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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 18

May 10, 2013

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ACE-E program acknowledges mentors, students with special night BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON – Area Coalitions for Education-Excellence (ACE-E) held its annual awards ceremony Tuesday night at the Bolling Club on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). It was a special time as volunteer mentors from the Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC) gathered with six of their student counterparts and together were recognized for their completion of the ACE-E technology program. The evening culminated with the presentation of laptop computers to students for a job well done. ACE-E is a non-profit organization that supports under privileged children by providing technology-based mentoring in local public schools near military bases and other federal installations. The program was introduced to the Washington, D.C. area last year at nearby Leckie Elementary School and has more than 80 JBAB service members as mentors to students in grades 2-5.

Based on the program’s structure, a student who completes three separate computer-related projects with a score of 90 or better will receive a free laptop computer courtesy of ACE-E. Projects include writing a student biography or résumé using Microsoft Word, developing an independent living budget through an Excel spreadsheet and later presenting their résumé and other information to ACE-E board members and trustees through a PowerPoint presentation. Six students from nearby Hart Middle School and Leckie Elementary were recipients of new laptop computers, which were fully equipped with Mircosoft Windows 7 software. Hevin Simon, a fifth-grader at Leckie Elementary, showed a lot of enthusiasm for the ACE-E program and was one of those rewarded with a new computer. “I really enjoyed the program. I learned a lot of things I didn’t know and surprised myself,” Si-

See ACE-E, Page 7


Dontrell Parsons, an 11-year old student at nearby Leckie Elementary School, performs alongside his mentor, Air Force Tech Sgt. Grant Langford, of the U.S. Air Force Band, during the ACE-E awards ceremony May 7 at the Bolling Club. Parsons and Langford participated in ACE-E last year.

Sail into spring with the Pentagon Sailing Club BY CMDR. KIMBERLY HIMMER the club Commodore Eduardo reserve uniformed personnel, JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS


A sailboat moves down the Potomac River on a clear, sunny day near Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.

WASHINGTON - The Chesapeake Bay is a sailing mecca. The region boasts one of the world’s largest annual sailboat shows, and every small inlet and cove seems to have a marina full of boats. Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) also has a sailing club, the Pentagon Sailing Club, which operates out of the Capital Cove Marina on base. You do not need to know how to sail to join the club. In fact,


Conde, states that the club is in existence in order to teach sailing skills and foster a love of the sport amongst military members and their families. The club maintains strong camaraderie with monthly meetings and social events, as well. The Pentagon Sailing Club has been in existence for thirtyone years and is a volunteer-only club. It is not affiliated with base MWR, but is a non-profit association that is open to membership by active duty, retired, and

National Nurse Week Spotlight: Senior Airman Lucas Jensen

Ceremony honors fallen military medical personnel

Through Airmen’s eyes: Going for the gold

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Department of Defense civilians, and their families. The club has five Catalina 22 sailboats, which are used to teach the basic sailing courses, as well as race. The club takes part in the Tuesday evening races at Dangerfield Island, and according to Conde, they routinely have three or four boats participate every week. Members of the club can also rent the boats at a rate of $20.00 for four hours.

See SAILING, Page 5


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, May 10, 2013

Joint Base Journal

DoD honors civilian employees for excellence BY NICK SIMEONE AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON – Thirty-four Defense Department civilian employees were honored at the Pentagon today for displaying honor, integrity and excellence in the workplace. “Your drive, your innovation, you set the bar for us,” Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter said at the “Spirit Of Service” awards ceremony, part of the department’s observance of Public Service Recognition Week. Established in 1985, Public Service Recognition Week honors federal, state and local government employees across the country. “It’s their service day in and day out that supports the war fighter and serves the American people,” Carter said at today’s ceremony. Carter noted this year’s awards come at a time when the department and its civilian workforce are turning “a great strategic corner from the decade that has defined us largely since 9/11 to the problems and opportunities that will define our country’s security future.” He described the threat of se-

questration-triggered furloughs -set to impact as many as 800,000 DOD civilian employees as soon as next month -- as “stupid,” and said the department is working to avoid them. “Although [Defense] Secretary [Chuck] Hagel has not made a final decision, the only thing I can say is he is doing everything he possibly can to avoid or minimize them and look at all the options we possibly have to make these cuts,” Carter said. “Spirit of Service” award honorees displayed exemplary values in their daily work through innovative achievements, by acts of volunteerism or through other outstanding accomplishments. In praising the awardees, Carter wondered aloud, given budget constraints that have frozen promotions and threatened furloughs, why such outstanding public servants continue to strive to excel in their daily duties. “You do it because of the mission,” he said. “There is absolutely nothing in the world that recommends us except what we do, which is we defend the country.” And, Carter added, knowing that “we are part of something that is bigger than ourselves. That is the reward we get.”


Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter speaks at the “Spirit Of Service” awards ceremony, part of the Defense Department’s observance of Public Service Recognition Week, at the Pentagon on May 8. Carter thanked the 34 recipients for their dedication to the department and the country.

TRICARE eases rules for West Region beneficiaries BY TRICARE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY

FALLS CHURCH, Va. – TRICARE West Region Prime enrollees referred for specialty care from April 1 up to May 18 do not need authorization before seeking care. The authorization requirement has been temporarily waived due to delays by United Healthcare Military & Veterans in processing referrals.

TRICARE Management Activity leadership acted to waive the authorization requirement for TRICARE covered services, reducing the impact of delays on Prime enrollees while United Healthcare takes action to reduce backlogs since it began delivering health care support to the West Region on April 1. During the waiver period, West Region Prime enrollees seeking specialty care should request two items from their primary care manager: a paper copy of their referral [or ask

that it be sent via fax to the specialist], and a copy of a waiver letter from United Healthcare authorizing the care. The form letter can also be downloaded from the provider section of www.uhcmilitarywest.com. As always, beneficiaries who feel they are in need of emergency care should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. TRICARE Prime enrollees must contact their primary care manager within 24 hours or the next business day after

receiving emergency care. The waiver does not apply to beneficiaries using TRICARE Standard, TRICARE For Life or Prime enrollees with the US Family Health Plan, which is available in some areas of Washington state. Since the start of the new West Region health care support contract on April 1, United Healthcare’s website and call center have experienced heavy usage, and now, referral and authorization delays. TRICARE Management Activity

officials are working closely with United Healthcare to address issues, reduce backlogs and ensure beneficiaries get the quality health care and service they deserve. TMA leadership is closely monitoring United Healthcare efforts to improve their customer service. West Region beneficiaries can get more information and sign up for updates at http://www.tricare. mil/westtransition.

