Vol. 30, No. 12
June 14, 2013
Happy 238th Birthday U.S. Army! Col. Anthony Nesbitt Succeeds Col. Michael Talley as 6th MLMC Commander SHANNON BISHOP
Col. Michael J. Talley transferred authority of the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center to Col. Anthony R. Nesbitt at a change of command ceremony on Blue and Grey Field, Fort Detrick, Md., June 6. “A change of command is not only an opportunity to honor [command] leaders, but a chance to celebrate its people,” said Brig. Gen. (P) Joseph Caravalho Jr., U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick commander. During the ceremony, Talley passed the unit colors to Nesbitt, symbolizing the transfer of authority and emphasizing that the organization is more important than one individual. Even though a commander may change, the organization remains constant and continuity will remain. “The colors are the commander’s symbol of authority. Wherever the commander is, there are the colors,” proclaimed the narrator of the ceremony. During his career, Talley has led Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines in several previous operational and logistics assignments. His military education includes the Combined Logistics Officer Advanced Course, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, and the U.S. Army War College. “It’s these great soldiers that deserve the credit for any of my so-called achievements,” Talley commented. “I would like to thank [retired Major] General [James K.] Gilman, former MRMC commanding general, for his role in this leadership and for his 35 years of
The 6th Medical Logistics Management Center colors are passed to outgoing commander, Col. Michael J. Talley, during the June 6 change of command on Blue and Gray Field. Photos by USAG VI service to the Army and to our nation.” “Command Sergeant Major Kevin B. Stuart,” continued Talley, “I cannot think of anyone who lives and breathes the Army values more than you do. It has been a pleasure serving with you.” Incoming commander Nesbitt is a Medical Service Corps Officer with a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Army. He is a graduate of the Combat Casualty Care Course, the Combined Arms Service Staff School, the Command and General Staff Course, the Medical Materiel Management Internship, Training with Industry- Logistics Management Institute Internship, and is a graduate of the U.S. Army War College. “Mike Talley, thank you for setting this
Brig. Gen. (P) Joseph Caravalho Jr., U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick commander, passed the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center colors to Col. Anthony R. Nesbitt. Nesbitt assumed command during a change of command ceremony June 6 on Blue and Gray Field.
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unit up for great success under your great leadership,” Nesbitt said. “Thank you for this smooth transition. Although I am the first commander in six years not named Mike - that is right, my name is Tony, not Mike - I will try my best to follow in your footsteps and take care of these great soldiers and execute this awesome mission.” Nesbitt closed the ceremony by sharing a poem with the audience that has meant a lot to him for the past 21 years. “When you’re up against some trouble, meet it squarely, face to face, lift a chin, set your soldiers, plant your feet and take a brace. When it’s vain to try to dodge it, do the best that you can do; you may fail, you may conquer, see it through,” Nesbitt said.
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USAMRIID Trains East African Clinicians, p. 6
USAMRIID Soldiers Participate in Antietam Ride, p. 8