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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 22

June 14, 2013

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Happy 238th Birthday U.S. Army!


WASHINGTON – Local students from nearby Leckie Elementary and Hart Middle Schools reaped the benefits of their participation in the Area Coalitions for Education –Excellence (ACE-E) program when they received free laptop computers during an awards presentation June 11 at the Bolling Club. Students, along with their military and civilian mentors from Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB), have been working together since the beginning of the school year. They have developed a special bond while going over course work related to the program. It’s fitting they pair up one last time on a night where they can stand and shine together, said Rick Novak, cofounder and chairman of ACE-E’s board of trustees. “This program is successful because of the compassion military folks, just like the ones here at JBAB, have for kids in our communities,” Novak said. “They know the value of a good education and understand how important it will be down the road.” ACE-E is a non-profit organization that supports under privileged children

by providing technology-based mentoring in local public schools near military bases and other federal installations, Novak said. The program was introduced to the Washington area more than a year ago at Leckie Elementary School and has seen more than 80 JBAB service members serve as mentors to students who participate in the program. Based on the program’s structure, a student who completes three separate computer-related projects with a score of 90 or better receives a free laptop computer courtesy of ACE-E. Projects include writing a student biography or résumé using Microsoft Word, developing an independent budget through an Excel spreadsheet and later presenting their résumé and other information to ACEE board members and trustees through a PowerPoint presentation. “I learned so much and had so much fun with my mentor,” said Diavionne Newell, a sixth-grade student at Hart Middle School. “She helped make the school work interesting.” Newell paired with Angela Washington, a resource manager with the 11th Operations Group on JBAB. They would meet one

See ACE-E, Page 3


Rick Novak, chairman and co-founder of Area Coalitions for Education - Excellence (ACE-E), introduces a fourth grade student at Leckie Elementary School during an awards presentation June 11 at the Bolling Club.

New AF Honor Guard commander looks to uphold core values BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS


Lt. Col. Timothy W. Thurston, commander of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, speaks to fellow Airmen during his Assumption of Command Ceremony.

Women’s leadership discussion: Why are women leaving the Air Force? Page 2

WASHINGTON – Lt. Col. Timothy W. Thurston II has more than 2,500 flight hours and an extensive background as an Air Force navigator, instructor and evaluator. As the new commander of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, he’s looking forward to piloting another generation of Airmen – only this time in a different capacity. Thurston comes to the Honor Guard and Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) after serving as the commander of the 322nd Training Squadron at Joint Base Lackland in San Antonio, Texas. It has the distinction of being one of only seven basic

military training squadrons charged with transforming civilians into Airmen. He has also served as a legislative liaison at the Pentagon. A native of Maryville, Tenn., he has been in the Air Force 22 years. His ambition was to fly planes – and that he did. During his career, Thurston has been around the globe. Some personal highlights include flying missions in South America aboard a C-130E, as well as flying into Sarajevo – the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina – at the height of its civil war back in the early 1990s. “I have every intention of staying un-


Have Book-Will Travel! Page 5


Sexual assault prevention and response training Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) will be conducting Sexual Assault Prevention and Response training in accordance with NAVADMIN 156/13 & 158/13) June 24 at the Stewart Theater at 12:30 p.m. A make-up session will be offered June 25 at the Stewart Theater at 8:30 a.m. This training is mandatory for all JBAB military personnel and all civilian employees are encouraged to attend. Please see related story on Pg. 3

Summer allergies and pests: Experience the season, not the symptoms Page 7


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Former JBAB senior enlisted leader discusses why women are leaving the Air Force BY DESIREE N. PALACIOS AIR FORCE NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Deployments, starting a family, bad mentorship and losing passion for the job are just a few reasons mentioned by uniformed and prior-service women during a panel discussion about why women are leaving the Air Force, at the Joint Women’s Leadership Symposium here June 7. The Air Force panel discussion included Lt. Col. Tiaa Henderson, the Policy Integration Branch chief; Chief Master Sgt. Trae King, the 633rd Air Base Wing, Joint Base Langley-Eustis command chief and former senior enlisted leader at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling; Ms. Gail Lee, prior Air Force major and Resources Directorate under the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force management analyst; and Capt. Amanda Mason, a reservist and founder of Project Enyo. The moderator of the panel was Lt. Col. Tammy Hinskton, the Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Integrated Plans and Strategy Branch chief. In a room filled with approximately 150 Airmen and civilians, these women shared their thoughts on why women continue to stay in the Air Force or decide to get out of the service. “The Air Force was the best decision I ever made,” King said. “The Air Force has a sense of family and being apart of something.” King explained that, “I never thought once I came in that I was getting out, but as a master sergeant I considered becoming an officer,” she said. “I went into my officer’s office and said I’m going to be a second lieutenant and she looked me in the face and said, ‘Why in the world would you want to be a second lieutenant when you’re going to make chief one day?’” Lee, who served 11 years as an Air Force officer, said she would


Gail Lee (left to right), Chief Master Sgt. Trae King, former senior enlisted leader at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Capt. Amanda Mason and Lt. Col. Tiaa Henderson participated in an Air Force panel discussion on why women are leaving the Air Force during the 2013 Joint Women’s Leadership Symposium held in National Harbor, Md., June 7. have stayed in the military, but had plans of getting married to another service member. “Once we got married there just came a time. It was really a tough decision, because I really didn’t want to get out. I was really loving it (the Air Force),” Lee said. “I had been in 11 years, but it just wasn’t going to meet all my goals, which then involved raising a family. I have two kids now and I just wasn’t ready, but I think I would have stayed in.” Mason joined the Air Force as a linguist, but decided to get out at her six-year mark. “I thought I had a very valuable skill set in which to use on the outside, but I didn’t have a bachelor’s degree at the time,” Mason said. “I went to the reserve. I went back to school and as a staff sergeant in the reserve. I really missed it. Mason added that, “I had all those years of experience of getting shot at .... fired at ... real life experience that I didn’t think college life offered me. I had to listen to 18-21 year olds complain about the world when they hadn’t been out there

yet. As soon as Iraqi Freedom came out I volunteered and came right back to active duty.” Mason said she thoroughly enjoyed her deployment. “That is what really changed my life. I had an opportunity to be a translator,” she said. “I was passionate about the mission, but ... once you lose that passion for a job I think you start changing your mind a little bit. So I think it’s important to find the right opportunities to help you meet what your personal goals are as well as the opportunity in the Air Force to match those.” Henderson said that she had great mentors that taught her to reach out and talk to people and find out what they need. She said you can’t always expect leadership to know what you are thinking. She stressed Airmen need to reach out and ask questions as well. “Treat others as you would like to be treated; if you were mentored, mentor other people.” King believes that, from a single person’s perspective, it’s not always easy to keep up with the ops tempo as an Airman, and do what’s nec-

essary to get to the next level. “It’s pretty difficult if you’re mil-to-mil, you’re a single parent and trying to take care of your child working 10 hours a day. “You know that is very challenging and I know my Airmen talk to me about the lack of leadership. So many leaders are so interested in their next job that we are forgetting about the Airmen. “We aren’t really giving them training. We are promoting them at a fast rate to try to keep the retention rates up, but we aren’t giving them the training that they need and then we are shooting them out into leadership positions and expecting them to be perfect. As soon as they make a mistake we are then pushing them out the door or out of the Air Force ... so a lot of Airmen have a bad taste in their mouth about the military,” King said. Lee said she had no expectations of the military. She just went with things as they came and she still keeps that same perspective in the civilian world. “The civilian world is very similar,” she said. “It almost as if you are planning for your next PCS, so you have that same element — you’re looking for that next job. There is less structure in the civilian world, so whatever you put into it you will get out of it. There are a lot of things to keep your eye on, but being close to the military makes me feel comfortable.” Henderson talked about the importance supervisors play in the experience and growth of Airmen and used an example of her early days when she had to share a computer with a co-worker who played solitaire all day. “I would actually have to tell him to finish what he was doing so I can actually do my work,” she said. “That was my initial welcome to the Air Force and I thought ‘Wow! This

