Fallen Airman remembered with blood drive
Col. Teresa Skojac -- from cocktail waitress to SGH
JBA’s Jewish community reaches out
Prepare for floods and other severe weather
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2013 | VOL. 2 NO. 12
The 11th Wing, Civil Engineer Squadron Readiness and Emergency Management Flight has tools and information for anyone on Joint Base Andrews who wants to know what to do to be prepared for severe weather. Staff Sgt. Eric C. Reist, Non-Commissioned Officer for Emergency Plans and Operations, works with teams on JBA and in the surrounding community to ensure safety in case of floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, heavy rains and even the occasional earthquake. Reist said that floods are the most common natural disaster to affect communities throughout the nation--they occur in every state, and are a factor in 90 percent of all presidential declared natural disasters. “You’re six times more likely to suffer a flood than a fire, over the course of a 30-year mortgage,” Reist said. With a 27 percent flood rate over the course of that mortgage, Reist encourages homeowners and renters to verify that their insurance policy covers flood-related damages. Few areas on JBA are within the 100-year floodplain; most areas that flood on base are near the Virginia Avenue Gate and the golf course. But that is not reason to neglect to prepare for flooding in your home, office or even on the roads you take to and from work. Since a depth of just six inches of moving water can knock a human being down, and two feet can move an SUV, “we don’t want people driving to work through it, because you can’t see the road conditions,” Reist said. Even roads that seem familiar can change beneath the surface of the water, with bridges and other structures weakened by rushing water or just the changing weight of soggy ground. Surrounding the roadway, rain-soaked ground can also lead to fallen trees and downed power lines. Although flash floods do occur, most flooding happens with enough warning for people to evacuate, if needed. JBA has three emergency shelters on base: the Community Activities Center (Building 1442), the West Fitness Center Annex (Building 1414) and the East Fitness Center (Building 3705). Each are staffed by members of the Force Support Squadron during any natural disaster severe enough to impact a
see FLOOD, page 4
AOSC Thrift Shop celebrates 53 years ANDREWS OFFICERS SPOUSES CLUB
Airman 1st Class Lindsay Helbig, U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, ceremonial guardsman assigned to 11th Wing Protocol makes a snow angel outside of the Jones Building March 25 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Up to five inches of snow fell at JBA, marking the first major snowstorm of the year for the area. More photos on page 8.
Westboro Baptist takes same-sex marriage protest to Suitland High BY DANIEL J. GROSS
It was a standoff on either side of Silver Hill Road outside Suitland High School on Tuesday. On one side stood about 10 protesters from the Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church holding signs using derogatory terms about homosexuals and “Divorce + Remarriage = Adultery.” On the other side were pastors and leaders from churches throughout Prince George’s County greeting students as they were released from school around 3 p.m. Westboro Baptist, known for protests against homosexuality, came to Suitland High School on Tuesday afternoon after protesting outside the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. The Supreme Court on Tuesday began weighing Proposition 8, a California ballot initiative passed in 2008 banning samesex marriage. According to Westboro Baptist Church’s online “picketing schedule,” they picketed at the
The Andrews Officers Wives Club began to plan a thrift shop in 1959. Base commander Colonel William T. Smith gave the club an old, unused building on base with no running water and no toilet facilities. The Base Shop made wall and clothing racks out of pipes and used a donated cash register and desk. The thrift shop was open three days a week with the club’s committee of twelve volunteers divided into Monday, Wednesday and Friday chairmen. To make the building recognizable, the front door was painted bright red; the motto was “Bargains at the Bright Red Door.” The first consignments were accepted April 4, 1960. The thrift shop was an immediate success. After the first month, proceeds from the shop paid back the original $500 loan and donated $400 to the Andrews Officers Wives Club’s Charitable Fund. The thrift shop had a second grand opening in a larger building on base with water and toilet facilities in September 1960.
see THRIFT, page 3
Sorority encourages teens to “date safe, date smart” BY MARCIA ADAMS
Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, Kan., picketed Tuesday afternoon outside Suitland High School to protest against same-sex marriage in light of Proposition 8 — a California ballot initiative passed in 2008 banning same-sex marriage — being reviewed by the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court, the Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetery and Suitland High School. “Suitland is a representation for every high school in the country. This is a training ground for rebellion against God,” said Westboro member
Shirley Phelps-Roper, 55. “The teachers and administrators are teaching the children that it is OK to be gay, and that it’s OK to change sex partners more often that you change socks.”
see PROTEST, page 4
Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter and their Emerging Young Leaders Program held a “Date Safe, Date Smart EYL Teen Dating Violence Awareness Walk” March 24 at Fort Washington Park. The Fort Washington Chapter’s EYL program mirrors the sorority’s signature program for middle school girls in grades six through eight and encourages high scholastic achievement through leadership development, educational enrichment, civic engagement, and character building. The girls, students at St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School in Camp Springs,
see DATE, page 9
Military moms treated to Star Spangled Baby Shower BY BOBBY JONES
Senior Airman Stephen Wirth, 11th Logistics Squadron vehicle operator, holds a boy doll baby during baby shower games as his wife, Senior Airman Samantha Wirth, 579th Medical Group medical technician observes. The couple is expecting their first child.
Approximately 50 area military mothers and wives of currently deployed members received VIP treatment from Operation Homefront D.C. Metro, in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton during a “Star Spangled Babies” Baby Shower Mar. 19 at historic Oxon Hill Manor, Oxon Hill, Md. Kit Jenkins, an Army spouse and volunteer, gave the audience a ‘hands-on’ demonstration of various ways to wear a ‘Ring Sling’ cloth baby carrier for newborns, while Rachel Slivernail, another volunteer, gave away the free baby carriers. Stations were also set up with free health information packets on nutrition,
health tips and the WIC nutrition program. The main room was festively decorated with colorful balloons and baby-themed centerpieces for the new and prospective moms as they were welcomed by Roseanne Coleman, Operation Homefront program administrator. Amy Goff, News4 anchor and reporter, was among the special guests, who participated in leading the baby shower games and festivities. “I’m honored to host events such as these, and to be in a setting where I can eat cake without feeling guilty,” joked Goff, who is also an expectant mother. During the games Goff spoke about her appreciation for the sacrifice of military mothers and how she understood some of the hardships of military life growing
up as an Army dependent, while living in the U.S and South Korea. Also during the games, diet therapy technicians from the Malcolm Grow Medical Center’s 779th Medical Support Squadron quizzed participants about healthy food alternatives for them and their children. Staff Sgt. Sheliah McDaniel, Air Force District Washington Contracting Squadron contracting officer, noted the event was definitely a morale booster for spouses who are away from family. “This is my first time going to an event like this and it’s a much-needed event for military spouses.” Billed as the first “Star-Spangled Babies” Baby Shower by Op-
see BABY, page 5
Andrews Gazette
Westboro Baptist does it again
Around Town March 29
Belly Dancing in Adams Morgan 11 p.m. Tangier Restaurant and Hookah Lounge, 2305 18th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. See belly dancers while enjoying Moroccan-style cuisine. For information visit www.facebook.com/TangierLounge.
