Source Summer 2015

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Summer 2015

Time Out

Careers Advice








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PUBLISHER Denise Connelly

EDITOR Lindsay Cochrane



EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Mikhaila Friel Eilidh Stewart


SALES Marian Mathieson

ADMIN Hannah Sheridan


iya, and welcome to the summer issue of Source!

With exams now a distant memory, it’s time to start enjoying yourself. Kicking things off, we’ve got our new music favourites Years & Years – singer Olly told us all about the last year in the band, and he answered some of your questions from Twitter too. Turn to page 6 to see if he took on yours. Olly’s not the only star to talk to Source this issue – we’ve got a whole galaxy’s worth in here! YouTuber, blogger, actress, singer and author (phew) Carrie Hope Fletcher stopped by for a chat, Rick Edwards took some time out to talk politics, ! DON'T MISS Lonely the Brave also gave us some of their time and The LaFontaines’ John • P8 HEAT MAG’S LUCIE CAVE relived his uni days with us on page 21. • P19 A PLAN B FOR RESULTS DAY • P31 WIN SOME GREAT DAYS OUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS With the holidays on the horizon, we’ve been inspired by what is undoubtedly the best thing about the summer months – it’s festival season! On page 23, you’ll find our fab festival guide, with Jess Glynne telling us why she loves a festival, plus we've got a guide to the best events this summer – you can even win yourself some tickets for Belladrum! For those of you hoping to use your summer break for something a little more productive, check out our feature on the best summer jobs and how to get them, or you can start thinking more long-term job-wise – we’ve got the lowdown on careers in sport, we found out why college is a great option for those hoping to boost their prospects and we’ve got details on postgrad study too. DC Publishing Ltd, 200 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HG

So what are you waiting for? Grab yourself a Frappuccino, sit back, relax and enjoy. Have a great time over the holidays – make the most of that freedom before results day in August. Good luck!

Tel: 0844 2499 007 Fax: 0141 353 0435

Lindsay Cochrane, Editor





We know that Source is already pretty much the best thing since any time Kim K opened her mouth, but we want to make it even better. In order to do that, we want to know more about Source readers – who your fave celebs are, what your career aspirations are, what you like to do in your spare time and generally what you want to know more about. We’ve put together a survey on the Source website, and we need you to fill it in. You could even win yourself some iTunes vouchers for your trouble. So head to right now and give us your feedback. And brace yourself for a brand new, better, bolder, brilliant Source in the autumn. We’ve got chills just thinking about it...

©DC Publishing Ltd 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any way without prior written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of DC Publishing Ltd. The publisher takes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers within the publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that information is accurate; while dates and prices are correct at time of going to print, DC Publishing Ltd takes no responsibility for omissions and errors. * This project/work has been undertaken with the support of SCVO's Business Growth Graduate Internship programme, funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Scottish Government and Creative Scotland.

win your iTunes vo




Win tickets for Belladrum on page 26



Interviews 6

Years & Years

Olly Alexander on the band’s amazing year in the business. 21

Celebrity graduate

The LaFontaines’ John Gerard on his time at UWS. 39

Rick Edwards

The telly presenter’s gone all political – and we like it. 42

Carrie Hope Fletcher

Singer, songwriter, actress, YouTuber, blogger, author – how does Miss Fletcher fit it all in? We asked her. 50

Lonely the Brave

Our new favourite rock group on the re-release of their debut album.

Well fit

Careers for the more athleticallyminded. 14

The young entrepreneur

Cally Russell tells Source about his fantastic Edinburgh-based app.

What can college do for me? 16

Short answer – loads.

Studying 10

Postgraduate learning

Thought uni ended with a bachelor’s degree? Think again.

Exam results: don’t panic! 19

What to do if results day doesn’t go quite as planned this August.


Careers 8


Dream job: Lucie Cave

Editor-in-chief of Heat Lucie Cave tells Source how she made it to the top.




I like to be in America!

America – north and south – has plenty to offer global explorers.


Time out 32

Legal highs: know the score

They’re legal – how bad can they be? A lot worse than you ever imagined.

5 things to know before hitting the road 35

Drivers, old and new – listen up! Here’s how to stay safe this summer. 36

Make it work

Summer jobs – what to do, how to get them and how they can help you.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 40

Student writer Mikhaila Friel talks body shaming. 47

What’s on

The best events and activities for the summer holidays.

Competition Time Win days out at Nae Limits, Air Space and the Tennent’s Brewery on page 31

PLUS! The Source Festival Guide




SUMMER 2015 Album



Out 8 June, Warner Bros Records When Muse lead singer Matt Bellamy says that their latest offering is “our best album”, you have every reason to be very excited. Drones will be the experimental rock groups’ seventh album, following The 2nd Law which was released in 2012. Bellamy has stated that they’ve returned to their traditional rock sound in Drones, so maybe best warn the neighbours now of a loud summer ahead of them.


Sport WIMBLEDON 2015

29 June – 12 July, London Arguably the most exciting of all four tennis Grand Slams, Wimbledon is the holy grail of world tennis, and it just happens to be in Britain. Tickets are generally cheaper at the early stages of the competition, with a pair of seats for the men’s single final often reaching upwards of £20,000 – best to catch the excellent telly coverage provided by the BBC.

SSE Hydro, Glasgow, 23 June www. ticketmaster. Undisputed Queen of the Universe Taylor Swift is bringing her 1989 tour to Glasgow - squeal! Somewhere in the last year, it's become pretty cool to like Swifty, and we're totally on board. Try your luck at last-minute tickets now and croon along with the masses to hits like Style, Blank Space and - of course - Shake It Off.

Free subscription to Source magazine

Movie FANTASTIC FOUR In cinemas 7 August (Rating: TBC) Adapted from Marvel’s original and longestrunning superhero team, Fantastic Four centres on four young outsiders who teleport to a strange and perilous universe which changes their bodies in a shocking way. Together, the group must learn to utilise their new abilities and cooperate to save Earth from a past friend who has rebelled.

TV TRUE DETECTIVE – SEASON 2 Sky Atlantic, 22 June The Daily Telegraph called True Detective’s debut series “the most ambitious TV drama for a long time”, and with the show winning a BAFTA, you get a sense of what the hype’s all about. With a cast that includes Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams, prepare to sever your social life this summer.

To subscribe to Source magazine, simply fill in your details below and send the form to: Source Magazine, DC Publishing Ltd, 200 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HG NAME:



Source is a free publication.


Summer 2015




YEARS & YEARS TWITTER Q&A We asked you for your questions for Olly over on Twitter, @SourceMag – here’s what you came up with… @darknessbird_: How do you feel when the crowd sings back to you? It sort of feels like you’re dreaming. It never ever gets old.



I still can’t believe that people sing along to our songs. It’s the best thing ever.

@karenhchu: What’s one thing you have to take on tour with you? I read a lot, so I usually take books.

@thehappypetan: What’s the first thing you do when you get back from touring? I wash all my clothes! I won’t have worn anything clean for, like, a week.

@beckacorson_: If you were a Care Bear, what would be on your stomach? Oh, that’s a good question! I’d have a Twister ice lolly. Because they’re delicious and surprising.




They kicked off the year by winning the BBC’s Sound of 2015, an honour previously awarded to the likes of Adele and Ellie Goulding – and things are just getting better for synthpop trio Years & Years. Singer Olly Alexander sat down for a natter with Source You’ve had a huge year so far – how are you coping with it all? We’re so busy and everything’s been really crazy, but we’ve just tried to keep the same mentality as we’ve always had. It could be easy to feel overwhelmed by everything, because we’re travelling so much and everything’s new, the fans, all that stuff. But you have to try and stay grounded as much as you can. Your debut album is out this summer – what can we expect from it? People might have already heard some of the singles, like King and Desire – they’ll be on it. And that’s a good indication of what the album will sound like. There’s lots of up-tempo dance tracks. But there is a bit of variety, some slower stuff. We get quite bored easily, so each song, we’ve tried to push in a different direction. What inspires your song writing? They’re all taken from my personal experiences. It can be anything. There are a lot of songs on the album that are inspired by a few different relationships, mainly breakups! You can let yourself be inspired by anything, but I’ve mostly written about being rejected. [laughs]

LOOKING UP: (l-r) Emre Turkmen, Olly Alexander and Mikey Goldsworthy

@oliviayears: What’s your favourite thing about performing? I think my favourite thing about performing is that you’re able to be something other than your ordinary self. You get to tell a story. @OllysKing: How do you like your tea? I take milk and one sugar. ●