VA expedites decisions for long-standing claims BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS WASHINGTON - The Veterans Affairs Department (VA) is expediting compensation claims decisions for veterans who have waited one year or longer, VA officials announced this week. VA claims raters will make provisional decisions on the oldest claims on hand, officials said, which will allow veterans to begin collecting compensation benefits more quickly, if eligible. Veterans will be able to submit additional evidence for consideration a full year after the provisional rating, before VA issues a final decision. “Too many veterans wait too long for a decision, and this has never been acceptable,” VA Sec-

retary Eric K. Shinseki said. “That is why we are implementing an aggressive plan to eliminate the backlog in 2015. This initiative is the right thing to do now for veterans who have waited the longest.” Provisional decisions will be based on all evidence provided to date by the veteran or obtained on their behalf by VA. If a VA medical examination is needed to decide the claim, it will be ordered and expedited. “Issuing provisional decisions not only provides veterans with applicable benefits much more quickly, but also gives them an additional one-year safety net to submit further evidence should it become available,” said Allison Hickey, VA’s undersecretary for benefits. “Our door will remain open, and if a veteran has addi-

tional evidence, their case will be fast-tracked.” If any increase is determined to be warranted based on the additional evidence received, benefits will be retroactive to the date the claim was initially filed. The initiative protects the veteran’s right to appeal the decision. If no further evidence is received within that year, VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration will inform the veteran that the rating is final and will provide information on the standard appeals process. VA will continue to prioritize claims for homeless veterans and those claiming financial hardship, the terminally ill, former prisoners of war, Medal of Honor recipients and veterans filing fully developed claims. Claims for wounded warriors separating from the military for

medical reasons will continue to be handled separately and on a priority basis with the Defense Department through the Integrated Disability Evaluation System. Wounded Warriors separating through IDES currently receive VA compensation benefits in an average of 61 days following their separation from service. As a result of this initiative, metrics used to track benefits claims will experience significant fluctuations, officials said. The focus on processing the oldest claims will cause the overall measure of the average length of time to complete a claim -- currently 286 days -- to skew, rising significantly in the near term because of the number of old claims that will be completed, they explained. Over time, they added, as the backlog of oldest claims is cleared

and more of the incoming claims are processed electronically through VA’s new paperless processing system, VA’s average time to complete claims will improve significantly. In addition, the “average days pending” metric -- or the average age of a claim in the inventory -- will decrease, since the oldest claims will no longer be part of the inventory. While compensation claims are pending, eligible veterans are able to receive health care and other benefits from VA. Veterans who have served in recent conflicts are eligible for five years of free health care from VA. More than 55 percent of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are using VA health care, officials said, a rate greater than that of previous generations of veterans.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Grilling safety at home BY NDW FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION WASHINGTON - There’s nothing like a fresh grilled hamburger or steak. It’s one of the most favorite ways to cook any time of year, but a grill placed too close to anything that can burn is a fire hazard. Grills burn very hot and can cause burns and even a possible house fire is unattended or used in an unsafe manner. In light of a recent incident at the Bellevue Housing facility, the Naval District Washington Fire & Emergency Services would like to pass on the following Fire/Life Safety tips when using a barbeque grill. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, • In 2006-2010, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 8,600 home and outside fires. These 8,600 fires caused an annual average of 10 civilian deaths, 140 civilian injuries and $75 million in direct property damage. • More than one-quarter (28%) of the home structure fires involving grills started on a courtyard, terrace or patio, 28% started on an exterior balcony or open porch, and 6% started in the kitchen. General Grill Safety • Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be used outdoors. • The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches. • Keep children and pets away from the grill area. • Never use your grill indoors and keep any grill at least 10 feet away from your house or any building. These include carports, patio covers, porches and breezeways. • Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill. • Never leave your grill unattended. • Be ready to extinguish flames. Use baking soda to control a grease fire and have an ABC fire extinguisher handy. A bucket of sand or a garden hose should be near if you don’t have a commercial extinguisher.

Charcoal Grills

Never burn charcoal in an enclosed facility, when charcoal is burned; it produces carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas that can be

deadly when inhaled. Approximately 30 people die and 100 are injured as a result of breathing carbon monoxide from charcoal each year. Use only approved starter fluids designed for these grills. Never use gasoline and never add fluid to the fire while it’s burning. Position the grill well away from siding, deck rails and all other flammable/combustible materials. These items can ignite not only from direct flame but if exposed to high heat they can melt and/or ignite into flames. Never leave a burning grill unattended. Remember that the charcoal briquettes remain extremely hot even after your finish cooking. Hot coals can result in severe burns if not handled properly. Stay away from hot grill. Don’t allow anyone to conduct activity near the grill when in use or immediately following its use. The grill body remains hot up to an hour after being used. Don’t move a hot grill. Never attempt to move a hot grill. It’s easy to stumble or drop it and serious burns could result. Allow the coals to cool completely, approximately 24 to 48 hours prior to disposal and place all coals in a metal container. Never use a plastic or cardboard container for disposal of coals. Ensure the lid is closed and any vents on the grill are closed, prior to securing the grill.

Gas Grills

Inspect your grill prior to using for cracked, brittle or damaged hose lines. This can be accomplished by spraying soapy water on all the lines and connections, if soapy bubbles appear, turn the tank off and make needed re-pairs. If you suspect a leak or smell an odor, DO NOT attempt to light your grill. Turn the cylinder valve off and contact the fire department immediately. Do not use the grill until all leaks are repaired by a professional. When lighting the grill, open the lid, turn on the gas, if the burner does not light within 5 seconds, turn the burner off, wait 5 minutes then try again. Never store LP gas in homes or garages. LP-gas is heavier than air and a leaking cylinder would allow the gas to seep into the home. These containers should be stored in well ventilated areas.