March 29-31
New York City Ballet varied show times The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. The New York City Ballet performs two mixed repertory programs accompanied by the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra. For information visit www.kennedycenter.org.
March 31
Washington Wizards vs Toronto Raptors 6 p.m. Verizon Center, 601 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Enjoy action-packed basketball in a great, local venue. For information visit www.verizoncenter.com.
April 1-5
Spring Break Art Day Camps 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (after care available) Brentwood Arts Exchange, Gateway Arts Center, 3901 Rhode Island Avenue, Brentwood, Md. Kids need something creative to do over Spring Break? Try a day--or a full week--of learning new skills in a variety of artistic media. For information visit www.arts. pgparks.com.
Andrews Gazette is published by Comprint Military Publications, 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, Md., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or any branch of the United States military. The appearance of advertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, martial status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchases, user or patron.
Maxine Minar, president mminar@dcmilitary.com John Rives, publisher
Chris Basham, editor cbasham@dcmilitary.com Deirdre Parry, page design dparry@gazette.net Bobby Jones, photographer bjones@dcmilitary.com
Friday, March 29, 2013
One thing’s for sure: the few dozen members of the Westboro Baptist Church are not going away, even as some of their members have publicly left the group in recent months. This week they brought their inflammatory signs and hatefilled rhetoric to a local school, convinced that picketing Suitland High School’s students at the end of the school day somehow made their point about the Supreme Court’s consideration this week of Proposition 8, a California state constitutional amendment defining marriage as between opposite-sex couples, which passed in 2008.
There is room for debate in American public life, for strong disagreements based on each side’s deeply held beliefs. The gay marriage issue, and states’ rights concerns, are valid topics of discussion, and even protest. But the Westboro folks seem determined not to create any positive change in the world through their church. Mostly, they just like calling people names, disrupting funerals and other private gatherings, and traveling the country to make a mockery of American traditions of civilized debate and measured judicial review. The group is especially disreputable because they cloak their hatred in the mantle of the church. Kudos to all those who stand
between Westboro’s picketers and grieving families at military funerals, to the crowds of people determined to outnumber and outclass a group devoted to the ugly disruption of American life. At Suitland High School this week, pastors and church leaders from across the county gathered not to counter-protest or engage with the Westboro picketers, but to show Suitland students that peace, love and unity among people of diverse faiths can exist. We can come together, support each other and extend a civil hand of decency to others within our community, even when hatred is close at hand. Here’s hoping that’s the lesson Suitland High School’s students took home with them on Tuesday.
office is managed by the Physical Disability Division of the Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph AFB, Tex. The board is made up of former military and civilian personnel whose experiences include wartime duties, flying duties and medical training. For more information, call 210-565-5899.
for the service. Many are co-located with a VA Regional Office. For more information go to www.va.gov or call 1-800-827-1000.
Special Compensation can replace VA disability offset
Combat-Related Special Compensation provides military retirees a monthly compensation that replaces their VA disability offset. This means that qualified military retirees with a “combat related” VArated disability will not have their military retirement pay reduced by the amount of their VA disability compensation. Once a military retiree has been determined to be qualified, they will receive their retirement pay plus an additional sum based on their VA disability rating. Retired veterans with combat-related injuries must have 20 years of creditable service or be medically retired with less than 20 years, receiving military retired pay, have 10 percent or greater VArated injury and must provide documentary evidence that injury was a result of training that simulates war, hazardous duty, an instrumentality of war (e.g., Agent Orange) or armed conflict. The Air Force CRSC
Financial assistance can help fund long-term care
Aid and Attendance is a meanstested VA benefit offering payments to wartime veterans, spouses and widows in need of financial assistance to help offset costs of long-term care in assisted living facilities or for in-home care. Only about 145,000 persons receive the monthly benefit out of some 2 million who may be eligible. The complexity of the application process and confusion about financial limitations is part of the reason. It requires considerable work to complete and the process is lengthy. To apply, seek assistance from a service officer with a major veterans’ service organizations. You do not need to be a member of the organization and there is no charge
Retirees have a dental program
The TRICARE Retiree Dental Program is available to all military retirees (including gray area), their eligible family members and un-remarried surviving spouses and their eligible children. The program covers cleanings, exams, fillings, root canals, gum surgery, oral surgery and dental accidents on the first day that coverage becomes effective; after 12 months of being in the program, it then covers crowns, bridges, partials, braces and dental implants. New retirees who enroll within four months after military retirement or transfer to Retired Reserve status are eligible to waive the 12-month waiting period for major services. The Enhanced TRDP provides an annual maximum of $1,200 per person ($1,000 for Basic Program enrollees), a $1,000 annual maximum for dental accidents and a $1,500 lifetime maximum for
see RETIREE, page 9
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
Fallen Airman remembered with blood drive BY STAFF SGT. KRIS LEVASSEUR 11TH WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS
Dozens of Airmen honored the life of one of their fallen brothers today in a unique way--by donating blood to other Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines in need. The blood drive, organized by the 89th Communications Squadron, was dedicated to the memory of Senior Airman John E. King, II, whose life was tragically cut short while on duty here Feb. 17. “The purpose of the blood drive is to honor Senior Airman John King by collecting blood to be used to help support his brothers and sisters in service,” said Staff Sgt. Ebony Melvin, 89th CS, client systems administrator and lead coordinator for the blood drive. “During his accident, Senior Airman King had blood transfusions in an effort to save his life. The blood we collect here today very well could mean the difference between life and death for many service members.” Members of the Armed Services Blood Program collected the donated blood at the drive. The ASBP is a joint operation among the military services and many components working together to collect, process, store, distribute and transfuse blood. In addition to being used at lo-
Senior Airmen Sherrick Edwards, 11th Security Forces Squadron patrolman, donates a pint of blood during a drive dedicated to the memory of Senior Airmen John E. King II at the Joint Base Andrews Theater. The blood donated will be used at local treatment facilities and to support service members serving overseas.
