‘Star Warriors’ change airframe, join fleet at Whidbey Island
JBA’s Police Week demos educate and entertain
County ‘Heroes’ aiding tornado relief effort
Get your ruck on
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013 | VOL. 2 NO. 19
Supply trailer in Upper Marlboro as donation drop-off site BY DANIEL J. GROSS
As initial death tolls rose following destruction from a vicious tornado in Oklahoma City on Monday, Chris Johnson, 38, of Bowie knew the area would be in need of food, supplies and helping hands. “My first thought was, ‘We have to go,’” said Johnson. “It’s terrifying. That’s a storm that can happen anywhere. These guys need help.” Johnson, the founder and president of Heroes for the Homeland and a Prince George’s police officer, is leading local relief efforts by collecting donations from area residents and heading to the devastated site in Oklahoma with a team of volunteers — all of whom are Prince George’s, Anne Arundel and Southern Maryland firefighters and police officers. A tornado touched down in Oklahoma City on Monday, killing dozens and leveling buildings including two elementary schools and a hospital, according to national media reports. By Tuesday, Heroes for the Homeland began soliciting donations to fill its two 44-foot trailers, several pick-up trucks and camper that they will drive across the
country, Johnson said. He expects more than 5,000 pounds of food and supplies to be collected before heading to the devastation June 1 or June 2. Heroes for the Homeland was formed in 2012 after Johnson and other founding members desired to create a disaster relief nonprofit of public safety officials that could respond to disasters in the U.S. and provide aid to the first responders dealing with a tragedy in whatever way they are needed. “Law enforcement officers are going to be working nonstop. They need support. We’re there for them primarily and once their needs are met, we’ll turn to the community,” Johnson said. Dean Jones, the vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 89 in Prince George’s, applauded Johnson’s efforts given that he is using saved up personal leave to travel to ground zero. “He’s put together a program to help others. They carry donations directly to the people,” said Jones. “He gets nothing in return other then the satisfaction of helping others.” Jones said he sent emails out to all county police officers asking
see TORNADO, page 7
A fire blower dazzles a captivated audience. More photos on page 4.
Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic breaks ground BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic and Surgery Center officially broke ground on a new, 344,548 square foot building at a formal ceremony held May 22 on the grounds of the current facility, which will be demolished when construction on the new building is complete. Invited guests included Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Thomas W. Travis, Surgeon General of the Air Force; Lt. Gen. Gerard Caron, 79th Medical Wing commander; Maj. Gen. Sharon Dunbar, Air Force District of Washington commander; Capt. Kenneth Branch, Naval Facility Command commanding officer’ Col. William M. Knight, 11th Wing/Joint Base Andrews commander and executives from
Manhattan Hunt Joint Venture, a Tulsa, Okla.-based firm which will work with NAVFAC Washington to construct the new Malcolm Grow, at a cost of $266 million. Construction will begin in MGMCSC’s main parking lot. Parking areas and temporary trailers for medical offices will shift around the campus during construction, which is estimated to be completed by the first quarter of FY2017. As various medical offices move to temporary facilities and again into the new building, those changes will be announced in the Andrews Gazette and online at www.79mdw.af.mil. The original building, constructed in 1958, operated as the PHOTO/BOBBY JONES 250-bed USAF Hospital Andrews. The official guests from the Air Force Medical leadership and Naval Engineering Facility hold symbolic Expansion projects and renovashovels of dirt during a ground breaking ceremony for the future Malcolm Grow Medical and Surgery Censee MALCOLM GROW, page 4 ter at Joint Base Andrews May 22.
Someone has been sleeping in my hickory leaf.... BY MELINA MESHAKO
This oak leaf has developed a swollen “gall” around an egg laid by a cynapid wasp.
Have you ever walked into your garden and felt like one of the three bears? “Someone has been eating my azalea leaves” Or “Someone has been eating my hostas.” Or maybe “Someone is eating my romanesco cabbage ... and there they are!” It’s annoying. Discovering your garden’s Goldilocks won’t make it run away and they probably won’t stay away. Nature’s creatures are naturally attracted to your garden. You can get rid of pests with research done in a few steps.
Take a photo of the plant, the damage and - if you’re lucky - the pest. Bring it when you describe the problem to your garden guru or compare it to photos of possible suspects. You can also put it in your garden journal or on a site like Pinterest to remind you what to do if you encounter this pest again. If you don’t recognize your pest host or pest, people, books and the Internet will help. If your neighbors and your local nursery don’t know, ask the trained horticulturalists at the Home and Garden Center: 1-800-342-2507 or https://extension.umd.edu/hgic. You can even upload photos onto the HGIC website with your description of the problem.
Troll summer library book sales and bookstore sales for photographic garden encylopedia. Don’t be overwhelmed by books organized by scientific names; there is usually a common name index in the back. I look through a book page by page and put sticky notes on anything that looks like something in my yard. If I find something that looks like my pest host, I put the flag on the top of the page; other flags go on the side for plants I recognize in my yard. After a few research projects, you may find yourself adding “I want those in my yard” flags. iPads may help with this, too. Google is my research assis-
see NATURE, page 5