Joint Base Journal JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING WASHINGTON, D.C. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DoD civilians and their family members. Contents of Joint Base Journal do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense, U.S. Navy or U.S. Air Force and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Air Force, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling or Comprint Military Publications of the products or services advertised. Published by Comprint Military Publications, a division

Friday, May 10, 2013


National Nurse Week Spotlight: Senior Airman Lucas Jensen BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON - National Nurse-Technician Week is celebrated annually from May 6, also known as National Nurses Day, through May 12. It coincides with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, according to the American Nurses Association. Often described as both an art and a science, nursing is a profession that features dedicated people with varied interests, strengths and passions. Nurses have many roles - from staff nurse to educator to nurse practitioner and researcher. These individuals serve with a strong commitment to patient safety. Senior Airman Lucas Jensen is a medical technician with the 579th Medical Group on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). He’s been with the clinic for three years. He shares with us his thoughts on the profession and what a typical day is like for a medical technician. What do you enjoy most about your job? I’ve always had an interest in the medical profession. I really like researching the where and why of conditions we come across in our work. It’s also rewarding to help patients get whatever help they need. What is a typical work day like for you? I get into work at 6:40 a.m. and go over a list of patients that we will have that day. I help prepare upcoming procedures and talk with pa-


Senior Airman Lucas Jensen is a medical technician with the 579th Medical Group. tients. I’m more or less like a liaison between the patient and doctor. I also help with medication refills, draw blood and brief doctors about a patient’s background. How did you get your training? After basic training, I went to a career training school in Wichita Falls, Texas. That’s where I received my emergency medical technician (EMT) certification. I then moved on to a military hospital in Mississippi where I worked in specialty clinics as part of my phase II training. From there I got my orders to come to JBAB. What are your future plans?

I’m in the process of switching over to the Air Force Reserve. I’m also focused on my schooling and would like to enter medical school at some point down the road. I’m finishing up my bachelor’s degree in biology at Georgetown University and really want to become a doctor. What advice do you have for someone considering your profession? With the medical field, things are constantly changing. It’s important to learn and prepare as much as you can. That will certainly help in the long run. Have a general idea of what you want to do and just focus. Don’t be afraid to learn things on your own.

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of Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. The editorial content of Joint Base Journal is edited and approved by the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs Office. Tenant commands and others are encouraged to submit news, high-quality photos and informational items for publication. All submitted content must be received by noon on the Friday prior to publication. E-mail submissions to Joseph.Cirone@navy.mil. To place display advertising, call 240-473-7538. To place classified advertising, call 301-670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, USN

Col. Michael E. Saunders, USAF

Joseph P. Cirone

Chief Master Sgt. Richard J. Simonsen Jr., USAF

Cmdr. Kimberly Himmer, USN

Lt. Cmdr. Jim Remington, USN


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Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, May 10, 2013

Joint Base Journal

You are not a bad parent: Child abuse awareness and prevention BY MASTER-AT-ARMS SEAMAN APRIL BEAZER NSAB PUBLIC AFFAIRS STAFF WRITER

BETHESDA, Md. - Child abuse occurs too often in our culture, both within society at large, as well as in the military. Military service presents additional family stressors like deployments and permanent change of stations, which necessitate moving away from friends and support systems. However, there are ways to reduce the risk of child abuse. “Families are so busy these days,” said Kimberly Lahm, counseling and advocacy supervisor for Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB). “It’s important for people to know themselves and to know when they feel like they are getting stressed. “Military families are incredibly strong and resilient, but they have a lot of challenges. Sometimes, it is a little bit more challenging for parents to navigate [through life] and it is also more challenging for children to transition, depending on their age,” she said. “Noticing your own sched-

ule and noticing when you yourself are feeling short-tempered is very important. It is never the time to address behavioral issues with your children when you are feeling stressed and when your children are feeling the same way.” Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) is a great place to get the advice you need to help with stress-management or child abuse prevention, Lahm said. “We offer a lot of help here [at FFSC.] We have stress management classes and a scream-free parenting group, which is a fabulous group for parents. It is really all about yourself and how to regulate your own emotions [and] stress to make you a better parent and learn some additional skills,” Lahm said. Managing a child can be very stressful. Cindy Hurd, clinical case manager for the Counseling and Advocacy Program at FFSC, offers tips and disciplinary advice on how to take action if you or someone you know is considering child abuse. “First and foremost a caregiver must calm their own anxi-

ety,” Hurd said. “Many times a parent believes they must rush in and discipline a child immediately. This is only necessary if a child’s safety is at risk. On most occasions, a parent may need to take a few moments, calm down, then become strategic about what non-physical discipline technique is needed. Whether it is time out, redirection, or taking something away, a parent can take a few moments to decide. If a parent acts too quickly and harshly, they may get what they want in the short term, but in the long term they have damaged the parent child relationship.” Taking care of yourself as a parent is the key when managing stress, especially when you are at your “whits end,” and don’t know what else to do, Lahm said. “I think it is really important for parents to pay attention to self care themselves,” Lahm said. “I think that can be a really challenging concept. Sometimes, I think parents feel they are being selfish if they do things for themselves. Parents are like buckets in some sense. Things are being taken from their bucket all the time.

The children are taking from their bucket, their work responsibilities, and everything else in their lives is taking from their bucket. If they don’t work to replenish what is in their bucket, it is going to ultimately be empty, which is going to make it harder to cope with the challenges.” Having a child abuse case doesn’t necessarily make you a bad parent. With the right resources, you can get the help that you and your child(ren) need, Lahm said. “Most of the child abuses we see are caring parents who make poor decisions,” she said. “A lot of times those poor decisions are out of stress, frustration and challenges. It is really important to be the best parent you can and be sure to take time for yourself. “At family advocacy, we see child abuse cases as situations where its caring, well-intentioned parents who maybe make not great judgment, or are frustrated or at their wits end. We don’t see cases as parents who are bad parents – we see parents as needing support, as needing assistance, and caring about their kids. ”

