DC/SLA Chapter Notes January 2012

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In this issue

President’s Corner

President’s Corner—1

By Lois Ireland, DC/SLA President

2011 In Review—2 Awards, accolades and adventures—4 DC/SLA holiday celebration—5 Seen around DC/SLA—7 What’s new at http://dc.sla.org/? - 7 Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Floods – Who Knew? : Disaster Planning & Information Facilities—9

If you’ve been following the discussion of the SLA Loyalty Project, you’re familiar with loyalty guru James Kane’s ideas on why people stay loyal to organizations. The two concepts that resonate most with me are people are looking for a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. We all want to feel acknowledged, to be known to others in a deeper, more profound way. You may recall from my bio where I’ve worked and where I went to library school, but those are only very small elements of who I am. To know each other in richer detail, we have to spend time together and have the opportunity to share those details. If you participated in the networking bingo game at the annual meeting/holiday reception in December, you may have learned that I’m a Maryland native, a former 4-Her and make my own yogurt. These are the kind of sticky details that you might bring to mind the next time we meet, and could serve as a springboard for getting to know each other better. What does that have to do with SLA? Not much, but it shows the multitude of levels available for us to connect on. The more we’re connected, the more we feel we belong. And we all want to have a sense of purpose, to feel that we’re gaining something or benefiting someone through our efforts and experiences. If we feel we’re wasting our time attending meetings or events, whatever they are, we’re going to stop attending. Since the chapter level is the primary way many of us connect to SLA, I’ve been thinking about how to enhance that sense of belonging and purpose at the local scene. It’s impossible to be all things to all people, but there is surely something we can do to make more people feel more connected and more valuable to the organization. I don’t know what that looks like right now, but I invite you to think about that with me. DC/SLA Chapter Notes | Vol. 45, No. 61 | January 2012 | page 1

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