Volume 69, Number 3
Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland
January 19, 2012
Martin Luther King Jr. event reminds us to 'live the dream' By Emily A. Funderburk Communications Coordinator Total Force Strategy & Management Department Keynote speaker Cmdr. David R. Brown challenged approximately 80 attendees at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. service of remembrance to "live the dream." Surrounded by posters listing some of King's famous quotations, Brown, the assistant deputy chaplain of the Marine Corps, told listeners they are living King's dream today. The annual event was held at St. Nicholas Chapel at NAS Patuxent River Jan. 11. "Dreams often come when the mind and heart are restless," he said, noting that King voiced his dream at a time when America was "living in a nightmare." Today, despite continued struggles with crime, drug abuse and rising college costs, there are fewer instances of intolerance and prejudice, he said. "His [King's] faith and courage continue to inspire us," said NAVAIR Comptroller Jerry Short in his welcoming remarks. Brown listed three tenets to help live the dream. The first is to "have an attitude
of gratitude," listening to and learning from the personal stories of the previous generation and never forgetting those roots that have borne the "sweet fruits of freedom" today. The second is to "exploit every opportunity to excel and bring others with us." Americans are master opportunists, Brown said, who manage to rise up and overcome in even the worst circumstances. He cited 1968, a year marred by the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War, the assassinations of King and Robert F. Kennedy, and rioting at the Democratic National Convention - a year that ended with the entire world watching as the first American astronauts orbited the moon. "Everything doesn't have to be perfect for you to be a success," he said. Finally, Brown encouraged attendees to "honor the dreamer and the dream" by finding a focus to their lives to, ultimately, fulfill their own dreams and goals. The event, hosted by the NAS Patuxent River Chaplain's Office, in conjunction with the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Equal Employment Opportunity Office, also featured perform- Mija San Nicholas of the Esperanza Middle School Festival Chorus, performs ances by Esperanza Middle School's Fes- an uplifting solo down the center aisle of St. Nicholas Chapel. tival Chorus.
Defense Secretary to visit NAS Patuxent River Friday News Briefs By Victor Chen Program Executive Office (Joint Strike Fighter) Integrated Test Force Public Affairs
Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta will visit Naval Air Station Patuxent River Friday, Jan. 20 for briefings on the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter and to
address F-35 Integrated Test Force personnel as well as NAS Patuxent River and local community leaders. This will be Secretary Panetta's first visit to the naval air station since taking office on July 1. At the F-35 test facility, the Secretary will deliver brief remarks to two hundred military and civilian personnel from the F-35 IntegratedTest Force, Naval Air Systems Command and local civic leaders,
and field questions. He will be accompanied by U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer [MD-5], who will introduce Secretary Panetta. The address and visit to the F-35 test facility personnel and civic leaders will both be open to pre-credentialed correspondents. Time permitting, media will also receive a brief on F-35 test and evaluation.
"A great opportunity to do above and beyond what others do" By Chris Basham Tester Editor
A youngTed Mills thought a lot about the Navy in high school, and applied for the U.S. Naval Academy after meeting Blue & Gold officers who were recruiting at his Westland, Mich. school. "I showed up for plebe year induction day, 17 years old and wondering what I got myself into, but I kept putting one foot in front of the other and 29 years later I am grateful that I walked in, that first day, and for the chance to learn that I wasn't as smart as I thought I was," Mills said in a recent interview. After becoming Com-
Photo by Chris Basham
Capt. Mills and Duty Cat in his office in Bldg. 409. manding Officer of Naval Air Station Patuxent River on Nov. 10, 2011, Capt. H. E. "Ted" Mills didn't have to learn about Pax River--he had already spent a year and a half as Executive Officer.
"The XO experience was just critical. I can't imagine coming into the CO job without being XO first. That really is not the norm. Only Coronado, Calif.; Oceana, Va.; Jacksonville, Fla. and Patuxent
River do it that way, because they are large, complex, and require a degree of familiarity," Mills said. That experience gave Mills the opportunity to learn about NAS Patuxent River and the Southern Maryland community before taking the helm. It was a big change from his previous posting, to Jacksonville, Fla. "That's a metropolitan city. It's easy to lose the community focus. Here, the community wants to focus on the naval air station and it's in the Navy's interest to focus on the community, since for so many people it's one and the
See Mills, Page 8
JSO Soup DuJour Sale
The NAS Pax Junior Sailor Organization presents JSO: Soup DuJour; a soup sale taking place on base in order to raise money for future events. The sale will take place in the Religious Programs Office, Building 401 on Jan. 19, 10:30 a.m-1 p.m. Junior Sailors will act as chefs. The menu includes lobster and crab bisque, vegetarian, chicken enchilada, and much more. Salad, bread and drink will be served as well. For more information, POC is JSO Secretary YNSN Williams at (301) 757-0636 or kerrick.williams@navy.mil.
Munitions Response Site Prioritization
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington, is setting priorities for investigating a number of munitions sites on NAS Patuxent River andWebster Field, as well as former water ranges in the Patuxent River and Chesapeake Bay that were associated with NAS Patuxent River and NRC Solomons. For questions about the munitions response or environmental cleanup programs at NAS Patuxent River, please contact Gary Younger, Public Affairs Officer at 301-757-6478 or gary.younger@navy.mil.
Webster Field Pass Office Temporarily Closed
OLF Webster Field pass office is closed until further notice due to NMCI cable being severed. All passes will need to be obtained at NAS Pax River pass offices until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this disruption of service and will provide updates as soon as they become available.
New Archives Facility Opens
The National Air and Space Museum has opened the new Archives reading room at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy
See News Briefs, Page 4