Autumn Edition
Latest News
to our Citizens of the Year
The Australia Day Awards are presented annually to individuals and community groups who make the District Council of Mallala a great place to live & work. The Awards recognise those who have made a noteworthy contribution to the community on a voluntary basis, or have given an outstanding contribution exceeding their normal employment duties during the current year and/or an outstanding service to a local community over a number of years.
Award Winners for 2015 are:
• Citizen of the Year Lynette Seccafien
• Young Citizen of the Year Tameka Simons (see page 7) • Community Group of the Year Mallala Lions Club
NEW Chief Executive Officer The District Council of Mallala at a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday 17 March appointed Katrina Marton to the position of Chief Executive Officer subject to final contract negotiations for a period of up to 5 years. Katrina’s expected commencement date will be early in May 2015. Katrina currently holds the position of General Manager for the City of Walkerville in metro Adelaide, a position she has held since August 2012. Previously she held positions with the Adelaide City Council as the Acting General Manager, Community and Creative Services and Program Manager – Vibrant City. Prior to this Katrina has had extensive experience in event management and production in Sydney. Katrina brings with her a wealth of broad experiences and knowledge and a passion to work for and with the communities within the District Council of Mallala.
• Community Event of the Year Two Wells - Ageing in Style Expo • Community Project of the Year Two Wells Football & Netball Sporting Club
Business Business ++ Community
Business +
Community Directory 2015-2017
(see page 9)
Easter Holiday Waste & Recycling PLEASE NOTE: With Monday 6 April 2015 being a public holiday, all collections will be delayed by one further day during that week. This will include recyclable and organic collections.
2015 2017
to all ratepayers or get your copy from any Council Office or Library
Your Councillors
Coming Events
MAYOR Cr Duncan Kennington
290 Hayman Rd, Lewiston 5501 Tel (08) 8524 3207 Mob 0401 526 361 Email
Lewiston Ward Cr Karen McColl
Deputy Mayor
45 Aunger Rd, Lewiston 5501 Mob 0433 222 874 Email
Cr Tom Summerton
1 Aunger Rd, Lewiston 5501 Tel (08) 8524 3385 Email
Cr Anne Picard
PO Box 18, Mallala 5502 Tel (08) 8524 3186 Email
Dublin Ward Cr Marcus Strudwicke
4 Dublin Rd, Mallala 5502 Tel (08) 8527 2046 Mob 0407 392 191 Email
National Volunteer Week 2015 12 May 2015 -
Free Movies for Volunteers in our Council area - check website for details in April
Cr Terry-Anne Keen
Join us in celebrating History Week as we tour the Mallala area highlighting local historical points of interest in a guided bus tour of the area to view our interesting sporting facilites. Travelling in an air-conditioned coach from the Two Wells Library or Mallala Council. Ticket price is $22, including lunch & morning tea
PO Box 118, Dublin 5502 Tel (08) 8520 2049 Mob 0407 971 022 Email
Cr Steve Jones
C/- Post Office, Lower Light 5501 Mob 0447 947 577 Email
Two Wells Ward Cr P M (Joe) Daniele
Catching Sporting Moments
8 Old Port Wakefield Rd, Two Wells 5501 Tel (08) 8520 2233 Email
Cr Mel Lawrence
PO Box 634, Two Wells 5501 Mob 0432 939 446 Email
Cr Eddie Stubing
52 Smith Rd, Middle Beach 5501 Tel (08) 8520 3419 Mob 0428 824 712 Email
Wednesday, 27 May 10am - 3pm Bookings essential!
Phone: 8520 2100 Email:
A little piece of history
The Schlodder Shelter Upgrade at Dublin The recent upgrade of the Schlodder Shelter in Dublin was a collaborative project between the District Council of Mallala and the Dublin History Group (DHG) with funding provided by Bendigo Bank, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), Council and the Dublin History Group and generous donations made by members of the community towards the historical tiled mural. What originally began as an idea by the DHG to upgrade the original timber shelter became a major project which saw it being replaced with a steel framed, partially enclosed shelter and included a wall purpose built wall to showcase a tiled mural depicting the history of the site. The vision of the Dublin History Group to upgrade the site grew closer when they secured a grant of $15,000 from the Bendigo Bank. At this point, Council then advised they could contribute $5,000 (additional funding). By sheer coincidence, at that time, DPTI announced a Local Government Stimulus Program with funding available for projects which included community facilities and streetscape projects.
