Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook Vol 012 1927

Page 32

schedule; hence passage ,was slow and delivery of letters infrequent. Furthermore, in 1715 navigation was closing' about the first of December and from then until the following spring no boats would touch at the mouth of the Val Ka at Poughkeepsie, where Colonel Lewis lived. For a period_ of from three to five months some sixty households which in, 1715-1716 were within the area now Dutchess County were. isolated in the wilderness and possessed of the barest necessaries in shelter, food and clothing. There were no luxuries in Dutchess in 1715. That under such conditions the, thought of at least one man in the small community turned to public affairs and to measures for the up-building of the county stamps that man as a natural leader. Dutchess County 1715 Nov 23 Mr. Bradforth Cind Sr. I have Recevid Yours Were in You Tell mie spek Wid His Extilenty Which gevfs Me the friedim to Tru-ble you wans More Hoping I May fave the Apurtunety to, Sarve You Wen ocasion presents- My Desior is of You to, Move the governor To Send Me A Comision for to kiep a. Coort of Common pl ( ) which wode bee very nesesarym - i This Time bee Sumting of Benefit to Me oure County And Att before The Nine Monts is Expired To Naterlesise the people of furreng burt I wish hies Extilenty will appuint Capt. Barendt Van Kleeck & Mr. John Terbus Too Bee My Asistent Judges in the Comision And or Any other tow of the-: Justeses of the peas And Alsoo That Capt. Richard Sacket., May be Clarck of the Coert & County pray fael Not to spied_ the Matter Soo That I May have it op By This Slope which . will Bee the Laast This Yeare Then Capt. Sackett have the Apurtunety to Cum op toe Soo have Nomore to Ad Att present But Remaine Youre umble Frend And Sarvent Leonard Lewis, Pray Give My harty Sarves To hies Extilenty & Lady (In another hand) Capt. Leonard Lewis Capt. Barendt van Kleeck 31

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