isn’t what I had anticipated ... you know the high standards that I had expected.’ “But fortunately I kept on going and gave my best effort and it paid off as I moved forward. I had better supervisors and I think quite often it’s a matter of what people are going through at the moment and that may not be the Air Force culture as a whole. “Overall, I think all my expectations were met, but I could have been easily discouraged at the onset based on that supervisor. That’s why supervision is so important,” Henderson said. Another problem many women face in the Air Force is balancing family life with work. Henderson said that women need to know when to ask for help when they need it. “Too often women put on a facade and say everything is great. ‘I’ve got it all together and I can take on the world.’ And we can. We are capable women, but sometimes we need help. They may not be saying that, but they have help so don’t be afraid to use that network. Make plans with friends to watch their kids one week and switch the next week.” King said to that women shouldn’t take for granted the time they have with family. “I was so busy trying to make a better life for my daughter I missed her life. I woke up and she was 18 years old and gone and the Air Force had taken so much of my time and effort. So I’m thinking, ‘man she is living in a nice house, driving a nice car, she has a nice life and things. She’s happy. She’s good to go, but I took for granted that sometimes she just wanted some ‘mommy time,’” King said. “So make sure that you know how valuable your quality time is with your family.”

Security a priority in DoD move to mobile devices BY CHERYL PELLERIN AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department wants to provide secure access to information from any device, anywhere and anytime, but the priority is security, the department’s principal deputy chief information officer said here yesterday. At a defense systems seminar, Robert Carey spoke about mobile device security and architecture before an audience of military, government and industry experts. “It’s an exciting time for the mobile space, and I will tell you as we march into it and into choices and … into smart phone utilization in the DOD, it is not without the requisite security,” Carey said. “Many an industry and federal agency that are leaping into it a little faster than the security apparatus is willing to catch up with, but we are not,” he added. “We are trying to leap in it with the security apparatus attached.” Today, DOD has more than 600,000 commercial mobile de-

vices in operational and pilot use, including about 470,000 BlackBerry phones, 41,000 Apple operating system devices and 8,700 Android devices. Last June, the department released a mobile device strategy that identified information technology goals and objectives for making the use of mobile devices possible from the hallways of the Pentagon to battlefields and secured spaces worldwide. The strategy focused on improving wireless infrastructure and mobile devices and applications. The steps it proposes are designed to keep these areas reliable, secure and flexible enough to keep up with the pace of technology. Then in February the department released a Commercial Mobile Device Implementation Plan with goals and objectives for allowing the secure use of mobile devices. A key objective is to establish a departmentwide mobile enterprise plan that permits the use of smartphones and tablets from different

vendors and to develop an enterprise mobile device management capability and app store to support about 100,000 devices from multiple vendors. Carey said the Defense Information Systems Agency “is leading the charge for DOD to centrally provide and provision an infrastructure that we can then all use.” DISA is rolling out unclassified and classified devices in phases that began this year and continue until fiscal 2014. A slide from Carey’s presentation indicated that in March DISA rolled out 500 devices at the Secret classification, and in April, 1,500 unclassified devices. The next phase begins in September, when DISA will roll out 5,000 unclassified devices and 1,500 devices at the Top Secret classification. In fiscal 2014 it will roll out up to 100,000 unclassified devices and have enterprise capability for devices at classified levels. “We’re doing both [unclassified and classified] simultaneously right now and we’ll expand both as

the demand signal requires,” Carey said. “But we’re moving out on the unclassified with [vendor] choices with the secure architecture up at DISA, engaging Internet service providers, creating mobile device management solutions that meet security requirements of the Federal CIO Council, and other things,” he added. “So we’re out on-point with the federal government, doing work that keeps the unclassified devices secure.” On the federal mobility effort, the department is working with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and the Federal CIO Council “to ensure that the standards we use for an unclassified phone are the same. That’s really important,” he noted. Carey said DISA also is working to define the way forward on public key infrastructure, or PKI authentication solutions for mobility. A PKI is a system that’s required to provide public-key encryption and

digital signature services. “Our identities have to be lashed to these devices, tactical or not, so that as we engage data and the network it is with approved identity credentials and our PKI that we’ve all been given when we get our common access cards,” he said. Carey said engaging the network with user ID and password is old school computer security. “You have to get into PKI and cryptography in this day and age,” he said. Of the several high bars to commercial mobile security, the largest is PKI authentication, he said. “If I can’t authenticate your identity through this device to the network — game over,” Carey added. The reason is that all DOD websites today are required to be PKIenabled anyway, he said. “And if you’re going to conduct a transaction you have to have this flow through the phone,” Carey said. “There are a couple different ways to do it, but nevertheless it’s got to be done.”

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013


Sexual assault awareness stand-down scheduled for June 24-25 BY JOSEPH P. CIRONE JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON - Joint Base AnacostiaBolling (JBAB) will conduct a sexual assault prevention and response (SAPR) stand-down June 24 at the Stewart Theater at 12:30 p.m. A make-up session will be offered at the Stewart Theater June 25 at 8:30 a.m. Training is in accordance with NAVADMIN 156/13 & 158/13) All Navy commands and Reserve component units and deployed personnel commenced their standdown June 10, but will have until July 22 to complete. “Our end state for this stand-down will be that all of our service members and civilian personnel clearly understand SAPR principles and resources,” said Vice Adm.


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or two times a week – and both have promised to stay in touch with one another. “I told her anytime she wants to get together, just give me a call,” Washington said. “I really enjoyed my time with her. She’s a smart kid. I couldn’t be happier for her on this accomplishment. She deserves it.” Former Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. (Ret.) Lester Lyles joined his colleague and friend, current Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Larry Spencer as the night’s keynote speakers. Lyles, a native of Washington, spoke on the importance of reaching kids at a young age.

Scott Van Buskirk, Chief of Naval Personnel. “All personnel will understand their accountability and role in reducing with a goal of eliminating sexual assault from the Navy, fostering a command climate of dignity and respect, and upholding our core values of honor, courage and commitment.” The command triad (commanding officer, executive officer, and command master chief) of each command will lead Sailors and Navy civilian personnel in a minimum two hours of focused facilitated instruction on SAPR principles and the importance of fostering a climate of dignity and respect in the workplace. Additionally, targeted professional ethics/standards of conduct refresher training will be conducted for recruiters, sexual assault response coordi-

nators (SARCs) and victim advocates (VAs), which emphasizes how violations impact mission readiness. All training center and institutional instructors, as well as personnel who are the first to interact with sexual assault victims, to include health care providers, Fleet and Family Support Center counselors, chaplains, judge advocate general personnel, and NCIS investigators, will receive specialized refresher training, using the Navy’s successful SAPR-Leadership/ SAPR-Fleet training programs and other Navy SAPR resources. As part of the stand-down, the JBAB will conduct an active review of credentials and qualifications of recruiters, SARCs, VAs, training center and institutional instructors, recruit training center division

“I believe it’s crucial that we show young people who a true role model is. A role model is not someone who will forget about them,” Lyles said. “Along with instilling the importance of education, that’s a winning combination. That’s the message we need to send to young people.” Spencer, who was born in Maryland and attended schools in the Washington area, added similar sentiments and told students that it’s okay to fail, but that it’s not okay to not try in life. Jermall Wright, principal at Leckie Elementary School, said the ACE-E program has flourished at his school and interest continues to be at an all-time high – both for students and visiting mentors. The popular principal will be leaving Washing-

ton later this month to take a position with a school district in Colorado. Though, he will never forget the value ACE-E had on the community. “The program has been a godsend to our faculty and students,” Wright said. “Even though I’m leaving, I’m glad to see the program continuing. I know it will thrive in the years ahead.” ACE-E officially began in 2005 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Novak said the program is designed to close the digital divide that many inner-city schools face. To volunteer as a mentor for the 201314 school year, or to seek more information about the ACE-E program, email Joseph.Cirone@navy.mil.

