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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 18

May 10, 2013

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ACE-E program acknowledges mentors, students with special night BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON – Area Coalitions for Education-Excellence (ACE-E) held its annual awards ceremony Tuesday night at the Bolling Club on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). It was a special time as volunteer mentors from the Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC) gathered with six of their student counterparts and together were recognized for their completion of the ACE-E technology program. The evening culminated with the presentation of laptop computers to students for a job well done. ACE-E is a non-profit organization that supports under privileged children by providing technology-based mentoring in local public schools near military bases and other federal installations. The program was introduced to the Washington, D.C. area last year at nearby Leckie Elementary School and has more than 80 JBAB service members as mentors to students in grades 2-5.

Based on the program’s structure, a student who completes three separate computer-related projects with a score of 90 or better will receive a free laptop computer courtesy of ACE-E. Projects include writing a student biography or résumé using Microsoft Word, developing an independent living budget through an Excel spreadsheet and later presenting their résumé and other information to ACE-E board members and trustees through a PowerPoint presentation. Six students from nearby Hart Middle School and Leckie Elementary were recipients of new laptop computers, which were fully equipped with Mircosoft Windows 7 software. Hevin Simon, a fifth-grader at Leckie Elementary, showed a lot of enthusiasm for the ACE-E program and was one of those rewarded with a new computer. “I really enjoyed the program. I learned a lot of things I didn’t know and surprised myself,” Si-

See ACE-E, Page 7


Dontrell Parsons, an 11-year old student at nearby Leckie Elementary School, performs alongside his mentor, Air Force Tech Sgt. Grant Langford, of the U.S. Air Force Band, during the ACE-E awards ceremony May 7 at the Bolling Club. Parsons and Langford participated in ACE-E last year.

Sail into spring with the Pentagon Sailing Club BY CMDR. KIMBERLY HIMMER the club Commodore Eduardo reserve uniformed personnel, JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS


A sailboat moves down the Potomac River on a clear, sunny day near Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.

WASHINGTON - The Chesapeake Bay is a sailing mecca. The region boasts one of the world’s largest annual sailboat shows, and every small inlet and cove seems to have a marina full of boats. Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) also has a sailing club, the Pentagon Sailing Club, which operates out of the Capital Cove Marina on base. You do not need to know how to sail to join the club. In fact,


Conde, states that the club is in existence in order to teach sailing skills and foster a love of the sport amongst military members and their families. The club maintains strong camaraderie with monthly meetings and social events, as well. The Pentagon Sailing Club has been in existence for thirtyone years and is a volunteer-only club. It is not affiliated with base MWR, but is a non-profit association that is open to membership by active duty, retired, and

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Department of Defense civilians, and their families. The club has five Catalina 22 sailboats, which are used to teach the basic sailing courses, as well as race. The club takes part in the Tuesday evening races at Dangerfield Island, and according to Conde, they routinely have three or four boats participate every week. Members of the club can also rent the boats at a rate of $20.00 for four hours.

See SAILING, Page 5

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