December 20, 2013
NSASP recognizes service members, civilians By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer
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Naval Support Activity South Potomac recognized service members and employees for outstanding performance of duties in the final quarter of the year at an awards ceremony Dec. 13 at Naval Support Facility Indian Head. Before Cmdr. Elvis Mikel, executive officer of NSASP, announced the awards, he called Yeoman 2nd Class David Parker front and center to be frocked to the rank of petty officer 1st class. “Your appointment carries with it the obligation that you exercise increased authority and willingly accept greater responsibility,” said Mikel. Cpl. Robert Faust, a police officer assigned to NSASP, received a letter of appreciation from Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of NSASP, for his “outstanding professionalism” during an incident Oct. 5 at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren involving an intoxicated driver who posed a serious threat to the safety of base residents. “Throughout the incident, you acted in a calm, competent and confident manner without knowing the true intentions of the perpe-
U.S. Navy photos Andrew Revelos
From left to right, Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac, Capt. Brian Flanagan, Deputy Chief Stan Chizuk, Cpl. Bryan Mason, Lt. Dan Henderson, Lt. Paul Rose and Cpl. Cecil Richards. Not pictured are Cpl. Randy Brown and Capt. Stephen Mullen. trator,” according to the letter. Several other NSASP police officers were recognized for their volunteering to support regional Navy law enforcement’s response to the tragic shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16. Deputy Chief Stan Chizuk, Capt. Brian Flanagan, Capt. Stephen Mullen, Lt. Dan Henderson, Lt. Paul Rose, Cpl. Randy Brown, Cpl. Bryan Mason and Cpl. Cecil Richards “acted in the public interest by searching numerous buildings for additional gunmen, while also directing fleeing civilians to
safety,” according to the award citation. Mikel commended the professionalism and dedication demonstrated by the officers during the incident. “It was through your heroic action as a team and confidence in your training, that you and your team were able to pursue and end the threat to innocent lives that was presented by the shooter,” he said. “It was truly appreciated by the Navy Yard and the chief of police up there,” added Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of NSASP. “I thank you for
going up there and doing your duty.” Eloisa Ramelo, installation financial manager, was recognized for her completion of the Certified Defense Financial Manager course from the American Society of Military Comptrollers. “Over a period of three years, she regularly attended classes after work and on weekends,” said Mikel. “Her commitment and dedication to attain this certification is just one more way that she provides NSASP command and the ‘N’ codes with impeccable budget and
financial acumen.” Eddie Rhoden, networktechnical support specialist, was recognized for his recent attainment of Master of Science in Information Systems with a concentration in network management from Strayer University. Eight NSASP employees were recognized for their work supporting Sexual Assault Prevention Civilians (SAPR-C) Team efforts in 2013. Mikel praised Dave Fredrickson, security director, Frank Furtado, program director for Fleet and Family Support, Jerry Schenemann, battalion chief at the Naval Support Facility Dahlgren Fire Department, Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Johanna Abreu, Theresa Stubits, supervisory management analyst, Linda Wilkes, administrative support technician, Ed Patuga, installation training officer, and Felicia Hoyle, sexual assault prevention and response victim advocacy specialist. “To the team’s credit, NSASP was the first installation to complete the SAPR-C training requirement, having trained a population just under 500 employees within a four-week period,” said Mikel.
See NSASP, Page 3
NSWCDD Engineer Honored with Haislmaier Award By John Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications The 2013 Dr. Robert J. Haislmaier Memorial Award was presented to a Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) engineer for significant contributions to the Navy Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) program, the Navy announced Dec. 5. The award cited Michael Slocum - the NSWCDD Electromagnetic and Sensor Systems Department’s Assessment and Evaluation Branch Chief Engineer - for his efforts over the past 15 years, resulting in improved Fleet readiness and responsiveness through prevention, control and resolution of electromagnetic interference issues. “I am truly honored to
even be considered for such a prestigious award,” said Slocum after receiving the award from Troy Johnson, Technical Advisor for Navy Cyber and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Integration. “It is truly a humbling experience and a highlight of my career.” The award is named after a well-known and respected Navy civilian who worked his entire career on Navy E3 issues and served as the Chief of Naval Operations’ chief spokesman on E3 issues throughout the 1980s. The citation credited Slocum for anticipating new E3 technologies and developing resources to effectively integrate them for the benefit of the U.S. Navy. Slocum’s efforts ensured that Navy shipboard systems will safely and successfully accomplish their missions in the complex
Michael Slocum (middle), a Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) engineer , receives the 2013 Dr. Robert J. Haislmaier Memorial Award for significant contributions in the field of electromagnetics directly impacting the fleet. Also pictured, NSWCDD Technical Director (left) Dennis McLaughlin and NSWCDD Commander Michael Durant. electromagnetic environment of today’s fleet. “Mike is a visionary - he anticipated the need for new E3 technologies and developed the resources to effectively integrate them for the benefit of the U.S. Navy,” said Vice Adm. Ken-
dall Card, the Navy’s Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance in the citation. “He has been a tireless advocate for the U.S. Navy E3 Program and reached out to other supporting organizations to establish collaborative efforts
to maximize the benefit of available resources.” Currently, Slocum is leading an effort to use reverberation chamber techniques and technology to develop and execute risk mitigation tests and analyses to ensure that complex weapons and control systems are capable of operating as required in their electromagnetic environment. “He is recognized throughout both the DoD and international E3 communities as one of the most knowledgeable technical experts in the field of E3 and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) test and evaluation techniques,” said Card in the citation. “The U.S. Navy is better prepared to fight today because of Mike Slocum. His consistent and superior performance makes Mike a well deserving recipient of this distinguished award.”