 794 acres Witness: Peter Dubois, Debotah DuBois

6:359 407. Mar. 10,1769 1875

Benjamin HICKS and Mary of Crum Elbow Peter HATFIELD of Westchester NE corner of Elias Doty. Lott 16 Witness: Elias Doty, 400 acres Joshua Gedney

408. Feb. E50

Stephen RAY of Amenia Joseph HAMILTON of Sharon, Conn. Oblong Lott 62 20 rods east of stone house Ray built next to Conn. south of road. Bounds Magdalene Desbrosses. Witness: John Dutcher, 12 acres Oliver Hartwell

6:362 5,1770

Deeds 409. Dec. 1315

6:366 7,1772

Josiah BURTON of Amenia Elyck KENNE 1) Lott 34 by north line 2) Witness: Ebenezer Hodge, Jesse Kinne


42 3/4 acres 43 1/4 acres

6:374 410. Oct. 15,1773 1315

Teunis VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Rhinebeck Christian BERGH of Rhinebeck Staatsburgh Bergh of Rhinebeck. Bought from Lewis Jr. and Mary Morris May 13, 1758. 1) Lot bounds Hudson River 72 1/4 acres 2) Lott 12 32 3/4 acres Witness: Abr Freligh, Willm Macclure

411. 6:379 Aug. 30,1759 1241

Isaac DE LAMETTER of Oblong Peter KLYN of Rhinebeck Oblong Lott 49 Witness: Ezra Caswell, Nicholas DeLaVergne

412. 6:395 Jan. 13,1773 1725

Robert G. LIVINGSTON of N Y City Esq. Daniel CASTLE Esq., Gideon CASTLE, James REED, Exra REED, Gershom REED all of Amenia Lott 30 was divided into 9 small lots. Subdivision lot 5 fell to Court VanVoorhees and Catherine which they sold to Daniel Barber. Bounds Oblong and Pine Hill. 979 acres Exceptions: 1) 200 acres Daniel Barber sold to Ichabud Paine, 2) 111 acres Daniel Barber sold to Daniel Brown, 3) 105 acres Daniel Barber sold to Josiah Theare Witness: Sarah Wallace John McKenney Jr.

413. Sept 1100

Rezin GEER of Charlotte Gentleman Jno Michel RUTSELL of Poughkeepsie Water Lott 2[?] West of Kings road and north of Samuel Smith's house line of Water Lotts 1 & 2. Bounds cove or bay in Hudson river and flat rock marked DRBP near new road; post road. Exception: 2 acres sold by Capt. Daniel Roberts to Rezin Geer and by Geer to Samuel 26 acres Smith. Witness: Tho Newcomb, James Valentine

6:408 8,1772

250 acres



6:410 414. Dec. 29,1760 1600

Adonijah NEWCOMB and Ruth of Crum Elbow Joshua GIDNEY of Phillips Borge, Westchester Thomas bought from Isaac Germond and Henry Filkin and sold to Adonijah. Bounded So. John Everson; No. Jacob Hass (Hoff). 200 acres Witness: Elias Doty, Solomon Dean

415. 7:38 Apr. 20,1769 1203

Stephen HICKS of Charlotte, yeoman Paul UPTON Bounded No. Benjamin Sawl, Elmendorph; W.- Jonathan Hoag; So. rest of farm; E.- lands or water of Jacobus Stoutenburgh. Witness: Benjamin Soule, Ambrus Green

416. 7:82 Jan. 25,1749 180

Peter PALMER of Crum Elbow, yeoman Luis BARTON Lott 21 subdivision lot 6. South half. Bounds Joseph Husted. 52 acres Witness: John Lapham, Quaker, Joshua Haight

417. Aug. E133

7:140 1,1741

Mordecai LESTER and Mary of Crum Elbow John LESTER subdivision lot 4. Lott 5 Bounded Lott 6 of Henry Filkins: W.- 1 of lott 3 Kelat & Co. ; No. Mordecai Lester; E.- Lott 14 Widow Johnson. Witness: Philip Allen, David Akin

418. Mar. 1308

7:142 3,1763

Isack BURTON of Amenia Martin HOFFMAN of Rhinebeck Lott 34 which Stephen Hopkins bought of Elizabeth Johnson deceased and Dec. 19, 1748 sold to Burton. 126 acres Witness: Noah Strong, John Skinner

419. Mar. 1640

7:146 9,1775

James LESTER and Lesabeth Jedediah ALLEN of Dartmouth, Mass. Lott 5 subdivision lot 4. Bounds David Johnson, David Arnold, road Arnold to Jonathan Hoag, Daniel Weeks, Mordecai Lester. Except: acre sold to David Jennis and 3/4 acre for road. Witness: Othniel Allen, 161 acres Isaac Bloom

Deeds 420. Nov. L472


7:155 7,1774

William CHAMBERLAIN of Amenia and Abigail to Shubel NIGH of Talmouth County of Barnstable, Mass., yeoman Oblong Lott 45 Bounds Nine Partner line, Judah Swift, Stephen Warren. Witness: Moses Barlow, 100 acres Jesse Alger

421. 7:158 June 11,1774 L965

Joseph HAGAMAN and Elizabeth of Charlotte to Henry VAN GILDER of Flatbush, Gentleman Starts NW corner John Baright. Bounded W.- by Water Lott; bounds Peter Storm, Joseph Caston, quit rent land. 177i acres Witness: Johannes Lott Jr., Johannes I Lott

422. 7:161 July 23,1757 L83

Philip COONS of Livingston, Albany Co. David SOTHERTON of Nine Partners Lott 19 Bounds Thomas Soper, Philip Coons. 50 acres Witness: Richard Nicklisson, Mary Nicklisson

423. Feb. L260

7:165 3,1760

Jacob HAFF of Crum Elbow Samuel ADSIT of Beekman Lott 20 Bounded W.- Jacob Cronkrite; No. Thomas Soper, Timothy Langdon; E.- Germond; So. former Theodorus VanWyck. 260 acres Witness: Joshua Haight, Thomas Ketcham

424. 7:169 June 12,1752 L160

Joseph RODMAN and Tabitha of Crum Elbow David SOUTHERTON begins at NW corner of Lott 21 21. Bounds Benjamin White. 240i acres Witness: Amos Thompson, Amos Thompson Jr.

425. Apr. L30

7:173 5,1750

Moses HAIGHT of Crum Elbow David SOTHERTON Bounds Joseph Rodman and Lott 21 200 acres Lott 20. Witness: William Palmer, George Soule

7:177 426. Jan. 20,1772 1280

John SUTHERLAND and Seary (Sarah) Samuel ADSIT former Edward Freeman. Lott 20 84 acres Witness: Henry Cronkhite, Ellis Bullock



427. May 145

7:195 1,1773

Anthony GLEEN and Sarah, cartman of NYC Benjamin DE LA VERGNE Given to Newcomb Smith Lott 8 by his grandfather Thomas Newcomb of Poughkeepsie which he bought of Henry Filkin and Isaac Germond. At east end of lot reserved from tract sold to John Bulles. Newcomb Smith sold this to Thomas Newcomb July 13, 1763. At SE corner Lott 8. Bounded NE Obadiah Griffen; NW Frederick Strait; SW John Bulles, Zebulon Wallbridge; SE John Everson. 150 acres Witness: James Arden, Peter Devine

428. May 1320

7:199 9,1775

Reuben HOPKINS and Hannah of Charlotte, Atty Dr. Benjamin DE LA VERGNE at NW corner Joshua HalLott 12 lock. Bounds Thomas Hallock, John Germond, road Filkintown to Poughkeepsie, 38 acres Benjamin DeLaVergne. Witness: Joshua Hallock, Remembrance Gage

429. June 1308

7:203 7,1775

Richard ALSOP of Newtown, Queens, Gentleman Peter RADCLIFT of Rhinebeck 3rd division, Lot B. Lott 4 140 acres Witness: C D'Witt, William Radclift

7:206 430. June 27,1775 1161

Richard ALSOP of Newtown, Queens, Gentleman Peter TREVER of Charlotte 3rd Division, Lot B. Lott 4 75 acres Witness: C D'Witt, William Radclift

7:209 431. May 20,1775 1300

James WINANS and Hannah (Johannah) of Poughkeepsie, storekeeper Jacob SCHRYVER at NE corner 200 acres Water Lott 8 sold by Winans to Isaac Conklin. Witness: Jacob Low, 100 acres Alanson Lewis

432. Feb. 1150

Joel HERVEY of Sharon, Conn. Isaac DARROW Oblong Lott 62 NE part. Bounds Joel Hervey and Lott 64. 42 acres Witness: Enoch Pearson, Joel Hervey Jr.

7:215 1,1771



7:217 433. Apr. 10,1775 1650

George WHITE and Patience of Amenia William CHAMBERLAIN Oblong Lott 49 Amenia. Bounds Jedediah Bumpas house, Peter Cline, Samuel Judson, Ezekiel Sackett road. 150 acres Witness: Jesse Alger, David Doty

434. 7:226 Feb. 10,1775 1100

Smith William JONES of Nine Partners in Charlotte Jedediah FERRIS Lott 24 Bounded No. Lott 25; E.Smith William Jones, Zopher Jones; W.Daniel Jones; So. Road. 20 acres Witness: Sils Deuel Jr., Thaddeus Canfield

7:241 435. Nov. 10,1768 1376

John BARD of N Y City, Practioner of Physick George RIM of Dutchess, tile maker East of Hudson River Lot 5 in map. Part of tract Indians called Equaguenessink, meadow called Mansakink; Crum Elbow called Equarsink Patent Apr. 18, 1705 granted to: Jacob Regneir, Peter Fauconier, Benjamin Ash, Barne Cousens, John Persons. Except that which Henry Pawling is entitled to. 215 acres Witness: Caleb Frederick, Peter Valleau

7:245 436. Nov. 10,1768 1222

John BARD of N Y City, Practioner of Physick Thomas BANKER of Dutchess Co., yeoman East of Hudson River. Charlotte Lot 3 of map. Same description as Liber 111 acres 7:241. Witness: Caleb Frederick, Peter Valleau

437. 7:263 Apr. 29,1775 1350

Richard PERCE and Abigail, yeoman John Montross THURSTON Bounds Denne Ostrom and Lott 8 107 acres Lott 7. Witness: Hannah Platt, Zeph Platt Jr.

438. 7:267 Sept.15,1774 1110

William SHEPHERD and Rhoda of Amenia, yeoman Parrock SHERWOOD of Newtown, Fairfield Co., Conn. near north line, begins Lott 31 near bridge near Ephraim Griswold's, Nathaniel Spencer's and Job Cook's saw-


Deeds mill. Bounded No. Parrock Sherwood; E.Abner Gillet; So. and W.- Road. Witness: Ebenezer Carter, 225 3/4 acres Daniel Shepherd

439. 7:270 May 14,1774 1400

Parrick SHERWOOD of Newtown, Fairfield, Conn. Stephen PUGSLEY of Charlotte and Abigail by south line. Bounds Lott 32 [7] acres Capt. Daniel Dunham. Witness: Isaac Smith, Israel Shepherd

7:273 440. Dec. 12,1774 1200

Nathan SPICER of Amenia, blacksmith Parrock SHERWOOD of Newtown, Fairfield, Conn. on Mountain at MidLott 32 in Amenia dle line of Lott 32. SW corner Robert G. Livingston and SE corner George Folliot. Bounds Jared Rundle and William 103 acres Cornwall. Witness: Simeon Cook, William Cornwell

441. 7:283 Aug. 18,1777 11500

Henry HEGEMAN and Catharine of Charlotte Jacob BOGARDUS of Amenia east of Kings Highway Water Lott 2 Poughkeepsie to Rynebeck. Bounded W.Hudson River; No. Lott 3; So. Lott 1; E.- other land in lott 2 300 acres. This being part east of Kings road. 245 acres Witness: John Pride, Jared Lane

442. 7:302 Mar. 30,1775 1340

Seth FISH of Charlotte, cordwiner and Mary Evens DEAN farmer which Benjamin Boyce Lott 18 bought of Joseph Mott. North part of land Boyce sold to John Fish and John Fish sold to Seth Fish. Bounds Eliphaz Fish, William Cash, Jonas Parks, Hannah 99 acres Jewel, Jonathan Parks. Witness: Jonathan Alger, Amos Crandell

443. 7:311 Sept. 9,1778 150

Stephen EDGET of Northeast Evans DEANE of Charlotte SE corner my land bought Lott 18 of Catharine TenBroeck of Rhinebeck. Bounds line of mine and Evans Deane. 4 acres Witness: Robert G. Livingston Jr., Simon J. Myer



444. 7:330 Apr. 10,1749 E130

Francis FILKIN of N Y City, trader Elizabeth ALLEN, widow of John Land granted to Nine Partners Caleb Heathcote, Henry Filkin and others. Laid out to Catherine Filkin widow of Henry Filkin of Flatbush 6 and 13. These were divided into lots 1 to 14. Francis got Lot 11 of great Lott 6. Begins SW corner of 10 and east of Wappingers Creek. Except 150 acres to William Smith and a small tract to Elizabeth Allen. 327 acres Witness: Augustinus Turcks, John Russell

445. 7:334 Dec. 1,1729 love and affection

Margritta EVERSON widow of Nicholas Everson of N Y City, merchant deceased and Nicholas EVERSON, oldest son to son John EVERSON of N Y City, merchant 1/9 out of patent to Caleb Heathcote, Augustin Graham, James Emmot, William Creed and others. No description. Witness: Charles Wright, Thomas More

7:340 6,1776

Johannis CRAMER of Beekman and Catharine Elias SHIPMAN of New Haven, Conn., merchant Staatsburgh or Pawling purchase - Lot 3 Refers to Liber 5:135 Major John Pawling lease Nov. 3, 1767 sold to Johannis Cramer. Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. Lot 2 of Teunis VanBenschoten; E.- Lot 11; So. part of lot 3 and Petrus Dewitt 94i acres Also in Lot 13 bounded E.- Crum Elbow Creek; No. Teunis VanBenschoten; So. Petrus DeWitt; W.- Petrus DeWitt and 112i- acres Isaac Teller Reserves 7 acres sold to Petrus DeWitt. Draft made by Charles Clinton. Witness: Cornelia VanKleeck, James Livingston

446. Dec. none

7:344 447. Jan. 10,1781 none

Capt. Henry PAWLING of Rhinebeck Elias SHIPMAN of New Haven, Conn. Same as Liber 7:340. Witness: Chris Hughes, James Livingston


218 448. 7:347 Jan. 30,1781

Elias SHIPMAN of New Haven, Conn. Christopher HUGHES Jr. of New Haven Same as Liber 7:340 Witness: Richard Davis, Richard Davis Jr.

7:354 449. Mar. 29,1779 17000

John LANGDON and Margaret of Charlotte John KENT of Frederick Borough. Lands, mills, etc. Lott 20 Bounds Asee Allin's first purchase, Jonf?] acres ah Talmage. Witness: Isaac Haight

7:361 7,1779

John BURNET of Northeast Silvenus BECKWITH, house carpenter and joyner Lott 19 Bounds Smith Sotherland, George Mosher, Wappingers Creek. Witness: Smith Sutherland, 83 acres John Simmons

450. Mar. 1200

7:362 451. Jan. 17,1782 11200

Joseph HARRIS, blacksmith Brinton PAINE of Albany Land of Joseph Harris Lott 20 deceased in NE corner Amenia Precinct. Bounded So. by Ezra Briant, John Orchard, Jonathan Baker; E.- William Wilsie; No. Little Nine Partners; W.- Charlotte Precinct. Also bounds Moses Harris. Witness: Stephen Mead, 994 acres Stephen Herrick

7:375 452. Jan. 24,1775 270-30-6

Moses SHAW of Charlotte Daniel CARPENTER of Charlotte Bounded E.- Johnson; No. Nathaniel Thorn; So. Daniel Carpenter. Witness: Elisha Bedle, 100 acres Mary Bedle

453. 7:380 Mar. 1,1774 11600

Moses BARLOW and Sarah of Amenia Judah SWIFT Oblong Lott 45 former Dr. Colden. Bounds Silvenus Nye, William Chamberlain, Nathan Barlow, River. 200 acres Also 13 acres of Moses and Nathan Barlow. Also 15 acres. Also 7 acres sold by Stephen Swift to Moses Barlow. Also ln- acres of Moses Barlow and Niel Wilcox bounds creek. Also in NE corner of Lot 28 of Nine Partners. 190 acres Witness: Elijah Barlow, David Doty



454. 7:396 Feb. 7,1776 11400

Walter FRANKLIN of N Y City, merchant Jacob BOGARDUS Oblong Lott 58 at 40 mile monument. Witness: William Powell, 500 acres Jared Lane

7:399 455. Mar. 10,1749 1127

Cadwallader COLDEN Esq. of Ulster County Benjamin JOHNS of Sharon, Conn. Oblong Lott 61 27 chains north of 40 mile monument. 500 acres Witness: Alex Colden, David Colden

7:402 456. Sept. 4,1769 1400

John SMITH of Oblong Jacob BOGARDUS of Sharon, Conn. Oblong Lott 60 at SE corner. Bounds Joel Hervey, Elijah Phelps bought of Benjamin Johns, James Cary. 92 acres Witness: James Alworth, Andries Heerman

457. 7:410 Sept. 5,1776 11200

John BARD of N Y City, now of Dutchess, Dr. of Physick and Susannah Christopher HUGHES of New Haven Hyde Park East of Hudson River, part of a large tract of John Bards known by name of Hyde Park. Begins NE corner of Rob Skinner and SE corner Jacob Montross, along 2 lots of Joseph Boughten and George Rem. Bounds John Bard and Dr. Samuel Bard and Crum Elbow Creek. Part of tract Indians called Equaquanesink, meadow called Mausakin; Creek called Naucepaconeck and Crum Elbow called Equarsinke. Granted Apr. 18, 1705 to Jacob Regneer, Peter Fauconicer, Bay Ash, Bame Cosens, Joseph Persons. Except Jane Winters, John Albert, Anne Henry, Mary Paulin children between Henry Paulen, dec'd. and Nieltie. 670 acres Witness: Richd Cutler, Martha Lewis

458. July 190

Stephen HOPKINS of Crum Elbow Abraham ADAMS north of Iron works Lott 32 brook. Bounds Joseph Horskins, Samuel 93 3/4 acres Smith. Witness: Joseph Horskins, Samuel Jones

7:419 5,1746



7:422 459. Dec. 10,1782 1550

James MONTGOMERY of Charlotte and Margaret Burnet MILLER Esq. On Sept. 25, 1776 WilLott 16 liam Pugsley and Annitie and Jacob Bokee executors of Abraham Bokee sold to James Montgomery. . One half of Lott 16. Bounded No. other half of lot; E.- Paul Hoag; So. Melancton and Samuel Smith; W.- Peter Hatfield. Except 1) James Montgomery to Samuel Waters, 10 acres. Except 2) James Montgomery to Nehemiah Smith, 2 acres. Witness: Comfort Sands, Melancton Smith

460. May 1700

7:425 2,1782

Samuel WATERS and Melespen of Charlotte, yeoman James HILDRETH Lott 16 Bounds road to house of Samuel Smith and road to House of Nehemiah Smith. Bounded W.- Peter Hatfield; No. and E.- road; So. James Montgomery. Witness: Samuel Smith, 100 acres Gurdon Miller

461. Feb. E460

7:457 3,1778

Isaac CARPENTER of Albany Co., yeoman John ADSIT of Charlotte Lott 21 North half. Bounds Moses Haight Jr., Silas Purdy, Abraham Palmer, Efren Bulluck, David Southerland, Isaac Masbet (Mostrds) (Mastral), John Hustid. Witness: Silas Adsit, 83 acres James Carpenter

462. 7:499 Feb. 15,1781 1220

Joseph MERRITT of Westchester, yeoman Ebenezer BOYD of Dutchess, yeoman Bounded SW James Roads, Lemuel Monger; SE James Roads; NE William Carle; NW Richard Aris. 204 acres Witness: John Haight, Richard Hatfield

463. 7:504 Feb. 19,1784 11000

Stephen KINNE and Abigail of Amenia son Roswel KINNE Lott 32 Bounded No. Stephen Kinne and William Bramsley; So. Abraham Adams, James Smith 3rd; E.- and W,- road, Also bounds brook. 251 acres Witness: Nathaniel and Henry Kinne, Thomas Satchwell



464. 7:512 Sept. 2,1780 E600

John BARNET of Amenia Peletiah MILLS of Colebrook, Conn. Lott 35 in Amenia. Bounded W.Barnet; No. and E.- Joel Thirsten; So. John Mordock. 108 acres Witness: Stephen Herrick, Brinton Paine

7:514 465. Jan. 16,1778 L409

David MULFORD of Rhinebeck, yeoman Job MULFORD of Rhinebeck, merchant Pawling Purchase or Staatsburgh. East of Hudson River. Lot 7 which Stephen, Samuel, Johanna, Philip, John Van Cortlandt, John Van Renselear and Geertruyd, and John Abell sold to David Mulford May 9, 1775. Except: 100 acres. Also in lot 16 48 acres at west end, 227 acres Witness: Samuel Ferris, Robert Campbell

7:517 5,1782

Richard WOOLSEY and Mary of Amenia Samson WOOLSEY Lott 30 which was divided into 9 lots and this is lot 4 of same. Bought from Frances Hagaman and Antie. Witness: Sammons Woolsey, 332 acres Silvanus Cornel

467. 7:522 Mar. 23,1784 E700

John ADAMS of Charlotte Joseph HICKS Bounds Thomas Stuart, Zacceas Newcomb, Wheeler Case, Whitney, 147 acres Wallbridge. Witness: William Lenon, David Carpenter

468. 7:524 Mar. 23,1784 E300

Daniel GOLDEN of Charlotte John CARPENTER Lott 10 1) Bounded No, Pontus Wooley; E,- and So. James Germond; W.- road Edward Griffin to Beekman. 50 acres 2) West of road. Bounded W.- Israel 1 acre Green; E.- James Germond. Witness: James Doughty, David Carpenter

466. Mar. E280


Deeds 7:525 6,1769

Peletiah SOPER and Martha of Charlotte, yeoman Paul HOAG of Beekman Lott 16 Bounded No. division line; E.- John Cronk, Peletiah Soper; W.Joseph Doty, Esq. Becay; So. Peletiah Soper. 162 acres Witness: Benjamin Hoag, John Gurney

8:1 470. 1 June 21,1780 E3450*

Samuel DODGE, John HATHORN, Daniel GRAHAM, Commissioners of Forfeitures to David COLLINS of Amenia Bounded W.- Martin Dewey; So. Grover Buel, Dewey; E.- Hopkins; No. Nathan Mead. Late of Robert Williamson. (No witnesses in Liber 8) 30 acres

471. 8:4 Dec. 20,1780 E33.700*

Charles INGLIS of N Y City Burnet MILLER of Charlotte Lott 17 subdivision lot 1. Late Zachariah Story. 409 acres

472. 8:5 Dec. 15,1780 18900*

George FOLLIOT James READ and Gideon CASTLE Lott 30 Amenia corner Ichabod Paine. 110 acres

473. 8:5 May 5,1781 117050*

George FOLLIOTT Lewis DE LA VERGNE Lott 31 Amenia Bounded by Ephraim Paine, Rufus Herrick, Shepherd, Samuel Dunum, Lewis DeLaVergne, Jehosophat Holmes, South line Lott 31. 350 acres

474. 8:8 Apr. 19,1781 E6.21*

George FOLLIOTT Samuel HERRICK Oblong East of road. Caleb Dakin, Garner Gillet.

475. 8:11 Apr. 27,1781 118.600*

George FOLLIOTT David WATERMAN Lott 28 Bounds Philip Nase, Herman Knickerbacker, Silas Belding, Abraham VanDuzen. 295 acres

469. Mar. 1405

Bounds 70 acres

* Continental. 1

Ed. note: These deeds also appear in Liber 2. Also note the deeds in Liber 8 are the transfers of lands forfeited by attainted Loyalists. Also see Liber 9:269.



476. 8:13 May 5,1781 112350*

Charles INGLIS Hezekiah OLMSTEAD Lott 22 SE corner of lot 1.

100 acres

477. 8:16 Sept. 1,1781 L10.000*

Charles INGLIS Jacob CUYLER Lott 22 subdivision lot 1. Josiah Gales and road.

Bounds 146 acres

478. 8:20 Aug. 16,1781 1441. Cert.

Charles INGLIS George FRELIGH Lott 22 subdivision lot 1. Bounded So. David Johnson; W.- Thomas Brown; No. Jno Reynolds; E.- road. Bounds lot sold to Jacob Cuyler, bounds Libbeus Sweet. 210 acres

479. 8:20 Aug. 16,1781 1360. Cert.

Charles INGLIS Isaac FINCH & Silas MARSH Lott 22 subdivision lot 1. Bounds Silas Marsh, Noah Barton, David Johnson. 300 acres

480. 8:21 Sept.12,1781 1450.

Joshua GIDNEY Lemuel CONKLIN Lott 8 and Lott 9.

481. 8:32 Mar. 27,1782 1235

John IRELAND Melancton SMITH & Nathaniel PLATT Bounds John Butts, Joseph Brown, Benjamin Burlingham, Peter Mosier, Carr Wilbur, Silas Belden. 100 acres

482. 8:32 Mar. 27,1782 1150

Amos PARTELLO Melancton SMITH & Nathaniel PLATT Lott 24 NE corner. Bounds Smith W. Jones, Lott 25. 57 acres

8:32 483. Mar. 27,1782 1130

Stephen DODGE Melancton SMITH & Nathaniel PLATT 2 acres and 10 acres

484. 8:33 Mar. 28,1782 1725


485. 8:46 May 5,1781 13123*


Bounds Line of Lott 7 115 acres

Bounds Thomas Barrett. 194 acres

* Continental.

24 3/4 acres



486. 8:56 Aug. 31,1782 1343.15-0

Charles INGLIS Joseph HERRICK and Hugh WYLIE Lott 3 Bounded W.- Wappingers Creek; No. Crook; E.- Elnathan Lyon; So. 275 acres Henry Gildresleeve.

487. 8:58 Aug. 31,1782 L388.10.0

Charles INGLIS Elnathan LYON Lott 3 Bounded So. Elijah Hoag, Abel Peters; W.- Joseph Herrick; Hugh Wylie; No. heirs of Crook; E.- Samuel Barnes. 259 acres

488. 8:58 Oct. 7,1782 L189.1.3

Jonathan ANDERSON Sopher WEEKS Lott 3 now in possession of Jacob Weeks. Bounded So. Benjamin Soames; W.- Elijah Hoag; No. Frederick Casshow; E.- road. 68 acres

489. 8:59 Nov. 4,1782 E317 16.3


490. 8:60 Nov. 4,1782 1520.0.0

491. 8:61 Nov. 4,1782 1120.

Now in possession of James Palmer. Bounded by Samuel Mabbett, Simus Cook, Parrick Sherwood, Samuel King, Road, 84 acres Thomas RUBLEE John ADAMS Bounds Thomas Steward, Zacheus Newcomb, Whitney, Wallbridge. 147 acres John RUBLEE John ADAMS Bounds Uriah Mitchell, Simon Flagler, Isaac Filkins. 62 acres

492. 8:93 Apr. 14,1783 1410.00

Bartholomew NOXON the younger Zacheus NEWCOMB Lott 8 now James Glean. Bounds Joshua Gedney sold to Lemuel Conklin. Bounds Lott 9 & 7, Barnes. 245 acres

493. 8:104 June 28,1783 1500.0.0

Jacob MOTT David KNAP Now in possession of Phineas Knap and (Israel) Jonas Rundle. Bounds Richard Kentling, Zacheus Marshall, Cornelius Lawrence, Zachariah Cramer. 373 acres



494. 8:109 May 5,1781 126900.0.0*

Charles INGLIS Rufus HERRICK Lott 24 subdivision lot 2. possession of Enos Northrop.

Late in 250 acres

495. 8:110 May 5,1781 L7750*

Charles INGLIS Rufus HERRICK Lott 24 subdivision lot 2 possession of Enos Northrop.

Late in 306 acres

496. 8:110 May 5,1781 L37877*

George FOLLIOTT Elijah PARKES Amenia In possession of Gilbert Willett. Bounds Robert Woods, Peter Morse. 205 acres

8:140 497. Mar. 25,1786 1500

John SMITH Esq. John LAMB Lott 27 1) Bounds So. Beekman precinct; W.- W. Fowler; No. Samuel Titus; E.- Road Joseph Mabbett to Beekman. 100 acres 2) Bounded E.- Samuel Titus, John Haight, William Paddock; No. Eli and Topper Brotherton, John Haight; W.- William Fowler; So. Samuel Fowler. 47 acres

498. 8:141 Aug. 4,1785 1220.

Hugh MOSIER Prince BRYANT Lott 13

Bounds Stephen Hicks. 55 acres

9:1 1784

Joseph CLAPP of Nine Partners, Charlotte, yeoman John HOAG of Pawling Lott 10 and 11 Bounds William Fowler and Valintine Barnerd. 475 acres Witness: Thomas Haight, Thomas Barnard Jr.

500. 9:15 Sept.15,1784 good will and affection

Richard ALSOP Esq. of Newtown, Queens to INHABITANTS OF NEIGHBORHOOD OF LOTT 4 of small division of Nine Partners for encouragement of religion and vital piety and for encouragement of education to Timothy DOUGHTY, Henry HUMPHREY, John DEWITT Jr., trustees for SOCIETY OF REFORMED CHURCH OF HOLLAND as now constituted in America and the constitution of

499. 12500

* Continental.


Deeds the Kirk of Scotland for express purpose of having a house erected for the worship of Almighty God and a school house for the education of Youth. 2 acres at SE corner of Joose Garrison. Bounded W.- by Garrison and Charles Traver; No., 2 acres E.-, and So. by Richard Alsop. Witness: Fanny Whitehead, Dirck VanVliet

9:48 501. Apr. 25,1774 E60

Philip ROW of Amenia Azariah SMITH Lott 36 subdivision lot 3 Philip Row, Ephraim Bessey. Witness: Rebeckah Surnbarger, Bottes Lott

502. 9:50 Mar. 29,1783 E170

Corneclious and William WILTSIE of Amenia Azariah SMITH of Oblong Lott 32 subdivision lot 3. 43 acres Witness: Josiah Morse, Elijah Smith

503. 9:65 Mar. 14,1777 E1350

Cornelious HUMPHREYS and Sarah Tiddman HULL of N Y City Bounds Wappingers Creek, John Humphrey, Lispenard, John Cronkhite, Peter Fermetier, Increase Allen, Elliper Loper, Adam Carman, Abraham Losee. Includes Dwelling, barn and grist mill. Witness: Robert Revenson, 341 acres Ellis Bullock

504. Mar. E450

Jeremiah PALMER of Charlotte, yeoman Pardon BURLINGGAME SE of Benjamin BurlingLott 26 game and Harmanes Knickerbacker; SW of Benjamin Burlinggame, NW of Benjamin Burlinggame and John Butts; NE of Nathaniel Perry, Elijah Benedict, and John 155 acres Butts. Witness: Brittain Tallman, Henry Head

9:160 3,1785

505. 9:163 Jan. 12,1785 love and affection + 5 shillings

Bounds 42i acres

Thomas FISH of Amenia son Joshua FISH of Albany Co. Lott 36 1 of farm on north side. Witness: Thomas Lounsbury, [?] acres Platt Smith



506. 9:170 Apr. 25,1785 L350

Isaac HOLMES and Charity of Charlotte Nehemiah CARPENTER Lott 9 subdivision lot 3 Bounds No. William Holmes; E.- road Capt. Joseph Hicks to Stephen Deane; So. Beekman; W.- Daniel Ward. Witness: William Holmes, Aaron Holmes

9:234 507. Jan. 26,1785

Meeting of the People that usually attend public Worship at the church in Pleasant Valley in Charlotte Presbyterian to incorporate. Name THE PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION OF PLEASANT VALLEY Trustees First Class Cornelius Humphrey Eliphelet Platt Second Class Lemuel Concklin John Montross Thurston Third Class John Everson Joshua Ward

508. Mar. L900

Col. Rufus HERRICK of Charlotte, farmer Hezekiah WELLS and Simeon BENJAMIN of Amenia Witness: Josiah Morse, 300 acres Nathan Herrick

9:255 6,1784

509. 9:265 May 16,1783 L1600

Henry HUMFREY and Mary Esq. of Charlotte Samuel MULFORD and Elias of East Hampton, Suffolk County, cordwainers 193 acres Lott 17 subdivision lot 2 Witness: Thomas Humfrey, Catherine Gowers

510. 9:269 May 5,1781 L7750

Samuel DODGE, Daniel GRAHAM, Commissioners of Forfeiture for Middle District to Rufus HERRICK of Amenia NE corner of Rufus Herrick. 306 acres Witness: David Doty, Ebenezer Carter

511. 9:275 Apr. 28,1785 L390

William RADCLIFT and Sarah of Rhinebeck Frederick KNIKINHAM of Rhinebeck Pawling Patent East part of Lot 10. This and Lot 1 Henry Pawling and Elizabeth sold to William Radclift, Cornelius, John Jr., and Mary Pawling Mar. 25, 1785 and they to William Radclift his portion of 2 lots Apr. 28, 1785, W.- of Krom El135 acres bow Kill. Witness: Isaac Davis, Johanis Marquart



9:342 512. Mar. 14,1774 1196

Paul VAN WECKELEN and Hendricke of Charlotte, yeoman Jonathan ANDERSON, of Bedford, Westchester Co., carpenter of parcel Benjamin Lott 4 Soule and Daniel bought of Joseph Mott. 65 acres Witness: Melancton Smith, Samuel Barnes

9:345 513. Dec. 8,1785 11300

David ARNOLD and Hannah of Charlotte, yeoman Robert IRWIN, merchant Lott 5 at SE corner, NE corner of Lott 6; NW of Lott 13 and SW of Lott 14. Bounded E.- by Lott 14 and Samuel Northrop; No. David Arnold and Samuel Upton; W.- road Isaac Blooms Mills to bridge across Wappingers near Matthew Howards House; So. Lott 6 John Bayley and Widow Anne Bush. Bounds Wappinger Creek and Matthew Howard. 50 acres Witness: John Newett, Jacob Smith

514. 9:349 Mar. 10,1786 1650

Robert IRWIN of Charlotte, merchant Robert SMITH Same description as Liber 9:345 above. Witness: John Newett, George Arnold

515. 9:353 May 9,1775 11025

Timothy DOUGHTY of Rhinebeck and Anne, John CORNELL and Catharine to Margaret UHL of Beekman Pawling Patent or Purchase or Staatsburgh which Ann Elizabeth Schuyler sold to Isaac Teller Mar, 27, 1764 on file with Secretary of State Nov. 18, 1756 pg. 400. Isaac Teller and Rebecca sold to Timothy Doughty and John Cornell Dec. 17, 1768. In Lot 4 on Hudson River 202 acres and In Lot 4 36 acres Witness: John Cramer, Egbt Bemon

516. Dec. 1200

Silas MARSH of Poughkeepsie and Mary Esq. Amariah WINCHESTER of Amenia, hatter Lott 54 Oblong. 2 chains 50 links E. of house where Winchester lives. Bounds Nicholas Rowe 5 acres. Parcel 2 1 acre 1 chain west of house. Witness: Valentine Baker, Silas Marsh Jr., Joseph Poole

9:370 5,1785



517. 9:384 May 12,1774 1790

James VALENTINE and Dorothia of Charlotte Joseph H. HAGAMAN Water Lott 3 Bounded So, Lott 2; E.Joseph Mott; No. Lott 4; W.- Hudson River. 300 acres Witness: Henry Hagaman, Jeremiah Hagaman

518. 9:387 Apr. 15,1784 E1400

Joseph H. HAGAMAN and Blandanah of Charlotte Daniel LEFFERTS of Hemsted, Queens Water Lott 3 Bounded So. Lot 2; E.John Wigg; No. Lott 4; W,- Hudson River. Witness: Daniel Smith, 300 acres Hendrick Pells Jr,

519. 9:390 Apr. 15,1778 1120

James REED of Amenia Major Luther STODDARD of Salisbury Amenia Lott 29 1/6 of Forge or Steel manufactory on river or stream that runs through Lott 29 on road to Dover, 1/6 of coal house, daming and ponding, privilege of water to my meadow when it can be spared, Witness: Joseph Ketcham, Paul Johnson

9:393 520. Nov. 17,1777 E300

Isaac BENTON of Salisbury, Conn. carpenter Major Luther STODDARD 1/3 of Forge or steel manufactery which Isaac Benton bought of Ezra Reed May 19, 1774. Same description as Liber 9:390 above. Witness: William Whitney, Benjamin Prince

521. June E150

9:398 6,1786

Lemuel SMITH of Clinton yeoman Ezekiel HAWLEY Bounded So. Filkintown Road; E.- Zacheus Newcomb; No. John Barnes; W.- William Welling, road and former William Dennitson now John Barnes. Witness: John Everson, 26i acres John Palen

522. May 1480

9:409 2,1782

Robert MACY and Anna of Charlotte James WHITE Lott 21 in South part. Bounded So. Cornelius Rutgers, Roger Shearmon; E.- Daniel Thomson; No. John Husted; W.120 acres Daniel Pinkham. Witness: Daniel Pinkham, Thos Stillwell, Joseph Devel



9:412 523. June 15,1784 1404

John HUSTED of Dutchess Co. Lemuel CASTILE in NW corner. Lott 21 subdivision lot 3 Bounds Elexander Nelson, John Wetherhead, line of 3 and 4, Nathaniel Wording. 128 acres Witness: Daniel Thompson, Ebenezer Williams

524. June 110

Moses HAIGHT of Crum Elbow Moses HAIGHT Jr., yeoman Bounds E.- Joseph Haight, Lott 21 Joseph Husted; So. Joseph Husted and Widow Smith; W.- Moses Haight Sr.; No. Moses Haight Sr. 140 acres Witness: Aaron Vail, Joshua Haight

9:414 7,1751

9:417 525. Oct. 29,1774 1150

Ellis BULLOCK of Charlotte Abraham PALMER Lott 21 on line of 20 SW corner Purde and NE corner of Ephraim Bullock, Witness: Joseph Carpenter, 60 acres John Adsit

9:425 526. June 18,1760 1200

Lewis BARTON of Dutchess Co. Benjamin LAPHAM Lott 21 south part. Bounded E.Benjamin Lapham; No. Moses Haight; W.and So. Cornelia Rutgers. 101i acres Witness: Doxse Lane; Nathaniel Worden

527. 9:446 Oct. 25,1762 147

Murry LESTER of Poughkeepsie, merchant Daniel LAKE of Beekman Oblong Lott 43 Bounds Benjamin Grover. 37 acres 100 rods Witness: Ann Akin, Mary Akin

528. Apr. 145

9:461 8,1775

Ambras BENSON of Oblong Daniel LAKE of Oblong Oblong Part of 3rd tract Oblong east of road from Gideon Draper's saw 20 acres mill. Witness: Benjamin Allis, Josiah Conet

529. Mar. 1720

10:23 1,1779

Andrew MOREHOUSE Esq. of Pawling Shillingsworth FOSTER Oblong Lott 43* Bounds Zebulon Ross, 77 acres Witness: Elias Willcocks, Christopher Wilbur

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.



530. 10:26 July 10,1784 L50

Gideon DRAPER and Dorrity of Powlands Joseph DRAPER Oblong Lott 44* Bounds Ten Mile River, and road Daniel Lake to Iron Works. Witness: Ebenezer Draper, 139 acres Lattain Soule

531. 10:45 Mar. 18,1780 L360

Isaac I. Benjamin Oblong Witness: Ebenezer

TALLMAN THOMAS 2 acres Azariah Howland, Burgis

532. 10:48 May 14,1785 E132

Zebulon ROSS and Elisabeth of Pawling Benjamin THOMAS Lott 41 and 43* Bounds road by Artemas Ross. 34 acres Witness: Isaac J. Tallman, Peter Price, Nathan Soule

533. 10:62 Feb. 28,1774 L250

David COMMINS Jr. of Pawling Andrew MOREHOUSE Oblong Lott 43* granted to William Smith NE corner of Daniel Lake and Lewis Hunt. Bounds Pond. 20 acres Witness: Elihu Russell, Benj Thomas

534. Apr. L700

10:72 9,1780

John OSTROM of Kenderhook, Albany Co. Cornelius HUMFREY of Kenderhook Charlotte Nine Partners Bounds John Barhite, Peter Storm, Joseph Castin, quit rent lands. Except: 77 acres Henry Van Gelder sold to Abraham Wood. Witness: Garret VanWagne, 177 acres Willm Markle

535. 10:103 Mar. 3,1779 L2200

Alexander TEFFT and Mary Elihu RUSSELL Oblong Lott 43* granted to William Smith, NW corner of Daniel Lake. Witness: Aaron Jewett, 78 acres Daniel Lake

536. Apr. 1300

10:125 1,1786

David ARNOLD George ARNOLD Bounds Paul Paretse, Teddier Allen, David Johnson, Robert Irwin, Matthew Howard, Samuel Upton. Witness: Benjamin Worden, 90 acres Jonathan Arnold

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.

232 537. Dec.

Deeds 10:177 5,1785

538. 10:178 Jan. 12,1775 170

539. June 1200

10:185 3,1786

Met at school and chose trustees John LAWRENCE, Cornelius VAN VLEIT, David KNAPP, John DE WITT Jr., Jesse BELL, Timothy DOUGHTY. Presbyterian Providence Society. Signed John D Witt Jr. Witness: R. V. Hoeveburgh, Philip Clearwater Isaac BURTON of Amenia David KNAPP which is 1 Lott 12 subdivision Lot 1 of Lott 12 3rd division Bounds Jacob Haff. No acres given. Witness: Richard D'Cantillon, Joseph Mabbett Jr. John VAN ANDEN of Clinton Isaac BALDING of Rhinebeck 54 acres Witness: Crindie Southward, Elesebeth Lester

10:206 540. Nov. 17,1786 1431

Charles CROOKE and Mary of Poughkeepsie, Physician Nathaniel and Thomas PERRY of Amenia, farmers Bounds Lott 29 subdivision lot 1 dwelling house, Palmer, Brook, Charlotte 345 acres line. Witness: John Davis, Egbert Benson

10:221 541. July 15,1786 1300

Zebulon ROSS Sr. of Pawling, yeoman and Elizabeth Artemus ROSS of District of Schagtikook, Albany Co., merchant Oblong Lott 41 and 43* Bounds 10 Mile River, Elihu Russell. 59 acres Witness: John Ross, Eliza Ross

542. 10:223 July 28,1786 1208

Zebulon ROSS Sr. Isaac J. TALMAN, merchant of Pawling Oblong Lotts 41 and 43* Bounds 10 Mile River and Isaac Talman. 26 acres Witness: John Ross, Peter Talman, Benjamin Thomas

543. 10:229 Jan. 19,1786 High respect and love 10 shillings

John OSTROM of Albany County eldest son of John OSTROM late of Charlotte deceased who was eldest son of John OSTROM late of Nine Partners, Crum Elbow deceased to

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.



heirs of John OSTROM John Ostrom grandfather to party of first part made will Nov. 11, 1750 leaving all to his ten children. Will had only 2 witnesses and three were needed to settle the will. Witness: Hendrick Ostrom, Evert DeGroff, Joseph Northrup 544. 10:239 Oct. 28,1776

Ezra READ of Amenia James READ Lott 29 Bounds Oblong line, Daniel Caswell Esq., ledge of rocks, little pond. 299 acres Witness: Asa Hudson, Jedediah Hubbel

545. 10:275 Feb. 20,1787 L4000

Aaron HAIGHT of Washington Precinct, farmer Peter PALMER, merchant Lott 11 at NW corner of Lott 10. Bounded No. John I. Tripp, James Baremore; No. and E.- Mary Richmond; W.Joshua Haight, Aaron Haight; E.- Jonathan Odell, Jonathan Holmes, road, Moses Vail and tenement bought from my father by Jonathan Odell, Benjamin Akins. Except: 32 acres Jonathan Odell. Witness: Zebulon Smith, 450 acres Benjamin Haight, Benjamin Mix

10:283 8,1772

James ALLEN and Zieletje of Chariot Johannes FRELEIGH Lott 4 Bounds So. Elmendorph, James Griffit; W.- Ezekiel Hog; No. Charles Crook, Thomas Wilbur; E.- Eli 84 acres Angevine. Witness: Zieletye Allen, Susanna Mills, James Griffen, George Freleigh, Samuel D fue

547. 10:287 Dec. 13,1784 L990

Johannes FRELEIGH and Elizabeth, miller of Charlotte Abraham and Isaac FRELEIGH Lott 4 Bounds Elmendorph. Also 2 acres formerly James Griffen. Bounded So. Elmendorph; W.- Isaiah Wieldies, James Powell; No. Charles Crooke, Thomas Wilbur; E.- Jonathan Angevine. 84 acres Witness: John Golden, John Montgomery, James Powell

546. Dec. 1800



548. 10:296 Apr. 11,1787 E800

Abraham FRELEIGH of Clinton, farmer and Charity; Isaac FRELEIGH of Clinton farmer and Mary to Christopher HUGHES Same as Liber 10:287 above. Except: bounded on east by Zebu84 acres ion Smith. Witness: Moss Kent Jr., Gilbert Livingston

10:307 3,1787

Charles MANNING of Clinton and Mehitabel Peter SCRIVER Water Lott 2 Bounds David Concklin, Joseph Odle. 68 acres Witness: Nicks E. Gaberell, Frederick Schryver

550. 10:311 May 21,1775 E113

William WILTSIE of Amenia David and Stephen TRUSDELL Amenia Lott 20 3rd division in Amenia. Bounds John Devin. 74 acres Witness: Benony Wiltsie, Benjamin Vaughan, Thomas Larence

551. 10:316 Feb. 15,1787 E450

Samuel JOHNSON of Dutchess Co. Eli MILL and George KING of Litchfield, Conn. Lott 62 Oblong 1) On north side 100 acres 2) Bounded by Robert Johnson, Bower Slason, former Magdeleain DeBroses. 138 acres Witness: Isaac Darrow, Hezh Filley

552. May E140

Salmon (signed Solomon) BARTON and Phebe of Washington Isaac LOUNSBURY Bounds Paul Coffin, David Johnson, Charles Sheppherd, William Comstock. 19 acres Also bounds Sarah Palmer [?] acres Also bounds Peleg Taber and David Johnson 2i acres Witness: Edward Palmer, David Smith

549. Apr. E350

10:321 4,1787



553. 10:324 Dec. 10,1783 £471

Colbe CHAMBERLAIN and Catharine of Amenia Samuel HITCHCOCK Jr. of Sharon, Conn. Oblong Lott 52 Bounds Jesse Fairchild, John Boyd, Conrad. 78 acres Witness: Jesse Fairchild, Lois Winager, Jno Chamberlain

554. Dec. £345

10:326 8,1783

Colbe CHAMBERLAIN and Catharine of Amenia Thomas HITCHCOCK Amenia Oblong Lott 50 Bounds Oblong River, Colony line, Ebenezer Hatch, Eliakin Reed, Higgins Conklin. Witness: Jesse Fairchild, 48i acres Lois Winager, Jno Chamberlain

555. June £200

10:335 1,1786

Richard PEARCE, yeoman and Abigail of Washington Joseph THORN, yeoman of Washington Washington Lott 8[?] Bounds William Tripp, Zebulon Smith. 40 acres Witness: Abraham Lott, Nathan Smith

556. 10:349 May 10,1775 £325

Harris GRIFFIN, yeoman and Phebe of Charlotte Jonathan GRIFFIN of Scarsdale Bounds William Carpenter, road Harris Griffin to Gazly's Mill, Nathaniel Powel; road Quinby Cornell to Hannes Frederick's Mill. Bounded So. John Gazly, David Bedford, Jacob Dean; W.- David Bedford, Jacob Dean, Gershom Hallock, Harris Griffin, Nathaniel Powel; No. Widow Elmendorph (Elvendar), Uriah Davis; E.- Uriah Davis, Quinby Cornell, William Carpenter. 349 acres Witness: James Griffin, Benedict Carpenter

557. 10:359 Feb. 11,1773 £300

John BACKUS of Sheffield, county of Great Barrington, Mass. Miss Ann CHAMBERS of New York Oblong Lott 61 Witness: John Sharp, Elijah Books, Elysbalet Ball

236 558. Nov. L140

Deeds 10:373 6,1787

Titus CLARKE of Clinton John SMITH, baker of New York Near fork of Fall Creek. Clinton Bounded So. Theophilies Shilts; W.Henry Marshal; No. and E.- Charles Crooke. Witness: Elizth Hammond, Thomas Glentworth

10:377 559. Dec. 4,1787 Love 5 shillings

Charles CROOKE of Poughkeepsie, practitioner of Physic John CROOKE his brother, Ann BARBER wife of William his sister Lott 3 subdivision lot 1; Lott 10 subdivision lot 2 and 6 In will of John Crooke uncle of Charles Crooke he bequeathed to his brother Charles father of above Charles and his sister Cornelia wife of Gabriel W. Ludlow #3 144 acres and #1 637 acres 2 full 3rd parts. Witness: John Thomas, Stephen Hendrickson Map attached Lott 3 subdivision lot 1

1. John Crooke 637 acres Littl Wappin ers 2. Gabriel Ludlow 500 acres

3. Charles Crooke 532 acres

Lott 10 subdivision lots 2 & 6. Charles Crooke 116 acres

Ludlow 144 acres

John Crooke 144 acres

Fork of Fallkill



560. 10:381 June 1,1777 Love and affection

Ephraim WHEELER of Amenia George WHEELER son of Ephraim Amenia and Pawling 1 of property in Amenia and Pawling. Witness: John Wheeler, David Rose

561. 10:383 June 1,1777 Love and affection

Ephraim WHEELER Edward WHEELER his son Amenia and Pawling Amenia and Pawling. Witness: John Wheler, David Rose

562. 10:389 Dec. 10,1787 L400

James WHITE and Zilsee (signed Zilpa) of Washington Obediah HEIGHT Washington Lott 21 on line of Lott 22 Rober Shearman division on line of 3 and 4 of division. 120 acres Witness: Joel Haskins, Ellis Bullock

563. Oct. L100

10:393 8,1787

Jonathan DUNHAM and Elisabeth of Amenia Parrick SHERWOOD 1) Lot 31 Bounds Grist mill pond and line of Lott 32. 2) Lott 32 Bounds ruins of old house, So. line 32, David Sheppherd, Parick Sherwood. Witness: Reuben Albertson, Colbe Chamberlain

564. Jan. L171

10:396 2,1788

Isaac DELAMATER and Eva, yeoman of Rhinebeck Frederick SCHULTZ, yeoman Lott 1 3rd division which Isaac Delamatier bought of John Elmendorph 2/3 of lot. Bounded So. by road Isaac Delamatier to John Beeker, Crum Elbow Creek and Frederick Schultz. No acres given. Witness: Frederick Wagner, Stephen Schryber, Bartes Cropser

565. June L260

10:400 1,1759

Martin SCHRIVER, yeoman of Rhinebeck Johannes CREBSER of Crum Elbow Bounds Crum Lott 2 of 3rd division. Elbow Creek. Same was conveyed by Mordecai Lester, Gentleman of Dutchess Co. and Cornelius VanWyck, Gentleman of Dutchess Co. and Jacob Smith of Hemsted. 460 acres May 20, 1749. Witness: Henry Sholff, Jost Wetder

of property in



566. May E176

10:403 8,1783

Isaac DE LA MATER and Eva of Charlotte Johannes MARQUAT of Rhinebeck Lott 1 3rd division. North part. Bounds Crum Elbow Creek. Map attached. Witness: David Burksardt, Jon Dwitt Jr.

567. July

10:408 6,1771

Mary BARCLAY of New York widow of Henry, clerk Andrew BARCLAY, merchant of N Y and David CLARKSON merchant of N Y, Leonard LESPENARD of N Y, Nicholas GOVERNEIUR, merchant of N Y and Anthony A. RUTGERS of Essex, N J to Richard SEAMAN, farmer of Dutchess Co. Lott 3 Will of Henry Barclay made out June 19, 1764. Lott 3 fell to division between Anthony Rutgers, John and Charles Crooke all since deceased. Fell to Anthony Rutgers. 984 acres Witness: Anthony White, Archd Kinned

10:428 568. Apr. 21,1784 E750

Mary BARCLAY of New York widow of Henry and Leonard LESPENARD executors to Nicholas GOUVERNEUR, Leonard LESPENARD and Lewis OGDEN exec of Anthony RUTGERS Jr. of Newark N.J. of third part and John Powell and Obadiah Powell of fourth part. Lotts 6 & 10 3rd division. Bounds Francis Nelson. 621 acres Witness: George Embree, William Bowne

569. 10:449 Apr. 13,1786 E500

John OSTROM and Anna, farmer of Clinton George ELWIN, yeoman Lott 3 3rd division. Bounds John Crapser, lake, old saw mill. 200 acres Witness: Dirck VanVliet, Joseph Weeks

10:452 570. June 11,1788 E410

George ELWIN, farmer of Clinton and Issabella Thomas PEARSALL, John GLOVER, John MURRY, merchants of N Y Lott 3 of 3rd division Bounds John Crapser, Lake, old saw mill. 200 acres Witness: Isaac Bloom, Gilbert Livingston



571. 10:459 Feb. 15,1788 L280

Edward UNDERHILL of Clinton and Jerusha Richard SEAMAN Great Lott 3 corner Elnathan Lion, and lot Edward Underhill bought of Joshua Barnes and lot he bought of Samuel Barnes. Bounded So. Elijah Hoag; W.Elnathan Lion; No. Joshua Barnes; E.Edward Underhill. 70 acres Witness: Bloomer Nelson, James Lester, David Welek 2nd, Silvenus Seaman

572. 11:2 Sept. 1,1788

John DAVIS, Isaac BLOOM, Jacob SMITH Commissioners to partition lands of Charles CROOKE, Ann wife of William BARBER and John CROOKE (John and Ann being minors) 1) Lott 3, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 Bounds Little Wappingers Creek, dwelling of Arie Buys west of Creek near bridge. 637 acres 2) Lott 29, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1 300 acres and 35 acres out of lot of 700 acres, crosses Little Wappingers and goes with 1, above. 3) Lott 3, lot 3 of subdivision lot 3 Bounds Little Wappingers. 523 acres 4) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 3 of subdivision lot 2 - Crosses two branches of Fallkill. 144 acres All of above goes to Ann Barber, Residue not allotted to John. 1) 700 acres east of Little Wappingers opposite lot 2 of subdivision lot 1 of Lott 3 now in possession of Frederick and Johannis Cashow. Bounds Hoag and Henry Rykert. 2) Lotts 6 & 10, lot 1 in subdivision lot 2. Mentions old beaver dam. 166 acres All of above goes to Charles Crooke. No witnesses.

573. May L700

11:7 1,1788

David JOHNSTON of Dutchess Co, and Magdalen David, Abraham and David Jr, TREAVER 1) Lott 2 of 2nd division surveyed 1776 by John DeWitt 248 acres 2) Also NW corner 7 of 2. Bounds road from house of William Boyle to Main road and road from Peter Simpson to Peter Stoutenburgh. 20 acres



Witness: Enos Northrop, Same Coonley 574. Dec. I300

11:9 9,1784

Capt. Jonathan GRIFFEN of Scarsdale Joseph GRIFFEN of Batemans precinct. Bounds Isaiah Willey Lott 11 formerly Obadiah Griffen; road from former Moses Van Norman to former James Walker, William Carpenter. Bought from Benjamin Lester and sold north half to Harris Griffen. Witness: Jacob Griffen, Tmas Sniffen

575. Dec. L67

11:19 4,1787

Zebulon SMITH of Clinton, yeoman James GERMOND of Washington 1) Bounds Lott 4 and Henry Gildersleeve. 2) Bounds Elmendorph. Both 95 acres. Witness: Daniel Harrison, John Brewster Jr.

576. May L825

11:20 2,1775

George EVERSON of Freeborough of Elizabethtown, Co. of Essex, N. J. ; Jacob EVERSON of Amenia, trader; Nicholas EVERSON of Perth Amboy, N.J. Middlesex Co. to Isaac FROST of Cortlandt Small Lot 9. Bounds: No. Lot 5; W.- Lot 6; So. Lot 10; E.- Large lots 4 and 5. 767 acres Witness: Samuel Pearsall, John Palen

577. 11:25 Jan. 19,1789

Margaret UHL Frederick UHL Lot 4 of Pawling or Staatsburgh 202 acres and lot 11 36 acres Witness: Jonickee VanNanden, George Smith

578. Jan. L800

11:27 1,1789

Samuel and Hannah HAMMOND of Washington Isaac HAMMOND Lott 27 1/4th Bounds Job Taber, Abner White. 213 acres Witness: James Thorne, Seth White, Daniel Hammond

579. Jan. 1120

11:28 9,1756

Clare EVERITT Esq. Sheriff John KEESE, tanner. Goods of John and Peter VAN KAMPEN as executors of Jacob VAN KAMPEN of Crum Elbow. 1320 was due Helletie WHITAKER exec of Edward and Johannis HARDENBURGH Lott 12 Bounded No. Samuel Hart,



Court VanVoorhees; So. Thomas Wilbur, Caleb Mosher; E.- Nicholas Trevor, Richard Tripp; W.- Peter VanKampen (former Peter and John VanKampen). 96 acres Witness: Leonard VanCleeck, James G. Livingston 580. 11:43 Apr. 14,1779 1900

John KEESE and Elizabeth of Nine Partners John ALLEN of Massachusetts Bay Lott 12 Bounded: No. Susannah Tripp, Court VanVorhees; W.- Zebulon Smith; So. Thomas Wilbur, Caleb Mosher; E.- Remembrance Gage, Caleb Mosher. Witness: Caleb Mosher, 96 acres Esck Mosher

581. 11:44 Aug. 24,1781 E1026

John ALLEN and Mary of Nine Partners Joseph CORNELL Same description as Lott 12 Liber 11:43 above. Except bounded West 96 acres by Walter Cornell. Witness: Jonathan Clarke, David Cornell

582. June 1500

Joshua HALLOCK, taylor and Mary John ALLEN, cordwainer (Shoemaker) Bounds Frederick Ham Lott 12 brook that empties into creek that Isaac Bloom's mill stands on, Benjamin DeLa36 acres Vergne. Also 20 acres on Canoe Hill off north end of Joshua Hallock woodlot North side Lott 12. Bounds Josiah Haight. Witness: Thomas Smith, Esck Mosher

11:46 7,1783

11:50 583. Apr. 20,1789 1450

Benjamin JAYCOX, yeoman and Sarah of Clinton Samuel WHIPEL of Glouchester, R.I. Begins on West bank of great brook, W.- by Thomas Williams and Aspinwall Cornwell, to David Johnston and No. to Daniel Fisk and Ephraim Paine. 150 acres Witness: Aaron Betts, Samuel Groo

584. 11:51 June 25,1789 1450

Samuel WHIPEL of Clinton Stephen WHIPEL of Glouchester, R.I. Same description as Liber 11:50. Witness: Lewis DeLaVergne, Henry DeLaVergne, Ebenezer Park



11:52 585. Dec. 4 -14th yr King George Recorded June 2, 1788 Love and affection

Nicholas EVERSON of Co. of Middlesex, Perth Amboy, N.J. daughter Margaret wife of James MORGAN Lott 9 1) SE corner of land conveyed to daughter Mary wife of Wheeler Case. South to division line of Caleb Haight and John Everson. Middle half Jacob Everson and Wheler Case. Bounded No. and E.- Jacob Everson; So. Haight and John Everson deceased. 200 acres 2) Also on line of 8 and 9 115 chains E.- of NW corner Lott 9. Goes 71 chains to NE corner lott 9 on line of Haight and Everson. 200 acres Witness: Jacob Everson, John Connelly

586. 11:54 May 27,1789 L600

Joshua WELLS of Amenia and Sarah Paul SAYER of Southampton, Suffolk Co., now of Washington Washington Bounds John Allen, John Haight. 119 acres Witness: Stephen Titus, Geo Smith

587. May L485

11:57 5,1788

Richard SEAMAN of Clinton and Anna Silvanus SEAMAN Lott 3 Bounded No. Lott 2; E.Richard Seaman; So. Elnathan Lyon; W.Charles Crooke. 195 acres Witness: Isaac Balding Jr., Edward Underhill

588. Jan. 1209

11:58 5,1789

Richard SEAMAN of Clinton Silvanus SEAMAN Being lot 2 of Seamans. Lott 3 Bounds Lawrence Southwick, Elnathan Lyon. Witness: Thomas Shadbolt, 102 acres Wm. Traver

589. 11:63 June 28,1787 L1600

Thomas TOBIAS of Charlotte and Jane Mathew BOWNE of N Y, merchant Bounds William Doughty, Creed, Caleb Haight, Joshua Haight, Solomen Haight. 200 acres Witness: Theodosius Drake, John Doughty

Deeds 590. June

11:67 1,1701


Major Augustine GRAHAM of N Y C Gentleman Edward ANTIL of N Y C Gentleman Water Lott 3 Refers to patent May 27, 1697 to Nine partners and names them and the boundary 9 water lots laid out and Lott 3 fell to Augustin Graham. Witness: William Vesoy, David Jamison

11:70 591. Aug. 28,1738

William GALLOP and Mary of Bristol, Mass Bay, joyner Brother Edward ANTIL of N Y now of Piscatague East N J merchant To be atty for parts held in common. Names 9 Partners, Witness: Mathias Miller, John Bragg

11:72 592. Oct. 3,1738 L1600

William ANTIL of London, Wollen draper, now of Piscataway, N.J. ; Elizabeth CALENDER of Boston, widow, William GALLOP of New Bristol, New England, carpenter ? and Mary sisters and brothers to Mordecai LESTER and Joseph MOTT of Hempstead. Describes 9 partner patent. 1/9th part. Witness: Barent VanWyck, David Cox, Edward Banks

11:86 6,1787

Isaac BEEDDEL of Washington and Sarah James GERMOND Bounds Jeremiah Beddel, 36 acres Bartholomew Griffon. Witness: Isaac Germond, Hannah Burgudus

11:92 594. Feb. 23,1784 L80

Thomas HUTCHING and Marthew of Nine Partners, Charlotte James GERMOND 2 parcels. Bounds Gilbert Titus, Thomas Barnard, Stephen 24 acres Holmes, John Hoag. Witness: John Lee, James Hanes

595. May L100

John VAN FOORHIS and Johannah of Charlotte John VAN BUREN of Kings Co., L.I. Bounds Mary Deboy, Van342 acres Wagenen.

593. Apr. L200

11:94 1,1785



Witness: Reuben Caniff, John Free 596. July L578

11:100 9,1789

Joseph MOTT of Clinton, yeoman Joseph MOTT Jr. of Calwell, manor of Chittenden, Vermont Water Lott 3 SW corner Baiter Schriver, John Will. 289 acres Witness: Benj Marvin, Richard Mott

597. 11:103 June 21,1782 L50

Barnardus FILKIN of Charlotte James GERMOND Lott 7 Bounded No. Henry Filkin; So. Lott 8; W.- Peter Germond; E.- Benjamin DeLaVergne, John Germond. 234 acres Witness: Peter Germond, James Germond

598. 11:114 June 11,1787 L600

Nathan CASE of Washington Nathan CASE Jr. Lott 18 Bounds Little Nine Partners, Johannes Ury Waltermire. Witness: Elijah Hog, 221 acres William Case

599. 11:118 May 12,1758 t1000

Lewis MORRIS Jr. of Flat Bush, Kings Co, gentleman Teunis VAN BENSCHOTE of Ulster, yeoman Staatsburgh 1) Lot 2. Bounds Hudson River. 195 acres 2) Lot 12. Bounds Crum Elbow Kill 243i acres Witness: Henry Dumont, Peter Dumont Jr.

600. 11:121 Mar. 12,1790 5 shillings

John D.WITT Esq. of Clinton and Catharine Hillitji D.WITT; Ann BEVIER wife of Philip B. BEVIER of Rochester, Ulster Co. Staatsburgh. Release to estate of father Peter DeWitt deceased to John DeWitt and Catherine. Lot 9 and 18. Witness: Gilbert 456 acres 3 rods Livingston

601. 11:124 May 25,1786 1733

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH and Josina of Clinton, yeoman William HAG, yeoman Clinton Lott 1 SE corner John Teller east line of 1 west line of 18. No. to Widow VanVlak and John Teller; So. to Jacobus Swartwout, Nathaniel Seaman; W.-



to John Teller. 167i acres Witness: James J. Stoutenburgh, Benjn Watkins 602. Apr. 1680

11:127 6,1790

William HOAG and Hannah of Pawling, yeoman John FARMER, surveyor Jacobus Stoutenburgh Clinton Lott 1 sold to Hoag conveyed to Jacobus Stoutenburgh by his father Judge Stoutenburgh one of the 9 proprietors. Same description as in Liber 11:124 above. 167 acres Witness: Gideon Slocum, Ephm Burroughs

11:130 603. Sept. 6,1788 136

Daniel S. DEAN of Beekman John PALMETOR of Washington On line of Washington and Clinton 5 chains North of Beekman. 42 acres Witness: Joseph Dean, Rowland and I. Ricketson

11:131 7,1789

John BERGH and Elizabeth of Rhinebeck Charles SHAW Staatsburgh lots 2, 6, 12, 15 Mortgage to Charles Shaw Mar. 2, 1784 for 11256. Release. Witness: Ph. L. Hoffman, Herman Hoffman

11:132 605. Nov. 17,1775 1165

John BULLES and Mary of Charlotte, yeoman Thomas STEWART Bounds Creek, Thomas Lott 8 Rablee, Jeremiah Brown, Joseph Brown. 120 acres Witness: Thomas Rollee, Daniel Hamill

11:133 606. May 15,1782 1165

John BULLIS Jr. of Charlotte Thomas STEWARD Bounded W.- Zebulon WalLott 8 bridge; No. Thomas Bullus; E.- Joshua Hallock; So. John Bullis Sr., Thomas 65 acres Steward. Witness: James P. Germond, Elijah Cady

604. Mar.

607. Jan. 1803

11:134 2,1788

Abel PETERS of Clinton, Jesse OAKLEY of Beekman, Jacob SMITH of Clinton exec of George PETERS of Charlotte to Ahasuerus ELLSWORTH of Clinton and Hewlett PETERS of Clinton Bounded W.- Lemuel ConLott 8 cklin est; No. Lott 7; So. Lott 9; E.-



Zacheus Newcomb. Will made out Feb. 4, 340 acres 1777. Witness: Joshua Hallock, George Peters 608. 11:136 May 10,1775 1600

Robert PATRICK of Oblong Walter FRANKLIN of N Y C, merchant Bounds Gardner Gillits Oblong Lott 65 200 acres Witness: Jno Thompson, Walter Seaman

609. 11:137 May 10,1775 1700

Gardner GILLET of Oblong Walter FRANKLIN of N Y C Oblong Lott 65 Witness: Jno Thompson, Robert Patrick

610. May E500

11:138 6,1790

Edward GRIFFEN of Washington James WEY of Washington Bounds Micah GrifWashington Lott 11 fen, Benjamin DeLaVergne, Frederick Strite, Pond, Samuel Doughty, Isaac Bedel, Jeremiah Bedel, Phineas Lounsbury, Zophar Green. 300 acres Witness: Isaac Griffen, Phineas Lownsbury, Samll Hitt

11:143 611. Apr. 13,1784 E750

Nicholas TRAVER of Albany Co. Josiah GALE of nine Partners, Amenia, Crum Elbow Lott 31 Bounds River and line of Lott 23. Except Nicholas Traver to Abraham Palmer. Mortgage to Matthew Sleght. 548 acres Witness: Hezekiah Olmstefd, Roswell Kinne

612. 11:145 Sept. 2,1775 1325

Samuel MABBETT of Charlott Josiah GALE Lott 22, lot 3 of subdivision lot 3. Witness: Richard D. Cantillon, 130 acres Rosewwll Kinney

613. 11:146 Sept. 2,1776 E75

Josiah GALE of Charlotte Roswell KINNEY of Amenia Lott 22, east end of lot 2 of subdivision lot 3. 30 acres Witness: Samll Mabbett, Richd Cantillon

300 acres

Deeds 614. Apr. E900

11:150 6,1788


Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Yonkers Augustus VAN HORNE of N Y C, merchant Brinton Paine had bond Nov. 22, 1784 for E2000. Land late in possession of Joseph Harris. NE corner Job Meek; NW corner Jeremiah Concklin; SE corner Joseph Harris late Richard Gray; NW corner Amenia; NW corner Moses Harris. Bounds Little Nine Partners. Includes house, grist mill, etc. Sold at auction at Coyo house N Y City Apr. 4, 1788 to Augustus Van Horne. Witness: Helena V Cortlandt, 863 acres Fred V Cortlandt

615. 11:151 Mar. 23,1790 E1000

Augustus VAN HORNE of N Y C, merchant Platt SMITH of Dutchess Co. Former Joseph Harris farm as in Liber 11:150 above. Witness: Ann Hearny, Aug V V Horn

616. 11:153 June 11,1780 E250

William BARBER and Ann of Dutchess County George DEDRICK [Spelled Fadrick here] of Dutchess Co. Lott 3 subdivision lot 1 Charles Crooke in will Apr. 25, 1770 devised lands to his children. Charles the eldest heir applied May 22, 1788 to have lands divided and John Davis, Isaac Bloom and Jacob Smith commissioners did so between Charles Crooke, Ann Barber (late Crooke) and John Crooke and reported Oct. 18, 1788. Division of Lott 3 by Charles DeWitt West bank of Little Wappingers 563 acres fell to Ann Barber and she and William Barber had it divided into four 125 acres parts by Jacob Smith. Witness: John Crooke, Baushe Davis

11:157 5,1787

William BARBER and Ann Gerret DEDRICK Same Lott 31?] subdivision lot 2. description as in Liber 11:153 above. 155 acres Witness: Baushe Davis, John Crooke

617. June E310



618. 11:160 July 20,1789 1111

Zebulon ROSS of Pawling Benjamin ELLIS Oblong Lot 43* NE corner. Thomas. Witness: Eliab Wilcox, Samuel Stevens

Benjamin 34 acres

619. Dec. Love

11:164 9,1742

Frenses VANDICK of Nine Partners son Peater VANDICK Lott 3, 3rd division 1 of 200 acres in Lott 3. Bounded W.- by Fish Creek; No. Art Williams; E.- by line. Also 1/3 my right with Adolf Banker and Joost IGarrison] Gameson. Bounded W.- by Frenses Vandick and Art Williams. Witness: Tobias Stoutenburgh, John Nelson, Gilburt Williams

620. Dec. Love

11:165 9,1742

Frenses VANDICK of Nine Partners son Cornelos VANDICK Bounded W.- Fish Creek; No. Peter and Jacob Vandick; E,- line to Gillebert Williams. Also 1/3 as described in Liber 11:164 above, 100 acres Witness; John Nelson, Gilburt Williams

621. Apr. 1350

11:166 9,1790

Jacob SCHRYVER of Clinton and Rachel John P. SCHRYVER Water Lott 8 NE corner James Ulinaris and corner Hammil sold to Isaac Concklin. 100 acres Witness: Jesse Bell, John Cosbey

622. 11:171 Apr. 22,1787 1550

Joseph BOUGHTON of Clinton and Mary, Yeoman Francis BOUGHTON Staatsburgh[?] East end of lot 6. Bounded So. George Rim; No. Dr. John Bard in possession of Benjamin Boughton; W.- Joseph Boughton; E.- Christopher Huses. Same granted Apr. 18, 1705 to Jacob Rigner & Co. and bought May 3, 1769 by Joseph Boughton. Witness: Benjamin Boughton, Thads Lawrence

623. 11:177 Oct. 15,1790 E300

Joseph, William, and John CARPENTER executors of Daniel CARPENTER of Dutchess Co. Jonathan OWEN Charlotte Same that Moses Shaw sold to Daniel Carpenter Jan. 24, 1775. Bounded No. Nathaniel Thorn and So. by Daniel Carpenter. Moses Shaw quit claims for

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.

Deeds sum of £55 11 shillings. Witness: Ph Schuyler, Egbt Benson, Elisha Bedle

249 100 acres

624. Oct. £232

11:182 4,1790

Anthony BARCLAY Abraham GURNEY Lott 22 subdivision lot 3 Parcel of 1484 acres in his possession for some time. Surveyed by Benjamin Steavens 1771. Partition between Anthony Rutgers dec.,Leonard Lispenard, Henry Benson and Anthony Barclay Sept. 1, 1788. 155 acres Witness: Oliver Glean, James DeHart

625. Oct. £261

11:189 4,1790

Anthony BARCLAY Seymore SHERWOOD Parcel of Lott 22 subdivision lot 9 1484 acres in possession for some time. Surveyed by Benjamin Steavens 1771 and divided as in Liber 11:182 above. 174 acres Witness: Oliver Glean, James DeHaert

626. Oct. £171

11:190 4,1790

Anthony BARCLAY Ezra REYNOLDS Lott 22 subdivision lot 5 Parcel of 1484 acres. Same description as Liber 114 acres 11:182 above. Witness: Oliver Glean, James DeHaert

627. Oct. £165

11:191 4,1790

Anthony BARCLAY Amos BARTON Parcel of Lott 22 subdivision lot 7 1484 acres. Same description as Liber 110 acres 11:182 above. Witness: Oliver Glean, James DeHaert

628. May E300

11:192 1,1787

Silas FOSDICK and Mary of Clinton, yeoman Gersham HALLOCK SW corner east line of Lott 5 Henry Humphrey. Bounds Peter Edmunds 125 acres Elmendorph. Witness: Joseph Shadbolt, Mary Shadbolt


250 629. June E125

11:197 9,1790

Jacob WILLIS of Scarsdale Casper HAM of Washington Edward Griffin sold to Charlotte Jacob Willis May 4, 1784. Bounds Toppar Green, Michael Griffin, Doct. Benjamin DeLaVergne, Road from place called the hollow to white oak near Phineas Lowns100 acres bury. Witness: Jacob Willets, Mary Cornell, Obadiah Griffin, Bartholomew Griffin

630. Mar. 1500

11:212 2,1790

Henry HUMFREY and Mary of Clinton, farmer and John HUMFREY of Washington to Jacob OVERACKER of Beekman NW corner of Lott 5 subdivision lot 1 5. In near where house and barn now stand. Bounds Mordecai Lester, Pond, John Everse. Agreeable to deed Cornelius VanVliedt to Thomas Barker. 216 acres Witness: James Kent, Andrew Billings, George Losee, Simon Losee

631. Mar. E377

11:218 5,1790

John MANNING and Martha of Clinton, yeoman William COOK of Beekman Water Lotts 2 and 3 Bounds Peter Scryver, John Colder, Charles Manning, Albartus 93 acres Scryver. Witness: Smith Thompson, Gilbert Livingston

632. Mar. E360

11:221 4,1786

Hezekiah DODGE and Elener of Charlotte, yeoman Stephen DAVIS and Nathan VEAL of Westchester at NW corner. Bounds Lott 5 road south from Henry Humfrey to Stephen Badgley, Obadiah Wilde dec. Gershom Hal123 acres lock, Thomas Shadbolt, Witness: Thomas Shadbolt, Stephen Badgley

633. Apr. 1196

11:223 3,1788

Nathan VEAL and Jemima of Charlotte, yeoman Stephen DAVIS Lott 5 Veals half of 123 acres as described in Liber 11:221 above. Witness: John Lawrence, Thomas Shadbolt



634. 11:229 May 20,1775 E331

Stephen PINE of Charlotte, farmer Benjamin BURRIS Charlotte, Crum Elbow, Nine Partners Near Fish Creek. Bounded So. by Water Lott 9; E.- -other 9 Partner land; No. and W.- John Nellson. Witness: Lawes VanKleeck, Albt Westervelt

635. 11:230 Mar. 12,1790 1140

Philip D. BEVIER Esq. and Ann of Ulster and Hillitje DE WITT of Clinton release to John DE WITT and Catharine Staatsburgh Formerly of Peter DeWitt dec. John DeWitt assumes debts of Peter DeWitt deceased. 456 acres Witness: Gilbert Livingston

636. 11:233 May 13,1786 1255

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH and Josina of Clinton James CULVER Jr, Water Lott 9 NE Corner William Stoutenburgh. Bounded No. Lott 8 3rd division; E.- Benjamin Kinyon; So. Lusius Stoutenburgh; W.- William Stoutenburgh. 100 acres Witness: James Stoutenburgh, John L. Stoutenburgh

637. May E600

11:253 3,1791

Joseph JACKSON and Sarah of Rumbout Jonathan VINCENT of Beekman Bounds Beekman line. Washington 1941 acres Witness: Ahaes Ellsworth, James Kent

638. 11:255 Oct. 22,1773 E40

Isaac BURTON Sr. of Amenia Richard DE CANTILLON Amenia Lott 34 Bounds Meeting house. Refers to covenant with Eli Burton. 15 acres Witness: Richard DeCantillon, Judah Burton

639. Oct. E232

11:257 4,1790

Anthony BARCLAY to John NICHOLAS, Mary BARCLAY, Leonard LISPENARD exec. of Henry BARCLAY dec., Leonard LISPENARD, Nicholas GOUVENEUR, Lewis OGDEN exec. of Anthony RUTGERS 1) Henry Barclay and Anthony Rutgers Jr. undivided 1/3 each. 2) Leonard Lispenard 1/3 of lots 2 and 4. 3) June 16, 1784 sold all of lot 2 to John Ryder surveyed by Benjamin Steayens and part of lot 4 220 acres and pond west bounds. 4) Residue of 155 acres not sold Ryder


Deeds lot 4 of lot 22 describes 170 acres. Refers to division Sept. 1, 1788. Witness: Egbert Benson, Oliver Glean

11:259 640. Feb. 4,1790 5 shillings

Cornelius RAY and Elizabeth of N Y C, merchant (1st part) Stephen RAY and Abigail of Amenia (2nd part) Stephen Jr., Miles, Augustus, John and Elizabeth RAY children of Stephen (3rd part) 1) Benjamin Birdsall Jr. to John Penaier 1753 of 400 acres in Oblong Lott 62 2) Daniel Luce to John Penaier Apr. 27, 1757. Bounds round pond, Elijah Philips, Samuel Smith, Burhans, 100 acres 3) Bounded W.- Panier; No. 1 above; E.Conn.; So. 2 above 50 acres and pond all in Amenia. Witness: John Ray, John Tout

11:287 641. Apr. 25,1785 18

Isaac HOLMES and Charity of Charlotte Augustus TITUS Bounded E.Lott 9 subdivision lot 3 Road Joseph Hicks to Stephen Dean; No. Nehemiah Carpenter, bought of Isaac Holmes; W.- Carpenter; So. Beekman and 1 acre nine Partner line. Witness: William Holmes, Aaron Holmes

642. 11:288 Nov. 26,1784 180

Sarah WARD of Charlotte Augusten TITUS, blacksmith Bounded No. Widow Ward; Lott 9 So. Beekman; W.- road Capt. Joseph Hicks 50 acres to Oswego. Witness: Anthony Joslin, William Ward

643. 11:300 Mar. 27,1786 1150

John TRAVIS of Clinton John W. ALLEN Bought of Josiah Travis. Begins by road from Pleasant Valley so called to Widow Bush; NE corner Joseph Southard; W.- to Thomas Tomkins, Bounds Creek. 50 acres Witness: Thomas Humfrey, Robert Green



644. 11:301 Aug. 28,1790 1500

Charles SHAW and Nicholas HOFFMAN of N Y C, merchants; Nicholas DE PEYSTER and Miles SHERBROOKE, N Y C Gentlemen to Jesse EMES farmer of Dutchess Co. Pawling or Malmesberry 1) 115-14-10i paid to Charles Shaw, 2) 192-2-5-3 farthing paid to Nicholas Hoffman. 3) 108-11-7-3 paid to Nicholas DePeyster. 4) 85-11 paid to Miles Sherbrooke. Part of tract called Malmesberry or Pawling purchase. 1) Bounds Job Mulford. 65 acres 2) Bounds Hudson River, Job Mulford, Main road. In lots 6 and 15 John Bergh sold to Charles Shaw. 138 acres Also see mortgage Liber 4:116. Witness: Martin Hoffman, Fredh Babcock

11:311 645. Nov. 14,1783 1210

Lewis DU BOIS Esq. Sheriff Jacob SMITH of Charlotte Judgment of Jacob Everson vs Jacob Smith exec. of William Bedell of Charlotte. Sold at auction. Bounds Peter Germond, William Welling, William Allen, 140 acres Witness: Elizabeth Snedeker, Richard Snedeker

646. Apr. 1500

11:323 4,1792

11:353 647. Nov. 27,1762 Love

John THORN of New Windsor, Ulster Co, Gentleman Nathaniel GARDNER of Washington Where Ebenezer Briggs died. Bounded No. Joseph Mabbett; E.Nathaniel Gardner; So. Job Tabor and road that bounds Samuel Pierson and Nathaniel Gardner; W.- road that bounds Sylvester Sweet. Witness: David Johnston, Samuel Mott Benjamin JOHNS of Amenia son Daniel JOHNS Bounded W.Amenia Oblong Lott 66 Clarke; No. Abel Wood; E.- Conn,; So, 200 acres Joel Harvy. Witness: Thomas Johns Jr., Roswell Hopkins


254 11:354 3,1787

Cornelious JOHN Jr. and Mary Pawling of Staatsburgh, Clinton precinct Henry LORD, talor 1st Division of Staatsburgh lot 10 Staatsburgh. Bounds Cookingham, Coen52 acres radt Eckert, Jacob Deppel. Witness: David Schryver, Jonathan Thompson, Alexr Thompson

11:358 649. Mar. 19,1776 1150

Jonathan GRIFFETH and Hannah of Charlotte Paul WHITE Bounds Isaac Veal, David Lott 15 61 acres Johnston, Jarael Duel. Witness: Jabez Griffeth, Joe Potter

11:372 650. Apr. 24,1777 11600

Lemuel BRUSH and Mary of Amenia, yeoman Walter LIVINGSTON of Livingston, Albany Co., Gentleman Begins east Lotts 36 and 35 in Amenia. of road NE of Lemuel Brush dwelling house. Bounds John Thurston. Except: 1) 5 rods belonging to Robert Willson where dwelling house is, 2) 3 rods joins John Thurstons shop. Witness: Roswell Hopkins, Thomas Thompson

651. Apr. 180

11:375 3,1788

William YOUNG of Amenia Amey WINCHESTER East of road, south line Amenia of Ameriah Winchester bought of Silas lli acres Marsh. Bounds Garret Howe. Witness: Daniel Hunter, Leonard Herrick

652. June 1420

11:376 6,1791

John DEWITT Sheriff Zephaniah PLATT Goods of Philip Angevine. Washington 11220 recovered by Nathaniel Platt, Auction. Bounds Isaac Thorn, 100 acres Witness: Myndert VanKleeck, Theod Bailey

648. May 1125

653. 11:379 July 29,1779 1770

Zebulon SMITH of Charlotte, yeoman Walter CORNELL Lott 12 Bounds creek, Josias Haight, Thomas Wilbur, Joseph Cornell, Cortes VanVoorhees. 91 acres Witness: Joseph Cornell, Job Cornell, Jacob Ostrom

Deeds 654. Oct. L200

11:380 1,1776


Obed HERVEY of Oblong Stephen TRUSDEL of 9 Partners which Gore #20 of Nine Partners Hervey bought of Cornelius and William 100 acres Wiltse. Witness: Joshua Dakin, Luther Holly

655. 11:406 Jan. 18,1791 L60

Hugh KENNEDY and Theodorus BAILEY exec. of Ebenezer BRIGGS farmer of Washington, deceased. John THORNE of Ulster Co. His debts. Same that (auction) Timothy Rickerson sold to Ebenezer Briggs. 50 acres Benjamin Boyce to Ebenezer Briggs, 50 acres Bounded W.- Road and Sylvester Sweet; So. road, Samuel Parson Tabor; E,- Nathaniel Gardner; No. Joseph Mabbett. Witness: Cornelius Terbush, William Bailey

656. 11:417 Mar. 19,1792 5 shillings

William KETELTAS and Mary Maria Jane Ann CROOKE Dr. Charles Crooke dec'd owned 1) 1/3 of two water lots East of Hudson River consisting of 1120 acres, the family mansion being on one lot. 2) woodlot on Hudson river 100 acres 3) farm of 166 acres on Fallkill 4) 700 acres on Little Wappingers with four tenements 5) 1200 acres in Ulster Co. and 1/3 of 3600 acres in Ulster. These descended to Maria Jane Ann Crooke under 14 years with guardian William Barber. Exception: Mary Keteltas is late widow of Charles Crooke and William Barber set off 700 acres on Little Wap to her. All of remainder to Marie Jane Ann Crooke. Witness: Stella Marsh, Peter Tappen

657. 11:431 Apr. 29,1775 L700

Rev. Charles INGLIS of N Y City, clerk and Margaret Thomas LOWNSBURY of North Castle, Westchester Co. Lott 35 subdivision lot 2 in Charlotte, 218 acres Nine Partners. Witness: Margaret Crooke, Thomas B. Chandler


256 658. Mar. L650

11:434 5,1791

Robert SMYTH of N Y City, merchant and Elizabeth John NEWETT, merchant Lott 5, corner Lotts 6, 13, 14. Same as lately David Arnold sold to Robert Erwin Dec. 8, 1785 and i- sold to Robert Smyth Mar. 10, 1786. Bounded E.- Lott 14 and Samuel Northrop; No. David Arnold and Samuel Upton; W.- Road Isaac Blooms Mills to bridge near Matthew Howard's house; So. Lott 6 and John Bailey and Widow Bosh. Mentions bridge over Great Wappingers. 50 acres Witness: Peter R. Livingston, John Ray

659. 11:437 Nov. 30,1792 L1800

Robert IRWIN and John NEWETT of Clinton to John SEARING of Searing, New Hempstead, Queens, Nassau Island, merchant, and Samuel WOOD of Cow Neck. Same description in Liber 11:434 except bounded E.- Lott 14 and Owen Stringham; No. Justice Marshall and Matthew Howard. 50 acres Witness: Isaac Smith Jr., Jacob Smith

660. 11:463 Sept. 17,1790 L450

Jonathan HASBROUCK and Catharine of Kingston James J. STOUTENBURGH and John L. STOUTENBURGH of Clinton Water Lott 8 1) * of water Lott 8 on south side. Bounded So. 7; E.- 13; No. John DeGraaf, Christian Bergh; W.- Hudson River. 300 acres 2) Bounded So. Theodorus VanWyck; W.Hudson River; No. Isaac Germond; E.Jan DeGraaf 200 acres Exceptions: 1) Christian Bergh sold Isaac Conkling 100 acres 2) John Bergh sold James Ackerman 100 acres 3) John Bergh sold Jacobus Stoutenburgh 100 acres Witness: Abraham A. Hasbrouck, Gerrit VanKeuren



11:471 661. Feb. 20,1792

Society meeting at house of William CHAMBERLAIN of Amenia to Incorporate and choose trustees. Trustees Chosen were James REED, Elisha BARLOW, Walter LATHROP. Name Union. Signed by Moses Barlow, Sarah Beach.

11:472 662. Jan. 17,1793 L280

Widow Sarah WARD of Clinton John WARD On Line of Beekman at SW Lott 9 corner of land Sarah Ward sold Barnt Vely. Bounds Augustin Titus, Joseph Harris, Wheeler Case. So. Beekman; W.Augustin Titus, Joseph Harris; No.Wheeler Case dec.; E.- Barnt Vely. 250 acres Witness: Elisha Bedle, Isaac King

11:483 1,1793

Cornelius OSTROM and Blandanea of Clinton Silvenus WILBER Bounded by Abraham Wood, Water Lott 2 Benjamin Lattin, David Concklin, Charles 140 acres Manning, James Pritchard. Witness: Joseph Mott, Philip Irish

11:485 664. July 10,1787 L240

Jonathan SMITH and Elizabeth of Northeast Thomas WINSLOW Bounds Joel Sutherlin, Lott 19 Caleb Rusted, David Southerlin. 200 acres Witness: Jacob Radcliff, Eliza Wheeler

11:488 665. Dec. 15,1787 11200

Samuel MOTT and Margaret of Clinton John GOLDEN Bounds David Concklin, Water Lott 3 250 acres Charles Manning. Witness: Jonathan Angevine, Benjamin Southard

11:494 666. Apr. 10,1780 L400

Thomas NELSON of Charlotte Joshua AUSTIN of Rhinebeck East of Crum Elbow Creek. Bounds Asahel Armstrong, Dr. John Bard, Capt. John DeWitt. Inherrited Apr. 14, 1779 Thomas and brother Francis, 95/ acres Witness: William Maceture, Philip Fralick, Thomas Browne

663. May 1606


258 667. Jan. £455

11:515 8,1793

Zephaniah PLATT Esq. and Mary of Poughkeepsie Thomas WHITE of Washington At NE corner Isaac Thom. Washington Witness: Theod Bailey, 100 acres John N. Bailey

11:518 668. Nov. 10,1792 £900

Christopher HUGHES Jr. of Clinton Christopher HUGHES Bounded Staatsburgh, Pawling purchase. No. Lot 2 Christopher Hughes; E.- lot 11; So. Lot 3; W.- Hudson River. 941 acres Also in Lot 13 Bounded E.- Crum Elbow kill and lot 12; No. Christopher Hughes; So. John Livingston; W.- John Livingston, Uhl. Charted by Charles Clinton. Excepts 7 acres sold to Peter Dewitt. 1121 acres Witness: Hendrick Sleight, Joseph Thom

669. Nov. £325

11:527 8,1790

Nicholas HOFFMAN, Charles SHAW, Nicholas DE PRUISTER, Miles SHERBROOKE, N Y City merchants to Christopher HUGHES of Dutchess Co. farmer Which Lewis Morris Staatsburgh Lot 2 Jr. and Mary sold to Teunis Van Benschoten May 13, 1788. Bounds Hudson River. 721 acres Witness: Fredk Babcock, Simon Glen

670. Mar. £250

11:533 9,1790

Edward UNDERHILL and Jerusha of Clinton Ezekiel HOAG Sold by Elijah Hoag to Clinton Jonathan Lyon and Paul Forman. Bounds Edward Underhill bought of Joshua Barnes, and Edward Underhil sold to Abel Peters. Bounds Obadiah Smith, Paul Upton, Ezek80 acres iel Hoag. Bounded No. Underhill and Elijah Hoag; E.- Obadiah Smith, Paul Upton; So. Ezekiel Hoag; W.- Jonathan Lyon. Witness: Seaman Carpenter, Zadock Southwick

11:540 671. Apr. 23,1793 £800

Sarah HOAG, widow of Ezekiel Hoag, Ezekiel HOAG and Obadiah HOAG of Clinton to Isaac LOUNSBURY of Frederick Clinton Lott 4 Bounds Abel Peters to Elnathan Lyon, Abraham Hoag, Paul Upton, Thomas Lyon, Lott 3; Mill Pond, Schovel, Elisha Hoag, Abel Peters. 160 acres Witness: Zadock Southwick, Jacob Smith



672. 12:1 Sept.23,1771 E900

Nicholas GOUVERNEUR of N Y merchant, Magdalena HALL of N Y widow of John Hall executors of Isaac GOVERNEUR of N Y City to Peter PROSIUS of Rhinebeck, yeoman Staatsburgh Part of 4000 acres granted to Mary Pawling widow of Henry Pawling and her children: Jane, Wyntie, John, Albert, Ann, Henry, Mary by King William May 11, 1696. 1) Lot 5 Bounds Hudson River 220 acres 2) Lot 14 Bounds Crum Elbow Kill 245 acres Witness: Matthias Ward, William Hall

673. 12:6 Nov. 26,1774 10 shillings

Peter PROCIUS George STOOVER Lott 14 East part. 1) 125 acres to Jacob and Adam Shaver 2) 25 acres to Evardus Bogardus Remainder of lot 14 3) South part to George Stoover 4) North part to Peter Procius Divided 5 by line thru middle parrell to north and south lines. South part to George Stoover, North part to Peter Procius. Witness: William Hubbard, Gouv Morris

674. 12:8 Oct. 22,1792 8 shillings

George STUBVER Morgan LEWIS of Rhinebeck Release of Dower by Christine Prosius wife of Peter.

675. 12:14 June 15,1775 E500

Peter PROCIOUS and Christien Jacob LEWIS Staatsborough, Rhinebeck precinct. Bounds Hudson River and Bogardus. 150 acres Witness: Jno Mitchell, George Stuber, Gour Morris

676. 12:16 June 13,1793 E1500

Elsey EVERSON, widow of N Y City, widow of John Everson John and Cornelius RAY of N Y City Water Lott 6 John Everson made will Sept. 9, 1771. Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. and So. Charles Crooke. 515 acres Witness: Thomas Pearsall, William Shotwell



677. 12:31 Apr. 29,1767 L800

Benjamin PELE of Charlotte Samuel SMITH of Jamaica, L.I. Bounds Hudson River and Water Lott 1 270 acres lott 2. Also at Paltz patent Ulster Co. that William Vanderburgh and Mary sold to Benjamin Pele May 22, 1764. Exception: 1) 3i acres to William Gay 2) 27 acres to Rezin Geer Witness: Henry Hegeman, James Valentine

12:36 8,1781

Ebenezer BADGER and Abigail of Poughkeepsie, late and Richard SNEDEKER exec of John Michael RUTZEN to Daniel SMITH of Charlotte Will made out Water Lotts 1 and 2 Apr. 27, 1776 (Henry VanDerburgh also named executor). In water Lott 1 and 2 west of Kings road north of Samuel Smith's house. Mentions new road lately laid out, Post Road and Hudson River. Except 2 acres to Samuel Smith. 26 acres Witness: Saml Smith, Laurence VanKleeck

12:42 679. June 23,1786 L420

Samuel SMITH of Clinton farmer Daniel SMITH Farm of Late Samuel Smith. Bounds Hudson River, Bartholomew Noxon, Post road, line of lot 1 and 2. Except 27 acres Benjamin Pelle sold to 149 acres Rezin Geer. Witness: Cornelius Humfrey, Elisabeth Humfrey

12:45 680. June 20,1786 L420

Daniel SMITH and Samuel MOTT executor of Samuel SMITH of Charlotte, farmer to Samuel SMITH of Clinton late Charlotte Same that he bought of Water Lott 1 Benjamin Peele Apr. 28, 1767. Samuel Smith made will June 17, 1785 and died Oct. 1, 1785, Executors Daniel and Robert Smith and Samuel Mott. In Water Lott I originally 272 acres. Bounds Bartholomew Noxon, Post road, Hudson River. Exceptions: 1) 7 acres to William Gay and 2) 27 acres to Rezin Geer. 149 acres Witness: Cornelous Humfrey, Elizabeth Humfrey

678. Apr.



681. 12:51 Apr. 30,1793 £675

Daniel SMITH and Sarah of Clinton, farmer John WYCKOOF of Fishkill Clinton Water Lott 1 Bounds Bartholomew Noxon, post road, Hudson River. Witness: Smith Thompson, 150 acres Gilbert Livingston

682. May £985

12:84 4,1792

Samuel OGDEN exec. of Sarah MORRIS of Morrisania, Westchester Co., widow to Morgan LEWIS of N Y C Staatsburgh Lots 5 and 14 George STOVER of Staatsburgh indebted to Sarah Morris Nov. 23, 1774 £708. Jacob LEWIS of Rhinebeck indebted to Sarah Morris June 16, 1775 £736. Morgan Lewis agrees to assume these debts. Witness: Robt Troup, Martain S. Wilkins

12:87 683. Dec. 31,1792

Catharine LEWIS is heir of Jacob LEWIS, infant Samuel OGDEN guarantees her release when of age. Witness: Robt Troup, Thomas Water

684. 12:89 Sept. 1,1792 £368 and 5 shillings

Rebecca LEWIS widow of Jacob LEWIS of Staatsburgh; Leonard LEWIS only son and wife Phebe; John YERRY and Clarachi daughter of Jacob LEWIS; Elias DUB and Leah daughter of Jacob LEWIS; Barnet FREER and Rachel daughter of Jacob LEWIS; Catherine LEWIS age 18 to Morgan LEWIS Refers to mortgage to Lots 5 & 14 Sarah Morris June 18, 1775, in the amount of £368 which Morgan agrees to assume from Peter Prosius and Christina, Witness: Abr Hem , Jerl Lansingh, Andrew Billings, Gilbert Livingston, Elias Dop

685. 12:93 Sept. 1,1792 5 shillings

George STRUVER of Claverack, Columbia Co., farmer Morgan LEWIS of Rhinebeck Indebted to Sarah Morris Lots 5 and 14 Nov. 23, 1774 £350. Assigned to Lewis. Witness: Jerh Lansingh, Jonathan Holmes

262 686. June 1245

Deeds 12:112 6,1789

Silvenis SEAMAN and Ann of Clinton Ahab ARNOLD near house of Dirck Doty. Lott 3 Bounded No. Lott 2; E.- and So. Selvenus 79 acres Seamen; W.- Charles Crooke. Witness: Zadock Southwick, Richard Seamen

12:126 687. Feb. 11,1793 170

George REED and Mary of Clinton Jacob SHEAFER of Delaware Bounded Lott 5 [3rd Division?] E.- Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph dec. So., 5 acres W.-, No. Christian Ferow. Witness: Abrm Freligh, Reuben Spencer

12:132 688. Jan. 17,1793

John DAVIS, Isaac BLOOM, Jacob SMITH, Commissioners to partition lands. John CROOKE, Ann wife of William BARBER and Maria Jane Ann CROOKE minor to John CROOKE Bounds Water Lott 6, subdivision lot 1 Crom Elbow Point on Hudson River, Widow 464 acres Everson. to Ann wife of William BARBER HomeWater Lott 5, subdivision lot 1 stead or mansion. Bounds Hudson River, 212 acres Leonard Lispenard, Lot 6 to Maria Jane Ann CROOKE 1) Water Lott 5 subdivision lot 2. Bounds Lott 13 3rd division. 484 acres 2) Lott 6, subdivision lot 2. Bounds Widow Everson, Lott 14 3rd divi70 acres sion. Map attached shows Mansion house, Husted, John William, VanAtten, Cooley, Leonard Lispenard, Widow Everson, Johnston. Witness: Theod Bailey, Jacobus Swartwout Jr.

689. 12:153 Oct. 14,1793 1600

Jacob GRIFFIN of Fishkill Henry GILDERSLEEVE of Clinton Lott 5 Joseph Griffen of Clinton obligated to Jacob Griffin 1600. East of road David Bedford to Gazlay's Mills. 111 acres Witness: John Gildersleeve, Jas D. Simon



690. 12:192 May 10,1770 E100

Peter HALLOCK of Charlotte Moses HALLECK SW of Moses Halleck's house. Bounds Hendrick Bush, Brook Isaac Filkins mill is on, Zebulon Hallock. 97 acres Witness: Henry Morris, Peter Thorp

691. Mar. E150

Peter VAN DYCK of Charlotte, yeoman Cornelius VAN DYCK, yeoman i of 700 acres Nine Partners sold to Francis VanDyck, Adolph Banker, Joost Garrison June 7, 1741 Liber 2:46 and Banker and Garrison sold Nov. 30, 1744 Liber 2:49. Lot 1 fell to Francis VanDyck whose will made July 19, 1751 leaving it to Peter and Cornelius VanDyck. 153 acres Witness: Joost Garrison, John D Witt

12:204 1,1775

692. 12:207 Apr. 11,1750 dicision

693. Apr. E355

12:209 3,1792

Arte WILLIAMS of Westchester, farmer Francis VAN DYCK, farmer Nine Partners to Williams and VanDyck Dec. 5, 1738 1000 acres included crick Fishkills or Eandizkill. Surveyed by Peter Dubois. Divided as follows: 1) Williams Lot 2 327 acres 2) VanDyck Lot 4 216 acres 3) Lot 1 2 3/4 acres Witness: Peter DuBois, Goinnpz Gore R Smitt Jacob TIPPLE and Mary of Rhinebeck Solomon TREVER of Clinton Staatsburgh Lot 11 of map of Charles Clinton 1751. Bounded E.- Michael Cookingham bought of Isaac Holmes. W.- Margaret Uhl; So. Lot 12; No. 11 & 10 100 acres. Also Bounded No. Lot 11 & 12; W.Nicholas More; So. Christian Tedireck; E.- Michael Cookingham and road to Solomon Trever 14 acres. Witness: David Treaver Jr., Conrat Ekert


264 694. Oct. 141

12:268 8,1792

Lourance BELDING Stoddard SQUIRE Part of farm of Silas Belding Sr. deceased on Plimouth Hill. Bounds Carr Wilber, John B. Wheeler, Benjamin Burlingham, Lowrance Belding, 2/7 of 7 acres. Witness: Joseph Belding, Jacob Palmer

12:283 695. Apr. 19,1794 E90

Charles CLARK of Amenia Elijah KNIBLE of Sharon, Conn. Bounds EliaAmenia Lott 50 Oblong kin Reed. 4 acres Witness: Oliver Kellog, Mulford B. Rose

696. 12:297 Dec. 14,1793 love 5 shillings

Jost GARRISON of Clinton Martin GARRISON, grandson Part of 700 acre lot surveyed by Jacob Terbos Apr. 23, 1740 at request of trustees for Bremer. Bounded So. road Derick VanVleet to John D Witt; No. Lott 2; E.- Lott 3 3rd division; W.- Jost Garrison. Now in possession of Edward Talbot, tenant. 50 acres Witness: John D Witt, B V Benthuysen

12:342 1,1791

Joshua HALLOCK and Mary of Washington, yeoman William PETERS, yeoman 1) Lott 12 south of road Dr. DeLaVergne's to Mosers Mills; NE corner John Allen. Bounds Ham, James Wallace, Joshua Haight, Eseck Mosher, Mill creek, Thomas Hallock. 110 acres 2) Lott 8 in Clinton. Bounded No. Timothy Beadel; E.- Frederick Straight, Dr. Benjamin DeLaVergne, John Allen; So. Thomas Hallock, James Miller; W.- James Miller, Thomas Steward. 107 acres Permission for ditch of water from Caleb Mosher's mill. Witness: Josiah Haight, Jacob Smith

697. Mar. 1900




698. 12:357 June 14,1769 £30

James TALMADGE of Amenia, blacksmith Isaac SMITH, yeoman East of road Isaac Smith's dwelling to Meeting house at place called the City. Bounded So. and W.- Isaac Smith; No. road Isaac Smith to Ezra Thompson; E.- road Smith to Meeting house. Same that John Gernsey sold to Tallmadge Nov. 10, 1767. Reserves right to use shop or to move as he may wish to continue his blacksmith business. Witness: Joseph Curtis, 6 acres Jerusha Cheesman

699. 12:360 May 24,1769 £1100

John GARNSEY and Annah of Amenia, farmer Isaac SMITH of Hempstead, farmer Lott 35 Bounded No. John Crooke; E.- Jacobus Stoutenburgh; So. Lott 34 David Jamison; W.- Lott 20 Caleb Heathcote. 426 acres [another place says 226 acres] Except 200 acres with following other exceptions: 1) Zachariah Curtis to Samuel Pain and Edmund Perlee 2 acres 2) Great road to Joseph Curtis House 4 acres 3) John Garnsey to James Tallmadge 6 acres 4) John Garnsey to Edmond Parlee 4/ acres Witness: Ezra Thompson, James Smith

13:1 700. June 16,1785 £200

John ROGERS and Phebe of Charlotte Reuben NELSON Nelson Lot Bounded: No. John Rogers; E.- John Powel, Jesse Bell; So. Widow Nelson; W.- Crum Elbow Creek. At SW corner Stephen Nelson. 94 acres Witness: Francis Nelson, Stephen Wright, Mary Sisson

13:13 701. Apr. 13,1794 £1500

John STOUTENBURGH and Catharine of Clinton Tedeman HULL Jr. of Stanford Bounded: W.- Abel Lott 15 Stanford Peters 200 acre lot bought of Stoutenburgh; No. Petrus Elmendorph; No. and 300 acres E.- Isaac Vail; So. Lott 14. Witness: Solomon Vaile, Richard Haight, Luke L. Stoutenburgh



702. 13:16 Aug. 13,1794 L900

Azariah JUDSON and Phebe of Amenia Ebenezer HURD Jr. Bounds Oblong Lott 49 and 50 in Amenia Conn., Eliakin Reed, Conrad Winegar, Nine Partners, Isaac Allerton. Eliphalet Everitt bought of William Chamber300 acres lain, Jedediah Bump. Witness: David Johnston, Jacob Johnston

13:28 703. May 9,1754 L1025

Theodorus VAN WYCK and Elizabeth of Rumbout Peter HALLOCK of Bruck Haven, SuffolkCo. NE corner of Augustine Lott 12 Creed to John Germond, West of kill Isaac Filkins Mill stands on. Bounds Rode Filkintown to Poughkeepsie; Augustine Creed to John Wood; Augustine Creed to John Bulles, Augustine Creed to Benajah Williams, Hendrick Bush. Also a piece between Williams and Bulles not Total 600 acres described. Witness: William Doughty, Zeph Platt, Theods VanWyck Jr., Aeltje VanWyck

704. 13:36 June 20,1794 L400

Reuben NELSON and Hannah of Fishkill Francis NELSON of Clinton farmer Francis Nelson the grandfather of these two men conveyed Nov. 13, 1750 to Reuben Nelson the father of these two men parcel on Fish Creek lot 7. Bounded So. Moses VanAarnen; E.- Nine Partners; No. John Nelson; W.- Fish Creek 200 acres. She released as follows: No. heirs of Theophilus Nelson; E,- John, Joseph, Nathaniel, Obadiah Powel; So, John Rogers; W.- Christopher Hughes. 181 acres Witness: Matthias B. Hildreth, Gilbert Livingston

13:38 705. Aug. 21,1794 L650

Ahasuerus ELSWORTH and Sarah of Clinton, farmer Hewlett PETERS of Clinton Lott 8 Bounded W.- Lemuel Concklin; No. Lott 7; So. Lott 9; E.- Zach340 acres eus Newcomb. Witness: Jesse Oakley, Gilbert Livingston



13:49 706. Aug. 21,1794 5 shillings

Ahasuerus ELSWORTH and Sarah of Clinton, farmer Hewlett PETERS George Peters owned 340 acres as in Liber 13:38 above. Made out will Feb. 4, 1777. Executors Abel Peters, Jesse Oakley, Jacob Smith. They with widow Sarah sold same to Ellsworth and Hewlett Peters Jan. 3, 1788. Witness: Jesse Oakley, Gilbert Livingston

707. 13:54 Apr. 11,1748 1112

Augustine CREED of Crum Elbow John GERMOND Lott 12 Bounded W.- Isaac Germond, Henry Filkin, Isaac Flagler; E.Augustine Creed, brook; No. Hendrick Bush; So. Henry Coal. SW corner lott 12. Witness: Peter Germond, 100 acres Isaac Germond

708. 13:64 May 17,1793 1266

David HILDRETH and Abigail of Clinton, yeoman John CROOKE of Rhinebeck Lot 3 Hildreth indebted to Crooke. Lot one of map of Charles DeWitt. Bounded: No. Lot 2 David Johnston; E.- Chambers; So. Gabriel W. Ludlow; W.John Crooke. 100 acres [End of deed not completed]

709. Feb. 1100

13:84 2,1790

Sarah WARD, widow of John of Clinton Baurent VEILEN of Beekman Begins at Pond Gut on Beekman line. Bounds: Morgan, Ward and 130 acres Beekman line. Witness: Minard Velie, Lawrence Dean


13:113 1791*

Ann LAZEAR of New Jersey widow of Lucas of Dutchess Co. John BURNET of Clinton Released May 2, 1783 to correct description. E.- of Hudson River in Hyde Park, Clinton Map lot 2. SW corner Thomas Banker now John Burnet. Witness: Samuel Bard, Sarah Bard *Recorded Dec. 30, 1794.




711. May L315

13:115 1,1791

John RICE of N Y City John BURNET of Clinton, farmer Staatsburgh Lot 3 East of Hudson River. Part of tract Indians called Equaquanessink granted Apr. 18, 1705 to Jacob Regneur. Peter Fauconier, Benjamin Ash, Barne Cousens, John Persons, except to 111 acres heirs of Henry Pawling. Witness: Samuel Walker, John Ray

712. Dec. L26

13:117 7,1794

Rudolph OSTRUM and Bethiah of Clinton Martinus BURGER, weaver Part of farm Rudolph OsClinton trum bought from John Crooke and Cornelia 1793. NE corner Lott 1 NW of Rudolph 15 acres Ostrum. Map attached. Witness: Aaron Schouten, Gilbert Livingston

13:156 713. Oct. 31,1793 L950

William PETERS and Anna of Washington David LAWTON 1) Lott 12 Bounds Road Dr. Benjamin DeLaVergne to Moshers mill, John Allen, Conrad Ham, James Wallace, Josiah Haight, Joshua Hallock to John Allen, Esick Mosher, Mill creek, Thomas Hallock. 113 acres 2) Lott 8 Bounded No. Timothy Beadle; E.- Frederick Streight, Dr. Benjamin DeLaVergne, John Allen; So. Thomas Hallock; W,James Miller, Thomas Steward. Reserves ditch for water from Caleb Moshers mill. 107 acres Witness: Albert Seaman, Jacob Smith

714. 13:163 Mar. 14,1767

John FISH of Charlotte Ichabod WHITE Lott 18 Bounded No. Mattice Proge; W.- Amos Crandle; So. William 144 acres Lepeneer; E.- John Fish. Witness: Nathan Smith, Levi Fish



715. 13:169 Jan. 14,1795 L300

Elisha MASTEN and Elizabeth of Clinton Elias DE LONG Bounds Beekman line. Witness: John Pelen, 70 acres Amos Pells

716. 13:173 Jan. 20,1795 L1000

Obadiah POWELL and Elizabeth of Clinton, farmer William KENYON Lotts 6 & 10 3rd division Bounds Nelson and Williams. 200 acres Witness: Benjamin Platt, Gilbert Livingston

717. May L396

13:188 7,1790

Elsie (Elshy) VAN BENSCHOTEN widow of Teunis of Rhinebeck and Solomon, Egnos, Egbert, Harman, and John VAN BENSCHOTEN all of Clinton to Michael COOKINGHAM of Clinton Pawlings Lot 12 Bounded: No. Jacob Tipple, Isaac Holmes; E.- westbank of Crum Elbow Creek; So. Capt. Christopher Hughes; W.- Nicks and J. Moore. Witness: Evardus Bogardus, 144 acres Johannis Marquat

718. Apr.

13:191 5,1792

Isaac HOLMES and Charity of Clinton Michael KOKENHAM (Cookingham) Pawling Staatsburgh Lot 11 Bounds Crum Elbow Creek and lot 10. 100 acres Witness: Johannis Marquart, Jno DeWitt

719. 13:205 Mar. 19,1795 L600

James STOUTENBURGH and Catharine of Clinton William T. ROBINSON & Joseph BYRD of N Y City Owned jointly by James and John, John now deceased. Bounded W.- by Hudson River; E.- and No. by James and John Stoutenburgh. Conveyed to them by their father Jacobus Stout10 acres enburgh May 1, 1792. Witness: Tobias Stoutenburgh, John Franklin Jr.

720. Mar. L454

John J. BULLIS and Margaret of Clinton John GAGER Bound E.- by Lott 8 and Ealdaxt Pulhamus; So. and W.- by Thomas 85 acres Stewart. Witness: Peter P. Germond, Oliver Losee

13:213 4,1795



721. 13:220 Apr. 15,1795 £122

Charles CUNNINGHAM and Sarah of Beekman Joseph TOMPKINS of Beekman Bounds Beekman and Pond Clinton 139 acres Hollow Creek. Witness: Charles Thomas, James L. Thomas, Charles Hoag

13:227 2,1795

Charles MANNING and Martha of Clinton James VANHATTER Bounds Charles Manning, Col. Barber, John Manning. 70 acres Witness: Jacob Manning, Jacob Brower, Joshua Manning, John Williams

723. 13:231 Sept.26,1792 1300

Isaac POWELL and Phebe of Clinton John SARLES of New Castle, Westchester Co Bounds Lott 6 & 10 3rd division. Road Isaac Frost to Obediah Powell, Mordecai and Jordan Frost, Road John Powell to John Frost. 50 acres Witness: John Powell, Caleb Fowler

724. Apr. £200

13:233 6,1792

Nathaniel POWELL of Clinton Isaac POWELL Bounds Lott 6 & 10 3rd division Road Isaac Frost, Obadiah Powell, Mordecaia and Jordan Frost, Swamp, Obadiah Powell, road John Powell to Jordan Frost. 50 acres Witness: John Powell, Jacob Powell

725. Dec. £150

13:241 1,1794

Peter BUSH of Washington son of Daniel BUSH deceased to Esek MOSHER, yeoman Lott 13, subdivision lots 1 & 4. Corner of 18 (13). Corner of 4 lots, Bounded No. Jacob Sharpstone; E.- Capt. VanVoorhees; So. Lott 12; W.- Lott 6. 1/7th 300 acres Witness: Peter Sharpstone, James T. Germond, Timothy Catlin

722. Apr. £250



726. 13:243 May 12,1795 L300

Ruben NELSON and Hannah of Fishkill Theophillus NELSON of Clinton Clinton in Nelson lot. Same John Rogers sold to Ruben June 16, 1785. SE corner Stephen Nelson, NW corner widow Nelson. Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, Jesse Bell. Except: 5 acres Rogers sold to Stephen Nelson. Mortgage to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VanBenschoten. Witness: Jacob Radcliff, 94 acres Peter W. Radcliff

727. Apr. love

13:248 1,1783

Joseph CAUSTON of Westchester Eliphalet PLATT of Charlotte son in law and his 2 sons Joseph and Isaac PLATT, Joseph under 21 Lott 15 3rd division Former James Emott. Bounds Great Creek, road Filkintown to Poughkeepsie, Abraham Wood, swamp, muddy brook, NW corner Bateman (Beekman). 311 acres Witness: Peter Stringham, Elisha Bedle

728. 13:260 May 2,1795 L1500

Stephen CALLOW and Sarah John BURNET Bounded No. Water Lott 1 and 2 John Wigg and David Ring; E.- Jacob Scriver; So. Jonathan Soles, Anthony Hoffman, John G. VanWagn; W.- Walter Livingston. Except: 20 acres of Joshua Morse north of Ephraim Ferguson to Joshua Morse and 6 acres in SW corner 316 acres to Levy Wood. Witness: Jacob Schryver, Peter I. Van Kleeck

729. 13:265 Sept.11,1789 L72

Stephen GUFFING and Elizabeth of Dutchess Co. Frederick UHL Pawling-Staatsburgh Lot XIIIII 32 acres Witness: Henry Uhl, John Cramer, Lewis Finch

730. May L500

13:276 1,1795

Meriam NELSON exec. of Mephiboseth NELSON, farmer Samuel HADDEN of Clinton Will made out Sept. 20, Nelson Lot 1770 naming executors Merriam, Joshua Morse (died before Feb. 18, 1795) and Justus Nelson who Feb. 29, 1795 refused



to act. Bounded W.- Crum Elbow Creek; No. Ruben and Stephen Nelson; E.- Jesse Bell; So. How and Waamsly. NW corner lot 5. 200 acres Witness: Matthias B. Holdreth, Gilbert Livingston 13:278 731. Apr. 10,1795 L1100

William I. SOUTHERLAND of Stanford Jonathan WING of Pawling Lot 5 [Lott 35?] Bounded W.- William R. Southerland; No. Caleb Briggs; E.- John Guerney Jr. ; So. John Cronkhite. Witness: Jno Sherwood, 180 acres William R. Sutherland

732. Jan. L157

13:284 1,1795

Melancton SMITH of N Y City merchant Peter CHATTERTON of Clinton farmer Clinton John Barnes Oct. 11, 1785 sold to Peter Kitletas, Jacobus Van Zandt and Melancton Smith land in Clinton north of Nine Partners road to Poughkeepsie and east of Wappingers Creek. Peter Kitletas and Jacobus Van Zandt died. Begins 17 links SW of house of John Losee. Bounds Othniel Smith and road Thomas Welling to Filkintown road. Witness: Robert Williams, 45 acres Gilbert Livingston

733. Jan. L131

13:286 1,1795

Melancton SMITH of N Y City merchant Joshua WARD of Clinton Same information as Liber 13:284 above. On east bank of Wappingers Creek at NW corner of Major 47 acres Joshua Ward. Witness: Garret Adriance, Gilbert Livingston

734. 13:304 Apr. 1,1795 L1000

John BURNET and Sarah of Clinton, farmer Timothy EMES of Sedbury, Middlesex, Mass. Hyde Park patent Lot 2 East of Hudson River. Bounds Post road. Lot 3 east of Hudson River. Bounded So. and E.- by Samuel Bard and No. by Widow Mary Barbara Rimph. 211 acres Witness: Smith Thompson, Gilbert Livingston



735. 13:312 Sept.13,1794 E88

John G. VAN WAGONER and Elizabeth of Clinton Ebenezer Azariah MALLERY of Clinton Water Lott 8 Bounded So. Benoni Kipp; E.- David Johnson; No. Benjamin Carpenter; W.- Isaac Powel. 45 acres Witness: James Baker, Benoni Kipp

13:317 736. Mar. 3,1793 11050

Jacob BUSH and Elizabeth of Clinton, farmer John JOHNSTON Esq. Water Lott 6 Begins on Hudson River at Crum Elbow Point with high rocks on cliff. Bounds creek Mereches. Reserves 50 feet square for burying ground of Crooke family. 175 acres Witness: Smith Thompson, Gilbert Livingston

737. 13:327 Jan. 15,1795 1525

Jacob JOHNSTON of Washington & David I. JOHNSTON Gentlemen to Isaac CONCKLIN of Clinton Water Lott 7 Nov. 1, 1793 David Johnston gave to his sons Jacob and David I. Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 of Water Lott 7. David appointed his brother Jacob his attorney Nov. 21, 1794. This is lot 2 of 7, Bounded No. Lott 8; W.- Jacob and David I. Johnston; So. Lott 6; E.- lot 3 of 7. Witness: John Johnston, 150 acres Anthony Hoffman

738. 13:330 Mar. 20,1793 11000

Samuel BARD of N Y City, Dr. of Physick and Mary Nathan HOWE and William WALMSLEY of Stanford Clinton Bought of Joshua Nelson. Bounds William Scott, David Johnston, Jesse Bell, Widow Nelson 396-1-16. Witness: John Johnston, Thomas Slidell

739. Aug. Love

Jacob EVERSON of Clinton George B. EVERSON his son At NW corner SE of house Lott 9 of Elisha Masten. Bounds Wappingers Creek, three springs, Anthony Ward, Road Anthony Ward to Oswego, Jonathan Dean, 83 acres Lott 15 3rd division. Witness: William Ely, Maria Everson

13:337 8,1794


274 13:340 740. Feb. 21,1793 1120

William DEXTER of Hartford, Conn. William REYNOLDS of Amenia Bounds Edmund Perlee. Lott 34 I acre Witness: Stephen Reynolds, James Barnet

13:345 4,1792

Simon FLAGLER and Elizabeth of Clinton Isaac POWEL of Clinton On line of Lott 8. Water Lott 9 Bounded So. Benony Kipp; W.- G. W. Ludlow, Jno Scriver; No. W. Stoutenburgh, Jacob Bush; E.- John G. V. Wagener. 110 acres Witness: Nathaniel Powell, Gilbert Livingston

13:389 742. Oct. 11,1785 10 shillings

John BARNES of N Y City, merchant Peter KETTLTAS, Jacob VAN ZANDT, Melancton SMITH, N Y City merchants Barnes was indebted to these men. No description. Witness: Brockholst Livingston, Philip L. Hoffman

13:391 1,1746

Joseph HEGEMAN, yeoman John HEGEMAN, yeoman East of Joseph's house. Lott 8 Same that widow Sims sold to Henry Lott and he to Joseph Hegeman. Bounds swampish brook, Filkintown road, bridge. 10 acres Witness: Alexander Griggs, Bartho Noxon

741. Oct. 1300

743. Apr. L3A

13:426 744. Aug. 8,1795 1716.

Melancthon SMITH only survivor of Peter KETTLTAS and Jacob VAN ZANDT of N Y City merchants to Joshua WARD of Clinton Same John Barnes was possessed of Oct. 11, 1785. Bounds Wappinger Creek, Jacob Carle, William Woodworth, John Welch. Had been sold to the three men named. See Liber 13:389 above. Smith was the only survivor. 281 acres Witness: Robert Thorn, Smith Thompson

13:437 745. Dec. 18,1760 122

Henry CLAP of Fishkill in Rumbout, yeoman Thomas WOLCOTT of Crum Elbow Oblong Bounds William Mitchell River, Henry Clap to Jonathan and John Davis. Includes saw mill and dam and 5 acres privilege of a grist mill. Witness: Simeon Fallsy, Samuel Judson



13:450 746. Sept. 6,1795 1183

Ebenezer MOTT and Mary of Washington, husbandman Martine HERMANCE, physician of Rhinebeck and Hans KIERSTEAD physician of Rhinebeck Lott 1 1) NW corner Catharine Stoutenburgh 36 acres dec. Bounds Jno Teller. 2) NW corner Ann VanVlack dec. Bounds Little Nine Partners, Benjamin Stoutenburgh. 45 acres Witness: Sylvester Bloom, Jno Farmer

747. 14:26 Nov. 18,1794 1390

Lewis OGDEN exec. of Anthony A. Rutgers, Newark, Essex Co., N.J. John GURNEY Jr. of Stanford Lott 17, lot 6 of subdivision lot 2 which had belonged to Leonard Lispenard, Mary Barclay and Anthony A. Rugers. 195 acres Witness: Garet Burtis, Isaac G. Ogden

14:33 1,1763

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH and Margaret of Charlotte Isaac VAIL Bounds Wappingers Creek Lott 15 and Jacobus Stoutenburgh sold to Samson 200 acres Veal. Witness: Eliat Youmans, Joseph Harris

749. 14:83 Jan. 1,1793 love 10 shillings

Gilbert WILLIAMS the elder, of Clinton, farmer Gilbert WILLIAMS the younger Bounds Fish Creek, Nelson Lot Nelson. 1000 acres surveyed 1739. 100 acres Witness: Charles Nelson, Jacob Powell, Theophilus Nelson

14:84 750. Jan. 1,1793 love 10 shillings

Gilbert WILLIAMS the elder, farmer of Clinton Francis WILLIAMS son Bounds Fish Creek, Jost Lott 5 200 acres Garrison. Surveyed 1739. Witness: Charles Nelson, Jacob Powell, Theophilus Nelson

748. May 1500



14:85 751. June 12,1793 1640

Samuel BARD and Mary of N Y City, Dr. of Physic Mary Barbara REMPH of Clinton Bounds Remph, Hudson Clinton Hyde Park River, Capt. Christopher Hughes. 235 acres Witness: James M. Hughes, John Johnston

14:89 2,1796

Andrew BRUNCHAM and Rebecca; William BURNS and Rachel; Major BOUTON and Elizabeth; Benjamin POWEL and Mary, the wives being daughters of George RYMPH, farmer deceased to George, James, Luke, Abraham and John RIMPH sons of George 215 acres and also 900 acres in Royal Grant Montgomery Co. and 250 acres of widow Mary Barbara. South of 215 acres. Witness: Sam Cook, Gilbert Livingston

14:91 753. Apr. 11,1750

Francis VAN DYCK, farmer of Dutchess Co. Arte WILLIAMS of Westchester, farmer Dec. 5, 1739 the Nine Partners sold Francis VanDyck and Arte Williams 1000 acres including Fish Creek or Canie Kill. Purpose to divide same into 3 lots. Survey by Peter DuBois, 1) Bounds creek, Nelson and Travis and Paul Nelson now in possession 127 acres of son Gilbert Williams. 2) Lot 3 bounds Candle Kill and swamp. In possession of Richbell 200 acres Williams son. 3) Lot 5 bounds Creek and Jost Garrison in possession of Arte 216 acres Williams. These are share of Arte. Witness: Peter Dubois, George Smith

754. 14:109 Jan. 19,1796 E560

Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BENSCHOTEN of Fishkill James TELLER of Clinton Water Lott 8 August 28, 1792 James I. and John L. Stoutenburgh had mortgage to above for E500 and have defaulted and same is sold at auction. Bounds So. David Johnston; W.- Hudson

752. Feb. E256



River; No. Jacobus Stoutenburgh; E.Isaac Concklin. Except: 50 acres on east. 200 acres Witness: Jacob Radclift, Sarah Cooper 14:116 755. Apr. 11,1796 E217

Evenzeer (Ebenezer) and Azariah and Mary MALLERY of Clinton John DRAKE of Clinton Bounded So. Benoni Kipp; Water Lott 8 E.- James Baker; No. John Drake; W Isaac Powell. 45 acres Witness: Jonathan Clark, James Calver

756. June E5

14:132 7,1796

John VAN VOORHIS of Clinton BAPTIST CHURCH or Society in Pastoral care of Elder Comer BULLOCK of Stanford Lott 6 subdivision lot 13 Begins at a black cherry between house of John Van Vorhis and Anthony Badgley. i acre Witness: Henry Filkins, Cornelius Lawrence

757. Apr. L460

14:135 6,1792

Nehemiah CARPENTER and Ann of Clinton Thomas UNDERHILL of New Castle, Westchester Co. Bounded: Lott 9, subdivision lot 3 No. William Holmes; E.- road Nine Partners to Oswego; So. Beekman; W.- Daniel Ward. Witness: William Cornell Jr., Joel Underhill

758. 14:140 Feb. 14,1793 love

Caleb TOMKINS of Clinton, yeoman grandson Joseph NORTON Water Lotts 4 & 5 He is to pay his sister Jude wife of John Warden, butcher of Poughkeepsie E10. Bounded So. Michael Tomkins; W.- Gilbert Tomkins; No. Charles Cook heirs; E.- Mannin. 100 acres Witness: John Wig, Daniel Smith

14:148 759. May 17,1796 E556

Tiddiman HULL and Ann of Stanford, husbandman Aaron CHADWICK Bounds Lott 14, road Lott 15 Hulls to Stone Meeting House. 111 acres Witness: Hannah Barker, Jno Farmer


Deeds 14:151 9,1795

Benjamin BOUGHTON and Bathsheba, yeoman Frost POWEL Map of Lot 7. Bounds Joseph Boughton, Cornelas, Hudson River. Witness: Joseph R. Wildman, 206 acres Matthias B. Hildreth

14:157 761. Apr. 26,1796 £1000

Jonathan OWEN and Rebecca of Clinton Thomas NICHOLSON of Rhinebeck Bounded So. Moses DeGroff; E.- John Budd, Reuben Mors; No. Reuben Mors, Zacheus Marshall; W.- Richard D Cantillon, John Parkinson. Witness: Isaac Bloom, 100 acres Phebe Bloom

762. 14:184 May 2,1795 £2200

Joseph and Isaac PLATT of Clinton farmers, sons of Eliphalet PLATT, carpenter Cornelius VAN SICKLEN farmer of Clinton, late of Fishkill, miller Lott 15 3rd division Bounds Road Filkintown to Poughkeepsie, Abraham Wood, Muddy Brook, Great Creek, Batemans (Beekman). 311 acres Witness: Joseph Platt, Peter Mesier Jr., Gilbert Livingston

14:187 763. Aug. 18,1764 £1200

Joseph CAUSTENE of Westchester, Westchester Daniel and Israel LEWIS Lott 19 Bounds Caleb Brown, line of subdivision lots 7 and 8 of Lott 19. Witness: Hannah Yelverton, 600 acres Richard Snedeker

764. Oct. £300

14:206 8,1790

Nehemiah MERRITT Jr., of Washington, merchant Consider MERRITT Lott 25 Bounds Nehemiah Reynolds, John Allen. 53 acres Witness: Isaac Huestis, John Willcox

765. Apr. £480

14:208 1,1796

Silas GERMOND Jr. of Stanford John HULL of N Y City Lott 16 Stanford. Bounds John Humphrey, Wappingers Creek and Tiddeman Hull. Witness: John Sherwood, 100 acres Daniel Upton

760. Apr. £950



14:212 766. May 4,1795 11504

John HUMPHREY and Easter, farmer of Stanford Henry HULL Bounded W.- Road Bangall to Tiddeman Hull, Road John Humphrey to James Southerland. In possession of Silas Germond Jr. and Tiddeman Hull; No. Zachariah Mosher; E.- David and Solomon Southerland, William Humfrey; So. Richard Moshure, Amos Knapp, road Carmans mill to Nathan Canfield. Starts NE cor294 acres ner Joseph Deuel's house. Witness: Amos Knapp, John F. Hull

767. 14:231 Feb. 22,1796 1800

Silas T. or I. (signed S) DEUEL and Mary of Washington Solomon HOAG of Pawling Bounded by David Johnston, Thomas Bennet, Philip Hart, Cosin Tripp, Prince Hiller, Benjamin Mosher. 173 acres Witness: William A. White, Silas Deuel Jr.

768. 14:257 June 6,1795 11230

James VAN DYCK of Dutchess Co. only son and heir of Francis VAN DYCK Jr. farmer, deceased George P. WEISSENFELS of N Y City Bounded: W.- Fish Creek; Clinton No. Art Williams #6; So. Art Williams #4; E.- Jost Garriston, Bastean Trever. Part of 1000 acres Nine Partners sold to Art Williams and Francis VanDyck in Lot 200 acres 5. Witness: Robert Piper, George Ellsworth

14:292 769. May 16,1796 E750

Petrus Barker of Columbia Co. and Mary, farmer; David BARKER of Columbia Co. and Mary, tanner to Barent VAN BENTHUYSEN and Elias HOFFMAN of Dutchess Co., merchants 2/3 of Lott 1, 3rd division. Lott 1, that Isaac Delamater bought of John Elmendorph. Bounds road Rhinebeck to Nine Partners; House of Isaac Delamater, Creek, bridge, Johannis Becker, Dayly, Peter Traver, Martinus Becker, Johannis Marquart, John Ostrum. 200 acres Witness: Margaret Lewis, Morn Lewis



14:296 770. Aug. 29,1796 £400

Timothy EAMES and Jenny wife of Phineas Eames of Clinton Samuel COOK of Poughkeepsie, seaman Bounds Post Road, Bunker, Clinton 60 acres Rimph, Hudson River. Witness: Morn Lewis, Martin Livingston

14:320 771. Oct. 26,1796 £700

Frost POWELL and Catherine of Clinton, yeoman John CONNER, New Marlboro, Ulster Co., boatman Bounds Hudson River, Water Lott 7 Joseph Boughton, Frost Powell, swamp, 103 acres Dr. Sam Bard, Lemiel Hyde. Witness: Abraham Barlley, Joseph Hallock

14:323 772. Apr. 29,1782 L21

John ROGERS and Phebe of Charlotte, yeoman Stephen NELSON, taylor 5 acres Lott 6 2nd division Witness: Joshua Nelson, Stephen Wright

14:334 773. Apr. 9,1796 £1000

James WEY and Levina of Washington Thomas POTTER of Cranston, R.I. Bounds Casper Ham, FredWashington 151 acres erick Strite. Witness: John Wilkinson, Sylvester Bloom

774. 14:338 Mar. 19,1773 £175

Rufus HERRICK and Elijah KINNE of Amenia Isaac SMITH Amenia Lott 35 Corner John Garnsey to Isaac Smith. Bounds John Wineman, Her70 acres rick and Kinne. Witness: Ezra Thompson, Josiah Burton

14:341 775. June 20,1795 £450

Josiah GALE and Rachel of Stanford Eden B. CORNWELL lot 2 of subdivision Lott 22, 100 acres lot 3. Witness: John B. Arnold, Roba Curtis

776. 14:343 June 10,1796 £350

Job MILK of Pittstown, Renssalaer Co. Joseph COOK of Amenia Lott 36 Bounds Jeremiah Concklin, Ephraim Ford, Ezra Thompson, Michael Lownsberry, Christopher Moshure. Witness: Ephraim Ford, Jeremiah Concklin



777. 14:345 Aug. 6,1796 E1200

Platt SMITH of Amenia, son of Isaac SMITH deceased Isaac, son of Isaac SMITH Stanford Land of father Isaac. 1) 226 acres from John Gansey and Anna May 24, 1769. 2) 6 acres from James Tallmadge June 14, 1769. 3) 70 acres from Rufus Herrick and Elijah Kinne Mar. 19, 1773. 4) 1 acre from Caleb and Ezra Thompson April 30, 1773. 5) 50 sq. rd. from Joseph Curtis Oct. 25, 1782. These were willed to Isaac and Platt Smith. On Aug. 1, 1789 the father deeded 21 acres in Amenia to Platt and Isaac. This deed gives all of Platt's share to Isaac. Witness: William Smith, Jacob Bockee

778. 14:349 Aug. 17,1792 L400

Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston, Ulster Co, Egenas VAN BENSCHOTEN of Washington Sold Feb. 20, 1792. Lott 15 This is to add warranty clause. Bounded So. David Johnson; E.- William Scott, Abel Peters; No. Paul Upton; W.- Jonathan Hoag. 107 acres Witness: Lucas Elmendorph Jr., Jas Bruyn

779. Jan. L90

14:366 3,1797

Martinus BURGER and Anna of Clinton David P. TRAVER Lott 3, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1 15 acres By Map of Jacob Smith. Witness: Asher Devine, Gilbert Livingston

14:370 780. Dec. 31,1796 L370

Henry LORD and Anne of Clinton, taylor Solomon TRAVER of Clinton, yeoman Bounds Lot 10 of Stoutenburgh Frederick Cookingham, Coonrat Eckert, Jacobus VanEtten, Solomon Traver. 52 acres Witness: James Sisson, Abraham Note, Samuel Hitt

781. Apr. L100

John BAHRITE and Elizabeth of Clinton John BARHITE Jr. of Westchester Bounds Lott 14 3rd division Mudderkill, road Denne Ostrom to Pough120 acres keepsie. Witness: Jonathan Angevine, Joseph Gale

14:392 5,1791



782. Nov. £75

14:402 4,1796

Jacob THORN of Washington Squire BEARDSLEY Bounded So. and W.- road Jonathan Mabbett to Poughkeepsie; E.John Williams; No. Isaiah Ismond. Witness: Mary Baker, 2 acres Isaac Thorn

783. Nov. E32

14:404 8,1796

Squire BEARDSLEY of Washington David SILLMAN of Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn. Bounds John Williams, Joseph Mabbett, Road Dover to Poughkeepsie. 1 acre Witness: Isaac Thorn, Isaac Holmes

784. 14:425 Nov. 27,1764 £250

Nathaniel BETHELL of N Y City mariner Jacob LAWRENCE of Charlotte Lott 6 subdivision lot 1 In Jacob TerBoss Map. Devised to Francis Filkin and brother Abraham dec. and by Francis and Catharine to Nathaniel Bethell whose wife Catherine is daughter of Francis Filkin. 327 acres Witness: Hendrick Schenck, Bartholomew Crannell

785. 14:445 Mar. 28,1797 £2600

Fry WILLIS, William WILLETS, of Queens, L.I. and Enoch DORLAND and Peter LOSSING of Beekman to Isaac THORN Jr. of Washington Stephen Titus deceased made out will Jan. 27, 1796 Naming above executors with widow Phebe. 1) NW corner Jacob Thorn bounds Thomas White and Jonathan Holmes. 2) SE corner Opposite house of Jeremiah Dodge. Bounds Samuel Titus and Jacob Thorn. Total 200 acres Witness: Samuel Pinkham, Samuel Willets, Timothy Pinkham

14:462 786. Apr. 16,1765 £70

Cosper ROUSE James WYNANS (Winans) Lott 19 Bounds Enos Mead, Little Nine Partners, Henry Filkins, Joseph Harris, George Smith. no acres Witness: Mary Perlee, Edmond Perlee, Edmond Perlee Jr.



787. 14:464 Dec. 5,1788 10 shillings

Aaron HAIGHT and Jemimah Jacob WOOLLEY Quit claim on land Peter Palmer sold to Aaron Haight. Witness: Joseph S. Mabbett, Geo. Smith

788. 14:493 Feb. 28,1797 130

Benjamin MOSIER and Hette of Stanford Zacheus MARSHALL and Isaac POWELL Lott 11, 3rd division NW corner Bounded E.- Henry Vanderburgh; No. William Barber; W.- Road; So. Benjamin Mosier. 2 acres Witness: Charles Doty, John Requaw

789. Apr. 130

14:496 5,1797

Shadrack RICKETSON, James COOK, Edward SOUTHWICK of Clinton; Solomon VAIL, Joseph UNDERWOOD of Stanford to Zacheus MARSHALL, Isaac POWELL of Clinton members of Creek Meeting of Society called Quakers. Lott 11 Bought lot of Benjamin Mosher of Clinton NW corner Lott 11 as described in Liber 14:493 above. 2 acres Witness: Jethro Coleman, Hall, Jonathan Dean

790. Aug. 110

14:502 4,1784

Jonathan HOAG, Paul OPTON of Charlotte to Jonathan HOAG Jr., Charles COLEMAN, Tiddeman HULL Jr., Levi HOAG, Isaac DUEL of Charlotte Lott 5, subdivision lot 4 for Soci2 acres ety of Quakers. Witness: Benjamin Worth, Paul Hoag, Zeno Carpenter

791. 14:505 Apr. 8,1797 12160

Daniel LEFFERTS and Susannah of Clinton, trader Jeremiah ROGERS of South Hampton, Suffolk Co. Bounds Hudson River and Water Lott 3 180 acres Post road. Witness: B. Crannell Beardsley, Gilbert Livingston

284 792. Apr. L15

Deeds 14:512 5,1797

Shadrack RICKETSON, James COOK, Edward SOUTHWICK of Clinton; Solomon VAIL, Joseph UNDERWOOD of Stanford, trustees, to Paul UPTON and William CARPENTER of Stanford and Clinton. Members of Creek Meeting of Society called Quakers. Bought of Abel Peters of Clinton June 15, 1782. Witness: Jonathan Dean, 1 acre Jothro Coleman

14:517 793. June 15,1782 L15

Abel PETERS of Charlotte Paul UPTON, William CARPENTER of Charlotte Lott 5, subdivision lot 4. 1 acre Witness: Abel Reendall

794. 14:519 Apr. 15,1776 L10

Abel PETERS of Charlotte Jonathan HOAG and Paul UPTON of Charlotte Lott 5, subdivision lot 4 2 acres Witness: Charles Peters, John Barnet

14:528 795. May 2,1797 5 shillings

Samuel BELDEN and Phebe of Clinton George B. EVERSON of Poughkeepsie (No further information)

14:528 5,1797

Shadrack RICKETSON, James COOK, Edward SOUTHWICK to Solomon VAIL and Joseph UNDERWOOD of Stanford and Zacheus (No further information)

797. 14:531 Aug. 2,1780 L1200

Zebulon WALLBRIDGE and Sarah of Charlotte now of Queens, L.I. to Elias and Elijah WALBRIDGE of Charlotte Lott 25 1) Bought of Joseph Barton. Bounds Joseph Reynolds, Zopher Jonas, James Sole, Daniel Jones, David Husted, James Marshall, John Allen. 110 acres 2) Bought of Thomas Southerland and Jeremiah Palmer. Bounds Enos Northrop, William Palmer. 70 acres Witness: Joseph Mabbett, John McDonald, James Soul

798. 14:565 Sept. 1,1792 L368 & 5 shillings

Rebecca LEWIS widow of Jacob of Staatsburgh, Leonard LEWIS only son and Phoebe, John JERRY and Clarachi daughter of Jacob, Elias DUB and Leah daughter of Jacob, Barent FREER and Rachel daughter of Jac-

796. Apr.



ob, Catherine LEWIS under 21 (18) daughter of Jacob to Morgan LEWIS of Rhinebeck Lewis gave a mortgage June 18, 1775 to Sarah Morris for £368 and never paid. Morgan Lewis agrees to pay. In Lots 5 and 14 which Jacob Lewis bought from Peter Prosius and Christiena June 16, 1775. Witness: Andrew Billings, Gilbert Livingston, Elias Dob 799. 14:569 Apr. 20,1791 £325

Charles SHAW, Nicholas HOFFMAN, Nicholas DEPEYSTER, Miles SHERBROOKE of N Y City, Gentlemen to Isaac RUSSELL of Dutchess Co. late of Sherburne, Mass. 1) Malmesberry or Pawlings purchase. Adjoin lot sold to Jesse Emes. Bounded Hudson River and Post road. No. half of lot 6. 120 acres 2) Lot 15. Bounds water Endekill. 42 acres Witness: Simon Glin, Fred Babcock

15:9 800. Mar. 20,1795

Peter FLAGLER of Clinton and Mary David HILL 1) Lot 17 Pawling purchase 100 acres 2) Lot 8 Pawling purchase 40i acres Witness: William Allen, Isaac B. Bloom

801. May £468

15:16 4,1797

Jacob CARL and Phebe, farmer of Fishkill Samuel GILBERT Clinton Lott 8, subdivision lot 1 3rd division Bounded No. Lott 7; E.Reuben Searles; So. Lott 9; W.- Nelson. Witness: Joseph Carl, 125 acres Gilbert Livingston

802. 15:19 Apr. 29,1797 £500

Martin GARRISON and Susannah of Clinton Benjamin GAZELY Clinton In NE corner 700 acre lot. Bounded No. lot 2, 3rd division; E.- lot 3; So. road Cornelius VanVliet to Dewitts mills; W.- Mordecoi Frost. Witness: Cornelius VanVliet, 50 acres John Clapp


286 15:28 14,1796

James VAN DYCK son of Francis VAN DYCK deceased of Clinton John DEWITT Bounded W.- Fish Creek; So. Ridgebell Williams; E.- John Clapp, Jost Garrison; No. Francis Williams. Witness: Josiah Depuy Jr., 200 acres Jno Forbus

15:29 804. Feb. 25,1796 1300

Aaron PALMER and Margaret of Stanford William CRAMER of Cornwall, Litchfield Co., Conn. Stanford 87 acres Witness: Nathan Canfield, Reuben Marshall

15:39 805. Apr. 16,1785 1423

Joel SUTHERLAND of Nine Partners, Charlotte Henry STEWARD Lotts 19 and 20. 91 acres Witness: Thomas Stillwell, John Beckwith

806. 15:40 May 15,1793 1100

Richard BULLOCK of Washington Silvenus BECKWITH Lott 19 Bounds William Cash, Ezra Huntly, Henry Stewart. 100 acres Witness: Henry Stewart, Lewis Bullock, George Sutherland

15:41 807. Apr. 15,1785 1183

Joel SUTHERLAND of Nine Partners, Charlotte Selvenus BECKWITH Lotts 19 and 20 39 acres Witness: Henry Stewart, Peleg Horton

808. 15:44 Apr. 29,1797 1600

Jacob P. TRAVER and Mehetable of Clinton George F. TRAVER of Rhinebeck SE corner of Jacob's farm. Bounded E.- Henry Sleght, Robert Simson, Christian Feerow; No. Jacob P. Traver; W.- Samuel Forman; So. Abraham Freligh. Witness: Abraham Freligh, Peter Stevens

15:47 9,1797

Jacob P. TRAVR and Mehetabel of Clinton Daniel SLEGHT Jr., Cordwinder Lott 3 E.- of road Wittenbergh by Henry Sleghts. 5 acres Witness: Abraham Freligh, George F. Traver

803. May 122

809. May 150



810. 15:52 Dec. 8,1796 £1100

Nathan HOW and Millicent of Salem, Westchester Co. Ebenezer HERRINGTON of Clinton Nelson Lott on Fish Creek Bounded So. Dr. Samuel Bard; No. Samuel Hadden; E.- Jesse Bell; W.- west bank of Crum Elbow Creek SE from house of Peter Frederick. 200 acres Witness: Susan P. McLean, Margaret N. Patterson

811. 15:54 Apr. 24,1797 £250

Abraham MERRITT and Sarah, Consider MERRITT and Anna of Washington to Pontius WOOLLEY and Reuben HAIGHT Bounds Ebenezer Brown, Samuel Mott, Joseph Merritt, road Jonathan Mabbett to Plymouth Hill. 35 acres Witness: Joseph Weaver, Philip Taber

812. May £827

15:57 2,1796

Joseph S. MABBETT and Mary of Lansingburgh, Renselear Co. Tripp MOSHER and John ALLEN and Nathan COMSTOCK of Washington Lott 11 Bounds John Tripp, Benjamin Akin, Friends Meeting House lot. Same bought from Peter and Mary Palmer Dec. 4, 1788. 56 acres Witness: J. LeTure, John Titus

813. 15:59 Apr. 25,1797 £151

Samuel GERMOND of Washington Pontius WOOLLEY and Reuben HAIGHT of Washington Bounds Solomon Haight; Road Oswego to Four Corners; Aaron 21 acres Haight, Reuben Haight. Witness: Philip Hoog, David Jacocks

15:61 814. May 18,1797 £401

Tiddiman HULL, Charles COLMAN, Jethro COLMAN, Shadrick RICKETSON to Pontius WOOLLEY , Reuben HAIGHT, Commissioners of yearly and Quarterly Society of Friends for purpose of establishing a boarding school. Lots bought of Abraham and Consider Merritt and Samuel Germond. Same description as Liber 15:54 and 15:59. Witness: Richard Taylor, Isaac Thorn, Samuel Thorne


Deeds 15:70 18,1797

Tiddiman HULL, Charles COLMAN, Jethro COLMAN, Shadrick RICKETSON to Tripp MOSHER, John ALLEN, Matthew COMSTOCK Same as bought from Joseph S. Mabbett. Same description as in Liber 15:57. Witness: Richard Taylor, Isaac Thorn

15:73 816. Aug. 2,1797 £1600

Tiddiman HULL, Charles COLMAN, Jethro COLMAN, Shadrick RICKETSON to Isaac THORN, Tripp MOSHER, Joseph TALLCOT commissioners for boarding school. Lott 26 Same bought from Joseph S. Mabbett in 1762. Bounded No. Isaac Thorn; W.-, E.-, So. Joseph Mabbett and Meeting House Lot. 10 acres Witness: Richard Taylor, Jedediah Tallman, Samuel Thorn

817. 15:81 June 15,1797 $112.50

Samuel CHEESEMAN of Stanford Nine Partners Nathaniel CHEESMAN Lott 18 Bounds Lott 17 and Jos231 acres eph Husted. Witness: Abraham Travis, Hubert Miller

818. 15:82 Apr. 30,1796 £2100

Burnet MILLER and Lycresia of Stanford Joseph DOUGHTY Jr. of Clinton Lott 16 Bounds Elias Doty, Lot Carman, Josiah Southerland, Obadiah Smith, road house of Miller to Joseph Sutherland; Paul Hoag; Mills of Tiddeman Hull, Capt. Samuel Smith. 275 acres Witness: William Corskdan, Isaac Snedeker

819. 15:84 Sept.19,1797 $5375.

Joseph DOUGHTY Jr. and Phebe of Stanford, merchant George HARRIS of Smithfield Lott 16 Same description as in Liber 15:82. Witness: Jonathan Wing, Joseph Deuel

815. May



820. 15:96 Dec. 31,1791 1750

Silas GERMOND (German) of Washington Zachariah MOSHER Washington Share of Anthony A. Rutgers dec'd of Lott 17 SE corner of 6 and Benjamin Stephens share of Rutgers in Lots 7 and 8. 213 acres Witness: Reuben Germond, Samull Hitt

821. 15:112 Nov. 16,1791 174

Ezekiel LAWRENCE and Esther of Clinton Stephen LAWRENCE Lott 6 subdivision lot 1 On road Jacob Lawrence to Cornelius Lawrence. Witness: Richard Lawrence, 100 acres Stephen Doughty

822. Nov. 1500

15:114 1,1797

Jacob LAWRENCE and Mary Richard LAWRENCE Lott 6 subdivision lot 1 Bounds John VanVoorhees; road Jacob to Cornelius; Lott 11 3rd division; Court Van Voorhees heirs. 100 acres Witness: Stephen Lawrence, Ezekiel Lawrence

15:138 823. May 27,1796 11315

Gabriel William LUDLOW and Cornelia of N Y City, merchant Increase JACKSON, Thomas HALL and Daniel TRAVIS of Nine Partners Lott 17, lot 1 of subdivision lot 1. Witness: Char Ludlow 526 acres

824. Jan. 157

Abraham WATERS and Mehatabel, farmer of Chatham, Col. Co. Judah SWIFT of Amenia Mortgage Apr. 11, 1782, Liber 4:51. No description. Witness: Seth Swift, Gilbert Livingston

15:139 3,1798

15:140 825. Dec. 12,1797 $5000

James M. HUGHES and Mary, of N Y City, Counsellor Joseph DOUGHTY Jr. of Clinton At NE corner of Lott 6; Lott 5 NW corner Lott 13 and SW corner Lott 14. Bounds Wappingers Creek. Bounded E.Lott 14 and Owen Stringham; No. Justus Marshall, Matthew Howard now William Sealy; W.- Road Col. Blooms Mills to bridge across Wappingers Creek near house of Matthew Howard; So. Lott 6, John Bayley, Ann Bush. Includes grist, saw, and fulling mills, implements, tools and 50 acres machinery.


Deeds Witness: James Kent, Isaac Bloom

15:157 826. May 1,1795 £1600

Joseph S. MABBETT and Mary of Washington, merchant Isaac THORN, Tripp MOSHER, Joseph TALCOTT Lott 26 2 chains from SE corner Friends Brick Meeting House. Bounded No. Isaac Thorn; W.- J. S. Mabbett and meeting House. Lot surveyed 1762. Witness: Seneca Soule, 10 acres Albert Seaman

827. 15:189 May 15,1745 10 shillings

Aaron HAIGHT of Crum Elbow William PALMER and Isaac THORN Lott 11 Bounds Aaron Haight and Isaac Thorn. 6 acres Witness: Moses Haight, Joshua Haight

828. May £450

15:196 1,1798

Simon FLAGLER and Elenor (Nelly), farmer of Clinton Peter FLAGLER Jr. and Caty, merchant Lott 8 Bounds Wappingers Creek, Beaver Pond Creek, John Hagaman. Surveyed by Jacob Smith Nov. 1787 between John Burnett. 50 acres Witness: Law E. VanKleeck, Gilbert Livingston

829. Apr. £599

15:220 1,1797

Milisant HUSTED, widow of Reuben and Freelove of Washington Consider MERRITT 1) Where David Husted died. No. of Filkintown road corner Consider Merritt 8 acre tract where his dwelling house stands. Bounds road Benjamin Mosher to Consider Merritt, Reuben Palmer, Abraham Merritt, road Abraham Merritt to Joseph Hollands Inn. 51 acres 2) Bounds I. Allen, Samuel Titus, Jeremiah Dodge, Consider Merritt. 8 acres Witness: Amos Palmer, Philip Taber

15:223 830. Nov. 19,1794 £732

Nehemiah REYNOLDS and Anstis of Washington Consider MERRITT Washington, Nine Partners 1) So. of Filkintown road. Bounds John Lawless, Consider Merritt, Reuben Husted, Jeremiah Dodge, Jacob Thorn. 68 acres 2) Where Reynolds dwelling house stands.



Bounds burying ground and Reuben Husted. 8 acres 3) Bounds William Mitchell. 4 acres 4) Same that Consider Merritt bought of Jacob Thorn. 5 acres Witness: Ebenezer Allen, Saml Mott 831. June L390

15:233 9,1798

James P. SMITH and Ursila of Amenia Ephraim SMITH Inherited from his father Jesse Smith Jr. and he in turn from Grandfather Jesse Smith. No description. Witness: Jeremiah Conklin, Barnabas Paine

832. 15:271 Apr. 1,1797 $6500.

James TALMADGE and Anna of Dutchess Co, Bernard MATTHEWSON, yeoman of Rhode Island East of Samuel Sackett; NW corner Caleb Thompson; division line of Stanford and Amenia; SW corner Jacob Bockee; W.- along Benjamin Carpenter; John Miller, road to Samuel Sackett. Witness: Caleb Mathewson, 273 acres Darius Mathewson, W. B. Talmadge

15:279 833. June 19,1798 L1930

John DURYEE son, Jacob SMITH, Montross THURSTON executors of John DURYEE of Clinton to Jacob R. DURYEE, merchant Lott 8 Will made out May 9, 1795. Held one half of mill farm. Will proved Oct. 6, 1795. Children Jacob H., Abraham I., John Jr., Magdalanah Peters. Executors and children agreed to sell. Begins by Great Bridge over Great Wappingers by road Poughkeepsie to Filkintown at Pleasant Valley near grist mill. Bounds Lott line of 8 and 9; NE house of George B. Everson; land Jacob Duryee bought of Peter Flagler. Includes dwelling, barns, outhouses, mills, mill dam, mill house, bolts, bolting boxes, reels, bolting cloth working materials. Witness: Smith Thompson, 118 acres Gilbert Livingston

834. 15:287 Apr. 15,1783 185

Joseph BROWN and Jamima of Dutchess Co. Thomas Steward John Bullis bought of Thomas Newcomb Esq. Bounds SW corner John Bullis sold to Nathaniel Hammond,


Deeds Meadow Brook. Witness: Barth Noxen, Jeremiah Brown, Jonathan Lillie, John Bullis

54 acres

15:296 835. June 2,1798 13150

Jacob K. DURYE and Ann Maria of Clinton John WOODS of Newark, now of Poughkeepsie Begins by Bridge over Lott 8 Great Wappingers Creek by road Filkintown to Poughkeepsie, near mills. Bounds Line Lott 8 and 9, house of George Everson, road by bridge to Oswego. Includes Potash house, mill, mill houses, dam 6 acres water and ponding. Witness: Smith Thompson, Gilbert Livingston

15:334 836. Dec. 23,1797 E185

Thomas STILLWELL and Amea of Stanford Daniel SMITH of Northeast Stanford 1) In Lott 19. Bounds John Streever, 7 acres David Anderson. 2) East of Tecink Mountain, Bounds John Streever, Daniel Lewis, Annanias 21 acres Husted. Witness: James M. Smith, Isaac Hunting

837. 15:365 Nov. 21,1798 $750

Frost POWELL and Catherine of Clinton Samuel SEAMAN Bounds Hudson River, Water Lott 7 John Connor, Cornelius Low, Post road. 42 acres Witness: James Connor, Philip Underhill

838. 15:368 May 11,1796 2 shillings

Thomas BRAMAN and Amey of Dutchess Co. to David CRANDAL, Noah SHAW, Daniel MAY Chose land for Methodist society for a church. On road between Israil Lewis and Thomas Braman. Witness: Israel Lewis, Israel Lewis Jr., Catharine Lewis

839. 15:369 Apr. 30,1793 1200

John CROOKE, Gentleman of Dutchess and Cornelia David HILDRITH, yeoman Clinton Lott 3, subdivision lot I Surveyed by Jacob Smith. 100 acres Witness: Sarah VanKleeck, Gilbert Livingston



840. 15:372 Sept 20,1798 E350

David HILDRETH of Clinton, yeoman David PURGER (Burger) Jr. Lot 1 of Lot 3 Map by Charles DeWitt Esq. Bounded No. Lot 2 David Johnston; E.- Johannes Dederick; So. Gabriel W, Ludlow; W.- John Crooke Witness: John Demond, Gilbert Livingston

841. Mar. £315

15:374 9,1793

Elias WALBRIDGE of Washington, yeoman John GIFFORD Jr. and Aaron PALMER Lott 20 Bounds Lott 21, road, Benjamin Lapham, Benjamin Leeck, Stephen Pugsley. 180 acres Witness: James Holms, James Wright Jr.

842. 15:376 Feb. 21,1798 £200 or $500.

John GIFFORD, yeoman John GIFFORD Jr. son Homestead. Bounds road, Benjamin Leeck, Stephen Pugsley, Asa Ailing, Line Lott 20-21. 112 acres Witness: James Holmes, John Palmer

843. 15:380 Dec. 30,1797 $1.50

Enos TALMADGE of Stanford Jonah TALMAGE of Coxsackie, Albany Co. Lott 20 Stanford Bounds Asa Ailing; So. line of Lott 20. 103 acres Witness: James Holms, John Gale

844. 15:381 June 29,1798 £800

Jonah TALMADGE and Sarah of Coxsackie, Albany Co. Moses TALMADGE and Beckah (Rebeckah) of Stanford Lott 20 Bounds Asa Ailing, Witness: Eliphalet Wood, 103 acres Charles Babcock

845. 15:421 Mar. 30,1797 E300

Samuel COONLY and Sarah of Clinton David COOKENHAM of Rhinebeck In NW corner of Nine Partners south of Crum Elbow Creek, in line of Philip Traver. 33 acres Witness: Baltus VanBenthuysen, Leah Hagadorn

15:432 846. Dec. 13,1797 E365

Amos A. BARTON and Deborah of Stanford Robinson P. UNDERWOOD of Rhode Island now of Stanford Had been Lott 22 subdivision lot 7 1484 acres. Surveyed by Benjamin Stevens 1771. In partition of Anthony Rut-



gers deceased with Leonard Lispenard, Henry Benson, and Anthony Barclay this share fell to Anthony Barclay. Had been in possession of Amos Barton for some time past. Bounds near Bullocks house. 110 acres (Partition Sept. 1, 1788). Witness: Jedediah Thompson, Joseph Haight Jr. 847. 15:466 Aug. 16,1781 £360

Samuel DODGE, John HATHORN, Daniel GROTON commissioners of forfeiture for middle district to Isaac FINCH and Silas MARSH of Charlotte Bounds Lott 22 subdivision lot 1. Noah Barton and David Johnson. 300 acres Witness: Philip Pelton, Cornelius Decker

848. 15:467 June 20,1786 £280

Isaac FINCH, taler of Washington Nathan CANFIELD Washington Lott 22, subdivision lot 1. Bounds David Johnson, Crook, William Michels. 197 acres Witness: Thaddius Canfield, Jonathan Miller

849. Apr. £200

15:469 6,1782

Isaac FINCH of Charlotte William MITCHELL of Amenia Lott 22 subdivision lot 1. East end of Lot 1. Conveyed by Commissioners of forfeiture Aug. 16, 1781. Names Dodge, Hathorn, Groton and Silas Marsh. Witness: Edmund Perlee, 100 acres James Burnet

15:499 850. Apr. 14,1799 $675.