You’ve been on the road a lot lately. What’s your favourite place to play? That’s hard! There’s so many good ones. It’s really fun to play in Belgium. I think the crowds are always really amazing in Belgium, we always get a great response. My favourite place to play though is probably London, because it’s close to home and I get to see my friends. You’re doing a few festivals this year too – what ones are you looking forward to? We’ve never really played any big festivals before, so we’re really looking forward to playing the big ones, like Glastonbury and T in the Park, and Latitude. We played Latitude last year, but

we’ve got a bigger set this time. That’s totally new for us, playing big crowds. You kicked off this year winning BBC Sound of 2015 – how did it feel when you got told you’d won? I couldn’t believe it actually. I got quite emotional. It was one of those weird outof-body experiences; it didn’t feel real. What’s been your most memorable moment in the band? There are a lot of memorable moments. Every time you do something for the first time, it feels incredible. When we got signed – that was amazing. When we played on Jools Holland – that was insane. The first time I heard our song on the radio – that was amazing for me. I never thought we’d have a number one single, and if we never have one again, that’s fine. But having a number one single – I can quit tomorrow and still be able to say I’ve had a number one! You’re an actor too – what do you prefer, music or acting? I think I prefer being a musician. It’s something I’ve always, always wanted to do. I feel more comfortable doing it. I get to write the music, I get to perform the music and be in a band. Acting can be really great, but you can be limited by the words that someone else has written for you to say, you’re not as in control of your own creativity. I didn’t feel like I was. But you never know. I might go back to it. What have you got lined up for the rest of the year? We’re doing festivals for the whole of the summer – everywhere, the UK and Europe – then we’re going to Australia for a bit, and America. We’re doing a big American tour in the autumn, another big UK tour in the autumn – touring, touring, touring basically. And the album’s out in June too! We’re very busy. ●

Years & Years’ debut album Communion is out on 10 July on Polydor Records


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Dream JOB

or Posh is expecting another baby, it all changes! How did you get started in the media? I went to university in Sheffield. I applied to do American Studies, but only because I thought I might get to go to America for a year. I realised that I didn’t actually enjoy the course, so I changed to English literature. From then, I knew I wanted to work in journalism. I got involved with the university newspaper, I did work experience at Smash Hits! – I did as much as I could. I’m from the Isle of Wight originally, so when I moved to London, I phoned everyone trying to get work experience. I did work experience with what was then called the Children’s Channel, which became Trouble TV. I worked there for five years, and I ended up presenting.


LUCIE CAVE As editor-in-chief of Heat, in charge of the weekly gossip mag, Heat Radio, and Heat TV, Lucie Cave has pretty much got the best job going. We spoke to the bestconnected woman in the business about her career so far

What does your job as editor-in-chief involve? I work across the whole Heat brand – I’m working across the mag, radio, the TV channel and online now as well. My job is about trying to unite all elements of the brand so they’ve got the same voice. What’s a typical day like for you? There is no typical day! I guess on a Monday, that’s probably the most interesting day. We’ll have our conference where everyone will bring in ideas from the weekend – any newspaper stories or contacts they’ve got, exclusive interviews they’ve got. We’ll sit and talk about that week’s

magazine, look at any pictures that have come into the picture desk, decide which stories are better to go online, what’s best for radio then we’ll start plotting the magazine and who’s doing what, with the view that anything can change – if Kim Kardashian dyes her hair


What’s been the most memorable moment in your career? I’ve had so many. I guess one of my proudest moments – there’s a picture of James Corden which is still doing the rounds now. We got him, at the height of Gavin & Stacey, to recreate a couple of images – one of which was David Beckham in his Armani pants. It went everywhere. It really defined who he was and the fact that Heat can get people to do things that no one else can do. What’s your favourite thing about your job? The variety, I think. When we pull something off like the Prime Minister interview we did in March, I get a real buzz still. What’s your advice for people who want to get into magazines? Write as much as you can. The great thing now is that anyone can set up their own blog. Everyone can have their own platform where they can show people like me, ‘This is my writing.’ It’s about showing initiative too. l


Read Heat Magazine every Tuesday, or get the latest gossip at






hought uni was a three or four-year degree and that was it? Not any more! Increasingly, students are opting to head back to university after they complete their bachelor’s to pick a postgraduate qualification. In 2013/2014, 539,440 students in Britain were studying at postgrad level, either on a part-time or full-time basis.


BIG PROSPECTS These guys aren’t just sticking around campus because they love student life and getting a discount in Urban Outfitters – although, that is pretty ace. Postgrad study can really improve your career prospects, help you change direction if you’re unsure of where your undergraduate degree might take you and increase your knowledge on a subject that you’re passionate about. From journalism to theoretical physics, physiotherapy to advanced chemical engineering, universities across Scotland are offering options for further study in just about every field imaginable.


TAKE YOUR LEARNING TO THE NEXT LEVEL More than half a million students are studying towards a postgraduate qualification right now – but what does that actually involve? We find out

take between six months and two years to compete, and depending on the structure, are either taught in class or they're research-based. After master’s level, you can go on to do a PhD or doctorate, a research-focused programme of study working towards a thesis that generally takes about three years to complete. APPLY YOURSELF You apply for most postgraduate courses directly through the institution, but some courses do use UCAS – search to see who offers courses in the area that interests you and contact the universities directly to find out about the application process. Most postgradlevel courses ask that you have at least a 2.1 in your undergraduate degree, but they will make special considerations based on experience and your application as a whole. BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS A postgrad degree alone isn’t a guarantee of a better job or even more money, but it does prove to employers that you’ve got drive, ambition, passion for your subject and academic know-how. It’s a chance to broaden your horizons, expand your learning and push yourself a bit further – if that doesn’t prove you’re determined, what does?

THE QUALIFICATIONS Some careers – like law or secondary school teaching – require specialist postgraduate training to qualify you to do the job, but for the most part, postgrads are about increasing your knowledge in a specific area. Postgraduate qualifications come in a few different forms – postgraduate certificates (PgCert), postgraduate diplomas (PgDip) and master’s degrees after that. These courses can

Whether you’re in the final year of your degree now or sussing out your future, think about what a postgrad could offer you. It could lead to big, big things. l

FUND IT! Scots students get their undergrad degree funded through SAAS, but postgrads don’t have the same luck. There are, however, grants, bursaries and scholarships available through a range of different charities and organisation to help pay your fees, and some universities have funded places on various courses too. Dundee Uni, for instance ( has teamed up with the Scottish Funding Council to offer 49 fully-funded places on six different postgrad courses at the uni. Whatever your chosen course or institution, always ask about financial support when you apply.


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Find a Masters





Open days in August and September


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WELL FIT If you’re mad for sport – even if you're just watching it – there’s a fit, healthy and active career path out there for you. We find out more about some of the best jobs in sport and fitness


Physios help people to improve their physical health. Working both for the NHS and in the private sector, physiotherapists have special knowledge of anatomy and physiology which they use to help people with specific injuries, medical conditions and disabilities, mostly focussing on how they move. How? You need to do a degree in physiotherapy, as approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). This takes either four years at undergraduate level or two years at postgrad after completing a relevant bachelor's degree. £££: Working for the NHS, physios start at about £21k.


Personal trainers work with individuals to help them achieve certain fitness goals. You work with people to find out about their health and physical abilities and come up with a training programme to suit their needs. As well as talking exercise, PTs give advice in health and nutrition. Hours tend to vary, with a lot of evening and weekend work to fit in with clients’ lifestyles. Personal

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trainers are sometimes self employed while others work for bigger gyms. How? You’ll need experience as a fitness instructor, and generally require a recognised qualification too such as a level 2 gym instructor course, or up to a SVQ 5 in Instructing Exercise and Fitness. £££: Freelance PTs tend to earn from £25 to £40 an hour, while those working in a gym are on £18-22k a year.


The dream for any sporting enthusiast! Professional athletes are the very best in their chosen sport, whether that’s a team sport or an individual one. Pros compete in matches and competitions, train regularly and have to look after their health and fitness all the time. This is a massively competitive line of work, and only a select few make it to the top. How? This takes a LOT of hard work, determination and training from a very young age. No formal qualifications apply, but you have to be at the very top of your sport, whatever that is, in order to come even close to making it at a professional level. So join a local club and get training. £££: Varies widely! Most athletes rely on sponsorship and make very little money

– some even have a 'proper' day job on the side – while top footballers make millions of pounds. Lionel Messi's on €1m a WEEK. That's money the rest of us can only dream of!


In the health side of things, for those interested in healthy eating, this could be the career for you. Nutritionists use specialist scientific knowledge of food and research to help improve people’s wellbeing. They work closely with hospital staff, GPs and nutrition teams to get people eating the right kinds of food to improve their health, or to help people with specific conditions such as digestive disorders or eating disorders. Nutritionists often work for the NHS, but also with private food companies and in the media. How? You’ll need an approved degree or postgraduate qualification to become a nutritionist. £££: Starting on approximately £22k a year.


If you like sport and working with people, this could be the job for you. Leisure centre assistants help with the general running of local sports facilities, helping




to set up halls that are being hired out, dealing with customer enquiries and making sure all areas are clean and tidy. Whether you’re working for local authority facilities or a private gym, there may be opportunities for training as a gym instructor or increased responsibilities towards management level. How? No specific qualifications are required, but certificates in first aid or lifeguarding can help, as well as an interest in sport or PE, or a college course in sport and leisure. £££: Starting from £12,500.


