Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook Vol. 082 1999 2000

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Introduction Few womenhavebeen the subjectof articlesin the annualDCHS YearBooks sincethe Society'sbeginningin 1914and,with somenotable exceptions,few of the hundredsof articleshave been writtenby women. This issue, the combined 1999-2000Year Book, attemptsto correctthat imbalance.The partiallistof womenin GheeandMauri's self-guidedtour showsan impressivenumberof accomplishedwomenwhohavelivedin the county from the 17thto the 20th century. The articlesthat follow offer a small sample of women who have lived in Dutchess. Here they raised childrenand cared for their families,establishedlibraries,workedfor the rightsof women and minorities,volunteeredin myriadways. Someused their wealth to make the county more livable, others preserved the environment,providedhealthcare,ran foroffice.Theyinspireus to follow in their footsteps according to our talents and abilities. We are all their beneficiaries. In a chapterfrom her autobiography,DorotheaTaylortracedthe beginnings of the movement to educate retarded children in Dutchess County and the origins of the Little Red School House. Taylor believed eachchildhas potentialfor growthand that "the educationof childrenand theirteachersis society's greatesttool for improvingitself." RuthHogan's tributeto hermother,MaryLucyHamAlley,shows a life devotedto familyand communitythat lasteduntilher deathin 1988 at the age of 95. Of her mother, Hogan writes, "She did not concede adversity. Rather, she ... found a way to overcome or circumvent obstacles." MariaMitchellwas largelyself-taughtandknewfromexperience that women were the intellectualequals of men. She proved it in her 23year career as professor of astronomy and director of the observatoryat VassarCollege. ElizabethDanielshas writtenof a lesser-knownaspectof Mitchell's life, her effortsto developand advancewomen in general. LawrenceMamiya's articleaboutBessieHardenPaynepresents a woman who used her many talents to create a life of service. As a wife, mother,missionaryin SouthAfrica,teacherandprincipalof theLittleRed SchoolHouse,andlateras a civilrightsworker,activememberof Ebenezer Baptist Church and Board of Directors of Catherine Street Community 2

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