Applications were sought from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) Local Government stimulus Program for ‘shovel ready’ projects. This enabled Council to apply for $20,000, matching funding from which enabled the project to be completed in its entirety. The venture included clearing the site including removal of vegetation, demolition of existing infrastructure, excavation and laying of footings, construction of the stone wall and installation of tiles. The Dublin History Group oversaw the mural with tiles created by local artists and fired locally, depicting the history of the site through pictures and words, and embracing local families, community groups and businesses. The site was that of the first Dublin Fire Station which opened in September 1967. The historical tiles offer a unique tourist attraction, with the shelter serving the local and surrounding communities and businesses of the town, and provides an ideal space for visitors to the area.
Made possible by the customers and shareholders of
Virginia & Districts Community Bank® Branch Phone 8380 8491
Mallala & Districts Historical Society
Visit the award winning displays of local, regional & family history
ð W E W E L C O M E G R O U P S B Y A P P O I N T M E N T
1 Dublin Rd, Mallala 5502
Secretary: Ph 08-‐8519-‐ 9295 or 0433 0433-‐8820 20-‐570 Mobile 570
Email Email:
Community Bus
The District Council of Mallala provides a monthly Bus Service to the Elizabeth Shopping Centre on the third Friday of the month. Bookings are essential. Tel 8520 2233 or Mob 0409 052 103 Travel costs $5 return trip. Children travel for FREE (must be accompanied by parent/caregiver)
20 MAR 17 APR 15 MAY 19 JUN 17 JUL 21 AUG 18 SEPT 16 OCT 20 NOV 18 DEC
Dates to remember.... ADVANCED ROAD WORKS NOTICE Baker Road - Lewiston Temporary Road Closure Works at Baker Road Ford Crossing – Span Deck Bridge Upgrade to improve access.
Citizenship Ceremonies
The improvements include the installation of a span deck bridge, which will raise the Baker road river crossing thus reducing the occasions the crossing is closed to once per 2 years.
Citizenship is a common bond which unites all Australians, whether by birth or by choice. Council holds four Citizenship Ceremonies each year (pending applicants)
Baker Road will be closed to all traffic throughout construction work, and road users will need to use an alternate route. Construction work is scheduled for commence by 1 April 2015, weather permitting, and the scope of works is forecast to take three months, with a target completion date of 31 July 2015. Please address any further questions, queries or concerns relating to this matter by contacting the Infrastructure Services Department on (08) 8527 0200. The District Council of Mallala thanks road users for their patience.
Fire Ban District
Start Date
Finish Date
Adelaide Metropolitan Eastern Eyre Peninsula Flinders Kangaroo Island Lower Eyre Peninsula Lower South East
1 December 2014 20 October 2014 15 October 2014 17 November 2014 1 November 2014 10 November 2014
30 April 2015 15 April 2015 15 April 2015 4 April 2015 15 April 2015 30 April 2015
17 November 2014 15 November 2014 1 November 2014 1 November 2014 15 November 2014 10 November 2014 20 October 2014 15 November 2014
30 April 2015 15 April 2015 31 March 2015 31 March 2015 15 April 2015 15 April 2015 15 April 2015 30 April 2015
CFS Alerts The CFS has a great social media presence, including Twitter feeds and Facebook pages informing you of current incidents, & spreading important community safety updates, warnings, & news. Follow @cfsalerts and @cfstalk on Twitter, or "like" SA Country Fire Service and CFSUpdates on Facebook. To ensure you get our messages in your Facebook timeline, make sure you "follow" the page by clicking the "Get Notifications" option on our pages:
26 January - Australia Day 21 March – Harmony Day * 9 July – Constitution Day * 17 September – Australian Citizenship Day *
(*Reschedlued if it falls on a weekend)
Fire Danger Season Dates
Mid North (Mallala Area) Mount Lofty Ranges Murraylands North East Pastoral North West Pastoral Riverland Upper South East West Coast Yorke Peninsula
1 November 2014 30 April 2015
Information about Citizenship can be found by contacting the Department of Immigration and Border Protection or tel: 13 18 80
Library News
School Holiday Fun Animals Anonymous
Tuesday 14 April 1.30pm - 3pm
Active Ed - Kite Making Tuesday 21 April 2pm - 3pm Make a kite and learn how to fly it properly. Learn all about how and why kites fly!