Samuel BARD doctor of Physic and Mary of Clinton Joshua AUSTIN Nelson Lot 3 Surveyed by Jacob Smith. Witness: John Johnston, 60 acres Walter Skidmore

851. 15:509 May 2,1799 $2506.

Jeremiah CONKLING and Elizabeth of Amenia to Jonathan CARD and Jonathan CARD Jr. Lott 36 Bounded No. road and Conkling; W.- Road and Ephraim Ford; So. Henry Hutchenson, Noah Wheeler; E.Philip Row deceased. 200 acres Witness: Ethan Goodrich, Job Card



852. 15:512 Mar. 27,1797 E880

James TALLMADGE Esq. and Anna of Stanford Reuben HEAD, miller Lott 20 Farm and mill. Bounds Asa Allen and Jonah Talmage. 100 acres Witness: Morris Germond, Bernard Mathewson

853. 15:520 Aug. 13,1799 $4250.

Daniel I. DEAN and Ann of Beekman, merchant Robert ABBOTT of N Y City, merchant Lott 8 One Third. Begins SE corner of great bridge over great Wappingers Creek near mills. Bounds Lott line 8 and 9; NE house of George B. Everson; SW corner Jacob K. Duryee bought of Simon and Peter Flagler Jr., Watering place in Beaver Dam Creek, Wappingers Creek, John Hagaman, Mill pond. Includes grist mill, bolts screens, implements, Sawmill, saws, furniture, dam, dam gates, flues, damming and ponding, 162 acres Witness: Jonathan P. Dean, Thomas Wintringham

854. 15:522 Aug. 13,1799 E1700

Daniel D. DEAN and Ann, merchant of Beekman Robert ABBOTT, Phineas BUCKLEY, Ann SHIPLEY executors of Marice SHIPLEY, merchant, N Y City One third. Same description as Liber 15:520. Witness: Jonathan P. Dean, Thomas Wintringham

855. 15:527 May 25,1795 17 15 shillings per acre

Peter STORMS of Clinton Adolph D. LATTIN (Probably 3rd Lott 14 1st division Bounds Road Henry Ostrom division) to Benjamin Lattin; road Isaac Travis to above road; East line water lots, Jona95 acres than Angevine. Witness: John VanVorhis, James P. Storm

15:535 856. 3,1798 May $8361.

Platt SMITH of Amenia Loring PECK Bought of Agustus Horn, Mar. 23, 1790. 1) Bounds No. line Lott 36, SE corner Thomas VanAlstine bought of Platt Smith, Richard Gray; So. Line Little Nine Partners.


Deeds 2) SE of above. Bounds Michael Lowsberry and road. 10 acres Witness: Nathll Peck, Jesse Thompson

857. 15:543 Apr. 15,1799 $1325

Samuel BARD, doctor of Physic and Mary of Clinton John BUSH, farmer Clinton, Hyde Park Survey of Jacob Smith 1791 Lot 7 and 9. Bounds Crum Elbow Creek. 106 acres Witness: John Johnston, Timothy B. Crane

858. 15:545 July 18,1799 E450

Jesse EMES of Clinton, yeoman John SELKREGY carpenter Bond for E445 to Hiram Walker of Clinton Physician Apr. 2, 1795. Notice of sale posted at Christopher Hughes Innholder of Clinton Aug. 6th and adjourned to Sept. 17th. Water Lot 6 Staatsburgh. 1) Bounds post road. 6 acres 2) Water Lot 6 Staatsburgh. 18 acres 3) Lot 15, bounds Stephen 14 acres Griffin. Witness: Morn Lewis, Materine Livingston

859. 15:557 June 14,1790 E632

Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston Jacob P. TRAVER of Clinton Clinton SE corner Lott 3 in possession of Peter Traver. Surveyed 1772. 230 acres Witness: Lucas Elmendorph Jr., Henry Traver

15:559 860. Nov. 26,1796 E481

Roswell WILLCOX of Amenia Joseph TRUSDAIL Part of Hopkins farm. 1) Bounds brook and burying ground. 2) Woods. Bounds George Ingraham. 3) 1/3 of 5 acres on Oblong Mountain owned by Robert Hebard. Exception: 1 acre for burying ground. Total = 50 acres Witness: Allen Wardwell, George Ingraham

Deeds 861. Oct.


16:23 1,1799

Ashel SHERWOOD and Sarah of Amenia William BORIGHT Amenia Lott 31 1) Bounds road by Lewis DelaVergne excepts new road. 9 acres 2) Bounds road, Robert Ransom dec. Lewis DelaVergne bought of James Raine, Isaac Hill. 15 acres 3) Bounds Zebulon Reed, road by Israel Shepherd, Abraham Paine. 6 acres 4) Near school which stands where I formerly lived. Bounds Capt. Brunson dec., Israel Shepherd, Main road. 18 acres Lot I bought of my father bought of Zebulon Reed. Witness: Alijha Palmer, John Furmon

16:31 862. July 15,1799 L1400

Daniel S. DEAN and Ann of Beekman Joshua COLLINS of Rhinebeck Clinton Lott 9 Bounds line of 8 and 9, NW corner Nicholas Everson dec. sold to daughter Mary wife of Wheeler Case dec., Caleb Haight, John Everson. Witness: T. V. Kleeck, 200 acres Gilbert Livingston

863. 16:39 Dec. 17,1795 10 shillings

Teddeman HULL and Anna, Walter ALLEN and Sarah, Henry HULL and Sarah, Edward UPTON and Elizabeth, Caleb BARTON and Demaris all of Stanford, Stephen KEES and Ruth of Clinton to John F. HULL of Stanford 1) Part of farm of late Teddeman Hull dec. Bounds Wilson, Conckrite, Teddeman Hull, road. 100 acres 2) Part of farm of Teddeman Hull. Bounded No. by road Solomon Sutherland to Burnett Miller; W.- Benjamin Flowers; So. and E.- Wappingers Creek. 30 acres Witness: Briggs Shearman, Charles W. Hull, John Hull, Joseph Underwood

16:42 864. Dec. 1,1782 Love and affection

Court VAN VOORHES of Rumbout to Mary VAN VOORHEES late wife of Peter Dubois dec. now wife of Theodorus VAN WYCK second part and Court DUBOIS and Cornelius Dubois Jr. third part to daughter Mary and grandsons Court, Henry



and Cornelius DUBOIS Lott 6 Charlotte John VanVoorhees, VanWagenen, Witness: Peter Dubois, John McKeely 865. 16:50 July 13,1799 $11,750

866. May

16:72 19,1794

Bounds 188 acres

Jacob K. DURYEE, merchant and Ann Maria of Clinton Daniel S. DEAN of Beekman, merchant Description same as Clinton 162 acres Liber 15:520 above. Witness: Law. T. V.Kleeck, Gilbert Livingston Joseph ALLEN, farmer of Clinton Hewlett PETERS, Thomas STEWART, William ALLEN, Thomas WILLEN trustees of school in Clinton for building school and instructing children. At fork of road to JosClinton eph Allen east toward James Hall, Witness: John Filkins, Ahas Ellsworth

867. 16:105 Oct. 16,1790 L600

John GARNSEY and Lucretia of Amenia John GARNSEY of Chenango Amenia Bounds George Buel, Dr. 220 acres Crosby, road, Bud, Collense. Witness: Ezejiel H. Guernsey, Samuel Guernsey

868. Oct. L565

16:114 1,1799

Christian P. FEROW Nicholas VAN WAGENEN Bounds Clinton Lott 5 3rd division. Jno Ireland, Robert Simson, George T, 101 acres Traver. Exception: 1) Aurt Masten sold to John Warren, 5 acres. 2) Abraham Freligh sold to Samuel Masten. Total remainder = 93 acres Witness: Abrm Freligh, Isaac Albertson

869. 16:138 Jan. 29,1800 L400

Richard WORTH, yeoman of Hudson, Columbia Co. Solomon VAIL of Stanford Stanford Lott 15 Bounds Isaiah Griffith, Wappingers Creek, Isaac Vail. Provision for road through Charles Coleman. 47 acres Witness: James Coffin, Elihu Coleman



870. 16:155 Jan. 14,1800 $3750.

Ebenezer HARRINGTON and Lucretia of Clinton Benjamin DELAMATER, farmer of Amenia Nelsons Lot on Fish Creek. Bounded No. Samuel Hadden; E.- Jesse Bell; So. Samuel Bard; W.- west bank of Crum Elbow creek. E.- of John Albertson's house. Mentions Crum Elbo creek being ponded and dam; corner 100 acres Nathan How sold to Jesse Bell. 200 acres Witness: John Bennet Jr., Gilbert Livingston

871. 16:160 Apr. 10,1799 $1500.

Polly SMITH, Abraham MILLER, Philip SMITH, Isaac SMITH, Stephen MEAD, executors of Platt SMITH of Amenia to Louis DIBBLE and Isaac DIBBLE of Steenforkt (Probably Stanford) Amenia Lott 36 NW corner. Will made out Nov. 1, 1798. 100 acres Witness: William Smith, Benj Herrick Jr., Lawrence Van Alystyne

872. 16:166 Feb. 11,1800 $1400.

Phineas EMES and Geney (Ganey) of Clinton Cyrus BRAMAN of Preston, New London, Conn. Hyde Park Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. Lot 3; E.- and So. Samuel Bard. 100 acres In Lot 2. Bounds post road. Witness: John Johnston, James Connor

16:169 873. Dec. 19,1797 $873.

Abraham VAN DUSEN and Eleanor of Amenia Lawrence BELDING of Washington Where late father died. Amenia Bounds Ten Mile River, Joseph Belding, Ephraim Wheeler homestead, farm of fa43 acres ther, Matthew Van Dusen. Witness: Joseph Belding, Martin VanDusen

874. 16:180 July 25,1795 L15

John HULL of Stanford Amos KNAP On road Henry Hull to Stanford 1 acre Tiddeman Hull Jr. Witness: Nathan Smith, Edward Upton


300 875. May £160

16:181 1,1797

Henry HULL, farmer and Sarah of Stanford Amos KNAP Lott 16 Bounded road Joseph Duel to Israel Vail and road Tiddeman Hull to Henry Hull. 20 acres Witness: Joseph Deuel, Jno F. Hull

876. May £124

16:183 4,1794

John HUMFRY, yeoman and Ester of Stanford John HULL Lott 16 Bounds Wappingers Creek, Amos Knap, Road John Humfry to Teddeman Hull Jr. 24 acres Witness: Amos Knap, Henry Hull

877. June £700

16:191 2,1794

Frances NELSON and Meribah of Clinton William HEUSTIS Lotts 7 and 11 3rd division, Bounded W.- Henry Marshall; E.- Henry Vanderburgh mill pond; No. William Baker, John Requaus; So. Moses DeGraff, John Culver. 215 acres Witness: Abner Lee, Debby Lee

878. 16:212 Mar. 28,1800 $425.

Jesse SMITH and Casia (Signed Keziah) of Clinton Elithan MARSHALL Clinton Lott 8 So, of Filkintown Road. Bounded E.- William Tillon, John Newcomb; No, Othnial Smith; W,- Road Thomas Willing to Filkintown road, Peter 25 acres Chatterton. Witness: Solomon Cateley Jr., Hewlett Peters

879. 16:218 June 15,1799 $500.

Samuel MOSHUR (signed Mosher) and Mary of Dptchess Co. William THORN Lott 12 Washington 1) Bounds Philip Hart, Mill Brook, Grist Mill Pond, small spring brook, David 35 acres Gage. 2) SE of above, Bounds David Gage, Joseph Talcott, Enock Wilbur, William Thorn, James Baremore, Samuel Moshur. 70 acres Witness: Isaac Bloom, Philip Mosher



880. 16:222 Feb. 20,1800 L700

Samuel GILBERT, farmer and Anne of Clinton Peter I. SCHRYVER Lott 8 subdivision lot 1 3rd Division. NW corner. Bounds Nelson 125 acres; W.- Nelson; No. Lott 7; E.- Reuben Sarles; So. Lott 9 1st division. Witness: John J. Schryver, John Barlow

881. 16:224 May 8,1800 $2750.

Ephraim HILL, farmer and Tenta of Clinton Joseph BARNES Clinton Lott 5 subdivision lot 1 Edsall division (3rd). Bounds Mordecai Lester, Pond, John Everse. Deed Cornelius VanVleedt to Thomas Barker. Witness: Cornelius Lawrence, Gilbert Livingston

882. May

16:226 5,1791

Thomas BANKER, yeoman of Dutchess Quit claim to John RICE of N Y City Water Lott 3 Charlotte Bounds Hudson River. Part of land called Equaqaunessink April 18, 1705 patented to Jacob Regnier, Peter Fauconier, Benjamin Ash, Baine Cousens, John Parsons, except heirs of Henry Pauling entitled to 111 acres. Witness: Jacob Schryver, Gilbert Livingston

883. 16:234 May 12,1800 $1.00

John BARNES (signed Burnett) of Clinton Phineas EMES Bounds Clinton Water Lott 3 111 acres Hudson River. Witness: Peter W. Radcliff, Jacob C. Everson

884. 16:317 Mar. 12,1793 L358

Philip HART, clothier and Susannah John BURDEN Filkintown lot Washington Lott 25 east end. Bounds No. Lott 24; E.- Aaron Furnen; So. Aaron Bullis (Bults) and 86 acres road; W.- Daniel Jones. Witness: Samuel Titus Jr., Silas Wodell



885. 16:322 June 18,1800 $575.

John PALMETER and Anna of Washington Simon LOSEE Lott 10 In corner of three towns, Beekman, Washington and Clinton. Also bounds Miriam Losee widow, Isaac Bloom, John Odell. 58 acres Witness: George Pearsall, David Lawton

16:341 886. July 12,1800 $1500.

Joseph YARWOOD and Deborah of Clinton William ALFORD, grocer of N Y City Clinton Water Lott 7 Bounds Hudson River, John Connor, Cornelius Low. Includes dock and store on point, Exception: one acre bounds post road and Yarwood owned by James Concklin blacksmith. Smith's shop on the acre. Witness: Andrew Raymond, 42 acres John Connor

887. 16:351 Aug. 7,1800 $1650.

William ALFORD of N Y City Joel PRATT of Dover Same as Liber 16:341 42 acres above. Witness: James M. Hughes

888. 16:386 May 12,1800 $700.

Phineas EMES and Genny of Clinton Cyrus BRAMAN of Preston, New London, Conn. Clinton at Hyde Park Bounded No. George Rimp dec.; E.- Samuel Bard; So. Lot 2; W.- Post road. 44 acres Witness: Platt Brush, Gilbert Livingston

889. 16:412 Oct. 10,1800 $2175.

Ann BARBER of Poughkeepsie John VAN VORHIS of Clinton Lotts 6 & 10, lot 3 of subdivision lot 2 Allotted to Ann as result of partition between Charles, Crooke, John and Ann then wife of William Barber by John Davis, Isaac Bloom, Jacob Smith Commissioners Sept. 1, 1788. Crosses two branches of Fallkill creek and old beaver dam. 144 acres Witness: Henry Rutgers, Peter W. Radcliff



16:427 890. Jan. 28,1797 £500

Ezekiel WHITNEY Jr., Innkeeper of Clinton John READE of Poughkeepsie Bounded So. John Boelis; W.- Newcomb; No. John Harris; E.- Peter Germond, Thomas Boolis. Starts corner John Harris line of Lotts 7 and 8. Witness: John J. Sayas, 106 acres Jos Read

16:430 7,1795

Thomas MOSHER and Hannah, farmer of Nine Partners, Stanford Amos KNAP Bounds road Bangall to Tedeman Hull Jr.; road to Carmans Mills. Road opposite Friends Meeting lot; Joseph Deuel, Wappingers Creek, Isaiah Griffin, Line Lotts 15 and 16. Witness: Joseph Deuel, 57 acres Ezra Gardner

892. 16:449 Oct. 9,1800 $1000.

Samuel COOK and Lydia of Clinton Cyrus BRAMAN and Betsey of Clinton Hyde Park West part lot 2 and 3. Bounded So. Cyrus Braman; W.- Hudson River; No. George Rimph dec. ; E.- Post road to Albany. 67 acres Witness: Phineas Emes, Ebenr Staples

16:455 1,1791

David TREVER the elder of Clinton and Abraham TREVER, yeoman David TRAVER Jr. Lott 2 subdivision lots 7 & 8 1) Bounds road from house of Abraham Trever to road from Peter Simson to 62 acres Peter Stoutenburgh. 2) Lott 2 subdivision lot 8. Part of old farm of David Trever, elder. 30 acres Witness: Philip Traver, Solomon Traver, Jonathan Traver

894. 16:459 May 13,1800 $562.

William RADCLIFF Jr. and Catharine of Rhinebeck David TRAVER Jr. of Clinton Wood lot. Lott 2 subdivision lot 7 50 acres Mentions bye road. Witness: Maria M. Brook, D. Brooks

891. July £215

893. May £239

304 895. Apr. L286

Deeds 16:461 1,1791

16:469 896. Apr. 16,1800 $2750.

David TREVER, elder and David Trever Jr. Abraham TREVER Map of Lott 8, subdivision lot 2. John DeWitt Esq. Mentions creek out of 110 acres bog meadow. Witness: Solomon, Jonathan and Philip Traver Daniel VAIL and Elizabeth Samuel WEBB of Stanford Lott 10 in 3rd division. 1) Bounds John Ward, Road to Cornelius Lawrence. 2) Bounds Gabriel Ludlow, John and Abraham Ward,

of Clinton

Jacob Lawrence 102 acres Solomon Frost, James Clapp. 53 acres

Witness: Isaac Bloom, Joseph Underwood 897. 16:483 Feb. 20,1799 L333

Isaac MORRIS and Rebecca, Philip FRELIGH and Claracha of Rhinebeck heirs of 2/3 of Isaac VAN ETTEN deceased of Clinton* 1) Bounds Post road, Hudson River, Peter Radclift. 61 acres 2) Bounds Post road, line run by Mr. Gas25 acres hence Tipple. 3) Bounds Post road, Peter Radclift. 16 acres Witness: Barent VanWagenen, Samuel Witt

16:486 898. Sept 28,1795 L200

Thomas TILLOTSON and Margaret of Rhinebeck, Gentleman Barent B. VAN WAGENEN of Clinton Staatsburgh or Pauling purchase. Bounds Post road, Hudson River, Island Chippitie, David Scriver, North line of pur40 acres chase. Witness: Gertrude Lewis, J. Robert Lewis

16:523 899. Apr. 25,1774

Daniel LEWIS Israel LEWIS of Nine Partners Lott 19 subdivision lot 5 Bought jointly Aug. 18, 1764 from Joseph Caston of Westchester. Bounds Thomas Braman, corner of lot 5. Divide equally. Daniel has liberty to dam or turn water thru Israel. 600 acres Witness: Asa Thompson, Ebenezer Husted Jr., Jonn Lewis

*grantee - Jacobus VAN ETTEN




900. 16:529 Apr. 30,1785 E96

Richard ALSOP of New Town, Queens, Gentleman Peter TRAVER of Charlotte Lott 4 subdivision lot 13, 3rd division Bounds Charles Traver, Thomas Garrison house. 48 acres Witness: Abrm Freligh, Cornelius VanVliet

16:532 901. June 16,1790 El8

Peter TRAVER Jacob P. TRAVER Clinton Nine Partners Witness: Abrm Freligh, Henry Traver

902. 17:11 Dec. 29,1797 $850.

James HEADING and Elender of Stanford Samuel MULFORD of Northeast Gore between Little and Great Nine Partners Bounded W.- Samuel Mulford; So. David Cash, Lot 19, William Cash. Save road to Joel Edgent and to William Cash in Sledding time. Witness: Jonathan Alger, 100 acres Noah Shaw

903. 17:30 Feb. 8,1799 $262.

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH, farmer of Clinton James I. STOUTENBURGH, son of Albany County Water Lott 8 Bounds Hudson River (North River). Bounds James I. Stoutenburgh bought of Jonathan Hasbrouck, Isaac Conckling. 100 acres Witness: Reuben Kenny, John Beardsley

904. Oct.

17:31 2,1797

Benjamin LESTER of Coeymans, Albany Co. John M. THURSTON Nine Partners 1) Bounded No. and E.- by John Wallen; So. and W.- Thomas Tomkins. 7 acres 2) Bounds road John Wallen to Pleasant Valley, John M. Thurston. 35 acres Witness: Jacob Smith, Uriah Smith Parcel 1) Also bounds road John Wallen IAllen?] to Jacob Everson and Abraham DeGraaff.

17:33 905. Mar. 14,1765 love and affection

Jacob BENSON of Amenia Joseph BENSON, son Bounds road and VolenAmenia 150 acres tine Wheeler. Witness: Jacob Benson 3rd, John Benson, Mary Benson

8 acres

306 906. Jan. L2

Deeds 17:34 6,1790

Johannis VAN WAGONER, yeoman of Rhinebeck Morgan LEWIS Esq. Privilege of erecting a dam or dams near falls in Rhinebeck Creek on farm of Garret Dedrick. Witness: James Cockburn, Frederick Streit

17:40 907. Dec. 5,1799 L2000

Noah BROWN and Sarah, Joel BROWN and Abigail, yeoman of Amenia to Reuben and Benjamin Ruggles BOSTWICK of New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn. Lott 34 Nine Partners 1) Bounds Benjamin Denton, Benjamin and David Denton, Road, James Tallmage, Noah Brown Jr., John Garnsey, Dr. C. Crosby, Henry Hutcheson, Robert Wilson. Lott 33 Everson Lot 2) Bounds Noah Brown to Joseph Cook, Noah Brown to John Garnsey, Bounds Noah Brown Jr., Daniel Burton, Esq. total 250 acres Flint. Witness: Jasper Bennet, John Sherwood

17:42 908. June 4,1801 $752.

John I. VAN VOORHIS and Sarah of Clinton John HALL Lott 10 3rd division Bounds 43 acres Mors. Witness: Henry Vanderburgh, Jonathan Owen

909. 17:44 Apr. 28,1792 L82

Jonathan LAPHAM and Mary of Washington Nathaniel CHEESMAN Washington Lott 18 Bounds George Waltermeir Sr. and Jr. and Samuel Cheesman. 20 acres Witness: Increase Jackson, Samuel Cheesman

17:45 910. Apr. 25,1801 $4500.

John BURNET and Sarah of Clinton Aaron CARMAN, George CARMAN of York, Westchester Clinton Bounds John G. VanWagenen, John Burnet sold to Barnet Gay. Witness: Henry Livingston, 200 acres John Burnet Jr.



17:70 9,1801

Daniel S. DEAN and Ann of Beekman Daniel CARPENTER of Clinton Clinton North east corner Bridge over Wappingers above Union Mills of Robert Abbott and Ann Shipley of Pleasant Valley. l acres Witness: Israel Dean, Morris Shipley, Aaron Palmer

17:72 912. Nov. 17,1796 L200

John REQUAW and Sarah, yeoman of Clinton William M. NAME Lott 7, 3rd division, Clinton formerly At fork of Fallkill. Charlotte Bounded W.- Henry Marshall; E.- Col. Barber; No. John Requaw; So. Benjamin Mosher. 63 acres Witness: Danl Smith, Benjamin Mosher, Totten Marshall

913. 17:90 Apr. 13,1795 L525

Daniel BUTT and Isabel of Green Bush, Rensalaer Co. Seth HIGBY Washington Corner Bennet Homeston, 130 acres John Butts. Witness: Jeremiah Dodge, Titus Mabbett

17:134 914. Dec. 14,1798

John MASH and Rachel of Pawling Joseph BENSON Jr. of Pawling Bounds great Oblong Lotts 43, 44 * 115 acres Pond and road. Witness: Obadiah Smith, Daniel Lake

915. June $50.

17:147 5,1801

Ann BARBER John HALL Refers to mortgage John Clinton J. Voorhis Oct. 11, 1800. Corner SW of Lot 10 and NW corner Lott 11, 3rd divi43 acres sion. Bounds Elisha Mors. Witness: Wm. M. Bogardus, John J. VanVoorhis

17:153 916. July 2,1801 $600.

Joseph TRUSDAIL and Mary of Franklin Benjamin ADAMS of Amenia Mentions meadow called Amenia 8 acres calf pasture. Witness: Humphrey Ogden Jr., Jonathan Squire

911. June L125

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.



917. 17:174 June 15,1801 1300

Daniel S. DEAN and Ann of Beekman Ann SHIPLEY of Clinton Starts by Great road from Poughkeepsie through Pleasant Valley to Timothy Beadles in line of Daniel Carpenter. Follows along road to small piece of land granted by Jacob Everson to trustees of school on which school house is now built, to Peter Flagler to Wappingers Creek. 8 acres Witness: Aaron Palmer, Israel Dean

918. May 112

Obadiah GRIFFIN of Clinton Daniel S. DEAN On line of Lott 8. Lott 9 Bounds Nicholas Everson sold to Daughter Mary wife of Wheeler Case, Caleb Haight, John Everson. 200 acres Witness: Aaron Palmer, Underhill Chatterton

919. Aug. 1130

17:176 10,1799

17:177 9,1800

Moses HOAG and Daniel S. DEAN Washington Bounded E.- by Meeting House; Poughkeepsie. Witness: James Daniel Gidley, Und Chatterton

Ruth of Ocago, N.Y. of Beekman Farm of Jonathan Odell. road south past Friends No. by road west to 13 rods Sleeper,

17:181 920. Apr. 25,1789 1555

Peter PALMER, merchant and Mary Joseph WOLLEY, Gentleman Lott 11 Bounds Joshua Haight. Witness: Joseph Thorn, 99 acres Nehemiah Merritt

921. 17:186 July 8,1799 $2500.

Samuel BARD and Mary of Clinton, Doctor of Physic Daniel S. DEAN of Beekman Hyde Park Surveyed by Jacob Smith, 1) Bounds mill pond and Crum Elbow Creek. 73 acres 2) Bounds creek where fulling mill is. 6 acres Witness: Magdalen Munson, Joseph S. Dean



922. 17:188 Dec. 2,1799 $937.

Cornelius RAY Esq. and Elizabeth of N Y City Ann BARBER, widow Water Lott 6 1/2 of parcel in Clinton Water Lott 6. Bounds Meriches Creek and Hudson River. 76 acres Witness: Blandina Bruyn, Thomas Cooper

923. 17:190 Dec. 2,1799 $937.

Cornelius RAY Esq. and Elizabeth of N Y City, Executor of John Ray of N Y City to Ann BARBER, Wife Helen and Thomas PEARSALL also executors. Water Lott 6 1/2 water lot 6 as 1/2 of parcel. Same description as in Liber 17:188 above. Witness: Blandina Bruyn, Thomas Cooper

924. 17:195 Mar. 18,1796 1100

Isaac ALBERTSON and Mary of Clinton Stephen DAVIS Bounds road Stephen Badgley to Jacob Overacker and road Samuel Lawrence to Thomas Shadbolt. Bounded W.- by Isaac Albertson and Jacob Overacker; So. by road; E.- by 1st road. 15 acres Witness: Susannah Albertson, Jacob Albertson

17:209 925. Apr. 24,1801 1638

Henry HULL and Sarah of Stanford John HULL of N Y City, now of Stanford Bounds stone bridge, Lott 16 Road Bangall to Friends Meeting House, stone house. Privilege of water ditch. 58 acres Witness: Sam Coonley, Chas. W. Hull

17:211 926. May 19,1801 1100

Henry HULL and Sarah of Stanford John F. HULL Lott 16 1) Bounds road Hulls store to Amos Knapp road from Thomas Moshers mills; No. and E.- John Hull; So. Amos Knap; W.7 acres road. 2) Bounded So. Lot line; W.- Henry Hull; Also bounds No. and E.- John Hull Stephen Moshier. Map attached. 4 acres Witness: Sam Coonley, Chas. W. Hull


310 17:214 1,1801

Henry HULL and Sarah of Stanford James FITZGERALD Bounds Zacheus Mosher, Lott 16 John F. Hull, Charles W. Hull. Privilge of road from Fitzgeralds house to Char104 acres les W. Hulls upper fields. Witness: Saml Coonley, Charles W. Hull

928. 17:217 Apr. 30,1801 1480

John HULL and Mary of N Y City, now of Stanford Henry HULL West side of John HumphLott 16 rey farm. Bounds Wappinger Creek. 100 acres Witness: Saml Coonlet, Richard Carman

17:224 929. June 8,1801 $1000.

Daniel LEFFERTS and Susannah of Mayfield, Montgomery Co. John RICHMOND of Poughkeepsie Bounds Clinton Water Lott 3 John Wig, Daniel Leffert, Lott 4. 50 acres Witness: Amus Mudge, William Vanderbogart

17:229 930. Apr. 25,1779 E7000

Henry (Hendrick) WINEGAR and Mary (Mercy) of Amenia John CHAMBERLAIN Esq, Lott 51 and 52 of Oblong. Bounds William Mitchell dwelling, Garrett Wine308 acres gar, Nicholas Row, Road. Witness: Gurhead Winegar, David Doty

931. 17:237 July 10,1799 £12

Joel ST. JOHN and Ruth of Amenia Samuel PEET Opposite Lott 33. Oblong, Amenia 2 acres Witness: Truman Peet, Daniel Harris

932. Nov. E340

17:238 7,1791

Samuel DUNHAM of Amenia Samuel PEET of Bethlem, Litchfield Co., Conn. Lott 57 Oblong. Bounds Elias Shava29 acres lier and road. Witness: Philip Spalding, Joshua Lasell

933. Nov. E50

17:239 7,1791

Samuel and William DUNHAM of Amenia Samuel PEET of Bethlem, Litchfield Co., Conn. Lott 58 Oblong. Bounds Abner Shavelear, Pelletiah Pierce, road, Barnabas Woods. 94 acres

927. May £450



Witness: Phulip Spalding, Joshua Lazell 934. Nov. L500

17:241 7,1791

William DUNHAM of Amenia Samuel PEET of Bethlem, Litchfield Co., Conn. Lott 55 and 57 Oblong Bounds Barnabas Woods and road. 89 acres Witness: Philip Spalding, Joshua Lasell

17:253 935. Apr. 5,1802 $1350.

James COCK Nehemiah HOAG Lott 9 3rd division Bounded No. Lott 5; E.- George Frost; So. Coenradt Traver; W.- Solomon Howland, Witness: Mordecai Frost, 73 acres Samuel Baker

17:257 936. May 5,1797 L1200

Ephraim PAINE and Phebe of Washington John BATES of Amenia Lott 31 NW corner farm called Red Streak Orchard. Bounds Road, Joseph Fowler, little meadow, mill brook, south line 31, John Auther, great chestnut tree, Mary Payne, widow. 400 acres Witness: Samuel Herrick, Silas Ansen Jr.

937. 17:260 Nov. 19,1798 $3000.

Abijah PAINE of Amenia John BATES Lott 31, 32 Farm of Ephraim Paine Esq. deceased. North part called North [?] acres Streak Orchard. Witness: John Beals Jr., Whiting Mann, David Parsens

17:262 938. Oct. 16,1801 $635.

Elias DE LONG and Halachi of Poughkeepsie Thomas CAREY Sr. and Thomas Carey Jr. Bounded So. Beekman; E.Clinton 24 acres No., W.- Jonathan Dean,

939. 17:270 Sept. 9,1801 $50.

Agreement of Jacob JOHNSTON with Benjamin ADAMS, Reuben ADAMS, Zina BOSWORTH of Amenia. Jacob Johnston of Washington owns grist mill in Amenia and dam causes water to flow across fields of above men who also have mills. Jacob wishes to build a higher dam. In signatures Abraham J. Whitney replaces Benjamin Adams. Witness: Per Lee Brush, Joseph Wellen


312 17:271 940. July 30,1801 $200.

John CHAMBERLAIN and Lydia of Tioga County, Esq. Samuel SWIFT, yeoman Bounds Amenia Oblong Lotts 51, 52. William Mitchell, Garret Winegar, Nicho308 acres las Row, road. Witness: Noah Murray, Jabez Chamberlain, Catherine Livingston, Gilbert Livingston

941. 17:277 Feb. 12,1802 1180

Tiddeman HULL and Charles W. HULL of Stanford, exec. of Tiddeman HULL to John HULL of New York City now of Stanford Will made out Feb. 10, 1795. Names four sons: Tiddeman, Henry, John F., Charles W. Part of farm bounds John Cronkhite, Charles W. Hull, Jacob Fitzgerald, John F. Hull, 30 acres Witness: Samuel Coonley, George Upton

17:282 942. May 3,1800 $1400.

Jeremiah MARGUARET (Marquart) and Mary of Clinton Daniel ECKERT of Rhinebeck Bounds Crum Elbow Nine Partners Creek, David Cookenham, Philip Traver, George Marquart, road. Exception: 1) Jeremiah Marquart to Daniel Bottz Mar. 24, 1797 3/4 acre. 2) And Jeremiah bought in Rhinebeck 2 rods Mar. 24, 1797. 3) Also fly dam to be kept open After Apr. 20. Road to Sipperborgh to be kept open in usual manner. 60 acres Witness: David Treaver Jr., Saml Coonley

943. May E337

17:287 4,1793

Henry VAN HOEVENBERGH and Hester (Esther) of Clinton Peter FLAGLER Lot 17 Pauling purchase. 1) 100 acres 2) Lot 8 40 acres Witness: John V. Bunschoten, Caty Bergh



944. 17:331 Dec. 2,1799 $937.

Cornelius RAY Esq. of N Y City, Exec. of John Ray with Thomas PEARSALL and widow Helen (who chose not to) to John JOHNSTON Water Lott 6 1/2 of parcel. Bounds Hudson River, John Johnston, Meriches Creek. 81 acres Witness: Blandina Bruyn, Thomas Cooper

17:334 945. Dec. 2,1799 $937.

Cornelius RAY and Elizabeth John JOHNSTON Water Lott 6 Same description as in Liber 17:331 above. Witness: Blandina Bruyn, Thomas Cooper

17:345 946. Mar. 22,1801 1150

John W. ALLEN and Colven (Catharine) of Clinton Joshua NELSON Bounds road John W. Allen to Pleasant Valley, Thomas Tomkins. Witness: William Ely, [?] acres Stephen Marshall

947. 17:397 Feb. 27,1802 $1125.

Solomon VAIL and Elizabeth of Stanford Moses VAIL Lott 15 Bounds Gilbert Griffin, Thomas Mosher. Bounded by Road Friends meeting to Blooms mills, Isaiah Griffin, Jethro Coleman, Solomon Vail point of roack. To maintain road Through Charles and Jethro Coleman to Main road. Small stream in SE corner to be kept by Solomon. 45 acres Witness: Isaac Deuel, Saml Coonley

948. Oct. $125

Oct. 1802 Inhabitants of Clinton met at Joseph HOLLANDS to establish a circulating library. $125 had been raised. Chairman chosed William Ely and following 7 trustees: Rev. John CLARK, John BEDLE, Abraham FLAGLER, Eli ANGEVINE, Owen WARD, Hulet PETERS, Zachius NEWCOMB. Name to be PLEASANT VALLEY LIBRARY. Seal P.V.L. Recorded Oct. 20, 1803. Witness: Samuel Augustus Barker

17:399 2,1802

17:406 949. Nov. 9,1799 $500.

Martin HEERMANCE of Rhinebeck, merchant and Sally Lawrence KERVIN, merchant of N Y City Clinton Lott 7 West part of farm Frost Powell and Catherine sold to John


Deeds Connor Oct. 21, 1796. Bounds Post road and Hudson River. See Liber 14:320. 40 acres Witness: Anthony Hoffman, Alex Thompson

17:408 950. June 11,1801 $1.

George HALLOCK of Washington Peter HALLOCK of Clinton Land of Abel Peters deceased descended to his daughter Mary wife of Peter Hallock and at that time conveyed to George Hallock. No description. Witness: Hewlett Peters, Isaac Bloom

17:409 951. June 4,1802 $2890.

Jacob SCRIVER and Margaret of Clinton Daniel EVERITT Lott 2 1) Bounded No. Albartus Scriver; E.Isaac Wood, James Pritchard, Jonathan Soal; So. Jonathan Soal; W.- Peter Scriver, Aaron Carman. Bounds road that leads to Poughkeepsie, 118 acres 2) Woodlot. Bounds No. line of Lott 2 3 acres and road. Witness: G. B. VanNess, Thomas W. Allis

17:414 952. Dec. 28,1801 L617

Elisha MORS and Margaret of Clinton Abraham HOAG of Ulster Co. Bounds Lott 11, 3rd division. Lotts 6 and 10 and 11 and great Lott 6, Reuben Morse, Stephen Lawrence, Henry Bentley. Bounded No. Road; W.- Henry Bentley; So. Reuben Morse; E.- Great Lott 6. Also bounds Elisha Morse to Vail. 64 acres Witness: John V. N. Yates, Mary Forman

17:427 953. Apr. 3,1792 8 shillings per acre*

Abraham FRELIGH of Clinton Dr. Samuel MASTEN Lease agreement. Bounds George Reed and road. 3 acres Witness: Derick VanVliet Jr., Joseph Griffin *to be paid May 1 each year,

954. 17:431 Mar. 1,1802 L1250.

Nathaniel UNDERHILL and Hannah, Jacob I. VAIL and Isaac VAIL and Fanny and Moses VAIL, heirs of Isaac VAIL, and widow Lydia now wife of Elnathan SWEET to



Solomon VAIL Lott 14 Bought of Jacobus Stoutenburgh May 5, 1763. NW corner Stoutenburgh sold to Sampson Vail. Bounds line of Lotts 13 & 15 and Wappingers Creek. Children Solomon, Jacob Isaac, Moses, Tiddeman, George. 200 acres Witness: Jethro Coleman, Isaac Deuel 955. 17:435 June 7,1800 $1250.

William GOULD Sr. of Washington Joel GOULD Washington Bounds road, William Goulds blacksmith shop, large swamp, Prince Hiller, Jeremiah Sherman, William Palmer. 96 acres Witness: Samuel Mott, Caleb Palmer

956. May L75

17:437 3,1802

Samuel MASTEN, doctor of Clinton Evert N. VAN WAGANER Bounds Jacob Shaffer, Evert VanWaganer. 24 rods Witness: Peter Stevens, Charity Masten

957. 17:454 May 5,1801 $1250.

Peter DUSINBERRY and Mary of Clinton John HALL of Clinton Clinton Lott 7 subdivision lot 2. Bounds E.- Ann Barker; No, Dr. Samuel Smith; W.- Henry Marshall; So. William McName. Same that William McName bought of John Requaw at fork of Fallkill. Witness: Henry Dusinberry, 63 acres Zacheus Marshall

958. May L434

John BARD, Physician and Mary of N YCity Joseph BOUTON, yeoman of Charlotte Bounds George Rim, HudWater Lott 6 son River. Refers to Patent Apr. 18, 1705 to Jacob Regnier, Peter Fanconer, Benjamin Ash, Barne Cousins, John Persons. Except to heirs of Henry Pauling. Hudson River Indians called Equaquanekink; small creek Nancapawneck; Crum El217 acres bow Equarsink. Witness: John Valleau, James DeMuirson

17:469 3,1769



959. 17:472 July 12,1802 $1750.

William HEUSTIS and Rhoda of Clinton Ephraim JACKSON Bounds Crum Elbow Creek and line of Lotts 16 & 17. Witness: Sidney Smith, 93 acres Gilbert Livingston

960. May 1500

17:476 8,1797

Isaac UNDERHILL and Anne (Nancy) of Washington Jacob JOHNSTON Amenia Bounded No. Elisha Adams; E.- Hugh Shearman; W.- Gilbert Willet; So. road, Lot 31. Privilege of dam, pond, mill flowing from Gilbert Willet. Witness: Joseph Weller, 2 acres Clement Underhill

961. May 1144

17:519 4,1801

Ethan GOODRICH and Abigale (Abigile) of Amenia John SORRENBERGER Nine Partners Amenia Bounds Mountain and Goodrich house which he sold Frederick Sorrenberger. 12 acres Witness: Thomas H. Dunorien, John Freeman

962. Dec. $50.

17:523 3,1802

Hans KIERSTEAD and Janitje (Jannetje) of Rhinebeck Abraham RUSSELL of N Y City, Treasurer of New York Slate Co. Clinton Lot which Ebenezer Mott sold to Hans Kierstead and Martin Heermance. 14 acres Witness: Martin Heermance, D. Brooks

963. 17:525 Sept. 6,1795 1580

Ebenezer MOTT, husbandman, and Mary of Washington Martin HEERMANCE of Rhinebeck Clinton Lott 1 Bounds Heirs of Catharine Stoutenburgh, Benjamin, Little Nine Partner line, John Teller. 263 acres Witness: Sylvester Bloom, Jno Farmer

964. 18:1 Dec. 24,1795 1652

Martin HERMANCE and Sarah (Sally) of Rhinebeck Paul and Andrew BEACKE of NYC, merchants Clinton Lott 1 Bounds Little Nine Partners, John Teller. 148 acres Witness: John Cox, Hans Keirstead



18:24 965. Aug. 18,1788 E400

Zebulon ROSS Sr., yeoman of Pawling John ROSS Sr. of Pawling Oblong Lotts 41 & 43* Bounds road from Elihu Russell to Thomas Wing, Isaac Talman. 100 acres Witness: Joseph Ross, Sally Conroy

966. 18:154 May 6,1799 $550.

Hellitie DEWITT and Philip D. BEVIER and Ann of Ulster Co. Abraham ODELL, millwright Pauling Purchase Lot 18 Bounds Crum Elbow, Dr. Samuel Bard. 50 acres Witness: Jas. Coddington, George Nelson

967. May £700

18:226 1,1795

Ebenezer MOTT, husbandman of Washington Abraham STOUTENBURGH, husbandman and Margaret of Clinton Lott 1 Homestead farm which their mother Ann Van Kleeck possessed. Sold by Jacobus Stoutenburgh to William 211 acres Hoag. Witness: James Van Kleeck, Jno. Turner

18:242 968. May 10,1800 £700

Henry MEAD and Ruth of Stanford Ezra LUTHER Bounds Daniel Cash, WilLott 18 liam Cash, road from Cold Spring to Livingston Manor, Comer Bullock, Oliver [?] acres Evans. Witness: Thurston Rider, Ebenezer Soule

18:299 969. 9,1792 May $600.

Jacob MOTT, farmer of Queens, Long Island Slbertus SCHRIVER, farmer Bounds Clinton Water Lott 3 So. Lott 2; W.- John Wigg; No. Lott 4; 270 acres E.- Albertus Schriver. Witness: Cornelius Bogart, Jacob Schriver

18:324 970. Mar. 5,1798 Love and £20

Isaac FROST, farmer of Clinton James FROST Bounds Clinton Lott 9 small allotment Pearsall Brown, swamp, Benjamin Worden, 254 acres Daniel Vail. Witness: Thomas Stringham, Stephen Stringham

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.



971. 18:364 June 4,1789 30 shillings

Samuel BARD of N Y City Richard D'CANTILLON and James STOUTENBURGH Four parcels along the Crum Elbow Kill. Map attached. Witness: John Johnston [?] acres

972. 18:376 Apr. 16,1791 1286

James WINANS of Northeast Simon FLAGLER of Clinton Clinton Bounded So. Jacobus Occurman; W.- G. W. Ludlow and Jno Scriver; No. William Stoutenburgh and J. Bush; E.John G. VanWagenen. Mentions frog pond. Witness: James Gosline, 110 acres Smith Peters

18:428 973. Oct. 17,1799 L800

Joseph HERRICK of Clinton and Elizabeth James QUICK Clinton Lott 3 subdivision lots 2 and 4 1) Map of Jacob Smith for Reuben Wiley and Joseph Herrick. 61 acres 2) Bounds Little Wappingers, Road Robert Hatfield to Elnathan Lyon near lot line 3 and 4. Permits road to woodland of Joseph Herrick. 60 acres 3) In Lot 4 NE corner west of road line of 3 and 4. 5 acres Witness: James Caldwell, Jacob Smith

974. 18:434 Nov. 25,1795 L1000

Jacob EVERSON merchant of Dutchess Co. and Nicholas EVERSON Esq. of N Y City to Peter FLAGLER, farmer of Dutchess Co. Clinton Eversons acquired from will of father John. Begins near 3 springs and bounds Anthony Ward, Morgan, Elisha Bedal, heirs Wheeler Case, road to Daniel Wards, road Poughkeepsie to Sharon, sprout creek, wappingers Creek, Bridge. 180 acres Witness: Benjamin DeLaVergne, Joseph Harris

975. 18:437 Aug. 21,1799 $100.

Peter VAN DYKE Sr. and Rachel of Clinton Peter VAN DYKE Jr. Clinton in 1000 acre Lott Bounded E.- John Traver; So. heirs Cornelius Van Dyke; No. Williams; W.- Peter VanDyke Sr. ; Fish or Crum Elbow Creek. Witness: Elijah VanDyke, 54 acres Jeremiah Smith



976. 18:439 Feb. 12,1800 L150

John VAN DYKE and Rebeckah of Clinton Peter VAN DYKE Jr. Former lot of Francis VanDyke conveyed to Peter VanDyke Sr. and by him to John VanDyke. Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, Cornelius VanDyck, Richbell 22 acres Williams. Witness: Jno DeWitt, Jesse Tracey

977. 18:442 Dec. 31,1798 L50

Peter VAN DYKE and Rachel of Clinton, yeoman John VAN DYKE Land of former Francis VanDyke conveyed to Peter VanDyke. Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, Cornelius Van 22 acres Dyke, Richbell Williams. Witness: Elijah VanDyke, Sam Coonley

978. 18:449 Jan. 10,1800 $1750.

Israel DEUEL and Jane of Stanford Robinson P, UNDERWOOD Bounds Amos Knap, Swamp, Stanford 112 acres Samuel Upton. Witness: Jedediah Allen, Joseph Deuel

979. 18:570 July 25,1799 $2150.

Peter Edmund ELMENDORPH of Albany, atty Isaiah GRIFFIN of Stanford Map of Lott 15 subdivision lot 3 Jacob Smith. Bounds Wappingers Creek, road Isaac Hallock to Isaiah Griffin, line Lott 15 and 16; Jethro Coleman; west bank of East branch of Great Wappingers Creek; to fork of streams. 215 acres Witness: Isaac Bloom, Nathan Smith

980. May L250

18:572 4,1795

Elizabeth BERGH of N Y City late of Clinton and Jehoiakim BERGH of Rhinebeck exec. of John BERGH to Benjamin VAN WAGINEN of Rhinebeck Staatsburgh or Pawling 1) Lot 1. Same that Thomas Tillotson sold to John Bergh May I, 1791. Bounds flat rock near Bogor fly; 33 acres spring west of road. 2) Lot 15. Wood that Nicholas DePeyster, Charles Shaw, Miles Sherbrook, Nicholas Hoffman all of NYC sold to John Bergh Nov. 9, 1790, Corner 40 acre lot in Lot 15 surveyed by John DeWitt 1790 and sold to Mordecai Lester, now 13 acres Stephen Griffin.



Witness: Adam Bergh, R. V. Hoevenburg 981. May $1.

18:585 8,1800

John DEWITT of Clinton Frederick UHL Pawling Patent Lot 15 Witness: Jesse Tracey, Cornelius DeWitt

32 acres

982. 18:588 May 27,1796 E100

Jacob and Nicholas EVERSON exec. of John EVERSON Peter FLAGLER, farmer of Dutchess Co. Clinton, Pleasant Valley Lott 8 Bounds William Ely, Mill creek, Filkintown road, opposite bark house of Joshua Ward. 8 acres Witness: Gilbert Livingston

983. 18:621 Apr. 28,1795 E200

Samuel PIERCE of Amenia Pelitiah PIERCE Oblong Lott 60 Bounds Roland Freeman, Witness: Joshua Losell, 45 acres Jonathan Roberts

984. 19:35 June 14,1798 5 shillings

John HULL of Stanford Nine Partners Allen DEUEL, carman Bounds 2 roads, one Poughkeepsie to Bangall. 2 acres Witness: Henry Hull, Daniel Upton

985. 19:44 Apr. 1,1799 $2250.

Joseph CARL, yeoman of Clinton William HARRIS, cooper Clinton Lott 7 Bounds Solomon Flagler, William Harris, John I. Allen. 126 acres Witness: Jacob Wickes, Nancy Wickes

986. June E300

19:78 1,1795

Job TABER, yeoman of Pawling Jonathan TALLMAN of Washington Washington Bounds So. Beekman; E.Stephen Howland; No. Samuel Hammond; W.Thomas Youens, Stephen Platt. Youens now Brittan Tallman. 59 acres

987. 19:119 May 6,1797 E1000

John JOHNSTON Esquire and Susannah of Clinton James BAKER, farmer Clinton Lott 13, subdivision lot 1 3rd 250 acres Division. Witness: Mary Bard, Gilbert Livingston



988. 19:241 Sept. 8,1790 1300

Francis NELSON and Maraby of Clinton Richard D'CANTILLON Lott 11 3rd division Bounds Henry Van Deburgh, Cornelius Lawrence, R. D'Cantillon. 88i acres Witness: Jacobus Stoutenburgh, Patk B. Collins


19:245 1794

Roswell KINNE and Anna of Amenia John CORNWELL of Washington Lott 22 Washington On line of Amenia and Washington, line 21 and 22. Bounds Labbeus Sweet. 50 acres Witness: Aspinwall Cornwell, Leonard Barton

19:268 990. Mar. 20,1765 1150

Jonathan LAPHAM, yeoman Moses HAIGHT Jr. Bounds Benjamin Lapham, Lott 21 Moses Haight. 69 acres Witness: Benjamin Lapham, John Lapham

991, 19:285 Jan. 15,1788 E760

Harmon HOFFMAN, sheriff Jonathan HASBROUCK of Kingston, Ulster Co. Indebted to Abraham Hasbrouck for E692. Water Lott 8 1) i of the lott - south side. Bounded So. Lott 7; E.- Lott 13; No. heirs of John DeGraaf, Christian Bergh; W.Hudson River. 300 acres 2) Bounds So. Theodorus VanWyck; W.Hudson River; No. Isaac Germond; E.heirs Jan DeGraaf. Except 100 acres Christian Bergh sold Isaac Conklin and 100 acres John Bergh sold Jacobus 200 acres Stoutenburgh. Witness: Daniel Wilson, John Addison

992. Aug. E565

James TELLER of Clinton James I. STOUTENBURGH Except 50 acres in east Water Lott 8 200 acres part. Witness: Susan Johnston, John Johnston


19:306 9,1796



993. June £500

19:314 1,1794

Rudolph and Lydia (Lidia) V,HOESENBARGH of Clinton John CLAPP Clinton Which Daniel Graham of commission of forfeitures middle district sold to Rudolph May 2, 1786. Part of 700 acre lot sold to V.Dyke and Banker near school house. Survey by Jacob Smith 1790. 124 acres Witness: Abraham Hages, John Van Wickaler

994. Dec. £112

19:317 3,1795

Richbell and Margaret WILLIAMS, yeoman of Clinton John CLAPP, yeoman Lot 3 of Richbell WilClinton liams Homestead farm. Bounded So. Peter VanDyck; W.- Williams; No. John DeWitt; E.- John Clapp Traver. Williams has privilege of getting limestone, 17 acres Witness: James Williams, Jno Farmer

995. 19:474 May 1,1799 $500.,

John Jacob BUSH and Elizabeth of Clinton Daniel BURGER, farmer Map of Great Lott 3, subdivision lot I Jacob Smith. Exception: 15 acres sold I?] acres to Manlius Burger, Witness: Gerret Diedrick Jr., Frederick Cookingham

19:685 996. May 8,1800 $5000.

Joseph TALLCOT and Sarah of Washington Henry V.BENSCHOTEN of Fishkill now of Washington 1) Bounds Archer Macomber, Wilber, Tripp Mosher, Tpke, Samuel Tripp. 88 acres 2) Bounds above and Creek. 1 acre Witness: D. Brooks, Teunis V. Benschoten

997. 20:27 Aug. 30,1793 £335

Gabriel William LUDLOW and Cornelia, merchant of NYC Philip NASE of Amenia Lott 29, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1. 135 acres Witness: Walter Lothrup, John Nase

998. 20:29 Dec. 30,1793 £450

Henry FROST of Dutchess John NASE of Amenia and Philip NASE Jr. Amenia Bounds Judah Swift, River, Belden. 104 acres Witness: Enos Northrup, Thomas Perry



20:34 999. Feb. 14,1794 L200

Thomas PERRY John NASE Lott 29, lot 2 of subdivision lot 1. Witness: Enos Northrup, 106 acres Philip Nase

1000. 20:81 Dec. 15,1789 L95

Leonard LISPENARD, gentleman of NYC Philip NASE Jr. and William NASE, yeoman of Dutchess Co. Lott 29, subdivision lot 4 Bounds Stephens. 105 acres Witness: Anthony Lispenard, John Lispenard

20:202 1,1793

Richard SANDS and Deborah of North Hampstead, Queens Robert SIMPSON of Nine Partners Clinton Lott 4 Bounds No. Henry Sleght; E.- James Powell; So. Moses Elmendorph; W.- Christian Pherer, Peter Stevens. 150 acres Witness: Isaac Sniffen, Mary Sands

1001. Apr. L315

1002. 20:260 May 29,1784 L500

Jonathan HOLMES of Charlotte Jacob HOLMES Bounds E.- Jonathan Holmes, Israel Green, John Haight; So. Nicholas Haight, Gilbert Titus; W.-Moses Vail; No. Aaron Haight, Benjamin Akins. Witness: Isaac Thorn, 113 acres Stephen Titus

1003. 20:263 Dec. 30,1797 $1.50

Jonah TALMADGE of Coxsackie, Albany Co. Enos TALMADGE of Stanford Stanford Lott 20 1) In Stanford. 2) Bounds John Reynolds III. 3) formerly Jonathan Palmer, John Reynolds. 4) former Samuel and Anna Thompson. Total 143 acres Witness: James Holmes, John Gale

20:275 1004. Aug. 17,1796 L322

David JACACKS and Mary of Washington Hugh SHERMAN of Amenia Bounds No. Isaac UnAmenia Lott 31 derhill mill and line of Lott 23; E.heirs of Ephraim Paine Esq. dec'd; So. Selah Wells; E.- David Johnston Esq. 144 acres Witness: James Ketcham, Jacob Smith


Deeds 20:310 7,1788

Isreal and Jaen DEUL, yeomen of Washington Samuel UPTON Lott 15 Bounds David Johnson. Witness: Isaac Deuel, 57 acres Joseph Deuel

1006. 20:312 Sept.24,1778 L460

David DOTY of Amenia Silvenus NYE Oblong Lott 46 Near house of Reuben Doty. Bounds Stephen Warren. 106 acres Witness: Solomon Armstrong, Thomas Barlow

1007. 20:330 Mar. 28,1797 $1250.

Jonathan ADAMS and Asenath of Amenia Stephen TROWBRIDGE Lott 35 Bounds Noah Wheeler bought of John Slater. 100 acres Witness: Asa Hollister, Suse Roberts

1008. 20:350 May 1,1798 $1812.

Isaac UNDERHILL and Anna of Washington Elisha ADAMS of Amenia

1005. May L121

1) Begins by large rock by Jacob Johnstons mill. Bounds Hugh Sherman, town line, Williams. 2) Bounds Hugh Sherman, Elisha Adams, Widow Paine, John Bates formerly Judge Paine, road. Total 105 acres Witness: James Wood, Hugh Sherman 1009. 20:352 Apr. 20,1795 L187

Abraham STOUTENBURGH and Margaret of Clinton Harmon VAN BENSCHOTEN Lott 9 Bounds Mary Stoutenburgh, Burroughs, Stoutenburgh road so called. Witness: Tobias W. Stouten50 acres burgh, Jno Farmer

1010. 20:354 Apr. 13,1773 L360

Enoch LESTER of Dutchess Co. John and Reuben MOSS i of i devised to Joseph Mott deceased and Benjamin Lester of Queens. Bounded W.- Benjamin Lester & Joseph; So. Nathaniel Thorn; E.- VanVoorhis; No. Crook. 200 acres Witness: Samuel Rowland, Isaac Bloom



1011. 20:366 Nov. 13,1798 £1000

Josiah GALE of Stanford Lewis CURTIS Release claim to estate of Roger Gail, formerly Gabriel Ludlow. Bounds Cart road; joins 2 at NW corner. Witness: William Bell, [?] acres Enoch Goodrich

1012. 20:470 May 30,1785 £196

Richard ALSOP, gentleman of Newton, Queens Charles TRAVER, yeoman of Charlotte Lott 4, subdivision lot 6 of 3rd Division. Bounds Peter Radcliff, Dirck VanVliet purchased of Alsop, house of Thomas Garrison, school house. Witness: Abrm. Fraleigh, 98 acres Cornelius VanVliet

1013. 20:519 Dec. 20,1780 £33,700

Samuel DODGE and Daniel GRAHAM, Commissioners of Forfeiture Burnett MILLER of Charlotte Lott 17, subdivision lot 1. Late property of Zachariah Story. Became forfeited by attainder of Charles Inglis of N.Y.C. Subject to lease for 8 years. Witness: Rufus Herrick, 409 acres Ebenezer Carter.

1014. 20:567 May 29,1787 £247

William CLARK, yeoman of Amenia David COLLINS Amenia Oblong Lott 64 Bounds Caleb Dakin, Gardiner Gillet. 69 acres Witness: Josiah Morse, Barnabas Paine

1015. Jan. £300

James LIVINGSTON Esq., Sheriff James BAREMORE of Charlotte Judgment Lott 12 Nine Partners by Mary VerPlanck and Charles Crommeline vs Nicholas DelaVergne. Bounds So. Aaron Haight, road; W.- Caleb Haight; No. John VanCamp, Nicholas Trevor; E.- road, Tim206 acres othy Tripp. Witness: Aaron Haight Jr., Jno. Cockburn

20:613 5,1785

21:104 1016. Apr. 14,1792 £245

Jonathan LAPHAM, husbandman and Mary of Washington David WALTEMIRE, husbandman of Washington SW. corner of Laphwnfarm. Stanford Bounds Samuel Cheeseman and line between 81 acres Miller and Lapham. Witness: Reuben Lapham, John Soule



1017. 21:156 Sept.16,1785 L2

Jonathan LAPHAM and Mary of Charlotte John George WALTENMYER Bounds Lott 18, subdivision lot 5 I acre Samuel Cheeseman. Witness: George Reed, Reuben Lapham

1018. 21:200 June 20,1798 $2400 or L980

Christopher HUGHES and Abigail of Clinton Christopher HUGHES Jr. Hyde Park Patent In lot belonging to Rugnear & Co. Bounds Hudson River, Crum Elbow Creek, Dr. Samuel Bard now in possession of Thomas Bro---, Boughton, road from Boughton to Nelson's 245 acres saw mill. Witness: Morn Lewis, Maturin Livingston

21:265 1019. Nov. 10,1786 L215

Elisha POWELL and Rachel of Washington, Thomas POWELL and Catharine of Cortland, Westchester Co., Frederick MAUL and Mary of Rhinebeck, John NASE and Margaret of Amenia, Elizabeth HAM & Abigail HAM of Washington to Stephen WOOD of Washington Washington Lott 13, subdivision lot 7. Bounds David Johnston. 71 acres Witness: Conrad Ham, Caleb, Sutton, Zachariah Mosher

1020. 21:269 Jan. 28,1798 1170

Isaac COLONEY and Lydia of Washington Stephen WOOD Washington Bounds David Johnston, Stephen Wood, William Tripp. Witness: Samuel Tripp, 20 acres William Doughty

1021. June L300

Jacob CARPENTER of Jamaica, Queens John GAGER of Clinton Lott 8 Bounds W. William Devine; So. John Gager; E.- Timothy Bedel; No. Germond. 85 acres Witness: Sally Oakley, Wilmot Oakley

21:292 2,1798

1022. 21:308 June 9,1799 $9611.

Henry VAN HOVENBURGH and Hester (Esther), farmer William EDGAR, gentleman of NYC Pawling Purchase, Lots 9 and 18. Bounds Hudson River, John Ogden, Peter Fauconier Patent, Luke Rim, John



Kip, Isaac Trevor, Abraham Odell, Jonathan Jacock, David Hill, Christopher Hyde, heirs John Hendrickson, North cape of EndeKill. 404 acres Witness: Richard Waring 1023. 21:554 May 22,1797 1105

James BAREMORE and Elizabeth of Washington William TERRY Washington On road Dover to Poughkeepsie. Bounds Joseph S. Mabbett now Friends Meeting. 8 acres Witness: Vaniah Woolley, Walter DeLaVergne

1024. 21:558 Mar. 17,1791 118

William and Isaac THORN, yeomen of Washington William TERRY Washington Bounds Terry's shop, Samuel Mabbett. acre Witness: George Smith, Henry Bayeaux

1025. 22:49 Dec. 30,1793 E1460

Joshua LASELL and Waitstill LASEL of Amenia Caleb BENTON of Guilford, New Haven, Conn. Amenia Oblong Lotts 56 & 58 Bounds Samuel Dunham, River. 224 acres Witness: Magdalen Johnston, Joel Benton

22:82 1026. June 26,1793 £525

John CROOKE and Cornelia of Rhinebeck Jacob BUSH, yeoman of Clinton Water Lott 6 Bounds Hudson River, Crumelbow Point where there is some high rocks of clift marked DI, NW. cornerLott 6 & SW. corner Lott 7, Merchias Kill. Exception: burying ground 50 feet square west of Post Road known as old house lot where the ancesters of said Crooke is buried. 175 acres Witness: Smith Thompson, Gilbert Livingston

1027. Nov.

Peter STUYVESANT and Aaron BURR, devisees in trust of Robert G. LIVINGSTON NYC gentleman, dec'd for Samuel HAKES and Helena and Frederick DE PEYSTER, merchant of NYC to John READE, merchant and Catharine of Rhinebeck daughter of Robert G. Livingston Amenia Will dated August 20,

22:283 8,1794


Deeds 1789. Eldest son Robert G. Livingston also dec'd 1/3. Many parcels of land listed including one in Amenia called the Hopkins farm.

1028. 22:558 Apr. 13,1795 E2100

Refine WEEKS and Margaret of Oyster Bay, Queens Richard JACKSON of Fishkill 1) Lott 4 Bounds So. Lott 5; E.Lott 15; No. Nathaniel Everitt; W.232 acres Abel Peters. 2) Lott 5 Bounds Joseph Hicks. 57 acres 3) Lott 5 Bounds Abel Peters, Daniel Weeks, Jedediah Allen. Purchased from Samuel Franklin and Esther and Edmon Prior and Mary on January 28, 1795. 40 acres Witness: John Fleet, Abraham Weeks

23:22 1029. June 13,1791 1181

James L., Luke L., John L. STOUTENBURGH for mother Mary STOUTENBURGH to James CULVER Clinton Water Lott 9 Bounds No. James Culver; E.- Benjamin Kinion; So. Lott 8; W.- William Stoutenburgh. Witness: John A. Lee, 60 acres James J. Stoutenburgh

23:25 1030. Sept.13,1794 E100

William STOUTENBURGH of Clinton Mary W. STOUTENBURGH Water Lott 9 Bounds James W. Stoutenburgh, Nelson Lott, Lott 8 3rd Division. Witness: John Stouten[?] acres burgh, Richard DeCantillon

1031. 24:100 Sept. 8,1792 E525

Henry VAN HOVENBERGH and Hesther of Clinton, yeoman John HENDRICKS of Clinton Staatsburgh or Pawlings Purchase Bounds Hudson River, Job Mulford, Lot 7, Peter DeWitt dec'd. Excludes road east from Post Road to Peter Flagler. Witness: John VanBunschoten, 200 acres David Schryver

1032. 24:264 June 9,1800 $5250.

Thomas DUNKIN and Sarah of Stanford Josiah SUTHERLAND Stanford Lott 17, lot 3 of subdivision lot 2 1) Bounds W.- Jason Miller; So. Andrew Carroll, David I. Sutherland; No. Solomon Dunkin; E.- Jonathan & Caleb



Briggs. Exception: 1 acre sold to Andrew Carrloll for t8 on July 6, 1799. Bounds Elias Mulford. 2) 16 acres sold to Solomon Dunkin June 9, 1800. Bounds No. Solomon; E.Jonathan Briggs; So. & W.- Josiah Sutherland. 328 acres Witness: John Sherwood, Solomon Dunkin 1033. 24:268 June 26,1799 $800.

Noah WILBER of Stanford Jermiah SHERRILL Jr. Stanford Lott 16 Bounds No. Jonathan Marriott; E.- Aaron Carman; So. William Carshaddan; W.- David Hoag. Excludes stream through east meadow south of the parcel above. 110 acres Witness: Jermiah Sherrill, James Warren

1034. 24:448 Feb. 16,1773 E250

Aaron HAMMON, yeoman and Mary of Nine Partners Enoc TOMPKINS of Northeast Lott 25 Charlotte Bounds Joseph Reynolds, John Butts, Joseph Hammon. Witness: Amos Tompkins, 100 acres Amos Fuller

1035. May E600

24:450 6,1796

John CROOKE and Cornelia of Rhinebeck John WILLIAMS Bounds Clinton Water Lott 6 E.- Maria Ann Crook, heir of John Crook; No. Lott 7; So. middle of Lott 6; W.Evert A. Pells bought from John Crooke. Witness: Lawrence VanKleeck, 130 acres Gilbert Livingston

24:502 1036. Apr. 13,1798 $650.

James INGERSOL and Mary of Stanford William DAVIS of Sharon, Conn. 31 acres Stanford Witness: William Edgett, Stephen Eno

24:579 1,1776

Joseph REYNOLDS of Charlotte Samuel REYNOLDS Bounds Stephen PugsNine Partners ley. 90 acres Witness: Noah Ferris, David Reynolds

1037. May E150

330 1038. May £150

Deeds 24:580 1,1776

Joseph REYNOLDS of Charlotte Jacob REYNOLDS Lott 21 Bounds Benjamin Lapham, Stephen Pugsley. 90 acres Witness: Noah Ferris, David Reynolds

1039. 24:609 Mar. 27,1794 £2050

William DAVIES and Polly of Amenia Allen WARDLE and George INGRAHAM of Bristol, R.I. 1) Amenia Lott 32 Bounds Oblong. Exception: where meeting house stands and I acre burying ground. Same parcel sold in 1774 by Samuel Mabbitt to Elijah Park and Philip Allin. 302 acres 2) Lott 33 SE. corner; So. line of Lott 33. 45 acres 3) Oblong Lott 53. Same parcel Robert Hebard sold to William Davies in 1790 - 10 acres out of south part of 50 acres. Witness: Magdalen Johnston, Mary Patton

1040. Feb. £200

Adam CARMAN and Phila of Coeymans Patent, Albany Co. Jeremiah SHERRILL Stanford Lott 16 Bounds Henry Hoag, Jeremiah Sherrill, Richard Carman. Witness: Richard Carman, 20 acres Jesse Haight

25:152 4,1800

1041. 25:441 Apr. 15,1763 £250

Stephen POTTER, yeoman and Bridget of Charlotte David BEDFORD Charlotte, Lott 5, subdivision lot 2 Granted to David Jamison, Caleb Heathcote Esq.'and Co. in Nine Partners. Bounds So. Jacob Dean; W.- Nathaniel Soule; No. road Isaac Thorn to Stephen Potter between this and Nathaniel Thorn, now Gershom Hallock, for Soule; E.- Jonathan Griffen. 106 acres Witness: Mordecai Lester

1042. Apr. £250

Philip HART, clothier and Susannah of Washington Cornelius NACE, farmer of Amenia Amenia Lott 29, subdivision lot 2 Surveyed by Jacob Smith into 4 lots. Witness: Jabez Gage, 98 acres Christopher Dutcher

25:461 5,1794



1043. 25:574 Sept.30,1782 E841

Samuel PUGSLEY, farmer of Charlotte Christopher DIBBLE Stanford Lott 19 1) Bounded E.- Moses Harris, Benjamin Carpenter; So. Benjamin Carpenter; W.- Joshua Lounsbury; No. Samuel Pugsley. In NE corner of Lott 19 and also bounds Lott 36 and Enos 145 acres Mead. 2) Bounds Lounsbury, Enos Mead 110 sq. yards Witness: Platt Smith, Isaac Smith

1044. June E300

Jacob EVERSON and Margaret Garret ADRIANCE Begins south of John Lott 8 Hagamans house, goes to Creek. 10 acres Witness: Jacob R. Everson, Maria Everson

25:638 8,1799


The mortgages which follow have been abstracted from the original records on file at the Dutchess County Clerk's office. The file at that office began in 1754 and has been continuous to the present. Therefore, these files provide a complete record of all mortgage transactions recorded in the Nine Partners Patent between the years 1754 and 1800. These mortgages are recorded in Libers 1 through 8. A few additional mortgages which were recorded later are also included below. The area covered in the Nine Partners Patent includes the present towns of Amenia, Clinton, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Stanford, Washington and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast. The present town of Hyde Parkwas included in two other Patents: 1) Pawlings Purchase or Staatsburg which covers the northern part of the town while 2) Fauconnier's Patent or Hyde Park covers the middle portion of the town. The mortgages from these two Patents have also been included to complete the record for Hyde Park. The abstracted mortgages are numbered sequentially in the left margin. These numbers are used as reference numbers in the INDEX at the end of the book. The second set of numbers in the left margin refers to the Liber and page number of the mortgage as recorded at the Dutchess County Clerk's office. For example, 1:1 listed below refers to Liber 1, page 1. The date listed in the margin is the date of the mortgage. The remainder of the material in the margin is self-explanatory. Heading the body of the abstracted mortgage are the mortgagor and the mortgagee. The mortgagor's name appears on the first line and the mortgagee appears on the second line. In some instances there are multiple mortgagors and/or mortgagees. In these cases the word "to" is included to distinguish between mortgagors and mortgagees. The remaining material in the abstract describes the location, boundaries and size of the property and occasional other explanatory material. Refer to the introductory material in the beginning of the book for additional information about location in the Patent of the parcels of land referred to below.




1:1 July 18,1754 E50 @ 7%

Benjamin HOLLESTER of Crum Elbow Zacharyas HOFFMAN of Rynebeck Oblong Lott 47 as it fell by draught to Elias Clapp & Co. Beg, easterly from cor. of a 30 acre lot of Cornelius Flamen bought from Samual Gray along the Highway to the Division line between Elias Clapp & Flamen; southerly along Clapp's land; westerly along the Colony Line or 20 mile line; northerly along aforementioned lott to beg. 70 acres Witness: Zabulun Harvey, John Schrom

1:4 6,1754

Samuel SMITH jr. of Sheron Conn. Zachrias HOFFMAN of Dutchess Lott 32 1. farm Stephen Hopkins conveyed to Samuel Smith jr. 4/21/1745. Beg. on So. line of Lott 32 against a monument of top of the mountain & running north on Lott line to i width of the lott. Bounded No. Joseph. Hoskins. 2. conveyed by Benjemen Johns to Samuel Smith jr. 10/10/1752. Beg. NE. cor. of Oblong Lott 60 to SW. cor. of Lott 60 which Benjemen John sold to Noah Philips; Also 1/8 of iron ore. 250 acres Witness: Nich. Hoffman, John Schrom

1:9 Aug. 28,1754 1104 @ 7%

Azariah NEWCOMB, yeoman of Crum Elbow Henry LIVINGSTON Esq. of Poughkeepsie Lott 8 Land Thomas Newcomb purchased from Isaac Germond & Henry Filkin Esq. Bounds - So. John Everson; E.- John Bulless; No. Jacob Haff; W.- Zacheus Newcomb. Deed description included. Refers to small creek on easterly boundary called Meadow Creek. Witness: John Concklin; James G. Livingston. Canc. Liber 1:216

2 June 1200



4 Aug. E578

1:28 6,1754

Hugh WENTWORTH of Flushing, N.Y. Thomas HICKS, yeoman of Flushing, N.Y. Land lately belonged to Timothy Ricketson on the W.- side of road from Pell Sopers into Beekman Patent. Bounds - W.road that leads to Beekman & Joseph Carle; So. Timothy Trip & Abner White; E.- George Wilbord; No. Seph 361 acres Platt. Witness: William Philips & Wm. Philipsjr.


336 5.

1:58 Jan. 25,1756 E165

Joseph CHAMBERLAIN Clare EVERIT Oblong Lott 47 Same as 1:1. also 1:88. Witness: William Van Der Burgh, James G. Livingston


6. May E33

1:65 14,1755

Isaac BROTHERTON Pellatiah SUPER Bounds - No. Jacob Haight; E.- Benjamin Brotherton; So. Micaih Brotherton; W.- Isaac Brotherton. 36 acres Witness: Stephen Wood, Jos. Denton

7. May 154

1:66 17,1756

Simon WRIGHT Martin HOFFMAN Oblong Lott 63 Beg, So. cor. of said Lott on the Highway; No. to Governour Clark's land; E.- to Nathan Wieler; So. to Elijah Wieler; W.- to highway. Deed recorded Liber 3:56 56 acres

1:67 7,1756

John HEGEMAN Mary BARGIN, John LAMBERTSON & Derick BARGIN executors of Teunis Bargin dec'd of Jamaica, N. Y. Lott 8 Bounds - line of Roelof Oostrant by William Barnes; No. Abraham De Graff; E.- Henry Hegeman dec'd; So. William Barnes. 300 acres Witness: John ? , Peter Van Campen

8. July 187

9. 1:70 June 20,1757

Release of above mortgage Witness: John Ostrom Sr., John Ostrom, jr.

1:71 10. Aug. 19,1751 L

Miles WASHBON of Dutchess Elias Clapp of Northcastle, Westchester Oblong Lott 55 Northwest * Witness: Peter Pratt, John Williams

11. 1:81 Apr. 19,1758 1109

Jermiah REYNOLDS, farmer of Crum Elbow Martin HOFFMAN of Dutchess Lott 19 subdivision lott 11. i of lot 11. Bounds - from SW. cor. at stake in mid line of Lott 19. 100 acres Witness: Benjamin Knickerboker, John Schrom



12. Dec. £34

1:82 1,1757

Amos GILLET yeoman of Crum Elbow Henry LIVINGSTON Esq. of Poughkeepsie Lott 28 Beg. on Jacob Van Deusen's farm by Amos SW. cor.; E.- to small lake. Part of 1200 acres sold by John Dutcher to Joseph Gillet dec'd father of Amos, 350 acres Witness: John & Jacob Concklin See Liber 2:152 Livingston sells mortgage to George Folliott

13. Oct. £145

1:90 3,1758

John HAGAMAN yeoman & Mary of Crum Elbow William BEEKMAN merchant of N.Y.C. Lott 8 Beg. at NE cor. of land granted to Dene Ostrum 181 acres Witness: Bartholomew Crannel, Moses ? Canc. Liber 1:188

14. 1:91 Oct. 14,1758 £156

Jeremiah REYNOLDS farmer of Crum Elbow Martin HOFFMAN Lott 19 south end of subdivision 11. Beg. SW cor. of stake in mid line of Lott 19. 100 acres Witness: Jacob Low jr., Thomas Noxon

15. June 150

1:94 1,1758

William FORD of Crum Elbow Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck Lott 32 land sold to William Ford by William Brumble on 7/2/1756. Beg, at 50 acres brook. Witness: Jacob Dean, William Wells

16. 1:95 Dec. 15,1758 £30

John WALL farmer of Crum Elbow Martin HOFFMAN of Dutchess, BoundLott 19 part of subdivision 5. ed No. Caleb Brown; W.- along Brown's land; So. Timothy Brown; E.- Enos Mades; No. by Caleb Brown to beg. 68 acres Witness: Gab H. Ludlow jr„ Ja. G. Livingston

17. Dec. £101

Nicolas TRAVER yeoman of Rinebeck Mathew SLEGHT merchant of NYC Beg, at the W.- bank of a Lott 31 creek which runs through the lott being the SE, cor. of land which Nicolas Traver to Abraham Palmer then So. to the Division line between Lott 31 & 23; along Lott line to SW, cor. of Lott 31; E.- to east bank of creek; along creek 548 acres to beg. Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin Mortgage cancelled 7/28/1790

1:96 6,1758



18. 1:98 Aug. 21,1758 E250

Moses BARLOW, Ephraim SEELY, Wollnik VINNEGAR yeomen of Oblong to Cadwallader COLDEN Esq. & Nalson JOLAND Beg. at W.- of Oblong Oblong Lott 45 Tract at the 34 mile line in line running No. 12° 30" E from Monument at the end of 20 miles from Courtlands Point & is 1 mile No. from the 33rd mile Monu500 acres ment Witness: William Philips, William Philips jr. Canc. Liber 1:172 Witness: James Jackson, Isaac Hod jr

19. 1:101 Mar. 26,1759 E43

James TALLMAGE farmer of Crum Elbow Martin HOFFMAN of Dutchess. Adjoining NE. cor, of BenjaLott 34 104 acres min Denton Lott. Witness: Jacob Rosa, Ananias Cooper

20. 1:102 June 13,1754 135

John BULLIS jr. yeoman Peter WHITE both of Dutchess. Bounded No. by Joseph CarsLott 20 ton; So. by Jacob Hoff; E.- by Thomas Soper; W.- by the land of Nine Partners 100 acres Witness: Cyrenious Newcomb, Jonathan Pamer

21. 1:111 May 15,1759 1100

Nicolas TRAVER Mathew SLEGHT Increase mortgage another E100. See 1:96. Witness: John Barnet, John Crimsheir

22. 1:134 Feb. 26,1760 E400 @ 5%

John LEWIS marriner & Elsie Andrew GOTIER carpenter both of NYC. Water Lot 1. subdivision lot 3, Previously purchased by John Lewis from the children of Dirck Ten Eyck dec'd on 10/2/1753. Bounded No. by Water Lott 2; So. by the South bounds of the Water lotts. Witness: Aug. Van Cortlandt, Jacob Rynders

23. 1:140 Jan. 25,1760 E45

Archibald THOMPSON merchant of Livingston Manor Albany Co. Yery KILLMER jr. of Albany. In Second division of Nine 78 acres Partners Witness: John M. Garrak, Margret Parks

Mortgages 24. Nov. 1600 @ 7%


1:149 6,1760

Joseph HARRIS yeoman of Crum Elbow Hon. John CHAMBERS Esq. of NYC. Bond also includes Moses & Daniel Harris. W.- end of Lott 20. Bound So. by Lott 36; W.- by Lott 19; No. by line between Little & Great Nine Partners; E.- by land of Henry Filkins lying in Lott 20. 656 acres Witness: Henry Livingston, Henry Livingston jr.

25. 1:151 Feb. 10,1758 1430

Nicolas TRAVER miller of Nine Partners Philip LOWNHARD yeoman of Rinebeck Lott 12 Bounded So. by Nicolas De Lavergne; No. by John & Peter Van Camp; E.- by Anthony Arnold; W.- by Caleb Mosure. River or pond of Nicolas De Lavergne mentioned; also Silas Deuel mentioned. 70 acres Second parcel 140 acres on So. side of Lantsman's Kill formerly owned by Col. Henricus Beekman. Witness: Nicolas De La Vergne, Richard Snedeker.

26. 1:152 Nov. 18,1760 1300 @ 7%

Daniel BARBER yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC. Lott 30, subdivision 5. (9 lots in all). 979 acres except 200 acres previously sold by Barber to Iccabod Paine & 111 acres sold to David Brown. Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin. Note: sold by chancery sale; see Deeds Liber 6:17. Mortgage satisfied 4/20/ 1774 by Icabod Paine.

27. 1:161 Jan. 20,1761 1100

Jedediah FERRIS yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON gentleman of NYC, Lott 21 Beg. at NW cor. of Lott 20; E.- along lott line; So. to Joseph Reynolds land; W.- to Highway; No. along 94 acres Highway. Joseph Reynolds & Elijah Ferris named in bond. Witness: Jacob Concklin, John Livingston Canc. Liber 2:67

28. 1:162 Mar. 31,1760 123

Charles HAMILTON miner of NYC Reuben Warren THOMPSON merchant of NYC Stephen Herricks of Dutchess sold to 1/4 of mines & Metalick ore to Charles Hamilton 8/26/1759. Witness: James Mills, Martin Burger



29. 1:165 Dec. 20,1760 £24

Reuben Warren THOMPSON Martin HOFFMAN merchant of Dutchess Same as 1:162. Witness: Nicholas Hoffman, Isaac Roosevelt, Martin Burger, Gabriel H. Ludlow

1:168 3,1761

John HARRIS yeoman & Jane of Crum Elbow Helona MC PHAEDRIS of NYC Beg. at SE. cor. of William William's land on the line between Lott 7 & 8; No. to William Beadle; E.- along Beedle's land to Peter Germond; So. by said Germond's land to the Lott 8; W.to beg. 200 acres Witness: R. G. Livingston, Catherine Hude, Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin Cane; Liber 1:200

1:170 31. Feb. 28,1761 £200 @ 7%

Aaron & Thomas HAMMOND yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON gentleman of NYC 1) Bounded No. by the highLott 25 way; E.- Peter Palmer; So. by Lott 26 which was formerly Augustin Creed; W.by the Mountain called Common. 2) Beg. at Ebenezer Cook's SE. cor. adjoining Thomas Hammond's line; So. to John Butt's line; W.- by Butt's land; No. by Joseph Reynolds land to Ebenezer Cook's line; So. by Cook's land 100 acres Witness: Gilbert Livingston, Jacob Concklin

32. Apr. £350

1:185 1,1761

Benjamin BOYCE yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON Bounds No. Joseph Thorn; W.Timothy Devil; So. Jona & Zephaniah Platt; E.- Ebenezer Brigs & the Highway. 100 acres Also adjoining parcel - No. boundry of which is on the Division line. 24 poles Witness: Jacob Concklin Cane; On the reverse side 1/20/1778 & 1/3/1779

33. 1:191 Apr. 10,1761 £625

Ephraim FORGUSON jr. yeoman of CrumElbow Abraham BUYS yeoman of Poghkeensie Water lott 1 & 2. Bounded No. Joseph Mott; E.- Jerimiah Teller; So. lands of Tenick; E.- by Tenick; So. Cornelius Osburn; E.- Joshua Moses; So. JoshuaMoses; W.- Francis Hagaman. 316 acres Cane: Liber 2:156.

30. Jan. £100



34. 1:193 Jan. 14,1761 170 @ 7%

Ebenezer TITUS of Dutchess Henry ROSEKRANS jr. Lott 21. South part. Beg, on the Division line that divides Lott 21 and Cornelia Rutger's land & in line that divides the 2nd & 3rd lot in the subdivision called Roger Sherman's division. Bounds W.- John Weatherland. 100 acres

35. June 1150 @ 7%

1:194 3,1761

Stephen & Zacheus SWIFT yeomen of Crum Elbow Augustus VAN HORNE merchant of NYC Lott 28. Beg. at NE. cor. of Lott 28 running along Division line between Lott 27 & 28. 190 acres Cane: Liber 1:286

36. 1:195 Dec. 19,1760 1132 @ 7%

Henry OSTRUM jr. yeoman of Crum Elbow Henry LIVINGSTON of Poughkeepsie Lott 8 On division line of Lott 7 & 8. Adjoins Dene Ostrum 110 acres Witness: Jacob Concklin Canc: May 2 1771

37. 1:197 Mar. 26,1761 £100 @ 7%

Nathaniel HAMMELL merchant of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 8 Bounded So. John Boolis; W.Newcomb; No. John Harris; E.- Peter Germond, Thomas Bellis. 106 acres

38. 1:205 Oct. 20,1761 1100

Thomas HARVEY of Oblong Martin HOFFMAN of Dutchess Oblong Lott 68 at 4 ch. 1 rod & 14 ft. No. from to the Forty Four mile 80 acres Monument

39. 1:206 Oct. 16,1761 1100

Michael WELLDEN yeoman of Crum Elbow Augustus VAN HORN gentleman of NYC Lott 14 Beg. at Gorus Storm's NE cor. Bounds - No. line of Lott 14. Abraham De Graff named in bond. 93 acres Witness: John DeGraff, James Van Varck Cane: Liber 1:275

40. 1:207 Feb. 23,1762 1700 @ 7%

Samuel JUDSON yeoman of Oblong in Crum Elbow 2 parcels John CHAMBERS Esq. of NYC 1) Bounded So. Uldrich Weniger; E.-Conn. Line.; No. Josaph Clapp; W.- highway. 401 acres 2) Where Sameul Judson's dwelling stands. Bounded So. Wooldrick Winegar; E.- by the open road leading to Judson's house; No. Thomas Woolcut;W.- by the river 48 acres


342 1:211 7,1762

Caleb HAMSON yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Bounded So. & W.- Abraham DeGraff jr. ; No. Garret Van Wagenen; E.- Benjamin Southard & the road. 101 acres Witness: Jacob Concklin, Gilbert Livingston Canc: Liber 2:96

1:212 42. Aug. 26,1761 E50

Hezekiah DODGE yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Bounded E.- Jacob Dean & Lott 5 Nathaniel Souls; So. Jacob Lawrence; 148 acres W. & No. Thamar Dodge. Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin Canc: 4/11/1791

1:213 43. Aug.. 27,1761 1125

James MILLER yeoman of Crum Elbow Helena MC PHEADRIS widow of NYC Beg. at SE cor. William WelLott 7 lens on Lott line between 7 & 8; No. to William Beadles; E.- along Beadles to Peter Germond; So. by Germonds to Lott 8; 200 acres W.- to beg. Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin Canc: Liber L:257

44. June E50 @ 7%

1:215 6,1761

John HAGAMAN yeoman of Crum Elbow Augustus VAN HORNE merchant of NYC Beg. at NE. cor. of Denee Lott 8 Ostrom. Adjoins 181 acre parcel out of which John Hagaman conveyed 110 acres to 71 acres Henry Ostrum on 6/24/1760 Witness: Henry Livingston, Jacob Concklin Canc: Liber 1:276

45. 1:218 Mar. 22,1762 E40 @ 7%

Caleb BROWN farmer of Crum Elbow Martin HOFFMAN of Dutchess Beg. at NE. Lott 19 subdivision lot 5 cor of James Wynous; So. to Joseph Castin to the south line of the Great Lott; E.- to SW. cor. of Thomas Bramen; No. by Beaman to NE. cor. of Braman; No. 130 acres by Enos Mead to beg. Witness: Enos & Jonathan Mead

46. Aug. L265 @ 5%

Richard POST weaver of Charlotte John SEARING of Hemsted, Nassau Lott 11 Land Richard purchased from Samuel Wildy 12/13/1760. Bounded E.Jacob Haight; So. Joseph Clap; W.- Aron Veals; No. Jonathon Holmes. House

41. Apr. E60

1:228 5,1762



included. 100 acres Witness: Lawrence & Geccobe Van Kleek Canc: Liber 3:311 47. 1:234 July 13,1762 1500

Jonas PLATT merchant late of Dutchess now of NYC & Temperance William OGILVES gentleman of NYC Lott 26 Beg. at road that leads up Chestnut Ridge; E.- by Abner Smith; No. by Ebenezer Cook & Joseph Brown; W.- by Joseph Runnels; So. by Samuel Badaley to the road; along highway to beg. 215 acres Cane: 11/11/1774

48. Mar. 1200 @ 7%

1:248 7,1760

Joel GILLET yeoman of Crum Elbow Clear EVERITT Esq. of Poughkeepsie Beg. at Gardner Gillet's NE cor. running 3/4 mile along the highway to a school house; W.- to Howard's cor.; SW. to the Mountains; So. to Mahew; along Mahew's & Gardner Gillet's land 500 acres to beg. Joel Gillet, Daniel Barber, Ichabod Paine & Daniel Brown jointly bound (10/28/1757 in the amount of L600) to Helena Mc Peadres widow NYC

49. 1:249 Oct. 20,1759 1300 @ 7%

Joel GILLET yeoman of Crum Elbow Helena MC PHEADRES widow of NYC Lott 31 Beg. at Jonathon Shepherd at E. side of highway running No.; E.along highway; So. upon highway to Abraham Pain; W. along Pain's; So. upon 250 acres Pain's; W.- to beg.

50. 1:252 Feb. 28,1763 1268

Obed HARVE of Amenia Col. Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck 2 parcels Oblong Lott 68 1) Beg. at W.- line of Lott 68 at SW. cor. of said Lott formerly belonged to 2) Beg. at E.- side Obed Harve. 80 ac. of said Lott at the 44 mile Monument. No. end of Indian Pond & E.- line of Ezeriah Smith & E.- line of L. 68. 43 acres Witness: Harmon Hoffman



1:254 51. Mar. 11,1763 E268

Moses HARRIS of Amenia 5 parCol. Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck cels 22, 24, 24, 174, 112 acs. One piece previously conveyLott 36 ed by Abraham Bocke Esq. to Moses Harris. Another previously conveyed by Henry Bogart Witness: Mary Hoffman, Joel Harvey Cane: Liber 1:291

1:255 52. Nov. 20,1762 E914[?] @ 6%

James ROGERS gentleman of Poughkeepsie late of Rhode Island Simon NEWCOMB of Charlotte On both sides of Filkintown Road, beg. at Joshua Gidney's cor. on Everson's line. Bounded W.- Joshua Gidney; No. William Willings; E.- Zacheus Newcomb; So. Mr. Everson. Nathan Tefft named in 340 acres bond. Witness: Bernard Filkins, James G. Livingston Mortgage assigned: See: Liber 2:224

53. 1:258 Apr. 16,1763 1300

Ezekiel SACKETT blacksmith of Amenia & Abraham WEBBSTER of Rumbout to John CHAMBERS Esq. NYC Beg. SE. cor. of the Oblong Lott 49 Lott. Parcel boundry crossed a highway & was at foot of a mountain. Joseph 122 acres Clapp named in bond. Witness: Henry Livingston, Isaac Van Vainscoten Cane: Liber 3:230

54. Feb. 1221

1:264 2,1763

Stephen JOHNS of Amenia Col. Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck Beg. at NW. cor. of Oblong Lott 66 Lott 66; E.- on No. line of Lott 60 to NE. cor. of Lott 66; W.- paralell with No. & So. line of Lott 60 to W.- line of Lott 66; No. in W.- line of Lott 66 to 154 acres the NW. cor. of Lott. 60.

55. 1:272 May 30,1763 1100

John WADSWORTH farmer of Amenia Jane KNOX gentleman of NYC 2 parcels 1)previously Lott 28 purchased by Wadsworth from Thomas Sherlock. Beg. in a Valley near the Oblong line on the road between Neil Wilcocks & Thomas Sherlock. Adjoins land Jacob Van Dusen sold to Wadsworth. 20 acres 2) Lott 28 at Oblong line near land that Jacob Bensen bought of Peter Thorn. Adjoins land of Joseph Gillet dec'd.

Mortgages Daniel Capel named in bond.

345 55 acres

56. 1:275 Jan. 19,1763 L170 @ 7%

John TRUSDELL of Amenia Martin HOFFMAN of Rhinebeck Oblong Lott 68. Beg. at E.- bounds of surrendered land 44+ chains from Monu80 acres ment at 44th mile. Witness: Stephen Johns, Obed Harvey

57. 1:281 June 7,1763 E100[?]

James BETTS yeoman of Dutchess Thomas ROBERTSON of NYC Bounds W.- Samuel Smith; So. Lott 32 Mr. Blackmore now in possession of Nathan Spicer; E.- Mr. Toper now in possession of Mr. Dailey's family; No. 70 acres Capt. Stephen Hopkins.

58. 1:285, 288 Sept.12,1763 1200 @ 7%

Samuel JONES blacksmith of Charlotte Gerard BEEKMAN gentleman of NYC Bounded W.- David Husted; Lott 25 No. line of Lott 24; E.- Peter Ferris; So. highway & Zebulon Wallbridge. 96 acres Witness: Thomas Fish, Gilbert Burger

59. 1:290 Apr. 20,1763 1310

Daniel BARBER yeoman of Amenia Helena MC PHEADRIS widow NYC Lott 30 (divided into 9 lots) Subdivision Beg. at tree standing on Oblot 5 long line. Exceptions: 200 acres sold by Barber to Icabod Paine. 111 acres sold to 979 acres Daniel Brown. Note: sold by Chancery sale to H. Livingston - See Deeds 6:17.

1:291 60. Nov. 19,1763 1600

Amos GILLET of Nine Partners George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Lott 28 heretofore purchased by John Dutcher of Mordicai Lester & Micah Smith & then conveyed by Dutcher to Joel Gillet father of Amos. Exceptions: 200 acres sold to Mathias Kelly; 185 acres to Thomas Willcox; 50 acres of rough land to Silas Belding; 50 acres to Thomas Wickham all sold by Joel Gillet. Also 6 acres sold by Amos Gillet to Silas Belding.



1:293 61. Nov. 14,1763 1300

Obed HARVEY yeoman of Oblong & Mary George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Beg. at E.- bounds of Oblong Lott 68 the surrendered land at the 44 mile Monument. So. of Lott 68 & pond mentioned. Exception: previously sold 8 acres adjoining the highway leading 230 acres North. Witness: Richard Morris

1:294 62. Nov. 12,1763 11000

Daniel BROWN yeoman of Oblong George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC i of Lott 61 Oblong Lott 61 & Lott 59. Bounded W.- Nine Partners Line; So. Grover Beulls & Barabus Paine; E.- Robert Freeman, No. to the boundry of the NE. 1/8 of Lott 61. Exceptions: 50 acres sold to Benjamin Baker; 2 acres to Barn310 acres abus Paine. Witness: Richard Morris

1:295 63. Nov. 14,1763 1600

Samuel SMITH yeoman Nine Partners George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Beg. at NE, in midline of Lott 32 Lott 32; W. to a Deep Hollow; So. line 240 acres of Lott 31 Witness: Richard Morris

64. 1:296 Nov. 14,1763 1500

Abraham PAYNE jr. yeoman of Nine Partners George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Lott 32 2 parcels 1) Beg, SW, cor, Jonathan Sheperd by the highway; 2)Beg. SW. cor Gardner Gillet; bound E.- by highway; No. by Jeremiah Wells.123 acres Witness: Richard Morris

1:297 65. Nov. 14,1763 1600

Caleb SMITH of Oblong George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 71 2 parcels 1) Beg, NE, cor. of Lott; W.- along Ebenezer Hopkinson's; across Oblong River; E.- along Samuel Eagleton, 2) Oblong Lott 73 Beg. at SW. cor, of Lott 73 where Ebenezer Hopkinson lives; across Oblong River to NW. cor. Joseph Eagleton; adjoins land Josiah Willoughby bought from Cornelius Russell; adjoins Little 46 acres Nine Partners line. Witness: Richard Morris Canc: 3/11/1807



66. 1:299 Nov. 14,1763 1500

Simon WRIGHT yeoman of Amenia George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 63 Beg. NE. cor. Lott 63 Exception: 50 acres sold to Elijah Wheller on W.- side of Highway. 112 acres Witness: Richard Morris

67. 1:300 Nov. 12,1763 11000

Israel BAKER yeoman of Nine Partners George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Beg. on Oblong line at SE, cor. of Ichabod Paine. 110 acres Witness: Richard Morris

68. 1:302 Nov. 12,1763 1250

Friytrum BROWN of Amenia George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Lott 32 Beg. at SW. cor. 150 rods W. of SE. cor. of Lott 32 104 acres Witness: Richard Morris

69. 1:303 Nov. 14,1763 1500

Benjamin JOHNS yeoman of Oblong George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Beg. 2+ chains So, of Oblong Lott 66 44 mile Monument. Exceptions: 154 acres Benjamin Johns sold to his son Stephen; 71 acres sold by Johns to Abell Woods. 500 acres Witness: Richard Morris

70. 1:304 Nov. 21,1763 E600

Daniel BARBER of Nine Partners George FOLLIOTT Lott 30 (divided into 9 lots) Subdivision lot 5. Beg. at E.- cor, of subdivided lot 6 on Oblong line. Exceptions: 200 acres sold to Ichabod Paine; 111 979 acres acres to Daniel Brown Witness: John Livingston

71. 1:305 Nov. 12,1763 E800

Benjamin BENEDICT yeoman of Nine Partners George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Beg, at highway near SW. Lott 34 314 acres cor. of James Smith. Witness: Richard Morris Cane: Liber 2:262

72. 1:306 Nov. 21,1763 E300

Daniel BARBER yeoman of Nine Partners Thomas ROBERTSON merchant of NYC of iron works in Amenia Precinct now in possession of Daniel Barber & William Mitchell Witness: John Livingston



73. 1:307 Nov. 12,1763 1300

Jehosephat HOLMES yeomanof Nine Partners Thomas ROBERTSON merchant of NYC Beg. at SW. cor. of Samuel Lott 31 Smith at So. line of Lott 31; No. to Ebenezer Mayhew; W.- to top of the mountain; So. to south line of Lott 31; E.to beg. 130 acres Witness: George Folliott Cane: Liber 2:262

74. 1:308 Nov. 12,1763 E300

David TRACEY yeoman of Nine Partners Sarah MORRIS widow & Relict of Lewis Morris gentleman dec'd Beg. at NW. cor. of Thomas Whealer dec'd; W.- along Lott 35 line. Adjoins Hopkins & Whealer. 95 acres Witness: George Folliott

75. 1:311 Sept. 5,1763 183

John PENVOR of Amenia Col. Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck 3 parcels in Amenia. 1) tract of land Benjamin Birdsell sold to John Penzor in 1753 & is the left i of 400 acres of Lott 62 Oblong. 2) land Daniel Lewis sold to John Penzor 4/27/1757 adjoining Elisha Philips, Samuel Smith & Bureham. 3) bounded W.- by land formerly belonging to Mr. Flemond; No. Elnathan Goodrich, John Penzor & Daniel Super. 100 acres Witness: Thomas Connor

76. 1:312 Dec. 31,1763 1200

Peter HALLOCK jr. trader of Hoboken, N. J. & Anne Anthony GLEAN carman of NYC Lott 8 Land formerly given to Newcomb Smith by his grandfather Thomas Newcomb Esq. dec'd of Poghkeepsingh which Thomas Newcomb had bought from Henry Filkin Esq. & Isaac Germond Esq. E.- end of Lott 8 being a tract of land Newcomb reserved out of sale to John Bullis. Peter Hallock & Anthony Glean jointly bound to James Jauncy merchant NYC. Peter Hallock jr. secures mortgage with 50 acres received from his father Peter Hallock sr. 150 acres



77. 1:315 Apr. 20,1763 £310 @ 7%

Icabod PAINE yeoman of Amenia Helena MC PHEADRIS widow of NYC Lott 30 NE. cor. of Lott 30 on So. line of Lott 31. NE. to Oblong line 200 acres Witness: Henry & Gilbert Livingston Cane: 4/20/1774

78. 1:316 July 1,1763 £2168

Roswell HOPKINS Esq. of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant NYC Lott 32 Beg, in mid line of Lott 32 & following a line through the lot a little east of the carcart path to NE. cor. of land Simeon Cook bought from Ephraim Lord; E.- to the highway; NE, along highway. 80 acres Witness: Henry & Gilbert Livingston Rosewell & Stephen Hopkins named in bond

79. 1:318 July 1,1763 £2168

Captain Michael HOPKINS of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 32 Beg. at No. side of highway that runs from Stephen Hopkins westerly to Michael Hopkins. Adjoins Mr, John Evinson 80 acres Roswell & Stephen Hopkins named in bond

80. Dec. £300 @ 7%

1:319 1,1763

James FREMAN yeoman of Charlotte Augustus VAN HORNE gentleman of NYC Lott 21 Beg. at SE, cor of Benjamin Lapham. Adjoins Lewis Barton, Joseph Stanton. 156 acres

81. 1:320 Jan. 27,1763 £137 @ 7%

William BEADELL yeoman of Charlott Helena MC PHAEDRIS widow of NYC Lott 7 Bounded E.- Peter Germond; W.- William Welling; No. William Ailing. Cane: 7/17/1778 140 acres Note: marginal note undated - the mortgagee is dead and Robert G. Livingston having married one of her daughters and also an executor"

82. 1:323 Mar. 24,1761 £50 @ 7%

Benjamin WICKHAM blacksmith of CrwnElbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 21 Beg, SE. cor. Israel Brush; NE. by David Sultherland & Alexander Nelson. Elijah Ferris named in bond. 38 acres

83. Mar. £50 @ 7%

Elijah FERRIS yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 21 Adjoins Ephraim Boolock, Enoch Nelson, highway, Smith. 83 acres

1:324 4,1761



1:326 84. Jan. 12,1763 1112

Hugh SMITH yeoman of Hempstead Augustus VAN HORNE gentleman of NYC 1) bounded by Ebe2 parcels Lott 26 nezer Husted & highway 4 acres 2) bounded No. Jermiah Ferris; W. Ebenezer Husted; So. highway & Joseph Denton; E.58 acres Zephaniah Platt. Canc: Liber 2:84

1:327 3,1763

Moses BARLOW yeoman Amenia Augustus VAN HORNE gentleman of NYC Beg. at No. cor. of Lott 28; Lott 28 W.- along Division line between Lott 27 & 28. 190 acres

1:329 86. Mar. 16,1762 190 @ 7%

Ithamar DODGE yeoman of Crum Elbow Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC West quarter of lott as Lott 5 released from Peletiah Soper & wife on 250 acres 3/21/1760 Canc: Liber 2:160

87. 1:332 May 5,1763 11860

Benjamin BOYCE of Dutchess George Willocks LESLIE of NYC & Richard ALSOP IV of Queens Lott 24 or 25[?] Bounded So. assigns of Henry Filkin; E.- John Crooke; No. Jacob Stoutenburg; W.- Lott 12 owned by 1100 acres assigns of William Creed. Witness: Adolph Bras, James Walsh Canc: 6/27/1785 Alsop received 11860.

1:338 88. Oct. 18,1763 1250

Jeremiah WILTSE yeoman of Bateman Manuel MYERS merchant of NYC Bounded So. Lott 36; Lott 20 east i W.- remaining of Lott 20 now in possession of Joseph Harris; No. Little Nine Partners line; E.- Oblong Patent. 650 acres Witness: Benjamine Helme, John Crimshier

89. 1:345 Apr. 24,1761 1185

Jonas GARISON cordwainer of Westchester Zachariah GERRENRYK cordwainer of Dutchess Water Lott 2 Formerly resided at by Z. Gerrenryk. Bounded: So. Water Lott 1; E.- William Dec'd; No. Water Lott 3; W.Abraham Buys 140 acres Witness: Abigal Archeo, Joshua Moses.

85. June 1172 @ 7%



90. Apr. E280 @ 7%

1:348 2,1764

John WILLSON shopkeeper of Amenia Peter BOGARDUS of Rombout & Francis BOGARDUS of Beekman Lott 34 Late purchased by Willson from Ely Reynolds being part of Lott of land formerly owned by Elisabeth Johnson widow of NYC. House & buildings referred to. Bounded: on the road & adjoins Daniel Wright's south Line. 4 acres

91. Mar. 1127

1:350 9,1764

Nathan WHEELER of Amenia Col. Martin HOFFMAN Rinebeck Oblong Lott 63 3 parcels 1) Beg. SE, cor. Lott - 106 acres. 2) Bounded So, Elisha Gilbert; W.- & No. John King 44 acres. 3) Beg. SE. cor. Simon Wright. - 2 acres. Witness: Hendrick Scholdes, Henry Lasker, Harrman Hoffman,

92. 1:352 Mar, 23,1764 1206

Caleb SMITH yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Bounded So. Jonathon Hoag Lott 4 Witness: Henry Livingston sr, 100 acres & jr

93, 1:356 Sept.29,1763 E600

Benjaamin HICKS yeoman of Queens James JAUNCY merchant of NYC 805 acres Lott 16 West 1/4 of Lott

2:1 94. Dec. 23,1763 E217

Elisha GILBERT of Oblong Col. Martin HOFFMAN 1) NorthernOblong Lott 61 2 parcels most half of 1/18 of Lott 61. Previously owned by Cornelius Flemen of Rye, Bounded: No. Nathan Wheeler & John King; So. Rufus Herrick & Robert Freeman. (whole of Lott 61 = 500 acres.) 2) Lott 62 one tenth of Lott

2:1 95. May 10,1764 E670

Moses HARRIS of Amenia Col. Martin HOFFMAN of Rhynbeck Lott 36 4 parcels parcel location 1. 1/3 of 1/4 2. part of subdiv. lot 2 all subdiv. lot 3 3. 4. all subdiv. lot 4 prey. owner John Sackett 1. 2. Abr. Bockee 3. - - - 4. Henry Bogart Witness: Anthony Hoffman

acres 350 72 112 112



96. May L350 @ 7%

2:3 1,1764

Samuel DOTY surveyor of Amenia Peter MIDDLETON M.D. Oblong Lott 50 Beg. on Oblong line 130 acres at Bumps NE cor.

97. May L120

2:5 8,1761

Timothy LANGDON of Dutchess Jeremiah WILTSIE yeoman of Dutchess Bounded No. David SoutherLott 20 land; W.- Thomas Soper; So. Jacob Huff; E.- Thomas Soper. Near a creek. 100 acres

98. June L200

2:9 7,1763

Moses SMITH yeoman of Amenia Benjamin BENEDICT yeoman of Dutchess Lott 34 2 parcels 1) beg. SE. cor. Nathan Mead jr. Along Highway. 79 acres 2) E.- side of highway near Widow Uriue Wheeler's house in No. line of Lott 34 & So. along Oblong Line. 13 acres Witness: Roswell Hopkins

99. 2:15 May 28,1764 L500

John KING yeoman of Dutchess George FOLLOITT merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 63 Adjoins Simon Wright, Job Porter, Ca. Henman, highway. Elisha Gilbert & Josia Brown named in bond. Witness: John Hamilton jr. 100 acres

2:16 100. Apr. 28,1764 E500

William ROBERTS yeoman of Dutchess George FOLLOITT merchant NYC Lott 32 Adjoins John Evertson, Stephen Hopkins, Samuel Smith, Timothy Mead, Stephen Kene, brook, highway. Abraham Paine jr., James Betts & Benjamin Corey named in bond. 280 acres Witness: James Stewart

2:17 1,1764

Samuel MC CORD yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 8 Beg. SW. cor. of John Germond; W.- along Lott line. Bounded No. Bernardus Filkin; W.- John Bullis; E.Fradrick Straight, Obediah Griffen; So. Peter Hallock. Zacheus Newcomb named in bond. 150 acres Canc: Liber 3:158

102. 2:18 May 12,1764 196 @ 7%

Othniel ALLEN yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 5 east end of subdivision lot 3. Beg. NE. cor. then So. 40 chains to Wappingus Creek. 140 acres Cane: 12/3/1778

101. May L100



2:21 5,1764

Samuel KING yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 32 Beg. at SE. cor. of Lott 32. Adjoining Ephraim Grisel, Stephen Hopkins, Oblong line. Exception: 100 acres sold by King to Thurston Brown. Canc: 1/20/1774 200 acres

104. 2:21 July 24,1764 £62 @ 7%

Peter FILKIN of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 13 - subdivision lot 2 Beg. NW. cor. of said land by the Mill Brook that leads from Isaac Filkins' Grist Mill. Bounded W.- by mill brook; So. other lands of Isaac Filkin & Jacob Sharpstone; E.- Jacob Sharpstone & Isaac Filkin; No. Isaac Filkin. 70 acres

105. 2:23 July 11,1764 £117 @ 7%

James MEAD taylor of Charlotte Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck Lott[?] West of land Zebulon Mead bought from his brother Timothy Mead. Beg. SW. cor. of Thomas Soper; No. to Lott 19; E.- by said Lott to NW cor. of other lands of Zebulon Mead; So. to 200 acres Isaac Germond. Witness: Anthony Hoffman

2:24 106. June 11,1764 £63

Zebulon MEAD of Charlotte Col. Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck Lott[?] of land Zebulon purchased from his brother Timothy Mead. Beg. at NW. cor. of Daniel Panderson. Adjoining Panderson, Amos Thompson, Isaac Germond, Thomas Soper, Lott 19 on North, 400 acres Witness: Anthony Hoffman Canc: 4/23/1774 by Nicholas Hoffman exec. for Martin Hoffman dec'd

107. 2:29 Oct. 10,1764 £200

David TRAVER yeoman of Charlotte Richard ALSOP IV gentleman of Newton, Queens Lott 1 farm 2 Beg. at Joseph Traver SE. cor.; So. to Top of the Hill called Offenbergh[?]; No, to division between Alsop & Jacobus Stoutenbergh; W.- along div. line to Joseph Traver NE. cor.; along his farm to beg. Exception: 13 314 acres acres. Witness: Adam Tipple, Johan George Marqouart. Canc: Liber 2:64

103. May £121 @ 7%



108. 2:30 Nov. 28,1764 1250

Jacob LAWRENCE farmer of Charlotte & Mary Nathaniel BETHELL mariner of NYC Lott #1 of Great Lott 60[?] on Jacobus 327 acres Terbos map. Witness: Bartholomew Crannell Canc: 12/5/1787

2:32 8,1764

John COOKE yeoman of Charlotte Adam TIPPLE of Rhinebeck Lott 1 farm 3 Beg. at David Traver SE. cor. ; No. along Traver to div. line bet. Richard Alsop & Jacobus Stoutenbergh; along div. line to west branch of Wappingers Creek a bridge; down creek So. Also £240 to be paid to Richard Alsop IV 421 acres & £200 to Catherine Ackert.

110. 2:37 Aug, 14,1764 1300 @ 7%

Josiah BROWN yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 57 2 parcels 1) beg. at SW. 37 rods So. of the 40 mile Monument. 67 acres 2) Oblong Lott 55 Beg. at W. line of Oblong 45 chains So. of the 40 mile Monument. Bounded W.- by Nine Partners; So. & E.- by Miles Washbon; No. by said Josiah Brown. Martin named in the bond. 15 acres

111. Apr. £350 @ 7%

James MOTT yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC 2 parcels 1) Bounded No. Joseph Thorn & Timothy Devill; So. Jonas & Zephaniah Platt; E.- Ebenezer Brigs & highway. 100 acres 2) adjoins the first. 24 poles Cane: Liber 3:149

109. Dec. £100

2:38 1,1764

112. 2:39 Oct. 10,1764 1124 @ 7%

Miles WASHBURN yeoman of Amenia Augustus VAN HORNE gentleman of NYC Oblong Lott 57 - the NW 1/4. Bounded W.Nine Partners; No. land that was formerly Daniel Townsend's; E. & So. Cornelius Flemmings. 15 acres Witness: Henry Livingston See Liber 3:111 July 2, 1771 assigned to John Clapp, Kingston, Conn. by Van Horne for 1152.



113. Dec. 1210

2:42 1,1764

Samuel ALGER yeoman of Amenia Samuel KING, Benjamen BENEDICT Lott 31 Beg. NW. cor. of that which Samuel Smith bought of John Howard now in possession of Benjamin Carey. Cyrus Alger named in Bond. 103 acres Witness: Joseph Diekenson

114. Apr. E194

2:46 4,1765

Andrew DOWNER & Mary Mary WALTON jr of NYC Lott 33 Beg. at NE. cor. of Lott; No. along Lott line. Bounded No. Stephen Hopkins; W.- Jedediah Dewey & Nathan Mead; So. John Everson & Barnabas Paine; E.- Grover Buels. Job Mead included in bond. 139 acres Witness: Charles Doughty

115. Apr. E200

2:47 8,1765

Gardner GILLET of Amenia Mary WALTON & Mary WALTON jr. NYC Lott 31 Beg. in No. line of Lott 31. Exception: 60 acres in So. part of Land which Gardner Gillet previously sold to Samuel Gillet. Elijah Tomson named in bond. Also another 1100 bond to Mary Dalton jr. This bond formerly executed by Gardner Gillet & Jehosephat Holmes on 5/26/1762. 150 acres

116. Apr. 1,100

2:48 4,1765

Joseph GRAY Mary DALTON jr. Lott 35 Beg. on Oblong line. Bounded No. Jonathan Swane; W.- Solvanus Willcocks; So. Benj. Tyler; E.- Oblong line. Previous bond 5/26/1762 executed by Joseph Gray, Moses Buck, John King, & 30 acres Simeon Wright. Witness: Charles Doughty

117. Apr. t150

2:49 9,1765

Elijah PHELPS of Little Nine Partners Mary WALTON of NYC Oblong Lott 60 - south part Exception: 45 acres on E.- side of lot Elijah sold to Samuel Willson. Previous bond executed 6/15/1759 by Elijah Philips, Miles 180 acres Washborn & Abraham Paine. Witness: Charles Doughty



118. Apr. 1142

2:50 4,1765

Benjamin BAKER Mary WALTON Beg. at Robert FreeOblong Lott 61 man's NE. cor. Adjoining Daniel Luce & recently laid road, Daniel Smith, Daniel Freeman. Previous bond executed 8/14/ 1760 by Benjamin Baker, Israel Baker, 50 acres David Tracey. Witness: Charles Doughty

119. Apr. 1186

2:51 8,1765

John ADAMS jr. of Amenia Mary DALTON Beg, at cor. of Miles Oblong Lott[7] Washburn. Adjoins Joseph Blackman, Joseph Adams, Oliver Crocker. Previous bond executed 12/17/1764 by John Adams jr., Stephen Johns & Joseph Blackmore. 80 acres Witness: Charles Doughty

120. Apr. 1100

2:51 6,1765

Ephraim WILCOCKS of Amenia Mary WALTON jr. NYC Beg. at SE. cor, of Lott on Lott 35 Oblong line. Bounded W.- by Stoutenburrough; No, Tyler; E.- Oblong line; So. Hopkins & widow Wheeler. Previous bond 5/27/1762 executed by Ephraim Wilcocks, Benjamin Tyler, Zaccheus Wilcocks to said Mary by the name of Mary Dalton 60 acres widow. Witness: Charles Doughty

121. Apr. 1164

2:52 8,1765

Eliphalet WHEELER of Amenia Mary WALTON of NYC Lott[7] 3 parcels 1) previously owned by Elihu Curtise. Beg. at Thomas Corwersis SW. Adjoins W.- line of Oblong 50 acres. 2) Previously owned by Elijah Wheeler in Oblong Lott 63. Adjoins highway, land Nathan Wheeler bought of Daniel Porter - 42 acres. 3) North end of land Nathan Wheeler bought of Daniel Porter - 4 acres. Previous bond 6/1/ 1761 executed by Eliphalet Wheeler, Nathan Wheeler & Elijah Wheeler. Witness: Charles Doughty

122. Apr. 1114

2:53 5,1765

Elisha CLEVLAND of Amenia Mary DALTON jr. NYC Lott 31 subdivision Lot 4 2 parcels 1) Beg. SE. cor. of Lott 31 in the south line of Lott 31; W.- along Line to the top of an island in a great swamp on the W.- side of a great brook. Bounded So. Lott 30; W.- Josiah Clevland; No.-



Josiah Clevland & Joseph Skinner; E.Skinner. 2) Bounded So. by Lott 30; W.Johosophat Holmes; No. & E.- Josiah Clevland. 106 acres Witness: Charles Doughty 123. Apr. 1128

2:54 4,1765

Nathan MEAD jr. Mary WALTON Lott[?] Previously owned by widow Johnson. Beg. at NE. cor. of land formerly owned by Aaron Buck now Martin Dewey. Adjoining Martin Dewey, Benjamin Denton, Capt. Stephen Hopkins, Joseph Gates. James Pike mentioned in bond. 107 acres Witness: Charles Doughty

124. 2:57 Apr. 25,1765 197

Thomas BRAMAN yeoman of Charlotte Col. Martin HOFFMAN of Rynbeck Lott 19 subdivision 5 2 parcels 1) previously conveyed by John Wall to Bramen 2/7/1761. Adjoins Caleb Brown, Timothy Brown, Enos Mead, 70 acres 2) previously conveyed by Caleb Brown to Bramen 4/3/1765. Adjoins Zebulon Mead, Daniel & Isreal Levin, Caleb Brown. Witness: Anthony Hoffman 52 acres Canc: 12/30/1774

125. 2:59 Feb. 12,1765 E130 @ 7%

Valentine PERKINS yeoman of New Paltz William FIELD gentleman of NYC Lott 18 - subdivision lot 11 Bounded W.- Thomas Brown & Jonathon Latham; No. Little Nine Partners Line; E.- John 171 acres Fiske. Canc: Liber 3:157 Note: Sometime after 1765 mortgage assigned to French Church in Dutchess.

126. Apr. 1150

Isaac LAMB of Amenia Thomas, Abraham & Gerard WALTON NYC Oblong Lott 57 Beg. at 37 rods So. of 40 mile Monument. Exception: parcel sold by Lamb to Josiah Brown on 12/14/ 1762. Daniel Brown named in bond. Witness: Charles Doughty 100 acres

2:60 6,1765

127. 2:61 May 24,1765 1201 @ 6%

John BURR yeoman of Amenia Richard ALSOP gentleman of Newton, Queens Lott 35 - NE. cor. of Lott. Bounded No. Lott 36; E.- Oblong; So. by land bargained away by Alsop to John Way. Witness: Zaccheus Willcocks 100 acres



2:64 128. May 30,1765 E210

David TREVER yeoman of Charlotte Adam TIPPLE yeoman of Rinebeck Lott 1 farm 2. Description same as 2:29. Adam Tipple & David Trever jointly bound to Philip Londert of Rinebeck for E100 at 5%. Trever bound to Alsop for E110 at 7%. Cane: 6/7/1795[?] to David Trever jr.

2:65 5,1765

Martin BARLOW of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 45 SW. cor. Called Colden's Lott formerly sold to Moses Barton. Includes i of land Clear Everitt conveyed to Nathan Barlow & Moses Barlow 1/20/ 1757 as recorded in Deeds- Liber D: 142144. Daniel Castle named in earlier bond (2/28/1761).

2:66 130. May 15,1765 1150 @ 7%

Jedediah FERRIS yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Lott 25 (commonly called the Filkintown Beg. at E.- side of a Fresh MeadLot) ow which is Joseph Soper's NW. cor. Bounded No. Lott 24; W.- Jones & John Reynolds III; So. John Reynolds III; E.68 acres Joseph Reynolds.

131. 2:69 June 25,1765 E339

Simon NEWCOMB of Charlott Samuel THOMPSON jr. of Amenia Lott 20 Beg. at NE. cor Lott 20 on the line between Charlotte & Amenia; W.to NE. cor. of Amos Thompson; So. by Amos Thompson & Joseph Sackett's land; E.- by Samuel Thompson jr. crossing a highway; to Division between Charlotte & Amenia; No. on this line to beg. 144 acres

132. Aug. 1133 @ 7%

Daniel SOUTHWICK of Charlotte Augustus VAN HORNE merchant NYC Lott 26 2 parcels Both adjoin highway. Bounded No. Jermiah Ferris; W,Ebenezer Husted; So. highway & Joseph Denton; E,- Zephaniah Platt. 4 & 58 acres

129. Feb. 1200 @ 7%

2:77 7,1765



133. 2:77 June 13,1765 E100 @ 7%

Joseph VAN AMBERG blacksmith of Charlotte Henry ROSEKRANS jr. of Rumbout Lott 18 Beg. at NW. cor. of subdivision lot 10 as subdivided by Benjamin Boys, Jonathan Lapham & John Fish; So. to Seth Fisher's NW. cor.; E.- along Fisher's to Joseph Namans. 98 acres Cane: Liber 3:71

134. 2:78 June 1,1763 E2168

Stephen HOPKINS of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON Lott 32 Beg. at W.- side of highway on Roswell Hopkins line; No. along highway; W.- along Michael Hopkins; No. to Division line between Lott 31 & 32; along Division line & William Robarts to Widow Cooke. Stephen, Roswell & Michael Hopkins named in bond to Livingston. 366 acres

135. 2:83 July 16,1764 E52 @ 7%

Francis DE LONG yeoman of Charlotte Augustus VAN HORNE gentleman of NYC Lott 8 Part of tract that Joshua Gedney bought from Adonijah Newcomb. Beg. at So. side of road. Joshua Gedney named in bond. 25 acres Witness: Henry Livingston

136. Aug. E173

2:84 2,1765

Elisha CLEVELAND yeoman of Crum Elbow Elias DESBROSES merchant of NYC 2 parcels Lott 31 1) Beg. NE. cor. of road. 2) Beg. at SE. cor. in So. line of Lott 31. Mentions Top of an Island in a Great Swamp & NE. cor. of land Josiah Cleveland bought from John Harris. Bounded So. Lott 30; W.- Josiah Cleveland; No. Josiah Cleveland & Joseph; E.- Joseph Skinner. 36 & 1??] acres

137. July 1325

2:86 4,1765

Samuel TITUS cooper of Charlotte Israel WOOD & Isaac KETCHUM of Huntington Lott 20 Beg. at SW. cor. of Lott 19, E.- to middle of Wappinger Cr. ; then So. 228 acres



2:87 138. June 18,1765 155 @ 5%

James SCOTT cordwainer of Charlotte Simon KOOL of Rynbeck On Fish Creek. Bounded No. Caleb & Justice Nelson; E.- Nine Partners; So. John Nelson; W.- Fish Creek 100 acres Witness: Martin & Anthony Hoffman Cane: 2/11/1787

2:90 139. Aug. 24,1765 1481

Samuel THOMPSON jr. yeoman of Charlotte & Sarah Anne CHAMBERS widow of NYC 1) Beg. in So. Lott 34 2 parcels line of Lott 34 by E.- side of a Country Road; E.- to another Highway. 176 acres Bounded So. Lott 33; W.- a Country road & James Kinney; No. James Kinney; E.Daniel Harris 2) adjoins So. line of Samuel ThompJames Kinney. 10 acres son Sr. named in bond. Canc: Liber 3:93

2:98 140. Sept.16,1765 179 @ 7%

Josiah TRAVIS yeoman of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC 1) adjoins creek & 2 parcels meadow. 60 acres. 2) Adjoins Joseph Southard, Abraham De Graaf, Gerret Van Wagenen & John Brush. 43 acres

2:99 141. July 26,1765 1120 @ 7%

Uldrick WINNEGAR yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 45 Lately owned by Dr. Colden now in possession of U. Winnegar. Bounded So. Ephraim Seely; W.- Nine Partners line; No. Clap; E.- Brown. Ashbel Goodrich named in bond. 100 acres Witness: Henry Livingston jr.

142. 2:107 Mar. 14,1767 1100 @ 7%

Samuel JONES blacksmith of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Bounded No. Filkentown line, Lott 24 John Crook, Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph; W.- Isaac Boyce; SW.- Benjamin Boyce; So. David Husted; E.- Samuel Jones. 67 acres

2:112 143. Mar. 8,1764 11000

Isaac TELLER of Dutchess Ann Elizabeth SCHUYLER widow of NYC 2 parcels Staatsburgh Lotts 4 & 11 1) Lott 4 Bounded No. Lott 3: So. Lott 5; W.- Hudson River; E.- division line 202 acres between front & rear lots. 2) Lott 11 Bounded No. Lott 10; So. Lott



5; E.- Crum Elbow Hill; W.- division line between the front & rear lots 236 acres Cane: Liber 3:54 144. Apr. 1125

2:114 6,1767

John FORD of Amenia David JOHNSON merchant NYC Lott 32 Bounds W.- widow Johnson & Crook; So. Iron Works river & the highway; E.- James Smith & Abraham Adams; No. Adams & Deliverance Bell. Thomas Dickenson adjoins NW. cor (land he bought from James Smith). 54 acres Cane: no date

145. Apr. 1160

2:115 6,1767

Stephen KINNE of Amenia David JOHNSON merchant NYC Lott 32 Beg. in W.- line of Lott 32, 13i rods No. of John Ford's NW. cor.; E.- along Kinne's & Abraham Adam; No. to a brook. 113 acres Cane: 4/14/1792

146. Mar. £200 @ 7%

2:118 6,1767

Pelitiah SOPER yeoman of Charlotte Anne CHAMBERS widow of NYC Beg. at Samuel Jackson's Lott 16 cor. on Lott line 16; No. to Bokees cor. Cane: 11/18/1783 573 acres

147. 2:120 Apr. 20,1767 1127

George SOULE yeoman of Charlotte Jacob MOTT yeoman Queens Lott 25 subdivision Lot 3. Beg. at So. side of the highway that runs through the middle of Lott 25. Adjoins Peter Palmer & Christian Tobias. 60 acres Cane: Liber 3:73

148. 2:121 Apr. 21,1767 £83

Benjamin SOULE yeoman of Charlotte Jacob MOTT yeoman Queens Lott 15 Beg. at NW. cor. of land Stephen Hicks bought of Jacobus Stoutenburgh at a pond; W.- to NW. cor. of Lott 15. Bounded No. Peter Elmandorph; E,JacobusStoutenburgh; all other sides by 12 acres Stephen Hicks.

149. 2:122 Apr. 24,1767 11040

William ROBARTS yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC 1) adjoins John Lott 32 2 parcels Everson, Stephen Hopkins; Samuel Smith, Timothy Mead, Stephen Kinne, a brook & 280 acres highway. 50 acres 2) adjoins brook. Mentions several earlier obligations


Mortgages between Wm. Robarts & Livingston together with 1) Isaac Burton, 2) Abraham Adams, 3) Reuben Squire, Levi Cracher, Benjamin Benedict, 4) Abraham Paine, Moses Lilly.

2:124 150. Apr. 24,1767 1167

Abraham PAINE jr. yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC 1) beg. at SW. Lott 31 2 parcels cor. Jonathan Shepard by the highway, 15 acres 2) beg. at SW. cor. Gardiner Gillet. Adjoins highway. Wm. Robarts, Moses 123 acres Lilly mentioned in bond.

151. 2:125 Mar. 14,1767 160 @ 7%

Enos NORTHROP yeoman of Dutchess Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant NYC Lott 25 1) adjoins highway, William Palmer, John Benney. This is the land Wallbridge & Northrop bought of Johamiah Palmer. 39 acres Cane: 12/5/1794

152. 2:126 May 22,1767 1145

Stephen HICKS yeoman of Charlotte Hendrick SCHENK of Charlotte Bounded No. Benjamin Soule & Peter Elmendorph dec'd; Jacobus Stoutenburgh; So. Stephen Hicks; W.- Jonathan Hoag. This is No. end of farm Hicks bought from Stoutenburgh. 60 acres Cane: Liber 3:230 Earlier obligation bet, these two parties for 172 dated 3/26/1765,

153. 2:128 May 12,1767 1108

Joseph HEAGEMAN yeoman of Dutchess Hendrick SCHENK of Dutchess Lott 8 At Division line bet. Lott 8 & 9. Beg. at E.- side of Wappingers & Mills of Hendrick Schenk, Richbill Williams & Heageman had this obligation earlier with Johannes Acker of Staatsburg dates May [?], 1765. 100 acres

154. July E40

Elisha CLEVELAND of Amenia Icabod PAINE of Amenia Lott 31 Beg. at NE. cor. by the road near the house where Abraham Paine jr. lives. A Hockey Hill or mountain is mentioned. 140 acres

2:130 8,1767



155. 2:131 July 12,1767 E349

William ROBERTS yeoman of Amenia Levinius CLARKSON merchant of NYC Lott 32 Beg. at NW. cor. adjoining a brook & John Everson; W.- to Stephen Hopkins; So. to Samuel Smith; W.- to Timothy Mead. Adjoins highway & Stephen Kenne. 280 acres

156. 2:132 July 12,1767 E349

Elisha CLEVELAND yeoman of Amenia Levinius CLARKSON merchant of NYC Lott 31 3 parcels 1) beg. at NE, cor by the Road. 36 acres 2) Beg. at SE. cor. in So. line of Lott 31. Adjoins 1st parcel. Mentions an Island in a Great Swamp & Abraham Paine jr.[Tflacres 3) adjoins the 1st parcel. Beg, at SW. cor. boundry of land Josiah Cleveland bought of John Harris. William Roberts, Abraham Paine jr. & James Betts named in bond. 104 acres

157. 2:133 July 12,1767 1349

James BETTS yeoman of Amenia Levinius CLARKSON merchant of NYC Lott 32 Beg. at W.- bank of a Brook on So. side of highway 16 rods E.- of Capt. Michael Hopkins house. Abraham Paine jr., William Roberts & Elisha 7 acres Cleveland named in bond.

158. 2:134 July 12,1767 1349

Abraham PAINE jr. Levinius CLARKSON merchant NYC Beg. at SW. cor. of Gardiner Lott 31 Gillet. Bounded W.- Jehosaphat Holmes; So. Elisha Cleveland: E.- Elisha Cleveland & highway; No. David Shepard & Gardiner Gillet. William Roberts, James Betts & Elisha Cleveland named in bond. 140 acres

159. 2:135 July 12,1767 E70

Gardiner GILLET yeoman of Amenia Levinius CLARKSON Lott 31 Beg. on No. line of Lott 31, Exception: 60 acres of So. part of tract Gardiner Gillet sold to Samuel Gillet, 150 acres

2:144 9,1764

John DIDS gentleman of Kattskill, Albany RECTOR & INHABITANTS OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND of NYC of Lott 36 Lott 36 Subdivision 3 = (Lott 36 = 3497 ac.) Beg, at SW. cor, of Lott 35 Witness: John Roade & Sydonham Thorne

160. June L600


364 2:145 161. Oct. 30,1767 E300 @ 7%

Zacheus NEWCOMB yeoman of Charlotte Anne CHAMBERS of NYC widow Part of land Thomas Newcomb Lott 8 purchased from Isaac Germond & Henry Beg. on No. side of road Filkins Esq. from Filkentown to Poghkeepsie. Adjoins John Everson on So.; another 200 acre lot Zacheus Newcomb purchased from 200 acres Azaniah Newcomb. Cane: Liber 3:43

2:145 5,1767

Rezen GEER cordwainer of Charlotte Leonard VAN KLEECK of Poughkeepsie Beg. at W. side of the Water Lott I Kings Road in William Gay's No. line. li acres Canc: Liber C:114

2:146 163. Nov. 24,1767 1390

Samuel SMITH jr. yeoman Dutchess George HALLOCK merchant NYC Beg. in the W.- side of Lott 31 the highway on top of the Mountain on the Division line between Lott 31 & 32. Refers to Penal Bill 11/20/1767 given by Samuel Smith jr., Abraham Paine jr., Simion Wright & Amos Moor to George Fol5 acres liott.

2:147 164. Nov. 21,1767 1390

Samuel SMITH jr. of Dutchess George FOLLIOTT merchant NYC Part of lot Samuel Smith jr. of Sharon, Conn. bought from Cornelius Van Wyck. Adjoins Samuel Algar, Holmes Mayo & Joel Gillet. Land previously sold by Samuel Smith of Sharon to John Howard & Howard sold it to Samuel Smith jr. on 6/9/1761. Abraham Paine jr., Simion Wright & Amos Moor named in 300 acres bond.

165. 2:148 Dec. 18,1767 1220

Samuel TITUS of Charlott Silvus[?] TITUS of Menia Beg. SW. cor. Lott 19. Lott 20. Bounded No. Timothy Huntly, Elijah Brownen, Richard Bullock; E.- middle of Wappingers Creek; So. Jacob Cronkhite; W.228 acres M. T. Lipenard. Witness: Jonathan Reynolds

162. Nov. 1144



166. 2:149 Nov. 18,1767 1317

Samuel PUGSLEY of Crum Elbow Charles WILLIAMS Esq. of NYC Lott 21 subdivision Lot 9 of subdivision made by Roger Sherman in 1748. SE. cor, of Lott. Bounded No. Samuel Pugsley; So. Charles Crooke; W.- late of Micah & Isaac Smith; Exception: 50 acres conveyed by Pugsley to Caleb Morry, 228 acres Canc: 11/16/1800

2:150 167. Oct. 20,1765 1600

Samuel KING yeoman of Amenia George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Lott 32 Formerly purchased from Tristam Brown & Hezekiah by King. On line between Lott 31 & 32. Adjoins Ephraim Griswold. Benjamin Benedict & Wright Hopkins mentioned in previous bond. Canc: Liber 2:262

168. 2:153 Jan. 27,1768 1235

Benjamin BENEDICT yeoman of Amenia Honourable Roger MORRIS Esq. of NYC 1) Bounded W.2 parcels Lott 35 Jonathan Fish; No. Joel Thurston; E.Jacobus Stoutenburgh; So. Oliver Smith, 72 acres 2) Bounded No. Richard Alsop; E.- Stoutenburgh; W.- highway. 61 acres Eldad Curtiss mentioned in bond, Witness: Icabod Paine Canc: Liber 3:79

2:156 6,1768

Elias DOTY yeoman of Charlotte James JOHNCEY Esq. of NYC Doty bought from Benjamin Lott 16 Hicks. Beg. at SW. cor. Lott 16. 429 acres

2:158 170. Oct. 20,1765 1116

Silvanus WILLCOCKS yeoman of Amenia Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Charlotte Bounded So. Benjamin Tyler; Lott 34 E.- Joseph Gray; No. Alsop; W.- widow 70 acres Welenrn Cane: 1/18/1777 by John Stoutenburgh exec. for Jacobus Stoutenburgh

171. June 1971

Aaron BUCK yeoman of Canaan, Conn. Richard ALSOP gentleman Newton, Queens Bounded So. Benjamin Yale; E, Lott 35 & So. Benjamin Benedict; E.- Alsop & Wilcocks; No. Brush; W.- Crooke. Benjamine Benedict, John Hinmen & Robert 230 acres Willson named in bond. Witness: John Hinmean

169. Apr. 1300 @ 7%

2:161 7,1768


366 172. 2:162 Apr. 15,1768 150 @ 5%

Charles TREAVER yeoman of Charlotte Eve TRAVER of Rinebeck widow & relict of Henry Traver Lott [?] Bounded No. Joost Garrison 117 acres Cane: Liber 4:368

173. 2:169 May 13,1768 1240

Stephen HICKS of Charlotte Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Charlotte at SW. cor. of Lott. Adjoins Lott 15 Peter Elmondes Elmendorph & a pond. Bounded W.- Jonathan Hoag; E.- Jacobus Stoutenburgh; No. heirs of Elmendorph; 176 acres So. David Johnson. Witness: Samuel Rowland

174. 2:173 July 22,1768 11117

Nicholas DE LAVERGNE Esq. of Charlotte Theodorus VAN WYCK of Rumbout & Richard VAN WYCK exec. of Cornelius VAN WYCK dec'd Lott [?] 2 parcels 1) Bounded So. Aaron Haight; W.- Caleb Haight; No. John Van Camp & Nicholas Traver; E.- road & Timothy Trip. 206 acres 2) Lott 31 Bounded E.- Oblong line; So. heirs of John De Graaf; W.- Van Wyck; No. Lott 32. 1106 acres Witness: Reuben Hopkins

175. 2:174 Oct. 6,1766 11050

Abraham SCHENK yeoman of Buswick, Kings Co. & Elsie Hendrick & Peter SCHENK of Milston, East New Jersey yeoman Lott 8 2 parcels 1) beg. at W.- side of Great Wappingers Kill near the South post of the Grate Bridge near the Mill House. Adjoins Wappingers Creek & Everson. 2 acres 2) Beg. at South post of Grate Bridge. Adjoins the first parcel. 31 acres Hendrick & Peter Schenk became bound for Abraham to the following; 1) Charles Mc Evans, 2) Ann Waddle & 3) Zacharias Sickels. Witness: Paul Schenk

176. Feb. 1346

Abraham SCHENK Esq. of Bushwick, Kings Co. & Elsie Peter & Henry jr. REMSEN of NYC Lott 8 Bounds E.- Wappinger Creek; So. Jacob Everson; W.- Adrian VanEnde & the road; No. Joseph Hegeman & John Ostrum. 75 acres Peter & Henry Remsen provide security for Abraham to widow

2:175 5,1768



Ann Chambers of NYC. Witness: David Seebury Canc: Liber 3:5 177. Nov. £250

2:178 4,1768

Elisha GILBERT yeoman of Amenia George HARRISON Esq. of NYC Oblong Lott 62 2 parcels 1) in NE. cor. of Lott. Sold to E. Gilbert by Benjamin Birdsall of Rye 1/20/1752. Except 16 acres sold by Gillet to Josiah Fuller. Refers to House, Shop, & parcel of Land. ? acres 2) where Elisha Gilbert now lives formerly mortgaged to Col. Hoffman. Bounded No. Col. Hoffman; E.- by parcel described above; So. Robert Johnson; W.- cross road. On other side of road bounded No. John King & Elijah Wheeler; E,- the cross road; So. Daniel Brown; W.- Joshua Lyon. Daniel Brown & John King named in earlier bond to Harrison. Witness: Richard Harrison Cane: 12/7/1773 by James Harrison adm. to George Harrison.

178. 2:180 Nov. 15,1768 £226

George RIM tile maker of Charlotte & Barbary John BARD Practitioner in Physick of NYC (Hyde Park Lot 5) Beg, E.- side of Hudson 215 acres Witness: Peter Valleau

179. 2:181 Nov. 15,1768 £200

Luuis LAZEIRE cordwainer of Charlotte & Ann John BARD Practitioner in Physick of NYC (Hyde Park) Lot 2 Beg. at SW. cor of Thomas Banker; NE. to post road. Adjoins 100 acres Hudson River. Witness: Peter Valleau Canc: Liber 6:385

2:181 180. Nov. 15,1768 £224

Thomas BANKER yeoman of Charlotte & Ann John BARD Practitioner in Physick of NYC (Hyde Park) Lot 3 Beg, on the Hudson 111 acres River; NE. to post road. Witness: Peter Valleau Canc: 2/16/1815 by Magdalen Muirson

2:182 3,1768

Isreal GREEN yeoman of Charlotte Augustus VAN HORNE gentleman of NYC Lott 11 Bounded So. Ephraim Mills; W,Obadiah Griffen. Obadiah Green named as 200 acres security. Cane: Liber 2:260

181. Dec. £110 @ 7%


368 2:187 7,1768

Timothy DOUGHTY carpenter of Flushing, Queens & John CORNELL farmer of Hempstead to Cornelius SWITS gentleman of NYC 2 parcels Staatsburgh Lotts 4 & 11 1) Lott 4 Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. Lott 3; So. Lott 5; E.- division line bet. front & rear lots, 2) Lott 11 Bounded No. Lott 10; So. Lott 12; E.- Crum Elbow Kill; W.- division line bet. front & rear lots. 1) 202 acres 2) 236 acres Cane: Liber 3:404

2:189 183. Jan. 14,1769 190

Samuel ROE of North Precinct Abraham BROWN of Rye Oblong Lott 70 Bounded W. George Clark dec'd; So. Samuel Krale; W.- Little Nine Partners; No. Josiah Willoby & Caleb Smith 110 acres

184. 2:192 Apr. 25,1767 t100

Samuel ROE yeoman of Amenia Anne CHAMBERS widdow exec. of John Chambers Esq. of NYC Oblong Lott 70 Same description as 2:189 except E.- George Clark Esq. dec'd, Gardiner Gillet named in bond.

185. 2:195 Feb. 20,1769 1341

Elias SHAVELIER of Oblong Martin HOFFMAN of Rhinebeck Oblong Lott 57 2 parcels 1) beg, at 40 mile Monument on W.- line of the Oblong. Mentions Cross Highway laid out in 1753, See Deeds Liber 5:224. John Adams 2/20/1754 268 acres 2) Bounded E.- Clark; No, Joshua Paine bought of Mr. Brown; W. & So. by Shaveher. 29 acres Witness: Martin Hoffman Jr. Cane: 6/15/1774 by Nicholas Hoffman exec. for Martin

186. 2:198 Jan. 25,1768 1229

Samuel SMITH farmer of Dutchess Jacob EVERSON of Dutchess Lott 32 2 parcels 1) Beg. in Mid line of Lott 32; W.- to a certain Deep Hollow. Adjoins So. line of Lott 31, 2) Adjoins Holmes Mayo & Joel Gillet, highway. Joseph Smith mentioned in bond.

182. Dec. 1570

Mortgages 187. May 1150


2:201 9,1769

Edward GRIFFEN of Charlotte Nicholas STICKLE of Rhynbeck Lott 4 Beg. in middle of Lott, 70 rods W. of Elmendorph's NE. cor. & 3 rods E. of a small run of water. Bounded No. Crooke; E.- Joseph Mott; So. Elmendorph & Lester; W.- Joseph Mott. 200 acres

188. 2:203 Apr. 29,1769 L175

Stephen PINE of Charlotte Nicholas HOFFMAN of NYC near Fish Creek. Beg. at a Bog Meadow. Bounded So. Water Lott 9; E.other lands of Nine Partners; No. & W.John Nelson. 100 acres Canc: 12/26/1791

2:204 189. May 10,1769 L150

Noah WHEELER yeoman of Amenia Rev. Mr. Ebenezer GOULD of Torrintown, Conn. Lott 35 W. & No. Stoutenburgh; E,- Oblong; So. David Collin & Wheller. 60 acres Witness: Roswell Hopkins

2:205 190. Jan. 25,1769 L75 @ 7%

Richard ESTES farmer of Charlotte Peter HARRIS of Poughkeepsie Lott 13 subdivision 10. 212 acres

191. June L390

2:206 5,1767

Joseph DOTY blacksmith of Crum Elbow Mary ELMENDORPH widow of Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph Esq, late of Kingston Lott 16 Lott subdivided into 4 lots) 1/3 of subdiv. lot 2. Beg. at NW. cor. of Lott 21 41 chains from the Old line between Lott 15 & 16; E.- to the third quarter of Lott 16. Except 7 acres add263 acres ed to lot 3. Canc: Liber 4:110

192. July L67

2:207 1,1769

Joseph BROWN of Canaan Conn. Lambert MOORE Esq. of NYC Adjoins Miles Washburn, dividOblong ing line between Oblong & Nine Partners, 77 acres Isaac Lamb. Witness: John Canfield


370 2:208 193. July 22,1769 £200

William BUCK yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Part of land Stephen Hopkins Lott 34 dec'd bought from Elizabeth Johnson widow of NYC. Adjoins Benjamin Benedict, highway. Bounded So. highway & Benedict; W.- Benedict; No. Thomas Wheeler & Ben123 acres jamin Denton. Witness: Elijah Buck

194. July £700

Stephen CALLOW upholsterer of NYC & Adrianna Thomas WITTER merchant of NYC Bounded E.- Jermiah Water Lotts 1 & 2. Teller; So. Cornelius Osborn; No. Joshua Mors; So. & E.- Ten Eyck. Mentions land Ephraim Ferguson conveyed to JoshuaMors. House in Charlotte & 2 lots & dwelling houses in NYC referred to. Initial bond 316 acres dated 5/20/1763 Cane: Liber 5:351

2:210 4,1769

2:211 195. Sept.12,1769 £739 @ 7%

Peter DEWITT merchant of Rhinebeck Robert LIVINGSTON jr. Esq. of Livingston Manor 1) Lott 13 Staatsburgh 3 parcels 120 acres adjoins Crum Elbow Kill. 2) Lott 3. Beg. on Hudson River 101 acres 3) Lotts 9 & 18 Beg. at SW. cor, lot 8, Adjoins Crum Elbow Kill & Hudson, 456 acres

2:214 196. Nov. 30,1768 £70

Isaac CARPENTER yeoman of Charlotte Robert G, LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Bounded E.- Ephraim Bullock; Lott 21 No. Ellis Bullock; W.- David Southerland; So. Alexander Nelson, highway & Smith 83 acres Canc: 6/7/1783

197. 2:216 Sept. 2,1769 £70

Jesse SMITH jr. of Amenia Mary WALTON widow of NYC 1) Beg, of Oblong Lott 35 2 parcels line. Previously owned by Joseph Gray, 30 acres 40 acres 2) Beg. on Oblong line.

198. Nov. £90

George SOULE blacksmith of Charlotte Henry BEEKMAN Esq. of Rhinebeck 65 acres Lott 4 Canc: Liber 3:93

2:217 1,1769



199. 2:220 Dec. 124769 1412

John HALLOCK of Charlotte & Abigal John BARD Practitioner of Physick of NYC (Hyde Park) lot 7. Beg. at NW. cor. of a lot granted to Joseph Boughton. Adjoins Hudson river & Post road. Witness: Thomas Banker 206 acres Also see Liber 4:3

200. May 1289

2:221 3,1769

Joseph BOUTON of Charlotte & Mary John BARD Practitioner of Physick of NYC (Hyde Park) lot 6. Bounded So. George Rim; W.- Hudson River. 217 acres Witness: Thomas Banker

201. Jan. 1270 @ 6%

2:225 8,1770

Joseph HICKS yeoman of Charlotte to Peter LONDERT, Johannis BEST & William BEAM exec. of late Philip LONDERT of Rinebeck Lott 5 1/3 of subdivided lot 4 Bounded So. Lott 6; W.- subdiv. lot 3 belonging to Goelet & co.; No. Mordecai Lester; E.- Lott 14 of widow Johnson. Mentions earlier bond 6/8/1748 with Mordecai Lester dec'd to Philip Londert dec'd. On the back of bond is endorsed £8 paid 5/6/1749 & E100 paid 10/28/1776 Canc: 5/23/1776

202. 2:227 Mar. 23,1769 1600

George SOULE of Oblong Walter FRANKLIN merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 44* Beg. 10 chains No. of 26 mile Monument. Nathan & John Soule named in bond. 500 acres Cane: 4/12/1775

2:227 203. June 27,1766 1237

Gilbert PALEN jr. yeoman of Charlotte Benjamin PALEN yeoman of Charlotte Water Lott 2. Beg. So. side of a Meadow. Security for earlier bond to Law140 acres rence VanKleeck.

204. Dec. 1100

2:228 6,1769

David TRACY yeoman of Dutchess Lambert MOORE attorney NYC Lott 34 Bounded No. Lott 35; W.-Nathan Mead jr; So. highway; E.- Stephen Hopkins & Thomas Wheeler dec'd. Earlier bond included Daniel Brown dated 7/9/ 95 acres 1763.

205. Dec. £100

2:229 7,1769

David TRACY of Canaan, Conn. Thomas JONES physician of NYC same description as 2:228. Lott 34 Earlier bond included Daniel Brown 6/4/1761.

*Located in the town presently known as Dover.



2:229 206. Nov. 18,1769 1357

Stephen WARREN & Elijah REED yeomen of Amenia to Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC 3 parcels Oblong Lott 45 1) previously owned by Dr. Colden. Bounded So. Ephraim Seely; W.- Nine 100 acres Partners Line; E.- Brown. 2) previously owned by Cadwallader Colden. Bounded E.- Brown; So. William Chamberlain; W.- Nine Partners Line; No. 160 acres the parcel above. 3) North side of parcel 1. Bounded No. Samuel Judson; Land sold by Henry Clapp 4 acres to Uldrick Winingar. Canc: 5/23/1777

207. 2:232 Mar. 31,1770 1238

Eldad CURTIS & Benjamin ATWATER yeomen of Amenia to Roger MORRIS Esq. of NYC 1) Beg. at SE. cor. Lott 35 2 parcels 110 acres of Jonathan Fish. 2) on highway beg. at NW. cor. of Joel Thurston which he purchased from Jacobus Stoutenburgh. Adjoins Richard Alsop. 61 acres Canc: Liber 3:80

208. 2:235 Nov. 10,1769 1100

Rezin GEER cordwainer of Charlotte Daniel ROBERTS gentleman of Poghkeepsie Water Lott 1 subdiv. lot 1. Beg. at W.- side of Kings Road No. of Samuel Smith. Bounded W.- Hudson River; So. new road; E.- Post road. Except 2 acres sold by Roberts to Geer & by Geer to 26 acres Samuel Smith. Witness: William Forman Canc: Liber 3:113

209. 2:245 May 30,1768 1100

Richard ESTES yeoman of Charlotte Charles LAROUX gentleman of Rumbout Lott 13 subdiv. lot 10. Beg. at NE. cor. subdiv. lot 9. Peter Harris named 212 acres in bond.

210. Mar. 1300

John BACKUS yeoman of Amenia & Joanne Ann CHAMBERS widow of NYC Oblong Lott 61 NW. i of Lott 61. Bounded W.- land formerly owned by Stephen Hopkins; No. John King & Elijah Wheeler; E.- Daniel Brown & Elisha Gillet; So. Brown. Eliphalet Ball named in bond.

2:245 9,1770



211. 2:250 Jan. 20,1770 E100

Barnabus PAINE of Amenia Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Charlotte Beg. at SE. cor. of land which Stoutenburgh sold to Nathan Mead. 88 acres

2:253 212. May 15,1770 1135

Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Charlotte Mary ELMENDORPH merchant of Kingston Lott 15 Bounded No. & E.- Isaac Veal; So. David Johnson; W.- John Howard. Witness: John D. Wynkoop 500 acres

213. 2:260 May 4,1770 E1000

Timothy CLOSSEN yeoman of Dutchess to Stephen, Samuel, John & Philip VAN CORTLANDT exec. of Stephen Van Cortlandt Esq. late of Essex[?], NY Staatsburgh Lots 7 & 16 2 parcels 1) Lot 7. Bounded No. lot 6; So. lot 8; W.- Hudson River; E.- division line between the front & rear lots. 227 acres 2) Lot 16 Beg. on W.- bank of Crum Elbow Kill. Bounded No. lot 16; So. lot 17; E.- Crum Elbow Kill; W.- division 248 acres line front & rear lots.

214. May E600

2:267 1,1770

James WINANS tavernkeeper of Poghkeepsie Christian BERGH of Rinebeck Water Lott 8 2 parcels 1) 125 chains from the Hudson being on So. line of Lott 8. 100 acres 2) 117 chains from the Hudson in the No. line of Lott 8. 100 acres Witness: James Winnes jr. Canc: Liber 3:143

2:268 215. June 26,1770 1278

Elijah PHILIPS of Litchfield, Conn. Tacola GOVENEUR of NYC 5 parcels 1) Lott Oblong Lott 60 & 59 60 Bought by Elijah & Noah Philips from Benjamin Johns. 2) Lott 60 Beg, on the banks of Chalk Pond brook in the line late bet. Joshua Paine & Elias Shevelion. Adjoins highway, Freeman, Jonas 180 acres Adams. 3) Lott 59 Beg. on W.- side of Chalk Pond. NW. cor. of lot is a little West 19 acres of an old road. 4) Lott 59 Adjoins land late of Joshua 40 acres Paine. 5) Lott 59 Beg. at NE. cor. of Isaac Lamb. Adjoins Elijah Philips & highway. 10 acres Witness: Reuben Hopkins


Mortgages 2:271 7,1770

James WYNANS yeoman of Poghkeepsie Anne CHAMBERS widow of NYC Part of land John DeGraaf left Lott 8 to his children in his will. Bounded E.- John DeGraaf; No. W. & So. Christian Bergh. Also 2 small parcels in Pogh400 acres keepsie. Canc: Liber 3:398

2:272 217. July 25,1770 1180

Daniel SOUTHWICK currier of Charlotte Augustus VAN HORNE merchant of NYC 1) adjoins EbeLott 26 2 parcels 4 acres nezer Husted. 2) Bounded W.- Jermiah Ferris; W.- Ebenezer Husted; So. highway & Joseph Den58 acres ton; E. Zephaniah Platt.

3:1 218. July 19,1770 1272

John LESTER of Charlotte Mary ELMENDORPH merchant of Kingston Lott 5 i of 1/3 part of subdivision lot 4. Witness: John D. Wynkoop Canc: 7/10/[??] witnessed by Walter Allen.

3:2 219. June 26,1770 1226

John HOWARD yeoman of Beekman Mary ELMENDORPH merchant of Kingston Beg. SW. cor. of Lott 15, Lott 15 Bounded So. David Johnston; E.- Jacobus Stoutenburgh; No. now or late of Stephen Hicks; W.- Jonathan Hoage. Paul Upton 107 acres named in bond.

220. 3:3 Sept.14,1770 1125

John FORD clerk of Amenia David SOUTHERLAND yeoman of Charlotte Lott 32 Bounds W.- Widow Johnson & Crooke; So. Iron Works River & highway; E.- James Smith & Abraham Adams; No. Deliverance Bell & Adams. Thomas Dick54 acres enson also mentioned. Canc: 12/14/1773

3:5 221. June 15,1770

Cancellation notice. Peter CORNE & John BARNES satisfy mortgage executed by Abraham Schenk & Elsie 2/5/1768 (Liber 2:175) to Henry Remsen jr. & Peter Remsen.

222. 3:16 Sept.24,1770 182

Miles WASHBURN of Amenia John CLAP of Greenwich, Conn. Oblong Lott 55[?] Bounds E.- & So. Samuel Durham; W.- Nine Partners Line being land that belongs to the heirs of Capt. Stephen Hopkins & Samuel King; No. land

216. June 1100



belonging to Robert G. Livingston & being the land Washburn bought of Elias Clapp. 110 acres Witness: Joseph Clapp 223. 3:19 Nov. 10,1770 £50

David BOTTOLPH jr. yeoman of Northeast George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 71 Bought by David Bottolph from Joseph Willoughby. Beg. on E. side of highway. Except 10 acres off the So. which was formerly sold by Josiah Willoughby to Cornelius Russel. Witness: Richard Harris 50 acres

224. Nov. £150

Joshua George Oblong 2) Beg chains

3:21 8,1770

DAKIN yeoman of Northeast FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC Lott 68 2 parcels 1) 1 acre at E. boundry of Oblong 44 No. of the 44 mile Monument. 80 acres Witness: Richard Harris Cane: Liber 3:83[?]

3:41 225. Oct. 20,1770 £96 @ 7%

Isaac FINCH yeoman of Charlotte Robert LIVINGSTON esq of NYC Lott 21 Beg. at SE. cor. of Israel Brush. Adjoins David Southerland & 38 acres Alexander Nelson.

3:45 226. Jan, 14,1771 £175

Justus REYNOLDS of Amenia Timothy MEAD jr. of Dutchess Timothy Mead sold to Justis Lott 32 Reynolds 2 parcels 1) beg. at SW. cor. of Joseph Fowler; E.- along Fowler & Ephraim Paine; No. to mid line of Lott 32; W.- to highway; No. to Kinney; So. to Abraham Adams & Joseph Fowler. 50 acres 2) beg. NE. cor. where 2 roads meet; W,to Roger Gales; So. across the pond to the Brook; E.- to the tale of the mill, 1 acre Cane: Liber 3:72

227. Dec. £233

James REYNOLDS jr. of Amenia Silas TITUS of Amenia Beg. at SW. cor. of Justis Lott 33 Willson by the highway. Adjoins Everson. Includes house, Barn & orchard. 116 acres Cane: Liber 3:138

3:47 1,1770


376 3:61 228. Mar. 19,1771 1220

Robert HUBBARD jr. of Amenia Samuel DUNHAM of Amenia Adjoins Miles WashOblong Lott 55 born; Nine Partners Line, highway, Samuel King, SW. cor. of Lott 55. 106 acres Canc: 12/1/1789

229. Apr. 408*

3:64 5,1771

Benjamin ATWATER yeoman of Amenia Roger MORRIS esq. of NYC Beg. SE. cor. Jonathan Fish, Lott 35 127 acres Witness: Samuel King *Spanish milled pieces of Eight

230. Aug. 1280

3:70 3,1767

John PLATT of Charlotte Solomon SMITH of Smith Town 2 parcels 1) adjoins Green. 32 acres 2) Beg, on the Precinct line on the So. side of the road that leads from the house of Richard Crego to Oswe36 acres go. Adjoins Joseph Hoff. Canc: Liber 5:167

3:74 231. Apr. 20,1771 1175

Justis REYNOLDS of Amenia Timothy MEAD jr. of Dutchess Sold by Mead to Reynolds 1/14/ Lott 32 1771. Same description as parcel 2 in Liber 3:45 above. Grist Mill mentioned, Witness: Jonathan Reynolds

232. 3:80 Apr. 13,1771 1250

David DOTY of Dutchess David VAN HORNE merchant of NYC Beg. at Oblong line 1 Oblong Lott 46 mile No. of the 33 mile Monument. Adjoins Conn, Line. William Burnet Browne mentioned & David Matthews, 500 acres

3:93 233, Apr. 11,1771 165

Benjamin LEECH tanner of Amenia Isaac SMITH of Amenia Land on which Leech lives purchased from Isaac Smith. Wife Mary 4 acres Leech mentioned. Canc: 1/4/1774

3:108 234. Apr. 27,1771 1128 @ 7%

Gerret VAN WAGENEN yeoman of Charlotte Henry LIVINGSTON esq. of Poghkeepsie Lott 8 Beg, at Division line between Lott 7 & 8. Adjoins Denne Ostrom, 110 acres Also house & lot in Poghkeepsie lately belonging to Gilbert Runnels as by deed from Peter Van Kleeck 2/7/1759 now owned by Van Wagenen.



235. 3:121 Oct. 17,1771 £1000

John BARNES late of Somerset, Great Britian now of Dutchess & Peter CORNE to Elias DESBROSSES merchant of NYC First 2 parcels Lott 8 3 parcels same description as Liber 2:174 above. 3) Bounded So. Division line between Lott 8 & 9; William Barentse blacksmith (in middle of Filkintown Road near house of Jacob Reuter Everson) & Denny Ostrum; No. land now or late of Joseph Hagaman & John Ostrum; E.- John Ostrum. Except chain which is part of Filkintown Road. 30 acres

3:124 236. July 10,1771 L300

Nicholas HOLMES of Charlotte Samuel BOWNE & Joshua DE LAPLAIN merchants of NYC Bound W.- Joseph Thorn & WilLott 26 liam Thorn; No. John Allen & Christian Tobias jr.; E.- on highway from Filkintown to David Southwick; So. highway; E.- the Mill Dam, Joseph Thorn & Samuel Peirson's cor.; So. Peirson & Benjamin Frost. Christian Tobias named in ear100 acres lier bond. Canc: 11/1/1790 by William Bowne & Nicholas DeLaplain exec. for the dec'd.

237. 3:127 Dec. 10,1771 L800

James & Ezra REED merchants of Dutchess to John CROOKE & Gabriel N. LUDLOW merchants of NYC & Charles CROOKE of Dutchess Beg. near house of Ebenezer Lott 29 Knapp jr. on E.- side of Dover River. Adjoins Oblong line, division line bet. 485 acres subdiv. lot 1 & 2. Mentions "payment of £800 NY money at the rate of Eight Shillings the Spanish Milled Dollar" Canc: 7/10/1790

238. July £186

Bowers SLASON of Amenia Ichabod ROGERS of Amenia 2 parcels Oblong part of 400 acres in No. of Adjoins a pond & is the lot bought from John & Jonathan

3:133 2,1771

1) Lott 68 Lott 68. Rogers Penoyer. 29 acres The land Daniel Smith 2) Lott 62 improved south of Magdalane Debrosse which Rogers bought from Elnathan Good30 acres rich. Witness: Samuel Buck



3:138 239. Mar. 12,1772 L200

James REYNOLDS jr. of Amenia David VAN HORNE merchant of NYC Adjoins Justis Willson on Lott 33 West, highway, Everson. Roswell Kinney & Justis Willson named in bond. 116 acres

240. 3:140 Apr. 13,1772 L431

Jedidiah DEWEY Samuel BUCK of Beg. Lott 33 Garnsey bought Dewey.