Joint Base Journal

Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, USN


Col. Michael E. Saunders, USAF

This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DoD civilians and their family members. Contents of Joint Base Journal do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense, U.S. Navy or U.S. Air Force and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Air Force, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling or Comprint Military Publications of the products or services advertised. Published by Comprint Military Publications, a division of Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. The editorial content of Joint Base Journal is edited and approved by the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs Office. Tenant commands and others are encouraged to submit news, high-quality photos and informational items for publication. All submitted content must be received by noon on the Friday prior to publication. E-mail submissions to Joseph.Cirone@navy.mil. To place display advertising, call 240-473-7538. To place classified advertising, call 301-670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.


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commanders, NCIS investigators, sexual assault nurse examiners and those qualified to conduct sexual assault forensic examinations. Following the stand-down, a completion report will be submitted to the Secretary of Defense by July 17. A facilitator’s guide and Navy leadership video messages can be found at www. sapr.navy.mil. For more information on the upcoming sexual assault stand-down, see NAVADMIN 156/13 and NAVADMIN 158/13. For more information on the Navy’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, visit www.sapr.navy.mil. (Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs contributed to this story)


Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Larry Spencer was one of the event’s keynote speakers.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

Air Force changes military funeral honors requirements BY CAPT. LINDSEY HAHN SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Due to the impact sequestration has on resources, Air Force Services is adjusting requirements for military funeral honors of retirees. Air Force policy will revert to requiring a minimum of two personnel for retiree MFH details, consistent with statute and DoD policy. The Air Force historically went a step further by providing a seven-member detail for all retiree funerals. “We cherish the service and sacrifice of our retirees,” said Brig. Gen. Eden Murrie, Director of Air Force Services. “While we had to adjust the Air Force requirement as a result of sequestration, commanders still have latitude to provide seven-member

details if local resources permit.” The two-person team will continue to fold and present the interment flag and play Taps. If a seven-person team is able to support, the detail will also act as pallbearers and the firing party. Additional support for retiree funeral honors remain available from authorized providers such as Veteran Service Organizations or Reserve Officer Training Corps units, as resources permit. “Unfortunately, this is a necessary decision,” said Murrie. “However, we remain dedicated to honoring our current and former Airmen to the greatest extent possible.” MFH details for veterans and active duty members will remain unchanged. Funeral honors for veterans consist of two-person teams while active duty funeral honors are performed by a 20-person detail.


WASHINGTON - Many families and individuals already feel financially stressed. Worries about the impact of current budgetary constraints can add to the tension. Join the Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) staff in an educational briefing to discuss: • How to utilize a budget to track income, savings, expenses, and indebtedness.

• Family financial spending plan strategies to help bridge the possible 20% cash flow gap .Stress Management tools and techniques Sessions are scheduled as follows: June 20 , 11 a.m.- Noon, Washington Navy Yard (WNY), Bldg 101 June 20 , 4-5 p.m., WNY, Bldg 101 June 21 , 8-9 a.m., JBAB, Bldg 72 June 21, Noon-1 p.m., JBAB, Bldg 72 Registration is required. For more information or to register for any of the sessions call MFSC at (202) 433-6151.


(Left) Col. Gina C. Humble, commander, 11th Operations Group, joins Lt. Col. Timothy W. Thurston (right), incoming commander of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, for the Assumption of Command Ceremony on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.


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til I hit the 30-year mark. Until then, the word retirement is not in my vocabulary,” Thurston said during a recent interview. “I once thought of becoming a Marine aviator. Then I thought, ‘Why not be with the best when it comes to flying’? That’s why I joined the Air Force.” From his time as a young boy, Thurston has always been passionate about America. Though, in his travels around the globe, he admits to gaining an even deeper feeling of appreciation for his home country. Situations in other countries have put things in perspective for this self-admitted “country boy from the south.” “I understand how good we have it here,” Thurston said. “It’s an honor to put on this uniform and represent this country.” When the opportunity to become squadron commander of the Honor Guard came up, Thurston didn’t hesitate to put his name up for consideration. He has always seen himself in a position like this, even dating back to his days as a young cadet at the U.S. Air Force Academy, he said. According to Thurston, the Honor Guard offers families a lasting memory of their loved ones. That memory should carry on forever and stand the test of time, he said. “It’s a demanding job and it’s very important that we do it right,” Thurston reiterated. “It’s also an opportunity to show how proud we are as a country. All our service members deserve that recognition. It’s the least we can do.” His vision as commander is geared to-

ward building future leaders. He wants Airmen to understand the importance of professional development and the tradition that goes with putting on the Honor Guard uniform. Thurston points to the first line of the Honor Guard charge, where the standards of conduct and level of professionalism must be above reproach. “We need to teach our young Airmen why it’s so important. We can accomplish this through instilling a historical background and sense of pride for this job,” Thurston said. “My impression so far is that our Airmen are disciplined. I like how they carry themselves. We’re right on track.” Currently the Honor Guard has more than 200 members in the squadron, Thurston said. In addition to various ceremonies and functions around the National Capital Region, Arlington Cemetery remains its primary mission. The unit participates in about six to eight funerals per day. Thurston feels right at home since coming aboard and is looking forward to sampling the culture Washington offers its guests. When not working, he plans on visiting the National Gallery of Art. A religious scholar, Thurston has an adoration for paintings with a religious tone. When he does retire, future plans include moving farther south and possibly starting his own restaurant business. That would allow him to again lead, even if in a different arena. “Anything I can offer my fellow Airmen by way of experience, I’m all for it,” Thurston said. “The military has allowed me to see the world. I tell people all the time. Learn as much as you can and enjoy the ride.”

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Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013


Airman earns Air Force award as one of its top medics BY BERNARD S. LITTLE WRNMMC JOURNAL STAFF WRITER

BETHESDA, Md. - An Airman in cardiopulmonary laboratory at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) was recently named one of the Air Force’s top medics. Senior Airman Maiky J. Rodriguez-Recio earned the Cardiopulmonary Laboratory Airman of the Year honor in the Air Force Medical Service Annual Award competition. Officials from the Air Force Surgeon General’s Medical Force Development Directorate made the announcement in February with other honorees from the Air Force Medical Service Awards Program (AFMSAP). The program “recognizes individuals and teams whose outstanding actions improve the delivery of health care and contribute to expeditionary medical operations for [military personnel and other beneficiaries] worldwide, [as well as] acknowledges sustained superior job performance, innovative operations, and exceptional teamwork,” according to Air Force Instruction 36-2856, which governs the program. Rodriguez-Recio, who trained as a cardiopulmonary technician, is assigned to the 79th Medical Wing, a tenant of Joint Base Andrews, Md and currently works in the cardiopulmonary lab at WRNMMC. According to Melanie Moore, 79th MDW public affairs officer, the 79th MDW, “is fully engaged with Joint Task Force National Capital Region Medical in plan-