If your PE classes motivated you to take sport seriously, why not pass that on? PE teachers are responsible for getting kids active – even those who really, really hate sport, which can be a challenge! This is a great job for sporty people with a flare for communicating and inspiring enthusiasm in others. How? You’ll need to have a relevant degree followed by a PGDE in physical education, or you can do an undergraduate course in PE teaching at select universities. Find out more at

experience. Many sports journos work on a freelance basis too, working for a range of different publications.

£££: Secondary school teachers start on just under £22k a year.


If you’re more into sitting at the sidelines when it comes to sport, what about a career as a journalist? Whether you’re working online, in print or on TV or radio, there’s always going to be a need for great sports reporters to relay what’s happening in football, athletics, rugby, gymnastics, tennis and beyond. Whether you're reporting on the latest football scores or interviewing big name sports stars, who knows? You could be the next Clare Balding. How? There are technically no formal qualifications to get into journalism, but a solid degree (perhaps in English, media or journalism), plenty of work experience and a determination to succeed will get you off to a good start. £££: Salaries for trainees starting out in the business tend to be at around £1215k, although pay varies widely across different publications and depends on

Sport Scotland


If you’re an accomplished dancer, why not pass on your skills to the next generation? Dance teachers work with people of all ages and abilities – some are employed in schools, while others set up their own dance schools working out of local studios or school halls in the evenings and at weekends. How? You’ll need to be a dancer yourself, and then pass special exams to become a dance teacher. £££: Money varies vastly in this line of work, as most teachers work freelance. Setting up your own dance school and taking classes in a local hall can prove to be a lucrative career – you’ll have to be registered as self-employed and meet health and safety regulations, but the money you make all depends on the number of pupils and the amount of work you take on. l

Careers In Sport




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The Young Entrepreneur

How do you make money through the app? We charge a commission on everything that’s bought through the app. So the retailers pay us a cut on every sale. We also now, with certain retailers, charge them to be on the app. What sort of point are you at with the business now? We’ve now got a team of 11 people, based in Edinburgh. We’re at the point where we’ve got hundreds of thousands of people using the app, which is really exciting, and we’re working with some really cool retailers – we work with about 100 different retailers. We’ve got a US version of the app live as well, and that actually broke into the top 100 apps over Black Friday weekend in America.

THE BOSS: Cally in the Mallzee offices in Edinburgh


APP-Y BUSINESS Edinburgh-based entrepreneur Cally Russell, 27, tells Source about his booming tech business and why he knocked back an investment offer from Dragon Peter Jones

What is your app Mallzee all about? We are basically the high street in your hands. We pull together over 100 different stores into one place and make it really easy for you to discover good clothes. We create a feed of clothes for you and if you find something you like, you swipe left, and if you don’t like something, you swipe right, and you can buy products from there. How did you go about starting up the business in the first place? It came from another business idea, which

wasn’t that great! We got some money from the Prince’s Trust for that, and that allowed us to start off. We realised that that wasn’t the right sort of idea – and we came up with Mallzee.


You knocked back a deal on Dragon’s Den this year. Why did you say no? It was down to the valuation and the amount of the business that they asked for. From our point of view, we really believe in what we’re doing and we’ve been really well-backed up until this point. What they wanted, we felt it was slightly too high to make it worth our while. What challenges have you faced in business? There’s a huge amount around generally how you build stuff, and the time it takes you to build it. Also, especially if you’re young, it can be hard to get people to take you seriously but if you prove them wrong and deliver what you said you’re going to deliver, that gives people faith. What’s your advice for aspiring entrepreneurs? Don’t overthink it. Believe in yourself and commit to yourself, because if you do that, others will as well. There are lots of great people out there who can give you advice, give you help. Whether that’s Young Enterprise Scotland or the Prince’s Trust, whatever organisation that is, go and engage with them, get that feedback. If you do that, anything’s possible. Think big. l

Get more info on Mallzee at, or download the app for free from the App Store or Google Play.

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WHAT CAN COLLEGE DO FOR ME? Short answer – loads. But read on to find out even more about what your local further education college has to offer – it could be the first step towards an exciting career, as Moray College UHI students Nathan and Hayley found out




Eighteen-year-old Nathan studied a uniformed services course at Moray College last year for one day a week while completing his sixth year at Buckie High School Why did you choose to do one day a week at college? I thought I wasn’t ready for full-time college, plus I wanted more grades at school. I’d seen the uniformed services course that I could do one day a week while I was still at

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school – it’s all about the emergency services and armed services. For years, I’ve wanted to be in the Army, so I thought it might give me a little bit more insight into the Army.

other side is the fitness aspect, being up to shape for the Army, practising our mile-and-ahalf runs for the Army and the times you need to be up to standard.

What have you enjoyed What sort of thing has the course involved? MORAY COLLEGE about it? I’ll say everything. I’ve enjoyed You’ve got written Find out more about the everything. Since we finished assessments – the many courses on offer at everything really quickly, the introduction where Moray College UHI in Elgin at www.moray.uhi. lecturer took us to different you write about each or call 01343 576 000 places – we went to Buckie emergency and armed for more information. life boat station, Inverness service. There are different Prison and had an Army assessments – you have to Reserves visit. After that visit, I applied to join make power points and written examples of the Reserves – I really enjoyed the visit and each one, then put together a portfolio. The




STUDYING AT COLLEGE • There are 27 colleges in 14 regions across Scotland, from North Highland College UHI down to Dumfries and Galloway College in the Borders. • In 2012-2013, over 270,000 people were studying at college in Scotland. • Colleges offer a mix of vocational (hands on, practical work-related learning) and academic courses. • 63% of students have no qualifications on entry. • Engineering is the most popular subject to study at college, followed by catering, leisure and tourism. • At further education colleges, you can undertake school-level qualifications like Highers, or you can opt for Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) Higher National Certificates (HNCs) and Higher National Diplomas (HNDs). At higher education colleges, you can study up to degree level.




Nairn native Hayley, 19, has just finished an HNC in professional cookery at Moray College What made you choose this course? I didn’t really enjoy school, so my dad told me I was going to college or staying at school, and there was no chance I was staying! I was really good at home economics, so I thought I’d go try the cookery course. I still didn’t know what I wanted to do after first year, so I decided to stay for a second year. In second year, I felt like I learned so much more than I did in my first year, and I ended up continuing on into third year to do my HNC.

Do you feel like the course has prepared you for life in a real working kitchen? Definitely. I think a lot of people, when they hear you’re doing cookery at college, think you’re making mince and tatties and things like that. But it’s totally different to that. I did work experience at a restaurant which had a Michelin star, and what I was doing at college really helped me when I was there. We are making stuff that you see in fancy restaurants and in bigger places. What do you hope to do after you finish your course? I’m hoping to take a bit of time out over the summer and go travelling but when I come back, I’m thinking about moving down to Glasgow. There are more opportunities than there are up here.

• Some colleges have links with nearby universities, letting you go straight into a uni degree course upon successful completion of your college qualification. • Studying towards an HND can boost your pay by up to 80%! Facts and stats: Colleges Scotland

realised I’d really like to do that as a career alongside college. I can’t say I’ve not enjoyed anything. What are you doing now you’ve completed the course? I’m coming back to do an HNC in fitness, health and exercise at Moray College in September. I need to get my fitness up for when I hopefully start in the Reserves! Would you advise others to check out what their local college has to offer? Definitely. Obviously, every course is different but the lecturers are brilliant. If you find a course that you’re into, you’ll enjoy it. l

What does the course involve? In the first year, it’s more about hospitality – you do a bit of hospitality and some ‘out front’ work. Then you decide if you want to stay and work towards an HNC in events, or go on with the cooking. On the cooking side, there’s a lot of practical work involved – hot and cold dishes, patisserie. Then we do theory classes – supervision and financial control systems which teaches you about spreadsheets and costing menus. You also have to go through your food hygiene – that’s really intense.