241. Apr. E200

3:141 4,1772

Ezekiel HOAG yeoman of Charlotte & Sara Anne CHAMBERS widow of NYC Lott 4 2 parcels 1) 50 acres. 2) beg. at James Allen NW. cor; W.- to Henry Sleght's NE. cor; So. along Sleght's; E.- to SW. cor. of James Allen; No. 171 acres along Allen to beg. Canc: Liber 3:225

242. May L300

3:143 2,1772

Isaac CONCKLIN & Catalina of Dutchess Charles CROOKE gentleman of NYC Water Lott 8 Beg. 125 chains from Hudson River in So. line of said Lott. Bound E.- James Wynanse; No. Lott 9; W.- land now or late of Christian Bergh. Tunis Van Bunscoten named in bond. 200 acres Canc: Liber 3:306 by Jane Van Kleeck formerly wife of Charles Crooke

of Amenia Amenia at NW. cor. of land John of Jedidiah & Elijah 135 acres

243. 3:149 May 15,1772 L330

William SOUTHERLAND carpenter of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY widow of NYC, Leonard LISPENARD Esq. of NYC, Anthony A. RUTGERS at present in Essex, N.J. Lott 17 subdiv. lot 5 "part of share whereof Anthony Rutgers Esq. dec'd died Seized" 206 acres Canc: 7/6/1795[?]

244. June L72

3:159 8,1772

Adrayan VAN ANDEN yeoman of Charlotte William BARNES of Poughkeepsie Lott 8 & 9 Adjoining W.- to Joseph Castin; No. to Denis Ostrom; E.- to Peter Come; So. to Jacob Everson. 63 acres

245. 3:160 Apr. 21,1772 L130

Nathaniel SOUL yeoman of Dutchess to James BUVELOT, James DE BROSSES, Francis & Frederick BASSET, Elders & Trustees of the FRENCH REFORMED PROTESTANT CHURCH of NYC



Lott 18 subdiv. lot 11 Bounds No. Little Nine Partners; E.- John Fish; So. Amos Crandell; W.- Thomas Brown & Jonathan Lapham. 171 acres Canc: 2/4/1804 by Frederick Basset 246. May £250

3:163 1,1772

Elijah PARK of Amenia John CLAP? of Greenwich, Conn. Oblong Lott 55 * of Lott 55. NW. cor. of Lott. Bounds Nine Partners Patent; No. lot that was formerly Daniel Townsend; E.- & So. Cornelius Fleming. Except 15 acres previously sold to Josiah Brown. 110 acres Cane: 2/8/1792 by Thomas Clapp exec. of John Clapp

247. May £150 @ 7%

3:168 1,1772

John HALLOCK of Rinebeck Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC (Hyde Park). lot 7. Same description as Liber 2:220 above. Peter Hallock, John's father named in earlier bond. Also see Liber 4:3. 206 acres

248. July £125

8:177 7,1772

Jabis SMITH cooper of Charlotte & Rebecca Charles CROOKE gentleman of Charlotte Lott 24 Bounds No. Lott 25; W.- Pellek Tabor; So. Peter Palmer; E.- Abijah Willburs. Rowland Soul named in bond. Cane: 1/31/1804 100 acres

249. May £200

3:179 2,1772

Philip ALLEN yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON esq. of NYC 1) Oblong Lott 57 Beg. 37 rods So. of 67 acres 40 mile Monument. 2) Oblong lott 55 Beg, in W.- line of Oblong 45 chains So. of 40 mile Monument. Bounds W.- Nine Partners; So. & E.- Miles Washburn; No. parcel above, 15 acres John Barnet named in bond.

250. Nov. £287

3:192 2,1772

Jacob LEWIS yeoman of Charlotte Philip BONISTAIL Farm house & land where Lewis Lott 18 now lives. Bounds No. Jury Waltemeyer; E.- Jonathan Lapham; W,- Joseph Husted; 231 acres So. Lott 17. Cane: 7/29/1809


380 251. 3:195 July 11,1772 1106

Samuel DOTY of Sharon, Conn. Martin HOFFMAN gentleman of NYC Oblong Lott 46 Beg. 2 rods E.- from SE. cor. of William Chamberlain. Adjoins So. line of Lott 46 & is 2 rods E.- of Judah Swift. Earlier bond included Samuel Waterman 2/28/1755. 77 acres

252. 3:204 Dec. 15,1772 1350

William CORNWELL yeoman of Amenia to David VAN HORNE, Beverly ROBBINSON, William LIVINGSTON, David CLARKSON 1) beg. in So. Lott 32 2 parcels line of Lott 32 at SE. cor. of Nathan Spicer in the edge of the Iron Works Pond. Adjoins land of James Betts he has mortgaged to Levinus Clarkson. Bounds So. Samuel Dunham; E.- Nathan Spicer; Stephen Pugsly, Lewis DeLavergne formerly James Betts, Simon Cooke; No. land formerly widow Mary Cook; W.- Nath75 acres an Spicer & highway. 2) land lately conveyed by widow Mary Cooke to the above mentioned Van Horne, Robbinson, Livingston & Clarkson. Beg. at NE. cor. of land conveyed by Michael & Mehetable Hopkins to the above named 75 acres mortgagees.

3:208 253. [ ? 126,1770 11100*

Samuel MABBIT merchant of Dutchess John CROOKE gentleman of NYC Lott 22 subdiv. lot 3 Beg, NE. cor. David Johnson. Adjoins brook which is 10 chains 14 links northerly from a Separate Meeting House. Except 200 acres at west end Mabbit lately sold to Josiah 493 acres Gale. Canc: 5/15/1793 *"at the rate of Eight Shillings the Spanish Milled Dollar"

254. Feb. 1111

Job BRIGS yeoman of Charlotte Charles LE ROUX NYC Lott 13 subdiv. lot 10 Canc: 12/15/1792

3:210 2,1773

3:221 255. Feb. 16,1773 1700

212 acres

Joshua HALLOCK thalor of Dutchess Jacob EVERSON of Dutchess Lott 12 Beg. at cor. of Frederick Ham land at the mouth of a small creek that emties itself into the Kill or River that Isaac Filkins mill stands on, Adjoins the River, Zebulon Hallock, Christian Tobias or his assigns. 80 acres Canc: 11/15/1783



256. June E242

3:223 9,1772

Joseph MOTT yeoman of Charlotte Jacob MOTT of Hempstead Beg. at SW. cor. of SamWater Lott 3 uel Mott; W.- to James Valentine; No. to Lott 4; E.- to NW. cor. of Samuel Mott. 400 acres

257. May E200

3:234 3,1773

George HUDDLESTON yeoman of Charlotte Margaret JOHNSTON relict of Simon Johnston late of NYC Bounds No. Hugh Mosher; So. Lott 12 Lott 12; W.- lott that the Van Camp's purchased of Francis Filken; E.- Richard Alsop. Samuel Mabbet named in earlier 104 acres bond 12/[?]/1771.

258. 3:236 Mar. 27,1772 1153

George CRONKHITE yeoman of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY widow of NYC, Leonard LISPENARD esq. of NYC, & Anthony S. RUTGERS gentleman of Essex, N.J. Lott 17 This parcel is of the share of Anthony Rutgers esq. dec'd. Survey referred to was made by Benjamin Stevens between 4/9 - 5/12/1771, Beg, near 102 acres Richard Bullock house. Witness: John Fitzpatrick Canc: 6/1/1797

3:237 1,1773

Richard SEAMAN farmer of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY, widow of NYC exec. of Henry Barclay clerk of NYC, Leonard LISPENARD esq. of NYC & Anthony S. RUTGERS Lott 3 That part of Lott 3 which fell to Anthony Rutgers after it was partitioned by Rutgers & John & Charles Crooke. Bounds No. & E.- 130 acre tract lately sold by Richard Seaman to Edward Underhill; No. David Johnson; W.- 200 acre tract sold by Seaman to Samuel 654 acres Barnes; So. Elisha Hoag. Cane: 5/14/1804

3:239 260. Mar. 20,1772 E153

Caleb SMITH yeoman of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY widow of NYC, Leonard LISPENARD esq. of NYC & Anthony S. RUTGERS gentleman of Essex, N.J. Lott 17 Share of Anthony Rutgers' dec'd. Survey made by Benjamin Stevens 102 acres between 4/9 - 5/12/1771. Witness: John Fitzgerald Canc: 12/13/1794

259. May 1976


382 3:241 261. Oct. 22,1772 E341

Silas GERMAN yeoman of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY widow of NYC, Leonard LISPENARD esq. of NYC & Anthony S. RUTGERS gentleman of Essex, N.J. Lott 17 Share of Anthony Rutgers' dec'd. Survey made by Benjamin Stevens 213 acres between 4/9 - 5/12/1771. Witness: John Fitzgerald Canc: 12/13/1794

262. July L234

3:243 2,1773

Daniel ROBERTS of Dutchess Leonard VAN KLEECK esq. of Dutchess 2 parcels 1) Bounds W.Kings Road; No. Hendrick Hegeman; E. & So. road from east to Hegeman's landing. 2 acres 2) Beg. at William Gay's line. Adjoins li acres Kings Road.

263. June E315

3:249 6,1772

Richard HART clothier of Charlotte Joseph WOOLEY hatter of Charlotte Land Hart bought from David Reynolds. Bounds So. Jacob Thorn; E.Ephraim Palmer, David Howsted; No. Nehemiah Reynolds; W.- land formerly in possession of Daniel Tobias dec'd. 60 acres Witness: Jesse Paine

3:255 264. Mar. 27,1772 E175

Ellis BULLOCK of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY widow of NYC, Leonard LISPENARD esq. of NYC & Anthony A. RUTGERS at present residing in Essex, N.J. Share of Anthony Rutgers esq, Lott 22 dec'd. Distinguished as lot 6 in figure three in a survey by Benjamin Stevens 117 acres between 4/9 - 5/12/1771.

3:259 265. Aug. 24,1773 E173

George FRELIGH merchant of Rhinbeck to Miles SHERBROOKE, Nicholas HOFFMAN & Gabriel LUDLOW merchants of NYC Lott 12 conveyed 8/12/1773 to Freligh by Anthony Arnold yeoman of Charlotte. Money to be used for "paying off" debts to ten creditors - 1) Nicholas Hoffman, 2) Gabriel W. Ludlow, 3) Nicholas De Peyster, 4) Dirick Brinkerhoff, 5) John & William Imlay, 6) Samuel Hake Ludlow, 7) Shaw & Ludlow, 8) George & William Ludlow, 9) William Ludlow & Son, 10)Perry Hays & Sherbrooke (in which partnership Miles Sherbrooke is a partner), George Freligh's father Henry mentioned. 56 acres Witness: Egbert Benson Canc: Liber 3:288

Mortgages 266. July £600


3:263 6,1773

George FRELIGH merchant of Rynbeck & Gertruyd to Ann CHAMBERS widow NYC Lott 12 Mill & millhouse. Beg. at NE. cor. of Nicholas De Lavergne esq.; No. along west side of highway from Aaron Haight to Richard Hart's fulling mill; to mill dam & Great bridge by Anthony Arnold's house; over bridge to west side of millstream; So. along stream to Nicholas De Lavergne; along De Lavergne to beg.

267. 3:264 May 10,1773 £200

Ebenezer BRIGGS of Charlotte & Abigal Thomas HICKS esq. of Flushing, N.Y. Lott 26 Bounds So. Thomas & Elias Clapp; W.- James Mott & highway; No. Joseph Mabbett; E.- David Cook & Zephaniah Platt. 100 acres

268. 3:269 Oct. 26,1773 £400

Simon DAKIN yeoman of Northeast George FOLLIOTT merchant of NYC. Oblong Lott 63 Beg. on E.- side of highway of the line of George Folliott land formerly owned by Simeon Wright; E.- on Folliot's line to Elijah Wheeler purchased from Job Porter; bound So. by Wheeler to Thomas Palmer's land until it come to John Loyd's land or So. side of Lott 63; W.- to Elijah Wheeler; No. along Wheeler then across highway to beg. Joshua Dakin named in bond, 107 acres

3:270 269 Oct 25,1773 £200

Elija KINNE yeoman of Amenia George FOLLIOTT 4 parcels 1) No. of James Lott 34 Smith's home lot. Bounds So. James Smith; W.- road & Isaac Burton; No. William Buck & the late Stephen Hopkins land; E.- Daniel Harris. Previously sold by Jacob & Aury Eliot to James Kinne 11/13/1758 Deeds Liber 3:226 then conveyed by James Kinne to son Elija 66 acres 11/26/1766. 2) Bounds W.- Jacob Burton; So. late James Kinne; E.- Ebenezer Kinne; No. north line of Lott 34. Previously sold to James Kinne by Stephen Hopkins 12/31/ 63 acres 1759 Liber 3:225. 3) conveyed to Elija Kinne by Joseph Burton. In the NW. cor. of Lott 34 & 42 acres adjoins No. line of Lott 34. 43 acres 4) Adjoins parcel 4 above,


Mortgages 5) Lott 35 Bounds So. Ebenezer Kinne; No. Benjamin gale; W.- Zachariah Curtis. Conveyed to Elija Kinne on 5/29/1770 by Noah gale of Wallingford. Benjamin Herrick named in bond. Cane: 12/5/1774 61 acres

270. 3:274 Mar. 30,1773 1200

Justus WILLSON farmer of Armenia Richard D'CANTILLON merchant of Amenia 2 parcels Lott 33 1) Bounds W.highway; No. Jonathan Reynolds, Benjamin Denton & Thomas Beedle; E.- Nathan Mead; So. Samuel Titus. 90 acres 2) Beg. at side of mountain at SW. cor. of Jedadiah Dewey & Samuel Brush. Bounds So. John Everson; E.- Job Mead, Dewey & Brush; No. Thomas Beedle. 86 acres Witness: John Lloyd Cane: 6/11/1800

271. 3:276 Mar. 25,1773 146

Nathan SPICER blacksmith of Amenia Richard D'CANTILLON merchant of Armenia 2 parcels 1) adjoins Iron Lott 32 works pond at SE. cor. Bounds So. Samuel Dunham; W.- Samuel Smith; No. Soper & Stephen Hopkins; E.- highway. 130 acres 2) East of & adjoining the above parcel. 1 acre Witness: Patrick Dickson Cane: 12/7/1774

272. 3:277 Oct. 13,1773 1520

William GAIGE yeoman of Charlotte & Mercy Thomas HICKS of Queens Lott 27 Beg. at NE, cor of Job Taber. Adjoins E.- Abner White. 213 acres

273. 3:279 ? 17?] f? 1134

Gardiner GILLET yeoman of Dutchess Ann CHAMBERS widow of NYC Lott 31 Beg. at No. line of Lott 31 at the line of Joel Gillet. 90 acres No date on mortgage but it was proved 12/12/1773.

274. 3:286 Oct. 12,1773 1100

Seth FISH yeoman of Great Nine Partners William STEVENS yeoman of Poldings Precinct Lott 18 Purchased by Setth Fish from John Fish 10/30/1765. 96 acres Cane: 1/11/1777



275. 3:288 July 14,1770 £100

Thomas PALMER of Amenia Elijah WHEELER of Amenia Adjoins highway, Joel Harvey, Oblong Simon Right, Elijah Wheeler, Elisha Gilbert, Allen Sage. 117 acres

3:298 276. Mar. 19,1774 150

Thomas PALMER of Amenia Edward PALMER of Charlotte same description as Liber 3:288 above.

277. May £400

3:299 5,1772

Isaac CONCKLIN yeoman of Dutchess & Catalina Theunis VAN BUNSCHOTEN yeoman of Dutchess Beg. about 125 chains Water Lott 8 from Hudson River. Bounds E,- James Wynans; No. Lott 9; W.- land now or late of Christian Bergh. 200 acres Cane: no date

3:300 278. Oct. 18,1773 1550

Thomas STORM merchant of Claverack Henry FRANCKLIN of NYC Lott 8 Beg. E.- side of Wopens Kill along William Woodward to Thomas Noxon; along Noxon south to David Ralyea; W.along Filkintown Road to Wheeler Case; No. along Case then W.- to the Wappins Kill; No. along Kill to beg. Conveyed by Dereek Ostrom to Thomas Storm, 200 acres Witness: Derrick Ostrom

3:305 279. Jan. 30,1774 140

Henry FILKIN esq. of Charlotte & Marger. John & David CARPENTER merchants of Charlotte Lott 5 Beg. on W.- side of highway that leads from Isaac Filkin to Rinebeck, on Division line between Lotts 5 & 6. 40 acres Adjoins Wappingers Creek. Witness: Richard Carpenter Canc: 10/11/1774

280. 3:306 Oct. 29,1773 1147

Thomas GAIGE yeoman of Charlotte Zephaniah PLATT of Poghkeepsie Land Platt to Gaige. Lotts 26 & 27 Bounds No. Albert Adriance; E.- Silas Belding; So. & W.- Thomas & William 49 acres Gaige.

281. May E76

Isaac LOTHROP of Amenia Stephen ROGERS of Amenia Land that Nathan WheelOblong Lott 63 er bought from Daniel Porter. Adjoins 42 acres highway.

3:311 14,1774


Mortgages 3:312 1,1774

Samuel MABBETT shopkeeper of Charlotte David JOHNSTON gentleman of Charlotte Lott 32 Adjoins No. Line of Lott 32 & Oblong line, highway from Peter Shavileer house to James Palmer's house, NE. cor. of George Foliott's land now in possession of James Palmer, SE. cor. of Robert G. Livingston land now in possession of Roswell Hopkins. 256 acres Canc: 11/19/1794

3:314 283. June 14,1774 L260

Caleb HAIGHT yeoman of Charlotte Elias DE BROSSES merchant of NYC Lott 12 Adjoins Christian Tobias & Joshua Haight. 400 acres

284. Mar. L339

3:334 1,1774

James ALWORTH farmer of Amenia Effe (Else) VAN VAREK Water Lott 4[?] purchased from Van Varek by Alworth. 508 acres

285. Aug. L239

3:342 1,1773

Jacobus ROSECRANS of Rombout Dirck BRINCKERHOFF esq. of Rombout Lott 18 subdiv. lot 10[?] Lott was divided by Benjamin Boys, Jonathan Lapham, John Fish. Adjoins Seth Fish NW. cor.; Joseph Namen. 100 acres Canc: 6/1/1778

3:351 286. July 26,1765 L150

Benjamine BAKER yeoman of Amenia Ann CHAMBERS widow of NYC exec. of late John Chambers esq. Oblong Lott 62 2 parcels Bounds W.- Benjamin Baker & Robert Freeman; So. Elijah Phelps; E.- John Penoyer, NO, Jo, seph Penoyer & highway. 60 acres

287. Oct. L445

3:352 1,1769

Israel DEUEL of Charlotte Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Charlotte Land Deuel bought from 363 acres Stoutenburgh Oct. 1769.

288. 3:353 July 10,1770 L162

Jonathan GRIFFETH of Charlotte Jacobus STOUTENBURGH of Charlotte Land Griffeth bought from Stoutenburgh. Beg. at Israel Deuel SW. cor. Adjoins So. David Jonson. 130 acres Witness: Luke Stoutenburgh

282. June L600



289. 3:370 July 10,1774 1200 @ 7%

James WINANS jr. of Poghkeepsie Landing Jacobus S. BRUYN of Kingston Water Lott 8 1)Part of lands Jan DeGraff dec'd left to his children. Bounds No., W., & So. Christian Bergh; E.- Jan De Graff. 2) Water Lott 8 Beg. about 125 chains from the Hudson. Bounds So. David Johnson; E.- Christian Bergh; No. John De Graff; W.- Christian Bergh. 100 acres. 3) Water Lott 8 Beg. about 117 chains from the Hudson. Bounds No. Lott 9; E. &. W. Christian Bergh; So. John De Graff. Exception: land sold by James Winans jr. to Isaac Conckling. 100 acres 4) also 2 tracts in Poghkeepsie one of which is John De Graff's storehouse now in possession of Dr. Lewis Barton. Canc: 3/19/1777

290. 3:374 Dec. 21,1774 1550

Benjamin MINTON of Dutchess Walter FRANKLIN merchant of NYC Oblong Lott 70 Beg, in east bounds of the Oblong 70 chains north of the 44 mile monument. 250 acres

291. 3:375 Dec. 22,1774 1200

John KEEFE yeoman of Charlotte David VAN HORNE merchant of NYC Lott 33 Beg. at SE, cor. of Justis Willson land by the highway, Adjoins Everson. Lewis De Lavergne mentioned in bond. 116 acres

292. 3:381 June 13,1774 1665

Henry VAN GELDER yeoman of Flatlands, Kings Co. Joseph HAGEMAN gentleman of Charlotte Beg. at NW. cor. of John Boright. Bounds E.- John Boright; No. wood lot of Peter Storm; W.- east bounds of water lots; So. Joseph Casten, Canc: Liber 4:354 177 acres

293. 3:382 Apr. 20,1775 1400

Roswell HOPKINS of Amenia & Mary Lemuel BRUSH yeoman of Amenia Beg. at NW. cor. of land Job Lott 30 Mead bought of Lemuel Brush. 115 acres Witness: Job Mead


Mortgages 3:384 5,1775

John HAIGHT of Nine Partners & Martha Mattathias GOMEZ distiller of NYC includes the buildings. Beg. Lott 26 at the road that leads up Chestnut Ridge. Bounds E.- Ebenezer Cook & Joseph Brown; No. Joseph Runnels; W.Samuel Badsley; So. Abner Smith. 215 acres Cane: 2/11/1804 by John B. Hicks assignee of Moses Gomez.

3:387 295. May 11,1775 1700

David MULFORD yeoman of Suffolk to Stephen, Samuel, John & Philip VAN CORTLANDT exec. of Stephen Van Cortlandtesq. of N.J. 1) Lott 7 Staatsburgh Lotts 7 & 16 Bounds W.- Hudson River; No. Lott 6; So. 227 acres Lott 8. 2) Lott 16 Beg. at W.- bank of Crum Elbow Kill. Bounds No. Lott 15; So. Lott 248 acres 17; W.- Crum Elbow Kill. Cane: Liber 4:19

294. May 1430

296. May 1466

3:389 2,1775

Thomas LOWNSBERY of North Castle, Westchester Rev. Charles INGLIS clerk of NYC Except all Lott 35 subdiv. lot 2, 218 acres mines. Cane: 4/13/1795 by Margaret Crook assignee of Charles Inglis.

297. May 1300

3:390 2,1775

Hezekiah MILLS yeoman of Charlotte & Mary to Rev. Charles INGLIS clerk of NYC 196 acres Lott 15 subdiv. lot 1. Cane: Liber 4:199

3:392 298. May 10,1775 1400

Philip HART clothier of Charlotte Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston & widow & Relict of Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph dec'd Bounds No. Silas Deuel; W.Remembrance Gage & Caleb Mosher; So, Nicholas De Lavergne; E.- George Freligh. 40 acres Adjoins River & highway, Witness: Michael Connolly Cane: 7/13/1777



299. 3:393 Apr. 12,1775 1376

James SMITH esq. of Charlotte Maria & Jacob VAN BENTHUYSEN of Rinebeck Bounds W.- Joseph Finch; So. Edmund Parlee; E.- James Winant; No. Nine Partners Line. 350 acres Witness: Egbert Benson

3:394 13,1775

Moses HARRIS jr. farmer lately of Amenia Richard D'CANTILLON merchant of Amenia Lott 36 lot 3 of subdiv. lot 1. Adjoins Balding Briant, Enos Mead, Joseph Harris. 194 acres Canc: Liber 4:359

301. 3:395 May 23,1775 1100

James WINANTS yeoman of Poghkeepsie & Johanna to Augustus VAN CORTLANDT esq. of NYC Lott 8 Part of land John De Graff left to his Children, Bounds W,- Isaac Concklin; So. David Johnson; No. Scriver. Also land in Poghkeepsie. Mentions James Winants Storehouse. 35 acres Cane: Liber 6:307

302. May 1105

3:400 1,1774

Jacob BUSH blacksmith of Poghkeepsie Christian BERGH yeoman of Rinebeck Water Lott 8 formerly owned by Caleb Heathecote. Bounds No. Lott 9; W,- John Wines; So. De Graff; E.- east boundry of water lot. 100 acres Cane: 4/30/1795 by John Bergh exec. of Christian Bergh.

303. 3:401 May 20,1775 1331

Benjamin BURRIS (Burroughs) of Dutchess Stephen PINE of Dutchess. near the fish creek.. Bounds So. Water Lott 9; E.- other lands of Nine Partners; W.- Jn. Nellson. Cane: 3/30/1791 100 acres

304. July 1400

3:402 3,1775

Frederick CASHOW yeoman of Charlotte to Mowrie CASHOW & Ram HADENBERGH of Oyster Bay & Hendrick CASHOW of Charlotte all yeomen Lott 3 Bounds So. Jonathan Anderson; W.- Samuel Barnes; No. Richard Seaman; E.- highway. 120 acres

3:410 305. Apr. 28,1775 1875

Hendrick WINEGAR yeoman of Amenia to Samuel BOWNE, Henry HAYDOCK & George BOWNE, Charles MC EVERS, Jacob WATTSON & Hubert V'WAGENEN merchants of NYC Beg. at cor. formed by highOblong way & land of Nicholas Row. Bounds No.

300. May 192


Mortgages Martin De Lamater; E.- Conrad Winegar; So. Samuel Justin & Nicholas Row. Being all the land granted to Winegar by 2 deeds 1) 4/24/1746 by John Adams of Sharon, 2) 7/2/1761 by William Mitchell of Oblong in Amenia. Exceptions: 1) 100 acres on west side granted to Abner Gillet. 2) 100 acres on south side granted to Samuel Justin. 3) 27 acres on east side granted to Coenrad Winegar & Nicholas Row. Five 380 acres bonds totalling 1875.

306. 3:412 Aug. 29,1775 1290

Nicholas DE LAVERGNE esq. of Charlotte & Mary to Honourable William AXTELL esq. of NYC 2 parcels 1) Bounds So. Ten Mile River; W.- Nine Partners; No. lands now or late in possession of Thomas Golden; E.- the Colony Line. This tract is part of the land called cast or haveout lands 2500 acres Exceptions: 1) 100 acres to Samuel Rogers 2) land Anthony Toneret & Samuel Rogers previously sold to DeLavergne being part of a 3000 acres tract called cast or haveout lands or Equivalent lands. Beg. at SW. cor. Lott 45 lately belonging to Cadwallader Colden esq. & the So. bounds of Lott 46 belonging to the children of William Burnett esq. 2) Lott 12. Bounds So. Aaron Haight; W.- Caleb Haight; No. land late of John Van Camp & Nicholas Trever; E.- road & late Timothy Trip dec'd. 206 acres

307. Mar. L282

Nicholas DE LAVERGNE esq. of Charlotte Honourable William AXTELL esq. of NYC same description as Liber 3:412 above.

3:434 1,1775

308. 3:437 Feb. 19,1776 L300

William CHAMBERLAIN of Amenia James JAUNCEY NYC Oblong Lott 49. Beg. on highway So. of Jedediah Bumpus house. Bounds E.- Samuel Judson; No. line of Lott 49; W.Peter Cline & Samuel Judson; So. Ezeliel Sackett & highway. Land Chamberlain bought of George White. 150 acres Cane: Liber 4:222



309. 3:454 Nov. 10,1773 L234

Jacob MONTROSS yeoman of Charlotte & Anne to John BARD Practitioner in Phisick (Hyde Park) lot 8. Beg. at SE. cor. at Crom Elbow Creek. Bounds So. John Hallock; No. Crom Elbow Creek; E.- Rob. Skinner. 125 acres This is part of a tract called Eqaquinsink by the Indians. Bounds W.- Hudson River; No. by a fresh meadow called mansakin; E.- creek called Waneapoenik to the Crum Elbow Creek called Equasink. Part of patent dated 4/18/1705 granted to Jacob Regner, Peter Fauconier, Benjamin Ash, Barne Cousins, & John Parsons their heirs & assigns except all lands Jane Wintie, John, Albert, Ann, Henry & Mary Pauling children of Henry Pawling dec'd & his wife Nieltie are entitled to. Which parcel of land Jacob Montross stands seized in fee simple by a deed made by John & Susannah Bard. on 11/10/ 1779.

4:1 310. Jan. 18,1776 L823 @ 5%

Christian BERGH of Rhinebeck to Nicholas HOFFMAN & Charles SHAW merchants of NYC Water Lott 8 3 parcels 1) occupied by John Bergh 200 acres 2) occupied by Martin Dopp 200 acres 3) occupied by John Bush 100 acres These were conveyed to Christian Bergh one from each of the following: 1) Theodorus & Elizabeth Van Wyck, 2) Samuel & Hannah Winslow, 3) John & Eve Wood. Sons Christian jr. & Adam named in bond. Witness: Egbert Bensen Canc: 3/12/1784

311. 4:2 May 23,1776 L742*

John BARD physician of Dutchess & Susannah to John RICE gentleman of NYC (Hyde Park) Bounds by 3 lots previously sold by Bard; W.- 100 acres conveyed to Thomas Banker, 100 acres conveyed to Lucas Laziere; No. 300 acres conveyed to Samuel Bard; SE. cor, small creek called Naneapaeoink or the fish creek thence along said creek as it runs to the Hudson River by the Crum Elbow called by the Indians by the name of Eaquarsink; W.- Hudson River. 700 acres Canc: 12/24/1784 *Silver money of Spanish Milled dollars



at the rate of Eight Shillings per dollar. 312. May 1800

4:4 2,1776

Nathan BARLOW yeoman of Dutchess & Joan Charles INGLIS clerk of NYC Lott 29 lot 1 in subdivision lot 1 Beg, near house where Ebenezer Knapp jr. lately lived, on the west side of Dover River at the foot of the hill. Adjoins Oblong line. Joan Barlow "being privately and apart from her husband 300 acres Cane: mortgage cancelled for an unclear sum due to forfieture of Charles Inglis' property because of his Loyalist allegiance.

313. June 1200

4:5 6,1776

Nathan BARLOW yeoman of Amenia & Joan Rev. Charles INGLIS clerk of NYC Oblong Lott 45 called, Dr. Colden's lot. Adjoins Malatiah Latarep, Cane: 1/11/1790 45 acres

314. May 1443

4:6 2,1776

Jonathan DEAN yeoman of Dutchess & Mary Rev. Charles INGLIS clerk of NYC Lotts 6 & 10 of the 3rd Division of Nine Partners Lot #2 in lot #3 of large lotts 6 & 10. 273 acres Cane: Liber 4:268 notes the payment of 1563 to the Treasury of New York State paid "in pursuant to the directions of a Resolution of a Commettee of Safety 1st March 1777, Kingston 23 April 1779 - Gerard Backer Treasurer"

315. May 1390

4:8 6,1769

Noah SMITH jr. of Jamaica Queens to Noah SMITH Sr. wheelwright & Nehemiah CARPENTER blacksmith of Jamaica, Queens Bounds So, Jonathan Hoag; E.- Elmendorf. Two earlier mortgages referred to 1) 1100 to Obadiah Mills, 2) 1100 to Hannah Hicks. 100 acres Witness: Benjamin Smith Cane: 5/30/1789 by Benjamin Event one of Noah Smith's heirs.

316. 4:14 June 15,1776 1315*

Thomas BANKER yeoman of Dutchess & Ann John RICE gentleman of NYC Lott 3 Fauconnier Patent Adjoins Hudson River. Post Road runs through the Lott. *Spanish Milled Dollars @ 8 shillings per Dollar



317. 4:18 May 20,1776 1366

Nathaniel SEAMAN yeoman of Dutchess Mary ELMENDORF widow of Kingston Lott I Witness: John Elmendorf Cane: 5/8/1807 by Jacobus S. Bruyn administrator of Mary Elmendorf.

318. 4:29 June 22,1778 1300

William REYNOLDS of Amenia & Rhoda Benjamin LEACH of Amenia 2 parcels 1) Bounds E.Lott 34 Benjamin Denton; So. Brinton Paine; W.Edmund Perlee; No. "Highway that leads to place called The City to Sharon" 54 acres 2) adjoins the above parcel. Bounds So. Highway; E.- Benjamin Denton; No. & W.Edmund Perlee. 43 acres Obligation to be paid "after the end of this present war with Great Britian" Witness: Theophilus Lockwood

4:36 319. June 16,1773 1450 @ 7%

Isaac DE LAMETTER jr. yeoman of Charlotte John ELMENDORPH merchant of Kingston Lott 1 Third Division 2/3 of Lott 1 Beg. at east side of Krom Elbow Kill. Witness: Egbert Dumont

320. 4:38 Sept.25,1781 1500*

Lemuel CONCKLIN of Charlotte to David VAN NESS, Herman HOFFMAN & Abraham VARICK of Rhinebeck 2 parcels 1) previously owned by Joshua Gidney & mortgaged on 4/16/ 1771 to the Loan Office of Dutchess. Conveyed by the Loan Officers to Herman Hoffman & from him to Concklin 4/30/1781. 200 acres 2) adjoins the above. Forfieted to the people of N.Y. by the Attainder of Joshua Gidney & conveyed to Concklin by the Commissioners of Forieture for the 115 acres Middle District. Witness: James M. Hughes Cane: Liber 4:380

4:50 321. Apr. 9,1882 1500*

John & Nethael COLEMAN of Charlotte Benjamin FROST of Charlotte Bounds No. Benjamin Frost; W.Lott 27 the Saulkil land; So. Micha Palmer; E.180 acres John Mott & Selvester Sweat. Witness: Eber Coleman *"hard money of the State of N.Y. in Gold & Silver"



4:51 322. Apr. 11,1782 15733

Abram WATERS of Sutton, Mass Judah SWIFT of Amenia 12 parcels 1) in Dr. Colden's Lott 45. Bounds No. William Chamberlain; So. Nathan Barlow. 200 acres 2) Formerly held by Moses & Nathan Bar13 acres low. 3) formerly held by Moses & Nathan Barlow. Beg. 20 rods east of Nine Partners Line. Adjoins parcel 2 above. Parcel 2 & 3 together bounds W.- Nine Partners: No. Nathan Barlow; E. & So. Nicholas DeLavergne esq. 15 acres 4) Beg. at SE. cor. of farm conveyed by 7 acres Stephen Swift to Moses Barlow. 5) formerly held by Moses Barlow & Hiel Willcocks. Adjoins creek which runs in Barlow's farm. 12 acres 6) Lott 28 adjoins Division Line between 190 acres Lott 27 & 28. 7) Oblong Beg. at SW. cor. of land that belonged to Judah Swift & Nathan Barlow in west line of the Oblong. Adjoins Nine Partners Line. 460 acres 8) Lott 28 Adjoins Oblong Line & is 7 rods north from the NE. cor. of land that Jacob Benson bought of Peter Koon; land formerly belonged to Joseph Gillet deed lately owned by George Folliot; land formerly sold by Thomas Sherlock. 55 acres 9) Land formerly sold by Thomas Sherlock to John Wadsworth adjoining parcels 7 & 8. Adjoins brook & pond, land Jacob Vanduzen sold to John Wadsworth, Oblong line. 20 acres 10) Lott 28[?] beg, at south side of land Swift bought of Moses Barlow. Adjoins Waters land, Luke Walcott. 22 acres 11) Adjoins Oblong, brook. 27 acres 12) Lott 29 5/6/ part of the forge & Steel works which Waters bought of Joseph Ketcham. Includes grist mill & stone house near Steel works & 5/6 of furniture & tools belonging to works. Gives James Reid privelege of drawing water 1 day of 6 to water his meadow.

323. 4:69 May 16,1782 1234*

William DEVINE weaver of Charlotte Robert G. LIVINGSTON esq. late of NYC now residing in Sharon, Conn. Lott 8 Bounds So. John Boolis; W.-



Newcomb; No. John Harris; E.- Peter Germond & Thomas Boolis, Adjoins brook near Newcomb. 106 acres *"in Gold or Silver at the rate of 8 shillings per Spanish Dollar" 4:76 324. Feb. 4,1783 1104*

Joseph REYNOLDS jr. of Charlotte Benjamin LEACH of Amenia Lott 25 taken off north & east end of Joseph Reynolds farm. Bounds E.- highway; No. Nicholas Holmes & Joseph Reynolds III; W.- Joseph Reynolds III & Joseph Reynolds jr.; So. Elisha Confield 42 acres & Enoch Tompkins. *New York currency equal to Silver & Gold

4:77 325. Feb. 4,1783 1342*

Joseph REYNOLDS III of Charlotte Benjamin LEACH of Amenia 2 parcels 1) Bounds Enoch Lott 25 Tomkins; E.- Joshua Wells & Enos Northrup; No. Enos Northrup; W.- highway from Dover to Poughkeepsie. 70 acres 2) West of Bauldhead Mtn. & west of parcel above. Bounds So, Joseph Reynolds jr.; E.- Nicholas Holmes & Elijah Cowfield; No, land formerly owned by Amos Partelow & Samuel Howland's land; W.- Thaddeus Cowfield & Joseph Reynolds 35 acres sr *N.Y. currency equivelant to Silver & Gold,

326. Feb. 1340

4:78 5,1783

Jedediah FERIS of Charlotte Benjamin LEACH of Amenia Lott 21 Bounds W.- Isaac Height; E.Stephen Pugsley; So. formerly belonging to Joseph Reynolds; No. John Gifford, Obligations of Elijah Cowfield & Joseph 146 acres Reynolds jr. mentioned.

4:83 327. Feb. 23,1776 182

Samuel JOHNSON Jacob BOGARDUS Beg. at Robert Johnson; Oblong Lott 62 So. along highway to Magdalan DeBrosses now in possession of Silas Marsh; W,along DeBrosses to highway; No. along highway to Robert Johnson; E.- to begin38 acres ning.


396 4:83 328. July 10,1772 1200

Joseph FORD yeoman of Charlotte Mary ELMENDORPH widow & Relict of Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph esq. dec'd of Kingston Lott 15 Beg. at NW. cor. of Thomas Traverse (on partition line between Margaret Crooke jr. & Mary Elmendorph). 105 acres

4:84 329. Apr. 21,1783 1196

Abraham ADAMS yeoman of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON Lott 32 Beg. at No. side of Iron Works brook. Adjoins Joseph Hopkins & Samuel 93 acres Smith. Canc: 1/9/1792 by Henry G. & Gilbert R. Livingston executors for Robert G. Livingston,

4:87 330. Nov. 7,1772 12044*

John BARNES merchant of Charlotte Peter CORNE merchant of Charlotte Lott 8 6 parcels 1) & 2) same as Liber 2:174 3) on east side of Wappingers creek opposite parcel # 1 above. Beg, at foot of bridge maintaining l chains distance from the creek to Everson's land. 4) same as Liber 3:121 5) Bounds So. Everson; E.- Schenk or his assigns; No, road from Poughkeepsie to Henry Filkins; W.- Adrian Van Endie. 1 acre 6) Lott 7 Bounds No, Jacob Carrol; E,William Welling; So, Lott 8; W.- William Woodworth. Adjoins west side of Wappin25 acres gers Creek. Also mentioned is Barnes to be responsible for the debts of the partnership between Barnes & Come. Witness: James Duane Canc: 1/10/1784 *Sterling money of Great Britian,

4:90 1,1781

Uriah DAVIS of Charlotte Joseph WOOLLEY of Charlotte 2 parcels Land Davis bought of Beg. at Mordica Lester. 1) Lott 4 No. side of east branch of Wappons Crick on No, side of Old Bridge that formerly crossed said branch that leads from John Carpenter's or John Parkasons to Isaac Bloom. Adjoins land formerly belonging to Capt. Joseph Hicks, Wappingers, road. 124 acres 2) Lott 5 & 4 subdiv. lot 3 in Lott 5

331, Nov. 1311



Beg, at west side of road from Bloom to John Freleigh; then W.- to Griffin's line; then No. to stake & stones; then West to Elmendorph's cor.; then NW, to Fraderick Holmes cor. he purchased from Benjamin Lester; along Holmes So. line 22 acres to road; along road to beg. Canc: 6/26/1813 332. 4:94 Aug. 23,1783 E500

Joshua WELLS yeoman of Charlotte & Sarah Melancton SMITH esq. & Nathaniel PLATT gentleman of Dutchess Bounds W.- John Allen; No. John Allen & Joseph Reynolds; E.- Joseph Reynolds, Enoch Tomkins, Thomas Ray; So. John Haight & Nicholas Holmes. 125 acres Canc: 7/4/[??]

333. 4:100 Nov. 22,1783 E866

Joshua WELLS yeoman of Charlotte Jacob WILLETS of Islip, Suffolk Co. 2 parcels 1) same as Liber 4:94. 2) Lott 25 Bounds No. highway; E.- Jonathan Weller; So, John Macey & Joseph Jenkins; W.- Enoch Tomkins, Noah Ferris, Jediadiah Ferris, Enos North, 163 acres Canc: parcel #1 Liber 5:159

334. 4:101 Aug. 23,1783 E100

Stephen SMITH of Amenia Bowers SLASON of Amenia purchased from Slason Oblong Lott 62 24 acres 8/27/1783. Witness: Isaac Darrow

335. 4:101 Sept. 3,1783 E120

John BACKUS of Canaan, Conn Bowers SLASON Oblong Lott 62 purchased from Slason. Bounds No. Samuel Johnson; W.- Joseph 13 acres Pennoyer; So. & E.- highway. Witness: Isaac Darrow

4:102 3,1783

Isaac BLOOM of Charlotte John THORN of Hempstead Lott 6 subdiv. lot 7 Beg. So. side of the Mill Brook. Adjoins road, John De 277 acres Groff, Elisha Powell. Canc: 5/19/1795

337. 4:103 Oct. 11,1779 E500* @ 5%

David ACKERT blacksmith of Charlotte Frances VAN DYKE of Charlotte 2.parcels Water Lott 1 & 2 Bounds W.- William Gay; So. 1) Lott 1 Leonard Van Kleek; E.- Stephen Gallow; 96 acres No. Callow. 2) Lott 2 E.- Stephen Callow; No. Cal-

336. Dec. E900 @ 6%


Mortgages low; W.- Henry Hagerman formerly. 20 acres Witness: Samuel Mott Canc: Liber 5:400 *Silver or Gold

338. Jan. 1263

4:104 7,1784

John WELLS yeoman of Charlotte & Sarah Jacob WILLETS yeoman of Islip same as Liber 4:94 above Cane: 5/27/1789

4:106 339. Feb. 19,1784 1104

John VAN COTT yeoman of Charlotte John W. ALLEN yeoman of Charlotte Lott 6 Beg. new road from Simon Flagler dec'd to Mills of Isaac Bloom; E.Daniel Bush. 76 acres Cane: 9/4/1786

4:108 340. Apr. 25,1780 E613*

William CLAPP of Charlotte Jonathan DEAN Lotts 6 & 10 third division Lot 2 of 186 acres subdiv. lot 3 Witness: Elijha Bedle Cane: 1/21/1786 *Silver or Gold

341. 4:109 Dec. 1,1783 81 Guineas

Joshua HALLOCK of Charlotte Richard WILLITS of Jericho where Hallock lives. Adjoins John Allen, road, Josiah Height, Land formerly of Jacob Tobias, creek. Cane: 5/27/1791

342. 4:110 Mar. 18,1784 11023

Eliakim HAMMOND merchant of Charlotte to Nathaniel TOM, Isaac Jackson TALMAN & Lewis CORNELL merchants of Pawlings Precinct Adjoins Bucks horn cor., Benjamin Trip, highway, William White, George Freligh. 30 acres

343. June E485 @ 7%

Pelatiah MILLS of Amenia Robert G. LIVINGSTON esq. formerly of NYC now at Sharon, Conn. Lott 35 Bounds W.- John Burnett; No. & E.- Joel Thurston; So. John Moredock. Benjamin Atwater named in bond. Witness: Brinton Paine 108 acres

4:115 5,1783



344. 4:116 Mar. 2,1784 E1256

John BERGH of Rhinebeck Charles SHAW merchant NYC Staatsburgh or Pawlings purchase 4 parcels 1) Lots 6 & 15 in a chart made by Charles Clinton. 2 parcels Lot 6 = 239 acres; Lot 15 = 256 acres. More fully described in release for the same from Gertruyd Coeyemans to Christian Bergh dec'd father of John dated 5/22/1761 in Deeds Liber 4:123-126. 2) Lots 2 & 12 2 parcels Lot 2 = 72 Acres, Lot 12 = 32 acres more fully described in a release from Tuenis Van Bunscoten to Christian Bergh 10/15/1773 recorded in Deeds Liber 6:374-379. Cane: 12/31/1793 by John C. Shaw esq.

4:117 1,1783

John DOSENBURY yeoman of Charlotte& Mary Othaniel SMITH of Queens Co. Lott 4 Bounds So. Jonathan Hoag. 100 acres Witness: John Miller

4:122 346. Apr. 23,1784 E100

Isaac FINCK of Charlotte & Abigail to Melancton SMITH esq. of Poughkeepsie & Nathaniel PLATT of Charlotte Land Finck recently purchased from James Marshall. Adjoins highway. 3 acres

347. 4:124 May 17,1784 E100 @ 6%

Israel GREEN jr. of Charlotte James TITUS of Hempstead Lott 26 Bounds E.- Jacob Haight; So. John Haight; W. & No. Jonathan Holmes. 34 acres

348. Nov. E500 @ 5%

4:124 4,1783

Paul HOAG yeoman of Charlotte Silas DOWNING of Westbury, N.Y. Lott 16 Bounds No. Division Line; E.John Cronkland & Peletiah Soper; So. Peletiah Soper; W.- Joseph Doty & Es162 acres quire Becay. Cane: 3/10/1797 *Silver & Gold

4:125 349. Mar. 23,1784 E300

Joseph HICKS of Charlotte John ADAMS of Charlotte Bounds W.- Zacheus Newcomb; No. Thomas Stewart; E.- Whitney & Walbridge; 147 acres So. Wheeler Case. Witness: David Carpenter

345. May E526


400 350. May 1212

4:126 8,1783

John BURNET yeoman of Charlotte & Sarah to Ann LAZEAR widow of Louis Lazear of Charlotte Bounds W.Hyde Park patent Lott 2 Hudson River; No. Thomas Benker, Post 100 acres Road runs through the lott. Witness: Jacob Schryver Canc: 2/11/1787

351. June 1400

4:134 7,1784

James TALMAGE of Charlotte & Anne to Jacob FIELD of Newton, Queens NE. cor, of lott. Bounds E,Lott 20 line between Charlotte & Amenia; No. Lott 19; W.- Amos Thompson. Highway 150 acres crosses through the parcel Witness: Ezra Thompson

352. June 1400

4:134 7,1784

Ezra THOMPSON of Charlotte & Rachal to Jacob FIELD of Newton 2 parcels 1) Bounds No. James Talmage; So. Enos Thompson & Joseph Curtis; E,- Isaac Smith & land form25 acres erly belonging to John Crook, 2) In Amenia precinct. Adjoins highway on So,; Jacob Bockee NW. cor. 100 acres Cane: 6/8/1793

353. 4:135 Apr. 12,1784 1385

Stephen CALLOW of Charlotte Gabriel W. LUDLOW merchant of NYC Bounds W.- Joshus Water Lotts 1 & 2 Moses; E.- Jeremiah Teller; So. Cornelius Osborn. 316 acres Cane: 5/1/1795

354. 4:141 July 10,1783 11500

Neheniah HART of Charlotte & Mary to Alexander MACCAULEY 4 parcels Lott 7 1) Beg, at line between Lott 7 and land late in possession of Augustine Creed in a swamp. Adjoins a brook with a bridge over it. 50 acres 2) Lott 7 subdivision lot 3 - W.- side of highway 6 acres 3) adjoins parcel 2 and highway. 5 acres 4) Adjoins the Country Road that leads to Poughkeepsie and parcel 1 above. 30 acres

355. Aug. 1319 @ 7%

William REYNOLDS of Amenia & Rhoda to Benjamin LEECH of Amenia Lott 34 2 parcels 1) Bounds E,Benjamin Denton; So. John Barnet, W.Edmund Perlee; No. highway from a place called The City to Sharon. 54 acres

4:144 7,1784



2) adjoins the above parcel. Bounds So. highway; E.- Benjamin Denton; No. & W.Edmund Perlee. 43 acres 4:145 356. Sept. 2,1770 157

Lewis HOGG of Charlotte Dirck VAN VLIET of Charlotte Bounds So. Johannis Van Aikin; E. Martin Wilsey & Dirck Van Vliet; No. Dirck Van Vliet; W.- Frans Van Dycke & Johannis Traves. 52 acres Witness: John De Witt

357. 4:150 Sept. 1,1779 L775*

John I. OSTRUM yeoman of Charlotte to Gorus STORM exec. of Dirck Storm of Charlotte Adjoins widow Lott 14 3rd Division Reynolds, Peter Storm, No. line of Lott 14, Thomas Storm. 200 acres Witness: Peter Storm Canc: 11/7/1785 *Gold & Silver lawful money of N.Y.

4:152 358. Aug. 6,1784 E1200

Joshua OWEN of Charlotte & Martha to Jacob & Increas CARPENTER of Flushing, Queens 2 parcels 1) Adjoins highway from William Carpenter to Uriah Davis, Othaniel Allen, Isaac Albertson, Gerardus Quick, No. side of Wappingers Creek, 96 acres 2) Lott 5 subdivision lot 4. (lot #3 in Beg, on the highway subdivision lot 4) small distance So. of dwelling house Joshua Owen lately bought of Isaac Bloom. Along highway which is west line of lands purchased by Owen from Bloom, Ad134 acres joins Isaac Albertson. Exception: 30 sq. ft. where the school house stands. Jacob & Increase Carpenter & Owen were named in 2 earlier bonds 1) to Thomas Lawrence, 2) to James Lawrence both of Flushing. Witness: Richard Snedeker Cane: 5/24/1790

4:157 6,1778

Henry VAN GELDER of Charlotte Leonard VAN KLEECK of Poughkeepsie Bounds W.- Water Lotts; No, Peter Storm; E.- John Barhite; So, Joseph 177 acres Casten. Witness: Myndert Van Kleeck Canc: 8/8/1786

359. Apr. E400 @ 4%


402 4:159 360. Nov. 22,1784 L1000*

Brinton PAINE esq. of Dutchess Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Westchester land previously owned by Joseph Harris blacksmith dec'd which he had mortgaged to John Chambers Esq. dec'd of NYC. Bounds No. Little Nine Partners line; E.- Charlotte line[?]; So. Job Miles; SE. cor. jeremiah Concklin, 863 acres *Spanish Milled Dollars or pieces of eight @ 2A per E.

4:160 2,1775

Benjamin LESTER farmer of Hemstead Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Bounds So. Cornell Quimby; W.Uriah Davis; No. Frederick Ham jr,; E,200 acres Peter Flagler. Witness: Isaac Bedell

4:165 362. Dec. 16,1784 L 5 & 1400

George FRELIGH Esq. of Dutchess to Michael PALTZ[?], Henry FRELIGH the elder & Johannis FRELIGH of Dutchess 1) Bounds No, Eli3 parcels akim Hammond; E.- William White, So, & W.- highway from Filkintown to Eliakim 70 acres Hammond. 2) Bounds So. Nicholas De Lavergne dec'd; E,- No., NW, highway from house of Aaron Haight to David Sutherland; W,30 acres Philip Hart. 3) Bounds No, Philip Hart & John Maccumber; W.- Ichabod Mosher; So. Philip Hart; E.- highway from Hart to Hammond. 50 acres George Freligh agrees to pay t1400 to Gabriel W. Ludlow, Miles Sherbrook & Nicholas Hoffman merchants of NYC. Earlier bond Nov, 1773 in which Michael Poltz, Henry Freligh & Johannis Freligh acted as sureties for George Freligh, Witness: Theodorus Baily

4:166 363. Dec. 22,1784 L318

George FRELIGH of Charlotte Nathaniel PLATT of Charlotte Adjoins Millpond now occupied by Nehemiah Merrit jr., highway near 47 acres Merrit's milldam. Witness: Theodorus Baily

4:167 364. Apr. 15,1783 L356

Aaron SMITH of Backman John BURNETT of Charlotte Adjoins Wappingers Creek, bever pond creek; So. John Duryee's; E,- John Thomas.

361. Nov. L200



365. June 1600

4:170 5,1784

Henry FROST farmer of Charlotte William FROST farmer of Charlotte Lott 25 2 parcels 1) Bounds E.Gersham Butts; So. Lott 26; W.- Gideon 107 acres Willber; No. highway. 2) Bounds So. highway; W.- Jonathan Cutler; No. Ruffer Herree. 130 acres Witness: John Addison Cane: 2/12/1787

366. Aug. 1600

4:171 4,1784

Zopher & Henry FROST farmers of Charlotte to William FROST of Charlotte Lott 1 farm 3 Beg. on the upper Bergh at NW. cor. of Adam (A) Eckert's farm. Bounds W.- David Traver; No. division line of Cook & Jacobus Stoutenberg; E.- Wappingers Creek at a Bridge; 261 acres So. Adam (A) Eckert. Witness: John Addison Canc: 2/12/1787

367. Jan.

4:175 7,1785

William CHAMBERLAIN of Amenia James REED of Amenia Beg, in highway So. of Oblong Lott 49 Jedediah Bump's house. Adjoins Peter Cline, Samuel Judson, Ezekeil Sackett, 150 acres River. Canc: 9/23/1785

368. 4:187 Dec. 31,1784 1550

Jacobus TELLER farmer of Charlotte John LEFFERTS grocer of Kings Co. Bounds No. late Charles Crooke; W.- Hudson River; So. boundry 400 acres line between Lot 3 & 4. Canc: 2/10/1784

369. 4:188 Apr. 23,1785 131

Eliakim HAMMOND trader of Charlotte Joseph THORN 10 acres Lott 7 Witness: George Freligh "made oath on the Holy evangelist of Almighty God" before Cornelius Humphry Esq. Judge

370. 4:191 Sept 15,1784 1194

Stephen TROBRIDGE jr. sadler of Amenia Lemuel BRUSH merchant of Charlotte Bounds W.- highway; So, David Lott 35 Asband & Peletiah Mils; E.- Seth Wheeler; 108 acres No. Thomas Baker. Witness: Ezra Thompson Canc: 7/6/1804



4:192 371. Feb. 25,1785 1103

Isaac FINCH innkeeper of Charlotte & Abigal to Nathaniel PLATT gentleman of Charlotte 2 parcels 1) beg, at mill brook leading to Mill of Nehemiah Merrit. Adjoins house of Benjamin Ray, bridge called Nehemiah Reynold's bridge. 2) 4 acres 10 acres

372. 4:194 May 2,1782 1205*

Philip HART merchant of Charlotte Richard CANTLING merchant of Charlotte land Hart bought from Richard DeCantillon. Bounds W.- Israel Deuel; No. David Johnston; E.- Tho. Bennet; So. muckle hill rocks. 157 acres *Gold or Silver

373. 4:200 Aug. 18,1781 1240*

Peter SMITH of Northeast Precinct Richard TITUS of Greenwich, Conn. Lott 19 subdivision lot 13 Bounds W.& So. Joshua Lounsbury; E.- James Winant & highway; No. Lott 19 line & Samuel 77 acres Pugsley. Witness: Reuben Mead *Spanish Milled Dollars @ 8 shillings each or in gold equivelent.

374. 4:203 June 7,1785 1187*

Christopher SCHULTZS yeoman of Charlotte Gabriel W. LUDLOW gentleman of NYC Lott 7 3rd Division subdivision lot 2 near the forks of the Fallkill. Bounds E.- Gabriel W. Ludlow; So. David Knap; W.- Henry Marshall; No. Titus Clark. Cane: 10/31/1796 125 acres *Spanish silver milled dollars @ 8 shillings per dollar,

375. 4:206 June 4,1785 1280*

Jonathan SOAL yeoman of Charlotte John LEWIS mariner of NY Water Lott 1 subdivision lot 3 Previously purchased by Lewis from children of Dirck Ten Eyck dec'd on 11/2/1753. Bounds W.- subdivision lot 2; No. Water Lott 2; So. the south bounds of the Nine Water Lots; E.- subdivision lot 4. Size of parcel 100 X 34 chains *Spanish Milled Dollars @ 8 shillings per dollar.



4:209 376. June 17,1785 1200*

Benjamin PADOCK of Dutchess James ALLING of Charlotte Lott 21 previously conveyed by Benjamin Palmer jr. to Padock 1/10/1785. Adjoins So. side of land Ebenezer Purdy bought of Elias Bullock. 86 acres *and 49 bushels of Wheat.

377. 4:215 Apr. 30,1785 £250 @ 7%

Cornelius VAN VLIET yeoman of Charlotte Richard ALSOP Esq. of Queens Lott 4 3rd Division in SE. cor, of Lott 4. Bounds W.- highway; No. school House lot (school house is in SW. cor, of school house lot); E.- Peter Radclift, Cane: 8/4/1795 120 acres

378. June £196 @ 7%

4:216 1,1785

Charles TRAVER yeoman of Charlotte Richard ALSOP Esq. Queens Lott 4 3rd Division Bounds W.- Peter Radclift; So. Dirck Van Vliet; W.- house of Thomas Garrison & School house lot. Cane: 2/10/1796 by Platt 98 acres Smith for heirs of Alsop. William Traver witnessed the discharge of mortgage.

379. June £509

4:217 4,1785

John POWELL yeoman of Dutchess & Elizabeth to Abigail, James & William BOWNE exec, of Samuel Bowne merchant of NYC Lotts 6 & 10 part of share of Anthony Rutgers esq. dec'd. Adjoins E.- line of Francis Nelson; Lott 7 on So.; Obediah 277 acres Powell. Cane: 7/31/1794

4:224 380. Jan. 27,1785 1929

Brinton PAINE Esq. of Amenia to Alida & Nicholas HOFFMAN & Isaac ROOSEVELT exec. of Martin Hoffman dec'd Beg. at NW. cor. of Michael 239 acres Lounsbury.

381. July £360

Ezra BRYAN farmer of Amenia Nicholas HOFFMAN of NYC merchant Bounds No. Brinton Paine; E.Michael Lounsbury; So. Cain Blackmare & Thomas Fish; W.- Moses Harris father of 100 acres above Moses Harris. Witness: Jacob Radclift Cane: 6/12/1799

4:225 9,1785


406 4:227 382. July 19,1785 1540

Hendrick SLEGHT yeoman of Dutchess Richard SANDS of No. Hempstead Lott 4 Bounds W.- widow Elmendorf; No. 250 acres Charles Crooke.

383. 4:245 July 1,1785 1075*

William CHAMBERS of Amenia James DESBROSSES merchant of NYC exec. of Elias Desbrosses dec'd Oblong Lott 49 Beg, in highway south of Jedediah Bump's house. Adjoins Peter Cline, Samuel Judson, Ezekiel Sackett, The River. Wife Abigail Chambers named 150 acres in bond. Witness: Jacob Osborn, Seth Doty *Spanish Milled Dollars

4:247 384. Sept.17,1785 1300

Samuel MOTT of Charlotte Jacob MOTT of Oyster Bay Water Lott 3 Bounds W.- Samuel Mott; No. Gabriel Manning; E.- Cornelius Humpphry; So. David Concklin. 150 acres Cane: 6/20/1792

4:251 385. 8,1783 May L100*

Abram SKINNER of East Windsor, Hartford, Conn. Joel HARVEY jr. of Amenia Oblong Lott 64 Beg. on W. bank of River. Bounds E.- River; So. Isaac Darrow; Land on both sides of the river. *Connecticut money 262 acres

386. Nov. 1200 @ 7%

4:260 2,1785

Jonathan ANGEVINE yeoman of Charlotte Gorus STORM of Charlotte Lott 14 (3rd Division) Beg. 8 rods No. of Sw. cor of Widow Reynolds. Adjoins Peter Storm & Thomas Storm. Canc: 6/20/1788 196 acres

387. Oct. 137

4:261 7,1785

Samuel CASTLE of Charlott to Charles MC EVERS & James SEAGROVE of NYC Lott 21 Purchased by Castle from John Husted on 6/15/1784. Bounds No. Alexander Nelson; W.- John Weatherhead; E.Nathaniel Wording. Bounds outline 128 acres parcel of which 41 acres are conveyed in this mortgage. Witness: Jared Lane



388. 4:263 May 21,1785 E150

Moses VAIL of Charlotte Philip ALLEN of Great Neck Lott 11 Bounds W.- Joseph Haight; No. Aaron Vail dec'd; E.- Gilbert Titus; So. John Hoag. Refers to Moses Vail as a Quaker. 100 acres Canc: 8/17/1787

389. 4:264 May 16,1785 E150

Jonathan HOAG of Charlotte Philip ALLEN of Great Neck Lott 5 subdivision lot 4 Bounds W.land formerly owned by Joseph Hicks now by Daniel Wicks or his heirs; So. farm formerly owned by James Lestor & William Bedel; E.- Bedell; No. Jonathan Hoag jr. Parcel includes the highway. 57 acres Cane: 8/27/1787

390. 4:288 Jan. 27,1786 E218

James BRUNDIGE of Amenia Peter SHAVELEAR,Cooksawkee, Albany Oblong Lott 57 Beg. at 49 mile monument. 80 acres Witness: Abner Shavelear Cane: 9/16/1786

391. Nov. 1346

4:290 3,1785

John BERGH yeoman of Rhinebeck Abraham HASBROUCK merchant of Kingston Water Lott 8 2 parcels 1) South i of Lott 8. Bounds W. Hudson River; So. Lott 7; E.- Lott 13 in 3rd Division of Nine Partners; No. John De Graaf dec'd & Christian Bergh. 300 acres 2) Bounds So. Theodorus Van Wyck; W.Hudson River; No. Isaac Germond; E.John De Graaf dec'd. Exceptions: 100 acres Christian Bergh sold to Isaac Conkling; 100 acres John Bergh sold to James Ackerman; 100 acres John Bergh sold to Jacobus Stoutenbergh,

392. May E204

4:295 2,1785

James SWARTWOUT blacksmith of Charlotte Cornelius T. JANSEN of Shawangunck, Ulster Co. Adjoins highway (probably NE Lott 1 100 acres cor. of Lott 1).

393. May E204

4:296 2,1785

John VAN KAMP yeoman of Charlotte Cornelius T. JANSEN of Shawangunck, Ulster Co. Beg. E.- side of Little WappinLott 1 100 acres gers by the highway.



394. 4:298 Mar. 10,1786 1223*

Roswel CATLIN & Oliver SWAN of Amenia to John & Frederick JAY & Egbert BENSON Esq. exec. of Peter Jay Esq. of Rye, N.Y. managers of monies left for benefit of daughter Eve Jay for her lifetime. Beg. at SW. cor. of Gideon Castle's land which he bought from Daniel Barber. Mortgage indicates the parcel is in Amenia Lott #6 of Nine Partners a probable description error. Witness: Peter Jay Munro 44 acres * Spanish Milled Dollars @ 2i per pound or gold or silver & "not in paper money or bills of credit of any kind whatever even though made a legal tender by Act of the Legislature of the State of New York"

395. 4:301 Mar. 18,1786 1175

Rufus HERRICK of Charlotte Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Westchester Conveyed to Herrick 5/5/1781 by the Commissioners of Forfeitures for the Middle District. Adjoins other lands of Rufus Herrick. See Deeds Liber 7:269 271. 306 acres Canc: 9/4/1810

396. 4:312 Apr. 27,1786 1203*

Margaret UHL widow of Clinton Teunis VAN BUNSCHOUTEN farmer of Rombout (Staatsburgh) 2 parcels on a Map referred to but not enclosed. 1) Lot 4 adjoins Hudson River. 202 acres 2) Lot 11 Stephen Griffing named in bond. 36 acres *gold or silver

397. 4:344 June 15,1785 1452*

Azariah JUDSON of Dutchess Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Westchester Oblong Lott 49 & 50. Beg, on line between NY & Conn. Adjoins Eliakim Reed, Conrade Winegar, William Chamberlain, Jedediah Bumpus. 300 acres Witness: David Doty, Abel Merchant *Spanish Milled Dollars or pieces of eight.

398. June 1255

James BAREMERE of Washington Mary VERPLANCK NYC Lott 12 Beg. on W.- side of road adjoining Aaron Haight, 206 acres Canc: 12/20/1809

4:345 2,1786



399. 4:346 May 25,1781 1400*

Abner & James PURDY of Charlotte John THOMPSON of Charlotte Lott 20 Previously conveyed by Zebulon Mead to Asa Thompson's father John 3/16 & 25/1774 218 acres Witness: Amos Thompson jr. *Bushels of good marchantable Wheat.

4:348 4,1786

Benjamin JAKAX of Amenia John TITUS of Amenia Farm which was conveyed from Joseph Fowler to Nathaniel Fisk& then to Jakax. Bounds W.- Aspenall Cornell & Thomas Williams; E.- Judge Ephraim Payne dec'd; No. Elija Adams; So. road from Cornell & Williams to DeLavergne. Witness: Stephen Titus 100 acres Canc: 6/21/1802

401. 4:351 May 13,1774 1230

Abraham BOCKEE Esq. of Amenia Isaac BOERUM yeoman of Flatbush Lott 36 subdivision Lot 1. Bounds So. Lott 35. 350 acres Witness: John I. Meyers, William Wentworth, Attorney John Mc Kesson of NYC

402. 4:357 Aug. 10,1786 1294

Samuel HERRICK merchant of Washington Robert G. LIVINGSTON merchant of NYC Beg, in north line of Lott Lott 32 32. Adjoins Noah Gale, Stephen Kinne, 146 acres brook, Jacob Everson. Canc: of 60 acres from west end - Liber 6:226

400. July E220

403. May E400

4:362 1,1786

404. 4:365 Aug. 16,1786 E116

George ELVIN yeoman of Clinton John OSTROM farmer of Clinton Beg, in east 3rd Division Lott 3 line of John Crapser's land, then No. 30 W 37 chains to west side of the Lake. Refers to "an old sawmill" (which appears to be N65°E 23 chains from point of beg.) 200 acres Moses HARRIS sr. of Kingsbury, Washington Co. Richard D'CANTILLON merchant of Clinton lot 3 of subdivision lot 1. Lott 36 Beg. at NW. cor. of Lott 36. Land now in possession of Moses Harris jr. 100 acres Witness: Joseph Mabbet, Moses Harris jr. Canc: 7/13/1799



405. 4:374 Sept. 6,1786 1152

John CONCKLIN farmer of Clinton Robert G. LIVINGSTON gentleman NYC Bounds So. a slip of Water Lott 1 land belonging to the Nine Partners & Joshua Owen's farm; E.- other lands of John Concklin; No. Joseph Odle; W.Isaac & William Baldwin. Land was previously conveyed to John Concklin dec'd father of above John Concklin by Henry & Cornelia Bogart 11/20/1751. Cane: 11/9/1813 100 acres

4:380 406. Sept. 16,1786 1168

James BRUNDIGE farmer of Amenia John COLLIN Esq. of Hillsdale, Columbia Co. Oblong Lott 57 Beg. at 40 mile monument. 80 acres

407. 4:381 Feb. 28,1784 1539

Samuel SMITH of Nine Partners Mary ELMENDORPH widow of Petrus Elmendorph Esq. of Kingston Lott 16 1/3 part of lot 2 which is i part of Lott 16. Southern of lot 2 following a division between Samuel & Melancton Smith. Beg. at NW. cor. of Lott 21 41 chains from the old line between Lott 15 & 16. Except 7 acres to be added to lot 3. Said lot is part of land purchased by Henry Bogart 1/23/1764 from Abraham Bockee & Samuel Jackson. Canc: 8/5/1794 263 acres

408. 4:383 June 16,1786 1132

Micah PALMER of Charlotte Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston Beg. at middle of Brook in the Steep Hollow being the cor, of Nathaniel Gardner's land. Adjoins John Mott (formerly John Coleman) 130 acres Witness: Peter Ed. Elmendorph Canc: 5/30/1805

4:390 2,1786

Job MULFORD of Clinton & Hannah to William SWEEZEY of Brookhaven Lott 7 Staatsburgh Conveyed to Job by David Mulford late of Clinton. Bounds W.- Hudson River. 127 acres Canc: 10/9/1804

409. Nov. 1234



410. 4:408 Nov. 17,1786 £361

Nanthaniel & Thomas PERRY farmer of Amenia to Charles CROOKE of Poughkeepsie Lott 29 lot 2 in subdivision lot 1. Adjoins brook, dwelling house of Palmer, Division line between Amenia & Charlotte. 345 acres Witness: John Davis

4:411 5,1786

Benjamin LAPHAM farmer of Washington Benjamin DE LAVERGNE physician of Dutchess Lott 21 subdivision lot 6 in So. 1 of Lott 21. Bounds W.- William Palmer; E.- subdiv. lot 7. Pazzi Lapham mentioned in bond. Refers to "an act for the more effectual registry of Mortgages" passed by the Legislature of the late Colony of NY on 3/19/1774. 156 acres Witness: James Kent

4:415 412. Mar. 25,1786 £24

Jonathan HIGGINS of Charlotte Charles MANNING farmer of Charlotte Bounds So. Joseph Odle. Water Lott 2 2 acres Witness: Nicholas Gabriell

4:416 413. Nov. 17,1786 £166

William PUGSLY of Washington Jacob BOCKEE Amenia Beg. at School House a little east of where Pugsly lives. Bounds So. a road; W.- Lewis Barton; No. a 50 acres road; E.- a cross road. Witness: Isaac Smith jr. Cane: 4/30/1812 Same as Liber 4:420

414. 4:421 Sept. 1,1786 £90

Stephen TREDWELL clothier of Dutchess Gilbert CLAPP of Dutchess Adjoins land of Obadiah Gore Lott 20 Herby. 26 acres Witness: Thomas Frost Cane: 5/3/1794

4:422 415. Mar. 18,1783 £200

Benjamin FROST of Charlotte Jonathan DEAN of Westchester lot 2 of subdivision Lotts 6 & 10 lot 3. Adjoins highway & Great lot 100 acres line. Cane: 3/9/1785

411. Dec. £240

416. June £216

4:424 1,1786

Cornelius HUMFREY Esq. of Clinton Joseph HAGAMAN farmer of Cockanariaga, Montgomery Co. Bounds No. Peter Storm; W.Samuel Mott; So. road leading east &


Mortgages west through his farm; E.- land of Ostrom family & John Boright. 50 acres

417. Nov. L146

4:427 2,1786

Francis NELSON of Clinton Myndert VAN KLEECK of Poughkeepsie Lott 1 formerly bought by Jost Garrison from Peter Goelet. Bounds No. Bastean Triver; E.- Derick Van Vliet; So. Cornelious Van Dyck; W.- Cornelius Van Dyck, Richatat Williams & Peter Van Dyck. 100 acres

418. 4:431 Jan. 18,1787 L35

Joseph BROWN jr. farmer of Washington Job WILLBUR farmer of Albany Lott 26 Beg. at NE. cor of Capt. Wallais. 57 acres Canc: 4/11/1791

419. 4:434 Jan. 25,1787 L429

William DOUGHTY of Washington& Nehetebel Joseph S. MABBETT merchant of Washington Lott 11 2 parcels 1) Bounds W.Nathaniel Brown; No. Creed; So. or E.Christian Tobias. 100 acres 2) adjoins the 1st parcel 25 acres Witness: Elijah Hallock (Quaker), James Doughty Canc: 5/23/1792

420. 4:435 Nov. 30,1786 5388*

Jedediah FERRIS farmer of Washington Benjamin SANDS of Cowneck, No. Hempstead 2 parcels 1) Bounds W.Thaddeus Canfield; No. Samuel Howland & Enos Northrop; E.- Joshua Wells; So, Enoc Tompkins 2) Bounds E.- Pugsly; W.- Isaac Hacts; No. John Gifford; So. Benjamin & Daniel Ferris. 270 acres Witness: James Sands, David Brooks *"pounds of good fresh Beef, each creature not to exceed 12 years old, and for every four quarters of beef & tallow weighing 420 pounds to furnish 60 pounds of rough tallow out of Beef. The Beef to be delivered to the house of Benjamin Sands. Sands to pay ferriage from New Rochelle to Cow Neck."

Mortgages 421. May 1125

4:439 4,1784

4:440 422. Jan. 24,1787 1400*


Edward GRIFFEN jr. of Charlotte Jacob WILLS of Scarsdale Bounds So. Michael Griffen; W.Benjamin DeLavergne; No. Edward Griffen; E.- road leading from place called the hollow to Phileas Lownbury. Adjoins Zopher Green. 100 acres John BARHYTE of Clinton Thomas BARHITE of Dutchess Adjoins mudder kill, Norther kreek & swamp. Term of agreement is 500 years. * for the maintenance of his wife Elizebeth "if she don't agree to live with him or if she can give a lawful reason for parting from him". It appears if this occurs the property is to be turned over to Thomas Barhite. Also 128 a year is to be paid to Elizebeth for her lifetime.

4:453 7,1786

Selah WELLS yeoman of Amenia Lewis DELAVERGNE shopkeeper of Amenia Lott 31 Adjoins Ephraim Paine, Rufus Herrick, Daniel Shepherd, Samuel Dunham, Lewis Delavergne, east Brow or top of mountain, Jehosaphat Holmes. Includes swamp called the Pepperedge Swamp. Cane: 5/12/1795 300 acres

424. 4:461 Apr. 17,1787 1150

Peter SCRIVER farmer of Clinton & Annabarah to Peter VAN BUNSCHOTEN yeoman of Rumbout Adjoins road, David Water Lott 2 68 acres Concklin, & Joseph Odle. Cane: 12/10/1793

425. 5:5 Dec. 26,1786 1838

Colbe CHAMBERLAIN & Benjamin FULLER of Amenia to Henry G. LIVINGSTON Beg. on No. side of road leading from Lewis DeLavergne to Sharon. Mortgage delivered to Sam'l 268 acres Hake 3/27/1791

423. Jan. 1900


414 5:13 426. Apr. 26,1787 1120

David TRUSSDELL cordwinder of Amenia John COLLIN Esq. of Hillsdale, Columbia Co. 3rd Division in Amenia, AdLott 20 joins NW. cor. of John Dennes & a high74 acres way. Note: This description may be in error. In the Nine Partners there is no Lott 20 in a 3rd Division in Amenia.

427. May 158

John HUNT of Charlotte Jacob SMITH of Charlotte on the highway that leads Lott 7 from Joseph Allen to the Filkintown.. Bounds E.- Peter Germond dec'd; No. William Allen dec'd; W.- Thomas Welling, highway; So. James Hall & Mary Palmer, (except woodland Hunt to Mary Palmer) Canc: 12/1/1793[?]

5:19 29,1784

428. May 1103

5:22 4,1787

Cornelius & John PAWLING jr. of Stattsborough to William RADCLIFT of Rhinebeck one 2/3 part of land reStattsburgh leased to Cornelius & John Pawling on 4/23/1787. Land is residue of parcel conveyed by Henry & Elizabeth Pawling unto Cornelius & John Pawling, William Radclift & Mary Pawling as tenants in common on 3/25/1785 & another parcel on 4/28/1785.

429. May 1400

5:38 1,1787

Solomon BARTON merchant of Washington William THORN yeoman of Washington Bounds So. Solomon Barton homestead farm & Caleb Barton; W.- James Goold; No. Paul Coffin & other lot Coffin bought from Benjamin Jacaks; E.Land formerly of Peter Palmer. Adjoins 102 acres highway. Witness: Winslow Forbess Cane: 3/17/1791

430. Feb. 1200

5:45 6,1786

Solomon BARTON yeoman of Nine Partners Moses QUIMBY of Westchester land Barton bought from Benjamin Jacaks, Same description as Liber 5:38 above. Barton had previous bond with Moses Quimby & Theophilus Hunt dated 2/12/1783. Witness: Josiah Quimby, Quaker Cane: by Barsheber Quimby 8/21/1805

Mortgages 431. Apr. 1E100

5:56 7,1777


Nathan HILL yeoman of Amenia Samuel MABET of Charlotte Lott 30 Bounds So. Lott 30; E.highway; No. & W.- Joel Thirston. Cane: 2/12/1791

5:58 432. June 23,1787 1266

Nathaniel THORN yeoman of Clinton Stephen THORN doctor of Rumbout Clinton So. part of Nathaniel's 75 acres homestead farm.

433. 5:69 June 22,1787 1160

Nathaniel THORN yeoman of Clinton Joseph THORN yeoman of Washington No. end of Nathaniel's Clinton homestead farm. 75 acres

434. 5:70 June 30,1787 L185

Edward GRIFFEN yeoman of Washington Joseph WOOLEY of Washington Washington Bounds No. Samuel Doughty & Isaac Bedel; E.- Isaac Bedel, Jeremiah Bedel, Phineas Lownsberry; So. land mortgaged by Griffen to Jacob Willis; W.- Frederick Stright & Bulleses Pond. 200 acres Witness: Matthew Bowne, Quaker Cane: 1/11/1797

435. 5:73 July 4,1787 L310*

Peter HATFIELD yeoman of Washington & Sarah to Augustus VAN HORNE of NYC part of Hatfield's Washington 188 acres farm. Cane: 5/1/1795 *Spanish Milled Dollars @ 8 Shillings per Dollar

436. July 1150

Cornelius HUMFREY of Clinton George WARNER sailmaker of NYC Bounds No. Peter Storm; W.- Samuel Mott, David Conklin, Cornelius Ostrom; So. Abraham Wood; E.- Dene 100 acres Ostrom & John Boright. Warner acting as security for a 1150 bond Humfrey has with John Jones merchant of NYC.

5:75 3,1787

437. 5:85 Jan. 19,1787 1247 @ 6%

Jonathan HOAG jr. of Clinton John ALLEN of Great Neck Beg. at subdivision lot 4. Lott 5 Joseph Hicks NE. cor. now in possession of the heirs of Daniel Wickes. Bounds W.- formerly Joseph Hicks now Wickes; So. farm lately possessed by James Lester & William Bedell jr; E.- Bedell; No, Jon-


Mortgages athan Hoag Sr. Cane: 10/20/1813

57 acres

5:86 438. Sept. 3,1787 1441

James BARNET of Amenia to Melancton SMITH & Hendrick WYCKOFF merchant of NYC Lotts 33 & 34 joint ownership resulting from deed conveyed by John Barnet to James Barnet 11/14/1781. Adjoins Justis Wilson, Benjamin Denton, William Reynolds, Edmund Parlee, highway, Lott 33 line, Isaac Burton, Elisha Latemore. Mortgage to satisfy 2 earlier bonds totalling 1167 from John Barnet of Northeast to Smith & Wyckoff dated 10/1/1786. 205 acres

439. 5:119 June 12,1787 1320

Bartholemew NOXEN of Clinton to Daniel SMITH & Samuel MOTT exec. of Samuel Mott of Clinton Water Lott 1 Bounds W.- Hudson River. Adjoins William Gay & So, boundry of Lott 1. 120 acres Cane: 2/21/1797

5:125 1,1786

Obediah SMITH of Clinton Jacob WICKS Where Smith now lives. Clinton Bounds No. Hoag & Carpenter; W.- Elijah Hoag; So. Paul Upton; E.- Road runs along line of Hoag & Carpenter. 68 acres Witness: Zopher Wickes Cane: 5/21/1792

441. 5:126 Nov. 30,1787 191

John ROGERS Benjamin ROGERS Bounds W.- Crum Elbow Creek; Clinton No. Reuben Nelson dec'd; E.- John Powell; So. Reuben Nelson jr. 86 acres

442. May 1600

5:130 2,1787

Matthew BOWEN & Elizabeth to Thomas TOBIAS Washington Bounds So. Solomon Haight; E.- Joshua Haight; No. highway from Poughkeepsie to Dover; W.- William Doughty. 100 acres

443. 5:134 Dec. 23,1786 1200

Joseph TEED of Amenia William TEED of Cortlandt Manor Oblong Lott 61 Beg. at Robert Freeman NE. cor. Adjoins road, Joseph Penoyer. Cane: 7/15/1800 50 acres

440. May



444. 5:147 Dec. 29,1787 £150

Frederick STREIT & Katharine to John VAN DER BURGH Washington Beg. near house of Benjamin De La Vergne near a brook. Adjoins Ham, Samuel Doughty, Griffen, pond, Joshua Hallock, John Germond. Cane: 5/7/1791

445. 5:148 Nov. 29,1787 £484

Henry HUMFREY of Clinton John HUMFREY of Washington Lott 5 subdivision Lot 1 North end where house & barn now stands. Beg. at NW. cor. of lot & running E.- in line of Lott 5 to Mordacai Lester. Adjoins John Evers on So. & a pond. John Humfrey is security for mortgage Henry Humfrey to Daniel Lewis. 216 acres Cane: 1/19/1790

446. July £924

5:152 1,1787

Matthew BOWNE farmer of Nine Partners & Elizabeth to Elizabeth, James & Joseph QUIMBY of Westchester & Leonard LAWRENCE of Queens Beg, at house of MatWashington thew where Joseph Lason lives standing on road from Poughkeepsie to Dover. Bounds E.- Joshua Haight; No. Caleb Haight; W.- William Doughty; So. road from Poughkeepsie to Dover. 100 acres

447. Jan. £448

5:165 1,1788

Charles CROOKE practitioner in Physic of Dutchess to William BARBER of Dutchess Water Lott 5 commonly called Crooke's farm. Bounds W.- Hudson River; No. Widow Everson; E.- other lands of Nine Partners; So. Luke Teller. acreage = Witness: Richard Event 20 chains X 4i miles Andrew CARLE of Charlotte Henry HUMFREY of Charlotte Lott 17 subdivision lot 2 100 acres

448. 5:177 Nov. 22,1785 £400 @ 7% 5:183 449. Feb. 23,1788 £465

Joshua LOUNSBERRY yeoman of New Fairfield, Conn. Seamon GARMOND farmer of No. Hempstead Beg, at a Brook near Lott 19 Isiah Dibble. Adjoins W.- Richard Tet133 acres ers.



450. Feb. 1386

5:184 1,1788

James POWELL farmer of Washington William KENNYON merchant of NYC Bounds No. heirs of Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph; E.- Johannis Freligh; No. Henry & Daniel Sleight. 178 acres Canc: 5/7/1796 by Obediah Powell assignee of William Kennyon

451. Mar. 1300

5:185 7,1787

Ethan GOODRICH of Amenia to Richard, Daniel & Abraham TEN EYCK & John LEWIS exec. of Abraham Ten Eyck cordwainer dec'd of NYC 2 parcels 1) lot 1 in subLott 36 173 acres division lot 4 2) 1 lot 2 in subdivision lot 4. 90 acres Bounds E.- Oblong Line; No. other 1 of lot 2; W.- lot 3; So. Lott 35.

5:189 452. Feb. 21,1788 E453

Obadiah POWELL of Clinton & Elizabeth to William KINYON merchant of NYC Lott 6 & 10 200 acres Canc: 2/19/1796

5:190 8,1788

Ezra BRYAN of Amenia Stephen MORY of Washington Amenia Bounds So. Jacob Bockee; E.Ezra Thompson & the Road; No. Ezra Bryan; W.- Joshua Fish. 60 acres Witness: Jacob Bockee Canc: 1/10/1806

454. 5:198 Feb. 29,1788 1200

Lewis & Henry DE LAVERGNE merchants of Amenia to Benjamin DE LAVERGNE physican of Amenia Beg, at a 5i acre piece belonging to Parrock Sherwood called the Island piece on No. side of the great mill in the Division line between Lotts 31 & 32. Adjoins Jonathan Dunham, Parrick Sherwood & the road. 45 acres

5:200 1,1788

Stephen CALLOW of NYC to John VANDERBILT, James NICKERSON & wife Frances administrators of Will of Thomas Wilter dec'd Water Lotts 1 & 2 Bounds No. Joseph Mott; E.- Jeremiah Teller; So. Ten Eyck; E.- Ten Eyck; So. Cornelius Osborn; So. & E. Joshua Mors; W.- Francis Hegeman. Exception: 20 acres adjoining Mors pre-

453. Apr. 130

455. May 1281



viously conveyed by Ephraim Ferguson to Mors. Also 2 lots in NYC 316 acres Canc: Liber 5:351 5:206 456. Feb. 15,1788 E280

Ed. UNDERHILL of Clinton Richard SEAMAN of Clinton Lott 3 Bounds W. Elnathon Lyon; So. Division line between Lott 3 & 4 and Elijah Hoag; No. land Joshua Barnes purchased from Ed. Underhill; E.- land Ed. Underhill purchased of Samuel Barnes. See Deeds Liber 10:459-461. The above is to correct a mistake in Deeds. 70 acres

457. 5:207 May 1,1788 E460*

John CULVER of Clinton David JOHNSTON of Washington Water Lott 8 Bounds So. Water Lott 9; E.- road from David Knapp to Poughkeepsie; No. David Knapp; W.- David Johnston. 225 acres Witness: John Johnston Cane: 6/11/1792 *Gold or silver

458. Dec. E57 @ 7%

5:214 8,1787

Henry FILKIN yeoman of Clinton Jacob SMITH of Clinton Beg, at cor. of 4 lots in Lott 6 the subdivision- lots 5, 6, 9 & 10. Bounds W.- lot line between lot 5 & 6 & land Filkin sold to Daniel Bush; No. land Filkins sold to Isaac Bloom; E.Graiodious Quick; So. Jacob Smith. Witness: Isaac Smith 130 acres Canc: 7/13/1792

459. May E49

5:216 1,1786

Cornelius LAWRENCE of Clinton Jacob SMITH Lott 11 3rd Division 1/8 of Lott Bounds E.- Lott 6 of 2nd Division. This 1/8 part is i of the quarter part of Lott 11 that Cornelius Lawrence & Abr. Wood purchased of Benjamin Lester 3/30/ 1774. Canc: 6/13/1789

5:217 460. Mar. 15,1788 E100

Peter HATFIELD of Washington Uriah MITCHELL of Albany Washington Beg. at So. side of highway from Burnett Miller Esq. to Benjamin Hall. Bounds W.- Clinton line; No. Division line between Lott 16 & 17; E.- Jason Miller, Capt. James Hildreth,


Mortgages Burnett Miller Esq. & land Hatfield sold to Elias Doty. Except 180 acres on No. end. Witness: Jacob Smith Canc: 5/19/1791

5:219 461. Apr. 12,1788 L500*

Stephen CALLOW upholsterer of NYC Gabriel W. LUDLOW merchant of NYC Water Lotts 1 & 2 Same description as Liber 5:200 above except lots in NYC & Exception. 316 acres Canc: 5/1/1801 *Spanish Milled Dollars @ 8 shillings per dollar

5:220 462. June 18,1784 1161

John RYDER yeoman of Dutchess to Mary BARCLAY widow of NYC & relict of Henry Barclay clerk of NYC & Leonard LISPENARD Esq. exec. of Henry Barclay dec'd lot 2 in figure III part of share of Anthony Rutgers Esq. dec'd. Survey made by Benjamin Stevns 4/10/1771. Adjoins a large pond & a road. Witness: Anthony Lispenard 220 acres

5:222 3,1788

Peleg TABER of Washington & Mary to Stephen MOREY yeoman of Washington Bounds W.- Enos Northrop; So, land formerly belonged to Widow Elmendorph; E.- Sarah Palmer & Stephen Cutler; No. & E.- highway & Jabis Smith; NE. Silas Woddel; No. David Johnston Esq, 112 acres Canc: 5/3/1796

5:225 464. 6,1788 May L150*

Henry & William FROST of Amenia Stephen MOREY of Washington Bounds So. highway; W.- JonLott 25 athon Cutler; No. Rufus Herrick; E,130 acres Samuel Buttes. Witness: Enos Northrup Canc: 5/15/1790 *Gold or silver

463. June 1139

465. July 140 @ 6%

5:234 2,1788

466. 5:235 May 10,1775 1325

Isreal GREEN yeoman of Dutchess to Job & Carr HULBS of Jericho Adjoins Michael Griffen, Washington 70 acres George Morgan, Zopher Green, Harris GRIFFEN yeoman of Charlotte & Phebe to Jonathan GRIFFEN yeoman of Scarsdale Bounds So. John Gazly, David Bedford, Jacob Dean; W.- Jacob Dean,



David Bedford, Gershom Hallock, Harris Griffen, Nathaniel Powel; No. Widow Elvender & Uriah Davis; E.- Uriah Davis, Quimby Cornell & William Carpenter. Witness: James Griffen, 349 acres Benedict Carpenter Note: "Registered at the request of Mr. Hatfield it being previously recorded in Liber 9 in Deeds but operates as a mortgage as he says." 467. Aug. E200

5:339 2,1786

Jesse BELL of Clinton Aaron HAIGHT of Washington Clinton Bounds No. Powel; E.- Henry Marshall; So. Jesse Bell; W.- Nelson's lot. 50 acres Witness: William Terry Canc: Liber 6:208

468. 5:344 July 22,1788 L398*

Rudolph VAN HOEVENBURGH of Clinton to Samuel FRANKLIN & William J. ROBINSON merchants of NYC Beg. in the middle of a wood road near the lane of John De Witt jr, land. Adjoins fork of the roads, Jost 108 acres Garrison, John Traver. Witness: Cornelius Bogart Cane: 6/17/1794 *gold or silver @ 8 shillings for a Spanish Milled Dollar

5:353 469. Sept.11,1788 L466*

John BARNET gentleman of Amenia & Martha to John W. HAYDOCK & Thomas WARR merchants of NYC 1) adjoins DiviLott 34 2 parcels sion line of Lott 34, Justis Willson, Benjamin Denton, William Reynolds, Edmund Perlee, highway, Lott 33 line, Samuel Thompson, Isaac Burton, Ebenezer Latimere. 2) Adjoins Judah Burton, Jacob Everson, John Keys, Justis Wil245 acres liams. Witness: William Thorn *gold or silver

470. 5:365 June 18,1787 1300

Joseph GRIFFEN blacksmith of Clinton Col. Jacob GRIFFEN of Rombout Beg. on east side of Lott 5 road from DavidBedford to John Gazley mills. Bounds W.- road; So. James Brown, David Bedford; E.- William Carpenter purchased from Joseph Griffen;


Mortgages No. lands of assigns of Harris Griffen. 111 acres Cane: 5/26/1794 5:366 6,1788

Charles MANNING of Clinton to Leonard LISPENARD & Lewis OGDEN exec. of Anthony A. Rutgers dec'd Adjoins Samuel Mott & Water Lott 4 100 acres Caleb Tomkins. Witness: Egbert Bensen Cane: 5/7/1802

472. 5:367 Oct. 16,1788 L416

John MANNING of Clinton to Leonard LISPENARD & Lewis OGDEN exec. of Anthony A. Rutgers 1) Adjoins 2 parcels Water Lott 4 Peter Storm, Thomas Manning, Joshua Man90 acres ning, Samuel Mott. 2) Adjoins Peter Storm, Joshua Manning, 90 acres Goris Storm. Witness: Egbert Bensen Cane: 8/27/1795 by Lewis Ogden exec. of Anthony A. Rutgers

473. Nov. 1220

5:373 3,1788

Josiah GALE Esq. of Washington Augustus VAN CORTLANDT gentleman of NYC Lott 22 lot 2 of subdivision lot 3. 100 acres Purchased from James Curtis. Cane: Liber 7:456

474. Nov. L107

5:373 1,1788

Moses BARLOW yeoman of Amenia & Sarah to James JAY, John JAY, Frederick JAY & Egbert BENSEN Esquires Oblong Lotts 47 & 48. Adjoins Elijah Reed, highway. 100 acres Cane: 4/13/1793

475. Nov. L380

5:378 7,1788

William ELY physician of Dutchess Caleb CARMEN farmer of Dutchess Adjoins Robert Churchill, Isaac Balding sr., Pell. Wife Alice 115 acres mentioned. Cane: 6/20/1792

476. Nov. 1605

5:381 8,1788

Philip ANGEVINE of Washington Nathaniel PLATT gentleman of Poughkeepsie Washington Beg. at NE. cor. of Isaac Thorn. 100 acres Witness: George Freligh

477. Dec. L500

5:383 5,1788

Peter PALMER of Washington & Mary to Joseph WOOLEY of Washington Bounds E.- Jonathan Holmes & Benjamin Aikins; W.- Joshua Haight. 166 acres

471. Oct. L200

Mortgages 478. May £52


5:384 9,1788

Edmond DODGE of Albany Stephen BADGLEY of Dutchess Lott 5 Bounds So. Stephen Badgley; W.- John Lawrence & Capt. Henry Humphry; SE. highway. 40 acres Witness: Abraham Stoutenburgh

479. 5:388 Sept.24,1788 £150

Stephen TRUSDAL of Amenia Platt SMITH of Amenia Gore Lott 20 Beg. in Oblong line NE cor of Gore Lott 20. Part of land which Obed Hervy bought of Cornelius & William Wiltsie. 100 acres Witness: Jesse Thomson Cane: 6/30/1792 by Theodorus Bailey atty for Smith.

480. Feb, £648 @ 6%

5:389 3,1789

Isaac HAMMOND yeoman of Washington & Lois to John THORNE, Catherine HICKS & Jacob SUYDAM of Queens Lott 27 fourth quarter, Adjoins Job Taber, Abner White. 213 acres

481. June L212

5:395 7,1788

Henry FILKIN yeoman of Clinton & Catherine to Joseph MABBETT Lott 6 subdivision lot 6. Beg, at Gradus Kuick (Quick) NW. cor. Canc: 6/11/1792 100 acres

5:398 28,1788

Francis VANDICK of Clinton Coras STORM of Clinton Water Lott 1 & 2 Where Vandick now lives. 1) Lott 1 Bounds W.- heirs of William Gay; So. now or late of Baltus Van Kleeck; E. & No. Stephen Callow or Lott 2. 96 acres 2) Lott 2 Bounds E.- Stephen Callow; No. Callow; W.- Walter Livingston; E.20 acres Lott 1. Canc: 5/5/1789 by John P. Storm

482. May £50

483. 5:400 Apr. 26,1789

Jacob CONCKLIN yeoman of Newburgh John CONCKLIN yeoman of Clinton 1/7 part of real estate his father Capt. John Concklin late of Poughkeepsie left to him in his will. At sale of real estate John Concklin to be reimbursed for debt of Jacob to Robert G. Livingston.


Mortgages 5:401 1,1789

Francis VAN DYCK of Clinton Peter & John P. STORM of Clinton Same description as Water Lotts 1 & 2 Liber 5:398 above.

5:410 485. Apr. 29,1789 179

Zebulon SMITH yeoman of Clinton John M. THURSTON 2 parcels 1) adjoins Henry Lott 4 Gildersleive, the hollow. 2) adjoins 96 acres parcel 1 and Elmendorph. Canc: 6/12/1792

486. June E138

5:416 8,1789

Zopher FROST of Clinton Robert Mitchell BAXTER of Oyster Bay Bounds E.- John Van Camp & Clinton Adam Aaccor; So. Aaccor; W.- John Aacior; No. widow Stoutenberg & John Taller. Cane: 5/26/1803

487. June E481

5:419 1,1789

Samuel TITUS cabinetmaker & John TITUS blacksmith of Washington & wives Ruth & Sarah to Samuel TITUS yeoman of No. Hempstead Lott 26 3 parcels 1) adjoins Moses I. & Cornelius Haight, Joseph Thorn & Joseph Mabbett, land formerly of Daniel Southwick, Paul Sayre, John Allen, Filkentown line, Stephen Titus, 156 acres highway, Jeremiah Dodge. 2) Lott 27 adjoins John Fowler, John Haight, John Mott. 20 acres 3) Lott 25 adjoins Elijah Canfield, 21 acres Joseph Reynolds. Canc: 3/10/1852

488. May E40*

5:421 1,1789

Cornelius LAWRENCE farmer of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE physician of Washington 3rd Division 1/8 part Bounds Lott 11 E.- Elisha & Reuben Moses; So. Zacheus Marshal; W.- Joseph Mott; No, Benjamin 100 acres Frost & Daniel Veal. Witness: Isaac De Lavergne Canc: 5/8/1800 *gold or silver

489. July E145

5:428 4,1789

John HEGEMAN of Clinton Isaac BALDING of Poughkeepsie Lott 8 1) Bounds E.- Wappingers Creek; W.- John Hegeman or Denee Ostrum (formerly the old division line between John & Henry Hegeman); No, Lott 7 line. (continued next page) 150 acres

484. May E140



1) land sold by John HegeExceptions: man to John W. Allen. 2) Beg. 1 rod from road on the E.- side which runs from Jacob Everson to John Bush south of the old Road that leads from the old farm that formerly belonged to Joseph Hegeman & John Ostrom. Adjoins land 10 or 12 rods from Bridge, house Alexander Cahoon lived. 26 acres 3) adjoins John Ostrom's W.- line which he purchased from Joseph Hegeman& swamp. 4) adjoins No. side of a brook, John Burnett No. line. 10 acres 5) adjoins W.- side of Wappingers, Bever pond creek. 25 acres Cane: 5/26/1791 490. July 180

5:431 8,1789

Persos SKINNER of Amenia Thomas THOMSON of Albany Amenia 1/3 part of a 209 acre farm conveyed from Joel Hervey to Abiram Skinner dec'd which is Dower right of Pens Skinner. Witness: James S. Smith

491. 5:433 July 18,1789

George SMITH of Washington to SMITH & WYCKOFF merchants NYC Washington Bounds E.- by road from Joseph S. Mabbett to Filkintown; No. Nehemiah Merritt & Increase Allen; W.John Trip; So. Isaac Thorn. Cane: 8/7/1792 by Melancton Smith

5:440 492. Sept 15,1789 1500

John DURYEE & Jane & Jacob K. DURYEE & Ann Marie of Dutchess to Abraham DURYEE merchant of NYC Lott 8 & 9 Mill site & adjoining properties near Great Bridge over Wappingers Creek. 7 parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Same description as Liber 4:87 above. 6) adjoins Wappingers Creek, May be same as Liber 4:87 except here listed as 45 acres. 7) a woodlot adjoining parcel 6 above. Canc: 5/10/1828 by James C. Roosevelt exec. of Abr. Duryee.

5:444 493. Sept.17,1789 11200

John DURYEE gentleman & Jane & Jacob K. DURYEE gentleman & Marie to Thomas STAGG baker of NYC Same description as Liber 5:440 above except parcel 7 is listed here as 10 acres. Assigned to Van Kanst and Roosevelt Liber 6:400,



5:453 494. Sept.24,1789 £940

Peter PALMER trader of Nine Partners Robert BOWNE merchant of NYC Land where Doctor BenjaWashington min Antony lives. Beg. at NE. cor. of lot adjoining Joseph S. Mabbett's land. Bounds No. main road from Joseph S. Mabbett to Poughkeepsie as it runs to Joshua Haight; E.- Joseph S. Mabbett; So. Benjamin Akins; W.- Joseph Wooley. 240 acres

5:461 495. Dec. 10,1789 £300

Frederick UHL yeoman of Clinton Peter KETELTAS gentleman of NYC Bounds W.- Hudson Staatsborough Lot 4 River; No. Staatsborough Lot 3. 202 acres Canc: 5/12/1812 Richard C. Ham to whom mortgage was assigned by Gar---Keteltas exec. of Peter Keteltas dec'd.

6:2 496. June 3,1784 £700*

Annanias COOPER doctor & Everardus BOGARDUS trader of Rhinebeck to Anaka CROOKE widow late of Crum Elbow subdivision lot 2 & 3 Lott 20 4 parcels Known as Thompson's purchase which Samuel, Amos & Gideon jointly purchased of Cornelius Van Wyck of Fishkill. Mentions west end of Eight Lot of first tier which Cooper & Bogardus bought from Benoni Bradner who bought from Caleb Atwater, who bought from Joseph Curtis who bought from Samuel Thompapprox. 3/4 acre son. Also mentions the Eight lot in second tier which Atwater bought from Samuel Thompson except 8 acres which Atwater had conveyed to Stephen Pugsly. [The tiers referred to seem to be a number of subdivisions in Lott 20.] Cane: 4/18/1796 Witness: John C. Ludlow. Earlier bond 1777. *8 shillings the Spanish Milled Dollar

497. Jan. £138

Justis MARSHALL carpenter of Clinton Isaac ALBERTSON Lott 5 Beg. a little west of house formerly occupied by Paul Perry & now widow Smith on cor. of George Pearsall land. Bounds W.- George Pearsall; No. Jedidiah Allen; E.- Washington line; SE. land David Arnold sold to Robert Irwin, Wappingis; So. piece of land owned by

6:8 9,1790



Daniel Jackson which is surrounded by the piece herein described on all sides but Jackson's So. line. Canc: 5/1/1799 83 acres 498. 6:14 Jan. 19,1790 £294

Job MUFFORD yeoman of Dutchess Peter KETELTAS merchant of NYC Staatsborough lot 7 Bounds E. Hudson River. 277 acres Witness: Gerret Keteltas exec. of Peter Keteltas Canc: 7/5/1796

499. Feb. £300

6:15 9,1790

Robert HEBARD of Amenia & Lydia to Abraham CUYLER of Island of St. Thomas in West Indies 1) adjoins Nine Partners line on West & SW. cor. of Lott 55 and William Davis 106 acres 2) adjoins parcel 1 39 acres Cane: 11/10/1793 by Daniel Ludlow atty for Abraham Cuyler

6:17 500. Feb. 20,1790 £12

James TURNBELL of Poughkeepsie Gabriel MANNING of Caldwells Manor, Lake Champlain Lott 2 Bounds W. Peter Scryver; No. & NE. road leading westerly to North River; So. Jonathan Sole. Term of mortgage 500 years - payment 1 pepper corn yearly if demanded. Witness: John Manning

501. 6:18 June 8,1788 £1250

David JOHNSTON gentleman of NYC Levinus CLARKSON jr merchant of NYC Lott 23 Bounds No. Lott 22; W. Jonathan Olivet & Roger Southerland; So. Lott 24, David & Jonathan Wilbert. Cane: 6/28/1816 700 acres

502. Mar. £77

Nathaniel GILDERSLEEVE of Dutchess Henry GILDERSLEEVE Adjoins Peter Ricky, Andrew Hill, Myer Knap, E.- mountain, W.- mountain. 100 acres Witness: Hewlet Peters Cane: 10/25/1794

6:20 2,1789



6:20 503. Jan. 25,1790 L80

Maurice SMITH of Frederichstown Ahasueras ELLSWORTH of Clinton Bounds So. Henry Charlick; E.Moses Winter & Ephraim Carpenter and their Grist Mill. 206 acres Witness: Hewlet Peters Cane: 1/5/1799

504. 6:22 Mar. 20,1790 L324

Thomas ADAMS farmer of Amenia Joseph TIDD farmer of Amenia subdivision lot 3 Bounds So. Lott 36 John Cadwell; W.- Ford's lands, NW. Job Milk; No. Jeremiah Conklin; E.- Philip Row. 117 acres Money to be brought to Joseph Tidd's house in Amenia between the hours of 6 & 6.

6:23 505. Apr. 18,1790 L380

John FARMER surveyor of Pauling William HOAG yeoman of Pauling Lott 1 Purchased from Hoag, Bounds W. John Teller; So, Jacobus Swartout, Nathaniel Seaman; E.- Lott 18; No. Widow Van Vlack, John Teller. 167 acres Cane: 6/5/1792

506. Oct.

6:24 6,1789

Jesse BELL of Clinton John DAVENPORT of Stamford, Conn, Clinton Bounds E.- by land mortgaged by Bell to the Loan office of the State of New York; No, & W.- Bell; So, David Johnson. 50 acres

507. Oct. L57

6:24 6,1789

Jesse BELL of Clinton Nehemiah REYNOLDS of Rye Bounds W.- Bard & Nelson; No. & E.- Bell; So. David Johnson. Cane: Liber 6:381 50 acres

508. Apr. £100

6:26 2,1790

Thomas STEWART farmer of Clinton & Sarah to Matthew VAN BUNSCHOOTEN miller of Fishkill 3 parcels Lott 8 1) adjoins Thomas Rablee on south; Jeremiah Brown, Joseph Brown, creek. 120 acres 2) Bounds W.- Zebulon Walbridge; No. Thomas Bullis; E.- Joshua Hallock; So. John Bullis jr. & Thomas Stewart. 65 acres 3) land John Bullis purchased from Thomas Newcomb Esq. dec'd. 54 acres



6:28 509. Jan. 10,1790

Abner HOLMES of Washington Platt SMITH of Amenia Lott 20 Bounds W.- highway; So. & E.- Enos Thompson; No. Ezra Thompson. Refers to Abner Holmes' shop as formerly a Schoolhouse. 1 Rhood Witness: Isaac Smith

510. 6:28 Mar. 5,1790 L1000*

Platt SMITH merchant of Dutchess & Dolly to Augustus VAN HORNE merchant of NYC Land owned by Joseph Harris, blacksmith now dec'd which was mortgaged to John Chambers Esq. dec'd. Adjoins Job Miks, Jeremiah Concklin, Joseph Harris, Richard Gray, line of Little Nine Partners, NW. cor. of Amenia Precinct, Moses Harris. 863 acres Canc: 6/12/1800 by Augustus Van Cortlandt assignee of Van Horne, witnessed by Benjamin Herrick. *each pound is equal in value to 21 Spanish Milled Dollars

511. Apr. L278

6:31 3,1790

Gerardus QUICK yeoman of Clinton & Catharine to Joseph MABBETT Clinton Bounds No. John Dewsenborough jr.; W.- Quick; So. Joseph Gonsal150 acres os; E.- Isaac Filkin. Witness: Titus Mabbett Canc: 4/10/1805 by Richard Mabbett & Samuel Mott exec. Witnessed by Benjamin G. Welch.

512. May E275

6:32 1,1790

William PUGSLEY of Dutchess Jacob EVERSON merchant of Dutchess Lott 34 Beg. on E.- side of mill creek near the bridge. Adjoins Edmund 15 acres Parlee, highway. Witness: Nicholas Everson

6:33 513. May 25,1790 L1748

Joshua OWEN of Charlotte & Martha to Charles SHAW merchant of NYC i) Beg, at 2 parcels Charlotte No. side of road from William Carpenter to Uriah Davis a small distance E,- of Owen's well. Adjoins Otheniel Allen, Isaac Albertson, Gerarduis Quick, Wap96 acres pingers Creek. 2) Beg. NE. cor. in highway a small distance from Owen house he bought from


Mortgages Isaac Bloom. Adjoins Isaac Albertson. Exception: 30 sq. feet on which the 134 acres Schoolhouse stands. Canc: 7/1/1797

6:36 514. May 29,1790 E280*

Andrew HOAG of Dutchess & Phebe to William BARBER of Dutchess lot 3 in map by Jacob Smith Esq. and lot 3 in map by Charles Dewitt Esq. Bounds on north by 2 roads (one from Cregors fly to Capt. Hughes mills & the other leads from John Christe's), Christie's house, division line between 140 acres lots 3 & 4 on the map. Cane: 5/9/1801 by Ann Barber administrator of William Barber, *equal to 700 Spanish Milled Dollars

6:39 515. June 14,1790 1632

Jacob P. TRAVOR of Mary ELMENDORPH of Bounds Clinton subdivision lot 3; Cane: 8/31/1799

516. 6:40 June 2,1789 1250*

George TADRICK of Dutchess & Maria to William BARBER of Dutchess Clinton lot 1 in map by Jacob Smith Esq. of Lott 3 in map by Charles Dewitt Esq. Beg. at SW. cor, of the great Lott, Cane: 5/23/1800 by Ann Barber 125 acres administrator of William Barber. *625 Spanish Milled Dollars

6:40 517. June 2,1789 1235* @ 7%

Garret TADRICK of Dutchess & Hellena to William BARBER of Dutchess lot 2 in map by Jacob Smith Clinton Esq. of Lott 3 in map by Charles Dewitt 155 acres Esq. Cane: 10/12/1798 *587 Spanish Milled Dollars

518. 6:41 Sept.17,1789 1482 @ 7%

Thomas WILLIAMS yeoman of Amenia John SMITH, John jr. & Valentine WILLIAMS of No. Hempstead exec. of Jacob Williams late of So. Hempstead Adjoins highway, Isaac Underhill, Town line which is at SW. cor. 40 acres of this parcel. Cane: 6/25/1796

Clinton Kingston No. Peter Traver in subdivision lot 5. 230 acres



519. 6:46 Sept.13,1789 1116

Aaron HAIGHT of Washington James LOSEE & Jesse OAKLY of Dutchess exec. of Simon Losee dec'd Lott 10 Bounds E.- division line between Washington & Clinton. Peter Palmer mentioned in an earlier bond. Cane: 4/14/1794 100 acres

520. July

6:47 8,1790

Joshua OWEN of Clinton & Martha to Charles SHAW merchant of NYC To correct a mistake made in Liber 6:33 wherein the town was referred to as Charlotte and should have been called Clinton.

521. Apr. E140

6:48 6,1789

Stephen REYNOLDS of Dutchess John NEWKIRK of Mohawk district, Montgomery Co. Lott 33 Adjoins Judah Burton, Jacob Everson, road from the prespeterian meeting house to Filkintown, 37 acres Cane: 6/9/1809 by Garret Putnam exec.

522. July 1268

6:51 3,1790

Josiah GALE farmer of Washington Peter MESEIR farmer of Fishkill Lott 22 lot 2 of subdivision lott 3. Cane: 12/25/1799 130 acres

523. July 1100

6:54 7,1790

James, Walter & Phebe GRIFFEN of Dutchess to Bartholmew GRIFFEN & John BARBER exec of Jonathan Griffen late of Scarsdale Clinton North of total tract. Bounds in 1775 So. John Gazley, David Bedford & Jacob Dean; W,- Jacob Dean, David Bedford, Guersham Hallock, Harris Griffen & Nathaniel Powell; No. widow Evender & Uriah Davis; E. Uriah Davis, Quimby Cornell, William Carpenter, Mentions road from James Griffen house to Gazley's mills & another road from Quimby Cornell's house to a mill owned by Johannes Fredericks (Freliegh?) 349 acres

524. 6:55 Feb. 22,1790 1100

Stephen TRUSDALE clothier of Amenia Ezekial BENTON & Samuel OWEN clothiers Oblong Lott 69 Adjoins Oblong River, 6 acres



6:56 525. June 18,1790 1933

David JOHNSTON gentleman of Dutchess as trustee for children of James DE PEYSTER & children of Mary STEVENS to John READE merchant of NYC Bounds No. division line Lott 23 between Lott 22 & 23; W.- Jonathan Olivet; So. Roger Southerland, Division line between Lotts 23 & 24, David Wilbert & Jonathan Wilbert; E.- SE. cor. 700 acres Lott 23.

526. 6:60 Sept. 6,1790 180

Samuel LISCUIM of Clinton William DRAKE of Dutchess Lott 5 Bounds E.- David Bedford; So. division line between Lott 5 & 6; W.- Jacob Dean. 10 acres

527. 6:60 July 13,1790 1300

Jesse EMES farmer of Dutchess to Charles SHAW, Nicholas HOFFMAN, Nicholas DE PEYSTER, & Miles SHERBROOKE gentlemen of NYC. Malmesberry or Paulings purchase 2 parcels 1) Bounds So. Jacob Mulford; E.- Griffen; W.- water lott 65 acres 2) adjoins the parcel above. Bounds W.Hudson River. 138 acres These parcels are in Lotts 6 & 15 conveyed to Charles Shaw by John Bergh by mortgage in Liber 4:116. Cane: 9/16/1793

528. 6:61 May 1,1781 1700*

Edward PALMER yeoman of Great Nine Partners Mary ELMENDORPH widow late of Kingston now of Albany Lott 24 Beg, at division line between Elmendorph & Margaret Crooke jr. late of New Windsor now wife of Rev. Charles Inglis of NYC 26 chains from SE. cor. of Lott 24. Parcel measures 210 chains long E.- & W.- by 26 chains No. & So. 556 acres Cane: 3/8/1802 by Lemuel Sison & Ebenezer Boyce assignees of Cornelius Ray who was assignee to administrators of Mary Elmendorph. *gold or silver Spanish Milled dollars



529. 6:63 Oct. 15,1790 164

Francis FRETTS clothier of Clinton David BEDFORD jr. carpenter of Clinton Clinton 3rd Division of Nine Partners? 70 acres Cane: 6/4/1801 by Cornelius Ostrum assignee of Bedford.

530. May 1148 @ 7%

Francis FRETTS clothier late of Rumbout Ruliff OSTRUM of Clinton Clinton 3rd Division of Nine Partners. Same as Liber 6:63. 70 acres Ostrum delivered mortgage to John Crapse.

6:64 1,1790

531. 6:65 Apr. 28,1787 117

Moses HOAG Sr. yeoman of Washington & Patience to Joseph S. MABBETT Washington Adjoins David Husted, highway & Benjamin Mosher. 1 acre Cane: 7/27/1796

6:69 3,1790

Stephen TRUESDALE to Ezekiel BENTON & Samuel OWEN Oblong Lott 69 Truesdale's shop next to the fulling mill owned by Benton & Owen. Also I screw & Box plate & press,

533. 6:69 July 10,1789 1173

Ahab ARNOLD of Clinton Silvenus SEAMAN of Clinton Lott 3 Bounds W. Charles Crooke. Cane: 7/6/1793 79 acres

6:71 534. Oct. 15,1791 154

Jonathan OWEN of Clinton William CARPENTER of Clinton sold to Owen by exec. of Daniel Carpenter previously conveyed to Daniel Carpenter Jan. 1775 by Moses Shaw. Previously mortgaged by Jonathan 100 acres Owen to Abraham Luguer. Cane: 5/5/1795

535. 6:73 May 23,1775 1100

James WINANTS yeoman of Poughkeepsie & Johanna to Augustus VAN CORTLAND Esq. of NYC Land John DeGroff 2 parcels Lott 8 1) Bounds dec'd left to his children. W. Isaac Concklin; So. David Johnson; [?]acres No. Scriver. 2) parcel in Poughkeepsie near Mindert Van Kleeck's meadow and John DeGroff's meadow on the road to the Court House. 35 acres

532. Nov. 1141

434 536. Oct. 1232

Mortgages 6:81 5,1790

Abraham GURNEY of Washington Anthony BARCLAY Washington subdivision lot 3. 155 acres

537. 6:85 Jan. 2,1791 E280*

Bastion CRAPSER of Dutchess & Mary William BARBER of Dutchess Clinton lot 4 in map made by Jacob Smith Esq. of lot 3 in map of Charles DeWitt Esq. (3rd Division of Nine Partners?) Bounds E.- Little Wappingers Creelc W.- junction of road that leads to Crapser's house and road from Cregors fly to Capt. Hughes mills; No. Great Lott 3. Mentions a Hollow 32 chains from the little Wappingers as part of south boundry. 135 acres Canc: 5/9/1801 from Ann Barber exec. of William Barber. *equal to 700 Spanish Milled Dollars.

538. 6:86 Jan. 21,1791 L300

Thomas WILLIAMS & Aspinwall CORNWALL of Amenia to Richard D'CANTILLON Amenia 1) adjoins Stephen or Roswell Kinney, Kinney's corner, Williams & Cornwall, Elisha Adams, the River. 50 acres 2) adjoins the parcel above. 57 acres Canc: 5/27/1801

539. 6:88 Nov. 24,1786 L100* @ 6%

John ECKERT farmer of Clinton George PUTTS yeoman of Beekman Lott I Beg. at W. side of creek that runs out of Mud Pond on the Stoutenburgh south line. Adjoins David Traver. 100 acres Canc: 6/5/1795 *gold & silver not N.Y. currency

540. Mar. 1102

Thadeus GILBERT of Amenia Platt SMITH of Amenia Lott 34 Adjoins Zadock Buck.

6:93 5,1789

3 acres 541. Jan. L100

6:94 7,1791

Rufus CASE of Amenia Platt & Isaac SMITH of Amenia Lott 34 on a highway Canc: 12/19/1793

53 acres



542. 6:95 Feb. 12,1791 1500

Azariah JUDSON of Dutchess & Phebe to Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Yonkers Oblong Lotts 49 & 50 Bounds E. Conn. line; Coonrade Winegar, William Chamberlain. 300 acres Cane: 2/28/1795 Witness: Ebenezer Hurd.

543. Feb. 1147

6:99 1,1791

Benjamin BURLINGGAME of Washington Joseph HUSTEAD yeoman of Washington Lott 26 Bounds NE. cor. of Lott 26; W.- J. Ireland. 111 acres Cane: Liber 15:470

544. Oct. 171

6:102 5,1790

Ezra REYNOLDS of Washington Anthony BARCLAY Washington subdivision lot 5. 114 acres

545. Apr. 1261

6:103 5,1790

Seymour SHERWOOD of Washington Anthony BARCLAY Washington subdivision lot 9. 174 acres

546. Oct. 1165

6:104 5,1790

Amos BARTON of Washington Anthony BARCLAY 110 acres Washington Cane: 3/7/1798 by Theodorus Bailey atty. for Anthony Barclay

547. 6:105 Mar. 13,1791 1108

Benjamin BURROUGHS of Clinton to Matthew, Peter, Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN farmers of Fishkill Clinton near the fish creek Cane: 3/3/1802 100 acres

548. Apr. 1100

6:105 9,1791

Stephen DAVIS yeoman of Dutchess Antie VAN BUNSCHOOTEN On road from Henry Humfrey Lott 5 to Stephen Badgley. Bounds W, road; So. Stephen Badgley to Obadiah Wilde dec'd; No. Thomas Shadbolt; E. Gersham Hallock. 100 acres Cane: 6/24/1801

549. Apr. 1239

6:108 2,1791

Stephen TRUESDALE clothier of Amenia Ezekiel BENTON clothier of Amenia On Oblong River. Oblong Lott 69 6 acres

6:108 550. Apr. 9,1791 11000

Robert IRWIN & John NEWETT merchants of NYC to Robert SMYTH merchant of NYC Lott 5 At the junction of Lotts 5, 6, 14, & 13. Bounds NW. Wappingers


Mortgages Creek, Matthew Howard: Lott 6; E. Lott 14. 50 acres Canc: 4/4/1796 by William Hill atty. for Robert Smith

551. 6:112 Jan. 28,1791 E100

Martin & Cyrus DELAMATER of Amenia to John YOUNG of Amenia Bounds E. Conn, line where Amenia Martin & Cyrus Delamater & Garrit Row's land corners. Mentions highway to Ameriah Winchester's land.

552. 6:114 Apr. 13,1791 E110

Benoni KIP of Beekman & Sarah to Jacobus ACKERMAN of Poughkeepsie Water Lott 8 Bounds So. Lott 7; W.88 acres Gabriel Ludlow.

553. 6:122 May 10,1791 1500

Frederick STREIT of Rynbeck Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Washington land now in possession of Zachariah Mosher. Adjoins Delavergne, Ham, Samuel Doughty, Griffing, pond, Joshua Hallock, John Germond, Streit is required to build a barn in 2 years & board at his expense the personall required to build the barn.

554. May 1139

6:124 2,1791

Barnardus FILKIN of Washington Timothy BEDEL Lott 7 Bounds No. Isaac Germond; So. Lott line 8. 234 acres

555. May 158

6:125 2,1791

Stephen HERRICK of Washington Richard DE CANTILLON of Clinton lot in 1st Division of Nine Partners which was the estate of Roger Gale which formerly belonged to Gabriel Ludlow. 25 acres Cane: 10/29/1799

556. May El5

6:125 2,1791

Stephen HERRICK jr. of Amenia Richard DE CANTILLON of Clinton Lott 31 1) adjoins land Barnabus Payne bought of David Collins. 40 acres 2) Lott 34 lies on So. side of a 4 rod highway which goes through the middle of the lot. Adjoins Lemeri Murdock, widow Chambers. Earlier mortgage 2/17/1787. 3 acres



557. 6:126 May 11,1791 1100

John HAGEMAN farmer of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE physician of Washington Lott 8 4 parcels 1) Bounds E.Wappingis Cr.; W. line of John Hageman or Dennie Ostrom being the old line between John & Henry Hageman; No. Lott 7. Except piece on North John Hageman sold to John Allen. 150 acres 2) on road which runs from Jacob Everson to John Bush & south of old road that leads from the old farm that formerly belonged to Joseph Hageman & John Ostrom. Adjoins road, Brow of a Hill, Alexander Calhoun & is 10 rods from the Bridge. Adjoins south side of above parcel. 26 acres 3) adjoins E.- side of parcel 2. Adjoins John Ostrom's W.- line that he purchased of Joseph Hegeman and John Burnet's No. line. 10 acres 4) Bounds E.- Wappingis Creek; W.- the creek called river pond creek. 25 acres

558. May 1150

6:131 2,1791

Thomas STEVENS of Amenia James REED of Amenia Adjoins lot Gershom Reed Amenia bought of Ives, road to Kent, Elisha 20 acres Barlow, river. Canc: 12/23/1801

559. May 1100

6:131 2,1791

Thomas STEVENS of Amenia Gershom REED of Amenia Beg, at bank of river near Amenia the bridge which crosses the river on the road from Sharon to Dover. to the well in the street near house where Reed 3 acres lives.

560. June 1225

6:132 1,1791

James MOTT of Washington John TALLMAN of Flushing Lott 26 Bounds W. Joseph Jenkins; E.- Jonathan Weller. 100 acres

561. June 1100

6:132 8,1791

James CULVER of Clinton & Ariantje to Matthew, Peter, Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Fishkill Bounds W.- William Water Lott 9 100 acres Stoutenburgh.



562, Oct. £232

6:138 5,1790

John NICHOLAS of Washington Anthony BARCLAY Part of Washington subdivision lot 4 the lot not conveyed to John Ryder. Cane: 2/17/1799 by 155 acres Theodorus Bailey atty. for Barclay Witness: Henry Shop of Rhinebeck

563. May

6:138 5,1791

Joseph HAIGHT yeoman of Washington Michael VINCENT Bounds W.- Solomon Haight, land James Germond dec'd gave to son Samuel; So. John Hoag; E.- Moses Vail, Joseph Wooley. 100 acres

564. June £180 @ 6%

6:148 7,1791

Edward UNDERHILL of Washington Nathaniel SEAMAN of Hempstead & Isaac UNDERHILL of Flushing Lott 13 Beg, at mill brook from Isaac Bloom's Mill. Adjoins JacobSharpenstein's line. 70 acres Lott 13 subdivision lot 7. Adjoins Frederick Streight. 73 acres Cane: 6/22/1821 by Nathaniel Underhill

565. Sept L300

6:149 2,1791

Stephen TITUS farmer of Washington Benjamin DE LAVERGNE physician of Washington Washington 1) Beg. at SE. car, of Jeremiah Dodge house thence northerly joining Titus land within 30 rods of Filkin Townsline. Bounds W.- Jacob Thorn; So. road. 50 acres 2) Bounds W.- Isaac Thorn: So. Jacob Thorn; No. highway. 60 acres Cane: 10/12/1795

566. July £149

6:149 6,1791

Maurice SMITH of Frederickstown Ahasuerus ELLSWORTH of Clinton Clinton Farm Ellsworth lives on. Adjoins Henry Charlick, brook, Joseph Farrington. 206 acres Cane: 2/1/1797

567. 6:150 Sept.14,1791 £60

John W. ALLEN farmer of Clinton John VANDERBURGH of Poughkeepsie Lott 8 Bounds W.- Joseph Southard; No. division line between Lott 7 & 8; E.- Wappingers creek. Mentions "dug way for a road" in SE. cor. 50 acres Cane: 7/14/1802



568. 6:152 July 29,1791 £264

Reuben TOMS of Washington Moses BARLOW of Washington Lott 21 No. of lott 1) Bounds E.- Barlow's house in which Benjamin Toms now lives; highway; W.- road. 23 acres 2) Bounds No. parcel (1) above; So. John Husted; E.- Moses Haight & Wilbur Earl. 59 acres 3) no description 19 acres Canc: 6/15/1792

569. 6:154 Sept 29,1791 £300

John J. & John L. STOUTENBURGH merchant of Clinton to John HASBROUCK merchant of NYC Water Lott 8 1) So. i of Lott. Bounds W.- Hudson River. 300 acres 2) Bounds Hudson River; No. parcel 1. 200 acres Exceptions: 100 acres Christian Bergh sold to Isaac Conckling. 100 acres John Bergh sold to James Ackerman. 100 acres John Bergh sold to Jacobus Stoutenbergh. Canc: 8/25/1792

570. Feb. £700

6:155 1,1786

Peletiah PIERCE of Amenia Catharine TEN BROECK of Rhinebeck Oblong Lotts 60 & 58. Adjoins Colony line, land belonging to heirs of Col. David Burr, land Elijah Phelps sold to Robert Freeman, No. line of Lott 58, Samuel Dunham, Joshua Lazel. 233 acres Canc: 5/23/1795

571. Aug. £60

6:158 3,1791

Augustine TITUS of Washington & Wate his wife to Elias VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Sanderstown, N. J. Lott 9 1) on road by Capt. Joseph Hicks to Oswego. Bounds W.- road; So. Bateman's line. 50 acres 2) on road by Joseph Hicks to Stephen Dean. Bounds W.- road; So. Beekman's 1 acre line; E.- road. Cane: 8/1/1803 Witness: Matthew Van Bunschooten

572. 6:163 Oct. 22,1791 £97

Daniel SMITH farmer of Clinton William POST merchant of NYC Clinton farm of Samuel Smith dec'd. Bounds So. Bartholomew Noxeen; No. line 85 acres bet. Watter Lotts 1 & 2. Canc: 5/22/1793


440 6:165 18,1791

John BURNETT John RICE Bounds subdivision lot 3 Clinton W.- Hudson River; E.- Post Road. Quit claim to right of dower by Sarah Burnett 100 acres included.

574. Nov. 180

6:168 6,1791

Jeremiah DODGE M. D. of Washington William FOWLER farmer of Washington 1) on which Dodge lives Washington Bounds No. road from Samuel Titus to Poughkeepsie; E. & So. Samuel Titus; W.2 acres Joseph Thorn. 2) in Thorn's swamp. Bounds No. Nehemiah Reynolds, David Husted; So. & W.- Jacob Thorn; E.- Husted & Samuel Titus. 10 acres Canc: 11/22/1810 Witness: William Fowler

575. Oct. 1350

6:168 1,1791

Solomon CHANDLER of Amenia William YOUNG 1) Adjoins N.Y. State line, Amenia highway, David Doty, Garret Row. 1 acre 2) adjoins parcel 1 above on the West. 18 rods

6:175 576. Jan. 2,1792 E500*

Noah BROWN yeoman of Amenia & Sarah to Augustus VAN CORTLANDT Esq. & John FAY Esq. exec. for Ann Chambers dec'd. Lott 34 Adjoins highway, James Smith, north line of Great Lott, James Tallmadge, William Buck. Exception 2 314 acres acres sold to Atwater. Cane: 9/12/1796 *each pound equal to 2i Spanish Milled Dollars

577. 6:181 Dec. 21,1790 1300

Henry VAN HOEVENBERGH farmer of Dutchess & Esther to Dirck LEFFERTS Esq. of Dutchess Staatsburgh Lot 8 Bounds W.- Hudson 238 acres River, No. Lot 7. Canc: 1/7/1794

578. Apr. 175

Cornelius OSTROM of Clinton & Balinda to Frederick SCHULTZ of Clinton Clinton 3rd division of Nine Partners Mentions old saw mill on north side. Canc: 6/1/1801 70 acres

573. May

6:183 7,1792

Mortgages 579. Apr. E530


6:186 6,1792

Nathaniel GARDNER of Washington John THORN of New Windsor Washington 1) adjoins land formerly belonging to Ebenezer Briggs, Samuel Pierson, brook in a deep Hollow, Michael Palmer, John Mott, Sylvester Sweet. 83 acres 2) another, parcel of Ebenezer Briggs dec'd. Bounds No. Joseph Mabbett; E.Nathaniel Gardner; So. part of road which bounds no. border of Samuel Pierson; E.- above parcel; W.- part of road which bounds east border of Sylvester 100 acres Sweet.

6:189 580. Apr. 14,1792 E154

Roswell KINNE yeoman of Amenia & Anne to Stephen MOREY of Washington Bounds No. Noah Gale & SamAmenia uel Herrick; E.- highway; So. widow Paine Aspanwall Cornall & Thomas Williams; W.- highway. Adjoins Town line 221 acres on west. Cane: 7/3/1792

581. 6:192 Apr. 19,1792 E160

Ezekiel BENTON & Samuel OWEN of Amenia clothiers to Platt SMITH & Isaac SMITH traders Oblong Lott 69 in NE. cor. of the Lott. Except such reservations made by Obed Harvey in his deed to Stephen Trusedall. 6 acres

582. 6:192 Apr. 27,1792 E85

Frederick UHL of Clinton Elias VAN BUNSCHOOTEN clerk of N, J. 1) Lot IV. Bounds No, Lot III; So. Lot V; W.- Hudson River, Except 2 acres in NW. cor. sold to Henry 202 acres Hovenbergh. 32 acres 2) Lot XIIIII. Cane: 8/16/1804 Witness: Matthew Van Bunschooten

583. 6:195 Apr. 20,1791

Adam CARMEN of Washington Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston Bounds So. Lott 16 line; W.Lott 16 William Scadden, Samuel Smith dec'd; No. Paul Hoag, highway; E.- Andrew Wilson, highway from Gidion Salsbury to Henry Hull, Tiddeman Hull, Amos Knapp. 312 acres Cane: 5/13/1807 by Jacob Burger adm. of Mary Elmendorph



584. 6:196 Feb. 20,1792 E308

Eugene VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Washington Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston Beg. at SW, cor. of Lott 15, Lott 15 107 acres Cane: 12/15/1796

6:197 585. May 10,1792 E300

Albertus SCHRIVER yeoman of Dutchess & Margaret to Jacob MOTT yeoman of Queens Water Lott 3 Bounds So. John Wig. Cane: 5/31/1793 270 acres

586. 6:197 Jan. 19,1787 E247

Jonathan HOAG jr, of Clinton John ALLEN of Great Neck Lott 5 subdivision Lot 4, Bounds W.- Joseph Hicks. 57 acres Cane: 10/20/1813

587. May 1310

6:200 4,1792

Thomas UNDERHILL yeoman of Clinton & Mary to Nehemiah CARPENTER of Jamaica Clinton Land adjoins road that formerly went from Nine Partners to Oswego; Beekman line. 135 acres Cane: 4/30/1796

588. May

6:209 3,1792

Solomon DOTY of Clinton William WELLING Lott 7 Bounds So. Lott line 8, William Benson; No. & W.- Thomas Welling; E.- Ezekiel Welling. 72 acres Cane: 8/16/1801 Witness: Gilbert Brush

589. 6:216 Apr. 14,1792 E154

Roswell KINNE yeoman of Amenia & Anna to Stephen MOREY of Washington Amenia Adjoins brook, Thomas Williams, Cornal's land, highway on the Town line. 118 acres

590. 6:221 May 26,1792 E300

Isaac LOMAREAUX farmer of Clinton & Hannah to John MURRAY, Thomas PEARSALL, & John GLOVER merchant of NYC Lott 3 3rd Division of Nine Partners. Bounds W.- John Crapson. Mentions lake on north and old saw mill. 200 acres Cane: 5/17/1794



591. 6:223 July 20,1768 L274

Isaac VAIL yeoman of Charlotte Mary ELMENDORPH widow of Petrus Edmundus Elmendorph Esq. late of Kingston Lott 15 Bounds So. & W.- John Stoutenburgh & Wappingis Creek; No. Lott 15 line. Exception 3 acres for highway. Cane: 3/3/1795 200 acres

592. Nov. L867

6:225 9,1791

Samuel PEET of Bethlem, Conn. Samuel & William DUNHAM of Amenia Oblong Lotts 55, 57 & 58. Adjoins Barnabas Woods, highway. Cane: 5/11/1802 Witness: Freeman Peet

593. 6:227 June 14,1792 L150

Myndert VAN KLEECK of Poughkeepsie Francis LEWIS jr. of Flushing Lott 1 Previously bought by Joost Garrison from Peter Golett. 100 acres Cane: 6/1/1795

594. Aug. 198

6:227 7,1792

Henry VAN HOVENBERGH Esq. of Dutchess Dirck LEFFERTS Esq. of NYC Staasburgh Lott 17 Bounds No. Lott 16; E.- Crum Elbow Kill. Exception 158 acres conveyed to Joshua Allen by deed & map from Hovenbergh. 268 acres Cane: 1/7/1794

595. 6:228 Aug. 7,1792 L144*

Joshua NELSON millwright of Dutchess Dirck LEFFERTS Esq. of NYC Staatsburgh Lott 17 easternmost part. Bounds No. Lott 16; So. Lott 18; E.- Crum Elbow Creek. 158 acres Cane: 7/11/1801 by John Beekman Exec. of Dirck Lefferts *Spanish Milled Dollar @ 8 shillings per dollar.

596. 6:230 Aug. 20,1792 L200

Cornelius OSTRUM of Clinton & Blandana to Elias VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Minisink, N. J. Water Lott 2 Bounds E.- Abraham Wood & Cornelius Humphrey; No. David Concklin, Charles Manning; W. Peter Scriver. Cane: 2/21/1798 140 acres Witness: John J. Concklin

597. 6:230 Aug. 22,1792 1150

John L. STOUTENBERGH Jonathan HASSBROOK Stoutsburgh Lots 1, 15, & 42 formerly belonging to Luke Stoutenbergh Esq. dec'd.


444 6:231 1,1792

Israel DUEL of Washington Benjamin DELAVERGNE physician of Washington Lott 15 Beg. SE. cor. Lott 15. Bounds E.- Crooke; No. Elmendorf; W.Stoutenbergh; So. David Johnson. Canc: 1/9/1808 363 acres

6:232 599. July 21,1792 1200

Samuel MOTT of Washington Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Washington 1) adjoins a great Lott line, James Germond, highway. 36 acres 2) Bounds So. Zopher Green, Phenious Lounsbury; W.- James Way; No. Isaac Beadle; E.- James Germond, small run of water adjoining land formerly of Nathaniel Brown dec'd. 35 acres Canc: 5/16/1794

600. 6:233 Aug. 28,1792 1500

James J. & John S. STOUTENBERGH to Matthew, Peter, Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Fishkill Bounds W.- Hudson River; Water Lott 8 So. David Johnson; No. Jacobus Stoutenbergh; E.- Isaac Concklin. 200 acres

6:235 601. Aug. 27,1792

John BUDD of Clinton Stephen THORN of Fishkill Lott 12 3rd division of Nine Partners Beg. at SE. cor. of Lott 12 standing on the west bounds of general 113 acres division of the patent. Canc: 7/6/1795 Witness: Samuel Thorn

602. Oct. 178

6:238 8,1792

Moses BARLOW of Washington Peter GOELET merchant NYC Adjoins Elijah Ferris. Lott 21 Canc: 2/24/1797 19 acres Witness: Solomon

603. Nov. 1400

6:243 8,1792

Isaac WOOD farmer of Little Compton, R.I. William COOK farmer of Clinton Water Lotts 2 & 3 Bounds E.- John Golder; No. Charles Manning; W,- Albertus Schryver, highway; So, late Peter 93 acres Schryver. Canc: 6/30/1794

598. May 1100



604. 6:249 Dec. 18,1792 1150*

Caleb DAKIN yeoman of Northeast & Rodah to Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Yonkers Oblong Lott 63 1) adjoins Joel Harvey, George Folliot, Elijah Wheeler, Simon 117 acres Dakin, John Lloyd, highway. 42 acres 2) adjoins parcel 1 above. Canc: 1/13/1803 Witness: Caleb Dakin jr. *Spanish Milled dollars of pieces of eight @ 2i per pound.

605. 6:255 Feb. 19,1793 160

George Whitefield CASE farmer of Clinton Thomas WELLING of Clinton Lott 8 Bounds So. Filkintown Road. E.- Samuel Mead & John Newcomb; No. John Barnes; W.- Wellings road to Filkintown 26 acres Road, John Barnes.

606. 6:259 Sept.18,1792 120

Henry MEADE of Pittstown, N.Y. Stephen WINANS of Albany Bounds W.- Commer Bullock. Lott 18 110 acres Cane: 1/18/1802

6:261 607. Dec. 27,1792 1184

William BELL yeoman of Washington & Judith to Stephen MOREY of Washington Bounds So. David Johnston; Washington W.- Enos Talmage. Land Bell bought from Samuel Haight & Ephraim Ford. 100 acres Cane: 6/16/1806

6:262 608. Apr. 18,1792 1150

James PRITCHARD farmer of Clinton & Cornelia to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN farmers of Fishkill No. Peter Schryver; NE. Water Lott 2 David Concklin; E.- Joseph Odell; SW. 68 acres road. Cane: 1/31/1806

609. Apr. 1134

6:263 4,1793

Joshua AUSTIN farmer of Clinton & Esther to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN farmers of Fishkill Adjoins land of Dr. Bard. Clinton formerly owned by Asabel Armstron. 95 acres

610. Feb. 1745

6:264 2,1793

Ephraim PAINE of Amenia Solomon SOUTHERLAND of Washington 1 of parcel Ephraim Lott 31 & 32 Paine dec'd left to Ephraim & Abijah 600 acres subject to widow's dower.



611. May 1120

6:268 2,1793

Smith HERRICK blacksmith of Washington Joseph WOOLEY hatter of Washington Washington Bounds No. road which passes Isaac Griffen to Benjamin Delavergne; W.- Conerad Ham; So. Samuel Doughty; E.road leading from Oswego to Timothy Bedell. 16 acres

612. May 1180

6:276 2,1792

Christian P. FEEROW of Clinton Abraham FRELIGH of Clinton Lott 5 3rd division of Nine Partners Bounds E.- Lott 5 of 2nd division. Except 5 acres of George Reed & 3 acres of Samuel Masten. 101 acres

613. May 130

6:279 4,1793

Samuel PIERCE of Amenia John Cotton SMITH Esq. of Sharon, Conn, Oblong Lott 60 Adjoins Col. Burr, Robert Freeman, Conn. line, 45 acres Canc: 5/23/1795 Witness: Pelatiah Pierce

614. 6:281 May 14,1793 1115

John WYCKOFF farmer of Clinton Daniel SMITH farmer of Clinton Clinton Bounds So. Noxen; No.partition line between lots 1 & 2. Part of Daniel Smith's farm. 60 acres

615. 6:288 May 22,1793 1200

John WARD of Clinton & Rebeccah to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEEN Clinton Bounds W.- Augustus Titus; So. Beekman line; E.- Barnet Vely; NW, Joseph Harris; No. Wheeler Case dec'd. An irregular piece on No. end, Mentions Sarah Ward had previously sold land to current owners Vely, Harris & Case. Canc: 8/27/1825 by Samuel 250 acres L. Van Voorhis exec, of Obadiah Cooper dec'd assignee of the Van Bunschotens.

616. June 1460

Lemuel BRUSH of Amenia to Nicholas HOFFMAN, Moses ROGERS, William WOOLSEY of NYC Amenia 1) adjoins Smithfield meeting house. 2) Adjoins Robert Dixon. 11 :2::s 3) Adjoins parcel 2 above. 5 acres 4) Lott 20 in Washington. Adjoins highway. 40 acres Canc: 5/21/1798

6:290 8,1793



617. 6:293 Nov. 23,1774 L354

George STOOVER of Staatsborough Sarah MORRIS of Morrissaniee Staatsborough 1) Lott 14 Bounds E.Everardus Bogardus. Lott 5.

618. 6:296 June 13,1793 L200

Peleg CARD of Amenia clothier Lebbeus SWEET yeoman Amenia Adjoins a pond. Cane: 3/22/1795

619. 6:297 Jan. 16,1792 L163*

Ebenezer BENHAM of Amenia Jane HORTON widow Amenia subdivision lot 2 highway. *gold & silver

620. June E139

Isaac VAN ETTEN of Clinton Thomas TILLOTSON Pawlings Purchase Lotts 1 & 10. 1) Bounds W.- Hudson River; So. Nicholas 61 acres Moore; E.- Post Road. 2) Bounds W.- Post Road; No. north line of Pawling Purchase according to a line run by Mr. Gasharee. Adjoins Tipple's 25 acres farm. 3) Bounds W,- Post Road; So. Nicholas 16 acres Moore. Cane: 2/12/1796

6:297 1,1791

6 acres

Adjoins a 96 acres

621. 6:299 June 14,1793 L1500 @ 7%

John RAY & Helena, Cornelius RAY & Elizabeth of NYC to Elsey EVERSON widow of NYC Bounds W.- Hudson River; Water Lott 6 No. & So. Charles Crooke dec'd. 515 acres Cane: 12/10/1794 by Cornelius Ray exec. of Elsey Everson

622. 6:301 May 13,1793 L200

James S. GERMOND of Washington Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington on the W. side of the road Washington by a falls of Water near where a saw mill formerly stood. Bounds No. Creed's line; E.- formerly Nathaniel Brown. 137 acres

6:302 1,1793

Edward SOUTHWICK of Clinton Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Bounds No. David Johnston; 127 acres E.- Lott 16 line.

623. May L200


448 6:303 1,1793

Solomon COOK of Amenia Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington 1) Lott 31 Beg. at SW. cor. 44 acres of Cook's land. 2) Oblong Lott 53 beg. SE. cor. of Phebe 12 acres Faris.

625. 6:304 June 16,1775 1368

Jacob LEWIS Sarah MORRIS Staatsborough Lott 5 & 14 Northern part of each lott. acres 47 & 103 respectively Land Lewis recently bought of Peter Prosuis & Christiena. Witness: Peter Prosuis Assigned to Morgan Lewis - See Liber 12:84 of Deeds.

626. 6:306 Feb. 21,1793 1100

William REYNOLDS of Amenia William DEXTER of Hartford, Conn. Lott 34 Beg. in SW. cor, of Edmund 1 acre Perlee.

627. 6:307 Aug. 20,1793 1250

Johannes SHEAK of Clinton John GILDERSLEAVE Lott 4 Beg. on the mid line of Lott about 70 rods from Elmendorph's NE. cor. 200 acres

6:316 6,1793

John D'WITT of Clinton & Catherine to Ann VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill Part of 1000 acres of land conveyed by the Nine Partners to Frans Van Dyck & Art Williams - subdivision Lot 5. Bounds W.- Fish Creek; No. Aert Williams lot 6: So. lot 4; E.- Joost Gerretse & Basteyaen Trever. Previously conveyed to Frans Van Dyck by Frans Van Dyck dec'd. Mention of another indenture between Frans Van Dyck & Peter D'Witt dec'd. 200 acres Canc: 6/29/1808

629. 6:317 Aug. 26,1793 1200

John DE WITT of Clinton & Catherine to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill. Same as Liber 6:316 above. Canc: 2/25/1813 by Isaac Sebring admin. of Peter Van Bunschoten

630. Dec. 1225

Aspinwall CORNWELL farmer of Amenia George CLINTON Esq. Amenia Adjoins Roswell Kinney, highway, Adams I?] acres Canc: 5/27/1801

624. May 1100

628. Aug. 1200

6:321 5,1793



631. 6:322 Dec. 20,1793 1320

Samuel TITUS of Washington & Elizebeth to Jesse OAKLEY of Beekman Washington 1) conveyed from Matthew Bunie & wife Charity to John Smith 2/6/ 1759. Bounds No. Isaac Brotherton; E.Mockeep; W.- William Forcus; So. Beekman precinct. 100 acres 2) conveyed by deed to John Smith by Othniel Brotherton & wife formerly of Isaac Brotherton in Lott 27. Bounds W.W. Fowler; No. John Haight & Eli Brotherton; E.- & So. Eli Brotherton. 45 acres 3) Lott 27 Beg. at NW. cor. of John Smith. Adjoins Nicholas Holmes. Canc: 5/25/1826. 50 acres

632. Aug. 1948 @ 6%

6:324 1,1792

Morgan LEWIS Esq. of NYC Samuel OGDEN Esq. of N. J. Pawlings Patent Lott 5 & 14 Bounds E.- Evert Bogardus; So. Lott 14 line. Canc: Liber 6:399 324 acres

6:326 633. Mar. 10,1794 1106

Rudolph OSTRUM farmer of Kinderhook John WILLIAMS of Clinton lot 2 of subdivision lot 1 Lott 3 87 acres on Jacob Smith map, Canc: 5/4/1795.

634. 6:327 June 28,1793 E275

Jacob BUSH of Clinton & Elizabeth to John CROOKE of Rhynbeck Bounds W,- Hudson River; Clinton No. lot line between lot 6 & 7; E.of Lot 6, Marishes creek; So. remaining 175 acres Cane: 3/4/1795

635. 6:331 Oct. 24,1793 E50

Comer BULLOCK jr. of Northeast William FOWLER of Washington subdivision lot 12. Bounds Lott 18 No. Little Nine Partners line; So. Mathias Brogues & Lapham; W.- Nathan Case. 100 acres Canc: 2/4/1804 Witness: Elizabeth Bullock

636. Mar. E100

6:335 1,1794

Abraham GURNEY of Clinton & Rosanna to Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Bounds No. Lawrence SouthLott 3 wich; E.- Clinton - Washington town line; W.- Benjamin Hall. Except 2 acres in NE, 50 acres cor. to Edward Southwich. Canc: 5/10/1804



637. Dec. 140

6:336 8,1792

Peter DUSENBERRY, Totten DUSENBERRY & his wife Dolly to Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington On E.subdivision lot 4 Lott 5 side of road from Wappingers Creek to 2 acres Stone Meeting house.

638. May 1192

6:348 3,1794

Isaac FRELIGH of Clinton & Mary to Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston Clinton Bounds No. Joseph Mott; NE. road from George Carpenter to Hughes Mill; So. brook. 65 acres Canc: 9/6/1800 by Peter E. Elmendorph adm. of Mary Elmendorph

639. May 1568

6:349 3,1794

Obadiah GRIFFEN of Clinton & Mary to Mary ELMENDORPH of Ulster Co. Clinton Bounds So. Great Lott line 5; E.- George Carpenter. Crosses a road on W.- side. 179 acres Cane: 3/4/1820 by Peter E. Elmendorph adm. of Mary Elmendorph

640. May 1500

6:351 1,1794

Samuel DOUGHTY of Washington & Ruth to John THORN of No. Hempstead 1) Lott 11 Bounds So. James Way; No. division line between Lotts 11 & 12; E.- James Germond; So. Lounsbury & Lott 11 line. 169 acres 2) Lott 10 A woodlot. Bounds No. Zopher Green; W.- John Everson; So. Aaron Haight; E.- Isreal Post. 50 acres Canc: 9/7/1805

641. May 1418

6:352 3,1794

Elias DOTY jr. husbandman of Clinton & Martha to John FARMER surveyor of Clinton Lott 1 Bounds W,- John Teller; E.division line between Lotts 1 & 18; No. Ann Vanvlack dec'd. 166 acres Canc: 4/17/1799

642. 6:352 Apr. 14,1794 1169

Silas ANSON of Stanford Rufus CASE of Amenia Amenia

643. June 1180

Elisha MASTEN innholder of Clinton Pearsall BROWN of Clinton All the buildings where he Clinton lives on the land in his possession,

6:356 8,1793

57 acres

Mortgages 644. Nov. L575


6:357 1,1793

David LAWTON of Washington & Hannah to William PETERS of Washington Lott 12 1) Bounds W.- John Allen; E.- James Wallace & Josiah Haight. Adjoins millstream, Thomas Hallock, high113 acres way. Beg, in a Hollow. 107 acres 2) Lott 8 Canc: 11/18/1797 Liber 7:160

645. 6:360 May 1,1794 I1000

Tideman HULL jr. of Stanford & Anne to John STOUTENBURGH of Clinton Bounds So. division line Lott 15 between Lott 14 & 15; W.- cor. of Able Peters land; No. heirs of Petrus Elmendorph dec'd; E.- wet ground & Isaac Vail dec'd. 300 acres Canc: 11/16/1802

6:363 646. June 28,1794 L150

Reuben NELSON of Fishkill & Hannah to Matthew, Peter, & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN Bounds W.- Crum Elbow Nelson's lot Creek. Adjoins Jesse Bell, widow Nelson. 94 acres Canc: 6/6/1815 by Samuel L, Van Voorhees exec. of Obadiah Cooper dec'd assignee of this mortgage.

6:364 647. June 28,1794 L200

Francis R. NELSON of Clinton & Sarah to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN Clinton Bounds W.- Creek. Canc: 2/14/1814 by Samuel L. 181 acres Van Voorhees exec. of Obadiah Cooper dec'd who was exec. of Peter Van Bunschoten.

648. May L150 @ 7%

6:364 1,1794

William THOMSON of Clinton Silvenus SEAMAN Lott 3 Bounds So. road from Able Peters to Elnathon Lyon; W.- Elnathon Lyon; No. Thomson & Moleney; E.- Barns & road from Paul Furman to 1st road mentioned. Mentions a balm of Gilliad 70 acres tree.

6:367 649. June 21,1794 1120

Phinehas KNAPP of Charlotte Thomas WINSLOW barber of NYC Bounds E.- Caleb Husted; Lott 19 W.- Joel Southerland; So. David Suther200 acres tin.


452 6:371 650. Sept. 2,1794 L500*

Ebenezer HURD jr. of Dutchess & Rebecca to Augustus VAN CORTLANDT Beg. on line beOblong Lott 49 & 50 tween NY & Conn. Adjoins E. Reed, Coenrad Winegar, Event bought of Chamber300 acres lain, Bump. Canc: 2/11/1800 *Spanish Milled Dollars @ 2i for every pound.

651. 6:374 Apr. 19,1794 L40

Joseph LOGAN of Amenia William DAVIS of Amenia 1) Logan bought of Davis. Amenia 2) adjoins Logan bought of Jonathan Dunham. 3) Logan bought of Gideon Castle 6 in all 27 acres acres, Canc: 3/2/1802

6:374 652. Aug. 12,1794 L50

Thaddeus GILBERT of Amenia William DAVIS of Amenia Lott 36 Beg 11 chains from SE. cor. 58 acres of Lott 36.

653. Aug. L650

6:375 2,1794

Hewlett PETERS of Clinton Jesse OAKLEY of Beekman Bounds W.- Samuel Conklin Esq.; No. division line between Lott 8 & 340 acres 9. Canc: 5/8/1804

654. Aug. L200

6:375 3,1794

Jesse EMES of Clinton & Dorothy to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN 1) Lott I Beg. in Pawlings Purchase SE. cor. of Water Lot. Bounds E.- Grif65 acres fen; W.- Jacob Mulford. E.- Hudson River; So. Jacob 2) Lot 2 Mulford. Main Road is in middle of par138 acres cel on the north side. Cane: 5/29/1813

6:377 655. Sept.15,1794 E100

Samuel S. BARKER of Washington Joseph WOOLEY of Washington 1) Adjoins highway, John Washington Allen, former division line between Reynolds & Reynolds. 2) near the first parcel above, Adjoins land formerly Palmer's, brook, highway, Stone Bridge. 10 acres

6:381 656. Oct. 20,1794 L210 @ 6%

John DUMONT of Clinton Thomas MALE of NYC Beg. in NE. cor. of lot 1 thence along the old north. 75 acres



657. 6:381 Oct. 13,1794 L268

Peter STOUTENBURGH of Clinton Thomas MAULE of NYC Beg. at Crum Elbow Creek on the north side near the road to Rhinebeck flats. 200 acres Cane: 12/27/1810

658. 6:382 May 17,1793 L133

David HILDRETH of Clinton John CROOKE of Rhinebeck Lott 3 lot 3 of lot 1. Cane: 1/24/1799

659. 6:383 Feb. 28,1794 L350

Job MILK of Amenia Platt SMITH Amenia Beg. at highway that leads from Jeremiah Concklin to Nathan Concklin. Adjoins Ford & Ezra Thompson. 100 acres

660. Oct. L231

6:383 1,1793

Jacob BURGER.of Clinton John CROOKE of Rhinebeck Lott 3 lot 5 of lot 1 1) Bounds E.- Little Wappingers. 110 acres 2) Bounds W.- Daved P. Trever. 20 acres

6:384 661. Nov. 14,1791 L460

Fordham BURTIS of Clinton Mary ELMENDORPH of Kingston Bounds W.- Daniel Sleght; Clinton No. Joseph Mott. Mentions NE. cor. of Lot 1. Except a piece in SE. cor. 23 chains square 252 acres Cane: 2/16/1801

6:384 662. Oct. 18,1794 L1153

David Jamison JOHNSTON & Jacob JOHNSTON of Washington to Stephen LEGGETT of Stanford Water Lott 7 subdivision lots 2, 3, 4, & 5. Bounds E.- Lott 7 line. 800 acres

6:387 663. Oct. 16,1794 L60

Jesse BELL of Clinton Isaac CONCKLIN Clinton Cane: 7/19/1805

664. May L150

Eleazer CHASE of Clinton Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Clinton Beg. 15 ft. south of old corner stone of John Manning. Bounds W.B. La Count; No. Lot 3. Adjoins Woods. Except 3 acres conveyed to Charles Man146 acres ning.

6:388 2,1794

100 acres

50 acres


454 665. May 160

6:389 1,1794

John PALMENTER of Washington Benjamin DELAVERGNE 1) Beg. on line between Washington & Clinton 5 chains from Beek42 acres man town. 2) Beg. on Beekman town line at junction of SE. cor. of Clinton & SW. cor. of 15 acres Washington. Cane: 1/12/1796

666. May 1150

6:389 1,1794

William SOUTHERLAND of Stanford Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Lott 7 lot 1 in subdivision lot 2. 328 acres

667. May 1120

6:390 1,1794

Isaac WOOD of Clinton Benjamin DELAVERGNE Bounds So. P. Schryver; Water Lott 3 W.- Golder; No, Charles Manning & high93 acres way, Cane: 5/3/1811

6:393 668. Oct. 20,1794 1376

Isaac HALLOCK of Stanford & Ruth to Jacobus L. BRUYN of Kingston Bounds No. division between Lott 15 Lott 15 & 16. So. Stoutenburgh. Men88 acres tions bridge in NW. cor. Cane: 12/4/1809

6:393 669. Oct. 20,1794 1376

Walter ALLEN farmer of Stanford & Sarah to Jacobus L. BRUYN of Kingston Lott 15 Bounds No. Division line between Lott 15 & 16; E.- Isaac Hallock. 111 acres Mentions bridge in NE. cor. Cane: 3/25/1808

670. 6:395 Jan. 24,1794 1180

Robert HEBARD of Amenia David COLLIN jr. of Hilsdale Bounds W.- Nine PartOblong Lott 55 ners line. Adjoins Reuben Hebard & a 44 acres hingway.

671. 6:396 Oct. 21,1794 1430

Thomas MOSHER of Stanford Jacobus L. BRUYN of Kingston Bounds W.- Isiah Griffen; So. formerly Isaac Vail dec'd & the heir of Job Potter; E.- Samuel Hyatt; No. John Humphrey & Amos Knap. 300 acres Cane: 5/13/1807



672. 6:396 Dec. 9,1794 15,000*

William L. SMITH gentleman of NYC & Abigail to Gabriel W. LUDLOW merchant of NYC exec, for William Brownejohn druggist dec'd Lott 12 1) Bounds E.- William White; No. Silas Duel; W.- road from Richard Hart to David Southerland. 56 acres 2) Beg. NE. cor. of Nicholas Delavergne at the highway from Aaron Haits to Richard Hart's fulling mill; W.- side of highway to mill dam & Great Bridge by the then dwelling house of Anthony Arnold, cross the bridge & down the stream to N. Delavergne. Except the fulling mill formerly Richard Hart stood - also that of Philip Hart. Also 1 acre of land next to stream. 3) Beg. at Philip Hart's NE. cor. Adjoins Remembrance Gage. 45 acres Canc: 10/25/1797 *Spanish Milled dollars at 8 shillings per dollar.