ning and delivery of integrated world-class health care.” Rodriguez-Recio is part of that integrated delivery of health care team. “I am trained to work as a cardiology technician and conduct cardiac stress tests and cardiac sonograms among other things, but I am also trained as a pulmonary technician and able to perform pulmonary function tests,” the senior airman explained. He added he’s also trained to administer the bronchial challenge test, the methacholine challenge, and to assist in the diagnosis of asthma. “My deployable skill is [as] a respiratory therapist,” RodriguezRecio added, explaining this encompasses managing the airways and respiratory systems of patients, as well as providing care for patients who need mechanical ventilation. “It’s a very demanding and complex job, but it’s truly amazing as you become proficient in all of its areas,” he said. Rodriguez-Recio attended high school in his native Dominican Republic, and completed his associate’s degree in New York before deciding it was time for him “to chase a dream,” so he joined the Air Force two-and-a-half years ago. “Being in the military was something I wanted to do since high school,” he explained. “I like the organization of military life and the sense of self-empowerment that being a part of the force offers. I also wanted a way to advance my professional life, and that is why I joined the U.S. Air Force - they are


really encouraging regarding your professional education.” In the Air Force, the senior airman explained his job has not only allowed him to increase his knowledge, but has also been enjoyable and rewarding. “I really enjoy diagnostic cardiology because it presents me with a puzzle,” he said. “To me, the heart is really intriguing and I get excited about doing cardiac stress tests and cardiac sonograms because I am looking for the reason or cause of the patient’s discomfort. I also enjoy doing respiratory therapy because I get to do inpatient care and see patients do a full recovery and be nursed back to health.” He added it is challenging working with wounded warriors, many of whom are younger than him. “It is hard not to think that as



and Richard Allington, “Studies suggest that children who read as few as six books over the summer maintain the level of reading skills they achieved during the preceding school year. Reading more books leads to even greater success. When children are provided with 10 to 20 self-selected children’s books at the end of the regular school year, as many as 50 percent not only maintain their skills, but actually make

reading gains.” So stop by the library, and start your own summer reading journey with “Have Book-Will Travel!” Registration continues through June 21. To learn more about the summer adventure at the library, please call Tamara Turner at 202-767-5578, or go directly to the library front desk to sign up.

daily basis. Many of them are just as deserving of this award. I guess I earned it because I try to make myself a better Airman. Many of the things I do are meant to better the way I do my job, and to move forward in my professional life.” He also credits his supervisors, including Master Sgt. Bonnie McKinley and Tech. Sgt. Tracy Brown, with helping him earn the award. “Without [their] help, I would not be receiving this award. They’ve been a constant source of guidance and support since I’ve been assigned to Joint Base Andrews.” McKinley has high praise for Rodriguez-Recio as well. “From the minute this Airman joined our section, I knew he would set the bar higher for an already motivated and outstanding duty section. He did not disappoint. He took every opportunity to learn his craft, [and] seek out and absorb every ounce of information from the medical professionals around him.” The master sergeant said Rodriguez-Recio has thrived in a number of settings, “from working side-by-side with the cardiology team at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, to working side-by-side with the phenomenal critical care team at WRNMMC. He has represented the Air Force with skill and professionalism beyond his grade. He continues to challenge those around him to be better than the best, and our patients deserve the best.”

Army keeps Sgt. Audie Murphy’s heroic example alive BY STAFF SGT. MARCUS A. DANDRIDGE


WASHINGTON - The Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Library is launching its “Have BookWill Travel!” Summer Reading Program on Monday, June 24. Children are encouraged to read books with themes about travel, and can pick their own titles to read. The library will host a range of free activities for children, teens, and adults that encourage and support a love of reading. Children will be given t-shirts, and participants also can win prizes for reaching their reading goals. Additionally, at the end of the seven week program, the library will be hosting a BBQ for all participants. This is a DOD-wide reading program, which will be sponsored at base libraries across the country, and world. So if you are due to transfer this summer, you children can still participate and then pick up where they left off at your new duty station. According to education professors Anne McGill-Franzen

a member of the Air Force, at any moment the person in the intensive care unit bed could be me. I remind myself that the best I can do is provide them with the best possible care because that’s what I would want from my team if it was me in the bed. I have to do [the job] the best I can because they deserve that.” Another source of inspiration for the Airman is his sister, he said. “As a teenager, she put her life on hold to take care of me. I tell myself that if she could be so selfless and put her life on hold for me, nothing I can do [for her] would be too much. I push forward to have a better future, so I can give back just a fraction of how much of what she has given to me.” Describing himself as “driven,” the senior airman explained on any given day he could be at Walter Reed Bethesda doing respiratory therapy from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., or at Andrews’ Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic performing stress tests or cardiac sonograms. “Outside of work, my life revolves around school,” he added. “I go to school at the University of Baltimore where I am in my junior year, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I have to drive 40 miles to and from school, so that takes a lot of my time. With the little extra time that I have left, I work out.” The cardiopulmonary technician said being named one of the Air Force’s top medics is an honor. “I know how great other airmen in this career field are, I work with them and learn from them on a

Audie Murphy remains a legend. In addition to being a Hollywood actor, songwriter and poet, he was also a coveted war hero, but not just any hero, Audie Murphy was the most decorated Soldier in World War II, earning every decoration for valor given by the United States, including the Medal of Honor. The Sergeant Audie Murphy Club is an organization for noncommissioned officers who display the same characteristics as this highly decorated war hero. This private yet elite organization serves those NCOs whose leadership achievement and performance sets them apart, based on their hard work and dedication to their communities as well as their units. Originally founded in Fort Hood, Texas, in 1986, the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club rapidly grew into an Army-wide organization. Within a few short years, the organization had grown from being accepted throughout U.S. Army Forces Command in 1993, to Army-wide commands to include the Reserves and

National Guard only a year later. The Military District of Washington Sergeant Audie Murphy Club values the opportunity to provide support to the community through selfless service within the D.C., Maryland, Virginia and surrounding areas. Members participate in programs which promote positive morals and strong values, which improves both the Soldier and the community. The club works to recognize personal courage and develop teamwork through mentoring and involvement in numerous athletic and charity events throughout the Washington, D.C. area. Over the coming weeks and months, it is the group’s intent to highlight the outstanding contributions of the men and women of this organization, which only 2 percent of the Army is a part of, and normally goes unrecognized. For more information on the Sgt. Audie Murphy Club, contact Staff Sgt. Marcus A. Dandridge, Military District of Washington Sergeant Audie Murphy Club public affairs office at 703-325-1309 or email marcus.a.dandridge.mil@mail. mil. You can also find information on MDW’s chapter on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MDWSAMC.


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Airmen must understand business of cyber, general says BY CHERYL PELLERIN AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - As U.S. Cyber Command gains strength and steadily extends its range across the newest warfare domain, it has called on all the services over the next five years to contribute trained-up teams of cyber operators to ensure U.S. military freedom of action, defensively and offensively, in cyberspace. For the Air Force, this means adding more than 1,000 cyber professionals between fiscal years 2014 and 2016, the commander of Air Force Space Command, Gen. William L. Shelton, said during a news conference here in January. This is a 15 percent increase over the 6,000 or so cyber experts now working at 24th Air Force, the service’s operational cyber organization. Air Force Maj. Gen. Suzanne M. Vautrinot is in charge of the Air Force cyber enterprise. She commands the 24th Air Force and Air Forces Cyber, called AFCYBER, at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in Texas. “I wear two hats,” the general told American Forces Press Service during a recent interview. “One is organizing, training and equipping the 24th Air Force under Air Force Space Command, making sure that we provide cyber resources for the Air Force and for U.S. Cyber Command.” Her 24th Air Force units are the 67th Network Warfare Wing and the 688th Information Operations Wing at Joint Base San AntonioLackland and the 689th Combat Communications Wing at Robins Air Force Base, Ga. It’s also a virtual command, Vautrinot said, with locations and people at about 40 different places around the globe and “groups and squadrons all over the place.” “On the other side is Air Forces Cyber, the component to U.S. Cyber Command,” the general

