DC/SLA Chapter Notes - February 1998

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Chapter Notes/February 1998

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Volume 57, No. 5 Contents: 1998 DC/SLA Professional Development Workshop - Tap Dancing with Sparklers: Promotion Activities for Your Library Cast Your Vote! Members Remembered President's Column: Thanks for Your Efforts Managing, Marketing, Maintaining Information Boost Your Library Education With The TeleSec Scholarship Award Liberated Librarians Spend A Day With A Special Librarian

1998 DC/SLA Professional Development Workshop - Tap Dancing with Sparklers: Promotion Activities for Your Library Where: AARP, 601 E St. NW, Washington, DC Date: Wednesday, March 25, 1997 Time: 8:30 a.m. (registration), 9 a.m. -12 noon Cost: z $25 SLA members z $12.50 students & retirees z $27.50 non-members Presented by Chris Olson of Chris Olson & Associates. Chris will discuss different types of promotion tools and how to create a healthy mix of promotion activities to achieve desired results. The workshop will also include the roles Intra- & Internet Web sites can have in promotion plans. Looking to attract more customers & attention to your library services & products? JOIN US! Directions: Metro stop to Judiciary Square (red line). Exit toward National Building Museum (F St.), turn left and walk through Police Memorial plaza, turn right on E St., go 1 1/2 blocks. Sign in at security desk in lobby. Metro stop to Archives (yellow line) Walk north on 7th St. to E St. Turn right one block to 601 E St. Sign in at security desk in lobby. Parking is available in the building or across the street. This year's Professional Development Workshop is held in honor of the late Paula Lovas, immediate past chapter president, past workshop chairperson and a great supporter. Professional Development Workshop Registration Form Name:______________________________________ Phone/email: _______________________________ Organization:________________________________ Amount Enclosed:____________________________ Make checks payable to DC/SLA.Checks must be received by COB Wednesday, March 18, 1998.



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Send checks to Andrea Tully, TASC, 1101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 1500, Arlington, VA 22209. Questions? Contact Andrea Tully at 703/816-5208 or aetully@tasc.com

CAST YOUR VOTE! Two DC Chapter members are running for Association office. Please give them your support and vote for Wilda Newman for Director and Joan Gervino for Division Cabinet Chair Elect.

MEMBERS REMEMBERED Dr. Susan Vince, former associate librarian of the toward University Health Science Library, passed away on January 12 after a long battle with cancer. Susan received her B.S. from the City College of New York, an M.L.S. from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, and a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University. Originally from Hungary, Susan enjoyed travelling. She was passionate about the globalization of the library profession and volunteer work with international visitors. ************************ Dr. Karl A. Baer, 91, who served as president of DC/SLA from 1957-58, died on January 13 after a brief illness. Dr. Baer was the founding librarian of the National Association of Home Builders National Housing Center Library in 1955 - late 1970s. He was also an adjunct professor for reference, bibliography, and special librarianship in the School of Library & Information Services at the Catholic University of America. A native of Germany, Dr. Baer also had a strong interest in international librarianship. In the early 1950s, he was a founding member of the Special Library's Division of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and acted as editor of the division's first newsletter. Friends may make donations in his memory to the School of Library and Information Science, the Catholic University of America, Marist Hall, Washington, DC 20064. ************************ The DC Chapter will make a contribution to Mountain Valley Hospice House in memory of our Immediate Past President Paula Lovas. Members who wish to contribute are encouraged to make a personal donation directly to the hospice. Donations are tax-deductible and will be acknowledged by the hospice. For details, contact the hospice 406/542-1478. The following form will make it easy for the hospice to track the donations: TO: Mountain Valley Hospice House, 10450 Mullan Road, Missoula, MT 59802 Please accept the enclosed contribution of $______ in memory of Paula Lovas. Name:_______________________________________ Address:________________________________________ _______________________________________________

President's Column: Thanks for Your Efforts by Ellie Briscoe, DC/SLA President, ebriscoe@ngs.org