NAVSEA to host the fifth annual International Frigate Working Group FROM NAVSEA OFFICE OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Naval Sea Systems Command will host the fifth meeting of the International Frigate Working Group (IFWG) May 6-10, at Naval Station Mayport, Fla., bringing together the current users of the Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates. The navies currently operating the class meet annually to assess lessons learned and to discuss opportunities to improve capabilities, maintenance and support of these ships. The U.S. Navy currently operates 19 Perry-class frigates, all of which are slated for decommissioning in the next several years. A total of 34 Perry-class frigates are in use by partner navies, including Australia, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, Poland, Spain, Taiwan and Pakistan. Hosting responsibility for these yearly meetings rotates among IFWG membership. “The International Frigate Working Group continues to provide an open and collaborative forum for the U.S. Navy and its international partners to exchange vital information to ensure these ships remain combat ready,” said Rear Adm. Jim Shannon, NAVSEA’s deputy commander for surface warfare. “Fostering communication and sustaining cooperative relationships with our international partners is a cornerstone of the U.S. Navy’s global maritime strategy. These meetings provide a unique opportunity to share success stories, address challenges and establish initiatives to ensure these ships remain

There are many times when a person can’t see when they are getting stressed or almost to their breaking point, Lahm said. “It is always important to point it out to folks,” she said. “Sometimes it’s hard for us to know when we are really starting to feel stressed out. It’s the people around us who can sense it because they see the change in us. I really see it as everybody’s responsibility to prevent child abuse. We all need to talk with our friends when we see that they are stressed out.” The most important thing to know about child abuse prevention is where to turn and who to reach out to when it is needed. “Programs at FFSC can adequately meet the needs [of people who need advice or help],” Hurd said. “In the military community, if you suspect child abuse, call the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) at 301-319-4087. They are here to assist families experiencing abuse. FAP is also here to support families during times of stress and help parents choose effective strategies for promoting nurturing, healthy and happy families.”



supportable throughout their service lives.” The International Frigate Working Group is an opportunity to promote communication between U.S. and allied partners in an effort to identify maintenance, obsolescence and logistics issues impacting the class, and to also present alternatives for sustainment and modernization programs. IFWG members recognize that U.S. Navy support of the FFG 7 platform will become increasingly challenging as it de-

commissions the remaining 19 ships. IFWG provides an opportunity for improved cooperation between the U.S. and partner navies to improve communications, logistics support, gain efficiencies, and enhance long term readiness. “Our collaborative approach to sharing knowledge and experiences has proven to be immensely successful and informative in years past,” Shannon said. “We are looking forward to another opportunity to share the trials and successes of this ship

class with our partner navies to continue to make strides with some of the modernization challenges.” NAVSEA’s Surface Warfare Directorate is responsible for the maintenance and modernization of non-nuclear surface ships currently operating in the fleet. Through planned modernization and upgrade programs, the directorate equips today’s surface ships with the latest technologies and systems to keep them in the fleet through their service lives.

WASHINGTON - Following her mother’s death in 1905, Anna Jarvis decided that there should be a day to honor the sacrifices that mothers make for their children. She gained financial backing from a large department store in Philadelphia, and organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration in West Virginia. After the success of the first celebration, she organized a letter writing campaign to politicians and newspapers urging that towns and states establish a special day to honor motherhood. By 1912, many had established Mother’s Day as an annual holiday. With the success that she enjoyed at the local and state levels, Jarvis then established the Mother’s Day International Association to promote her cause. As a result, Woodrow Wilson signed a measure in 1914 officially establishing Mother’s Day as the second Sunday in May. To help celebrate Mother’s Day, a brunch will be held at the Bolling Club May 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The brunch offers an omelet station, carving station with prime rib and ham, a desert station, shrimp and dozens of other options. All Moms receive a complimentary flower. The price for club members is $26.95, non-members $30.95. Children 6-11 eat at half price, while children under 5 eat for free. For more information, call the Bolling Club at 202-563-8400.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, May 10, 2013


continued from 1

In order to rent the boats, members must have completed the Basic Sailing Course. The course is part of the American Sailing Association standards, and is recognized around the country, and even around the world. It is comprised of ASA courses 101 and 103, which teach basic keelboat sailing and coastal cruising. It encompasses sailing, docking, and basic maintenance of sailing vessels from 22 to 27 feet in length. These are only the first two courses of the ASA program, and while the Pentagon Sailing Club does not currently teach the more advanced ASA courses, you can take these basic qualifications to other ASA schools to earn more advanced sailing and navigation qualifications. The Pentagon Sailing Club is also affiliated with the United States Naval Sailing Association (USNSA). This worldwide, military affiliated organization can be found at Navy and Marine Corps bases worldwide. Clubs affiliated with USNSA recognize qualifications and experience gained from other clubs, such as the Pentagon Sailing Club. As a result, the qualifications gained here can transfer easily to a club at your


new duty station, and your can pick up where you left off. The USNSA has its own qualification standard, which starts with the ASA program. Many of the advanced qualifications are required for crewing or skippering larger sailing vessels. However, the association has terrific opportunities for learning to sail larger vessels, and gaining practical sailing experience from more seasoned sailors. The Pentagon Sailing Club is an allvolunteer organization, which helps keep training and operating costs at a minimum for members. The ASA courses are approximately one-third of the price that you would pay in at a civilian sailing school, because the instructors are members and are volunteering their time. The members also maintain the boats, which also helps keep costs down. If you want to eventually get your own sailboat, joining a club like this is a good way to start. You can learn not only to sail, but also learn sailboat maintenance that you can apply to your own vessel. The Patuxent River Naval Station, and the Naval Support Activity Annapolis also have similar clubs. They are also affiliated with USNSA and you can find information about these other local clubs on the association’s website. For more information, check out www. pentagonsailing.org and www.navysailing.org.

For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,

visit www.dcmilitary.com.



Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, May 10, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Ceremony honors fallen military medical personnel BY TERRI MOON CRONK AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

ARLINGTON, Va. - Military medical professionals who made the ultimate sacrifice in the last decade of war were the best the nation had to offer for their selflessness in the name of freedom, the Pentagon’s top health care official said earlier this week. In keynote remarks at the fifth remembrance ceremony held at Arlington National Cemetery dedicated to fallen U.S. medical personnel laid to rest there, Dr. Jonathan Woodson, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, thanked the families and friends of the fallen for their sacrifices. “Friends and families, I thank you for your sacrifice and suffering you’ve endured over the years,” he said. “Their acts of heroism in life and death [are] beyond measure.”