Bookings essential!
Handle some cute and cuddly native Australian animals or if you are really brave hold a snake!
The Old Two Wells Council Chambers Old Port Wakefield Road, Two Wells (next to the Library) Phone: 8520 2100 Email: Please note: All participants must be accompanied by an adult.
Two Wells
Little Big Book Club Packs Now Available! The Little Big Book Club (LBBC) is a South Australian early childhood reading development initiative for children aged 0 – 5 years. The aim of the program is to support the community to read, talk, play and sing with young children every day to help them develop the necessary literacy and numeracy skills they need before commencing formal education. The FREE 2015 packs for both babies and toddlers can now be collected from the Two Wells and Mallala Public Libraries. Both packs contain a range of useful resources and includes picture books, activity sheets and dvd’s. Please contact Library staff for more information – 8520 2100 or email – library
Read & Rhyme Come and join the fun! Dates for 2015: Tel. 8520 2100 4 February 4 March 1 April Are you a parent, grandparent or 6 May carer of a pre- schooler? 3 June Join the Two Wells Toddler Read & 1 July Rhyme group and meet other families 5 August for a story and activities. We generally meet on the first 3 September Wednesday of the month from 23 September 9.30-10.30 a.m. at the Two Wells Old Council Chambers. (next to the 4 November Library). Tea, coffee and water 2 December provided.
Youth Stuff Regional Youth Bus
Hitting the Road ...... The Bus still has artwork to be put on the outside...stay tuned
After 18 months of planning and renovating, the Regional Youth Bus (RYB) will be hitting the road for National Youth Week. The Regional Youth Bus project is an initiative of the Barossa Lower North Futures and incorporates a mobile youth facility, & a Facebook page specifically for 12 to 24 year olds.
RYB Regional Youth Bus Engaging Connecting Supporting
Program Partners:
The project will support local young people and communities through fun activities, education, referrals and by increasing the support services for our rural towns. “Setting up a bricks and mortar Youth Centre is expensive and is not easily accessible to young people living in more remote parts of our region”, RYB Project Manager, Wayne Perry explained. “The Regional Youth Bus has provided an opportunity for neighbouring councils to support youth in a collaborative and cost effective way,” Wayne said. The bus will be a major attraction at Youth Week events happening across the five partnering council regions of Barossa, Light, Mallala, Goyder and Wakefield. Post Youth Week, the bus will be settling into its full time routine visiting towns across these partner regions. Through the generous support from the Department for Education and Child Development ICAN program and a substantial donation from Energy Australia, the old MTA bus
has been transformed. Young people from across the regions provided input into how it should look and many young people gained training and skills through courses and programs associated with the rebuild. The bus is packed with the latest technologies including gaming, music and WIFI, all in a supervised, safe environment to hang out with friends. At the same time visitors can chat with staff and access a host of information and support on such things as career planning, health and wellbeing. Although the RYB can only be in one place at a time, young people can stay continually connected with the bus through social media. They can make contact with staff, find a range of information and view funny and inspiring stories and memes. This Social Media platform is another innovative part of the project. Through the Social Media Internship Program young people from across the region will be developing the content for the page while learning valuable skills in this emerging career path from industry professionals, Social Media Monitors, based in Brisbane. To discover information, opportunities and events connected to the Regional Youth Bus, visit
Are you interested in a career in social media? Do you love using Facebook? Then you & your friends should apply to be Regional Youth Bus Social Media Interns! As an intern, you will be mentored in a 3 month online training program to learn new skills, while having fun and being part of a program supporting young people. To apply simply email:
C T c
S e 3 o a sh le
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Youth Stuff
Wednesdays (fortnightly) - 5.30pm at the
Two Wells Old Council Chambers
m t d -
Old Port Wakefield Rd, Two Wells
To register: Tel. 8527 0200 Email:
n t n r
t y d d
Young people in our region that would like to volunteer to help on the night of the outdoor cinema. Please contact Janine on Tel 8527 0200 or email
e g m -
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Young Citizen of the Year 2015 -
Tameka Simons
Congratulations to Tameka for being awarded the District Council of Mallala’s Young Citizen of the Year 2015. Tameka has lived in Lewiston all her life. She went to school at Two Wells Primary and although schooling was a challenge for her as she suffers from hand trmors as well as dyslexia, this never held her back.