cal treatment facilities, the blood collected during the drive will also be used to support service members serving overseas. “I know many people here that were personally affected by Senior Airman King’s passing,” said Staff Sgt. Brittanie Alvarez, 11th Wing Commanders Action Group
member. “I am glad so many people came out to support the cause and that my contribution could save a fellow service member’s life. I can’t think of a better way to honor his life.” The drive collected blood from more than 75 service members to be used at Malcolm Grow Medi-
Ringling Bros. gives special performance at Easter Seals D.C. Child Development Center
Navy Hospitalman of the Armed Services Blood Program collect the donations at the blood drive dedicated to the memory of Senior Airmen John E. King II at the Joint Base Andrews Theater on March 22. The ASBP is a joint operation among the military services and many components working together to collect, process, store, distribute and transfuse blood.
cal Center on Joint Base Andrews and other treatment facilities in the National Capital Region. Melvin is extremely happy with the amount of people who turned out for the drive.
“The people we have donating blood today are truly selfless and great wingmen,” said Melvin. “This is the perfect way to honor King’s memory.”
Children from the Easter Seals Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Child Development Center, Washington, D.C, waited outside on the playground March 20, anticipating the arrival of a few special guests from “The Greatest Show on Earth,” Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The children smile brightly as colorful clowns arrived on the sunny, but brisk first day of spring. The special appearance, courtesy of Easter Seals and Ringling Bros., gave the center’s children an up close performance before taking center stage later that evening at the 16th Annual M&T Bank Bright Stars Night at the Circus” event at Washington, D.C.’s Verizon Center. Bright Stars is a fun-filled night at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for children and adults with disabilities, wounded warriors, active duty military and veterans, and their families in the nation’s capital. With more than 10,000 in attendance, Bright Stars supports Easter Seals programs throughout the year. The clowns interacted with the children, encouraging them to join in their performances, and later posed for photos before leaving the center. “We’re happy to have them here,” said Lori Camille Schantz, Easter Seals DC executive director. “The children were very excited. But, we’ll hand out tickets to the parents of these children and staff members for our Bright Stars show tonight. We also give tickets to past families who have been here. One of the things I like about it here is our deep roots in the community. This particular center is our flagship. We’ve been here since Easter Seals has been here, 1959. We’ve been growing in the community and as the community turns over we adjust ourselves to be able to involve everyone in the community that uses our facility.” Fifty percent of the children at the center have some special need. Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities. Programs benefit children, adults, military, veterans and their families. “That’s one of my favorite points, is that we are community wide. We have generations that come back with people that are in 5th and 6th grade or going
Bizuwork Bekelech, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Child Development Center teacher, interacts with Chloe Settle, 11 months, as she claps her hands. Chole is just one several special needs children at the center. More than 50 percent of the center’s children are special needs children.
Send your silly captions for this week’s photo to cbasham@dcmilitary.com. The funniest ones will be used in a future edition of the Andrews Gazette.
Health Consumer’s Advisory Council meets BY KATHLEEN CANFIELD 779TH MEDICAL GROUP
Carolyn Watson, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Child Development Center co-teacher, looks in amazement as a Ringling Bros. clown spins a ball on his finger tip.
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus clowns pose for a photo opportunity with Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Child Development Center staff member and children during their visit March 20.
The 779th Medical Group Commander, Colonel Rudolph Cachuela, will host a Health Consumer’s Advisory Council meeting 2 p.m. April 2 in the Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic (bldg 1050), 4th floor conference room. This forum is open to the entire military community - active duty, retirees and family members. This is our opportunity to tell you about services and programs at Malcolm Grow and, at the same time, provide an opportunity for you to voice any concerns or positive feedback you may have.
THRIFT, from page 1
Laurieo Poteat, 3, gives a Ringling Bros. clown a high five in approval of his performance.
into middle school and their families have another baby and they come back here. It’s what makes us different from just a regular
child care center,” said Schantz. “Because we don’t just serve the children, we serve the parents as well.”
A third, larger building (#3612 for historians) became the thrift shop’s home in November 1978 and sales hit new highs. In 1982, the thrift shop was moved to Building #3476, the old Youth Center. Business became so busy that a few paid employees were added to supplement the many volunteers. Meanwhile the wives club was legally changed to the Andrews Officers Spouses Club to better reflect the members and the thrift shop was renamed to match. The purpose of the thrift shop has always been to provide a service to base personnel. Individuals are able to get rid of their excess household and clothing items through consignment and donation, and all of these used items may be
Topics will include the pending start-up of construction of the new Ambulatory Care Center and what to expect during the next 3 years of construction. We’ll also discuss TRICARE Self Referrals for preventive services, new pharmacy Co-payments and Webinars, which enable you to take online TRICARE classes at home. Your input is the vital link which will enable us to make continuous improvements to meet your health care needs. For questions or to request agenda topics call 240-8578925. Thank you for your continued support of Malcolm Grow Medical Center. We hope to see you there. purchased at reasonable prices. The monthly profits from the thrift shop sales go to the AOSC Charitable Fund, where they are donated to many worthwhile base activities, charities and scholarships. In 2005, the thrift shop moved to its present and largest location, 1676 Brookley Avenue. A sincere thank you to 53 years of Andrews base commanders who have authorized a building for our thrift shop, to all the volunteers, employees and shoppers who have come and gone, and the ones still here. The AOSC Thrift Shop’s achievements and recognition as an important part of Joint Base Andrews could not have been done without all of you. We are celebrating 10 a.m. 3 p.m. Thursday, April 4. All are invited to come by for a treat, prizes and surprises.