673. May L325

6:399 2,1791

Isaac RUSSEL farmer late of Mass, now of Dutchess to Charles SHAW, Nicholas HOFFMAN, Nicholas DEPEYSTER & Miles SHERBROOK of NYC Pawlings Purchase 1) No. 1 of lot 6. Bounds E.- Hudson River; No. lot 5. 120 acres 2) lot 15 Bounds No. lot 14; E,- run of water called Endekill. 42 acres

674. Feb. L82

6:403 2,1795

G. WHEELER of Washington William DAVIS of Amenia Beg. on E.- side of highway at cor. of William Boright's shop. 7 3/4 acres

675. Feb. L260

6:403 9,1795

Joseph HALL of Washington & Margaret to Jonathan DEAN of Clinton Clinton Lott 6 lot 2 of subdivision lot 3 Bounds W.- a highway. 100 acres

676. 6:405 Dec. 18,1794 L150

Ellis BULLOCK William FOULLER of Washington Lott 22 Bounds So. Runels, Sherwood. 100 acres


456 677. 6:405 Mar. 26,1795 1300

John GAGOR of Clinton & Anna to Sarah WARD Bounds E,- Timothy Bedle; 85 acres No. John Gager. Cane: 5/4/1814

678. 6:405 May 1,1795 11000*

Quimby CORNELL of Clinton & Hannah to John THORN of Hempstead Bounds So. Oliver Doughty. Except 3i acres conveyed to Jacob Corn114 acres ell. *penal sum

679. May 1100

6:406 4,1795

Rudolph OSTRUM tanner of Clinton Evert PELLS of Poughkeepsie Clinton Beg. at NE. cor, of lot 1. Mentions a Valley. Except 15 acres sold to Martinus Burger. [?] acres

680. May 1400

6:406 1,1795

Jonathan OWEN of Clinton & Rebecca to John THORN of No. Hempstead Clinton 100 acres Cane: 5/21/1796

681. 6:407 Mar. 3,1795 E1000

John JOHNSTON Esq. of Clinton Jacob BUSH farmer of Clinton Water Lott 6 Beg. at E.- bank of Hudson at Crum Elbow Point. Bounds W.Hudson River; No. division between Lott 6 & 7; E.- west bank of Creek (Merickes kill); So. other of Lott 6. Except the burying ground of the Crooke family. Cane: 7/15/1808 175 acres

682. 6:410 Jan. 31,1795 E3000

Jeremiah INGRAHAM of Bristol, R. I. Jacob EVERSON of Dutchess Lott 33 Beg. at SW. cor. of land conveyed by Jacob Everson to Noah Brown. Adjoins Bush mountain, Division line between Lott 33 & 32, land conveyed by Joseph Mabbett to William Davis, John C. Smith of Sharon, E.- Park, land Everson granted to Thomas Mygat, Noah Brown. (East boundry is irregular.) 660 acres

683. 6:410 Oct. 17,1794 1440

Ebenezer RANSOM of Dutchess Jacob EVERSON of Dutchess Lott 9 Bounds No. division line between Lott 8 & 9; So. line between Haight & J. Everson; E.- land conveyed by Nicholas Everson to his daughter Mary. 200 acres



684. 6:411 Apr. 30,1795 £100

John SARLES of Clinton & Prudence to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill Clinton Bounds So, road that leads from Isaac Frost to Obadiah Powell; E.Mordicia & J. Frost; No. swamp & Jorden Frost; W.- Obadiah Powell; SW. road from John Powell to Jordon Frost. 50 acres Cane: 5/3/1802

685. May £248

6:413 4,1795

John MASTEN of Clinton & Charity to Duncan GRAHAM of Fishkill Clinton Beg. at NW, cor. of lot 1 & is the SW. cor. of J. Travers. Mentions a 100 acre lot & a 700 acre lot as bounds. 97 acres Cane: 5/15/1811

686. 6:414 Apr. 27,1795 1220

Frederick UHL of Clinton & Hilda to Elias VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Minisinck, N.J. Clinton 2 parcels 1) 32 acres 2) Pawlings Patent alias Staatsborough. Bounds No. lot 3; So. lot 4; W.- Hudson River. Except 2 acres sold to Henry Hoevenbergh. 202 acres Cane: 6/12/1812

687. May 1200

6:414 2,1795

Samuel HADDEN of Clinton Merriam NELSON widow of Clinton Clinton Beg. at West bank of Cromelbo creek the NW. cor. of lot 5. Bounds No. Stephen Nelson; E.- Crum Elbow Creek. 100 acres Cane: 5/7/1800

6:427 23,1795

Peter CHATTERTON of Clinton & Sarah to Thomas WELLING of Clinton Clinton Bounds So. Filkintown Road; E.- house of E. G. Goggen. 45 acres Cane: 4/11/1796

6:427 1,1795

Timothy EMES farmer of Sudbury, Mass. & Hanah to John BURNET of Clinton Lot 3 Bounds W.- river; So. Post 111 acres road. Cane: 5/12/1800

690. 6:428 May 13,1795 1450

Isaac GRIFFEN of Washington & Sarah to Thomas WILLETS of L.I. Washington Adjoins Main Road to Poughkeepsie, Samuel Wood, John Wooley, road 114 acres to Oswego. Cane: 7/1/1799

688. May £78

689. Apr. 1100


458 6:428 691. Apr. 22,1795 1300

Peter DE GARMO of Clinton & Mary to Isaac CONCKLIN of Clinton Clinton Bounds W.- H. ? Marshall; E.- John Cilver; No. north line of lot 8; So. south line of lot 8. Except 50 ac156 acres res adjoining Marshall. Cane: 5/11/1807

692. May 1700

6:430 2,1795

William PETERS of Clinton Dirck VAN VLIET of Clinton Bounds So. Reuben Spencer & Spencer's road, Frost; W.- road from Garrison, Terwilliger; No. Van Vliet, Forman; E.- Rowland. Also the Bog Meadow on NW. cor. of Jacob Overhiser farm. Cane: 5/3/1796 200 acres

693. May 1300

6:431 1,1795

Ebinezer BENHAM of Amenia John VANDERBILT of Kings Co. 2 farms Amenia 1) subdivision lot 3 266 acres 2) subdivision lot 2 202 acres Cane: 12/11/1796 by P. Wilson & N. R. Cowenhoven adm. of John V. Der Bilt

694. 6:433 May 20,1794 L1193* @ 6%

Thomas WILLIAMS of Amenia John M. SMITH, Valentine & John WILLIAMS of Queens Lott 32 1) Adjoins G. C. Willet, highway. 1 acre 2) Adjoins highway, Isaac Underhill, town line. 34 acres 3) Adjoins Deuel, a Brook, old mill formerly stood. 90 or 100 acres Cane: 6/23/1801 *penal sum

695. 6:433 June 16,1795 1100

Francis WILLIAMS of Clinton & Catherine to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN Lott 5 3rd division of Nine Partners. Bounds W.- Fish Creek. Adjoins Jost Garrison. 200 acres Cane: 4/27/1803

696. Apr. 1222

Hiram WALKER physician of Clinton & Aletty to Jesse EMES Water Lott 6 1) Bounds W.- Post Road. 6 acres 2) 18 acres 3) Bounds E.- Griffen's wood lot. See Deeds Liber 15:545 14 acres

6:434 2,1795

Mortgages 697. June 1100


6:436 3,1795

Ebenezer MALLERY farmer of Clinton & Azariah MALLERY of Clinton & Mary to Isaac CONCKLIN of Clinton Lott 8 Bounds So. Benoni Kip. Cane: 4/25/1808 45 acres

6:447 698. June 13,1795 1467

Jonathan & Mary ROBERTS of Amenia to Pellatiah PEANE [PIERCE] of Amenia Amenia Adjoins Joshua Lozet, Williams & Palmer, Samuel Dunham. Cane: 8/29/1803 [?] acres

699. 6:448 Sept.14,1795 1150

Jacobus J. VAN ETTEN & Bornt VAN WAGONER to Peter PROGUE Clinton 1) Bounds W.- Hudson River, So. P. Radclift; E.- Post Road. 61 acres 2) Bounds E.- road; So. Tipple; No. north line of Pawlings Patent. 25 acres 3) Bounds W.- Post Road; So. N. Moors. Cane: 2/5/1801 16 acres

6:449 700. June 13,1795 1637

John & Sarah WILLIAMS, Nathan & Eunice PALMER of Amenia to Pelatiah PIERCE of Amenia Amenia in Greenvale Bounds E.- Conn. line. Adjoins Jonathan Roberts, Canfield, a brook, John Freeman, No. line of Lott 50. [?] acres Cane: 1/7/1804

701. May 1300

6:456 1,1795

Seth HIGBY of Washington William FOWLER of Washington Washington Bounds E.- John Butts; SW. 130 acres Bennet Homestan. Cane: 5/3/1800 Witness: Jonathan Mabbett

702. 6:456 Oct. 12,1795 1540

Samuel PEET of Amenia Ethan GOODRICH of Amenia Amenia Beg. at NW. cor. of Lott 57 at highway. Adjoins P. Chapman. 212 acres Cane: 6/9/1804 by Gideon Townsend assignee

703. 6:461 Sept.29,1795 1293

Martin HEERMANSE & Hans KIERSTEAD of Rhinebeck to Ebenezer MOTT of Rhinebeck Lott 1 1) Bounds W.- John Teller,Cath36 acres arine Stoutenburgh. 2) Bounds W.- Benjamin Stoutenburgh; No. division line between Great & Little Nine Partners. Cane: 6/11/1797



6:462 704. Sept.26,1795 1232

John DEMUND of Clinton Ebenezer MOTT Esq. 3rd division Nine Partners Lott 1 75 acres Part of 2/3 part of Lott 1. Witness: John Farmer Canc: 5/24/1800

6:462 705. Aug. 28,1792 1500

James J. STOUTENBURGH & John S. STOUTENBURGH of Clinton to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill Bounds W.- Hudson River; Water Lott 8 So. David Johnston; No. Jacobus Stoutenburgh; E.- Isaac Concklin. Same as Lib200 acres er 6:233.

6:464 706. Dec. 21,1795

John PALMETER of Washington Jesse OAKLEY of Beekman 1) Bounds W.- town line Washington between Washington & Clinton; So. Beek15 acres man line. 2) Bounds W.- Clinton line; So, 5 chains 42 acres north of Beekman line. Cane: 6/29/1800

707. Feb. 1100

6:470 2,1795

Aaron B. ANGEVINE of Amenia Bowers SLAWSON of Ulster Co. Where Calvin Clark lives. Amenia Bounds No. Eli Mills; E.- & So. highway; 13 acres W.- Joseph Penoyer.

708. Feb. 1100

6:472 9,1796

Charles TRAVER of Clinton Abraham FRELIGH of Clinton 3rd division of Nine Partners. Lott 4 Bounds E.- P. Radclift; So. Dirck Van Vliet; W.- 1 chain from P. Radclift line a little east of J. Garrison house, 98 acres Schoolhouse lot. Cane: 8/31/1805


6:475 9,1796

James M. HUGHES counsellor at Law of NYC & Mary to John SEARING merchant of Queens & Samuel WOOD of Clinton Lott 5 Bounds E.- Lott 13; So, Lott 6; NW. Wappingers Creek & William Scoby. Includes the Mills. 50 acres Cane: 9/19/1799



710. 6:476 Mar. 22,1796 1300

Ephraim PAINE of Stanford Samuel FRANKLIN merchant of NYC Lott 25 1) grist mill & mill pond with sufficiency of land for the pond at all seasons. Part of 60 acres conveyed to



Franklin by Nehemiah Merrit. 2) adjoins W.- White, Deuils, highway, late Merrit's land. 23 acres 711. 6:476 Apr. 13,1796 1185

Ramson CASHOW of Clinton Jonathan TRAVER of Clinton Lott 1 Bounds NE. Brook out of Mud Pond; No. Stoutenburgh; W.- David Traver; E.- pond & cross the fly. 100 acres Cane: 11/15/1799

7:8 712. Jan. 20,1796 1400

James TELLER of Clinton to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Fishkill Water Lott 8 Bounds W.- Hudson River. Exception: 50 acres on east conveyed to 200 acres John Stoutenberg. Canc: 5/19/1803

713. May 1300

7:9 7,1796

Johannis SHEAK of Clinton George WALTEMIRE sr. of Stanford Beg. at W.- side of road Clinton from Sheak to Elnathon Lyon. 100 acres Canc: 8/30/1803 by George Waltemire jr. exec. of George sr.

714. May 1100

7:13 1,1796

Samuel WOOD of Washington Henry POST of No. Hempstead, Long Island & Jotham POST of NYC 50 acres Lott 10

715. 7:16 Jan. 16,1796 1200

716. May 1300

7:23 2,1796

Solomon OAKLEY sr. of Clinton Joshua WARD of Clinton 1) Bounds No.Jac4 parcels Lott 8 ob Carle; So. J. Newcomb; W.- Wappingers 50 acres Creek. 12 acres 2) adjoins parcel 1 on east. 3) adjoins parcel 2, Elemuel Concklin, 5 acres Zacheus Newcomb. 4) adjoins parcel 2 & 3, Solomon Oakley 2 acres & road to Thomas Welling. Canc: 7/8/1802 proved by Wilmott Oakley Smith HERRICK of Clinton & Phebe to Joseph WOOLEY hatter of Washington Bounds So. David Bedford; Clinton E- road from Bedford to Gazely's mills. 111 acres Cane: 4/11/1803



7:26 717. May 2,1795 11200

Cornelius VAN SICKLEN farmer of Clinton Joseph & Isaac PLATT of Clinton Adjoins Filkentown Road, A. Clinton Woods, Muddy Brook, Wappingers Creek, NW 311 acres cor. of Bateman's land. Canc: 5/7/1798 Witness: Lawrence I. Van Kleeck

718. June 1200

7:28 4,1796

Joseph HORTON of Poughkeepsie Rev. Elias VAN BUNSCHOTEN of New Jersey Water Lott 4 & 5 Deed from Caleb Tompkins of Clinton to Joseph Horton. Bounds W.- Caleb Tompkins. Bond from Joseph & John Arden mentioned. Canc: 5/2/1813 100 acres Witness: Matthew Van Bunschooten

719. May 1300

7:32 7,1796

William PETERS of Clinton & Anne to Isaac CONCKLIN of Clinton Bounds So. Reuben Spencer, Clinton Jordan Frost; W.- road from M. Garrison to Frost; No. Josiah Terwilleger, Cornelius Van Vliet, Samuel Forman; E.- John Rowland. 200 acres Canc: 5/15/1810 by William Teller exec. of Isaac Concklin

7:33 720. June 11,1796 1100

Israel CARPENTER of Clinton & Anna to Isaac CONCKLIN of Clinton 1) Beg, at turn in the road Clinton from the Northward to the road leading from the Church to Cantillon's landing to a stone 94 links from the SW. cor, of the Church. 2 acres 2) adjoins NW. cor, of schoolhouse on Church ground and Crum Elbow Creek, 7 acres Canc: 3/20/1813 by William Teller exec. of Isaac Concklin

7:38 721. July 22,1796 1400

Jonathan OWEN of Clinton John THORN of No. Hempstead Lott 12 3rd Division Includes of a bog meadow of about 25? acres. Adjoins line between Lott 12 & 13 Cane: 5/12/1807 217 acres Witness: Wm. K. Allen

722. May 154

Ichabod MERRITT of Washington Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Beg. at Buck's horn cor, Adjoins B. Akins, Filkentown lot, Abraham Swift, Wilbur Dewel, highway, 123 acres

7:43 1,1796



723. May 1100

7:44 1,1796

Paul COFFIN of Washington Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Washington Adjoins Gould & Southerland's line. 50 acres Cane: 6/4/1815

724. May

7:44 1,1796

Stanly THOMPSON & Bryan MELONA of Clinton to Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington 1) adjoins highway Clinton 11 acres part of a lot purchased by 2) Lott 3 Barnes & Seaman. 60 acres Cane: 2/8/1811

725. May 1500

7:45 1,1796

John MOTT of Clinton & Abigail to Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Clinton Beg. at SW. cor. of R. D' Cantillon's. Bounds So, J. Baker; W.Water Lott 9. James Culver, cross the road to Cantillon's dock; No. G. Drake; E.- D'Cantillon, Great Meadow. Exception: 50 acres sold to Jonathan Owen. 150 acres

726. May 1500 @ 7%

7:46 1,1796

Jacob SMITH of Clinton & Rebecca to Jesse OAKLEY of Beekman Beg. at SE. cor, of Lott 7. Clinton Cane: 5/2/1803 200 acres

727. 7:48 Sept. 2,1796 11250

Samuel MOSHIER of Washington Tripp MOSHER of Washington Washington Bounds No. Philip Hart, David Gager, allong Millbrook: W.-Joseph Foliotts, Enoch Willbor; So, William Thorn, James Baremon, Enoch Willbor; E. Philip Hart. 100 acres

7:48 1,1796

Bernard GERMOND of Washington & Mary to David JOHNSTON of Washington Washington Bounds NW. Abel Peters; W.Owen Stringham, road leads from Allbright to Smith on Lott line between 13 207 acres & 14; No. Thurston Rider, Cane: 5/7/1802

728. May 1900

729. 7:52 June 11,1796 1200

John WARD of Clinton & Rebeccah to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN Clinton Beg. on line between Nine Partners and Beekman. Adjoins Barent Veilie, Augustus Titus, Joseph Harris. 250 acres Cane: 8/7/1803 by Samuel L. Van Voorhis exec. of Obadiah Cooper dec'd assignee of Matthew, Peter & John Van Bunschooten.


Mortgages 7:61 1,1795

Jesse & William BELL of Clinton to William WALMSEY of Stamford, Conn. Clinton Bounds No. Widow M. Nelson; W.- Nathan How; E.- Jesse Bell, Jacob Carl; So. John Johnston. 100 acres Cane: 4/17/1800

731. 7:63 Jan. 26,1796 1300

Peleg MASON of Amenia William CHAPMAN of Sharon, Conn. 1) Adjoins Samuel Peat, Amenia highway. 70 acres 2) Lott 53 northeast cor. 18 acres Cane: 7/9/1801

732. Dec. 1550

7:65 9,1796

Ebenezer HARRINGTON of Clinton Nathan HOW of Westchester Clinton Bounds E.- Crum Elbow Cr.; E.- land sold by How & Womsley to Jesse Bell; So. Bard. Refers to place in Creek "before the Mildam was created". Cane: 8/2/1797 200 acres

733. June 1500

7:68 1,1796

Thomas POTTER of Washington & Dinah to John WILKENSON of Beekman Washington Adjoins Casper Ham, Frederick Streat. 152 acres

730. May 1315

7:73 734. Dec. 10,1796 12500

David I. SUTHERLAND of Stanford & Deborah to Soloman SUTHERLAND of Stanford Stanford 6 parcels 1) Lott 25 adjoins SE. cor. of Isreal Brush, David Sutherland & Alexander Nelson 38 acres 2) Lott 21 SW. cor. of No. of lott. 85 acres 3) Lott 21 in So. of lott. Beg. on Joseph Carpenter's line. 72 acres 4) Bounds No. David Sutherland; SE.highway to Poughkeepsie; So. Aaron Delong's land; W.- John Humfrey. 60 acres 5) Beg. NE.- cor. of the orchard by the highway. Adjoins milldam. 92 acres 6) Beg. at NW.- cor. of David Sutherland 1 acre Total acreage 348 acres

,735. 7:72 Dec. 10,1796 11700

David I. SUTHERLAND of Stanford & Deborah to Soloman SUTHERLAND of Stanford Lott 17 Adjoins Abraham Coons, William R. Sutherland 188 acres



7:75 736. Feb. 14,1797 11400

Ephriam HILL farmer of Clinton & Content and Peter STEVENS farmer of Clinton to Jacob OVEROCKER of Clinton Lott 5 subdivision 1 Bounds W.Lott 5 line, John Everse; No. Mor. Lester; SE. small water or pond. 216 acres Cane: 2/6/1801

737. 7:78 Jan. 20,1797 1250

Ezekiel WHITNEY innkeeper of Clinton John READE of Poughkeepsie Lott 7 Bounds E.- J. Harris; W.-meadow brook, Newcomb; No. division between Lott 7 & 8. 106 acres

738. 7:85 Dec. 31,1796 150

Daniel BISHOP of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington subdivision lot 4. Lott 5 Beg. on E.- side of highway from Judge Bloom to Stone Meeting House. Bounds E.- Wappingers Creek; W.- highway; No. garden of Anthony Arnold dec'd. 1 acre

7:93 739. Aug. 13,1796 1400 @ 3%

Samuel COOK seaman of Poughkeepsie to Timothy PHINEAS & Jenny EAMES wife of Phineas of Clinton Clinton Bounds E.- Post Road; So. Bunker; W.- Hudson River; No. Rimph. Cane: 10/9/1800 [?] acres

740. May 1300

7:97 6,1797

William ELY physitian of Clinton John H. VAN BEURAN physitian of Flatbush, Kings Co. Bounds No. Filkentown Rd.; Clinton E.- small bridge and run of water; So. mill creek. Includes grist mill, mill dam & right and privelege of mill creek. 25 acres Cane: 12/7/1811 William Post exec. of John H. Van Beuran

741. 7:97 Apr. 8,1797 12160

Jeremiah ROGERS of Southhampton, Suffolk Co. to Daniel LEFFERTS of Clinton Bounds So. Water Lott Water Lott 3 2; W.- Hudson river; No. Water Lott 4. Post road runs through the parcel. 180 acres Cane: 3/30/1887[?]

742. Apr. 1300

David SUTHERLAND of Stanford Soloman SUTHERLAND of Stanford in NW. cor. of Lott Stanford Lott 21 140 acres 21.

7:106 7,1797



743. Apr. 1500

7:107 4,1797

Mary ALLEN widow of NYC to Matthew, Jacob & Peter VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Dutchess subdivision so. Clinton Lott 2 lot 2. Survey by John DeWitt 4/29/1776. 200 acres Adjoins so. lot 1. Cane: 2/2/1826 by James Emott exec. of Matthew Van Bunschooten

744. May 1200

7:108 6,1797

David & Nathan CASE jr. to Nathan CASE Lott 18 Bounds No. Little Nine Partners line; So. Johannis ury Walter221 acres mier. Cane: 2/11/1806 by Joseph Mitchell exec.

745. May £275

7:120 1,1797

Benjamin GAZELY of Clinton & Ruth to Martin GARRISON of Clinton Clinton Bounds No, Lott 2 of 3rd Division; E.- Lott 3 of 3rd Division; So. road from Cornelius Van Vliet to John DeWitt's mills; W.- Mordicai Frost. Adjoins lot called the 700 acre lot. Mortgage was conveyed to Abraham Freligh on 5/2/1797 for 1100.

746. May 1276

7:122 1,1797

George F. TRAVER of Clinton & Catherine to Jacob P. TRAVER of Clinton Bounds No. Jacob P. Traver; Clinton E.- Henry Sleght, Robert Simson; W,Samuel Forman; So. Abraham Freligh. Mentions Christian Feerow on SE. cor. Cane: 8/26/1799 100 acres

747. 7:126 May 11,1797 £300

John CONNOR yeoman of Clinton Samuel MAGEE of Kingston Water Lott 7 Bounds W.- Hudson River; So. Joseph Boughton & Lemuel Hide; No. Frost Powel; E.- Dr. Samuel Bard. Parcel crosses Post Road. 103 acres

748. May 150

Daniel SLEGHT jr. of Clinton & Catherine to Jacob P. TRAVER of Clinton Clinton Bounds W.- road from Wittenbergh land by Henry Sleght. 5 acres Cane: 10/12/1805

7:128 10,1797



7:129 4,1797

Samuel GILBERT of Clinton & Anne to Jacob CARL farmer of Fishkill Lott 8 3rd Division subdivision lot 1. Beg. in NW. cor. of Lott 8. Bounds W.- Nelson; No. Lott 7 3rd Division; E.- Reuben Sarls; So. Lott 9 3rd Division. 125 acres Cane: 7/4/1799

750. 7:135 June 12,1797 E200*

Eden B. CORNWELL of Stanford & Thankful to Augustus VAN CORTLANDT of Westchester Stanford Adjoins Josiah Gale Esq. , John Curtis, John Leets, Lebbeus Sweet. Cane: 7/24/1805 70 acres *each pound equal 2i Spanish Milled Dollars

751. 7:139 May 29,1797 E100

George Whitefield CASE of Clinton Thomas WELLING of Clinton Bounds W.- land William Ely Lott 8 bought from Jacob Evertson; No. Joseph Harris dec'd; E.- John Newcomb. Adjoins 23 acres Filkentown Rd. on west. See also: affidavits of sale of this property to Stephen Hendrickson in Mort. 15:218.

752. 7:144 Apr. 13,1797 E180

Karl DIEL yeoman of Clinton & Rebeccka to Ebenezer MOTT Esq. of Clinton 131 acres Lott 1 Witness: Martin Hermance Cane; 11/27/1802

753. May

7:145 2,1797

Samuel BELDEN of Clinton & Phebe to George B. EVERSON of Poughkeepsie Beg. SE. from house of Lott 9 Pearsall Brown now owned by John Dubois, Bounds Lott line between Lott 8 & 9, highway; E.- Wappingers Creek; So. Anthony Ward: W.- road from Anthony Ward 3rd to Oswego, Jonathan Dean, Lott 15 83 acres Division. Cane: 8/20/1804 by James H. [ ? ], assignee.

754. May E500

7:147 1,1797

James GERMOND of Clinton Timothy BEADLE of Clinton Beg. subdivision lot 6 Lott 6 at NW. cor. of land Isaac Bloom bought Bounds No. Lott from Henry Filkins. 5; E.- Isaac Bloom & Wappingers Creek; So. Jacob Smith & Uriah Mitchell; W.John Gazely; NW. James Marshall. Men-

749. May E300


Mortgages tions road passing James Gazely, Also 190 acres mentions subdivision lot 10. Cane: 5/10/1814

755. 7:164 Aug. 16,1797 1700

Elisha BEDELL of Dutchess & Mary to James MORGAN of Middlesex, N.J. Bounds No. Mary Case wife of Whelor Case dec'd, Jacob Evertson; So. Caleb Haight, John Evertson dec'd, 200 acres Cane: 3/9/1803

7:165 756. June 28,1797 1600

Silas GERMOND jr. of Stanford William DAVIS of Sharon, Conn. 1) in Lots 18, 19, 20. Stanford Bounds So. "south line of lots 18 & 20", the highway; E.- Widow Park; No. Sylvanus Beckwith; W.- William Cash, Shubael Tyler, Silas Germond, Elias Walbridge, 166 acres 2) Lot 19 Bounds W.- & No. David Cash; E.- Jeremiah Sherrill; So. Sylvan7 acres us Beckwith. Cane: 7/4/1809

757. Apr. L95

7:168 6,1796

John SAGUEZ of Clinton Henry OSTRUM of Clinton Part of farm conveyed by Clinton Peter Storm to Henry Ostrum. Bounds W. highway; So. division line between Henry Ostrum & John Borhight; No, John Angi10 acres veen.

758. July L290

7:169 8,1797

Ebenezer HERRINGTON of Clinton & Lucretia to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Fishkill Nelson's lot Bounds W.- Crumelbow Creek southeasterly from the house in possession of Peter Fredrick; No, Samuel Hadden; E.- 100 acre lot sold by Nathan How to Jesse Bell; So. Dr. Samuel Bard. Mentions boundry at Crum Elbow Cr. "before it was ponded by the Milldam below". Isaac Bloom named in mortgage bond. Canc: 4/12/1803 200 acres

759. July L160

7:171 8,1797

Ebenezer HERRINGTON of Clinton & Lucretia to Matthew, Peter & Jacob VAN BUNSCHOOTEN of Fishkill Nelson's Lot Same description as Liber 7:169.

Mortgages 760. July L290


7:174 8,1797

Ebenezer HERRINGTON of Clinton & Lucretia to Isaac BLOOM of Clinton Nelson's Lot To indemnify Isaac Bloom. Same description as Liber 7:169. Canc: 1/12/1804 by George Bloom administrator of Isaac Bloom dec'd.

761. 7:184 Sept.14,1797 1100

Martin HEERMANCE of Rhinebeck Counraud & Abraham MILLHAM of Northeast 1) Lott 1 Bounds E.- Catherine Stoutenburgh, John Teller. 36 acres 2) Lott 1 Bounds No. Division line between Great & Little Nine Partners; W.- Benjamin Stoutenburgh. 45 acres

762. Apr. L400

7:188 1,1797

Reuben HUSTED of Washington Ephraim BULLOCK of Stanford Stanford Bounds No. Phenihas Knap; W.- Zachariah Mosher; So. David Southerland; E.- "two Burying platts", a road & David Horton. 92 acres Canc: 4/12/1803

763. 7:192 May 1,1797 $250.

Amasa & Ann BUCKNUM of Clinton Benjamin DELAVERGNE of Washington Lott 3 Bounds E.- division line between Clinton & Stanford; No. Lawrence Southwick; W.- Benjamin Hall jr. Excepttion: 2 acres on NE. cor. for Abraham Gurney which belongs to Samuel Barnesjr. bounded No. Lawrence Southwick; E.- Town of Stanford; So. Zador Southwick; W.Benjamin Hall jr. Canc: 10/17/1807

764. 7:193 May 1,1797 $375.

James HUMFREY of Stanford Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Lott 16 & 21 In the SE. cor, of land of late John Humfrey, Beg. in Lott 21 at SE. cor, at junction of Lotts 15, 16, 21 & 22. Mentions a road from John Humfrey's house to Solomon Southerland which is No. boundry of property in Lott 21 & goes through property in Lott 130 acres 16. Witness: Isaac Delavergne Canc: 8/15/1803



7:195 765. 1,1797 May $500.

John & Sarah ODEL of Washington to Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Bounds E.- Isaac Bloom; No. 1) Lott 1 Coonrad Ham; W.- Samuel Doughty. Mentions "Brook where the old Saw Mill 16 acres stood" Beg. at NE. cor. of Lott 10. 2) Lott 10 25 acres

7:196 766. 1,1797 May $300.

Elisha MORS of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Bounds So. Reuben Mors; No.? Clinton Jacob Lawrence; E.? Stephen Lawrence; 65 acres W.? Cornelius Lawrence. Cane: 11/19/1808

7:197 767. 1,1797 May $500.

Silas GERMOND jr. of Stanford Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Beg. Stanford Lotts 19, 20 & 18 in highway 1 chain 50 links from the SW. cor. of Lott 19 & NW. cor. of Lott 20, Also partly in Lott 18. Bounds No. Lott 166 acres line 19 & 20. Witness: wife, Isaac De Lavergne & Mary Batty Cane: 10/31/1807

7:204 768. Apr. 18,1797 $600.

Joseph SMITH of Amenia Peter MORSE of Hillsdale, Columbia Co, Adjoins David Collins. Oblong 80 acres Witness: William Davis, gentleman of Poughkeepsie Cane: 2/20/1799

769. May L600

7:214 2,1797

James I. GERMOND of Clinton Benjamin DORLON of Clinton subdivision lot 5? Clinton Lott 6 Beg. at NW. cor. of land Isaac Bloom bought from Henry Filkins standing on line between Lott 5 & 6. Bounds SE. Wappingers Creek; No. line between Lott 5 & 6, road to James Gazely, John Gazely's land; SW, Jacob Smith; W. James Marshall; So. Uriah Mitchell. 190 acres Cane: 5/6/1814

770. Dec. L791

7:233 2,1797

Stephen SMITH of Smithfield, Rhode Island & Rhoda to Peter HATFIELD of Stanford Stanford 1) Lott 16 Beg. NW. cor, Lott 16. Bounds So. assigns of Elias Doty; E.- Carman; No. Division Line 107 acres between Lott 16 & 17. 2) adjoins road from house Joseph



Doughty purchased from Burnet Miller Esq. to the house of the late Benjamin loll dec'd. Bounds No. road; E.- David Hoag. 11 acres Witness: Henry Gildersleeve Cane: 2/26/1818 771. Dec. 1,918

7:235 2,1797

Stephen SMITH of Smithfield, R.I. & Rhoda to Robert HATFIELD of Stanford Stanford Lott 16 Beg. 6 chains from NW. cor. of Lott 16. Bounds E.Division line between Lotts 3 & 16; So. assigns of Isaac Doty, land of late Benjamin loll dec'd. 117 acres Witness: Henry Gildersleeve Canc: 2/10/1818

772. 7:238 Oct. 1,1797 $13,125.

Schuyler LIVINGSTON Esq. of NYC & Eliza to Brockholst LIVINGSTON Esq. of NYC Clinton 1) Pawling lot 3. Bounds W.- Hudson River; E.- east line of Lott 3; So. lot 4. Mentions survey work performed by Charles Clinton in 1751. Also mentions swamp or Cripple bush. 2) Lott 13 south part. Mentions Charles Clinton & later survey by Johannis Hardenbergh. Total acres 201

773. 7:261 Feb. 6,1798 $500.

Rufus CASE and Elizabeth of Amenia to William DAVIS of Sharon, Ct. Amenia 1) Beg. at SE. cor. of Cyrenius Crosby on highway leading from Rufus Case house to Silas Anson. 14 acres 2) Beg. at NE. cor. of Rufus Case house. Adjoins Daniel Burton & highway. Witness: Rufus Park, 10 acres William Gager & James Everts

774. 7:262 Jan. 10,1798 £130

John WIPPLE & Sarah of Amenia to Amariah WINCHESTER of Amenia Lotts 55 & 56 Oblong Previously conveyed from John Delamater & Mary to Thomas Jinks on 4/7/1779. Beg, at river in So. line of Joshua Lasill. Adjoins Oblong line, Benjamin Hollister, Samuel Dunham, Joseph Adams, highway & bridge. 240 acres Witness: Cornelius Allerton, student of physic, Samuel Herrick, trader, both of Amenia.


472 7:273 775, Mar. 2,1798 $1000.

Silas GERMOND jr. of Stanford Solomon SOUTHERLAND of Poughkeepsie Stanford 1) Lotts 18, 19, 20. Same description as Liber. 7:197. Bounds So. south line of Lotts 18 & 20?, highway; E.- Widow Park; No. Sylvanius Beckwith; W.- William Cash, Shubael Tyler, Silas Germond, Elias Walbrides. 2) Lott 19 Bounds W.- & No. David Cash; E.- Jermiah Sherril; So. Sylvanus Beckwith. 7 acres

776. Apr. 150

Isaac HUTCHINS of Clinton Benjamin SHELDON of Albany Beg, at road which leads Clinton from Friends Meeting to Wappingers Creek. Bounds No. Abel Peters; E.-David Johnston; So. Stephen Smith; W.- road 4 3/4 acres mentioned above. Canc: 5/22/1800

7:283 6,1798

777. 7:289 Nov. 27,1797 $395.

William CRAMER of Stanford & Abigal to John PALMER of Stanford 87 acres Stanford Witness: John Gifford

778. May 1129

7:300 6,1797

Isaac TRAVER farmer of Clinton John JOHNSTON Esq. of Clinton 3rd division, subdivision lot Lott 13 2. Bounds No. division line between Lotts 12 & 13; E.- line between subdivision lots 2 & 5; W.- subdivision lot 1. Witness: Abraham Flagler, 98 acres Peter C. Brown

779. May 188

7:300 6,1797

John TRAVIS farmer of Clinton John JOHNSTON Esq. of Clinton Lott 13 3rd division, subdivision lot Beg, at the SE. cor. of subdivision 3. lot 2. 46 acres Witness: Abraham Flagler, Peter C. Brown Canc: 4/25/1799

780. May 1141

7:303 6,1798

Abraham FLAGLER farmer of Clinton John JOHNSTON Esq. of Clinton Lott 13 3rd division, subdivision lot 4. Beg. at SW. cor. of subdivision lot 6. 103 acres Exclusion: roads Canc: 4/20/1803



781. 7:307 May 1,1798 $1500

Abraham DEVINE of Clinton James MORGAN of Middlesex Co., N.J. Clinton Beg. in division line between Lotts 8 & 9 in the NE. cor. of land conveyed by Nicholas Evertson of N.J. to his daughter Mary wife of Wheeler Case to the line in Lott 9 between Caleb Haight & John Evertson. Bounds W.- Mary Case, William Homes. 210 acres Canc: 2/10/1822

782. 7:321 Nov. 14,1797 E280

Jonathan PECK & Nancy of Amenia to David COLLINS of Amenia 1) Bounds W.- Samuel FrankOblong lin; So. Robert Hebard; E.- Samuel Peet, Seth Dunham. Also adjoins David Ranoon. 60 acres 2) Oblong Lott 55 Adjoins Robert 22 acres Hebard, Joseph Mason. Witness: George Ingraham Canc: 4/9/1805

7:337 783. May 5,1798 E300*

Daniel MASON of Amenia formerly of Sharon, Ct. to John Cotton SMITH & Margaret SMITH Amenia Parcel is near the red meeting house now occupied by Daniel 1) Beg. at NW. cor. of Elias Mason. Shevalier. Adjoins Joost Powers, land conveyed by George Everts to Jonathan Albertson now or late in the possession of Jacob Powers, highway, ldnd formerly conveyed by George Evertson to Samuel Mabbet. 100 acres 2) beg, at the highway in SE. cor. of land conveyed by George Evertson to Samuel Waterouse now in possession of Ebe25 acres nezer Pack. Witness: Allen Wardwell, trader of Amenia Canc: 8/19/1812 *in gold & silver

7:353 4,1795

Rudolph OSTRUM tanner of Clinton Evert PELLS of Poughkeepsie subdivision lot 2 of subdiviLott 3 sion lot 1 in map made by Jacob Smith. Beg. NE. cor. of lot 1. Exception: 15 acres sold to Martinus Burger. [?] acres Witness: Jacobus Sleght, John Williams

784. May E105


Mortgages 7:366 9,1798

Jeremiah CONKLIN farmer of Amenia Ethan GOODRICH farmer of Amenia 1) Lot 3 in Lott 6 [36?] Amenia 14 acres 2) Lott 36 Bounds E.- late Philip Row now Andrus Row; So. late John Cadwell now Jeremiah Conklin; W.- Ephram Ford; No. Jeremiah Conklin. 116 acres 3) Lott 36 subdivision lot 3 Beg. in NE. cor. of land formerly belonging to Joel Thurston. Adjoins Andries Row, highway. 60 acres Witness: Epherim Smith

7:376 786. June 10,1798 11930

Jacob K. DURYEE of Clinton & AnnMaria to John DURYEE, Jacob SMITH & Montross THURSTON exec. for the late John Duryee of Clinton dec'd. Beg. at the SW, cor. of the Clinton great bridge across the Wappingers Creek in the road leading from Poughkeepsie to Filkintown. Adjoins a piece of land on the west that Jacob K. Duryee bought from Peter Flagler. 112 acres Cane: 11/24/1801 by Jacob Smith & John M. Thurston exec. for John Duryee.

7:382 787. June 20,1798

Jacob K. DURYEE merchant of Clinton & Ann Marie to John DURYEE, Jacob SMITH, Montross THURSTON, farmers of Clinton Clinton Land lately purchased by Jacob from Simon & Peter Flaglear jr. Bounds No. Johannis Hagaman; W.- road from Pleasant Valley to Esq. Allen's; So. Jacob K. Duryee; E.- Wappingers Creek. 44 acres

788. 7:382 June 22,1798

John WOODS printer of Clinton & Abbe to Jacob K. DURYEE of Clinton Clinton Beg. at SW. cor of great bridge over Wappingers Creek by road of Poughkeepsie to Filkintown. Bounds Lott line 8 & 9, house of late George B.Evertson, road by bridge to Oswego. 6 acres

785. June 1418

@ 7%

789. 7:390 June 29,1798 $500.*

Isaac BALDING & Mary of Poughkeepsie to David CARPENTER of Poughkeepsie Water Lott 1 Bounds E.- John Concklin; So. line of Water Lott 1, Mentions "the ninepartner gore so called". 30 acres Cane: 5/7/1814 *equal to 1200



7:392 790. May 1,1797 $500.

Johannis VAN VOORHES yeoman of Clinton John K. VAN BEUREN of Flatbush, Kings Co. Beg, at cor. of Mary Dubois Clinton farm. Bounds So. Van Wagenen. 342 acres Canc: 4/10/1801

791. 7:398 Jan. 13,1798 426*

Abraham MILLER of Stanford Ichabud PADDOCK of Northeast Stanford Lott 18 Bounds E. land formerly belonging to Joseph Van Ambur. *Spanish milled dollars 127 acres

7:402 792. Apr. 1,1797 $4112.

Bernard MATHEWSON farmer of Stanford & Deborah to James TALLMADGE of Poughkeepsie Stanford Bounds W.- Samuel Sacket; So. Caleb Thompson; E.- division line between Stanford & Amenia, Jacob Bockee; No. Benjamin Carpenter, John Miller. Adjoins a road. Exception: 10 acres sold to Samuel Sacket on NE. part of farm. 273 acres

793. 7:416 Sept.14,1798 $348.

Bennet HANNESTON of Washington & Elizabeth to Joseph MABBETT of Washington Lott 26 Beg. at NW. cor. of Seth 57 acres Higby. Canc: 6/8/1801

7:423 794. Sept.23,1797 $266.

Johannah MORE of Clinton Timothy BEDEL of Clinton Bounds W.- Joseph Hix; So. Clinton Alexander Doughty, William Benson; No. 36 acres Thomas Steward.

795. Aug. L100

7:467 1,1796

William THOMSON of Clinton Elias DOTY of Clinton Lott 3 Beg. at No. side of road leading from Abel Peters to Elnathon Lyons in east line of Lyons. Bounds E.assigns of Joshua Barns; No. Stanley Thomson, Bryan Melona; So. road from Paul Furman to the above road. Mentions 70 acres a balm of gillead tree. Cane: 5/7/1806

7:481 796. Feb. 18,1799 $500.

Joseph SMITH & Elve of Amenia to John COLLINS of Hillsdale, Columbia Co. Oblong Beg. at SE. cor. Amenia of David Collins. Same description as 80 acres Liber 7:204

476 797. May L50

Mortgages 7:483 20,1798

Joseph MASON of Amenia William CHAPMAN of Sharon, Ct Beg. 32 rods Oblong Lott 54 W.- of the center line of the Oblong, Cane: 12/7/1805 30 acres

7:485 798. Nov. 19,1798 $120.

John HENDRICKS of Clinton Archibald MICHEL of Rhinebeck Beg. at No. cor. of a cerClinton tain Blacksmith shop. Adjoins road to David Hill, farm of Thomas Landon, post road.

7:487 799. June 18,1798 $1062

Israel MORGAN of Stanford & Susannah to Shubaet TYLER of Stanford Bounds No. William Cash; Stanford E.- Silas Germond jr,; So. Cornelius Warren dec'd; W.- Cold Spring road, Mentions a "new store which Morgan now possesses". 32 acres

7:520 800. Mar. 7,1799 $327.

Enos TALLMADGE of Stanford Isaac SMITH of Amenia Lott 20 Bounds E,- highway; So, John Gifford & Ichiel Sacket; W,- Samuel Mabbetf?]; No, highway from Enos Tallmadge house to bangall. 30 acres Cane: 5/26/1807

7:521 801. Feb. 1,1799 $250.

Joseph HOLLAND yeoman of Washington John HERRICK of Washington Washington 1) Bounds E.- John Allen, division line between Isaac Reynolds & John Reynolds; No. Highway. Mentions a small stone bridge in NW. cor, 6 acres 2) adjoins the above and on which is the dwelling house & barn formerly of James Marshall. Bounds No. highway; W.- Ephraim Palmer; E.- brook; NE, stone bridge. Cane: 3/4/1803 3 acres

7:527 802. Mar. 26,1799 $158.

Abraham ACKLEY of Sharon, Conn. William DAVIS of Poughkeepsie Amenia Bounds E.- N.Y. State line. Witness: Eli Mills jr. of 18 acres Sharon, Conn. Cane: 2/28/1816

803. 7:533 Apr. 11,1799 $300.

Ebenezer NICKERSON of Clinton Eli ANGEVINE of Clinton Clinton Part of farm Thomas Nickerson bought of Jonathan Owen which was then sold to Ebenezer Nickerson. 1) Bounds So. road; E.- Mr. Budd.



1 acre 2) adjoins the above on So. side of road. Bounds No. road; E.- Mr. Budd. Cane: 3/16/1801 11 acres 804. May

7:536 24,1798

Peter PEARSALL of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington subdivision lot 2 in map by Lott 4 Bounds W.- Daniel Jacob Smith 1791. Sleight; No. Robert Simson; E.- Fordom Burtis; So. road from late Capt. Hughes mills to John De Witt's mills. Mentions land sold by Fordom Burtis to Joseph 80 acres Tilyou. Cane: 7/6/1813

8:1 805. Apr. 25,1799 $237.

Isaac TRAVIS farmer of Clinton John JOHNSTON Lott 13 subdivision lot 2 Clinton third division Bounds line of 12 98 acres Canc: 1/17/1801 Witness: Jacob H. Duryee

8:2 806. May 15,1799 $833.

Isaac ALBERTSON and Samuel BARD Dr. of Physic of Clinton to Samuel BARD Hyde Park Lot 6 of survey of Clinton Jacob Smith April 1791. Bounds Crum El225 acres bow Creek, Asahel Armstrong. Canc: 6/13/1801

807. 8:4 Apr. 15,1799 $125

Walter SKIDMORE and Sarah of Clinton to Samuel BARD Dr. of Physic surveyed by JacClinton Nelson Lott ob Smith. Bounds Joshua Austin, Lott 8 26 acres 3rd division William Bell Canc: 4/15/1801

8:5 808. Apr. 15,1799 $212.

Joshua AUSTIN of Clinton Samuel BARD surveyed by Jacob Smith. Nelson Lott 3 60 acres Bounds Joshua Austin. Canc: 6/15/1805

8:7 809. May 4,1799 $1250

Jonathan CARD and Renewal, Jonathan CARD jr. and Eleta of Amenia to Ethan GOODRICH Bounded No. road and Lott 36 Amenia Concklin; W.- road and Ephraim Ford; So. Henry Hutchinson, Noah Wheeler; E.Philip Row dec'd. Witness: Job Card Canc: 6/7/1833 (imperfect)


478 810. 8:9 1,1799 May $875.

Ebenezer BENHAM of Amenia yeoman John H. VAN BEUREN of Flat Bush, Kings Co. subdivision lots 2 & 3 Bounds Lott 30 road Poughkeepsie to Tower Hill, Samuel 318 acres Northrup, Samson Woolsey.

811. 8:10 May 1,1799 $500.

Ezra THOMPSON Jr. and Sally of Stanford to Jacob FIELDS of Newtown, Queens Lott seventy (probably 20) corner of Ezra and John Thompson and Asa Allen; Ezra Thompson Jr, Stephen Pugsley. 64 acres Witness: Henry Dibblee of Northeast

8:24 812. May 14,1799 $1900.

John RECORD sleigh maker of Poughkeepsie and Mary to James TALLMADGE Stanford Bounds Asa Allens Lott 20. first purchase. Jonah Talmage. Canc: 5/13/1801 100 acres

813. 8:31 May 6,1799 $125.

Samuel GRIFFEN carpenter of Washington Benjamin DELAVERGNE Lott 10 Bounds road Oswego to Timothy Bedel; road Joseph Griffen to Benjamin Hasbrook, Stephen Germond. 15 acres

814. 8:35 May 1,1799 $1250.

Richard D'CANTILLON and Mary of Clinton to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill 1) Deed Benjamin Carpenter and Mary of Charlotte to Richard D'Cantillon May 5,1778. Bounds Moses Shaw, Zacheus Marshall, Benjamin Kenyon, Daniel Carpenter dec'd. 100 acres 2) Lott 11 3rd division. Deed Francis Nelson and Maraby to Richard D'Cantillon Sept. 8,1790. Bounds Henry VanDerBurgh, north line of lott 11, Cornelius Lawrence. D'Cantillon. 88 acres Canc: 5/24/1811

815. May L375

David JACACKS and Mary of Washington to Thomas WILLITS of Flushing, L.I. Queens Washington Bounds Isaac Germond, John VanCott, William Thorn, Reuben Haight. Canc: 5/21/1811 99 acres

8:40 1,1799



8:41 1,1799

Albert SEAMAN and Elizabeth of Washington to Thomas WILLETS of Flushing, L.I. Queens Bounds road David Jacack to Washington Joseph Wooley, road Dover to Poughkeepsie, Wiltingham. 46 acres Canc: 12/7/1812

817. 8:46 Apr. 16,1799 $125.

George Whitefield CASE Physician of Clinton Thomas WELLING On line of lots 1 and 2 of division of land of Wheeler Case. Bounds John Newcomb, Joseph Harris dec'd., Filkentown road, Land Case sold William Ely plus land Case bought of William Ely nearly square south of line of 1 and 2. Total 20 acres Witness: Smith Thompson

818. 8:57 June 10,1799 $1048.

John BUSH farmer and Lena of Clinton to Samuel BARD Lott 7 & 9 of Clinton Hyde Park Bounds Crum Jacob Smith survey 1791. 106 acres Elbow creek and lot 10.

819. 8:58 June 3,1799 $700.

Bastian I. TRAVER and Ussule of Clinton farmer to Samuel BARD Doctor of Physic Lott 5 of Jacob Smith survey Hyde Park 1791. Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, Christopher Hughes. 100 acres Canc: 7/30/1802

8:59 820. May 20,1799 $766.

Enos TALLMADGE of Stanford Isaac SMITH of Amenia Lott 22 lot 1 of subdivision lot 3. Bought of Josiah Gal who had bought of Samuel Mabbett. Bounds David Johnston. 100 acres Witness: Henry Dibblee Cane: 1/16/1802

8:69 821. Mar. 18,1799 $712.

Shubael TYLER farmer of Stanford Richard WILLIAMSON of NYC merchant Bounds No. Stanford near Cold Spring. William Cash, Daniel Butt, W.- Daniel Butt; So. Cornelius Warren, E.- road that separates this from Israel Morgan. Witness: Lawrence N. D. Forest, 85 acres Samuel M. Hopkins Canc: 5/12/1813 by Isaac Heyer exec.

816. May L125




822. June E200

8:70 1,1799

Richard TELLER of Clinton and wife Margaret late Margaret L. STOUTENBURGH is indebted to Richard WILLIAMSON merchant of NYC for groceries and other goods, to whom he proposes to sell more in amount of L200 and he is indebted for goods sold by other merchants. To secure these debts and future debts he takes mortgage on following property. Bounded E.Clinton. House and land. Tobias L. Stoutenburgh; W.- Nelly Stoutenburgh; So. road to Richard D'Cantillon's Landing; No. Dr. Samuel Bard. 3 acres Witness: James M. Hughes, Jno T. Schryver Canc: 1/17/1897 by order of Supreme Court

823. July $471

8:82 3,1799

William HUESTIS farmer and Rhoda of Clinton to John BILLINS of Beekman Clinton Lott 1 subdivision lot 7 Bounds Benjamin Mosher, Isaac VanAtten, 100 acres Henry Vandeburgh mill pond.

8:83 824. Apr. 4,1799 $2000.

William HARRIS and Elizabeth of Clinton to Joseph CARLE Clinton Lott 7. Bounds: Solomon Flagler, William Harris, John I. Allen, Zachariah Flagler, Creek. 120 acres Witness: Jacob Weeks Canc: 5/12/1806

8:90 825. July 11,1799 L118

James I. GERMOND of Clinton Charles DOUGHTY of Queens, Newtown, L.I. Corner Isaac Bloom bought Clinton of Henry Filkins on line of lots 5 and 6. Bounds line of 5 and 6 of Lott 6 Wappingers Creek, Middle lot 10 of 6, Line of Jacob Smith and Uriah Mitchell, West line of 10, James Marshall. John Gazley at NE. corner James Marshall, road to John Gazley. Along road to beginning. 40 acres sold to James Marshall. 190 acres Cane: 5/6/1814 John Allen exec. of Timothy Bedell assignee



8:99 826. July 25,1799 $2150.

Isaiah GRIFFEN farmer and Mary of Stanford to Peter Edmund ELMENDORF of Albany, Atty at Law subdivision lot 3. Survey Lott 15 of Jacob Smith 1792. Bounds Wappingers Creek, line of 16, road Isaac Hallock to Isaiah Griffen, J. Coleman, Island, east 215 acres Branch of Wappingers Creek.

827. 8:102 July 19,1799 L200

John SELKREGG carpenter of Clinton Jesse EMES Clinton Water Lott 6 of Staatsburgh. 1) Bounds lot 7 and post road New York to 6 acres Albany. 18 acres 2) In Lot 6 bds 7 3) Woods lot 15 Bounds Stephen Griffen 14 acres Canc: 9/25/1813

828. 8:104 June 15,1799 $375

Samuel MOSHER and Mary to William THORN Bounds 1) Philip Washington Lott 12. Hart, Mill Brook, grist mill pond, David 35 acres Gage. 2) SE. of above. Bounds brook, David Gage, Joseph Talcott, Enoch Wilber, Wil70 acres liam Thorn.

8:105 11,1799

Richard ROWE Abel PETERS lots 5 and 7 of survey of Lott 1 Jacob Smith for John Crooke. 1) Lott 5 bounds line of great lots 2 and 3, Little Wappingers Creek, Gabriel W. Ludlow. 55 acres 10 acres 2) In Lot 7 i of same.

8:114 830. Aug. 26,1799 $420.

George F. TRAVER and Catharine of Clinton to Abraham FRALIGH Bounded No.- Jacob P. Traver; E.- Henry Sleght, Robert Simson, Christian Feerow; W.- Samuel Forman; So. Abraham Fraligh. 100 acres Canc: 5/13/1801 by George D. James, Sylvenus Barker Assignees

8:119 831. Sept. 5,1799 $250.

James WARDWELL of Amenia Joseph TRUSDAIL 1) Bounds JosAmenia Oblong Lott 56 29 acres eph Mason 2) Lott 56 adjoins above Bounds school 4 acres house 3) East of road in 56 and 58 Bounds Cal3/4 acre eb Benton

829. May L91


Mortgages Witness: Allen Wardwell Canc: 6/1/1804

832. 8:126 Mar. 18,1799 $211.

William BENSON of Clinton Isaac BLOOM Lott 7 Bounds Solomon Doughty, James Hall, road Joseph Allen to Filkentown road, Peter Germond, line of Lott 7 & 8. Witness: Abner Wilcox 96 acres Cane: 7/3/1801

8:128 833. July 18,1799 E585

Joseph DOUGHTY jr. miller and Phebe of Clinton to Samuel WOOD of New Rochelle, Westchester Co. Corner of Lott 5 SE cor. Clinton Lotts5,6, 13, 14. Bounded E.- Lott 14, Owen Stringham; North Elias Doty, Matthew Howard now David Bishop; W.- road Judge Blooms mills to bridge over Wappingers; So. Lott 6, John Bayly, Widow 50 acres Ann Bush. Cane: 3/16/1801

834. 8:129 July 16,1799 E1400

Joshua COLLINS farmer and Mary of Rhinebeck to Jacob H. DURYEE of Clinton Lott 9 on line of Lott 8 NW. corner Nicholas Everson gave to daughter Mary wife of Wheeler Case; division line of Caleb Haight and John Everson. 200 acres

8:136 2,1799

James I. GERMOND of Clinton Isaac GERMOND of Washington Clinton Lott 6 subdivision lots 5, 6, 8, 10. Corner Isaac Bloom bought of Henry Filkins. Same as 8:90. 190 acres Witness: Ahasuerus Elsworth Cane: 4/5/1800

836. 8:138 Apr. 19,1799 $550.

Joseph YARWOOD and George NELSON of Clinton to William KINYON of NYC merchant Clinton Lott 7 Bounds Hudson River, John Conner, line run by Cornelius Row to Post road. 42 acres Witness: Joshua Nelson

837. 8:140 Oct. 16,1799 $509.

Samuel M. SMITH mason and Catharine to John W. ALLEN Lott 7 Bounds Ezekiel Welling, James Hall, Peter Germond, William Benson, Daniel McFarling. 48 acres Witness: Frederick McCord

835. Oct. 1200



838. 8:150 May 6,1799 $350.

Abraham ODELL of Clinton Hillity DEWITT of Rochester, Ulster Co. Lott 18 Pawlings purchase Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, Dr. Samuel Bard. Witness: Jacob Coddington 50 acres Cane: 1/25/1809

8:153 839. June 13,1799 E2000

Loring PECK of Amenia AugustusVANCORTLANDT of Yonkers of Westchester Co. Lott 36. 1) Bounds Thomas VanAlstine, Richard Gray, Little Nine Partners. 392 acres 2) SE. of above. Bounds M. Lounsbery, Canc: 3/26/1806 10 acres

8:155 840. Mar. 26,1799 $250.

Joshua AUSTIN farmer of Clinton Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill. Bounds A. Armstrong, Dr. 95 acres Bard. Witness: Catharine Concklin Canc: 6/15/1805

841. 8:158 July 16,1799 $969.

Daniel S. DEAN merchant of Beekman Jacob K. DURYEE of Clinton sold by Duryee to Daniel S. 162 acres Dean July 13, 1799.

8:159 842. Oct. 1,1799 $320.

William BORIGHT and Eunice of Amenia to Ashel SHERWOOD Lott 31 1) Bounds Lewis Delavergne. Except new road. 9 acres 2) Bounds Robert Ranson, Oblong 15 3/4 acres 3) Bounds L. Reed, A. Paine, 6 acres 4) Bounds school house, Capt. Brunson, 18 acres Israel Shepherd.

843. 8:160 Oct. 2,1799 $460.

Nicholas VAN WAGENEN and Elsje of Clinton to Christian P. FEEROW Bounds Lott Lott 5 3rd division. 9, Jno Ireland, Simmon H. Traver. Exception: 5 acres sold John Warren; Lease to Samuel Masten and road through leav101 acres ing 93 acres.

8:165 844. Nov. 29,1799

Timothy CONCKLIN of Clinton Joseph ALLEN subdivision lot 1. Exception; Lott 6 24 acres sold to John I. Allen. 87 acres



8:166 845. Apr. 22,1799

Loring PECK of Amenia and Jane to James D. WOLFE and Samuel BOSWORTH merchants of Bristol, R.I. Same as 8:153. Canc: 6/5/1811 by George Ingraham, atty.

846. 8:169 May 21,1799 L110

John VAIL and Elizabeth of Clinton to Samuel LAWRENCE Lott 6 subdivision lot 5 Bounds road Elisha Morse to Samuel Lawrence. Bounds Stephen and Ezekiel Lawrence. Cane: 11/26/1802 30 acres

847. 8:169 Dec. 11,1799 L2000

Noah BROWN and Sarah of Amenia to Benjamin DELAMATER Lott 54 Oblong near 37th mile monument. Exception: 1 3/4 acre sold to N. Row, 224 acres Cane: 5/26/1802

848. 8:183 Jan. 14,1800 $122.

Benjamin GAZLEY of Clinton Jonathan OWEN Bounds road Isaac Lummeree past Owens and Koert DuBois. 1 acre Cane: 4/11/1807

8:185 849. Jan. 15,1800 $3150.

Benjamin DELAMATER farmer and Hannah of Amenia to Ebenezer HARRINGTON of Clinton Clinton Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, John Albertson, Jesse Bell, S. Bard, mill dam. 200 acres Cane: 4/11/1802

8:186 850. Aug. 30,1799 $913.

James HUMPHREY of Stanford Thomas MOSHIER Stanford SE. cor, 16; SW, 21; NE, 15; NW. 21. Bounds road Cold Spring to Henry Hull; line of Lotts 21 and 16 Wappingers Creek. 150 acres Witness: John R. Green Cane: 6/17/1801 by Ezra Thompson, assignee

851. 8:190 Feb. 11,1800 $600.

Cyrus BRAMIN of Preston, New London Co., Conn. to Phineas EMES of Clinton. Clinton North line lot 2 at Post road. 56 acres Cane: 5/5/1800



8:192 852. Feb. 29,1800 L400

Solomon VAIL and Bety of Stanford to Richard WORTH of Hudson Stanford Adjoins Isaiah Griffith, Wappingers Creek, Isaac Vail, 47 acres Cane: 11/12/1801

853. 8:198 Nov. 30,1799 L150

Jeremiah MARQUART of Clinton Frederic COOKENHAM Clinton Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, David Cookenham, Philip Traver, George Marquart. Exception 3/4 acre sold Daniel Boltz. 60 acres Cane: 6/13/1807

854. 8:199 Dec. 28,1799 $5250.

Thomas MOSHER and Hannah of Stanford to Ezra THOMPSON and Joseph UNDERWOOD of Stanford and Jacob BOCKEE and Isaac SMITH of Amenia. 1) Stanford Lott 16. Bounds Abraham Hoag, Andrew Wilson, John Conkite, Charles W. Hull. 100 acres 2) farm of Tiddeman Hull, Bounded North road Henry Hull to Andrew Wilson, Charles W. Hull; West Benjamin Flower; South and East Wappingers Creek. 3) Bounded west by #2 above and Joseph Deuel Mill pond; South Amos Knapp; West Road Cold Spring to Poughkeepsie; North Andrew Wilson to Henry Hull. Two roads join at NE. corner. 50 acres Cane; 11/11/1805

855. 8:200 Feb. 15,1800 $643.

Daniel HIBBARD and Letitia of Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn, to James PARSONS, Edward LYDE, Henry ROGERS, Edward LYDE jr. 1) NE corner William Gagers Amenia blacksmith shop on road to Barnabas Paine, Bounds James P. Smith. 2) SW,of store. Bounds William Gager. 3) Bounds William Gager, Mathew Caldwell, John total 3 acres Guarnsey. Witness: Judson Canfield, Letitia Canfield

8:202 856. Mar. 3,1800 $959.

John JOHNSTON and Susannah of Clinton to Cornelius RAY merchant of NYC Clinton 1) NW. cor. John Johnston bought of Jacob Bush in Hyde Park. Bounds 81 acres Marchus kill; line of lot 6, 2) Adjoins above Bounded No, lot 7; W,Hudson River; W.- Marchus ki11.170 acres Cane: 4/10/1824



857. 8:204 Mar. 3,1800 $1790.

Ann BARBER of Poughkeepsie widow to Cornelius RAY merchant of NYC Lott 6 1) Bounds Marshas Clinton 76 acres kill, Hudson River. 2) Adjoins above on south. Bounded So. Luke Stoutenburgh, James Teller; W.Hudson River, E.- Marchus Kill. 200 acres Cane: 1/21/1811

858. 8:211 May 1,1799 $1125.

Smith HERRICK of Washington Timothy BEDEL of Clinton Washington Bounds Reuben Haight. 158 acres Cane: 7/4/1818 by John Allen exec.

8:215 859. Mar. 10,1800 $342

Nathaniel SEAMAN of Clinton Peter and Joseph SIMPSON NE. corner of Charles Ing188 acres us. Witness: James Simpson

8:216 860. Apr. 12,1800

James UNDERHILL and Clara of Clinton to John BILLINGS of Beekman Bounds road adjoin Benjamin Clinton Mosier, Henry Vanderburgh. 100 acres Cane: 2/20/1816

8:217 861. May 1,1799 $1600.

Alexander SPENCER of Northeast John L. NORTON of NYC Oblong Lotts 70 and 72. 1) 31 acres 2) 111.93 acres 3) 49 acres Cane: 1/2/1804

862. 8:219 May 1,1799 $1788.

Simon DAKIN jr. of Northeast John L. NORTON Oblong Lotts 70 and 72, 1) 2) Cane: 12/5/1848

863. 8:220 May 1,1799 $1500.

Elihu PAIN of Amenia yeoman John L. NORTON 1) Lott 70 190 acres 2) 8 acres Cane: 6/26/1801

864. 8:221 May 1,1799 $1587.

William SHELDON of Amenia John L. NORTON of NYC Oblong Lott 72 Cane: 6/16/1801

171 acres 10 acres

209 acres



8:222 865. Apr. 17,1800 1315

Jesse BELL and Mary of Clinton to William WALMSLY of Stamford, Conn. Clinton 100 acres Cane: 11/10/1800

8:223 5,1800

Thomas BUTT of Washington Jonathan MABBETT Washington Bounds Filkentown lot Cane: 3/2/1815 124 acres

867. 8:229 May 1,1800 $250.

Ellathan MARSHALL and Ruth of Clinton to Jesse SMITH Bounds Filkintown road, William Tillou, Jno Newcomb, Othniel Smith Road Welling to Filkintown road, Peter Chatterton. 25 acres

868. May 1100

8:236 1,1800

Tobias W. STOUTENBURGH and Mary of Clinton to Isaac CONCKLIN Bounds Lott 9 and Marichus kill 33 acres Cane: 1/24/1811 by William Teller exec.

8:244 869. May 8,1800 $250.

Peter I. SCHRYVER of Clinton Isaac CONKLIN Nelson Lott East line of Lott 8. 125 acres Cane: 11/12/1816 by William Teller exec.

8:248 870. May 1,1800 $1000.

Henry BENTLEY and Catharine of Clinton to Cornelius LAWRENCE Bounds line of lots 11 and 12, Zacheus Marshall, Reuben Mors. Cane: 4/20/1802 by 120 acres Ezekiel Lawrence atty.

871. 8:250 May 8,1800 $1500.

Morris SMITH jr. and Margaret of Beekman to Joseph FORMAN of Clinton Bounds William Lyons, Road Clinton 133 acres from Jno Dewitt, creek. Cane: 1/26/1802

8:254 872. Sept. 5,1799 £100

Abraham T. WING of Stanford Isaac Mulford HUNTING 1) Lott 19. Bounds Benjamin Carpenter, road on line of Jonathan Deuel and Hunting, Christopher Dibble. 11 acres 2) West of #1. Bounds Benjamin Carpen7 acres ter, Samuel Sacket, Hunting. Witness: Isaac Swift

866. Mar. L166



8:255 873. Apr. 10,1800 $675.

Samuel OWEN and Calvin READ of Amenia to Philip and Isaac SMITH exec. of Platt Smith. Bounds creek. Amenia Oblong Lott 69. 6 acres Witness: D. Lewis

8:257 874. 1,1800 May $500.

Peter QUICK yeoman of Clinton Isaac BLOOM subdivision 1) Lott 6 lots 6 & 9. Bounds Wappingers Creek, 74 acres Smith Peters, Jacob Smith. Bounds subdivision lot 9 2) Lott 6 25 acres Joseph Allen.

8:259 875. May 1,1800 $500.

Grandus QUICK yeoman of Clinton Isaac BLOOM 1) Lott 6 subdivision lots 6 & 9. Bounds Jacob Smith, north 82 acres line of lott 6, Smith Peters. Bounds 2) Lott 6 subdivision lot 9 25 acres Jacob Smith, Henry Uhl.

8:261 876. May 1,1800 $500.

Moses POWELL jr. of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Lot 2 of map of Jacob Smith Clinton. Nov. 1791 of Lot 4. Bounded South road Fordun Burtis to Joseph Tilyou; and road Simmons Carpenter mills to mills of John Dewitt; North Daniel Sleight; East Fordun Burtis; West Robert Simson. 60 acres Leased from Peter Edmundus by quit claim to Peter Pearsall. Cane: 6/5/1813

877. 8:268 May 22,1800 $625.

John DEWITT and Catharine of Clinton to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill Deed Francis VanDyck to Clinton Peter Dewitt. Lot 5 is part of 1000 acres conveyed to Frans VanDyck and Art 200 acres Williams. Cane: 2/25/1813 by Jacob Sebring adm. of Peter VanBunschoten

878. 8:271 Oct. 16,1799 $509.

Samuel M. SMITH and Catharine to John W. ALLEN Clinton Lott 7 Bounds Ezekiel Welling, James Hall, Peter Germond, William Benson, DAniel McFarling. 48 acres Witness: William Ely, Solomon Oakley Jr. Cane: 7/6/1804 by Thomas Welling assignee


Mortgages 8:278 879. May 21,1800 1580

Jacob COCK and Mary to Abraham FRELIGH Line of 4 and 5 3rd diviClinton sion. NE. corner John Rowland; Bounds road Isaac Balding to Capt. Ruben Spencer, line 5 and 9. 160 acres Canc: 2/4/1801

880. May 150

8:282 6,1794

Abraham STOUTENBURGH of Clinton Benjamin STOUTENBURGH Bounds James Teller, Cane: 9/10/1818 66 acres

881. 8:291 Apr. 2,1800 $157.

Martin DELAMATER of Amenia Amariah WINCHESTER Bounds - Conn. line, Witness: Thomas Y. Knies 10 acres

882. 8:300 June 28,1800 $368.10

William ELY of Clinton Stephen LOCKWOOD Bounds Ed Goggins Clinton Cane: 4/25/1801

883. 8:302 Aug. 8,1799 $1181.

John SEKREGG of Clinton John I. VAN NESS and John RADCLIFF 1) North bounds of lot 7 Clinton 6 acres and Post road. 2) SE. corner 6, No. bounds of lot 7. 18 acres 3) Bounds Stephen Griffin wood, 14 acres Witness: Jeremiah Devoe Cane: no date

884. 8:316 Aug. 26,1800 $1402.

William ALFORD merchant of NYC Roswell GRAVES, Henry SKINNER of NYC merchants NW. corner John Conner. Clinton. Bounds Hudson River line of Cornelius Low to Post road including dock and store. Exception: 1 acre to James Concklin Aug. 20, 1800 near post road. 42 acres

8:318 885. Aug. 8,1800 $1650.

Joel[?] PRATT merchant of Dover William ALFORD grocer of NYC Same as Liber 8:316.

8:319 886. 1,1800 May $5400.

John JOHNSTON and Susannah of Clinton to Harriet Elizabeth GILLIPSIE widow Bounds Hudson Water Lott 7 Clinton River, marichas Creek, Mrs. Barber. 261 acres Assigned to John Murry, William Bayard, Henry

24 acres


Mortgages Barclay. Cane: 4/17/1824 by William Bayard assignee.

887. May $150

8:321 7,1800

Gilbert W. CORNWALL of Amenia Abiah PALMER Parcels 1 and 2. total 46 acres

888. 8:325 July 4,1800 $2500.

Daniel S. DEAN and Ann of Beekman to Samuel BARD Clinton. Hyde Park 1) Bounds Crum Elbow creek, lot 7 mill pond. 73 acres 2) Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, fulling mill 6 acres 3) In Beekman on road Oswego to Nine 98 acres Partners. Cane: 7/16/1811

8:327 889. Apr. 16,1800 $500.

Henry P. HUTCHESON of Amenia Isaac SMITH Bounds Noah Brown, Silas Anson. 64 acres Witness: Benjamin Herrick Jr. Cane: 2/26/1806

8:328 890. July 21,1800 $750.

Samuel PEET of Amenia Thomas Young KNIES Amenia Oblong Lott 55 & 57 NW. corner William Chapman. 89 acres Witness: Amaziah Winchester Cane: 1/28/1802

8:344 891. May 1,1800 $1800.

John VAN VORHIS and Johannah of Clinton to John H. VAN BEUREN of Kings Co. NE. of Baptist Meeting Clinton house. Bounds Peter Hatfield, line of 189 acres Lott 6and 7, Koert Dubois. Cane: 10/27/1801

892. 8:359 Sept.30,1800 $2000.

Jeremiah CONCKLIN of Amenia Philip and Isaac SMITH exec. of Platt Smith. On road by house of Andres Amenia 296 acres Row. Cane: 5/2/1807



893. 8:368 Oct. 11,1800 $250.

John I. VAN VOORHIS and Sarah of Clinton to Ann BARBER Clinton Lott 2 of Charles and John Crooke and Ann divided by commissioners. Bounds 2 branches of Fallkill, old beaver dam. 144 acres Canc: 7/28/1817 by William and Ann Broom former Ann Barber

8:375 894. Jan. 4,1800 $1384.

Daniel SLEGHT of Clinton Joshua NELSON Clinton Bounds Crum Elbow Creek, corner Lotts 15 and 16. 100 acres Witness: George Nelson Cane: 6/15/1801

8:376 895. Dec. 23,1800 $500.

James QUICK and Mary of Clinton to Thomas WELLING 1) Lot 2 by Jacob Smith Clinton between Reuben Wiley and Joseph Herrick, 61 acres 2) Bounds Little Wappingers Creek. 66 acres 3) 5 acres

8:393 896. Jan. 2,1801 $375.

Samuel WEBB and Abigail of Clinton to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNCSHOTEN of Fishkill On line of Lott 10 and 11. Clinton 1) Bounds John Ward, Road Jacob Lawrence 102 acres to Henry Bentley. 2) Bounds Gabriel Ludlow, Solomon Frost, John and A. Ward, James Clapp. 53 acres Cane: 2/12/1805

897. 8:399 Jan. 22,1801 $750.

Barent B. VAN WAGENEN and Eve of Clinton to Jacobus J. VAN ETTEN and Rachel. Bounds Hudson River, Peter Clinton 61 acres Radcliff and post road. 2) Bounds post road and Tipple, 25 acres 3) Bounds post road and Peter Radcliff. 16 acres 4) Bounds post road, island called Fish Clippitie or rock, line of Pawling purchase, south line David Scriver. 40 acres Cane; 4/12/1831 by Benjamin Delamater, assignee


492 8:426 898. Feb. 9,1801 $956.

Jonathan BRIGGS of Stanford Mary and James WARREN SE. corner Shubael Tyler. Amenia Bounds Elias Wallbridge, P. White. 116 acres Witness: James Warren

8:430 899. Mar. 10,1801 $150.

Peter P. TRAVER of Clinton Jacob P. TRAVER 1) Third division Lott 4 subdivision lot B[?]. Exception: 8 ac73 acres res sold to Jacob P. Traver. 2) Bounds swamp, Charles Traver, 48 acres T. Garrison.

8:434 900. Mar. 12,1801 $750.

Joseph LAWLESS and Cornelia of Clinton to James LAWLESS Clinton 1) Bounds Abraham Kip, Gilbert Livingston, James and Joseph Law39 acres less. 2) Bound North Abraham Kip; South lot 1; 31 acres East road; West John Lawless. Cane: 3/19/1803

901. May £100

8:436 1,1785

John VAN VOORHIS yeoman and Johannah of Charlotte to John VAN BUREN of Kings Co., L.I. Bounds Mary Deboyes, Van 342 acres Wagenan. Witness: Reuben Caniff, John Free. After this a second description given: Bounded West Mary Deboyes; South VanWagenan; East Othaniel Allen, Isaac Lamme; North Jacob Lawrence Jr. Witness: Richard VanWyck, Christian DuBois

902. Oct.

8:442 1800

Discharge above mortgage. Witness: James M. Hughes, Jonathan Owen Recorded: 4/12/1801

903. 8:444 Apr. 10,1801 £45

Samuel GRIFFIN and Sarah of Washington to William THORN Washington On road Oswego to T. Bedle. Bounds road Joseph Griffen to Benjamin Hasbrook. 15 acres

904. 8:447 Nov. 26,1800 $625.

Richard TRAVIS and Amy of Stanford to Nathaniel CHEESEMAN Bounds Thomas Hall. 154 acres Canc: 11/18/1806



905. 8:449 Feb. 5,1801 $500.

Gilbert W. CORNWEL of Amenia Abraham PUGSLEY 1) SW. corner Abiah Palmer 14 acres 2) Bounds Parriah Sherwood, William Cornwell. 25 acres 3) & 4) bounds William Cornwell. 46 acres Witness: William Pugsley

906. Jan. E600

8:461 1,1801

Gilbert COLDEN of NYC Elizabeth MACKENGEY Amenia Bounds road on town line to Roswell Kinney, Elijah Adams. 70 acres Witness: Martin S. Wilkins

907. May

8:483 1,1801

Enoch LEWIS and Sarah of Clinton to Thomas WELLING Lot 3 on road to Pleasant Clinton Valley. 51 acres

908. 8:495 May 11,1801 $750.

James I. STOUTENBURGH and Catharine of Clinton to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill. Clinton East of North River; bought of Jonathan Hasbrouck. Bounds Isaac Conkling. 100 acres Canc: 11/7/1805

909. 8:497 May 12,1801 $322.

James ODELL blacksmith and Hester of Clinton to Samuel BARD Nelson Lott Bounds Crum Elbow Creek. 43 acres Canc: 5/12/1807

8:498 910. Mar. 22,1801 $ L 100

Joshua NELSON and Hannah of Clinton to John W. ALLEN On road to Pleasant Valley Bounds Thomas Tompkins, John W. Allen. Canc: 4/13/1804 [?] acres

911. 8:499 Apr. 18,1801 £800

Joseph GAZLEY and Anne of Clinton to John GAZLEY Bounds James Marshall, Jon124 acres athan Dean, Isaac Lumerraux. Cane: 4/21/1806

912. 8:502 May 1,1801 $750.

Benjamin HASBROOK and Hannah of Washington to Timothy BEADLE Begins NE. corner on road to Hasbrook. 102 acres Bounds Samuel Wood. Canc: 5/5/1821 by John Allen exec.



913. 8:503 May 1,1801 $500.

William BENSON and Tully of Clinton to Timothy BEADLE 1) Bounds T. Welling, Peter Germond, James Hall, E. Welling. 2) Bounds Thomas Stewart, James Miller. 30 acres 3) Bounds Ezekiel Whitney and above two parcels. 20 acres Cane: 8/22/1807 by Timothy Beadle.

8:504 914. May 26,1801 $1500.

Cyrus BRAMAN and Betsey D. of Clinton to Matthew, Peter and Jacob VAN BUNSCHOTEN of Fishkill. Clinton 1) Phineas Emes and Geny sold to Cyrus Braman 2/11/1800. Bounded W.- Hudson River; No. Post road; E.- and So. Samuel Bard SW. cor. lot 3. 100 acres 2) Phineas Emes and Geny sold to Cyrus Braman 5/12/1800 in Hyde Park lot 3. Bounds Post road New York to Albany. No. George Rimp; E.- Samuel Bard; So. lot 2; W.- Post road. 3) Deed Samuel Cooper & Lydia to Cyrus Braman 10/9/1800 in Hyde Park west part lot 2 & 3 west of Post road New York to Albany. Bounded So. Braman; W.- Hudson River, No. George Rimph; E.- Post road. 67 acres Witness: Jane Gay, Peter W. Radcliff. Cane: 4/2/1825

915. 8:510 May 28,1801 E500

William PUGSLEY Abigail ALSOP Amenia Lotts 33 & 34 Bounds Samuel Thompson, Judah Burton, William Pugsley, Stephen Reynolds. 60 acres Cane: 4/15/1826 by Abr Bockee, exec. of Isaac Smith assignee.

916. 8:514 May 26,1801 L100

Cornelius OSTRUM and Margaret of Clinton to Frederick SHULTZ Clinton Bounds old saw mill. 70 acres

8:517 917. Dec. 5,1799 $5000.

Reuben BOSTWICK and Benjamin Ruggles BOSTWICK of New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Noah and Joel BROWN Amenia Bounds Benjamin and David Denton, James Talmage, Noah Brown Jr., John Garnsey, Cys Crosby, Henry Hutchison, Robar Wilson. 200 acres



918. 8:553 Apr. 25,1801 $3000.

Aaron CARMAN and Ann, George CARMAN of York, Westchester Co. to John BURNET Bounds John G. VanWagoner, Clinton Barnet Gay. 200 acres Canc: 3/6/1810

919. 8:556 June 13,1801 $1000.

Henry P. HUTCHINSON and Sarah of Claverack, Columbia Co. to Alexander NEELY Amenia Bounds Jeremiah Conklin. 100 acres

8:557 920. June 12,1801 $725.

Daniel SLEGHT and Sarah of Clinton to Michael COOKENHAM Clinton NE. cor. Lott 16, SE. cor. Lott 15 (Pawling). 100 acres

921. June $432

8:559 7,1801

James HUMFRY of Stanford Ezra THOMPSON Lott 16 and 21. Corner Lotts 15, 16, 21 & 22. Bounds road John Humphrey to Bangall; line of Lott 15 and 130 acres 16.

922. Mar. $639

8:561 7,1801

Israel LEWIS of Stanford Richard WILLIAMSON Stanford Bounds Thomas Braman road, Daniel and I. Lewis road, rocky ridge, [?] acres island. Witness: Peter Radcliff Cane: 11/23/1802

923. Dec. E600

8:562 4,1800

Joseph DOUGHTY Jr. and Phebe of Clinton to Philip FLAGLER Jr. SE. cor. Lott 5, NE. cor. Clinton Lott 6. Bounds Wappingers Creek, Lotts 13 & 14, Daniel Bishop, Bridge, line of 50 acres Lotts 5 & 6. Canc: 6/29/1811

924. June

8:565 3,1801

James HUMPHRY of Stanford Noah WILBUR

925. 8:567 Apr. 27,1801 E280

28 acres

Robert HAIGHT of Washington Isaac GERMOND Lott 10. Bounds No. Zophar Green; So. Simeon Losee; E.- James Ger50 acres mond; W.- Samuel Doughty. Canc: 5/7/1805



926. May 170

8:568 1,1801

Jonathan HORTON and Elizabeth to Isaac GERMOND 1) Lott 8 By road Hicks to Oswego; near E. Whitneys house, Germond line. 2) Bounds Joseph Hicks , Alexander Doughty, William Benson, Thomas Stewart. 36 acres Canc: 8/3/1808

927. May

8:572 2,1791

Thomas STEVENS of Amenia James REED Amenia NE. corner Bazalel Ives to Gershom Reed, river. 20 acres Witness: Stephen Reed, Elijah Doty

928. 9:7 Apr. 27,1795 1200

David HILL of Clinton Peter FLAGLOR 1) Lott 17 2) Pawling Purchase Lot 8

929. 9:27 Mar. 21,1800 1400

Amos HALLOCK of Washington Thomas HALLOCK Washington Lott 12 Bounds Benjamin DeLaVergne, Eseck Mosure, Wilham Germond. 120 acres Canc: 5/2/1814 by Morris Carman exec.

930. 9:66 May 24,1799 $800.

James I. STOUTENBURGH Margaret I. STOUTENBURGH Water Lott 8 Bounds Hudson River, Isaac Conklin bought from Jonathan Hasbrook. Canc: 5/19/1803 by John Teller and Margaret

931. 9:131 Jan. 14,1797 1125

Uriah GIBBS of Clinton Lemuel HYDE Bounds W.- Post Rd. ; So. & E.- Joseph Boughton; No. J. Connor. 1 acre

932. 9:222 Dec. 14,1795 10 shillings

Ichabod MERRITT and Ruth of Washington Thomas WHITE Refers to request of Thomas and Jermiah Doty. Bounds Benjamin Akin, Filkintown Lott, A. Swift, Wilbur Duel, Ichabod Merritt, Exception: 16 acres sold to William A. White. 123 acres

100 acres 40 acres



933. 9:299 Jan. 29,1798 L73

William GAGER and Livinia of Amenia David COLLIN 1) Bounds John Garnsey Jr.; 12 rods east of store where Daniel Hebard traded. 155 rods 2) West of store a blacksmith shop and ground. Canc: 5/23/1815 by James Collins assignee

934. 9:363 May 15,1799 $1000.

Joshua HALLOCK of Washington Jacob & Nicholas EVERSON exec. of John EVERSON Lott 13 Bounds John Sharpstone, Isaac Bloom, Henry Sharpstone, line of 129 acres Lotts 6 & 13.

935. 11:38 May 1,1797 $250.

Amasa BUCHMAN and Anne of Clinton Benjamin DE LAVERGNE of Washington Lott 3 Clinton Bounds E.- town line of Stanford and Clinton; No. Laurence Southwick; W.- Benjamin Hall Jr. ; So. Zadock Southwick. Witness: Mary Batty, Isaac DeLaVergne

12:599 936. May 4,1799 $1250.

Jonathan CARD Jr. gentleman and Electear of Amenia and Jonathan CARD Sr. to Ethan GOODRICH Amenia Lott 36 Bounds No. road, Conkling; W.- road, Ephraim Ford; So. Henry Hutchinson, Noah Wheeler; E.Philip Rowe. Mortgage also signed by 200 acres Reverend Card. Witness: Job Card, Samuel Burns Cane: 6/27/1833 by Susan Goodrich exec. of Ethan Goodrich


Recording of estates did not begin in Dutchess County until 1787. Prior to that the Court of Common Pleas performed the administrative function of probating estates. When the administrative work was completed the estate papers were sent to the Prerogative Court in New York for approval and filing. As a result estates filed in Dutchess County prior to 1787 became part of the records of the Surrogate of New York County. The abstracts of estates recorded below include estates of individuals who died in Dutchess County in the area known as the Nine Partners Patent. A few individuals who died elsewhere owned property in the Nine Partners Patent. These estates are also recorded below. The Nine Partners Patent included the towns presently known as Amenia, Clinton, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Stanford, Washington and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast. Only the lower portion of Hyde Park was a part of the Nine Partners Patent. The middle portion of Hyde Park was part of the Fauconnier Patent while the upper portion was part of the patent known as Pawlings Purchase or Staatsburgh. The estates from these two patents have also been included below. The following four sources provided the abstracts Of estates recorded below. Discussion of each of these sources follows. 1.


In the tax lists of Dutchess County which began in 1717 there are notations which read "estate", "the estate of" or "widow" thereby indicating the death of a resident. These have been recorded below and designated by the symbol TL. Estates prior to 1787 were filed in the office of the Surrogate of New York County. The New York Historical Society abstracted and published these estates in Collections of the New York Historical Society, volumes 1 - 17; 1892 - 1908. Acknowledgement is given to the New York Historical Society for permitting the estates relevant to the Nine Partners Patent to be abstracted from Collections. A sample reference appears as follows: NY 5:5 refers to Collections, volume 5, page 5. 2.





Another source of estates is found in Calender of Wills edited in 1896 by Berthold Fernow. In this volume is contained estates which were recorded at the County Clerk's office in Albany. A few estates from the Nine Partners Patent were found in this source. A sample reference appears as follows: F:1000 refers to Fernow, estate number 1000 as it appears in Calender of Wills. 3.


The records of the Surrogates Office in Dutchess County began in 1787. Eighteenth century estates were recorded in Libers AA, A and B in the Surrogates Office. An occasional estate filed later in Liber C or D is also included below. A sample reference appears as follows: DC A:10 refers to Dutchess County Surrogates Office Liber A, page 10. 4.


In the estates which are recorded below the number appearing in the left column is the reference number which appears in the INDEX of this book. Following this across the page is the individual's name, the precinct or town in which he lived and the date of the will. Under the date of the will is the reference identification as discussed above.


Estates 1.

ADSIT, Benjamin

4/8/1793 DC A:359 Mentions: wife Rhode; Benjamin Adsit and Rachel Adsit widow; Synthe and Elizabeth children of said Benjamin Adsit Jr. ; grandson John Money; children of John Money - George, Martin, Elisha, Joseph, Reuben, Jessee Adsit and Eunice Heading. Refers to: land bought of brother Samuel Adsit, and homestead farm adjoining John Adsit. Executors: Comar Bullock, James Wilder, George Adsit. Witnesses: Asher Wickham, Adam Bockus, David Jones. Probated: July 24, 1793


10/17/1796 DC B:67 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; eldest son Abraham under 21; other unmarried sons and daughters. Executors: friends Silvenus Beckwith, Henry Stewart, wife Elizabeth. Witnesses: James Warren, Nathan S. Beckwith, Patience Crandle. Probated: June 7, 1797


ADSIT, Stephen, gentleman


3/21/1793 DC B:15 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Stephen, Wolcot; daughters Sarah Soper, Lorane Warner, Lucy Bockee, Rhoda, Deborah Runnels. Executors: son Wolcott, wife Mary, Asa Allen. Witnesses: Henry Husted, Hannah Husted, Francis Morse. Probated: June 1, 1796


AKINS, Joh n, weaver


ADSIT, George





NY 13:392 Letter of Administration granted to John Nelson, yeoman, Charlotte, husband of Sarah, late widow of John Akins. December 30, 1785

3/12/1776 NY 14:50 Mentions: wife, Anna; daughters Rhoda, Anna; sons Ezra, Abraham, James, Asa. Executors: wife and son Asa. Witnesses: Elijah Tenny, Jonah Tallmedge, Enos Tallmadge. ALLEN, Asa



Estates Probated: See Also:


August 31, 1776 F:31; estate-Tax list Charlotte 1778.

ALLEN, Elizabeth, widow TL Tax list Crum Elbow - Charlotte 17331753.


ALLEN, James


10/7/1789 DC A:170 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Morris, James, Abram; daughter Polly Allen. Executors: wife Hannah and brother Asa. Witnesses: John Gifford, Peter Garnsey, John Thompson. Probated: February 18, 1790


ALLEN, John, farmer


1/14/1788 DC B;166 Mentions: wife Catherine; sons Ebenezer, John, Benjamin, Sherman Allen, James A.; daughters Lydia wife of Stephen Haight, Margaret wife of Eliakim Hammond, Patience wife of Simon Tull[?]; James Shearman of Dartmouth. Executors: friends Nehamiah Reynolds, Joseph Thorn. Witnesses: Nehemiah Merritt, Jr., William Hutchings, Daniel Merritt. Probated: May 14, 1799.


ALLEN, Joh n, farmer




ALLEN, Jonathan, farmer



NY 14:339 Letter of Administration granted to: Son John, John Culver both of Charlotte Precinct, son-in-law Timothy Concklin of Cortland's Manor, N.Y. March 18, 1786

NY 14:350 Letter of Administration granted to: Son John of Washington, farmer. April 17, 1787

ALLEN, William Mentions:



6/20/1772 NY 8;141 wife Mary; daughters Sarah, Aursyonche, wife of Benjamin Height, Hester, Eliza-



beth, Hannah; sons John, Joseph, William. Also Richard Dogg to receive a colt and saddle at John Robblees. Refers to: his farm adjoining William Bedell. Executors: wife, son John, Zacherus Newcomb. Witnesses: Peter Germond, Benj. de la Vergne, Zacharias Flagler. Probated: November 11, 1773 See also: F:27


5/12/1785 NY 14:48 Mentions: wife Mary; sons James, William, Thomas; daughters Sarah wife of Barnabas Cole, Rebecca wife of Matthew Stephens and Martha Alworth; children of Mary wife of Seth Class, children of daughter Alice dec'd - William, James, Mary, Joseph and Alice Conner. Refers to: lands in Lott 36 Great Nine Partners and in New Marlborough, Berkshire Co„ Mass. Executors: son James. Witnesses: Silas Roe of Dutchess Co., farmer, Obed Harvey Jr., Barnabas Payen. Probated: August 23, 1786 See Also: F:38


BACKER, Johannis


5/30/1793 DC A:362 Mentions: wife Catlychy; son Petros, David, Lawrence, Martinus, Hannis; daughters Gertrude wife of Jacob Crabbsen, Aurelihy wife of John Baine. Executors: son Petris, Event Bogardus, Anthony Delemater. Witnesses: William P. Houghteling, John Schreyver, Roelof Southerd. Probated: August 16, 1793


BARBER, William




6/9/1798 DC B:112

Mentions: wife Anne; daughter Jane Anne. Refers to: land in Rochester, lot in Poughkeepsie opposite Ebenezer Badger. Executors: wife, friend John Johnston. Witnesses: John Thomas, John Crooke, Peter W. Radcliff. Probated: August 6, 1798


504 15.


1/12/1796 DC B:175 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Thomas, Elisha, daughters Silvina, Mehetabl, Jemina, Elizabeth wife of Lott Smith. Refers to: Land in Kent in Litchfield Co. Executors: sons Elisha, Thomas. Witnesses: Erastus Chamberlain, ---mas Hanchet, Ephraim Chamberlain, [?] Witherall. Probated: July 9, 1799


2/19/1788 DC A:511 Mentions: son Valantine; Mary Barnard widow of son Benjamin; sons of Mary Barnard Josiah and Albert; grandchildren Anna Gardner, Fidelia Ramsdell, Lydia Clerk, Alicia Folger, Mary Folger, Benjamin Russell, James Barnard, Elizabeth Barnard, Sarah Barnard. Also mentions Benjamin, Mary, Valentine and Zecheus Barnard [no relationship identified]; Hepzibah Pinkham. Executors: son Ballantine and kinsman John Hoag III Witnesses: Eben. Pinkham, Reuben Haight, Philip Hoag. Probated: January 25, 1796


BARNARD, Thomas Jr.

Nine Partners 3/13/1787 DC A:32 Mentions: wife, Ruth; children, James, Macy, Benjamin, Zacheus, Valantine, Elizabeth and Sarah. Executors: John Hoag, Abisha Cofin. Witnesses: Lodowick Hoxsie, Philip Hoag, John Austin. Probated: September 22, 1787


BARNETT, James, cooper





11/21/1789 DC A:193 Mentions: wife Eunice; son James; daughters Elizabeth, Mahalia. Executors: Daniel Forman, Jethro Colman. Witnesses: Cornelius Keane, William Reid, Peter DeGarmo Probated: April 16, 1790 See Also: DC AA:120




4/20/1762 NY 6:235 Mentions: wife[not named]; sons Benjamin, Eligey, William, Joseph, Lewis, Caleb, Roger; daughters Millissin, Sarah, Rachel; grandson Joseph, son of Benjamin. Executors: sons Lewis, Caleb. Witnesses: Nathaniel Marshall, Ephraim Palmer, Wm. Doughty. Probated: September 28, 1762 See Also: F:115


BEADLE, Timothy late;

BARTON, Joseph


TL Tax list Washington 1787


BEADLE, Sarah, widow



NY 14:346 Letter of Administration granted to: Son Daniel, Clinton Precinct, farmer. January 5, 1787


6/19/1775 NY 8:316 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons William, John, Jose, Daniel; daughters Elizabeth, Hannah, Eleanor, Mary wife of Jacobus Van de Water, Sarah wife of Daniel Doughty; brother Daniel of Queens Co., L.I. Executors: wife and Jacob Smith. Witnesses: James Miller, John Hunt, Reuben Hopkins. Probated: October 25, 1775. See Also: F:153


2/20/1786 NY 13:332 Mentions: wife Janetie; sons Silas, Lawrans; daughters Mary, Jane, Elizabeth; heirs of daughter - Abegal and Katrine. Refers to: land in Charlotte Precinct; Salisbury, Vermont; Canaan Township, Albany Co. Executors: wife, son Lowrans, son-in-law Christopher Dutcher. Witnesses: Daniel Moon, Math. van Dusen, David Rose. Probated: April 19, 1786. See also: F:200; estate - Tax list Washington 1787

BEADELL, William







12/9/1773 NY 8:163 Mentions: sons Benjamin, Robert, William; daughters Deliverance Finny, Bridget Horskins, Anna Bell, Abigal Bell; granddaughter Dinah Northrup. Executors: Joseph Fowler, Ephraim Paine. Witnesses: Solomon Finch, Stephen Manchester, Henry Knap. Probated: Jan. 4, 1774 See also: F:143


8/6/1800 DC B;260 Mentions: wife Martha; nephews Benjamin and Samuel Benedick, Jr. son of Benjamin, William Benedick, son of John; Nathan Osborn - sister's son, Ebenezer Hartwell & Benjamin Hartwell, Samuel Benedick Turner son of sister Rachel Turner; Rev. John Cornwell, Congregational Presbyterian Society. Executors: Cyrenias Crosby, Robert Wilson. Witnesses: James P. Smith, Samuel Herrick Jr., Jesse Smith. Probated: March 28, 1801

BELL, Deliverance




BENSON, Jacob [See Estate # 303.1


4/22/1800 DC B:224 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Robert, Jacob; daughters Hannah Hoofout, Abagail; granddaughter Patty Marke; brother Joseph Bensen. Executors: none Witnesses: William Marshall, Pawling Cordwainer, John Marshall, Pawling blacksmith, David Benson, Amenia farmer. Probated: May 9, 1800


BERGEN, Teunis, yeoman

BENSON, John, farmer



Jamaica, N.Y.

10/8/1755 NY 5:102 wife Mary; son Dirck; daughters Mary wife of Johanes Hardenbrook of Jamaica, Sarah wife of John Fox of Nine Partners, Phebe wife of Peter Van Kemp of Nine Partners, Catherine wife of John Lamberts of Jamaica, cordwainer; children of daughter Jannettie late wife of



John Hegeman of Nine Partners in Dutchess Co. Executors: wife Mary, son Dirck, son-in-law John Lamberts. Witnesses: John Bergen Jr., Tunis Bergen Jr., Benjamin Hinchman. Probated: Feb. 24, 1756 28.



1/19/1794 DC A:434 Mentions: wife[not named]; Caty daughter of Adam Bergh. Executors: wife, and Jahocakim Bergh. Witnesses: Henry D. Hovenbergh, Benjamin Cole, Caty Bergh. Probated: October 20, 1794


BICE, Arry


6/21/1783 NY 13:88 Mentions: wife Margaret; "reputed" sons and daughters Henry, John, Arry, Charity wife of Cornelius Osterhout, Catherine wife of Benj. North, Elisabeth wife of Abl. Ostrander, Margaret wife of Peter Simson, Cornelia Bice; 5 children of dec'd daughter Magdaline wife of Frederich Hauver; John Pitcher son of wife by former husband. Executors: John Pitcher, Peter Simson, Arry Bice. Witnesses: Wm. Stewart, Benj. Thorn, Benj. Westfall Jr. Probated: January 18, 1785 See also: F:190




4/13/1798 DC B:196

Mentions: wife Rebecka. Executor: wife Rebecka. Witnesses: Justin P. Finck, Mary Bentley wife of Asa Bentley, Dorcas Knickerbocker. Probated: Nov. 14, 1799


8/10/1783 DC A:480 Mentions: Igniaus Boisee to whom he leaves all his estate for the care that was taken of him during sickness. Refers to: small property in Nine Partners. Executors: None

BLOUIN, Lousion

St. John Canada Jean


Estates Witnesses: Clement Poyer, Joseph Poyer, John P. Vermont Probated: January 15, 1793


BOCKEE, Abraham


1/11/1769 NY 12:346 Mentions: wife Mary; son Jacob; daughters Mary Salkeld, Annitie Bockee. Refers to: lands in Charlotte Precinct - lots in Lott #17 Second Division, 1st Water Lott First Division, Lott #16 Second Division, Lott #7 Third Division, Lott #27 Second Division (Codicil). Executors: wife, daughter Annitie & son when of age. Witnesses: Thos. Fish, Joshua Fish, Elijah Browning, John Fish, Isaac Smith, Matths. B. Miller. Probated: May 29, 1784 See also: F:129


BOIS, John


1/7/1785 DC A:166 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Henry, Orey, "my son Peter Bois is extinct, his children to have his share." Other children not named. Executor: son Henry, John Smith, John Fulton. Witnesses: Henry Roe, Madlane Lewis, Martha Miller. Probated: January 30, 1790 Magdalane Lewis, spinster, of Rhinebeck acknowledged her signature on January 30, 1790. See also: DC AA:97




9/7/1798 DC B:268 Mentions: wife Susannah; sons Thomas, Benjamin, Joshua, John; daughters Hope, Mary, Sarah, Sussanna, Ruth. Executors: wife, son John Witnesses: Benjamin Way, James Van Vleek, Ebenezer Mott. Probated: June 24, 1801





10/22/1790 DC A:215 wife[not named]; sons Francis, Joseph; daughters Hannah, Drusilla, and heirs of my daughter Margaret deceased and



heirs of my daughter Mary deceased. Executors: sons Francis, Joseph. Witnesses: Benjamin Boughton, Daniel Smith, Jonathan Webster. Probated: December 16, 1790



Charlotte 1763

2/4/1790 DC A:176 Mentions: wife Jane; sons Ichabod, Jonathan, Timothy, David and Thomas; daughters Elizabeth, Jane, Hannah, Sara, Lydia, Phoebe, Mary, Debbie and Amy. Executors: sons Ichabod, Jonathan. Witnesses: Garret Burtis, Josiah Bull Jr., Daniel Haight. Probated: March 1, 1790. Garret Burtis "One of the people called Quakers" acknowledged his signature on the same day.



Nine Partners

4/16/1790 DC A:233 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; clothes to cousin Micajah Brotherton, to Ely Isaac and Abel Brotherton and to Isaac Wilson. Executors: William and Jacob Fowler. Witnesses: Benjamin Thorns, John Wilson, Jacob Fowler. Probated: February 19, 1791


BROWN, Nathaniel

3/24/1790 DC A:195 Mentions: wife Mehetable; sons Pearson, James; daughters Sarah Haight, Hannah Mackinburgh, Philener Ireland, and Mary Griffin. Executors: son Pearson, son-in-law Jonathan Griffin. Witnesses: Samuel Doughty, Oliver Doughty, Samuel Hitt. Probated: June 16, 1790




3/3/1778 NY 14:48 Mentions: son Amos; grandson Brownson Foot (if he returns from the Army); daughters Rudy Graves, Hannah Foot, Mary Foot, Coay Barker. Refers to: land in Waterbury, N.J. & Sharin, Ct, Executor: Aaron Foot. Amenia


Estates Witnesses: Jonathan Shepherd, Bezabel Rudd, Probated: August 25, 1786 See also: F:169


8/24/1795 DC B:21 Mentions: wife Hannah; nephew Richard Brush, Richard Brush Herrick son of Benjamin Herrick. Executors: wife Hannah. Witnesses: Edm'd Per Lee, Elnathan Tylor, Stephen Eno. Probated: September 15, 1796


BRUSH, Ruth, widow

BRUSH, Richard


TL Tax list Amenia 1778


BUCK, Jonathan, cooper


6/24/1775 NY 9:173 Mentions: wife Betty; son Zadock; grandson Jonathan Buck of Bennington, Albany Co.; daughters Betty Dewey, Zurriah Spencer, Annah Bennet. Refers to: land in Amenia. Executors: wife, Roswell Hopkins. Witnesses: Barnabas Paine, Noah Brown, Martha Paine. Probated: Jan. 27, 1779 See also: F:155


BUSH, Daniel, farmer




NY 14:338 Letter of Administration granted to: Son Henry; Jacob Sharpenstone both of Charlotte, farmers. Feb. 14, 1786

BUSH, Amos, widow of TL Tax list Washington 1787


BUSH, Hendrick Mentions:


12/5/1794 DC A:438 wife Elizabeth and her heirs; Hendrick son of my brother John, and Hendrick son of my brother Jacob; Margaret Loungh "a child living with me".



Executors: wife, Jacob Schryver, Tobias Vanburgh. Witnesses: John Stoutenburgh, James Stoutenburgh, Lewis Dubois. Probated: February 12, 1795


BUSH, Henry

7/10/1780 DC A:225 Mentions: sons Daniel, Henry; daughters Mary wife of Jacob Sharpsteen, Elizabeth Bush, Catherine wife of Caleb Husted, and Christeen wife of John De Graff; grandchildren Catreen wife Samuel Eavery, children [not named] of son John deceased. Also mentions Henry, John and Jacob Bush sons of John Bush deceased and Henry Cronkite son of Jacob deceased. Refers to: farm bought of Abraham Filkins. Executors: son Daniel, Jacob Sharpsteen, John De Graff. Witnesses: Elisha Powell, Thomas Powell, Bernard Doughty. Probated: January 18, 1791


BUSH, John


TL Estate - tax lists Charlotte - Clinton 1773-1786


6/26/1783 DC B:71 Mentions: sons Gersham, Moses, Thomas, Aaron; daughters Sussannah widow of Nathan Weller, Ruth wife of Joseph Brownell, Sarah wife of Joseph Barns; carpenters & joiners books go to sons. Refers to: farm purchased from Isaac Thorn [deed described]. Executors: sons Aaron and Thomas. Witnesses: Gideon Dutcher, Joel Halt, David Rose. Probated: June 28, 1797


8/24/1776 DC A:57 Mentions: wife Mary; son Daniel; daughter Hannah; brothers John, Gershon, Aaron, Thomas & sisters Susannah & Ruth Brownell, Sarah Barnes. Executors: Aaron Butt, Joseph Barnes, Mary Butt all of Charlotte.

BUTT, John, carpenter

BUTT, Moses





Witnesses: Samuel Burlingame, Jonathan Weller, John Butt, Moses Butt. Probated: February 20, 1788 See also: widow of - tax list Charlotte 1779.


2/10/1772 NY 8:224 Mentions: wife Else; brothers John, Gersham, Moses, Aaron, Thomas; nephew Samuel son of Gersham; sisters Ruth Brownell, Susannah Wellar, Sarah Barns. Refers to: land in Amenia (a lot #6 of a subdivision sold by Joseph Furman). Executors: Tripp Mosher, Gilbert Titus both of Charlotte Precinct. Witnesses: Aaron Vail, Phebe Haight, Joshua Haight. Probated: Nov. 19, 1774 See also: F:142; widow of - tax list Charlotte 1775-1778


CARL, Jacob


11/23/1796 DC B:33 Mentions: wife Rebeccah; sons Joseph, Jacob; daughters Nancy wife of Jacob Wicks, Elizabeth wife of William Harris. Refers to: farm between lands of Thomas Welling and Soloman Flaglar on road to Poughkeepsie past John I. Allen land [deed described]. Executors: friends Thomas Welling, Solom Flagler, Jacob Smith. Probated: December 14, 1796


CASE, Nathan Jr.


9/15/1790 DC B:10 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Epherian, Levi, David, Nathan; daughters Elizabeth, Huldah, Hannah, Sarah, Patience, Ruth, Elizabeth. Refers to: Lot 18, lot 12 purchased from Henry Rosekrans, Jr., sheriff. Executors: wife Elizabeth; son-in-law Levi Hoag. Witnesses: William Griffen, Tiddeman Hull Jr farmer. Probated: June 14, 1796


CASTLE, Daniel


BUTT, Samuel



5/14/1777 DC A:104 wife Elizabeth; sons Lemuel, Gideon, Daniel; daughters Johanna Reed, Jerusha



Reed, Eunice Reed, and Elizabeth Smith. Refers to: 300 acres in Amenia. Executors: wife and son Gideon. Witnesses: Ashbel Winegar, Hannah Belden, David Doty. Probated: October 3, 1788 See also: DC AA:70




8/16/1801 DC B:276 Mentions: brothers John, David, William, Gideon; sisters Catharine wife of Peter Randal, Mary, Sarah; father John Clinck of Albany Co. Executors: Joseph Pearsall of Clinton, Samuel Coonley of Washington. Witnesses: Isaac Coonley, George Pearsall Jr., John Pearsall. Probated: Oct. 3, 1801


CLINE, Peter


8/30/1795 DC A:499 Mentions: wife Farncia; son John; daughter Elizabeth wife of Alan Hurd. Refers to: land son John bought of Ezekiel Sackett Executors: wife, son John, John Boyd. Witnesses: Samuel Watreus, John Boyd, Conrad Winegar. Probated: November 19, 1795


COLE, Hendrick, yeoman

Crum Elbow

9/22/1752 NY 5:166 Mentions: wife Mary; her cousin Jacob Bresy; his own cousin Ury Cole. Executor: wife. Witnesses: John Germond of Crum Elbow, carpenter, Eleanor Mullin, Patrick Mullin. See also: estate - tax list Crum Elbow 1759,


3/12/1778 DC A:45 Mentions: wife Mary; daughters Hannah Lomareux, Jemine Hadden, Mary Oakley, Levina Conckling, Sarah Conckling and Tamra Tompkins; sons Timothy, John Amos. Executors: wife Mary Joshua Hyatt, Lemuel Cromwell. Witnesses: Ebenezer White, George Lane, Timothy Rhoads. Probated: January 30, 1788 See also: DC AA:72 CONCKLING, Timothy



514 58.

1/27/1752 DC AA:31 Mentions: wife Rebecca; sons Joseph, Jacobus, Manuel, Johannes; daughters Francisca, Sarah, Rebecca, Mary, Lemman; grandson Joseph Cook son of Sarah Cook deceased. Executors: sons Jacob and Jacobus. Witness: Zachariah Flagler, William Torry, Isiac Germond.


COOKE, Nathaniel, widow of


Crum Elbow

TL Tax list - Crum Elbow 1757-1762


Staatsburgh, 1/08/1781 CRAMER, John, blacksmith Rhinebeck Precinct DC AA:130 Mentions: wife Catherine; sons John, Casper; daughters Catherine, Margaret. Executors: wife, brother Zachariah Cramer and brother-in-law Barnet Overhiser. Edward Conner, Jacobus Van Benschoten, Witness: Samuel Hanen.


CRANKHYT, George TL Estate - tax list Charlotte 1769-1770.


4/19/1760 NY 6:40 Mentions: wife Margaret; sons Richard, John; daughters Jane, Anna; mother Ann Crego. Refers to: land in Crum Elbow and Beekmans Precinct. Executors: wife and two sons. Witnesses: Joseph Hoff, John Barto, BenjaminBarto. Probated: Dec. 20, 1760 See also: F:300; estate - tax list Crum Elbow 1761-62; widow 1763

CREPSOR, Johannis


Crum Elbow

CREGO, Stephen

[See Estate # 304.]

CROOKE, Charles, yeoman

4/25/1770 NY 6:348 Mentions: wife Jannitje; wife's sister Banshe van Valkenburgh; son Charles; daughter Annaka; the Church of England at Poughkeepsie. Executors: wife, brother John Crooke, brother-inCharlotte



law Gabriel Wm. Ludlow, wife's brotherin-law Lawrence Funda, John Osterhout. Witnesses: Ananie Cooper, Hannah Walker, Bartholomew Crannell. Probated: December 1, 1772 See also: F:326; estate - tax list Charlotte 1773-1779


CROOKE, Charles Jr., merchant Crooke's 8/10/1762 Delight, Charlotte NY 6:295 Mentions: wife Cornelia; children of brother-inlaw Petrus Edmundus Elmendorf - John, Catharina, Blandina, Elizabeth, Sarah. Refers to: inheritance from brother-in-law Evert Bogardus. Executors: P. E. Elmendorph, Everardus Bogardus. Witnesses: John Dowzenberry, Cornelis Ostrander, John Wynkoop. Probated: Jan. 5, 1764 See also: F:309


6/8/1737 NY 3:418 Mentions: wife Catharine; sons John, William, Robert, Charles; daughters Gertruyd wife of Evert Bogardus, Mary. Refers to: land in Nine Partners. Executors: sons John, William, Robert, Evert Bogardus. Witnesses: Petrus Bogardus, Heyltie Deckers, Abr. Gaasbeeck. Probated: June 8, 1743-4 See also: F:264 CROOKE, John, shopkeeper


CLYNE, Jacob


CURTIS, Joseph, farmer


7/11/1782 NY 9:303 Mentions: sister Orshal wife of Wm. Ward; Benjamin Akely, Frederick Cline. Executors: Frederick Clyne, Hendrick Sleght, John Free ugh Witnesses: William Terry, Walter Simpson. Probated: Jan. 3, 1783 See also: F:355



NY 13:388 Letter of Administration granted to: son-in-law Peter Bishop, Esq. Albany Co. July 4, 1785




DEAN, Jacob, yeoman

2/3/1795 DC B:23 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons Jonathan, Moses, Jacob; daughters Rachel Lawrance, Ruth, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth; children of daughter Mary; children of daughter Ruth. Refers to: to adjoining lands of James Brown and Isaac Albertson. Executors: son Jonathan, Nathaniel Powell, both of Clinton. Witnesses: Isaac Albertson, Isaac Lamoree, John Albertson. Probated: Sept. 19, 1796



11/14/1733 NY 3;203 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Moses, Abraham, John, Peter, Christian; daughters Elizabeth wife of Baltus Van Cleek, Hester, Jerusha and another unnamed daughter, Refers to: 200 acres in Nine Partners to daughter Elizabeth. Executors: wife Mary, son-in-law Baltus Van Cleek, brother Abraham DeGraeff, Witnesses: Johanes Van Cleek, Henry Vandeburgh, Gerardus Lewis. Probated: May 5, 1736


DE LA VERGNE, Nicholas


6/06/1780 NY 13:375 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Giles, Joseph, Nicolas, James, Ebenezer, Walter; daughters Mary, Sarah, Elisabeth, Hannah, Sussanna. Executors: wife, Richard Snedicker. Witnesses: Silas Devel, Joseph Woolley, Aaron Haight Jr., farmer. Probated: April 8, 1782 See also: F:520


DE LAENGE [de Long], Arrie




6/17/1769 NY 7:356 Mentions: wife Anne; sons Francis, Elias, Martin, Jeams, Lawrence; daughters Mary Cronkright, Jene Ismul. Executors: wife, sons Francis and Elias, David Sotherland. Witnesses: Comer Bullock of Charlotte Precinct,



Probated: See also:

cordwainer, Deliverance Bullock, Ellis Bullock. Oct. 27, 1770 F:489




7/20/1798 DC B:250 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Nicholas, Benjamin; daughters Sussannah, Elizabeth, Sarah, Polly. Executors: friends William Young, Amariah Winchester. Witnesses: William Young, Samuel Row, Oliver Kellogg of Sharon, Conn. Probated: September 8, 1800


DENTON, Benjamin


1/12/1771 NY 9:202 Mentions: wife Ruth; sons Benjamin, John; daughters Sarah, Anna, Rachel. Refers to: land in Sharon, Conn. Executors: son Benjamin. Witnesses: Roswell Hopkins, Ruth Pecks, Hannah Purdy. Probated: July 10, 1780 See also: F:494


DENTON, Benjamin, farmer




NY 14:346 Letter of Administration granted to: Son Benjamin, Amenia, farmer, Jan. 5, 1787

DEUEL, Silas, Sr.

5/2/1799 DC B:170 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Silas, Willber; daughters Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Ruth, Zallah Thompson; granddaughters Hannah Tripp, Luse Smith; son-in-law John Macomber; Milisent Brownell "girl that lives with me" under 18, Josiah Dean, Joseph Woolley. Executors: wife Mary, son Willber, Silas Deuel son of Timothy. Witnesses: Asahel Haskins, Charles Hoag, Isaiah Dibble. Probated: June 15, 1799




10/17/1759 NY 6:291 Mentions: wife Mehitabel; sons Israel, Jonathan; daughter Sarah Mosher; grandaughter Patience da. of dec'd son Joseph. Executors: wife, son Israel. Witnesses: Stephen Hicks and Samuel Mabbett, both Quakers. Probated: Dec. 24, 1759 See also: F:463


12/25/1760 NY 6:256 Mentions: son Martin; daughters Elisabeth, Rhoda, Mary, Lucretia, Grace; brother Jedediah Dewey. Executors: the son and the brother. Witnesses: Elnathan Smith, Elkanah Holmes, Timothy Shepherd. Probated: August 9, 1763 See also: F:469


DODGE, Thomas

DEVEL, Christopher

DEWEY, Martin


Crum Elbo

TL Estate - tax list Crum Elbow 1756-1761 79.

DOUGHTY, William


5/14/1771 NY 7:458 Mentions: wife Margaret; sons William, James, Barnerd, Oliver, Samuel; daughters Phebe, Mary. Executors: sons William and James, Witnesses: Israel Green, Jacob Tobias, Alexander Chaucer. Probated: July 15, 1771 See also: F:492


DOWN, Lydia


5/22/1796 DC B:26 Mentions: sons Jabish, James; daughter Lyda Seaman, Lydia Simmons; Ensley [?], Executors: Jabis Dinto, Samuel Knap, Witnesses: Reuben Wylie, Samuel Knap Jr. Probated: November 5, 1796


DUNHAM, Samuel



2/2/1792 DC A:350 sons Samuel, Jonathan, Seth, John, William; daughters Waitstill, Silva, Mary



Salomi and Sarah. Executors: [none named] Witnesses: Barnabas Wood, Moses Smith, Samuel Dunham III. Probated: June 8, 1793


5/9/1795 DC A:485 Mentions: wife Jane; sons John, Jacob, Abraham; daughter Helena wife of Harry Peters. Executors: John, friends Jacob Smith and Montross Thurston both of Clinton. Witnesses: Pearsall Brown, Enoch Lewis, John DuBois. Probated: October 6, 1795


DUSENBURY, Benjamin, farmer Charlotte

DURYEE, John, miller


NY 12:414 Letter of Administration granted to: Joshua Hallock, Charlotte Precinct, farmer.


3/11/1796 DC B:93 Mentions: son Phineas; daughters Sarah Stone, Lucindy Smith, heirs of Chloe Havens, Hannah Stone. Executors: son Phineas of Clinton. Witnesses: Jesse Emes of Clinton, Uriah Gibbs, Sewell Gibbs, Betsey Emes. Probated: November 4, 1797


ELLSWORTH, Ahasureus


EVERSON estate,

EAMES, Timothy, gentlemen



9/02/1796 DC AA:127 Mentions: wife Sarah; Ahasureus Ellsworth Peters son of Hewlett Peters; nephew Dr. George Gillasspy (sister's son) & heirs of Dr. Gillasspy. Executors: Abel Peters, Jesse Oakley, Hewlett Peters. Witnesses: Jacob Smith, Richard Cantillon, William Gorton. Probated: May 30, 1805 See also: B:523

[See Owen, Joshua.]


520 87.

EVERTSON, Jacob TL Estate Tax list Clinton 1787


EVERSON, John, merchant

New York

9/9/1771 NY 8:29

Mentions: wife Elsey; brother Nicholas. Refers to: of Water Lott 6, Nine Partners Patent. Executors: wife, brother Nicholas, nephews George & Jacob Everson. Witnesses: John Brown, Jacob Brower, mason, Rinier Nack, carman. Probated: April 24, 1772




6/9/1795 DC A:482 Mentions: Jacob, Nicholas; daughters Margaret, Sally Julia [apparently all young children]. Executors: None Witnesses: Daniel Ward, Edward C. Goggin, Othnial Smith, John Losee, Nich. Everson. Probated: October 3, 1795


FIELD, Phebe, widow of Robert 11/12/1742/3 Newtown, N.Y. NY 3:413 Mentions: relatives Haights, Thornes, Homer, Woods, Titus cousins and in-laws, etc. Refers to: Lydia Soule of Nine Partners receiving "best cloaks & Cap." Note: no land mentioned either in Newtown or Nine Partners. Probated: November 12, 1743



9/22/1713 NY 2:130 Mentions: wife Katharine; sons Jacob, Henry, Abraham, Isaac, Johanes, Francis, Cornelius; daughter Katherine; and Anke my wife's daughter, Executors: wife, friends William Nicoll, Richard Stilwell, Ohe Reynerse, Joseph Hegeman, Peter Stryker, overseer. Witnesses: William Cornell, John Benett, Johanes Symonse. Probated: April 20, 1714 Flatbush






8/06/1781 NY 12:141 Mentions: sons Peter, Isaac, Henry, Abraham, Jacobus; daughter Lanah; Joseph Slicks, Enuch Lester. Executors: son Peter, John W. Allen. Witnesses: John W. Allen, Reuben Sarles, Catren Allen. Probated: December 22, 1783 See also: P:648


FISH, Thomas


12/30/1786 F:655

Mentions: wife Maryann Executors: None Witnesses: Jonathan Deuel, Jacob Bockee, John MacDonald, Gabriel Douzenbery, Joseph Tar Bush. Probated: Feb. 8, 1787



11/29/1774 NY 8:251 Mentions: wife Hester; sons Zachariah, Peter, Simon, John; daughters Joanna wife of Henry Van Voorhis, Elizabeth wife of Jacob Lester, Sarah, Jane, Halannah. Executors: John Carpenter, Reuben Hopkins, Jacob Smith. Witnesses: Adrian van Ander, David Carpenter, Peter Coonly. Probated: January 3, 1775 See also: F:640; estate - tax list Charlotte 1775-1778


5/9/1781 NY 9:235 Mentions: cousins Zebulon, Jacob sons of Hezekiah Mills. Executors: uncle Hezekiah Mills, Thomas Stillwell of Charlotte, yeoman. Witnesses: Richard Amberman, James Weeks, Thomas Stilwell. Probated: Oct. 10, 1781 See also: F:647


FOWLER, William

FLINN, David



11/17/1757 NY 6:58 Mentions: sons William, Henry, Jacob, Benjamin. Executors: son William & William Doughty Sr. Witnesses: Jacob Haight of Crum Elbow, yeoman (a Crum Elbow


. Estates

Probated: See also:

Quaker), Joseph Denton, yeoman, Hannah Thorne. June 14, 1758. F:624; estate - tax list Crum Elbow 1758-1762


GAGE, Jabes


4/17/1796 DC B:25 Mentions: brothers Samuel, William, Nathan; sisters Hannah, Rosanna Ferris. Executors: friends Philip Hart, William Lathrup, Ebenezer Mott. Witnesses: Joseph Miller, David Bird, Jasper M. Gidley. Probated: Oct. 4, 1796


GALE, Roger, clothier



NY 14:337 Letter of Administration granted to: widow Mary; brother Josiah both of Charlotte. Jan. 24, 1786




3/19/1783 DC B:154 Mentions: wife Anna; sons John, Nathan, Daniel, Peter, Noah; daughters Anna, Dorcas wife of Job Thurston, Eunis. Executors: wife, son Daniel. Witnesses: Roswell Hopkins, Grover Buel, farmer, John Garnsey Jr. Probated: March 10, 1785 See also: NY 13:115; F:726




3/8/1798 DC B:153 Mentions: wife Lucretia; sons Ebenezer, Ezechial, David, John; daughters Rachel Povis, Lydia Smith, Anny; Joseph [Garnsey?]. Refers to: land in Chenango. Executors: brother Peter, son John Jr., wife Lucretia. Witnesses: Job Mead, Dan Webster, Peter Garnsey. Probated: March 6, 1799


Estates 101.

5/17/1794 DC A:414 Mentions: wife Alida; daughters Elizabeth wife of Edward Talbot, Janitje wife of Jonathan Alger, Keziah wife of Jessee Smith, Helena wife of Cornelius Van Vliet; heirs of my daughter Mary deceased wife of Philip Cain - Isaac, Jost and Philip; Annatie and Helena heirs of daughter Rachel deceased wife of Cornelius Ostrom; John Van Dusen; heirs Jemina deceased wife of Charles Traver; brother Thomas Garrison, and Rachel daughter of John Pawling. Executors: son-in-law Cornelius Van Vliet, brother-in-law Cornelius Van Dyke, friend John De Witt. Witnesses: Thomas Varnum, Derick Van Vliet, Philip Clearwater. Probated: October 23, 1794


12/12/1758 DC AA:33 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons William, Thomas, Barent; daughters Mary, Margaret; grandson John Bond son of daughter Elizabeth deceased; granddaughter Elizabeth daughter of John Gay deceased. Executors: wife Elizabeth; son William and Barent Bond. Witnesses: Henry Hegeman, James Wilson, Barent Bond, James G. Livingstone.


7/28/1769 DC A:113 Mentions: wife Mary; daughters Elizabeth, Joanna, Helena, Margaret, Jane; sons John, Abraham. Refers to: land near the forks of the Fallkill. Also blacksmith tools and guns to sons John and Abraham. Executors: wife Mary, Leonard Van Kleek, Hendrick Hageman. Witnesses: Gayle Yelverton, Tunis Clearwater, Jacob Concklin. Probated: November 7, 1788 See also: DC AA:54


GAY, John

GAY, William, blacksmith


Crum Elbow


524 104.

Estates GEERS, Jedediah


Crum Elbow

NY 6:444 Letter of Administration granted to: Michal Hopkins. March 5, 1761


GERMOND, Isaac, yeoman

Crum Elbow

6/13/1760 NY 6:234 Mentions: sons Isaac, Peter, John, James; daughters Mary Filkin, Sarah Hewstead and her children - Susannah Smith and Germond Hewstead; grandson Isaac son of Isaac Germond. Executors: son James. Witnesses: Hobart Hanbrough, Richard Post, Clear Everett. Probated: May 20, 1763 See also: F:692




1/15/1788 DC A:50 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Peter, James, Simmons, Samuel, Stephen, Isaac, Smith; daughters Deborah wife of Nathaniel Clapp of Saratoga, Phebe wife of Peter Germond, Sara wife of Jonathan Vincent Nantse, Hannah, Betsy. Refers to: farm purchased from John Platt adjoining James Lossee; acreage bought from Esiah Wilber. Executors: sons Isaac, Stephen. Witnesses: Jonathan Holmes Jr., Benjamin Anthony, David Haight. Probated: February 20, 1788




3/10/1787 DC A:247 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Henry, John, Filkins, Peter, Bernard, William; daughters Deborah Sharpstone, Elizabeth Storey, and her children - John, Margaret, Elizabeth Storey; grandson John Germond. Executors: wife and sons John and Peter. Witnesses: Bernard Filkins, Bernard Filkins Jr., Timothy Bedel. Probated: April 8, 1791


GERMOND, Peter TL Estate - tax list Charlotte 1775-1778






9/7/1790 DC A:206 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Henry, John, William; daughters Miriam, Ann, Sara, Mary, Hannah, Abigail, Elizabeth. Executors: Jeremiah Bedel, Henry Gildersleeve, Nathanial Powell. Witnesses: George Carpenter, Eunice Gildersleeve, George Carpenter Jr. Probated: October 4, 1790




7/5/1795 DC A:471 Mentions: wife Mary and an expected child; brother Henry Gildersleeve; Nathaniel Powell. Executors: None Witnesses: Hewlett Peters, Amassa Buckmum, George Carpenter. Probated: July 11, 1795


GILLET, Abner, yeoman



NY 12:414 Letter of Administration granted to: Robert Hebard, Amenia Precinct, yeoman. Aug. 27, 1784


5/3/1763 NY 6:235 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Abner, Moses, Eli; daughters Lucy Dunham, Mary, Sarah. Executors: wife, Nicholas Delavergne. Witnesses: Daniel Barn, William Barker, Daniel Roberts. Probated: May 19, 1763 See also: F:695; estate - tax list Amenia 17631765





4/11/1763 NY 6:300 Mentions: wife Mary; sons William, Adam, James. Executors: son William, Ruben Palmer. Witnesses: Joshua Haight, Aaron Vail, William Palmer Jr. Probated: Feb. 20, 1764 See also: F:694 Charlotte


526 114.

5/8/1790 DC A:254 Mentions: sons Joseph, Zopher, Isaac, Thomas; daughters Elizabeth wife of Zebulon Smith, Anna widow of Peter Hallock, Mary wife of William Moore; grandson Jacob Green. Executor: Samuel Doughty Witnesses: Peter Hallock, Jesse Oakley, Philip Gildersleave. Probated: April 28, 1791




5/11/1755 NY 5:81 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons John, Tobias; daughters Mary, Elizabeth, Ann. Executors: father-in-law Christian Tobias, Cousin Israel Green both of Crumelbow. Witnesses: Joshua Haight, Daniel Tobias, Adamiah Newcomb. Probated: May 30, 1755 See also: F:683; estate - tax list Crum Elbow 1755-1770


GREEN, William

Crum Elbo

12/18/1760 NY 6:58 Mentions: wife Marther; sons Stephen, William, Joseph. Executors: son Stephen, William Doughty, Israel Green. Witnesses: John Roberts, Susannah Pudney, Zephaniah Platt. Probated: March 5, 1761 See also: F:691


GREEN, William

OREEN, Isaac


TL Estate - tax list Charlotte 1767-1772. 118.

GREEN, William


2/13/1770 DC A:115 Mentions: wife Mary; daughters Sarah and Mary Green; brother Joseph. Executors: Peter and James Germond. Witnesses: Joseph Clapp, James Losee and IsaacHaff. Probated: November 19, 1788


Estates 119.

9/12/1787 DC A:40 Mentions: wife Milleson; daughters Bridgit, Amy, Sarah, Maram, Susannah, Elizabeth; sons Isaac, Greshom, John; grandson Moses Griffen. Executors: Moses Mallock, Isaac Griffen. Witnesses: Robert Rowland, Phebe Powell, Nathaniel Powell. Probated: Jan. 5, 1788





TL Estate - tax list Crum Elbow Charlotte 1757-1779.


GRIFFEN, Jonathan, farmer


4/23/1772 NY 8:46 Mentions: wife Mary; daughters Sarah, Mary; an expected child. Executors: brother Bartholomew Griffen, brotherin-law Jacob Thorn both of Charlotte. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, James Jackson, yeoman, Daniel Smith. Probated: June 3, 1772 See also: F:704




5/13/1793 DC A:404 Mentions: wife Phebe; sons Joseph, Isaac; granddaughter Hanna. Executors: 2 sons and brother-in-law Isaac Thorne. Witnesses: Jonathan Holmes, Anna Thorne, Benjamin Haight. Probated: September 11, 1794


6/06/1782 NY 13:233 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons Edward, Bartholomew, Mical; daughter Dorrity; grandson Obediah Hallock. Executors: Jonathan Holms, Nathaniel Brown. Witnesses: Jonathan Griffin, Samuel Doughty, farmer, Ann Lockward. Probated: November 21, 1785 See also: F:723 GRIFFIN, Obadiah

Nine Partners




5/29/1757 NY 6:291 Mentions: wife Mergit; sons Jacob, William, Lawrence; daughters Anna, Elisabeth. Refers to: land in Lott #10 - Great Nine Partners. Executors: brothers-in-law Goris Storm and Thomas Noxon, brother Joseph Haff, Peter Storm Witnesses: Isaac Germond, James Germond, James Doughty. Probated: Jan. 15, 1758 See also: F:792; estate - tax list Crum Elbow Charlotte 1758-1766


1/15/1753 NY 4:424 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Ellis, William, Isaac; daughters Sussanah, Elizabeth. Executors: wife, father Jacob Haff, brothers Joseph and Jacob Haff, William Humfry, Witnesses: Jacob Haight, Martines Wiltse, Hendrick Cole. Probated: Feb. 12, 1753 See also: F:781; widow of - tax list Crum Elbow 1753-1754


3/1/1745/6 HAGERMAN, Francis Jr., blacksmith NY 4:203 Nine Partners Mentions: father Francis; mother [not named]. Executors: mother and father. Witnesses: William Gay, John Gay. Probated: Jan. 4, 1748 See also: F:777


7/20/1779 DC AA:75 Mentions: son Aaron; daughter Meribaah; servant Thomas May; "Monthly Meeting of Friends of Nine Partners"; nephew John Haight son of my brother Joshua. Executors: son Aaron, John Macomber, Tripp Mosher. Witnesses: Joseph Haight, Elizabeth Holmes, Moses Vail. Probated: Tripp Mosher renounced his right of executorship.


HAIGHT, Caleb, late

HAFF, Jacob Jr.

HAFF, Lawrence, farmer

HAIGHT, Aaron, yeoman

Crum Elbow

Crum Elbow


TL Tax list Washington 1787.




HAIGHT, Caleb Sr.


4/6/1775 NY 9:264 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Caleb, Benjamin, Josiah, Nathaniel; daughters Elizabeth, Abigal, Elanor. Executors: son Josiah, Caleb Mosher. Witnesses: John Nelson, Aaron Haight Jr., Joshua Haight. Probated: Nov. 12, 1779 See also: F:840


HAIGHT, Joshua


1/4/1786 DC B:85 Mentions: sons Joshua, John, William, Gilbert; daughters Mary Mosher, Phebe Green, Deborah Valentine, Dorothy Hoag, Sarah Mosher, Hannah Mosher, Charity; son-inlaw Solomon Barton. Refers to: deed to Mary Rickman. Executors: son-in-law Tripp Mosher, Zophar Green. Witnesses: Soloman Haight, Matthew Boune, Elizabeth Haight. Probated: Sept. 13, 1797


HAIGHT, Stephen late TL Tax list Washington 1787.



8/3/1800 DC B:360 Mentions: sons Arthur, Thomas, Jeremiah; daughter Hannah. Executors: Moris Carmen, son Thomas. Witnesses: Joseph Underwood, Isaac Carmen, Elizabeth Carmen. Probated: Feb. 23, 1803


HAM, Frederick, estate


TL Tax list Washington 1787.


3/22/1797 DC B:282 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Eliakin, Lucan, Thomas, Daniel, Samuel, Isaac, Benjamin; daughters Mariah, Hannah, Ruth; granddaughter Margaret daughter of da. Mariah [ ? 1 . Executors: sons Daniel and Benjamin.




Estates Witnesses: Joseph Hustis, Jonathan Tallman, Jedidiah Tallman. Probated: Oct. 5, 1801



5/13/1788 DC A:99 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Robert, Peter, David, Joshua, Absalon; daughters Jerusha wife of George Soal, Sarah wife of Jonathan Soal. Executors: sons Robert, and Peter of Clinton. Witnesses: Elias Doty, Lawrence Southwick, Silas Arnold. Probated: October 23, 1788


HEATHCOTE, Caleb, gentleman 4/19/1721 Mamaroneck, N.Y. NY 2:233 [This is listed here because Mr. Heathcote was the first of the Nine Partners. While no reference is specifically made to land in Nine Partners general reference is made to his estate. Died suddenly February 28, 1721 age 55 of apoplexy.] Probated: April 19, 1721


HEGEMAN, Hendrick

Dated: See also:




NY 4:484 Letter of Administration granted to: wife Charity. Sept. 24, 1747 widow of, tax list Crum Elbow 1746-1754

HEGEMAN, Joseph, widow of TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1746-1748.


12/1/1798 DC B:169 Mentions: daughters Eunice wife of William Drake, Susannah wife of Stephen Downing, Mary Davis dec'd, Prudence Thurstin. Executor: friend Jabez Flint, Esq. Witnesses: John Denton, Fanna Thomas, Sabra Burton Probated: June 11, 1799


HENMON, Coe TL Estate - Tax list Crum Elbow 1758-1759



Estates 141.

HERRICK, Ezekiel

531 Clinton

1/30/1796 DC B:3

Mentions: wife Rebecka. Executors: Nathanael Powell, Ruben Wyle. Witnesses: Stanley Thompson, John Simmons, Henry Herrick. Probated: April 20, 1796

141a. HOAG, Ezekiel Sr.

Nine Partners

1/13/1790 DC A:252 Mentions: wife Sara; sons Winthrop, Abraham, Elisha, Ezekiel and Obadiah; daughters Mary, Sara, Tabitha. Executors: wife and son Ezekiel. Witnesses: John White Jr., Tabitha Hoag, Deborah Hoag. Probated: April 27, 1791


HOFFMAN, Nicholas

6/23/1798 DC B:134 Mentions: wife Jane; sons Peter, Herman, Henry, Martin, Nicholas; daughters Elizabeth, Margaret, Hannah, Cornelia, Catherine. Executors: wife Jane, Henry Teeter, Andrew H. Heermance. Witnesses: Johanes Nehr, Jacob Near, John Fulton. Probated: January 22, 1799


HOLMES, Jehosaphat


HOLMES, Nicholas, late

9/1/1783 DC A:454 Mentions: wife Sarah; daughters Zilpha Buttololph, Anna Buttolph, Lydia Carter, Sarah Webb, Philomela Holmes; sons Elijah, Nathan, Solomon, Jososephat, Salonus, Lester. Refers to sons Salunus and Lester to be put to trade. Executors: wife Sarah, son Joshosephat. Witnesses: William Barker, Samuel Moxsam, Job Cook. Probated: March 24, 1795 Amenia

TL Tax list Washington 1787.


3/9/1758 NY 7:57 Mentions: wife Jemima; sons Noah, Roswell, Michel, Stephen, Benjamin, Ruban. Executors: son Roswell.

HOPKINS, Stephen

Crum Elbow


Estates Witnesses: Ephraim Paine, Enoch Slosson, Elisbeth Lyman (wife of Nathaniel Pinney of Amenia at date of probate.) Probated: Feb. 19, 1767 See also: F:793; estate - tax list Amenia 17621768


HULL, Tiddeman


2/10/1795 DC A:507 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Tiddeman, Henry, John, Charles W.; daughters Sarah Alin, Ruth Keese, Damaris Barton, Elizabeth Upton. Refers to: land in Shelborn adjoining Lake Champlain in Vermont. Executors: the four sons. Witnesses: Jethro Coleman, Jonathan Marriott, Henry Marriott Jr. Probated: December 4, 1795


HUNTLY, John, yeoman


7/10/1767 NY 7:277 Mentions: wife Lowes; daughter Elisabeth; sons Williams, Raner, John. Executors: wife, Joshua Champion of Charlotte, yeoman. Witnesses: Joseph Green, Zopher Green, blacksmith, William Doughty. Probated: Nov. 25, 1768 See also: F:812


[See Estate # 305.]




5/21/1787 DC A:8 Mentions: wife Milisent; sons, Reuben, David, Lewis, Titus, Annanis, Abraham; daughters, Eunice Gould, Sarah Boyce, and Ruth Mosher. Executors: wife, Milisent, son Reuben. Witnesses: Walter Briggs, Thomas Mosher, Silas Deuel, Jr. Probated: June 25, 1787; estate - tax list Washington 1787.





11/11/1794 DC A;426 wife Martha; son Jeremiah; daughter Martha Ward; granddaughter Elizabeth



Pearsall. Executor: John Hoag. Witnesses: Philip Hoag, Walter Lockwood, John Van Cott. Probated: November 28, 1794




3/17/1777 DC A:185 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons James, Stephen, Increase, Samuel; daughters Parthene, Sarah, Jemima, Martha and Mary; grandson William Jackson. Executors: wife and sons Increase and Samuel. Witnesses: Rich. Bartlett, Robert Robinson. Probated: March 23, 1790 See also: Estate - tax list Charlotte 1778.


JENKINS, Jabez, Sadler


11/3/1796 DC B:55 Mentions: brother Joshua Jenkins; Elizabeth Varney, Sarah Austin. Executors: brothers Joshua Jenkins, John Austin. Witnesses: Paul Hoag, Morris Carman, Daniel Upton. Probated: April 10, 1797


JENCKS, Thomas, yeoman



NY 12:406 Letter of administration granted to: widow Sarah, and Joshua Lasell, Amenia Precinct, yeoman. March 20, 1784


10/4/1781 NY 12:317 Mentions: wife Jane; sons Samuel, George, Robert; daughters Sarah Kelsey, Ruth CleavelancL Executors: son Samuel, Isaac Darrow. Witnesses: James Reynolds, Silas Marsh Jr., of Poghkeepsie, gentleman, Silas Marsh. Probated: June 3, 1784 See also: F:942


JONES, Joshua, late



TL Tax list Washington 1787.




JUDSON, Samuel


4/12/1777 NY 9:193 Mentions: wife Abigail; sons Azariah, Samuel, Noah; Hannah, Sarah, Sussannah, Mary, Elizabeth. Executors: Deacon Moses Barlow, brother-in-law Noah Pratt. Witnesses: Azariah Pratt, Ebenezer Knibloe of Litchfield, Conn., clerk, David Judson. Probated: Jan. 31, 1780 See also: F:940


KENEY, Stephen

Crum Elbow

5/14/1756 DC A:240 Mentions: wife Drusillah; daughter Anna; sons Stephen, Jessey Roswell, Nathaniel, Didymus. Refers to: land in Deleware purchase. Executors: wife, Abraham Adams. Witnesses: Amos, Asa and Sara Thompson. Probated: March 18, 1791. On March 15, 1791 Sara Mead late Sara Thompson of Washington acknowledged her signature.


KEYES, Samuel, late TL Tax list - Washington 1787.




8/27/1787 DC A:183 Mentions: Bequeath to the Society of which the Reverend Mr. Knibloe was formerly minister, a bond against Dr. Jeremiah Cooper. Book accounts to friend Nathan Barlow. Witnesses: Solomon Armstrong, Samuel and Nathan Barlow. Probated: March 2, 1790 Executors: Nathan Elisha Barlow.


KING, Samuel


10/12/1777 NY 12:359 Mentions: wife Rebackah; sons Samuel, Nathaniel; daughters Deborah, Rebackah. Executors: wife, Ephman Pain who refused to act, therefore, John King of Berkshire, Mass, principal creditor was appointed administrator.



Witnesses: Robert Hebard, Dutchess Co., farmer, Jesse Pike. Probated: July 17, 1784 See also: F:997


KOEN, Samuel, estate TL Tax list Amenia 1763-1767.




LESTER, Mordecai, widow of

[See Crankhyt.]

TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1753-1756.


LEWIS, Daniel

4/17/1798 DC B:120 Mentions: wife Abigail; sons Jonathan, Daniel Jr., daughters Phebe Smith wife of Isaac Smith, Hannah; sisters Mary Lewis, Mercy Hart; negro slaves Adonijah, Lada or Tada. Refers to: land in Pleasant Valley deeded to him by Joseph Casten which he deeded to Peter Stringham. Executors: friend Jesse Thompson, wife Abigail, son Daniel Jr., son-in-law Isaac Smith. Witnesses: George W. Lewis, Elias Adsit, Benjamin Lewis. Probated: September 26, 1798


11/10/1800 DC B:244 Mentions: father Israel Lewis; brother Benjamin Lewis; Judith Sutherland; sister Jemima Stewart and her husband Henry Stewart. Executors: friend Henry I. Stewart. Witnesses: Israel Lewis Jr. ; Henry Stewart, Judith Sutherland. Probated: Jan. 10, 1801


LEWIS, Jacob, estate

LEWIS, Daniel I.



TL Tax list Clinton 1786.

536 166.

Estates LIVINGSTON, John, estate TL Tax list Clinton 1787.


LOSEE, Simeon

1/22/1784 NY 12:331 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons James, Nathaniel; daughters Sarah, Phebe, Anna; an expected child. Executors: brother James Losee, Jesse Oakley. Witnesses: John Platt, farmer, James Pettet, Elizabeth Golden. Probated: June 19, 1784 See also: F:1077


3/9/1762 NY 6:211 Mentions: wife Hester; children Abraham, Mary, Sarah. Executors: brother Peter Lott of N.Y. and his son, nephew Abraham. Witnesses: Jacob R. Everson, Benj. Knight, Paulus Mauerer. Probated: Jan. 18, 1763 See also: F:1038; estate - tax list Charlotte 1763.




5/9/1796 DC B:158 Mentions: wife Jemima; sons Jonathan, Titus, John, Richard, Peter, Samuel; daughters Sarah, Jane Mott, Hannah Merritt, Mary Ketchan; grandchildren Samuel and Phebe of my son Titus, grandchildren Israel, James, Philip, Zebulon, Joseph, David, Hannah, Sarah, Mary all of my daughter Mary Ketcham; Meeting of Nine Partners. Executors: Samuel Mabbett of Washington, sons Jonathan and Richard. Witnesses: John Titus, Ruth Ray, Eleanor Stone, Probated: May 8, 1799


MABBETT, Samuel, merchant


LOTT, Henry, esquire




NY 14:349 Letter of administration granted to: son Joseph S., Washington Precinct, merchant. March 7, 1787




MASTEN, Aart, yeoman


8/29/1783 NY 13:276 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons Jacobus, Samuel, Jeremiah, Abraham, Peter, John; daughter Maria wife of Johannis Van Aken, Geertje, Elizabeth wife of Gideon van Aken, Anateje wife of John Cammel; grandchildren Mary, Marretje, Elizabeth daughters of son Dirck. Executors: Dirck van Vliet, Abraham Freligh, son Samuel. Witnesses: Johannis Freligh, Moses Powell, Abraham Freligh, Dutchess Co., farmer. Probated: October 11, 1785 See also: F:1205




5/19/1780 NY 9:215 Mentions: Peter Gilchrist of Woodbury, Conn. Executor: Peter Gilchrist. Witnesses: Job Mead, captain, & King Mead, yeoman, both of Amenia. Probated: April 11, 1781 See also: F:1195


MEAD, Joshua, estate TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1758-1762.


5/21/1760 NY 6:292 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Nehemiah, Joseph, Phillipp, Noah; daughter Sarah. Executors: brothers Enos and Jonathan Mead both of Crum Elbow. Witnesses: Samuel Barker, Samuel Barker Jr., both of Dutchess, yeoman and Freelove Barker. Probated: Oct. 1, 1760 See also: F:1138; estate - tax list Crum ElbowCharlotte 1760-1769.


MILLER, Burnet

MEAD, Nehemiah, yeoman


Crum Elbow


6/4/1796 F:1236 wife Lucretia; sons Jason, Guidon, John, Thomas, Eleazer; grandson John son of da. Phebe; daughters Mary, Elizabeth, Phebe, Ruth; granddaughter Harriet Lucretia Smith, children of dec'd son Burnet, vizt. Elizabeth, Moriah, Marget, Lucretia.


Estates Refers to: land near Plattsburgh. Executors: sons John, Thomas, Eleazer. Witnesses: Lot Carman, William Carskadan, Jonathan Marriot. Probated: Jan. 17, 1799


4/12/1775 NY 9:204 Mentions: wife Elizebeth; son James; daughter Mary Hunt; grandson William Baerd. Executor: wife. Witnesses: Lewis Barton, James Hall, wheelwright of Dutchess Co., Kezia Hall. Probated: August 23, 1780 See also: F:1185; widow of - tax list Charlotte 1778-1779.


MILLS, Ephraim, yeoman


11/20/1766 NY 7:274 Mentions: sons Ephraim, Samuel; daughters Bathiah, Susannah, Mary, Hannah, Phebe; grandchildren Susannah, Stephen, John children of dec'd son William Mills; son-in-law John Earls. Executors: Obe Griffen, Joshua Height. Witnesses: James Germond, Dutchess Co., yeoman, John Hadden, Isaac Huff. Probated: Jan. 15, 1769 See also: F:1153


MILLS, Zebulon


[no date] DC AA:68 Mentions: wife Ann; son Hezekiah, daughter Susannah Messenger; two eldest children, [not named] of son Hezekiah; 3 children of Jacob Peterson; 2 children of daughter Ann deceased. Executors: Cornelius Umphry Esq., Samuel Smith. Witnesses: Thomas Stillwell, [ ? ] Demote.




MILLER, James, yeoman


2/8/1786 DC A:366 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; daughters Martha Palmer, Abigail Fintch, Elizabeth Reynolds; sons Tripp, Philip, Samuel, Esik, Israel. Executors: sons Tripp, Esik. Witnesses: Benjamin Church, William White, Ira Gardner. Probated: September 5, 1793

Estates 180.


MOSHER, Hugh, estate TL Tax list Charlotte 1763-1777.


MOTT, James, estate TL Tax list Charlotte 1772-1778.


MOTT, Joseh, yeoman

9/28/1762 NY 6:375 Mentions: wife Chatharina; sons Joseph (who has son Joseph and other children), Samuel, Richard, Jacob; daughters Martha wife of James Vollentine, Jane wife of Timothy Smith, Elisebeth wife of Samuel Smith, Jemima wife of John Connon Refers to: land in Great Nine Partners. Executors: brother Jacob Mott of Queens Co., Lawrence Maston of L.I. Witnesses: Tobias Stoutenburgh of Charlotte, merchant, Johann George Rimpp, Catharina Stoutenburgh. Probated: Feb. 16, 1765 See also: F:1143; estate - tax list Charlotte 1765-1779.


8/22/1799 DC B:194 Mentions: son Thomas; daughters Abigail, Elizabeth, Hannah. Executors: sons Preson and Joseph. Witnesses: Cyrinus Crosby, William Jinks, John Freeman. Probated: October 22, 1799


10/4/1789 DC A:155 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Leonard, Josuha, Arnold. Refers to: 500 acres given him by New York State for serving in the U. S. Army. Executors: brother Francis and brother-in-law Reuben Moss. Witnesses: Ananasis Willsie, Samuel Coonley, Elizabeth Nelson. Probated: December 11, 1789

MYGATT, Thomas








9/20/1770 DC A:443 Mentions: wife Meriam; daughters Christina, Mary, Ann, Lucretia; son Justice; JoshuaMors. Executors: [none named] Witnesses: Robert Skinner, Reuben Nelson, Theophilus Nelson. Probated: February 18, 1795 The witnesses had all been dead for some years. See also: Estate - tax list Charlotte 1771-1777; widow 1778-1779.


Mamaroneck, 10/3/1737 N.Y. NY 3:239 Mentions: wife Ruth; Sibel wife of Isaac Gedney, Exana, Gloriana, Esther, Ruth, Mary; sons Maher-Sholalhashbez, Thomas, Enoch, Elijah, Shadrach. Refers to: land in Nine Partners 200 acres to each of the first 3 sons listed above and 100 acres to fourth son. Executors: brother Francis Nelson and brother-inlaw John Gedney. Witnesses: John Holmes, George Dennis, Samuel Purdy. Probated: March 23, 1738/9


4/30/1776 NY 13:213 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Francis, Reuben R. ; daughters Zeba wife of Smith Rowland, Susannah wife of Henry Neely, Mary, Ann, Elizabeth. Executors: wife and sons. Witnesses: P. D. Witt, John Pauling of Dutchess farmer, Albartus Sickner. Probated: October 22, 1785 See also: F:1255; estate - tax list Clinton 1786.


10/31/1785 F:1260 Mentions: wife Mary; daughters Catherine, Sarah wife of Gilbert Williams Jr Mary; sons Theophilus, Charles, David, George, Stephen, Joshua. Executors: wife, son Charles, John D. Witt Jr. Witnesses: Rachel Van Dyck, Francis Williams of Clinton, Dutchess Co. yeoman, John D. Witt Jr. Probated: Feb. 3, 1787

NELSON, Mephibosheth


NELSON, Polycarpus, yeoman

NELSON, Reuben, yeoman

NELSON, Theophilus






NEWCOMB, Zaccheus


1790 DC A:258 Mentions: wife Sara; sons Christian, Thomas, Daniel, John, Zaccheus; daughters Sara, Ruth, Mary, Charlotte. Also mentions 100 acres to each of the following: William Tillow "who now lives with me", Zaccheus Meadow, Samuel Holcombe, and James Newcombe son of Zaccheus. Refers to: farm formerly belonging to Bartholomew Noxon, forfeited; farm I bought of Jacob Everson. Also mentions acreage in Esopus Patent. Executors: sons Christian and Thomas Witnesses: Martin Wilse, Oliver Wilkenson. Probated: April 1, 1790


NICKERSON, Thomas, farmer


2/7/1798 DC B:145 Mentions: wife Mercy; sons Thomas, Ebenezer; daughter Chloe wife of Henry McLean; grandchildren Benjamin, James, Chloe, Sussannah children of dec'd son James; grandchildren Jeremiah, Mercy, Virtue children of son Thomas; grandchildren Mercy, Henry, James, John children of daughter Chloe. Refers to: 18 acres adjoining DeGraff's land [deed described] & John Budd. Executors: son Ebenezer. Witnesses: Lawrence S. Van Kleeck, Smith Thompson, Gilbert Livingston. Probated: Feb. 7, 1799


NORRIS, Samuel, widow of TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1754-1755.


2/12/1784 DC A:267 wife [not named]; sons Bartholomew, Peter, James, Benjamin, Robert; daughters Gertrude Losie, and Fanny. Oldest son Thomas, son Simon and his daughter Margaret were dead. Mentions granddaughters Elizabeth Losie and Margaret Noxon daughter of Peter; also mentions Abraham Gooding and his wife Eleanor of New Castle, Delaware and the heirs of William and Catherine Harris late of Dutchess Co.

NOXON, Bartholomew Mentions:



Estates Executors: sons James, Benjamin, Robert. Witnesses: John Delong, David and Peter Brill. Probated: July 9, 1791


OSTRANDER, John, estate TL Tax list Charlotte 1759-1761.


OSTRUM, John (Jan), estate TL Tax list Charlotte 1758-1777.


OWEN, Joshua for Everson estate TL Tax list Charlotte 1773-1778.


PAINE, Ephraim


8/03/1785 NY 13:227 Mentions: wife Mary; daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Chloe, Lucy; sons Ephraim, Abjah. Refers to: land in Whitesborough, Montgomery Co. Executors: wife, Ezra Thompson, Peter Garnsey. Witnesses: Samuel Thompson, Rebecah King, widow and Barnabas Paine. Probated: October 27, 1785 See also: F:1350


PAINE, Joshua


6/16/1774 NY 9:296 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons Ephraim, Barnabas; children of son Ichabod Sparrow Paine dec'd vizt: Rebecca, Joshua, Ichabod Sparrow; daughters Rebecca Dyer, Phebe Munro; brother-in-law Elisha Paine of L.I. Executors: wife, son Barnabas, Witnesses: Benjamin Doty of Amenia, yeoman, Eunice Wheeler, Soloman Wheeler. Probated: Oct. 6, 1775 See also: F:1327


PAINE, Joshua Jr.



11/9/1763 NY 6:289 First Church of Christ in Nine Partners; the parents; brothers Ephraim Paine, Ichabod Sparrow Paine, Barnabas Paine; sisters Rebacker Dyer, Phebe Hurd.



Executor: brother Ephraim Paine. Witnesses: Isaiah Williams, Elisha Cleveland of Amenia, farmer and James Betts. Probated: Jan. 3, 1764 See also: F:1317


PALMER, Ephraim


PALMER, James late

12/10/1774 NY 9:244 Mentions: wife Rachal; sons Silvanus, Uriah, Ephraim; daughters Abigail, Rachel, Gehannah, Darkis, Rebeckah. Executors: brothers Nehamiah Reynolds, Edward Palmer. Witnesses: David Hustead, Reuben Palmer, Silvas Duel Jr., both Charlotte farmers. Probated: Jan. 19, 1782 See also: F:1325 Charlotte

TL Tax list Washington 1787.


PALMER, Peter, widow of TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1753-1755. 4/14/1774 DC A:221 Mentions: wife Sara; sons (in order of age) Peter, John, Aaron, Israel; daughters Phoebe, Sara, Hannah, Anna, Mary. Executors: Samuel Butts, Solomon Height, wife Sam Witnesses: Elias Palmer, David, Samuel and Benj. Cook. Probated: February 5, 1791. On March 7, 1785 Samuel Cook, Quaker of Albany, acknowledged his signature. See also: NY 13:114; estate - tax list Charlotte 1777-1778.




PALMER, William, yeoman Mentions:


12/8/1785 NY 14:87 wife Reachel; sons William, Abraham, Reuben, Jacomiah, Gilbert, Edward; grandson Jeremiah son of dec'd son Ezekiel; granddaughters Sarah, Ruth daughters of same dec'd son; daughterin-law Sarah, widow of son Ezekiel; daughters Mary, Esther, Ame, Reachel, Charlotte


Estates Phebe; grandson James Palmer son of dau. Esther. Executors: sons William, Reuben. Witnesses: David Husted Jr., Samuel Palmer Jr. of Washington Prec., a Quaker and Amos Tubbs. Probated: Oct. 29, 1786. See also: F:1323


PANDERSON, Daniel, estate TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1758-1759.


PARKER, Henry, cooper



NY 12:411 Letter of administration granted to: Ezekiel Shearman, Rhode Island, cooper. July 1, 1784




9/2/1800 DC B:246 Mentions: brother Nathaniel; sister Mary; brother-in-law Eber Palmer. Refers to: land received from father and mother. Executors: brother Nathaniel Parks. Witnesses: George Harris, Israel Smith, Jonathan Marriott. Probated: Jan. 14, 1801


PECKAM, Reuben


7/19/1770 NY 8:43 Mentions: brother Samuel; friends Aaron Vail and his wife Martha receive the shoemakers shop and tanning equipment; friend Ruth Dakin dau. of Timothy Dakin of New Fairfield, Conn. Executors: Soloman Haight. Witnesses: Joshua Haight, Quaker; Gilbert Haight, Joshua Haight. Probated: Sept. 14, 1770 See also: F:1322


PELL, Thomas, Esq. Mentions:

Eastchester, N.Y.

9/11/1753 NY 4:476 wife Dorothy; young children Samuel, James, Dorothy, Rachel; sons Thomas,



Roger, John, David; daughters Sarah wife of Eamas Dodge, Mary wife of John Ward Jr.; Keziah [daughter?] wife of Isaac Lawrence; grandfather John Pell's silver items. Refers to: "My rights in the Nine Partners in Dutchess Co." to be sold by Executors. Executors: Caleb Pell, Dorothy Pell, David Pell. Witnesses: Nathan Palmer, Joseph Drake, Jonathan Archer, Joseph Stanton. Probated: Feb. 12, 1754


PER LEE [Parlee], Edward, estate TL Tax list Amenia 1769-1778.

2/4/1777 NY 9:299 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Abel, Richard, Charles, Morris, Hewlett, George, Samuel; daughter Jerushe wife of Jesse Oakly, Ruth, Sarah, Jemima, Molly wife of Joshua Halloc. Executors: wife, son Abel, son-in-law Jesse Oakley, Jacob Smith. Witnesses: George Sands, James Scott of Dutchess Co. yeoman, and Jemima Sands. Probated: Dec. 2, 1782 See also: F:1335; estate - tax list Charlotte 1778-1779.


PETERS, George, yeoman


PINKHAM, Richard


PROGUE, Matthew


6/4/1798 DC B:124 Mentions: sons Samuel, Ebenezer, Richard, Matthew; daughters Rhode Ward, Lydia Mosher, Mary, Phebe Arthur. Executors: sons Samuel, Ebenezer. Witnesses: Isaac Thorn, Joseph Griffen, Isaac Thorne Jr. Probated: Nov. 17, 1798 Washington

9/19/1795 DC A:496 Mentions: wife Anne; sons John Tobias Progue, Matthew Bartlett Progue; daughters Margaret Walderymere, Catherine and Mary Progue. Executors: son John, Jacob Waltmeyer. Stanford


Estates Witnesses: Matthew Progue, Jerry Progue, William Cash. Probated: November 2, 1795

QUICK, Guardius



7/28/1798 DC B:115 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons Guardius, Peter, James; daughter Margery wife of Israel Herrick; granddaughter Jemima daughter of son Guardius; children of my daughter Catherine the late wife of Richard Baker - Guardius, James, Catherine, William. Executors: sons Guardius, Peter and friend Jacob Smith. Witnesses: Isaac Bloom, William S. C. Willson, John Smith. Probated: Oct. 1, 1798


REYNOLDS, Hans, estate TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1753-1761.


REYNOLDS, Isaac, estate TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1756-1765.


REYNOLDS, Joseph 3rd. late TL Tax list Washington 1787.


REYNOLDS, Zephaniah


10/6/1798 DC B:122 Mentions: brothers and sisters [not named]. Executors: brothers Ezra and Peter Reynolds. Witnesses: John Little, Amon Canfield, Silas Canfield Jr. Probated: Nov. 3, 1798




10/1/1791 DC A:289 Mentions: wife Rachel; sons Samuel, John, Robert, William, Job; daughters Mary Ketcham, Sara Dunkin, Abigail Briggs, and Deliverance Haight; grandson Stephen son of son James, deceased. Executors: the 5 sons Samuel, John, Job, William, Robert.



Witnesses: Amos Auston, Eben Wilkinson, Stephen Herrick. Probated: December 8, 1791


RIMPH, George

2/14/1789 DC A:265 Mentions: wife Mary BarBary Rimph; sons George, James, Luke, Abraham, John, Peter; daughters Rebecca, Elizabeth, Rachel, Mary. Executors: sons George, James, Luke and my wife. Witnesses: Andrew Griggin, Frederick Bancker, Ebenezer Davis. Probated: July 2, 1791



11/5/1776 NY 14:20 Mentions: sons Richerd, John, Benjamin; daughters Charity Hustis, Easter Nelson, Ann Korren. Executors: son Benjamin, Capt. Calip Nelson, Witnesses: Gilbert Budd farmer, Richard Hopper, Nathaniel Sarles. Probated: July 4, 1786 See also: F:1426


ROSA, Arie, estate


Nine Pardners

TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1740-1745,


4/25/1786 DC A:12 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons, Nicholas, Garret, Conrad, Samuel; daughters Harriet, wife of Benjamin Delemater, Mary wife of Jedediah Chapman, Alanna wife of William Young. Refers to: land in Sharon, Ct. Executors: sons, Nicholas, Garret, Conrad. Witnesses: David Doty, Conrad Winegar, Sussanna Knies. Probated: July 3, 1787. On June 29, 1787 David Doty "a practitioner of Physick" of Litchfield, Conn. acknowledged his signature. ROW, Nicholas



548 223.

11/3/1795 DC B:11 Mentions: wife Catharine; daughter Catarhine; grandsons (children of daughter Catarhine) - Andress, Phillip, Peter, Row; Abb. Brow (indentured). Executors: friends Malechia Gates, Cyrenius Crosby. Witnesses: Conrad Winegar, Christopher Mosher, Elijah Roe. Probated: June 13, 1796


RUNDAL, Gilbert, estate

ROW, Phillip


TL Tax list Clinton 1786.


SEATON, widow TL Tax list Amenia 1774-1777.