She was a member of the Two Wells Calisthenics team for 10 years. She joined Scouts at age 8 and participated in every Anzac Day and Pre Anzac Day march at Gawler including handing out wreaths at Two Wells. At age 10 she had 3 poems published in the Gawler Poetry Book. Tameka was the first Princess at the Two Wells Street Parade, helping out in the school catneen and sang solo at the Christmas Concert. Also at 10 years old she joined the Legion Cadets and is now the highest rank she can be until she turns 18 years of age. She was runner up cadet of the year when she was 12 years old. Tameka now attends Urbrae High School and has excelled receiving A’s in most subjects, her leaderships skills being higlighted as she has been chosen as a Peer Leader. Tameka’s interests include singing, hiking and camps. She is no doubt a committed, community minded young lady with a wonderful future ahead of her.
Community News
2015 TRAINING CALENDAR April Child Safe Environments (Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect) Thursday - April 9 - 9.30am – 3.30pm FREE Learning about your obligations as a mandated notifier aswell as the expectations of organisations in keeping children safe Location: Gawler Sport &Community Centre,Nixon Tce, GAWLER
The Mid North Community Passenger Network Community Car is now housed at the Mallala Council offices
Food Safety & Handling principles Monday - April 13 - 9.30am – 12.30pm This workshop examines the following ANZFA Food Standards 3.1.1 Definition of items 3.2.1 Business Food Safety Programs 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment Members $22 GST inc Non-Members $44 GST inc Provide First Aid HLTAID003 (inc Perform CPR HLTAID001) Tuesday - April 14 - 9.00am – 5.00pm One day theory and practical training followed by a written assessment (submitted within 7 days) CPR refresher training available during morning session Members $120, Non-members $179 CPR only – members $40, Non members $60
Financial Counselling
A free and confidential service that helps individuals to regain confidence in manging their personal finances. They service the following areas:
All training sessions will be held at Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc, Level 1, 39 John Street, Salisbury, 5108, Ph 8250 1582, unless otherwise indicated *
Mallala, Port Gawler, Two Wells & Wild Horse Plains To make an appointment Tel (08) 8562 2688
Two Wells Book Group 1st Wednesday of the month in the Two Wells Library from 5.30pm Tel 8520 2100
L p m H 1 g u s a f $ in m a T o o
Community News
The Country Carers Support Team will be at Two Wells on a regular basis. Come along for a coffee and a chat with the team on the following dates:
TWO WELLS Second and fourth Wednesday of the month 9.30am - 3.30pm at the Old Council Chambers Old Port Wakefield Rd, Two Wells
March 25th April 15th & 29th May 13th & 27th June 10th & 24th Donations of fabirc remnants would be very much appreciated as a contribution towards our projects at the Two Wells Quilting Classes. If you are a career and live in the Two Wells area and would like to join the quilting class please contact Bev on Tel 1300 686 405
Community Project of the Year -
Two Wells Football & Netball Sporting Club - Clubroom Renovations Like all football and netball clubs in our regions, the Two Wells Football & Netball Sporting Club (TWFNSC) provides the opportunity for residents of all ages to participate in competitive football and netball matches in the Adelaide Plains Football League & Netball Association. However, their clubrooms have changed little since the 1950’s with a modest extension in the late 1980’s. After requesting to host a grand final series, the APFL advised the Club that they would not be granted a final due to the poor state of the player change rooms. This led the Club to investigate the upgrade of change rooms and extension of the clubrooms. Having very little funding available, the Club set about the project. After three attempts over three years, the Club was finally successful in obtaining a $200,000 grant from the Office for Recreation and Sport. In addition, the Club successfully sought further funding and were granted an further $50,000 from the AFL Facilities Fund, $37,500 from Bendigo Bank, $5,000 from SA Community Football League with further smaller grants for internal infrastructure including $20,000 from DCM Community Partnerships fund towards the overall project. Players and members of the club voluntarily assisted in the demolition and gutting of the existing clubrooms as well as the overall upgrade during the off season. The change rooms were completely re built and refurbished with the clubrooms undergoing a major overhaul, the clubrooms were (only just) ready for the 2014 season. The Club was rewarded with the opportunity to host the 2014 APFL and APNA Grand Final.