Andrews Gazette
Col. Teresa Skojac -- from cocktail waitress to SGH BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Teresa Skojac learned early on that she was “not medical school material.” She studied bioenvironmental engineering instead, “and partied the rest of the time,” she said. “I kind of gave up on medical school. Neither of my parents finished high school, my father became a Marine to avoid jail,” Skojac remembered. “I had known since I was a child that I wanted to be a doctor, when I read (noted neurosurgeon) Ben Carson’s book. I was not mature enough to go that route, then.” Instead, she became a cocktail waitress, and might have remained in that line of work if it weren’t for the intervention of a customer to whom she was serving drinks. “He said, ‘You’re obviously intelligent, why are you working here? You’re an engineer? We have those in the Air Force,” Skojac recalled. She took his business card and his advice, and found that as part of the Air Force she was definitely considered “medical school material.” After serving as a general medical officer, completing a family medicine residency, working as a flight surgeon and completing a residency in preventive medicine, now Col. Skojac is the Chief of Medical Staff and Chief Medical Officer at Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic on Joint Base Andrews, a position she has held since mid2012. As SGH she is in charge of managing the quality of medical care for almost 400 providers in the area, half of whom practice out of MGMC. She manages credentials, risk management, patient safety and the standard of care, and serves as a liaison between the line and medics on medical evaluation boards.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Free college courses can apply toward CCAF degree BY BRANDY FOSTER
Do you still need Social Science or Program Elective credit toward your Civilian College of the Air Force degree? The Air Force Culture and Language Center offers two free courses to enlisted Airmen (Active Duty, Reserve, and Guard) pursuing a CCAF degree. Introduction to Culture and Introduction of Cross Cultural Communication are general education courses that can fulfill three credit hours each towards the CCAF Social Science or Program Elective requirements. How often does anyone have the opportunity to take a college course for free? The two courses offered by the AFCLC provide that unique opportunity
When Skojac meets young people considering a career in medicine, she encourages them to take a nontraditional route. “I always tell them, ‘Don’t do pre-med. Have a back up you can enjoy. The people I know who studied music or art before medical school are more well-rounded individuals,” Skojac said. Skojac praised MGMC staff for being flexible and willing to try new things to improve patient safety and outcomes. Some of those new initiatives include a focus on lifestyle medicine, public health and corporate wellness. She has started introducing the concept of group medical appointments, in which patients are seen together instead of individually, a program which she has seen succeed in colleagues’ private practices but which she said has not yet been successful when it was tried at Veterans Administration facilities in the past. She is also creating small support and
discussion groups among people with a shared diagnosis of heart disease, diabetes, or some other illness that can be controlled through a combination of medication and lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. Skojac has also brought the concept of Leadership Rounds to the clinic with a focus on patient safety, something she said was less of a priority at MGMC in the past. In meetings, Skojac and her patient safety representative present a new topic each week, and lead discussions among staff on how to promote patient safety and respect for fellow team members while bringing items of concern out to be discussed. That commitment to constant questioning of the status quo was inspired in part by reading “Why Hospitals Should Fly,” a book by John Nance which compares “high reliability” organizations
see SKOJAC, page 9
Thirteen Prince George’s County students receive $1,000 Comcast scholarships BY JAMIE ANFENSON-COMEAU PRINCE GEORGE’S GAZETTE
Thirteen Prince George’s County high school seniors were among 99 Maryland students awarded $1,000 scholarships last week through the annual Comcast Foundation’s Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program. The program, one of Comcast’s community investment initiatives, recognizes students’ leadership skills, academic achievement and commitment to community service, according to a news release. “Comcast works to provide future leaders with opportunities to succeed in higher education and, eventually, the competitive job market,” said Tom Coughlin, regional senior vice president for Comcast, in a statement. “These students are role models in their communities and at their schools. We commend them for their exceptional achievements,
PROTEST, from page 1
Keith Morange, construction site worker, cleans debris March 26 at the soon-to-open Express at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The official opening date is still to be determined; however, progress is well on its way.
FLOOD, from page 1
Staff Sgt. Eric C. Reist, Non-Commissioned Officer for Emergency Plans and Operations, maintains a file of up-to-date information and guidance for people who live and work on Joint Base Andrews in case of floods or other severe weather conditions.
large percentage of the base community. Residents of the Liberty Park at Andrews on-base housing have their own evacuation plan organized for them by the housing office. A moving generator is also available on base to keep crucial power flowing. If you do need to seek shelter, it helps to have your important documents--and those for your pets--on hand in a safe, dry place where they are easy to access in an emergency. Keeping a copy in your car or at your desk can save you time in an emergency. Remember to check for a safe place for your pets, as well. Prince George’s County government maintains a list of emergency shelters which accept pets. Social media makes it easy to get information about inclem-
at a time when many other educational assistance programs face budget cuts and limited availability due to sequestration. Course delivery is web-based and material is delivered through Air University’s Blackboard Learning Management System. Classes are 14 weeks in length. Seating is limited and registration deadlines are approaching soon. To register create an account on Air University’s portal https://auportal.maxwell.af.mil/ auportal and apply for admission to the Air Force Culture and Language Center. For course descriptions please visit http://culture. af.mil/courses. Correction: in the March 11, 2013 article “Get your CCAF degree faster,” the CCAF was incorrectly named. CCAF stands for Civilian College of the Air Force.