SHARPSTONE, Jacob, farmer

12/14/1799 DC B:346 Mentions: wife Mary; sons Henry, Peter, John; daughters Margeret wife of John Cronkhite, Elizabeth wife of Henry Germon, Molly wife of George Cusoick, Catherine wife of George Barnhart; grandchildren of daughter Hannah dec'd John Harris, Daniel Bush, Jacob Bush; blackwoman Chat, black boy Calop. Executors: sons Henry, Peter, John, friend John Wallen. Probated: October 15, 1802


SHEAK, Johannis

1/15/1797 DC B:84 Mentions: wife Oppelona; sons Christian, John, Mica; daughters Barbara Happy, Rosannah Hoel. Executors: son John, Reuben Wyle. Witnesses: Nathaniel Powell, Frederick Ham, Isaac Underhill. Probated: Sept. 9, 1797


SHEPARD, Jonathan, widow of



TL Tax list Amenia 1763.


Estates 229.

SIMSON, Joseph, yeoman


9/17/1781 NY 9:236 Mentions: wife [not named]; a son and daughter [not named]. Executors: father Joseph Simson Sr., brothers Peter and James. Witnesses: Ananias Cooper, Alexander B. Thompson, Frederick Haver of said co., farmers. Probated: Nov. 1, 1781 See also: F:1610


SISSON, George, hatter



NY 13:385 Letter of administration granted to: father, Thomas yeoman, Charlotte Precinct. March 9, 1785


9/17/1784 NY 13:50 Mentions: wife [not named]; children Anna, Ezeriah, David, Elijah; children of da. Sarah. Refers to: land in Saulsbury. Executors: son Elijah. Witnesses: Stephen Jones, farmer in Dutchess Co., George Sornberger, Ichabod Paine, Probated: Nov. 11, 1784 See also: F:1629


SMITH, Jabis late

SMITH, Azariah


TL Tax list Washington 1787.


1/30/1755 NY 5:156 Mentions: wife Phebe; sons Thomas, Isaac; grandson Uriah Smith. Refers to: all land in Nine Partners left to son Thomas. Executors: son Isaac Smith. Witnesses: John Mitchell, Micah Smith, Isaac Smith. Probated: Mar. 15, 1757


SMITH, James, late

SMITH, Jacob

Hempstead, N.Y.

TL Tax list Washington 1787.

550 235.

Estates SMITH, Lockwood, late TL Tax list Washington 1787.


8/15/1793 NY 15:131 Mentions: wife Peggy; children Richbill Mott Smith, Melancton Smith, Sidney Smith, Phebe Smith. Executors: Ezekiel Robins, Seth Johnson, David Gelston. Witnesses: S. Denton, Samuel Forbes merchant, Peter Low. Probated: August 2, 1798. Executors refused to serve and Ezekiel Robins and John Swartwout, merchant were appointed to administer the estate.


4/1/1747 NY 4:125 Mentions: numerous heirs by name in a will related to holdings in Hempstead. Refers to: "my right in Lott 21 in the tract called Nine Partners in Dutchess Co. 'called Stessum' left to three sons Micah, Isaac, Richard; also 1/4 of Lott 18 owned by me and Joseph Mott and Mordecai Lester and my brother Jacob Smith; and my part in another lot [not named] to be sold." Executors: wife Phebe; good friends Richard Thorne and Robert Marvin. "and I make Mordecai Lester and Cornelius Van Wyck of Duchess Co, overseers." Probated: May 11, 1747


SMITH, Nathan, widow of

SMITH, Melancton, merchant

SMITH, Micah, gentleman

New York

Hempstead, N.Y.

TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1755,


SMITH, Nathan, yeoman, Crum Elbow 3/25/1759 NY 6:85 son of Nathan, Mentions: wife Rachel; son Nathan and other children [not named]. Executors: wife and brother James Smith, brother Isaac Smith mentioned. Witnesses: John Adams, Samuel Bemon , Joseph Powell, yeoman.

Estates Probated: See also:


May 18, 1761 F:1546; estate - tax list Crum Elbow 1760-1762; and Amenia 1762-1765?


SMITH, Platt


11/1/1798 DC B:129 Mentions: wife Polly; sons Abraham, Uriah; daughter Jerusha. Executors: wife Polly; father-in-law Abraham Miller; brothers Philip and Isaac, friend Stephen Mead of County of Washington. Witnesses: Gilbert Smith, Michael Lounsbruy, Jesse Thompson. Probated: Jan. 4, 1799


SMITH, Reuben


5/25/1756 NY 5:418 Mentions: wife and children [not named]. Executors: wife, brothers Nathan Smith and Jonathan Lockwood. Witnesses: Daniel Wright, Isaac Burton, Joseph Powell. Probated: Oct. 18, 1758 See also: F:1532


6/17/1785 NY 13:234 Mentions: children Daniel, Robert, George, Samuel, Cathrain. Executors: sons Daniel and Robert and Samuel Mott. Witnesses: James Valentine, William Gay, Dutchess Co. farmers, John Laroy. Probated: Nov. 7, 1785 See also: F:1633


4/15/1786 NY 13:361 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Samuel, Israel, Waters; daughters Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary Executors: wife, son Samuel, brother Israel Smith. Witnesses: James Jackson, William R. Sutherland, Henry S. Platte of said co., farmer, Probated: May 15, 1786 See also: F:1636


SMITH, Silas, estate

SMITH, Samuel, yeoman

SMITH, Samuel



TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1757-1758.




SORNBURY (Sorenburger), Jury (Jacob), estate TL Tax list Amenia 1762-1768.


6/29/1776 Great Nine NY 12:214 Partners Mentions: wife Lydia; son Rouland; grandson Joseph son of dec'd son George; daughter Margaret, her five daughters not named; children of dec'd daughter Lydia [not named]. Executor: son Rouland. Witnesses: John White, Elijah Hoag, yeoman. Probated: Feb. 28, 1784 See also: F:1597




6/14/1793 DC B:1 Mentions: wife Crintia; son Benjamin; daughter Mary Lester; grandson Joseph Southard; great grandson Joseph Wording; Elisabeth mother of Joseph Wording. Executors: son Benjamin, Jacob Carle, Isaac Balding. Witnesses: Uriah Mitchell, John W. Allen, John Sedar. Probated: Apr. 12, 1796


STORM, Joris


2/28/1786 DC A:102 Mentions: daughter Sarah; Susannah Storm daughter of son Robert deceased. Executors: John Montross Thurston, John R. Storms. Witnesses: Peter Storm, Moses Jenkins, Mich. Gaberell. Probated: October 24, 1788




SOULE, George, blacksmith

1/24/1770 NY 8:85 Mentions: wife Margaret; sons William, Jacobus, John, Peter, Luke; daughters Annatje, Margaret. Executors: sons William, John, Luke. Witnesses: John Barrack, Christian Dob, James Livingston of Poughkeepsie, gentleman. Probated: Dec. 19, 1772 See also: F:1578; estate - tax list Charlotte 1772-1778; widow 1777-1779.


Estates 250.

STRAIGHT, Frederick

11/22/1781 NY 13:147 Mentions: wife Catherine; sons Frederick, Lodawick; daughters Christen (Catherine?) Ham, Margaret Ule; children of son George dec'd; children of daughter Maddalan Bander dec'd; children of daughter Mary Eckert dec'd; grandsons Counodt Ham, Casper Ham; granddaughter Maddleen Moore; son-in-law Frederick Ham. Refers to: land in Charlotte Precinct to son Frederick. Executors: son Frederick Straight; son-in-law Counradt Ham. Witnesses: Peter Eckert, Abraham Fredenbrugh, Hugh Willson. Probated: April 26, 1785 See also: F:1611 Rhynbeck


[See Estate #306.]


[See Estate #307.]


3/30/1723 NY 11:174 Mentions: wife Catherine; daughter Elizabeth; sons John, Hendrick, Lancaster, Richard; grandson Richard Greed son of dec'd daughter Catherine Green. Executors: wife, John Hendrick, Adolph Philipps, Esquire. Witnesses: Samuel Bayard, Richard Stillwell, Frederick Morris. Codicil: Mar. 28, 1727 - testator now in Albany. Land near Haverstraw, Orange Co. disposed differently, also all children and the grandson became executors. Probated: Dec. 1, 1729 See also: F:1484


THOMSON, Asa, estate

SYMES, Lancaster, gentleman


TL Tax list Washington 1777-1787.


THOMPSON, Samuel, widow of TL Tax list Crum Elbow - Charlotte 17531768.




11/22/1796 DC B:43 Mentions: wife Dorothy; sons Isaac, Obadiah; daughters Else, Mary, Miriam, Hannah Holmes, Anna Cromwell; grandson Jacob Titus. Executors: brothers William Thorn and Isaac Thorn, sons Obadiah and Isaac. Witnesses: Timothy Pinkham, Jacob Thorn, Edward Griffen. Probated: Feb. 13, 1797


8/9/1769 NY 7:353 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Jacob, William, Isaac; daughters Hannah, Phebe Griffen; grandson Isaac Deuel; cousin Phebe Smith; granddaughter Patience Deuel. Executors: sons Jacob, William and Mica Griffen. Witnesses: Joseph Griffen, Edward Griffen & Joseph Thorn of Amenia, yeoman. Probated: Nov. 4, 1769 See also: F:1718; widow of - tax list Charlotte 1770-1778


THORNE, Joseph, estate

THORN, Jacob




TL Tax list Crum Elbow - Charlotte 1760-1770.


THURSTON, Samuel, weaver



Richmond Co. NY 13:391 Letter of Administration granted to: nephew John M. Thurston, yeoman, Charlotte Precinct. Nov. 23, 1785

TOBIAS, Christian

11/10/1776 NY 8:348 Mentions: wife Ruth; sons Christian, Jacob, Frederick, Thomas, Isaac, Joseph; daughters Elizabeth wife of Samuel Badgelly; Sarah wife of Zacciues Newcomb who have children James and Mary. Refers to: land in Filkintown. Executors: sons Christian and son-in-law Zaccheus Newcomb. Witnesses: Abel Peters, Ezekiel Whitney and Daniel Charlotte



Probated: See also:

Hamill of said precinct, schoolmaster. May 14, 1776 F:1734


4/22/1792 DC A:436 Mentions: granddaughters Hannah Tomkins, Rebecca Schriver, Martha Deboys, Jude Hardin; grandsons Joseph Horton, James Tomkins; also Caleb son of Charles Manning and Abigail and Martha Wig daughters of John Wig. Executors: John Wig, John Manning. Witnesses: Daniel South, David Ring, Stephen Schriver. Probated: December 24, 1794


TRAVER, Nicholas, estate

TOMKINS, Martha wife of Caleb


TL Tax list Crum Elbow - Charlotte 17531768.




12/2/1795 DC A:514 Mentions: wife Margaret; sons Henry, Adam, Jacob, David, Peter, Martines; daughters Elizabeth wife of Peter Eckert, Ana Maria wife of Jerry Dederick, Catherine wife of Jacob Eckert, Christina wife of William Teel, Lena wife of Garret Dederick Executors: sons Jacob and Henry and Abraham Frelaigh. Witnesses: Cornelius Van Vliet, Cornelius Ostrum, John Lamoree. Probated: January 29, 1796


TRAVIS, Daniel, husbandman


10/14/1799 DC B:202 Mentions: wife Amy; sons Richard, Justus, Gilbert, Griffen, David, Isaac; daughters Martha, Sarah, Jeminmah, Amy. Executors: trusty friends, my wife Amy, Daniel Derram & son Richard. Witnesses: Thomas Hall, Increase Jackson, Morris Carman. Probated: Dec. 11, 1799




3/13/1791 DC A:245 Mentions: wife Martha; sons Isaac, Abraham, John, Jacob and Richard; daughters Rachel wife of John Hilliker, Ann wife of Samuel Mills, Rebecca wife Ephriam Jackson, Mary wife of Hendrick Phillips, Sara, Elizabeth. Executors: wife Martha, son Isaac, friend Abel Peters. Witnesses: Samuel Every, Abel and William Peters. Probated: April 5, 1791


TRIP, John, estate

TRAVIS, Thomas


TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1747-1748.


11/19/1774 DC B:13 Mentions: sons John, Samuel; daughters Rebeckah Deuel, Phebe Tripp, Mercy Tripp. Executor: son Samuel. Witnesses: Caleb Mosher, Philip Mosher, Enock Mosher. Probated: July 2, 1796


TRIPP, Timothy, estate

TRIPP, Susannah

Nine Partners

TL Tax list Crum Elbow-Charlotte 17591775. (becomes John)


TRIPP, Timothy, widow of TL Tax list Charlotte 1773-1779. (becomes Samuel)


UHL, Margaret, widow TL Tax list Clinton 1786.


UNDERHILL, Thomas Mentions:

Nine Partners

10/15/1800 DC B:293 wife Marcy; son Joel; daughters Debara, Sarah, Easter, Mary, Elizabeth; son and daughter of his daughter Hanah; Thomas Frost.



Executors: son Joel, son-in-law Stephen Halsted, Jr. Witnesses: Daniel Dean, Garet Burtis. Probated: December 4, 1801


VAN CAMPEN (Van Camp), Jacob, estate TL Tax list Crum Elbow 1742-1746.


VANDENBOGERT, Cornelius, estate TL Tax list Charlotte 1765-1771.


VAN DUSEN, Dirck, estate TL Tax list Amenia 1777-1778.


VAN DUSEN, Jacob, farmer

2/19/1790 DC B:73 Mentions: sons Abraham, Matthew; daughter Jemima Palmer; grandson Jacob Van Dusen eldest son of my eldest Derick dec'd; grandson Charles Van Dusen; granddaughter Rachel White; sister-in-law Jane Dutcher. Refers to: Lott #28. Executors: son Abraham, Nemiah Reynolds. Witnesses: James Tanner, Joseph Belding; Timoth Badcock. Probated: August 31, 1797


7/19/1751 NY 4:462 Mentions: sons Francis, Peter, Cornelius; daughters Magdalena wife of Jost Garrison, Margaret wife of Richbald Williams, Catalinta; grandson Jacobus son my son Jacobus dec'd; brother Richard. Refers to: land in Nine Partners (deed description). Executors: Jost Garrison, daughter Magdalena, Richbald Williams, daughter Margaret, daughter Catalinta, Witnesses: Edward Man, N.Y.C. cooper, Benjamin Payne, Abraham De Forest, Probated: Nov. 19, 1753 See also: F:413 VAN DYCK, Francis, yeoman


Crum Elbow


558 275.



8/26/1799 DC B:428 Mentions: wife Rachel; daughters Lydia wife of Rudolph Van Hoevanbergh, Rosella wife of Aren Lommeree, Amy wife of Cornelius Dumont; sons Elijah, Peter Jr., John. Refers to: 2 lots of land (78 & 54 acres) to sons: map attached. Executors: wife Rachel, sons Peter Jr. and John. Witnesses: Jeremiah Smith, Sara Smith, Jno. D'Witt. Probated: March 25, 1804




1/23/1796 DC B:236 Mentions: wife Lana; sons Cornelius, John, Dirck, Hendrick; daughters Catherine, Garitie, Annatie, Elizabeth, Lana, Ledia, Mary. Executors: sons Cornelius, Dirck, Hendrick. Witnesses: Daniel Doughty, Hezekiah Collins, Sary Willoum. Probated: Dec. 27, 1800


VAN WAGENEN, Nicholas, yeoman Charlotte

11/6/1769 NY 8:77 Mentions: wife Hester daughter of Jan De Graff dec'd; sons Evert, John, Nicholas, Gerret; daughters Hellegontre wife of Johannis Bush, Elizabeth wife of Joseph Hagaman, Sarah wife of Johannis Van Eden and Janneke; brother Gerret van Wagenen. Executors: wife, the four sons and the three sonsin-law. Witnesses: Enoch Lester, Samuel Cooke Dutchess Co., physician, Hendrick Pele. Probated: Feb. 10, 1772 See also: F:1882


VAIL, Aaron


11/27/1775 DC A:42 Mentions: wife, Martha; sons Moses, Aaron, Benjamin, Jacob, William, Samuel, Joseph; daughter, Anne. Refers to: farm leased from David Johnson. Executors: sons, Moses, Aaron. Witnesses: Solomon Haight, Edward Pommer, Tripp Mosher. Probated: Jan. 25, 1788


Estates 279.

5/7/1791 DC A:427 Mentions: wife Lydia; sons Solomon, Jacob, Isaac, Moses, Tiddeman, George; daughters Hannah, Philorn. Refers to: saw mill to be sold. Executors: Tiddeman Hull Jr., Isaac Duell, son Solomon. Witnesses: Joshua Hallock, Gilbert Griffin, Tiddeman Hull. In codicil February 2, 1794 he adds sons Jacob and Isaac as executors. Gilbert Griffin, Isaac Hallock, Shadrack Ricketson were witnesses. Probated: December 11, 1794


VAN VOORHIS, Sarah widow of Johannis 10/4/1770 Dutchess DC AA:60 Mentions: son John Hegeman; children of John Hegeman by his first wife, children of son Henry Hegeman, children of son Joseph Hegeman, children of Henry Lott deceased, children of William Allen deceased by his first wife. Executors: Abraham Losey, Joseph Hegeman. Witnesses: Jacob Everson, Harris Griffen, Joseph Hegeman. Probated: November 16, 1773


VELIE, Barnet

8/1/1796 DC B:31 Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Ezekiel, Minard, Hendrick, Robert; daughter Sarah; grandson Minard Dean; negro girl Nanee. Executors: sons Ezekiel, Mynard, Hendrick, Robert, Witnesses: Daniel S. Dean, Joseph Dean, Joseph Woolley. Probated: December 3, 1796



VAIL, Isaac



4/11/1796 DC B:18 Mentions: wife [not named]; sons David, Johannis, George, Jacob, Micall; daughters Elizabeth Garrett; Catherine Teel, Barbara Coonley; Lutheran Church in Wittenburgh. Refers to: land adjoining land of Nathan Case; also land in Little Nine Partners now in possession of son Micall. Executors: friend William Cash, son George. Witnesses: Nathaniel Cheesman, farmer, Evardus Bogardus, Philip Bogardus. Probated: Sept. 10, 1796




6/26/1798 DC B:214 Mentions: wife Johanna; sons Stephen, James, Luis; daughters Amy Bishop, Elizabeth Seares, Lydia, Abagail, Johanah, Huldah. Refers to: Kapp farm adjoining and the Doty farm. Another farm on the road between Amenia and Kent bounded by Sylvannus Nye, Elijah Reed, Moses Barlow. Other farms also described. Executors: Walter Lathrop of Amenia. Witnesses: Elisha Barlow, Thomas Barlow, Thomas Barlow, Jr. Probated: April 3, 1800


WATSON, Levi, Jr., drummer in the NY 14:340 5th N.Y. Reg't Letter of Administration granted to: Lewis Barton, Washington Precinct, physician, attorney of Levi Watson. father of the deceased. Dated: April 11, 1786


WEGER, Hans Jury, estate

WARREN, Stephen


TL Tax list Crum Elbow-Charlotte 17581765.




9/2/1774 NY 9:194 Mentions: wife Sarah; daughters Elizabeth, Joanna; sons Elijah, Cyrus M., William, Nathan A., Robert K. Executors: wife, brother Eliphalet Wheeler, Witnesses: Peter Mills, Martin Delamatter, Oliver Fuller. Probated: Sept. 22, 1774 See also: F:2074




1/6/1766 DC AA:50 Mentions: wife [not named]; daughters Mary Benton, Jerusha, Sarah; sons Elijah, Eliphelit, Edward, Samuel. Executors: Samuel and Eliphelit Wheeler. Witnesses: Ezra Murray, Luther Washbourne, Samuel Frisk.

Estates 288.


WHEELER, Thomas, estate TL Tax list Crum Elbow - Amenia 1758-1765.


WHEELER, Valentine, captain Amenia

8/10/1782 NY 9:287 Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Josiah, Ephraim, John; daughter Catherine. Refers to: land near Connecticut line. Executors: wife Sarah. Witnesses: Edward Wheeler, George Wheeler, John Chamberlain, Physician of Amenia, Catherine Wheeler and Anna Conant both of Pawling Precinct. Probated: Sept. 18, 1782


WHITE, Abner

6/30/1794 DC A:423 Mentions: Ruth; sons James, Charles William, and Thomas; daughters Mary Harris, Ruty Merritt; grandsons Thomas and Jeremiah Doughty. Executors: Charles, William, Silas Duell Jr. Witnesses: Isaac Boyer, Matthew Boomer, Timothy Tripp. Probated: November 14, 1794


7/15/1784 NY 12387 Mentions: wife Rebecca; daughters Rebecca, Elisabeth, Johanna; sons Jacob, Zopher, Silas, Joel, David. Executors: wife, sons Jacob and Silas and Isaac Bloom. Witnesses: Isaac Bloom of Dutchess Co., merchant, Samuel Smith, John Stilwell. Probated: August 21, 1784 See also: F:2099; estate - tax list Clinton 1786.


6/11/1793 DC A:355 Mentions: wife Mary; son Reuben; daughter Mary Quick. Executors: son Reuben, Nathaniel Powell. Witnesses: Henry Gildersleeve, Isaac Lyon, Elnathan Lyon. Probated: July 1, 1793

WICKES, Daniel





562 293.

Estates WILDE, Obadiah, farmer



NY 14:340 Letter of Administration granted to: widow Sarah; son-in-law Timothy Rogers, farmer both of Clinton Precinct. March 29, 1786




4/06/1786 NY 13;360 Mentions: wife Ruth; sons Oen, David, Jonathan, Daniel; daughters Rachel, Mary, Sarah, Ruth. Executors: sons David and Jonathan. Witnesses: Jabez Smith, John Blayney farmer, Tripp Mosher, farmer. Probated: May 19, 1786 See also: F:2102; estate - tax list Washington 1787


WILLBOR, Robert, yeoman


4/13/1779 NY 9:278 Mentions: wife Freelove; sons Samuel, Clark, Brownen, Obediah, Car; daughters Phebe Crandel, Freelove Hod, Elisabeth; grandsons William, Robert, Benjamin sons of dec'd son Benjamin; grandsons Button, John sons of dec'd son Robert. Refers to: Farm bought of tailor John Mott. Executors: sons Clark, Brownen, Witnesses: Job Taber, Thomas Tripp and Stephen Pratt of said Prect. Yeoman Probated: June 28, 1782 See also: F:2085




7/2/1796 DC B:164 Mentions: sons Gideon, Thomas, Enoch; daughters Hannah Scoby, Betty Mosher; grandchildren Miriam, Noah, Samuel of my son Samuel; grandson William Scoby; granddaughter Sarah Reynolds. Executors: Thomas and Enoch. Witnesses: Silas Deuel Jr., Robert Barton, Tripp Mosher. Probated: May 22, 1799 See also: DC AA:142




WILLIAMS, Thomas, merchant Nine Partners 5/20/1797 DC B:209 Mentions: sister Sarah Williams; Lucretia Hunger, Uncle John Williams of No. Hempstead; cousin Phebe Williams. Executors: Willet Seaman, Isaac Doty both of N.Y.C. and Valentine Williams of No. Hempstead. Witnesses: Wm. Depeyster, Isaac Wright, Elizabeth Doty. Probated: Feb. 15, 1800


WILLIAMSON, Winant, yeoman



NY 13:383 Letter of Administration granted to: son Othniel, yeoman Beekman's Precinct. Jan. 26, 1785


WILSON, Justus, yeoman


4/10/1781 NY 9:234 Mentions: wife Elisabeth; brothers Samuel, Andrew, Thomas. Executors: wife and brother Thomas. Witnesses: Saml. Thompson, James Reynolds, and Stephen Herrick of said precinct, carpenter. Probated: May 18, 1781 See also: F:2092


WILSON, Samuel


10/18/1760 DC AA:40 Mentions: daughters Jemina Phelps, Sarah Holly; grandson Caleb Waddam son of daughter Keziah Clarry; granddaughter Mary Wilson daughter of Ebenezer Wilson deceased, granddaughter Esther Wilson daughter of Ebenezer. Also mentions James Clarry. Also Elizabeth Daly late of Sharon. Executors: James Cleary, Captain Stephen Hopkins. Witnesses: Richard Shonalear, Anna Daly, Joshua Paine.




5/26/1769 NY 7:305 Mentions: mother; cousins Charles and Mary Blowers. Executors: Charles and Mary Blowers, cousins. Witnesses: Joseph Winslow of said Co., farmer, James Mott, James Mott, Jr. Probated: March 22, 1770 See also: F:2148


WHEELER, Eunice, widow of Thomas

YOUEN, Benjamin

Nine Partners

TL Tax list Amenia 1765-1771.




4/19/1800 DC B:280 Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Jacob, William, Joseph, Samuel; grandson Jacob. Executors: wife Hannah. Witnesses: Archibald Ross, John Hoofout, Robert Benson. Probated: May 4, 1801


CREPSOR, Johannis


4/22/1800 DC B:479 Mentions: sons Johannis Jr., Albertus, Sebastiaan; children of son Jacob dec'd Sebastiaan, David, John, Maria; daughter Margaret wife of Frederick Shultz; negro wench Nan who he manumits. Refers to: land in Clinton, description and map included. Executors: my friend DeWitt, Michael Kokenham. Witnesses: John Armstrong carpenter of Poughkeepsie, Jesse Tracy, Andrew DeWitt. Probated: December 11, 1804




5/29/1795 DC D:137 Mentions: wife Sarah; daughters Livina, Eunice; son Jethro; children of son Isreal dec'd - Joseph, Anna, Stephen, Isreal. Refers to: farm in Stanford on which he lived. Executors: son Jethro, brother-in-law William White, Washington. Witnesses: Abraham Stoutenburgh, John Farmer, George Waltemyre. Probated: August 31, 1812









1/20/1798 DC D:555 Mentions: son Henry; nephew David Gifford. Executors: brother Solomon Sutherland, brother-inlaw Rowland Gifford. Witnesses: Zebulon Noney, Thomas Woods, Jesse Adsit. Probated: November 17, 1814





VAN FLEET [Van Vliet], Come- Charlotte 6/1/1763 F:1867 lius, gentleman Mentions: brothers Dirck, Johannes, Benjamin; sister Anna Ostrom; cousins Cornelius Van Fleet, Arey Van Vleet. Executors: Dirck Van Fleet, John Ostrom, Thomas Gareson. Witnesses: Jacob Clyne, Mary Hagaman.

9/18/1777 NY 9:215 Mentions: wife Desire; sons John, Eseck, Jenevery, Riscom, Sims, Lois, Nathaniel; daughters Judah, Elisabeth. Executors: Desire Green, formerly his wife [apparently remarried by the time of probate], Benjamin Akins. Witnesses: Israel Deuel, Samuel Mc Hago, Daniel Jackson. Probated: April 18, 1780 See also: F:1336; widow of - tax list Charlotte 1778-1779.

10/29/1796 DC C:179 Mentions: wife Barsheba; daughters Phebe, Sarah Sisson, Anna Gidley; sons Joseph, William; grandchildren Samuel, John, Thomas, Sarah, Elisabeth, Ruth children of son Joseph; daughter-in-law Mary Southerland. Refers to: farm in town of Washington. Executors: wife Barsheba, son William. Witnesses: William Gortorn, William A. Moore, Silas Deuel Jr. Probated: April 1, 1800

566 310.

Estates WARD, John TL Estate - tax lists Charlotte, Clinton 1760-1786.


WARD, John, yeoman


4/10/1771 NY 8:251

Mentions: son Daniel. Executors: brothers Daniel and Anthony Ward. Witnesses: Wheeler Case, Daniel Carpenter of Charlotte, yeoman, Mary Ward. Probated: June 3, 1771 See also: F:2063.


The Minutes of Annual Meetings held in the area known as the Nine Partners Patent were published in 1940) Part of the minute book had obviously been detached for references were made to pages in a later part of the book but those pages were missing. Since the earlier work was published the 68 missing pages representing one fifth of the total book have become available. With these pages the minute book is now complete. This part of the minute book is particularly important because in it is a record of ear marks covering the period from 1753 - 1796. The record of these marks helps differentiate the individual who actually settled the area from that individual who simply owned land. These pages also contain records of manumission of slaves, records which tend to be scarce. The material presented below falls into three categories in the following order: 1. minutes of annual meetings 1798 - 1802 with a few notes dated 1811,2 2. manumissions of slaves 1791 - 1817, and 3. earmarks 1753 - 1796 with an occasional reference after 1810. This part of the minute book includes information from the towns presently known as Amenia until 1762, Clinton, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, Stanford until 1786, Washington until 1786 and the lower 75% of the town of Northeast until 1762. The dates included here are the dates when these towns, then known as precincts, became separate units. The minute book always remained with the older governmental unit from which the newer precincts were formed. 1Roosevelt, Franklin D., ed. Records of Crum Elbow Precinct, Dutchess County, New York, 1738-1761, together with records of Charlotte Precinct, 1762-1785, Records of Clinton Precinct, 1786-1788, and Records of the Town of Clinton, 1789-1799. Dutchess County Historical Society, Collections, vol. VII. Poughkeepsie, 1940. 2In order to preserve continuity minutes of the 1798 meeting have been copied from the reference listed above. Permission to copy was received from the Dutchess County Historical Society.


Minutes of Annual Meetings


At an Anual Town Meeting Held at the House of Jonathan Owen in Said Town Clinton Town on Tuesday the 3rd Day of April 1798 under the Inspection of Jacob Schryver John W. Allen & Jesse Bell Esq'r the following officers for Said Town were Elected by a General Poll


Rich'd d'Cantillon - Supervisor Jonathan Owen - Town Clerk Koert Dubois ) ) Joshua Ward ) Assessors John M. Thurston Israel Carpenter ) Abraham Stoutenburg ) Henry Sleight & Jesse Simpson Sleight Collector Bell Surity John W. Allen ) Jonathan Gazlay ) Commissioners of High Ways Koert Dubois ) Joshua Ward Poor Masters Koert Dubois ) Simpson Sleight ) Daniel Budd ) ) Constables Michael Palmer Nehemiah Marshall ) Jacob Ostrom ) Boudewine Yelverton ) Jacob Everson ) Israel Carpenter ) Pound Masters Daniel Vail ) ) Abel Peters Cornelius Lawrence ) Joshua Ward ) ) Fence Veiwers Timothy Beadle John Teller ) Frederick Uhl ) ) Jacob Schryver Rich'd d'Cantillon ) Abraham Freligh ) Commissioners of Schools ) Henry Ostrom Isaac Bloom ) L 350 to be raised for the Poor this Year 1 the Ram Law to remain as in 1794 in page 222 1 the Sheep Law to remain as in 1795 in page 2W6 the Hog Law to remain as in 1791 in page 1991 the Next Town Meeting to be at the House of Jonathan Owen

1 ed. note: refers to page number in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Road Districts & overseers No.


From Washington line east of Timothy Beadles thence Down the Poughkeepsie Road to the top of the Hill South of William Bensons Samuel M. Smith James Hall


From the above Destrict to the Road that Comes from Daniel Wards near Peter Flaglors William Ely Joshua Ward


From the above Destrict to Poughkeepsie line Jacob K. Duryee Wm. T. Belding


From Timothy Beadles to the Great Bridge near Hugh Willsons Including both the Roads from Isaac Blooms Mills & Jacob Sharpenstone to Washington line John Bailey Isaac Bloom


From Jacob Smiths North line South westerly to the Road leading from Joseph Allens to Solomon Flaglors Uriah Mitchell Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 263 .)1


From Poughkeepsie Road by Joseph Allens to Flaglors Bridge including Said Bridge William Allen Same


From the South Side of the Great Bridge near Grovener Whealers to the Bridge near where Enoch Lesters old House Stood Hugh Willson Smith Peters


From the Head of Criggers Fly South past Carpenters old House thence Westerly to the Road that leads to Thomas Shadbolts Including half the Bridge near Carpenters Mill Bastian Crapser John Sheak

1 ed. note: this page number and similar references on subsequent pages refer to page numbers in the original manuscript.


Minutes of Annual Meetings 9

From the Bridge where Peter Simpson formerly lived west to the Cross Road west of David Hildriths Same Jacob Traver


From William Hustis Black Smith Shop North to the Cross Roads a little north of John Powells Reuben Marshall William Hustis (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 263 .)


From the School House near Anthony Badgleys to the School House Near John Irelands Ephraim Hill Same


From the Bridge on the Ende Kill past William Peters to the Head of the lane near John Rowlands John DeWitt Corneleus Vanvliet


From the west side of Crom elbow Creek near Johannus Burgers to Criggers Fly Mchael Pelie Same


From Rhinebeck Town near the House of Timothy Doughty past John D. Witts to a road coming from the East near Nelsons Saw Mill Gilbert Williams Same


From a little west of Carpenters Mill South westerly to the west side of John Vails Land Stephen Davis Silas Fousdeck (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 267".)


From Joseph Griffins Corner past Nathaniel Powell to John Gazlays Mill Including the Cross road to Zeno Carpenters Walter Griffin David Bedford


From the Black Smith Shop near the Stone Meeting House to Smith Peters Willson Allen Henry Clapp


From Rich'd d'Cantillons past Jonathan Owen's to Koert Vanvorhis's Jonathan Owen

Minutes of Annual Meetings



From Rich'd d'Cantillons to the top of the Hill West of Reuben Sarles Rich'd d'Cantillon Same


From the top of the Hill west of R. Sarles Westerly to Crom Elbow Creek Road Samuel Gilbert Tobias W. Stoutenburgh


From North Street Road past Kinyons Farm to the line of Francis R Nelson Abraham Odell Samuel Garwood


From Backers Bars to Crum Elbow Creek near Maj'r Stoutenburghs Including the Wittemberg and the Road up said Creek to little Nine partners line David Cookingham Benjamin Stoutenburgh (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 271".)


From Where Peter Simpson lived to the last Destrict including the Cross Road north of Tellers Mill to the Fly Samuel Doty Same


From the Road North of Isaac Lummarees House on the east side said House to the South East Corner of John W. Allens Garden Same Timothy Conklin


From the Road to D. Cantillon Southerly past Koert Dubois to Ostroms Fulling Mill including the new Road Comeing out by John Budds Barn Evert Vanwagner John M. Thurston


From the Main Road past Simon Flaglors apast Henry Ostrom To the Poughkeepsie line Same Henry Ostrom


From Justice Marshalls North past the Hoag Farm to Elathan Lyon including the Mountain Road to Washington line also the Road from Hoags Corner to Washington line Daniel Beadle Israel Veal


Minutes of Annual Meetings


From Washington line near Lawrence Southwick Southerly past Sylvenus Seamans to the Bridge were Peter Simpson formerly lived Ahab Arnold Benjamin Hall (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Alter'd See page 271 .)


From Washington line to the last Destrict including the Cross Road that leads to Elathan Lyons Paul Furman Zadock Southwick


From the west line of John Vails to Rich'd d' Cantillons Including the new Road from Daniel Vails to a Large white Oak tree in District 45 Daniel Vail Samuel Lawrence (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 263".)


From the Road past Cornelius Lawrence East past Jacob Lawrence to the School House Obadiah Lawrence Elisha Mors


From the Road near Jonathan Owen Southerly to District No. 26 Peter (J) Schryver James P. Storm (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered page 275".)


From Beekman Town line North by Joseph Hickes to the Poughkeepsie Road Thomas Stewart Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered",)


From Daniel Wards to the Main Road near Peter Flaglors Owen Ward Daniel Ward Jun'r


From the East side of Duryees Bridge Southerly to Beekman Town line Jonathan Dean Same


From Gilbert Tompkins Southerly to Huffmans Farm John Wig John Dob


Minutes of Annual Meetings



From the Cross Road near John Culvers South by James Culvers to John Mannings North line James Culver Richard Baker


From Luke Stoutenburgh lane to George Rimphs Phineas Ames Ephraem Congdon


From George Rimph's Leading to Uhl's Landing Thomas Landon Same


From the East Side of the Bridge on the Ende Kil to the Post Road & from Rhinebeck Town to Uhl's Landing Barnt B. Vanwagner Christopher Hughes


From the South Side of Joseph Herricks by Elathan Lyons to Peter Simpsons old place Reuben Wiley Same


From Benjamin Lattings Westerly by Jacob Schryver to the New Road & to the Poughkeepsie line Jacob Schryver John Golder (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 275".)


From the Road that Leads by Stephen Deans to Nine partners near W'm Holmes west by Newcombs Mill to the Road that Leads from Daniel Wards to Peter Flaglors old house including the Road that leads by Said Mill to Poughkeepsie Road William Holmes Zacheus Newcomb


From the Crotch of No. 11 about 15 Rods South of the School House & thence past Henry Sleghts to Shultz Hill until it Meets with Destrict from Carpenters Mill Henry Sleght Same


From Ephraim Hills past Isaac Frosts to North Street Road Isaac Cock Thomas Stringham


From Enoch Lesters old house Stood to Carpenters Mill Including the Cross Road to Joseph Herricks Seaman Carpenter Isaac Doty


Minutes of Annual Meetings 47

From the Road leading to Poughkeepsie a little west of J. Schryvers westerly to the Post Road Jacob Bush Same


From Hallocks Landing to the East end of the Bridge over Crum Elbow Creek near Samuel Seamans Christopher Hughes Jun'r Joseph Garwood


From the Road that Leads past John Vanvorhis & Jon. Owen Westerly past Reuben Morss to the Road that Leads from Zacheus Marshall to Cornelius Lawrences Reuben Mors Same


From James Pritchards Northerly to the Road Called Stoutenburgh Road Isaac Powell William Todd


From Stanford line east of Jabez Finches westerly by Hildriths to the Road leading from S. Seamans to Peter Simpsons including that part of the Cross Road from Maj'r Swartwouts that lies South of the same James Swartwout Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 271".)


From the L. Nine partner line North of A. Stoutenburghs Southerly till it Comes to the Cross Road that Leads by Finches Abraham Stoutenburgh Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Alter'd See page 271".)


From the Cross Road near John Culvers thence Northerly to W'm Hustis Black Smith Shop thence the west Road past Jesse Bells to the main Road again Jesse Bell Esq'r Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered page 263".)


From the House of J. Swartwout running west to Backer Barn including the Cross Road to Silas Weeks's as far as the Fly Obadiah Frost Same


From Smith Peters to the School House west of Anthony Badgleys George Badgley Same

Minutes of Annual Meetings



Begining a little East of Solomon Flaglors at the Road that Comes from Jacob Smiths running westerly to the School House near Nicholas Vanwagners Solomon Flaglor Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Added to No. 5 See page 267".)


From the North line of Clinton near John Pawlings then Southerly & East by Solomon Travers to the Road at D.Witts Mill John Crabsee Jun'r Solomon Traver


From Cornelius Vandyks across by Joshua Nelsons to the Road that leads from John D Witts to Staatsburgh Landing Joshua Nelson Same


From Johnstons South line to Jacobus Stoutenburgh North line Including the Road to Jas Stoutenburgh Landing Nathaniel Sheldon Valentine Odle


Begining at the North line of Francis R. Nelsons then Southerly to the South line of Mariam Nelsons Land Francis R Nelson Samuel Hedden


From the Rock East of John Lights to D'Cantillons Landing Same Abner Lee


From the Cross Road west of David Hildriths to the Road Leading past John Lummarees George Burger William Teal


From Providence School House Northerly by John Lummarees untill it Comes in the Road Leading from Frederick Shultz to Peter Travers John Lummaree Cornelius Ostrom


From John W. Allens Garden to the main Road at Pleasant Valley Same John W Allen

March 20, 1810 Altered to begin 2 Rods East of the Brige between Evert Degraff and the first Mentioned Place T.0 HVDB

Minutes of Annual Meetings

576 65

From the Road near John Semons across by John P. Schryvers to the New Road Leading by Isaac Conklins to Poughkeepsie John Lawless Same


From Walter Skidmores apast John Burnets to Poughkeepsie line Gilbert Tompkins Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 267 .)


From the Post Road Northerly past John Wigs Blank


From the Road by John Rowlands past Reuben Spencer to Solomen Frosts Reuben Spencer Same


From the lane near John Rowlands to the Cross Road near Fordham Burtiss Abraham Freligh John Ireland


From Poughkeepsie line on the Post Road to Johnstons South Line Barnet Gay Same (From William Hustis Black Smith Shop to the Cross Road a little North of John Powells)1


From the Cross Road North of John Powells to Providence School House John Traver Same


From the Spring near Peter Travers on the Hill by the House of David Traver to the Road from Seaman Carpenter to the Witenbergh David P. Traver Same


From Mariam Nelsons farm to the Rock East of John Lights Ebenezer Harrington Same


From a little Southwest of John Golders thence Northerly to the North line of John Mannings farm thence westerly to the Bridge near Vanatten Barn John Manning Same

1ed, note: this item has been crossed out in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings



From the Road opposite of John J Aliens to the Road near William Carpenters Jacob Ostrom Same


From the Bridge near Gazlays Mill taking the new Road across the Bridge near James Germonds & so on to Washington line near Hebernia Mills Joseph Pearsall Same (Ed. note: A marginal note says: "Altered See page 267".)


From Chestertons to Solomon Flaglors near the great Bridge Peter Chesterton Thomas Willing


From John Dumonts North by the Widow Radcliffs & Peter Marquarts to the Road by Peter Stoutenburghs David Traver Jun'r Frederick Kline the foregoing is a true Record. the 18th Day of April 1798

Recorded by me

Jonathan Owen

T. Clerk

At an Anual Town Meeting Held at the House of Jonathan Owen in Clinton Town on Tuesday the Second Day of April 1799 under the Inspection of Jacob Schryver & Jesse Bell Esq'rs the following officers were Chosen for Said Town Jonathan Owen - Town Clerk Richard D.Cantillon - Supervisor Abraham Freligh ) ) Assessors Henry Ostrom ) John Culver Henry Sleght & Jesse Bell Simson Sleght Collector ) to be Surety John D.Witt Jacob Schryver ) Commissioners of High-Ways Jesse Bell ) Henry Ostrom ) ) Overseers of the Poor John M. Thurston Simson Sleght ) ) Micah Palmer ) Constables Nehemiah Marshall Jacob Ostrom ) Bowdewine Yelverton ) ) Israel Carpenter ) Pound Masters Jonathan Gazlay William T. Belding ) John J Teller )



Minutes of Annual Meetings

William Johnston ) Henry Sleght ) ) Daniel Vail ) Fence Viewers Abner Lee William T. Belding ) Hewlet Peters ) Richard D. Cantillon ) Jacob Schryver ) Abraham Freligh Commissioners of Schools ) ) Henry Ostrom ) Isaac Bloom Voted t 250 to be Raised for the Support of the Poor John D. Witt ) Richard D. Cantillon ) A Committee Isaac Bloom ) the above Committee was Chosen with Power to act agreeable to a Certificate Signed by Rich'd D Cantillon and Read by Jonathan Owen At Said Meeting & is Lodged with the Town Clerk the Ram Law to remain as in 1794 in page 2221 , the Sheep Law to remain as in 1795 in page 226' the Hog Law to remain as in 1791 in page 1991 the Next Town Meeting to be Held at the House of Jonathan Owen

Overseers of Highways No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

James Hall Joshua Ward William T. Belding Isaac Bloom Uriah Mitchell William Allen Smith Peters John Sheak Jacob Traver William Hustis Ephraim Hill Cornelius Vanvliet Micheal Pelee Gilbert Williams Silas Fosdick David Bedford Henry Clapp Jonathan Owen Richard D. Cantillon Tobias W. Stoutenburgh

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Samuel Yarwood Benjamin Stoutenburgh Samuel Doty Timothy Conklin John M. Thurston Henry Ostrom Israel Veal Benjamin Hall Zadoch Southwick Samuel Lawrence Elisha Mors James P. Storm Thomas Stewart Daniel Ward, Junior Jonathan Dean John Dob Richard Baker Ephraim Congdon Thomas Landon Christopher Hughes

1 ed. note: refers to page numbers in the original manuscript

Minutes of Annual Meetings 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63



Ruben Wiley John Golder Zacheus Newcomb Henry Slight Thomas Stringham Isaac Doty Jacob Bush Joseph Garwood Ruiben Mors William Todd Henry Gildersleeve (James Swartwout)1 Abraham Stoutenburgh Jesse Bell Zopher Frost (Obadiah Frost)1 George Badgley Solomon Flaglor Solomon Traver Joshua Nelson Valentine Odle Samuel Heddin Abner Lee William Teal Cornelius Ostrom

64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78


John W. Allen John Lawless Gilbert Tompkins (no No. 67) Riuben Spencer John Ireland Barnet Gay John Traver David P. Traver Ebenezer Herrington John Manning Jacob Ostrom Joseph Pearsall Thomas Welling Frederick Kline

the foregoing is a true record. Recorded by me this 9th day of April 1799. by me Jonathan Owen T. Clerk

Begins at Jacob Smith's North line then running southwesterly to Solomon Flaglor's and westerly to the school house near Nicholas Vanwagner. (Ed. note: A marginal note says "Altered See page 267".)

No. 79

Beginning at the house of John J. Ward thence running westerly through the lands of William Holmes to the Main Road.

No. 10

From the Cross Road a little east of John Culvers northerly to the Cross Road north of John Powells and so easterly to the middle of the fall Kill on the road that leads from John Vanvorhiss to James Clapps.

No. 30

From the west line of John Vails to Richard D' Cantillons including the road from Daniel Vails to a large white oak tree in District 45 also to the middle of the fall Kill on the new road past James Clapps to John Vanvorhis. (Ed. note: A marginal note says "Altered See page 267".)

1 ed, note: this name has been crossed out in the original manuscript.

580 No. 53

Minutes of Annual Meetings From North Street No. 10 westerly past Jesse Bells to the Main road leading to D'Cantillons Landing. (Ed. note: A marginal note says "Altered See page 271".)

the above alterations made by Jacob Schryver, Jesse Bell and John DeWitt, Commissioners of high ways the 21st day of March 1800 and recorded the 22nd day of March 1800 by me Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

At an annual Town Meeting held at the house of Jonathan Owen in Clinton Town on Tuesday the first day of April 1800 under the inspection of Jacob Schryver and John W. Allen, Esq. the following officers were chosen. Jonathan Owen - Town Clerk John D. Witt - Supervisor Henry Ostrom ) ) Frederick Uhl ) Assessors Jacob Schryver Henry Vanderburgh ) Seaman Carpenter ) Richard D'Cantillon & Simpson Sleght Collector John W. Allen ) Henry Sleght - Surety ) Commissioners of High ways Abner Lee Hewlet Peters ) Henry Ostrom ) John M. Thurston ) Poor Masters Simpson Sleght ) ) William T. Belding ) Constables Nehemiah Marshall Bowdewine L. Yelverton ) Jacob Ostrom ) John T. Schryver ) William T. Belding ) ) Pound Masters Jonathan Owen Jacobus Swartwout ) (James Swartwout)1 ) William Johnston ) Henry Sleght ) Seaman Carpenter ) Walter Skidmore ) Fence Viewers William T. Belding ) Hewlet Peters ) (continued)

1 ed. note: this name has been crossed out in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Richard D'Cantillon ) Jacob Schryver ) Henry Vanderburgh ) School Commissioners ) Henry Ostrom ) Isaac Bloom Voted that the Poor Masters may if they chuse rent a house for the accomodation of the poor. 250 dollars to be raised for the support of the poor. Ram Law to remain as in 1794 page 222.1 1 Sheep Law to remain as in 1795 page 22Q. Hog Law to remain as in 1791 page 199.' Town Meeting to be held the next year at the house of Jonathan Owen.

Names of the Overseers of the Highways 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Peter P. Germond John Beadle Peter Flaglor Henry Uhl Uriah Mitchell Ezekiel Welling William Johnston James Powell Samuel Swartwout Gerardus Drake Isaac Albertson (Ephraim Hill)' John Clapp George Tederick Abraham Van Dyke Joseph Albertson David Haight Jacob Wickes James Gazlay Rich. D'Cantillon Tobias W. Stoutenburgh Frost Powell Tobias P. Stoutenburgh Samuel Doty John J. Allen William Carpenter

26. Henry Ostrom 27. Israel Vail 28. Sylvinus Seaman 29. Zadock Southwick 30. James Clapp 31. Elisha Mors 32. Major Marshall 33. Abraham Devine 34. Enoch Lewis 35. Anthony Ward 36. Daniel Eckert 37. John Drake 38. Ephraim Congdon 39. Thomas Landon 40. Christopher Hughes 41. James Quick 42. John Golder 43. Zacheus Newcomb 44. Garret Tederick 45. Thomas Stringham 46. Seaman Carpenter 47. Jacob Bush 48. Samuel Seamans 49. Stephen Doty 50. Isaac Wood (continued)

1 ed. note: refers to page numbers in the original manuscript. 2 ed. note: this name has been crossed out in the original manuscript.



Minutes of Annual Meetings

51. Elias Doty, jr. (John Van Camp Joseph Finch)1 52. Abraham Stoutenburgh 53. Henry Marshall 54. John Van Camp (Zopher Frost)55. George Badgley (no No. 56) 57. Solomon Traver 58. Daniel Sleight (James Smith)1 59. Samuel Hitt 60. Andrew Lummaree 61. Israel Carpenter 62. George Burger 63. Samuel Furman 64. John W. Allen 65. John P. Schryver 66. Gilbert Tompkins (no No. 67)

68. Reuben Spencer 69. Evert N. Van Waggener (Peter Pearsall, John Rowland)' 70. Claudius Stannard 71. Solomon Howland 72. David P. Traver 73. Totten Marshall , (Joseph S. Dean)i 74. John Manning 75. John Vanwagoner 76. Gerardus Quick 77. Thomas Welling 78. Peter Marquart 79. John Ward the foregoing is a true record made this 12 nd Day of April 1800 by me Jonathan Owen, T. Clerk

We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Clinton for the Year of 1800 have made the following alterations in the Road Districts this 16th Day of March 1801. . . No. 66 Divided in two Districts one to be No. 56 the other 66. No. 56 obsit. Bordewine L. Yelverton running southwardly to the south of Evert A. Pells. . . From the above District to Poughkeepsie line. No. 15 and 30 to be one District. . . (Ed. note: ginal note says "altered see page 271".)

A mar-

No. 36 beginning near Gilbert Tompkins running southwardly through Wiggs past John G. Vanwagner to Poughkeepsie line. . . No. 30 beginning on the road near Uriah Smiths to the road near Isaac Travis. John W. Allin Hewlet Peters Abner Lee Recorded by me March 17th, 1801 Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk.

Commissioners of Highways

1 ed. note: this name has been crossed out in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


March 19th, 1801 we John W. Allen and Abner Lee two of the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Clinton do this day alter the District No. 76 beginning at the Washington Line East of Hibernia Mills and running to that road near the mills of Howard Tompkins including the road past Jacob Smiths as far as said Richard Smiths south line of his farm and also that the District No. 5 run no further than said Smith's south line. John W. Allen Abner Lee Commissioners of Highways Recorded March 25th, 1801 by me Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

At the annual Town Meeting held at the house of Jonathan Owen in Clinton Town on Tuesday the Seventh day of April 1801 under the inspection of Jacob Schryver and Jesse Bell, Esqr. the following officers were chosen Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk John D.Witt, Supervisor Simpson Sleght, Collector Henry Sleght & Jesse Bell, Seaman Carpenter ) Surety Jesse Bell ) Assessors Henry Ostrom ) Seaman Carpenter ) Jesse Bell ) Commissioners of Highways John D.Witt ) Henry Ostrom ) Poor Masters John M. Thurston ) Simson Sleght ) Bowdewine Yelverton ) William T. Belden ) Constables Nehemiah Marshall ) John T. Schryver ) William T. Belden ) Pound Masters Jonathan Owen ) Seaman Carpenter ) William Johnston ) ) Jacob Wickes Samuel Webb ) Elisha Mors ) Fence Viewers Abner Lee ) Walter Skidmore ) Henry Sleght ) Robert Simpson ) John Beadle ) Fence Viewers William Ely ) 625 dollars to be raised for the support of the poor.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Ram Law to remain as in 1794 page 222.1 , Sheep law to remain as in 1795 page 226.1 Hog law to remain as in 1791 page 199.1 Town meeting to be held at the house of Jonathan Owen the next year. Benjamin Gazlay was appointed Constable by Jacob Schryver and John W. Allin and Jesse Bell Justices of Peace for Dutchess County the 28th day of July 1801.

Names of the overseers of Highways. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 30-15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34

35 Anthony Ward Peter P. Germond 36 John Wigg, jr. Thomas Newcomb Robert Abbot 37 Benoni Kipp 38 Samuel Bard Henry Uhl Solomon Flaglor 39 Jesse Emes 40 Christopher Hughes Stephen Stringham 41 James Quick William Johnston 42 James Pritchard James Powell 43 Joshua Collins Samuel Swartwout 44 John Schryver Gerardus Drake 45 Solomon Frost Justice Marshall 46 Jonathan Lyon John D.Witt 47 Levi Wood Frederick Shultz Abraham Vandyck 48 Christopher Hughes, jr. 49 Reuben Mors Stephen Davis David Haight 50 Isaac Wood 51 Henry Gildersleave Jacob Wickes Jonathan Owen 52 Elias Hicks Rich. D.Cantillon 53 Henry Marshall 54 John Robinson Herman Van Benschoten 55 George Badgley Frost Powell Tobias P. Stoutenburgh 56 Evert A. Pells Samuel Doty 57 Michael Cookingham John J. Allen 58 William Hustis 59 John Johnston John M. Thurston Henry Ostrom 60 Paul Furman Israel Veal 61 Tobias L. Stoutenburgh Ahab Arnold 62 Adam P. Traver Samuel Carpenter 63 John Lummaree (Ed. note: See No. 15) 64 John W. Allen Stephen Lawrence 65 John P. Schryver Isaac Travis 66 David Ring Abraham Devine -- (no No. 67) Benjamin Davis (continued)

1 ed. note: refers to page number in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Reuben Spencer Moses Powell Jeremiah Rogers Jordin Frost David P. Traver Joseph S. Dean John Manning

75 76 77 78 79 80


Jacob Ostrom Joseph Herrick Thomas Welling John Dumont John J. Ward Arbaltus Schryver

The following alterations made by John Dewitt, Jesse Bell and Seaman Carpenter, Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Clinton. Dated March 23rd 1802. District No. 15 from the road a little west of Carpenters southwesterly to the west side of Benjamin Frosts land. No. 30 from the west side of Benjamin Frost land to Rich. D. Cantillons including the north road from Samuel Wilbe[?] to a large white oak tree in No. 45, also the new road past James Clapps to the middle of the fall Kill. No. 53 from North Street No. 10 westerly to the west line of Henry Marshalls land. 67 from the west line of Henry Marshalls land to the main road leading to D.Cantillons landing. No. 28 from Stanford line near Southwicks westerly past Selvinus Seamans to the bridge near where Peter Simson formerly lived including that part of the road that leads past James Swartwouts to the road that passes Henry Gildersleaves. No. 51 from Stanford line past Henry Gildersleaves to the four corners. No. 52 from the North line of Clinton southwardly to the four corners west of Gildersleave thence westerly to the road that leads from Esquire Arnolds to where Peter Simson formerly lived. The new road laid from near De Lavargnes to the road that leads on past Samuel Hicks. No. 22 from Backers barn to Crum Elbow Creek near Stoutenburghs including the Witemburg road and the road up said creek to the little Nine partners line and the new road leading past Benjamin Stoutenburgh. Recorded by me Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk


Minutes of Annual Meetings

At an anuel Town Meeting held at the house of Jonathan Owen in the town of Clinton on Tuesday the 6th of April 1802 under the inspection of Jeremiah Rogers, John W. Allen and Ahab Arnold, Esq. the following officers were chosen - John D.Witt, Supervisor Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk ) Jacob Schryver ) Assessors Henry Ostrom Seaman Carpenter ) Joseph S. Dean ) John D. Ostrom ) Commissioners of Highways John W. Allen ) John J. Allen ) Koert Dubois ) Overseers of the Poor Simson Sleght, Collector Henry Sleght & Jesse Bell, Simson Sleght ) Surety Bowdewine Yelverton ) Othniel D. Smith ) Constables Nehemiah Marshall ) Joseph Dennis ) Jotham Post ) Henry Vanderburgh ) William Ely ) William Johnston ) Pound Masters John J. Teller ) John Golder ) William Holmes Timothy Beadle Hiram Walker Ransford Whitney Joshua Mors Fence Viewers John Hall John Beadle Joshua Ward James Swartwout John Dumont The Ram Law to remain as in 1794 page 222.1 Sheep Law to remain as in 1795 page 226.1 Hog Law to remain as in 1791 page 199.1 Voted that the surplus money be drawn from Treasurer and paid to the Poor Masters for the poor. Two Hundred and Twenty five pounds to be raised for the poor. Town Meeting next year to be at the house of Jonathan Owen. 1 ed. note: refers to page number in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Overseers of the Highways 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

James Hall Hewlet Peters Peter Stringham Henry Uhl Barton Flaglor Stephen Stringham Jacob Cornel John Sheak Samuel Swartwout John Powell Justice Marshall Cornelius Vanvleet Zophar Frost Francis Williams Stephen Davis Nathaniel Powell Shadrick Ricketson Samuel Wooley Rich. D.Cantillon Tobias W. Stoutenburgh James Garwood James L. Stoutenburgh David Traver Benjamin Carpenter John M. Thurston Benjamin Lattin Benjamin Dorland Ahab Arnold Daniel Wood James Clapp John Vail James Baker John Gager Jr. Owen Ward Jonathan Dean Manning Taylor Uriah Smith Gyrus Bramin Isaac Russel Peter Radcliff Isaac Lyon James Pritchard William Holmes

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Henry Sleght Thomas Stringham David Halsted John G. Vanwagner Lemuel Hyde Reuben Mors Charles Manning Henry Gildersleave Elias Hicks Henry Marshall John J. Teller James Marshall Isaac W. Stoutenburgh Michael Cookingham Daniel Sleght John J. Stoutenburgh Francis R. Nelson Walter Skidmore Jacob P. Traver Samuel Furman John W. Allen John P. Schryver Gilbert Tompkins Jesse Bell Rueben Spencer Samuel Cock John Crook Israel Vandyck David P. Traver Joseph S. Dean John Manning John Vanwagner Samuel Halsted Soloman Oakley Daniel Underhill John J. Ward George Todd

Recorded the above this 7th day of April 1802 by Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

Be it remembered that we the subscribers being Commissioners in and for the Town of Clinton have this 29th day of March 1803 divided the District No. 33 which is now to begin at the Filkintown Road thence running southerly to the south end of Samuel Hicks land and thence the other district to Beekman Town Line. as also be it remembered the District No, 32 is by us


Minutes of Annual Meetings

this day altered from Jonathan Owen by Joseph Holmes till it meet the road leading past Benjamin Lattins connected with the road leading from the said Holmes to Nathaniel Lattins both to be one district. as also No. 42 the alteration made through the land of Jonathan Soals to the Poughkeepsie line to be part of that said district. as also the road from the road No. 73 by us laid beginning a little east of the bridge at a rock marked "J D" to the landing of Richard D.Cantillon. as also the district No. 61 to be from the house of Israel Carpenter to the east end of the district as it formerly was. Joseph S. Dean Commissioners John D. Ostrom Recorded by me this first day of April 1803, Jonathan Owen, T. C.

We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Clinton namely Eb'r Mott and John F. Schults have extended the district No. 17 easterly to the line of Zacheus Marshal. Direct the clerk to record the same. Recorded the 19th day of March 1811 by Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk

Ebinezer Mott and John F. Schults two of the Commissioners of Highways for the town of Clinton have extended the district No. 16 southerly to the line of Koert Dubois farm. Direct the clerk to record the same. Recorded by me this 19th day of March 1811 Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk

[Ed. note: There follows at this point in the manuscript five blank pages. The remainder of the manuscript is divided into two parts a) manumissions and b) ear marks. Certifications required from slave holders who decided to manumit their slaves are recorded next. These appear in the manuscript in reverse order, chronologically, that is from the latest date 1814 until the earliest date 1799. In one or two instances a manumission prior to 1799 was included. The town clerk selected a place in the latter part of the minute book to record these items. The page numbers in the book indicate he

Minutes of Annual Meetings


worked his way toward the front of the book as each new item was recorded. Ear marks were used at that time to distinguish one owner's animals from the next. Also, but less frequently, brand marks were used. These marks dating from 1770 to 1793 are recorded next and are in chronological order. This series of pages runs into another set of recordings of ear marks made by an earlier town clerk at the rear of the book for the years 1753 to 1759. Some of these ear marks were transferred at later dates to newer residents of the Nine Partners tract.]

This may certify that we Henry Slight and Margaret Slight, my wife, of the Town of Clinton inDutchess County and state of New York have this day Manumited and set free one Negro woman to us named Hester Jones age fortytwo years to act and do for herself hereby renouncing all claims upon her whatsoever is given under our hand this seventeenth day of Oct. 1814. Henry Sleght Margaret Sleght

This may certify that on the seventeenth day of Oct. 1814 that we the Overseer of the poor of the Town of Clinton, County of Dutchess and State of New York hath examined Hester Jones a black woman belonging to Henry Sleght and find her to be according to our judgment under the age of forty-five years and of sufficient abilities to provide for herself, doth agree to Manumit her agreeable to laws. Given under our hand the 17th day of Oct 1814. Joseph Holmes Henry Sleght, Jr,

Overseer of the poor of Clinton Town

Recorded the 25th of Oct. 1814 by Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk This may certify that we have examined Dinah [ ? ] a black woman belinging to daniel and Mahala Ostrum of Clinton Town in Dutchess County and we find her to be under the age of forty-five years and of sufficient abilities to maintain herself. Given under our hand this 13th day of Oct 1815[4?]. Joseph Holmes Henry Sleght, Jr.

Overseer of the poor of Clinton

Recorded 5th day of November 1815[4?] by Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk


Minutes of Annual Meetings

This may certify that we Frederic Uhl and Sarah, my wife, of the Town of Clinton in the County of Dutchess and the State of New York have this day Manumitted and set free my negro man named Ceaser Age about twenty six years to act for himself hereby renouncing all claims upon him whatsoever. Given under our hand this 29 day of March 1814. Frederic Uhl Sarah Uhl This may certify that on the 29 day of March 1814 that we the overseers of the poor of the Town of Clinton, County of Dutchess and State of New York hath examined Ceaser a blackman belonging to Frederic Uhl and find him to be under the age of forth five years and of sufficient abilities to provide for himself doth agree to manumit him. Agreeable to law given under our hand the day and year first above written. Joseph Holmes Elijah Adams

Overseers of the Poor

Recorded the 31st day of March 1814 by me Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk This may certify that we have examined John Gray formerly the slave of James Loosey and we find him under the age of (thirty years)1 forty years and of sufficient abilities to provide for himself. Given under our hands this 25th day of March 1817. Joseph Holmes Henry Sleght

Overseers of the Poor

Recorded the 26th March 1817 by H. Vanderburgh, Town Clerk Know all men by their presents that I, John Johnston, first judge of the Court of Commonpleas of the County of Dutchess residing in the Town of Clinton do hereby manumit and make free Peter a negro slave about the age of thirty-five purchased by me of John Read late of the village of Poughkeepsie deceased as witness my hand this tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. John Johnston 1 This item has been crossed out in the original manuscript.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Dutchess County . . . We the subscribers Commissioners of the poor of the town of Clinton in said County do certify that the above described negro slave named Peter appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Dated April 29th, 1813. Recorded May 2th, 1813 by Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk Joseph Holmes Elijah Addams

Overseers of the poor

This may certify that we Frederic Uhl and Sarah my wife of the town of Clinton in the County of Dutchess and state of New York have this day Manumitted and set free a negro man belonging to us named Harry, aged twenty eight years to act for himself hereby renouncing all claims him whatsoever given under our hand this 29 of March 1814. Frederic Uhl Sarah Uhl This may certify that on 29th day of March 1814 that we the Overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton County of Dutchess and state of New York hath examined Harry a black man belonging to Frederic Uhl and Sarah and find him to be under the age of forty five years and of sufficient abilities to provide for himself doth agree tomanumit him. Agreeable to law given under our hands the day and year first above written. Joseph Holmes Elijah Adams

Overseers of the poor

Recorded this 31 day of March 1814 by me Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk

This may certify that we Peter A. Schryver and Margaret his wife of the town of Clinton in Dutchess County and state of New York have this day manumitted and set free one negro woman belonging to us named Hannah Murphy aged thirty four years to act and do for herself hereby renouncing all claims upon her whatsoever given under our hand this 26 day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. Peter A. Schryver Margaret ( x mark ) Schryver


Minutes of Annual Meetings

This may certify that on the 26 day of September 1811 that we the Overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton county of Dutchess and state of New York hath examined Hannah Murphy a black woman belonging to Peter A. Schryver and find her to be under the age of fifty years and as we judge her to be of sufficient abilities to provide for herself doth agree to manumit her agreeable to laws given under our hands this day and year first above written. William Allen Joseph Holmes

Overseers of the poor

Recorded October 19th, 1811 by Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk

Koert Dubois of Clinton town Dutchess County and state of New York having signified to us Overseers of the poor in said town his intention to manumit his black woman Laury Gettudy these are to certify all whome it may concern that on inspection of said black woman it appears that she is under the age of fifty years, able bodies and healthy and capable of earning her own living. Given under our hands this thirtyfirst day of March one thousand eight hundred and twelve. William Allen Joseph Holmes

Overseers of the poor

Recorded April 6th, 1812 by Henry Vanderburgh, Town Clerk

Koert Dubois of the town of Clinton, Dutchess County and state of New York having signified to us Overseers of the Poor of said town his intention to Manumit his black man Charles Anthony these are to certify that on inspection of said black man it appears to us that he is under the age of fifty years, healthy and of sufficient ability to provide for himself - given under our hands this eighth day of December 1809. William Allen James Marshall, Junior

Overseers of the Poor of Clinton Town

Recorded this 9th day of December 1809 by Koert Dubois, Town Clerk

To all to whome these may or shall come know ye that I William Ely of the Town of Clinton, County of Dutchess and state of New York, Physician, do hereby discharge

Minutes of Annual Meetings


and Manumit a negro woman named Anna which he purchased of Obidiah Cooper together with her child named Dianna about two months old and said negro woman is about twenty seven years of age. Now this may certify that I william Ely do therefore by virtue of an act of the legislature of the state of New York passed April 1801 Manumit and do ever discharge the said Anna and her child named Dianna. A witness my hand and seal dated this first day of January 1811. Witness

. William Ely

This may certify that on the 30th day of December 1811 that Anna a woman of colour the property of William Ely was examined by the Overseers of the poor of the Town of Clinton and find her to be under the age of fifty years and judge her to be of sufficient ability to provide for herself and do agree to manumit her according to law and allow the same to be recorded. William Allen Joseph Holmes

Overseers of the poor

Recorded 7th April 1813 by Henry Vanderburgh, T. Clerk

These are to certify all whom it may concern that I Abigail Hughes of the town of Clinton, Dutchess County and state of New York do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, or administrators, manumit and set at full liberty my black man Tom from any claim which 1 may heretofore have had to his services and henceforth forever discharge him thence from. Witness my hand this 28 th day of March 1809 in presents of John Hughes. Abigail Hughes Staatsburgh Recorded this 29th day of March 1809 by Koert Dubois, Town Clerk Dutchess County Clinton Town March 28th, 1809 this may certify that Tom a black man slave of Abigail Hughes of said town has this day been examined by us Overseers of the poor of said town and found to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Witness our hands the day and year above written. William Allen James Marshall, Junior

Overseers of the poor

Recorded the 29th day of March 1809 by KoertDubois, Town Clerk


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Robert Abbott of the town of Clinton, Dutchess County and state of New York having signified to us Overseers of the poor in said town, his intention to manumit his black man Harry. These are to certify all whom it may concern, that on inspection of said black man it appears that he is under the age of fifty years, able bodied and healthy and capable of earning his own living. Given under our hands this twelveth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eight. William Allen James Marshall, Junior

Overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton

Recorded this 13th day of April 1808 Koert Dubois, Town Clerk These are to certify all whom it may concern that Robert Abbott of the town of Clinton, Dutchess County and State of New York do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors or administrators manumit and set at full liberty my black man Harry from any claim which I may heretofore have had to his servises and henceforth forever discharge him thence from. Witness my hand this 12th of April 1808 Abbatt


Recorded this 13th day of April 1808 Dubois, Town Clerk

by Koert



Robert Abbatt of Clinton Dutchess County and State of New York having signified to us Overseers of the Poor in said town his intention to manumit his black woman Sylvia; these are to certify all whom it may concern that on inspection of said black woman it appears that she is under the age of fifty years, able bodied and healthy and capable of earning her own living - Given under our hands this twelvth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eight. William Allen James Marshal, Junior

Overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton

Recorded this 13th day of April 1808 Dubois, Town Clerk



These are to certify all whom it may concern that I, Robert Abbatt, of Clinton town, County of Dutchess and state of New York on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators do hereby manumit and set at full liberty my black woman Sylvia from any claim which I may

Minutes of Annual Meetings


heretofore have had to her services and henceforth forever discharge her therefrom. Witness my hand this 12th of April 1808. Robert Abbatt Recorded this 13th day of April 1808 by Koert Dubois, Town Clerk

We undersigned William Allen and John D. Ostrom Overseers of the poor for the town of Clinton do hereby certify that we have examined a negro man slave by the name of Jack belonging to Henry Ostrom of said town of Clinton who is said to be twenty seven years of age who appears to us to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Given under our hands Clinton Town aforesaid this eighth day of April 1806. William Allen John D. Ostrom Recorded by Koert Dubois, Town Clerk

This may certify that John D. Ostrom and William Allen two of the Overseers of the Poor of the town of Clinton do hereby certify that Susanna Armstrong a woman of colour appears to be about eighteen years of age and of sufficient ability to maintain herself and we do direct the same to be registered in the town books of the said town. Given under our hands this 12th day of January 1807 William Allen John D. Ostrom Recorded by me this 23th day of April 1807 Koert Dubois, Town Clerk

Whereas Owen Ward of the town of Clinton has made application to us John J. Allen and Koert Dubois overseers of the poor of said town of Clinton in order to obtain a certificate immediately before the manumission of his slave Lydia a black woman said to be about twenty six years of age agreeable to an act of the Legislature of the state of New York entitled an act concerning slaves and servants passed April 8th, 1801. We the said overseers having examined the said slave Lydia do on mature deliberation hereby certify that she appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for herself. Given under our hands this 26th day of March 1805. John J. Allen


Minutes of Annual Meetings Koert Dubois


Recorded by Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk Know all men by these presents That I Owen Ward of the town of Clinton in the county of Dutchess and State of New York do hereby certify and make known that I have this day set free and manumitted my slave Lydia a black woman who is about twenty six years of age. Agreeable to an act of the legislature of the state of New York entitled an act concerning slaves and servants passed the 8th day of April 1801 and do hereby for myself and my legal representative and every of them absolutely fully and freely renounce all right of property that I have heretofore had in the said Lydia and do forever acquit release and discharge her from all and every kind of servitude of dependance as a slave to me or any other person who may hereafter claim under me in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day of March 1805. Owen Ward - (seal mark) Witnesses present, Ahab Arnold and Jeremiah Rogers Recorded by Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

Whereas John Stoutenburgh of the town of Clinton in the county of Dutchess and state of New York, farmer, has made application to us John J. Allen and Koert Dubois overseers of the poor of said town of Clinton in the County and state aforesaid in order to obtain a certificate immediately before the manumission of his slave, Lukey De Burr a black woman said to be thirty two years old. Agreeable to an act of the Legislature of the state of New York entitled an act concerning slaves and servants passed the 8th day of April 1801. We the said overseers having examined the before named slave Lukey do on mature deliberation hereby certify that she appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for herself given under our hands at Clinton Town the 8th day of October 1804. Witnesses present John W. Allen Jeremiah Rogers

Koert Dubois Overseers of John J. Allen the poor

Recorded by me this 9th day of October 1804 Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk Know all men by these presents that I, John Stoutenburgh of the town of Clinton in the county of Dutchess and state of New York, farmer, do hereby certify and make known that I have this day set free and manumitted

Minutes of Annual Meetings


my slave Lukey De Burr a black woman who is about thirty two years of age agreeable to an act of the legislature of the state of New York entitled an act concerning slaves and servants passed the 8th day of April 1801 and do hereby for myself and my legal representatives and every of them absolutely, fully and freely renounce all right of property that I have heretofore had in the said Lukey De Burr and do forever acquit, release and discharge her from all and every kind of servitude or dependance as a slave to me or any other person who may hereafter claim under me. In witness, where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Clinton the 8th day of October 1804. signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Jeremiah Rogers and John W. Allen

John Stoutenburgh - (seal mark)

Recorded by me this 9th day of October 1804 Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

We undersigned Koert Dubois and John J. Allen overseers of the poor for the town of Clinton do hereby certify that we have examined a negro man by the name of Jack belonging John D.Witt of said town of Clinton who is said to be forty seven years of age who appears to us to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Given under hands in Clinton town aforesaid this twenty sixth day of April 1804. Koert Dubois John J. Allen

Overseers of the poor of Clinton town

Recorded this 27th day of April 1804 by Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

We undersigned Koert Dubois and John J. Allen overseers of the poor for the town of Clinton do hereby certify that we have examined a negro man slave by the name of Abraham, commonly called Ail, belonging to JohnD.Witt of the said town of Clinton who is said to be thirty five years of age who appears to us to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Given under our hands in Clinton Town aforesaid this 26th day of April 1804. Koert Dubois John J. Allen

Overseers of the poor


Minutes of Annual Meetings Recorded this 27th of April 1804 by Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk.

Know whome it may concern that I, Luther Mc Neal of Tuonham in the county of Berkshire and the state of Massachusetts do authorize, constitute and appoint and impower Alexander Chubb of Barkhamsted in the county of Litchfield and state of Connecticut my true and lawful attorney to manage and work and compleat (my equal) part of turnpike road that I the said Mc Neal took in company with Reuben big and being by the division made by the said big and myself one half mile being the westerly end of one mile and a quarter takes by the said big and myself of John Hagerman more fully described in the contract made by John Hagerman, Luther Mc Neal and Reubin Hoig and to receive all the money as it becomes to me by the contract so made with the said Hagerman. Dated at Clinton town September 12th 1803 as witness my hand and seal in presence of Joseph Chubb Stephen N. Chubb

Luther Mc Neal

State of New York) Dutchess County ) Personally came before me Lemuel Conklin, Esq. one of the justices assigned to keep the peace in and for said county, Joseph Chubb and John T. Hall and made oath that they were present at the signing and sealing the written power and that they did see Luther Mc Neal sign, seal and deliver the same as his free and voluntary act and deed. Sworn before me this 13th day of September 1803. Lemuel Conklin - J.P. The above deponants who further say under oath that the word my equal in the eigth line and of John Hagerman in the fourteenth line were interlined before signing and sealing the above power in their presence. 17th September 1803 Lemuel Conklin, J.P. Recorded this 24th day of November 1803 by Jonathan Owen, T.C. We the subscribers overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton in the county of Dutchess and justices of the peace of the aforesaid county do certify that Dinah a female slave belonging to Helletje D,Witt appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient abilities to provide for herself. Given under our hands this

Minutes of Annual Meetings


eighth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred. John M. Thurston Henry Ostrom

Overseers of the poor

Jacob Schryver Jesse Bell

Justices of the peace

I do hereby Manumit the above named Dinah. Given under my hand and seal this eighth day of April one thousand eight hundred. Helletje D.Witt (Omark) Sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm. Radcliff John D.Witt Recorded by me this 6th day of May 1800 Jonathan Owen, T.C.

We the subscribers overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton and Justices of the county of Dutchess do certify that Elizabeth a female slave of Isaac Frost of the town aforesaid appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for herself. Given under our hands this eleventh day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred. John M. Thurston Henry Ostrom

Overseers of the poor

John W. Allen Jacob Schryver

Justices of the peace

Recorded the eleventh day of March 1800 by Jonathan Owen, T. Clerk We the subscribers overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton in the county of Dutchess and Justices of the peace of the aforesaid county do certify that Mary a female slave belonging to Jacob Schryver appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient abilities to provide for herself. Given under our hands this 12th day of April 1803. Lemuel Conklin Ahab Arnold

Justices of the peace

Koert Dubois John J. Allen

Overseers of the poor


Minutes of Annual Meetings

I do hereby manumit Mary a female given under my hand and seal this 12th day of April 1803. Jacob Schryver Sealed and delivered in the presence of Henry Ostrom Frost Powell Recorded the 12th of April 1803 by Jonathan Owen,T.C.

Clinton town in the county of Dutchess This is to certify that we the subscribers have examined into the age of a negro man called Sepio being now the slave of George Liven and it appears to us that he is under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to maintain himself and direct this to be registered in the said town clerks office. Dated this day 1 day of September 1791 Isaac Kip Annias Cooper [no names]



Justices of the peace

Overseers of the poor of town of Clinton

Recorded September 24, 1792 by John W. Allen, Town Clerk

One penny reward runaway from the subscriber on the 12th instant an indentured boy named Peter Picket between 17 and 18 years old about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high. Had on when he went away a green coat, ash colored vest and overhalls. All persons are strictly forbid harbouring or employing him at their peril. David Traver, Junior Clinton Feb 15th 1796

We the subscribers Joshua Ward and Koert Dubois overseers of the poor of Clinton town and John W. Allin and Jacob Schryver two of the Justices of the peace for the county of Dutchess do by these presents pursuant to the direction of a statute of the state of New York entitled an act concerning slaves passed the 22nd of Feb. 1788 certify that Paul Francus a negro man slave of Joshua Ward of the town of Clinton appears to be under fifty years of age and of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Witness our hands this fourth day of February 1799.


Minutes of Annual Meetings Joshua Ward Koert Dubois


Overseers of the poor

John W. Allen Jacob Schryver Justices of the peace Recorded the 27th day of March 1799 by me Jonathan Owen, T. Clerk

This may certify that we the subscribers two of the justices of the peace of said county of Dutchess and two of the overseers of the poor of the Town of Clinton in said county have put under examination Bute and Permiet two black slaves the property of Jacob Everson and find they are under the age of fifty years and healthy able men and of sufficient ability to get their living. Given under our hands this 15th day of October 1798. John W. Allen Jacob Schryver

Justices of the peace

Koert Dubois Joshua Ward

Overseers of the poor

Recorded this 27th day of March 1799 by me Jonathan Owen, T. Clerk

Be it remembered that we the subscribers Joshua Ward and Koert Dubois two of the overseers of the town of Clinton and Jacob Schryver and John W. Allen two of the Justices of the peace in and for said county have put under examination Jane a negro woman and find her to be the property of John Everson late of the town of Clinton in said county, deceased, and that she is under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability of geting her living given under our hands this 14th day of March 1799. Koert Dubois Joshua Ward

Overseers of the poor

John W. Allen Jacob Schryver Justices of the peace Recorded by me this 27th day of March 1799 - Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk

We the subscribers Henry Ostrom and John M. Thurston overseers of the poor of the town of Clinton and Jesse Bell and John W. Allen two of the justices of the peace of the county of Dutchess do by their presents to the direction of a law of the state of New York passed the 22nd of February 1788 entitled an act concerning slaves, certify that Jack Bush a negro man slave to the estate

Minutes of Annual Meetings


of John Bush dec'd of the town of Clinton and appears to be under the age of fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself witness our hands this 22nd day of April 1799. Henry Ostrom John M. Thurston

Overseers of the poor

Jesse Bell John W. Allen

Justices of the peace

Recorded by me this 23rd day of April 1799 than Owin, Town Clerk

- Jona-

[Ear Marks] Joseph Sothard ear mark is a flower Delis in the right ear and a latch the underside the left ear. Recorded in 28th of May 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk John Bosh ear mark is a hole in the left ear and a crop and a latch in the right ear. Recorded the 28th day of May 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk John Howard's ear mark is a swallow fork in the right ear and a halfpenny under the same and a hole in the left ear. Recorded the 29th of May 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. This transferred this 20th January 1783 by me Isaac Bloom - T. Clerk Benjamin Hoag's ear mark is a hole in the right ear and a nick the under side the left ear. Recorded the 5th of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. The above mark transferred W. Samill recorded April 14th, 1792 by John W. Allen, town clerk. Moses Hoage's ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a swallow fork in the right ear recorded 5th of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. Elias Wickam's ear mark is a crop in each ear and a slit in each crop. Recorded the 5th of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Abner Huntley's ear mark is a swallow fork in the right ear and a nick in the foreside the left ear. Recorded 11th of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Clerk. This mark transferred Mosses Vail March 23rd, 1775. Peter Hatfield ear mark is a hole in each ear and ahalfpenny the under side the right ear and a nick theunder side the left ear. Recorded the 19th day of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. Zaceus Marshalls ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a hole in the same. Recorded 29th of March 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk Joseph Tomes ear mark is two halfpenney's the under side the left ear and two nicks the under side the rite ear. Recorded the 24th of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty Town Clerk. Isral Platt's ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a hole in the same recorded the 22th of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. The above mark by a mistake belongs to Zacery Marshall. Isaac Blooms ear mark is a square fork in the right ear. Recorded this 25th day of June 1770 By Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk James Doughty's ear mark is a hole in the right ear. Recorded the 11th of March 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. The above mark is transferred to Zebulon Smith the 20th of February 1771. By Wm. Doughty Town Clerk. Jacob Smith's ear mark is a [ ? ] the under side the left ear and a crop in the end of the right ear. Recorded the 25th day of June 1770 by Wm. Doughty Town Clerk. Transferred to his son Wm. August 17, 1812 by H.V.D Burgh - Town Clerk. Stephen Pratt's ear mark is a hole in the left ear. Recorded the 25th day of June 1770. By Wm. Doughty Town Clerk. Transferred to Benjamin Carpenter by John W. Allen - Town Clerk. Moses Hoage's ear mark is a swallow fork in the left ear and a half penny under the right ear. Recorded the 3th of July 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. Deney Ostrom's ear mark is a swallow fork in the right ear and a hole in the same. Recorded the 4th of July 1770. by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk, Transferred to Henerick Ostrom by John W. Allen - Town Clerk


Minutes of Annual Meetings

John Barnes ear mark is a swallow fork in each ear and a half penny on under side of each ear. Recorded the 5th of July 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. Noah Smith's ear mark is a Latch the under side the left ear and a slit in the end of the right ear and a nick the fore side the same. Recorded on 8th of October 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. This transferred to Joseph Thorn 20th Jan. 1783 by me Isaac Bloom Town Clerk Robert Marvin's ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a nick in the upper side of the same. Recorded of 15th of October 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk William Filken's left ear and Recorded the Town Clerk. Mitchany the Town Clerk.

ear mark is a slit in the end of the a halfpeney the fore side of each ear. 19th of October 1770, Wm. Doughty The above mark is transferred to Uriah 15 day of June 1775 by Sam. Rowland -

Isral Bayley's ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a half penney under each ear and a swallow fork in the left ear. Recorded the 19th of October 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk Valentine Brown's ear mark is a hole in the left ear and a slit in the right ear. Recorded the 8th of November 1770 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. The above mark belongs to Paul Vanander Benjamin Lester's ear mark is a hole in the right ear and two nicks the underside of the left ear. Recorded the 8th of November 1770 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. This mark transferred to Benjamin Grearl?] 20th 1779 by Isaac Bloom John Wards ear mark is a crop in the right ear a slit in the crop and a halfpenny each side the left ear. Recorded the 7th November 1770 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk Obidiah Griffen son of Edward Griffin's ear mark isflower de lys in the left ear and a swallow fork in the end of the right. November 22th 1770 - by Wm,Doughty, Town Clerk Tabis Smith's ear mark is a crop on the end of the right ear and a "W" on the end of the left ear. Recorded the 22th of November 1770 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Thomas Hicks ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the right ear and a halfpenny under the same and a [ ? ] the under side the left ear. Recorded 12th of December 1770 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk The above mark is transferred to John Hicks son of Thomas Hicks the 4th of January 1774 by Samuel Rowland - clerk Joseph Thorn's ear mark is a slit in the end of the left ear and a hole in the right ear. Recorded the 8th of January 1771 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk Jacob Bush's ear mark is a flowar delys on the right ear and a halfpenny under the left ear. Recorded 21th January 1771 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk Wheler Case's ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a slit on the left ear and a halfpenny under each ear. Recorded 10th of February 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk James Doughty's ear mark is a a slice the fore side the of February 1771. By Wm. above mark is transferred day of May 1773 by Samuel

crop in the right ear and left ear. Recorded 20th Doughty, Town Clerk. The to David Carpenter the 24th Rowland, Town Clerk.

Samuel Smith's iron brand is "SS" upon the right thy [thigh]. Recorded 20th of February 1771, By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk Zebuland Smith's ear mark is a hole in the right ear. Recorded 20th of February 1771, By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. James Doughty, son of William Doughty jr, ear mark is a slit the underside the left ear and a halfpenny the underside the rite ear. Recorded 18th of March 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. This mark transferred by me. Isaac Bloom, T.C, Wilber Deuel's ear mark is a hole in each ear and a halfpenny under each ear. Recorded the 18th of March 1771. By william Doughty, Town Clerk. The above mark was recorded for Edward Palmer in the year 1768. John Kip's ear mark is slit in the end of the right ear and a halfpenny the fore side the left ear. Recorded the 18th of March 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Thomas Kitcham's ear mark is a halfpenny the upper side and left ear. Recorded the 18th of March 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk The above mark is transferred to Isaac Smith the 5th day of April 1773. By me Peter Gormond, T. Clerk George Doughty's ear mark is a halfpenny the fore side the left ear and a nick the fore side the right ear. Recorded ye 5th of April 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. David Macombor's ear mark is a halfpenny the fore side of each ear and a hole in the right ear. Recorded ye 13th of April 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Richard Hart's ear mark is a crop right ear and a halfpenny each side the left ear. Recorded ye 5th of April 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Abovemarke transferred to Thomas Bennett May 16, 1774 by Reubin Hopkins. Peleg Taber's ear mark flower delys in the right ear and a swallow fork in the left ear. Recorded ye 6th of April 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk, Joel Edgit's ear mark is a crop of the right ear and a slit in the left ear and a nick the upper side the same. Recorded the 2nd day of June 1771 Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk William Bedel's ear mark is a half penney under side each ear and a half penney the fore side the left. Recorded the 22th day of May 1771. By Wm, Dought, Town Clerk. Transferred to Daniel Bedell by Jn. W, Allen, Town Clerk. John Cinyen ear mark is a flower delys in the left ear and a halfe penney under the same. Recorded ye 5th day of June 1771. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Joseph Thorn's ear mark is a crop in the rite ear and a swallow fork in the left ear. Recorded the 5 day of June. By Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. John Klink ear mark is flower delys in the left ear and an half penney under the rite ear. Recorded the 7th day of June 1771 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Thomas Gag's ear mark is a half penny the fore side of the right ear and nick the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 15th day of April 1772 by Peter Germond, Town Clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Josiah ---hardson ear mark is a slit in the end of the left ear and a nick under side the same ear, Recorded the 28th day of April 1772. by Peter Germond, town clerk. Silas Germond son of Peter Germond ear mark is a latch the underside of the right ear. Recorded the 29th day of April 1772. By Peter Germond, town clerk. Peter Germond son of James Germond ear mark is a slice under side of the right ear and a half penney the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 7th day of May 1772 by Peter Germond, Clerk. Isaac Germond son of James Germond ear mark is a slice the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 7th day of May 1772 by Peter Germond, clerk. Jonathan Meed ear mark is a crop ear and a slit in a crop and same and a half penney under Recorded the 6th day of June clerk

in the end of the left a half penney under the side of the right ear, 1772 by Peter Germond,

Jonathan Wickham ear mark is a hole in the right ear and two nicks under side of the same, Recorded the 6th day of June 1772 by Peter Germond, clerk, David Smith's ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a slit in the crop and a halfpenney the underside & upper side the same ear. Recorded the 16th day of June 1772 by me Peter Germond, Clerk, Israel Platt's ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a hole in same and hole in the right ear. Recorded the 17th day of June 1772, By Peter Germond, clerk. Benjamin Haight ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a nick the under side of the same and ahalfpenney the fore side of the rite. Recorded the 21st day of June 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. Paul Vanwicklen ear mark is a slit in the end of each ear. Recorded the twenty fifty day of June 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. Calob Sharwood ear mark is a slit the fore side of the right ear and a halfpenney the under side of the same and a halfpenney the fore side of the left ear. Recorded the tenth day of July 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Isaac Griffon's ear mark is a hole in the right ear and a nick under the left ear. Recorded the tenth day of July 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Joseph Griffen's son of Mical Ear mark is a slip the upper side of the right ear. Recorded the tenth day of July 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. James Ha--1 ear mark is a swallow fork in the right ear and a latch the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 17th day of August 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Adam Carman ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a half penney under side of the same and a swallow fork in the end of the right ear. Recorded the 27th day of August 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk, This mark transferred to Charles Coalmans Sept. 7th 1781 by me Isqac Bloom, Town Clerk. Jacob Carman ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the right ear and a half penney under the same ear and a crop in the left ear. Recorded the 27th day of August 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. This mark transferred to Jethro Coleman Sept. 7th 1781 by me Isaac Bloom, T.C. Mauris Carman ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the right ear and a half penney the fore side of the same ear and a crop in the left ear. Recorded the 27th day of August 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk, Jonathan Weller ear mark is a hole in each ear and a half penney the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 15th day of September 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. John Degreaf ear mark is a crop in the end of the right ear and a nick the under side of each ear. Recorded the 28th day of September 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. David Willbor ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a half penney the upper side of the same and a hole in the right ear. Recorded the 3rd day of October 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. Aron Hammon ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a slit in the crop and a half penney the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 7th day of October 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


William Bedell, Junior. Ear mark is a crop in the end of the right ear and a nick under the same and a nick the fore side of left ear. Recorded the 7th day of October 1772, by me Peter Germond, Clerk. This mark transferred to John Banker June 6th 1777 Henry Germond ear mark is a lach the fore side of the left ear and a hole in the right ear. Recorded the 9th day of October 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Thaddeus Cantfield ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and two half penneys the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 20th day of October 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Eldard Polhemas ear mark is two nicks under the left ear. Recorded the 2 nd day of November 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. William Gaige ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a nick under the same ear. Recorded the 4th day of December 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. Jonathan Cutler ear mark is a hole in the left ear and a lach the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 9th day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Israel Burllinggam's ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a slit in the crop and a nick the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 22nd day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. This marke is transferred to Hezekiah Mills March 28th 1775. Nathan Burllinggam's ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a halfpenney the upper and under side of the same ear and a swallow fork in the left ear. Recorded the 22nd day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Thomas Jencks ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a hole in the same ear and a lach the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 22nd day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Henry Osstrum ear mark is two nicks the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 22nd day of December 1772 by me Peter Germond, clerk. Thomas Bullis, Junior ear mark is a square half penney the upper side of the left ear. Recorded the 22nd day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. May 26th 1792 to James H. Lake by John W. Allen, T. Clerk


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Robirt Bullis ear mark is a squar half penney the upper side of the right ear. Recorded the 22nd day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, Town Clerk. Transferred April the 30th 1793 by John W. Allin To. Clerk. Jesse Hogin's ear mark is a crop in the end of the right ear and a nick the under side of the same and a half penney under the left ear. Recorded the 28th day of December 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Joseph Barns ear mark is a squar half penney the upper side of the left ear and a nick the under side of the right ear. Recorded the 5th day of January 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. John Ireland ear mark is a squar half penney the upper side of the right ear and a nick the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 5th day of January 1773, by me Peter Germond, Town Clerk. Wilbor Deuil ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a nick the upper and under side of the same and a half penney the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 12th day of January 1772, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Jonathan Griffeth ear mark is three slitts in each ear. Recorded the 16th day of January 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. James Delong ear mark is three nicks the under side of the left ear. Recorded the 20th day of January 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. this above mark transferred to Uriah Davis Isaac Bloom, T.C. Thomas Shadbolt ear mark is a slit in the end of each ear and a hole in the left ear and half penney the under side of the right ear. Recorded the 20th day of January 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Silas Reshmor ear mark is a lach the fore side of the left ear and a half penney the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 23rd day of January 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Simyon Lossee ear mark is a crop in halfpenney under the same and a per and under side of the right 27th day of January 1773, by me

the left ear and a half penney the upear. Recorded the Peter Germond, clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings Robert Whitonon's ear mark is a lach the fore the left ear and a lach the under side of ear and half penney the upper side of the corded the first day of February 1773, by Germond, town clerk.

611 side of the right same. Reme Peter

Henry Sharpsteen ear mark is a half penney the fore side of the left ear and two nicks the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 2nd day of February 1773, by me Peter Germond, town clerk. Ephram Ketcham ear ear and a half the same and a ear. Recorded Peter Germond,

mark is a crop in the end of the left penney the upper and under side of half penney the fore side of the right the 3rd day of February 1773, by me clerk.

Benjamin Souls ear mark is a swallow fork in the left ear and a half penney the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 8th day of February 1773 by me Peter Germond, clerk. This marke transferred by consent order of [ ? ] Soals to Caleb Smith July 5, 1774 by Reuben Hopkins, Town Clerk. Benjamin Tripp ear mark is two slits in the end of the right ear and a half penney the under side of the same. Recorded the 9th day of February 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Counrod Delong ear mark is a swallow fork in each ear and a half penney the fore side of the left ear. Recorded the 9th day of February 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. This mark transferred June 2th 1783 by me Isaac Bloom, T. Clerk. James Talmeg ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a half penney the fore side of each ear. Recorded the 18th day of February 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Nathaniel Seamon's ear mark is a lach the under side of each ear. Recorded the 18th day of February 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. James Doughty ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. This mark transferred May 26th 1789 by me Isaac Bloom, Town Clerk.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Frances Laroy ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a slit in the end of the left and a half penney under the same ear. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. This mark transferred by me Isaac Bloom, T. Clerk. Joseph Heagamon ear mark is a half penney the fore side of the right ear and two half penneys the fore side of the left ear. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Nicholas Vnagner ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a half penney the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. William Carpenter ear mark is a lach the under side of the left ear and a nick the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Johannis Heagamon ear mark is swallow fork in the left ear and a crop in the end of the right ear and a hole in the same. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Garrit Vnagner ear mark is a crop of the left ear and a crop in the end of the right ear and a slit in the crop. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. John Vnagner ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a nick the fore side of the same ear and a hole in the right ear. Recorded the 16th day of March 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. John Hunt's ear mark is a crop of the right ear and a nick under the same and a slit in the end of the left ear. Recorded the 5th day of April 1773, by me Peter Germond, clerk. Vollentine Brown ear mark is a half penney each side of the left ear and a half penney the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 5th day of April 1773, by me Peter Germond, town clerk. Isaac Smith ear mark is a half penney the fore side of the left ear. Recorded the 5th day of April, 1773, by me Peter Germond, town clerk. This mark transferred to Benjamin Allen, Feb, 29th 1796 by me Jonathan Owen, Town Clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Nicholas Holms ear mark is two slits in the end of the right ear and a half penney the fore side of the same ear. Recorded the 5th day of April 1773, by me Peter Germond, town clerk. Nathaniel Powel ear mark is a hole in the right ear and half peny the fore side the same. Recorded the 7th day of May 1773, by me Samuel Rowland, clerk. Transferred to his son Nathaniel Aug. 17, 1812 by H. V. D. Burgh, T.C. Jacob Montross ear mark is a latch under side the right ear and half peny the fore side the same. Recorded the 11th day of May 1773, by me Sam. Rowland, clerk. Daniel Bush ear mark is a latch the under side the left ear and half peny under the same. Recorded the 11th day of May 1773, by me Saml. Rowland, clerk, The above mark transferred to Wm. Allen, January 20th 1793 by John W. Allen, T. Clerk. David Carpenter's ear mark is a crop of the right ear and a slice the fore side the left ear, Recorded the 24th of May 1773, by Saml. Rowland, clerk. Uriah Mitchell ear mark is a slit in the end of the left ear and a half peny the foreside each ear. Recorded the 15 of June 1773, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. Volintine Barnard ear mark is a S'lowfork fork in the left ear and two nicks under the right ear. Recorded the 31th of July 1773, by Saml. Rowland, clerk. Thomas Barnard ear mark is a crop of the right ear and a latch the upper side the left. Recorded the 31th of July 1773, by Saml. Rowland, clerk. Thomas Barnard, Junior ear mark is a crop of the right ear and a half peny under the same and a latch the upper side the left. Recorded the 31th of July 1773, by Saml. Rowland, clerk. Moses Shaw ear mark is a latch the under side the left ear and ahalf peny the uper side and under side of the right ear. Recorded the 6th day of August 1773, by me Samuel Rowland, clerk. Jonathan Alger ear mark is a hole in the left ear and a half peny the upper side the same. Recorded the 27th day of August 1773, by me Samuel Rowland, clerk.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Amos Allen ear mark is a halfpenney the upper and under side of the right ear and a slit in the end of left ear. Recorded the 21th day of September 1773, by Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk. Didymus Kinney ear mark is a latch the under side the left ear and a latch the upper side the right ear. Recorded the 30th day of September 1773, by me Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk. Benjamen Church ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the right ear Recorded the 30 of November 1773, by Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk. Joshua Travis ear mark is a slise the under side the right ear and a hole in the left and a halfpeny under side the same. Recorded the 4th day of November 1773, by me Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk. Edward Underhill ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a halfpeny under the left ear and a hole in the same. Recorded the 3th day of December 1773, by Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk. Samuel Barns ear mark is a slise the upper side the right ear and a slit in the end of the left ear. Recorded the 10th day of December 1773 by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. Simons Flaglor, Junior ear mark is a latch the under side the right ear and a slit in the end of the left ear. Recorded the first day of January 1774, Samuel Rowland, clerk. The above mark transferred to James Baker by consent of the above by me Isaac Bloom. Jacob Lesters ear mark is a crop of the left ear and a halfpeny the foreside the same. Recorded the first day of January 1774, Samuel Rowland, Clerk, This marke is transferred to Daniel Lewis September 11th, 1775. Isarel Posts ear mark is a halfpenny the upper side of the right and a nick under the same and a halfpeny the upper side the left ear. Recorded the 4th day of January 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. Barnabus Hicks ear mark is a swallow fork in the left ear. Recorded the 4th day of January 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. The above mark transferred to Gurdon Miller by me Isaac Bloom, T. Clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Thomas Hicks ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the left ear and a slise the under the right ear. Recorded the 4th day of January 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. This marke is transferred to George Pearsall April 12, 1775. John Hicks son of Thomas Hicks ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the right ear and a halfpeny under the same and a slise the under side the left ear. Recorded the 4th day of January 1774 by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. This mark transferred to Morduai Hicks by me, Isaac Bloom. Peter Germond son of Peter Germon ear mark is a half penney under the left ear. Recorded the 26th day of January 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. Comer Bullocks ear mark is a crop of the left ear and two slits in the end of the right ear. Recorded the 7 day of February 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. John Allen son of William Allen ear mark is a crop of the left ear and a slit in said crop and a slit in the end of the right ear. Recorded the 28th of February, 1774 by Samuel Rowland, clerk. John Lawrance ear mark is two half peneys the under side the left ear and a halfpeney the fore side the same. Recorded the 7th of March 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. Mical Clinck ear mark is a crop of the left ear and slit in the same. Recorded the 24 of March 1774, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. William Carpenters ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the right ear and two halfpenneys the upper side the left ear. Recorded the 28th day of March 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk. Joel Edget ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a slit in said crop and a nick the under side the right ear. Recorded the 28th of March 1774, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. William Bogle ear mark is a slit in the end of the left ear and a crop of the end of the right ear and a hole in the same. Recorded the 28th of March 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. Calab Edmonds ear mark is a swalow fork in the left ear and a slit in the end of the right ear. Recorded the 29th of March 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Town Clerk.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Soloman Skidmore ear mark is two half peneys the upper side the right ear and one half peney the under side the left ear. Recorded 1st day of April 1774, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. Thomas Willbor ear mark is a crop of the end of the left ear and a halfpeney under side the same, recorded the 2th day of April 1774, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. Yos Garison ear mark is a swallow fork in the end of the left ear and a half peney under the same. Recorded this 4th day of April 1774, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. Nathan Willber ear mark is a crop of the end of the right ear and a halfpeney under each ear. Recorded this 4th day of April 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. Joseph Allen ear mark is a crop of the right ear and a slit in the crop and a latch the under side the left ear. Recorded this fourth day of April 1774, by Samuel Rowland, clerk. Oliver Rowland ear mark is a latch the upper side the left ear and a latch the under side the right ear. Recorded 5th day of April 1774, by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. This mark transferred to James Mongummery May 22th 1777. Benjamin De La Vergne ear mark is a latch the underside of each ear and a halfpenney under side of each ear. Recorded April 30th 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, Town Clerk. Reuben Hopkins his ear mark is a latch underside of the right ear a slit in the left ear a nick the under side of the same. Recorded the 30th day of April 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, Town Clerk. This mark transferred to Simon Flagler, July 8th 1778. Frederick Straits ear marke is a slit in the end of the right ear and a nick the underside of the left ear. Recorded the 2nd day of May 1774, By Reuben Hopkins, Clerk. Frederick Straits iron brand is "FS" put the left thigh. Recorded the 2 day of May 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Jeremiah Wines ear marke is two slits in the right ear and one slit in the left ear and a nick under side of the left ear. Recorded May 3, 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk. 1 Transferred to [Jonathan Gazley] Tripp Mosher his ear marke is a crop off the left ear and a hole in the right ear. Recorded the 4th day of May 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk. Nathaniel Browns his ear mark is a latch the underside of each ear and a halfpenny the fore side of the right ear. Recorded the 14th day of May, 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk. Cousin Tripp his ear marke is a latch the underside of the right ear and a nick underside of the same and a nick the underside of the left ear. Recorded May 14:1774 by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk. Thomas Bennets ear marke is a crop off the right ear and a halfpenny each side the left ear. Recor'd May 16th 1774 by Reuben Hopkins T. Clerk. Joseph Deuels ear marke is a crop off the left ear and a slit underside of the right ear. Recor's May 16: 1774 by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk Cyrus Richmonds ear marke is two slites in the end of the left ear and a halfpenny the underside of the right ear. Recorded May 16:1774 by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerke. This mark recorded to Joseph Wilson by Isaac Bloom, T. Clerk. Isaac Deuells ear marke is a slit in the end of the left ear and a halfpenny the upper the same and a crop off the end of the right ear. Recorded May 25, 1774 by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerk. Pazi Laphams ear marke is a nick the under side of the left ear. Recorded May 25th 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, Town Clerke. Lewis Barton, Junior ear marke is two halfpenneys the upper side of the left ear. Recorded May 27th 1774, by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerke. This marke transferred to Filkin Germond December 4, 1775.

1 ed. note: This name has been crossed out in the original manuscript.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Maurice Seamans ear marke is a latch the fore side of each ear. Recorded June 6:1774, by Reuben Hopkins, T. Clerke Jacob Reynolds ear mark is a crop of the left ear and a nick the fore side Recorded September the 11, 1776. The above marke transferred to John Vancott, June 6th, 1777. William King ear marks is a hole in the right ear and a halfpenny under the same ear and a crop in the left ear. Recorded the 24th day of April 1753 by me Isaac Gormond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to Hugh Caniday on 15th of May 1760 by Wm. Doughty Town Clerk. Thomas Dickson ear mark is a half penny under each ear and a lach the fore side the right ear and record made the first day 1753 by me, Isaac Gormond, clerk, This mark transferred to Cornelius Soper July 5, 1774 by Reuben Hopkin, clerk. Isaac Burton ear mark is a crop in the left ear and two slits in the crop recorded May the 19th day 1753 by me Isaac Gormond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to William Devine by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk March 19th 1770. Fradrik Ham ear mark is a hole in the right ear and a crop in the same ear recorded July the 7th day 1753 by me, Isaac Gormond, clerk. Fradrik Ham iron brand is the letters F H and brands on the left thigh Recorded the 7th day of July 1753 by me, Isaac Gormond, clerk. Benjamin White ear mark is a crop in the Right ear and a slit in the said ear and a slit in the Left ear. Recorded July the 31 Day 1753 by me Isaac Gormond Clerk Benjamin White Iron brand is BW and brands on the left thigh recorded July the 31 Day 1753 by Isaac Gormond Clerk Peter Magdaniol earmark is a hole in the left ear. Recorded May the 10th day 1754 by me, Isaac Gormond, clerk. The above mark transferred to David Voughan by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk. The above mark is transferred to Stephen Pratt, June 25th 1770 by Wm. Doughty - Town Clerk

Minutes of Annual Meetings


Ephoraim Kiddor his ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a halfpenny under the left ear and a hole in the same ear. Recorded the 8th day of November 1753 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to David Underhill the 3 day of December 1773 by Sam'l Rowland, Town Clerk. Rubon Palmor ear mark is a hole in the right ear and a half penny under the left ear. Recorded the eighteen day of December 1753 by me Isaac Gormond, clerk. Joseph Griffon ear mark is a slit on the left ear and a half penny under the same ear and two half penny under the right ear recorded January the 14th day 1754 by me, Isaac Germond, clerk. Transferred to Unis Bunker widow May 26, 1796. Benjamin Homes ear mark is a lach through fore side of the right ear and a half penny under each ear. Recorded May the 10th day 1754 by me, Isaac Germond, clerk. James Germond ear marks is a slit under the right ear and a nick through fore side the same ear and a half penny under the left ear. Recorded May the 10th day 1754 by Isaac Germond, clerk. George Soul Junior ear mark is a swallow fork in the left ear and a half penny through fore side the right ear. Recorded May the 24th day 1754 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above is transferred to Benjamin Soule the 8th day of February 1773 by me Peter Germond, clerk. John Gazely ear mark is a crop in the right ear and two slits in the said ear and a lach the foreside the left ear and recorded this 14th day of June 1754: by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. Thomas Linonton ear mark is a crop in the right ear and a slit in the crop and a halfpenny under the same ear. Recorded the fourteen day of June 1754. By me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above written mark recorded for Oliver Vanllaw by me Isaac Germond, clerk the 31 day of March 1759. Josiah Smith ear mark is a half penny the foreside the left ear and a nick the foreside the right ear. Recorded the twenty third day of December 1754 by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. The above mark is transferred to George Doughty the 5th of April 1771 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk.




Minutes of Annual Meetings

Abraham Palmer ear mark is a swallow fork in the right ear and a slit in the left ear and ahalf penny the fore side of the same ear recorded March 22 day 1755 by me, Isaac Germond, Clerk. Joseph Brown ear mark is a croop on the right ear and three nicks under the same ear. Recorded the 24th day of April 1755, by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. Peter Hallock ear mark is a crop on the left ear and a lach under the right ear. Recorded the 30th of April 1755, by me Isaac Germond, Clerk This marke transferred to Joseph Deuel May 16: 1774 by R. Hopkins, T. Clerk. Daniel Tripp his ear marke is a crop on the right ear and a lach under the left ear and Recorded in Crom Elbow presinct record the 7th day of May 1755: by me Isaac Germond. The above mark transferred to Remembrance Gage the 13th of May 1766 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Timothy Carpenter ear mark is a lact the forside each ear and a halfpenny under the right ear. Recorded the 13th day of May 1755 by me Isaac Germond, clerk John Keese ear mark is a crop in each ear and a nick the foreside the right ear, Recorded the 7th June 1755, by me Isaac Germond, clerk. James Miller ear mark is a swallow fork on the right ear and a halfpenny under each ear. Recorded June the 18th day of 1755 by me Issac Germond, clerk. John Deusonbers, Junior, ear mark is a crop on the right ear and a nick under each ear. Recorded the 19th day of June by me Isaac Germond, clerk, The above ear mark transferred to John Degrouf the 28th day of September 1772. by me Peter Germond. William Doughty Junior ear marke is a crop on the left ear and two nick the foreside the same ear. Recorded the 25 June 1755 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above ear marke transferred to Stephen Badgley May 21th 1759. The ear mark of John Green deceased by agreement of the executors is now recorded for Israel Green the 6th day of October 1755 by me Isaac Germond, clerk, Which said marke is a lach under the right ear and a nick under the same.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


William Fowler ear mark is a crop in the left ear and two slits in the crop and a halfpenny under the right ear and recorded November the 6th day 1755 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Samuel Burlenham ear mark is a swallow fork in each ear and a halfpenny under each ear. Recorded the 20th day of November 1755 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Morris Lewis ear mark is a half peny the fore side the right ear and a nick the foreside the left ear and recorded the fifth day of April 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above written mark is recorded for Smitton Bronin the twenty forth day of August 1756. Elias Doty ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a half peney the fore side the same ear and a lach the foreside the right ear. Recorded April the 14th day 1756 by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. Charls Doty ear marke is a swallow fork in the left ear and a half peny under the right ear recorded the 15th day of April 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark transferred to James Doughty by agreement the 30th day of May 1759. The above mark is transferred to Moses Hoage March 13th 1779 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Samuel Rowland ear mark is a lach the foreside the left ear and a lach the under side of the right ear recorded the 23 day of June 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark transferred to Oliver Rowland the 4th day of April 1774 by Samuel Rowland, clerk. Smitton Brownin ear mark is a half penny the foreside the right ear and a nick the foreside the left ear recorded the twenty first day of August 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to Benjamin Frost the 22th of December 1769 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Morris Lewis ear mark is a lach the foreside each ear and recorded on record the twenty forth day of August 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark by agreement is transferred to Isaiah Griffen May the eighteenth 1761 by me, Wm. Doughty, clerk. Zacais Newcomb ear mark is a crop in the left ear and two slit in the right ear. Recorded the 16th October 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark transferred to Wm. Hare ye 5th of May 1762.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Thomas Sisson ear marke is a halfpenny under the right ear and a half penny the foreside the left ear and recorded November the 27th day 1756, by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Transferred May the 6th 1793 by John W, Allen, Town Clerk. Elijah Felps[Phelps] ear mark is a slise under the right ear and a halfpenny the foreside the left ear. Recorded the first day of December 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to Stephen Haight the 12th of August 1767 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. William Green ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a half penny the fore side the same ear, Recorded the third day of December 1756 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to Ambros Green February ye 16th 1768 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. Jonathan Palmer ear mark is a slise under the right ear and a hole in the same ear and a half peny under the left ear and recorded the thirty day of January 1757: by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. Thomas Bullis ear mark is a crop in the end of the left ear and a halfpenny underside the same ear and a lach under the right ear. Recorded the 30th day of January 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Daniel Mills Junior ear mark is a slitt in the end of the left ear and a nick under the right ear and recorded in Crom Elbow precinct record March the 14th 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to Roger Sotherland the 24th of July 1768 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk, Moses Hallock ear mark is a crop on the left ear and a lach under the right ear and a slit in the aforesaid left ear in the said crop, recorded the 4th day of May 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. John Warrin ear mark is two nick under the right ear and one nick under the left ear and recorded the 7th day of July 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Samuel Osborn ear mark is a half penny under each ear and a swallow fork in the right ear and recorded in Crom Elbow precinct. Recorded the 19th day of May 1757 by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. The above mark transferred to Wm Soule March ye 21th 1766 Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk.

Minutes of Annual Meetings


John Weller ear mark is a hole in each ear and a half peny under the left ear and recorded in Crom Elbow precinct May the 14th day 1757 by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. The above mark transferred to Jonathan Weller the 15th day of September 1772 by me Peter Germond, Clerk. Othonias Brotherton ear mark is a crop on the left ear and a slit in the said crop and two a halfpenny the under side the same ear and recorded the third day of June 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Samson Viel ear mark is ahole in each ear and a lach the forside the left ear and recorded the 7th day of July 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Peter Hallock Junior ear mark is a crop in the left ear and a half Penney under the same ear and a lach under the right ear. Recorded the 7th day of July 1757 by me Isaac Germond, Clerk. The above mark transferred to Joshua Hallock ye 8th day of November 1766 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. William Allen ear mark is a crop on the left ear and a slit in the said crop and a slit in the right ear. Recorded September the 27th 1757 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. The above mark is transferred to John Allen son of said William Allen ye 28th of February 1774 by Samuel Rowland, Clerk. John Denton ear marke is three slits in the end of the left ear. Recorded February the 14th day 1758 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Jossiah Hutter[?] ear mark is three slits in the end of the right ear. Recorded April the 4th day 1758/ Isaac Germond, clerk. Joseph Fisher ear mark is a slit under the left ear and two halfpeny under right ear. Recorded by me the 20th of April 1756, Isaac Germond, clerk, David Hewsteed Junior ear marke is a half peney under the right ear and a nick under the left ear and recorded in Crom Elbow precinct record the 20th day of April 1758 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Zacariah Storey ear mark is a swallow fork in the right ear and a half peny under the same ear and a crop on the left ear, recorded the 27 June 1758 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. Transferred to Zachariah Mosher.


Minutes of Annual Meetings

Harris Griffin ear mark is a slit in the right ear and two halfpenny under the left ear. Recorded the 27 day of June 1758 by me Isaac Germond, clerk, Caleb Crandel ear mark is a swallow fork in each ear and a half penny the fore side each ear. Recorded the 27th day of June 1758 by me Isaac Germond, clerk. This marke transferred to Caleb Green June 21, 1775. John Bebee ear mark is a crop on the right ear and a slit in the said crop and a hole in the left ear. Recorded the 6th day [July?] 1758 by Isaac Germond, Clerk. The above mark transferred to Jacob Everson[?] ye lth of June 1765 by Wm. Doughty, Town Clerk. James Lester ear mark is a crop on the left ear and a halfpenney under each ear. Recorded in Crom Elbow precinct record January the 1st day 1759, by me Isaac Germond, clerk. This marks transferred to Jedediah Allin May 20, 1775. John Haight ear mark is a slitt in the right ear and a halfpeny under the left ear and recorded in Crom Elbow precinct record January the 11 day 1759 by me Isaac Germond, clerk.

TAX LIST - 1801

Tax lists which recorded the assessment value of property and the tax levied began in Dutchess County in the year 1717. The record from then until 1779 is complete except for missing records for the years 1749 to 1752, 1764 and 1776. The names of these taxpayers and the year they paid taxes are recorded in earlier publications. The Nine Partners Patent encompassed a large area which was divided into precincts and towns as the population grew. From 1737 to 1762 the area was known as the Crum Elbow Precinct. In 1762 this precinct was divided into Amenia and Charlotte Precincts. Charlotte was divided in 1786 into Clinton and Washington Precincts. These were changed administratively in 1788 to towns without any changes in their boundaries. In 1801 the Town of Clinton included the towns presently known as Clinton, Hyde Park and Pleasant Valley. The tax list presented below is included although it is one year later than the eighteenth century. There are no tax lists known to exist between 1788 and 1800 for the area included in the Nine Partners Patent.3 It is complete and in its original format except in a few instances where the editor added, in brackets, known variations of names for clarification.

1Reese, William W. & Reynolds, Helen W. Eighteenth Century Records of the portion of Dutchess County, New York, that was included in Rombout Precinct and the original town of Fishkill. COLLECTIONS of Dutchess County Historical Society, Vol. VI, 1938. Out of print. 23uck, Clifford. Tax Lists of the precincts of Beekman, Charlotte, Clinton, Crum Elbow, Northeast, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck and Washington. 1977. 3Two tax lists beyond 1779 have list the taxpayers in the Precincts Washington and cover the years 1786 be found in Clifford Buck's work as

been found. These of Clinton and and 1787. They can cited above.



Tax List

Asessment Roll of Real and Personal Estates in the Town of Clinton and County of Dutchess made the twelvth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and One according to the directions of the Statute Entitled an act for the Asesment and Collection of taxes. By Jesse Bell, Henry Ostrom and Seaman Carpenter assessors of said Town-2i Mills

Name of possessors

Allen, William Allen, Joseph Allen, John Adriance, Garrot Allen, John Abbott & Shipley Angevine, Jonathon Angevine, Ely Armstrong, Asael Asten [Austen], Joshua Albertson, John Ames [Ernes], Jesse Ammermon, John Adams, William Allen, Jedediah Allen, Walter Arnold, Ahab Ackert, John Albertson, Isaac Albertson, Joseph Arnold, John , Ackert, Daniel'

Value of Value of Tax to be paid thereon Personal Real Estate Estate 1796 2060 2080 300 2655 12000 2265 1676 1543 1455 1860 1700 650 140 2390 348 1200 1600 3935 1000

950 100

2010 1200

83 130 12


153 1082

500 Benjamin, Sherow 1232 Brigs, John Milwright 100 Benson, William 800 486 310 Beadle, John 1410 Beadle, Elisha 6856 3000 Beadle, Timothy 370 Balding, George 1500 Bailey, John 11065 1050 Bloom, Isaac 240 Bloom, Silvester 3634 300 Brown, Persall 150 Belding, William Belding, Samuel 1400 Brown, James 25 375 Bishop, Daniel Blacksmith 200 Budd, John 1455 220 Baker, James 2520 1 end of page 1 in the original.

1796 3010 2180 300 2655 14010 3465 1676 1543 1455 1943 1830 650 152 2390 348 1200 1766 3935 1000 153 1082

4.04 6.77 4.90 .67 5.97 31.52 7.79 3.77 3.47 3.27 4.37 4.11 1.46 .34 5:37 .78 2.70 3.97 8.85 2.25 .34 2.43

500 1332 800 796 1410 9856 370 1500 12115 240 3934 150 1400 400 200 1675 2520

1.12 2.99 1.80 1.79 3.17 22.17 .83 3.37 27.25 .54 8.85 .33 3.15 .90 .45 3.76 5.67

Tax List Bright, John Junier Benuway, Jeremiah Burtsall, Lott Bard, Samuel Benschoten, Herman Bell, David Barlow, John Bush, Jacob Bell, Jesse Burris, Benjamin Bell, Darias , Bramen, Cyrusi Boughton, Joseph Balding, Isaac Bentley, Henry Barker, Sylvenas Bayley, Elias Baker, Richard Bennet, Ephraim Bishop, Daniel Wmaker Bedford, David Bunker, Eunice Burger, David Junier Burger, George Boudish, Luke Buckman, Amasa Barnes, Samuel Junier Brigs, John Farmer Buckbee, Jeremiah Badgley, Joshua Badgley, George Barnes, Joseph Buckbee, Richard Barker, Samuel

1390 240 250 10000 804 118 200 3100 1531 989 1938 1734 2230 1391 891

430 90 2503 1682 1035 1442 1410 732 150 2349 1000 4933 2135 1500 800


539 55

50 125 80 373

17 141 83 490


100 243 122 315 145 52

250 1390 Carpenter, William 85 Chatterton, Peter 2800 Conklin, Lemuel 1562 Collins, Joshua 1460 500 Conklin, John 80 50 Conklin, J. John2 125 1000 Carpenter, Benjamin 250 Carpenter, John 358 Carpenter, Daniel 1447 Carmon, Aaron 1447 Carmon, George 100 7090 Crook, John 1255 Carpenter, Israel 45* *Congdon, Ephraim 1318 6005 Conklin, Isaac 2773 795 Culver, John 1002 Chase, Elezar 15 Cock, James 2000 Cock, Jacob *crossed out in original manuscript. lend of pg. 2 in original. 2end of pg. 3 in original.

1390 240 250 10539 804 173 200 3100 1531 1039 125 1938 1814 2603 1391 891 17 141 513 90 2993 1682 1035 1619 1410 732 250 2349 1243 122 5248 2280 1500 852

3.12 .54 .56 23.71 1.80 .38 .45 6.97 3.44 2.33 .28 4.36 4.08 5.85 3.12 2.00 .04 .31 1.15 .20 6.73 3.78 2.32 3.64 3.17 1.64 .56 5.28 2.79 .27 11,80 5.13 3.37 1,91

1640 85 2800 1562 1960 130 1125 250 358 1447 1447 7190 1255

3.69 .19 6.30 3.51 4,41 .29 2.53 .56 .80 3.25 3,25 16.17 2.82

7323 3568 1002 15 2000

16.47 8.02 2.25 ,03 4.50


Tax List

Conklin, James 100 2440 Cropser, Abartus 1906 Cropser, John Junier 998 Cropser, Gartinede *Coggins, Timothy Blacksmith 1755 Cookingham, Frederick 2141 Cookingham, Michael 1538 Clapp, John 335 Conner, John 1900 Clapp, James 1920 Culver, James 286 Carpenter, John 150 Clapp, Henry 1 1200 Cornell, Jacob 1200 Cornell, Quimby *Cornell, Jacob Carpenter, William Cornell, Matthew and W. 800 2400 Carpenter, Seaman 1730 Carpenter, Zeno 90 Cornell, Elisha 1540 Carpenter, Samuel Carpenter, George 1300 Cropser, Bostian Clark, Samuel 404 Cookingham, David Catchem, Samuel Dean, Jonathan Devine, Abraham Debois, Koert Degroof, Evert Doughty, Alexander Doughty, Joseph Davis, Benjamin Degroof, Moser Devoe, Jerememiah Dutten, Titus Degarmo, Peter Drake, John Dean, Joseph Delamatter, Benjamin D.Witt, John D Cantillon, Richard2 Drake, Gerardus Doty, Charles & Elias Dedrick, George Dyer, Robert Dean, Moses Doty, Elias Dusenbury, Totten

5850 1240 3500 1800 500 4003 770 1443 60 200 1364 1030 200 2508 5570 2280 487 20 1320 140 1400 300

197 114 69 730 725


40 1247 40 406 750 811




858 20 100 50 1647

*crossed out in original manuscript. 1end of pg. 4 in original. 2end of pg. 5 in original.

100 2440 2103 1112

.22 5.49 4.73 2.50

2485 2866 1538 335 1900 1920 286 150 1200 1200

5.59 6.44 3.46 .75 4.27 4.32 .64 .33 2.70 2.70

1350 800 2400 1730 130 2787 40 1300 406 404 750

3.03 1.80 5.40 3.89 ,29 6.27 .09 2.92 .91 .90 1.68

6661 1240 3500 1900 500 4003 770 1593 60 200 1364 1030 322 2508 5570 3138 487 40 1420 50 140 3047 300

14.98 2.79 7.87 4.27 1.12 9.00 1.73 3.58 .13 .45 3.06 2.31 .72 5.64 12.53 7.06 1.09 .09 3.19 .11 .31 6.85 .67

Tax List

Doughty, Oliver Dusenbury, Henry Doty, Isaac Dedrick, Garrot Doty, Elias Junier Dougharty, Gilbert Doty, Samuel Danielson, Robert Dorlan, William Dorlan, Benjamin Demim, John Davis, Stephen Dennis, Joseph Drake, Sias Doughty, D. Williram Doughty, William


2200 290 1750 2180 1260 1600 250 1730 800 1280 2014

102 265 40 143

50 60 60

Evertson, Jacob Ely, William Evertson, H. Jacob Eckert, Daniel Eckert, Zachariah

3500 1800

Foster, Sarah widow Flaglor, Abraham Flaglor, Peter Fowler, Henry Flaglor, Solomon Flaglor, Barton Freligh, Philip Forman, Paul *Frederick, John Frost, Jordan Fowler, Gilbert Frost, George Frost, Solomon Fanning, (?) Mary Frost, Mordica Forman, Samuel Frost, James Fosdick, Siles Frost, Benjamin Frost, Zophar2

120 1000 2260 336 3356 1500 1200 1306

6500 4000

207 81

120 100 295 150 77

913 169 935 2700 1550 1157

1200 65 142 725

1600 968 1660

590 Germond, Peter Junier 1350 Gager, John Junier 315 3300 Germond, Peter T. 226 Gager, John 2079 4864 Germond, James T. 110 3025 Golder, John 218 932 Gay, Barnet *crossed out in original manuscript. ' end of pg. 6 in original. 2end of pg. 7 in original.

2200 290 1750 2180 1260 102 1865 250 40 1873 800 1280 2014 50 60 60

4.95 .65 3.93 4.90 2.83 .22 4.19 .56 .09 4.21 1.80 2.88 4.53 .11 .13 .13

10000 1800 4000 207 81

22.50 4.05 9.00 .46 .18

120 1000 2380 436 3651 1650 1200 1383

.27 2.25 5.35 .98 8.21 3.71 2,70 3.11

913 169 935 2700 1200 1615 1299 725 1600 968 1660

2.05 .38 2.10 6.07 2.70 3.63 2.92 1.63 3.60 2.17 3.73

590 1350 3615 226 6943 3135 1150

1.32 3.03 8.13 .50 15.62 7.05 2.58


Tax List

Gale, Henry Green, Zopher Gould, James Griffen, James & Walter Gazley, John Junier Griffen, Obadiah Gilderslieve, Henry Gazley, Jonathen Griffen, Adam Gilderslieve, William Gazley, Joseph

800 205 3500 1900 1300 1500 1100

42 67 25

203 87

1350 2245

Hulet, Samuel 1800 Holms, William 500 Hiliker, John 3200 Harris, William 1300 Hagerman, John 1710 Hicks, Samuel 600 Hall, James 1800 Hatfield, Peter 490 Hermance, Martini 840 Husted, Joseph 528 Husted, Joseph Junier 626 Horton, Joseph 1690 Heddin, Samuel Hughes, Christopher Jun.2600 591 Howland, Solomon 2557 Hendricks, John 933 Hyde, Lemuel Hyde, Chrstopher Jun. 1052 Hustis, William Hill, Samuel Hill, David 1140 5950 Hughes, Christopher 206 Hallock, Isaac 513 Hallock, Mary 100 Hayworth, William Hallock, Rebeckah 206 Halstead, Samuel 2000 Herrick, Joseph 1300 Holms, John Ham, Frederick 1700 Hicks, Elias 1000 Hatfield, Robert 1850 Haight, David & Isaac 1700 Halstead, David 1650 Hover, Christian Hover, Fradrick 240 Hall, Thomas 1077 Hall, John2 Irish, Philip 342 Ireland, John 1803 lend of pg. 8 in original. 2end of pg. 9 in original.



10 53 220

50 140 936 52

220 68 120

842 272 25 3500 1900 1300 1703 1100 87 1350 2245

1.89 .61 .05 7.87 4.27 2.92 3.83 2.47 .19 3.03 5.05

750 1800 500 3200 1300 1710 600 1800 490 1027 528 626 1690 2600 591 2557 933 10 1052 53 1140 6170 206 513 100 206 2050 1300 140 2636 1052 1850 1700 1870 68 120 240 1077

1.68 4.05 1.12 7.20 2.92 3.84 1.35 4.05 1.10 2.31 1.18 1.40 3.80 5,85 1.32 5.75 2,09 .02 2.36 .11 2.56 13,88 .46 1.15 .22 .46 4.61 2.92 .31 5.93 2.36 4.16 3.82 4,20 .15 .27 .54 2.42

342 1803

.76 4.05

Tax List

Jackson, Jackson, Johnson, Johnson,

Samuel Ephraim William John Judge

Kipp, Abraham Ketcham, Israel Kipp, Daniel & John Kendrick, John Kipp, Abraham Kipp, Benoni

1890 9062 156 75 600 900 1180 701

Loce, Langdon 180 789 Lewis, Enoch 75 Lumeraux, Timothy 2400 Lumeraux, Isaac 75 Lake, Henry Lattin, Benjamin 1563 Lattin, Adolph 930 Laurence, Richard 1039 Lefferts, Daniel 400 Laurence, Thadeas Lee, Abneri 500 Lee, Widow 219 Light, John 65 Lake, John Junier 1848 Lawless, John 730 Lummeraux, George 1052 Lummeraux, Andrew Lummeraux, John 800 Lewis, Richard & Bonker 100 Landon, Thomas 4476 Lawless, Samuel Lewis, Morgan 13546 1600 Lyon, Jonathan 1250 Lyon, Isaac Lyon, Elnathan 1250 Laurence, Samuel 1550 Laurence, Stephen 1000 2672 Laurence, William 1178 Laurence, Obediah Laurence, Ezekiel 900 75 Marshall, Elnathan widow 280 Machfarden, Daniel 400 Mott, Joseph 3140 Marshall, James 510 Mead, Joseph 125 Mastin, Cornelas 1735 Morse, Reubin 1102 Morse, Elisha2 600 Marshall, Aron 1end of pg. 10 in original. 2end of pg. 11 in original.


113 30 830 671

132 150

185 100 200

12 70 10 39 45 45 166

12 1000 205 161 149



113 30 2720 9733

.25 ,06 6,12 21,89

156 75 600 1032 1330 701

.35 ,16 1,35 2,32 2.99 1,57

180 789 260 2500 75 1763 930 1039 400 12 570 229 104 45 1848 775 1052 966 100 4476 12 14546 1805 1250 1411 1550 1149 2672 1178 1070

,40 1,77 .58 5.62 .16 3.96 2,09 2.33 .90 .02 1,28 .51 ,23 .10 4.15 1.74 2,36 2,17 .22 10.07 .02 32.72 4,06 2.81 3.17 3.48 2.58 6.01 2.65 2.40

75 280 400 3290 510 125 1735 1102 600

.16 .63 .90 7,40 1,14 ,28 3,90 2,47 1.35


Tax List

Marshall, Major Mott, Henry Marshall, Henry Manning, Charles Manning, Charles Jun. Marshall, Totten Mastin, John Morquot, John Mulford, Hannah Marshall, Zacheus Manning, John Merrit, James Manning, Jacob Machname, William Morse, Joshua Manning, Caleb Mosher, Benjamin Merrit, William Marshall, James Junier Marshall, J Zacheas Michael, Thomas Machlony, Briant Marshall, Justice Morquot, Georgy Morquot, Peter

1442 2180 2670 1865 800 100 860 640 5243 1499 2478

Nelson, Joshua Nochosan, Widow Newcomb, John Newcomb, Zacheas Newcomb, John ) William Tillue on it) Newcomb, Thomas Nelson, Francis R. Nelson, Stephen Nelson, Francis J.

120 391 4370 4730

Owen, Jonathan Ostrom, John Ostrom, Daniel Oakley, Solomon Ostrom, Henry Ostrom, Jacob Ostrom, Peter Ostrom, James Odle, Valentine Ostrom, Cornelas Odle, Abraham Odle, Anthony Odle, James Odle, James Hatter2

2449 1162 1162 480 2400 900 480 434 1488 759 300 200 600 200


461 1220 1138 798

416 79 80

80 214 584 41 86 40

115 2050 60 2000 250 1935 154 1192

100 9200 2000 139 500

end of pg. 12 in original. end of pg. 13 in original.


31 184


500 49




1442 2180 3086 1944 880 100 860 640 5323 1713 3062 41 86 461 1260 1138 798 115 2050 368 2000 250 1935 185 1376

3,24 4.90 6,96 4.37 1.98 .22 1.93 1.44 11.97 3.83 6.88 .09 .19 1.03 2.83 2.56 1,79 .25 4.61 .82 4.50 .56 4.35 .41 3,09

120 391 4570 4730

.27 .87 10.28 10.64

100 9700 2000 188 500

.22 21.82 4,50 ,42 1.12

2449 1162 1162 520 2400 900 480 434 1598 759 300 235 600 200

5.51 2,61 2,61 1.17 5.40 2.02 1,08 .97 3.59 1,70 ,67 .52 1.35 .44

Tax List

Peters, Hulet Powell, Benjamin Powell, Daniel Poast, Jothan Powlell, Isaac Pells, Evert Prichard, James Powell, Frost Powell, Jacob Pawling, John Powell, John Provost, Aug Persall, George Persall, Joseph Peters, Smith Peters, Sarah Powell, Moses Powell, James Powell, Charles Powell, Nathaniel Pettit, Peter

3400 674 730 150 1420 1961 819 2207 885 360 1401 7742 3369


131 13 420 82


175 4940 6147 500 1400 150 2272 787

Quick, James Quick, Peter'


Rimbh, Luke & B Rogers, Jeremiah Ring, David Robertson, George Rowland, John Russle, Isaac Radcliff, Peter Rider, Thomas Ray, Nathaniel Rikert, Henry Rikert, David Robertson, John Ray, Cornelas Rickeson, Shadrick

4000 4149 1957 240 330 1870 2579


123 298 280 465 73

225 380 1600

256 60

700 800 500

Shipley & Abbet Conklin T. 762 1521 Storms, Peter 118 Smith, Othenal Stringham, Peter 1360 Smith, Joseph on Ward p1ace144 1800 Steward, Thomas 4060 Smith, Jacob 976 Stringham, Stephen Stountenbergh, Tobias) ) 2300 and William 1081 Sarles, Reubin Schryver, John J. 200 1end of pg. 14 in original.

70 425 385

145 181 700

3400 674 861 163 1840 2043 819 2207 885 436 1401 7742 3369 175 4940 6147 500 1400 150 2850 787

7.65 1.51 1,93 .36 4.14 4,59 1.84 4.96 1,99 1,20 3.15 17,41 7.58 ,39 11.11 13.83 1.12 3,15 ,33 6.41 1.77

1770 123

3.98 .27

4298 4429 2422 240 403 1870 2579 225 380 1856 60 700 800 500

9,67 9.96 5.44 .54 .90 4.20 5.80 ,50 .85 4.17 ,13 1,57 1.80 1.12

762 1521 118 1360 214 2225 4445 976

1,71 3,42 .26 3.06 .48 5.00 10.00 2.19

2445 1262 900

5,50 2.83 2.02


Tax List

Stoutenbergh, James ) & Luke & Joohn 4500 3264 Stamer, Claudius' 2107 Stoutenbergh, John Street & Falls 6000 Stephenson, Timothy Stoutenbergh, James W. 1056 700 Schryver, Peter J. Stoutenbergh, William W. 800 Stoutenbergh, Tobias W. 1803 Smith, William 1266 900 Schryver, John P. 2992 Schryver, Albartus 1655 Schryver, William 214 Schryver, Peter P. 3919 Soule, Jonathan 100 Schriver, John E. 500 Schryver, Peter E. Skidmore, Walter 385 Schryver, Jacob & ) ) 7667 D Cantillon 647 Stoutenbergh, Elenor Schryver, Abraham Smith, James 100 2284 Stringham, Thomas 1544 Smith, Maurice 1280 Stephens, Peter Schultz, Frederick 3483 Seaman, Samuel 1476 815 Sleight, Daniel 2845 Spencer, Reubin Smith, Daniel2 430 Stoutenbergh, Isaac W. 1883 878 Silkragge, John Sleight, Jacob 55 Smith, Stephen 130 Southwick, Edward 1800 Seaman, Richard M. 600 Seaman, Sylvenas 2209 Stoutenbergh, Tobias 1280 Simson, James 1460 Swartwout, James 1500 Stoutenbergh, Benjamin 2257 Stoutenbergh, Abraham 3450 Sleight, H. Daniel 1300 Sleight, Henry Junier 1300 Sheak, John 1400 Sleight, Daniel Junier 100 Southwick, Zadock 1540 Swartwout, Samuel 900 Sheak, Michael 750 'end of pg. 15 in original. 2end of pg. 16 in original.

204 154 1075 500 350 156 100

640 100 31 21 200 500 20 10

131 280


200 192 839 186 320

715 158

4704 3418 3182 500 6350 1056 856 900 1803 1266 900 3632 1755 245 3919 121 500 585

10,58 7,69 7.15 1.12 14.28 2.37 1,92 2.02 4.05 2.84 2.02 8.17 3.94 .55 8,81 .27 1.12 1.31

8167 647 20 110 2284 1544 1411 3763 1476 815 3060 430 1883 878 55 130 1800 600 2409 1472 2299 1686 2577 3450 1300 1300 1400 100 2255 900 908

18.37 1.45 .04 .24 5.13 3,47 3.17 8.46 3.32 1.83 6.88 .96 4,23 1,97 .12 ,29 4.05 1,35 5.42 3.31 5,17 3.79 5,79 7.76 2,92 2.92 3,15 .22 5,07 2.02 2.04

Tax List Stoutenbergh, L. James Shadbolt, Thomas Shadbolt, Phebe Story, Amos Stiles, Nathan Shelden, Elihu Shelden, George Seaman, Richard N. Sleght, Henry Sleght, Simsonl Stoutenbergh, Peter ) ) & William Schriver, Joseph Tomkins, Thomas Tomkins, John Thurstion, M. John Titus, Asten Traver, Isaac Tillue, William Thorne, Joseph Junier Teller, Abraham Teller, Theodoras Teller, Richard Teller, Luke & James Teller, John L. Tomkins, Gilbert Tomkins, James Traver, Laurence Tomkins, Michael Todd, William Todd, John Traver, Bostion Traver, John B. Traver, Coonrad Traver, Isaac Traver, Adam P. Traver, Henry P.2 Traver, Jacob P. Traver, Peter P. Taylor, Manning Traver, Solomon Traver, Charles Traver, Jacob Teller, John Teller, J. John & Co. Teller, J. James Traver, J. David

900 900 514 515 800 750 1006 2211



58 2672 136 87

2032 1016 1246 2001 550 1180 150 500 500 144 300 4000 1217 2155 3384 1100 1210 288 700 1295 400 1182 1182 1557 790 400 1342 830 1500 7390 480 2130

1end of pg. 17 in original. 2end of pg. 18 in original.

175 150 100 112

100 60 16 80 1069 12 98 171 140 190 153 59 200 240 215 67

156 1000 391 611

900 1016 514 515 800 808 2672 1142 2211 87

2.02 2.28 1,15 1,15 1.80 1.84 6.01 2.56 4.97 .19

2032 1016

4,57 2.28

1421 150 2101 662 1180 150 600 560 160 380 5069 12 1217 2253 3555 1240 1210 478 700 1448 400 59 1382 1422 1772 790 467 1342 830 1656 7390 1000 871 2741

3.19 .33 4,72 1.48 2.65 .33 1.35 1,26 ,36 .85 11.40 .02 2.73 5.06 7.99 2.79 2,72 1.07 1.57 3,25 .90 .13 3.10 3.19 3,98 1.77 1,05 3.01 1.86 3.72 16.62 2.25 1.95 6.16


Tax List

Tillue, Joseph Traver, David Traver, David Junier Traver, Abraham Tomkins, Howard

100 3500 1000 943 792

Underhill, Joel Uhl, Henry Uhl, John Uhl, Frederick Underhill, James Underhill, Daniel

1338 860

20 288

500 4825 920 2001

100 Vanwagner, G. Nicholas 2700 Vanwagner John 150 Vankleek, Velenl 1900 Velen, Peter 100 Vanvoris, Koert 1200 Vanvorhis, John 4612 Vansickler, Cornelas Vanwagner, Zacheas 2000 Vanwagner, Evert 1790 Vanwagner, Nicholas 1578 Vanwagner, John G. Van Bogert, Isaac 714 Van Dick, Peter Junier 100 Van Etter, Isaac 1012 Van Dick , Peter 1057 Van Dicke, Israel 1383 Van Vleet, Cornelas Vanwagner, Abraham 1010 Vanwagner, Evert N. 2260 Van Etter, Jacobus 860 Van Dick, Mary 860 Van Dicke, Abraham 261 Van Vleet, Henry 1842 Vandeburgh, Henry 855 Van Dicke, John Vail, Daniel 553 Van Vorhis, John J. 693 593 Vanwagner, Benjamin 100 Vanbenthousen, Baltis 4574 Vail, Israel Vanbogert, Minar 300 Vanhoosenbergh, Reutulph 1500 Van Camp, John 1540 Vail, John 450 Vinson, Allen

195 100 150

275 300

230 42 19 119 241 35

145 37


90 103 90

Wood, Joseph on Beadle farm 330 Ward, Joshua 2430 3447 Willing, Thomas 1960 Willing, Ezekiel 125 1010 Ward, Antony 2700 Ward, J. Daniel 1315 500 lend of pg. 19 in original. 2end of pg. 20 in original,

120 3788 1000 943 792

.27 8.52 2.25 2.12 1.78

1338 860 500 4825 920 2001

3.01 1.93 1,12 10.85 2.07 2.50

100 2895 250 2050 100 1200 4887 300 2000 1790 1808 42 714 119 1131 1057 1624 35 1010 2260 1005 897 261 1842 1019 553 693 593 100 4574 390 1500 1643 450 90

.22 6.51 .56 4,04 .02 2.07 10.99 .06 4.05 4.02 4,06 .09 1,60 .26 2.54 2,37 3.65 .07 2,27 5,08 2,26 2.01 .58 4,14 2.29 1.24 1.55 1.33 ,22 10.29 ,87 3.37 3.69 1,01 .20

330 2430 5407 1135 2700 1815

.74 5.46 12.16 2.55 6.07 4.08


Tax List Wooley, Samuel Wilde, John Wright, Elisah Ward, Owen Ward, Daniel Ward, John Wood, Levy Walker, Hiram Wigg, John Junier Wigg, Nathan Wigg, John Wilber, Sylvenas Wilber, Thomas Junier -Wood, Isaac Williams, John Williams, Moser Williams, Richbell Williams, Gilbert Worden, Benjamin Williams, Francis Will, Samuel Wood, Joseph Wickes, Jacob Wilber, Thomas Wing, George Wood, Daniel Wiley, Reubin Wilde, Jacob Wilson, Hugh Waters, Anthony Ward, Abraham Ward, Jacob Wilcocks, Abner Ward, John White on Daniel Beadle

782 210 750 2720

400 1092 150 180 76 200 521 1000



92 50

842 1142 200 1938 1381 300 2141 1691 640 4678 2241 2440 800 1770 800 420 1700 210 60

60 100 91 56 205

191 140

44 35 70

283 farms 2400

Yelverton, L. C. Bordamine 515 3826 Yarwood, James 150 Youngs, Alexander

Assesed By Henry Ostrom Seaman Carpenter Jesse Bell'




end of pg. 21 in original. 2end of pg. 22 in original.

782 1710 750 2720 400 1092 555 180 76 200 613 1000 50 842 1202 200 2038 1472 300 2197 1691 845 4678 2241 2440 800 1961 940 420 1700 254 95 70 283 2400

1.75 3.84 1.68 6.12 .90 2.45 1.24 .40 .17 .44 1.37 2.25 .11 1.89 2.70 .44 4.58 3.31 .67 4.94 3.80 1.90 10.52 5.04 5.49 1.80 4.41 2.11 .94 3.82 .57 .21 .45 .63 5.40

515 4238 150

1.15 9.53 .33


Tax List Value of Estates in Clinton Town:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Footings of this Tax list 109.14 page 1. 2. 136.08 3. 87.53 4. 104.79 262647 5. 104.42 6. 48.42 7. 93.75 8. 97.72 76.61 9. 190188 10. 61.49 11. 97.82 76.17 12. 79.78 13. 14. 100.67 15. 101.39 248549 16. 115.26 17. 85.52 18. 69.29 88.08 19. 20. 83.54 21. 67.91 165702 22. 63.40 Amount - 867086 Dollars $1948.78 48539 60527 38952 46615 46456 21558 41692 43483 34105 27382 43526 33893 35498 44682 45112 51297 38067 30857 39191 37197 30239 28218

at the rate of 2* Mills on the dollar

County Tax State d° ---Suppluss Collectes in part Treasurer d° Poor Tax for Town Officers to be paid to the Supervisor

260.20 867.09 13.32 54.20 3.34 625.


125.63 750.63 $1948.78

Commenced entry November 22nd 18001 (seal mark) 1end of pg. 23 in original.


Two methods of reference are used in the NAME INDEX which follows. 1. Document numbers - These numbers follow the words "Deeds", "Mortgages" and "Estates" in the index and refer to the document numbers which appear on the left side of each page containing documents. 2. Page numbers are used when other material is referred to such as PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINE PARTNERS, MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETINGS or TAX LIST. Following the name index is a SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX in which is included a variety of additional information. It begins with references to roads and lotts and is followed by alphabetical listings of various environmental features, places of business, structures, etc. Occupations and titles of residents are listed on the final pages. The reader is encouraged to consider many variations in spellings. The spellings chosen for this index were those which seemed to be used most frequently. Cross references to other spellings were made where appropriate. It should also be noted that the text includes information which does not appear in the index such as middle names, relationships between members of families, etc. Also in a number of instances the text refers to an individual by surname only. These have also been included in the index and appear first in the listing under the particular surname.