An April 30 ceremony in San Antonio 46,000-square-foot headquarters and and Air Forces Cyber. explained. “We need to provide those trained and ready and capable folks to conduct the missions that Cyber Command delegates to us or involves us in.” One indication of the growth of Air Force cyber was the official opening April 30 of a new 46,000-sqare-foot headquarters and operations center. The new space allows for the expansion of AFCYBER strategy, plans and operations capabilities and integration of counterparts from law enforcement, the Defense Information Systems Agency and industry. Another sure sign of growth in Air Force cyber is the amplified pace of hiring and training, both of which the service is handling precisely. “The first part of hiring Air Force professionals is about finding the very best in the nation who want to serve,” Vautrinot said. Cyber candidates — active duty, National Guard, Reserve and civilians — must pass a battery of tests, the general said, focused on certain degree programs for certain career fields. “What you want is talented people, and in part that talent has to do with science, technology, engineering and math skills — not necessarily degrees, but a proclivity to oper-

education starts as part of basic military training and continues over an Air Force career through annual training, professional development education and targeted courses, she said. When the 24th Air Force stood up in 2010, Vautrinot said, “we had to create processes, procedures and training … so they were stabilized and scalable, so you could create a larger force to do all these different mission areas.” With help from industry and other partners, the Air Force created a “cradle-to-grave” training and education continuum that has U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO basic, intermediate and advanced marks the official opening a new positional and mission training, operations center for 24th Air Force the general explained. “Cyber is not unique to the military; it’s a partnership,” Vauate in that kind of manner, to enjoy trinot said, “so in order to build that kind of mindset,” she said. the right stuff for the skilled workThe next step involves a vision force, there’s a lot of external partarticulated early this year by Air nering.” Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Vautrinot quoted a congressWelsh, of the organization as the man as citing James Gosler, the greatest air force in the world, first director of the CIA’s clan‘powered by airmen, fueled by in- destine information technology novation,’ Vautrinot added. office, who in October 2008 said, “If you’re going to fuel the in- “The U.S. has no more than 1,000 novation of cyber and have that be people with the advanced security the power of airmen, that means skills to compete in cyberspace every airman has to understand at world-class levels -– we need the business of cyber,” the general 20,000 to 30,000.” said, noting that Air Force cyber “We took that to heart and partprofessionals can be found in any nered with industry to leverage number of specialties. best practices,” she said, “both “It’s our cyber operators, our because it’s a shared problem and intelligence professionals, our en- industry is leading the way, and gineers, space professionals, law there’s no reason to duplicate.” enforcement” and many others, The nation doesn’t need “silver she added. bullets,” the general said. It needs The 24th Air Force has also capability and capacity, she added, formalized and stepped-up cyber defining capability as “the number training for the Total Force — a and kinds of things you can do” term the Air Force uses in referring and capacity as “how many people to its officers, enlisted personnel you can do those things for simuland civilian employees, as well as taneously.” Air National Guard and Air Force “What we’re all trying to do as Reserve members. a nation is make sure that we can Vautrinot said the Air Force has all scale,” she added. “So we take developed a pipeline for training the capacity that’s in industry, the airmen at the Air Force and Joint capacity that’s in government, the levels, led by the 688th Infor- capacity that’s in the academic mation Operations Wing. Cyber world, the capacity that’s in our

international partners and we partner, because this is a shared problem.” The 24th Air Force uses cooperative research and development agreements to collaborate with big and small companies and organizations in industry, academia, other government organizations and research institutions. “What we do,” Vautrinot explained, “is … share information and understanding about the threat and the environment, or information on what kinds of technologies and innovations are in the realm of the possible or just now emerging so we can put those together.” The general also works closely with international partners, she said. “There are all kinds of concerted efforts at the level of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and within Cyber Command and in each individual combatant command to expand international partnerships,” Vautrinot added. “We have a United Kingdom embed on our staff, and we’ll have an Australian coming soon,” she added. “When I work with my counterparts in other countries, the 5th Air Force is in Japan and they work with the Japanese in different mission areas, so they reach out to me to help with respect to understanding cyber implications for those particular missions.” The 24th Air Force also is a collaborative element in the wholeof-government approach, Vautrinot added, so she works through the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations, through law enforcement by way of the FBI and local law enforcement agencies, and with the departments of Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce. “We are partners with them, because we’re all defending the same nation in different ways,” the general said, “and we are all dependent on cyber and networks, so we share and collaborate.”

Navy looks to relieve administrative burdens from fleet BY TERRINA WEATHERSPOON DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY-NAVY

FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. (NNS) — The Chief of Naval Operations has developed a working group focused on reducing the administrative overhead on commands, allowing Sailors to spend more time and energy on “Warfighting First.” “Our goal is to give back to our warfighters, and includes everyone from the CO to the deckplate leaders, more time to focus on the things they need to do,” said Rear Adm. Herman Shelanski, deputy to the director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion for this initiative, and director for the working group. “These Sailors need to be mission ready, they need to understand their weapons systems, they need to know how to get their ship underway safely, and they need time to do that.”

Instead, feedback from the fleet indicates that Sailors are spending far too much time on administrative tasks, such as duplicative training or competing requirements. CNO is hoping that a review of these requirements with an eye toward restoring balance will allow our force to be more efficient and effective. “We plan to accomplish this task in phases,” said Shelanski. In phase one we plan to really gather information, and look at the broad brush picture of everything out there that can affect us. In phase two we plan to narrow the scope and take a hard look at what we can take care of very quickly. Phase three is about putting that information into action then repeat. This will be a flywheel where we constantly repeat the cycle to continue to find balance.” Within the week the team plans to have a Website up, which will

allow Sailors to begin submitting feedback immediately. The hope is that some commands have already identified ways to reduce some of these administrative burdens and will now have access to a broader audience in which to share that information. A survey will also be going out to solicit even more information from commands to find out what they are spending the most time on and get it fixed. “We want amazing, innovative creative young Sailors of any rank to write in to us,” said Shelanski. “Here is an administrative process that I’m spending all my time on and if I had an IPAD and an App, I could save three hours a day.” With that input they plan to move ahead quickly to get some affect back to the fleet and buy

See FLEET, Page 8


Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Kenneth Acosta presents refueling station two on the portside sponson to Senior Inspector Cmdr. David Tarwater of the Inspection and Survey for examination aboard U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19).

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013


Summer allergies and pests: Experience the season, not the symptoms BY PATRICK GORDON NDW WATERLINE WRITER

WASHINGTON - Spring and summer are a time when more people are enjoying the great outdoors in Naval District Washington (NDW). But this time can be marred by allergies and illnesses common to the region this time of year. According to the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), allergies to various things can affect people at different times of the year, but during the spring and summer many can suffer from pollen allergy, commonly known as “hay fever.” People who are allergic to certain pollens can experience symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, congestion, and fatigue. “Plant, grass and tree pollen are the major causes of seasonal allergy in the region,” said Lt. Lonthol Srun, command infection control officer at the Washington Navy Yard Branch Medical Clinic. “We advise members to stay indoors between five and ten in the morning. It is recommended that outside activities should be arranged for late afternoon or after a heavy rain, especially when the pollen levels are lower. It is also important to avoid exposure to pollen by keeping home and car windows closed and to keep cool with air conditioners.” Srun explained that most people will endure a seasonal allergy for a few weeks once or twice a year with relatively mild symptoms, but some people may end up with more serious complications such as sinusitis and asthma. “Sinusitis is the inflammation or infection of the four pairs of cavities behind the nose,” Srun said.