Today’s ceremony, conducted at the cemetery’s old amphitheater, honored more than 300 fallen military medical personnel who served during Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. They were doctors, nurses, Army medics and Navy corpsmen among others, Woodson said. They chose to serve and were willing to give that last full measure of devotion for their fellow service members, Woodson said. “They willingly put themselves in harm’s way when it mattered the most,” he added. Woodson noted the ceremony was not rooted in grief alone. “Together today, we rededicate ourselves to the work that your loved one so nobly advanced,” he said. The willingness to help others showed through in the events surrounding the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings, Woodson

said, pointing out that numerous first responders were current and former military medical personnel who used their life-saving military skills to help the injured. “When [the injured] came to the hospitals, they encountered doctors, nurses and medics who brought those skills home with them from the battlefield,” Woodson said. “And I know the spirit of your love was there with them. From Iraq to Afghanistan to Boston, the long arc of dedicated military medical professionals remains a force of unequaled good in the world.” Woodson said the sacrifices of military medical professionals and their families will never be forgotten. “[Those] sacrifices meant so much,” he said. “I promise you on behalf of the nation that we will always remember the valor of their military medical service.”


Dr. Jonathan Woodson, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, delivers keynote remarks during a remembrance ceremony for 300 fallen military medical personnel at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, May 3. The fallen medical professionals served during Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. They were doctors, nurses, Army medics and Navy corpsmen, among other medical professionals.

Student 2 Student helps military children BY ANDREW REVELOS SOUTH POTOMAC PILOT STAFF WRITER

DAHLGREN, Va. - The Military Child Education Coalition made waves in 2004 when it introduced the Student 2 Student (S2S)-a peer-based program designed to help military high school students adjust to new schools and make new friends. In 2006, a similar program was created for middle school students: Junior Student 2 Student (JS2S). Both programs function similarly; S2S members receive training from the Military Child Education Coalition and are paired with new students for orientation and special S2S activities. For those who never endured a change of schools as a child, the list of issues faced by new students is daunting. From not getting lost, to making friends, to keeping up with lessons, to avoiding bullies, the obstacles can pose serious challenges. The sheer number of school moves undertaken by many military children makes a program like S2S especially useful, though the program is also offered to nonmilitary new students. Students at the Dahlgren School have embraced JS2S and membership has grown from three to nine since the school began participating in the program in May of 2012 at the suggestion of Lolita Gunter, school liaison officer for Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP). Gunter praised the program for not only helping meet the unique needs of military children, but also for teaching student member invaluable life skills: leadership, organization, public speaking and above all, kindness. “It’s really a good program,” she said. “The children really need it. I really want all schools to have this program.”

Members of Junior Student 2 Student at the Dahlgren School. When the program began at the Dahlgren School, six students stepped up to the challenge and became members of JS2S. Three of those original six members have since moved on to high school. The three remaining JS2S members and Stephen Burton, guidance counselor at the Dahlgren School, discussed the progress of JS2S over lunch April 10. “It’s a great leadership opportunity for these kids,” said Burton, who helps the Dahlgren School JS2S members run the program. “It’s a great way to develop the ability to interact with others in a positive way.” JS2S students use those skills to help new students in ways that an adult could not. “Mili-

tary students are so transient in their school years that this is a program that allows students to help each other make those transitions,” said Burton. “It’s run by the students-they’re responsible for planning the activities, making the connections, all of it.” The original three members of JS2S still attending the Dahlgren School described their motivations for reaching out to other military children. “As a kid in the Navy, you move around a lot-I think the shortest [time] I’ve ever lived in one place is two years-so you don’t really get to know a lot of people in that short of time and you don’t get to keep them as you move on,” said Megan, self-


described “shy kid” and member of Dahlgren JS2S. “With the skills you learn with JS2S, you can make friends faster.” Those skills begin with making new students feel at ease. “You learn how to make kids feel comfortable,” said Megan. “You introduce them around to people so that they know everybody.” Geoffrey, JS2S member, explained his reasons for participating in the program. “I thought it would be fun and I like helping people.” For Libby, JS2S member, her own experiences as a military child motivated her to participate. “It helps new students be welcomed to the base,” she said. “I know how it feels to be a military child.

My dad was in the service for 20 years. I know how it feels to come to a base and not know anyone. If I can help one student feel more comfortable, [than] they can help other students also.” Helping other military children adjust to the Dahlgren School has been a rewarding experience for members of JS2S. “It’s a good feeling, because I know those students are going to have new friends,” said Libby. “They have people to show them around and they don’t feel like they shouldn’t be here. They feel like they belong in this new environment.” “It’s nice to see the new kid feel comfortable and feel like they do fit in,” added Megan. “It feels good helping new students because we’ve all been in that situation. We move and we don’t know anybody,” said Geoffrey. “You just help the person out and they’re friends with everybody.” Word of the good deeds done by members of S2S at the Dahlgren School and elsewhere has put a spotlight on the unique needs of military children. The fact that military children are themselves looking out for one another through S2S has impressed educators, military parents and military leaders. “I’m very impressed at the leadership shown by the members of the Dahlgren School’s Junior Student 2 Student program,” said Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac. “As a father, I understand how difficult it is for military kids to change schools and make new friends. For other military children to step up and help their fellow students is aweinspiring; they’re truly an exceptional group of young people and I thank them for their service.”

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, May 10, 2013


Through Airmen’s eyes: Going for the gold BY TECH. SGT. DAVID SPEICHER

He will however, compete in the Endeavor Games at the University of Central Oklahoma June 6-9 to make a second attempt at qualifying in the 200 m for the Paralympic Nationals. “My goal for now is to make the nationals. In the time frame I have I will probably not win nationals. I am a beginner at running and at this point I do what I can do,”

Connelly said. His goal is to win nationals in a future year with ultimate goal of the 2016 Paralympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “I would like to stay in the military and compete for the Air Force team. I would like to work down at Walter Reed as a physical therapist,” he said. Most wounded military members with amputations go to Walter Reed Military Hospi-

leged to have been a part of the ACE-E program. I’ll never forget this.” Jennifer Jenkins, a counselor at Hart Middle School, credits service members like those from JADOC, as well as military children, for making her school a better place. “There are very few experiences in my years as an educator that remind me of why I’m in education. Though, ACE-E is certainly one of them,” Jenkins said. “To have that melting pot come into our building is amazing. I’ve seen one child change an entire classroom of 35. Our schools are made better by the children and mentors that walk through our doors each day.” ACE-E officially began in 2005 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. An Air Force general sat down with inner-city and public school leaders to discuss different methods

of better reaching out to young children. Rick Novak, chairman of ACEE’s board of trustees, said the program is the first of its kind in the Washington, D.C. region and that its purpose is to close the digital divide that many innercity schools face. U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), was obliged to deliver the evening’s keynote speech and offer some encouraging words to the youngsters in the audience. “By going through this ACEE program, you’ve gotten the chance to learn from some of the very best in our country,” Flynn said. “There is so much that life has to offer. I urge you to continue to work hard and learn as much as you can. Good things will happen if you push yourself.” For more information about the program, visit www.ace-e.org.