Bobby Manning, pastor at the First Baptist Church of District Heights, organized a group of roughly 20 leaders from county churches and said they wanted to have a presence at Suitland while the Westboro group was picketing. “Don’t worry about what’s across the street. Have a blessed day, Suitland students,” he said as students got out of school and began walking home. Manning said the county church leaders’ presence was not a “counter protest” and their focus was on supporting the students, not exchanging words with the Westboro protesters on the opposite side of the road. “All we want to do is communicate to the students that we love them,” Manning said. Suitland High School lost two students to gun violence this school year. Charles Walker Jr., 15, of Hillcrest Heights was gunned down Feb. 18 while walking home with a pair of newly purchased shoes. Aaron Burrell Kidd, an 18-year-
ent weather that could impact your day. The Federal Emergency Management Administration has launched a FEMA app for Android users, with an iPhone version in the works. You can also text FEMA to ask for the emergency shelter closest to your location. Anyone with a Common Access Card can also take advantage of the AtHoc system, a relatively new addition at Joint Base Andrews. At the bottom of your desktop’s screen, click on the purple globe and follow the link to “assess self-service.” Choose your location or just select “weather” to have alerts sent to your mobile and home phone, emergency contacts, work and home emails and for text message alerts. Reist suggests adding a spouse or fiancee’s contact information, as well, so that they can be contacted in case of a weather emergency. “AtHoc is still fairly new to the
and wish them the very best in their future endeavors.” The county students were Janet Adelola of Eleanor Roosevelt (Greenbelt); Alexis Alvarex of Bishop McNamara (Forestville); Ahmad Ashkar of Bladenburg High; Jamaal Brown of Potomac High (Oxon Hill); Charisse Carter of Oxon Hill High; Maria Centeno of Lanham Christian School; Keisha Daughtry of Riverdale Baptist School (Upper Marlboro); Asa DeShields of Central High (Capitol Heights); Dejuan Hodge of New Hope Academy (Landover Hills); Jamila Mitchell of Laurel High; Brittany Saunders of High Point High (Beltsville); Christian Thomas of Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High (Upper Marlboro) and Joshua Wilcox of Fairmont Heights High (Capitol Heights). This story originally appeared in the March 21 edition of the Prince George’s Gazette. old Suitland High freshman, was fatally shot Feb. 19 in Forestville. During the protest Tuesday, county police officers were present on both sides of the street to ensure safety. Originally, a counter protest was scheduled by the Prince George’s County Young Democrats but it was called off at the request of Suitland Principal Nathan Newman, according to PGCYD president Larry Stafford Jr. “We didn’t want to bring attention to Suitland, which has already been through too much,” said Maj. George Nadar, the police District 3 commander. Newman was outside along with other administrators and staff directing students to buses and their homes after they were released from school. “Our message to the students is that we are four P strong: peaceful, positive, productive and purposed,” Newman said. This story originally appeared in the March 26 edition of the Prince George’s Gazette.
base. We encourage people to update and participate in it,” Reist said. Once a flood has occurred, the danger hasn’t passed just because rain is no longer falling. Standing water can conduct electricity, and even away from downed power lines the water that rises after a flood is not safe to consume or touch. Wear gloves and wash or sanitize your hands frequently, because sewage and other contaminants are almost certainly present in any standing water after a flood. Listen to news reports to verify water coming through your tap is safe to drink as well. And get the help you need through your command, the Military and Family Support Center or elsewhere on base. “There are 20 emergency managers assigned to Andrews,” Reist said. “There’s always someone who can help you.”
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
BABY, from page 1 eration Homefront, the event received support from individuals, civic organizations and faith communities who donated items such as home made quilts, afghans, booties and burp cloths and baby hygiene items. Later, the mothers were treated to a buffet-style luncheon and refreshments. The day’s event concluded with a group photo in front of Oxon Hill Manor before each of them received gift bundles of baby items, diapers, and a special gift bag for mom. Our “Star-Spangled Babies” baby shower is meant to honor and shower these moms who are often in a different part of the country from their own families and provide gifts to ease the financial burden of bringing a new baby into the family,” said Vivian Dietrich, Executive Director Operation Homefront DC Metro. “Military families have earned the support of a grateful nation.” According to Cyndi Lucas, OH DC Metro community outreach leader, OH routine teams up with other organizations when there is a need. “Booz Allen Hamilton a signature partner supporting this event, were key in helping it to be such a success,” said Lucas. “The participants who experienced the baby shower simply registered online and were welcomed on a first come, first serve basis.” Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors. Through generous, widespread public support and a collaborative team of staff and volunteers, they provide emergency financial and other assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors. OH D.C. Metro serves Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia. Additionally, OH assists military families during difficult financial times by providing food assistance in the form of food boxes and gift certificates to grocery stores. Laurene Gallo, Senior Vice President Booz Allen Hamilton, said, “Booz Allen Hamilton is proud to sponsor this ‘Star Spangled Babies’ baby shower to show our appreciation for the sacrifices families, caregivers, spouses and children make when a loved one answers the call of duty.” Ginnie Sullivan, Booz Allen Hamilton administration, commended the wives of deployed members and spouses for their selfless support to their families. Sullivan
Deborah Howard, Booze Allen volunteer, holds 10-week-old Job Silva.
Kit Jenkins, an Army spouse and volunteer, gives new moms a ‘hands-on’ demonstration on various ways to wear a ‘Ring Sling’ cloth baby carrier for newborns.
Cherrelle Rojas holds her, daughter, Mila Rojas, age four weeks.
Staff Sgt. Erica Chisholm, 779th Medical Operation Squadron, aerospace medical service craftsman, received a free box of diapers and other baby items.
Rachel Slivernail, a volunteer, left, gives away free baby carriers.
Hannah Brewer, current Miss Maryland Teen USA, holds Dashel Carlson, the three-month-old son of Staff Sgt. Carlson, 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle operator.
added, “Booze Allen is large employer of military members, so please keeps us in mind when you’re looking for employment once you get out.”
For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,
visit www.dcmilitary.com.
Ginnie Sullivan, Booze Allen Hamilton administration, holds four-week-old Mila Rojas.
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
JBA’s Jewish community reaches out BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Chaplain Capt. Sarah Schechter may be deployed overseas, but that doesn’t mean the important holy days of the Jewish faith go unnoticed at Joint Base Andrews. Schechter’s husband, Joe Charnes, hosted a Passover Seder dinner open to participants of all faith traditions, held March 25 in Chapel 1. Passover honors the Jews’ escape from slavery in Egypt, but as Charnes reminded listeners all religious traditions of value have implications for today’s daily life beyond remembering and celebrating the past. “There’s always an Egypt within us to come out from,” said Charnes. “We all must leave and be free from Egypt, and free for Sinai.” Approximately 65 people came to share in the Seder; discuss the significance of the meal’s ceremonial structure and contemplate the intersection between ritual, spiritual seeking and a life lived out in faith. “I try to study all faiths,” said Mary Ellen Hamilton, who is part of a Christian congregation which meets on JBA but who always makes time to attend the annual Passover Seder. “People are quick to criticize, but not too many try to understand.”
Joe Charnes and his daughter Yael, age 7, hide a broken piece of unleavened bread to be found during dinner. Charnes explained that engaging young children in religious ritual and genuine spiritual questioning is part of the Jewish faith tradition.
The evening’s dinner included the traditional Passover bitter herbs; fresh parsley dipped in salt water; haroseth of fruit, nuts and wine; and a roasted shank bone, each part of the ordered dinner accompanied by wine and traditional questions and answers. Though based in Biblical texts, the Passover Seder is actually a tradition created and nurtured by rabbis through the centuries to maintain the deeper lessons of the original stories in people’s daily lives.