Lt. Brian Heintschel, assigned to the entomology division of Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine (NEPMU) 6 at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, studies a sample of insects collected from ships and shore facilities. Medical entomology is the study of insects, spiders, ticks and mites, collectively referred to as arthropods, and the diseases they transmit. Naval District Washington wants personnel to be prepared to prevent insect-borne diseases and allergies this spring and summer. “Sufferers may experience pain over the eyes, around the nose, or in the cheeks just above the teeth if the cavities are congested. Asthma is a lung disease that constricts or blocks the airways, which may lead to wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and other breathing difficulties.” Because pollen is so prevalent, medication might be necessary to alleviate some of the symptoms caused by an allergy. The NIAID suggests certain medications - either over-the-counter or prescription - to treat allergies such as antihistamines, topical nasal steroids, cromolyn sodium, or decongestants. Srun added that allergy sufferers should become accustomed

to what their allergic triggers are to better keep away from them. “If something irritates you, avoid it,” Srun said. “That’s the motto that allergy sufferers must adopt. By tuning into your allergy triggers, you can rein in your reactions.” Certain diseases also become more common during the spring and summer, among them West Nile Virus (WNV) infection and Lyme disease. Lyme disease is common in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast areas of the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmit-

Boat sinks in marina BY PAUL BELLO

Confidentiality with Chaplains: Sailors hold the Key BY CHRISTIANNE M. WITTEN




WASHINGTON – Heavy rains last Friday had severe repercussions for one boat owner on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB), as a 35foot boat sank while docked in a slip at the Capital Cove Marina. JBAB-based firefighters with Naval District Washington Fire and Emergency Services responded to the scene approximately 9:30 a.m. and were met by a member of JBAB’s Public Works Department, as well as personnel from the base Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division, to help mitigate the effects to the environment. Peter Samuelson, marina manager, said the owner of the boat was notified right away of the incident and that

ted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. The CDC describes typical symptoms to include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic “bull’seye” rash. If Lyme disease is suspected, a family physician should be contacted to start treatment before the disease becomes more serious. “If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, and the possibility of exposure to infected ticks; laboratory testing is helpful if used correctly and performed with validated methods,” said the CDC website. “Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated


he was travelling to the base from the Richmond area. Capt. Steven Ellis, of Fire Engine Co. 41, said the boat may have had a leak. Due to the presence of oil, Lt. Celina Ladyga, commanding officer of U.S. Coast

Guard Station Washington on JBAB, said the Coast Guard deployed its pollution control team from Baltimore to assist in cleaning up the site. The boat has since been removed by the owner and was taken to a local salvage yard.

successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics.” WNV is one of a family of viruses that can be transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes can become infected with WNV by feeding on birds that have the virus in their bloodstream. Once a mosquito is infected with the virus, it can transmit the virus to humans, birds, horses or other mammals through a bite, though it is not spread from person to person. “Ideally healthy humans will usually not develop any symptoms,” said Edward Lewis, safety and occupational health specialist with Naval Support Activity Washington. “However, when symptoms of infection do occur, people feel like they have the flu - lowgrade fever, headache, and occasionally swollen lymph glands. If you think you have been infected with the West Nile Virus, contact your family physician. More at risk are the elderly and children, and prevention is the key.” Prevention of both Lyme disease and WNV includes avoiding areas where the disease is known to exist, utilizing insect repellant, and covering exposed skin while outside. After going through wooded areas, perform a thorough body check for ticks, carefully removing any at the head with a pair of tweezers. To reduce the presence of mosquitoes, homeowners should limit the amount of standing water around their houses, particularly in gutters, planters and children’s pools. For more information on season allergies, Lyme disease and WNV, visit the CDC website at http://www.cdc.gov/. For more news on events in NDW, visit www.facebook.com/ NavDistWash.

WASHINGTON (NNS) — In a recent poll on Navy Personnel Command’s website, 63 percent of 5,049 respondents did not believe that what they say to a chaplain is confidential, and 65 percent of 2,895 respondents believe that Navy chaplains are required to report certain matters to the command. In light of these results and other anecdotal evidence, Chief of Chaplains Rear Adm. Mark L. Tidd saw an opportunity to roll out an official campaign to help educate service members, leadership and families across the Navy and Marine Corps on SECNAV Instruction 1730.9: Confidential Communications to Chaplains. This policy was established on Feb. 7, 2008 to protect the sacred trust between an individual and a chaplain. Per Navy policy, service members and families have the right and privilege to confidential communication

with a Navy chaplain; Chaplains have the obligation and responsibility to protect and guard the confidential communications disclosed to them; and commanders honor and support the unique, confidential relationship between an individual and a chaplain. Chaplains cannot be compelled by the command, medical professionals or others to disclose what a service member or family member shares in confidence. “What you say to us stays between us, unless you decide differentlyYou hold the key,” said Tidd. “That being said, chaplains will always assist in guiding an individual to the appropriate resources and will not leave an individual alone when the individual or others are at risk,” Tidd added. Chaplains serve as advocates to help individuals get the support needed to overcome the challenges they face before matters escalate.

See CHAPLAIN, Page 8


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013

Joint Base Journal

MWR Hours of Operations and Phone Numbers Administrative Office

Bolling - Bldg. 12 - 202.767.7707 Monday-Friday.............. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Arts & Crafts Center

Capital Cove Marina

Bolling - Bldg. 90 ................ 202.767.9135 Monday-Sunday.................9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Furnari Restaurant

Anacostia - Bldg. 418.202.433.2574/2391 Breakfast Monday-Friday...................... 6-9:30 a.m. Lunch Monday-Friday....... 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Dinner Sunday-Saturday........................ 4-6 p.m. Brunch Saturday & Sunday ........... 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Bolling - Bldg. 4472 ............ 202.767.4422

Engraving Shop

Monday-Friday...................9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Frame Shop/Wood Shop

Monday ........................................ Closed Tuesday-Friday ........................ 12-7 p.m. Saturday..............................9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday .......................................... Closed

Auto Hobby Shop

Bolling - Bldg. P8 ................ 202.767.4571 Monday ................ (Appointments Only) Tuesday-Friday ................ 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday..............................9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday & Holidays ....................... Closed * Clean-up starts 45 minutes before closing

Gateway Inns & Suites

Bolling - Bldg. 3621 ............ 202.610.8000 Monday-Sunday............................24HRS


Family Housing Office Anacostia - Bldg. 414.......... 202.433.0346 Monday-Friday...................7 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Bolling - Bldg 21 ................. 202.404.6828 Monday-Friday...................7 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Bolling Military Housing Bldg. 8660 ........................... 202.562.2631 Monday-Friday......... 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Lincoln Military Housing 202.629.2647 Monday-Friday........ 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Saturday..............................9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday .......................................... Closed

Bolling Club

Bldg. 50 ............................... 202.563.8400 Lunch Buffet Tuesday-Friday ........... 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

WASP Lounge

Wednesday ............................... 4-11 p.m. Thursday....................................... Closed Friday................................ 4 p.m.-12 a.m. Saturday-Sunday......................... .Closed

Champagne Sunday Brunch

Sunday ......................... 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Cashier’s Cage

Unaccompanied Housing

Blanchard Barracks Office Bolling - Bldg. 1302 ..202.767.4456/8636 Monday-Friday...................8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Enterprise Hall Anacostia - Bldg. 72............ 202.433.0960 Monday-Friday...................8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Furnari Hall Anacostia - Bldg. 417.......... 202.433.2667

Tuesday-Friday ........... 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Office Hours Monday-Friday...................9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Catering Office

Monday-Friday...................9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed



“This unique relationship between an individual and a chaplain can serve as a valuable safety valve to the commander to facilitate increased morale and mission readiness,” said Tidd. Given the continuing stigma service members associate with seeking help, chaplains offer Sailors, Marines and their families a safe place to talk, without fear or judgment. “Confidentiality can be particularly important when a Sailor or Marine may feel they have nowhere to turn during a personal crisis, or if they’re concerned about command involvement or an impact on their career,” said Tidd. In addition to a Message to the Fleet on confidentiality, the Chaplain Corps has established a resource page devoted to confidentiality on its website: www.chaplain.navy.mil. This page includes frequently asked questions, a fact sheet, a flyer, as well as a link to the policy. “The Chaplain Corps is committed to caring for all with dignity, respect and compassion, regardless of an individual’s beliefs, if any. One of the ways we do this is through confidentiality,” Tidd said. Contact your command chaplain today! Don’t know who your chaplain is? Contact Navy 311 for support in your area: 1-855-NAVY-311 or text to: Navy311@navy.mil.