INDEX AACCOR Adam, Mortgages: 486 John, Mortgages: 486 AALSTYN A., Pages: 61, 62 ABBOTT and Shipley, Pages:626 Robert, Deeds: 853, 854, 911; Pages: 584, 594, 595 ABEEL John, Deeds: 360, 465 ABRAHAM commonly called All (Slave), Pages: 597 ABRAMSE Anthony, Deeds: 207 ACKER Stephen, Deeds: 106 ACKERMAN (Occurman) Jacobus, Mortgages: 552 James, Deeds: 660; Mortgages: 391, 569 ACKERT (see Eckert) Adam, Mortgages: 366 Catherine, Mortgages: 109 Daniel, Pages:626 David, Mortgages: 337 Johannis, Mortgages: 153 John, Mortgages: 539; Pages:626 ACKLEY Abraham, Mortgages: 802 ACQUASSHING Pages: 3, 58 ADAMS Abraham, Deeds: 119, 146, 148, 151, 264, 458, 463; Mortgages: 144, 145, 149, 220, 226, 329; Estates: 156 Asenath, Deeds: 1007 Benjamin, Deeds: 916, 939 Elijah, Mortgages: 400, 906; Pages: 590, 591 Elisha, Deeds: 960, 1008; Mortgages: 538 Jene, Deeds: 325 John, Deeds: 174, 290, 325, 388, 467, 490, 491; Mortgages: 185, 305, 349; Estates: 239 John Jr. , Deeds: 350, 388; Mortgages: 119 Jonas, Mortgages: 215 Jonathan, Deeds: 1007 Joseph, Deeds: 176, 388; Mortgages: 119, 774 Reuben, Deeds: 939 Saml., Deeds: 88 Thomas, Mortgages: 504 William, Pages:626 ADDISON John, Deeds: 991; Mortgages: 365, 366 ADRIANCE Albert, Mortgages: 280

ADRIANCE, (continued) Garret, Deeds: 733, 1044; Pages:626 ADSIT Abraham, Estates: 2 Benjamin, Estates: 1 Deborah, Estates: 3 Elias, Estates: 163 Elizabeth, Estates: 2 George, Estates: 1, 2 Jesse, Estates: 1, 307 John, Deeds: 461, 525; Estates: 1 Lorane, Estates: 3 Lucy, Estates: 3 Mary, Estates: 3 Rachel, Estates: 1 Rhoda, Estates: 3 Rhode, Estates: 1 Samuel, Deeds: 423, 426; Estates: 1 Sarah, Estates: 3 Silas, Deeds: 461 Stephen, Estates: 3 Synthe, Estates: 1 Wolcot, Estates: 3 AERTSON Elizabeth, Deeds: 39, 65, 204, 327 John, Deeds: 4, 12, 39, 46, 65, 67, 68, 204, 206, 296, 303, 327; Pages: 14 AKELY Benjamin, Estates: 66 AKIN (Akins) Ann, Deeds: 527 Benjamin, Deeds: 545, 812, 1002; Mortgages: 477, 494, 722, 932; Estates: 306 David, Deeds: 417 John, Estates: 4 Mary, Deeds: 527 Sarah, Estates: 4 ALBANY Mortgages: 390, 418, 460, 478, 490 ALBANY, City of Deeds: 360, 451, 892; Mortgages: 23, 528, 606, 776, 826, 827, 914; Estates: 251 ALBANY, County of Deeds: 452, 461, 505, 534, 541, 543, 611, 650, 843, 844, 903, 904; Mortgages: 23, 160; Estates: 23, 42, 54, 67, 202 ALBERT John, Deeds: 457 ALBERTSON Isaac, Deeds: 868, 924; Mortgages: 358, 497, 513, 806; Estates: 68; Pages: 581, 626 Jacob, Deeds: 924 John, Deeds: 870; Mortgages: 849; Estates: 68; Pages: 626 Jonathan Mortgages: 783

641 ALBERTSON, (continued) Joseph, Pages: 581, 626 Mary, Deeds: 924 Reuben, Deeds: 563 Susannah, Deeds: 924 ALEXANDER - Pages:64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 James, Deeds: 189; Pages: 10, 18, 64, 82, 85 William, Deeds: 189 ALFORD William, Deeds: 886, 887; Mortgages: 884, 885 ALGER Cyrus, Deeds: 276; Mortgages: 113 Janitje, Estates: 101 Jesse, Deeds: 420, 433 Jonathan, Deeds: 442, 902; Estates: 101; Pages: 613 Judah, Deeds: 135, 186 Samuel, Deeds: 276; Mortgages: 113, 164 ALLBRIGHT Mortgages: 728 ALLEN (Ailing) Abraham, Estates: 5, 7 Amos, Pages: 614 Anna, Estates: 5 Asa, Deeds: 449, 842, 843, 844, 852; Mortgages: 811, 812; Estates: 3, 5, 7 Aursyonche, Estates: 11 Benjamin, Estates: 8; Pages: 612 Catharine, Deeds: 946; Estates: 8 Catrem, Estates: 92 Ebenezer, Deeds: 830; Estates: 8 Elizabeth, Deeds: 25, 60, 156, 157, 444; Estates: 6, 11; Pages: 15, 26 Esq. Mortgages: 787 Ezra, Estates: 5 Hannah, Estates: 7, 11 Hester, Estates: 11 Increase, Deeds: 503, 829; Mortgages: 491 James, Deeds: 384, 546; Mortgages: 241, 376; Estates: 5, 7, 8 Jedediah, Deeds: 419, 536, 978, 1028; Mortgages: 497; Pages: 624, 626 John, Deeds: 87, 361, 405, 444, 580, 581, 582, 585, 586, 697, 713, 764,797,812,815, 904: Mortgages: 236, 332, 341, 437, 487, 557, 586, 644, 655, 801, 825, 858, 912; Estates: 8, 9, 10, 11; Pages: 615, 623, 626 John I. , Deeds: 985;



ALLEN (Alling), continued ALSOP, (continued) Abigail, Mortgages: Mortgages: 824, 844; 915 Estates: 51 Elizabeth, Deeds: 131, John J., Pages: 577, 267, 268, 279 581, 584, 586, 595, John, Pages: 5, 8, 93 597, 599 Richard, Deeds: 12, 33, John W., Deeds: 643, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46, 946; Mortgages: 339, 489, 567, 837, 878, 67, 68, 79, 131, 204, 206, 250, 267, 268, 910; Estates: 92, 247; Pages: 568, 571, 278, 279, (405, 429, 575, 579, 580, 582, 430, 500, 900, 1012); 583, 584, 586, 587, Mortgages: 109, 127, 596, 597, 599, 600, 168, 171, 207, 257, 601, 602, 603, 606, 377, 378; Pages: 52, 609, 610, 613, 622 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, Jonathan, Estates: 10 80, 87, 88, 89 Joseph, Deeds: 866; Richard 4th, Deeds: Mortgages: 427, 832, 250, 251, 252, 268, 279, 300, 405, 429, 844, 874; Estates: 11; Pages: 569, 616, 430, 500, 900, 1012; Mortgages: 87, 107, 626 109 Joshua, Mortgages: 594 Lydia, Estates: 8 Thomas, Deeds: 33 Margaret, Estates: 8 AMBERMAN Mary, Deeds: 581; MortRichard, Estates: 95 743; Estates: gages: AMENIA PRECINCT or TOWN Deeds: 220, 239, 240, 11 247, 249, 262, 276, Morris, Estates: 7 282, 287, 290, 306, Othenial, Deeds: 255, 307, 319, 320, 321, 256, 419; Mortgages: 322, 324, 327, 335, 102, 358, 513, 901 336, 337, 341, 346, Patience, Estates: 8 353, 357, 363, 364, Philip, Deeds: 417, 379, 386, 388, 398, 1039; Mortgages: 249 399, 408, 409, 412, 388, 389 418, 420, 433, 438, Polly, Estates: 7 440, 441, 451, 453, Rhoda, Estates: 5 463, 464, 470, 472, Sarah, Deeds: 863; 473, 496, 501, 502, Mortgages: 669; Es505, 510, 516, 519, tates: 11, 146 538, 540, 550, 553, Sherman, Estates: 8 554, 560, 561, 563, Walter, Deeds: 863; 576, 586, 611, 613, Mortgages: 218, 669; 614, 615, 638, 649, Pages: 626 650, 651, 661, 695, William, Deeds: 245, 698, 699, 702, 740, 645, 800, 866; Mort774, 776, 777, 824, gages: 81, 427; Es831, 832, 849, 851, tates: 11, 280; 856, 860, 861, 867, Pages: 569, 570, 578 870, 871, 873, 905, 592, 593, 594, 595, 613, 615, 623, 626 916, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 936, 937, William Jr., Estates: 11 939, 940, 960, 961; Wm. K, Mortgages: 721 Mortgages: 53, 54, 55, Deeds: 546 56, 59, 66, 68, 72, Zieletje, 75, 78, 79, 85, 90, ALLERTON 91, 95, 96, 98, 103, Cornelius, Mortgages: 110, 112, 113, 115, 774 119, 120, 121, 126, Isaac, Deeds: 702 127, 129, 134, 141, ALLIS 144, 145, 149, 150, Benjamin, Deeds: 528 154, 155, 156, 157, Thomas W., Deeds: 951 ALLSWORTH (Alworth) 159, 165, 167, 168, 170, 177, 184, 189, Alice, Estates: 12 193, 197, 206, 207, James, Deeds: 219, 399 210, 211, 220, 222, 456; Mortgages: 284; Estates: 12 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 233, 238, 239, Martha, Estates: 12 240, 246, 249, 252, Mary, Estates: 12 Rebecca, Estates: 12 269, 270, 271, 275, 276, 281, 284, 286, Sarah, Estates: 12 293, 300, 305, 307, William, Estates: 12 313, 318, 322, 324, ALSOP - Mortages: 128, 170; 325, 329, 334, 343, 351, 352, 355, 367, Pages: 19, 81, 90

AMENIA, (continued) 370, 380, 381, 383, 385, 390, 394, 400, 401, 406, 410, 413, 423, 425, 426, 431, 438, 443, 451, 453, 454, 464, 469, 474, 479, 490, 499, 504, 509, 510, 524, 538, 541, 549, 551, 556, 558, 559, 570, 575, 576, 580, 581, 589, 592, 610, 613, 616, 618, 619, 624, 626, 630, 642, 651, 652, 659, 670, 674, 693, 694, 698, 700, 702, 707, 731, 768, 773, 774, 782, 783, 785, 792, 796, 797, 800, 802, 809, 810, 820, 831, 839, 842, 845, 847, 849, 854, 855, 863, 864, 866, 873, 881, 887, 889, 890, 892, 898, 905, 906, 915, 917, 919, 927; Estates: 12, 15, 25, 26, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42, 50, 53, 55, 72, 73, 74, 81, 93, 99, 100, 111, 112, 139, 143, 145, 152, 153, 155, 158 159 160 172, 183, 196, 197, 198, 209, 222, 223, 225, 228, 231, 239, 240, 245, 255, 272, 273, 283, 286, 287, 288, 289, 299, 302, 303 AMES (see Emes) John Jr., Deeds: 215 AMMERMAN John, Pages: 626 AMSTERDAM Deeds: 51 ANDERSON David, Deeds: 836 George, Deeds: 41, 79 Jonathan, Deeds: 488, 512; Mortgages: 304 ANGEVINE (Angiveen) Aaron B., Mortgages: 707 Ely, Deeds: 546, 948; Mortgages: 803; Pages: 626 John, Mortgages: 757 Jonathan, Deeds: 547, 665, 781, 855; Mortgages: 386; Pages: 626 Philip, Deeds: 652; Mortgages: 476 ANNA (Slave), Pages: 593 ANRBOS Bastian, Deeds: 177 ANSON Silas, Deeds: 936; Mortgages: 642, 773, 889 ANTEL Will, Pages: 5



AUSTIN, (continued) ANTHONY BAKER,(continued) Mortgages: 609, 807, Benjamin, Mortgages: James, Deeds: 118, 808, 840; Pages: 626 494; Estates: 106 120, 121, 735, 755, Sarah, Estates: 151 Charles (Slave), Pages: 987; Mortgages: 725; 592 AUTHER Estates: 213; Pages: ANTIL John, Deeds: 936 587, 614, 626 Edward, Deeds: 12, 35, AXTELL Jonathan, Deeds: 451 William, Mortgages: 91, 590, 591, 592; Mary, Deeds: 782 306, 307 Pages: 5, 9, 31 Richard, Estates: 213; William, Deeds: 12, 35, Pages: 573, 578, 627 592 BABCOCK Samuel: Deeds: 935 AQUASINGH, AQUASSING Charles, Deeds: 844 Thomas, Mortgages: 370 Fredk., Deeds: 644, Deeds: 41, 204 Valentine, Deeds: 516 ARCHER 669, 799 William, Deeds: 877; Timothy, Estates: 273 Jonathan, Estates: 208 Estates: 213 BACKER ARCHES BALDING Aurelihy, Estates: 13 Abigail, Mortgages: 89 Isaac, Deeds: 539; Catlychy, Estates: 13 ARDEN Mortgages: 475, 489, James, Deeds: 427 David, Estates: 13 789, 879; Estates: 247 Gerard, Mortgages: 314 John, Mortgages: 718 Gertrude, Estates: 13 Joseph, Mortgages: 718 Isaac Jr., Deeds: 587 ARIS Hannis, Estates: 13 Joseph, Deeds: 304 Richard, Deeds: 462 Mary, Mortgages: 789 Johannis, Estates: 13 BALDWIN Lawrence, Estates: 13 ARMSTRONG Martinus, Estates: 13 Abner, Deeds: 259 Elijah, Deeds: 373, 404 Petros, Estates: 13 Asahel, Deeds: 666; BACKERS BARS Mortgages: 609, 806, Isaac, Mortgages: 405 Pages: 571, 574, 585 Margaret, Deeds: 373 840; Pages: 626 William, Mortgages: BACKUS John, Estates: 304 Joanne, Mortgages: 210 405 Solomon, Deeds: 1006; John, Deeds: 557; Mort- BALL Estates: 158 Eliphalet, Mortgages: gages: 210, 335 Susanna (Slave), Pages: 210 BADGER 595 Elysbalet, Deeds: 557 Abigail, Deeds: 678 ARNOLD BANBECK Ebenezer, Deeds: 678; Ahab, Deeds: 686; MortArent, Deeds: 113 Estates: 14 gages: 533; Pages: BANCKER BADGLEY 572, 584, 586, 587, Evert Jr Deeds: 189 Anthony, Deeds: 756; 596, 599, 626 Frederick, Estates: Pages: 570, 574 Anthony, Deeds: 314, 219 Elizabeth, Estates: 258 366; Mortgages: 25, BANDER George, Pages: 574, 265, 266, 672, 738 Maddalan, Estates: 250 579, 582, 584, 627 David, Deeds: 419, 513, BANGALL Joshua, Deeds: 627 536, 658; Mortgages: Deeds: 766, 891, 925; Deeds: 182, Samuel, 497 Mortgages: 800, 921 224, 302, 334; MortEsq. , Pages: 585 BANKER gages: 47, 294; EsGeorge, Deeds: 514, 536 - Pages: 41, 64, 631 tates: 258 Hannah, Deeds: 513 Adolph, Deeds: 35, 36, John, Deeds: 257; Pages: Stephen, Deeds: 632, 37, 38, 619, 691, 924' Mortgages: 478 626 993; Pages: 39 548; Pages: 620 John B., Deeds: 775 Ann, Mortgages: 180, BAERD Jonathan, Deeds: 536 316 William, Estates: 176 Silas, Estates: 135 John, Pages: 609 BAILEY (Bayley) ARNOLD'S MILLS Thomas, Deeds: 436, Elias, Pages: 627 Deeds: 104 710, 882; Mortgages: Isral, Pages: 604 ARTHUR 179, 180, 199, 200, Phebe, Estates: 211 John, Deeds: 513, 514, 311, 316, 350 659, 825; MortASBAND 658, BANKS gages: 833; Pages: David, Mortgages: 370 Edward, Deeds: 592 569, 626 ASH BAPTIST CHURCH (or John N., Deeds: 667 Benjamin (Bay), Deeds: Society), Deeds: 756; Theodorus, Deeds: 652, 435, 457, 711, 882, Mortgages: 685, 891 655, 667, 688; Mort958; Mortgages: 309 gages: 362, 363, 479, BARBER ATHERTON - Mortgages: 886 546, 562 James, Deeds: 325 Ann, Deeds: 559, 572, William, Deeds: 655 ATWATER 616, 617, 688, 889, BAINE - Mortgages: 576 915, 922, 923; MortAurelihy, Estates: 13 Benjamin, Mortgages: gages: 514, 516, John, Estates: 13 207, 229, 343 537, 857, 886, 893; Deeds: 213; Caleb, BAKER Estates: 14 Benjamin, Mortgages: Mortgages: 496 Col., Deeds: 722, 912 Margaret, Deeds: 213 62, 118, 286 Daniel, Deeds: 123, Catherine, Estates: 213 AUSTIN 124, 125, 199, 320, 213 Guardius, Estates: Amos, Estates: 218 363, 365, 412; MortIsrael, Deeds: 321, Esther, Mortgages: 609 gages: 26, 48, 59, 322; Mortgages: 67, John, Estates: 17, 151 70, 72, 394 118 Joshua, Deeds: 666, 850 Jane Anne, Estates: 14 Israel Jr., Deeds: 322

644 BARBER, (continued) John, Mortgages: 523 William, Deeds: 559, 572, 616, 617, 656, 688, 788, 889; Mortgages: 447, 514, 516, 517, 537; Estates: 14 BARCLAY Andrew, Deeds: 387, 567 Anthony, Deeds: 624, 625, 626, 627, 639, 846; Mortgages: 536, 544, 545, 546, 562 Henry, Deeds: 207, 327, 387, 567, 568, 639; Mortgages: 259, 462, 886 Mary, Deeds: 207, 327, 387, 567, 568, 639, 747; Mortgages: 243, 258, 259, 260, 261, 264, 462 BARD - Mortgages: 507, 609, 732, 840 John, Deeds: 435, 436, 457, 622, 666, 958; Mortgages: 178, 179, 180, 199, 200, 309, 311, 609; Pages: 86, 88 Mary, Deeds: 738, 751, 850, 857, 888, 921, 958, 987 Samuel, Deeds: 457, 710, 734, 738, 751, 771, 810, 850, 857, 870, 872, 888, 921, 966, 971, 1018; Mortgages: 311, 747, 758, 806, 807, 808, 818, 819, 822, 838, 840, 849, 888, 909, 914; Pages: 584, 627 Sarah, Deeds: 710 Susannah, Deeds: 457; Mortgages: 309, 311 BAREMORE Elizabeth, Deeds: 1023 James, Deeds: 545, 879, 1015, 1023; Mortgages: 398, 727 BARENTSE William, Deeds: 355; Mortgages: 235 BARGIN Derick, Mortgages: 8 Mary, Mortgages: 8 Teunis, Mortgages: 8 BARIGHT (Barhite) Elizabeth, Deeds: 781; Mortgages: 422 Eunice, Mortgages: 842 John, Deeds: 421, 534, 781; Mortgages: 292, 359, 416, 422, 436, 757 John Jr., Deeds: 781 Thomas, Mortgages: 422 William, Deeds: 861; Mortgages: 674, 842 BARKER Ann, Deeds: 957 Coay, Estates: 39 David, Deeds: 769 Freelove, Estates: 174

INDEX BARKER, (continued) Hannah, Deeds: 759 James, Mortgages: 830 Mary, Deeds: 769(2) Petrus, Deeds: 769 Samuel, Estates: 174; Pages: 627 Samuel Jr., Estates: 174 Samuel Augustus, Deeds: 948 Samuel S., Mortgages: 655 Sylvanus, Mortgages: 830; Pages: 627 Thomas, Deeds: 630, 881; Estates: 121 William, Estates: 112, 143 BARKHAMSTED Conn., Pages: 598 BARLLEY Abraham, Deeds: 771 BARLOW Elijah, Deeds: 453 Elisha, Deeds: 661; Mortgages: 558; Estates: 283 Elizabeth, Estates: 15 Jemima, Estates: 15 Joan, Mortgages: 312, 313 John, Deeds: 880; Pages: 627 Martin, Mortgages: 129 Mehetabel, Estates: 15 Moses, Deeds: 183, 222, 223, 241, 242, 247, 420, 453, 661; Mortgages: 18, 85, 129, 322, 474, 568, 602; Estates: 15, 155, 283 Nathan, Deeds: 173, 222, 241, 242, 453; Mortgages: 129, 312, 313, 322; Estates: 158 Samuel, Estates: 158 Sarah, Deeds: 453; Mortgages: 474; Estates: 15 Silvina, Estates: 15 Thomas, Deeds: 1006; Estates: 15, 283 Thomas Jr., Estates: 283 BARNARD (Barnerd) Albert, Estates: 16 Ballantine, Estates: 16 Benjamin, Estates: 16, 17 Elizabeth, Estates: 16, 17 James, Estates: 16, 17 Josiah, Estates: 16 Macy, Estates: 17 Mary, Estates: 16 Ruth, Estates: 17 Sarah, Estates: 16, 17 Thomas, Deeds: 499, 594; Estates: 16, 17; Pages: 613 Thomas Jr., Pages: 613 Valintine, Deeds: 499; Estates: 17; Pages: 613

BARNARD, (continued) Zacheus, Estates: 16, 17 BARNES - Mortgages, 648, 724 Daniel, Estates: 112 John, Deeds: 356, 359, 492, 521, 732, 733, 742, 744, 883; Mortgages: 221, 235, 330, 605; Pages: 604 Joseph, Deeds: 881; Estates: 48, 49; Pages: 610, 627 Joshua, Deeds: 571, 670; Mortgages: 456, 795 Samuel, Deeds: 487, 512, 571; Mortgages: 259, 304, 456, 763; Pages: 614, 627 Sarah, Estates: 48, 49, 50 William, Mortgages: 8, 244 BARNET (Barnett) Elizabeth, Estates: 18 Eunice, Estates: 18 James, Deeds: 740; Mortgages: 438; Estates: 18 John, Deeds: 464, 794; Mortgages: 21, 249, 355, 438, 469 Mahalia, Estates: 18 Martha, Mortgages: 469 BARNHART Catherine, Estates: 226 George, Deeds: 339, 340; Estates: 226 BARRACK John, Estates: 249 BARRETT Thomas, Deeds: 484 BARRON Robert, Deeds: 489 BARTLETT Rich., Estates: 150 BARTO Benjamin, Estates: 62 John, Estates: 62 BARTON Amos, Deeds: 627, 846; Mortgages: 546 Benjamin, Estates: 19 Caleb, Deeds: 863; Mortgages: 429; Estates: 19 Deborah, Deeds: 846 Demaris, Deeds: 863; Estates: 146 Eligey, Estates: 19 Jacob, Deeds: 51, 361 Joseph, Deeds: 145, 192, 361, 797; Estates: 19 Leonard, Deeds: 989 Lewis (Luis, Louis), Deeds: 179, 215, 257, 304, 333, 368, 369, 370, 381, 401, 416, 526; Mortgages: 80, 289, 413; Estates: 19, 176, 284; Pages: 617


BARTON, (continued) Millissin, Estates: 19 Moses, Mortgages: 129 Noah, Deeds: 479, 847 Phebe, Deeds: 552 Rachel, Deeds: 333; Estates: 19 Robert, Estates: 296 Roger, Estates: 19 Sarah, Estates: 19 Solomon, Deeds: 552; Mortgages: 429, 430; Estates: 130 William, Deeds: 366; Estates: 19 BARTOW John, Deeds: 17, 99 BASSET Francis, Mortgages: 245 Frederick, Mortgages: 245 BATES John, Deeds: 936, 937, 1008 BATH Great Britain, Mortgages: 840 BATTY Mary, Mortgages: 767, 935 BAUKDHEAD MT. Mortgages: 325 BAXTER Robert Mitchell, Mortgages: 486 BAYARD Nicholas Jr., Deeds: 206 Samuel, Estates: 251 William, Mortgages: 886 BAYEAUX Henry, Deeds: 315, 316, 317, 332, 340, 1024 BEACH Sarah, Deeds: 661 BEACKE Andrew, Deeds: 964 Paul, Deeds: 964 BEADLE (see Bedell) BEAKER John line, Deeds: 25 BEALS John Jr., Deeds: 937 BEAM William, Mortgages: 201 BEAMAN - Mortgages: 45 BEARDSLEY B. Crannell, Deeds: 791 John, Deeds: 903 Squire, Deeds: 782, 783 BEAVER DAM Deeds: 327, 889; Mortgages: 893 BEAVER POND CREEK Deeds: 828 BECAY Esq., Deeds: 469; Mortgages: 348 BECKER Johannis, Deeds: 769 Martinus, Deeds: 769 BECKWITH John, Deeds: 805 Nathan, Estates: 2

BECKWITH, (continued) Silvenus, Deeds: 450, 806, 807; Mortgages: 756, 775; Estates: 2 BEDELL (Bedle, Beadle) Daniel, Estates: 21, 22; Pages: 571, 606 Eleanor, Estates: 22 Elisha, Deeds: 452, 623, 662, 727, 974; Mortgages: 340, 755; Pages: 626 Elizabeth, Estates: 22 Hannah, Estates: 22 Isaac, Deeds: 593, 610; Mortgages: 361, 434, 599 Jeremiah, Deeds: 593, 610; Mortgages: 434; Estates: 109 John, Deeds: 318, 948; Estates: 22; Pages: 581, 583, 586, 626 Jose, Estates: 22 Mary, Deeds: 452; Mortgages: 755; Estates: 22 Sarah, Deeds: 593; Estates: 21, 22 Thomas, Mortgages: 270 Timothy, Deeds: 697, 713, 917, 1021; Mortgages: 554, 611, 677, 754, 794, 813, 825, 858, 903, 912, 913; Estates: 20, 107; Pages: 568, 569, 586, 626 William, Deeds: 128, 221, 245, 246, 645; Mortgages: 30, 43, 81, 389, 437; Estates: 11, 22; Pages: 606, 609 BEDFORD David, Deeds: 556, 689, 1041; Mortgages: 466, 470, 523, 526, 529, 716; Pages: 570, 578, 627 Westchester, Deeds: 512 BEEBE John, Deeds: 173; Pages: 624 Martin, Deeds: 173 SEEKER John, Deeds: 564 BEEKMAN (Batesman) PATENT, Precinct or Town Deeds: 45, 89, 106, 213, 255, 256, 266, 313, 347, 403, 423, 446, 468, 469, 497, 506, 515, 527, 574, 603, 607, 630, 631, 637, 641, 642, 662, 709, 715, 721, 727, 757, 762, 785, 791, 792, 853, 854, 862, 885, 910, 917, 919, 921, 938; Mortgages: 4, 88, 219, 539, 552, 571, 587, 615, 631, 653, 665,

645 BEEKMAN (Batemans) PATENT, (continued) 706, 717, 726, 729, 733, 823, 841, 860, 871, 888; Estates: 62, 298; Pages: 8, 17, 97 BEEKMAN & CO. Pages: 7, 8 BEEKMAN Col., Deeds: 63 Gerard, Deeds: 43; Mortgages: 58 Henry, Deeds: 45; Mortgages: 25, 198; Pages: 5, 9, 10, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 29, 37, 48, 49, 64, 66, 79, 86, 87, 99 Henry Jr., Deeds: 35 John, Mortgages: 599 Townline, Pages: 572, 587 William, Mortgages: 13 BELDING (Belden) - Deeds: 998 Abegal, Estates: 23 Elizabeth, Estates: 23 George, Pages: 626 Hannah, Estates: 53 Isaac, Pages: 627 Jane, Estates: 23 Janetie, Estates: 23 Joseph, Deeds: 694, 873; Estates: 273 Katrine, Estates: 23 Lawrence, Deeds: 694, 873; Estates: 23 Mary, Estates: 23 Pbebe, Deeds: 795; Mortgages: 753 Samuel, Deeds: 795; Mortgages: 753; Pages: 626 Silas, Deeds: 475, 481; Mortgages: 60, 280; Estates: 23 Silas Sr., Deeds: 694 William, Pages: 569, 577, 578, 580, 583, 626 BELL Abigal, Estates: 24 Anna, Estates: 24 Benjamin, Estates: 24 Bridget, Estates: 24 Darias, Pages: 627 David, Pages: 627 Deliverance, Deeds: 119; Mortgages: 144, 220; Estates: 24 Jesse, Deeds: 537, 621, 700, 726, 730, 738, 810, 870; Mortgages: 467, 506, 507, 646, 663, 730, 732, 758, 849, 865; Pages: 574, 577, 579, 580, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 599, 601, 602, 627, 637 Jn. widow, Pages: 65 Judith, Mortgages: 607 Mary, Mortgages: 865 Robert, Estates: 24



BENT BELL, (continued) James, Deeds: 301 William, Deeds: 1011; Mortgages: 607, 730, BENTHUYSEN Deeds: 339 Jacob, 807; Estates: 24 BENTLEY BELLIS Asa, Estates: 30 Thomas Mortgages: 37 Benjamin, Deeds: 10, BELMOUNT 11 Pages: 23 Lord, Catherine, Mortgages: BEMON 870 Samuel, Estates: 239 Henry, Deeds: 952; BENEDICT (Benedick) Mortgages: 870, 896; Deeds: 212, Benjamin Pages: 627 265, 269, 270, 346; Mary, Estates: 30 Mortgages: 71, 98, 113, 149, 167, 168, Patience, Deeds: 11 171, 193; Estates: 25 BENTON AND OWEN CLOTHIERS Mortgages: 581 Elijah, Deeds: 504 BENTON AND OWEN FULLING John, Deeds: 346; EsMILL tates: 25 Mortgages: 532 Martha, Estates: 25 BENTON Rachel, Estates: 25 Caleb, Deeds: 1025; Samuel, Deeds: 346; EsMortgages: 831 tates: 25 Ezekial, Mortgages: William, Estates: 25 524, 532, 549, 581 BENHAM Isaac, Deeds: 520 Ebenezer ,Mortgages: 619, Joel Deeds: 1025 693 810 Mary, Estates: 287 BENJAMIN BENDWAY Sherow, Pages: 626 Jeremiah, Pages: 627 Simeon, Deeds: 508 BERGEN BENNET Catherine, Estates: 27 - Mortgages: 701 Dirck, Estates: 27 Annah, Estates: 42 Jannettie, Estates: 27 Ephraim, Pages: 627 John Jr., Estates: 27 Jasper, Deeds: 907 Mary, Estates: 27 John, Deeds: 870; EsPhebe, Estates: 27 tates: 91 Thomas, Deeds: 767; Sarah, Estates: 27 Teunis, Estates: 27 Mortgages: 372; Teunis Jr., Estates: 27 Pages: 606, 617 BERGH BENNEY Adam, Deeds: 980; MortJohn, Mortgages: 151 gages: 310; Estates: BENNINGTON 28 Albany Co., Estates: 42 BENSCHOTEN Caty, Deeds: 943; EsHerman, Pages: 627 tates: 28 Christian, Deeds: 75, BENSON Abigail, Estates: 26 80, 196, 218, 410, 660, 991; Mortgages: Ambras, Deeds: 528 David, Estates: 26 214, 216, 242, 277, 289, 302, 310, 344, Egbert, Deeds: 515, 366, 391, 569 540, 623, 639; MortChristian Jr., Mortgages: 265, 299, 310, 394, 471, 472, 474 gages: 310 Elizabeth, Deeds: 604, Hannah, Estates: 26, 303 980 Henry, Deeds: 624, 625, Jehoiakim, Deeds: 980; 626, 627, 846 Estates: 28 Jacob, Deeds: 240, 905; John, Deeds: 604, 644, Mortgages: 55, 322; 660, 980, 991; MortEstates: 26, 303 gages: 302, 310, 344, 391, 527, 569; EsJohn, Deeds: 905; Estates: 26 tates: 28 Joseph, Deeds: 905; Es- BERKSHIRE tates: 26, 303 Mass., Estates: 12, Joseph Jr. , Deeds: 914 159; Pages: 598 Mary, Deeds: 905 BERRIAN Robert, Estates: 26, Conn., Pages: 12 303 BESSEY Samuel, Estates: 239, Ephraim, Deeds: 501 303 BEST Tully, Mortgages: 913 Johannis, Mortgages: William, Mortgages: 201 794, 832, 837, 588, BETHELL 878, 913, 926; EsCatherine, Deeds: 784 tates: 303; Pages: Nathaniel, Deeds: 784; 569, 626 Mortgages: 108

BETHLEM Litchfield, Conn., Deeds: 932, 933, 934; Mortgages: 592 BETTS Aaron, Deeds: 583 James, Mortgages: 57, 100, 156, 157, 158, 252; Estates: 198 Rich, Pages: 30 SEVIER Ann, Deeds: 600, 635, 966 Philip B., Deeds: 600 Philip D. Esq., Deeds: 635, 966 BILLINGS Andrew, Deeds: 630, 684, 798 BILLINS John, Mortgages: 823, 860 BIRD David, Estates: 97 BIRDSALL Benjamin, Deeds: 286, 640; Mortgages: 75, 177 BISHOP Amy, Estates: 283 Daniel, Mortgages: 738, 923; Pages: 626, 627 David, Mortgages: 833 Peter, Estates: 67 BLACKMAN (Blackmore, (Blackmare) - Mortgages: 57 Cain, Mortgages: 381 Joseph, Mortgages: 119 BLAKSLEE John, Estates: 30 Rebecka, Estates: 30 BLAYNEY John, Estates: 294 BLEECHER Jacobus, Deeds: 209 BLISS Abraham, Deeds: 388 BLOCK ISLAND Deeds, 11 BLOOM George, Mortgages: 760 Isaac, Deeds: 419, 570, 572, 582, 616, 658, 688, 761, 800, 825, 879, 885, 889, 896, 950, 979, 1010; Mortgages: 331, 336, 339, 358, 458, 513, 564, 738, 754, 758, 760, 765, 769, 825, 832, 833, 835, 874, 875, 934; Estates: 213, 291; Pages: 568, 569, 578, 581, 602, 603, 604, 605, 608, 611, 612, 614, 615, 617, 626 Jores, Deeds: 12, 35, 91; Pages: 6 Phebe, Deeds: 761 Sylvester, Deeds: 746, 773, 963; Pages: 626 BLOUIN Lousion, Estates: 31

INDEX BLOWERS BOND Charles, Estates: 301 Barent, Deeds: 28, 122, Mary, Estates: 301 171, 271; Estates: BLUCKER 102 James, Deeds: 387 Elizabeth, Estates: 102 BOARDING SCHOOL FRIENDS John, Estates: 102 Deeds: 814, 815 BONESTEEL BOCKEE (Bokee) Margaret, Deeds: 54 - Mortgages: 146 Nicholas, Deeds: 21, Abraham, Deeds: 4, 62, 22, 54 87, 88, 92, 187, 328, Philip, Mortgages: 250 459; Mortgages: 51, BOOK 95, 401, 407, 915; (blank), Pages: 32,42,102 Estates: 32; Pages: BOOKS 4, 51, 60, 65 Elijah, Deeds: 557 Adam, Estates: 1 BOOMER Annitie, Estates: 32 Matthew, Estates: 290 Jacob, Deeds: 459, 777, BORDEN 832; Mortgages: 352, Benjamin, Estates: 34 413, 453, 792, 854; Hope, Estates: 34 Estates: 32, 93 John, Estates: 34 Lucy, Estates: 3 Joshua, Estates: 34 Mary, Estates: 32 Mary, Estates: 34 Tannike, Deeds: 12, 35; Ruth, Estates: 34 Pages: 6, 16, 31, 32 Sarah, Estates: 34 BOEHLER Sussannah, Estates: 34 Anna Catherine, Deeds: Thomas, Estates: 34 319 BOSTON Mass., Deeds: 592 Francis, Deeds: 319 BOELEN - Pages: 21 BOSTWICK Benjamin Ruggles, Hendrick, Deeds: 12, Deeds: 907; Mort35, 73, 76, 79, 91, 111; Pages: 6, 12, gages: 917 Reuben, Deeds: 907; 19, 31, 32, 51, 65 Mortgages: 917 Jacob, Deeds: 73, 111; Pages: 4 DOSWORTH Yannetie, Deeds: 73, Samuel, Mortgages: 845 111 Zina, Deeds: 939 BOERUM BOTTOLPH (Bottololph) Isaac, Mortgages: 401 Anna, Estates: 143 BOGARDUS David, Jr., Mortgages: Evarardus, Evert, 223 Deeds: 46, 66, 68, Zilpha, Estates: 143 204, 673, 675, 717; BOUDISH Mortgages: 496, 617, Luke, Deeds: 627 632; Estates: 13, 64, BOUGHTON (Bouton) 65, 282 Bathsheba, Deeds: 760 Francis, Mortgages: 90 Benjamin, Deeds: 622, Gertruyd, Deeds: 66; 760; Estates: 35 Estates: 65 Drusilla, Estates: 35 Hannah, Deeds: 593 Elizabeth, Deeds: 752 Jacob, Deeds: 441, 454, Francis, Deeds: 622; 456; Mortgages: 327 Estates: 35 Peter, Mortgages: 90 Hannah, Estates: 35 Petrus, Estates: 65 Joseph, Deeds: 457, Philip, Estates: 282 622, 760, 771, 958, William M., Deeds: 915 1018; Mortgages: 199 BOGART 200, 747, 931; EsCornelia, Deeds: 113; tates: 35; Pages: 627 Mortgages: 405 Major, Deeds: 752 Cornelius, Deeds: 12, Margaret, Estates: 35 35, 969; Mortgages: Mary, Deeds: 622; Mortgages: 200; Estates: 468; Pages: 45, 46 Hendrick (Henry), Deeds: 35 12, 35, 62, 79, 87, BOWERMAN 88, 92, 113, 187, 328; Amy, Estates: 36 Mortgages: 51, 95, David, Estates: 36 405, 407; Pages: 45, Debbie, Estates: 36 51, 60, 65 Elizabeth, Estates: 36 Jacobus, Pages: 72 Hannah, Estates: 36 John, Deeds: 12, 35; Ichabod, Estates: 36 Pages: 45, 46 Jane, Estates: 36 Mr., Pages: 75, 80 Jonathan, Estates: 36 BOGLE Lydia, Estates: 36 William, Pages: 615 Mary, Estates: 36 BOLTZ Phoebe, Estates: 36 Daniel, Mortgages: 853 Sara, Estates: 36

647 BOWERMAN, (continued) Thomas, Estates: 36 Timothy, Estates: 36 BOWERY Deeds: 4 BOWNE (Bowen) Abigail, Mortgages: 379 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 442, 446 George, Mortgages: 305 James, Mortgages: 379 Mathew, Deeds: 589; Mortgages: 434, 442, 446; Estates: 130 Robert, Mortgages: 494 Samuel, Mortgages: 236, 305, 379 William, Deeds: 568; Mortgages: 236, 379 William Burnet, Deeds: 367 BOYCE, BOICE (See Buys) Benjamin, Deeds: 86, 114, 134, 225, 226, 266, 275, 296, 298, 300, 303, 405, 442, 655; Mortgages: 32, 87, 133, 142, 185 Charlotte, Deeds: 405 Ebenezer, Mortgages: 528 Isaac, Deeds: 298; Mortgages: 142 Sarah, Deeds: 296, 298, 405; Estates: 148 BOYD Ebenezer, Deeds: 462 John, Deeds: 553; Estates: 55 BOYER Isaac, Estates: 290 BOYLE William, Deeds: 573 BRADNER Benoni, Mortgages: 496 BRAGG John, Deeds: 591 BRAIMS Meriam, Deeds: 161 Thomas, Deeds: 161 Thomas Sr., Deeds: 161 BRAMAN Amey, Deeds: 838 Betsey, Deeds: 892 Mortgages: 914 Cyrus, Deeds: 872, 888, 892; Mortgages: 851, 914; Pages: 587, 627 S. W., Deeds: 380 Thomas, Deeds: 210, 380, 381, 838, 899; Mortgages: 45, 124, 922 BRAMSLEY William, Deeds: 463 BRAS Adolph, Deeds: 300; Mortgages: 87 BRASER John, Deeds: 218 BREMER - Deeds: 696, Pages: 35 Johannes, Pages: 33, 34 BRESY Jacob, Estates: 56 BRETT Francis, Deeds: 272



BROWN, (continued) BRETT, (continued) 206; Pages: 10, 11, Mr., Pages: 27, 28, 33 17, 18, 19 Rob, Pages: 29, 38 Abigail, Deeds: 907 BREWSTER Abraham, Mortgages: 183 John Jr., Deeds: 575 Bastian, Deeds: 338 BRIANT Caleb, Deeds: 154, 210, Balding, Mortgages: 300 380, 381, 763; MortBRIDGE, GREAT OR STONE gages: 16, 45, 124 Mortgages: 266, 655, Daniel, Deeds: 124, 801 125, 320, 321, 322, BRIGGS 363, 412; Mortgages: - Deeds: 89 48, 59, 62, 70, 126, Abigal, Mortgages: 267; 177, 204, 205, 210 Estates: 218 David, Mortgages: 26 Abraham, Deeds: 113 Ebenezer, Deeds: 811, Caleb, Deeds: 731, 1032 814 Ebenezer, Deeds: 226, Elijah, Deeds: 345 275, 646, 655; MortFriytrum, Mortgages: 68 gages: 32, 111, 267, Hannah, Estates: 38 579 Hezekiah, Deeds: 282; Mortgages: 254 Job, Mortgages: 167 John, Pages: 626, 627 Jacobus, Pages: 8, 13 Jonathan, Deeds: 1032; James, Mortgages: 470; Mortgages: 898 Estates: 38, 68; Walter, Estates: 148 Pages: 626 BRIGHT Jamima, Deeds: 834 John Jr., Pages: 627 Jeremiah, Deeds: 605, BRILL 834; Mortgages: 508 David, Estates: 192 Joel, Deeds: 907; MortPeter, Estates: 192 gages: 917 BRINKERHOFF (Brinckerhoff) John, Deeds: 402; EsDirick, Mortgages: 265, tates: 88 285 Joseph, Deeds: 225, Isaac, Deeds: 61, 62, 481, 605, 834; Mort80, 89, 114 gages: 47, 192, 294, BRISTOL 508; Pages: 620 Mass Bay, Deeds: 591 Joseph Jr., Mortgages: BROGUES 418 Mathias, Mortgages: 635 Josiah, Deeds: 290, BRONSON 336, 386; Mortgages: Joseph, Deeds: 142 99, 110, 126, 246 BROOK, CHALK POND Mary, Estates: 38 Mortgages: 215 Mehetable, Estates: 38 BROOK, MUDDY Nathaniel, Mortgages: Mortgages: 422, 717 419, 599, 622; EsBROOKS tates: 38, 123; David, Deeds: 894, 962, Pages: 617 996; Mortgages: 420 Noah, Deeds: 907; MortMaria M., Deeds: 894 gages: 576, 682, 847, BROOM 889, 917; Estates: 42 Ann, Mortgages: 893 Noah Jr., Deeds: 907; William, Mortgages: 893 Mortgages: 917 BROTHERTON Pearsall, Deeds: 970; Abel, Estates: 37 Mortgages: 643, 753; Benjamin, Mortgages: 6 Estates: 82; Pages: Elizabeth, Estates: 37 626 Ely, Deeds: 497; MortEstates: 38 Pearson, gages: 631; Estates: Peter, Deeds: 40, 41, 37 42, 339, 340; MortIsaac, Mortgages: 6, gages: 778, 779 631; Estates: 37 Philemer, Estates: 38 Micaih, Mortgages: 6; Sarah, Deeds: 907; Estates: 37 Mortgages: 576, 847; Othniel, Mortgages: 631 Estates: 38 Othonias, Pages: 623 Thomas, Deeds: 478, Topper, Deeds: 497 666; Mortgages: 125, BROW 245 Abb. , Estates: 223 Thurston, Mortgages: BROWER 103 Elijah, Deeds: 277 Timothy, Deeds: 154, Jacob, Deeds: 722; Es381; Mortgages: 16, tates: 88 124 BROWN (see Bruyn) Tristam, Deeds: 282; - Deeds: 175, 262, 337; Mortgages: 167 Mortgages: 141, 185,

BROWN, (continued) Valentine, Pages: 604, 612 William, Mortgages: 232 BROWNEJOHN William, Mortgages: 672 BROWNELL Joseph, Estates: 48 Milisent, Estates: 75 Ruth, Estates: 48, 49, 50 BROWNIN Smitton, Pages: 621 BROWNING (Brownen) Elijah, Mortgages: 165; Estates: 32 BROWNSON Amos, Estates: 39 Coay, Estates: 39 Hannah, Estates: 39 John, Estates: 39 Joseph, Deeds: 186 Mary, Estates: 39 Rudy, Estates: 39 BRUMBLE William, Mortgages: 15 BRUNCHAM Andrew, Deeds: 752 Rebecca, Deeds: 752 BRUNDAGE James, Mortgages: 390, 406 BRUNLY William, Deeds: 264 BRUNSON Capt., Deeds: 861; Mortgages: 842 BRUSH - Mortgages: 171 Gilbert, Mortgages: 588 Hannah, Estates: 40 Israel, Deeds: 311; Mortgages: 82, 225, 734 John, Mortgages: 140 Lemuel, Deeds: 650; Mortgages: 293, 370, 616 Mary, Deeds: 650 Per Lee, Deeds: 939 Platt, Deeds: 888 Richard, Estates: 40 Ruth, Estates: 41 Samuel, Mortgages: 270 BRUYN (see Brown) Blandina, Deeds: 922, 923, 944, 945 Jacobus, Mortgages: 289, 317, 668, 669, 671;Pages:8,11,13,18 James, Deeds: 778 BRYAN (Briant) Ezra, Deeds: 184, 451; Mortgages: 381, 453 Prince, Deeds: 498 Zurrah, Deeds: 184 BUCK Aaron, Deeds: 211, 212; Mortgages: 123, 171 Annah, Estates: 42 Betty, Estates: 42 Elijah, Mortgages: 193 Israel, Deeds: 324 Jonathan, Deeds: 212; Estates: 42

INDEX BUCK, (continued) Moses, Mortgages: 116 Samuel, Mortgages: 238, 240 William, Deeds: 137, 139, 269, 270; Mortgages: 193, 269, 576 Zadock, Mortgages: 540; Estates: 42 Zurriah, Estates: 42 BUCKBEE Jeremiah, Pages: 627 Richard, Pages: 627 BUCKHORN CORNER Mortgages: 342 BUCKLEY Phineas, Deeds: 854 BUCKNUM Amasa, Mortgages: 763, 935; Estates: 110; Pages: 627 Ann, Mortgages: 763, 935 BUDD - Deeds: 867; Mortgages: 803 Daniel, Pages: 568 Gilbert, Estates: 220 John, Deeds: 761; Mortgages: 601; Estates: 190; Pages: 571, 626 BUELL Elipelet, Deeds: 336 George, Deeds: 867 Grover, Deeds: 379, 470; Mortgages: 62, 114; Estates: 99, 220 BULL Josiah Jr. , Estates: 36 BULLIS - Deeds: 404 Aaron, Deeds: 884 Charles, Deeds: 339 James, Deeds: 192 John, Deeds: 84, 192, 214, 258, 427, 703, 834, 890; Mortgages: 3, 37, 76, 101, 323 John J., Deeds: 720 John Jr., Deeds: 606; Mortgages: 20, 508 John Sr., Deeds: 606 Margaret, Deeds: 720 Mary, Deeds: 605 Robort, Pages: 610 Thomas, Deeds: 192, 606, 890; Mortgages: 323, 508; Pages: 609, 622 BULLIS POND Mortgages: 434 BULLOCK - Deeds: 846 Comer, Deeds: 756, 968; Mortgages: 606, 635; Estates: 1, 71; Pages: 615 Deliverance, Estates: 71 Efren, Deeds: 461 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 635 Ellis, Deeds: 426, 503, 525, 562; Mortgages: 196, 264, 376, 676; Estates: 71

BULLOCK, (continued) Ephraim, Deeds: 227, 368, 525; Mortgages: 83, 196, 762 Esarhem, Deeds: 214 Lewis, Deeds: 806 Richard, Deeds: 277, 345, 806; Mortgages: 165, 258 BUMP (Bumpus) - Mortgages: 96, 650 James, Deeds: 173 Jedediah, Deeds: 173, 353, 433, 702; Mortgages: 308, 367, 383, 397 Jesse, Deeds: 92 Philip, Deeds: 234, 237 BUNIE Charity, Mortgages: 631 Matthew, Mortgages: 631 BUNKER - Deeds: 770; Mortgages: 739 Eunice, Pages: 619, 627 BURCHAM - Deeds: 286; Mortgages: 75 BURDEN John, Deeds: 884 BURGER Anna, Deeds: 779 Daniel, Deeds: 995 David Jr., Deeds: 840; Pages: 627 George, Pages: 575, 582, 627 Gilbert, Mortgages: 58 Jacob, Mortgages: 583, 660 Johannis, Pages: 570 Manlius, Deeds: 995 Martinus (Martin), Deeds: 712, 779; Mortgages: 28, 29, 679, 784 BURGIS Ebenezer, Deeds: 531 BURGUDUS Hannah, Deeds: 593 BURHANS - Deeds: 640 BURKSARDT David, Deeds: 566 BURLINGHAME (Burllingame) Benjamin, Deeds: 481, 504, 694; Mortgages: 543 Israel, Pages: 609 Nathan, Pages: 609 Pardon, Deeds: 504 Samuel, Deeds: 226, 403; Estates: 49; Pages: 621 BURNET James, Deeds: 849 John, Deeds: 450, 710, 711, 728, 734, 828, 883, 910; Mortgages: 343, 350, 364, 489, 557, 573, 689, 918; Pages: 576 John Jr., Deeds: 910 Sarah, Deeds: 734, 910; Mortgages: 350, 573 William, Mortgages:

649 BURNET, (continued) 232, 306 BURNS Rachel, Deeds: 752 Samuel, Mortgages: 936 William, Deeds: 752 BURR Aaron, Deeds: 1027 David, Col, Deeds: 570, 613 John, Deeds: 127 Peter, Deeds: 1 BURROUGHS (Burris) - Deeds: 1009 Benjamin, Deeds: 634; Mortgages: 303, 547; Pages: 627 Ephm., Deeds: 602 BURTIS Fordom, Mortgages: 601, 804, 876; Pages: 576 Garet, Deeds: 747; Estates: 36, 269 BURTON Daniel, Deeds: 907; Mortgages: 773 Eli, Deeds: 638 Isaac, Deeds: 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 152, 180, 186, 228, 263, 265, 269, 301, 335, 418, 538, 638; Mortgages: 149, 269, 438, 469; Estates: 241; Pages: 618 Jacob, Deeds: 152; Mortgages: 269 Joseph, Mortgages: 269 Josiah, Deeds: 409, 774 Judah, Deeds: 364, 638; Mortgages: 469, 521, 915 Sabra, Estates: 139 BURTSALL Lott, Pages: 627 BURYING GROUND Mortgages: 681 BUSH MOUNTAIN Mortgages: 682 BUSH Amos, Estates: 44 Anne, widow, Deeds: 513, 514, 643, 658, 659, 825; Mortgages: 833 Catherine, Estates: 46 Christeen, Estates: 46 Daniel, Deeds: 725; Mortgages: 339, 458; Estates: 43, 46, 226; Pages: 613 Elizabeth, Deeds: 736, 995; Mortgages: 634; Estates: 45, 46 Hannah, Estates: 226 Hellegontre, Estates: 277 Hendrick (Henry), Deeds: 84, 690, 703, 707; Estates: 43, 45, 46 J., Deeds: 972 Jack (Slave), Pages: 601 Jacob, Deeds: 736, 741, 1026; Mortgages: 302,

650 BUSH, (continued) 634, 681, 856; Estates: 45, 46, 226; Pages: 574, 579, 581, 605, 627 Johannis, Estates: 277 John, Deeds: 857; Mortgages: 310, 489, 557, 818; Estates: 45, 46, 47; Pages: 602 John Jacob, Deeds: 995 Lena, Mortgages: 818 Mary, Estates: 46 Peter, Deeds: 725 BUTE (Slave), Pages: 601 BUTTS (Butt) - Deeds: 913, 942; Mortgages: 821 Aaron, Estates: 48, 49, 50 Daniel, Estates: 49 Else, Estates: 50 Gersham, Mortgages: 365; Estates: 48, 49, 50 Hannah, Estates: 49 Isabel, Deeds: 913 John, Deeds: 231, 481, 504, 913, 1034; Mortgages: 31, 701; Estates: 48, 49, 50 Mary, Estates: 49 Moses, Estates: 48, 49, 50 Ruth, Estates: 48, 49, 50 Samuel, Mortgages: 464; Estates: 50, 202 Sarah, Estates: 48, 49, 50 Susannah, Estates: 48, 49, 50 Thomas, Mortgages: 866; Estates: 48, 49, 50 BUVELOT James, Mortgages: 245 BUYS (Buise) (see Boyce) Abraham, Deeds: 106, 111, 112, 291, 292; Mortgages: 33, 89 Arie, Deeds: 327; Estates: 29 Catherine, Estates: 29 Charity, Estates: 29 Cornelia, Estates: 29 Elizabeth, Estates: 29, 33 Henry, Estates: 29, 33 Igniaus, Estates: 31 Johannis Jr., Deeds: 106 John, Estates: 29, 33 Magdaline, Estates: 29 Margaret, Estates: 29 Orey, Estates: 33 Peter, Estates: 33 BYRD Joseph, Deeds: 719 CACKER Peter, Pages: 93 CADY Elijah, Deeds: 606 CAIN Isaac, Estates: 101

INDEX CAIN, (continued) Jost, Estates: 101 Mary, Estates: 101 Philip, Deeds: 385; Estates: 101 CALDWELL James, Deeds: 973 John, Mortgages: 504, 785 Mathew, Deeds: 855 CALDWELLS MANOR, Lake Champlain, Mortgages: 500 CALENDER Elizabeth, Deeds: 592 CALHOUN (Cahoon) Alexander, Mortgages: 489, 557 CALLOW Mr., Deeds: 342 Adrianna, Mortgages: 194 Sarah, Deeds: 728 Stephen, Deeds: 348, 385, 728; Mortgages: 194, 337, 353, 455, 461, 482 CALVER James, Deeds: 755 CALWELL, Chittenden, Vt. , Deeds: 596 CAMMEL Anateje, Estates: 171 John, Estates: 171 CAMPBELL John, Deeds: 393 Malcom, Deeds: 393 Robert, Deeds: 465 CANAAN, Albany Co., Estates: 23 Conn., Mortgages: 171, 192, 205, 335 CANADA Deeds: 350, 388; Estates: 31 CANDEBURGH Henry, Deeds: 814 CANFIELD Amon, Estates: 217 Dorcass, Deeds: 399 Elijah, Mortgages: 325, 326, 487 Elisha, Mortgages: 324 John, Deeds: 399; Mortgages: 192 Judson, Deeds: 855 Letitia, Mortgages: 855 Nathan, Deeds: 766, 804, 848 Silas, Deeds: 230; Estates: 217 Thaddeus, Deeds: 231, 434, 848; Mortgages: 325, 420; Pages: 609 Timothy Jr. , Deeds: 175, 369 CANIDAY Hugh, Pages: 618 CANIFF Reuben, Deeds: 595; Mortgages: 901 CANTERBURY CO., Windham, Conn., Deeds: 90 CARD

CARD, (continued) Electear, Mortgages: 809, 936 Job, Deeds: 851; Mortgages: 809, 936 Jonathan, Deeds: 851; Mortgages: 809, 936 Peleg, Mortgages: 618 Renewal, Mortgages: 809 Reverend, Mortgages: 936 CARDY Ebenezer, Deeds: 222 CAREY Benjamin, Mortgages: 113 Thomas, Deeds: 938 CARLE (Carl) Andrew, Mortgages: 448 Elizabeth, Estates: 51 Jacob, Deeds: 744, 801; Mortgages: 330, 715, 730, 749; Estates: 51, 247 Joseph, Deeds: 801, 985; Mortgages: 4, 824; Estates: 51 Nancy, Estates: 51 Phebe, Deeds: 801 Rebeccah, Estates: 51 William, Deeds: 462 CARMAN (Carmen) - Deeds: 766, 818; Mortgages: 770 Aaron, Deeds: 910, 951, 1033; Mortgages: 918; Pages: 627 Adam, Deeds: 503, 1040; Mortgages: 583; Pages: 608 Ann, Mortgages: 918 Caleb, Mortgages: 475 Elizabeth, Estates: 132 George, Deeds: 910; Mortgages: 918; Pages: 627 Isaac, Estates: 132 Jacob, Pages: 608 Lot, Estates: 175 Morris, Mortgages: 929; Estates: 132, 151, 262; Pages: 608 Phila, Deeds: 1040 Richard, Deeds: 928, 1040 CARNMEL Rob, Pages: 12, 13, 19, 20 CARPENTER - Mortgages: 440; Pages: 569, 570, 573 Anna, Deeds: 757; Mortgages: 720 Benedict, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 466 Benjamin, Deeds: 735, 832, 1043; Mortgages: 792, 814, 872; Pages: 587, 603, 627 Daniel, Deeds: 452, 623, 911, 917; Mortgages: 534, 814; Estates: 311; Pages: 627 David, Deeds: 467, 468; Mortgages: 279, 349,

INDEX CARPENTER, (continued) 789; Estates: 94; Pages: 605, 613 Ephraim, Mortgages: 503 George, Mortgages: 638; 639; Estates: 109, 110; Pages: 628 Healah, Deeds: 332 Increase, Mortgages: 358 Isaac, Deeds: 461; Mortgages: 196 Israel, Mortgages: 720; Pages: 568, 577, 582, 588, 627 Jacob, Deeds: 1021; Mortgages: 358 James, Deeds: 461 John, Deeds: 224, 468, 623; Mortgages: 279, 331; Estates: 94; Pages: 627, 628 Joseph, Deeds: 275, 525, 623; Mortgages: 734 Mary, Mortgages: 814 Nehemiah, Deeds: 506, 641, 757; Mortgages: 315, 587 Richard, Mortgages: 279 Samuel, Pages: 584, 628 Seaman, Deeds: 670; Pages: 573, 576, 580, 581, 583, 585, 586, 628, 637 Simmons, Mortgages: 876 William, Deeds: 556, 574, 623, 792, 793; Mortgages: 358, 466, 470, 513, 523, 534; Pages: 577, 581, 612, 615, 627, 628 Zeno, Deeds: 790; Pages: 570, 628 CARRENRIKE Zacarrias, Deeds: 292 CARROLL Andrew, Deeds: 1032 CARSHADDAN William, Deeds: 818, 1033; Estates: 175 CARSTON Joseph, Mortgages: 20 CARTER Ebenezer, Deeds: 438; 510, 1013 Lydia, Estates: 143 CARTON Caleb, Deeds: 298 CASE David, Mortgages: 744; Estates: 52 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 773; Estates: 52 Epherian, Estates: 52 George, Mortgages: 605, 751, 817 Hannah, Estates: 52 Huldah, Estates: 52 Levi, Estates: 52 Mary, Deeds: 585, 862, 918; Mortgages: 755, 781, 834 Nathan, Deeds: 598; Mortgages: 635, 744; Estates: 52, 282

CASE, (continued) Patience, Estates: 52 Rufus, Mortgages: 541, 642, 773 Ruth, Estates: 52 Sarah, Estates: 52 Timothy, Deeds: 377, 378 Wheeler, Deeds: 467, 585, 662, 862, 918, 974; Mortgages: 278, 349, 615, 755, 781, 817, 834; Estates: 311; Pages: 605 William, Deeds: 598 CASH Daniel, Deeds: 968 David, Deeds: 902; Mortgages: 765, 775 Hannah, Deeds: 227 William, Deeds: 227, 442, 806, 902, 968; Mortgages: 756, 775, 799, 821; Estates: 212, 282 CASHOW Frederick, Deeds: 488, 572; Mortgages: 304 Hendrick, Mortgages: 304 Johannis, Deeds: 572 Mowrie, Mortgages: 304 Ramson, Mortgages: 711 CASTLE Daniel, Deeds: 163, 202, 346, 412; Mortgages: 129; Estates: 53 Elizabeth, Estates: 53 Eunice, Estates: 53 Gideon, Deeds: 412, 472; Mortgages: 394, 651; Estates: 53 Jerusha, Estates: 53 Johanna, Estates: 53 Lemuel, Deeds: 523; Estates: 53 Samuel, Deeds: 202; Mortgages: 387 CASWELL Daniel, Deeds: 544 Ezra, Deeds: 411 CATCHEM Samuel, Pages: 628 CATELEY Solomon Jr., Deeds: 878 CATLIN Roswel, Mortgages: 394 Timothy, Deeds: 725 CAUSTIN (Caston) Joseph, Deeds: 40, 41, 78, 79, 83, 128, 181, 210, 236, 281, 406, 421, 534, 727, 763, 899; Mortgages: 20, 45, 244, 292, 359; Estates: 163; Pages: 60, 61, 65, 71, 72, 74, 79, 80, 85, 87 CEASER (Slave), Pages: 590 CHADWICK Aaron, Deeds: 759 CHAISE Benjamin, Deeds: 241, 242


CHAMBERLAIN Abigail, Deeds: 420 Catherine, Deeds: 553, 554 Colbe, Deeds: 425 Ephraim, Estates: 15 Erastus, Estates: 15 Jabez, Deeds: 940 John, Deeds: 553, 554, 930, 940; Estates: 289 Joseph, Deeds: 262; Mortgages: 5 Lydia, Deeds: 940 William, Deeds: 420, 433, 453, 661, 702; Mortgages: 206, 251, 308, 322, 367, 397, 542 CHAMBERS - Deeds: 708 Abigail, Deeds: 383 Ann, Deeds: 557; Mortgages: 139, 146, 161, 176, 184, 210, 216, 241, 266, 273, 286, 556, 576 Gaasbeek, Deeds: 133 John, Deeds: 122; Mortgages: 24, 40, 53, 184, 286, 360, 510 Mr. , Pages: 58, 59, 6168, 72, 75, 77-80, 82-86, 88-98 William, Deeds: 383 CHAMPION Joshua, Estates: 147 CHAMPLAIN, LAKE Mortgages: 500; Estates: 146 CHANDLER Solomon, Mortgages: 575 Thomas B., Deeds: 657 CHAPMAN Jedediah, Estates: 222 Mary, Estates: 222 P. , Mortgages: 702 William, Mortgages: 731, 797, 890 CHARLICK Henry, Mortgages: 503, 566 CHARLOTTE PRECINCT Deeds: 220, 255, 256, 258, 260, 266, 268, 271, 279, 283, 285, 296, 297, 298, 301, 302, 308, 309, 310, 311, 315, 316, 317, 327, 328, 340, 342, 343, 344, 347, 348, 351, 362, 366, 372, 374, 375, 381, 382, 384, 385, 400, 405, 413, 415, 421, 428, 430, 434, 436, 439, 441, 442, 443, 449, 451, 452, 459, 460, 467, 468, 469, 471, 499, 503, 506, 508, 509, 512, 513, 514, 517, 518, 522, 525, 534, 543, 546, 547, 566, 589, 594, 595, 597, 605, 606, 612, 613, 632, 633, 634,

652 CHARLOTTE PRECINCT, (continued, Deeds) 641, 642, 645, 649, 653, 657, 666, 677, 678, 680, 690, 691, 700, 714, 727, 748, 772, 784, 790, 793, 794, 797, 805, 807, 847, 849, 864, 882, 900, 912, 958; Mortgages: 41, 46, 52 58, 80, 81, 92, 101 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 124, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 146, 147, 148, 152, 161, 162, 165, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 187, 188, 190, 194, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 208, 209, 211, 212, 217, 218, 220, 225, 229, 234, 235, 241, 244, 248, 250, 254, 256, 257, 263, 267, 272, 276, 279, 280, 282, 283, 287, 288, 291, 292, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306, 309, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 384, 386, 387, 388, 389, 392, 393, 395, 399, 408, 412, 415, 421, 427, 431, 448, 466, 513, 520, 591, 649, 814, 901, 929; Estates: 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 32, 36, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 57, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 79, 83, 92, 94, 95, 98, 103 108 113 117 118 120, 121, 124, 127, 129, 130, 147, 150, 167, 168, 170, 171, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 188, 193, 194, 195, 199, 202, 203, 205, 207, 210, 229, 230, 242, 248, 249, 250, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 266, 267, 271, 277, 278, 285, 291, 295, 298, 306, 309, 310, 311 CHASE Eleazer, Mortgages: 664; Pages: 627

INDEX CHATHAM Columbia Co. , Deeds: 824 CHATTERTON Peter, Deeds: 732, 878; Mortgages: 688, 867; Pages: 627 Sarah, Mortgages: 688 Underhill, Deeds: 918, 919 CHAUCER Alexander, Estates: 79 CHEESMAN Jerusha, Deeds: 698 Nathaniel, Deeds: 817, 909; Mortgages: 904; Estates: 282 Samuel, Deeds: 817, 909, 1016, 1017 CHENANGO Estates: 100 CHESTERTON Peter, Pages: 577 CHESTNUT RIDGE Deeds: 225; Mortgages: 47, 294 CHIPPITIE, ISLAND Deeds: 16, 486, 496, 898 CHITTENDED, VT. Deeds: 596 CHRISTIE John, Mortgages: 514 CHUBB Alexander, Pages: 598 Joseph, Pages: 598 Stephen N. , Pages: 598 CHURCH Benjamin, Estates: 179; Pages: 614 CHURCHES Baptist Meeting House (Netherwood), Mortgages: 891 Church of England, Mortgages: 160; Estates: 63 Congregational Presbyterian Society, Estates: 25 Dutch Congregation, Deeds: 51 First Church of Christ in Nine Partners, Estates: 198 French Reform Protestant of NYC, Mortgages: 245 Friends Meeting, Creek, Deeds: 789, 792; Mortgages: 776 Friends Meeting House, Brick, Deeds: 826, 919 Friends Meeting House, Stanford, Deeds: 891, 925, 947 Friends of Nine Partners, Estates: 127 Lutheran, Wittenburgh, Estates: 282 Presbyterian Meeting House, Mortgages: 521 Separate, Mortgages: 253 Stone Meeting House, Mortgages: 637, 738

CHURCHILL Robert, Mortgages: 475 CINYEN John, Pages: 606 CITY Deeds: 698; Mortgages: 318, 355 CLAPP - Deeds: 175, 337; Mortgages: 141 Deborah, Estates: 106 Elias, Deeds: 108; Mortgages: 1, 5, 10, 222, 267 Gilbert, Mortgages: 414 Henry, Deeds: 202, 203, 320, 357, 745; Mortgages: 206; Pages: 570, 578, 628 J. , Deeds: 202 James, Deeds: 896; Mortgages: 896; Pages: 579, 581, 585, 587, 628 John, Deeds: 169, 394, 802, 803, 993, 994; Mortgages: 112, 222, 246; Pages: 581, 628 Joseph, Deeds: 162, 163, 164, 194, 386, 499; Mortgages: 40, 46, 53, 222; Estates: 118 Nathaniel, Estates: 106 Thomas, Mortgages: 246, 267 William, Mortgages: 340 CLARK - Deeds: 647; Mortgages: 185 Calvin, Mortgages: 707 Charles, Deeds: 695 Eliphalet, Deeds: 122, 145 George, Deeds: 6; Mortgages: 183, 184, 185 Governour, Mortgages: 7; Pages: 69, 73, 78, 86 John, Deeds: 948 Jonathan, Deeds: 581, 755 Samuel, Pages: 628 Titus, Deeds: 558; Mortgages: 374 William, Deeds: 1014 CLARKSON David, Deeds: 387, 567; Mortgages: 252 Levinius, Mortgages: 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 252, 501 CLARRY (Cleary) James, Estates: 300 Keziah, Estates: 300 CLASS Mary, Estates: 12 Seth, Estates: 12 CLAVERACK Columbia Co. , Deeds: 685; Mortgages: 278, 919 CLEARWATER Philip, Deeds: 537; Estates: 101 Tunis, Estates: 103 CLERK

INDEX CLINTON PRECINCT or TOWN, CLERK, (continued) (continued, Deeds) Lydia, Estates: 16 922, 924, 929, 938, CLEVELAND 942, 943, 946, 948, Elisha, Mortgages: 122, 949, 950, 951, 952, 136, 154, 156, 157, Estates: 198 953, 956, 957, 959, 158; Joseph, Mortgages: 136 962, 963; Mortgages: 396, 403, Josiah Jr., Deeds: 90; 404 405 409 416 Mortgages: 122, 136, 417, 422, 424, 432, 156 433, 436, 437, 439, Ruth, Estates: 153 440, 441, 445, 452, CLINCK 456, 457, 458, 459, Catharine, Estates: 54 467, 468, 470, 471, David, Estates: 54 472, 481, 482, 483, Gideon, Estates: 54 484, 485, 486, 488, Jacob, Estates: 54 489, 495, 503, 506, John, Estates: 54; 507, 508, 511, 515, Pages: 606 516, 517, 519, 520, Mary, Estates: 54 526, 529, 530, 533, Mical, Pages: 615 534, 537, 539, 547, Sarah, Estates: 54 555, 556, 561, 566, William, Estates: 54 567, 569, 572, 573, CLINE (Clyne) 578, 586, 588, 590, Elizabeth, Estates: 55 Farncia, Estates: 55 596, 601, 603, 605, Frederick, Estates: 66 608, 609, 612, 614, 615, 620, 623, 627, Jacob, Estates: 66, 309 628, 629, 633, 634, John, Estates: 55 636, 638, 639, 641, Orshal, Estates: 66 643, 645, 647, 648, Peter, Deeds: 411, 433; 653, 654, 656, 657, Mortgages: 308, 367, 658, 660, 661, 663, 383; Estates: 55 664, 665, 667, 675, CLINTON 72-74, 76, 677, 678, 679, 680, Mr., Pages: 681, 684, 685, 686, 80-86 687, 688, 689, 691, Charles, Deeds: 218, 692, 695, 696, 697, 312, 446, 447, 448, 699, 704, 705, 706, 668, 693; Mortgages: 708, 711, 712, 713, 344, 772 715, 716, 717, 718, George, Mortgages: 630 719, 720, 721, 724, CLINTON PRECINCT or TOWN 725, 726, 729, 730, Deeds: 521, 539, 548, 732, 736, 737, 738, 549, 558, 569, 570, 739, 740, 741, 743, 571, 575, 583, 584, 745, 746, 747, 748, 587, 588, 596, 600, 749, 750, 751, 753, 602, 607, 621, 622, 754, 757, 758, 759, 628, 630, 631, 636, 761, 763, 766, 769, 643, 648, 659, 660, 776, 778, 779, 780, 662, 663, 665, 668, 781, 784, 786, 787, 670, 671, 679, 681, 788, 790, 794, 795, 686, 687, 689, 696, 798, 803, 804, 805, 697, 701, 704, 705, 806, 807, 808, 814, 706, 709, 710, 711, 817, 818, 819, 822, 712, 715, 716, 717, 823, 824, 825, 827, 718, 719, 720, 721, 830, 832, 833, 834, 722, 723, 724, 726, 835, 836, 838, 840, 730, 732, 735, 736, 841, 843, 844, 846, 737, 738, 739, 741, 848, 849, 851, 853, 744, 749, 751, 754, 856, 857, 858, 859, 755, 756, 757, 758, 860, 865, 867, 868, 761, 762, 768, 770, 870, 871, 874, 869, 780, 781, 771, 779, 875, 876, 877, 878, 789, 795, 800, 801, 880, 882, 883, 884, 802, 803, 808, 809, 886, 888, 891, 893, 810, 818, 821, 822, 894, 895, 896, 897, 835, 828, 833, 825, 899, 900, 907, 908, 837, 839, 840, 845, 909, 910, 911, 913, 850, 855, 856, 857, 914, 916, 918, 920, 858, 859, 863, 865, 923, 928, 929, 930, 866, 870, 876, 877, 932, 937, 940, 941, 878, 880, 881, 883, 945, 947, 950, 951, 885, 886, 888, 889, 952, 953, 954, 956, 890, 892, 893, 896, 957; 903, 897, 898, 901, Estates: 13, 14, 18, 908, 910, 911, 912, 21, 28, 35, 45, 47, 915, 917, 918, 921,

653 CLINTON PRECINCT or TOWN, (continued, Estates) 51, 54, 67, 68, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 101, 109, 110, 116, 119, 135, 140, 165, 166, 187, 188, 189, 190, 213, 219, 224, 227, 247, 253, 259, 261, 268, 275, 276, 291, 292, 293, 304, 310; Pages: 575, 577 CLOPPER Cornelius, Deeds: 327 CLOSSEN (Classen) Timothy, Deeds: 314, 349, 350, 360, 366; Mortgages: 213 CLOWES S. , Deeds: 397 Timothy Jr. , Deeds: 161 COCK (Cocks) - Pages: 95 David, Deeds: 592; Pages: 65 Isaac, Pages: 573 Jacob, Mortgages: 879; Pages: 627 James, Deeds: 935; Pages: 627 John, Deeds: 964; Pages: 94 Mary, Deeds: 879 Samuel, Pages: 587 COCKANARIAGA Montgomery Co. , Mortgages: 416 COCKBURN James, Deeds: 906 Jno. , Deeds: 1015 CODDENS Pages: 9, 17 CODDINGTON Jacob, Mortgages: 838 James, Deeds: 966 COEYMANS Gertruyd, Deeds: 218; Mortgages: 344 Albany Co., Deeds: 904 COFFIN Abisha, Estates: 17 James, Deeds: 869 Mary, Estates: 211 Paul, Deeds: 552; Mortgages: 429, 723 COGGINS Timothy, Pages: 628 COLDEN Alex, Deeds: 455 Cadwallader, Deeds: 175, 223, 241, 242, 262, 337, 453, 455; Mortgages: 18, 141, 206, 306, 313, 322; Pages: 7 Daniel, Deeds: 468 David, Deeds: 455 Gilbert, Mortgages: 906 COLDER John, Deeds: 631 COLD SPRING Mortgages: 821 COLE Barnabas, Estates: 12 Benjamin, Estates: 28 Hendrick, Estates: 56,



CONKLIN, (continued) COLE, (continued) 720, 868, 869, 908, 125 930; Pages: 576, 627 Henry, Deeds: 84, 196, Jacob, Deeds: 93, 101, 707 102, 103, 170, 193, Mary, Estates: 55 271, 291, 297, 310, Sarah, Estates: 12 342, 343, 344, 374, Ury, Estates: 56 384; Mortgages: 12, COLEMAN (Coalman) 17, 26, 27, 30, 31, Charles, Deeds: 790, 32, 36, 41, 42, 43, 814, 815, 816, 869, 44, 483; Estates: 103 947; Pages: 608 Deeds: 886; James, Mortgages: 321 Eber, Mortgages: 884; Elihu, Deeds: 869 Pages: 628 Jethro, Deeds: 789, Jemime, Estates: 57 792, 814, 815, 816, Deeds: 614, Jeremiah, 979; Es947, 954, 776, 831, 851; Morttates: 18, 146; gages: 360, 504, 510, Pages: 608 659, 785, 892, 919 John, Mortgages: 321, J. John, Pages: 627 408, 826 John, Deeds: 79, 113, Nethael, Mortgages: 321 114; Mortgages: 3, COLLINS 12, 405, 483, 596, - Deeds: 867 789; Estates: 57; David, Deeds: 319, 379, 470, 1014; Mortgages: Pages: 627 Lemuel, Deeds: 480, 189, 556, 670, 768, 492, 506, 607, 705; 782, 796, 933 Mortgages: 320, 715; Hezekiah, Estates: 276 Pages: 598, 599, 627 James, Mortgages: 933 Levina, Estates: 57 John, Mortgages: 406, Mary, Estates: 57 426, 796 Deeds: 862; Nathan, Mortgages: 659 Joshua, Samuel, Mortgages: 653 Mortgages: 834; Sarah, Estates: 57 Pages: 584, 627 Tamra, Estates: 57 Mary, Mortgages: 834 988 Timothy, Mortgages: Patrick, Deeds: 844; Estates: 9, 57; COLONEY Pages: 571, 578 Isaac, Deeds: 1020 CONNECTICUT Lydia, Deeds: 1020 Deeds: 41, 72, 82, 108 COLUMBIA COUNTY Deeds: 685, 764, 824, 129, 132, 135, 139, 140, 152, 153, 162, 869; Mortgages 406, 426, 633, 670, 768, 163, 164, 169, 173, 796, 919 174, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 215, COMMINS 233, 234, 237, 254, David Jr. , Deeds: 533 COM STOCK 262, 280, 284, 288, 324, 361, 367, 386, Matthew, Deeds: 815 408, 432, 438, 439, Nathan, Deeds: 812 William, Deeds: 552 440, 455, 456, 457, CONANT 519, 520, 551, 553, Anna, Estates: 289 640, 647, 695, 702, CONET 740, 783, 804, 872, Josiah, Deeds: 528 888, 907, 932, 933, CONGDON 934; Ephraim, Pages: 573, Mortgages: 2, 40, 164, 578, 581, 627 171, 189, 192, 205, CONKLIN (Concklin) 215, 222, 246, 251, - Mortgages: 809, 936 318, 323, 335, 343, Catalina, Mortgages: 355, 373, 385, 425, 242, 277 449, 506, 542, 551, Catherine, Mortgages: 558, 570, 592, 613, 840 626, 650, 682, 700, 731, 756, 773, 783, David, Deeds: 362, 549, 797, 802, 851, 855, 663, 665; Mortgages: 384, 424, 436, 596, 865, 881, 917; 608 Estates: 15, 39, 72, Elizabeth, Deeds: 851 73, 155, 172, 207, Hannah, Estates: 57 222, 289; Higgins, Deeds: 554 Pages: 22, 23, 69, 598 Isaac, Deeds: 431, 621, CONNER (Connor) 660, 737, 754, 903, Alice, Estates: 12 991; Mortgages: 242, Edward, Estates: 60 277, 289, 301, 391, James, Deeds: 837; Es535, 569, 600, 663, tates: 12 691, 697, 705, 719, Jemima, Estates: 182

CONNER, (continued) John, Deeds: 771, 837, 872, 886, 949; Mortgages: 747, 836, 884, 931; Pages: 628 Joseph, Estates: 12 Mary, Estates: 12 Thomas, Mortgages: 75 William, Estates: 12 CONNOLLY John, Deeds: 585 Michael, Mortgages: 298 CONNON Jemima, Estates: 182 CONRAD Deeds: 553 CONROY Sally, Deeds: 965 CONSOLDIKE Emanuel, Estates: 58 Francisca, Estates: 58 Jacobus, Estates: 58 Johannes, Estates: 58 Joseph, Estates: 58 Lemman, Estates: 58 Manuel, Estates: 58 Mary, Estates: 58 Rebecca, Estates: 58 Sarah, Estates: 58 COOK - Mortgages: 366 Benj. , Estates: 202 Charles, Deeds: 758 Clark, Pages: 86, 87, 93, 94, 99 David, Mortgages: 267; Estates: 202 Ebenezer, Deeds: 231; Mortgages: 31, 47, 294 James, Deeds: 789, 792, 796 Job, Deeds: 438; Estates: 143 John, Deeds: 267, 268; Mortgages: 109 Joseph, Deeds: 776, 907; Estates: 58 Lydia, Deeds: 892 Mary, Mortgages: 252 Nathaniel, Estates: 59 Samuel, Deeds: 752, 770, 892; Mortgages: 739; Estates: 202, 277 Sarah, Deeds: 265; Estates: 58 Simeon, Deeds: 198, 248, 307, 440, 489; Mortgages: 78, 252 Solomon, Mortgages: 624 Widow, Deeds: 341; Mortgages: 134 William, Deeds: 631; Mortgages: 603 COOKINGHAM (Cookenham) - Deeds: 648 David, Deeds: 845, 942; Mortgages: 853; Pages: 571, 628 Fredrick, Deeds :511,780, 995; Mortgages: 853; Pages: 628 Michael,Deeds;693, 717, 718; Mortgages: 920; Estates; 304; Pages; 584, 587, 628

INDEX COOKSAWKEE, Albany Co., Mortgages: 390 COOL (see Zool) COOLEY Deeds: 688 COONLEY - Estates: 184 Barbara: Estates: 282 Isaac, Estates: 54 Peter, Estates: 94 Samuel, Deeds: 573, 845, 925, 926, 927, 928, 941, 942, 947, 977; Estates: 54, 184 Sarah, Deeds: 845 COONS (see Noon) Abraham, Mortgages: 735 Philip, Deeds: 422 COOPER Ananias, Mortgages: 19, 496; Estates: 229 Pages: 600 Ananie, Estates: 63 Jeremiah, Estates: 158 Lydia, Mortgages: 914 Obadiah, Mortgages: 615, 646, 647, 729; Pages: 593 Samuel, Mortgages: 914 Sarah, Deeds: 754 Thomas, Deeds: 922, 923, 944, 945 COREY Benjamin, Deeds: 276; Mortgages: 100 CORNE Peter, Deeds 356 Mortgages: 221, 235, 244, 330 CORNELAS Deeds: 760 CORNELESSE Bend, Pages: 4 CORNELL (see Cornwell) Catharine, Deeds: 515 David, Deeds: 581 Elisha, Pages: 628 George, Deeds: 226 Hannah, Mortgages: 678 Jacob, Mortgages: 678; Pages: 587, 628 Job, Deeds: 653 John, Deeds: 515; Mortgages: 182 Joseph, Deeds: 581, 653 Lewis, Mortgages: 342 Mary, Deeds: 12, 35, 41, 629 Matthew, Pages: 628 Quimby, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 466, 523, 678; Pages: 628 Richard, Deeds: 116, 117 Samuel, Deeds: 86, 98, 226 Silvanus, Deeds: 466 W. , Deeds: 628 Walter, Deeds: 581, 653 William, Deeds: 757; Estates: 91 CORNWALL, Conn., Deeds: 804 CORNWELL (see Cornell) Aspinwall, Deeds: 583,

CORNWELL (see Cornell, continued) 989; Mortgages: 400, 538, 580, 630 Eden B. , Deeds: 775; Mortgages: 750 Gilbert, Mortgages: 887, 905 John, Deeds: 989; Estates: 25 Thankful, Mortgages: 750 William, Deeds: 440; Mortgages: 252, 905 CORNWELL, Hartford Co. , Conn., Deeds: 90 CORTELLOW Peter, Deeds: 41; Pages: 4 CORTLAND Councelor, Pages: 17 CORTLANDT MANOR or POINT Mortgages: 18, 443; Estates: 9 CORTLANDT, WESTCHESTER Deeds: 324, 576 CORWERSIS Thomas, Mortgages: 121 COSBEY John, Deeds' 621 COTAT Deeds: 403 COUCH Samuel, Deeds: 2, 3 COUSENS Barne, Deeds: 435, 436, 457, 711, 882, 958; Mortgages: 309 COVEY Amos, Deeds: 358 COWENHAVEN N. R. , Mortgages: 693 COX (see Cocks) COXSACKIE, Greene Co. , Deeds: 843, 844 COW HOUSE, New York City, Deeds: 614 COZINE John Jr. , Deeds: 349, 350 CRACHER Levi, Mortgages: 149 CRAMER Abigal, Mortgages: 777 Casper, Estates: 60 Catherine, Deeds: 446; Estates: 60 Johannis, Deeds: 313, 446, 515, 729 John, Estates: 60 Margaret, Estates: 60 William, Deeds: 804; Mortgages: 777 Zachariah, Deeds: 493; Estates: 60 CRANDALL Amos, Deeds: 442, 714; Mortgages: 245 Caleb, Pages: 624 David, Deeds: 838 Patience, Estates: 2 Phebe, Estates: 295 CRANE

655 CRANE, (continued) Timothy B., Deeds: 857 CRANNELL Bartholomew, Deeds: 64, 65, 66, 122, 171, 196, 209, 784, 791; Mortgages: 13, 108; Estates: 63 CRANSTON, R.I. Deeds: 773 CRAPSOR (Crepsor, Crabbsen) Albertus, Estates: 304, Pages: 628 Bartes, Deeds: 388 Bastian, Mortgages: 537; Pages: 569, 628 David, Mortgages: 304 Gartinede, Pages: 628 Gertrude, Estates: 13 Jacob, Estates: 13, 304 John (Johannes), Deeds: 565, 569, 570; Mortgages: 403, 530, 590; Estates: 304; Pages: 575, 628 Margaret, Estates: 304 Maria, Estates: 304 Mary, Mortgages: 537 Sebastiaan, Estates: 304 CREED - Mortgages: 419, 622 Augustine, Deeds: 12, 21, 22, 35, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63, 78, 79, 81, 84, 158, 182, 404, 589, 703, 707; Mortgages: 31, 354 Catharine, Estates: 251 Mary, Deeds: 6, 26, 80 Richard, Estates: 251 William, Deeds: 4, 6, 12, 24, 26, 46, 80, 117, 127, 158, 185, 251, 300, 405, 445; Mortgages: 87 CREGO Ann, Estates: 62 Anna, Estates: 62 Jane, Estates: 62 John, Estates: 62 Margaret, Estates: 62 Richard, Mortgages: 230; Estates: 62 Stephen, Estates: 62 CRIGGERS FLY Pages: 569, 570 CRIMSHEIR John, Mortgages: 21, 88 CROCKER Oliver, Deeds: 350, 388; Mortgages: 119 CROMMELINE Charles, Deeds: 1015 CROMWELL Anna, Estates: 254 Lemuel, Estates: 57 CRONE John, Deeds: 469 CRONKHITE (Cronckhite) - Deeds: 863 George, Mortgages: 258; Estates: 61, 161 Henry, Deeds: 426; Estates: 46

656 CRONKHITE, (continued) Jacob, Mortgages: 165; Estates: 46 John, Deeds: 503, 731, 941; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 226 Margaret, Estates: 226 Mary, Estates: 71 CRONKLAND John, Mortgages: 348 CRONNY Mr. , Pages: 77 CROOK (Crooke) - Deeds: 100, 119, 177, 486, 487, 736, 848, 1010; Mortgages: 144, 171, 187, 220, 598; Pages: 11, 18, 19 Ann, Deeds: 559, 572, 616, 617, 688, 889; Mortgages: 893 Annaka, Deeds: 45, 130, 206; Mortgages: 496; Estates: 63 Catharine, Deeds: 66, 204; Estates: 65 Charles, Deeds: 12, 35, 44, 45, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 130, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 272, 296, 304, 327, 391, 393, 396, 486, 487, 546, 547, 558, 559, 567, 587; Mortgages: 166, 237, 242, 248, 259, 368, 382, 410, 447, 533, 621, 893; Estates: 63, 65, 88; Pages: 5, 9, 16, 60, 81, 93 Charles Jr. , Deeds: 130, 131, 133, 204, 209, 327, 391, 559, 572, 610, 616, 617, 676, 686, 688, 889; Estates: 64 Charles, Dr., Deeds: 540, 559, 656 Cornelia, Deeds: 327, 559, 712, 839, 1026, 1035; Estates: 64 Delight, Estates: 64 Elizabeth, Deeds: 204 Gabriel, Deeds: 12, 35 Gertruyd, Estates: 65 Jane, Deeds: 391 Jannitje, Estates: 63 John, Deeds: 12, 33, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 65, 66, 68, 79, 91, 133, 144, 204, 209, 251, 298, 300, 327, 338, 391, 396, 405, 559, 567, 572, 616, 617, 688, 699, 708, 712, 839, 840, 889, 1026, 1035; Mortgages: 87, 142, 237, 253, 259, 352, 634, 658, 660, 829, 893; Estates: 14, 63, 65; Pages: 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 31, 37, 38, 45, 51, 52, 60, 65, 95, 96, 587, 627 Margaret, Deeds: 133, 396, 657; Mortgages:

INDEX CROOK, (continued) 296, 328, 528 Maria Jane Ann, Deeds: 656, 688, 1035 Mary, Deeds: 540, 656; Estates: 65 Robert, Deeds: 12, 35, 43, 66, 68, 204; Estates: 65 William, Deeds: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 204, 207, 209; Estates: 65 CROSBY Cyrenius, Mortgages: 773, 917; Estates: 25, 183, 223 Cyrus, Dr. , Deeds: 867, 907 CRUGER - Pages: 9, 12, 13, 17, 19 John, Pages: 10, 20 CRUM ELBOW, CREEK or KILL (Krom) Deeds: 12, 16, 34, 67 68, 70, 130, 131, 133, 218, 312, 313, 360, 435, 436, 446, 447, 448, 457, 511, 564, 565, 566, 599, 666, 668, 672, 700, 717, 718, 726, 730, 810, 845, 857, 870, 921, 942, 959; Mortgages: 138, 143, 182, 188, 195, 213, 295, 309, 311, 319, 441, 594, 595, 646, 657, 687, 720, 732, 758, 806, 818, 819, 838, 849, 853, 888, 894, 909 CRUM ELBOW, POINT IN RIVER Deeds: 43, 688, 736 CRUM ELBOW PRECINCT Deeds: 24, 29, 31, 32 47, 51, 54, 58, 59, 61, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, 78, 83, 84, 86, 88-96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109 112, 119, 121, 124 126, 127, 128, 129 132, 133, 134, 135 136, 137, 138, 139 140, 141, 143, 144 145, 146, 147 148 149, 150, 153 154 156, 159, 160 162, 163, 164, 166 167, 168, 170, 171 172, 176, 177, 178 180, 181, 183, 184 186, 188, 190, 191 192, 193, 196, 200 202, 210, 211, 215 217, 221, 222, 224 225, 227, 229, 230 235, 236, 238, 241 242, 243, 245, 246 248, 257, 259, 263 264, 265, 269, 270 271, 275, 280, 289 292, 295, 303, 304 314, 325, 334, 338 351, 352, 361,

363, 368, 376, 377, 378, 381, 397, 401, 406, 407, 414, 416, 417, 423, 424, 425, 458, 524, 565, 579, 611, 634, 707, 745, 827; Mortgages: 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45 48 49, 82, 86, 136, 166, 191, 494; Estates: 6, 56, 58, 59, 62, 76, 77, 78, 96, 102, 104, 105, 115, 116, 120, 124, 125, 137 138, 140, 145, 156 162, 173, 174, 191 201, 204, 214, 215 221, 238, 239, 244 253, 256, 260, 264 266, 270, 274, 285 288; Pages: 61, 622, 623 CUER John, Deeds: 105 CULVER Ariantje, Mortgages: 561 James, Deeds: 636, 755, 1029; Mortgages: 561, 725; Pages: 573, 628 John, Deeds: 877; Mortgages: 457, 691; Estates: 9; Pages: 573, 574, 577, 579, 627 CUMBERLAND, R.I. Deeds: 120 CUNNINGHAM Charles, Deeds: 721 Sarah, Deeds: 721 CURTISS Allen, Deeds: 265, 288 Caleb, Deeds: 162, 163 Eldad, Mortgages: 168, 207 Elihu, Mortgages: 121 James, Mortgages: 473 John, Mortgages: 750 Joseph, Deeds: 698, 699, 777; Mortgages: 352, 496; Estates: 67 Lewis, Deeds: 1011 Roba, Deeds: 775 Zachariah, Deeds: 699; Mortgages: 269 CUSOICK George, Estates: 226 Molly, Estates: 226 CUTLER Jonathan, Mortgages: 365, 464; Pages: 609 Richard, Deeds: 457 Stephen, Mortgages: 463 CUYLER Abraham, Mortgages: 499 Jacob, Deeds: 477, 478 Jn., Pages: 56, 57, 58 DAILEY (see Dayley, Daly) DAKIN Caleb, Deeds: 474, 1014; Mortgages: 604 Joshua, Deeds: 358,

INDEX DAKIN, (continued) 371, 654; Mortgages: 224, 268 Rodah, Mortgages: 604 Ruth, Estates: 207 Simon, Mortgages: 268, 604, 862 Timothy, Estates: 207 DALTON (see Walton) DALY Anna, Estates: 300 Elizabeth, Estates: 300 DANIELSON Robert, Pages: 629 DARLING Samuel, Deeds: 87 Thomas, Deeds: 87 DARROW Isaac, Deeds: 432, 551; Mortgages: 334, 335, 385; Estates: 153 DARTMOUTH, MASS. Deeds: 134, 419; Estates: 8 DAVENPORT John, Mortgages: 506 DAVIDSONS Pages: 56 DAVIES Polly, Deeds: 1039 William, Deeds: 1039 DAVIS Baushe, Deeds: 616, 617 Benjamin, Pages: 584, 628 Ebenezer, Estates: 219 Frace, Deeds: 271 Isaac, Deeds: 511 John, Deeds: 393, 540, 572, 616, 617, 688, 745, 889; Mortgages: 410 Jonathan, Deeds: 249, 745 Mary, Estates: 139 Richard, Deeds: 226, 271, 391, 448 Stephen, Deeds: 632, 633, 924; Mortgages: 548; Pages: 570, 584, 587, 629 Thomas, Deeds: 253 Uriah, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 331, 358, 361, 466, 513, 523; Pages: 610 William, Deeds: 1036; Mortgages: 499, 651, 652, 674, 682, 756, 768, 773, 802 DAYLEY Benjamin, Deeds: 248 DAYLY - Deeds: 769; Mortgages: 57 DEAN Ann, Deeds: 853, 854, 862, 911, 917; Mortgages: 888 Daniel, Deeds: 603, 853, 854, 862, 865, 911, 917, 918, 919, 921; Mortgages: 841, 888; Estates: 269, 281 Elizabeth, Estates: 68

DEAN% (continued) Evans, Deeds: 442, 443 Israel, Deeds: 911, 917 Jacob, Deeds: 295, 556, 1041; Mortgages: 15, 42, 466, 523, 526; Estates: 68 Jonathan, Deeds: 739, 789, 792, 938; Mortgages: 314, 340, 415, 675, 753, 911; Estates: 68; Pages: 572, 578, 587, 628 Jonathan P. , Deeds: 853, 854 Joseph, Deeds: 603, 921; Estates: 281; Pages: 582, 585, 586, 587, 588, 628 Josiah, Estates: 75 Lawrence, Deeds: 709 Mary, Mortgages: 314; Estates: 68 Minard, Estates: 281 Moses, Estates: 68; Pages: 628 Rachel, Estates: 68 Ruth, Estates: 68 Sarah, Estates: 68 Solomon, Deeds: 414 Stephen, Deeds: 506, 641; Mortgages: 571; Pages: 573 DE BURR Lukey (Slave), Pages: 596, 597 D'CANTILLON Mary, Mortgages: 814 Richard, Deeds: 493,538, 612, 613, 638, 761, 971, 988, 1030; Mortgages: 270, 271, 300, 372, 404, 538, 555, 556, 725, 814, 822; Estates: 85; Pages: 568, 570, 571, 572, 575, 577-581, 584, 585, 587, 588, 628, 634 DECAY Esquire, Mortgages: 348 DECKER Cornelius, Deeds: 847 Heyltie, Estates: 65 DEDERICK (Dedrick) Ana Maria, Estates: 261 Christian, Deeds: 693 Garret (Tadrick), Deeds: 617, 906, 995; Mortgages: 517; Estates: 261; Pages: 581, 629 George, Deeds: 616; Mortgages: 516; Pages: 581, 628 Hellena, Mortgages: 517 Jerry, Estates: 261 Johannes, Deeds: 840 Lena, Estates: 261 Maria, Mortgages: 516 D'FUE Samuel, Deeds: 546 DE FOREST Abraham, Estates: 274 DE GARMO Mary, Mortgages: 691

657 DE GARMO, (continued) Peter, Mortgages: 691; Estates: 18; Pages: 628 DE GRAFF (DeGroff) - Deeds: 60; Mortgages: 302; Estates: 190; Pages: 14 Abraham, Deeds: 20, 23, 216, 332, 904; Mortgages: 8, 39, 41, 140; Estates: 69; Pages: 32, 36, 40 Christeen, Estates: 46 Christian, Estates: 69 Elizabeth, Estates: 69 Evert, Deeds: 543; Pages: 575, 628 Hester, Deeds: 332; Estates: 69, 277 Jerusha, Estates: 69 Johannis (Jan), Deeds: 7, 12, 20, 24, 25, 35, 82, 91, 216, 232, 272, 315, 316, 332, 660, 991; Mortgages: 289; Estates: 69, 277; Pages: 5, 11, 12, 16, 19, 22, 31, 32, 36, 608, 620 John, Deeds: 12, 25, 35, 74, 80, 82, 129, 216, 315, 316, 317, 329, 332, 660, 991; Mortgages: 39, 174, 216, 301, 336, 391, 535; Estates: 46, 69 Mary, Deeds: 216; Estates: 69 Moser, Pages: 628 Moses, Deeds: 20, 23, 79, 82, 216, 332, 761, 877; Estates: 69; Pages: 28, 32, 45, 47, 60, 65, 66 Peter, Estates: 69 DE HART James, Deeds: 624, 625, 626, 627 DE JONECOURT Peter, Deeds: 73 DEKEY (Decay, DeKey) Esquire, Mortgages: 348 Jacobus, Deeds: 4, 185, 281 James, Deeds: 17 Sarah, Deeds: 4, 17, 185, 281 DELEMATER (Delamater) Anthony, Estates: 13 Benjamin, Deeds: 870; Mortgages: 847, 849, 897; Estates: 72, 222; Pages: 628 Cyrus, Mortgages: 551 Elisabeth, Estates: 72 Eva, Deeds: 564, 566 Hannah, Mortgages: 849; Estates: 72 Harriet, Estates: 222 Isaac, Deeds: 59, 108, 109, 173, 411, 564, 566, 769; Mortgages: 319 John, Mortgages: 774 Martin, Mortgages: 305,

658 DELEMATER, (continued) 551, 881; Estates: 286 Mary, Mortgages: 774 Nicholas, Estates: 72 Polly, Estates: 72 Sarah, Estates: 72 Sussannah, Estates: 72 DE LANCEY James, Deeds: 17 DE LAPLAIN Joshua, Mortgages: 236 Nicholas, Mortgages: 236 DELAVERGNE - Mortgages: 400, Pages: 585 Benjamin, Deeds: 373, 394, 427, 428, 582, 597, 610, 629, 697, 713, 974; Mortgages: 411, 421, 444, 454, 488, 553, 557, 565, 598, 599, 611, 622, 623, 624, 636, 637, 664-667, 722-725, 738, 763-767, 804, 813, 876, 929, 935; Estates: 11; Pages: 616 Ebenezer, Estates: 70 Elisabeth, Estates: 70 Giles, Estates: 70 Hannah, Estates: 70 Henry, Deeds: 584; Mortgages: 454 Isaac, Mortgages: 488, 764, 767, 935 James, Estates: 70 Joseph, Estates: 70 Lewis, Deeds: 473, 584, 861; Mortgages: 252, 291, 423, 425, 454, 842 Mary, Mortgages: 306; Estates: 70 Nicholas, Deeds: 99, 262, 272, 337, 386, 400, 411, 1015; Mortgages: 25, 174, 266, 298, 306, 307, 322, 362, 672; Estates: 70, 112 Sarah, Estates: 70 Susanna, Estates: 70 Walter, Deeds: 1023; Estates: 70 DELAWARE - Estates: 192 Purchase, Estates: 156 State, Deeds: 687 DELONG (DeLange) Aaron, Mortgages: 734 Anne, Estates: 71 Arrie, Estates: 71 Counrod, Pages: 611 Elias, Deeds: 328, 715, 938; Estates: 71 Francis, Deeds: 285; Mortgages: 135; Estates: 71 Halachi, Deeds: 938 Jeams, Estates: 71; Pages: 610 Jene, Estates: 71 John, Estates: 192

INDEX DELONG, (continued) Lawrence, Estates: 71 Martin, Estates: 71 Mary, Estates: 71 DEMIN John, Pages: 629 DEMOTE Estates: 178 DE MUIRSON James, Deeds: 958 DENNIS George, Estates: 186 John, Mortgages: 426 Joseph, Pages: 581, 629 DENNITSON William, Deeds: 521 DENTON Ann, Estates: 73 Benjamin, Deeds: 142, 265, 269, 270, 301, 907; Mortgages: 19, 123, 193, 270, 318, 355, 438, 469, 917; Estates: 73, 74 David, Deeds: 907; Mortgages: 917 John, Estates: 73, 139; Pages: 623 Joseph, Deeds: 224, 283, 302; Mortgages: 6, 84, 132, 217; Estates: 96 Rachel, Estates: 73 Ruth, Estates: 73 S. , Estates: 236 Sarah, Estates: 73 DE PEYSTER - Pages: 21 Frederick, Deeds: 1027 James, Mortgages: 525 Nicholas, Deeds: 644, 669, 799, 980; Mortgages: 265, 527, 673 William, Estates: 297 DEPPEL Jacob, Deeds: 648 DEPUY Josiah Jr. , Deeds: 803 DERRAM Daniel, Estates: 262 DESBROSSES Elias, Mortgages: 136, 235, 283, 383 James, Mortgages: 245, 383 Magdalene, Deeds: 284, 408, 551; Mortgages: 238, 327 DEUEL (Duell, Deyal) - Mortgages: 694, 710 Allen, Deeds: 984 Charles, Estates: 290 Christopher, Deeds: 97, 314; Estates: 76 Hannah, Estates: 75 Isaac, Deeds: 790, 947, 954, 1005; Estates: 255, 279; Pages: 617 Israel, Deeds: 649, 978, 1005; Mortgages: 287, 288, 372, 598; Estates: 76, 306 Jane, Deeds: 978, 1005 Jonathan, Mortgages: 872; Estates: 76, 93 Joseph, Deeds: 522,

DEUEL, (continued) 766, 819, 875, 891, 978, 1005; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 76; Pages: 617, 620 Mary, Deeds: 767, Estates: 75 Mehitable, Estates: 76 Patience, Estates: 76, 255 Rebeckah, Estates: 265 Ruth, Estates: 75 Silas, Deeds: 366, 405, 767; Mortgages: 25, 298, 672; Estates: 70, 75, 76 Silas Jr. , Deeds: 434, 767; Estates: 148, 199, 290, 296, 308 Timothy, Deeds: 275; Mortgages: 32, 111; Estates: 75 Wilbur, Mortgages: 722, 932; Estates: 75; Pages: 605, 610 William, Estates: 290 Zallah, Estates: 75 DEVINE Abraham, Mortgages: 781; Pages: 581, 584, 628 Asher, Deeds: 779 John, Deeds: 550 Peter, Deeds: 427 William, Deeds: 1021; Mrtgs.: 323;Pages: 618 DEVOE Daniel, Deeds: 28, 208 Jeremiah, Mortgages: 883; Pages: 628 Margaret, Deeds: 208 DEWEY Betty, Estates: 42 Elijah, Mortgages: 240 Elisabeth, Estates: 77 Grace, Estates: 77 Jedediah, Deeds: 211, 212, 379; Mortgages: 114, 240, 270; Estates: 77 Lucretia, Estates: 77 Martin, Deeds: 321, 322, 336, 379, 470; Mortgages: 123; Estates: 77 Mary, Estates: 77 Rhoda, Estates: 77 DE WITT - Deeds: 802 Andrew, Estates: 304 Ann, Deeds: 15, 16 Catherine, Deeds: 600, 635; Mortgages: 628, 629, 877 Charles, Deeds: 327, 429, 430, 616, 708, 840; Mortgages: 514, 516, 517, 537 Cornelius, Deeds: 981 Hellitje, Deeds: 600, 635, 966; Mortgages: 838; Pages: 597, 598 Henry, Deeds: 15, 16 John, Deeds: 573, 600, 635, 652, 666, 691, 696, 718, 803, 895,

INDEX DE WITT, (continued) 976, 980, 981, 994; Mortgages: 356, 468, 628, 629, 743, 745, 804, 871, 876, 877; Estates: 101, 275; Pages: 570, 575, 577, 578, 580, 583-586, 597, 599, 628 John Jr. , Deeds: 500, 537, 566; Estates: 188 Peter, Deeds: 172, 196, 313, 330, 331, 338, 446, 447. 448, 600, 635, 668, 1031; Mortgages: 195, 628, 877; Estates: 187 Tieick, Deeds: 15, 16 DEXTER William, Deeds: 740; Mortgages: 626 DIANNA (Slave), Pages: 593 DIBBLE Christopher, Deeds: 1043, Mortgages: 872 Henry, Mortgages: 811, 820 Isaac, Deeds: 871 Isiah, Mortgages: 449; Estates: 75 Louis, Deeds: 871 DICKENS Barshal, Deeds: 10 John Jr. , Deeds: 10 DICKINSON George, Deeds: 358 Jeduthan, Deeds: 146 Joseph, Deeds: 276; Mortgages: 113 Joshua, Deeds: 146 Thomas, Deeds: 118, 119, 120, 121, 146; Mortgages: 144, 220 DICKSON Patrick, Mortgages: 271 Thomas, Pages: 618 DIDS John, Mortgages: 160 DIEL Karl, Mortgages: 752 Rebeccka, Mortgages: 752 DIES John, Deeds: 73; Pages: 93 DI NAB (Slave), Pages 589, 598, 599 DINTO Jabis, Estates: 80 DIXON Robert, Mortgages: 616 DOB (see Dopp) DODGE Eamas, Estates: 208 Edmond, Mortgages: 478 Elener, Deeds: 632 Hezekiah, Deeds: 295, 632; Mortgages: 42 Ithamar, Deeds: 243, 244, 295; Mortgages: 42, 86 Jeremiah, Deeds: 785, 829, 830, 913; Mort-

DODGE, (continued) gages: 487, 565, 574 Samuel, Deeds: 394, 395, 470, 510, 847, 849, 1013 Sarah, Estates: 208 Stephen, Deeds: 483 Thomas, Deeds: 79; Estates: 78; Pages: 45 DOGG Richard, Estates: 11


DOUGHTY, (continued) Anne, Deeds: 515 Barnard, Estates: 46, 79 Charles, Mortgages: 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 825 Daniel, Estates: 22, 276 D. William, Pages: 629 Gilbert, Pages: 629 George, Pages: 606, 619 James, Deeds: 468; DONGAN Mortgages: 419; EsThomas, Gov. , Pages: 23 tates: 79, 124; DOPP (Dub, Dub) Pages: 603, 605, 611, Christian, Estates: 247 621 Elias, Deeds: 684, 798 Jeremiah, Estates: 290 John, Pages: 572, 578 John, Deeds: 589 Leah, Deeds: 684, 798 Joseph, Deeds: 818, Martin, Mortgages: 310 819, 825; Mortgages: DORIMER 770, 833, 923; Pages: Isaac, Deeds: 4 628 DORLAND (Dorlon) Margaret, Estates: 79 Benjamin, Mortgages: Mary, Estates: 79 769; Pages: 587, 629 Nehetebel, Mortgages: Enoch, Deeds: 785 William, Pages: 629 419 Oliver, Deeds: 248; DORSANDS Mortgages: 678; EsJohn, Deeds: 52 tates: 38, 79; Pages: DORTREGHT, 629 Synod National held at, Phebe, Deeds: 819; Deeds: 51 Mortgages: 833, 923; DOTY (see Doughty) Estates: 79 283 - Estates: Ruth, Mortgages: 640 Benjamin, Estates: 197 Samuel, Deeds: 610; Cashea, Deeds: 328 Mortgages: 434, 444, Charles, Deeds: 788; 553, 611, 640, 765, Pages: 621, 628 925; Estates: 38, 79, David, Deeds: 367, 433, 114, 123 453, 510, 930, 1006; Sarah, Estates: 22 Mortgages: 232, 397, Mortgages: 832 222 Solomon, Estates: 53, 575; Stephen, Deeds: 821 Dirck, Deeds: 686 Thomas, Estates: 290 Elias, Deeds: 318, 328, Timothy, Deeds: 500, 407, 414, 818, 819; 515, 537; Mortgages: Mortgages: 169, 460, 182; Pages: 570 770, 795, 833; EsWilliam, Deeds: 167, tates: 135; Pages: 221, 248, 255, 256, 621, 628 258, 260, 273, 589, Elias Jr. , Mortgages: 703, 1020; Mortgages: 641; Pages: 582, 629 419, 442, 446; EsElijah, Mortgages: 927 tates: 19, 79, 96, Elizabeth, Estates: 297 116, 147; Pages: 602Mortgages: 771; Isaac, 606, 618-624, 629 Estates: 297; Pages: DOUW 573, 579, 629 Peter W. , Deeds: 360 Jeremiah, Mortgages: DOVER 932 Deeds: 1, 2, 3, 51, 62, Joseph, Deeds: 328, 92, 519, 783, 887; 469; Mortgages: 191, Mortgages: 325, 442, 348 446, 559, 816, 885 Martha, Mortgages: 641 DOVER RIVER Reuben, Deeds: 1006 Deeds: 381, 396; MortSamuel, Deeds: 163, gages: 237, 312 353; Mortgages: 96, 251; Pages: 571, 578, DOWN Ensley, Estates: 80 581, 584, 629 Jabish, Estates: 80 Seth, Mortgages: 383 James, Estates: 80 Silas, Deeds: 164 Lydia, Estates: 80 Solomon, Mortgages: 588 DOWNER Stephen, Pages: 581 Andrew, Deeds: 319; Thomas, Mortgages: 932 Mortgages: 114 DOUGHTY (see Doty) Mary, Mortgages: 114 Alexander, Mortgages: 794, 926; Pages: 628 DOWNING


DOWNING, (continued) Silas, Mortgages: 348 Stephen, Estates: 139 Susannah, Estates: 139 DRAKE Eunice, Estates: 139 G. , Mortgages: 725 Gerardus, Pages: 581, 584, 628 John, Deeds: 755; Pages: 581, 628 Joseph, Estates: 208 Sias, Pages: 629 Theodosius, Deeds: 589 William, Mortgages: 526; Estates: 139 DRAPER Dorrity, Deeds: 530 Ebenezer, Deeds: 530 Gideon, Deeds: 528, 530 Joseph, Deeds: 530 DUANE James, Mortgages: 330 DUB (see Dopp) DU BOIS Christian, Mortgages: 901 Cornelius, Deeds: 864 Deborah, Deeds: 406 Gideon, Deeds: 106 Gs. , Deeds: 360 Henry, Deeds: 864 John, Mortgages: 753; Estates: 82 Koert (Coert), Deeds: 864; Mortgages: 848, 891; Pages: 568, 571, 586, 588, 592-597, 599, 601, 628 Lewis, Deeds: 645; Estates: 45 Martha, Estates: 259 Mary, Deeds: 595, 864; Mortgages: 790, 901 Matthew, Deeds: 337 Peter, Deeds: 74, 82, 106, 406, 692, 753, 864 DUEL (see Deuel) DUMONT Amy, Estates: 275 Cornelius, Estates: 275 Egbert, Mortgages: 319 Henry, Deeds: 599 John, Deeds: 840; Mortgages: 656, 704; Pages: 577, 585, 586 Peter, Deeds: 599 DUNCAN (see Dunkin) DUNHAM Daniel, Deeds: 248, 439 Elisabeth, Deeds: 563 John, Estates: 81 Jonathan, Deeds: 563; Mortgages: 454, 651; Estates: 81 Lucy, Estates: 11 Mary, Estates: 81 Salomi, Estates: 81 Samuel, Deeds: 350, 473, 932, 933, 1025; Mortgages: 222, 228, 252, 271, 423, 570, 592, 698, 774; Estates: 81 Sarah, Estates: 81


DUNHAM, (continued) Seth, Mortgages: 782; Estates: 81 Silva, Estates: 81 Waitstill, Estates: 81 William, Deeds: 933, 934; Mortgages: 592; Estates: 81 DUNK IN James, Deeds: 217 Sarah, Deeds: 1032; Estates: 218 Solomon, Deeds: 1032 Thomas, Deeds: 402, 1032 DUNNING (Dunorian) Thomas H. , Deeds: 961 DURYEE Abraham, Deeds: 267, 268, 833; Mortgages: 492; Estates: 82 Ann Maria, Deeds: 835, 865; Mortgages: 492, 493, 786, 787 Helena, Estates: 82 Jacob, Deeds: 833, 835, 865; Mortgages: 492, 493, 786, 787, 788, 805, 834, 841; Estates: 82; Pages: 569, 572 Jane, Mortgages: 492, 493; Estates: 82 John, Deeds: 833; Mortgages: 364, 492, 493, 786, 787; Estates: 82 DUSENBERRY (Dowzenberry) Benjamin, Estates: 83 Dolly, Mortgages: 637 Gabriel, Estates: 93 Henry, Deeds: 957; Pages: 629 John, Deeds: 256; Mortgages: 345, 511; Estates: 64; Pages: 620 Mary, Deeds: 957; Mortgages: 345 Peter, Deeds: 957; Mortgages: 637 Totten, Mortgages: 637 Pages: 628 DUTCH LETTER & TRANSLATION Pages: 76 DUTCHER Christopher, Deeds: 1042; Estates: 23 Gideon, Estates: 48 Jane, Estates: 273 John, Deeds: 408; Mortgages: 12, 60 DUTTEN Titus, Pages: 628 DYER Rebecca, Estates: 197, 198 Robert, Pages: 628 DYMON Edw, Pages: 24 EAGLETON Joseph, Mortgages: 65 Samuel, Mortgages: 65 EARL John, Estates: 177 Joseph, Deeds: 89, 98

EARL, (continued) Wilbur, Mortgages: 568 EASTCHESTER, N.Y. Deeds: 63; Estates: 208 EAST GREENWICH, CONN. Deeds: 11 EAST HAMPTON Deeds: 509 EAST NEW JERSEY Mortgages: 175 EAST WINDSOR Hartford, Conn. , Mortgages: 385 EAVERY Catreen, Estates: 46 Samuel, Estates: 46, 263 ECKERT (see Ackert) Catharine, Estates: 261 Coenradt, Deeds: 648, 693, 780 Daniel, Deeds: 942; Pages: 581, 629 Elizabeth, Estates: 261 Jacob, Estates: 261 Mary, Estates: 250 Peter, Estates: 250, 261 Zachariah, Pages: 629 EDGAR William, Deeds: 1022 EDGET Joel, Deeds: 902; Pages: 606, 615 Stephen, Deeds: 443 William, Deeds: 1036 EDMONDS Caleb, Pages: 615 EDS ALL - Pages: 11, 15, 18, 19, 21, 73 Richard, Deeds: 12, 17, 30, 41, 65, 147, 185, 204, 281 EDWARDS John, Deeds: 2, 3, 12; Pages: 56, 58, 87, 88, 89 Timothy, Deeds: 370 EGBERTS R. , Pages: 4, 17 ELIOT Aury, Mortgages: 269 Jacob, Deeds: 139, 140, 263; Mortgages: 269 ELLIS Benjamin, Deeds: 618 ELLISON John, Deeds: 133, 155, 303 Thomas Jr. , Deeds: 396 ELLS WORTH Ahasuerus, Deeds: 607, 637, 705, 706, 866; Mortgages: 503, 569, 835; Estates: 85 George, Deeds: 768 Sarah, Deeds: 705, 706; Estates: 85 ELMENDORPH - Deeds: 326, 415, 546, 547, 575; Mortgages: 187, 315, 331, 485, 598, 627 Blandina, Estates: 64 Catharina, Estates 64


ELMENDORPH, (continued) Elizabeth, Estates: 64 John, Deeds: 564, 769; Mortgages: 317, 319; Estates: 64 Lucas Jr., Deeds: 778, 859 Mary, Deeds: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 130, 204, 206 209 556 778 859; Mortgages: 191, 212, 218, 219, 298, 317, 328, 382, 407, 408, 463, 466, 515, 523, 528, 583, 584, 591, 638, 639, 661 Moses, Deeds: 1001 Petrus Edmundus, Deeds: 64, 130, 204, 206, 209, 298, 628, 687, 701, 979; Mortgages: 142, 148, 152, 173, 191, 298, 328, 407, 408, 450, 591, 638, 639, 645, 826, 876; Estates: 64 Sarah, Estates: 64 ELWIN George, Deeds: 569, 570; Mortgages: 403 ELY Alice, Mortgages: 475 William, Deeds: 739, 946, 948, 982; Mortgages: 475, 740, 751, 817, 878, 882; Pages: 569, 583, 586, 592, 593, 599, 629 EMBREE George, Deeds: 568 EMES (Eames) (see Ames) Betsey, Estates: 84 Chloe, Estates: 84 Dorothy, Mortgages: 654 Hannah, Mortgages: 689; Estates: 84 Jenny, Deeds: 770, 872, 888; Mortgages: 739, 914 Jesse, Deeds: 644, 799, 858; Mortgages: 527, 654, 696, 827; Estates: 84; Pages: 584, 626 Lucindy, Estates: 84 Phineas, Deeds: 770, 872, 883, 888, 892; Mortgages: 739, 851, 914; Estates: 84; Pages: 573 Sarah, Estates: 84 Timothy, Deeds: 734, 770; Mortgages: 689, 739; Estates: 84 EMMOTT James, Deeds: 4, 12, 17, 41, 63, 106, 185 281, 289, 296, 303, 377, 445, 727; Mortgages: 743 Mary, Deeds: 281 ENDE KILL Pages: 92, 570, 573 ENGLISH - Pages: 13, 20, 21,


ENGLISH, (continued) EVERSON (Evertson, 28, 29, 34 Everts, continued) W., Deeds: 91 John, Deeds: 12, 21, 22, 28, 35, 52, 60, ENO 77, 79, 81, 95, 169, Stephen, Deeds: 1036; Estates: 40 200, 228, 305, 335, EQUAQUANESINK (Equarsink) 364, 414, 427, 445, 507, 521, 585, 630, Deeds: 16, 435, 436, 676, 862, 881, 918, 457, 711, 882, 958; Mortgages: 309 311 974, 982; Mortgages: 3, 79, 100, 114, 149, EQUIVALENT, 155, 161, 270, 445, Cast or Haveout Lands, 640, 683, 736, 755, Mortgages: 306 781, 834, 934; EsERWIN (see Irwin) Isabella, Deeds: 570 tates: 88, 89; Pages: Robert, Deeds: 658 6, 42, 44-47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 60, 65, ESOPUS PATENT 66, 71, 72, 93, 601 Estates: 189 Julia, Estates: 89 ESSEX, N.J. Margaret, Deeds: 585, Deeds: 387, 567, 576; 1044; Estates: 89 Mortgages: 213, 243, Margritta, Deeds: 445 258, 260, 261, 264 Maria, Deeds: 739, 1044 ESTES Mary, Deeds: 585, 862, Richard Deeds: 366' 918; Mortgages: 683, Mortgages: 190, 209 781, 834 EVANS Nicholas, Deeds: 394, Oliver, Deeds: 968 395, 445, 576, 585, EVERITT 862, 918, 974, 982; - Mortgages: 650 Mortgages: 512, 683, Benjamin, Mortgages: 781, 834, 934; Es315 tates: 88, 89 Clear (Clare), Deeds: Sally, Estates: 89 108, 109, 122, 145, Widow, Mortgages: 447 167, 168, 217, 226, 232, 579; Mortgages: EVERY (see Eavery) 5, 48, 129; Estates: FAIRCHILD 105 Jesse, Deeds: 553, 554 Daniel, Deeds: 951 FAIRFIELD, CONN. Eliphalet, Deeds: 702 Deeds: 361 Magdalin, Deeds: 145 Nathaniel, Deeds: 1028 FALLKILL CREEK or FORK Deeds: 310, 327, 558, Richard, Mortgages: 447 559, 572, 656, 889, EVERSON (Evertson, Everts) 912, 957; Estates: - Deeds: 354, 356, 359; 103; Pages: 5, 579, Mortgages: 52, 175, 585 227, 239, 291, 330; FALLSY Estates: 86, 195; Simeon, Deeds: 745 Pages: 28, 47, 48, FANNING 58, 61, 62, 66, 68, Mary, Pages: 629 69, 75, 76, 80, 81, FARMER 85, 86, 87, 90, 91, Jno., Deeds: 602, 746, 94, 95 759, 963, 994, 1009; Elsey, Deeds: 676, 688; Mortgages: 506, 641, Mortgages: 621; Es704; Estates: 305 tates: 88 FARRINGTON George, Deeds: 395, Joseph, Mortgages: 566 576, 835; Mortgages: FAUCONNIER 783; Estates: 88 - Mortgages: 316; George B. , Deeds: 739, Pages: 44, 58, 64, 795, 833, 853, 854, 73, 80, 81, 86, 88 865; Mortgages: 753, Heirs of, Pages: 80 788 Peter, Deeds: 435, 436, H. Jacob, Pages: 629 457, 711, 882, 958, Jacob, Deeds: 261, 394, 1022; Mortgages: 309 395, 576, 585, 645, FAY 739, 883, 904, 917, John, Mortgages: 576 974, 982, 1044; Mortgages: 176, 186, 235, FAYERWEATHER Benjamin, Deeds: 2, 3 244, 255, 402, 469, FELLER 489, 512, 521, 557, Philip, Deeds: 49, 50 682, 683, 751, 755, 934; Estates: 87, 88, FERGUSON Ephraim, Deeds: 728; 89, 168, 189, 280; Mortgages: 33, 194, Pages: 601, 624, 629 455 James, Mortgages: 773

662 FERMETIER (Palmetier ?) Peter, Deeds: 503 FEROW Christian, Deeds: 687, 808, 868; Mortgages: 612, 746, 830, 843 FERRIS Benjamin, Mortgages: 420 Daniel, Deeds: 229; Mortgages: 420 Elijah, Deeds: 227, 368; Mortgages: 27, 82, 83, 602 Jedediah, Deeds: 230, 434; Mortgages: 27, 130, 326, 333, 420 Jeremiah, Deeds: 224, 283, 302; Mortgages: 84, 132, 217 Noah, Deeds: 1037, 1038; Mortgages: 333 Peter, Mortgages: 58; Pages: 87, 90-95, 97, 98 Phebe, Mortgages: 624 Rosanna, Estates: 97 Ruama, Deeds: 230 Samuel, Deeds: 465 FIELD Jacob, Mortgages: 351, 352, 811 Joseph, Deeds: 59 Phebe, Estates: 90 Robert, Estates: 90 Samuel, Deeds: 59 William, Mortgages: 125 FILKIN - Deeds: 22, 97, 178 Abraham, Deeds: 8, 18, 49, 50, 53, 57, 392, 784; Estates: 46, 91, 92 Alletta, Deeds: 18, 49, 53, 57 Anke, Estates: 91 Barnardus, Deeds: 97, 122, 160, 217, 258, 597; Mortgages: 52, 101, 554; Estates: 107 Bernard, Estates: 107 Catherine, Deeds: 5, 8, 12, 18, 28a, 35, 50, 53, 57, 79, 91, 110, 165, 273, 392, 393, 444, 784; Mortgages: 481; Pages: 45, 65, 66 Cornelius, Deeds: 18, 53; Estates: 91 Francis, Deeds: 5, 8, 9, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28a, 29, 30, 31, 32, 53, 57, 110, 217, 392, 444, 784; Mortgages: 257; Estates: 91; Pages: 24, 25, 53, 74, 75, 93 Henry, Deeds: 4, 8, 9, 12, 18, 21, 22, 24, 28a, 29, 30, 46, 50, 51, 53, 57, 59, 61, 62, 77, 95, 97, 100, 106, 111, 113, 122, 156, 160, 165, 167,

INDEX FILKIN, (continued) 168, 217, 251, 273, 280, 300, 332, 378, 392, 393, 405, 406, 414, 417, 427, 444, 597, 707, 756, 786; Mortgages: 3, 24, 76, 87, 161, 279, 330, 458, 481, 754, 769, 825, 835; Estates: 91, 92; Pages: 10, 11 and frequently on Pages 1 through 108 Isaac, Deeds: 8, 18, 50, 53, 57, 83, 84, 156, 273, 392, 404, 491, 690, 703; Mortgages: 104, 255, 279, 511; Estates: 91, 92 Jacob, Deeds: 8, 18, 50, 53, 57, 165, 392; Estates: 91, 92 James, Deeds: 18 Jane, Deeds: 8 John, Deeds: 866 Johanes, Estates: 91 Katharine, Estates: 91 Lanah, Estates: 92 Margert, Deeds: 167; Mortgages: 279 Mary, Estates: 105 Peter, Deeds: 273; Mortgages: 104; Estates: 92 William, Pages: 604 FILKINTOWN Deeds: 28a, 51, 53, 182, 361, 364, 884; Mortgages: 161, 236, 362, 427, 487, 491, 521; Estates: 258; Pages: 587 FILLEY Hezh, Deeds: 551 FINCH (Finck, Finny) Abigail, Mortgages: 346, 371; Estates: 179 Deliverance, Estates: 24 Isaac, Deeds: 479, 847, 848, 849; Mortgages: 225, 346, 371 Jabez, Pages: 574 Joseph, Mortgages: 299; Pages: 582 Justin P. , Estates: 30 Lewis, Deeds: 729 Solomon, Estates: 24 FISH Mr. , Deeds: 96 Eliphaz, Deeds: 442 Jemima, Deeds: 293 John, Deeds: 213, 214, 266, 293, 442, 714; Mortgages: 133, 245, 274, 285; Estates: 32 Jonathan, Deeds: 251, 252; Mortgages: 168, 207, 229 Joshua, Deeds: 293, 347, 505; Mortgages: 453; Estates: 32 Levi, Deeds: 347, 714 Mary, Deeds: 293, 442

FISH, (continued) Maryann, Estates: 93 Rachel, Deeds: 293 Seth, Deeds: 442; Mortgages: 274, 285 Thankful, Deeds: 293 Thomas, Deeds: 347, 505; Mortgages: 58, 381; Estates: 32, 93 FISH CREEK Pages: 3, 12-14, 16, 19, 25, 28, 29, 35, 36, 40, 47-50, 53, 54, 58-61, 63, 64, 74, 76, 81, 84, 85, 87, 92, 95-97 FISH CREEK, LITTLE Pages: 43, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 64, 66, 71, 72, 76, 78, 81, 88, 94 FISH, KILL or CREEK (see Crum Elbow Creek) Deeds: 12, 34, 40, 67, 68, 91, 93, 94, 107, 131, 133, 143, 172, 204, 259, 619, 620, 634, 692, 704, 725, 749, 750, 753, 768, 809, 870; Mortgages: 303, 311, 547, 628 FISHER Joseph, Pages: 623 Seth, Mortgages: 133 FISHKILL Deeds: 203, 681, 689, 745, 754, 762, 801; Mortgages: 496, 508, 522, 547, 561, 600, 601, 608, 609, 628, 629, 646, 684, 685, 705, 712, 749, 758, 814, 840, 877, 896, 908, 914; Pages: 35, 53, 79 FISK (Fiske) Daniel, Deeds: 583 John, Mortgages: 125 Nathaniel, Mortgages: 400 FITTON John, Deeds: 362, 366 FITZGERALD Jacob, Deeds: 941 James, Deeds: 927 John, Mortgages: 260, 261 FITZPATRICK John, Deeds: 387 fortgages: 258 FLAGLER Abraham, Deeds: 948; Mortgages: 778, 779, 780; Pages: 629 Barton, Pages: 587, 629 Caty, Deeds: 828 Elenor, Deeds: 828 Elizabeth, Deeds: 741; Estates: 94 Halannah, Estates: 94 Hester, Estates: 94 Isaac, Deeds: 707 Jane, Estates: 94 Joanna, Estates: 94 John, Estates: 94

INDEX FLAGLER, (continued) Mary, Deeds: 800 Peter, Deeds: 389, 390, 800, 828, 833, 853, 854, 865, 917, 943, 974, 982, 1031; Mortgages: 361, 786, 787, 928; Estates: 94; Pages: 569, 572, 573, 581, 629 Philip Jr. , Deeds: 923 Sarah, Estates: 94 Simon, Deeds: 157, 158, 491, 741, 828, 853, 854, 865, 972; Mortgages: 339, 787; Pages: 26, 571, 616 Simon Jr. , Deeds: 389, 390; Estates: 94, Pages: 614 Solomon, Deeds: 985; Mortgages: 824; Estates: 51; Pages: 569, 575, 577, 579, 584, 629 Zachariah, Mortgages: 824; Estates: 11, 58, 94 FLAOLORS BRIDGE Pages: 569 FLAMER (Fleming) - Mortgages: 75 Cornelius, Deeds: 108, 386; Mortgages: 1, 94, 112, 246 FLANDRAN John, Deeds: 236 Peter, Deeds: 236 FLATBUSH Deeds: 8, 18, 50, 53, 57, 392, 421, 444, 599; Mortgages: 401, 790, 810; Estates: 91 FLATLANDS, KINGS CO. Mortgages: 292, 740 FLECK Deeds: 227 FLEET John, Deeds: 1028 FLEMING (see Flamen) FLETCHER Benjamin, Deeds: 4, 30, 43, 115 FLINN David, Estates: 95 FLINT - Deeds: 907 Jabez, Estates: 139 FLOWERS Benjamin, Deeds: 863; Mortgages: 854 FLUSHING Deeds: 26, 116, 117, 161, 175, 223; Mortgages: 4, 182, 267, 358, 560, 564, 593, 815, 816 FOLGER Alicia, Estates: 16 Mary, Estates: 16 FOLLET Eliphalet, Deeds: 341 Elizabeth, Deeds: 341 FOLLIOTT George, Deeds: 320, 321, 322, 323, 379,

FOLLIOTT, (continued) 440, 472, 473, 474, 475, 485, 489, 496; Mortgages: 12, 60-71, 73, 74, 99, 100, 163, 164, 167, 223, 224, 268, 269, 282, 322, 604 Joseph, Mortgages: 727 FOOT Aaron, Estates: 39 Brownson, Estates: 39 Hannah, Estates: 39 Mary, Estates: 39 FORBUS (Forbess) Jno. , Deeds: 803 Samuel, Estates: 236 Winslow, Mortgages: 429 FORCUS William, Mortgages: 631 FORD - Mortgages: 504, 659 Ephraim, Deeds: 776, 851; Mortgages: 607, 785, 809, 936 Eunice, Deeds: 120 John, Deeds: 118, 119, 120, 146, 180; Mortgages: 144, 145, 220 Joseph, Mortgages: 328 William, Deeds: 180; Mortgages: 15 FOREST Lawrence, Mortgages: 821 FORGUSON Ephraim, Mortgages: 33 Richard Jr. , Deeds: 181 FORMAN (Furman) - Mortgages: 692 Aaron, Deeds: 884 Daniel, Estates: 18 John, Deeds: 861 Joseph, Mortgages: 871 Estates: 50 Mary, Deeds: 952 Paul, Deeds: 670; Mortgages: 648, 795; Pages: 572, 584, 629 Samuel, Deeds: 808; Mortgages: 719, 746, 830; Pages: 582, 587, 629 William, Mortgages 208 FOSDICK Mary, Deeds: 628 Silas, Deeds: 628; Pages: 570, 578, 629 FOSTER Sarah widow, Pages: 629 Shillingsworth, Deeds: 529 FOUNTAIN Anake, Deeds: 4 Jacques, Deeds: 4 FOWLER Benjamin, Deeds: 863; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 96 Caleb, Deeds: 723 Gilbert, Pages: 629 Henry, Estates: 96; Pages: 629 Jacob, Estates: 37, 96 John, Mortgages: 487 Joseph, Deeds: 146,

663 FOWLER, (continued) 264, 936; Mortgages: 226, 400; Estates: 24 Samuel, Deeds: 497 WilliaM, Deeds: 194, 497, 499; Mortgages: 574, 631, 635, 676, 701; Estates: 37, 96; Pages: 621 FOX John, Estates: 27 Sarah, Deeds: 261; Estates: 27 FRACE Deeds: 271 FRALIGH (See Freligh) FRANCUS Paul (Slave), Pages: 600 FRANKLIN Esther, Deeds: 1028 Henry, Deeds: 169, 394; 278 John Jr. , Deeds: 719 Samuel, Deeds: 1028; Mortgages: 468, 710, 782 Walter, Deeds: 454, 608, 609; Mortgages: 202, 290 FRANKLIN (PLACE) Deeds: 916 FREDENBRUGH Abraham, Estates: 250 FREDERICK Caleb, Deeds: 435, 436 Hannes, Deeds: 556 John, Pages: 629 Peter, Deeds: 810; Mortgages: 758 FREDERICKSBURGH Deeds: 449 FREDERICKSTOWN Mortgages: 503, 566 FREE John, Deeds: 595; Mortgages: 901 FREEMAN - Mortgages: 215 Daniel, Mortgages: 118 Edward, Deeds: 426 James, Deeds: 215, 401; Mortgages: 80 John, Deeds: 961; Mortgages: 700; Estates: 183 Robert, Mortgages: 62, 94, 118, 286, 443, 570, 613 Roland, Deeds: 983 FREER Barent, Deeds: 684, 798 Rachel, Deeds: 684, 798 Simon, Deeds: 246 FRELIGH (Fralick) Abraham, Deeds: 410, 547, 548, 687, 808, 809, 868, 900, 901, 953, 1012; Mortgages: 612, 708, 745, 746, 830, 879; Estates: 171, 261; Pages: 568, 576, 577, 578 Charity, Deeds: 548 Claracha, Deeds: 897 Elizabeth, Deeds: 547

664 FRELIGH, (continued) George, Deeds: 478, 546; Mortgages: 265, 266, 298, 342, 362, 363, 369, 476 Gertruyd, Mortgages: 266 Henry, Mortgages: 265, 362 Isaac, Deeds: 547, 548; Mortgages: 638 Johannes, Deeds: 546, 547; Mortgages: 362, 450, 523, Estates: 171 John, Mortgages: 331; Estates: 66 Mary, Deeds: 548; Mortgages: 638 Philip, Deeds: 666, 897; Pages: 629 FRENCH Joseph, Deeds: 204 Philip, Deeds: 39 FRENCH REFORMED PROTESTANT CHURCH OF NYC Mortgages: 245 FRIENDS MONTHLY MEETING OF NINE PARTNERS Estates: 127 FRETTS Francis, Mortgages: 529, 530 FRISK Samuel, Estates: 287 FROST - Mortgages: 692 Benjamin, Mortgages: 236, 321, 415, 488; Pages: 585, 621, 629 George, Deeds: 935; Pages: 629 Henry, Deeds: 998; Mortgages: 365, 366, 464 Isaac, Deeds: 576, 723, 724, 970; Mortgages: 684; Pages: 573, 599 James, Deeds: 970; Pages: 629 John, Deeds: 723 Jordan, Deeds: 723, 724; Mortgages: 684, 719; Pages: 585, 629 Mordecai, Deeds: 723, 724, 802, 935; Mortgages: 684, 745; Pages: 629 Obadiah, Pages: 574, 579 Sarah, Deeds: 158 Solomon, Deeds: 896; Mortgkges: 896; Pages: 576, 584, 629 Thomas, Mortgages: 414; Estates: 269 William, Mortgages: 365, 366, 464 Zopher, Mortgages: 366, 486; Pages: 579, 582, 587, 629 FULLER Amos, Deeds: 1034 Benjamin, Mortgages: 425 John, Deeds: 377, 378

INDEX GARNRYCK Zacharias, Deeds: 291; Mortgages: 89 GARRAK John M. , Mortgages: 23 GARRETT Elizabeth, Estates: 282 GARRISON Alida, Estates: 101 Elizabeth, Estates: 101 Helena, Estates: 101 Janitje, Estates: 101 GAASBEECK Jemima, Estates: 101 Abr., Estates: 65 Jonas, Deeds: 291; GABRIELL Mich., Estates: 248 Mortgages: 89 Nicholas, Deeds: 549; Jost, Deeds: 35, 36, Mortgages: 412 69, 94, 172, 500, GAGE (see Gaige) 619, 691, 696, 750, 753, 768, 803; MortDavid, Deeds: 879; Mortgages: 828 gages: 172, 417, 468, Hannah, Estates: 97 593, 628, 692, 695; Jabez, Deeds: 1042; EsEstates: 101, 274; tates: 97 Pages: 64, 616 Nathan, Estates: 97 Keziah, Estates: 101 Remembrance, Deeds: Magdalena, Estates: 274 366, 428, 580; MortMartin, Deeds: 696, gages: 298, 672; 802; Mortgages: 719, Pages: 620 745 Rosanna, Estates: 97 Mary, Estates: 101 Samuel, Estates: 97 Rachel, Estates: 101 William, Estates: 97 Susannah, Deeds: 802 GAGER (Gagor) Thomas, Deeds: 900, Anna, Mortgages: 677 1012; Mortgages: 378, David, Mortgages: 727 899; Estates: 101, John, Deeds: 720, 1021; 309 Mortgages: 677; GAR WOOD Pages: 587, 629 James, Pages: 587 Livinia, Mortgages: 933 Joseph, Pages: 574, 579 William, Mortgages: Samuel, Pages: 571 773, 855, 933 GASHAREE (GASHENCE) - Deeds:897; Mortgages:620 GAIGE Mercy, Mortgages: 272 GATES Thomas, Mortgages: 280 Elizabeth, Deeds: 186 William, Mortgages: Joseph, Mortgages: 123 272, 280; Pages: 609 Malechia, Estates: 223 GAINS GAY Israel, Deeds: 232 Abraham, Estates: 103 GALE Barnet (Barent), Deeds: Benjamin, Mortgages: 910; Mortgages: 918; 269 Estates: 102; Pages: Henry, Pages: 630 576, 579, 629 John, Deeds: 843, 1003 Elizabeth, Deeds: 32, Joseph, Deeds: 781 171, 271; Estates: Josiah, Deeds: 364, 102, 103 477, 611, 612, 613, Helena, Estates: 103 775, 1011; Mortgages Jane, Mortgages: 914; 253, 473, 522, 750, Estates: 103 820; Estates: 98 Joanna, Estates: 103 Mary, Estates: 98 John, Deeds: 31, 32, Noah, Mortgages: 269, 53, 79, 91, 153, 171, 402, 580 271, 392; Estates: Rachel, Deeds: 775 102, 103, 126; Pages: Roger, Deeds: 364, 14, 16, 20, 21, 261011; Mortgages: 226 30, 32, 34, 60, 63, 555; Estates: 98 65 GALLOP Margaret, Estates: 102, Mary, Deeds: 591, 592 103 William, Deeds: 591, Mary, Estates: 102, 103 592 Thomas, Estates: 102; GARDNER Pages: 606 Anna, Estates: 16 William, Deeds: 153, Ezra, Deeds: 891 171, 271, 351, 374, Ira, Estates: 179 385, 677, 680; MortNathaniel, Deeds: 646, gages: 162, 262, 337, 655; Mortgages: 408, 439, 482; Pages: 102, 579 103, 126, 242 FULLER, (continued) Josiah, Mortgages: 177 Oliver, Estates: 286 FULTON John, Estates: 33, 142 FUNDA Lawrence, Estates: 63 FURMAN (See Forman) FURSTON John, Deeds: 198

INDEX GAZLEY - Deeds: 689 Ann, Mortgages: 911 Benjamin, Deeds: 802; Mortgages: 745, 848; Pages: 584 James, Mortgages: 754, 769; Pages: 581 John, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 466 470 523 716, 754, 769, 825, 911; Pages: 570, 577 619, 630 Jonathan, Pages: 568, 577, 617, 630 Joseph, Mortgages: 911; Pages: 630 Ruth, Mortgages: 745 GEBRANTZ (Gerbrants) - Pages: 13, 20 Lane, Deeds: 392 Lawrence, Deeds: 20, 23, 29, 82 Mary, Deeds: 20, 23, 82, 216, 332 GEDNEY (Gidney) - Mortgages: 52, 135, 320 Isaac, Estates: 186 John, Deeds: 17, 281; Estates: 186 Joseph, Deeds: 73, 76 Joshua, Deeds: 285, 286, 407, 414, 480, 492 Margaret, Deeds: 285 Sibel, Estates: 186 GEER (see Grear) Jedediah, Estates: 104 Mary, Deeds: 343, 344, 374 Rezin, Deeds: 297, 342 343, 344, 351, 374, 383, 413, 677, 679, 680; Mortgages: 162, 208 GELSTON David, Estates: 236 GERMANS High, Pages: 30, 33 GERMOND (German) - Deeds: 423, 1021 Bernard, Mortgages: 728; Estates: 107 Betsy, Estates: 106 Catharine, Deeds: 51 Deborah, Estates: 106, 107 Elizabeth, Estates: 106, 107, 226 Filkins, Estates: 107; Pages: 617 Hannah, Estates: 106 Henry, Estates: 107, 226; Pages: 609 Isaac, Deeds: 24, 25, 48, 51, 63, 74, 77, 79, 81, 83, 95, 98, 160, 194, 196, 280, 378, 414, 427, 593, 660, 707, 991; Mortgages: 3, 76, 105, 106, 161, 391, 554, 815, 835, 925, 926; Estates: 58, 105, 106, 124; Pages: 32,

GERMOND, (continued) 42, 60, 607, 618-624 Isaac Jr., Deeds: 24, 59, 63, 78, 100, 165 James, Deeds: 468, 575, 593, 594, 597, 606, 725; Mortgages: 563, 599, 622, 640, 754, 769, 825, 835, 925; Estates: 106, 118, 124, 177; Pages: 577, 607, 619, 629 John, Deeds: 78, 84, 258, 373, 428, 597, 703, 707; Mortgages: 101, 444, 553; Estates: 56, 105, 107 Mary, Mortgages: 728; Estates: 105 Morris, Deeds: 852 Nantse, Estates: 106 Peter, Deeds: 83, 192, 221, 245, 246, 597, 645, 707, 720, 890; Mortgages: 30, 37, 43, 81, 323, 427, 832, 837, 878, 913; Estates: 11, 105, 106, 107, 108, 118; Pages: 581, 584, 606615, 619, 620, 623, 629 Phebe, Estates: 106 Reuben, Deeds: 820 Samuel, Deeds: 813, 814; Estates: 106 Sarah, Estates: 105, 106 Seaman, Mortgages: 449 Silas, Deeds: 765, 766, 820; Mortgages: 261, 756, 767, 775, 799; Pages: 607 Smith, Estates: 106 Stephen, Mortgages: 813; Estates: 106 William, Mortgages: 929; Estates: 107 GERRISE (see Garrison) GERTON Otheniel, Deeds: 11


GILBERT, (continued) Mortgages: 91, 94, 99, 177, 275 Samuel, Deeds: 801, 880; Mortgages: 749; Pages: 571 Thaddeus, Mortgages: 540, 652 GILCHRIST Peter, Estates: 172 GILDERSLEEVE Abigail, Estates: 109 Ann, Estates: 109 Elizabeth, Estates: 109 Eunice, Estates: 109 Hannah, Estates: 109 Henry, Deeds: 486, 575, 689; Mortgages: 485, 502, 770, 771; Estates: 109, 110, 292; Pages: 579, 584, 585, 587, 630 John, Deeds: 689; Mortgages: 627; Pages: 109, 110 Mary, Estates: 109, 110 Miriam, Estates: 109 Nathaniel, Mortgages: 502 Philip, Estates: 114 Sara, Estates: 109 William, Estates: 109; Pages: 630 GILLESPIE (Gillasspy) George, Dr., Estates: 85 Harriet Elizabeth, Mortgages: 886 GILLET - Mortgages: 177 Abner, Deeds: 438; Mortgages: 305; Estates: 111, 112 Amos, Deeds: 320; Mortgages: 12, 60 Eli, Estates: 112 Elisha, Mortgages: 210 Gardner, Deeds: 474, 608, 609, 1014; Mortgages: 48, 64, 115, 150, 158, 159, 184, 273 Joel, Deeds: 129, 232, GETTUDY 272; Mortgages: 48, Laura (Slave), Pages: 49, 60, 164, 186, 592 273, Estates: 112 GIBBS Joseph, Deeds: 174, Andrew, Deeds: 116 240, 288, 320; MortEstates: 84 Sewell, gages: 12, 55, 322 Uriah, Mortgages: 931; Lucy, Estates: 112 Estates: 84 Mary, Deeds: 232, 272; GIDLEY Estates: 112 Anna, Estates: 308 Moses, Estates: 112 Daniel, Deeds: 919 Samuel, Deeds: 90; Jasper M., Estates: 97 Mortgages: 115, 159 GIDNEY (see Gedney) Sarah, Estates: 112 GIFFORD GLEEN (Glean) David, Estates: 307 Anthony, Deeds: 427; John, Deeds: 841, 842; Mortgages: 76 Mortgages: 326, 420, James, Deeds: 492 Oliver, Deeds: 624, 777, 800; Estates: 7 625, 626, 627, 639 Rowland, Estates: 307 Sarah, Deeds: 427 GILBERT Anne, Deeds: 880; Mort- GLEN Simon, Deeds: 669, 799 gages: 749 GLENTWORTH Elisha, Deeds: 398;

666 GLENTWORTH, (continued) Thomas, Deeds: 558 GLOUCHESTER, R.I. Deeds: 583, 584 GLOVER John, Deeds: 570; Mortgages: 590 GOELET Jacob, Deeds: 12, 35, 49 73 76 79, 91, 111; Pages: frequently on pages 1-108 Peter, Mortgages: 201, 417, 593, 602 GOGGINS E., Mortgages: 688, 882; Estates: 89 GOLDEN (Golder) Daniel, Deeds: 468 Dr. , Deeds: 453 Elizabeth, Estates: 167 John, Deeds: 397, 547, 665; Mortgages: 603, 667; Pages: 573, 576, 579, 581, 586, 629 Thomas, Mortgages: 306 GOMEZ (Gomes) Mattathias, Mortgages: 294 Mordy, Deeds: 39 Moses, Mortgages: 294 GONSALOS Joseph, Mortgages: 511 GOODING Abraham, Estates: 192 Eleanor, Estates: 192 GOODRICH Abigale, Deeds: 961 Ashbel, Deeds: 337; Mortgages: 141 Elnathan, Deeds: 284; Mortgages: 75, 238 Enoch, Deeds: 1011 Ethan, Deeds: 851, 961; Mortgages: 451, 702, 785, 809, 936 Susan, Mortgages: 936 GORE (PLACE) Deeds: 24, 339, 902: Mortgages: 479; Pages: 35, 73 GORTON William, Estates: 85, 308 GOSLINE James, Deeds: 972 GOTIER Andrew, Mortgages: 22 GOULD - Mortgages: 723 Adam, Estates: 113 Ebenezer, Rev. , Mortgages: 189 Eunice, Estates: 148 James, Mortgages: 429; Estates: 113; Pages: 630 Joel, Deeds: 955 John, Estates: 113 Mary, Estates: 113 William, Deeds: 955; Estates: 113 GOUVERNEUR - Deeds: 312 Abraham, Deeds: 39; Pages: 14, 79

INDEX GOUVERNEUR, (continued) Herman, Deeds: 387 Isaac, Deeds: 672 Nicholas, Deeds: 387, 567, 568, 639, 672 Tacola, Mortgages: 215 Widow, Pages: 99 GOWERS Catherine, Deeds: 509 GRAHAM Augustine, Deeds: 4, 12, 24, 41, 67, 106, 204, 206, 392, 445, 590 Daniel, Deeds: 470, 510, 993, 1013 Duncan, Mortgages: 658 GRAVES Roswell, Mortgages: 884 Rudy, Estates: 39 GRAY John (Slave), Pages: 590 Joseph, Deeds: 398; Mortgages: 116, 170, 197 Richard, Deeds: 614, 615, 856; Mortgages: 510, 839 Samuel, Deeds: 108; Mortgages: 1 GREAR Benjamin, Pages: 604 GREAT BARRINGTON, MASS. Deeds: 557 GREAT BRITAIN Mortgages: 235 GREAT NECK Mortgages: 388, 389, 437, 586 GREAT SWAMP Mortgages: 136, 156 GREEN - Mortgages: 230; Pages: 45, 71 Ambrus, Deeds: 415; Pages: 622 Ann, Estates: 115 Anna, Estates: 114 Caleb, Pages: 624 Catherine, Estates: 251 Desire, Estates: 306 Elizabeth, Estates: 114, 115 Isaac, Estates: 114 Israel, Deeds: 468, 1002; Mortgages: 181, 347, 465; Estates: 79, 115, 116; Pages: 620 Jacob, Estates: 114 John, Mortgages 850; Estates: 115; Pages: 620 Joseph, Deeds: 484; Estates: 114, 116, 118, 147 Lancaster, Deeds: 17, 41, 42, 147, 185, 281; Pages: 60, 85 Marther, Estates: 116 Mary, Estates: 114, 115, 118 Phebe, Estates: 130 Robert, Deeds: 643 Sarah, Estates: 118

GREEN, (continued) Stephen, Estates: 116 Thomas, Estates: 114 Tobias, Estates: 115 William, Deeds: 11, 194, 366; Estates: 116, 117, 118; Pages: 622 Zophar, Deeds: 610, 629; Mortgages: 421, 465, 599, 640, 925; Estates: 114, 130, 147; Pages: 630 GREENBUSH, Rensalaer Co., Deeds: 913 GREENE CO. Deeds: 843, 844 GREENVALE Mortgages: 700 GREENWICH, CONN. Deeds: 9, 16, 29, 30, 32, 132, 169; Mortgages: 222, 246, 373 GRIFFEN (Griffin) - Mortgages: 331, 444, 527, 553, 654, 696 Adam, Pages: 630 Amy, Estates: 119 Bartholomew, Deeds: 593, 629; Mortgages: 523; Estates: 123 Bridgit, Estates: 119 Dorrity, Estates: 123 Edward, Deeds: 468, 610, 629; Mortgages: 187, 421, 434; Estates: 119, 123, 254, 255 Elizabeth, Estates: 119 Gershom, Estates: 119 Gilbert, Deeds: 947; Estates: 279 Hanna, Estates: 122 Harris, Deeds: 556, 574; Mortgages: 466, 470, 523; Estates: 120, 280; Pages: 624 Isaac, Deeds: 610; Mortgages: 611, 690; Estates: 119, 122; Pages: 608 Isaiah, Deeds: 891, 947, 979; Mortgages: 671, 826; Pages: 621 Jacob, Deeds: 574, 689; Mortgages: 470 James, Deeds: 546, 547, 556; Mortgages: 466, 523; Pages: 630 John, Estates: 119 Jonathan, Deeds: 556, 574, 1041; Mortgages: 288, 466, 523; Estates: 38, 121, 123 Joseph, Deeds: 574, 689, 953; Mortgages: 470, 813, 903; Estates: 122, 211, 255; Pages: 570, 608, 609 Maram, Estates: 119 Mary, Mortgages: 639, 826; Estates: 38, 121 Micah, Deeds: 610; Estates: 122, 255 Michael, Deeds: 629;



GRIFFEN, (continued) GUERNSEY, (continued) HAIGHT, (continued) Mortgages: 421, 465; 56, 63, 83, 99, 217, Noah, Deeds: 379; EsEstates: 123 tates: 99 301, 585, 589, 862, Milleson, Estates: 119 Peter, Estates: 7, 99, 918, 1015; Mortgages: Moses, Estates: 119 100, 196 174, 283, 306, 446, ' Obadiah, Deeds: 78, 755, 781, 834; EsRachel, Estates: 100 258, 427, 574, 629, Rosanna, Mortgages: 636 tates: 128, 129 918; Mortgages: 101, Samuel, Deeds: 867 Charity, Estates: 130 181, 639; Estates: GUFFING Cornelius, Mortgages: 123, 177; Pages: 604 Elizabeth, Deeds: 729 487 630 Stephen, Deeds: 729 Daniel, Estates: 36 Phebe, Deeds: 556; David, Estates: 106; Mortgages: 466, 523; HACTS Pages: 581, 584, 630 Estates: 122, 255 Isaac, Mortgages 420 Deborah, Estates: 130 Samuel, Mortgages: 813 SADDEN Deliverance, Estates: 903 Jemime, Estates: 57 218 Sarah, Mortgages: 690, Dorothy, Estates: 130 John, Estates: 177 903; Estates: 119, Samuel, Deeds: 730, Elanor, Estates: 129 121 Elizabeth, Estates: 810, 870; Mortgages: 129, 130 Stephen, Deeds 858, 687, 758; Pages: 575, 980; Mortgages: 396, 579, 630 Gilbert, Estates: 130, 827, 883 207 HADENBERGH Susannah, Estates: 119 Ram, Mortgages: 304 Hannah, Estates: 130 Walter, Mortgages: 523; HAFF (Hoff, Huff) Isaac, Deeds: 179, 333, - Deeds: 95 Pages: 570, 630 334, 369, 401, 449; William, Estates: 52 Anna, Estates: 124 Mortgages: 326; GRIFFITH Elizabeth, Deeds: 221; Pages: 630 Hannah, Deeds: 649 Jacob, Deeds: 86, 128; Estates: 124, 125 Mortgages: 6, 46, Isaiah, Deeds; 869; Ellis, Estates: 125 Mortgages: 852 Hannah, Estates: 125 347; Estates: 96, 125 Jabez, Deeds: 649 Isaac, Estates: 118, Jemimah, Deeds: 787 James, Deeds: 546 125, 177 Jesse, Deeds: 1040 Jonathan, Deeds: 649; Jacob, Deeds: 24, 25, Joel, Estates: 48 Pages: 610 48, 51, 60, 79, 81, John, Deeds: 462, 497, GRIGGIN 586, 1002; Mortgages: 96, 100, 129, 160, Andrew, Estates: 219 294, 332, 347, 487, 213, 214, 221, 232, GRIGGS 631; Estates: 127, 245, 272, 338, 423, Alexander, Deeds: 743 130; Pages: 624 538; Mortgages: 3, Joseph, Deeds: 229, Elk, Pages: 37 20, 97; Estates: 124 GRISEL 125; Pages: 32, 33, 369, 524, 846; MortEphraim, Mortgages: 103 42, 51, 60, 65, 66, gages: 388, 563; EsGRISWOLD 70, 71, 72, 74, SO, tates: 127 Ephraim, Deeds: 282, Joshua, Deeds: 54, 55, 86, 93 341, 438; Mortgages: John (Hass), Deeds: 414 56, 71, 105, 127, 167 128, 181, 200, 294, Joseph, Deeds: 96, 194, 416, 423, 524, 545, GROO 221; Mortgages: 230; 583 589, 697, 827, 920; Samuel, Deeds: Estates: 62, 124, 125 Mortgages: 283, 442, GROTON Lawrence, Deeds: 51; 446, 477, 494; EsDaniel, Deeds: 847, 849 Estates: 124, 125 tates: 50, 113, 115, GROVER Mergit, Estates: 124 129, 130, 177, 207 Benjamin, Deeds: 527 Susannah, Estates: 125 Josiah, Deeds: 582, GUERNSEY (Garnsey,Gurney) William, Estates: 124, Abraham, Deeds: 624; 125 653, 697, 713; MortMortgages: 536, 636, HAGADORN gages: 341, 644; Es763 tates: 129 Leah, Deeds: 845 Ann, Estates: 99 HAGAMAN, HAGERMAN (see Lydia, Estates: 8 Anna, Deeds: 699, 777; Hegeman) Martha, Mortgages: 294 Estates: 99, 100 SAGES (see Heyes) Mary, Estates: 130 Estates: 99 Hait) Daniel, HAIGHT (Height, Meribaah, Estates: 127 David, Estates: 100 Moses, Deeds: 71, 194, & J. Everson, Mort368, 401, 402, 425, Dorcas, Estates: 99 gages: 683 461, 524, 526, 827, Ebenezer, Estates: 100 - Estates: 90 Aaron, Deeds: 41, 56, 990; Mortgages: 487, Eunis, Estates: 99 78, 99, 126, 128, 568 Ezejiel, Deeds: 867; Nathaniel, Estates: 129 236, 545, 787, 813, Estates: 100 Nicholas, Deeds: 1002 814, 827, 1002, 1015; John, Deeds: 469, 698, Obediah, Deeds: 562 Mortgages: 174, 266, 699, 731, 747, 774, Phebe, Estates: 50, 130 777, 867, 907; Mort306, 362, 398, 467, Reuben, Deeds: 811, gages: 240, 855, 917, 519, 640, 672; Es813, 814; Mortgages: 933; Estates: 99, 100 tates: 70, 127, 129 815, 858; Estates: 16 Abigal, Estates: 129 Joseph, Estates: 100, Richard, Deeds: 701 153 Aursyonche, Estates: 11 Robert, Mortgages: 925 Lucretia, Deeds: 867; Benjamin, Deeds: 545; Samuel, Mortgages: 607 Estates: 11, 122, Estates: 100 Sarah, Estates: 38, 130 129; Pages: 607 Lydia, Estates: 100 Solomon, Deeds: 589, Nathan, Estates: 99 Caleb, Deeds: 54, 55,

INDEX HAIGHT, (continued) 813, 814; Mortgages: 462, 563; Estates: 130, 202, 207, 278 Stephen, Estates: 8, 131; Pages: 622 Thomas, Deeds: 499 William, Deeds: 213, 383; Estates: 130 HAKES Helena, Deeds: 1027 Samuel, Deeds: 1027; Mortgages: 425 HALL Benjamin, Mortgages: 460, 636, 763, 770, 771, 935; Pages: 572, 578 James, Deeds: 866; Mortgages: 427, 832, 837, 878, 913; Estates: 176; Pages: 569, 578, 587, 630 John, Deeds: 672, 908, 915, 957; Pages: 580 598, 630 Joseph, Mortgages: 675 Kezia, Estates: 176 Magdalena, Deeds: 672 Margaret, Mortgages: 675 Thomas, Deeds: 823; Mortgages: 904; Estates: 262; Pages: 630 Uriah, Deeds: 789 William, Deeds: 672 HALLOCK - Deeds: 373 Abigail, Mortgages: 199 Amos, Mortgages: 929 Anne, Deeds: 258; Mortgages: 76; Estates: 114 Arthur, Estates: 132 Elijah, Mortgages: 419 George, Deeds: 950; Mortgages: 163 Gershom, Deeds: 556, 628, 632, 1041; Mortgages: 466, 523, 548 Hannah, Estates: 132 Isaac, Deeds: 979; Mortgages: 668, 669, 826; Estates: 279; Pages: 630 Jeremiah, Estates: 132 John, Mortgages: 199, 247, 309 Joseph, Deeds: 771 Joshua, Deeds: 404, 428, 582, 606, 607, 697, 713; Mortgages: 255, 341, 444, 508, 553, 934; Estates: 83, 210, 279; Pages: 623 Mary, Deeds: 582, 697, 950; Pages: 630 Molly, Estates: 210 Moses, Deeds: 690; Estates: 119; Pages: 622 Obadiah, Estates: 123 Peter, Deeds: 258, 260 404, 690, 703, 950;

HALLOCK, (continued) Mortgages: 76, 101, 247; Estates: 114; Pages: 620, 623 Rebeckah, Pages: 630 Ruth, Mortgages: 668 Thomas, Deeds: 428, 697, 713; Mortgages: 644, 929; Estates: 132 Zebulon, Deeds: 404, 690; Mortgages: 255 HALSTEAD David, Pages: 587, 630 Ezekiel, Deeds: 17, 281 Samuel, Pages: 587, 630 Stephen Jr. , Estates: 269 HAM - Deeds: 697; Mortgages: 444, 553 Abigail Deeds: 1019 Casper, Deeds: 629, 773; Mortgages: 733; Estates: 250 Christen (Catherine), Estates: 250 Conrad, Deeds: 713, 1019; Mortgages: 611, 765; Estates: 250 Elizabeth, Deeds: 1019 Frederick, Deeds: 373, 404, 582; Mortgages: 255, 361; Estates: 133, 227, 250; Pages: 618, 630 Richard C. , Mortgages: 495 HAMILTON Charles, Deeds: 159; Mortgages: 28 Daniel, Deeds: 404 John, Mortgages: 99 Joseph, Deeds: 408 HAMMILL - Deeds: 621 Daniel, Deeds: 605; Estates: 258 Nathaniel, Deeds: 192; Mortgages: 37 HAMMOND (Hammons) - Pages: 21 Aaron, Deeds: 231, 1034; Mortgages: 31; Pages: 608 Benjamin, Estates: 134 Daniel, Deeds: 578; Estates: 134 Eliakim, Mortgages: 342, 362, 369; Estates: 8, 134 Elizth, Deeds: 558 Hannah, Deeds: 578; Estates: 134 Isaac, Deeds: 578; Mortgages: 480; Estates: 134 Joseph, Deeds: 1034 Lois, Mortgages: 480 Lucan, Estates: 134 Margaret, Estates: 8 Mariah, Estates: 13, 134 Mary, Deeds: 1034 Nathaniel, Deeds: 834 Ruth, Estates: 134

HAMMOND, (continued) Samuel, Deeds: 578, 986; Estates: 134 Thomas, Deeds: 182, 231; Mortgages: 31; Estates: 134 HAMSON Caleb, Mortgages: 41 HANBROUGH Hobart, Estates: 105 HANCHET Amos, Estates: 15 HANEN Samuel, Estates: 60 HANES James, Deeds: 594 HANNESTON Bennet, Mortgages: 793 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 793 HARAWOUT George, Deeds: 204 HARDENBROOK Johannes, Estates: 27 Mary, Estates: 27 HARDENBURGH Edward, Deeds: 579 Johannis, Deeds: 579; Mortgages: 772 HARDIN Juda, Estates: 259 HARDINGS Pages: 9-22, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37-39, 41 HARDSON Josiah, Pages: 607 HARE Wm. , Pages: 621 HARMENSE Myndert & Sanders, Deeds: 41, 79, 204; Pages: 3, 10, 14, 24, 25, 35, 39, 40, 43, 45, 59, 71, 75, 87, 94, 95, 96 HARRINGTON Ebenezer, Deeds: 810, 870; Mortgages: 732, 758, 759, 760, 849; Pages: 576, 579 Lucretia, Deeds: 870; Mortgages: 758, 759, 760 HARRIS Catherine, Estates: 192 Daniel, Deeds: 135, 136, 139, 142, 159, 190, 191, 265, 301, 931; Mortgages: 24, 139, 269 David, Deeds: 263 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 824; Estates: 51 George, Deeds: 819; Estates: 206 Hannah, Estates: 226 J. , Mortgages: 737 Jane, Mortgages: 30 John, Deeds: 90, 192, 890; Mortgages: 30, 37, 136, 156, 323; Estates: 226; Pages: 20 Joseph, Deeds: 53, 57, 167, 168, 451, 614,

INDEX HARRIS, (continued) 615, 662, 748, 786, 974; Mortgages: 24, 88, 300, 360, 510, 615, 729, 751, 817 Joshua, Deeds: 263 Mary, Estates: 290 Moses, Deeds: 61, 62, 88, 144, 151, 187, 451, 614, 615, 1043; Mortgages: 24, 51, 95, 300, 381, 404, 510 Peter, Deeds: 294; Mortgages: 190, 209 Richard, Mortgages: 223, 224 William, Deeds: 985; Mortgages: 824; Estates: 51, 192; Pages: 630 HARRISON Daniel, Deeds: 575 George, Mortgages: 177 James, Mortgages: 177 John, Deeds: 115, 116, 117 Richard, Deeds: 320, 321, 323; Mortgages: 177 HARRY Joseph, Pages: 14 (Slave), Pages: 591, 594 HART Mary, Mortgages: 354 Mercy, Estates: 163 Nehemiah, Mortgages: 354 Philip, Deeds: 767, 879, 884, 1042; Deeds: 298, 362, 372, 672, 727, 828; Estates: 97 Richard, Mortgages: 263, 266, 672; Pages: 606 Susannah, Deeds: 884, 1042 HARTFORD, CONN. Deeds: 200, 740; Mortgages: 385, 626 HARTWELL Benjamin, Estates: 25 Ebenezer, Estates: 25 Oliver, Deeds: 408 HARVE (Harvey) Abigail A. H. , Deeds: 219 Joel, Deeds: 189, 197, 201, 233, 253, 398, 432, 456, 647; Mortgages: 51, 275, 385, 490, 604 John, Deeds: 284 Mary, Mortgages: 61 Obediah, Deeds: 195, 219, 233, 234, 399, 654; Mortgages: 50, 56, 61, 414, 479, 581; Estates: 12 Thomas, Deeds: 195, 219, 233, 399; Mortgages: 38 Zabulun, Mortgages: 1 HARVL James, Pages: 608

HASBROUCK - Deeds: 67, 68 Abraham, Deeds: 660, 991; Mortgages: 391 Benjamin, Mortgages: 813, 903, 912 Catharine, Deeds: 660 Hannah, Mortgages: 912 John, Mortgages: 569 Jonathan, Deeds: 660, 903, 991; Mortgages: 597, 908, 930 HASKINS (see Hoskins) HATCH Ebenezer, Deeds: 554 HATFIELD - Mortgages: 466 Absalon, Estates: 135 David, Estates: 135 Jerusha, Estates: 135 Joshua, Estates: 135 Peter, Deeds: 407, 459, 460; Mortgages: 435, 460, 770, 891; Estates: 135; Pages: 603, 630 Richard, Deeds: 462 Robert, Deeds: 973; Mortgages: 771; Estates: 135; Pages: 630 Sarah, Mortgages: 435; 135 HATHORN John, Deeds: 470, 847, 849 HAUVER Christian, Pages: 630 Frederich, Estates: 29, 229; Pages: 630 Magdaline, Estates: 29 HAVENS Chloe, Estates: 84 HAVEOUT LANDS Mortgages: 306 HAVERSTRAW Orange Co. , Estates: 251 HAWDEN Michael, Deeds: 39, 65, 204, 327 HAWKINS John, Deeds: 86 HAWLEY Ezekiel, Deeds: 521 HAYDOCK Henry, Mortgages: 305 John W., Mortgages: 469 HAYNES Joseph, Deeds: 208 HAYS (see Heyes) HAYWORTH William, Pages: 630 HEAD Henry, Deeds: 504 Reuben, Deeds: 852 HEADING Elender, Deeds: 902 Eunice, Estates: 1 James, Deeds: 902 HEAGHOORT Gerrard Jr. , Deeds: 360 HEARNY Ann, Deeds: 615 HEARST Nehemiah, Deeds: 380 HEAT Mr„ Pages: 85

669 HEATHCOTE Caleb, Deeds: 4, 12, 26, 60, 63, 73, 90, 111, 115, 127, 144, 165, 169, 196, 204, 213, 258, 260, 392, 396, 444, 445, 699, 1041; Mortgages: 302; Estates: 136; Pages: 3 HEBARD Daniel, Mortgages: 855, 933 Letitia, Mortgages: 855 Lydia, Mortgages: 499 Reuben, Mortgages: 670 Robert, Deeds: 286, 860, 1039; Mortgages: 228, 499, 670, 782; Estates: 111, 159 William, Deeds: 673 HEERMANCE (Heermans) Andrew H. , Estates: 142 Andries, Deeds: 456 Martin, Deeds: 746, 949, 962, 963, 964; Mortgages: 703, 752, 761; Pages: 630 Sarah (Sally), Deeds: 949, 964 HEGEMAN (Hagaman) - Deeds: 83, 216; Pages: 36, 38, 42-44; 56, 60, 62, 63, 68, 69, 72, 76, 89, 94, 96 Adn. , Deeds: 8 Anke (Antic), Deeds: 8, 18, 49, 50, 53, 57, 466 Blandanah, Deeds: 518 Catherine, Deeds: 441 Charity, Estates: 137 Cornelius, Deeds: 343 Elizabeth, Deeds: 351, 359, 421; Estates! 277 Francis, Deeds: 8, 18, 49, 50, 53, 57, 79, 83, 106, 169, 385, 392, 393, 466; Mortgages: 33, 455; Estates: 126; Pages: 5, 11, 14, 19, 20, 30, 32, 37, 40, 48, 49, 52-58, 60, 66, 71, 74, 88, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99 Henry (Hendrick), Deeds: 49, 50, 185, 280, 294, 342, 343, 351, 359, 441, 517, 677; Mortgages: 8, 262, 337, 489, 557; Estates: 102, 103, 137, 280 Isaac, Deeds: 49 Jannettie, Estates: 27 Jeremiah, Deeds: 517 John, Deeds: 185, 193, 743, 828, 853, 1044; Mortgages: 8, 13, 44, 489, 557, 787; Estates: 27, 280; Pages: 598, 612, 630 Joseph, Deeds: 261, 355, 359, 362, 421,

670 HEGEMAN, (continued) 517, 518, 743; Mortgages: 153, 176, 235, 292, 416, 489, 557; Estates: 91, 277, 280; Pages: 612 Joseph, (widow of), Estates: 138 Mary, Deeds: 193; Mortgages: 13; Estates: 309 Sarah, Deeds: 261, 355 HEGES (see Heyes) HELME (see Holmes) HEMPSTEAD (Hemsted) , Nassau, Deeds: 166, 274, 302, 303, 304, 308, 309, 362, 368, 375, 376, 377, 378, 390, 397, 518, 565, 699; Mortgages: 46, 182, 256, 336, 347, 361, 564, 678; Estates: 233, 237 HENDERSON George, Pages: 45 HENDRICKS Godfried, Deeds: 187 John, Deeds: 281, 1031; Mortgages: 798; Pages: 630 HENDRICKSON John, Deeds: 1022 Stephen, Deeds: 559; Mortgages: 751 HENMAN Coe, Deeds: 199; Mortgages: 99; Estates: 140 HENRY Anne, Deeds: 457 HERMANCE (see Heermance) BERN Abr. , Deeds: 684 HERREE Ruffer, Mortgages: 365 HERRICK Benjamin, Deeds: 137, 138, 871; Mortgages: 269, 510, 889; Estates: 40 Elizabeth, Deeds: 973 Ezekiel, Estates: 141 Henry, Estates: 141 Israel, Estates: 213 John, Deeds: 136; Mortgages: 801 Joseph, Deeds: 138, 248, 486, 487, 973; Mortgages: 895; Pages: 573, 585, 630 Leonard, Deeds: 651 Margery, Estates: 213 Nathan, Deeds: 508 Phebe, Mortgages: 716 Rebecka, Estates: 141 Richard Brush, Estates: 40 Rufus, Deeds: 473, 494, 495, 508, 510, 774, 777, 1013; Mortgages: 94, 395, 423, 464 Samuel , Deeds: 474, 936; Mortgages: 402, 580, 774; Estates: 25 Smith, Mortgages: 611,

INDEX HERRICK, (continued) 716, 858 Stephen, Deeds: 135, 136, 137, 138, 159, 186, 451, 464; Mortgages: 28, 555, 556; Estates: 218, 299 HERRINGTON (see Harrington) HEUSTIS (Hustis) Charity, Estates: 220 Isaac, Deeds: 764 Joseph, Estates: 134 Rhoda, Deeds: 959; Mortgages: 823 William, Deeds: 877, 959; Mortgages: 823; Pages: 570, 574, 576, 578, 584, 630 HEYER Isaac, Mortgages: 821 HEYES (Rages) Abraham, Deeds: 993 Perry, Mortgages: 265 Selvester, Deeds: 243, 244, 295 HICKS (Hix) - Mortgages: 926 Barnabus, Pages: 614 Benjamin, Deeds: 318, 407; Mortgages: 93, 169 Catherine, Mortgages: 480 Elias, Pages: 584, 587, 630 Hannah, Mortgages: 315 John, Mortgages: 294; Pages: 605, 615 Joseph, Deeds: 166, 250, 397, 467, 506, 641, 642, 1028; Mortgages: 201, 331, 349, 389, 437, 571, 586, 794, 926; Pages: 65, 66, 572 Mary, Deeds: 318, 407 Morduai, Pages: 615 Samuel, Pages: 585, 587, 630 Sarah, Deeds: 250 Stephen, Deeds: 97, 326, 415, 498; Mortgages: 148, 152, 173, 219; Estates: 76 Thomas, Mortgages: 4, 267, 272; Pages: 605, 615 Whitehead, Deeds: 201 HIGBY Seth, Deeds: 913; Mortgages: 701, 793 HIGGINS Jonathan, Mortgages: 412 HILDRITH (Hildreth) - Pages: 574 Abigail, Deeds: 708 David, Deeds: 708, 839, 840; Mortgages: 658; Pages: 570, 575 James, Deeds: 460; Mortgages: 460 Matthias B. , Deeds: 704, 730, 760

HILL Andrew, Mortgages: 502 Content, Mortgages: 736 David, Deeds: 800, 1022; Mortgages: 798, 928; Pages: 630 Ephraim, Deeds: 881; Mortgages: 736; Pages: 570, 573, 578, 581 Isaac, Deeds: 861 Nathan, Mortgages: 431 Samuel, Pages: 630 Tenta, Deeds: 881 William, Mortgages: 550 HILLER Prince, Deeds: 767, 955 HILLIKER John, Estates: 263; Pages: 630 Rachel, Estates: 263 HILLSDALE, Columbia Co. , Mortgages: 406, 426, 670, 768, 796 HINCHMAN Benjamin, Estates: 27 HINMEN John, Mortgages: 171 HITCHCOCK Samuel, Deeds: 162, 163, 164, 553 Thomas, Deeds: 554 HITT Samuel, Deeds: 610, 780, 820; Estates: 38; Pages: 582 HOAG Deeds: 572; Mortgages: 440 Abraham, Deeds: 671, 952; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 141a Andrew, Mortgages: 514 Benjamin, Deeds: 469; Pages: 602 Charles, Deeds: 721; Estates: 75 David, Deeds: 1033; Mortgages: 770 Deborah, Estates: 141a Dorothy, Estates: 130 Elijah, Deeds: 382, 383, 487, 488, 571, 598, 670; Mortgages: 440, 456; Estates: 246 Elisha, Deeds: 671; Mortgages: 259; Estates: 141a Ezekiel, Deeds: 382, 383, 384, 546, 670, 671; Mortgages: 241; Estates: 141a Hannah, Deeds: 602 Henry, Deeds: 1040 John, Deeds: 499, 594; Mortgages: 388, 563; Estates: 16, 17, 149 Jonathan, Deeds: 294, 389, 390, 415, 419, 778, 790, 794; Mortgages: 92, 152, 173, 219, 315, 345, 389, 437, 586 Levi, Deeds: 790; Es-