Mary Ellen Hamilton prepares to eat a sprig of parsley called for as part of the Passover Seder.
After the abbreviated ceremony and Charnes’ lecture on the meaning of the holy day and its measured structure, the
group enjoyed a full meal prepared by volunteers from the 1st Airlift Squadron.
JBA Spouse Forums cover relocation, PCSing BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Families preparing for an upcoming Permanent Change of Station or retirement from the military gathered March 26 at the Military and Family Readiness Center for a dinnertime briefing on PCS protocol intended to make those moves as simple and painless as possible. JBA Spouse Forums Founder and Military and Family Support Center Relocation Contractor Alicia Hinds Ward gave a quick outline of what people need to do as they plan their move, starting as soon as the service member has hard-copy orders in hand. The key, Hinds Ward said, is to think ahead about what you’ll need and what won’t be available to you during your transition, or for the entire period of your assignment to certain areas. “I know for example, in Korea there are, like, two dentists. The odds of you seeing one of them are slim to none. If you need dental work, get it done before you go,” said Hinds Ward, who recommends that all medical screenings and vaccinations are as up-to-date as possible while still at your current duty station. She also suggests having your sponsor set up a post office box for your family before you leave, so that mail can be forwarded there even before you arrive.
It’s also important to think through what your move might communicate to credit card companies. Call ahead to let them know you’ll be charging things overseas, so they won’t see that new flurry of activity in a foreign country and freeze your accounts in an attempt to protect you from credit card fraud. Get a copy of your credit report, so you have it on hand wherever you go. Keep records of your investments, your personal identification, your children’s school records, pets’ health certifications, bank statements, titles and registration information for vehicles, and any other important documentation that might be of use while you’re away. Though you might not think you will need much of that information right after you move, you can’t be certain of how long your possessions will be in transit or what might happen while you wait. Keep copies of everything with you, so you don’t have to wait for them. It also makes sense to give copies to someone you trust who will remain stateside, who can act as your agent for issues that come up. Once you arrive at your new duty station--but before your household goods get there--you may need to borrow basic items from your new installation’s loan locker. “Stateside, you can get pots and pans, beds, porta-cribs on loan,” said Hinds
JBA Buzz If you had life to do all over again, what would you do differently? “If I had to do it all over again, based on the economy and job market I would have went in the Air Force as an officer. And then I would’ve set my career up for a CEO position.”
Retired Army Sgt. First Class Maurice Robinson, Clinton, Md.
Navy Chief Information Systems Technician Corey Mills, Naval Communications Security Material Systems Washington, D.C.
Marine Staff Sgt. Donald Reynolds, Recruiter, Recruiting Sub Station Bowie, Md. “In light of what’s happening to various programs in the military, I would have taken full advantage of the Tuition Assistance Program earlier. I also would have sought out mentorship earlier in my career.”
Chief Master Sgt. James Warren, JROTC instructor, Bladensburg High School, Bladensburg, Md.
“I’ve been in the Marine Corps 12 years; I’ve been pretty successful, I have a beautiful wife and two-year-old son who I love very much. I wouldn’t change anything because I may not have ever had them in my life.”
“Probably nothing. Ever since I was nine years old, I wanted to go into the Air Force. I’ve given 28 years to my career. If I had it to do over again, I would’ve still gone enlisted. The Air Force took good care of my family and now in this job I can give something back by teaching these young cadets leadership skills.”
Ward. “Overseas loan lockers are a lot more robust,” offering just about anything a family might need to set up a home on a temporary basis. Hinds Ward also recommends asking about resources available to you, some of which you might not even realize exist. Ask your sponsor, and other people who are helping you plan your move. Master Sgt. Jason Bailey of the 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Traffic Management Office explained the updated, online Defense Personal Property Program available at www.move.mil. That website replaces in-person appointments with a “self-counseling” system that talks families through the personal property shipping process online. Bailey focused his remarks on the need to take care of your travel and shipping arrangements as early as you can, both before and after your move. Depending on a service member’s branch of the military, PCS date and upcoming duty station, scheduling shipping can take weeks or longer. “There’s never any benefit to waiting until the last minute, especially if you are relying on the military to move your household goods for you,” said Bailey. “If you wait for the last minute you are relying on a lot of entities who may not have your priorities at heart.”
On shipping day, have your household goods separated out so that the packers know what needs to go, and what doesn’t. Remove wall-mounted furnishings yourself before the movers arrive, and gather all screws, tools and other hardware in a sturdy container with clear labels to remind you what goes where. “Don’t tape the screws to the bottom of the table. That tape is going to fall off during the move,” Bailey said. Once you’ve made the move to your next duty station, you’re still not quite done. Check your household goods to ensure they’re in the condition you expected them to be when the packers came for them at your old home. “If you have a table with three legs that used to have four, report that to the movers so they can make note of it and then file a claim, as well.” There are deadlines for filing those claims for lost or damaged personal items, and it’s easy to let those deadlines slide while you and your family are busy settling in to your new duty station, so the smart move is to file your claim as soon as possible. For information on planning your personal goods shipment, call 301-981-7520 and visit www.move.mil. Visit the Military and Family Support Center to request a Plan Your Move packet.
Master Gardeners share garden tips with Imagine Andrews students
Prince George’s Master Gardeners Andrea McClendon, left, and Deborah Turner make lettuce cup terrariums with Imagine Andrews students. Eighty attendees made the cups, which will grow edible lettuce leaves with minimal maintenance. The Prince George’s Master Gardeners will return to Joint Base Andrews 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. April 20 to participate in Liberty Park at Andrews’ annual Spring Kickoff. Liberty Park will distribute fertilizer, mulch and annuals to base residents. The PGMS will demonstrate how to start flower and herb seeds, make lettuce cup terrariums like the ones Imagine Andrews students made, and display samples of seeds growing to lettuce.
Can’t wait to get started on your own lettuce cup terrarium? Here’s how to make your own: Fill cup with soil. Spray water on soil until moist. Sprinkle lettuce seeds on soil. Lightly press seeds in soil & sprinkle soil over them. Spray water on seeds and soil. Place cap on cup and place in sunny area (not in direct sunlight). No watering is necessary until the seedlings reach the top. Once seedlings reach the top, take the cap off and you can eat the seedlings. If you want larger leaves, separate the seedlings into a larger pot or another cup.
