September 2011 Inside this issue
President’s Corner – page 1 Candidates for VicePresident/President-Elect – page 2 Candidates for Director, Membership – page 4 DC SLA Awards Committee Seeking Recommendations for Chapter and SLA Awards – page 5 Upcoming events – page 6
President’s Corner By Mary Talley, DC/SLA President
It’s September – It’s Time to Cast Your Ballot! Washington, D.C. marks the end of summer in its own unique way: congress returns from its summer recess and life in the city gets a bit more complicated. DC/SLA, too, marks the end of summer with its own political event: the DC/SLA Board of Directors election. But, there’s nothing complicated or difficult about our political event. In fact, we make it easy for you with an exceptionally well-qualified slate of candidates, the information you need to make a decision, three weeks to cast your ballot, and an e-ballot you can submit without leaving your desk. And, you really can make a difference and affect the future with your vote in the DC/SLA elections. There are two open positions for the 2012 DC/SLA Board that we are asking you to fill: Vice-President/President-Elect and Director. You will find bios and statements for each of the four candidates directly below. Please take a few minutes to get to know this stellar slate of candidates and cast your vote for one in each of the two categories between Monday, September 12 and through Saturday, October 1. All of the credit for this great slate of candidates goes to our Nominating Committee, led by Greta Ober-Beauchesne, Diane Schnurrpusch, James King and Eileen Deegan. Beth Kirton-Crane is our Election Committee chair and will be sending out the online ballot. If you have any questions about the election or would like to receive a paper ballot, please contact Beth at or 703-749-1199.
Chapter Notes | September, 2011 | Volume 72, No. 5 | Page 1