INDEX HOAG, (continued) tates: 52 Lewis, Mortgages: 356 Mary, Estates: 141a Moses, Deeds: 919; Mortgages: 531; Pages: 602, 603, 621 Nehemiah, Deeds: 935 Obadiah, Deeds: 671; Estates: 141a Patience, Mortgages: 531 Paul, Deeds: 459, 469, 790, 818, 819; Mortgages: 348, 583; Estates: 151 Phebe, Mortgages: 514 Philip, Deeds: 813; Estates: 16, 17, 149 Reuben, Pages: 598 Ruth, Deeds: 919 Sarah, Deeds: 671; Mortgages: 241; Estates: 141a Solomon, Deeds: 767 Tabitha, Estates: 141a William, Deeds: 601, 602, 967; Mortgages: 505 Winthrop, Estates: 141a HOBOKEN, New Jersey, Mortgages: 76 HOD Freelove, Estates: 295 Isaac, Jr. , Mortgages: 18 HODGE Ebenezer, Deeds: 409 HOEVENBURGH (see Van Hoevenburgh HOFF (see Half) HOFFMAN Alida, Mortgages: 380 Anthony, Deeds: 301, 728, 737, 949; Mortgages: 95, 105, 106, 124, 138 Catherine, Estates: 142 Cornelia, Estates: 142 Elias, Deeds: 769 Elizabeth, Estates: 142 Hannah, Estates: 142 Henry, Estates: 142 Herman (Harmon), Deeds: 604, 991; Mortgages: 50, 91, 320; Estates: 142 Lane, Estates: 142 Margaret, Estates: 142 Martin, Deeds: 88, 89, 144, 148, 149, 150, 187, 289, 301, 418, 644; Mortgages: 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 29, 38, 45, 50, 51, 54, 56, 75, 91, 94, 95, 105, 106, 124, 138, 177, 185, 251, 380; Estates: 142 Mary, Mortgages: 51 Nicholas, Deeds: 644, 669, 799, 980; Mortgages: 2, 29, 106, 185, 188, 265, 310, 362, 380, 381, 527,

HOFFMAN, (continued) 616, 673; Estates: 142 Peter, Estates: 142 Philip L., Deeds: 604, 742 Treyntje, Deeds: 289 Zacharias, Deeds: 66; Mortgages: 1, 2 HOGIN Jesse, Pages: 610 HOLCOMBE Samuel, Estates: 189 HOLLAND Henry, Deeds: 396 Joseph, Deeds: 829, 948; Mortgages: 801 HOLLAND REFORM CHURCH Deeds: 500 HOLLISTER Asa, Deeds: 1007 Benjamin, Deeds: 108; Mortgages: 1, 774 HOLLY Luther, Deeds: 654 HOLMES Aaron, Deeds: 506, 641; Abner, Mortgages: 509 Anna, Estates: 143 Benjamin, Deeds: 190, 191; Mortgages: 88; Pages: 619 Charity, Deeds: 506, 641, 718 Elijah, Estates: 143 Elizabeth, Estates: 127 Elkanah, Estates: 77 Eunice, Estates: 139 Frederick, Mortgages: 331 Hannah, Estates: 254 Isaac, Deeds: 506, 641, 693, 717, 718, 783 Jacob, Deeds: 1002 James, Deeds: 841, 842, 843, 1003 Jehosaphat, Deeds: 90, 473; Mortgages: 73, 115, 122, 158, 423; Estates: 143 John, Estates: 186; Pages: 630 Jonathan, Deeds: 104, 126, 127, 128, 545, 685, 785, 1002; Mortgages: 46, 347, 477; Estates: 106, 122, 123; Pages: 65, 66 Joseph, Pages: 588-593 Lester, Estates: 143 Lydia, Estates: 143 Mary, Estates: 139 Nathan, Estates: 143 Nicholas, Mortgages: 236, 324, 325, 332, 631; Estates: 144; Pages: 613 Philomela, Estates: 143 Prudence, Estates: 139 Salonus, Estates: 143 Sarah, Estates: 143 Solomon, Estates: 143 Stephen, Deeds: 594 Susannah, Estates: 139 William, Deeds: 506, 641, 757; Mortgages:

671 HOLMES, (continued) 781; Pages: 573, 579, 586, 587, 630 Zilpha, Estates: 143 HOLLY Sarah, Estates: 300 HOMER - Estates: 90 HOMESTON Bennet, Deeds: 913; Mortgages: 701 HOOFOUT Hannah, Estates: 26 John, Estates: 303 HOPKINS - Deeds: 470, 860; Mortgages: 74, 120 Benjamin, Deeds: 341; Estates: 145 Daniel, Deeds: 320 Hannah, Deeds: 428 Jemima, Deeds: 341; Estates: 145 Joseph, Mortgages: 329 Mary, Mortgages: 293 Mehetable, Mortgages: 252 Michael, Deeds: 272, 286, 305, 306, 323, 341, 363; Mortgages: 79, 134, 157, 252; Estates: 104, 145 Noah, Deeds: 142, 341; Estates: 145 Reuben, Deeds: 341, 428; Mortgages: 174, 215; Estates: 22, 94, 145; Pages: 606, 611, 616-618, 620 Roswell, Deeds: 198, 272, 286, 290, 307, 336, 341, 346, 647, 650; Mortgages: 78, 79, 98, 134, 189, 282, 293; Estates: 42, 73, 99, 145 Samuel M. , Mortgages: 821 Soper, Mortgages: 271 Stephen, Deeds: 90, 119, 129, 135, 136, 137, 139, 142, 147, 148, 152, 181, 186, 198, 200, 236, 248, 265, 269, 286, 301, 305, 335, 341, 418, 458; Mortgages: 2, 57, 78, 79, 100, 103, 114, 123, 134, 149, 155, 193, 204, 210, 222, 269, 271; Estates: 145, 300 Wait, Deeds: 341 Wright, Mortgages: 167 HOPKINSON Ebenezer, Mortgages: 65 HOPPER Richard, Estates: 220 HORN Augustus, Deeds: 856 HORSMANDER Daniel, Deeds: 286 HORTON David, Mortgages: 762 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 926

672 HORTON, (continued) Jane, Mortgages: 619 Jonathan, Mortgages: 926 Joseph, Mortgages: 718; Estates: 259; Pages: 630 Peleg, Deeds: 807 HOSKINS (Haskins, Horskins) Asahel, Estates: 75 Bridget, Estates: 24 Elizabeth, Deeds: 264 Joel, Deeds: 562 Joseph, Deeds: 176, 200, 264, 289, 400, 458; Mortgages: 2 HOUGHTELING William P. , Estates: 13 HOVER (see Hauver) HOWARD - Mortgages: 48 John, Mortgages: 113, 164, 212, 219; Pages: 602 Matthew, Deeds: 513, 514, 536, 658, 659, 825; Mortgages: 550, 833 HOWE - Deeds: 730 Garret, Deeds: 651 Millicent, Deeds: 810 Nathan, Deeds: 738, 810, 870; Mortgages: 730, 732, 758 HOWLAND Azariah, Deeds: 531 Samuel, Mortgages: 325, 420; Pages: 582 Solomon, Deeds: 935; Pages: 630 Stephen, Deeds: 986 HOXIE Lodowick, Estates: 17 HUBBARD (see Hebard) HUBBELL Jedediah, Deeds: 544 Richard, Deeds: 2, 3 HUDDLESTON George, Mortgages: 257 William, Deeds: 10; Pages: 4 HUGE Catherine, Mortgages: 30 HUDSON Asa, Deeds: 544 (City), Columbia Co., Deeds: 869; Mortgages: 852 HUDSON RIVER Deeds: 16, 28, 38, 43, 52, 64, 65, 74, 80, 106, 156, 196, 204, 207, 208, 218, 271, 274, 297, 312, 313, 327, 344, 360, 376, 377, 392, 393, 410, 413, 435, 436, 441, 446, 447, 448, 457, 465, 515, 517, 518, 599, 644, 656, 660, 668, 669, 672, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 688, 710, 711,

INDEX HUDSON RIVER, (continued) 719, 734, 751, 754, 770, 771, 791, 799, 837, 872, 882, 883, 886, 892, 897, 898, 903, 922, 923, 944, 945, 949, 958; Mortgages: 178, 179, 180, 182, 195, 199, 200, 208, 213, 214, 242, 277, 289, 295, 309, 311, 316, 368, 391, 396, 439, 447, 498, 527, 569, 573, 577, 582, 600, 620, 621, 634, 673, 681, 689, 699, 705, 712, 739, 741, 747, 772, 836, 856, 857, 884, 886, 897, 914; Estates: 88; Pages: 3, 23, 25, 40, 54, 58, 59, 65 HUFF (see Haff) HUGHES Abigail, Deeds: 1018; Pages: 593 Christopher, Deeds: 447, 448, 457, 548, 622, 668, 669, 704, 717, 751, 858, 1018; Mortgages: 514, 537, 638, 804, 819; Pages: 573, 574, 578, 581, 584, 630 James M. , Deeds: 751, 825, 887; Mortgages: 320, 709, 822, 902 John, Pages: 593 Mary, Deeds: 825, Mortgages: 709 HULBS Carr, Mortgages: 465 Job, Mortgages: 465 HULET Samuel, Pages: 630 HULL Ann, Deeds: 759, 863; Mortgages: 645 Catharine, Deeds: 863 Charles W. , Deeds: 863, 925, 926, 927, 941; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 146 Damaris, Estates: 146 Elizabeth, Estates: 146 Henry, Deeds: 766, 863, 874, 875, 876, 925, 926, 927, 928, 941, 984; Mortgages: 583, 850, 854; Estates: 146 John, Deeds: 765, 766, 874, 876, 925, 926, 928, 941, 984; Estates: 146 John F. , Deeds: 766, 863, 875, 926, 927, 941 Mary, Deeds: 928 Ruth, Deeds: 863; Estates: 146 Sarah, Deeds: 863, 875, 925, 926, 927; Estates: 146 Tiddeman, Deeds: 503,

HULL, (continued) 759, 765, 766, 814, 815, 816, 818, 819, 863, 875, 941; Mortgages: 583, 645, 854; Estates: 146 Tiddeman Jr. , Deeds: 701, 790, 874, 876, 891, 941; Estates: 52, 279 HUMPHREY (Humfrey) Cornelius, Deeds: 503, 507, 534, 679, 680; Mrtgs.:369, 384,416, 436, 596;Estates: 178 David, Pages: 10, 18 Elizabeth, Deeds: 679, 680 Ester, Deeds: 766, 876 Henry, Deeds: 500, 509, 628, 630, 632; Mortgages: 445, 448, 478, 548 James, Mortgages: 764, 850, 921, 924 John, Deeds: 503, 630, 765, 766, 876, 928; Mortgages: 445, 671, 734, 764, 921 Mary, Deeds: 509, 630 Sarah, Deeds: 503 Thomas, Deeds: 509, 643 William, Deeds: 766; Estates: 125 HUNGER Lucretia, Estates: 297 HUNT - Pages: 8, 9, 11-13, 17-20, 30 Benson, Deeds: 184 John, Mortgages: 427; Estates: 22; Pages: 612 Joshua, Deeds: 55, 56, 58, 99 Lewis, Deeds: 533 Obadiah, Pages: 5 Theophilus, Mortgages: 430; Estates: 176 HUNTER Daniel, Deeds: 651 HUNTING Isaac, Deeds: 836; Mortgages: 872 HUNTINGTON, Suffolk Co„ Deeds: 225; Mortgages: 137 HUNTLEY (Huntly) Abner, Pages: 603 Elisabeth, Estates: 147 Ezra, Deeds: 339, 806 John, Estates: 147 Lowes, Estates: 147 Raner, Estates: 147 Timothy, Deeds: 277, 345; Mortgages: 165 William, Estates: 147 HURD Alan, Estates: 55 Ebenezer, Deeds: 702; Mortgages: 542, 650 Elizabeth, Estates: 55 Phebe, Estates: 198 Rebecca, Mortgages: 650 HURLBURT John, Deeds: 161

INDEX HUSTED (Hustead) - Deeds: 688 Abraham, Estates: 148 Anna, Estates: 305 Annanias, Deeds: 836; Estates: 148 Caleb, Deeds: 664; Mortgages: 649; Estates: 46 Catherine, Estates: 46 David, Deeds: 122, 145 298, 401, 797, 829; Mortgages: 58, 142, 263, 531, 574; Estates: 148, 199, 203; Pages: 623 Ebenezer, Deeds: 224, 283, 302, 899; Mortgages: 84, 132, 217 Eunice, Estates: 148, 305 Freelove, Deeds: 829 Germond, Estates: 105 Hannah, Estates: 3 Henry, Estates: 3 Israel, Estates: 305 Jemima, Deeds: 401 Jethro, Estates: 305 John, Deeds: 179, 461, 522, 523; Mortgages: 387, 568 Joseph, Deeds: 296, 303, 401, 416, 524, 817; Mortgages: 250, 543; Estates: 305; Pages: 630 Lewis, Estates: 148 Livina, Estates: 305 Milisant, Deeds: 829; Estates: 148 Reuben, Deeds: 829, 830; Mortgages: 762; Estates: 148 Ruth, Estates: 148 Sarah, Estates: 105, 148, 305 Stephen, Estates: 305 Susannah, Estates: 105 Titus, Estates: 148 HUSTIS (see Heustis) HUTCHINS (Hutchings) Isaac, Mortgages: 776 Jeremiah, Estates: 149 Martha, Deeds: 594; Estates; 140, 149 Thomas, Deeds: 594; Estates: 149 William, Estates: 8 HUTCHINSON (Hutcheson) Henry, Deeds: 851, 907; Mortgages: 809, 889, 917, 919, 936 Sarah, Mortgages: 919 MUTTER Josiah, Pages: 623 HYATT Joshua, Estates: 57 Samuel, Mortgages: 671 HYDE Christopher, Deeds: 1022; Pages: 630 Lemuel, Deeds: 771; Mortgages: 747, 931; Pages: 587, 630 HYDE PARK Deeds: 457, 710, 734,


JACKSON, (continued) Parthene, Estates: 150 Rebecca, Estates: 263 Richard, Deeds: 1028 Samuel, Deeds: 51, 328; Mortgages: 146, 407; Estates: 150; Pages: 65, 66, 631 IMLAY Sarah, Deeds: 637; EsJohn, Mortgages: 265 tates: 150 William, Mortgages: 265 Stephen, Estates: 150 INDIAN DEED & NAMES Pages: 4, 5, 10, 15, 17, William, Estates: 150 JAKAX (see Jaycox) 26, 36, 45, 59, 63, 97, 110, 111, 112 JAMAICA, QUEENS Deeds: 26, 185, 328, INGERSOL 677; Mortgages: 8, James, Deeds: 1036 315, 587; Estates: 27 Mary, Deeds: 1036 JAMES (Joames) INGLIS Mr. , Pages: 72 Charles, Deeds: 471, George, Mortgages: 830 476, 477, 478, 479, JAM ISON 486, 487, 494, 495, David, Deeds: 4, 8, 9, 657, 1013; Mortgages: 12, 28, 29, 33, 46, 296, 297, 312, 313, 52, 67, 68, 91, 135, 314, 528, 859 136, 137, 138, 144, Margaret, Deeds: 657 147, 165, 169, 204, INGRAHAM 206, 208, 260, 265, George, Deeds: 860, 269, 590, 699, 1041 1039; Mortgages: 782, William, Deeds: 12 845 JANE Jeremiah, Mortgages: (Slave), Pages: 601 682 JANSEN IRELAND Cornelius T., MortJohn, Deeds: 481, 868; gages: 392, 393 Mortgages: 543, 843; Johannes, Deeds: 65, Pages: 570, 576, 579, 67, 68, 204, 327 610, 630 JAUNCEY Philener, Estates: 38 James, Mortgages: 76, IRISH 93, 169, 308 Philip, Deeds: 663; JAY Pages: 630 Eve, Mortgages: 394 IRWIN Frederick, Mortgages: Robert, Deeds: 513, 394, 474 514, 536, 658, 659; James, Mortgages: 474 Mortgages: 497, 550 John, Mortgages: 394, ISLIP, 474 Suffolk Co. , Mortgages: Peter, Mortgages: 394 333, 338 JAYCOX (Jacocks) ISMOND Benjamin, Deeds: 583; Isaiah, Deeds: 782 Mortgages: 400, 429, ISMUL 430 Jene, Estates: 71 Deeds: 813, David, IVES 1004; Mortgages: 815 - Mortgages: 558 816 Bazalel, Mortgages: 927 Jonathan, Deeds: 1022 Mary, Deeds: 1004; Mortgages: 815 JACK Sarah, Deeds: 583 (Slave), Pages 595, JENKS (Jencks) 597 Sarah, Estates: 152 JACKSON Thomas, Mortgages: 774; Daniel, Mortgages. 497; Estates: 152; Pages: Estates: 306 609 Elizabeth, Estates: 150 William, Estates: 183 Ephraim, Deeds: 959; Estates: 263; Pages: JENKINS Jabez, Estates: 151 631 Joseph, Mortgages: 333, Increase, Deeds: 823, 560 909; Estates: 150, Joshua, Estates: 151 262 Moses, Estates: 248 James, Mortgages: 18; JENNIS Estates: 121, 150, David, Deeds: 419 243 JERICHO, L.I. Jemima, Estates: 150 Mortgages: 341, 465; Joseph, Deeds: 484, 637 Pages: 81, 82 Martha, Estates: 150 JERRY Mary, Estates: 150

HYDE PARK, (continued) 751, 857, 872, 888, 892, 921; Mortgages: 350, 806, 818, 819, 856, 888, 914

674 JERRY, (continued) Clarachi, Deeds: 798 John, Deeds: 798 JEWEL Hannah, Deeds: 442 Aaron, Deeds: 535 JOHNS Benjamin, Deeds: 253, 254, 269, 455, 456, 647; Mortgages: 2, 69, 215 Cornelius Jr., Deeds: 648 Daniel, Deeds: 323, 647 Stephen, Mortgages: 54, 56, 69, 119 Thomas Jr. , Deeds: 647 JOHNSON (Johnston) - Deeds: 97, 200, 326, 452, 688; Pages: 31, 51, 80, 81, 86, 87, 90, 95, 97, 575, 576 David, Deeds: 396, 419, 452, 478, 479, 536, 552, 573, 583, 646, 649, 702, 708, 735, 737, 738, 754, 767, 778, 840, 847, 848, 1004, 1005, 1019, 1020; Mortgages: 144, 145, 173, 212, 219, 253, 259, 282, 288, 289, 301, 372, 457, 463, 501, 506, 507, 525, 535, 598, 600, 607, 623, 662, 705, 728, 776, 820; Estates: 278; Pages: 88-93 Elizabeth, Deeds: 35, 79, 91 , 97, 119, 135, 136, 137, 138, 147, 159, 269, 417, 418; Mortgages: 90, 123, 144, 193, 201, 220; Pages: 31, 36, 39, 51, 60, 61, 65, 66, 68, 71, 75, 82, 90, 92, 93, 98 George, Deeds: 284; Estates: 153 Jacob, Deeds: 702, 737, 939, 960, 1008; Mortgages: 662 Jane, Estates: 153 John (Johannis), Deeds: 39, 65, 204, 326, 327, 736, 737, 738, 751, 850, 857, 872, 944, 945, 971, 987, 992; Mortgages: 457, 681, 730, 778, 779, 780, 805, 856, 886; Estates: 14; Pages: 584, 590, 631 Mad. , Pages: 61, 71 Magdalen, Deeds: 573, 1025, 1039 Margaret, Mortgages: 257 Paul, Deeds: 519 Robert, Deeds: 286, 551; Mortgages: 177, 327; Estates: 153 Ruth, Estates: 153 Samuel or S. , Deeds:


KEESE, (continued) Stephen, Deeds: 863 KELAT & CO. Deeds: 417 KELLEY James, Deeds: 382 Mathias, Mortgages: 60 Unus, Deeds: 382 KELLOGG Moses, Deeds: 211 Oliver, Deeds: 695; Estates: 72 KELSEY Sarah, Estates: 153 KEMFER Stephen, Deeds: 200 KENDRICK John, Pages: 631 KENNEDY Mr. , Pages: 25, 26, 39 Arch, Pages: 14, 21 Hugh, Deeds: 655 John, Deeds: 356 KENT Conn., Mortgages: 558; Estates: 15, 283 James, Deeds: 630, 637, 825; Mortgages: 411 John, Deeds: 449 Moss, Deeds: 548 KENTLING (D'Cantillon?) Richard, Deeds: 493 KENYON (see Kinyon) KERVIN Lawrence, Deeds: 949 KETCHAM David, Estates: 169 Ephram, Pages: 611 Hannah, Estates: 169 Isaac, Deeds: 345; Mortgages: 137 Israel, Estates: 169; Pages: 631 James, Deeds: 1004; Estates: 169 Joseph, Deeds: 519; Mortgages: 322; Estates: 169 Mary, Estates: 169, 218 Philip, Estates: 169 Sarah, Estates: 169 Thomas, Deeds: 423; Pages: 606 Zebulon, Estates: 169 KETELTAS Gerret, Mortgages: 495, 498 Mary, Deeds: 656 Peter, Deeds: 732, 733, 742, 744; Mortgages: 495, 498 KATTSKILL, William, Deeds: 656 Albany Co. , Mortgages: KEYES John, Mortgages: 469 160 Samuel, Estates: 157 KEANE 18 KIDDOR Cornelius, Estates: Ephraim, Pages: 619 KEEFE John, Deeds: 366; Mort- KIERSTEAD gages: 291 Hans, Deeds: 746, 962, KEESE 964; Mortgages: 703 Elizabeth, Deeds: 580 Janitje (Jannetje), John, Deeds: 217, 366, Deeds: 962 579, 580; Mortgages: KILLINGSWORTH, 291; Pages: 620 New London County, Ruth, Deeds: 863; EsConnecticut, Deeds: tates. 146 ' 153

JOHNSON (Johnston), (continued) 111, 113, 284, 365, 551; Mortgages: 327, 335; Estates: 153 Sarah, Estates: 153 Seth, Estates: 236 Simon, Mortgages: 257 Susannah (Susan), Deeds: 987, 992; Mortgages: 856, 886 William, Pages: 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 586, 631 Young Mr. , Pages: 71 JOLAND Nalson, Mortgages: 18 JONES - Mortgages: 130; Pages: 72 Daniel, Deeds: 434, 797, 884 David, Estates: 1 Hester (Slave), Pages: 589 John, Deeds: 122; Mortgages: 436 Joshua, Estates: 154 Samuel, Deeds: 119, 121, 148, 151, 188, 298, 458; Mortgages: 58, 142 Smith, Deeds: 434, 482 Stephen, Estates: 231 Thomas, Mortgages: 205 Zopher, Deeds: 434, 797 JOSLIN Anthony, Deeds: 642 JUDSON Abigail, Estates: 155 Azariah, Deeds: 702; Mortgages: 397, 542; Estates: 155 David, Estates: 155 Elizabeth, Estates: 155 Hannah, Estates: 155 Mary, Estates: 155 Noah, Estates: 155 Phebe, Deeds: 702; Mortgages: 542 Samuel, Deeds: 162, 164, 202, 203, 357, 433, 745; Mortgages: 40, 206, 305, 308, 367, 383; Estates: 155 Sarah, Estates: 155 Susannah, Estates: 155 JUSTIN Samuel, Mortgages: 305

INDEX KILLMER KINNE, (continued) Yery Jr., Mortgages: 23 611, 612, 613, 989; KILLPATRICK Mortgages: 239, 538, Robert, Estates: 158 580, 589, 630, 906; KINDERHOOK, Estates: 156 Albany Co., Deeds: 534; Stephen, Deeds: 135, Mortgages: 633 264, 335, 463; MortKING gages: 100, 145, 149, Deborah, Estates: 159 155, 402, 538; EsGeorge, Deeds: 551 tates: 156 KINNED Isaac, Deeds: 662 John, Deeds: 199; MortArchd., Deeds: 567 gages: 91, 94, 99, KINYON 116, 177, 210; EsBenjamin, Deeds: 636, tates: 159 1029; Mortgages: 814 William, Deeds: 716; Nathaniel, Estates: 159 Rebecah, Estates: 159, Mortgages: 450, 452, 196 836 Samuel, Deeds: 198, KIPP Abraham, Mortgages: 199, 276, 282, 305, 489; Mortgages: 103, 900; Pages: 631 113, 167, 222, 228, Baltus, Deeds: 79 229; Estates: 159 Benjamin, Deeds: 173 William, Pages: 618 Benoni, Deeds: 735, 741, 755; Mortgages: KINGS CO. Deeds: 41, 106, 595, 552, 697; Pages: 584, 599; Mortgages: 175, 631 176, 292, 368, 693, Daniel, Pages: 631 790, 810, 891, 901 Isaac, Pages: 600 KING WILLIAM III John, Deeds: 44, 1022; Deeds: 16, 32, 39, 41, Pages: 605, 631 43, 45, 65, 204, 281, Sarah, Mortgages: 552 672 KIRK OF SCOTLAND KINGSBURY, Deeds: 51 Washington Co., MortKISSAM gages: 404 Benjamin, Deeds: 206, KINGSTON, R.I. 207, 327 KLARRY (see Clarry) Deeds: 354 KLINE (Klyne, see Clyne) KINGSTON, Frederick, Pages: 577, Ulster Co. , Deeds: 34, 579 46, 64, 66, 67, 68, Peter, Deeds: 411 130, 133, 204, 206, KLINK (see Clinck) 209, 660, 778, 859; Mortgages: 191, 212, KNAPP Amos, Deeds: 766, 874, 218, 219, 289, 298, 875, 876, 891, 926, 317, 319, 328, 391, 978; Mortgages: 583, 407, 408, 515, 528, 671, 854 583, 584, 591, 638, David, Deeds: 493, 537, 661, 668, 669, 671, 538; Mortgages: 374, 747; Estates: 65; 457 Pages: 96 Ebenezer, Deeds: 262, KINNE (Kenny) 391, 396; Mortgages: - Mortgages: 226 237, 312 Abigail, Deeds: 463 Henry, Estates: 24 Anna, Deeds: 989; EsIsaac, Deeds: 361 tates: 156 Israel, Deeds: 493 Anne, Mortgages: 580, Myer, Mortgages: 502 589 Archd., Deeds: 567 Phineas, Deeds: 493; Mortgages: 649, 762 Didymus, Estates: 156; Pages: 614 Samuel, Estates: 80 Drusillah, Estates: 156 KNIBLOE Ebenezer, Estates: 155 Ebenezer, Deeds: 152; Mortgages: 269 Elijah, Deeds: 695 Rev. Mr. , Estates: 158 Elijah, Deeds: 774, KNICKERBOKER 777; Mortgages: 269 Benjamin, Mortgages: 11 Elyck, Deeds: 409 Dorcas, Estates: 30 Henry, Deeds: 463 140, 152; Herman, Deeds: 475, James, Deeds: Mortgages: 139, 269 504 Jesse, Deeds: 409; Es- KNIES (see Nees) Sussanna, Estates: 222 tates: 156 Thomas Young, MortNathaniel, Deeds: 463; gages: 881, 890 Estates: 156 KNIGHT Reuben, Deeds: 903 Benj. , Estates: 168 Roswell, Deeds: 463,

675 KNIKINHAM (Cookingham?) Frederick, Deeds: 511 KNOX Jane, Mortgages: 55 KOEN Samuel, Estates: 160 KOKENHAM (see Cookingham) KOOL (see Cool, Cole) Hendrick, Deeds: 78 Maria, Deeds: 78 Simon, Mortgages: 138; Pages: 71 KOON (see Coons) Peter, Deeds: 240; Mortgages: 322 KORREN Ann, Estates: 220 KRALE Samuel, Mortgages: 183 KRANKHYT (see Cronkhite) LA COUNT B., Mortgages: 664 LAKE Champlain, Mortgages: 599; Estates: 146 Daniel, Deeds: 527, 528, 530, 533, 535, 914 Elijah, Deeds: 293 James H., Pages: 609 John, Pages: 631 Jonathan, Deeds: 243, 244; Pages: 631 LAMB Isaac, Deeds: 290, 350, 388; Mortgages: 126, 192, 215 John, Deeds: 497 LAMBERTS Catherine, Estates: 27 John, Estates: 27 LAMBERTSON John, Mortgages: 8; Estates: 27 LAMOREE (Lomereux, Lummerie) Andrew, Pages: 582, 631 Aren, Estates: 275 George, Pages: 631 Hannah, Mortgages: 590; Estates: 57 Isaac, Mortgages: 590, 848, 901, 911; Estates: 68; Pages: 571, 631 John, Estates: 261; Pages: 575, 584, 631 Rosella, Estates: 275 Timothy, Pages: 631 LANDON (Langdon) Thomas, Mortgages: 798; Pages: 573, 578, 581, 631 Timothy, Mortgages: 97 LANDROS Thomas, Deeds: 137 LANE Doxse, Deeds: 215, 526 George, Estates: 57 Jared, Deeds: 441, 454; Mortgages: 387 John, Deeds: 41, 79; Pages: 45 Tise, Deeds: 41 LANGDON



LAWRENCE, (continued) LANGDON, (continued) 459, 488, 766, 814, John, Deeds: 449 870; Pages: 568, 572, Margaret, Deeds: 449 574 Timothy, Deeds: 423 Esther, Deeds: 821 LANSINGH Ezekiel, Deeds: 821, Jerl, Deeds: 684, 685 822; Mortgages: 846, LANSINGBURGH, 870; Pages: 631 Rensalaer Co. , Deeds: Isaac, Estates: 208 812 Jacob, Deeds: 295, 784, LANTSMAN KILL 821, 822, 896; MortMortgages: 25 gages: 42, 108, 766, LAPHAM (see Sappon) 896, 901; Pages: 572 - Mortgages: 635 James, Mortgages: 358 Benjamin, Deeds: 215, John, Deeds: 64, 65, 257, 334, 368, 381, 205, 537, 633; Mort401, 402, 526, 841, gages: 478; Pages: 990, 1038; Mortgages: 615 80, 411 John, Deeds:86, 98, 105, Keziah, Estates: 208 Leonard, Mortgages: 446 296, 303, 416, 990 Mary, Deeds: 822; MortJonathan,Deeds:215, 257, 303, 401, gages: 108 266, 296, 402, 909, 990, 1016, Obediah, Pages: 572, 1017; Mortgages: 125, 631 Rachel, Estates: 68 133, 245, 250, 285 Richard, Deeds: 821, Mary, Deeds: 215, 909, 822; Pages: 631 1016, 1017 Pazzi, Mortgages: 411; Samuel, Deeds: 924; Mortgages: 846; Pages: 617 Reuben, Deeds: 1016, Pages: 572, 578, 631 1017 Stephen, Deeds: 821, LAROY (see Leroy) 822, 952; Mortgages: LASELL 766, 846; Pages: 584, 932, Joshua, Deeds: 631 933, 934, 983, 1025; Thads, Deeds: 622; Pages: 631 Mortgages: 570, 774; Estates: 152 Thomas, Deeds: 550; Waitstill, Deeds: 1025 Mortgages: 358 William, Pages: 631 LASKER LAWTON Henry, Mortgages: 91 David, Deeds: 713, 885; LASON Joseph, Mortgages: 446 Mortgages: 644 LATEMORE Hannah, Mortgages: 644 Ebenezer, Mortgages: LAZEAR 469 Ann, Deeds: 710; MortElisha, Mortgages: 438 gages: 179, 350 LATHAM Lucas (Louis), Deeds: Jonathon, Mortgages: 710; Mortgages: 179, 125 311, 350 LATHRUP LAZELL (see Lasell) LEACH Isaac, Mortgages: 281 Malatiah, Mortgages: Benjamin, Mortgages: 313 233, 318, 324, 325, 326, 355 Walter, Deeds: 661, Mary, Mortgages: 233 997; Estates: 283 LEE William, Estates: 97 Abner, Deeds: 877; LATTIN Adolph, Deeds: 855; Pages: 575, 578, 579, Pages: 631 580, 582, 583, 631 Benjamin, Deeds: 663, Debby, Deeds: 877 855; Pages: 573, 587, John, Deeds: 594, 1029 588, 631 Joseph, Deeds: 115 Widow, Pages: 631 Nathaniel, Pages: 588 LAWLESS LEECK Cornelia, Mortgages: Benjamin, Deeds: 841, 900 842 LEETS James, Mortgages: 900 John, Deeds: 830; MortJohn, Mortgages: 750 LEFFERTS gages: 900; Pages: 576, 579, 631 Daniel, Deeds: 518, Joseph, Mortgages: 900 791, 929; Mortgages Samuel, Pages: 631 741; Pages: 631 LAWRENCE Dirck, Mortgages: 577 Cornelius, Deeds: 493, 594, 595 756, 821, 822, 881, John, Mortgages: 368 896, 988; Mortgages: Susannah, Deeds: 791,

LEFFERTS, (continued) 929 LEGGETT Stephen, Mortgages: 662 LENON William, Deeds: 467 LEPENEER William, Deeds: 714 LE ROUX Charles, Deeds: 12, 35 79, 91; Mortgages: 209, 254; Pages: 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 21, 22 23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45, 73, 77 LEROY Pages: 48 Frances, Pages: 612 John, Estates: 242 LESLIE George Willocks, Deeds 252, 300; Mortgages: 87 Mary, Deeds: 300 LESTER - Mortgages: 187 Pages: 36, 37, 39-46 48, 49, 60, 63, 68, 72, 77, 86, 96 Benjamin, Deeds: 166, 296, 303, 383, 389, 390, 397, 574, 904, 1010; Mortgages: 331 361, 459; Pages: 604 Elizabeth, Deeds: 419, 539; Estates: 94 Enoch, Deeds: 352, 1010; Estates: 92, 277; Pages: 569, 573 Jacob, Estates: 94; Pages: 614 James, Deeds: 352, 419 571; Mortgages: 389, 437; Pages: 624 John, Deeds: 166, 352, 378, 417; Mortgages: 218; Pages: 65, 66 Mary, Deeds: 166, 417; Estates: 247 Mordecai, Deeds: 47, 48, 79, 100, 166, 177, 338, 352, 378, 417, 419, 565, 592, 630, 881, 980, 1041; Mortgages: 60, 201, 331, 445, 736; Estates: 162, 237; Pages: 39, 45, 51, 52, 54-58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 71, 74, 75, 76, 80, 84, 90, 93, 97, 98 Murry, Deeds: 527 LE TURE J. , Deeds: 812 LEVIN Daniel, Mortgages: 124 Isreal, Mortgages: 124 LEWIS - Pages: 57, 95, 97 Abigail, Estates: 163 Alanson, Deeds: 431 Barendt, Deeds: 79 Benjamin, Estates: 163, 164

INDEX LEWIS, (continued) Catherine, Deeds: 110, 683, 684, 798, 838 Clarachi (Yerry), Deeds: 684, 798 Daniel, Deeds: 380, 763, 836, 899; Mortgages: 75, 124, 445, 873, 922; Estates: 163, 164; Pages: 614 Elsie, Mortgages: 22 Enoch, Mortgages: 907; Estates: 82; Pages: 581, 631 Francis, Mortgages: 593 George, Estates: 163 Gerardus, Estates: 69 Gertrude, Deeds: 898 Hannah, Estates: 163 Israel, Deeds: 277, 380, 763, 838, 899; Mortgages: 124, 922; Estates: 164 Jacob, Deeds: 177, 675, 682, 683, 684, 798; Mortgages: 250, 625; Estates: 165 Jemima, Estates: 164 John, Deeds: 189, 899; Mortgages: 22, 375, 451 Jonathan, Estates: 163 J. Robert, Deeds: 898 Leah (Dub), Deeds: 684, 798 Leonard, Deeds: 110, 684, 798; Pages: 46, 47 Lothrop, Deeds: 114 Magdalene, Estates: 33 Margaret, Deeds: 769 Martha, Deeds: 457 Mary, Estates: 163 Mercy, Estates: 163 Morgan, Deeds: 674, 682, 684, 685, 798, 906; Mortgages: 625, 632; Pages: 631 Morn, Deeds: 769, 770, 858, 1018 Morris, Pages: 621 Phebe, Deeds: 684, 798; Estates: 163 Rachel (Freer), Deeds: 684, 798 Rebecca, Deeds: 684, 798 Richard, Pages: 631 Sarah, Mortgages: 907 Thomas, Deeds: 326; Pages: 24, 25 LIBRARY, PLEASANT VALLEY Deeds: 948 LIGHT John, Pages: 575, 576, 631 LILLY (Lillie) Jonathon, Deeds: 834 Moses, Mortgages: 145, 150 LINEBEAKER John, Deeds: 25 LINONTON Thomas, Pages: 619 LIP Wid. , Pages: 36

LISCUIM Samuel, Mortgages: 526 LISPENARD - Deeds: 345, 503; Pages: 86, 87, 88, 90, 93, 97, 98 Anthony, Deeds: 1000; Mortgages: 462 Elsie, Deeds: 64, 204, 207, 327 John, Deeds: 1000 Leonard, Deeds: 40, 41, 42, 64, 204, 205, 207, 277, 327, 345, 387, 503, 567, 568, 624-627, 639, 688, 747, 846, 1000; Mortgages: 243, 258, 259, 260, 261, 264, 462, 471, 472; Pages: 8792, 96 M. T. , Mortgages: 165 LITCHFIELD, CONN. Deeds: 551, 804, 907, 932, 933, 934; Mortgages: 215, 917; Estates: 15, 155, 222; Pages: 598 LITTLE COMPTON, R.I. Mortgages: 603 LITTLE John, Estates: 217 LITTLE (or Upper) NINE PARTNERS Deeds: 24, 160, 165, 167, 178, 220, 296, 303, 339, 451, 598, 614, 615, 746, 786, 856, 902, 963, 964; Mortgages: 24, 65, 88, 117, 125, 183, 245, 510, 560, 635, 703, 744, 761, 839; Estates: 282; Pages: 53 69 72 77 80, 86, 89, 90, 94, 95, 571, 574, 585 LIVEN George, Pages: 600 LIVINGSTON Albany Co., Deeds: 422, 650; Mortgages: 23, 195 Brockholst, Deeds: 742, 772 Catherine, Deeds: 940 Eliza, Mortgages: 772 Gilbert, Deeds: 15, 16, 203, 302, 548, 570, 600, 631, 635, 681, 684 704 705 706, 712, 716, 730, 732, 733, 734, 736, 741, 752, 762, 779, 791, 798, 801, 824, 828, 833, 835, 839, 840, 862, 865, 870, 881, 882, 888, 940, 959, 982, 987, 1026, 1035; Mortgages: 31, 41, 77, 78, 329, 900; Estates: 190; Pages: 9 Henry, Deeds: 20, 23, 27, 28, 36, 37, 38, 47, 48, 49, 50, 58, 69, 70, 75, 79, 89,

677 LIVINGSTON, (continued) 93, 101, 102, 103, 167, 168, 170, 193, 203 , 217, 246, 247, 249 , 283, 302, 311, 313, 315, 316, 317, 320, 329, 372, 377, 910; Mortgages: 3, 12, 17, 24, 26, 30, 36, 42, 43, 44, 53, 59, 77, 78, 92, 112, 135 , 234, 329, 425 Henry Jr., Deeds: 278, 279 , 283, 306, 307, 311 , 313, 348, 363, 365, 372; Mortgages: 24, 141 James , Deeds: 272, 339, 357, 446, 447, 1015; Estates: 249 James G. , Deeds: 69, 70, 78, 79, 94, 108, 109, 122, 153, 171, 172, 292, 377, 579; Mortgages: 3, 5, 16, 52; Estates: 102 Joanna, Deeds: 365 John, Deeds: 668; Mortgages: 27, 70, 72; Estates: 166 Judith, Deeds: 94 Martin, Deeds: 770 Maturin, Deeds: 858, 1012 Peter, Deeds: 658 R. or Rob., Pages: 22, 23 Robert G., Deeds: 253, 306, 307, 311, 335, 336, 337, 341, 363, 365, 412, 440, 443, 1027; Mortgages: 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 37, 41, 42, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 86, 92, 101, 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 129, 130, 134, 140, 141, 142, 149, 150, 151, 193, 195, 196, 206, 222, 225, 247, 249, 282, 323, 329, 343, 361, 402, 405, 483 Schuyler, Mortgages: 772 Susannah, Deeds: 75 Walter, Deeds: 650, 728; Mortgages: 482 William, Mortgages: 252 LIVINGSTONE Pages: 5, 10, 11, 17, 18, 21, 29, 62 LLOYD John, Mortgages: 268, 270, 604 LOAN OFFICE OF STATE OF N.Y. Mortgages: 506 LOCKWARD Ann, Estates: 123 LOCKWOOD Jonathan, Estates: 241 Stephen, Mortgages: 882 Theophilus, Mortgages: 318 Walter, Estates: 149

678 LODGE - Pages: 90 Abraham, Pages: 89 LOGAN Joseph, Mortgages: 651 LON Jacob, Deeds: 271 LONDERT (Lonehart) - Deeds: 22 Catherine, Deeds: 54 Peter, Mortgages: 201 Philip, Deeds: 21, 54; Mortgages: 25, 128, 201 LONDON Deeds: 592 LONG ISLAND Deeds: 677, 785, 797; Mortgages: 690, 815, 816, 825, 901; Estates: 22, 182, 197; Pages: 72, 73, 82 LOPER (see Soper) Elliper, Deeds: 503 LORD Anne, Deeds: 780 Ephraim, Deeds: 198, 307; Mortgages: 78 Henry, Deeds: 648, 780 LOSEE (Locee) Abraham, Deeds: 503; Estates: 280 Anna, Estates: 167 Elizabeth, Estates: 192 George, Deeds: 630 Gertrude, Estates: 192 James, Deeds: 519; Estates: 106, 118, 167; Pages: 590 John, Deeds: 36, 732; Estates: 89 Langdon, Pages: 631 Miriam, Deeds: 885 Nathaniel, Estates: 167 Oliver, Deeds: 720 Phebe, Estates: 167 Sarah, Estates: 167 Simon, Deeds: 630, 885; Mortgages: 519, 925; Estates: 167; Pages: 610 LOSSING Peter, Deeds: 785 LOTHROP (see Lathrup) LOTT Abraham, Deeds: 218, 354, 555; Estates: 168 Bottes, Deeds: 501 Henry (Hendrick), Deeds: 51, 185, 216, 280, 354, 355, 359, 743; Estates: 168, 280 Hester, Estates: 168 Johannes, Deeds: 421 Mary, Estates: 168 Peter, Deeds, 354; Estates: 168 Sarah, Estates: 168 LOUNGH Margaret, Estates: 45 LOUNSBURY - Mortgages: 640 Isaac, Deeds: 552, 671 Joshua, Deeds: 1043;

INDEX LOUNSBURY, (continued) Mortgages: 373, 449 Michael, Deeds: 776, 856; Mortgages: 380, 381, 839; Estates: 240 Phileas, Mortgages: 421 Phineas, Deeds: 610, 629; Mortgages: 434, 599 Thomas, Deeds: 505, 657; Mortgages: 296 LOW Cornelius, Deeds: 837, 886; Mortgages: 884; Pages: 64, 92 Jacob, Deeds: 431; Mortgages: 14; Pages: 67 Peter, Estates: 236 LOWNHARD (see Londert) LOZET Joshua, Mortgages: 698 LUCE Daniel, Deeds: 141, 286, 640; Mortgages: 118 LUDLOW Char. , Deeds: 823 Cornelia, Deeds: 327, 391, 396, 559, 823, 997 Daniel, Mortgages: 499 Fras. , Deeds: 375 Gabriel, Deeds: 145, 327, 391, 396, 559, 708, 741, 823, 840, 896, 972, 997, 1011; Mortgages: 16, 29, 237, 265, 353, 362, 374, 461, 552, 555, 672, 829, 896; Estates: 63 George, Mortgages: 265 John, Mortgages: 496 Samuel, Mortgages: 265 William, Mortgages: 265 LUGUER Abraham, Mortgages: 534 LUTHER Ezra, Deeds: 968 LUTHERAN CHURCH, Wittenburgh, Estates: 282 LYDE Edward, Mortgages: 855 LYDIA (Slave), Pages: 595, 596 LYMAN Elizabeth, Estates: 145 LYME, New London Co. , Conn. , Deeds: 1, 199 LYNE James, Deeds: 45, 91; Pages: 29, 37 LYON Elnathan Deeds: 486 487, 571, 587, 588, 671, 973; Mortgages: 456, 648, 713, 795; Estates: 292; Pages: 571, 572, 573, 631 Isaac, Estates: 292; Pages: 587, 631

LYON, (continued) Jonathan, Deeds: 670; Pages: 584, 631 Joshua, Mortgages: 177 Peter, Deeds: 140 Thomas, Deeds: 671 William, Mortgages: 871

MABBETT Hannah, Estates: 169 Isaac, Deeds: 461 Israel, Estates: 169 Jane, Estates: 169 Jemima, Estates: 169 John, Estates: 169 Jonathan, Deeds: 782, 811, 814; Mortgages: 701, 866; Estates: 169 Joseph, Deeds: 299, 497, 538, 646, 655, 783, 797; Mortgages: 267, 404, 419, 481, 487, 491, 494, 511, 531, 579, 682, 793; Estates: 169 Joseph S. , Deeds: 787, 812, 815, 816, 826, 1023; Estates: 170 Mary, Deeds: 812, 826; Estates: 169 Peter, Estates: 169 Phebe, Estates: 169 Richard, Mortgages: 511, Estates: 169 Samuel, Deeds: 489, 612, 613, 1024, 1039; Mortgages: 253, 257, 282, 431, 783, 800, 820; Estates: 76, 169, 170 Sarah, Estates: 169 Titus, Deeds: 913; Mortgages: 511; Estates: 169 Tony, Estates: 169 MACCLURE Willm. , Deeds: 410 MAC DONALD John, Estates: 93 MACETURE William, Deeds: 666 MACKENGIE Elizabeth, Mortgages: 906 MACKINBURGH Hannah, Estates: 38 MACOMBER Archer, Deeds: 996 David, Pages: 606 John, Mortgages: 362; Estates: 75, 127 MACY Anna, Deeds: 522 John, Mortgages: 333 Robert, Deeds: 522 MADES Enos, Mortgages: 16 Timothy, Deeds: 289 MAGDANIEL Peter, Pages: 618 MAGEE Samuel, Mortgages: 747 MAHEW Mortgages: 48

INDEX MALE (see Maule) MALLERY Azariah, Deeds: 735, 755; Mortgages: 697 Ebenezer, Deeds: 735, 755; Mortgages: 697 Mary, Deeds: 755; Mortgages: 697 MALMSBERRY (or Pawlings Purchase) Deeds: 644, 799; Mortgages: 527 MALONEY (see Meloney) MAMORONECK, Westchester, Deeds: 11, 14; Estates: 136, 186 MANCHESTER Stephen, Estates: 24 MANCIUS Casparus, Deeds: 363 Wilhelm, Deeds: 15, 16 MANN Edward, Estates: 274 Whiting, Deeds: 937 MANNING - Deeds: 758 Abigail, Estates: 259 Caleb, Estates: 259; Pages: 632 Charles, Deeds: 549, 631, 663, 665, 722; Mortgages: 412, 471, 596, 603, 664, 667; Estates: 259; Pages: 587, 632 Gabriel, Mortgages: 384, 500 Jacob, Deeds: 722; Pages: 632 John, Deeds: 310, 631, 722; Mortgages: 472, 500, 664; Estates: 259; Pages: 573, 576, 579, 582, 585, 587, 632 Joshua, Deeds: 722; Mortgages: 472 Martha, Deeds: 631, 722 Mehitabel, Deeds: 549 Thomas, Mortgages: 472 MAP Pages: 24 MARKE Patty, Estates: 26 MARKLE William, Deeds: 534 MARQUART George, Deeds: 942; Mortgages: 853; Pages: 632 Jeremiah, Deeds: 942; Mortgages: 853 Johannis, Deeds: 511, 566, 717, 718, 769; Mortgages: 107 John, Pages: 632 Mary, Deeds: 942 Peter, Pages: 577, 582, 632 MARRIOTT Henry, Estates: 146 Jonathan, Deeds: 1033 Estates: 146, 175, 206 MARSH Mary, Deeds: 516

MARSH, (continued) Mathias, Deeds: 153 Silas, Deeds: 324, 398, 479, 516, 651, 847, 849; Mortgages: 327; 153 Stella, Deeds: 656 MARSHALL Aron, Pages: 631 Elinor, Deeds: 43, 44 Ellathan, Deeds: 878; Mortgages: 867 Elnathan, widow, Pages: 631 Francis, Deeds: 393 George, Deeds: 393 Henry, Deeds: 558, 877, 912, 957; Mortgages: 374, 467, 691; Pages: 582, 584, 585, 587, 632 J. Zacheas, Pages: 632 James, Deeds: 43, 122, 145, 296, 303, 797; Mortgages: 346, 754, 769, 801, 825, 911; Pages: 587, 592, 593, 594, 631, 632 Jarvis, Deeds: 4, 8, 9, 12, 29, 43, 44, 45 Johannes, Deeds: 392, 393 John, Estates: 26 Justice, Deeds: 659, 825; Mortgages: 497; Pages: 571, 584, 587, 632 Major, Pages: 581, 632 Nathaniel, Estates: 19 Nehemiah, Pages: 568, 577, 580, 583, 586 Reuben, Deeds: 804; Pages: 570 Ruth, Mortgages: 867 Stephen, Deeds: 946 Totten, Deeds: 912; Pages: 582, 632 William, Estates: 26 Zacheus, Deeds: 493, 761, 788, 789, 957; Mortgages: 488, 814, 870; Pages: 574, 588, 603, 632 MARSTON Nathaniel, Deeds: 12, 35, 39, 65, 67, 68, 204, 327 Thomas, Deeds: 44 MARTIN Mortgages: 110 MARTLINGHS Abraham, Deeds: 238 MARVIN Benjamin, Deeds: 596 Robert, Deeds: 397; Estates: 237; Pages: 604 MARY (Slave), Pages: 599, 600 MARICHES (Maritches) Deeds: 736, 922, 923, 944, 945; Mortgages: 634, 681, 856, 857, 868, 886

679 MARYTJE PATENT Pages: 8, 10, 15, 18, 26, 41 MASBET Isaac, Deeds: 461 MASH John, Deeds: 914 Rachel, Deeds: 914 MASON Daniel, Mortgages: 783 Joseph, Mortgages: 782. 797, 831 Peleg, Mortgages: 731 MASSACHUSETTS Deeds: 134, 183, 319, 367, 420, 557, 580, 591, 592, 734, 799; Mortgages: 322, 673, 689; Estates: 12, 159; Pages: 598 MASTEN Abraham, Estates: 171 Anateje, Estates: 171 Aurt, Deeds: 868; Estates: 171 Charity, Deeds: 956; Mortgages: 685 Cornelas, Pages: 631 Dirck, Estates: 171 Elisha, Deeds: 715, 739; Mortgages: 643 Elizabeth, Deeds: 715; Estates: 171 Geertje, Estates: 171 Jacobus, Estates: 171 Jeremiah, Estates: 171 John, Mortgages: 685; Estates: 171; Pages: 632 Lawrence, Estates: 182 Maria, Estates: 171 Marretje, Estates: 171 Mary, Estates: 171 Peter, Estates: 171 Samuel, Deeds: 868, 953, 956; Mortgages: 612, 843; Estates: 171 MATTHEWS David, Deeds: 251, 356, 367; Mortgages: 232 MATTHEWSON Bernard, Deeds: 832, 852; Mortgages: 792 Caleb, Deeds: 832 Darius, Deeds: 832 Deborah, Mortgages: 792 MATRAT Franseva, Deeds: 312 MAUERER Paulus, Estates: 168 MAULE Frederick, Deeds: 1019 Mary, Deeds: 1019 Thomas, Mortgages: 656, 657 MAXFIELD Pages: 35 MAY Daniel, Deeds: 838 Thomas, Estates: 127 MAYFIELD, Montgomery Co. , Deeds: 929 MAYHEW Ebenezer, Mortgages: 73

680 MAYO Holmes, Mortgages: 164, 186 MC CALLUM John, Estates: 172 MC CAULEY Alexander, Mortgages: 354 MC CORD Frederick, Mortgages: 837 Samuel, Deeds: 258, 260; Mortgages: 101 MC CLURE William, Deeds: 410 MC DANIEL Peter, Pages: 618 MC DONALD John, Deeds: 797 MC EVERS Charles, Mortgages: 175, 305, 387 MC FARLING (McFarden) Daniel, Mortgages: 837, 878; Pages: 631 MC GREGORY Edward, Deeds: 157 MC HAGO Samuel, Estates: 306 MC KEELY John, Deeds: 864 MC KENNEY John, Deeds: 412 MC KENGIE Elizabeth, Deeds: 906 MC KESSON John, Mortgages: 401 MC LEAN Chloe, Estates: 190 Henry, Estates: 190 James, Estates: 190 John, Estates: 190 Mercy, Estates: 190 Susan, Deeds: 810 MELONEY Briant, Pages: 632 MC NAME(seeName,VanNamee) William, Deeds: 912, 957; Pages: 632 MC NEAL Luther, Pages: 598 MC PHAEDRIS Helen, Deeds: 363; Mortgages: 30, 43, 48, 49, 59, 77, 81 MEAD Enos, Deeds: 132, 154, 210, 220, 381, 786, 1043; Mortgages: 45, 124, 300; Estates: 174 Henry, Deeds: 968; Mortgages: 606 James, Deeds: 129, 335; Mortgages: 105 Job, Deeds: 114; Mortgages: 114, 270, 293; Estates: 100, 172 Jonathan, Deeds: 220; Mortgages: 45, Estates: 174; Pages: 607 Joseph, Estates: 174; Pages: 631 Joshua, Estates: 173 King, Estates: 172

INDEX MEAD, (continued) Nathan, Deeds: 211, 220, 470; Mortgages: 98, 114, 123, 204, 211, 270 Nehemiah, Estates: 174 Noah, Estates: 174 Phillip, Estates: 174 Reuben, Mortgages: 373 Ruth, Deeds: 968 Samuel, Mortgages: 605 Sarah, Estates: 156, 174 Stephen, Deeds: 451, 871; Estates: 240 Timothy, Deeds: 200, 228, 335; Mortgages: 100, 105, 106, 149, 155, 226, 231 Zebulon, Deeds: 380; Mortgages: 105, 106, 124, 399 MEEK Job, Deeds: 614, 615 MEETING HOUSE - Deeds: 364, 638 Deeds: City, 698 Friends, 812, 891 Friends, Brick, 826 Friends, Stanford, 925, 947 Friends, Washington, 919 Methodist, 838 Separatist, 327 Union, Amenia, 661 MELONA Bryan, Mortgages: 724, 795 MERCHANT Abel, Mortgages: 397 MERICHES (see Marytje) MERRITT Abraham, Deeds: 811, 814, 829 Anna, Deeds: 811 Consider, Deeds: 764, 811, 814, 829, 830 Daniel, Estates: 8 Hannah, Estates: 169 Ichabod, Mortgages: 722, 932 James, Pages: 632 Joseph, Deeds: 462, 811, 814 Nehemiah, Deeds: 764, 920; Mortgages: 363, 371, 491, 710; Estates: 8 Ruth, Mortgages: 932; Estates: 290 Sarah, Deeds: 811 William, Pages: 632 MESTER Peter, Deeds: 762; Mortgages: 522 MESSENGER Susannah, Estates: 178 METHODIST SOCIETY Deeds: 838 MEYERS John, Mortgages: 401 MICHAEL (Michel) Archibald, Mortgages: 798

MICHAEL, (continued) Thomas, Pages: 632 MIDDLESEX, Mass., Deeds: 734 New Jersey, Deeds: 576, 585; Mortgages: 755, 781 MIDDLETON Peter, Mortgages: 96 MILES Job, Mortgages: 360 MILFORD Pages: 23 MILK Job, Deeds: 614, 615, 776; Mortgages: 360, 504, 510, 659 MILLER - Deeds: 1016 Abraham, Deeds: 871; Mortgages: 791; Estates: 240 Burnett, Deeds: 459, 471, 818, 863, 1013; Mortgages: 460, 770; Estates: 175 Christiana, Deeds: 177 Cornelius, Deeds: 101, 102, 103, 177, 338 Eleazer, Estates: 175 Elizabeth, Estates: 175, 176 Gurdon (Guidon), Deeds: 460; Estates: 175; Pages: 614 Hubert, Deeds: 817 James, Deeds: 221, 246, 697, 713; Mortgages: 43, 913; Estates: 22, 176; Pages: 620 Jason, Deeds: 1032; Mortgages: 460; Estates: 175 John, Deeds: 832; Mortgages: 345, 792; Estates: 175 Jonathan, Deeds: 848 Joseph, Estates: 97 Lycresia (Lucretia), Deeds: 818; Estates: 175 Margret, Estates: 175 Martha, Estates: 33 Mary, Estates: 175, 176 Mathias, Deeds: 591; Estates: 32 Moriah, Estates: 175 Phebe, Estates: 175 Polly, Estates: 240 Ruth, Estates: 175 Samuel, Deeds: 194 Thomas, Estates: 175 MILLHAM Abraham, Mortgages: 761 Counroud, Mortgages: 761 MILLS Ann, Estates: 178, 263 Bathiah, Estates: 177 Daniel, Pages: 622 Eli, Deeds: 551; Mortgages: 707, 802 Ephraim, Mortgages: 181; Estates: 177 Hannah, Estates: 177 Hezekiah, Mortgages:

INDEX MILLS, (continued) 297; Estates: 95, 178; Pages: 609 Jacob, Estates: 95 James, Mortgages: 28 John, Estates: 177 Mary, Mortgages: 297; Estates: 177 Obadiah, Mortgages: 315 Peletiah, Deeds: 464; Mortgages: 343, 370 Peter, Estates: 286 Phebe, Estates: 177 Samuel, Deeds: 178; Estates: 177, 263 Stephen, Estates: 177 Susanna, Deeds: 546; Estates: 177, 178 William, Estates: 177 Zebulon, Estates: 95, 178 MILSTON, East New Jersey, Mortgages: 175 MINIS INK, New Jersey, Mortgages: 596, 686 MINTHORNE Helegont, Deeds: 4 Philip, Deeds: 4 MINTON Benjamin, Mortgages: 290 MITCHELL Archibald, Mortgages: 798 John, Deeds: 675; Estates: 233 Joseph, Mortgages: 744 Nathan, Deeds: 404 Uriah, Deeds: 491; Mortgages: 460, 754, 769, 825; Estates: 247; Pages: 569, 578 581, 604, 613 William, Deeds: 353, 745, 830, 848, 849, 930, 940; Mortgages: 72, 305 MIX Benjamin, Deeds: 545 MOCKEEP Mortgages: 631 MOHAWK, Montgomery Co., Mortgages: 521 MOLENEY Mortgages: 648 MONCON Ezilpke, Deeds: 195 MONEY Elisha, Estates: 1 Eunice, Estates: 1 George, Estates: 1 Jesse Adsit, Estates: 1 John, Estates: 1 Joseph, Estates: 1 Martin, Estates: 1 Reuben, Estates: 1 MONGER Lemuel, Deeds: 462 MONTANYA Joseph, Deeds: 354 MONTGOMERY County, Deeds: 752, 929; Mortgages: 416,

MONTGOMERY, (continued) 521; Estates: 196 James, Deeds: 459, 460; Pages: 616 John, Deeds: 547; Pages: 6, 7 Margaret, Deeds: 459 MONTREAL, CANADA Deeds: 350, 388 MONTROSS Anne, Mortgages: 309 Jacob, Deeds: 457; Mortgages: 309; Pages: 613 MOON Daniel, Estates: 23 MOORE (More) Amos, Deeds: 323; Mortgages: 163, 164 J. , Deeds: 717 Johannah, Mortgages: 794 Jonathan, Deeds: 371 Lambert, Mortgages: 192, 204 Maddleen, Estates: 250 Mary, Estates: 114 Nicholas, Deeds: 693, 717; Mortgages: 620, 699 Samuel, Deeds: 318 Sec. , Pages: 46 Thomas, Deeds: 445 William, Estates: 114, 308 MORDOCK John, Deeds: 464; Mortgages: 343 Lemeri, Mortgages: 556 MOREHOUSE Andrew, Deeds: 529, 533 MOREY Caleb, Deeds: 333, 334; Mortgages: 166 Stephen, Mortgages: 453, 463, 464, 580, 589, 607 MORGAN - Deeds: 709, 974 George, Mortgages: 465 Israel, Mortgages: 799, 821 James, Deeds: 585; Mortgages: 755, 781 Margaret, Deeds: 585 Susannah, Mortgages: 799 MORRIS (Morice) Frederick, Estates: 251; Pages: 7, 30, 34 Gouv. , Deeds: 673, 675 Henry, Deeds: 690 Isaac, Deeds: 897 Lewis, Deeds: 312, 410, 599, 669; Mortgages: 74; Pages: 49, 92 Mary, Deeds: 410, 669 Rebecca, Deeds: 897 Richard, Mortgages: 6169, 71 Roger, Mortgages: 168, 207, 229 Sarah, Deeds: 682, 684, 685, 798; Mortgages: 74, 617, 625 MORRISANIA

681 MORRISANIA, (continued) Westchester, Deeds: 682; Mortgages: 617 MORSE (Mors) Elisha, Deeds: 915, 952; Mortgages: 766, 846; Pages: 572, 578, 581, 583, 631 Francis, Estates: 3 Joshua, Deeds: 728, 730; Mortgages: 194, 455; Pages: 586, 632 Josiah, Deeds: 502, 508, 1014 Margaret, Deeds: 952 Peter, Deeds: 496; Mortgages: 768 Reuben, Deeds: 761, 952; Mortgages: 766, 870; Pages: 574, 579, 584, 587, 631 MOSES Elisha, Mortgages: 488 Joshua, Mortgages: 33, 89, 353 Reuben, Mortgages: 488 MOSHER Abigail, Estates: 179 Benjamin, Deeds: 767, 788, 789, 829, 912; Mortgages: 531, 823, 860; Pages: 632 Betty, Estates: 296 Caleb, Deeds: 579, 580, 697, 713; Mortgages: 25, 298; Estates: 129, 179, 265 Christopher, Deeds: 776; Estates: 223 Elizabeth, Estates: 179 Enock, Estates: 265 Ephraim, Deeds: 97 Esick, Deeds: 580, 582, 697, 713, 725; Mortgages: 929; Estates: 179 George, Deeds: 450 Hannah, Deeds: 891; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 130 Hette, Deeds: 788 Hugh, Deeds: 498; Mortgages: 257; Estates: 180 Ichabod, Mortgages: 362 Israel, Estates: 179 Lydia, Estates: 211 Martha, Estates: 179 Mary, Deeds: 879; Mortgages: 828; Estates: 130 Peter, Deeds: 481 Philip, Deeds: 879; Estates: 179, 265 Richard, Deeds: 766 Ruth, Estates: 148 Samuel, Deeds: 879; Mortgages: 727, 828; Estates: 179 Sarah, Estates: 76, 130 Stephen, Deeds: 926 Thomas, Deeds: 891, 926, 947; Mortgages: 671, 850, 854; Estates: 148 Tripp, Deeds: 812, 815,

682 MOSHER, (continued) 816, 826, 996; Mortgages: 727; Estates: 50, 127, 130, 179, 278, 294, 296; Pages: 617 Zachariah, Deeds: 766, 820, 1019; Mortgages: 553, 762; Pages: 623 Zacheus, Deeds: 927 MOSS John, Deeds: 1010 Reuben, Deeds: 1010; Estates: 184 MOTT - Pages: 86, 94 Abigail, Mortgages: 725 Catherine, Deeds: 383; Estates: 182 Ebenezer, Deeds: 746, 962, 963, 967; Mortgages: 703, 704, 752; Estates: 34, 97; Pages: 588 Elizabeth, Estates: 182 Henry, Pages: 632 Jacob, Deeds: 274, 308, 309, 362, 375, 376, 493, 969; Mortgages: 147, 148, 256, 384, 585; Estates: 182 James, Mortgages: 111, 267, 560; Estates: 181, 301 Jane, Estates: 169, 182 Jemima, Estates: 182 John, Mortgages: 321, 408, 487, 579, 725; Estates: 295 Joseph, Deeds: 79, 153, 274, 294, 296, 303, 308, 309, 310, 375, 377, 378, 383, 384, 396, 442, 512, 517, 592, 596, 663, 1010; Mortgages: 33, 187, 256, 455, 488, 638, 661; Estates: 182, 237; Pages: 60, 65, 66, 631 Margaret, Deeds: 310, 665 Martha, Estates: 182 Mary, Deeds: 746, 963 Pheby, Deeds: 310 Richard, Deeds: 596; Estates: 182 Samuel, Deeds: 308, 309, 310, 362, 375, 376, 385, 646, 665, 680, 811, 814, 830, 955; Mortgages: 256, 337, 384, 416, 436, 439, 471, 472, 511, 599; Estates: 182, 242 MOXSAM Samuel, Estates: 143 MUDGE Amus, Deeds: 929 MUIRSON Magdalen, Deeds: 921; Mortgages: 180 MULFORD David, Deeds: 465; Mortgages: 295, 409

INDEX NEHER, (continued) MULFORD, (continued) 101, 177 Elias, Deeds: 509, 1032 NEHR Hannah, Mortgages: 409; Johannes, Estates: 142 Pages: 632 NELSON Jacob, Mortgages: 527, Deeds: 227, 716, 753, 654 801, 810; Mortgages: Job, Deeds: 465, 644, 507, 749; Pages: 15, 1031; Mortgages: 409, 16, 22, 25, 27, 28, 498 35, 47, 64, 65 Samuel, Deeds: 509, 902 Widow, Deeds: 700, 726, MULLIN 738; Mortgages: 646, Eleanor, Estates: 56 730 Patrick, Estates: 56 Alexander, Deeds: 311, MUNGER 368, 523; Mortgages: Billie, Deeds: 399 82, 196, 225, 387, MUNRO 734 Peter Jay, Mortgages: Ann, Estates: 185, 187 394 Arnold, Estates: 184 Phebe, Estates: 197 Bloomer, Deeds: 571 MURPHY Deeds: 259; Caleb, Hannah (Slave), Pages: Mortgages: 138; Es591, 592 tates: 220 MURRAY (Murry) Catherine, Estates: 188 Mr. , Pages: 10, 18, 29, Deeds: 749, Charles, 72, 86, 88, 96, 97, 750; Estates: 188 98 Christina, Estates: 185 Ezra, Estates: 287 David, Estates: 188 John, Deeds: 570; MortEstates: 220 Easter, gages: 590, 886 Elijah, Estates: 186 Jos. or J. , Pages: 8, Elizabeth, Estates: 17 184, 187 Noah, Deeds: 940 Mortgages: 83; Enoch, MYER 186 Estates: Jede, Pages: 6 Esther, Estates: 186 Manuel, Mortgages: 88 Exana, Estates: 186 Simon, Deeds: 443 Francis, Deeds: 14, 65, MYGATT 70, 91, 204, 568, Abigail, Estates: 183 666, 700, 704, 877, Elizabeth, Estates: 183 988; Mortgages: 379, Hannah, Estates: 183 417, 647, 814; EsJoseph, Estates: 183 tates: 184, 186, 187; Preson, Estates: 183 Pages: 38, 571, 575, Thomas, Deeds: 682; Es587, 632 tates: 183 George, Deeds: 966; Mortgages: 836, 894; NACK Estates: 188 Rinier, Estates: 88 Gloriana, Estates: 186 Hannah, Deeds: 704, NAME (see Mc Name) William M. , Deeds: 912 726; Mortgages: 646, NAMEN 910 Joseph, Mortgages: 133, Hashbaz, Estates: 186 285 John, Deeds: 70, 76, NASE 107, 143, 259, 619, Cornelius, Deeds: 1042 620, 634, 704; MortJohn, Deeds: 997, 998, gages: 138, 188, 303; 999, 1019 Estates: 4, 129, 184 Margaret, Deeds: 1019 Joshua, Deeds: 76, 738, Philip, Deeds: 72, 387, 772, 946; Mortgages: 475, 997, 998, 999, 595, 836, 894, 910; 1000 Estates: 184, 185, William, Deeds: 1000 188; Pages: 575, 579, NASSAU 632 Deeds: 57, 384, 659; Justice, Deeds: 259, Mortgages: 46 730; Mortgages: 138; NEAR Estates: 185 Jacob, Estates: 142 Leb, Deeds: 14 NEELY Leonard, Estates: 184 Alexander, Mortgages: Lucretia, Estates: 185 919 Mahershalalhashbaz, Henry, Estates: 187 Deeds: 70, 79; EsSusannah, Estates: 187 tates: 186 NEES Mary, Estates: 185, 186, 187, 188 Hendrick, Deeds: 60 NEHER Math, Pages: 45 Francis, Deeds: 100, Mephiboseth, Deeds:

INDEX NELSON, (continued) 143, 730; Estates: 185 Meribah (Maraby), Deeds: 877, 988; Mortgages: 814 Meriam, Deeds: 730; Mortgages: 687, 730; Estates: 185; Pages: 575, 576 Paul, Deeds: 91, 753; Pages: 38 Polycarpus, Deeds: 11, 12, 13, 14, 45, 70, 143; Estates: 185; Pages: 13 Reuben, Deeds: 143, 700, 704, 726, 730; Mortgages: 441, 646; Estates: 185, 187 Ruth, Deeds: 14, 70; Estates: 186 Sarah, Mortgages: 647; Estates: 4, 184, 188 Shadrach, Estates: 186 Sibel, Estates: 186 Stephen, Deeds: 700, 726, 730, 772; Mortgages: 687; Estates: 188; Pages: 632 Susannah, Estates: 187 Theophilus, Deeds: 704, 726, 749, 750; Estates: 185, 188 Thomas, Deeds: 70, 104, 666; Estates: 186 Zeba, Estates: 187 NEWARK, N.J. Deeds: 568, 747, 835 NEW BRISTOL Deeds: 592 NEWBURGH, Orange Co. , Mortgages: 483 NEW CASTLE, Delaware, Estates: 192 Westchester, Deeds: 723, 757 NEWCOMB - Deeds: 192, 890; Mortgages: 37, 323, 737 Adamiah, Estates: 115 Adonijah, Deeds, 95, 220, 285, 339, 414; Mortgages: 135 Azariah, Deeds: 85; Mortgages: 3, 161 Charlotte, Estates: 189 Christian, Estates: 189 Cyrenius, Deeds: 84, 95, 280; Mortgages: 20 Daniel, Estates: 189 James, Estates: 189, 258 John, Deeds: 878; Mortgages: 605, 715, 751, 817, 867; Estates: 189; Pages: 632 Judith, Deeds: 77 Mary, Estates: 189, 258 Ruth, Deeds: 414; Estates: 189 Sara, Estates: 189, 258


NEWCOMB, (continued) NEW WINDSOR, Simon, Deeds: 266; Ulster Co. , Deeds: 396, Mortgages: 52, 131 646; Mortgages: 528, Thomas, Deeds: 51, 77, 579 95, 280, 339, 340, NEW YORK CITY 413, 414, 427, 834; Deeds: 4, 17, 38, 40, Mortgages: 3, 76, 41, 44, 45, 52, 53, 161, 508; Estates: 57, 64, 73, 91, 111, 189; Pages: 584, 632 113, 127, 130, 147, Zacharias, Deeds: 77; 159, 169, 185, 187, Estates: 11 201, 204-207, 251, Zacheus, Deeds: 363, 252, 269, 272, 281, 467, 490, 492, 521, 300, 306, 307, 311, 607, 705, 706, 948; 321, 322, 323, 327, Mortgages: 3, 52, 335-337, 349, 354, 101, 161, 349, 715; 356, 360, 363, 379, Estates: 189, 258; 391, 392, 396, 411, Pages: 573, 579, 581, 427, 435, 436, 444, 621, 632 445, 454, 471, 558, NEWETT 567, 568, 589, 590, John, Deeds: 513, 514, 591, 593, 608, 614, 658, 659; Mortgages: 615, 640, 644, 657, 550 658, 669, 672, 676, NEW FAIRFIELD, CONN. 682, 684, 710, 719, Deeds: 438, 439, 440; 732, 733, 738, 742, Mortgages: 449; Es744, 751, 768, 784, tates: 207 799, 823, 825, 853, NEW HAVEN, CONN. 854, 882, 886, 887, Deeds: 87, 446, 447, 922, 923, 925, 928, 448, 457 941, 944, 945, 949, NEW HEMPSTEAD 958, 962; Deeds: 659 Mortgages: 13, 17, 22, NEW JERSEY 26-28, 35, 37, 38, Deeds: 209, 218, 387, 40-44, 47, 48, 53, 567, 568, 576, 710, 55, 57, 60-73, 76-88, 747; Mortgages: 76, 92, 93, 99-104, 108, 213, 243, 295, 571, 110, 112, 114-122, 582, 596, 632, 686, 125, 126, 129, 130, 718, 755, 781; Es132, 135, 136, 139, tates: 39 140, 142-146, 150, NEWKIRK 151, 155-161, 163, Cornelius, Deeds: 66 164, 166, 167, 169, John, Mortgages: 521 176-179, 184, 192NEW LONDON, CONN. 194, 196, 197, 199, Mortgages: 851 200, 202, 204-207, NEW MARLBORO, 210, 215-217, 223Ulster Co., Deeds: 771 225, 229, 232, 235NEW MARLBOROUGH, 237, 239, 241-243, Berkshire, Mass., Es245, 247, 249, 251, tates: 12 253, 254, 258-261, NEW MILFORD, CONN. 264-266, 268, 273, Deeds: 87, 88, 92, 907; 278, 283, 286, 290, Mortgages: 917 291, 294, 296, 297, NEW PALTZ, 301, 305-308, 310Ulster Co. , Deeds: 677; 314, 316, 323, 343, Mortgages: 125 353, 360-362, 374, NEW ROCHELLE, 379, 381, 387, 394, Westchester Co., Deeds: 398, 401, 405, 435, 17; Mortgages: 420, 436, 438, 450-452, 833 455, 461, 462, 468, 469, 473, 491-495, NEW SETAUET 498, 501, 510, 513, Deeds: 159 NEW SHOREHAM, 520, 525, 527, 528, Newport, R.I. , Deeds: 535, 550, 569, 572, 10, 11 590, 594, 595, 602, 616, 621, 632, 649, NEWTOWN, 656, 657, 672, 673, Fairfield, Conn. , 709, 710, 714, 743, Deeds: 438, 439, 440; 772, 821, 822, 827, Mortgages: 449 836, 856, 857, 861, Queens, Deeds: 33, 44, 864, 884, 885, 906, 45, 46, 131, 185, 914; 267, 268, 278, 429, Estates: 430, 500, 900; Mort88, 90, 168, 186, gages: 107, 127, 171, 236, 251, 274, 297; 351, 352, 811, 852; Pages: 5, 35, 37, 42, Estates: 90



NEW YORK CITY, (continued)NINE PARTNERS, (PLACE), (continued) 43, 44, 46, 50, 52, 942, 961; 55, 57, 60, 61, 62, Mortgages: 20, 23, 25, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 60 62 63 64 67 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 110, 112, 138, 141, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96, 188, 192, 206, 222, 97 246, 249, 274, 294, NEW YORK SLATE CO. 299, 303, 306, 314, Deeds: 962 322, 405, 407, 430, NEW YORK STATE 446, 447, 494, 499, Estates: 184 528, 578, 587, 601, NIBBLET 628, 670, 695, 703, - Pages: 14, 21, 36, 48, 729, 888; 38, 39, 41, 45, 51, 52, 53, 57, 63, Estates: 12, 17, 27, 31, 37, 65, 69, 88, 64, 69, 74, 80, 98 90, 123, 124, 126, Mrs. , Pages: 75 127, 137, 141a, 182 Theo, Tho. , Pages: 65, 71, 85 186, 198, 208, 220, NICKERSON 233, 237, 246, 265, 269, 274, 297, 301 Benjamin, Estates: 190 NOBLE Chloe, Estates: 190 Ebenezer, Mortgages: David, Deeds: 87 NOCHOSAN 803; Estates: 190 Francis, Mortgages: 455 Widow, Pages: 632 James, Mortgages: 455; NONEY Zebulon, Estates: 307 Estates: 190 Jeremiah, Estates: 190 NORFOLK, Leathfield Co. Conn. , Mercy, Estates: 190 Deeds: 262 Susannah, Estates: 190 Thomas, Mortgages: 803; NORRIS Estates: 190 Samuel, Estates: 191 Virtue, Estates: 190 NORTH NICHOLAS Benjamin, Estates: 29 John, Deeds: 639; MortCatherine, Estates: 29 gages: 562 Enos, Mortgages: 333 NICHOLSON NORTH CASTLE, Mary, Deeds: 422 Westchester Co. , Deeds: Richard, Deeds: 422 173; Mortgages: 10, Thomas, Deeds: 761 296 NICOLL NORTHEAST (see Little Mr., Pages: 34, 95 Nine Partners) William, Estates: 91 Deeds: 323, 443, 450, NIGH 664, 836, 902; MortShubel, Deeds: 420 gages: 223, 224, 268 NINE PARTNERS GORE 373, 604, 635, 761, Mortgages: 789 791, 811, 861, 862 NINE PARTNERS, NAMES OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD Deeds: 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, Mortgages: 382, 420, 17, 24, 26, 30, 32, 449, 487, 518, 640, 35, 38, 41, 43, 44, 679, 680, 721; Es45, 73, 79, 91, 106, tates: 297 111, 113, 116, 117, NORTH PRECINCT 127, 165, 185, 204, Mortgages: 183 281, 327, 383, 386, NORTHRUP 392, 396, 444, 499, - Deeds: 299 500, 534, 580, 581, Dinah, Estates: 24 590, 594, 611, 619, Enos, Deeds: 299, 379, 620, 634, 654, 657, 400, 494, 495, 573, 691, 692, 769, 753, 797, 998, 999; Mort768; Pages: 3, 36, 573 gages: 151, 325, 333 NINE PARTNERS (PLACE) 420, 463, 464 Deeds: 118, 120, 123, Joseph, Deeds: 543 132, 134, 143, 159, Samuel, Deeds: 513, 172, 175, 184, 215, 514, 658, 659; Mort220, 224, 225, 227, gages: 810 231, 232, 239, 240, NORTON 241, 259, 260, 265, John L. , Mortgages: 269, 275, 299, 308, 861, 862, 863, 864 350, 366, 403, 420, Joseph, Deeds: 758 422, 434, 543, 590, NORWALK, CONN. 592, 594, 641, 702, Deeds: 163, 215 704, 757, 805, 807, NORWICH, 817, 823, 830, 845, New London Co., Conn. , 891, 902, 904, 907, Deeds: 215

NOTE Abraham, Deeds: 780 NOXON - Mortgages: 614; Pages: 26, 77, 95 Widow, Pages: 632 Bartholomew, Deeds: 8, 9, 18, 28a, 30, 52, 53, 57, 84, 392, 492, 679, 680, 681, 743, 834; Mortgages: 439, 572; Estates: 189, 192; Pages: 72 Benjamin, Estates: 192 Fanny, Estates: 192 Gertrude, Estates: 192 James, Estates: 192 Margaret, Estates: 192 Peter, Estates: 192 Robert, Estates: 192 Simon, Estates: 192 Thomas, Mortgages: 14, 278; Estates: 124, 192 NUKERK (see Newkirk) NYE Silvenus, Deeds: 453, 1006; Estates: 283

OAKLEY Jerusha, Estates: 210 Jesse, Deeds: 607, 705, 706; Mortgages: 519, 631, 653, 706, 726; Estates: 85, 114, 167, 210 Mary, Estates: 57 Sally, Deeds: 1021 Solomon, Mortgages: 715, 878; Pages: 587, 632 Wilmont, Deeds: 1021; Mortgages: 715 OBLONG Deeds: 46, 59, 61, 64, 65, 72, 108, 109, 123 125 141, 147, 162, 163, 164, 165, 169, 173, 174, 175, 186, 189, 194, 195, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 219, 222, 223, 232, 233, 234, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 253, 254, 262, 272, 284, 286, 288, 325, 336, 337, 350, 353, 357, 358, 371, 386, 391, 396, 398, 399, 408, 411, 412, 432, 433, 502, 608, 609, 618, 647, 654, 695, 702, 745, 914, 930, 931, 940; Mortgages: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 18, 39, 40, 50, 53, 55, 59, 61, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70, 77, 88, 91, 94, 96, 98, 103, 110, 111, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 127, 174, 177, 183, 184, 185, 189, 192, 197, 202, 237, 275, 282, 305, 306,

INDEX OBLONG, (continued) 312, 768, 774, 782, 796, 797, 842; Estates: 300; Pages: 23, 24 OCAGO, N.Y. Deeds: 919 OCCURMAN Jacobus, Deeds: 972 ODELL (Odle) Abraham, Deeds: 966, 1022; Mortgages: 838; Pages: 571, 632 Anthony, Pages: 632 Hester, Mortgages: 909 James, Mortgages: 909; Pages: 632 John, Deeds: 885; Mortgages: 765 Jonathan, Deeds: 545, 919 Joseph, Deeds: 385, 549; Mortgages: 405, 412, 424, 608 Martha, Deeds: 385 Sarah, Mortgages: 765 Valentine, Pages: 575, 579, 632 OGDEN Humphrey, Deeds: 916 Isaac, Deeds: 747 John, Deeds: 1022 Lewis, Deeds: 568, 639, 747; Mortgages: 471, 472 Samuel, Deeds: 682, 683; Mortgages: 632 OGILVES William, Mortgages: 47 OLIVET (Olifuet) Francis, Deeds: 121 Jonathan, Mortgages: 501, 525 OLMSTEAD Hezekiah, Deeds 476, 611 ONDERDONK Hendk., Deeds: 274 Phebe, Deeds: 274 OOSTRANT (see Ostrum) Roelof, Mortgages: 8 ORANGE CO. Estates: 251 ORCHARD John, Deeds: 451 OSAGO, N.Y. Deeds: 919 OSBORN Cornelius, Deeds. 122; Mortgages: 33, 194, 353, 455 Jacob, Mortgages: 383 Nathan, Estates: 25 Samuel, Pages: 622 OSTERHOUT Charity, Estates: 29 Cornelius, Estates: 29 John, Estates: 63; Pages: 92 OSTRANDER Abl, Estates: 29 Cornelis, Estates: 64 Elizabeth, Estates: 29 Isaac, Deeds: 80 John, Estates: 193 OSTRUM (Oostrom) Deeds: 238, Mortgages:

OSTRUM (Oostrom) (cont'd) 416; Pages: 16, 35 Anna, Deeds: 569 Annatie, Estates: 101 Balinda, Mortgages: 578, 596 Barendt, Deeds: 170 Bethiah, Deeds: 712 Blandanea, Deeds: 663 Cornelius, Deeds: 663; Mortgages: 436, 529, 578, 596, 916; Mortgages: 101, 261; Pages: 575, 579, 632 Daniel, Pages: 589, 632 Dene, Deeds: 193, 355, 372, 437, 781; Mortgages: 13, 36, 44, 234, 235, 244, 436, 489, 557 Dereek, Mortgages: 278 Geertruy, Deeds: 355 Helena, Estates: 101 Henry, Deeds: 170, 193, 355, 372, 543, 855; Mortgages: 36, 44, 757; Pages: 568, 571, 577, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 586, 595, 599-603, 609, 632, 637 Jacob, Deeds: 653; Pages: 568, 577, 579, 580, 585, 632 James, Pages: 632 John, Deeds: 45, 238, 355, 406, 534, 543, 569, 769; Mortgages: 9, 176, 235, 357, 403, 489, 557; Estates: 194, 309; Pages: 13, 14, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34, 64, 586, 588, 595, 632 Mahala, Pages: 589 Margaret, Mortgages: 916 Maritye, Deeds: 372 Peter, Pages: 632 Rachel, Estates: 101 Ruloff, Rudolph, Deeds: 45, 170, 235, 359, 712; Mortgages: 8, 530, 633, 679, 784; Pages: 15, 29, 30, 64 OSWEGO Deeds: 313, 642, 739, 757, 813, 814, 919; Mortgages: 230, 571, 587, 611, 690, 753, 788, 813, 888, 903, 926 OVERACKER Jacob, Deeds: 630, 924; Mortgages: 736 OVERHISER Barnet, Estates: 60 Jacob, Mortgages: 692 OUTWATER (see Atwater) OWEN Jonathan, Deeds: 623, 761, 908; Mortgages: 534, 680, 721, 725, 803, 848, 902; Pages: 568, 570, 572, 574, 577-585, 588, 596-

685 OWEN, (continued) 602, 612, 632 Joshua, Mortgages: 358, 405, 513, 520; Estates: 86, 195 Ludlow, Deeds: 162, 164, 184, 241, 242 Martha, Mortgages: 358, 513, 520 Rebecca, Deeds: 761; Mortgages: 680 Samuel, Mortgages: 524, 532, 581, 873 OYSTER BAY Mortgages: 304, 384, 486

PADDOCK Benjamin, Mortgages: 376 Ichabud, Mortgages: 791 William, Deeds: 497 PAINE Widow, Deeds: 1008; Mortgages: 580 Abijah, Deeds: 937; Mortgages: 610; Estates: 196 Abraham, Deeds: 861; Mortgages: 49, 117, 149, 842 Abraham, Jr., Mortgages: 64, 100, 150, 154, 156, 157, 158, 163, 164 Barnabus, Deeds: 831, 1014; Mortgages: 62, 114, 211, 556, 855; Estates: 12, 42, 196, 197, 198 Benjamin, Estates: 274 Brinton, Deeds: 451, 464, 614; Mortgages: 318, 343, 360, 380, 381 Chloe, Estates: 196 Elihu, Mortgages: 863 Elisha, Estates: 197 Elizabeth, Estates: 196 Ephraim, Deeds: 276, 473, 583, 936, 937, 1004, 1008; Mortgages: 226, 400, 423, 610, 710; Estates: 24, 145, 159, 196, 197, 198 Ichabod, Deeds: 124, 125, 211, 248, 322, 363, 472; Mortgages: 26, 48, 59, 67, 70, 77, 154, 168; Estates: 197, 198, 231 Jacob, Deeds: 365 Jesse, Mortgages: 263 Joshua, Deeds: 379; Mortgages: 185, 215; Estates: 197, 198, 300 Lucy, Estates: 196 Martha, Estates: 42 Mary, Deeds: 936; Estates: 196 Phebe, Deeds: 936; Estates: 197 Rebecca, Estates: 197 Samuel, Deeds: 699

686 PAINE, (continued) Sarah, Estates: 196 PALEN (Palee, Piele?) Benjamin, Deeds: 271, 297, 342, 344, 348, 677, 679, 680; Mortgages: 203 Ezekiel, Deeds: 297, 344, 374 Gilbert, Deeds: 291, 348; Mortgages: 203 John, Deeds: 521, 576, 715 Michael, Pages: 570, 578 Phebe, Deeds: 348 PALMER - Deeds: 327, 540; Mortgages: 410, 655, 698 Aaron, Deeds: 804, 841, 911, 917, 918; Estates: 202 Abiah, Mortgages: 887, 905 Abigail, Estates: 199 Abraham, Deeds: 146, 192, 229, 333, 334, 369, 461, 525, 611; Mortgages: 17, Estates: 203; Pages: 620 Alijha, Deeds: 861 Ame, Estates: 203 Amos, Deeds: 829 Anna, Estates: 202 Benjamin, Deeds: 369; Mortgages: 376 Caleb, Deeds: 955 Darkis, Estates: 199 Eben, Estates: 206 Edward, Deeds: 552; Mortgages: 276, 528; Estates: 199, 203; Pages: 605 Elias, Estates: 202 Ephraim, Mortgages: 263, 801; Estates: 19, 199 Esther, Estates: 203 Eunice, Mortgages: 700 Ezekiel, Estates: 203 Gehannah, Estates: 199 Gilbert, Estates: 203 Hannah, Estates: 202 Israel, Estates: 202 Jacob, Deeds: 694 Jahaniah, Deeds: 299 Jacomiah, Estates: 203 James, Deeds: 489; Mortgages: 282; Estates: 200, 203 Jemima, Estates: 273 Jeremiah, Deeds: 504, 797; Mortgages: 151; Estates: 203 John, Deeds: 842; Mortgages: 777; Estates: 202 Jonathan, Deeds: 1003; Mortgages: 20; Pages: 622 Joseph, Deeds: 182, 318 Judith, Deeds: 104 Margaret, Deeds: 804 Martha, Estates: 179

INDEX PALMER, (continued) Mary, Deeds: 812, 920; Mortgages: 427, 477; Estates: 202, 203 Micah, Michael, Mortgages: 321, 408, 579; Pages: 568, 577 Nathan, Mortgages: 700; Estates: 208 Peter, Deeds: 9, 29, 30, 71, 104, 182, 314, 400, 416, 545, 787, 812, 920; Mortgages: 31, 147, 248, 429, 477, 494, 519; Estates: 202 Widow of Peter, Estates: 201 Phoebe, Estates: 202, 203 Rachel, Deeds: 229; Estates: 199, 203 Rebeckah, Estates: 199 Reuben, Deeds: 298, 829; Estates: 113, 199, 203; Pages: 619 Ruth, Estates: 203 Samuel, Estates: 203 Sarah, Deeds: 552; Mortgages: 463; Estates: 202, 203 Silvanus, Estates: 199 Thomas, Deeds: 398; Mortgages: 268, 275, 276 Tyler, Deeds: 400 Uriah, Estates: 199 William, Deeds: 86, 257, 299, 314, 425, 797, 825, 955; Mortgages: 151, 411; Estates: 113, 203 PALMETIER - Deeds: 385; Pages: 36, 88, 96 Anna, Deeds: 885 John, Deeds: 603, 885; Mortgages: 665, 706 Peter, Deeds: 503; Pages: 25, 32, 35, 36, 40, 67, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 80, 83, 84, 89, 98, 99 PALTZ Michael, Mortgages: 362 PALTZ PATENT Deeds: 271, 677 PANDERSON Daniel, Mortgages: 106; Estates: 204 PARETSE Paul, Deeds: 536 PARK - Mortgages: 682 Ebenezer, Deeds: 584 Elijah, Deeds: 386, 496, 1039; Mortgages: 246 Joel, Estates: 206 Jonas, Deeds: 347, 442 Jonathan, Deeds: 347, 442 Margret, Mortgages: 23 Mary, Estates: 206 Nathaniel, Estates: 206 Rufus, Mortgages: 773

PARK, (continued) Widow, Mortgages: 756, 775 PARKER Henry, Estates: 205 PARKINSON John, Deeds: 761; Mortgages: 331 PARSONS (see Pierson) David, Deeds: 937 James, Mortgages: 855 John, Deeds: 882; Mortgages: 309 PARTELLO Amos, Deeds: 482; Mortgages: 325 PATRICK Robert, Deeds: 608, 609 PATTERSON Margaret, Deeds: 810 PATTON Mary, Deeds: 1039 PAWLING PRECINCT, Purchase or Town Deeds: 499, 529, 530, 532, 533, 542, 560, 561, 602, 618, 731, 767; Mortgages: 274, 342, 505, 527, 620, 632, 654, 673, 686, 699, 897, 928; Estates: 26, 289; Pages: 3, 5, 9, 12, 19, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 86-89, 92, 93, 95 PAWLING PURCHASE (see Staatsburgh) PAWLING - Deeds: 204, 966 Albert, Deeds: 16, 672; Mortgages: 309 Ann, Deeds: 15, 16, 672; Mortgages: 309 Cornelius, Deeds: 511; Mortgages: 428 Elizabeth, Deeds: 511; Mortgages: 428 Henry, Deeds: 16, 435, 436, 447, 457, 511, 672, 711, 882, 958; Mortgages: 309, 428 Jane, Deeds: 672; Mortgages: 309 John, Deeds: 16, 312, 313, 330, 331, 446, 447, 448, 511, 672; Mortgages: 309, 428; Estates: 101, 187; Pages: 575, 633 Levi, Deeds: 312 Mary, Deeds: 16, 457, 511, 648, 672; Mortgages: 309, 428 Neeltie, Deeds: 15, 16, 330, 331, 457; Mortgages: 309 Rachel, Estates: 101 Wyntie, Deeds: 672 PAYNE (see Paine) PEARCE (see Pierce) Abigail, Deeds: 437, 555 Richard,Deeds:437, 555

INDEX PEARS ALL Elizabeth, Estates: 149 George, Deeds: 885; Mortgages: 497; Estates: 54; Pages: 615, 633 Helen, Deeds: 922, 923, 944 John, Estates: 54 Joseph, Estates: 54; Pages: 577, 579, 633 Peter, Mortgages: 804, 876, Pages: 582 Samuel, Deeds: 576 Thomas, Deeds: 570, 676, 923, 944; Mortgages: 590 PEARSON (see Pierson) PECK Ebenezer, Mortgages: 783 Jane, Mortgages: 845 Jonathan, Mortgages: 782 Loring, Deeds: 856; Mortgages: 839, 845 Nancy, Deeds: 782 Nathaniel, Deeds: 856 Ruth, Estates: 73 PECKHAM Reuben, Estates: 207 Samuel, Estates: 207 PEET Freeman, Mortgages: 592 Samuel, Deeds: 931, 932, 933, 934; Mortgages: 592, 702, 731, 782, 890 Truman, Deeds: 931 PELE Hendrick, Estates: 277 Michael, Pages: 570, 578 PELLS (Pell) - Mortgages: 475 Amos, Deeds: 715 Caleb, Estates: 208 David, Estates: 208 Dorothy, Estates: 208 Evert, Deeds: 1035; Mortgages: 679, 784; Pages: 582, 584, 633 Hendrick, Deeds: 518; Estates: 277; Pages: 21, 25 James, Estates: 208 John, Estates: 208 Keziah, Estates: 208 Magil, Deeds: 156 Mary, Estates: 208 Rachel, Estates: 208 Roger, Estates: 208 Samuel, Estates: 208 Sarah, Estates: 208 Thomas, Estates: 208 PELTON Philip, Deeds: 847 PENNANT Edward, Deeds: 4 PENOYER John, Deeds: 197, 286, 640; Mortgages: 75, 238, 286 Jonathan, Deeds: 197; Mortgages: 238 Joseph, Deeds: 284;

PENOYER, (continued) Mortgages: 286, 335, 443, 707 PERKINS Valentine, Deeds: 347; Mortgages: 125 PEELER Edmond, Deeds: 364, 370, 699, 740, 786, 849; Mortgages: 299, 318, 355, 438, 469, 512, 626; Estates: 40 Edward, Estates: 209 Mary, Deeds: 786 PERMIET (Slave), Pages: 601 PERRY Nathaniel, Deeds: 504, 540; Mortgages: 410 Paul, Mortgages: 497 Thomas, Deeds: 540, 998, 999; Mortgages: 410 PERTH AMBOY, N.J. Deeds: 394, 395, 576, 585 PETER (Slave), Pages: 590 PETERS Abel, Deeds: 487, 607, 670, 671, 701, 706, 778, 792, 793, 794, 950, 1028; Mortgages: 645, 648, 728, 776, 795, 829; Estates: 85, 210, 258, 263; Pages: 568 Ahasuerus, Estates: 85 Anna, Deeds: 713; Mortgages: 719 Charles, Deeds: 794; Estates: 210 George, Deeds: 607, 706; Estates: 210 Harry, Estates: 82 Helena, Estates: 82 Hewlett, Deeds: 607, 705, 706, 866, 878, 948, 950; Mortgages: 502, 503, 653; Estates: 85, 110, 210; Pages: 578, 580, 582, 587, 633 Jemima, Estates: 210 Jerusha, Estates: 210 Magdalanah, Deeds: 833 Mary, Deeds: 950 Molly, Estates: 210 Morris Estates: 210 Richard, Estates: 210 Ruth, Estates: 210 Samuel, Estates: 210 Sarah, Estates: 210; Pages: 633 Smith, Deeds: 972; Mortgages: 874, 875; Pages: 569, 570, 574, 633 William, Deeds: 697, 713; Mortgages: 644, 692, 719; Estates: 263; Pages: 570 PETERSON Jacob, Estates: 178 PETTIT James, Estates: 167

687 PETTIT, (continued) Peter, Pages: 633 PHARES Elijah, Deeds: 361 PHELPS (see Philips) Elijah, Deeds: 141, 286, 361, 456; Pages: 622 James, Deeds: 141 Jemima, Estates: 300 Noah, Deeds: 141 PHERER Christian, Deeds: 1001 PHILIPS (see Phelps) Adolph, Deeds: 17, 41, 185, 281; Estates: 251 Elijah, Deeds: 640; Mortgages: 117, 215, 286, 570 Elisha, Mortgages: 75 Fred, Deeds: 185 Hendrick, Estates: 263 James, Deeds: 324 Mary, Estates: 263 Noah, Mortgages: 2, 215 William, Deeds: 175, 223; Mortgages: 4, 18 PHILLIPS, Westchester Co., Deeds: 143, 258 PHILLIPSBURGH Deeds: 73, 76, 91, 93, 238, 414 PICKETT Peter (Slave), Pages: 600 PIELE Benjamin, Deeds: 344 Ezekiel, Deeds: 344 PIERCE (see Pearce) Pelitiah, Deeds: 933, 983; Mortgages: 570, 613, 698, 700 Samuel, Deeds: 983; Mortgages: 613 PIERSON (Person, Parsons) David, Deeds: 937 Enock, Deeds: 432 John, Deeds: 435, 436, 711-882, 958 Joseph, Deeds: 457 Samuel, Deeds: 646, 655; Mortgages: 236, 579 PIKE James, Mortgages: 123 Jesse, Estates: 159 PINE Stephen, Deeds: 634; Mortgages: 188, 303 PINKHAM Daniel, Deeds: 522 Eben, Estates: 16 Ebenezer, Estates: 211 Hepzibah, Estates: 16 Lydia, Estates: 211 Mary, Estates: 211 Matthew, Estates: 211 Phebe, Estates: 211 Rhode, Estates: 211 Richard, Estates: 211 Samuel, Deeds: 785; Estates: 211 Timothy, Deeds: 785; Estates: 254

688 PINNEY Lydia, Estates: 145 Nathaniel, Estates: 145 PIPER Robert, Deeds: 768 PISCATAWAY, PISCATAGUE, N.J. Deeds: 591, 592 PITCHER John, Estates: 29 PITTSES Philip, Deeds: 149 PITTSTOWN, Renssalaer Co., N.Y., Deeds: 776; Mortgages: 606 PLATT Benjamin, Deeds: 716 Eliphalet, Deeds: 507, 727, 762 Hannah, Deeds: 437 Henry, Estates: 243 Isaac, Deeds: 727, 762; Mortgages: 717 Israel, Pages: 603, 607 John, Mortgages: 230; Estates: 106, 167 Jonas, Deeds: 275; Mortgages: 32, 47, 111 Joseph, Deeds: 727, 762; Mortgages: 717 Mary, Deeds: 667 Nathaniel, Deeds: 481, 482, 483, 652; Mortgages: 332, 346, 363, 371, 476 Stephen, Deeds: 986 Temperance, Mortgages: 47 Zephaniah, Deeds: 89, 224, 225, 226, 275, 283, 302, 437, 652, 667, 703; Mortgages: 4, 32, 84, 111, 132, 217, 267, 280; Estates: 116 PLATTSBURGH Estates: 175 PLEASANT VALLEY Deeds: 507, 643, 833, 904, 911, 917, 946; Mortgages: 786, 907, 910; Estates: 163; Pages: 575 POMMER Edward, Estates: 278 POOLE Joseph, Deeds: 516 Thomas, Deeds; 405 PORTER Daniel, Deeds: 161, 199; Mortgages: 121, 281 Job, Deeds: 199; Mortgages: 99, 268 POST ROAD, KINGS ROAD Deeds: 351, 374, 678, 679, 680, 681, 770, 791, 799, 837, 888, 892, 897, 898, 949; Mortgages: 179, 180, 208, 262, 316, 350, 573, 620, 689, 696, 699, 741, 747, 827, 836, 851, 884, 897,

INDEX POST ROAD, KINGS ROAD, (continued) 914; Pages: 573, 574, 576 POST Henry, Deeds: 714 Isreal, Mortgages: 640; Pages: 614 Jotham, Mortgages: 714; Pages: 586, 686 Richard, Mortgages: 46; Estates: 105 William, Mortgages: 572, 740 POSTAGE (Mail) Pages: 20, 62, 99 POTTER Bridget, Deeds: 1041 Desire, Estates: 306 Dinah, Mortgages: 733 Elizabeth, Estates: 306 Eseck, Estates: 306 Jenevery, Estates: 306 Job, Deeds: 199; Mortgages: 671; Estates: 306 Joe, Deeds: 649 John, Estates: 306 Judah, Estates: 306 Lois, Estates: 306 Nathaniel, Estates: 306 Riscom, Estates: 306 Sims, Estates: 306 Stephen, Deeds: 255, 256, 1041 Thomas, Deeds: 773; Mortgages: 733 POUGHKEEPSIE Deeds: 9, 28, 77, 79, 82, 84, 99, 109, 112, 114, 157, 171, 226, 232, 291, 315, 316, 317, 329, 332, 343, 344, 373, 374, 404, 413, 427, 431, 441, 516, 527, 540, 667, 678, 703, 727, 732, 758, 762, 770, 782, 783, 795, 833, 835, 853, 854, 865, 889, 890 917 919, 929, 938, 951; Mortgages: 3, 12, 33, 36, 48, 52, 76, 161, 162, 190, 208, 214, 216, 234, 244, 280, 289, 301, 302, 325, 330, 346, 354, 359, 410, 417, 442, 446, 457, 476, 483, 489, 494, 500, 535, 552, 567, 574, 593, 679, 690, 718, 734, 737, 739, 753, 768, 775, 784, 789, 792, 802, 810, 812, 816, 854, 857; Estates: 14, 51, 63, 69, 153, 249, 304; Pages: 576, 590 POUGHKEEPSIE PEOPLE Pages: 8, 11, 13, 14, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 36, 44-53, 60, 61, 62, 63, 80, 82, 88, 90, 91, 97

POVIS Rachel, Estates: 100 POWELL - Mortgages: 467 Benjamin, Deeds: 752; Pages: 633 Catherine, Deeds: 771, 837, 949, 1019 Charles, Pages: 633 Daniel, Pages: 633 Elisha, Deeds: 1019; Mortgages: 336; Estates: 46 Elizabeth, Deeds: 716; Mortgages: 379, 452 Frost, Deeds: 760, 771, 837, 949; Mortgages: 747; Pages: 581, 584, 600, 633 Isaac, Deeds: 723, 724, 735, 741, 755, 788, 789; Pages: 574, 633 Jacob, Deeds: 724, 749, 750; Pages: 633 James, Deeds: 547, 1001; Mortgages: 450; Pages: 581, 584, 633 John, Deeds: 568, 700, 723, 724; Mortgages: 379, 441, 684; Pages: 570, 576, 579, 587, 633 Joseph, Deeds: 228, 704; Estates: 239, 241 Mary, Deeds: 752 Moses, Mortgages: 876; Estates: 171; Pages: 585, 633 Nathaniel, Deeds: 556, 704, 724, 741; Mortgages: 466, 523; Estates: 68, 109, 116, 119, 141, 227, 292; Pages: 570, 587, 613, 633 Obadiah, Deeds: 568, 704, 716, 723, 724; Mortgages: 379, 450, 452, 684 Phebe, Deeds: 723; Estates: 119 Rachel, Deeds: 1019 Thomas, Deeds: 1019; Estates: 46 Treman, Deeds: 142, 269 William, Deeds: 454 POWERS Jacob, Mortgages: 783 Joost, Mortgages: 783 POYER Clement, Estates: 31 Joseph, Estates: 31 PRATT Azariah, Estates: 155 Joel, Deeds: 887; Mortgages: 885 Noah, Estates: 155 Peter, Deeds: 237; Mortgages: 10 Stephen, Estates: 295; Pages: 603, 618 PRESBYTERIAN - Deeds: 51 Amenia, Deeds: 363 Meeting House, Mortgages: 521

INDEX PRESBYTERIAN, (continued) PURDY, (continued) 376 Pleasant Valley, Deeds: Francis, Deeds: 238 507 Hannah, Estates: 73 Providence Society, Henry, Deeds: 238 Deeds: 537 James, Mortgages: 399 PRESTON, Samuel, Estates: 186 New London Co. Conn. , Deeds: 135, 872, 888; Silas, Deeds: 461 PUTNAM Mortgages: 851 Garret, Mortgages: 521 PRICE PUTTS Peter, Deeds: 532 George, Mortgages: 539 PRIDE John, Deeds: 441 PRINCE QUAKERS Benjamin, Deeds: 520 Deeds: 789, 790, 814, Philip, Deeds: 360 815, 816; Mortgages: PRIOR 388, 419, 430; EsEdmon, Deeds: 1028 Mary, Deeds: 1028 tates: 36, 76, 96, PRITCHARD 202, 203, 207 QUEENS Cornelius, Mortgages: 608 Deeds: 33, 34, 41, 45, 80, 115, 116, 251, James, Deeds: 663, 951; 389, 390, 429, 430, Mortgages: 608; Pages: 574, 584, 587, 500, 518, 659, 785, 633 797, 900; Mortgages: 83, 93, 107, PROGUE 127, 147, 148, 171, Anne, Estates: 212 182, 272, 315, 345, Catherine, Estates: 212 351, 352, 358, 377, Jerry, Estates: 212 446, 480, 585, 694, John, Estates: 212 709, 811, 815, 816, Margaret, Estates: 212 825; Mary, Estates: 212 Matthew, Estates: 212 Estates: 22, 182; Pages: 80, 81, 82, 88 Mattice, Deeds: 714 QUICK Peter, Mortgages: 699 Andrew, Deeds: 210 PROSIUS 674, Catherine, Mortgages: Christina, Deeds: 511; Estates: 213 675, 684, 798; MortGerardus, Mortgages: gages: 625 358, 458, 481, 511, Peter, Deeds: 672, 673, 513, 875; Estates: 674, 675, 684, 798; 213; Pages: 582 Mortgages: 625 James, Deeds: 973; PROVOST Mortgages: 895; EsAug. , Pages: 633 tates: 213; Pages: Peter, Pages: 93 581, 584, 633 PUDNEY Jemima, Estates: 213 Susannah, Estates: 116 Margery, Estates: 213 PUGSLEY Mary, Mortgages: 895; - Deeds: 229; MortEstates: 292 gages 420 Abigail, Deeds: 439 Peter, Mortgages: 874; Estates: 213; Pages: Abraham , Mortgages: 905 633 Annitte , Deeds: 459 Samuel, Deeds: 304, QUIMBY Barsheber, Mortgages: 1043; Mortgages: 166, 430 373 Cornell, Mortgages: 361 Deeds: 333, Stephen, Elizabeth, Mortgages: 334, 369, 439, 841, 446 842, 1037, 1038; James, Mortgages: 446 Mortgages: 252, 326, 496, 811 Joseph, Mortgages: 446 Josiah, Mortgages: 430 William, Deeds: 459; Moses, Mortgages: 430 Mortgages: 413, 512, QUIT RENT LAND 905, 915 Deeds: 421, 534; Pages: PULHAMUS 16, 25, 26, 31, 34 Ealdaxt, Eldard, Deeds: 720; Pages: 609 PULTZ Michael, Mortgages: 362 RABLEE Thomas, Deeds: 605; PURDY Mortgages: 508 - Deeds: 525 RADCLIFT Abner, Mortgages: 399 Catharine, Deeds: 894 Benjamin, Deeds: 190, Jacob, Deeds: 664, 726, 191 754; Mortgages: 381 Ebenezer, Mortgages:

689 RADCLIFT, (continued) John, Mortgages: 883 Peter, Deeds: 429, 726, 883, 889, 897, 1012; Mortgages: 377, 378, 699, 708, 897, 914, 922; Estates: 14; Pages: 587, 633 Sarah, Deeds: 511 Widow, Pages: 577 William, Deeds: 429, 430, 511, 894; Mortgages: 428; Pages: 599 RAT NE James, Deeds: 861 RALYEA David, Deeds: 106; Mortgages: 278 RAMSDELL Fidelia, Estates: 16 RANDAL Abel, Deeds: 793 Catharine, Estates: 54 Peter, Estates: 54 RANOON David, Mortgages: 782 RANSOM David, Mortgages: 782 Ebenezer, Mortgages: 683 Robert, Deeds: 861; Mortgages: 842 RARITAN, Somerset, N.J., Deeds: 861 RATHBUN John, Deeds: 32 Jonathan, Deeds: 32, 153 Margaret, Deeds: 32 Sarah, Deeds: 153 Thomas, Deeds: 10, 11, 12, 32, 35, 153; Pages: 6 RAY Abigail, Deeds: 640 Augustus, Deeds: 640 Benjamin, Mortgages: 371 Cornelius, Deeds: 640, 676, 922, 923, 944, 945; Mortgages: 528, 621, 856, 857; Pages: 633 Elizabeth, Deeds: 640, 922, 923, 945; Mortgages: 621 Helen, Deeds: 923, 944; Mortgages: 621 John, Deeds: 640, 658, 676, 711, 923, 944; Mortgages: 621 Miles, Deeds: 640 Nathaniel, Pages: 633 Ruth, Estates: 169 Stephen, Deeds: 408, 640 Thomas, Mortgages: 332 RAYMOND Andrew, Deeds: 886 REAR OF PATTENT Pages: 22 RECORD John, Mortgages: 812 Mary, Mortgages: 812



RHINEBECK, (continued) RECTOR OF CHURCH OF ENG- REYNOLDS,(continued) Deborah, Estates: 3 302, 310, 320, 344, LAND Ely, Deeds: 263; Mort391, 428, 496, 553, Mortgages: 160 RED MEETING HOUSE 562, 570, 634, 658, gages: 90 Mortgages: 783 660, 703, 761, 798, Ezra, Deeds: 626; MortREED (Reid, Read) 834; gages: 544; Estates: 217 Calvin, Mortgages: 873 Estates: 33, 60, 250; Pages: 570, 573 Gilbert, Mortgages: 234 Catherine, Deeds: 1027 Estates: 214 Daniel, Deeds: 162, 163 RHOADS (see Roads) Hans, RHODE ISLAND Isaac, Deeds: 361; E. , Mortgages: 650 Mortgages: 801; EsEliakim, Deeds: 554, Deeds: 66, 354, 583, tates: 215 695, 702; Mortgages: 584, 773, 832; Mort1038; gages: 52, 603, 682, Jacob, Deeds: 397 770, 771, 845; EsPages: 618 Elijah, Mortgages: 206, James, Mortgages: 227, 474; Estates: 283 tates: 205 RICE 239; Estates: 153, Ezra, Deeds: 391, 412, John, Deeds: 711, 882; 520, 544; Mortgages: 299 Mortgages: 311, 316, Jeremiah, Deeds: 132; 237 Mortgages: 11, 14 George, Deeds: 687, 573 953, 1017; Mortgages: John, Deeds: 478, 1003; RICHMOND Mortgages: 130, 801 612 Co. , Estates: 257 Cyrus, Pages: 617 Gershom, Deeds: 412; Jonathan Deeds: 190, John, Deeds: 929 191, 364; Mortgages: Mortgages: 558, 559, Mary, Deeds: 545; Es165, 231, 270 927 357, tates: 130 James, Deeds: 162, Joseph, Deeds: 225, RICKETSON 229, 230, 231, 333, 391, 412, 472, 519, I. , Deeds: 603 544, 661; Mortgages: 361, 369, 370, 797, Jonathan, Deeds: 89, 1034, 1037, 1038; 237, 322, 367, 558, 403 Mortgages: 27, 31, 927 Rowland, Deeds: 603 47, 130, 294, 324, Jerusha, Estates: 53 Shadrack, Deeds: 789, Joanna, Estates: 53 325, 326, 332, 487; 792, 796, 814, 815, Estates: 216 John, Deeds: 890, 1027; Mortgages: 160, 525, 816; Estates: 279; Justus, Mortgages: 226, Pages: 587, 633 231 737; Pages: 590 Timothy, Deeds: 86, 89, Mary, Deeds: 361 Joseph, Deeds: 890 134, 403, 655; MortNehemiah, Deeds: 9, 29, L. , Mortgages: 842 295 gages: 4 Lenard, Deeds: 30, 764, 830; MortMary, Deeds: 687 gages: 263, 371, 507, RICKY Peter, Mortgages: 502 Robert, Deeds: 116 574; Estates: 8, 199, Stephen, Mortgages: 927 273 RIDER William, Estates: 18 Abigail, Estates: 218 Peter, Estates: 217 Deliverance, Estates: Zebulon, Deeds: 861 Rachel, Deeds: 229 218 REENDALL (see Randal) Rhoda, Mortgages: 318, REGIMENT, 5TH N.Y. James, Estates: 218 355 Job, Estates: 218 Estates: 284 Ruama, Deeds: 230 REGNIER John, Deeds: 639; MortSamuel, Deeds: 1037 gages: 462, 562; EsSarah, Estates: 296 - Deeds: 1018 tates: 218 Stephen, Deeds: 740; Jacob, Deeds: 435, 436, 711, 882, 457, 622, Mary, Estates: 218 Mortgages: 521, 915 958; Mortgages: 309 Rachel, Estates: 218 William, Deeds: 740; Robert, Estates: 218 RELLS Mortgages: 318, 355, Samuel, Estates: 218 438, 469, 626 Jn widow, Pages: 65 Sara, Estates: 218 Zephaniah, Estates: 217 REMSEN Stephen, Estates: 218 Henry, Mortgages: 176, RHINEBECK (Rynebeck) Thomas, Pages: 633 221 Deeds: 31, 32, 49, 50, 54, 75, 80, 88, 100, Peter, Mortgages: 176, Thurston, Deeds: 968; Mortgages: 728 101, 172, , 188, 221 William, Estates: 218 RENSSALAER CO. 196, 259, 271, 278, RIEMER (DeRiemer?) Deeds: 776, 812, 913 303, 310, 313, 339, J. D., Deeds: 4 REQUAW 340, 348, 385, 410, RIGHT (see Wright) John, Deeds: 788, 877, Simon, Mortgages: 275 443 447, 464, 511, 912, 957 RIKERT Sarah, Deeds: 912 515 539, 564, 565, RESHMOR David, Pages: 633 566 666, 672, 674, Henry, Deeds: 572; 685 693, 694, 708, Silas, Pages: 610 REVENSON Pages: 633 717 746, 761, 769, Robert, Deeds: 503 RIMPH (Rim) (see Rymph) 798 845, 862, 894, REYNERSE RING 897 898, 906, 942, Ohe, Estates: 91 David, Deeds: 728; Es949, 962, 963; REYNOLDS (Runnels) tates: 259; Pages: Mortgages: 1, 2, 15, - Mortgages: 655, 676 584, 633 17, 50, 51, 54 , 56, Widow, Mortgages: 357, 75, 91, 94, 95 , 105, RINNES 386 John, Deeds: 299 106, 109, 124, 128, Anstis, Deeds: 830 ROADE 138 , 185, 187, 195, David, Deeds: 1037, John, Mortgages: 160 198, 201, 214, 247, 1038; Mortgages: 263 ROADS 265 , 266, 279, 299,

INDEX ROADS, (continued) ROMBOUT PATENT (cont'd) James, Deeds: 462 703, 745; Mortgages: Timothy, Estates: 57 53, 90, 133, 209, ROBBLEES (see Rublee) 285, 396, 424, 432, ROBERTS 470, 536; Pages: 95 Daniel, Deeds: 232, RONKELL 342, 343, 344, 374, Johannis, Deeds: 101, 413; Mortgages: 208, 102, 103, 177 262; Estates: 112 ROOSEVELT John, Estates: 116 Isaac, Mortgages: 29, Jonathan, Deeds: 983; 380 Mortgages: 698, 700 James C. , Mortgages: Mary, Mortgages: 698 492, 493 ROSA Suse, Deeds: 1007 William, Deeds: 180, Arie, Estates: 221 200, 335, 341; MortArien, Deeds: 155 Geeshie, Deeds: 155 gages: 100, 134, 149, Gerret, Deeds: 12 150, 155-158 ROBERTSON Jacob, Mortgages: 19 George, Pages: 633 ROSE John, Pages: 633 David, Deeds: 560, 561; Thomas, Mortgages: 57, Estates: 23, 48 72, 73 John, Deeds: 108 ROBINS Mulford, Deeds: 695 Ezekiel, Estates: 236 ROSEBOOM - Pages: 21 ROBINSON Beverly, Mortgages: 252 Maritie Pattent, Pages: 15, 26, 36, 85, 87 John, Pages: 584 ROSEKRANS Robert, Estates: 150 William, Deeds: 719; Henry, Deeds: 363, 365, Mortgages: 468 379; Mortgages: 34, ROCHESTER, 133; Estates: 52 Ulster Co. , Mortgages: Jacobus, Deeds: 363; 838; Estates: 14 Mortgages: 285 RODMAN ROSS Archibald, Estates: 303 John, Deeds: 10 Joseph, Deeds: 424, Artemas, Deeds: 532, 425; Pages: 4 541 424 Tabitha, Deeds: Elisabeth, Deeds: 532; ROE (see Row) 541 ROGERS James, Deeds: 144 Ann, Estates: 220 John, Deeds: 541, 542, 965 Benjamin, Deeds: 441; Joseph, Deeds: 965 Estates: 220 Samuel, Deeds: 86 Charity, Estates: 220 Zebulon, Deeds: 529, Easter, Estates: 220 Henry, Mortgages: 855 532, 541, 542, 618, 965 Ichabod, Deeds: 197, 284, 324; Mortgages: ROUSE 238 Casper, Deeds: 220, 786 ROW (Rou, Roe) James, Mortgages: 52 Alanna, Estates: 222 Jeremiah, Deeds: 791; Mortgages: 741; Andries, Mortgages: Pages: 585, 586, 596, 785, 892; Estates: 597, 633 223 John, Deeds: 143, 700, Catharine, Estates: 223 704, 726, 772; MortConrad, Estates: 222 gages: 441; Estates: Cornelius, Mortgages: 836 220 Elijah, Estates: 223 Jonah, Deeds: 391 Garret, Mortgages: 551, Moses, Mortgages: 616 575; Estates: 222 Phebe, Deeds: 700, 772 Harriet, Estates: 222 Richard, Estates: 220 Henry, Estates: 33 Samuel, Mortgages: 306 Stephen, Mortgages: 281 Johannis, Deeds: 24, Timothy, Estates: 293 27, 47, 48, 178 ROLL John, Pages: 13, 20, 69, 75, 86, 87, 88 John, Deeds: 79 Mary, Estates: 222 ROLLEE Thomas, Deeds: 605 N., Mortgages: 847 Nicholas, Deeds: 174, ROLLEGON 516, 930, 940; MortJacobus, Deeds: 43, 44; Pages: 4 gages: 305; Estates: 222 ROMBOUT PATENT Estates: 223 85, 179, Peter, Deeds: 80, Philip, Deeds: 501, 194, 203, 406, 637,

691 ROW (Rou, Roe) (cont'd) 851; Mortgages: 504, 785, 809, 936; Estates: 223 Richard, Mortgages: 829 Samuel, Mortgages: 183, 184; Estates: 72, 222 Silas, Estates: 12 ROWEL Phineas, Deeds: 233 ROWLAND - Mortgages: 692 John, Mortgages: 719, 879; Pages: 570, 576, 582, 633 Jonathan, Deeds: 368 Oliver, Pages: 616, 621 Robert, Estates: 119 Samuel, Deeds: 166, 326, 368, 397, 1010; Mortgages: 173; Pages: 604, 605, 613616, 619, 621, 623 Smith, Estates: 187 Zeba, Estates: 187 ROYAL GRANT, MONTGOMERY CO. Deeds: 752 RUBLEE (Rablee) John, Deeds: 491; Estates: 11 Thomas, Deeds: 490; Mortgages: 508 RUDD Bezabel, Estates: 39 RUNDLE Abel, Deeds: 793 Gilbert, Estates: 224 Jared, Deeds: 440 Jonas (Israel?), Deeds: 493 RUNNELS (see Reynolds) RUSCOE Samuel, Deeds: 117 RUSSELL Abraham, Deeds: 962 Benjamin, Estates: 16 Cornelius, Mortgages: 65, 223 Elihu, Deeds: 533, 535, 541, 965 Isaac, Deeds: 799; Mortgages: 673; Pages: 587, 633 James, Deeds: 53, 57 John, Deeds: 444 Robert, Estates: 16 RUTGERS Widow, Pages: 86 Alletta, Deeds: 65, 204, 207, 327 Anthony, Deeds: 12, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 64, 65, 79, 91, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 327, 387, 396, 567, 568, 624, 625, 626, 627, 639, 747, 820, 846; Mortgages: 243, 258261, 264, 379, 462; Pages: 5, 8, 9, 15, 21-23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37-39, 45, 48-71 Anthony A., Mortgages: 243, 264, 471, 472



SACKETT, (continued) Joseph, Deeds: 251, 252; Mortgages: 131 Margery, Deeds: 7 Richard, Deeds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 35, 61, 62, 87, 88, 92, 114, 204, 206; Pages: 6, 45, 47, 65 Samuel, Deeds: 832; Mortgages: 792, 872 SAGE Allen, Mortgages: 275 SAGUEZ John, Mortgages: 757 SAILS Phebe, Deeds: 275 Stephen, Deeds: 275 ST. JOHN Canada, Estates: 31 Joel, Deeds: 931 Ruth, Deeds: 931 ST. THOMAS West Indies, Mortgages: 499 SALEM, Essex, Mass. , Deeds: 367 Westchester, Deeds: 810 SALISBURY Conn. , Deeds: 71, 104, 237, 280, 519, 520; Estates: 23, 231 Gideon, Mortgages: 583 SALKELD Mary, Estates: 32 SALMON (see Solomon) SAMILL W. , Pages: 602 SANDERS - Pages: 24 & Harmsens Patent, Pages: 59, 95, 96 Marytie, Pages: 34, 35 SANDERSTOWN, N.J. Mortgages: 571 SANDS Benjamin, Mortgages: 420 Comfort, Deeds: 459 Deborah, Deeds: 1001 George, Estates: 210 James, Mortgages: 420 Jemima, Estates: 210 Mary, Deeds: 1001 Richard, Deeds: 1001; Mortgages: 382 SANDWICH, Co. Barnstable, Mass. , SACIS Deeds: 183 Justice, Deeds: 11 SAPPON (see Lapham) SACKETT John, Deeds: 296 - Deeds: 64, 65, 396 Jonathan, Deeds: 296 Ezekiel, Deeds: 249, SARATOGA 433; Mortgages: 53, Estates: 106 308, 367, 383, 800; SARLS (Searls) Estates: 55 James, Deeds 43, 45 Hannah, Deeds: 251, John, Deeds: 723; Mort252 gages: 684 Ichiel, Mortgages: 800 Nathaniel, Estates: 220 J. , Pages: 16 Prudence, Mortgages John, Deeds: 61, 62, 684 88, 91, 92, 114, 222, Reuben, Deeds: 801, 239, 241, 242; Mort880; Mortgages: 749; gages: 95 Estates: 92; Pages: Jonathan, Deeds: 141 571, 633

RUTGERS, (continued) Anthony S. , Mortgages: 258-261 Cornelia, Deeds: 64, 65, 204, 205, 207, 214, 327, 368, 526; Mortgages: 34; Pages: 81, 93 Cornelius, Deeds: 179, 522 Elsie, Deeds: 64, 65, 204, 205, 207, 327 Henry, Deeds: 889 Mary, Deeds: 64, 65, 204, 205, 207, 327 P. , Pages: 21 RUTSELL Jno., Deeds: 413 RUTZEN John, Deeds: 678 RYDER (see Rider) RYE Mortgages: 94, 177, 394, 507; Pages: 23 RYKERT (see Rikert) NYMPH (Rim) - Deeds: 770; Mortgages: 739 Abraham, Deeds: 752; Estates: 219 B. , Pages: 633 Barbary, Mortgages: 178 Elizabeth, Deeds: 752; Estates: 219 George, Deeds: 435, 457, 622, 752, 888, 892, 958; Mortgages: 178, 200, 914; Estates: 219; Pages: 573 James, Deeds: 752; Estates: 219 Johann, Estates: 182 John, Deeds: 752; Estates: 219 Luke, Deeds: 752, 1022; Estates: 219; Pages: 633 Mary, Deeds: 734, 751, 752; Estates: 219 Peter, Estates: 219 Rachel, Deeds: 752; Estates: 219 Rebecca, Deeds: 752; Estates: 219 RYNDERS Jacob, Mortgages: 22

HATCHWELL Thomas, Deeds: 463 SATERLY Richard, Deeds: 98, 105 SAWL (see Soule) Benjamin, Deeds: 415 SAYRE (Sayas) John, Deeds: 890 Paul, Deeds: 586; Mortgages: 487 SCADDEN William, Mortgages: 583 SCARSDALE, Westchester, Deeds: 17, 556, 574; Mortgages: 421, 466, 523 SCHAGTIKOOK Deeds: 541 SCHALPMOES (Schepmoes) Johannis, Deeds: 34, 155 SCHENK - Mortgages: 330 Abraham, Deeds: 354, 355; Mortgages: 175, 176, 221 Elsie, Mortgages: 175, 176, 221 Hendrick, Deeds: 784; Mortgages: 152, 153, 175 Paul, Mortgages: 175 Peter, Mortgages: 175 SCHOLDES Hendrick, Mortgages: 91 SCHOLEFIELD Arnel, Deeds: 259 SCHOOLMASTER Daniel Hamil, Estates: 258 SCHOUTEN Aaron, Deeds: 712 SCHOVEL Deeds: 671 SCHROM John, Deeds: 149, 150; Mortgages: 1, 2, 11 SCHRYVER (Scriver) - Mortgages: 301, 535 Abraham, Pages: 634 Albertus, Deeds: 310, 631, 951, 969; Mortgages: 585, 603; Pages: 585, 634 Annabarah, Mortgages: 424 Baiter, Deeds: 596 David, Deeds: 648, 898, 1031; Mortgages: 897 Frederick, Deeds: 549 J. , Pages: 574 Jacob, Deeds: 431, 621, 728, 882, 951, 969; Mortgages: 350; Estates: 45; Pages: 568, 573, 577, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 586, 599, 600, 601, 634 John, Deeds: 621, 880; Estates: 13; Pages: 576, 580, 582, 583, 584, 587, 633, 634 Jno. , Deeds: 741, 972; Mortgages: 822 Joseph, Pages: 635

INDEX SCHRYVER, (continued) Margaret, Deeds: 951; Mortgages: 585; Pages: 591 Martin, Deeds: 565 Peter, Deeds: 310, 312, 348, 549, 631, 880, 951; Mortgages: 424, 500, 596, 603, 608, 667, 869; Pages: 572, 592, 634 Rachel, Deeds: 621 Rebecca, Estates: 259 Sibertus,'Deeds: 969 Stephen, Deeds: 564; Estates: 259 William, Pages: 634 SCHULTZ Christian, Deeds: 177, 296, 303, 338 Christopher, Mortgages: 374 Frederick, Deeds: 564; Mortgages: 578, 916; Estates: 304; Pages: 575, 584, 634 John F. , Pages: 588 Margaret, Estates: 304 Theophilies, Deeds: 558 SCHUYLER Ann, Deeds: 515; Mortgages: 143 Brandt, Deeds: 281 Elizabeth, Deeds: 312 Hendrick, Deeds: 4 Peter, Pages: 46 Ph. , Deeds: 623 SCHUYLERS PATTENT Pages: 36, 39, 57 SCOBY Hannah, Estates: 296 William, Mortgages: 709; Estates: 296 SCOTLAND, KIRK OF Deeds: 500 SCOTT James, Deeds: 259; Mortgages: 138; Estates: 210 John Morin, Deeds: 201 William, Deeds: 738, 778 SCUDDER William, Deeds: 266 SEAGROVE James, Mortgages: 387 SEAMAN - Mortgages: 724; Pages: 92 Adam, Pages: 91 Albert, Deeds: 713, 826; Mortgages: 816 Ann, Deeds: 587, 686 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 816 John, Pages: 576 Lyda, Estates: 80 Maurice, Pages: 618 Nathaniel, Deeds: 601; Mortgages: 317, 505, 564, 859; Pages: 611 Richard, Deeds: 567, 571, 587, 588, 686; Mortgages: 259, 304, 456; Pages: 634, 635 S. , Pages: 574

SEAMAN, (continued) Samuel, Deeds: 837; Pages: 574, 581, 634 Silvenus, Deeds: 571, 587, 588, 686; Mortgages: 533, 648; Pages: 572, 581, 585, 634 Walter, Deeds: 608 Willet, Estates: 297 SEARES Elizabeth, Estates: 283 SEARING John, Deeds: 659; Mortgages: 46, 709 New Hempstead, Deeds: 659 SEARLES (see Saris) SEATON Widow, Estates: 225 SEBRING Isaac, Mortgages: 629 Jacob, Mortgages: 877 SEDAR John, Estates: 247 SEEBURY David, Mortgages: 176 SEELY Ephraim, Deeds: 175, 223, 262, 337; Mortgages: 18, 141, 206 William, Deeds: 825 SELKREGY John, Deeds: 858; Mortgages: 827, 883; Pages: 634 SEPARATISTS MEETING HOUSE Deeds: 327; Mortgages: 253 SEXTON Nathaniel, Deeds: 225 SHADBOLT Joseph, Deeds: 628 Mary, Deeds: 628 Phebe, Pages: 635 Thomas, Deeds: 588, 632, 633, 924; Mortgages: 548; Pages: 569, 610, 635 SHAFFER (Sheafer, see Shaver) Jacob, Deeds: 687, 956 SHARON, CONN. Deeds: 72, 83, 162, 164, 174, 176, 197, 201, 233, 234, 254, 284, 324, 408, 432, 455, 456, 553, 695; Mortgages: 2, 164, 251, 318, 323, 343, 355, 425, 559, 613, 682, 731, 756, 773, 783, 797, 802, 855; Estates: 39, 72, 73, 222, 300 SHARP John, Deeds: 557 SHARPSTEEN Henry, Pages: 611 SHARPSTONE Catherine, Estates: 226 Deborah, Estates: 107 Elizabeth, Estates: 226 Hannah, Estates: 226 Henry, Deeds: 934; Estates: 226; Pages: 611

693 SHARPSTONE, (continued) Jacob, Deeds: 51, 97, 273, 725; Mortgages: 104, 564; Estates: 43, 46, 226; Pages: 569 John, Mortgages: 934; Estates: 226 Margaret, Estates: 226 Mary, Estates: 46, 226 Molly, Estates: 226 Peter, Deeds: 725; Estates: 226 SHAVELIER (Shavelear) Abner, Deeds: 933; Mortgages: 390 Elias, Deeds: 325, 350, 388, 932; Mortgages: 185, 215, 783 Peter, Mortgages: 282, 390 SHAVER (see Shaffer) Adam, Deeds: 673 Jacob, Deeds: 673 SHAW - Mortgages: 265 Charles, Deeds: 604, 644, 669, 799, 980; Mortgages: 310, 344, 513, 520, 527, 673 John, Mortgages: 344 Moses, Deeds: 452, 623; Mortgages: 534, 814; Pages: 613 Noah, Deeds: 838, 902 SHAWASH Pages: 15 SHAWENAH Pages: 15 SHAWENGUNCK, ULSTER CO. Mortgages: 393 SHEAK Barbara, Estates: 227 Christian, Estates: 227 Johannis, Mortgages: 627, 713; Estates: 227 John, Estates: 227; Pages: 569, 578, 587, 634 Mica, Estates: 227 Michael, Pages: 634 Oppelona, Estates: 227 Rosannah, Estates: 227 SHEARLOCK Thomas, Deeds: 239, 240 SHEARMAN Ezekiel, Estates: 205 SHEFFIELD, MASS. Deeds: 557 SHELBORN, Lake Champlain, Vt., Estates: 146 SHELDON Benjamin, Mortgages: 776 Elihu, Pages: 635 Ezekiel, Deeds: 285 George, Deeds: 635 Nathaniel, Deeds: 575 William, Mortgages: 864 SHEPHERD - Deeds: 473 Charles, Deeds: 552 Daniel, Deeds: 438; Mortgages: 423

694 SHEPHERD, (continued) David, Deeds: 563; Mortgages: 158 Isreal, Deeds: 439, 861; Mortgages: 842 Jonathon, Mortgages: 49, 64, 150; Estates: 39 Jonathon, widow of, Estates: 228 Rhoda, Deeds: 438 Samuel, Deeds: 286 Timothy, Estates: 77 William, Deeds: 438 SHERBROOKE - Mortgages: 265 Miles, Deeds: 360, 644, 669, 799, 980; Mortgages: 265, 362, 527, 673 SHERBURNE, MASS. Deeds: 799 SHERLOCK Thomas, Mortgages: 55, 322 SHERMAN (Shearman) Briggs, Deeds: 863 Hugh, Deeds: 960, 1004, 1008 Jeremiah, Deeds: 955 John, Deeds: 35 Roger, Deeds: 179, 265, 304, 368, 522, 562; Mortgages: 34, 166 Samuel, Deeds: 124, 125, 145 SHERRILL Jeremiah, Deeds: 1033, 1040; Mortgages: 756, 775 SHERWOOD - Mortgages: 676 Ashel, Deeds: 861; Mortgages: 842 Caleb, Pages: 607 John, Deeds: 731, 765, 907, 1032 Parrick (Parriah), Deeds: 438, 439, 440, 489, 563; Mortgages: 454, 905 Sarah, Deeds: 861 Seymore, Deeds: 625; Mortgages: 545 Solomon, Deeds: 396 SHIPLEY & Abbet Conklin T. Pages: 633 Ann, Deeds: 854, 911, 917 Marice (Morris), Deeds: 854, 911 SHIPMAN Catherine, Deeds: 446 Elias, Deeds: 446, 447, 448 SHOLFF Henry, Deeds: 565 SHONALEAR Richard, Estates: 300 SHOP Henry, Mortgages: 562 SHOTWELL Thomas, Deeds: 676 SICKELS Zacharias, Mortgages: 175

INDEX SICKNER SLAVES: (continued) Albertus, Deeds: 330, Calop, Estates: 226 Ceasar, Pages: 590 331; Estates: 187 Charles Anthony, Pages: SILLMAN 592 David, Deeds: 783 SIMMONS Chat, Estates: 226 De Burr, Lukey, Pages: John, Deeds: 450; Es596, 597 tates: 141 Diana, Pages: 593 Lydia, Estates: 80 Dinah, Pages: 589, 598, SIMON 599 Jas. D. , Deeds: 689 Elizabeth, Pages: 599 SIMONDS Francus, Paul, Pages: A. (Adm), Pages: 90, 91, 92, 94, 97 600 Gettudy, Laury, Pages: SIMONS 592 Johanes, Estates: 91 SIMPSON Gray, John, Pages: 590 Hannah Murphy, Pages: James, Mortgages: 859; 591, 592 Estates: 229; Pages: 634 Harry, Pages: 591, 594 Hester Jones, Pages: Joseph, Mortgages: 859; 589 Estates: 229 Margaret, Estates: 29 Jack, Pages: 595, 597 Peter, Deeds: 573, 893; Jacob Bush, Pages: 601 Mortgages: 859; EsJane, Pages: 601 John Gray, Pages: 590 tates: 29, 229; Pages: 570-574, 585 Jones, Hester, Pages: 589 Robert, Deeds: 808, Lada or Tada, Estates: 868, 1001; Mortgages: 746, 804, 830, 876; 163 Pages: 583 Laury Gettudy, Pages: Walter, Estates: 66 592 SIMS (see Symes) Lukey De Burr, Pages: SISSON 596, 597 Lydia, Pages: 595, 596 George, Estates: 230 James, Deeds: 780 Mary, Pages: 599, 600 Murphy Hannah, Pages: Lemuel, Mortgages: 528 Mary, Deeds: 700 591, 592 Sarah, Estates: 308 Nan, Estates: 304 Thomas, Estates: 230; Nanee, Estates: 281 Pages: 622 Paul Francis, Pages: SKIDMORE 600 Permiet, Pages: 601 Sarah, Mortgages: 807 Peter, Pages: 590, 591 Soloman, Pages: 616 Walter, Deeds: 850; Peter Picket, Pages: Mortgages: 807; 600 Pages: 576, 580, 583, Sepio, Pages: 600 587, 634 Susannah Armstrong, SKINNER Pages: 595 Abram, Mortgages: 385, Sylvia, Pages: 595 490 Tada or Lada, Estates: Benjamin, Deeds: 248 163 Henry, Mortgages: 884 Tom, Pages: 593 John, Deeds: 418 SLEEPER Joseph, Deeds: 90; James, Deeds: 919 Mortgages: 122, 136 SLEIGHT (Sleat) Persos, Mortgages: 490 Catherine, Mortgages: Rob., Deeds: 457; Mort748 gages: 309 Catlyntie, Deeds: 155 Robert, Estates: 185 Daniel, Deeds: 809; SLASON Mortgages: 450, 661, Bower, Deeds: 551; 748, 804, 876, 894, Mortgages: 238, 334, 920; Pages: 582, 587, 335, 707 634 SLATER Hendricus, Deeds: 130, John, Deeds: 1007 131, 155, 187, 245, SLAVES: 384, 668, 808, 809, Abraham (Ail), Pages: 1001; Mortgages: 241, 597 382, 450, 746, 748, Adonijah, Estates: 162 830; Estates: 66 Anna, Pages: 593 Henry, Pages: 573, 577, Anthony, Charles, 578, 579, 583, 586, Pages: 592 587, 589, 590, 634, Armstrong, Susannah, 635 Pages: 595 Jacobus, Mortgages: Bush, Jacob, Pages: 601 784; Pages: 634 Bute, Pages: 601 Margaret, Pages: 589



SMITH, (continued) SMITH, (continued) SLEIGHT, (continued) 871 Mortgages: 84 Matthew, Deeds: 155, Mary, Estates: 243 Deeds: 304, 368, 611; Mortgages: 17, Isaac, Maurice, Deeds: 503, 21 439, 659, 698, 699, 566; Pages: 634 774, 777, 871, 1043; Sarah, Mortgages: 920 Melancton, Deeds: 328, Mortgages: 166, 233, Simson, Pages: 568, 459, 481, 482, 483, 577, 580, 583, 586, 352, 413, 458, 509, 512, 732, 733, 742, 541, 581, 800, 820, 635 744; Mortgages: 332, 854, 873, 889, 892, SLICKS 346, 407, 438, 491; 915; Estates: 32, Joseph, Estates: 92 Estates: 236 163, 233, 237, 239, SLIDELL Micah, Deeds: 79, 304, 240; Pages: 606, 612 Thomas, Deeds: 738 368; Mortgages: 60, Israel, Estates: 206, SLOCUM 166; Estates: 233, 243 Gideon, Deeds: 602 237; Pages: 60, 65, Jabez, Estates: 294 SLOSSON 66 Jabis, Deeds: 400; Enoch, Estates: 145 Morris, Mortgages: 871 Mortgages: 248, 463; SMITH Moses, Mortgages: 98; Estates: 232 - Deeds: 227; MortEstates: 81 Jacob, Deeds: 79, 513, gages: 83, 196, 491, Nathan, Deeds: 132, 565, 572, 607, 616, 728; Pages: 42, 43, 160, 178, 190, 228, 617, 645, 659, 671, 48, 49, 58, 59, 61, 364, 555, 714, 874, 688, 697, 706, 713, 63, 86, 88, 89, 90 979; Estates: 238, 779, 828, 833, 839, Widow, Deeds: 524; 239, 241 850, 857, 889, 904, Mortgages: 497 Nehemiah, Deeds: 459, 921, 973, 979, 993, Aaron, Mortgages: 364 460 995, 1004, 1042; Abigail, Mortgages: 672 Newcomb, Deeds: 427; Mortgages: 427, 458, Abijah, Deeds: 118, Mortgages: 76 459, 460, 514, 516, 120, 121 Noah, Mortgages: 315; 517, 537, 633, 726, Abner, Mortgages: 47, Pages: 604 754, 769, 784, 786, 294 Obadiah, Deeds: 670, 787, 804-808, 818, Abraham, Estates: 240 818, 819, 914; Mort819, 825, 826, 829, Abuah, Deeds: 118 gages: 440 874, 875, 876, 895; Anna, Estates: 231 Oliver, Mortgages: 168 Estates: 22, 51, 82, Azariah, Deeds: 237, Othaniel, Deeds: 732, 85, 94, 210, 213, 399, 501, 502; Es878; Mortgages: 345, 233, 237; Pages: 60, tates: 231 867; Estates: 89; 65, 66, 93-98, 569, Benjamin, Mortgages: Pages: 586, 633 575, 579, 583, 603, 315 Peggy, Estates: 236 633 Caleb, Deeds: 323; Peter, Mortgages: 373 James, Deeds: 119, 120, Mortgages: 65, 92, Phebe, Estates: 163, 135, 136, 137, 139, 183, 260; Pages: 611 233, 236, 237, 255 146, 148, 149, 150, Catherine, Mortgages: Philip, Deeds: 871; 837, 878; Estates: 151, 160, 178, 191, Mortgages: 873, 892; 264, 265, 269, 301, 242 Estates: 240 463, 699, 831, 836; Daniel, Deeds: 118, Platt, Deeds: 505, 615, Mortgages: 71, 144, 284, 518, 678, 679, 777, 856, 871, 1043; 220, 269, 299, 490, 680, 681, 758, 836, Mortgages: 378, 479, 576, 855; Estates: 912; Mortgages: 118, 509, 510, 540, 541, 25, 234, 239; Pages: 238, 439, 572, 614; 581, 659, 873, 892; 582, 634 Estates: 35, 121, Estates: 240 Estates: 182 634 Jane, 242; Pages: Polly, Deeds: 871; EsJeremiah, Deeds: 975; Darces, Deeds: 146 tates: 240 Estates: 275 David, Deeds: 552; EsR. , Deeds: 692 Jerusha, Estates: 240 tates: 231; Pages: Rachel, Estates: 239 Jesse, Deeds: 831, 878; 607 Rebecca, Mortgages: Mortgages: 197, 867; Dolly, Mortgages: 510 248, 726 Estates: 25, 101 Elijah, Deeds: 502; EsReuben, Deeds: 228, John, Deeds: 188, 275, tates: 231 364; Estates: 241 358, 456, 497, 558; Elizabeth, Deeds: 376, Rhoda, Mortgages: 770, Mortgages: 518, 613, 664; Estates: 15, 53, 771 631, 682, 694, 783; 114, 182, 243 Richard, Deeds: 225, Estates: 33, 213 Elnathan, Estates: 77 304, 329; Estates: Jonathan, Deeds: 664 Elve, Mortgages: 796 237; Pages: 583 Joseph, Deeds: 319; Ephraim, Deeds: 831; Richbill, Estates: 236 Mortgages: 186, 768, Mortgages: 785 Robert, Deeds: 514, 796, 876; Pages: 633 Ezariah, Mortgages: 50; 680; Mortgages: 550; Josiah, Pages: 619 Estates: 231 Estates: 242 Kezia (Casia), Deeds: George, Deeds: 577, Samuel, Deeds: 141, 878; Estates: 101 586, 753, 786, 787, 188, 200, 248, 286, Lemuel, Deeds: 521 1024; Mortgages: 491; 308, 309, 323, 328, Lockwood, Estates: 235 Estates: 242 335, 374, 376, 413, Lott, Estates: 15 Gilbert, Estates: 240 458, 459, 460, 640, Lucindy, Estates: 84 Hannah, Estates: 243 677, 678, 679, 680, Luse, Estates: 75 Harriet, Estates: 175 818, 819, 957; MortLydia, Estates: 100 Henry, Deeds: 165 gages: 2, 57, 63, 73, Margaret, Deeds: 783, Hugh, Deeds: 283, 302;

696 SMITH, (continued) 75, 100, 113, 149, 155, 163, 164, 186, 208, 271, 329, 407, 572, 583, 837, 878; Estates: 178, 182, 242, 243, 291; Pages: 569, 605 Sarah, Deeds: 681; Estates: 231, 275 Sidney, Deeds: 959; Estates: 236 Silas, Deeds: 160; Estates: 244 Solomon, Mortgages: 230 Stephen, Mortgages: 334, 770, 771, 776; Pages: 634 Susannah, Estates: 105 Tabis, Pages: 604 Thomas, Deeds: 90, 260, 582; Estates: 233 Timothy, Deeds: 154, 375; Estates: 182 Uriah, Deeds: 904; Estates: 233, 240; Pages: 582, 587 Ursila, Deeds: 831 Waters, Estates: 243 William, Deeds: 31, 32, 201, 444, 533, 535, 777, 871; Mortgages: 672; Pages: 603, 634 Zebulon, Deeds: 217, 373, 545, 548, 555, 575, 580, 653; Mortgages: 485; Estates: 114; Pages: 603, 605 SMITHFIELD Deeds: 819 SMITHFIELD MEETING HOUSE Mortgages: 616 SMITHFIELD, R.I. Mortgages: 770, 771 SMITHTOWN, SUFFOLK CO. Deeds: 226; Mortgages: 230 SMITT Goinnpz Gore R., Deeds: 692 SMYTH Elizabeth, Deeds: 658 Robert, Deeds: 658; Mortgages: 550 SNEDEKER Elizabeth, Deeds: 645 Isaac, Deeds: 818 Richard, Deeds: 405, 645, 678, 763; Mortgages: 25, 358; Estates: 70 SNIFFEN Isaac, Deeds: 1001 Thomas, Deeds: 574 SNOW Andries, Deeds: 37, 38 SNYDER Samuel, Deeds: 174 SOAMES Benjamin, Deeds: 488 SOLE (see Soule) SOLOMON Barton, Deeds: 552 Phebe, Deeds: 552 SOMERSET, GREAT BRITAIN Mortgages: 235

INDEX SOMERSET, N.J. Deeds: 41, 64, 204 SOPER (see Super) - Mortgages: 271 Cornelius, Pages: 618 Elliper, Deeds: 503 Joseph, Deeds: 361; Mortgages: 130 Martha, Deeds: 243, 469 Peletiah, Deeds: 225, 243, 244, 248, 469; Mortgages: 6, 86, 146, 348 Pell, Deeds: 89; Mortgages: 4 Sarah, Estates: 3 Thomas, Deeds: 78, 245 277, 422, 423; Mortgages: 20, 97, 105, 106 SORRENBERGER Frederick, Deeds: 961 George, Estates: 231 John, Deeds: 961 Jury (Jacob), Estates: 245 Rebeckah, Deeds: 501 SOULE (Sole) - Deeds: 403 Benjamin, Deeds: 338, 415, 512; Mortgages: 148, 152; Pages: 611, 619 Daniel, Deeds: 226, 512 Ebenezer, Deeds: 968 George, Deeds: 104, 314, 425; Mortgages: 147, 198, 202; Estates: 135, 246; Pages: 619 James, Deeds: 797 Jerusha, Estates: 135 John, Deeds: 1016; Mortgages: 202 Jonathan, Deeds: 728, 951; Mortgages: 375, 500; Estates: 135; Pages: 588, 634 Joseph, Estates: 246 Lattain, Deeds: 530 Lydia, Estates: 90, 246 Margaret, Estates: 246 Nathaniel (Nathan), Deeds: 295, 532, 1041; Mortgages: 42, 202, 245 Rowland, Mortgages: 248; Estates: 246 Sarah, Estates: 135 Seneca, Deeds: 826 William, Pages: 622 SOUND Pages: 23 SOUTH Daniel, Estates: 259 SOUTHAMPTON, SUFFOLK CO. Deeds: 586, 791; Mortgages: 741 SOUTHARD Benjamin, Deeds: 665; Mortgages: 41; Estates: 247 Crindie (Crintia), Deeds: 539; Estates: 247 Elizabeth, Estates: 247

SOUTHARD, (continued) Joseph, Deeds: 643; Mortgages: 140, 567; Estates: 247; Pages: 602 Mary, Estates: 247 Roelof, Estates: 13 SOUTHERLAND Anna, Estates: 308 Barsheba, Estates: 308 David, Deeds: 227, 257, 311, 461, 664, 766, 1032; Mortgages: 82, 97, 196, 220, 225, 362, 672, 734, 735, 742, 762; Estates: 71, 307 Deborah, Mortgages: 734, 735 Elizabeth, Estates: 308 George, Deeds: 806 Henry, Estates: 307 James, Deeds: 766 Joel, Deeds: 664, 805, 807; Mortgages: 649 John, Deeds: 227, 277, 426; Estates: 308 Joseph, Deeds: 818, 819; Estates: 308 Josiah, Deeds: 818, 819, 1032 Judith, Estates: 164 Mary, Estates: 308 Phebe, Estates: 308 Roger, Mortgages: 501, 525; Pages: 622 Ruth, Estates: 308 Samuel, Estates: 308 Seary (Sarah), Deeds: 426; Estates: 308 Smith, Deeds: 450 Solomon, Deeds: 766, 863; Mortgages: 610, 734, 735, 742, 764, 775; Estates: 307 Thomas, Deeds: 797; Estates: 308 William, Deeds: 731; Mortgages: 243, 666, 735; Estates: 243, 308 SOUTHERTON David, Deeds: 422, 424, 425; Mortgages: 649 SOUTH HEMPSTEAD Mortgages: 518 SOUTH STRATFIELD (see Stratfield) Deeds: 3 SOUTHWARD (see Southard) SOUTHWICK - Pages: 585 Daniel, Deeds: 283; Mortgages: 132, 217, 487 David, Mortgages: 236 Edward, Deeds: 789, 792, 796; Mortgages: 623, 636; Pages: 634 Lawrence, Deeds: 588; Mortgages: 636, 763, 935; Estates: 135; Pages: 572 Zadock, Deeds: 670, 671, 686; Mortgages: 763, 935; Pages: 572,

INDEX SOUTHWICK, (continued) 578, 581, 634 SPALDING Philip, Deeds: 932, 933, 934 SPENCER Alexander, Mortgages: 861 Nathaniel, Deeds: 438 Philip, Deeds: 371, 379, 399 Reuben, Deeds: 687; Mortgages: 692, 719, 879; Pages: 576, 579, 582, 585, 587, 634 William, Deeds: 72, 95, 288 Zurriah, Estates: 42 SPICER Ezekiel, Deeds: 149, 150, 152 Nathan, Deeds: 276, 341, 440; Mortgages: 57, 252, 271 SQUIRE Jonathan, Deeds: 916 Reuben, Mortgages: 149 Stoddard, Deeds: 694 STAATSBURGH OR PAWLING (Pauling Purchase) Deeds: 41, 204, 218, 312, 330, 331, 360, 410, 446, 447, 448, 465, 511, 515, 577, 599, 600, 604, 635, 644, 668, 669, 672, 673, 674, 675, 682, 683, 684, 685, 693, 717, 718, 729, 798, 799, 800, 858, 898, 914, 943, 960; Mortgages: 143, 153, 182, 195, 344, 396, 409, 428, 498, 577, 617, 686; Estates: 60; Pages: 593 STAGG Thomas, Mortgages: 493 STAMER (Stannard) Claudius, Pages: 582, 634 STAMFORD, CONN. Mortgages: 506, 865 STANFORD Deeds: 701, 731, 747, 756, 759, 765, 766, 775, 777, 788, 789, 796, 803, 804, 817, 818, 819, 832, 836, 843, 844, 846, 852, 863, 869, 871, 874, 875, 876, 890, 891, 902, 925, 926, 927, 928, 941, 947; Mortgages: 642, 645, 662 666, 668, 669, 671, 710, 713, 734, 735, 742, 750, 756, 762, 763, 764, 767, 770, 771, 775, 777, 791, 792, 799, 800, 811, 812, 820, 821, 826, 850, 852, 854, 872, 898, 904, 921, 922, 924;


STORM STANFORD, (continued) Bernica, Deeds: 235 Estates: 2, 146, 151, Dirck, Deeds: 235, 238, 156, 163, 164, 175, 406; Mortgages: 357 206, 212, 217, 262, Gorus (Goris), Deeds: 305, 307; 235; Mortgages: 39, Pages: 574, 585 357, 386, 472, 482; STANNARD (see Stamer) Estates: 124, 248 Claudius, Pages: 582 James, Deeds: 855; STANTON Pages: 572, 578 Joseph, Deeds: 215, John, Mortgages: 482, 304, 370; Mortgages: 484; Estates: 248 80; Estates: 208 Peter, Deeds: 235, 421, Reuben, Deeds: 333 534, 855; Mortgages: STAPLES 292, 357, 359, 386, Ebenr. , Deeds: 892 416, 436, 472, 484, STEPHENSON 757; Estates: 124, Timothy, Pages: 634 248; Pages: 633 STEVENS (Stephens) Robert, Estates: 248 - Deeds: 1000 Sarah, Estates: 248 Benjamin, Deeds: 387, Susannah, Estates: 248 624, 625, 626, 627, Thomas, Deeds: 235, 639, 820, 846; Mort238; Mortgages: 278, gages: 258, 260, 261, 357, 386 264, 462 STORY (see Storey) Mary, Mortgages: 525 STOUTENBURGH Matthew, Estates: 12 - Deeds: 287, 296, 303, Peter, Deeds: 808, 956, 780; Mortgages: 120, 1001; Mortgages: 736; 189, 539, 598, 668, Pages: 634 711; Pages: 574, 585 Rebecca, Estates: 12 Mr. , Pages: 58, 62, 64, Samuel, Deeds: 618 66, 72, 73, 86, 96 Thomas, Mortgages: 558, Widow, Mortgages: 486 559, 927 Abraham, Deeds: 967, William, Mortgages: 274 1009; Mortgages: 478, STEWARD (Stewart) 880; Estates: 305; Henry, Deeds: 805, 806, Pages: 568, 574, 579, 807; Estates: 2, 164 582, 634 James, Mortgages: 100 Annatje, Estates: 249 Jemima, Estates: 164 Benjamin, Deeds: 746, Sarah, Mortgages: 508 963; Mortgages: 703, Thomas, Deeds: 467, 761, 880; Pages: 571, 490, 605, 606, 697, 578, 585, 634 713, 720, 834, 866; Catharine, Deeds: 701, Mortgages: 349, 508, 719, 746, 963; Mort794, 913, 926; Pages: gages: 703, 761, 908; 572, 578, 633 Estates: 182 William, Estates: 29 Cooke (?), Mortgages: STICKLE 366 Nicholas, Mortgages: Elenor, Pages: 634 187 Isaac, Pages: 587, 634 STILES Jacobus, Deeds: 12, 33, Nathan, Pages: 635 34, 35, 46, 49, 50, STILLWELL 61, 62, 67, 68, 79, Amea, Deeds: 836 91, 144, 176, 204, John, Estates: 291 206, 251, 267, 268, Richard, Estates: 91, 270, 278, 300, 326, 251 405, 415, 601, 602, Thomas, Deeds: 522, 636, 660, 699, 719, 805, 836; Estates: 748, 754, 903, 954, 95, 178 967, 988, 991; MortSTODDARD gages: 87, 107, 109, Luther, Deeds: 519, 520 148, 152, 168, 170, STONE 173, 207, 211, 212, Eleanor, Estates: 169 219, 287, 288, 366, Hannah, Estates: 84 391, 569, 600, 705; Sarah, Estates: 84 Estates: 249; Pages: STONE MEETING HOUSE 6, 28, 40, 42, 45, Mortgages: 637, 738; 60, 61, 65, 71, 74, Pages: 570 92, 575 STOREY James, Deeds: 601, 636, Amos, Pages: 635 660, 719, 754, 903, Elizabeth, Estates: 107 971, 992, 1029, 1030; John, Estates: 107 Mortgages: 600, 705, Margaret, Estates: 107 908, 930; Estates:45; Zachariah, Deeds: 471, Pages: 575, 587, 634 1013; Pages: 623

698 STOUTENBURGH, (continued) John, Deeds: 636, 660, 701, 719, 754, 1029, 1030; Mortgages: 170, 569, 591, 597, 600, 645, 705, 712; Mortgages: 45, 249; Pages: 587, 596, 597, 634 Josina, Deeds: 601, 636 L., Pages: 635 Luke, Deeds: 701, 1029; Mortgages: 288, 597, 857; Estates: 249; Pages: 573, 634 Lusius, Deeds: 636 Maj'r, Pages: 571 Margaret, Deeds: 144, 748, 967, 1009; Mortgages: 822, 930; Estates: 249 Mary, Deeds: 1009, 1029, 1030; Mortgages: 868 Nelly, Mortgages: 822 Peter, Deeds: 573, 893; Mortgages: 657; Estates: 249; Pages: 577, 635 Tobias, Deeds: 107, 619, 719, 1009; Mortgages: 822, 868; Estates: 182; Pages: 92, 93, 571, 578, 581, 584, 587, 633, 634 William, Deeds: 636, 741, 972, 1029, 1030; Mortgages: 561; Estates: 249; Pages: 633, 634 STOVER George, Deeds: 673, 674, 675, 685; Mortgages: 617 STRAIGHT (Streit, Strite) Catherine, Estates: 250 Christen, Estates: 250 Frederick, Deeds: 78, 258, 373, 427, 610, 697, 713, 773, 906; Mortgages: 101, 434, 444, 553, 564, 733; Estates: 250; Pages: 616 George, Estates: 250 Katherine, Mortgages: 444 Lodwaick, Estates: 250 Maddalan, Estates: 250 Margaret, Estates: 250 Mary, Estates: 250 STRATFIELD, CONN. Deeds: 2, 3 STREET & FALLS Pages: 634 STREEVER John, Deeds: 836 STRINGHAM Owen, Deeds: 659, 825; Mortgages: 728, 833 Peter, Deeds: 727; Estates: 163; Pages: 587, 633 Stephen, Deeds: 970; Pages: 584, 587, 633