Would you recommend college to other people? Definitely. You have to be into what you’re studying, because it is intense, and what you learn in school is nothing compared to what you’ll leave here with. It’s a completely different thing. If you do enjoy it, it’s worthwhile doing. You’ll learn a lot. l

My World of Work




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Build your career with us At Moray College UHI part of the University of the Highlands and Islands - we have a wide range of courses to choose from. For more information contact Moray College UHI, Moray Street, Elgin, Moray IV30 1JJ Tel: 01343 576000 Fax: 01343 576001 Email: Web:

Moray College UHI is committed to supporting care leavers in continuing their educational development. For information on the support and provision offered please contact Heather Henderson, Student Advice Manager, at or telephone 01343 576269 Board of Management of Moray College is a Registered Scottish Charity, No. SC021205

Courses at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) Campuses in locations across Scotland: Aberdeen, Ayr, Barony, Edinburgh, Elmwood and Oatridge SRUC offers undergraduate degree courses, Higher National (HND/ HNC) courses, and a range of National Certificate and vocational study opportunities at our campus locations across Scotland. Course areas include:

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For more information visit: or call us on 0800 269 453. SRUC runs Open Days at each of its campuses regularly – find out more at


REMEMBER! If you don’t get the results you want, it’s not the end of the world and you DO have options. Call the SQA’s exam results helpline this August for advice and support – the number will go online closer to results day at

CLEARING If you’re set on going to university right now but didn’t meet your conditions, Clearing is another way to get there. Clearing is open to wannabe uni students who don’t make the grade for their chosen course, and it’s how universities fill in any places they still have. You will also automatically be entered into Clearing if you apply late (after 30 June). Clearing vacancies go up on the UCAS website ( and are updated constantly. With Clearing, you don’t have to stick to your original subject or establishment, as all courses are open to you if you have the right grades. GAP YEAR Jumping straight into university or college isn’t the only option – taking a gap year is a fun way to gain valuable life experience and make some great memories. There are some amazing gap year providers that offer paid jobs and internships while taking you to incredible places like Africa, Australia, Europe and Asia. If travelling to the other side of the world isn’t really up your street then you could stay local and enjoy your gap year from home, then reapply for uni, college or a job the following year.


DON'T PANIC Exam season is a mix of stress, study notes and the desperate hope that it all pays off – and when you haven’t done as well as you were expecting, it can feel really disheartening. Giving up can be tempting, but instead, pick yourself up and start investigating all the other options that are available to you to help you achieve your dreams – there’s a path for everyone. Journalism student Lindsay Duncan rounds up your options this results day

COLLEGE University isn’t the only way to get the student experience; college is a great option to get the qualifications to help you achieve your dream career. Attending college for one year full-time will qualify you with an HNC and two years with an HND. Some courses work with universities, meaning that if you still want to go to uni, you can join directly into a related course in either second or third year. You are also able to retake Highers at college to gain the grades needed for a uni degree. Find a full list of Scotland’s colleges at APPRENTICESHIPS AND INTERNSHIPS There are loads of first class apprentice and intern schemes, where you can go straight into work while gaining the valuable skills you need to get ahead in your career. With an apprenticeship, you’ll even work towards an accredited qualification, and the hands-on experience is invaluable. ●


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Chemical engineers are considered to be the problem solvers of the science and engineering community. Whether it’s working out how to make industrial processes more environmentally friendly or deciding which fuels are best suited to Formula One racing cars, chemical engineers usually have the answers.

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NHS Lothian is responsible for providing healthcare services to a population of more than 800,000 people. We have a wide range of jobs at entry and qualied level and offer great opportunities for career development – and much more. We recognise the current difcult employment situation for 16 to 25 year-olds. We are actively involved in a number of local and national youth employability initiatives. The types of careers we offer include: Treatment and care Dentists, Doctors, Health Visitors, Healthcare Assistants, Midwives, Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, and many more… Trades, skilled and support Caterers, Domestics, Chaplains, Drivers, Electricians, Porters, Fire, Safety & Security Staff, Maintenance, and many more…

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Celebrity GRADUATE


John Gerard The LaFontaines’ bass player John Gerard takes a step down memory lane to relive his student days at the University of the West of Scotland BOYS IN THE BAND: John, far left, with his LaFontaines bandmates

What did you study at UWS? It was a BSc in music technology. When I was at school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do; I didn’t really have any aspirations to do anything specific, so in the meantime I thought I’d pursue what interested me. I’ve always been drawn in by the recording element of music, including the hardware/software development side of things. I had this idea that I’d be a music engineer when I finished uni.

the band. There are people who went on and started their own companies – photographers, videographers, designers – who started out doing music tech but were just interested in the music industry in general. After university, I went on to manage a recording and rehearsal complex for a few years. When it came to hiring sound engineers and equipment technicians, I already had a network of people I trusted and worked well with.

up some of the team that assists The LaFontaines with recordings, events, photos and various other elements that go on behind the scenes. I think courses like that are really good for networking. I can imagine you could go down the same career path without technically having to go to uni; you don’t need a degree in music technology to manage a recording studio. However, it puts you amongst that circle of likeminded people.

What were you like as a student? I was pretty good! I had a car at the time so I wasn’t on campus making an absolute riot of myself. I was holding down a full-time job as a technician as well. Basically, I’ve not had a day off since I was 16! I’d jump into the car, go do what I had to do at uni, then go back to work. My student experience was probably much more minimal than what the average one is.

Has your degree helped you in your music career? Yeah, 100%. The people I became friends with at uni – they still make

What’s your advice for people starting uni after the holidays? Enjoy it, but it’s not the end of the world if, after the first year, you feel like it’s not for you. Especially if it’s within a sector that doesn’t necessarily require a degree. If you want to be a doctor, then tough – you’re going to have to go. For the creative industries, uni is a great way to add direction and focus to your long-term goals, and if you enjoy it, that’s great. But equally, you can try volunteering somewhere that interests you. If you get your foot in the door and continue to improve through practical experience, you can achieve the same outcome in the end. l

What are your best memories from your student days? It’s not so much specific memories as the people I met, who I've become friends with and now work alongside via



The LaFontaines’ debut album Class is out 8 June on 889 Records


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2015 SURVIVNG FESTIVAL SEASON Staying safe and in control this summer

THE HEADLINER Jess Glynne on the magic of festival season

BEST OF THE FESTS From Reading and Leeds to Wireless, there's a music event for everyone




The Source Festival Packing List ❏Your tickets ❏ Plenty of cash ❏ ID ❏ Reusable water bottle ❏ Tent ❏ Padlock for your tent ❏ Sleeping bag ❏ Pillows ❏ Roll mat or a lilo for comfort ❏ Duct tape r tent) (for any holes in you ❏ Wellies or sturdy boots

❏ Sun cream ❏ Toiletries

(e.g. toothbrush, dry shampoo, deodorant)

❏ First aid kit

(including plasters and paracetamol) ❏ Baby wipes

❏ Hand sanitiser ❏ Loo roll or tissues ❏ Bug spray ❏ Rain jacket or poncho ❏ A hat ❏ Sunglasses ❏ A warm jumper ❏ Clean clothes – think layers, layers, layers!

❏ Medical info/medication if required ❏ Torch ❏ An old phone you won’t mind losing ❏ Solar charger for your phone ❏ Bags for dirty clothes and rubbish ❏ Snacks e.g. cereal bars, dried fruit, chocolate

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be prepared Your festival experience will be a total washout if you’re not prepared for everything the weekend has to throw at you – from roughing it in a field to surviving the best (and worst) the weather has to offer this summer. Don’t get caught short – make sure you’re ready for anything when you head to the campsite to pitch up for the weekend. Here’s what to take with you – tick it all off as you go along!

Leave It Out! ✘ So much stuff you can’t carry it ✘ Any valuables (e.g. expensive jewellery, that posh new camera) ✘ Your best clothes and makeup ✘ Fireworks and flares ✘ Glass bottles




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10 minutes with...

JESS GLYNNE After an incredible 12 months in music, including collaborations with the likes of Clean Bandit, a Grammy win and possibly the catchiest single of the year, our favourite redhead in the music business has got a jam-packed summer lined up with her much-anticipated debut album and a string of festival appearances on the horizon. So how’s Jess Glynne coping with it all? We found out

It’s festival season, and you’re playing all the big ones this year, including T in the Park. Are you looking forward to it? I can’t wait. Last year, I played a lot of festivals, and I hadn’t really released any of my own music. Right Here [Jess’s debut solo single] had just come out. This year, I’m going to have a lot more songs behind me and an album out, so I cannot wait.

For a musician, playing a festival is the best thing ever. It’s the most fun; the most crazy and exhilarating feeling. What’s your top survival tip for people heading off to festivals this summer? My top survival tip would be to make sure you have a raincoat, some comfy shoes, sun cream, sunglasses and water. Look after yourself!

What’s been your best festival experience? Wireless in London was absolutely insane. The amount of people that I walked out to was just incredible. V Festival was the same – I’d never seen so many people rammed into a tent. They were all there for me, without me having anything out. It was pretty amazing.

You’ve had a pretty incredible year – how would you sum it up? It’s been the most insane, amazing year. I never thought I’d be standing here with a Grammy, a number one single and about to release my album. It’s all insane. But I couldn’t be more grateful. It’s what I dreamt of as a kid. Having my solo work go to number one is probably one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced.

What makes playing a festival special?

What motivated you to get into song writing?