Environmental Projects Community Wastewater Management System The District Council of Mallala is pleased with the progress of the Community Wastewater Management System that is nearing completion. Council will be shortly mailing out connection information to all Mallala residences on the steps required for connection of their properties to the new wastewater system.
An International Bird Sanctuary in your backyard.. Exciting times lie ahead for the Mallala coast. Much of our coastline is currently being reviewed as to its suitability as part of the proposed Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary. In mid-2014, the South Australian Government purchased 2,300 hectares of coastal and estuarine land within the Mallala Council area and it is hoped that over the next 2 years that this land will be incorporated in to the existing network of conservation parks. In an effort to protect the environmental value of the recent land purchases, fencing has been undertaken and is also being planned at various sites along the coast. Fencing aims to restrict inappropriate vehicle access which threatens rare plant species and high tide roost and feeding sites, important for migratory wading bird species. Unfortunately some of the newly erected fencing is regularly being vandalised along Pt Prime Road. Those who notice motorbikes in this area are encouraged to contact the local police. If you are interested in being more involved or better informed about the bird sanctuary project, you can visit the website at or type Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary into your search engine.
The construction began in February 2014 and expected to be commissioned at the end of March 2015 this Community Wastewater Management System approximately includes. • • • • • • • •
355 property connections 3275Lm of Rising main 5770lm of Gravity main 5 pump stations 1300Lm Irrigation main Two irrigated woodlot sprinkler systems Full sprinkler system for the oval irrigation for using the treated water 10 ML lined water storage pond
Council would particularly like to make mention and thank the residents of Mallala for there patience and understanding during the construction of the project. Council would also like to thank the following major Contractors for there workmanship and dedication to the project: HDS Australia, SADB Drilling, Environmental Water Services, Gayler Services
Community Voice We are seeking members of the community to join
Section 41 Committees The District Council of Mallala has recently conducted a review of its Council Committees which resulted in the formation of one new Committee and the continuation of others, and now invites community representatives to have input into Council’s decision making process by becoming a member of one of its Advisory Committees. Terms of Council’s existing Committees expire on 30 April 2015 and will be replaced with the Committees as listed below. Membership is currently being sought for the following committees: •
Community Development and Advisory Committee (7 positions) CDAC make recommendations to Council on matters pertaining to community development initiatives.
Environmental Management Advisory Committee (7 positions) EMAC make recommendations to Council on matters pertaining to environmental management initiatives.
• •
Economic and Infrastructure Advisory Committee (7 positions) EIAC make recommendations to Council on matters pertaining to economic development initiatives and the management of facilities and infrastructure. Mallala and Districts Homes Committee (3 positions) Committee to oversee Council Community Housing arrangements
Advisory Committees seek to identify outcomes and strategies within each of the 4 year rolling Action Plans for input into Council’s Annual Business Plan and Budget Terms of Reference for each of these committees can be found on Council’s website www.mallala. If you have the interest, desire, expertise and commitment to be involved in the future development of Council’s programs and budget considerations, please complete an expression of interest form by 5 pm Monday 13 April 2015 and return to: Peter Sellar, Acting Chief Executive Officer District Council of Mallala PO Box 18, MALLALA SA 5502 or alternatively by facsimile (08) 8527 2242 or email
Open Spaces The District Council of Mallala is in the process of preparing an Open Space/ Community Land Management Plan for the Mallala district, building on the outcomes of the Barossa, Light and Lower North Region Open Space, Recreation and Public Realm Strategy. The project is being prepared by Council with assistance from grant funding from the Office for Recreation and Sport, and is being managed by Council’s Strategic Projects Coordinator, Carol Muzyk. The intent of the plan it to guide the development and use of open space and community land within the district in the coming years. It is intended that the plan will incorporate the current Community Land Management Plans (as revised), as well as new recreation precinct plans for Two Wells, Mallala and Dublin ovals.” The master planning of open space, the community land management plans and the three recreation precinct plans will result in a clear direction for the development of the major sports and recreation precincts within the district.
vicinity of these areas continue to grow and demand for open space and recreation services increases. It will also assist Council to accommodate community groups who require community facilities and to ensure that these facilities are provided in accordance with a clear master plan. Council realises the importance of community input into the development of these documents hence why they are engaging with the community during the initial stages of the project. The community were able to provide input into the initial development of the plan via a series of workshops that were conducted at the Mallala Football Club, the Dublin Institute and the Two Wells Community Club in early March. The information provided by the community will be summarised and placed on Council’s website to facilitate further discussion. An online survey will also be available to the public from 16 March 2015. Once the consultant has prepared a draft Open Plan, the community will be invited to comment on the plan prior to its finalisation.
