March 15, 2013
New hours of operation in effect for MWR facilities
Budget cuts impact base support services
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Navy patent licensing fees break record Page 3
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced March 2 that the Navy will go ahead with reductions in spending in order to meet the fiscal constraints imposed by the Budget Control Act commonly known as Sequestration. In an All Navy message to the Fleet, Mabus outlined a variety of reductions in operations, training and maintenance. “The Budget Control Act [has] required setting in motion the automatic, government-wide cuts known as sequestration through the Department of the Navy,” Mabus wrote in his All Navy message. “Given [the] reality and the associated impact of budgetary uncertainty imposed by an indefinite Continuing Resolution, the Department of the Navy intends to commence some reductions immediately.” Mabus noted that reductions will be imposed Navy wide, affecting some Navy ship deployments, reducing humanitarian aid efforts, and imposing a gradual stand-down of flying time for at least three Fleet air wings.
U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos
Hours of operations at some MWR facilities at Indian Head and Dahlgren, to include the fitness centers (above) are being reduced effective next week as part of budget-cutting measures. For Navy’s shore installations managed through Commander Navy Installation Command, the budget draw-down equates to a 10-percent reduction in funding for base operating support services. All Navy installations in Naval District Washington (NDW) are affected, to include Naval
Support Activity South Potomac, which is responsible for providing a wide range of base support services for Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head. These services include police and fire protection, safety programs, air operations, and quality of life programs and facilities.
Maintenance, custodial services scaled back
NSASP’s utilities and building and property maintenance functions are provided through Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington, which serves as the Public Works Department at both bases. “The
services that are expected to change are in the areas of custodial, grounds maintenance, pest control and street sweeping,” said Capt. Ken Branch, NDW regional engineer and commanding officer of Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington. “Custodial will see reductions in restroom cleaning frequency, elimination of desk-side [trash] pickup and reduced floor care frequencies. Grounds maintenance will see larger changes in grass heights between cuttings, minimal irrigation to inhibit growth, but enough to prevent loss. Some areas may be allowed to return to a ‘natural’ state.” Branch added that high-sanitation areas will still receive preventative treatment, and control of nuisance pests will be in response to customer complaints. These actions, he explained, will be cost avoidance measures in the long run. “Approximately $1.2 million in costs will be avoided
See Budget, Page 9
Warfare Centers to merge
By Becky D’Ambrosio and Mark Viniard, NSWC IHD Public Affairs
On March 1, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) announced the merger of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD) and the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (EODTECHDIV) with the goal of improving operations and continuing support to the warfighter. The new command will be called NSWC Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTECHDIV) and will become official on October 1, 2013. Both organizations are part of NAVSEA’s command, and are neighbors geographically separated by only the Mattawoman Creek
and a twelve mile commute. The technical mission, functions, and Technical Capabilities (TC) of the departments will remain unchanged. Personnel in technical positions will continue their current work. “The Navy took this action because together the organizations offer greater capacity and capability to effectively meet warfighters’ needs as a single command. The merger strengthens and improves the division’s technical capabilities and creates new opportunities to leverage business practices,” said Captain Tom Smith. NSWC IHEODTECHDIV will continue to provide research, development, engineering, manufacturing, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic materials for
ordnance, propulsion systems, Naval guns systems, and other devices. It will also develop and deliver explosive ordnance disposal technology, knowledge, tools and equipment to the Department of Defense and foreign and interagency partners. “The unified organization offers more workforce development and career progression opportunities for some employees,” said Dennis McLaughlin, Technical Director. “Sharing best work and business practices improve operations and creates professional synergy.” To date, no decisions have been made on a final organizational structure and there are no plans to change employees’ current physical locations. No reductions in force or forced elimination of civilian positions are
planned as a result of this merger. Leadership is actively partnering with Union bargaining unit representatives to elicit their ideas on details of the merger. CAPT Thomas B. Smith, currently serving as the Commanding Officer (CO) of EODTECHDIV and acting CO of NSWC IHD, will be the first CO of the new NSWC IHEODTECHDIV. Mr. Dennis McLaughlin, a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES), currently serving
as the Technical Director, IHD, will become NSWC IHEODTECHDIV’s first Technical Director. As the transition to one command takes place, NSWC IHEODTECHDIV will employ over 1,700 government civilians and 51 military members, and will continue to be based at the two existing sites in Charles County, Md. Although the timing mirrored the current sequestration process, these two events are separate and unrelated.