As a kid, I was always obsessed with music. I listened to it all the time. I’ve always found lyrics so inspiring. The Miseducation album by Lauryn Hill is probably one of my most favourite albums lyrically – for me, that triggered a nerve. Amy Winehouse’s album as well, Frank – they both got me really wanting to write music. You’ve got your album due out this summer – what can we expect from it? You can expect an album that’s going to put a smile on your face. It’s very soul-infused. It’s quite funky. It’s kind of everything that has inspired me over the years. This is the first introduction to me in my solo career, so hopefully it will let other people get to know me a bit better. Last question – what are your hopes for the rest of 2015? To have an album out. For it to go to number one. And to tour the world! ●

Jess’s debut album I Cry When I Laugh is out 14 August on Atlantic Records, or you can catch her on Saturday 11 July at T in the Park (


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FESTIVAL FEVER Following Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Norwich at the end of May, festival season is officially open! The UK is home to hundreds of amazing music festivals, large and small, featuring acts from just about every genre. Here are the best ones you could be attending this summer


Donnington Park, Derby 12-14 June Alt music fans can hotfoot it to Derby for the country’s biggest rock festival. This year, you can check out the likes of Slipknot, Muse, Marilyn Manson, Enter Shikari, Fightstar, Yellowcard and gods of rock Kiss.


3-5 July Finsbury Park, London It’s Wireless Festival’s 10th birthday, so head to the capital for a weekend of amazing music! With Kendrick Lamar, Nicki Minaj, David Guetta, Gorgon City, Jessie J and George the Poet on the bill, you’re in for a treat.

T in the Park

Strathallan Castle, Perthshire 10-12 July T is THE event of the summer for music fans in Scotland and beyond. Famed for attracting the biggest names from just about every genre, this year’s no different – with Kasabian, Sam Smith, Stereophonics, alt-J, Twin Atlantic, Jamie T, Ella Henderson, Avicii, Labrinth and the newly-reformed Libertines on the bill, the first year in the picturesque setting of Strathallan Castle promises to be one to remember.


tickets for Belladrum!

We're giving away tickets for this year's Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, taking place from 6-8 August

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Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, which has sold out for the last seven years, is held annually at the beautiful Belladrum Estate, near Beauly, about 12 miles from Inverness. Now in its twelfth year, Belladrum still appeals to a family audience as it always has done: from babes in arms to grannies in their eighties, and everyone else in between. Belladrum features an eclectic range of musical genres, from Celtic through mainstream rock and indie to roots, jazz, dance and classical, as well as

theatre, street theatre, installation art, literature, poetry, debate, performance art, children’s entertainment, delicious local fare and much else besides. It’s like a smaller version of Glastonbury, north of the Highland line. Kaiser Chiefs, The Proclaimers, Manic Street Preachers, Fatherson, Honeyblood and Vigo Thieves are just a few of the acts who’ll be heading to Bella this August. With its legendary Highland hospitality and sweeping views, this is a festival that will send you away feeling a lot happier than when you arrived – and we’ve got a pair of tickets to give away!




The Wickerman Festival

24-25 July East Kirkcarswell, Dumfries and Galloway In south west Scotland, Wickerman’s 2015 lineup is among its best yet. You could be grooving to the likes of Tom Odell, Example and DJ Wire, Hector Bizerk and, er, Lulu! There’s something for everyone at this festival, which has a real feel-good vibe and attracts thousands of music fans every year.

Party at the Palace

8-9 August Linlithgow Palace, West Lothian A family-friendly festival is kicking off in West Lothian in August, right before the schools head back. You can catch Travis, The Feeling, Scouting for Girls and disco royalty Niles Roger with Chic in the majestic setting of Linlithgow Palace.

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V Festival

22-23 August Weston Park, Staffordshire; Hylands Park, Essex A dual-location festival, V is renowned for getting big names – and this year won’t disappoint. Head to Staffordshire or Essex this summer to see the likes of Calvin Harris, Ellie Goulding, George Ezra, Clean Bandit, Chvrches and Source fave Jess Glynne.

Groove Loch Ness

22 August Loch Ness, Inverness Brand new for 2015, dance fans should head north this August for a day of massive tunes from some of the nation’s best DJs, including Groove Armada, B.Traits and 2 Many DJs. The location’s phenomenal too.

Reading and Leeds

Richfield Avenue, Reading; Bramham Park, Leeds 28-30 August; www. Reading and Leeds see the same acts play both festivals and switch around on different days – meaning you get to see the bands you love whether you’re planning on going to the north or the south of England. This year’s massive lineup includes Mumford and Sons, The Libertines, Metallica, Bastille, Bring Me the Horizon, Limp Bizkit, Catfish and the Bottlemen, Charli XCX, New Found Glory and more!

How to enter These tickets will give you full access to the festival, including the ceilidh, camping and the main stage on Thursday night! To get your paws on this brilliant prize, simply answer this question…

Which of the following acts is playing Belladrum this year? a. Father's Cousin b. Fatherson c. Fathersister

Send your answer, along with your name, age, name of your school, college or uni, address and phone number to or pop it in the post to Belladrum Competition, Source Magazine, DC Publishing Ltd, 200 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HG. Head to for more info. Good luck!

Terms and conditions: Competition closes on 13 July. Prize is one pair of three-day tickets for Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival only. Tickets include entry to the ceilidh, camping and main stage on the Thursday night, as well as access to all festival stages from 6-8 August. Winners must be aged 16+. ID will be required by over-18s wishing to purchase alcohol. Winners must make their own way to and from the festival and provide their own camping equipment and food. Winners accept full responsibility for their own safety, security and personal belongings at the festival. One winner will be selected at random from all entries. If you do not wish to receive further information from Source Magazine or Belladrum Tartan Heart festival, please write OPT OUT on your entry. For further information on Belladrum, check out


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staying safe Festivals are AMAZING fun, but there’s plenty of potential to get yourself into a sticky situation too. Whether you’re heading to T, Bella or V, we take a look at how best to stay safe this festival season

Protect yourself

If you’re camping for the weekend, make sure your valuables and personal belongings are safe from thieves – your mum’s right when she says there might be some unsavoury characters on the campsite and beyond. Don’t take anything hugely expensive or irreplaceable with you, and register the likes of your phone and camera at so they can be traced back to you. Also, keep anything of value on you rather than leaving it in your tent – but be aware of pickpockets too.


We know that festivals are the ultimate excuse to let your hair down and go a bit wild, but there’s a fine line between ‘having a laugh’ and ‘anti-social behaviour’. Police are always present at major music events throughout the summer, and they’ll be cracking down on anyone who isn’t behaving. So that means no fighting, no weapons, no pyrotechnics and showing respect for other festival-goers and local residents. Likewise, avoid people who are doing any of the above – you don’t want to get dragged into a situation that could get you into trouble.

Just say no

Despite organisers’ best efforts, drugs and new psychoactive substances (or legal highs) are going to be present at festivals. If you're found with drugs on you, either at the gates or in the grounds, you'll be turfed out – and you won't get a refund. So don’t be drawn in – just say no. Keep an eye on your drink so you don’t get spiked too, and don’t get so heavily involved in the booze that you lose control and leave yourself vulnerable. You want to be able to remember your festival experience – drink and drugs could ruin that.

Stick together

Stay with your pals at all times, arrange a meeting point in case anyone gets lost in the crowd and stick to busy areas of the arena or campsite. Absolutely never go strolling off with strangers to dark corners where no one knows where you are, and don’t let anyone into your tent that you don’t know. You’re there for a weekend of amazing bands and mega memories – so do everything you can to make sure you get all of that safely. ●

If you’re ever concerned for your safety at a festival, contact event staff or look out for Police Scotland officers on-site. You can also ring the police if there’s no one around – 101 or 999 for emergencies. Find out more about how the police are helping festival-goers stay safe this summer at

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N I W N I W WIN t your r giveaways to help ge pe m bu e m so t go ’ve of For summer, we y to be in with a chance wa is th ep St rt. sta r pe su holidays off to a s winning some ace prize



Got a head for adventure? Then Nae Limits in Perthshire is the place for you!

Tennent’s are the makers of Scotland’s favourite pint – and you can now go behind the scenes and see how it’s made.

Reach new heights this summer at Air Space, the exciting new indoor trampolining park in East Kilbride.

Wellpark Brewery in Glasgow is home to over 450 years of beer making, and the brewer’s fantastic new brewery tour lets you see how it’s done. Find out more about the brand’s heritage, production processes and more with this educational, interesting and fun day out.

With over 100 interconnected trampolines, this spring-loaded urban playground makes for an amazing day out for you and your mates. You can go for freestyle jumping or take part in sports like dodgeball, football and basketball – but not as you know them!

With over 14 different water and landbased activities on offer, including white water rafting, quad biking and canyoning, Nae Limits is THE place to be for adventure-seekers. This issue, we’ve got a wonderful water activity for two to give away. You can take part in white water rafting, canyoning or tubing, and you’ll get a delicious lunch at the on-site café Rivers Meet too. To be in with a chance of winning, head to to find the answer to this question: Where do Nae Limits go canyoning? Once you’ve figured it out, email us your answer to naelimits@dcpublishing. along with your name, age, address, daytime telephone number and the name of your school, college or uni. For full terms and conditions go to www.