It will assist Council in allocating funds Further details pertaining to the project for the progressive development of these can be found on Council’s website www. areas as residential populations in the or by contacting Carol
We are seeking members of the community to join
Animal Management Advisory Committee The District Council of Mallala invites industry and community representatives to have input into Council’s decision making process by becoming a member of the Animal Management Advisory Committee. Membership is currently being sought for the following representatives: • • • • • •
One (1) veterinarian who operates within the Council area One (1) Greyhound breeder/trainer that is professionally recognised (i.e. SA Greyhound Association membership) One (1) dog breeder that is professionally recognised (i.e. SACA Membership) One (1) one horse owner recognised by a controlling body (i.e. Horse SA) One (1) independent owner of other animals (i.e. cats, dogs, goats, etc) One (1) farming property owner who deals with the farming of animals (i.e. sheep, cows, pigs etc)
The Advisory Committees seek to identify outcomes and strategies for the effective management of animals within the district having regard to Council’s Animal Management Plan,& provide input into Council’s Annual Business Plan & Budget.
Capital Works Program
Capital Works Program 2014-15 A key objective of the Infrastructure Asset Management Plans is to maintain or preserve Council‘s assets at desired service levels that meet community expectation.
Roads & Footpaths Project
Value $220,000 $130,000 $41,000 $18,200 $46,340
Hill Road, Mallala (Construct and Seal) Marshman Street, Mallala (Relocation) Elizabeth Street, Mallala (Construct and Seal) Gameau Road, Two Wells Spoon Drain Footpaths – Balaklava Road, Mallala Seal Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation of road surfaces as impacted by CWMS project
Arterial unsealed re-sheet Barabba Road (Wasleys Road to Collins Road) Day Road (Gregor Road to Humphrey Road) Gordon Road (Porter Road to Church Road) Windsor Road (Avon Road to Long Plains Road) Old Dublin Road (Long Plains Rd to Port Wakefield Rd)
$523,819 2.8 kms 1.2 kms 1.2 kms 2 kms 1.2 kms
Franks Road (Hallion Road to Council Boundary)
1.6 kms
Jenkin Road, Korunye (Pratt Road to Williams Road) Clonan Road (Angove Road to Apron Seal) Conrad Road (Verner Road to Paddys Bridge Road) Hill Road (Dublin Road to Old Dublin Road) Pederick Road (Gawler Road to Sharpe Road)
1.8 kms 1.7 kms 2.7 kms 2.1 kms 1.1 kms
Carry Over Projects 2013-14 Salt Creek Bridge Upgrade
Mallala Museum Car Park
Long Plains – Daniel, Ridley and Wild Horse Plains Roads Sealing Kerbing Replacement – Balaklava Road, Cameron Terrace, Adelaide Road, Mallala Pump Station – Gawler and Old Mallala Roads, Two Wells including kerbing road shoulders Kerbing Replacement and Upgrade Joseph Street, Mallala
In Progress
$50,000 $34,000
Petticoat Lane, Two Wells upgrade Coleman Road Landfill Closure
Land, Buildings & Reserves Project Buildings maintenance and upgrade
Value $50,000
Playground and Reserve Furniture
Status In Progress In Progress
Recycling Collection Times Two Wells Transfer Station Wells Rd, Two Wells Wednesday: 1.30pm - 3.30pm Saturday: 8am - 10am Sunday: 10.30am - 12.30pm Mallala Resource Recovery Centre 105 Limerock Rd, Lower Light Thursday: 1.30pm - 3.30pm Saturday: 10.30am - 12.30pm Sunday: 8am - 10am
Other Assets Project Mallala CWMS Project - Project End Date 31 December 2014
Value $2m
Status In Progress
as at 5 March 2015
COUNCIL OFFICE - MALLALA 2A Wasleys Rd, Mallala SA 5502
PO Box 18, Mallala SA 5502 Tel (08) 8527 0200
Fax: (08) 8527 2242 Email:
For further info Tel 8527 0200