them some time. And although they want fast action from the fleet on this, they don’t want this process to become another time drain on our Sailors. “We just need to know what is hurting everyone’s head,” said Shelanski. “Training is a big one, and we think there is a way to make that more efficient. Take something as common as a zone inspection. Walking around with an officer, followed by a petty officer, we’ve got a process in place that is sucking up time and this guy is writing things down, then he’s got to go to a computer and fat finger the notes into a data base so there’s got to be someone who has an idea on how to make that a little more efficient. The hope is that in a couple of weeks, once the team has a full excel spreadsheet of inputs; they can narrow the focus to some of the things that they can handle. Maybe the training piece cause I think that is one that tends to affect a lot of the commands throughout the fleet. “We think there is going to be a flood of information,” said Shelanski. “So putting together that information in a proper manner so we can systematically go through it will be a challenge. But an even bigger challenge is the cultural change that we hope to effect in the future.” The team will also look at Websites that hold repetitive information and try to find an IT solution to the problem. “If our sailors are burdened by systems like that then certainly it’s one of the things we want to address,” said Shelanski. “It’s our obligation to Sailors to give them the time that they need to do the right things.”


continued from 7


Monday-Sunday........................ 24 hours Honor Guard Dorm Office Bolling - Bldg. 47 ................ 202.767.4418 Monday-Tuesday .......... 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Human Resources Office

Bolling - Bldg. P12 .............. 202.767.5206 Monday-Friday.............. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Information Technology

Bolling - Bldg. P12 - 202.767.1568 Monday-Friday ..................8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT)

Arts & Crafts Center - Bldg. 4472 ............. 202.404.6576 Monday...............................9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday ..................9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Liberty Center

Anacostia - Bldg. 72............ 202.685.1802 Monday-Friday......................... 3-10 p.m. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays


Bldg. 443 ............................. 202.767.5578 Monday............................. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Wednesday........ 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday........................... 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday................................ 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday...................................... 1-5 p.m. Sunday & Holidays ....................... Closed

Marketing Department

Bldg. P12 ............................. 202.767.1371 Monday-Friday......... 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Military Family Support Centers

Anacostia - Bldg. 72............ 202.433.6151 Monday-Friday.............. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed Bolling - Bldg. 13 ............... 202.767.0450 Monday-Friday.............. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.......................... Closed

Outdoor Recreation Center

Bolling - Bldg. 928 ....202.767.9136/4227 Monday-Sunday.................9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Potomac Lanes Bowling Center

Bolling - Bldg. 1310 ...202.563.1701/1702 Bowling Lanes Monday-Thursday.......... 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday.............................. 10 a.m.-12 a.m. Saturday.......................... 12 p.m.-12 a.m. Sunday ...................................... 12-9 p.m. Potomac Lanes Eatz Lunch and Dinner: Monday-Thursday...10:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m. Friday.................... 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Saturday............................. 12-11:30 p.m. Sunday ................................. 12-8:30 p.m.

Slip Inn Bar & Grill

Bolling - Bldg. 2482 ............ 202.767.5840 Monday-Friday ................. 11 a.m.-Close *Kitchen closes at 8 p.m.

Sports & Fitness

Aerobic Center Bldg. 38 ............................... 202.767.8821 Monday-Friday...................5 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays ...... Closed Base Pool (May 25 thru Labor Day) Bldg. 51 ............................... 202.404.1143 Monday......................................... Closed Lap Swim Tuesday-Friday .......................... 6-8 a.m. & 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday & Sunday ................. 10-11 a.m. Open Swim Tuesday-Friday ................... 12-7:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday ...... 11 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Fitness Center I Bldg. P15 ............................. 202.767.5895 Monday-Friday...................5 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday-Sunday........... 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fitness Center II Anacostia - Bldg. 419.......... 202.433.2962 Monday - Friday .................5 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays ...... Closed

continued from 6

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Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Summer Reading Registration 2013

May 20-June 21 Hop aboard the JBAB Library this summer! We are excited to offer a journey through books with this year’s Summer Reading Program. “Have Book- Will Travel!”. During the seven week Summer Reading course, the Library will host a range of fun activities that encourage and support a love of reading. Participants will also win prizes for reaching goals. Registration will run from May 20 to June 21. The program will launch June 24 (Monday) from 10-11 a.m. for ages 5-7 and June 26 (Wednesdays) from 10-11:30 a.m. for ages 8-10 & ages 11-13 from 1-2:30 p.m. The free program provided by your JBAB Library and MWR. Please call 202-767-578 for more information.

Story Time

Tuesdays and Thursdays | 10-11 a.m. | Library Theme’s for June include: June 18: Zoo Day! June 20: Summer is Here! June 25: Who is Eric Carle? June 27: Sidewalk Chalk! Please call 202-767-5578 for more information.

Liberty Paintball Trip

June 15 | 8 a.m. | Hogback Mountain Paintball Pull out your camouflage suit, grab a gun and get ready for some paintball action! Join Liberty as we head out to Hogback Mountain for some action where you will have to duck, roll and run for your life as you fire back at the opposing team. Need equipment? $45 for admission, paintball gun, mask, harness, air and paintballs. Have your own? $15 for admission and paintballs. Please call 202685-1802 for more information.

Daddy-Daughter Dance

June 15 | 1-3 p.m. | Bolling Club In celebration of Father’s Day, join us for the 6th Annual Daddy-Daughter Dance! You see your little princess growing up so fast, join us for this event as it is meant to last. Activities include, dancing, crafts, contests and fun! Attire is semi-formal. Please call 202-563-8400 to make reservations and 202767-4003 for more information.

JBAB Keystone

June 15 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Youth Center | 9-18 years old

MWR Calendar

We are looking for Keystone Club members, ages 14-18 years old! The Keystone club is an organization that helps develop future members with leadership and character development. The Keystone Club will meet Saturday nights at the JBAB Youth Center. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Military ID Discount

June 16, 23 & 30 | Potomac Lanes Bowling Center Present your military ID and bowl our all night Cosmic for only $12 per person. Available only to active military personnel, their spouses and children. Please call 202-563-1701 for more information.

Stability Ball Push-Up

June 19 | Fitness Center I This challenge will test the strength and stability of your upper body. Each participant will have 60 seconds to complete as many push-ups as possible. The chest must touch the ball on each repetition. Please call 202-767-5895 for more information.

Third Friday

June 17 | 7 p.m.-12 a.m. | Bolling Club Join us on the every third Friday of each month featuring DJ Shawn Diggs. Club members will be given access to FREE hor d’ouevres from 5 to 7 p.m., non members can enjoy these items for only $10. In addition, the Club’s famous fried chicken and Chef’s specials will be available for purchase in the WASP lounge from 7 to 10 p.m. Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Video Game Tournament

June 19 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center Who is the top gamer here at JBAB? Come challenge each other to prove that you’re the ultimate gamer. Please call 202-6851802 for more information.

Youth Sponsorship and Monthly Birthday Celebration

June 21 | 6-7 p.m. | Youth Center | 9-18 years old Join the JBAB Youth Center Staff for our Monthly Birthday Celebration. If your birthday is in June, this one’s for you! Current Youth Center membership is needed for this event. We invite youth new to the JBAB community to come and find out what the JBAB Youth Center has to offer


Miscellaneous items related to your health, your career, your life and your community

Navy Marine-Corps Thrift Shop hours The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop has relocated to Enterprise Hall (building 72). The store hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. and the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 202-433-3364.