We’ve got two passes for the tour to give away this summer. To get your paws on a pair, simply send us your name, age, address, daytime telephone number and the name of your school to

This issue, we have four passes to give away for one lucky group of friends. To enter, just send us your name, age, address, daytime telephone number and the name of your school, college or uni to

Find out more about the Tennent’s Brewery tour at

To get the lowdown on all that Air Space has to offer, check out

Get to tennents-comp to find out more about the brewery tour, and for terms and conditions.

Head to air-space-comp for full details and for all the terms and conditions.

The closing date for each competition is 30 June 2015. By entering any of these giveaways, you agree to the terms and conditions as detailed at the web addresses listed above. All entrants aged 16+ will be automatically added to the Source Newsletter email mailing list, from which you can unsubscribe at any time. Contact details of over16s may be passed to carefully selected third parties – if you don’t want us to do this, write ‘OPT OUT’ on your entry.


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: HS




It’s legal – how bad can it really be? That’s a thought that hundreds of people have when they experiment with new psychoactive substances, or 'legal highs' – not realising just how serious the consequences can be. Police Scotland and NHS Lothian tell Source a bit more about the darker side to the new drugs making the headlines, and explain why, although some may be legal, they're not the best party choice this summer

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our mate’s got an empty and you and your pals have gathered together. You’re chatting, playing some Xbox, slagging off Dave’s new haircut, when Steve – usually pretty straight-laced, never set a foot wrong in his life – produces a shiny foil packet. “It’s all right,” he says, as he opens it to reveal a white powder. “It’s legal. I’ve done it before.” And you trust him. Because it’s Steve. He wouldn’t do anything that’s illegal. It’ll be a laugh. He sets out some lines, you all do one. And that’s where it goes wrong. You start to feel unwell. Your heart’s racing. You’re too hot. You’ve thrown up on Shannon’s mum’s living room carpet. Everything feels a bit weird. Everyone’s laughing. What a light weight. And that’s the last thing you remember, because you’ve collapsed and your pals have to call an ambulance. You spend the next week in hospital while doctors battle to save your life.


BIG PROBLEMS Scenarios like this are playing out across Scotland weekly. Young people are smoking, snorting, swallowing and even injecting substances that are readily available online and even in some shops, putting their lives at risk. Legal highs, or new psychoactive substances (NPSes) to give them their proper name, are a new strand of drugs which are creating big problems for the health service and police force – and the terminology ‘legal’ is massively misleading, giving people the impression that they’re safe to take. “Legal highs are new recreational drugs which have come about over the last several years,” explains Dr Euan Sandilands, a consultant toxicologist who works in the poisons unit at Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary. “We think it’s because people who use ‘traditional’ recreational drugs like heroin and cocaine and ecstasy are seeking more desirable effects – a ‘better high’ if you like. Through Police Scotland

loopholes in the legislation, these drugs are technically legal and can be sold through the internet and various shops. They’re easier to get hold of, which opens them up to people who might not usually be tempted by drugs too.” SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM These drugs, which come as pills, powders and in herbal form, are generally supplied in bright packages to appeal to young people. They’re produced to mimic the effects of existing controlled substances, like cocaine and ecstasy, but they’re different enough not to be covered by the current legal framework. “People are creating these chemicals in order to bypass countries’ existing drugs legislation,” says DI Michael Miller, Police Scotland’s National Drug Co-



ordinator. “They’re doing that by changing the chemical formula – moving atoms into different places to make a different formula. They reckon they’re producing two of these drugs every week – it’s a significant problem.” Because of this, it’s hard for medics and police to keep up with what’s on the market – and to know what to do if someone takes a bad reaction. Your mates might be able to tell doctors the name of the drug you’ve taken, but by and large that’s meaningless because you don’t know for certain that that’s what it was. “We as doctors, as well as the users, don’t know what’s in these drugs,” says Dr Sandilands. “The problem is that these drugs are changing all the time. As a result, they might get vastly different effects. We treat the

symptoms rather than what they’ve said they've taken, and go in with an open mind.” IMPACT So what kind of effect does taking these substances have on your body? “Obviously people take them for the high and the euphoric effect,” Dr Sandilands says. “Some of them, undoubtedly, will give you that. But the problem we see is that many of them are associated with very significant adverse effects. At the milder end, it could be nausea and vomiting, a rapid heart rate or palpitations, and that can go right up to the more severe end of becoming quite agitated, having a seizure, becoming unconscious and being unable to breathe for yourself or, most seriously, uncontrollable temperature. Your temperature goes sky high and you become very hot and agitated and, as a result of that, all your muscles break down and your body essentially shuts down.” In April, a UK-wide temporary banning order for 12 months came into place to prevent people from supplying, producing or importing five different NPSes – ethylphenidate, 3,4-dichloromethylphenidate (‘3,4-DCMP’), methylnaphthidate, isopropylphenidate and spropylphenidate. Over the next year, the ACMD (Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs) will decide what to do. Because, like all the controlled drugs which are illegal in the UK, these are dangerous. NPSes were linked to 113 deaths in Scotland in 2013, compared to 47 the year before – that’s more than double. These guys are no laughing matter. No matter how fun or exciting you’ve heard legal highs are, they’re also incredibly dangerous, not to mention addictive – and you should think twice before you experiment this summer. “You could try one called ABC one week, they go for more ABC the next, and it’s a completely different product,” says DI Miller. “You start to over heat, get rushed to hospital – it’s absolutely terrifying. So don’t take them. Legal doesn’t mean safe.” l

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JOIN THE FIGHT FOR EVERY CHILDHOOD If you’re looking for ways to volunteer your time, what about contacting your local ChildLine base to see how you can help? Danielle Devin explains her role as a volunteer counsellor Danielle Devin says that volunteering for ChildLine is “a great way to build experience and to test the water for a future career.” Danielle joined the ChildLine base in Glasgow a year and a half ago. She does a three and a half hour counselling shift a week, providing help, advice and support to children and young people who contact

the service online and by phone. “I want to specialise in working with children and really enjoy volunteering for ChildLine. I’ve learnt new skills, and have made lots of friends, as well as knowing I’m making a difference for children and young people. “You don’t have to have any special experience to become a ChildLine

counsellor. The most important thing is to let the children who contact us know we’re here for them and give them space to talk. “Volunteering for ChildLine has helped me decide what I want to do. I’m starting an art psychotherapy course in September and I can’t wait. I’ve recommended volunteering to lots of people. If it sounds like it’s for you, just go for it.”

Read more about Danielle’s experience at, or find out about volunteering in Glasgow or Aberdeen at



BEFORE HITT From learners to more experienc ed



drivers, rememb er these top tips this summer



Every car is different – so whether you’re practising in your dad’s motor or you’ve signed up with a new instructor, before you set off, make sure you familiarise yourself with the controls, know where the ‘bite’ on your clutch is and get all your mirrors in the right positions so you can see. If you’re not sure about anything, ask a more experienced driver for help.




When you’re behind the wheel, always think safety first – don’t forget everything you learned in your lessons. Don’t drive if you’ve been drinking (the new drink-drive limit in Scotland is 50mg of alcohol in every 100ml of blood, so the safest thing to do is not drink at all), don’t have music blasting, never touch your mobile phone and, if your pals are in your car, make sure they’re not distracting you. Staying focussed is so important.




If you’re out driving on your own, make sure you know what to do in an emergency. Get breakdown cover and have the emergency line in your phone, have ID on you in case you get into an accident and make sure you have emergency supplies in your boot.

Road Safety Scotland



It might seem obvious, but young drivers often forget about basics like fastening their seatbelt. According to Road Safety Scotland, one in three people who are killed in road traffic accidents aren’t wearing seatbelts at the time. So if you’re out on a driving lesson, popping out to the shops or hitting the motorway for the first time, always, always, always make sure you’ve clicked your belt into place. It could save your life.


If you’re taking lessons with a DVLAregistered instructor, they’ll have insurance cover already, but if you’ve got your own car, you’re sharing with your parents or a sibling or practising in a friend’s car, make sure you’ve got the right insurance. Legally, you have to have at least third party insurance, which means if you cause damage to another person, their property, pet or vehicle, your insurer will pay out but it won’t cover your own car – so it’s wise to opt for comprehensive insurance. If you have your own car, make sure to declare yourself as the main driver too – if you say your mum is and you get caught out, your insurance might not be valid.