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
Team Andrews children play table tennis at the Joint Base Andrews Youth Center on March 19. The gym recently underwent a three-month remodel and reopened for use at the open house.
Team Andrews children shoot baskets during an open house game at the Joint Base Andrews Youth Center.
Israel Wright jumps rope during an obstacle course competition.
Talking baseball: Mariano
Lamar Giles, center, Navy Fleet Logistics Support Squadron One forward, shoots a short jumper inside the paint against Vincent Jones, 779th Medical Group guard, during the first period of an Intramural Basketball Playoff game at the West Fitness Center March 26.
Players from the 779th Medical Group and Navy Fleet Logistics Support Squadron One display sportsmanship at the conclusion of the Intramural Playoff game.
Rayvon Wilkerson dribbles around an obstacle during a game at the Joint Base Andrews Youth Center’s open house.
Jamichael Goodin, 779th Medical Group forward, floats in for a slam dunk at the buzzer for two points, sealing the fate of Navy Fleet Logistics Support Squadron One. The 779 MDG won the overtime nail-biter playoff game, 50 to 45.
Do you hate the New York Yankees? You’re not alone. Even if you hate the Yankees, if you’re a baseball fan at all, you have to appreciate the talent of Mariano Rivera, arguably the best closer to ever play the game. At 43, Rivera has announced that this will be his final year playing professional baseball. So, if you haven’t seen him pitch live, this is your last chance. Weather permitting, the Yankees will be in the area on the following dates: March 29 – 2:05 p.m. at Nationals Park (preseason exhibition game – part of the proceeds go to the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation to improve the lives of children throughout the Washington Capital Region). Regular Season games at Orioles Park at Camden Yards against the Orioles: May 20-22 each night at 7:05 p.m. June 28 at 7:05 p.m. June 29 at 7:15 p.m. June 30 at 1:35 p.m. Sept. 9-12 each night at 7:05 p.m. Mariano Rivera was signed by the Yankees as an amateur free agent out of Panama in 1990 and made his major league debut in 1995. He began his career as a starting pitcher, but struggled until he was moved to a relief role and perfected his pitch, called the cut fastball, or cutter. In 1997, he moved to the bullpen and has dominated late innings against Yankee opponents ever since. The Yankee closer has been selected to the American League All Star team twelve times and picked up five World Series rings
along the way. As of the beginning of this season, he holds two major league records: most saves with 608, and most games finished with 892; there is no doubt that he’ll add to each of these in his final year. He also earned five American League Rolaids Relief Man Awards and three Delivery Man of the Year Awards. Additionally, he led the majors in saves in 1999, 2001 and 2004. Other honors include 1999 World Series Most Valuable Player and 2003 American League Championship Series MVP. Postseason records include the lowest earned run average with an incredible 0.70, and most saves with 42. The amazing thing about Mariano is that he gets hitters out primarily with one pitch. Even Nolan Ryan, who was known for his blazing fastball, also had a great curveball to keep hitters off balance. Mariano stares down the batter, and says, “here it is, my cutter; see if you can hit it.” Though hitters know it’s coming, they don’t hit it very often. The way Mariano throws it so effortlessly, the pitch appears to be a fastball for most of its flight to the catcher’s mitt. At the last instant, it moves in on a left-handed batter or away from the right-handed batter. Unlike a slider, with a spin that batters can usually detect, the cutter spins like a regular fastball, but darts out of the hitting zone at the last possible moment, making it very difficult for the hitter to get the sweet part of the bat on the ball. Mariano can change the amount of movement slightly by putting more or less pressure on the seam with his fin-
see BASEBALL, page 9
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
A staff sergeant walks towards a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft on the flightline at Joint Base Andrews, Md., March 25 during a spring snowstorm.
Personnel at Joint Base Andrews, Md., continue flightline operations, March 25 despite a spring snowstorm forecasted to bring up to five inches of snow to the area.
Personnel clear snow from the sidewalk at Joint Base Andrews. The spring snowstorm is forecasted to bring up to five inches of snow to the local area.
The Thurgood Marshall Middle School marquee advertises the upcoming Spring Break.
Senior Airman Edwin Santos Limon, left, and Airman 1st Class Hayley Teehera, both with Joint Base Andrews, Md. Honor Guard, take a break to build a snowman, March 25. U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO/STAFF SGT. PERRY ASTON
John Jenifer, Thurgood Marshall Middle School building supervisor, shovels snow from the walkways in front of the school entrance in Temple Hills, on Brinkley Road during an unpredicted snow storm March 25. The snow caused a two-hour school delay.
Airman 1st Class Lindsay Helbig, U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, ceremonial guardsman assigned to 11th Wing Protocol and Senior Airman Lauren Main, 11th Wing Public Affairs photojournalist make a snowman March 25 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Up to five inches of snow fell at JBA, marking the first major snowstorm of the year for the area.
A snow sweeper from the 11th Civil Engineer Squadron removes snow off the flight line Mar. 25, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. 3-5 inches of snow fell at JBA, marking the first major snowstorm of the year for the area.
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
DATE, from page 1 Md., identified teen dating violence as a growing social issue facing middle and high school students, and they decided to host a walk to inform others. Approximately 150 parents, family, friends, Upsilon Tau Omega members, and representatives from local chapters of other Greek organizations chose a one-mile or a three-mile walk through the park. The EYL students received words of encouragement and support from Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter President V’Nell A. DeCosta; Dr. Tricia Bent Goodley, Howard University social work professor and Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter member; Prince George’s County Sheriff Melvin C. High; and Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks. “Through our EYL program, we learned that teen dating abuse is more common than we thought, and it is taking place in Prince George’s County, said Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter President V’Nell A. DeCosta. “We also learned that one in three teens are victims of physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner.” According to the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, 43 Maryland residents
died because of domestic violence between July 2010 and June 2011. Of those residents, four were under age 18 and five were Prince George’s County residents. “Unfortunately, teen dating violence is growing in number and the victims are getting younger,” said Dr. Bent Goodley. “Young people ages 11 to 14 are increasingly becoming involved in dating violence situations. It is vital that we bring light to this issue.” Sheriff High said that each year his office issues approximately 18,000 protective orders, and that there is a Domestic Violence Intervention Program in the sheriff ’s office for those who need assistance. State’s Attorney Alsobrooks said that domestic violence is tearing up our families and communities. She mentioned a bill passed on March 22 that would increase the penalty for violent crimes committed in front of children. In addition to the walk, the chapter asked each walker to bring non-perishable food items, toiletries, or gift cards to be donated to My Sister’s Place, an area shelter for victims of domestic violence. The chapter received four large boxes of toiletries and several hundred dollars in gift cards, and made a monetary donation to My Sister’s Place and the Domestic Violence Intervention Program in the sheriff ’s office.