Devin Ealvivia, a student from Hart Middle School, smiles along with his mentor, U.S. Army Capt. Larry Aberle, of the Joint Air Defense Operations Center, after Ealvivia was awarded a laptop computer for his completion of ACE-E technology program.


BALTIMORE (AFNS) -- On July 5, 2011, Senior Airman Gideon L. Connelly was involved in a motorcycle accident in Baltimore County with serious damage to his left leg. The doctors told the Maryland Air National Guard repair and reclamation crew chief that, if he kept his leg, it would leave him with limitations to what he could do. However, if the leg was replaced with prosthesis, his abilities would significantly increase. On Sept. 16, 2011, Connelly chose to have the leg removed below the knee. “(When the accident happened) I was upset. I didn’t think I would be able to return to work. I didn’t understand how it would affect my life. I was scared,” Connelly said. His friends were scared but supportive. “They didn’t know how to help. My family stuck by my side and is very supportive.” Connelly started a rehabilitation process to walk, and then run with the goal of staying in the military. Around Thanksgiving 2011, he started walking and less than a year later had progressed to running. It’s a decision that has transformed his life. “I want to inspire people. It is a great opportunity. I am blessed to come back and do what I can do after a horrific accident,” Connelly said. Before the accident he lifted weights and did some distance running for physical training. Now he runs sprint races. Connelly competed in the Texas Regional Games (Paralympic games that are used for qualifying for the national events) April 13-14, 2013. He competed in the men’s t44 (below the knee amputation) 100 meter and 200 meter races, receiving two gold medals. His 100 m time qualified him for the Paralympic Nationals in San Antonio, Texas June 14-16.


continued from 1

mon said. “I can’t wait to use my new computer. I want to keep in touch with my mentor. This will help me do that.” Cory Gatling and Devin Ealvivia, both students at Hart Middle School, worked alongside U.S. Army Capt. Larry Aberle, of JADOC, on their respective technology projects. The three also became quite a force when it came time to sell lemonade together one day in front of the JBAB Commissary. “We were tasked with selling lemonade and detailing everything with a budget. It went really well and it was a lot of fun,” Gatling said. “I can’t thank Capt. Aberle enough for all his help and guidance. Because of certain challenges in my life, I’m privi-

135th Maintenance Operation Flight who, after watching Connelly walk with his prosthetic leg, became curious about his personal story. “I saw him walking around with a prosthetic leg and I didn’t know who he was. I approached him and asked him if I could ask him a few questions. We started talking and I discovered he was into track. I learned he wanted to go to Rio in 2016 - the Paralympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,” O’Meally said. “I asked how he was going to do it and what his plans were. In the conversation, I let him know I had some contacts in the track world from when I trained during college,” she said. With her contacts he was able to talk with someone on the Paralympic committee. “She helps me out at times when I need it. I have a lot of paperwork to fill out and she helps me out with that. She is a great person. She helps me out when I am down. She gives me motivation. She is a great hearted person,” Connelly said. “I see a hard working kid. I see a kid with a lot of motivation and drive. He is never down. Life dealt him a hand, not a bad hand, not a good hand. Just a hand and he plays it well,” O’Meally said. Donnellan summed up Connelly’s potential, “It’s whatever he wants to make of it. He is on the right track. He can go as far as he wants to.” Connelly has good advice for anyone who has lost a limb. “Keep your head up. Don’t let anything discourage you. It is a mind over body experience. If you keep your head in the right place you can do anything you want.”

tal in Bethesda, Md. to receive and learn how to use their prosthesis. To stay in the military, Connelly said, “I had to do a PT test and prove to medical that I can do my job without assistance. The worst part was the paperwork. I had to prove myself to the base medical review board.” His next step is to be medically deployable worldwide. Lt. Col. Tom Donnellan, deputy commander, 175th Maintenance Group, talked about Connelly’s progress to stay in the military, and emphasized that despite his amputation, Connelly has to do what all Airmen would do to stay in the military. “I couldn’t imagine waking up one morning missing a limb. He has been able to overcome it. The military has seen a lot of this,” Donnellan said. “Losing your limb affects your whole life. He was in good physical shape to begin with. He had the mental capability to deal with the accident and has trained to do his job with his limitations. He is a young troop, squared away and knows what he needs to do to stay in the game.” Connelly is also participating in a study by the University of Florida on prosthesis, helping develop the devices, not only for him, but also for others who need the devices. He is testing three mechanical feet on an obstacle course used by Tampa police SWAT that includes walking/running on treadmills. The performance of the foot is then evaluated under these conditions. During these tests, his vital signs are monitored to see how his body works with the devices. “The study is to see how the different feet perform in stress-related conditions,” Connelly said. Although Connelly has received support from a lot of people, one person has made a big impact on his future. Tech. Sgt. Kandyce O’Meally.is a maintenance management data analyst with the


Senior Airman Gideon L. Connelly trains for the upcoming Paralympic nationals later next month in San Antonio, Texas. Connelly is a repair and reclamation crew chief with the Air National Guard in Baltimore.

(This feature is part of the “Through Airmen’s Eyes” series on AF.mil. These stories focus on a single Airman, highlighting their Air Force story.)