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: S B O J R E M M U S


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Look the part

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RICK EDWARDS: “I DON’T THINK ANYONE WOULD VOTE FOR ME!” You might know him better for fronting the likes of T4, Tool Academy and Made In Chelsea’s end of season parties, but Rick Edwards has got something much bigger to shout about right now – he recently penned a book breaking down politics for young people. The BBC Three Free Speech host tells Source why he reckons youth participation in politics is so important

How did your book, None of the Above, come about? I did a TED Talk on practical ways to increase youth voter turnout. I didn’t just want to do it and be like, ‘Right, well that’s that done.’ All the stuff that I spoke about in the TED Talk was long-term – you know that none of those changes would be brought in before the election. So I thought maybe I can do something more short-term. I wanted to try and lay out the basics of politics in the UK and where the parties stand on different issues, and give people the opportunity to be more informed and make a decision with that information – and vote. Do you think it’s true that young people don’t care about politics? I totally refute the idea that young people aren’t voting because they don’t care. Generally, the attitudes of non-voters when you break them down – less than

20% of the people that don’t vote say it’s because they’re not interested in politics. The vast majority say it’s because they think all the parties are the same or they don’t have access to information. Why do you think it matters that young people use their vote in elections? Politicians have a really big say in how our lives are day-to-day. If you don’t have your say in who those representatives are, then your needs and interests are much less likely to be served well. Do you think political parties do enough to encourage young voters? If they were doing enough, then youth voter turnout would be higher. So no. You obviously care about politics a lot – do you think you’d ever go into the field yourself? I don’t think anyone would vote for me!

I don’t have a specific allegiance to a particular party. It wouldn’t really make sense for me to stand for a party. So then it’d be a question of forming my own. I feel I’ll have a more positive effect being outside of party politics and speaking more broadly about trying to engage with politics though. Now the election is over, are you going to keep doing your bit to get young people involved in politics? I certainly intend to. It’s a long-term game. The more you can engage people throughout a parliament, they more likely they will be to engage at an election. That’s the truth of it. You can’t really afford to sit back and relax, and when the next election comes up have a flurry of activity in the few months beforehand. You have to get people engaged in the democratic process at a local level throughout those intervening years. l


None of the Above by Rick Edwards is out now, published by Simon & Schuster UK (RRP £7.99)


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Your View

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Journalism student Mikhaila Friel on why there’s no room for body shaming in 2015 here is no such thing as perfect. Fact. So when we are criticised for the way we look, what do the haters hope to achieve? Women in our society are either too skinny or too fat. Men are either too muscly or they don’t have enough abs. Either way, it depends on your perspective. Your idea of beauty may be completely different from mine; but that doesn’t make you any less beautiful.


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people who are larger than your average stick insect. In an attempt to promote the image of curvy girls, Meghan Trainor simultaneously undermined skinny girls. In her hit song All About That Bass, she refers to every slim girl as a “stick figure, silicone Barbie doll.” Why, Meghan, why? It seems that the only way she can boost her own confidence is by tearing others down – and that’s not right. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how you look on the outside. People gain weight and wrinkles; external beauty fades. The only thing you can control is how you feel on the inside. And believe me, your inner beauty will shine through.

STICKS AND STONES Your mum probably told you the old ‘sticks and stones may break my bones’ chant when you were a child, but you didn’t listen. Well, listen now: bullies’ insults say more about them than they do about you. In the words of Taylor Swift, you just have to “shake it off”. At the end of the day, it’s your body – you’re the one who’ll have to live with it for the rest of your life, and it’ll be around a lot longer than small-minded bullies. So do what you need to do to feel good about yourself, as long as it’s for you and you alone. If you’re happy and healthy, you shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks. l




SHUT DOWN THE SHAMERS Everyone has a different definition of the word “beautiful”. But what’s not okay is when you criticise someone for not meeting up to your standards of beauty. Lately, there’s been a string of celebs who’ve been ridiculed about their weight; but they haven’t taken it lying down. From the likes of Selena Gomez to Kelly Clarkson, they’ve all had their fair share of insults – and comebacks to match. When Lady Gaga recently received negative comments about her weight, she responded with: “I’d rather be fat than be shallow.” The abundance of abuse didn’t affect Gaga – and neither should it affect you. She makes a great point here; advice that we all should listen to. And it’s not just about making fun of

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Ten minutes with...

and when I’m speaking in front of a camera I’m very good at getting myself muddled and not thinking in coherent sentences. So I thought, ‘Why not start up a blog on Tumblr so I can write down my thoughts and put a lot more time into thinking about what I want to say and the best way to say it?’ Hannah Ferguson, my book agent, approached me and said she had been reading my blog and thought it should be put into a book.

CARRIE HOPE FLETCHER Juggling her book release, performing in Les Misérables in the West End and making YouTube videos for half a million fans, Carrie Hope Fletcher (little sister of Tom from McFly) is probably one of the busiest 22-year-olds out there. Carrie took some time out of her jam-packed schedule to talk about her brilliant career so far

Congratulations on your new book – are you pleased with the reaction? Completely, it’s been absolutely insane so far! I’m extremely pleased, it couldn’t be going better. What’s the book all about? It’s called All I Know Now, because it’s about everything I know now compared to when I was a teenager, when I thought I knew everything. I’ve learnt a lot, so it’s trying to pass that information on to people who are teenagers now.

How did the book come about? It kind of started off with my YouTube channel. I started making advice videos


As well as writing books, you’re on stage every night, you’re YouTubing, you’re making music – how do you fit it all in? I don’t really, it kind of means having no spare time! But that’s how I like it because I get really restless. The whole book has been written on train journeys to and from London because I live about 40 minutes from central London. It used to be reading time, and then I began writing, so it became writing time. What would you say was your big break career wise? When did it all take off for you? I think it was Les Mis. I dreamed of playing Eponine for so many years. It’s incredible, I love playing her so much. So getting to play Eponine was kind of the big break. What’s been your career highlight to date? I won a What’s On Stage award for playing Eponine, which was amazing. It was the first ever big award that I’d won and I got very, very emotional. All I Know Now is all about sharing your wisdom – so what is one piece of advice you’d give to Source readers? The one piece of advice that I always give to people is be cheeky. It’s OK to go up to people and tell them who you are and what you want to do with your life because, chances are, they’ll remember you for that and they’ll keep you in mind. ●

All I Know Now: Wonderings and Reflections on Growing Up Gracefully by Carrie Hope Fletcher is out now, published by Sphere (RRP £12.99)

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NORTH AMERICA CANADA A land of six time zones, Canada is a fantastic place for an American adventure. With Lattitude, a global volunteering organisation that provides placements for 17-25 year olds, you can test your Bear Grylls skills working as an outdoor activities instructor, leading groups in activities such as kayaking, rock climbing and orienteering. For more, see Do you see yourself as the next Chris Hoy? Check out The Otesha Project. This charitable organisation uses bike tours to engage with local Canadians to take action for a more sustainable world. Head to for more info.

USA Taste a little bit of the American dream in the land of opportunity, the USA. Volunteers For Peace (www.vfp. org) help volunteers to develop their leadership skills through projects in the States. They advocate for civic engagement and encourage volunteers

Home to over 942 million people, several megacities, tropical jungles and the world-renowned Pan-America Highway, the Americas make for an eclectic gap year or travel destination, offering a vast range of opportunities to gain excellent life skills and work experience. From marine biology adventures in Hawaii to working with underprivileged kids in Argentina, Ben Bookless has trawled the web to get a avour of some of the best volunteering and intern opportunities across North and South America

to apply their new skills as community activists and global leaders. Why not leave the chilly climes of Scotland for a sun-drenched escape in Hawaii? Bold Earth (www. run teen summer camps brimming with opportunities for exploration and discovery. Learn to surf, sail and canoe in the bluest waters you could imagine, and learn about marine biology in the tranquil surroundings of this dream-like island. MEXICO Far more than enchiladas and sombreros, Mexico is quickly

becoming a powerhouse for new businesses. Join a social science internship with charity Save the Children and teach children from deprived backgrounds in a classroom environment. Find out more at Fans of John Simpson, pay attention. Here’s a chance to sink your teeth into foreign correspondence with Projects Abroad. Develop your Spanish, sharpen your journalistic skills and work in a Mexican media outlet with this internship in Guadalajara. Get more at www.

TEACHING ENGLISH IN DOMINCAN REPUBLIC Do you want to see the world, experience new cultures and embark on an adventure you'll remember forever? Project Trust is an overseas volunteering charity based on the Isle of Coll. Since 1967 it has sent almost 7,000 volunteers to Africa, Asia and the Americas for a variety of projects including teaching, social care work and outward bound instructing.

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CARIBBEAN Jamaica may be better known for its golden beaches, endless sunshine and reggae, but there are gap year opportunities there too. Work as a volunteer on a human rights placement with Projects Abroad (, where you will help children who are victims of abuse. You will gain first-hand experience fighting for children’s rights and, at the same time, help many local families.

LEARN SPANISH AND VOLUNTEER IN CHILE Can you imagine a country where you can travel across deserts, through fertile valleys and up impressive mountain ranges? How does sunbathing on beautiful golden beaches or visiting turquoise lakes or sunny vineyards sound? Believe it or not, a country like this exists.


