DC/SLA Events 2002-2003

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DC/SLA Events: 2002-2003 Year in Review

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DC/SLA Events: 2002-2003 Year in Review Working with many groups—including an active Young Professionals group and the Military and News groups—we planned 64 meetings and programs in the 2002-2003 year (13 business meetings, 9 meetings that involved other area groups, 2 fundraising events, 15 learning opportunities, 15 networking events, 5 social events, and 5 tours.) We engaged more than 30 percent of our 1,010 members and more than 200 colleagues from other local organizations. Business Meetings · Ten DC/SLA board meetings [averaged 18 attendees per meeting] at National Geographic Society Library · Summer Planning Breakfast [7/02 - 36 attendees] at president’s home · Branding discussion by Stephen Abram at the Computers and Libraries Meeting [3/03] · Annual Banquet at the Marriott Metro Hotel with Anne Mintz (“Lies, Damn Lies, and the Internet”) [5/22/03 - 92 attendees] Fundraising · Marching for Sousa [9/27/02 - 41 attendees]: Raised $1,800 and books donated to Sousa Middle School Library · Young Professionals’ MS Walk [4/6/03 - 9 attendees]: Raised $1,015 for Multiple Sclerosis Learning Opportunities · How to Find Your Library’s Value and Sell It to Management (with reception) at the National Geographic Society with Barbara Ferry, Renee Braden, Danna BellRussel, Marilyn Bromley, Susan White Frazier, and Robyn Frank [10/17/02 - 73 attendees] · Teleworking: The World of Virtual Work (continental breakfast) at Sumner School with Linda White, Alex Kramer, Monica Martinez, and Julie Arnold [4/22/03 15 attendees] · Presentation Skills: Seizing the Moment with Quinn Koller [2/18/03 - 18 attendees] · Life Planning: NOW What Do I Do? (continental breakfast) at the World Resources Institute with Mary Ellen Bates and Mel Briscoe [1/8/03 - 30 attendees]



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