Friday, May 10, 2013

Movie Trip

May 10 | 6 p.m. | AMC Hoffman Theater | E1-E6 Single Unaccompanied Active Duty Military Catch the newest summer movie releases with Liberty! Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Hiking in Shenandoah National Park

May 11 | 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Shenandoah National Park We are going hiking in Shenandoah National Park! The trip is $12 for transportation. You will start off at the trail head and be provided a map. Pick your trail for a leisurely hike or something a little more exhilarating. Don’t forget to pack a lunch and plenty of water. Closed toe hiking or sturdy shoes are highly recommended as well as clothing layers for comfort. Please call 202-767-9136 for more information.

Mother’s Day Brunch

May 12 |11 a.m. & 2 p.m. | Bolling Club Bring that favorite someone to our Annual Mother’s Day Brunch! Our brunch offers all your favorite breakfast items to include an omelet station, carving station with prime rib and ham, shrimp, our incomparable dessert station and dozens of other options. All moms will receive a complimentary flower. Reservations are required. Limited walk-in space is available. Club Members: $26.95; Non- Members: $30.95; Children 6-11: Half Price; Children 5 & under: Free Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Champagne Sunday Brunch

May 12, & 19 | 10:30am-2 p.m. | Bolling Club – Washington Dining Room Come out and enjoy the BEST Champagne Brunch in the Capital Region. We invite you to feast on an abundant selection of seasonal fruits, shrimp, fresh oysters, salads, baked and fried chicken, turkey, beef, fish, grits, bacon, vegetables, starches, eggs benedict, made-to-order waffles and omelets, homemade banana pudding, assorted cakes and pies for dessert. Club Members: $17.95; Non-Members: $22.95; $1 gratuity will be added for parties of 10 or more. No brunch on May 26. Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

2-for-1 Steak Dinner

May 15, 22 & 29 | 5-8:30 p.m. | Bolling Club - Wings Bar & Grill Choose from a juicy 12oz rib-eye or sirloin steak, chicken or fish and your choice of a tossed or iceberg wedge salad, and Russet or Sweet baked potato with butter, sour cream, chives, and bacon bits. All meals come with a roll and butter, as well as coffee, tea or iced tea. Select appetizers, desserts and drink specials will be offered.

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

MWR Calendar

Club Members: $23.95 for two people Non-Members: $23.95 per person Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Third Friday

May 17 | 7 p.m.-12am | Bolling Club Join us on the every third Friday of each month featuring DJ Shawn Diggs. Club members will be given access to FREE hor d’ouevres from 5 to 7 p.m., non members can enjoy these items for only $10. In addition, the Club’s famous fried chicken and Chef’s specials will be available for purchase in the WASP lounge from 7 to 10 p.m.. Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Extreme Bingo

May 17 | 8-10 p.m. | Youth Center | Ages 9-18 years Join the JBAB Youth Center staff an evening of playing Bingo games. Prizes will be awarded for playing. Sign up at the front desk. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

America’s Armed Forces Kids Run

May 18 | 9-11 a.m. | Base Track Youth Ages 5-13 are invited to come out and join in on the fun! Youth can register online at www. Americaskidsrun.org. Please call 202-7674003 for more information.

Armed Forces Weekend

May 18 & 19 | Noon | Busch Gardens | E1-E6 Single Unaccompanied Active Duty Military Armed Forces Day is a day to recognize and honor the military forces in our nation. Join Liberty as we venture down to Busch Gardens for a day of thrills on Saturday and for a cookout on Sunday with fun activities such as kickball, volleyball, softball and more! Busch Gardens is FREE with a Heroes Salute Waiver Form. Please call 202-6851802 for more information.

Atlantic City Day Trip

May 18 | 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Is Lady Luck on your side? Join ITT as we head to Atlantic City, NJ for the day! Walk the boardwalk, shop at the outlets, test your luck at the casino and dine at a new restaurant. For information on the casino and casino credit, please contact the ITT office. Price: $38.75 per person

Dessert Cook Off

May 18 | 6-10 p.m. | Youth Center | Ages 9-18 years The Youth Center is having a Dessert Cook Off for pre-teens and teens. Sign up at the front desk by Wednesday, May 15th. No desserts will be accepted if you are not signed up. Turn in a copy of your recipe and no peanut butter or nuts will be al-

lowed in your dessert. Please call 202-7674003 for more information.

Summer Reading Registration 2013

May 20-June 21 Hop aboard the JBAB Library this summer! We are excited to offer a journey through books with this year’s Summer Reading Program. “Have Book- Will Travel!”. During the seven week Summer Reading course, the Library will host a range of fun activities that encourage and support a love of reading. Participants will also win prizes for reaching goals. Registration will run from May 20 to June 21, 2013. The program will launch June 24 (Monday) from 10-11 a.m. for ages 5-7 and June 26 (Wednesdays) from 1011:30 a.m. for ages 8-10 & ages 11-13 from 1-2:30 p.m.. The free program provided by your JBAB Library and MWR. Please call 202-767-578 for more information.

That Guy Happy Hour

May 21 | 5- 7 p.m. | Liberty Center | E1E6 Single Unaccompanied Active Duty Military How much is TOO much? Are you that guy or girl? Join Liberty to get the facts on binge drinking and the effects it can have on you and your life. Please call 202-6851802 for more information.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Tournament

May 23 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center | E1-E6 Single Unaccompanied Active Duty Military Calling all gamers! Will you accept the challenge for a chance to be crowned the best Call of Duty Champion and your name place in infamy as the best! Please call 202685-1802 for more information.

3-on-3 Basketball Challenge

May 24 | 6-10 p.m. | Youth Center Compete in our 3-on-3 Basketball Challenge! Teams of three sign up at the front desk. Preteens start playing at 6 p.m. and teens play at 8 p.m.. Please call 202-7674003 for more information.

Pool Opening Memorial Day Observance

May 25 | 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. | JBAB Pool Join us for fun in the sun and the season opening of the JBAB Pool!

Joint Base Journal

9-18 years Join the Youth Center staff for a late afternoon of playing Putt Putt Golf. Sign up at the front desk to play. Please call 202767-4003 for more information.