Argentina is home to many underprivileged youths in need of help due to economic or family reasons. Use your skills and time with gap year providers Real Gap (www.realgap. to help improve the day-to-day lives of children in Buenos Aires. Renowned for its coffee, Colombia is growing in other business areas. City Medellin is experiencing a bit of a financial boom, so strengthen your business brain with a six-week business and finance internship, also through Real Gap, in this bustling city with DDI International, one of the largest HR organisations. ●

Dylan Howel, from Galashiels, volunteered with Project Trust in Dominican Republic, and, for him, it was a truly life-changing experience. "My project was in Santiago, a city in the north of Dominican Republic,” Dylan explains. “I was an English teacher at a centre for children at social risk. There was one child I taught who in the first lesson knew absolutely no English, but by the end he was talking in basic

Chile is 4,270km long and because of its unusually thin, but long shape, it’s possible to see almost every type of terrain in this extraordinary country. To make your travels even more worthwhile, Oyster Worldwide offers the opportunity to call Chile your home for a few months. As part of the community of Coyhaique, you will head to Chile to learn Spanish. Just imagine your friends' and family’s reaction when you casually say: “Chile fue fantástico!” Don’t know what that means? If you go, you soon will. Once you’re feeling more confident in your language ability, you will be placed at a local school to help out. You can bring enthusiasm and fun to the

"IT REALLY MAKES YOU PROUD TO KNOW YOU'VE MADE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON SOMEONE'S LIFE" sentences. It really makes you proud to know you've made a significant positive impact on someone's life.” Dylan adds: "I went to Dominican

children of your community and in return they will help you to develop your Spanish. You will also get to live with a local family, who will feed you, support you and introduce you to how things are done as a Chilean. There really is no better way to understand a country than to become a resident yourself. Change your coat for a poncho, put your hiking boots on and explore a pristine country where real adventurers go. ● Interested? Search ‘Oyster Worldwide Chile’ on Google or call Roger, Oyster’s Chile Destination Manager, for a chat on 01892 771 971.

Republic to volunteer and to help, but I gained a huge amount out of it as well. When you're young, it takes bravery to move away from the path of school to university then career. Volunteering with Project Trust widens your horizons and makes you see there are different paths." ● Find out more about Project Trust and the programmes on offer at


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1 WHAT? Merchant Square Craft and

Design Fair WHERE? Merchant Square, Glasgow WHEN? Every Saturday (11am-6pm) and Sunday (12pm-6pm) throughout the year A showcase of the brilliant work from Glasgow’s best crafters, there’s something on offer for everyone at Glasgow’s Merchant Square Craft and Design Fair. Enjoy a relaxing day perusing stalls packed with everything you could think of, from handmade jewellery and candles to artwork and even clothes. INFO:

2 WHAT? Three Harbours Arts Festival

WHERE? Various locations in East Lothian WHEN? 30 May – 7 June This fun-packed festival showcases a mix of professional and amateur artists and performers. There will never be a dull moment with entertainment in the form of visual arts, music, workshops, tours, literature, photography and so much more. Meet the artists who are keeping you entertained, learn some new skills and have a great day out. INFO:

Summer 2015


ON During all the stress of exams and the gloominess of the never-ending Scottish winter, it felt like summer was never going to get here. But now your patience has paid off and the summer holidays are finally upon us! Endless weeks of freedom where we're free to do whatever, whenever has never sounded so good. And to help you have a great summer filled with adventure, laughs and great people right here in Scotland, we’ve pulled together some ideas to help you fill your summer break

3 WHAT? T in the Park

WHERE? Strathallan Castle, Perthshire WHEN? 10-12 July It's the event of the summer that everyone is talking about: T in the Park. With a great, varied line-up including Kasabian, Sam Smith, Avicii, The Prodigy and Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, it is the place to be for any music lover this July. INFO:


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4 WHAT? Meadows Festival

WHERE? Edinburgh WHEN? 6-7 June Feel closer to the community at this free volunteer-run community festival. There will be live music, food stalls, a football competition, entertainment and on top of that, Dogs Trust will be there with some of their four-legged friends. With their re-homing stall, free micro-chipping for all dogs and Sunday dog show, be sure to bring your pooch along! If you want to chip in and do your part, then get in contact to see how you can volunteer now. INFO: 5 WHAT? Calamity Jane

6 WHAT? The Wickerman Festival

WHERE? East Kirkcarswell, near Dundrennen WHEN? 24-25 July The smaller festival taking place in East Kirkcarswell is set to be a great one, with a line-up of fantastic acts including Tom Odell, The Waterboys and the iconic Lulu. INFO: www. thewickermanfestival. 7 WHAT? Aberdeen

International Youth Festival WHERE? Aberdeen WHEN? 24 July – 1 August This colourful celebration of artistic youth from around the world showcases the best amateur performers in theatre, dance, music, opera and much more. Ticket prices vary and there is also a number of events on offer - great for cash-strapped students! Get online to check out the programme of events now. INFO:

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8 WHAT? Magner’s Summer Nights

WHERE? Kelvingrove Bandstand, Glasgow and The Ross Bandstand, Edinburgh WHEN? 6-8, 13-15 August in Glasgow, 26-28 in Edinburgh The second annual Magner’s Summer Nights festival is almost here and looking to be better than ever. With some great acts including Roddy Frame, Glasvegas, James and The Flaming Lips, and a garden filled with premium street food to relax in, you won’t want to miss it. In Glasgow, all under-16s must be accompanied by an adult over 18, and in Edinburgh, it’s the same for under-14s. INFO: www.magnerssummer 9 WHAT? Edinburgh

Festival Fringe WHERE? Various venues in Edinburgh WHEN? 7-31 August Why not visit the largest arts festival in the world this summer and join in the celebration of fantastic art and entertainment? Edinburgh is famous for its Festival, and it’s clear why with the many great events and shows on offer throughout August. The Fringe box office opens on 4 June, however some tickets for certain shows and events are available now. INFO:

10 WHAT? Edinburgh

International Book Festival WHERE? Charlotte Square Gardens, Edinburgh WHEN? 15-31 August Whether you want to meet your favourite author, get involved in a workshop or join in a debate, there are loads of exciting opportunities at Edinburgh’s International Book Festival. Located in the beautiful Charlotte Square Gardens, this is the perfect place for relaxing and discussing your favourite books. INFO:

11 WHAT? The Curious Incident of

the Dog in the Night-Time WHERE? The King’s Theatre, Glasgow (various other venues throughout the UK) WHEN? 18-22 August You don’t want to miss this astonishing show, based on the famous novel by Mark Haddon – you probably read it at school. Already winning seven Olivier awards including Best New Play, the stage adaption is a hit with audiences everywhere – and now you can see it in Glasgow. ● INFO: For more inspiration for things to do this summer, head to




WHERE? Perth Concert Hall WHEN? 14-18 July This is an exciting new production of the classic musical, starring Jodie Prenger (Oliver, Spamalot) and is the must-see show for all enthusiastic theatre-goers. Get ready for some good old-fashioned musical fun! INFO:

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And finally…

got the Victory Edition with four new songs and a load of different versions of the original songs. It’s going to take a little while to get the second record together and out there, and people were asking for new stuff – it was the best way to be able to get that out there.

LONELY THE BRAVE Lonely the Brave have had an amazing year – and to celebrate, The Cambridge five-piece rock outfit are releasing a new edition of their critically acclaimed debut album The Day’s War. Guitarist Mark Trotter took some time out from their gruelling tour schedule to talk humble beginnings and what’s next for the band with Source

How did Lonely the Brave come about? We all come from the same town, and we were all playing in different bands around town. With music, everyone knows everyone. When my old band was ending and their old band was ending, we came together. How would you describe your sound? I have no idea! [laughs] We’ve coined the phrase ‘doom pop’. But to be honest, we’re a rock band. That’s the plain and simple truth of it. We’re five guys, guitars, drums, bass and vocals. Honest, heartfelt songs.

“IT STILL BLOWS MY MIND WHEN I HEAR US ON THE RADIO – I HOPE I NEVER GET USED TO THAT” You’re re-releasing your debut album with some new tracks. What made you decide to do that? We didn’t want people to have to wait so long for the second record. We’ve

You guys were living out of a van when you were recording your first album – are things a bit more comfortable now? Only a little bit! We basically still live in a van when we’re touring. But we had [drummer] Mo’s dad’s van that we were sleeping in outside the studio and going down to the local swimming pool every other day for a shower, because we couldn’t afford to go every day. [laughs] We wouldn’t change it! Those kind of things make the record what it is, and what it was for us. How does it feel to see how far you’ve come? It’s mad. We’re just five normal guys who love writing music and playing music. We’re incredibly grateful for any support we get from anyone, especially Radio 1. It still blows my mind when I hear us on the radio – I hope I never get used to that. It’s nearly festival time, and you guys are playing Reading and Leeds. What do you enjoy about playing festivals? The atmosphere is just insane. That Friday is going to be mad at Leeds, and to be on the main stage will be pretty special. I can’t wait. That’s going to be my highlight of the year I think. To be invited back for the third year in a row as well is a big honour. What’s next for Lonely the Brave? Touring, touring, touring and some more touring! We don’t stop. We’ve got the new version of the album coming out, and after that? Festivals for the rest of the summer, then we’re looking to get working on our second record. l


The Day’s War – Victory Edition is out now on Columbia Records

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