JBAB Cyclists on Facebook Basically a forum for all JBAB riders to

you. Come and meet fellow members and hear what they have to say about our programming, trips and activities. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Virginia Beach Trip

June 22 | 7 a.m.-6 p.m. | Virginia Beach Let’s go to the beach! $25 per person for transportation to the Virginia Beach ocean front. Take in the boardwalk, the shops and the ocean at your own pace. Minimum of 10 and maximum of 24 participants. Please call 202-767-9136 for more information.

Caribbean Festival

June 27 | 3 p.m. | Liberty Center Celebrate Liberty’s 4th Annual Caribbean Festival! Have fun while learning different games and dances from all the different countries in the Caribbean. Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Preteen Trip- Outside Roller Skating at Anacostia Park

June 22 | 2-6 p.m. | Anacostia Park | 9-12 years old | Sign up by June 19 Join the JBAB Youth Center Staff for an afternoon of roller skating! After roller skating, we will go to the National Harbor for a fast food dinner. There is a limited amount of seats for this field trip. Current memberships and permission slips are needed. Each member will have to bring money for their dinner and a military ID card to be eligible for free skating. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

End of School Year Celebration- Make your own Snow Cones

June 28 | 7-8:30 p.m. | Youth Center | 9-18 years old Celebrate the end of the school year by making your own snow cone! Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Teen Trip- Outside Roller Skating at Anacostia Park

June 29 | 2-6 p.m. | Anacostia Park | 13-18 years old | Sign up by June 26 Join the JBAB Youth Center Staff for an afternoon of roller skating! After roller skating, we will go to the National Harbor for a fast food dinner. There is a limited amount of seats for this field trip. Current memberships and permission slips are needed. Each member will have to bring


money for their dinner and a military ID card to be eligible for free skating. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Liberty’s 5th Anniversary Pool Party Celebration

June 30 | Noon | JBAB Pool LIBERTY IS HALF A DECADE OLD! It’s been five years since we’ve opened doors and what better way to celebrate it than with a party! Spend the day at the JBAB Pool with plenty of food, prizes and summer fun! Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Download the FREE “ABSalute” App available for Android and iPhone

The Warfighter & Family Readiness Marketing Department has recently developed and produced a free smartphone application, bringing its resources to customers and employees on a mobile platform at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). “ABSalute” is a fast and easy-to-use application designed to allow quick access to events and programs while on the go. Download the app at the Google Play or Apple App Stores and receive the latest information about Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), as well as Warfighter and Family Readiness programs. The app features: • Facility finder including hours of operation, direct phone listings, directions and GPS capabilities • Upcoming special events and programs that can be added directly to your personal smartphone calendar • Outdoor Recreation and Capital Cove Marina equipment and boat rentals • Full dining facility menus for the Bolling Club, Potomac Lanes EATZ, Slip Inn Bar and Grill and Furnari Restaurant • Quick links to the Navy-Air Force Half Marathon and Navy 5 Miler website, CNIC JBAB website, Naval District Washington (NDW) Facebook page and the current edition of the 411 magazine • Facility and Event Photos • Push notifications to alert users with the most current information Perfect for iPhone and Andriod devices. Feel free to email us any suggestions on how we can better enhance the MWR ABSalute app.

branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@me.com or visit our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/NWCA37.

Bolling Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the JBAB Chapel Center. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Jim Queen at 301452-6931.

Boys and Girls Club volunteer opportunity

NAVY 311

get together. We organize group rides over lunch and during commuting hours. Visit us online at www.facebook.com/groups/ jbabcyclists. For more information, email austin.pruneda@afncr.af.mil.

The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington needs volunteer coaches for their youth baseball league for 10-year-olds and 12-year-olds. For more information or to sign up, call 512-560-5548 from 7 a.m.5 p.m. or email Michael.martinez@afncr. af.mil.

Navy Wives Clubs of America

Toastmasters Club seeks members

The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Bolling Toastmasters Club is available for everyone on JBAB as a place to practice your leadership skills. Toastmasters clubs are where leaders are made, and leadership starts with good communication. The program is self-paced, and it works. The

“NAVY 311” is the place to go for all types of information to help support Navy military, civilian and retiree personnel and their families. NAVY 311 is the, single point of entry to the Navy’s many different help desks and support providers. Now, you need only remember one way to get immediate “reach-back” support for any issue, topic, or problem at any time. Certified and knowledgeable customer support professionals staff the NAVY 311 call center 24/7 to provide on-demand information assistance for non-emergency,

See JNOTES, Page 10


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continued from 9

non-tactical issues. NAVY 311 has already helped thousands of Sailors and Navy personnel since it was launched late last year. Access NAVY 311 at: Phone: 1-855-NAVY-311 or (DSN) 510NAVY-311 Email: NAVY311@navy.mil Web: www.NAVY311.navy.mil Text: Type NAVY311@navy.mil into the “To:” line of text message Chat: via NAVY 311 website For more information, check out the video news report at: http://youtu.be/ osYhLa209rg.

Air Force Thrift Shop The Air Force Officers’ Wives’ Club Thrift Shop is located at 13 Brookley Ave and is open Tuesdays, Wed-nesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Donations are accepted during business hours only.

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Profits from the AFOWC Thrift shop go towards college scholarships and other military charitable organizations. For more information about the AFOWC or its Thrift Shop call 202-563-6666 or email afowcthriftshop@verizon.net.

2012 Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Annual Water Quality Reports The water being served at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) met federal Safe Drinking Water Act requirements in 2012. The 2012 Annual Water Quality reports for JBAB will be distributed separately for the Bolling side and the Anacostia side of JBAB in print and electronically prior to 1 July 2013. These reports have been prepared in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region III and D.C. Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water). These routine reports are required by law, and are being provided to ensure you have all of the available information regarding the quality of your drinking water. These reports are not being issued in response to

Joint Base Journal

a health threat. Copies of the reports will be available upon request or can be found online at http://cnic.navy.mil/JBAB/OperationsAndManagement/EnvironmentalSupport/index.htm. If you have any questions please contact Sheryle Quinn, Public Works Department JBAB, Drinking Water Media Manager, at (202) 767-8622.

terested in joining should contact JBABgirlscouts@yahoo.com. The troop meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the community center on Chappie James Blvd at 6 p.m. Girl Scouts; building girls with confidence, character and courage for 100 years.

JBAB Hispanic Heritage Month Planning Committee Volunteers Wanted

The Firth-Sterling gate is closed on weekends. Once the gate’s automated features become available, the gate will be accessible by any CAC card holder 24/7 during normal FPCON “A” conditions.

The 11th Operations Group is heading up the JBAB Hispanic Heritage Month, which takes place Sept. 15 - Oct. 15. A team of volunteers is needed to help plan and organize several events to celebrate the month. The first planning meeting will be June 5 at 1215 in the USAF Band building, Hangar 2. Interested volunteers can call 202-404-6675.

JBAB Girl Scouts Calling all Girls! Girls registered in Kindergarten - 12th grade this fall and in-

Firth-Sterling Gate operations

Jogging path closed The jogging path by Giesboro Park is closed until further notice. An alternate route has been provided.

JBAB photo studio closure The JBAB Public Affairs photo studio is closed until further notice. For official studio photography support, contact 11th Wing Public Affairs at 240-612-4430.

Chapel Schedule CATHOLIC SERVICES Reconciliation

Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday 9:10 a.m. Chapel Center


Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Wednesday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Thursday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Friday 7 a.m. Chapel Center

Saturday 5 p.m. Chapel Center Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Center


Gospel 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center General Protestant 11 a.m. Chapel 2

Sunday School

Sept - May 9:30-10:30 a.m. Any questions about these services or other religious needs call 202-767-5900

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, June 14, 2013



Friday, June 14, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling



Joint Base Journal

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