Managing your Finances during Furlough

May 29 12-1 p.m. Washington Navy Yard, Bldg. 101 May 29 4-5 p.m. Washington Navy Yard, Bldg. 101 Many families and individuals already feel financially stressed. Worries about the impact of current budgetary constraints can add to the tension. Join the Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) staff in an educational briefing to discuss: • How to utilize a budget to track income, savings, expenses and indebtedness • Family financial spending plan strategies to help bridge the possible 20% cash flow gap • Stress management tools and techniques To register, go to www.tinyurl.com/ JBAB-MFSC-Class-Registration For more information, contact MFSC at 202-767-0450 or 202-433-6151.

Asian Pacific Heritage Month Luncheon

May 30 | 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Bolling Club- Tuskegee Room Asian buffet menu with guest speakers Retired Army Colonel Douglas Dillard (National President, Veterans of the Battle of Buldge) and Korean War Veteran Dr. Richard I. Kim, a former North Korean who fled to South Korea to avoid communism but was trained by the American Army to return to North Korea to help gather intelligence. Please call 202-767-9136 for more information.

Liberty Poker Night

May 30 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center | E1-E6 Single Unaccompanied Active Duty Military Ready to get your poker face on? Bring it to the Texas Hold Em’ Tournament and join the competition. Please call 202-6851802 for more information.

Daddy-Daughter Dance

May 25 | 5-7 p.m. | Youth Center | Ages

June 15 | 1-3 p.m. | Bolling Club In celebration of Father’s Day, join us for the 6th Annual Daddy-Daughter Dance! You see your little princess growing up so fast, join us for this event as it is meant to last. Activities include, dancing, crafts, contests and fun! Attire is semi-formal. Please call 202-563-8400 to make reservations and 202-767-4003 for more information.

There are nearly 40 items available, including lawn care services, a vacation rental, wine baskets, desserts, and more. One of the more popular items is the chance to conduct the band playing “Anchors Aweigh” at a summer concert at the Capitol building. In addition, the Navy Band Skipjack Trio will be providing music during the auction. The auction ends at 1:30 p.m. Winners must claim their prizes by 4 p.m. Informa-

tion about the auction can be found online the Navy Band’s website, www.navyband. navy.mil/silent_auction.shtml. The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, founded in 1904, is sponsored by the Department of the Navy and provides assistance to Sailors, Marines, and their families. As a nonprofit organization, the society’s programs are funded completely by charitable donations.

UFC 160: Velasquez vs. Silva II

May 25 | 9 p.m. | Liberty Center | E1-E6 Single Unaccompanied Active Duty Military Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Extreme Putt Putt Fun


WASHINGTON - The U.S. Navy Band will hold its seventh annual silent auction on Wednesday, May 15, supporting the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society fund drive. The event will take place at the Washington Navy Yard’s Town Center Food Court, Building 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

“This is an opportunity for us to use our talents to give back to the community, and especially Sailors and their families,” says Capt. Brian Walden, commanding officer of the Navy Band. Silent auction head Musician 1st Class Shana Sullivan says, “We have tons of stuff available and, most importantly, all the money we raise goes towards a great cause.” The band’s 2012 silent auction raised $3,000, according to Sullivan.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling


Miscellaneous items related to your health, your career, your life and your community Jogging path closed The jogging path by Giesboro Park is closed until further notice. An alternate route has been provided.

Navy Marine-Corps Thrift Shop hours The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop has relocated to Enterprise Hall (building 72). The store hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. and the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 202-433-3364.

JBAB photo studio closure

center on Chappie James Blvd at 6 p.m. Girl Scouts; building girls with confidence, character and courage for 100 years.

Protocol & Special Events Office has moved The JBAB Protocol & Special Events Office has moved to Building P-12. Coordinator Karen Smith’s new phone number is 202-767-7710.

Boys and Girls Club volunteer opportunity The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington needs volunteer coaches for their youth baseball league for 10-year-olds and 12-year-olds. For more information or to

The JBAB Public Affairs photo studio is closed until further notice. For official studio photography support, contact 11th Wing Public Affairs at 240-612-4430.

Firth-Sterling Gate operations The Firth-Sterling gate is closed on weekends. Once the gate’s automated features become available, the gate will be accessible by any CAC card holder 24/7 during normal FPCON “A” conditions.

Navy Wives Clubs of America The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@me.com or visit our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/NWCA37.

Fitness Centers I and II The Fitness Center I basketball court will be closed April 8 - May 31 due to ceiling repairs. The front entrance to Fitness Center II will be also closed until April 15 for maintenance. Customers are asked to use the rear entrance of the building.

JBAB Girl Scouts Calling all Girls! Girls registered in Kindergarten - 12th grade this fall and interested in joining should contact JBABgirlscouts@yahoo.com. The troop meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the community

For more news from other bases

around the Washington, D.C. area,

visit www.dcmilitary.com.

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Friday, May 10, 2013


sign up, call 512-560-5548 from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. or email Michael.martinez@afncr.af.mil.

Toastmasters Club seeks members The Bolling Toastmasters Club is available for everyone on JBAB as a place to practice your leadership skills. Toastmasters clubs are where leaders are made, and leadership starts with good communication. The program is selfpaced, and it works. The Bolling Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the JBAB Chapel Center. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Jim Queen at 301-452-6931.

Air Force Thrift Shop The Air Force Officers’ Wives’ Club Thrift Shop is located at 13 Brookley Ave and is open Tuesdays, Wed-nesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Donations are accepted during business hours only. Profits from the AFOWC Thrift shop go towards college scholarships and other military charitable organizations. For more information about the AFOWC or its Thrift Shop call 202-563-6666 or email afowcthriftshop@ verizon.net.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

Chapel Schedule CATHOLIC SERVICES Reconciliation

Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday 9:10 a.m. Chapel Center


Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Wednesday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Thursday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Friday 7 a.m. Chapel Center

Saturday 5 p.m. Chapel Center Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday Worship

Gospel 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center General Protestant 11 a.m. Chapel 2

Sunday School

Sept - May 9:30-10:30 a.m. Any questions about these services or other religious needs call 202-767-5900

Red Cross honors supporters at ‘Salute to Service’ gala


The Red Cross presented the Exceptional Service Award to Col. Gregory D. Gadson, garrison commander of Fort Belvoir, Va during a gala ceremony May 4 in Washington, D.C. Also honored by the Red Cross was Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno and his wife Linda, who were honored with Lifetime of Service Awards.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, May 10, 2013




Friday, May 10, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling


Joint Base Journal

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