SKOJAC, from page 4 like nuclear power facilities and airlines to the medical profession. Nance will present a lecture June 13 at MGMC on the need to treat medicine like the high-reliability profession it must be. Much of Skojac’s work revolves around creating “buy in,” whether among patients becoming more involved in their own medical care or among clinic staff working together to come up with solutions. Recently, the clinic has been working on standardizing the way each department handles medication reconciliation-- keeping a completely updated list of every medication each patient is on. “It should be done at every visit. It’s not consistent yet at Malcolm Grow,” Skojac said, “We’ll be standardizing over the next couple of months.” Seeing herself as having “two masters, my patients and the military,” has led to Skojac’s emphasis on process improvement and engagement of customers in their own care and a reconciliation of the struggle between patient rights and provider rights. “I don’t tell them what they have to do. I tell them, ‘We have to get over there. How do we get there?’” Skojac said. “To have a fit, ready force and take care of their needs is the trickiest part, but it’s fun.”
BASEBALL, from page 7 ger as he releases the pitch. His precision control and his mid-90 mph cut fastball have made him dominant over the last decade and a half. He has contributed greatly to the Yankees’ success by saving at least 25 games in 15 consecutive seasons and posting an ERA of under 2.0 in 11 seasons, both of which are records. If you haven’t seen him pitch, now’s the time to do it! Lt. Col. Rodgers is the medical group administrator at Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic and Surgery Center. In 1985, after college, he was drafted by the White Sox as a utility infielder, but was released when they signed José Mota, son of Manny, former MLB pinch hit record holder and current member of the Dodgers coaching staff. Lt. Col. Rodgers will write about baseball for the Andrews Gazette throughout the 2013 season.
RETIREE, from page 2 orthodontics. Payments for preventive and diagnostic services do not count against the annual maximum. For more information, visit www.trdp.org or call 1-888-838-8737. The Retiree Activities Office is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Visit the office in Building 1604 at California and Colorado Avenues or call us at 301-9812726. Our e-mail address is raoandrews.af.mil. Call the office before your visit to ensure a volunteer is on duty. The RAO has a website at www.andrews.af.mil, click on “Retirees” for a wealth of information on retiree subjects, including past copies of “Retiree Activities Corner.”
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Prince George’s County Sheriff Melvin C. High speaks to participants in a “Date Safe, Date Smart EYL Teen Dating Violence Awareness Walk” March 24 at Fort Washington Park about the impact individuals can have in fighting teen dating violence, and programs in place in his department intended to protect potential victims.
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013
Minutes before sunset on Friday, she lowers her head and covers her face in prayer. Her hands are illuminated by the faint glow of the Shabbat candles, each flame representing and honoring a family member. As the week comes to a close, Capt. Sarah Schechter, the Jewish chaplain of the 89th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Andrews, Md., regularly invites the base community to join her family for a traditional Jewish Shabbat dinner, as a way to share not only her culture, but also to offer an opportunity for communal meeting. Her purpose is to break barriers, open doors and help people understand her faith. And that’s her job. After 40 years of women serving as military chaplains, Schechter is the first, and to this day the only woman to serve as a rabbi in the Air Force. “Frankly, I could be the hundredth in my job,” she said. “It doesn’t matter to me because I’m just doing my best like anyone else. I don’t know if I would see myself as a trailblazer - I’m an officer, I’m a rabbi, and I want to do my best to represent the military and Judaism in the best light possible. I’m grateful to the women in the chaplaincy who preceded me because I truly stand on the shoulder of giants.” Growing up in Greenwich Village, New York, Schechter’s family was deeply root-
U.S. Air Force Rabbi, Chaplain, Captain Sarah D. Schechter leads the evening le’il shabbat service on Friday, Sept. 4, 2009 at Lackland Air Force Base’s Airman Memorial Chapel.
ed in the Jewish faith and culture. Yet, even though her father was a rabbi, she never dreamt of becoming a “teacher of the Torah,” until her mother suggested the possibility in 1999. Today, women are accepted as rabbis in all denominations, except Orthodox Judaism, and their numbers are growing. But few ever join the military. Schechter’s decision to join, however, was easy to make, she said, when during the fourth year of rabbinical school, her world changed dramatically. “I joined the military because of September 11th,” she said. “Within seconds of the attack on our country, the military suddenly stopped being an undefined culture I was vaguely familiar with and
Chaplain (Capt.) Sarah Schechter explains a Jewish Torah. A Torah is a parchment scroll on which the five books of Moses are handwritten in Hebrew. For thousands of years, this is how Jews have maintained their law, teachings, religion and society.
their mission became absolutely clear -- protection of our country, protection of our loved ones, protection of our very lives.”
Schechter could not remain on the sidelines. A sense of duty as a New Yorker, and more importantly as an American, would not let her rest.
Religious Services on base Islamic
Prayer Room in Chapel 1 Annex Daily Prayer Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Prayer Service Friday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Kiddush/Sabbath dinner Friday, 6 p.m. All are welcome. To RSVP and for location contact: Rabbi, Capt. Schechter at 240-671-2270 or sarah.schechter@us.af.mil. You can find a complete listing of Yom Kippur services in the National
Capital Region through www.jewishindc.com.
Sunday Services Chapel 2, Traditional Service 9 a.m. Base Theater, Contemporary Service 10 a.m. Gospel Service 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Family Night at Base Theater Family meal 5 p.m. Christian Education and AWANA Kid’s Program 6 p.m.
Roman Catholic
Reconciliation by appointment, call 301-981-2111 Daily and Saturday Mass have been temporarily suspended. Chapel 1, 1345 W. Perimeter Road. Mass Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Chapel 2, 3715 Fetchet Ave. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) classes Monday, 6 p.m. For information, pastoral counseling and religious accommodation of all faith traditions call 301-981-2111 or visit the chapel office at 1345 W Perimeter Road.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Andrews Gazette
Andrews Gazette
Friday, March 29, 2013