INDEX STRINGHAM, (continued) Thomas, Deeds: 970; Pages: 573, 579, 581, 587, 634 William, Deeds: 6, 26 STRONG Noah, Deeds: 418 STRYKER Peter, Estates: 91 STUART Thomas, Deeds: 467 STURGIS Jonathan, Deeds: 1, 114 STUYVESANT Nick William, Deeds: 204 Peter, Deeds: 1027 SUDBURY, Middlesex, Mass. , Deeds: 734; Mortgages: 689 SUFFOLK CO. Deeds: 225, 226, 509, 586, 703, 791; Mortgages: 295, 333, 741 SULLIVAN Matthew, Deeds: 214 SUPER Daniel, Mortgages: 75 SUTHERLAND (see Southerland) SUTTON Caleb, Deeds: 1019 SUTTON, MASS. Mortgages: 322 SUYDAM Jacob, Mortgages 480 Ryck, Deeds: 8 SWAN Jonathan, Mortgages: 116 Oliver, Mortgages: 394 SWARTWOUT Jacobus, Deeds: 601, 688; Mortgages: 505; Pages: 580, 634 James, Mortgages: 392; Pages: 574, 579, 580, 585, 586 John, Estates: 236 Maj'r, Pages: 574 Samuel, Pages: 581, 584, 587, 634 SWEET Elnathan, Deeds: 954 Libbeus, Deeds: 478, 989; Mortgages: 618, 750 Lydia, Deeds: 954 Sylvester, Deeds: 646, 655; Mortgages: 321, 579 SWEEZEY William, Mortgages: 409 SWIFT Abraham, Mortgages: 722, 932 Ephraim, Deeds: 247 Isaac, Mortgages: 872 Judah, Deeds: 420, 453, 824, 998; Mortgages: 251, 322 Ruth, Deeds: 247 Samuel, Deeds: 940 Seth, Deeds: 824 Stephen, Deeds: 184,

SWIFT, (continued) 247, 453; Mortgages: 35, 322 Zacheus, Deeds: 183, 184; Mortgages: 35 SWITS Cornelius, Mortgages: 182 SYMES Widow, Deeds: 743 Capt. , Deeds: 378 Catherine, Deeds: 12, 17, 35, 41, 42, 79, 185, 281; Estates: 251; Pages: 6, 31, 34 Elizabeth, Estates: 251 Hendrick, Deeds: 185; Estates: 251 John, Deeds: 17, 91, 281; Estates: 251 Lancaster, Deeds: 12, 17, 35, 41, 185, 281; Estates: 251; Pages: 4 Richard, Estates: 251 SYMONSE Johanes, Estates: 91

TABER Job, Deeds: 578, 646, 986; Mortgages: 272, 480; Estates: 295 Mary, Mortgages: 463 Peleg, Deeds: 400, 552; Mortgages: 248, 463; Pages: 606 Peliah, Deeds: 400 Philip, Deeds: 811, 829 Samuel, Deeds: 655 TADRICK (see Tedireck) TAFT (Tefft) Alexander, Deeds: 535 Mary, Deeds: 535 Nathan, Mortgages: 52 TALBOT Edward, Deeds: 696; Estates: 101 Elizabeth, Estates: 101 TALCOTT Joseph, Deeds: 816, 826, 879, 996; Mortgages: 828 Sarah, Deeds: 996 TALLMAN Brittian, Deeds: 504, 986 Isaac, Deeds: 531, 532, 542, 965; Mortgages: 342 Jedediah, Deeds: 816; Estates: 134 John, Mortgages: 560 Jonathan, Deeds: 986; Estates: 134 Peter, Deeds: 542 TALMADGE Anna, Deeds: 832, 852; Mortgages: 351 Enos, Deeds: 843, 1003; Mortgages: 607, 800, 820; Estates: 5 James, Deeds: 142, 265, 301, 698, 699, 777, 832, 852, 907; Mortgages: 19, 351, 352,



TALMADGE, (continued) 576, 792, 812, 917; Pages: 611 Jonah, Deeds: 449, 843, 844, 852, 1003; Mortgages: 812; Estates: 5 Moses, Deeds: 844 Rebeckah, Deeds: 844 Sarah, Deeds: 844 W. B., Deeds: 832 TALMOUTH COUNTY, MASS. Deeds: 420 TANCRET Anthoe, Deeds: 262 TANNER James, Estates: 273 TAPPEN Peter, Deeds: 656 TAYLOR Manning, Pages: 587 635 Richard, Deeds: 814, 815, 816 TEDIRECK (see Dederick?) Christian, Deeds: 693 Garret, Mortgages: 517; Pages: 581 George, Mortgages: 516; Pages: 581 Hellena, Mortgages: 517 Marie, Mortgages: 516 TEFFT (see Taft) TEED (see Tidd) TEEL (Teal) Chatherine,Estates: 282 Christina, Estates: 261 William, Estates: 261; Pages: 575, 579 TEETER Henry, Estates: 142 TELLER - Deeds: 313 Abraham, Pages: 635 Aleda, Deeds: 292 Isaac, Deeds: 330, 331, 446, 515; Mortgages: 143 J. James, Pages: 635 J. John & Co. , Pages: 635 Jacobus, Mortgages: 368 James, Deeds: 754, 992; Mortgages: 712, 857, 880; Pages: 635 Jeremiah, Deeds: 292; Mortgages: 33, 194, 353, 455 John, Deeds: 601, 746, 963, 964; Mortgages: 486, 505, 641, 703, 761, 930; Pages: 568, 577, 586, 587, 635 Luke, Mortgages: 447; Pages: 635 Margaret, Mortgages: 822, 930 Rebecca, Deeds: 515 Richard, Mortgages: 822; Pages: 635 Theodoras, Pages: 635 William, Deeds: 28, 106, 291, 292, 348; Mortgages: 719, 720, 868, 869 TEN BROECK Catherine, Deeds: 443;


TEN BROECK, (continued) THOMAS, (continued) Mortgages: 570 Benjamin, Deeds: 531, TEN EYCK 532, 533, 542, 618; - Mortgages: 33, 194, Estates: 37 455 Charles, Deeds: 721 A. , Pages: 51 Fanna, Estates: 139 Abraham, Deeds: 12, 35, James, Deeds: 721 79, 91; Mortgages: John, Deeds: 127, 559; 451; Pages: 6 Mortgages: 364; EsAndries, Deeds: 12, 35, tates: 14 79; Pages: 6, 45 Joseph (Tomes), Pages: Conraet, Deeds: 12, 35, 603 79, 112, 113; Pages: THOMPKINS (see Tompkins) 6, 31, 32, 45, 65, THOMPSON 66, 71, 72, 80, 93 - Deeds: 213; Mortgages: 648 Daniel, Mortgages: 451 Dirck, Deeds: 79, 111, Alexander, Deeds: 363, 112; Mortgages: 22, 648, 949; Estates: 375; Pages: 4 229 Henry (Hendrick), Amos, Deeds: 119, 139, Deeds: 4, 12, 32, 33, 213, 424; Mortgages: 46, 67, 68, 73, 106, 106, 131, 351, 399, 111, 204, 206; Pages: 496; Estates: 156 14, 16 Anna, Deeds: 1003 Jacob, Pages: 45 Archibald, Mortgages: Nieltie, Deeds: 12, 35, 23 79; Pages: 6, 9 Asa, Deeds: 139, 899; Peter, Deeds: 32 Mortgages: 399; EsPetronella, Deeds: 4, tates: 156, 252 32 Caleb, Deeds: 777, 832; Richard, Mortgages: Mortgages: 792 451; Pages: 45 Daniel, Deeds: 522, 523 Tobias, Deeds: 281 Elijah, Mortgages: 115 TENNY Enos, Mortgages: 352, Elijah, Estates: 5 509 TER BOSS Ezra, Deeds: 698, 699, - Pages: 14, 33, 34, 774, 776, 777; Mortgages: 351, 352, 370, 36, 38, 48 Cornelius, Deeds: 655 453, 509, 659, 811, 850, 854, 921; EsHenry, Pages: 57 tates: 196 Jacobus, Deeds: 5, 24, Ford, Mortgages: 659 41, 50, 58, 65, 100, Gideon, Deeds: 213; 106, 123, 177, 204, Mortgages: 496 306, 307, 327, 696, Israel, Deeds: 266 784; Mortgages: 108; Jedediah, Deeds: 846 Pages: 13, 14, 21, Jesse, Deeds: 856; 24, 25, 35, 37, 44, Mortgages: 479; Es52-58, 71, 72, 73 tates: 163, 240 Johannis, Deeds: 123 John, Mortgages: 399, Joseph, Estates: 93 811; Estates: 7 TERBUSH Jno. , Deeds: 608, 609 Cornelius, Deeds: 655 Jonathan, Deeds: 648 Joseph, Estates: 93 Judah, Deeds: 132 TERRY Rachal, Mortgages: 352 William, Deeds: 1023, Reuben, Mortgages: 28, 1024; Mortgages: 467; 29 Estates: 58, 66 Sally, Mortgages: 811 TERWILLIGER Samuel, Deeds: 213, - Mortgages: 692 1003; Mortgages: 131, Josiah, Mortgages: 719 139, 469, 496, 915; TETERS 196, 299 Estates: Mortgages: 449 Richard, Samuel widow of, EsTHACHER tates: 253 Partridge, Deeds: 92, Sarah, Mortgages: 139; 197 Estates: 156 THEARE Smith, Deeds: 631, 681, Josiah, Deeds: 412 734, 736, 744, 833, THOM 835, 1026; Mortgages: Benjamin, Mortgages: 817; Estates: 190 568 Stanly, Mortgages: 724, Isaac, Deeds: 667 795; Estates: 141 Joseph, Deeds: 668 Thomas, Deeds: 650; Nathaniel, Mortgages: Mortgages: 490 342 William, Mortgages: Reuben, Mortgages: 568 648, 795 THOMAS Zallah, Estates: 75 - Deeds: 414; Pages: 72


THORN - Estates: 90 Anna, Estates: 122, 254 Benjamin, Estates: 29 Dorothy, Estates: 254 Else, Estates: 254 Hannah, Deeds: 127; Estates: 96, 254, 255 Isaac, Deeds: 98, 99, 104, 105, 126, 127, 182, 652, 667, 782, 783, 785, 814, 815, 816, 826, 827, 1002, 1024, 1041; Mortgages: 476, 491, 565; Estates: 48, 122, 211, 237, 254, 255 Jacob, Deeds: 782, 785, 830; Mortgages: 263, 565, 574; Estates: 121, 237, 254, 255 James, Deeds: 578 John, Deeds: 646, 655; Mortgages: 336, 480, 579, 640, 678, 680, 721 Joseph, Deeds: 275, 382, 555, 668, 920; Mortgages: 32, 111, 236, 369, 433, 487, 574; Estates: 8, 255, 256; Pages: 604, 605, 606, 635 Mary, Estates: 254 Miriam, Estates: 254 Nathaniel, Deeds: 452, 623, 1010, 1041; Mortgages: 432, 433 Obadiah, Estates: 254 Peter, Mortgages: 55 Phebe, Estates: 255 Richard, Estates: 237 Robert, Deeds: 744 Samuel, Deeds: 814, 816; Mortgages: 601 Stephen, Mortgages: 432, 601 Sydonham, Mortgages: 160 William, Deeds: 879, 1024; Mortgages: 236, 429, 469, 727, 815, 828, 903; Estates: 254, 255 THORP Peter, Deeds: 690 THURSTON Dorcas, Estates: 99 Job, Estates: 99 Joel, Deeds: 464; Mortgages: 168, 207, 343, 431, 785 John, Deeds: 198, 270, 305, 437, 507, 650, 904; Mortgages: 485, 786; Estates: 248, 257; Pages: 568, 571, 577, 578, 580, 583, 584, 587, 599, 601, 602 M. John, Pages: 635 Montross, Deeds: 833; Mortgages: 786, 787; Estates: 82 Prudence, Estates: 139 Samuel, Estates: 257


TIDD Joseph, Deeds: 504; Mortgages: 443 William, Mortgages: 443 TIETSOORT Isaac, Deeds: 21, 22 Israel, Deeds: 28a TILER (see Tyler) TILLOTSON Margaret, Deeds: 898 Thomas, Deeds: 898, 980; Mortgages: 620 TILLOU (Tilyou) Joseph, Mortgages: 804, 876; Pages: 636 William, Deeds: 878; Mortgages: 867; Estates: 189; Pages: 632, 635 TIOGA CO. Deeds: 940 TIPPLE - Mortgages: 620, 699, 897; Deeds: 897 Adam, Deeds: 278, 279, 339; Mortgages: 107, 109, 128 Jacob, Deeds: 693, 717 Mary, Deeds: 693 TISDALE Barnabas, Deeds: 194 TITUS - Estates: 90 Asten, Pages: 635 Augustine (Augustus), Deeds: 641, 642, 662; Mortgages: 571, 615, 729 Ebenezer, Deeds: 179; Mortgages: 34 Elizabeth, Mortgages: 631 Gilbert, Deeds: 594, 1002; Mortgages: 388; Estates: 50 Jacob, Estates: 254 James, Mortgages: 347 John, Deeds: 812; Mortgages: 400, 487; Estates: 169 Phebe, Deeds: 785 Richard, Deeds: 258; Mortgages: 373 Ruth, Mortgages: 487 Samuel, Deeds: 277, 345, 497, 785, 829, 884; Mortgages: 137, 165, 270, 487, 574, 631 Sarah, Mortgages: 487 Silas, Mortgages: 227 Silvus, Mortgages: 165 Stephen, Deeds: 586, 785, 1002; Mortgages: 400, 487, 565 Wate, Mortgages: 571 TOBIAS Christian, Deeds: 55, 83, 104, 290; Mortgages: 147, 236, 255, 283, 419; Estates: 115, 258 Daniel, Mortgages: 263; Estates: 115 Elizabeth, Estates: 258

TOBIAS, (continued) Frederick, Estates: 258 Isaac, Estates: 258 Jacob, Deeds: 373; Mortgages: 341; Estates: 79, 258 Jane, Deeds: 589 Joseph, Estates: 258 Ruth, Estates: 258 Sarah, Estates: 258 Thomas, Deeds: 589; Mortgages: 442; Estates: 258 TODD George, Pages: 587 John, Pages: 635 William, Pages: 574, 579, 635 TOM (see Thom) (Slave), Pages: 593 TOMES Joseph, Pages: 603 TOMPKINS Amos, Deeds: 1034 Caleb, Deeds: 758; Mortgages: 471, 718; Estates: 259 Enos (Enock), Deeds: 1034; Mortgages: 324, 325, 332, 333, 420 Gilbert, Deeds: 758; Pages: 572, 576, 579, 582, 587, 635 Hannah, Estates: 259 Howard, Pages: 583, 636 James, Estates: 259; Pages: 635 John, Deeds: 76; Pages: 635 Joseph, Deeds: 721 Jude, Estates: 259 Martha, Estates: 259 Michael, Deeds: 758; Pages: 635 Rebecca, Estates: 259 Tamra, Estates: 57 Thomas, Deeds: 643, 904, 946; Mortgages: 910; Pages: 635 TONERET Anthony, Mortgages: 306 TOPER Mortgages: 57 TORRINGTON, CONN. Mortgages: 189 TOUT John, Deeds: 640 TOWNSEND Daniel, Deeds: 386; Mortgages: 112, 246 Gideon, Mortgages: 702 Pen, Pages: 74 TRACEY David, Deeds: 321, 322; Mortgages: 74, 118, 204, 205 Jesse, Deeds: 976, 981; Estates: 304 TRAVER (Trever) - Deeds: 188 Abraham, Deeds: 573, 893, 895; Pages: 636 Adam, Estates: 261; Pages: 584, 636 Anna, Estates: 261 Bastian, Deeds: 37, 38,

INDEX TRAVER, (continued) TRAVER, (continued) 69, 94, 172, 768; Simon, Mortgages: 843 Mortgages: 417, 628, Solomon, Deeds: 693, 780, 893, 895; Pages: 819; Pages: 635 Catherine, Mortgages: 575, 579, 582, 635 746, 830; Estates: Thomas (?), Mortgages: 328 261 Charles, Deeds: 500, Ussule, Mortgages: 819 900, 1012; Mortgages William, Deeds: 588; 172, 378, 708, 899; Mortgages: 378 Estates: 101; Pages: TRAVERSE 635 Thomas, Mortgages: 328 Christina, Estates: 261 TRAVIS Coenradt, Deeds: 935; - Deeds: 753 Pages: 635 Abraham, Deeds: 817; David, Deeds: 267, 268, Estates: 263 278, 279, 573, 779, Amy, Mortgages: 904; 893, 895; Mortgages: Estates: 262 Ann, Estates: 263 107, 109, 128, 366, Daniel, Deeds: 823; Es539, 660, 711; Estates: 262 tates: 261; Pages: David, Estates: 262 576, 577, 579, 582, 585, 587, 600, 636 Elizabeth, Estates: 263 David Jr. , Deeds: 573, Gilbert, Estates: 262 693, 893, 894, 895, Griffen, Estates: 262 Isaac, Deeds: 855; 942; Mortgages: 128 Mortgages: 805; EsElizabeth, Estates: 261 Eve, Mortgages: 172 tates: 262, 263; Pages: 582, 584 George, Deeds: 808, 809, 868; Mortgages: Jacob, Estates: 263 746, 830 Jemenmah, Estates: 262 Henry, Deeds: 859, 901; John, Deeds: 643; MortMortgages: 172; Esgages: 779; Estates: tates: 261; Pages: 263 Joshua, Pages: 614 635 Josiah, Deeds: 643; Isaac, Deeds: 1022; Mortgages: 778; Mortgages: 140 Pages: 635 Justus, Estates: 262 Martha, Estates: 262, J. , Mortgages: 685; 263 Pages: 635 Jacob, Deeds: 808, 809, Mary, Estates: 263 859, 901; Mortgages: Rachel, Estates: 263 515, 746, 748, 830, Rebecca, Estates: 263 899; Estates: 261; Richard, Mortgages: 904; Estates: 262, Pages: 570, 578, 587, 263 635 Jemima, Estates: 101 Sarah, Estates: 262, Johannis, Mortgages: 263 Thomas, Estates: 263 356 John, Deeds: 975, 994; TREATE Mortgages: 468; Rob, Pages: 23 Pages: 576, 579, 635 TREDWELL John, Deeds: 6, 26 Jonathan, Deeds: 893, Stephen, Mortgages: 414 895; Mortgages: 711 Joseph, Deeds: 267, TRIAL (legal) 96, 97 Mortgages: 107 Pages: 279; TRIPP Laurence, Pages: 635 Benjamin, Mortgages: Lena, Estates: 261 342; Pages: 611 Margaret, Estates: 261 Cosin, Deeds: 767; Martines, Estates: 261 Mehetable, Deeds: 808, Pages: 617 Daniel, Deeds: 134, 809 366; Pages: 620 Nicholas, Deeds: 97, Hannah, Estates: 75 99, 188, 366, 579, John, Deeds: 126, 545, 611, 1015; Mortgages: 812, 815; Mortgages: 17, 21, 25, 174, 306; 491; Estates: 264, Estates: 260 265, 266 Peter, Deeds: 177, 296, Mercy, Estates: 265 303, 430, 769, 859, Phebe, Estates: 265 900, 901; Mortgages: Rebeckah, Estates: 265 515, 899; Estates: Richard, Deeds: 314, 261; Pages: 575, 576, 579 635 Samuel, Deeds: 996, Philip, Deeds: 845, 1020; Estates: 265, 893, 895, 942; Mort267 gages: 853

701 TRIPP, (continued) Susannah, Deeds: 56, 58, 580; Estates: 265 Thomas, Estates: 295 Timothy, Deeds: 54, 55, 56, 58, 89, 99, 1015; Mortgages: 4, 174, 306; Estates: 266, 290 Timothy, widow of, Estates: 267 William, Deeds: 555, 1020 TROUP Robt. , Deeds: 682, 683 TROWBRIDGE Stephen, Deeds: 1007; Mortgages: 370 TRUSDELL (Trusdale) David, Deeds: 550; Mortgages: 426 John, Deeds: 399; Mortgages: 56 Joseph, Deeds: 860, 916; Mortgages: 831 Mary, Deeds: 916 Stephen, Deeds: 550, 654; Mortgages: 479, 524, 532, 549, 581 TUBBS Amos, Estates: 203 TULL Patience, Estates: 8 Simon, Estates: 8 TUONHAM, MASS. Pages: 598 TURCK Augustious, Deeds: 195, 444; Pages: 26, 45, 46 Elizabeth, Deeds: 12, 35 TURNBELL James, Mortgages: 500 TURNER Jno. , Deeds: 967 Rachel, Estates: 25 Samuel, Estates: 25 TYLER - Mortgages: 120 Benjamin, Deeds: 287; Mortgages: 116, 120, 170 Elnathan, Estates: 40 Ephraim, Deeds: 120, 176, 200 Shubael, Mortgages: 756, 775, 799, 821, 898

UENES Thomas, Deeds: 134 UHL Frederick, Deeds: 577, 729, 981; Mortgages: 495, 582, 686; Pages: 568, 580, 590, 591, 636 Henry, Deeds: 729; Mortgages: 875; Pages: 581, 584, 587, 636 Hilda, Mortgages: 686 John, Pages: 636 Margaret, Deeds: 515,

702 UHL, (continued) 577, 693; Mortgages: 396; Estates: 250, 268 Sarah, Pages: 591 ULINARIS James, Deeds: 621 ULSTER CO. Deeds: 44, 396, 455, 599, 635, 646, 655, 656, 677, 771, 952; Mortgages: 392, 393, 639, 707, 838; Pages: 96 UMPHREY (see Humphrey) Cornelius, Estates: 178 UNDERHILL Anna, Deeds: 1008 Anne (Nancy), Deeds: 960 Clara, Mortgages: 860 Clemet, Deeds: 960 Daniel, Pages: 587, 636 David, Pages: 619 Debara, Estates: 269 Easter, Estates: 269 Edward, Deeds: 571, 587, 670; Mortgages: 259, 456, 564; Pages: 614 Elizabeth, Estates: 269 Hannah, Deeds: 954; Estates: 269 Isaac, Deeds: 960, 1004, 1008; Mortgages: 518, 564, 694; Estates: 227 James, Mortgages: 860; Pages: 636 Jerusha, Deeds: 571, 670 Joel, Deeds: 757; Estates: 269; Pages: 636 Mary, Mortgages: 587; Estates: 269 Nancy (Anne), Deeds: 960 Nathaniel, Deeds: 954; Mortgages: 564 Philip, Deeds: 837 Sarah, Estates: 269 Thomas, Deeds: 757; Mortgages: 587; Estates: 269 UNDERWOOD Joseph, Deeds: 789, 792, 796, 863, 896; Mortgages: 854; Estates: 132 Robinson, Deeds: 846, 978 UNION MEETING (AMENIA) Deeds: 661 U. S. ARMY Estates: 184 UPTON Daniel, Deeds: 765, 984; Estates: 151 Edward, Deeds: 863, 874 Elizabeth, Deeds: 863; Estates: 146 George, Deeds: 941 Paul, Deeds: 415, 670, 671, 778, 790, 792-94; Mortgages: 219, 440

INDEX UPTON, (continued) Samuel, Deeds: 513, 514, 536, 658, 659, 978, 1005

VAIL (Veal) (see Velie) - Deeds: 952 Aaron, Deeds: 194, 524; Mortgages: 46, 388; Estates: 50, 113, 207, 278 Anne, Estates: 278 Benjamin, Estates: 278 Betty, Mortgages: 852 Daniel, Deeds: 896, 970; Mortgages: 488; Pages: 568, 572, 578, 579, 636 Elizabeth, Deeds: 896, 947; Mortgages: 846 Fanny, Deeds: 954 George, Estates: 279 Hanna, Estates: 279 Isaac, Deeds: 649, 701, 748, 869, 954; Mortgages: 212, 591, 645, 671, 852; Estates: 279; Pages: 578 Israel, Deeds: 224, 225, 299, 875; Pages: 571, 581, 584, 636 Jacob, Deeds: 954; Mortgages: 846; Estates: 278, 279 Jemima, Deeds: 633 John, Pages: 570, 572, 579, 587, 636 Joseph, Estates: 278 Lydia, Deeds: 954; Estates: 279 Martha, Estates: 207, 278 Moses, Deeds: 545, 947, 954, 1002; Mortgages: 388, 563; Estates: 127, 278, 279; Pages: 603 Nathan, Deeds: 632, 633 Philo, Estates: 279 Rebecca, Deeds: 224 Sampson, Deeds: 748, 954; Pages: 623 Samuel, Estates: 278 Solomon, Deeds: 701, 789, 792, 796, 869, 947, 954; Mortgages: 852; Estates: 279 Tiddeman, Deeds: 954; Estates: 279 William, Estates: 278 VALENTINE Deborah, Estates: 130 Dorothia, Deeds: 517 James, Deeds: 362, 375, 384, 413, 517, 677; Mortgages: 256; Estates: 182, 242 Martha, Estates: 182 VALLEAU John, Deeds: 958 Peter, Deeds 435, 436; Mortgages: 178, 179, 180 VAN AARNEN (see Van Arem) VAN AIKEN

VAN AIKEN, (continued) Elizabeth, Estates: 171 Gideon, Estates: 171 Johannis, Mortgages: 356; Estates: 171 Maria, Estates: 171 VAN ALLEN A. , Pages: 14 VAN ALSTYNE Abraham, Deeds: 354 Lawrence, Deeds: 871 Thomas, Deeds: 856; Mortgages: 839 VAN AMBERG Joseph, Deeds: 266, 293; Mortgages: 133, 791 VAN ANDEN (see Van Ende) VAN AREM Isaac, Deeds: 169 Moses, Deeds: 704 VAN ATTEN (see Van Etten) VAN BENSCHOTEN Ann, Mortgages: 628 Antie, Mortgages: 548 Egbert, Deeds: 717 Egenas, Deeds: 717, 778 Elias, Mortgages: 571, 582, 596, 686, 718 Elsie (Elshy), Deeds: 717 Eugene, Mortgages: 584 Harmon (Herman), Deeds: 717, 1009; Pages: 584 Henry, Deeds: 996 Isaac, Deeds: 249; Mortgages: 53 Jacob, Deeds: 726, 754; Mortgages: 547, 561, 600, 608, 609, 615, 629, 646, 647, 654, 684, 695, 705, 712, 729, 743, 758, 759, 814, 840, 877, 896, 908, 914; Estates: 60 John, Deeds: 717, 943, 1031; Mortgages: 729 Matthew, Deeds: 726, 754; Mortgages: 508, 547, 561, 571, 582, 600, 608, 609, 615, 629, 646, 647, 654, 684, 695, 705, 712, 718, 729, 743, 758, 759, 814, 840, 877, 896, 908, 914 Peter, Deeds: 726, 754; Mortgages: 424, p47, 561, 600, 608, 609, 615, 629, 646, 647, 654, 684, 695, 705, 712, 729, 743, 758, 759, 814, 840, 877, 896, 908, 914 Solomon, Deeds: 717 Teunis, Deeds: 313, 410, 446, 447, 448, 599, 669, 717, 996; Mortgages: 242, 277, 344, 396 VAN BENTHUYSEN B. , Deeds: 696 Baltus, Deeds: 845; Pages: 636 Barent, Deeds: 769 Jacob, Deeds: 339;

INDEX VAN BENTHUYSEN, (cont'd) Mortgages: 299 Maria, Mortgages: 299 VAN BUREN John, Deeds: 595; Mortgages: 740, 790, 810, 891, 901 VAN CAMP (Van Campen) - Deeds: 55; Mortgages: 257 Jacob, Deeds: 21, 22, 28a, 54, 81, 579; Estates: 270 John, Deeds: 83, 99, 579, 1015; Mortgages: 25, 174, 306, 393, 486; Pages: 582, 636 Mary, Deeds: 21, 22 Peter, Deeds: 83, 217, 579; Mortgages: 8, 25; Estates: 27 Phebe, Estates: 27 VAN CORTLANDT Augustus, Deeds: 349, 350, 614; Mortgages: 22, 301, 360, 395, 397, 473, 510, 535, 542, 576, 604, 650, 750, 839 Fred, Deeds: 614 Helena, Deeds: 614 Joanna, Deeds: 360, 465 John, Deeds: 204, 360, 465; Mortgages: 213, 295 P. , Pages: 8, 30 Philip, Deeds: 12, 360, 465; Mortgages: 213, 295 Pierre, Deeds: 78 Samuel, Deeds: 360, 465; Mortgages: 213, 295 Stephen, Deeds: 360, 465; Mortgages: 213, 295 VAN COTT John, Mortgages: 339, 815; Estates: 149; Pages: 618 VANDERBILT John, Mortgages 455, 693 VAN DER BOGART Cornelius, Estates: 271 Frans, Pages: 24, 25 Isaac, Pages: 636 Jacobus, Deeds: 8, 18 Minar, Pages: 636 William, Deeds: 929 VAN DER BURGH H. , Pages: 97 Henry, Deeds: 2, 678, 788, 877, 908, 988; Mortgages: 814, 823, 860; Estates: 69; Pages: 580, 581, 586, 588-593, 603, 613, 636 John, Mortgages: 444, 567 Margaret, Deeds: 271 Mary, Deeds: 677 Richard, Deeds: 216 Tobias, Estates: 45 William, Deeds: 171, 271, 351, 677; Mort-

VAN DER BURGH, (cont'd) gages: 5 VAN DE WATER Jacobus, Estates: 22 Mary, Estates: 22 VAN DOLE Gerret, Pages: 37 VAN DUSEN Abraham, Deeds: 475, 873; Estates: 273 Charles, Estates: 273 Dirck, Deeds: 240; Estates: 272, 273 Eleanor, Deeds: 873 Jacob, Deeds: 239, 240; Mortgages: 12, 55, 322; Estates: 273 Jan, Deeds: 144 Jemima, Estates: 273 John, Estates: 101 Martin, Deeds: 873 Matthew, Deeds: 873; Estates: 23, 273 VAN DUYN Cornelius, Deeds: 12, 35, 41, 79, 91; Pages: 6, 45 Dennys, Deeds: 41, 79; Pages: 45 Nys, Pages: 6 William, Deeds: 12, 35, 41, 79, 91; Pages: 45 VAN DYCK - Deeds: 993; Pages: 35, 41, 64 Abraham, Pages: 581, 584, 636 Amy, Estates: 275 Catalinta, Estates: 274 Cornelius, Deeds: 12, 35, 79, 94, 172, 620, 691, 975, 976, 977; Mortgages: 417; Estates: 101, 274; Pages: 575 Elijah, Deeds: 975, 977; Estates: 275 Francis (Frans), Deeds: 35, 36, 45, 91, 93, 94, 107, 172, 385, 619, 620, 691, 692, 753, 768, 803, 976, 977; Mortgages: 337, 356, 482, 484, 628, 877; Estates: 274; Pages: 25, 27-30, 33, 34, 38, 39, 64 Henry, Deeds: 360 Israel, Pages: 587, 636 Jacob, Deeds: 620; Estates: 274 James, Deeds: 768, 803 John, Deeds: 976, 977; Estates: 275; Pages: 636 Lydia, Estates: 275 Magdalena, Estates: 274 Margaret, Estates: 274 Mary, Pages: 636 Peter, Deeds: 93, 94, 172, 619, 620, 691, 975, 976, 977; Mortgages: 417; Estates: 274, 275; Pages: 636 Rachel, Deeds: 975, 977; Estates: 188, 275

703 VAN DYCK, (continued) Rebeckah, Deeds: 976 Richard, Estates: 274 Rosella, Estates: 275 VAN ENDE Adrian, Mortgages: 176, 244, 330; Estates: 94 Johannis, Estates: 277 John, Deeds: 539 Paul, Pages: 604 Sara, Estates: 277 VAN ETTEN (Van Atten) - Deeds: 688; Pages: 95 Isaac, Deeds: 897; Mortgages: 620, 823; Pages: 636 J. , Pages: 13, 20 Jacobus, Deeds: 780,897; Mortgages: 699, 897; Pages: 71, 636 James, Deeds: 722 Matthew, Pages: 84 Rachel, Mortgages: 897 VAN GELDER Henry, Deeds: 421, 534; Mortgages: 292, 359 John, Deeds: 44; Pages: 21 VAN HOEVENBERGH Esther, Mortgages: 577 Henry, Deeds: 943, 1022, 1031; Mortgages: 577, 582, 594, 686; Estates: 28 Hester (Esther), Deeds: 943, 1022, 1031 Lydia, Deeds: 993; Estates: 275 Rudolph, Deeds: 537, 980, 993; Mortgages: 468; Estates: 275; Pages: 636 VAN HOOK Isaac, Deeds: 12, 35; Pages: 45 VAN HORNE Augustus, Deeds: 614, 615; Mortgages: 35, 39, 44, 80, 84, 85, 112, 132, 135, 181, 217, 435, 510 David, Deeds: 367; Mortgages: 232, 239, 252, 291 VAN KANST Mortgages: 493 VAN KEUREN Gerrit, Deeds: 660 Jacob, Deeds: 21 Thomas, Deeds: 312, 331 VAN KLEECK Ahasuerius, Pages: 25 Ann, Deeds: 967 Haltus, Deeds: 20, 23, 111, 216, 332; Mortgages: 482; Estates: 69 Barent, Deeds: 5, 7; Pages: 24, 25 Catharine, Deeds: 110 Cornelia, Deeds: 446 Elizabeth, Deeds: 332; Estates: 69 Geccobe, Mortgages: 46 Jacobus, Deeds: 111, 112 James, Deeds: 967



VAN VLIET, (continued) VAN KLEECK, (continued) Benjamin, Estates: 309 Jane, Mortgages: 242 Jenneke, Deeds: 74, 82, Catherine, Estates: 276 332 Cornelius, Deeds: 537, Johannis, Deeds: 7; Es630, 802, 881, 900, tates: 69 1012; Mortgages: 377, John, Deeds: 344 719, 745; Estates: Laurence, Deeds: 5, 7, 101, 261, 276, 309; 74, 82, 108, 109, Pages: 570, 578, 587, 112, 634, 678, 828, 636 865, 1035; Mortgages: Dirck, Deeds: 500, 569, 46, 203, 717; Es696, 953, 1012; Morttates: 190 gages: 356, 378, 417, Leonard, Deeds: 385, 692, 708; Estates: 579; Mortgages: 162, 101, 171, 276, 309 262, 337, 359; EsElizabeth, Estates: 276 tates: 103 Garitie, Estates: 276 Myndert, Deeds: 652; Helena, Estates: 101 Mortgages: 359, 417, Hendrick (Henry), Es535, 593 tates: 276; Pages: Peter, Deeds: 110, 112, 636 728; Mortgages: 234 Johannes, Estates: 309 John, Estates: 276 Sarah, Deeds: 112, 839 T. , Deeds: 862 Lana, Estates: 276 Velen, Pages: 636 Ledia Estates: 276 VAN LLAW Mary, Estates: 276 Oliver, Pages: 619 VAN VOORHEES (Van Vooren) VAN NAMEE (see Name) - Deeds: 1010 Elizebeth, Deeds: 143 Antis, Deeds: 50 Moses, Deeds: 143 Capt., Deeds: 725 VAN NANDEN Catherine, Deeds: 8, Jonickee, Deeds: 577 18, 49, 50, 53, 57, VAN NESS 123, 392, 412 David, Mortgages: 320 Court, Deeds: 8, 18, G. B. , Deeds: 951 49, 50, 53, 57, 123, John, Mortgages: 883 217, 392, 412, 579, VAN NORMAN 580, 653, 822, 864; Moses, Deeds: 574 Pages: 570, 636 VAN RENSELAER Henry, Estates: 94 Geertruyd, Deeds: 360 Johannah, Deeds: 595; John, Deeds: 360, 465 Mortgages: 891, 901; Estates: 94 VAN SCHAICK Johannis, Mortgages: - Pages: 9 790; Estates: 280 Hendrick, Deeds: 4, 20; Pages: 4 John, Deeds: 595, 756, Jacob, Deeds: 12, 35; 822, 855, 864, 889, Pages: 45 908, 915; Mortgages: Johannes, Deeds: 12, 891, 893, 901; Pages: 35; Pages: 45 574, 579, 636 Neeltie, Pages: 5, 6, 9 Mary, Deeds: 864 H. Pages: 31 Samuel, Mortgages 615, VAN SICKLEN 646, 647, 729 Cornelius, Deeds: 762: Sarah, Deeds: 908 Mortgages: 717; Mortgages: 893; EsPages: 636 tates: 280 VAN VALKENBURGH VAN WAGENEN (Van Wagoner) Banshe, Estates: 63 - Deeds: 595, 864; VAN VARCK Mortgages: 790, 901 Aasie, Pages: 45 Abraham, Pages: 636 Abraham (Varick), MortBarent, Deeds: 897, gages: 320 898; Mortgages: 699, And. , Pages: 45 897; Pages: 573 Effe (Else), Mortgages: Benjamin, Deeds: 980; 284 Pages: 636 James, Mortgages: 39 Charlotte, Deeds: 315 VAN VLACK (Van Vleck) Elizabeth, Deeds: 735; Widow, Deeds: 601; Estates: 277 Mortgages: 505 Elsje, Mortgages: 843 Abraham, Deeds: 33 Eve, Mortgages: 897 Ann, Deeds: 746; MortEvert, Deeds: 956; Esgages: 641 tates: 277; Pages: James, Estates: 34 571, 582, 636 VAN VLIET G. , Pages: 636 Anna, Estates: 309 Garret, Deeds: 20, 3 , 5 Annatie, Estates: 276 332, 372, 534; MortArey, Estates: 309 gages: 41, 140, 234;

VAN WAGENEN, (continued) Estates: 277; Pages: 612 Hellegontre, Estates: 277 Hester, Deeds: 20, 23, 315, 329, 332; Estates: 277 Hubert, Mortgages: 305 Jacob, Deeds: 74, 82 Janneke, Estates: 277 Johannis, Deeds: 906 John, Deeds: 728, 735, 741, 910, 972; Mortgages: 918; Estates: 277; Pages: 582, 587, 612, 636 Nicholas, Deeds: 20, 23, 216, 315, 316, 317, 329, 332, 868; Mortgages: 843; Estates: 277; Pages: 575, 579, 612, 636 Sarah, Deeds: 20, 332; Estates: 277 Zacheas, Pages: 636 VAN WECKELEN Hendricke, Deeds: 512 John, Deeds: 993 Paul, Deeds: 512; Pages: 607 VAN WICKALER John, Deeds: 993 VAN WYCK - Pages: 5, 21, 37, 43, 96 Abraham, Pages: 77 Aelze, Deeds: 194 Altie, Deeds: 178, 703 Barent, Deeds: 592 Capt. A. , Pages: 75 Cornelius, Deeds: 6, 12, 20, 24, 27, 35, 47, 53, 79, 129, 178, 216, 232, 272, 565; Mortgages: 164, 174, 496; Estates: 237; Pages: 5, 8, 9, 11, 16, 18, 28, 31, 32, 36, 40, 51, 60, 65, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 90, 99 Elizabeth, Deeds: 25, 80, 194, 703; Mortgages: 310 Richard, Deeds: 272; Mortgages: 174, 901 Theodorus, Deeds: 12, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35, 74, 79, 80, 85, 91, 129, 147, 178, 194, 213, 236, 272, 315, 423, 660, 703, 864, 991; Mortgages: 174, 310, 391; Pages: 5, 9, 11, 16, 18, 28, 31, 32, 60, 65, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84 VAN ZANDT Jacob, Deeds: 732, 733, 742, 744 Viner, Deeds: 393 VARCK (see Van Varck) VARICK Abraham, Mortgages: 320

INDEX VARNEY Elizabeth, Estates: 151 VARNUM Thomas, Estates: 101 VAUGHAN Benjamin, Deeds: 550 David, Pages: 618 Henry, Deeds: 1 VELIE (Vely) Barndt, Deeds: 662, 709; Mortgages: 615, 729; Estates: 281 Elizabeth, Estates: 281 Ezekiel, Estates: 281 Hendrick, Estates: 281 Minard, Deeds: 709; Estates: 281 Robert, Estates: 281 Sarah, Estates: 281 VELEN Peter, Pages: 636 VERMONT - Deeds: 596; Estates: 23, 146 John P., Estates: 31 VER PLANCK Mary, Deeds: 1015; Mortgages: 398 Samuel, Deeds: 356 VESOY William, Deeds: 590 VINCENT (Vinson) Allen, Pages: 636 Jonathan, Deeds: 637; Estates: 106 Michael, Mortgages: 563 Sara, Estates: 106 VINNEGAR (see Winegar) Wollnik, Mortgages: 18 VIRGINIA Deeds: 367 VOLUNTOWN, Windham, Conn. , Deeds: 139, 140, 152

WALLBRIDGE - Deeds: 299, 490; Mortgages: 151, 349 Asa, Deeds: 364 Elias, Deeds: 797, 841; Mortgages: 756, 775, 898 Elijah, Deeds: 797 Sarah, Deeds: 797 Zebulon, Deeds: 176, 299, 427, 606, 797; Mortgages: 58, 508 WALLEN John, Deeds: 904; Estates: 226 WALMSLEY - Deeds: 730; Mortgages: 732 William, Deeds: 738; Mortgages: 730, 865 WALSH James, Deeds: 300; Mortgages: 87 WALTERMEIR Barbara, Estates: 282 Chatherine, Estates: 282 David, Deeds: 1016; Estates: 282 Elizabeth, Estates: 282 George, Deeds: 909; Mortgages: 713; Estates: 282, 305 Jacob, Estates: 212, 282 Johannis (June), Deeds: 296, 598; Mortgages: 250, 744; Estates: 282 John, Deeds: 303, 1017 Jury, Mortgages: 250 Margaret, Estates: 212 Micall, Estates: 282 WALTON Abraham, Mortgages: 126 Gerard, Mortgages: 126 WAAMSLY (see Walmsley) Mary, Mortgages: 114WADDAM 123, 197 Caleb, Estates: 300 Thomas, Mortgages: 126 WADDLE WAPPINGERS CREEK Ann, Mortgages: 175 Deeds: 25, 60, 160, 214, 255, 256, 277, WADSWORTH John, Deeds: 239, 240; 327 345 354 355 Mortgages: 55, 322 356, 359, 444, 450, WAGER 503, 513, 514, 658, Hans Jury, Estates: 285 659, 727, 732, 733, WAGNER 739, 744, 748, 762, Frederick, Deeds: 564 765, 825, 828, 833, WALCOTT 835, 853, 854, 863, Luke, Mortgages: 322 865, 869, 876, 891, WALKER 911 917 928 954. Aletty, Mortgages: 696 Mortgages: 102, 109, Hannah, Estates: 63 137, 153, 165, 175, Hiram, Deeds: 858; 176, 278, 279, 330, Mortgages: 696; 358, 364, 366, 489, Pages: 586, 637 492, 497, 513, 550, 557, 567, 591, 637, James, Deeds: 574 709, 715, 717, 738, Samuel, Deeds: 711 753, 754, 769, 776, WALL 786, 787, 788, 825, John, Deeds: 154, 381; Mortgages: 16, 124 826, 833, 850, 852, 854, 874, 923; WALLACE Pages: 6, 7, 8, 37 Capt. , Mortgages: 418 James, Deeds: 697, 713; WAPPINGERS, SMALL or LITTLE Mortgages: 644 Deeds: 33, 46, 64, 65, Sarah, Deeds: 412

705 WAPPINGERS, (continued) 67, 68, 204, 205, 206, 268, 327, 396, 486, 559, 572, 616, 617, 656; Mortgages: 331, 383, 537, 660, 829, 895 WARD - Deeds: 709; Pages: 633 Widow, Deeds: 642 A. , Mortgages: 896 Abraham, Deeds: 896; Pages: 637 Anthony, Deeds: 739, 974; Mortgages: 753; Estates: 311; Pages: 581, 584, 636 Daniel, Deeds: 506, 757, 974; Estates: 89, 311; Pages: 569, 572, 573, 578, 637 Ebenezer, Deeds: 120, 145 J. Daniel, Pages: 636 Jacob, Pages: 637 John, Deeds: 14, 662, 709, 896; Mortgages: 615, 729, 896; Estates: 208, 310, 311; Pages: 579, 582, 585, 587, 604, 637 Joshua, Deeds: 507, 733, 744, 982; Mortgages: 715; Pages: 568, 569, 578, 586, 600, 601, 636 Martha, Estates: 149 Mary, Estates: 208, 311 Matthias, Deeds: 672 Orshal, Estates: 66 Owen, Deeds: 948; Pages: 572, 587, 595, 596, 637 Rebeccah, Mortgages: 615, 729 Rhode, Estates: 211 Sarah, Deeds: 642, 662 709; Mortgages: 615, 677 William, Deeds: 642; Estates: 66 WARDEN Benjamin, Deeds: 536, 970 John, Deeds: 758 Jude, Deeds: 758 S. Ray, Deeds: 10 WARDWELL Allen, Deeds: 860, 1039 Mortgages: 783, 831 James, Mortgages: 831 WARING Richard, Deeds: 1022 WARNER Daniel, Deeds: 399 George, Mortgages: 436 Lorane, Estates: 3 WARR Thomas, Mortgages: 469 WARREN Abagail, Estates: 283 Amy, Estates: 283 Cornelius, Mortgages: 799, 821

706 WARREN, (continued) Elizabeth, Estates: 283 Huldah, Estates: 283 James, Deeds: 1033; Mortgages: 898; Estates: 2, 283 Johanna, Estates: 283 John, Deeds: 868; Mortgages: 843; Pages: 622 Luis, Estates: 283 Lydia, Estates: 283 Mary, Mortgages: 898 Stephen, Deeds: 357, 420, 1006; Mortgages: 206; Estates: 283 WASHBURN Daniel, Deeds: 386 Luther, Estates: 287 Miles, Deeds: 336, 386; Mortgages: 10, 110 112, 117, 119, 192 222, 228, 249 WASHINGTON CO. Mortgages: 404; Estates: 240 WASHINGTON HOLLOW (the hollow) Deeds: 629 WASHINGTON PRECINCT or TOWN Deeds: 545, 552, 555 562, 575, 578, 586 593, 598, 603, 610 629, 630, 637, 646 647, 652, 655, 667 697, 713, 725, 737 746, 764, 767, 773 778, 782, 783, 785 811, 812, 813, 820 826, 829, 830, 841 848, 873, 879, 884 885, 909, 913, 919 936 939 950, 955 960, 963, 967; Mortgages: 398, 402, 411 413, 418, 419 420, 429, 433, 434 435, 442, 444, 445 450, 453, 457, 460 463, 464, 465, 467 473, 476, 477, 480 487, 488, 491, 494 497, 509, 519, 522 531, 536, 543, 544 545, 553, 554, 555 557, 560, 562, 563 564, 565, 568, 571 574, 579, 580, 583 584, 589, 598, 599 602, 607, 610, 611 616, 622, 623, 624 631, 635, 636, 637 640, 644, 655, 662 664, 665, 666, 674 675, 676, 690, 701 706, 714, 716, 722 723, 724, 725, 727 728, 733, 762, 767 793, 801, 804, 813 815, 816, 828, 835 858, 866, 876, 903 912, 925; Estates: 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 16, 20, 23, 30 34, 38, 44, 52, 54

INDEX WASHINGTON PRECINCT or TOWN, (continued) 97, 106, 107, 114, 122, 128, 131-135, 144, 148, 149, 154, 156, 157, 169, 170, 184, 200, 203, 211, 216, 218, 226, 232, 234, 235, 243, 252, 254, 263, 279, 282, 284, 290, 294, 296, 305, 308; Pages: 569, 572 WASSAIC (Wiessayick) Deeds: 205, 327, 387 WATERBURY, N.J. Estates: 39 WATERMAN David, Deeds: 475 Samuel, Mortgages: 251 WATE ROUSE Samuel, Mortgages: 783 WATERS Abraham, Deeds: 824; Mortgages: 322 Anthony, Pages: 637 Mehatabel, Deeds: 824 Melespen, Deeds: 460 Samuel, Deeds: 459, 460; Estates: 55 Thomas, Deeds: 683 WATKINS Benjn. , Deeds: 601 WATSON Jacob, Deeds: 172; Mortgages: 305 Levi, Estates: 284 Robert, Deeds: 108 WAY Benjamin, Estates: 34 James, Mortgages: 599, 640 John, Deeds: 287; Mortgages: 127 WEATHERHEAD John, Deeds: 179, 523; Mortgages: 387 WEATHERLAND John, Mortgages: 34 WEAVER Joseph, Deeds: 811 WEBB Abigail, Mortgages: 896 Samuel, Deeds: 896; Mortgages: 896; Pages: 583 Sarah, Estates: 143 WEBER Nicklas, Deeds: 227 Wolfert, Deeds: 4: Pages: 4 WEBSTER Abraham, Deeds: 164, 249; Mortgages: 53 Dan, Estates: 100 Jonathan, Estates: 35 WEEKS (see Wickes) WEGER Hans Jury, Estates: 285 WEISSENFELS George, Deeds: 768 WELCH Benjamin, Mortgages: 511 John, Deeds: 744

WELDON (Welling?) Michael, Deeds: 235; Mortgages: 39 WELEK David, Deeds: 571 WELLER (see Wheeler) John, Pages: 623 Jonathan, Mortgages: 333, 560; Estates: 49; Pages: 608, 623 Nathan, Estates: 48 Susannah, Estates: 48, 50 WELLING (Wellon) Widow, Mortgages: 170 Ezekiel, Mortgages: 588, 837, 878, 913; Pages: 581, 636 Joseph, Deeds: 939, 960 Michael, Deeds: 235; Mortgages: 39 Thomas, Deeds: 732, 868, 878; Mortgages: 427, 588, 605, 688, 715, 751, 817, 878, 895, 907, 913; Estates: 51; Pages: 577, 579, 582, 585, 636 William, Deeds: 185, 221, 245, 246, 281, 521, 645; Mortgages: 43, 52, 81, 330, 588 WELLS Hezekiah, Deeds: 508 Jacob, Mortgages: 421 Jeremiah, Mortgages: 64 John, Mortgages: 338 Joshua, Deeds: 586; Mortgages: 325, 332, 333, 420 Sarah, Deeds: 586; Mortgages: 332, 338 Selah, Deeds: 1004; Mortgages: 423 William, Mortgages: 15 WENDEL Jacob, Pages: 84, 85, 99 WENDOVER Peter, Deeds: 383 WENTWORTH Hugh, Deeds: 89; Mortgages: 4 William, Mortgages: 401 WEST William, Deeds: 151 WESTBURY Mortgages: 348 WESTCHESTER Deeds: 28, 35, 46, 56, 58, 73, 76, 91, 93, 99, 115, 208, 238, 258, 324, 407, 414, 462, 512, 632, 657, 682, 692, 727, 753, 757, 763, 781, 810, 899, 910; Mortgages: 10, 89, 296, 360, 395, 397, 415, 430, 446, 732, 750, 833, 839, 918; Pages: 23 WESTERVELT Albt., Deeds: 634 WESTFALL

INDEX WESTFALL Benj. , Estates: 29 WEST INDIES Mortgages: 499 WESTON, FAIRFIELD CO. , Conn. , Deeds: 783 WETDER Jost, Deeds: 565 WEY James, Deeds: 610, 773 Levina, Deeds: 773 WHARTON John, Deeds: 349, 350, 388 WHEELER - Mortgages: 189 Widow, Mortgages: 120 Catherine, Estates: 289 Cyrus, Estates: 286 Edward, Deeds: 561; Estates: 287, 289 Elijah, Deeds: 287, 398; Mortgages: 7, 66, 121, 177, 210, 268, 275, 604; Estates: 286, 287 Eliphalet, Mortgages: 121; Estates: 286, 287 Eliza, Deeds: 664 Elizabeth, Estates: 286 Ephraim, Deeds: 560, 561, 873; Estates: 289 Eunice, Estates: 197, 302 George, Deeds: 560; Mortgages: 674; Estates: 289 Grovenor, Pages: 569 Jerusha, Estates: 287 Joanna, Estates: 286 John, Deeds: 560, 561, 694; Estates: 289 Josiah, Estates: 289 Mary, Estates: 287 Nathan, Deeds: 287; Mortgages: 7, 91, 94, 121, 281; Estates: 286, 287 Noah Deeds: 851, 1007; Mortgages: 189, 809, 936 Robert, Estates: 286 Samuel, Estates: 287 Sarah, Estates: 286, 287, 289 Seth, Mortgages: 370 Solomon, Estates: 197 Thomas, Deeds: 269; Mortgages: 74, 193, 204; Estates: 288, 302 Uriue (widow), Mortgages: 98 Volentine, Deeds: 905; Estates: 289 William, Estates: 286 WHIPPLE John, Mortgages: 774 Samuel, Deeds: 583, 584 Sarah, Mortgages: 774 Stephen, Deeds: 584 WHITAKER Helletie, Deeds: 579 WHITE - Mortgages: 710;

WHITE, (continued) Pages: 637 Abner, Deeds: 89, 578; Mortgages: 4, 272, 480; Estates: 290 Anthony, Deeds: 567 Benjamin, Deeds: 104, 424; Pages: 618 Charles, Estates: 290 Ebenezer, Estates: 57 George, Deeds: 433; Mortgages: 308 Ichabod, Deeds: 714 James, Deeds: 522, 562; Estates: 290 John, Estates: 141a, 246 Mary, Estates: 290 Patience, Deeds: 433 Paul, Deeds: 649 Peter, Mortgages: 20, 898 Rachel, Estates: 273 Ruth, Estates: 290 Seth, Deeds: 578 Thomas, Deeds: 667, 785; Mortgages: 932; Pages: 290 William, Deeds: 767; Mortgages: 342, 362, 672, 932; Estates: 179, 290, 305 Zilsee (Zilpa), Deeds: 562 WHITEHEAD Fanny, Deeds: 500 WHITESBOROUGH, Montgomery Co. , Estates: 196 WHITNEY - Deeds: 467, 490; Mortgages: 349 Abraham, Deeds: 939 Ezekiel, Deeds: 890; Mortgages: 737, 913, 926; Estates: 258 Ransford, Pages: 586 William, Deeds: 520 WHITONON Robert, Pages: 611 WICKES (Weeks) Abel, Deeds: 108, 164, 173, 249 Abraham, Deeds: 1028 Daniel, Deeds: 419, 1028; Mortgages: 389, 437; Estates: 291 David, Estates: 291 Elizabeth, Estates: 291 Jacob, Deeds: 488, 985; Mortgages: 440, 824; Estates: 51, 291; Pages: 581, 583, 584, 637 James, Estates: 95 Joel, Estates: 291 Johanna, Estates: 291 Joseph, Deeds: 569 Margaret, Deeds: 173 Mary, Deeds: 173 Nancy, Deeds: 985; Estates: 51 Rebecca, Estates: 291 Refine, Deeds: 1028 Silas, Estates: 291; Pages: 574 Zopher, Deeds: 488;

707 WICKES, (continued) Mortgages: 440; Estates: 291 WICKHAM Asher, Estates: 1 Benjamin, Deeds: 311; Mortgages: 82 Elias, Pages: 602 Jonathan, Pages: 607 Thomas, Mortgages: 60 WIGG - Pages: 582 John, Deeds: 518, 728, 758, 929, 969; Mortgages: 585; Estates: 259; Pages: 572, 576, 584, 637 Martha, Estates: 259 Nathan, Pages: 637 WILBER (Willbour) (see Wilbert) - Deeds: 996 Abijah (Abishas), Deeds: 400; Mortgages: 248; Estates: 294 Benjamin, Estates: 295 Betty, Estates: 296 Brownen, Estates: 295 Button, Estates: 295 Carr, Deeds: 481, 694; Estates: 295 Christopher, Deeds: 529 Clark, Estates: 295 Daniel, Estates: 294 David, Estates: 294; Pages: 608 Elizabeth, Estates: 295 Enock, Deeds: 879; Mortgages: 727, 828; Estates: 296 Esiah, Estates: 106 Freelove, Estates: 295 George, Deeds: 89; Mortgages: 4 Gideon, Mortgages: 365; Estates: 296 Hannah, Estates: 296 Job, Mortgages: 418 John, Estates: 295 Jonathan, Estates: 294 Mary, Estates: 294 Miriam, Estates: 296 Nathan, Pages: 616 Noah, Deeds: 1033; Mortgages: 924; Estates: 296 Obediah, Estates: 295 Den, Estates: 294 Phebe, Estates: 295 Rachel, Estates: 294 Robert, Estates: 295 Ruth, Estates: 294 Samuel, Estates: 295, 296; Pages: 585 Sarah, Estates: 294 Silvenus, Deeds: 663; Pages: 637 Thomas, Deeds; 55, 217, 546, 547, 579, 580, 653; Estates: 296; Pages: 616, 637 William, Estates: 295 WILBERT David, Mortgages: 501, 525 Jonathan, Mortgages:

708 WILBERT. (continued) 501, 525 WILBORD George. Mortgages: 4 WILCOX (see Willcocks) WILDER James, Estates: 1 WILDMAN Joseph, Deeds: 760 WILDY (Wiley, Wylie) Elizabeth, Deeds: 255 Hugh. Deeds: 486, 487; Estates: 292 Iacaemiah. Deeds: 255 Isaac, Deeds: 166 Isaiah. Deeds: 255, 397, 547, 574 Jacob, Pages: 637 John. Pages: 637 Mary, Estates: 292 Obadiah, Deeds: 632: Mortgages: 548; Estates: 293 Reuben, Deeds: 973: Mortgages: 895: Estates: 80. 141, 227, 292: Pages: 573, 579, 637 Samuel, Deeds: 128. 194: Mortgages: 46 Sarah, Estates: 292 WILKINS Martin. Deeds: 682: Mortgages: 906 WILKINSON Eben, Estates: 218 John, Deeds: 773: Mortgages: 733 Oliver. Estates: 189 WILL John, Deeds: 596 Samuel. Pages: 637 WILLCOCKS (Wilcox) - Mortgages: 171 Abner, Mortgages: 832; Pages: 637 Elias, Deeds: 529, 618 Elnathan, Deeds: 287 Ephraim, Mortgages: 120 George, Deeds: 39, 65. 204, 327 Hiel, Mortgages: 322 John, Deeds: 764 Niel, Deeds: 239, 242, 453: Mortgages: 55 Roswell, Deeds: 860 Silvanus (Salvenius), Deeds: 287: Mortgages: 116, 170 Thomas. Deeds: 183, 222: Mortgages: 60 Zaccheus, Mortgages: 120, 127 WILLET (Fillets) G. , Mortgages: 694 Gilbert, Deeds: 496. 960 Jacob, Deeds: 629; Mortgages: 333, 338 Richard. Mortgages: 341 Samuel, Deeds: 785 Thomas, Mortgages: 690, 815, 816 William, Deeds: 785 WILLIAM (King William) Deeds: 204 WILLIAMS - Deeds: 35, 172. 716.

INDEX WILLIAMS. (continued) 975, 1008: Mortgages: 89, 698 Aart (Arte), Deeds: 35, 45, 91, 93, 94, 107, 172. 619, 692. 753, 768: Mortgages: 628, 877; Pages: 25, 2731. 33, 34, 38, 64 Benajah, Deeds: 83. 84, 85, 280, 703 Benjamin?, Deeds: 83 Catherine, Mortgages: 695 Charles, Mortgages: 166 Ebenezer, Deeds: 523 Francis, Deeds: 750, 803; Mortgages: 695; Estates: 188: Pages: 587. 637 Gilbert, Deeds: 107, 619. 620, 749, 750, 753: Estates: 188; Pages: 570. 578, 637 Isaiah, Estates: 198 Jacob. Mortgages: 518 James. Deeds: 994 John, Deeds: 85, 153, 234, 237. 254, 688, 722, 782. 783, 1035; Mortgages: 10, 633, 694, 700, 784: Estates: 297: Pages: 637 Justis, Mortgages: 469 Lucretia, Estates: 297 Margaret, Deeds: 234. 254, 994: Estates: 274 Moser, Pages: 637 Phebe, Estates: 297 Richbell, Deeds: 93, 753, 803, 976, 977, 994: Mortgages: 153. 417; Estates: 274; Pages: 637 Robert, Deeds: 732 Sarah, Mortgages: 700; Estates: 188, 297 Sary. Estates: 276 Thomas, Deeds: 583; Mortgages: 400. 518, 538, 580, 589, 694; Estates: 297 Valentine. Mortgages: 518, 694: Estates: 297 William, Mortgages: 30 WILLIAMSON Othniel, Estates: 298 Richard, Mortgages: 821. 822. 922 Robert, Deeds: 470 Winant, Estates: 298 WILLIS Fry, Deeds: 785 Jacob, Deeds: 629: Mortgages: 434 Samuel, Pages: 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80-85, 99 WILLOUGHBY Joseph, Mortgages: 223 Josiah, Mortgages: 65, 183, 223 WILLS (see Wells) WILSON - Deeds: 863: Mortgages: 90

WILSON, (continued) Andrew, Mortgages: 583, 854: Estates: 299 Daniel, Deeds: 991 Ebenezer, Estates: 300 Elizabeth, Estates: 299 Esther, Estates: 300 Hugh, Estates: 250; Pages: 569, 637 Isaac, Estates: 37 James, Deeds: 5, 31, 32, 157, 351; Estates: 102; Pages: 26 Jemima. Estates: 300 John, Deeds: 159; Mortgages: 90; Estates: 37 Joseph, Pages: 617 Justis, Mortgages: 227, 239, 270, 291, 438, 469; Estates: 299 Keziah, Estates: 300 Mary, Estates: 300 P. , Mortgages: 693 Robar, Mortgages: 917 Robert, Deeds: 650, 907; Mortgages: 171; Estates: 25 Samuel, Mortgages: 117; Estates: 299, 300 Sarah, Estates: 300 Thomas, Estates: 299 William, Estates: 213 WILTER (see Witter) WILTINGHAM Mortgages: 816 WILTSIE Ananasis, Estates: 184 Benony, Deeds: 550 Cornelius, Deeds: 502, 654; Mortgages: 479 Jeremiah, Mortgages: 88, 97 Martin, Mortgages: 356; Estates: 189 Martines, Estates: 125 William, Deeds: 451, 502, 550, 654; Mortgages: 479 WINANS Hannah, Deeds: 431 James, Deeds: 210, 431, 786, 972; Mortgages: 45, 214, 216, 242, 277, 289, 299, 301, 373, 535 Johanna, Mortgages: 301, 535 John, Mortgages: 302 Stephen, Mortgages: 606 WINCHESTER Amariah, Deeds: 516, 651; Mortgages: 551, 774, 881, 890; Estates: 72 Amey, Deeds: 651 WINEGAR Ashbel, Estates: 53 Conrad, Deeds: 72, 174, 702; Mortgages: 305, 397, 542, 650; Estates: 55, 222, 223 Garrett, Deeds: 83, 930, 940 Gurhead, Deeds: 930 Henry (Hendrick), Deeds: 72, 288, 353, 930; Mortgages: 305

INDEX WINEGAR, (continued) Lois, Deeds: 553, 554 Mary (Mercy), Deeds: 930 Uldrick, Deeds: 174, 262, 337, 357; Mortgages: 40, 141, 206 Woldrick (Woolnik), Deeds: 175, 202, 203; Mortgages: 18, 40 WINEMAN John, Deeds: 774 WINES Jeremiah, Pages: 617 John, Mortgages: 302 WING Abraham, Mortgages: 872 George, Pages: 637 Jonathan, Deeds: 731, 819 Thomas, Deeds: 965 WINSLOW Hannah, Deeds: 75; Mortgages: 310 Joseph, Estates: 301 Samuel, Deeds: 74, 75; Mortgages: 310 Thomas, Deeds: 664; Mortgages: 649 WINSOR, HARTFORD CO. , Conn. , Deeds: 129 WINTER Moses, Mortgages: 503 WINTERS Jane, Deeds: 457 WINTIE Jane, Mortgages: 309 WINTRINGHAM Thomas, Deeds: 853, 854 WITHERALL Estates: 15 WI TT - Pages: 33, 34 Samuel, Deeds: 897 WITTER (Wilter) Thomas, Mortgages: 194, 455 WITTENBERGH Deeds: 809; Mortgages: 748; Estates: 282; Pages: 571, 576 WITTS MOUNT IN STAATSBURGH Deeds: 330 WODELL Silas, Deeds: 884; Mortgages: 463 WOLCOTT Thomas, Deeds: 162, 203, 745 WOLFE James, Mortgages: 845 WOOD - Mortgages: 664, 912; Estates: 90 A. , Mortgages: 717 Abbe, Mortgages: 788 Abell, Deeds: 254, 647; Mortgages: 69 Abraham, Deeds: 534, 663, 727, 762; Mortgages: 436, 459, 596 Barnabas, Deeds: 933, 934; Mortgages: 592; Estates: 81 Benjamin, Deeds: 282 Daniel, Pages: 587, 637 Eliphalet, Deeds: 844

WOOD, (continued) Eve, Deeds: 196; Mortgages: 310 Isaac, Deeds: 951; Mortgages: 603, 667; Pages: 581, 584, 637 Israel, Deeds: 345; Mortgages: 137 James, Deeds: 1008 John, Deeds: 78, 84, 196, 404, 703, 835; Mortgages: 310, 788 Jonathan, Deeds: 134 Joseph, Pages: 637 Levy, Deeds: 728; Pages: 584, 637 Robert, Deeds: 485, 496 Samuel, Deeds: 659; Mortgages: 690, 709, 714, 833, 912 Stephen, Deeds: 1019, 1020; Mortgages: 6 Thomas, Estates: 307 WOODBURY, CONN. Estates: 172 WOOD WORTH William, Deeds: 744; Mortgages: 278, 330 WOOLCUT Thomas, Mortgages: 40 WOOLLEY - Pages: 72 Jacob, Deeds: 787 John, Mortgages: 690 Joseph, Deeds: 920; Mortgages: 263, 331, 434, 477, 494, 563, 611, 655, 716, 816; Estates: 70, 75, 281 Pontius, Deeds: 468, 811, 813, 814 Samuel, Pages: 587, 637 Vaniah, Deeds: 1023 WOOLSEY Mary, Deeds: 466 Richard, Deeds: 466 Sammons, Deeds: 466 Samson, Deeds: 466; Mortgages: 810 William, Mortgages: 616 WORDEN (Wording) Benjamin, Deeds: 536; Pages: 637 Elizabeth, Estates: 247 Joseph, Estates: 247 Nathaniel, Deeds: 179, 523, 526; Mortgages: 387 WORTH Benjamin, Deeds: 790 Richard, Deeds: 869; Mortgages: 852 WRIGHT (Write), Benjamin, Deeds: 71 Charles, Deeds: 445 Daniel, Deeds: 135, 139, 186, 265, 269, 301; Mortgages: 90; Estates: 241 Elisah, Pages: 637 Gabriel, Deeds: 96 Isaac, Estates: 297 James, Deeds: 841 Jonathan, Deeds: 115 Simon, Deeds: 199, 321, 323, 398; Mortgages: 7, 66, 91, 99, 116, 163, 164, 268, 275

709 WRIGHT, (continued) Stephen, Deeds: 700, 772 WYCKOFF - Mortgages: 438, 491 Hendrick, Mortgages: 438 John, Deeds: 681; Mortgages: 614 WYLIE (see Wildy) Hugh, Deeds: 486, 487 WYNANS (see Winans) WYNKOOP John, Mortgages: 212, 218; Estates: 64

YALE Benjamin, Deeds: 270; Mortgages: 171 YAR WOOD Deborah, Deeds: 886 James, Pages: 637 Joseph, Deeds: 886; Mortgages: 836 Samuel, Pages: 578 YATES John, Deeds: 952 YELVERTON Abigail, Deeds: 28 Andrew, Deeds: 89 Anthony, Deeds: 28, 52, 122 Bowdewine, Pages: 568, 577, 580, 582, 583, 586, 637 Gayle, Estates: 103 Hannah, Deeds: 763 YERRY Clarachi, Deeds: 684, 798 John, Deeds: 684, 798 YONGH (see Young) YONKERS Deeds: 614; Mortgages: 542, 604, 839 YORK, WESTCHESTER CO. Deeds: 910; Mortgages: 918 YOUEN Benjamin, Estates: 301 Thomas, Deeds: 986 YOUMANS Eliab, Deeds: 285, 389, 390, 748 YOUNG Alanna, Estates: 222 Alexander, Pages: 637 Isaac, Deeds: 345 Israel, Deeds: 345 Johannis, Deeds: 25 John, Deeds: 14, 367; Mortgages: 551 Lemuel, Deeds: 282 Thomas, Deeds: 183 William, Deeds: 651; Mortgages: 575; Estates: 72, 222

ZENGER P. , Pages: 11, 12, 13 ZOOL (see Kool) Symen, Pages: 71




Churches & Burying Grounds


Creeks, Brooks, Ponds & Rivers


Landings, Islands, Bays or Coves & Docks






Mines & Quarries






Mountains, Hills, Pastures


Occupations & Titles










Stores & Storehouses






Amenia & Northeast Elisha Adams, Deeds: 1008 Aaron B. Angevine, Mortgages: 707 Silas Anson to Rufus Case, Mortgages: 773 John Backus, Mortgages: 335 Benjamin Baker, Mortgages: 286 new road near William Baright, Mortgages: 842 Moses Barlow, Deeds: 242; Mortgages: 474 James Barnet, Mortgages: 438 Robert Barron, Deeds: 489 John Bates, Deeds: 936 Benjamin Benedict, Mortgages: 168, 193 Ebenezer Benham, Mortgages: 519 Ambres Benson to Gideon Draper's saw mill, Deeds: 528 Jacob Benson, Deeds: 905 Joseph Benson, Deeds: 914 Jacob Bockee, Mortgages: 352 David Bottolph, Mortgages: 224 Noah Brown, Deeds: 907; Mortgages: 576 Lemuel Brush, Deeds: 650; Mortgages: 616 Ezra Bryan, Mortgages: 453 Aaron Buck, Deeds: 211 south of Jedediah Bumpus, Mortgages: 308, 367, 383 Jonathan Card, Mortgages: 809, 936 cart or oar path, Deeds: 198, 307; Mortgages: 78 Rufus Case, Mortgages: 541 Rufus Case to Silas Anson Mortgages: 773 Solomon Chandler, Mortgages: 575 The City to Sharon, Mortgages: 318, 355 between Elias Clapp & Flamen, Deeds: 108 Henry Clapp, Deeds: 202 Henry Clapp to Thomas Woolcott, Deeds: 203 near Joseph Clapp, Deeds: 162, 163 Joseph Clapp to Abel Wickes, Deeds: 164 Elisha Cleveland, Mortgages: 156, 158 Jeremiah Conklin, Deeds: 851; Mortgages: 785 Jeremiah Conklin to Nathan Conklin, Mortgages: 659

Aspinwall Cornell, Mortgages: 630 Aspenall Cornell to DeLavergne, Mortgages: 400 William Cornwell, Mortgages: 252 County or Country Road, Deeds: 186; Mortgages: 139, 358 Cyrenius Crosby, Mortgages: 773 Cross Highway laid out in 1753, Deeds: 325; Mortgages: 185 to Joseph Curtis, Deeds: 699 Caleb Dakin, Mortgages: 604 to Magdalan De Brosses, Mortgages: 327 DeLavergne to Aspenall Cornell, Mortgages: 400 DeLavergne to Thomas Williams, Mortgages: 400 Lewis & Henry De Lavergne, Mortgages: 454 Lewis De Lavergne to Sharon, Mortgages: 425 Lewis De La Vergne to Ashel Sherwood, Deeds: 861 to Dover, Deeds: 519, 520 Dover to Sharon, Mortgages: 559 Gideon Draper saw mill to Ambros Benson, Deeds: 528 Samuel Dunham, Deeds: 932, 933, 934 George Everson, Mortgages: 783 John Everson to Nathan Smith, Deeds: 228 Filkintown to presbyterian meeting house, Mortgages: 521 George Folliott, Mortgages: 268 near John Ford, Mortgages: 144, 220 William Gager to Barnabas Paine, Mortgages: 855 John Garnsey, Deeds: 867 cross road near Elisha Gilbert, Mortgages: 177 Ethan Goodrich, Deeds: 960 Great Road to Joseph Curtis, Deeds: 699 Daniel Harris, Deeds: 190 Obed Harvey, Mortgages: 61 Samuel Herrick, Deeds: 474 Stephen Herrick, Deeds: 138 Benjamin Hollester, Mortgages: 1, 5 Michael Hopkins to Stephen Hopkins, Deeds: 305, 306; Mortgages: 79, 157 Roswell Hopkins, Mortgages: 78, 134


SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX ROADS Amenia & Northeast, cont'd. Roswell & Michael Hopkins, Deeds: 341 Stephen Hopkins, Deeds: 135, 142, 265, 269 Joseph Hoskins, Deeds: 264 Robert Hubbard, Mortgages: 228 Iron works to Daniel Lake, Deeds: 530 to Robert Johnson, Mortgages: 327 Samuel Jones, Deeds: 121 to Judson's, Mortgages: 40 Samuel Judson, Mortgages: 40 John Keefe, Mortgages: 291 to Kent, Mortgages: 558 Elijah Kinne, Mortgages: 269 Roswell Kinney to Town Line, Mortgages: 906 Roswell Kinne, Mortgages: 580, 589 Stephen Kinne, Deeds: 463 Daniel Lake to iron works, Deeds: 530 Isaac Lamb, Deeds: 350 between Lott 31 & 32 Mortgages: 163 4 rods wide through middle Lott 34, Mortgages: 556 Isaac Lathrop, Mortgages: 281 Daniel Luce, Mortgages: 118 Main County Road, Deeds: 325 to Silas Marsh, Mortgages: 327 Daniel Mason, Mortgages: 783 Peleg Mason, Mortgages: 731 Nathan Mead, Mortgages: 98 Meeting house to Filkintown, Deeds: 364 Meeting house (City) to Isaac Smith, Deeds: 698 Abraham Paine, Mortgages: 49, 154 Barnabas to William Gager, Mortgages: 855 James Palmer to Peter Shaveleer, Mortgages: 282 Thomas Palmer, Mortgages: 275, 276 Ebenezer Peck, Mortgages: 783 Samuel Peet, Mortgages: 592, 702 old road near Elijah Philips, Mortgages: 215 Daniel Porter, Deeds: 199 Presbyterian Meeting to Filkintown, Mortgages: 521

William Pugsley, Mortgages: 413, 512 Stephen Ray, Deeds: 408 James Reynolds, Mortgages: 239 Justus Reynolds, Mortgages: 226, 231 William Roberts, Mortgages: 100, 149 Artemas Ross, Deeds: 532 Andres Row, Mortgages: 892 Nicholas Row, Mortgages: 305 Elihu Russell to Thomas Wing, Deeds: 965 Ezekiel Sackett road, Deeds: 433; Mortgages: 53 to Samuel Sackett, Deeds: 832 to schoolhouse near Joel Gillet, Mortgages: 48 Sharon to Dover, Mortgages: 559 Sharon to Lewis De Lavergne, Mortgages: 425 Peter Shaveleer to James Palmer, Mortgages: 282 Jonathon Shepherd, Mortgages: 49, 64, 150 William Shepherd, Deeds: 438 between Thomas Sherlock & Neil Wilcocks, Mortgages: 55 Ashel Sherwood, Deeds: 861 Ashel Sherwood to Lewis De La Vergne, Deeds: 861 James Smith, Deeds: 136, 146; Mortgages: 71 Isaac Smith to Ezra Thompson, Deeds: 698 Nathan Smith, Deeds: 228, 364 Nathan Smith to John Everson, Deeds: 228 Platt Smith, Deeds: 856 Samuel Smith, Mortgages: 186 Nathan Spicer, Mortgages: 271 Samuel Swift, Deeds: 940 Joseph Teed, Mortgages: 443 Samuel Thompson, Mortgages: 139 Joel Thurston, Mortgages: 207 Tower Hill to Poughkeepsie, Mortgages: 810 Town Line to Roswell Kinney, Mortgages: 966 David Tracy, Mortgages: 204, 205 Timothy Trip, Mortgages: 174 Stephen Trowbridge, Mortgages: 370



ROADS Amenia & Northeast, contd. John Truesdale, Deeds: 399 Jacob Van Duesen, Deeds: 240 James Wardwell, Mortgages: 831 Daniel Warner, Deeds: 399 Samuel Waterhouse, Mortgages: 783 Eliphalet Wheeler, Mortgages: 121 Widow Uriue Wheeler's house, Mortgages: 98 Abel Wickes to Joseph Clapp, Deeds: 164 Neil Wilcocks & Thomas Sherlock, Mortgages: 55 Thomas Williams, Mortgages: 518, 694 Thomas Williams to DeLavergne, Mortgages: 400

John Wilson, Mortgages: 90 Justis Wilson, Mortgages: 227, 270 to Ameriah Winchester, Mortgages: 551 Hendrick Winegar, Deeds: 930 Ulrick Winegar, Deeds: 357 Thomas Wing to Elihu Russell, Deeds: 965 Thomas Woolcott to Henry Clapp, Deeds: 203 Daniel Wright, Deeds: 139, 140 Simon Wright, Mortgages: 7 William Young, Deeds: 651

Clinton* Arnold to Jonathan Hoag, Deeds: 419 Stephen Badgley to Henry Humphrey, Deeds: 632; Mortgages: 548 Stephen Badgley to Jacob Overacker, Deeds: 924 David Bedford to John Gazely's mills, Deeds: 689; Mortgages: 470, 716 John Beeker to Isaac Delamatier, Deeds: 564 Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 358 William Boyle to Main Road, Deeds: 573 Fordun Burtis to Joseph Tilyou, Mortgages: 876 bye road, Deeds: 894 along line of Carpenter & Elijah Hoag, Mortgages: 440 George Carpenter to Hughes mill, Mortgages: 638 from John Carpenter to Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 331 Simmons Carpenter mills to John DeWitt mills, Mortgages: 876 William Carpenter to Uriah Davis, Mortgages: 358, 513 John Christies road, Mortgages: 514 Quimby Cornell to Johannes Frederick's (Freliegh) mill, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 523 Bastian Crapser to Cregor's fly, Mortgages: 537 Cregor's fly to Capt. Hughes mill, Mortgages: 514, 537 Uriah Davis, Mortgages: 331 Uriah Davis to William Carpenter, Mortgages: 358, 513 Isaac Delamatier to John Becker, Deeds: 564 wood road near John De Witt, Mortgages: 468

from Jno De Witt, Mortgages: 871 John Dewitt mills to Simmons Carpenter mills, Mortgages: 876 John De Witt's mills to Capt. Hughes mills, Mortgages: 804 De Witt's mill to Cornelius Van Vliet, Deeds: 802; Mortgages: 745 John De Witt to Derick Van Vliet, Deeds: 696 Edmond Dodge, Mortgages: 478 Isaac Filkin to Rhinebeck, Mortgages: 279 Johannes Freliegh's mill to Quimby Cornell, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 523 from John Freleigh to Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 331 Friends Stone Meeting house to Judge Bloom, Mortgages: 738 Friends Stone Meeting to Wappingers Creek, Mortgages: 637, 776 Jordon Frost to Isaac Frost, Mortgages: 684 Paul Furman to road from Abel Peters to Elnathan Lyons, Mortgages: 648, 795 from Garrison, Mortgages: 692 Gazley's mills to James Griffen, Mortgages: 523 James Griffen to Gazley's mills, Mortgages: 523 Robert Hatfield to Elnathan Lyon, Deeds: 973 along line of Elijah Hoag & Carpenter, Mortgages: 440 Jonathan Hoag, Mortgages: 389 Matthew Howard to Bloom's mills, Deeds: 513, 514, 658, 659 Hughes Mill to George Carpenter, Mortgages: 638


SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX ROADS Clinton*, cont'd. Capt. Hughes mill to Cregor's fly, Mortgages: 514, 537 Capt. Hughes mills to John DeWitt's mills, Mortgages: 804 Henry Humphrey to Stephen Badgley, Deeds: 632; Mortgages: 548 Elnathan Lyon to Robert Hatfield, Deeds: 973 Elnathan Lyons to Abel Peters, Mortgages: 648, 795 Elnathan Lyon to Sheak, Mortgages: 713 Main Road, Deeds: 573 Jeremiah Marquart, Deeds: 942 Nine Partners to Rhinebeck, Deeds: 769 Road to Opperbergh (Sipperborgh), Deeds: 942 Jacob Overacker to Stephen Badgley, Deeds: 924 Joshua Owen, Mortgages: 358, 513 John Parkason to Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 331 Abel Peters to Elnathon Lyons & Paul Furman, Mortgages: 648, 795 Stephen Potter to Isaac Thorn, Deeds: 1041 John Powell to Jordon Frost, Mortgages: 684 Obediah Powell to Isaac Frost, Deeds: 723, 724; Mortgages: 684 Rhinebeck to Isaac Filkins, Mortgages: 279 Rhinebeck to Nine Partners, Deeds: 769 Thomas Shadbolt to Samuel Lawrence, Deeds: 924 Sheak to Elnathon Lyon, Mortgages: 713

Peter Simpson to Peter Stoutenbergh, Deeds: 573, 893 Henry Sleght to Wittenbergh, Deeds: 809 Reuben Spencer's road, Mortgages: 692 Stone Meeting house to Tiddeman Hull, Deeds: 759 Peter Stoutenbergh to Peter Simpson, Deeds: 573, 893 James Swartwout, Mortgages: 392 Stanley Thompson, Mortgages: 724 Isaac Thorn to Stephen Potter, Mortgages: 1041 Joseph Tilyou to Fordun Burtis, Mortgages: 876 James Underhill, Mortgages: 860 Adrian Van Ends, Mortgages: 176 Cornelius Van Vliet to De Wilt's mills, Deeds: 802; Mortgages: 745 Derick Van Vliet to John De Witt, Deeds: 696 through Nicholas Van Wagenen, Mortgages: 843 Wappingers Creek to Friends Meeting, Mortgages: 637, 776 Bridge over Wappingers to Judge Blooms mills, Mortgages: 833 Little Wappingers Creek, Mortgages: 393 Wittenbergh to Henry Sleght, Deeds: 809; Mortgages: 748

* Additional road descriptions appear under "Minutes of Annual Meetings," pages 568588.

Hyde Park* John Bergh, Deeds: 980 Thomas Boughton to Nelson's saw mill, Deeds: 1018 Calloes to Hegeman's landing, Deeds: 342 DeCantillon's landing to Church, Mortgages: 719, 720 Richard DeCantillon's landing & dock, Mortgages: 725, 822 Peter Flagler to Post Road, Deeds: 1031 Isaac Frost to Obediah Powell, Deeds: 723; Mortgages: 684 John Frost to John Powell, Deeds: 723 new road near Rezin Geer, Deeds: 344; Mortgages: 208 to Hendrick Hegeman Landing, Deeds: 343; Mortgages: 262 near blacksmith shop & road to David Hill, Mortgages: 798

David Knapp to Poughkeepsie, Mortgages: 457 Joseph Molt's road, Deeds: 310 Nelson's saw mill to Thomas Boughton, Deeds: 1018 new road between Post Road & Hudson River, Deeds: 413, 678 to North River (Hudson), Mortgages: 500 Post Road, King's Road, North Road, Deeds: 79, 297, 342, 343, 344, 351, 374, 392, 393, 413, 441, 644, 678, 679, 680, 681, 734, 770, 791, 799, 837, 872, 886, 888, 892, 897, 898, 949; Mortgages: 162, 179, 180, 199, 208, 247, 262, 316, 350, 520, 573, 654, 689, 696, 699, 739, 741, 747, 827, 836, 861, 884, 897, 914, 931



ROADS Hyde Park*, cont'd. Post road to Peter Flagler, Deeds: 1031 Poughkeepsie to David Knapp, Mortgages: 457 Poughkeepsie to Jacob Scriver, Deeds: 951 John Powell to John Frost, Deeds: 723, 724 James Pritchard, Mortgages: 608 Jacob Scriver to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 951

Peter Scriver Mortgages: 424 Isaac Wood, Mortgages: 603, 607

* Additional road descriptions appear under "Minutes of Annual Meetings," pages 568588.

Pleasant Valley* Esq. Allen to Pleasant Valley, Mortgages: 787 "dug way for road" near John Allen, Mortgages: 567 John Allen to Pleasant Valley, Deeds: 946 Joseph Allen to Filkentown Road, Mortgages: 427, 832 Joseph Allen to James Hall, Deeds: 866 James Baremore, Deeds: 1015 Timothy Beadle to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 917 Samuel Belden, Mortgages: 753 Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 336 from Isaac Bloom to John Carpenter, Mortgages: 331 new road from Isaac Bloom to Simon Flagler, Mortgages: 339 Isaac Bloom to John Freligh, Mortgages: 331 Bloom's mills to Friends Stone Meeting House, Deeds: 947; Mortgages: 738 Isaac Bloom to Matthew Howard, Deeds: 513, 514, 658, 659, 825 from Isaac Bloom to John Parkason, Mortgages: 331 Judge Blooms mills to bridge over Wappingers, Mortgages: 833 Bridge to Oswego, Deeds: 835 John Bush to Jacob Everson, Mortgages: 489, 557 widow Bush to Pleasant Valley, Deeds: 642 Daniel Carpenter, Deeds: 917 Stephen Deane to Capt. Joseph Hicks, Deeds: 506, 641; Mortgages: 571 Abraham De Graff to Pleasant Valley, Deeds: 904 Nicholas De La Vergne, Deeds: 99 Francis De Long, Mortgages: 135 Jacob Everson to John Bush, Mortgages: 489, 557 Jacob Everson to John Wallen (Allen?), Deeds: 904

Jacob Everson to Abraham DeGraff, Deeds: 904 Filkintown Road (also see Washington), Deeds: 51, 77, 521, 727, 732, 733, 743, 762, 833, 835, 878, 917, 974, 982; Mortgages: 161, 278, 354, 605, 688, 717, 740, 751, 786, 788, 817, 867 Filkintown Road to Joseph Allen, Mortgages: 427, 832 Filkintown Road near Jacob Everson, Mortgages: 235 Filkintown Rd. to Thomas Welling, Deeds: 732, 878; Mortgages: 605, 867 Henry Filkins to Filkintown, Deeds: 51 Henry Filkins to Poughkeepsie, Mortgages: 330 Abraham Flagler, Mortgages: 780 new road Simon Flagler to Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 339 Benjamin Frost, Mortgages: 415 to James Gazely, Mortgages: 754, 769 to John Gazley, Mortgages: 825, 835 John Gazley's mills to David Bedford, Deeds: 689; Mortgages: 470, 716 Gazley's mill to Harris Griffen, Deeds: 556 Daniel Golden, Deeds: 468 Harris Griffen to Gazley's mills, Deeds: 556 James Hall to Joseph Allen, Deeds: 866 Joseph Hall, Mortgages: 675 Caleb Hamson, Mortgages: 41 old road near Joseph Hegeman, Mortgages: 489, 557 Joseph Hicks to Stephen Deane, Deeds: 506, 641; Mortgages: 571 Capt. Joseph Hicks to Oswego, Deeds: 642; Mortgages: 571, 926 road through Cornelius Humphrey, Mortgages: 416 Benjamin Lattin to Henry Ostrum, Deeds: 855



ROADS Pleasant Valley*, cont'd. Cornelius Lawrence to Jacob Lawrence, Deeds: 821, 822, 896 Samuel Lawrence to Elisha Morse, Mortgages: 846 Samuel Lawrence to Thomas Shadbolt, Deeds: 924 Enoch Lewis to Pleasant Valley, Mortgages: 907 Zacheus Marshall, Deeds: 788 Elisha Morse, Deeds: 952 Elisha Morse to Samuel Lawrence, Mortgages: 846 Joshua Nelson to Pleasant Valley, Mortgages: 910 Ebenezer Nickerson, Mortgages: 803 Nine Partners to Oswego, Deeds: 757; Mortgages: 587, 588 Nine Partners Road to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 732, 733 Denne Ostrum to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 781 Henry Ostrum to Benjamin Lattin, Deeds: 855 old road near John Ostrom Mortgages: 489 old road John Ostrom to Joseph Hegeman, Mortgages: 557 Oswego to bridge, Deeds: 835; Mortgages: 788 Oswego to Capt. Joseph Hicks, Deeds: 642; Mortgages: 57, 926 Oswego to Nine Partners, Deeds: 757; Mortgages: 587 Oswego to Anthony Ward, Deeds: 739; Mortgages: 753 Pleasant Valley to Esq. Allen, Mortgages: 787

Pleasant Valley to John Allen, Deeds: 904, 946 Pleasant Valley to widow Bush, Deeds: 643 Poughkeepsie to Henry Filkins, Mortgages: 330 Poughkeepsie to Nine Partners Road, Deeds: 732 Poughkeepsie to Dene Ostrum, Deeds: 781 Rhinebeck to Isaac Filkin, Mortgages: 279 Stoutenbergh road, Deeds: 1009 Isaac Thorn, Deeds: 127 Isaac Travis to road Ostrom to Lattin, Deeds: 855 Moses Van Norman to James Walker, Deeds: 574 James Walker to Moses Van Norman, Deeds: 574 John Wallen (Allen?) to Jacob Everson & Abraham DeGraft, Deeds: 904 John Wallen (Allen?) to Pleasant Valley, Deeds: 904 Anthony Ward to Oswego, Deeds: 739; Mortgages: 753 to Thomas Welling, Mortgages: 715 Thomas Welling to Filkintown Road, Deeds: 732, 733, 878; Mortgages: 605, 867

* Additional road descriptions appear under "Minutes of Annual Meetings," pages 568588

Stanford Bangall to Friends Meeting House, Deeds: 925 Bangall to Tiddeman Hull, Deeds: 766, 891 Bangall to John Humphrey, Mortgages: 921 Bangall to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 984 Bangall to Enos Tallmadge, Mortgages: 800 Lewis Barton, Deeds: 333 Thomas Braman road, Mortgages: 922 Thomas Braman to Israel Lewis, Deeds: 838 Lemuel Brush, Mortgages: 616 Nathan Canfield to Carman's mills, Deeds: 766 Carman's mill to Nathan Canfield, Deeds: 766 Carman's mills to Thomas Mosher, Deeds: 891 Cart road, Deeds: 1011 to William Cash, Deeds: 902

Cold Spring Road, Mortgages: 799 Cold Spring to Henry Hull, Mortgages: 850 Cold Spring to Livingston Manor, Deeds: 968 Cold Spring to Poughkeepsie, Mortgages: 854 Charles & Jethro Coleman to Main Road, Deeds: 869, 947 on line of Jonathan Deuel & Isaac Hunting, Mortgages: 872 Joseph Deuel to Israel Vail, Deeds: 875 Joseph Doughty to Benjamin Hall, Mortgages: 770 Joel Edgent to James Heading, Deeds: 902 Elijah Ferris, Mortgages: 83 Jedediah Ferris, Deeds: 230; Mortgages: 27 Fitzgerald to Charles Hull, Deeds: 927 Friends Meeting lot, Deeds: 891, 947



ROADS Stanford, cont'd. Friends Meeting House to Bangall, Deeds: 925 John Gifford, Deeds: 842 Isaiah Griffen to Isaac Hallock, Deeds: 979; Mortgages: 826 Benjamin Hall to Burnett Miller, Mortgages: 460, 770 Benjamin Hall to Joseph Doughty, Mortgages: 770 Isaac Hallock to Isaiah Griffen, Deeds: 979; Mortgages: 826 James Heading to Joel Edgent, Deeds: 902 Charles Hull to Fitzgerald, Deeds: 927 Henry Hull to Cold Spring, Mortgages: 850 Henry Hull to Tiddeman Hull, Deeds: 874, 875 Henry Hull to Gideon Salsbury, Mortgages: 583 Tiddeman Hull, Deeds: 863 Tiddeman Hull to Bangall, Deeds: 766, 891 Tiddeman Hull to John Humphrey, Deeds: 876 Tiddeman Hull to Stone Meeting House, Deeds: 759 Hull's store to Amos Knapp, Deeds: 926 John Humphrey to Bangall, Mortgages: 921 John Humphrey to James Sutherland, Deeds: 766 John Humphrey to Solomon Sutherland, Mortgages: 764 John Humphrey to Tiddeman Hull, Deeds: 876 on line of Isaac Hunting & Jonathan Deuel, Mortgages: 872 Reuben Husted, Mortgages: 762 Amos Knapp to Hull's store, Deeds: 926 Daniel & I. Lewis road, Mortgages: 922 Israel Lewis to Thomas Braman, Deeds: 838 Main road to Charles & Jethro Coleman, Deeds: 947 by Bernard Mathewson, Mortgages: 792 Nehemiah Merritt, Mortgages: 363

Burnett Miller to Benjamin Hall, Mortgages: 460, 770 Burnett Miller to Solomon Sutherland, Deeds: 863 Israel Morgan, Mortgages: 821 Thomas Mosher mills to Henry Hull, Deeds: 926 Thomas Mosher to Carman's mills, Deeds: 891 Alexander Nelson, Mortgages: 196 Abraham Palmer, Deeds: 229 Poughkeepsie to Bangall, Deeds: 984 Poughkeepsie to Cold Spring, Mortgages: 854 Gidion Salsbury to Henry Hull, Mortgages: 583 used in sledding time, Deeds: 902 Nehemiah Smith to Samuel Waters, Deeds: 460 Peter Smith, Mortgages: 373 Samuel Smith to Samuel Waters, Deeds: 460 James Sutherland to John Humphrey, Deeds: 766 Joseph Sutherland to Burnett Miller, Deeds: 818, 819 Solomon Sutherland to John Humfrey, Mortgages: 764 Solomon Sutherland to Burnett Miller, Deeds: 863 Enos Tallmadge to Bangall, Mortgages: 800 Enos Tallmadge, Mortgages: 800 James Tallmadge, Mortgages: 351 Ezra Thompson to Isaac Smith, Deeds: 698 Samuel Thompson, Mortgages: 131 Reuben Toms, Mortgages: 568 David Trussdell, Mortgages: 426 Isaac Vail, Mortgages: 591 Israel Vail to Joseph Deuel, Deeds: 875 Elias Wallbridge, Deeds: 841 Samuel Waters to Nehemiah Smith, Deeds: 460 Samuel Waters to Samuel Smith, Deeds: 460

Washington Allbright to Smith on Lott line 13 & 14, Mortgages: 728 to Arnold's mill, Deeds: 104 Samuel Badgley, Deeds: 302 Samuel S. Barker, Mortgages: 655

Timothy Bedell to Oswego, Mortgages: 611, 813, 903 Beekman to Joseph Carle, Mortgages: 4 Beekman to Pell Soper, Deeds: 89; Mortgages: 4 Henry Bentley to Jacob Lawrence, Mortgages: 896 Ebenezer Briggs, Mortgages: 32, 111, 267


SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX ROADS Washington, cont'd. Samuel Burlingame to Zephaniah Platt, Deeds: 226 Joseph Carle to Beekman, Mortgages: 4 to Chestnut Ridge, Mortgages: 47, 294 Chestnut Ridge to Pell Soper Deeds: 225 Samuel Cornell, Deeds: 98 Richard Crego to Oswego, Mortgages: 230 Dr. De La Vergne to Masher's mills, Deeds: 697, 713 Benjamin De Lavergne to Isaac Griffen, Mortgages: 611 Joseph Denton, Mortgages: 84, 132, 218 Dover to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 783, 1023; Mortgages: 325, 442, 446, 816 to Joseph Earl and Beekman, Deeds: 89 Clear Everitt, Deeds: 145 Filkintown to Eliakim Hammond, Mortgages: 362 Filkintown to Joseph S. Mabbett, Mortgages: 491 Filkintown Road (also see Pleasant Valley), Deeds: 84, 85, 373, 404, 428, 703 829, 830, 919; Mortgages: 325, 442, 446, 494, 690, 734, 810, 816 Isaac Finck, Mortgages: 346 Four Corners to Oswego Deeds: 813 Friends Meeting house, Deeds: 919 Henry Frost, Mortgages: 365 Henry & William Frost, Mortgages: 464 Nathaniel Gardner, Deeds: 646 saw mill near James Germond, Mortgages: 622 William Gould, Deeds: 955 Isaac Griffin to Benjamin Delavergne, Mortgages: 611 Joseph Griffen to Benjamin Hasbrook, Mortgages: 813, 903 adjoins Aaron Haight, Deeds: 545; Mortgages: 398 Aaron Haight to Richard Hart's fulling mill, Mortgages: 266, 672 Aaron Haight to David Sutherland, Mortgages: 362 to Joshua Haight, Mortgages: 494 Aaron & Thomas Hammond, Mortgages: 31 Eliakim Hammond to Filkintown, Mortgages: 342, 362 from Hammond to Hart, Mortgages: 362 from Hart to Hammond, Mortgages: 362

Philip Hart, Deeds: 884; Mortgages: 298 Richard Hart's fulling mill to Aaron Haight, Mortgages: 266, 672 Richard Hart to David Sutherland, Mortgages: 672 to Benjamin Hasbrook, Mortgages: 912 Benjamin Hasbrook to Joseph Griffen, Mortgages: 813, 903 Moses Hoag, Mortgages: 531 Joseph Holland, Mortgages: 801 Joseph Holland's Inn to Abraham Merritt, Deeds: 829 the hollow to Phileas Lownbury, Mortgages: 421 Nicholas Holmes, Mortgages: 236 David Jacack to Joseph Wooley, Mortgages: 815 Smith Jones, Deeds: 434 Jacob Lawrence to Henry Bentley, Mortgages: 896 through middle of Lott 25, Mortgages: 147 Phileas Lownsbury to the hollow, Mortgages: 421 Jonathan Mabbett to Poughkeepsie, Deeds: 782 Jonathan Mabbett to Plymouth Hill, Deeds: 811 Joseph Mabbet to Beekman, Deeds: 497 Joseph S. Mabbett to Filkintown, Mortgages: 491 Joseph S. Mabbett to Poughkeepsie, Mortgages: 494 Abraham Merritt to Joseph Holland's inn, Deeds: 829 Consider Merritt to Benjamin Mosher, Deeds: 829 Ichabod Merritt, Mortgages: 722 Masher's mills to Dr. De La Vergne, Deeds: 697, 713 Benjamin Mosher to Consider Merritt, Deeds: 829 Enos Northrop, Mortgages: 151 Oswego to Timothy Bedell, Mortgages: 611, 813, 903 Oswego to Four Corners, Deeds: 813 Oswego to Richard Crego, Mortgages: 230 Ephraim Paine, Mortgages: 710 Joseph Palmer, Deeds: 182 Peter Palmer to Isaac Thorn, Deeds: 104 Samuel Pierson, Deeds: 646; Mortgages: 579 Zephaniah Platt to Samuel Burlingame, Deeds: 226 Plymouth hill to Jonathan Mabbett, Deeds: 811


ROADS Washington, cont'd. Poughkeepsie to Dover, Deeds: 783, 1023 Poughkeepsie to Jonathan Mabbett, Deeds: 782 Poughkeepsie to Samuel Titus, Mortgages: 574 Joseph Reynolds, Mortgages: 324 Timothy-Ricketson, Deeds: 134 to Sharon, Deeds: 176 Smith on Lott line 13 & 14 to Allbright, Mortgages: 728 Hugh Smith, Deeds: 283 Pell Soper to Beekman, Deeds: 89; Mortgages: 4 Pell Soper to Chestnut Ridge, Deeds: 225 David Sutherland to Aaron Haight, Mortgages: 362 David Sutherland to Richard Hart, Mortgages: 672

Sylvester Sweet, Deeds: 646, 655; Mortgages: 579 Peleg Taber, Mortgages: 463 Isaac Thorn to Peter Palmer, Deeds: 104 Samuel Titus, Mortgages: 487 Samuel Titus to Poughkeepsie, Mortgages: 574 Stephen Titus, Mortgages: 565 Israel Vail, Deeds: 224 Zebulon Wallbridge, Deeds: 299 Joshua Wells, Mortgages: 333 Abner White's road, Deeds: 89 Joseph Wooley to David Jacacks, Mortgages: 816




LOTTS 700 Acre Lot, Mortgages: 110, 112 Deeds: 35-38, 45, 126, 185, 249, 390, 619, 620, 696, 802, 406, 592, 702, 890 Oblong Lott 58, 993; Mortgages: 745 700 Acre Lot 1, Deeds: 454, 933, Deeds: 691 1025; Mortgages: Oblong -, (see name index) 570, 592, 831 Deeds: 46, 123, 125, Oblong Lott 59, 165, 169, 174, 203, Mortgages: 62, 215 204, 222, 239, 240, Oblong Lott 60, 241, 272, 286, 287, Deeds: 141, 456, 324, 357, 363, 386, 983; Mortgages: 2, 54, 117; 215, 570, 396, 474, 528, 531, 745, 931; Mortgages: 613 192, 275, 305, 768, Oblong Lott 61, Deeds: 455, 557; 796 Mortgages: 62, 94, *Oblong Lott 41, 118, 210, 443 Deeds: 532, 541, 542, Oblong Lott 62, 965 Deeds: 97, 284, 286 *Oblong Lott 43, Deeds: 527, 529, 532, 408, 432, 551, 640; Mortgages: 177, 238 533, 535, 541, 542, 286, 327, 334, 335 618, 914, 965 *Oblong Lott 44, Oblong Lott 63, Deeds: 530, 914; Deeds: 161, 199; Mortgages: 202 Mortgages: 7, 66, Oblong Lott 45, 91, 99, 121, 268, Deeds: 175, 223, 241, 281, 604 242, 262, 337, 420, Oblong Lott 64, 453; Mortgages: 18, Deeds: 432, 1014; 129, 141, 206, 306, Mortgages: 385 307, 313, 322 Oblong Lott 65, Oblong Lott 46, Deeds: 608, 609 Deeds: 253, 367, Oblong Lott 66, 1006; Mortgages: 232, Deeds: 253, 254 251, 306, 307 647; Mortgages: 54, Oblong Lott 47, 69 Deeds: 108, 109, 162, Oblong Lott 67, 163, 164, 202; MortDeeds: 201 gages: 1, 5, 474 Oblong Lott 68, Oblong Lott 48, Deeds: 195, 201, Deeds: 202; Mort219, 233, 234, 237, gages: 474 358, 399; Mortgages: Oblong Lott 49, 38, 50, 56, 61, 224, Deeds: 59, 249, 411, 238 433, 702; Mortgages: Oblong Lott 69, 53, 308, 367, 383, Mortgages: 524, 532, 397, 542, 650 549, 581, 873 Oblong Lott 50, Oblong Lott 70, Deeds: 108, 173, 554, Mortgages: 183, 184, 695, 702; Mortgages: 290, 861, 862, 863 96, 397, 542, 650, Oblong Lott 71, 700 Mortgages: 65, 223 Oblong Lott 51, Oblong Lott 72, Deeds: 353, 930, 940 Mortgages: 861, 862, Oblong Lott 52, 864 Deeds: 72, 288, 553, Oblong Lott 73, 930, 940 Mortgages: 65 Oblong Lott 53, Gore - , Mortgages: 624 Deeds: 24, 47, 48, Oblong Lott 54, 62, 339, 340, 902 Deeds: 516; MortGore 19, gages: 797, 847 Deeds: 165, 167, 168 Oblong Lott 55, Gore 20, Deeds: 386, 934; Deeds: 165, 167, Mortgages: 10, 110, 168, 654; Mortgages: 222, 228, 246, 249, 414, 479 490, 592, 670, 774, Hyde Park - , 782, 890 Deeds: 457, 751, Oblong Lott 56, 921, 1018; MortDeeds: 1025; Mortgages: 311, 888 gages: 774, 831 Hyde Park Lot 2, Oblong Lott 57, Deeds: 710, 734, Deeds: 290, 325, 336, 872, 888, 892; Mort350, 388, 932, 934; gages: 179, 350, 914

Hyde Park Lot 3, Deeds: 436, 711, 734, 770, 872, 892; Mortgages: 180, 316, 914 Hyde Park Lot 5, Deeds: 435; Mortgages: 178, 819 Hyde Park Lot 6, Deeds: 958; Mortgages: 200, 806 Hyde Park Lot 7, Deeds: 760, 857; Mortgages: 199, 247, 818 Hyde Park Lot 8, Mortgages: 309 Hyde Park Lot 9, Deeds: 857; Mortgages: 818 Hyde Park Lot 10, Mortgages: 818 Lott 1, Deeds: 33, 34, 43, 46, 67, 68, 204, 267, 268, 279, 296, 303, 601, 602, 746, 963, 964, 967; Mortgages: 107, 109, 128, 317, 366, 392, 393, 505, 539, 593, 641, 703, 711, 752, 761, 823, 829 Lott 2, Deeds: 67, 573, 587, 686, 840, 893, 894, 951; Mortgages: 500, 743 Lott 3, Deeds: 64, 65, 100, 101, 102, 103, 204, 205, 318, 327, 396, 486, 487, 488, 559, 567, 571, 572, 587, 588, 616, 617, 671, 686, 708, 779, 809, 839, 840, 973, 995; Mortgages: 259, 304, 456, 533, 633, 636, 648, 658, 660, 724, 763, 771, 784, 795, 935 Lott 4, Deeds: 155, 294, 382, 383, 389, 390, 512, 546, 547, 575, 576, 671, 973, 1001, 1028; Mortgages: 42, 92, 187, 198, 241, 331, 345, 382, 456, 485, 627, 804 Lott 5, Deeds: 31, 32, 73, 76, 166, 243, 244, 255, 256, 295, 352, 397, 417, 419, 513, 576, 628, 638, 632, 633, 658, 659, 689, 731, 790, 792, 793, 794, 825, 881, 1028, 1041; Mortgages: 86, 102, 201, 218, 279, 331, 389, 437, 445, 458, 470, 478, 497, 526, 548, 550, 586,

* Located about 7 miles south of Oblong Lott 45 & 46 in the Town of Dover



LOTTS, cont'd. 612, 637, 639, 709, 736, 738, 754, 769, 825, 833, 923 Lott 6, Deeds: 25, 49, 50, 53, 57, 64, 65, 156, 157, 255, 332, 417, 444, 513, 658, 659, 671, 725, 756, 772, 784, 821 822 825 864, 952; Mortgages: 108, 201, 279, 336, 339, 452, 458, 459, 481, 526, 550, 675, 709, 754, 769, 825, 833, 834, 835, 844, 846, 874, 875, 891, 923, 934 Lott 7, Deeds: 21, 25, 51, 60, 65, 157, 193, 221, 245, 246, 280, 329, 332, 372, 437, 480, 492, 597, 607, 705, 706, 890, 985; Mortgages: 30, 36, 43, 81, 234, 330, 354, 369, 427, 554, 557, 567, 588, 666, 726, 737, 824, 832, 837, 787, 891 Lott 8, Deeds: 41, 185, 192, 193, 221, 258, 260, 280, 281, 285, 354, 355, 356, 359, 372, 427, 437, 480, 492, 555, 585, 597, 605, 606, 607, 697, 705, 706, 713, 720, 743, 828, 833, 835, 853, 862, 878, 890, 895, 911, 918, 982, 1021, 1044; Mortgages: 3, 8, 13, 30, 36, 37, 43, 44, 76, 101, 135 153, 161, 175, 176, 221, 234, 235, 244, 278, 323, 330, 489, 492, 493, 508, 554, 557, 567, 588, 605, 644, 653, 683, 697, 715, 737, 751, 753, 781, 786, 787, 788, 832, 834, 926 Lott 9, Deeds: 28a, 63, 185, 280, 395, 480, 492, 506, 585, 603, 607, 641, 642, 662, 705, 706, 739, 757, 833, 835, 853, 862, 918, 1009; Mortgages: 153, 235, 244, 458, 492, 493, 571, 653, 683, 753, 781, 788, 834 Lott 10, Deeds: 17, 64, 65, 194, 468, 499, 545, 559, 885; Mortgages: 452, 458, 519, 640, 714, 813, 896, 925; Estates: 124 Lott 11, Deeds: 17, 21, 28a, 41, 54, 78, 126, 127,

128, 280, 281, 499, 545, 574, 610, 812, 827, 920; Mortgages: 46, 181, 388, 419, 640, 896 Lott 12, Deeds: 21, 22, 25, 28a, 46, 54, 55, 56, 58, 81, 85, 99, 158, 217, 251, 252, 300, 314, 366, 373, 404, 405, 428, 579, 580, 581, 582, 653, 697, 703, 707, 713, 725, 879, 1015; Mortgages: 25, 87, 255, 257, 265, 266, 283, 306, 307, 398, 640, 644, 672, 828, 929; Estates: 52 Lott 13, Deeds: 21, 22, 28a, 33, 53, 57, 158, 273, 444, 498, 513, 658, 659, 725, 825, 954, 1019; Mortgages: 104, 190, 209, 254, 550, 564, 709, 728, 833, 923, 934 Lott 14, Deeds: 53, 207, 417, 513, 658, 659, 673, 701, 759, 825, 954; Mortgages: 39, 201, 550, 645, 728, 833, 923 Lott 15, Deeds: 33, 43, 46, 67, 68, 204, 206, 318, 326, 328, 649, 701, 748, 759, 778, 869, 891, 947, 979, 1005, 1028; Mortgages: 148, 173, 191, 212, 219, 297, 328, 584, 591, 598, 645, 668, 669, 764, 826, 850, 921 Lott 16, Deeds: 31, 32, 33, 46, 67, 204, 206, 318, 328, 407, 459, 460, 469, 765, 818, 819, 875, 876, 891, 925, 926, 927, 928, 979, 1033, 1040; Mortgages: 93, 146, 169, 191, 348, 407, 460, 583, 623, 668, 669, 764, 770, 771, 826, 850, 854, 921; Estates: 32 Lott 17, Deeds: 64, 65, 204, 205, 206, 296, 303, 327, 396, 471, 509, 747, 817, 820, 823, 1013, 1032; Mortgages 243, 258, 260, 261, 448, 460, 735, 770, 928; Estates: 32 Lott 18, Deeds: 67, 206, 266, 293, 296, 303, 347, 442, 443, 598, 601, 602, 714, 817, 909, 968, 1017; Mortgages:

125, 133, 245, 250, 274, 285, 505, 606, 635, 641, 744, 756, 767, 775, 791; Estates: 52 Lott 19, Deeds: 24, 47, 48, 61, 132, 154, 160, 178, 210, 220, 277, 296, 303, 339, 340, 345, 380, 381, 422, 450, 664, 763, 786, 805, 806, 807, 836, 899, 902, 1043; Mortgages: 11, 14, 16, 24, 45, 105, 106, 124, 137, 373, 449, 649, 756, 767, 775, 872 Lott 20, Deeds: 144, 147, 213, 214, 265, 277, 345, 423, 425, 426, 449, 451, 550, 699, 805, 807, 841, 842, 843, 844, 852, 1003; Mortgages: 20, 24, 27, 88, 97, 131, 137, 165, 351, 399, 426, 496, 509, 616, 756, 767, 775, 800, 811, 812 Lott 21, Deeds: 71 135, 138, 147, 169, 179, 215, 227, 229, 230, 257, 304, 311, 328, 333, 334, 368, 369, 370, 401, 402, 416, 424, 425, 461, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 562, 841, 842, 989, 990, 1038; Mortgages: 27, 34, 80, 82, 83, 166, 191, 196, 225, 326, 376, 387, 411, 568, 602, 734, 742, 764, 850, 921; Estates: 237 Lott 22, Deeds: 33, 46, 64, 65, 67, 169, 204, 205, 206 327 396, 476, 477, 478, 479, 562, 612, 613, 624, 625, 626, 627, 639, 775, 846, 847, 848, 849, 989; Mortgages: 253, 264, 473, 501, 522, 525, 676, 764, 820, 921 Lott 23, Deeds: 176, 188, 611; Mortgages: 17, 501, 525 Lott 24, Deeds: 33, 36, 43, 67, 68, 104, 176, 204, 206, 251, 252, 298, 300, 400, 405, 434, 482, 492, 495, 884; Mortgages: 58, 87, 130, 142, 248, 501, 525, 528 Lott 25, Deeds: 8, 9, 21, 29,



30, 33, 46, 54, 67, 104, 122, 145, 182, 204, 206, 231, 251, 252, 300, 361, 400, 405, 434, 482, 764, 797, 884, 1034; Mortgages: 31, 58, 87, 130, 147, 151, 248, 324, 325, 332, 333, 365, 464, 710, 734 Lott 26, Deeds: 86, 98, 127, 182, 224, 225, 226, 283, 299, 302, 504, 816, 826; Mortgages: 31, 47, 84, 132, 217 236, 267, 280, 294, 347, 365, 418, 487, 543, 560, 793 Lott 27, Deeds: 31, 32, 86, 98, 247, 403, 497, 578; Mortgages: 35, 85, 272, 280, 321, 322, 480, 487, 631; Estates: 32 Lott 28, Deeds: 183, 184, 239 240, 247, 453, 475; Mortgages: 12, 35, 55, 60, 85, 322; Estates: 273 Lott 29, Deeds: 64, 65, 204, 205, 206, 327, 387, 391, 396, 519, 520, 540, 544, 572, 997, 999, 1000, 1042; Mortgages: 237, 312 410 Lott 30, Deeds: 90, 123, 124, 125, 188, 363, 365, 412, 466, 472; Mortgages: 26, 59, 70, 77, 136, 293, 431 Lott 31, Deeds: 90, 129, 148 188, 232, 248, 272, 276, 282, 341, 438, 473, 563, 611, 861, 936, 937, 960, 1004; Mortgages: 17, 49, 63, 73, 77, 113, 115 122, 134, 136, 150, 154, 156, 158, 159, 163, 167, 174, 273, 423, 454, 556, 610, 624, 842 Lott 32, Deeds: 36, 118, 119, 120, 121, 129, 141, 148, 149, 150, 151, 169, 180, 181, 188, 198, 200, 236, 248, 264, 282, 289, 305, 306, 307, 335, 394, 439, 440, 458, 463, 502, 937, 1039; Mortgages: 2, 15, 57, 63 64, 68, 78, 79, 100, 103, 134, 144, 145, 149, 155, 157, 163, 167, 174, 186, 220, 226, 231, 252, 271, 282, 329, 402, 454,

610, 682, 694 Lott 33, Deeds: 142, 147, 169, 190, 191, 206, 211, 228, 263, 364, 394, 907; Mortgages: 114, 227, 239, 240, 270, 291, 438, 469, 521, 682, 915 Lott 34, Deeds: 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 147, 152, 169, 186, 212, 265, 269, 301, 319, 324, 409, 418, 638, 699, 740, 907; Mortgages: 19, 71, 90, 98, 139, 170, 193, 204, 205, 269, 318, 355, 438, 469, 512, 540, 541, 556, 576, 626, 915 Lott 35, Deeds: 33, 43, 46, 61, 67, 68, 137, 142, 144, 147, 204, 206, 263, 265, 269, 270, 346 464 650 657 699, 731, 774, 1007; Mortgages: 74, 116, 120, 127, 160, 168, 171, 189, 197, 204, 207, 229, 296, 343, 370, 401 Lott 36, Deeds: 31, 33, 46, 61, 62, 87, 88, 92, 165, 167, 168, 187, 204, 324, 501, 505, 650, 776, 851, 856, 871, 1043; Mortgages: 24, 51, 95, 127, 160, 300, 401, 404, 451, 504, 652, 785, 809, 839, 845, 936; Estates: 12 Nelson's Lot Deeds: 11, 12, 13, 14, 45, 65, 70, 143, 568, 700, 726, 730, 749, 810, 870, 1030; Mortgages: 379, 467, 646, 758, 759, 760, 807, 869, 909 Nelson Lot 3, Deeds: 850; Mortgages: 808 Nelson Lot 5, Deeds: 730, 750 Nelson Lot 7, Deeds: 704 Pawling Purchase or Staatsburgh - , Deeds: 15, 16, 41, 410, 635, 675, 898; Mortgages: 428, 699 Pawling Lot 1, Deeds: 511, 980; Mortgages: 620, 654 Pawling Lot 2, Deeds: 312, 313, 446, 447, 448, 599, 604, 668, 669; Mortgages: 344, 654 Pawling Lot 3, Deeds: 312, 313, 330,

446, 447, 448, 668; Mortgages: 143, 182, 195, 495, 686, 772 Pawling Lot 4, Deeds: 312, 515, 577; Mortgages: 143, 182, 396, 495, 582, 686, 772 Pawling Lot 5, Deeds: 672, 682, 684, 685, 798; Mortgages: 143, 182, 582, 617, 625, 632, 673 Pawling Lot 6, Deeds: 218, 604, 622, 644, 799, 858; Mortgages: 213, 295, 344, 527, 673, 827 Pawling Lot 7, Deeds: 465, 1031; Mortgages: 213, 295, 409, 498, 577, 827 Pawling Lot 8, Deeds: 800, 943; Mortgages: 213, 214, 295, 577, 928 Pawling Lot 9, Deeds: 600, 1022; Mortgages: 195 Pawling Lot 10, Deeds: 511, 648, 693, 718, 780; Mortgages: 143, 620 Pawling Lot 11, Deeds: 312, 313, 446, 447, 448, 577, 668, 693, 718; Mortgages: 143, 182, 396 Pawling Lot 12, Deeds: 312, 410, 599, 604, 668, 693, 717; Mortgages: 344 Pawling Lot 13, Deeds: 313, 330, 446, 447, 448, 668; Mortgages: 195 Pawling Lot 14, Deeds: 672, 682, 684, 685, 798; Mortgages: 617, 625, 632 Pawling Lot 15, Deeds: 218, 360, 604, 644, 729, 799, 980, 981; Mortgages: 295, 344, 527, 582, 673, 827, 894, 920 Pawling Lot 16, Deeds: 360, 465, 858, 959; Mortgages: 213, 295, 594, 595, 894, 920 Pawling Lot 17, Deeds: 360, 800, 943, 959; Mortgages: 295, 594, 595 Pawling Lot 18, Deeds: 600, 966, 1022; Mortgages: 195, 595, 838 Third Division Lott 1, Deeds: 34, 130, 131, 133, 204, 267, 268, 564, 566, 769; Mortgages: 319, 417, 704 Third Division Lott 2, Deeds: 565, 696, 802; Mortgages: 745



LOTTS, cont'd. Third Division Lott 3, Deeds: 338, 569, 570, 619, 620, 696, 802, 859; Mortgages: 403, 590, 745 Third Division Lott 4, Deeds: 34, 67, 68, 204, 206, 429, 430, 500, 900, 1012; Mortgages: 377, 378, 708, 879, 899 Third Division Lott 5, Deeds: 576, 687, 868, 881, 935; Mortgages: 612, 695, 843, 879 Third Division Lott 6, Deeds: 204, 205, 206, 327, 396, 568, 572, 576, 716, 723, 724, 889, 952; Mortgages: 314, 340, 379, 415 Third Division Lott 7, Deeds: 801, 877, 880, 912, 957; Mortgages: 374, 379, 749; Estates: 32 Third Division Lott 8, Deeds: 636, 801, 880, 1030; Mortgages: 749, 807 Third Division Lott 9, Deeds: 576, 801, 935, 970; Mortgages: 749, 843 Third Division Lott 10, Deeds: 64, 204, 205, 206, 327, 396, 568, 572, 576, 716, 723, 724, 889, 896, 908, 915, 952; Mortgages: 182, 314, 340, 379, 415 Third Division Lott 11, Deeds: 185, 788, 789, 822, 877, 915, 952, 988; Mortgages: 182, 459, 488, 814 Third Division Lott 12, Deeds: 538; Mortgages: 182, 601, 721, 778, 805 Third Division Lott 13, Deeds: 235, 406, 660, 688, 987, 991; Mortgages: 391, 721, 778, 779, 780, 805 Third Division Lott 14, Deeds: 235, 238, 327, 406, 688, 781, 855; Mortgages: 357, 386 Third Division Lott 15, Deeds: 727, 739, 762; Mortgages: 416, 753; Pages: 37, 85, 87

Williams Lot 1, Deeds: 692 Williams Lot 2, Deeds: 692 Williams Lot 3, Deeds: 753, 994 Williams Lot 4, Deeds: 107, 172, 692, 768; Mortgages: 628, 629 Williams Lot 5, Deeds: 172, 753, 768; Mortgages: 628, 629, 877 Williams Lot 6, Deeds: 107, 172, 768; Mortgages: 628, 629 Water Lott - , Deeds: 65, 406, 421, 855; Mortgages: 292, 359 Water Lott 1, Deeds: 4, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 171, 271, 291, 292, 297, 344, 348, 374, 385, 392, 393, 413, 441, 677, 679, 680, 681, 728; Mortgages: 22, 33, 89, 162, 194, 208, 337, 353, 375, 405, 439, 455, 461, 482, 484, 572, 789; Estates: 32 Water Lott 2, Deeds: 106, 111, 112, 271, 274, 291, 292, 297, 344, 348, 377, 385, 392, 393, 413, 441, 517, 518, 549, 631, 663, 677, 679, 728, 969; Mortgages: 22, 33, 89, 194, 203, 337, 353, 375, 412, 424, 455, 461, 482, 484, 572, 596, 603, 608, 741 Water Lott 3, Deeds: 23, 106, 274, 291, 292, 308, 309, 310, 348, 362, 375, 376, 377, 392, 393, 441, 517, 518, 590, 596, 631, 665, 791, 882, 883, 929, 969; Mortgages: 89, 256, 384, 585, 603, 667, 689, 741 Water Lott 4, Deeds: 23, 40, 41, 42, 207, 274, 327, 362, 377, 517, 518, 758, 929, 969; Mortgages: 256, 284, 368, 471, 472, 718, 741 Water Lott 5, Deeds: 39, 64, 65, 204, 207, 209, 327, 688, 758; Mortgages: 447, 718 Water Lott 6, Deeds: 28, 52, 207, Williams - , 208, 327, 360, 676, Deeds: 35, 45, 91, 93, 688, 736, 737, 922, 94, 803, 975, 976, 977 923, 944, 945, 1026,

1035; Mortgages: 621, 634, 681, 696, 856, 857; Estates: 88 Water Lott 7, Deeds: 196, 360, 660, 737, 771, 837, 886, 887, 949, 991, 1026, 1035; Mortgages: 391, 552, 634, 662, 681, 747, 836, 856, 886 Water Lott 8, Deeds: 4, 7, 74, 75, 80, 82, 196, 360, 431, 621, 660, 735, 737, 741, 754, 755, 903, 991, 992, 1029; Mortgages: 214, 216, 242, 277, 289, 301, 302, 310, 391, 457, 535, 552, 569, 600, 705, 712, 930 Water Lott 9, Deeds: 43, 634, 636, 741, 880, 1029, 1030; Mortgages: 188, 242, 277, 289, 302, 303, 457, 561



Great, near Arnold, Anthony, Mortgages: 266, 672 near Carpenter's mill, Pages: 569 old, on road from John Carpenter to Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 331 over Crum Elbow Creek, Deeds: 769; Pages: 574 Duryee's bridge, Pages: 572 near Ely, William (Pleasant Valley), Mortgages: 740 Bridge on Endekill, Pages: 570, 573 over Fallkill Creek (Hyde Park), Deeds: 310 Flaglor's bridge, Pages: 569, 577 near Gazley's mill, Pages: 577 near James Germond, Pages: 577 near Griswold, Ephraim (Amenia), Deeds: 438 near Hart, Nekemiah in Lott 7, Mortgages: 354 near Hoskins, Joseph (Amenia), Deeds: 289 stone, near Hull, Henry (Stanford), Deeds: 925 foot, near Jones, Samuel (Amenia), Deeds: 121 Great, near Enoch Lester's old house, Pages: 569

near line between Lotts 15 & 16, Mortgages: 668, 669 on road to Oswego, Mortgages: 788 old, on road from John Parkason to Isaac Bloom, Mortgages: 331 Reynolds, Nehemiah, Mortgages: 371 near Seaman, Samuel, Pages: 574 on road from Sharon to Dover, Mortgages: 559 Simpson, Peter, Pages: 570, 572, 585 Stone, Mortgages: 655, 801 near Van Atten, Pages: 576 on branch of Wappingers Creek Lott 1 (Clinton), Deeds: 268; Mortgages: 109, 366 Great Bridge over Wappingers Creek (Pleasant Valley), Deeds: 354, 356, 359, 658, 659, 743, 833, 836, 853, 854, 865, 911, 974; Mortgages: 175, 235, 330, 489, 492, 557, 786, 788 over Little Wappingers Creek (Clinton) near Arie Buys, Deeds: 327, 572 over Wappingers Creek (Clinton), Deeds: 513, 514, 658, 659, 825; Mortgages: 833, 923

CHURCHES & BURYING GROUNDS Crooke family, Deeds: 736, 1026 Mortgages: 681 near Husted, Reuben, Mortgages: 762 near Willcocks, Roswell, Deeds: 860 Baptist (Netherwood), Deeds: 756; Mortgages: 891 Church of England, Mortgages: 160; Estates: 63 Congregational Presbyterian Society, Estates: 25 Dutch Congregation, Deeds: 51 First Church of Christ in Nine Partners, Estates: 198 French Reform Protestant, Mortgages: 125, 245 Friends, Amenia meeting, Deeds: 638, 661 (Union), 698 (City); Mortgages: 783 (Red) Friends, Creek meeting (Stone house), Deeds: 759, 789, 790; Mortgages: 637, 738, 776 Friends, Meeting house lot, Deeds' 812

CREEKS, BROOKS Beaver Pond Creek, Deeds: 828, 853, 865; Mortgages: 364, 489

Friends, Nine Partners meeting, Deeds: 816, 826, 919, 1023; Estates: 127 Friends, Smithfield Meeting, Mortgages: 616 Friends, Stanford meeting, Deeds: 891, 925, 947 Lutheran, Wittenburgh, Estates: 282 Methodist Society, Deeds: 838 Presbyterian, Amenia, Deeds: 363; Mortgages: 521 Presbyterian, Pleasant Valley, Deeds: 507 Presbyterian, Providence Society. Deeds: 537 Presbyterian, Washington Hollow, Deeds: 51 Reformed Church of Holland, Deeds: (51), 500 Separate, Mortgages: 253 Smithfield Meeting house, Mortgages: 616

PONDS, RIVERS Bulles Pond, Mortgages: 434 Canie Kill or Fish Creek, Deeds: 753

SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX CREEK, BROOKS, PONDS, RIVERS, cont'd. Chalk Pond Brook, Mortgages: 215 Cregors Fly, (Crygers), Mortgages: 514, 537; Pages: 570, 571, 574 Crum Elbow, Fish creek or kill, (also see name index under both listings), Pages: 44, 53, 570, 571, 574, 585 Dover River, Deeds: 391, 396; Mortgages: 237, 312 Endekill, Deeds: 692, 799, 1022; Mortgages: 673; Pages: 92, 570, 573 Fallkill Creek, Deeds: 310, 327, 558, 559, 572, 656, 889, 912, 957; Mortgages: 374, 893; Estates: 103; Pages: 5, 579, 585 Fish creek or kill (also see name index), Pages: 3, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 25, 28, 29, 35, 36, 40, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 74, 76, 79, 81, 84, 86, 87, 92, 95, 96, 97 Fish Creek, little, Pages: 43, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 64, 66, 71, 72, 76, 78, 81, 88, 94 Forge, Brook or Pond, Deeds: 120, 248, 519, 520 Great brook, Deeds: 188, 583, 584; Mortgages: 122 Great Creek, Deeds: 727, 762 Great Pond, Deeds: 914 Great Pond, Deeds: 258, 260 Great Swamp, Deeds: 122; Mortgages: 122, 136, 156 Hudson River, North River, Equaquanessink (see name index) Indian Pond, Deeds: 237, 399; Mortgages: 50 Iron Works brook or pond, Deeds: 118, 121, 458; Mortgages: 144, 220, 252, 271, 329

Lantsmans Kill, Mortgages: 25 Meadow Creek, Mortgages: 3 Meriches Creek, Deeds: 736, 922, 923, 944, 945, 1026; Mortgages: 634, 681, 856, 857, 868, 886 Mountain River, Deeds: 2 Mudderkill, Deeds: 727, 762, 781; Mortgages: 422, 717 Mud Pond, Mortgages: 539, 711 Norther kreek, Mortgages: 422 Oblong River, Deeds: 554; Mortgages: 65 Pepperedge Swamp, Mortgages: 423 Pond gut, Deeds: 709 Pond Hollow Creek, Deeds: 721 Rhinebeck Creek, Deeds: 906 Round Pond, Deeds: 141, 286, 640 Round Pond, Deeds: 257 Sprout Creek, Deeds: 975 Tamarack Swamp, Deeds: 176 Ten Mile River, Deeds: 530, 541, 542, 873; Mortgages: 306 Waneapoenick Creek, Mortgages: 309 Wappingers Creek, (see name index) Wappingers, small (see name index) Wassaic (Wiessayick), Deeds: 205, 327, 387 waterfall near former sawmill, Mortgages: 622 waterfall in Rhinebeck Creek, Deeds: 906

LANDINGS, ISLANDS, BAYS OR COVES & DOCKS bay or Cove in the Hudson River, Deeds: 413 dock, in Water Lott 7, Alford, William, Deeds: 886, 887; Mortgages: 884 island - Fish Clippitie or rock, Deeds: 898; Mortgages: 897 island, Mortgages: 122, 136, 156, 826, 922 landings on the Hudson River: Charles Crook & others, Deeds: 207; DeCantillon, Richard, Mortgages: 720, 822; Pages:

575, 580, 585, 588; Hegeman, Hendrick, Deeds: 342, 343 Hallock's, - , Pages: 574; Stoutenbergh, James, Pages: 575; Uhl's, - , Pages: 573




Abbott, Robert, Deeds: 853, 854, 911 Adams, Benjamin, Deeds: 939 Adams, Reuben, Deeds: 939 Arnold's, Deeds: 104 Arnold, Anthony, Mortgages: 266 Baker, James, Deeds: 121 Bard, Samuel, Deeds: 921 Barnes, John, Deeds: 356; Mortgages: 221, 235, 330 Benton & Owen, Mortgages: 532 Bloom, Isaac, Deeds: 513, 514, 582 658, 659, 825, 947; Mortgages: 339, 564; Pages: 569 Bosworth, Zina, Deeds: 939 Buckly, Phineas, Deeds: 854 Carman's, Deeds: 766, 891 Carpenter, Pages: 569, 573 Carpenter, Ephraim, Mortgages: 503 Carpenter, Simmons, Mortgages: 876 Clap, Henry Deeds: 745 Cook, Job, Deeds: 438 Come, Peter, Deeds: 356; Mortgages: 221, 235, 330 near Crapser, John, Deeds: 570 Dean, Daniel, Deeds: 853, 854, 865; Mortgages: 888 Deuel, Joseph, Mortgages: 854 DeWitt, John, Deeds: 802, Mortgages: 745, 804, 876; Pages: 575 Doughty, Joseph, Deeds: 825; Mortgages: 833 Draper, Gideon, Deeds: 528 near Dunham, Jonathan, Deeds: 563 Duryee, Jacob, Deeds: 833, 835, 865 Duryee, John, Deeds: 833; Mortgages: 492 near Elwin, George, Deeds: 570

Ely, William, Mortgages: 740 Filkins, Isaac, Deeds: 84, 273, 404, 690, 703; Mortgages: 104, 255 near Ford, John, Deeds: 120 Freliegh, George, Mortgages: 266 Freliegh (Frederick), Johannes, Deeds: 556; Mortgages: 523 Gazley, John, Deeds: 556, 689; Mortgages: 470, 523; Pages: 570, 577 near Germond, James, Mortgages: 622 great, Mortgages: 454 Harris, Joseph, Deeds: 614, 615 Hart, Philip, Deeds: 879; Mortgages: 266, 672, 828 near Harvey, Obed, Deeds: 219 Head, Reuben, Deeds: 852 Hibernia mills Pages: 577, 583 Hughes, Capt., Mortgages: 514, 537, 638, 804 Hughes, James Deeds: 825; Mortgages: 709 Hull, Tiddeman, Deeds: 503, 818, 819 Humphrey, Cornelius, Deeds: 503 Johnston, Jacob, Deeds: 939, 1008 Jones, Samuel, Deeds: 121 Kent, John, Deeds: 449 Langon, John, Deeds: 449 Lott, Hendrick, Deeds: 354, 355, 356 Mead, Timothy, Mortgages: 226, 231 Merritt, Nehemiah, Mortgages: 371 Mosher, Caleb, Deeds: 697, 713 Mosher, Thomas, Deeds: 926 Nelson's, Deeds: 1018; Pages: 570 Newcomb, Pages: 573 old mill, Mortgages: 694

mines at New Satuet, Deeds: 159 limestone, Deeds: 994

mines (Amenia), Deeds: 159, 201, 234, 253 quarries (Amenia),

old saw mill, Mortgages: 765 old saw mill, Mortgages: 403, 578, 590, 916 Ostrom, Pages: 571 near Ostrom, John, Deeds: 569 Paine, Ephraim, Mortgages: 710 (Pugsley, William)?, Mortgages: 512 Reynolds, Justus, Mortgages: 226, 231 Schenk, Abraham, Deeds: 354; Mortgages: 175, 221 Schenk, Hendrick, Mortgages: 153 near Sherwood, Parrick, Deeds: 563 Shipley, Ann, Deeds: 854 Shipley, Ann (Union), Deeds: 911 Shipley, Marice, Deeds: 854 Smith, Daniel, Deeds: 118 Smith, James, Deeds: 135, 137, 269, 301 Smith, Platt, Deeds: 615 Tallmadge, James, Deeds: 852 Teller, Pages: 571 Tompkins, Howard, Pages: 583 Traver (Trever), Deeds: 188 Underhill, Isaac, Deeds: 1004 Vail, Isaac, Estates: 279 VanCortlandt, Augustus, Deeds: 614 Vandeburgh, Henry, Deeds: 877; Mortgages: 823 VanHorne, Augustus, Deeds: 614, 615 Verplanck, Samuel, Deeds: 356 Waters, Abram, Mortgages: 322 Whitney, Abraham, Deeds: 939 Willet, Gilbert, Deeds: 960 Winter, Moses, Mortgages: 503 Wolcott, Thomas, Deeds: 745 Woods, John, Deeds: 835 Union Mills, Deeds: 911

MINES & QUARRIES Deeds: 87, 88 Slate Quarry (Clinton), Deeds: 962



MISC. Legislative acts: 1. Act for more effectual registry of mortgages, March 19, 1774: Mortgages: 411 2. War with Great Britain, Deeds: 318 3. Laws governing sheep, rams and hogs, Pages: 568, 578 Bark house, coal house, potash house, Deeds: 121, 519, 520, 835, 982

Gilliad tree (Clinton), Mortgages: 648 Inn, Holland, Joseph, Deeds: 829 Iron works, forges, steel works, mines, Deeds: 120, 121, 159, 248, 458, 519, 520; Mortgages: 28, 72, 144, 296, 322 Stone house Stephen Ray built, Deeds: 408

MONUMENTS Monument on top of the mountain, Mortgages: 2 Monument - 26 mile, Mortgages: 202 Monument - 33 mile, Deeds: 223, 367; Mortgages: 18, 232 Monument - 34 mile, Mortgages: 18 Monument - 35 mile, Deeds: 59 Monument - 37 mile, Mortgages: 847 *Located in the Town of Dover.

Monument - 40 mile, Deeds: 290, 325, 336, 454, 455; Mortgages: 110, 126, 185, 249, 406 Monument - 42 mile, Deeds: 161 Monument - 44 mile, Deeds: 195, 201, 219, 233, 358, 371, 399; Mortgages: 38, 50, 56, 61, 69, 224, 290 Monument - 49 mile," Mortgages: 390 **Located in the Town of Northeast.

MOUNTAINS, HILLS, PASTURES Bauldhead Mountain, Mortgages: 325 Bog meadow, Deeds: 895; Mortgages: 188, 692, 721 Bogor fly, Deeds: 980 Bush mountain, Mortgages: 682 Calf Pasture, Deeds: 916 Canoe Hill, Deeds: 582 Common Mountain, Mortgages: 31 Fresh Meadow, Mortgages: 130 Great meadow, Mortgages: 725 Mountain, Deeds: 2, 3, 182, 249, 961; Mortgages: 48, 53, 270, 502 Mountain in Lott 31 & 32, Deeds: 118, 120, 289, 440; Mortgages: 2, 73, 154, 163, 423

Muckle Hill rocks, Mortgages: 372 Oblong Mountain, Deeds: 860 Pine hill (Amenia), Deeds: 412 Plum Hill, Pages: 11, 18 Plymouth hill, Deeds: 694, 811 Rattle snake den (Stanford), Deeds: 327 Rockey Hill, Mortgages: 154 Schultz hill, Pages: 573 Stissing (Tecink Mt.) (Stanford), Deeds: 178, 836; Estates: 237 Tower Hill, Mortgages: 810 Valley, Deeds: 241; Mortgages: 55, 679 Witts Mount in Staatsburgh, Deeds: 330

PLACES Backers Bars (barn) (Clinton), Pages: 571, 574, 585 Bangall, Mortgages: 800 Senses Boght, Deeds: 40 Buck's horn corner, Mortgages: 342, 722 Chestnut Ridge, Deeds: 225, 698; Mortgages: 47, 294

The City, Deeds: 698; Mortgages: 318, 355 Cold Spring, Deeds: 968; Mortgages: 850 Dr. Colden's lot, Deeds: 241; Mortgages: 129, 313, 322 Colony line, Deeds: 173, 554; Mortgages: 1, 5


SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX PLACES, contd. Mountain Common lot, Deeds: 182 Oblong Line, Mortgages: 59, 67, 70, 77, 98, 103, 116, 120, 121 Offenbergh or upperbergh, Deeds: 267, 268, 942; Mortgages: 107, 128, 366 Pleasant Valley, Deeds: 642, 833, 911, 982 Pleasant Valley Library, Deeds: 948 quit rent land, Deeds: 421; Pages: 16, 25, 26, 31, 34 Rear of Patent, Pages: 22 Rhinebeck Flats, Mortgages: 657 Sackett Farm, Deeds: 1, 2, 3, 64, 204, 205, 396 Saulkill land, Mortgages: 321 Slip of Nine Partners, Deeds: 113 street near Gersham Reed, Mortgages: 559 Thompson's Purchase, Mortgages: 496 undivided lot or lands, Deeds: 28, 52, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 91, 204, 208, 327 well near Gersham Reed, Mortgages: 559 old well, Deeds: 228 Wittenbergh, Mortgages: 748

Courtlands Point, Mortgages: 18 Cow Neck, Deeds: 659; Mortgages: 420 Cripple Bush, Mortgages: 772 Crooke's farm, Mortgages: 447 Crum Elbow, Pages: 622, 623 Crum Elbow Point, Deeds: 688, 736, 1026; Mortgages: 681 Coyo House in N.Y.C., Deeds: 614, 615 Deep Hollow (at Nathaniel Gardiner), Mortgages: 63 186, 408, 579 Everson Lot, Deeds: 907 Filkintown Lot, Deeds: 884; Mortgages: 130, 722, 866 Four Corners (Clinton), Pages: 585 Four Corners (Washington), Deeds: 813, 814 garden, John W. Allen's, Pages: 571, 575 gore, "the Nine Partner Gore", Mortgages: 789; Pages: 73 Haveout, Equivalent or Cast lands, Mortgages: 306 Hans pasture in Kingston, Deeds: 68 Hoag Corner, Pages: 571 Hollow, The (Clinton Hollow), Mortgages: 421, 485, 537 Hollow, The (Washington Hollow), Deeds: 629; Mortgages: 644

SCHOOLS near Allen, Joseph (Pleasant Valley), Deeds: 866 near Badgley, Anthony, Pages: 570, 574 near Baright, William (Amenia), Mortgages: 842 on church ground near Crum Elbow Creek (Hyde Park), Mortgages: 720 land granted by Jacob Everson (Pleasant Valley), Deeds: 917 Friends, society of (Washington), Deeds: 814, 816 near Gillet, Joel (Amenia), Mortgages: 48 now shop of Holmes, Abner (Stanford), Mortgages: 509 near Ireland, John, Pages: 570

near Lawrence, Jacob, Pages: 572 near Owen, Joshua (Clinton), Mortgages: 358, 513 Providence Society (Clinton), Deeds: 500, 537, 993, 1012; Mortgages: 377, 378, 708; Pages: 575, 576 near Pugsly, William (Washington), Mortgages: 413 near Sherwood, Ashel (Amenia),, Deeds: 861 near Sleght, Henry, Pages: 573 near VanWagner, Nicholas, Pages: 575, 579 near Wardwell, James (Amenia), Mortgages: 831

SHOPS blacksmith shop near Stone Meeting House, Pages: 570 blacksmith, Deeds: 886, 887; Mortgages: 798

Baright, William, Mortgages: 674 Gager, William, Mortgages: 855, 933 (cent'd.

SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX SHOPS, cont'd Gilbert, Elisha, Mortgages: 177 Gould, William, Deeds: 955 Holmes, Abner, Mortgages: 509 Hustis, William, Pages: 570, 574, 576

Talmadge, James, Deeds: 698 Terry, William, Deeds: 1024 Thurston, John, Deeds: 650 Truesdale, Stephen, Mortgages: 532

STORES & STOREHOUSES Alford, William, Mortgages: 884 Barton, Lewis, Mortgages: 289 DeGraff, John, Mortgages: 289 where Daniel Hebard traded, Mortgages: 933

Hull, Henry, Deeds: 926 Morgan, Israel, Mortgages: 799 Winan, James, Mortgages: 301 Yarwood, Joseph, Deeds: 886, 887

OCCUPATIONS & TITLES1 Each name below is followed by a letter and number, i.e. Heathcote, Caleb (D115). The number indicates a document, either deeds (D) or mortgages (M), on which the individual's occupation or title is noted. Attorneys Alsop, Richard (D250) Bailey, Theodorus (M562) Clossen, Timothy (0349) Crooke, John (D133) Elmendorph, Peter E. (D979) Hopkins, Reuben (D428) Hughes, James (D825) Ingraham, George (M845) Lawrence, Ezekiel (M870) Moore, Lambert (M204) Smith, William (D201)

Blacksmiths, cont'd. Titus, John (M487) Van Amberg, Joseph (M133) Wickham, Benjamin (M82) Boatmen Conner, John (D771) Brewers & Distillers Gomez, Mattathias (M294) Rutgers, Anthony (D207)

Bakers Bogert, Henry (D113) Crooke, Charles (D130) Smith, John (D558) Barbers

Butchers Warden, John (D758) Cabinetmakers Titus, Samuel (M487)

Winslow, Thomas (M649) Blacksmiths Ackert, David (M337) Badgley, Samuel (D224) Barentse, William (M235) Bush, Jacob (M302) Carpenter, Nehemiah (M315) DeLong, Francis (D285) Doty, Joseph (D328) Gale, Josiah (0364) Griffen, Joseph (M470) Harris, Joseph (D167) Herrick, Smith (M611) Jones, Samuel (M58) McCord, Samuel (D260) Odell, James (M909) Sackett, Ezekiel (M53) Soule, George (M198) Spicer, Nathan (0440) Swartwout, James (M392) Tallmadge, James (D698) Tietsoot, Isaac (D22) Titus, Augusten (D642)

Carmen (Cartmenl Deuel, Allen (D984) Glean, Anthony (M76) Carpenters & Joyners Barton, Jacob (D51) Beckwith, Silvenus (D450) Bedford, David (M529) Benton, Isaac (D520) Doughty, Timothy (M182) Gallop, William (D591) (D592) Gay, John (D31) Gotier, Andrew (M22) Griffen, Samuel (M813) Marshall, Justis (M497) Selkregg, John (M827) Southerland, William (M243) Yelverton, Anthony (D52) Winsloe, Samuel (D74) Clergymen, cont 'd.

1 References to farmers and yeomen are too numerous to list.




OCCUPATIONS & TITLES, cont'd. Clergymen Barclay, Henry (0387) Ford, John (M220) Gould, Ebenezer (M189) Inglis, Rev. Charles (D657) Van Bunschooten, Elias (M582) Clothiers Benton, Ezekial (M524) Fretts r Francis (M529) Hart, Philip (M298) Hart, Richard (M263) Owen, Samuel (M524) Tredwell, Stephen (M414) Trusdale, Stephen (M524) Coopers Harris, William (D985) Smith, Jabis (D400) Titus, Samuel (0345) Welling, William (D185) Cordwainers Allen, John (D582) Dayley, Benjamin (0248) DeGraeff, Jan (D7) Fish, Seth (D442) Garrison, Jonas (0291) Gear, Rezin (D342) Gerrenryk, Zachariah (M89) Jansen, Johannis (D67) Lazeire, Lucius (M179) Neher, Frans (D100) Scott, James (D259) Shearlock, Thomas (D239) Sleght, Daniel (D809) Tripp, Daniel (D134) Trussdell, David (M426) Curriers Bentley, Benjamin (D10) Southwick, Daniel (D283) Druggists Brownejohn, William (M672) Esquires Allen, - (M787) Alsop, Richard (0500) Axtell, William (M306) Becay, - (M348) Beekman, Henry (M198) Benson, Egbert (M394) Bevier, Philip (D635) Bocke, Abraham (M51) Brinckerhoff, Dirck (M285) Castle, Daniel (D412) Chamberlain, John (D930) Chambers, John (M24) Clark, George (M184) Clinton, George (M630) Colden, Cadwallader (M18) Collin, John (M406) DeLavergne, Nicholas (M174) DeWitt, John (D600) Elmendorph, Petrus Edmundus (M191)

Esquires, cont'd. Everitt, Clear (M48) Everson, Nicholas (D974) Fay, John (M576) Filkin, Henry (M279) Freligh, George (M362) Gale, Josiah (M473) Harrison, George (M177) Hopkins, Roswell (M78) Humphry, Cornelius (M369) Humphrey, Henry (D509) Jauncey, James (M169) Jay, Frederick (M474) Jay, Peter (M394) Johnston, David (M463) Johnston, John (D736) Lefferts, Dirck (M577) Lewis, Morgan (M632) Lispenard, Leonard (M243) Livingston, Brockholst (M772) Livingston, Henry (M3) Livingston, James (D339) Livingston, Robert G. (0412) Livingston, Schuyler (M772) Lott, Henry (D354) Miller, Burnet (D459) Moore, Lambert (M192) Morehouse, Andrew (D529) Morris, Roger (M168) Mott, Ebenezer (M704) Newcomb, Thomas (M508) Ogden, Samuel (M632) Paine, Brinton (M360) Platt, Zepheniah (D667) Ray, Cornelius (D922) Rutgers, Anthony (M243) Schenk, Abraham (M176) Shaw, John C. (M344) Smith, James (M299) Smith, John Cotton (M613) Smith, Melancton (M332) Stoutenbergh, Luke (M597) Tallmadge, James (D852) VanCortlandt, Augustus (M301) VanCortlandt, Stephen (M213) VanHovenbergh, Henry (M594) VanKleeck, Leonard (M262) Williams, Charles (M166) Gentlemen Alsop, Richard (D45) Alsop, Richard IV (M107) Barnett, John (M469) Beekman, Gerard (M58) Card, Jonathan Jr. (M936) Crooke, Charles (D391) Crooke, John (M253) Davis, William (M768) DePeyster, Nicholas (D644 Dids, John (M160) Duryee, Jacob K. (M493) Duryee, John (M493) Edgar, William (D1022) Field, William (M125) Geer, Rezin (D413) Graham, Maj. Augustine (D59.0) Hageman, Joseph (M292) Hoffman, Martin (M251) Hoffman, Nicholas (0799) Johnston, David (M282) Keteltus, Peter (M495) Knox, Jane (M55)


OCCUPATIONS & TITLES, contd. Gentlemen, cont'd. LeRoux, Charles (M209) Lispenard, Leonard (D1000) Livingston, Henry (D365) Livingston, Robert G. (M27) Livingston, Walter (D650) Ludlow, Gabriel W. (M374) Morris, Lewis (M74) Mott, Joseph (D384) Ogilves, William (M47) Platt, Nathaniel (M332) Roberts, Daniel (M208) Rice, John (M311) Rogers, James (M52) Rutgers, Anthony (D387) Shaw, Charles (0799) Sherbrooke, Miles (D644) Smith, William L. (M672) Swits, Cornelius (M182) Thorn, John (D646) Tillotson, Thomas (D898) VanCortlandt, Augustus (M473) VanHorn, Augustus (M39) Wharton, John (0349) Wolley, Joseph (D920) Goldsmiths Boelen, Henry (D73) Grocers Alford, William (D886) Lefferts, John (M368) Gunsmiths Marschall, Johannes (0392) Hatters Winchester, Amariah (D516) Wooley, Joseph (M263) Husbandmen Brown, Tristam (D282) Doty, Elias Jr. (M641) Harris, Daniel (D190) Hull, Tiddeman (D759) Lapham, Jonathan (D1016) Mott, Ebenezer (0746) Stoutenburgh, Abraham (0967) Waltemire, David (D1016) Innkeepers & Tavernkeepers Finch, Isaac (M371) Gidney, Joshua (D285) Hughes, Christopher (D858) Masten, Elisha (M643) Whitney, Ezekiel (D890) Winans, James (M214) Mariners & Seamen Bethell, Nathaniel (M108) Bogardus, Evert (D66) Cook, Samuel (M739) DeGraeff, John (D316) Lewis, John (M22) Masons Smith, Samuel (M837) Tripp, Daniel (D366)

Merchants Abbott, Robert (D853) Abeel, John (0360) Alford, William (M884) Antil, Brother Edward (D591) Barclay, Andrew (D387) Barnes, John (M330) Barton, Solomon (M429) Beacke, Andrew (D964) Beacke, Paul (D964) Beekman, William (M13) Bosworth, Samuel (M845) Bowne, George (M305) Bowne, Matthew (D589) Bowne, Samuel (M236) Bowne, Robert (M494) Brush, Lemuel (M370) Carpenter, John (M279) Carpenter, David (M279) Clarkson, David (D387) Clarkson, Levinius (M156) Cornell, Lewis (M342) Come, Peter (M330) Crook, Charles (044) Crooke, Charles Jr. (D130) Crooke, John (D39) Crooke, Robert (D66) Dean, Daniel (0853) Dean, Daniel D. (D854) Dean, Daniel S. (D865) D'Cantillon, Richard (M270) DeLaplain, Joshua (M236) DeLavergne, Henry (M454) DeLavergne, Lewis (M454) DePeyster, Frederick (D1027) Desbroses, Elias (M136) Desbrosses, James (M383) DeWitt, Peter (M195) Doughty, Joseph (D819) Duryee, Abraham (M492) Duryee, Jacob (0833) Duryee, Jacob K. (M787) Elmendorph, Mary (M212) Elmendorph, John (M319) Elmendorph, Petrus E. (0206) Everson, Jacob (M512) Everson, John (D169) Everson, Nicholas (0445) Flagler, Peter (D828) Folliott, George (M60) Franklin, Samuel (M468) Franklin, Walter (D454) Freligh, George (M265) Glover, John (D570) Goelet, Jacob (073) Goelet, Peter (M602) Governeur, Nicholas (D567) Graves, Roswell (M884) Hallock, George (M163) Hammell, Nathaniel (M37) Hammond, Eliakim (M342) Hart, Philip (M372) Hasbrouck, Abraham (M391) Hasbrouck, John (M569) Haydock, Henry (M305) Haydock, John W. (M469) Heermance, Martin (0949) Herrick, Samuel (M402) Hoffman, Elias (0769) Hoffman, Martin (M29) Hoffman, Nicholas (M265) Irwin, Robert (D513) Jauncy, James (M76) Johnson, David (M144) Jones, John (M436) Keteltas, Peter (M498)




OCCUPATIONS & TITLES, cont'd. Merchants, cont'd. Kinyon, William (M450) Lester, Murry (D527) Lispenard, Leonard (D205) Livingston, Robert G. (M26) Lott, Abraham (D354) Ludlow, Gabriel (D391) Mabbett, Joseph (D826) Mabbit, Samuel (M253) Marston, Thomas (D44) McEvers, Charles (M305) Merritt, Nehemiah (D764) Myers, Manuel (M88) Mulford, Job (D465) Murry, John (0570) Newett, John (D658) Palmer, Peter (D545) Pearsall, Thomas (D570) Platt, Jonas (M47) Post, William (M572) Pratt, Joel(?) (M885) Ray, Cornelius (D640) Heade, John (M525) Reed, Ezra (0391) Reed, James (D391) Robertson, Thomas (M72) Robinson, William J. (M468) Ross, Artemus (D541) Rutgers, Anthony (D40) Searing, John (D659) Shaw, Charles (M310) Sherbrooke, Miles (M265) Shipley, Marice (D854) Shipman, Elias (D446) Skinner, Henry (M884) Sleght, Matty (0155) Smith, - (M491) Smith, Melancton (D732) Smith, Platt (M510) Smyth, Robert (D658) Storm, Thomas (M278) Stoutenburgh, John L. (M569) Tallman, Isaac (D542) Thompson, Archibald (M23) Thompson, Reuben Warren (M28) Tom, Nathaniel (M342) VanBenthuysen, Barent (D769) VanCortlandt, Philip (0360) VanCortlandt, Samuel (D360) VanCortlandt, Stephen (D360) VanHorne, Augustus (M35) VanHorne, David (M232) VanRenselaer, John (D360) VanWagenen, Hubert (M305) VanZandt, Jacob (D742) VerPlanck, Samuel (D356) Warr, Thomas (M469) Wattson, Jacob (M305) Williamson, Richard (M821) Witter, Thomas (M194) Wolfe, James D. (M845) Wyckoff, Hendrick (M438)

Military, cont'd. Heathcote, Col. Caleb (D115) Hicks, Capt. Joseph (M331) Hildreth, Capt. James (M460) Hoffman, Col. Martin (M50) Hopkins, Capt. Michael (M157) Hopkins, Capt. Stephen (M57) Humphrey, Capt. Henry (M478) Mott, Capt. Joseph (0384) Sackett, Capt. Richard (D61) Sims, Capt. - , (D378) Smith, Capt. Samuel (D818) Spencer, Capt. Reuben (M879) Wallais, Capt. - , (M418) Wright, Capt. Daniel (D135) Millers Arnold, Anthony (D314) Doughty, Joseph (M833) Freleigh, Johannes (0547) Head, Reuben (0852) Smith, James (D136) Traver, Nicolas (M25) VanBenschoten, Matthew (M508) VanSicklen, Cornelius (D762) Millwrights Nelson, Joshua (5595) Miners Hamilton, Charles (M28) Physicians Adams, John (D388) Allerton, Cornelius (M774) Antony, Benjamin (5494) Baldwin, Elijah (0373) Bard, John (D435) Bard, Samuel (D738) Barton, Lewis (M289) Case, George Whitefield (M817) Cooper, Annanius (5496) Crooke, Charles (0540) Crosby, - (D867) DeLaVergne, Benjamin (D428) Dodge, Jeremiah (M574) Ely, William (M475) Hermance, Martine (D746) Jones, Thomas (M205) Kierstead, Hans (D746) Masten, Samuel (0956) Middleton, Peter (M96) Sackett, Joseph (D251) Smith, Samuel (D957) Thorn, Stephen (M432) VanBeuran, John H. (M740) Walker, Hiram (5696) Printers

Military Woods, John (5788) Barber, Col. - , (D722) Bloom, Col. - , (D825) Brunson, Capt. - , (M842) Burr, Col. David (M570) Concklin, Capt. John (5483) Dunham, Capt. Daniel (0439) Filkin, Lieut. Henry (012) Filkin, Col. Henry (D378) Graham, Major Augustine (D12)

Public Office Backer, Gerard (53I4) Bloom, - (M738) Bloom, Isaac (1616) Brinckerhoff, Isaac (D114) Couch, Samuel (D2) DeWitt, John (D652)


OCCUPATIONS & TITLES, cont'd. Public Office, cont'd. Dodge, Samuel (D470) Dorimer, Isaac (D4) DuBois, Lewis (D645) Everitt, Clear (D217) Filkin, Francis (D8) Graham, Daniel (D470) Groton, Daniel (D847) Harrison, John (13115) Hathorn, John (D470) Hoffman, Harmon (D991) Livingston, James (D272) Payne, Ephraim (M400) Rosekrans, Henry (D363) Stoutenbergh, - (D602) Vanderburgh, Henry (D2) VanKleck, Johannes (D7) Ward, John (D14) Quakers Bowne, Matthew (M434) Hallock, Elijah (M419) Lapham, John (D416) Quimby, Josiah (M430) Vail, Moses (M388) Sadlers Hegeman, Hendricus (D185) Holmes, Jonathan (D127) Trobridge, Stephen Jr. (M370) Sailmakers Warner, George (M436) Shopkeepers & Storekeepers DeLavergne, Lewis (M423) Hallock, Peter (D258) Mabbett, Samuel (M282) Willson, John (D159) Winans, James (D431) Sleighmakers Record, John (M812) Surveyors Clinton, Charles (M344) DeWitt, Charles (D708) DeWitt, John (M743) Doty, Samuel (M96) DuBois, Peter (D753) Farmer, John (D602) Hardenburgh, Johannis (M772)

Surveyors, cont'd. Smith, Jacob (D616) Stevens, Benjamin (M260) TerBoss, Jacobus (M108) Tipple, Gashence (D897) Tailors Finch, Isaac (D848) Hallock, Joshua (D404) Lord, Henry (D648) Mead, James (M105) Nelson, Stephen (D772) Tanners Barker, David (13769) Keese, John (D579) Leech, Benjamin (M233) Ostrum, Rudolph (M679) Tilemakers Rim, George (D435) Traders Bogardus, Everardus (M496) Everson, Jacob (D576) Filkin, Henry (D18) Hallock, Peter Jr. (M76) Hammond, Eliakim (M369) Herrick, Samuel (M774) Lefferts, Daniel (D791) Palmer, Peter (M494) Smith, Isaac (M581) Smith, Platt (M581) Wardwell, Allen (M783) Upholsterer Callow, Stephen (M194) Weavers Burger, Martinus (D712) Devine, William (M323) Hegeman, John (D185) Lott, Hendrick (D185) Post, Richard (M46) Wheelwrights Smith, Noah (M315) Woolen Drapers Antil, William (D592)



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