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When you read this, the Winter Meeting will be over, and the combined Winter Meeting/New Members Reception at the Library of Congress just a memory. A full report will run in next months Chapter Notes. Thanks to the extremely hardworking Winter Meeting Committee chaired by David Shumaker, which included Estelle Alexander (LC reception), Mandy Baldridge (hospitality desk and tours), Holly Chong-Williams (Web page), Michele Crecca (dinner buddies), Laura Foy (registration), and Sharon Lenius (fund raising); to Membership Committee Chair Terri Clark (new members invitations); and to the generous support of the sponsors (West Group, Dow Jones and Co., The Bureau of National Affairs Inc., Telesec CORESTAFF, Blackwell's Information Services, and Endeavor Information Systems Inc.), we were ready to give a genuinely warm , we were ready to give a genuinely warm welcome to over 200 visiting librarians and nearly fifty new members. As of January 20, more than 80 members had signed up to help in one way or another--thats fabulous! Here they are, with grateful thanks to all, and I apologize if I left you out or misspelled your name: Rhea Austin, Joyce Baker, Lorraine Bell, Jen Belton, Ann Benson, Joanne Berger, Kitty Boyd, Murray Bradley, Marilyn Bromley, Ann Caputo, Margo Chisholm, Ellen Chu, Erin Clougherty, Martha Crowley, Heather Crump, Marylou Cumberpatch, Rick Davis, Inez Dinwoodie, Diane Doyle, Jennifer Eckel, Linda Evans, Lynette Fannon-Lamkin, Susan Fifer Canby, Barbara Folensbee-Moore, John Fragale, Linda Futato, Cynthia Ruth Gerecht, Mary Glass, Lauren Gluckman, Jenifer Grady, Suzy Henderson, Una Hildebrandt, Karen Holloway, David Holloway, Jeanette Hull, Linda Hutchinson, Susan Hyland, Jill Jefferson, Gail Kouril, John Latham, Sharon Lenius, Ruth Leonard, Judy Levy, Kristina Lively, Maureen Lynch, Ellen Lytton, Kee Malesky, Zeina Mansour, Karen Mark, Tany Lynn Marshall , Aline Martinez, Anna McGowan, Nick Mercury, Lyle Minter, Nancy Minter, Joan Moumbleux, Nancy Nyland, Dilip Pandya, Edna Paulson, Karla Perce, Amy Puryear, Amanda Putnam, Selena Ramkeesoon, Amy Ressing, Eileen Rourke, Luz Sadak, Hermeine Shapiro, Abdul Siddique, Laurie Smith, Shirley Staples, Gerald Steeman, Jeff Stickle, Shelly Summers, Trudi Thomas, Lynn Tobin, Pamela Tripp-Melby, Priscilla Trujillo, Marisa Urgo, Virginia Van Brunt, Benita Vasallo, Suzanne Wang, Suzanne Wnek, Lisa Young, Brenda Scherr and Michele Crecca.

MANAGING, MARKETING, MAINTAINING INFORMATION The Baltimore Chapter of SLA is sponsoring this technology workshop on Thursday, March 19 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Villa Julie College in Stevenson, MD. The session will discuss intranets, Internet search engines and training issues, marketing library services and management/evaluation of institutional information resources. Cost: $80 for SLA members, $100 for nonmembers and $50 for students. For details and registration, contact Mary Dzurinko at 410/235-2821 or mkdtrain@aol.com.

BOOST YOUR LIBRARY EDUCATION WITH THE TELESEC SCHOLARSHIP AWARD TeleSec is proud to sponsor the Washington, DC Chapter of the Special Libraries Association's 1998 TeleSec Scholarship. A Chapter member will be awarded a $2000 scholarship in support of graduate library education at an area school. Applications are due April 15, 1998. For more information and an application, see your faculty SLA liaison - University of Maryland: Dr. Eileen Abels; Catholic University: Dr. Ingrid Hsieh-Yee or contact Kari Anderson, DC/SLA rep 202/775-3156 or kandersn@csis.org. Eligibility requirements and application instructions are also available on the Chapter Web site is http://www.sla.org/chapter/cdc/telesec.html.




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by Mary K. Feldman, mkfeldman@ids2.idsonline.com The Association of Liberated Librarians (ALL) is a group of librarians "liberated from the 9 to 5 routine -- retired, self-employed, part-time employed, unemployed, an occasional student -- who try to meet once a month or sso to visit a library of some facility in the Washington Metropolitan Area, have lunch together, and catch up on library things in general. ALL started in 1983 by a group of librarians, most of whom had recently retired from federal libraries. Mary Lou Knobbe and Evelyn Fass were among the founders. Though initially formed from a group of Special Libraries Association members, it is open to anyone to join. No member is really retired -- the Charles and Margaret Mary Missar and Mary Feldman have their own businesses; Charles Missar has just produced a book entitled Management of Federally Sponsored Libraries: Case Studies and Analysis; Evelyn Fass, Mary Lou Knobbe, and Theodora McGill are doing volunteer work in libraries, and Paula Strain - who was recently honored as a 40 year member of the local chapter of SLA - is researching the history of Maryland and writing a book about it. In a past few years we have visited several local librarries, museums and historic sites including: Washington Memorial Masonic Library National Archives Library Textile Museum National Museum of American Jewish Military History Korean Information Center Corporate Library of Fannie Mae United States Postal Museum and Library Foreign Service Institute Canadian Embassy Library National Building Museum National Museum of Women in the Arts Gadsy's Tavern To join: ALL is a very informal organization; we don't have any official officers, but you can get on ALLs mailing list by sending five stamped, self-addressed envelopes to: Mary K. Feldman, 7117 Poplar Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912. For additional information, you may also e-mail Mary Feldman at mkfeldman@ids2.idsonline.com.

SPEND A DAY WITH A SPECIAL LIBRARIAN Host Librarians Needed for 1998 Program _____________ Its time to start thinking about the DC/SLA Spend A Day with a Special Librarian program for 1998. The program has been very popular with library and information science students at the University of Maryland and the Catholic University of America. Students have the opportunity to see how special libraries operate, how they differ from academic and public libraries, and what issues confront special librarians today. The experience helps students decide if special librarianship is a field they wish to pursue. The Student Affiliation Committee asks local librarians to host one or more student visitors for a full day or half a day during march 1998. If you can accomodate one or more students, please complete and return the form below; if you have participated in the past, please send in a new form. Include your available dates and times, and relevant information about your library. The forms will be posted at the library schools, and students will contact librarians directly to schedule a visit. Please return the form below, or e-mail particulars, by February 25th to: Kari Anderson, Center for Strategic & International Studies Library, 1800 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006;



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fax 202/775-3199; e-mail kandersn@csis.org. --------------------------------------------------------------Spend a Day with a Special Librarian I would like to invite a library/information science student to visit my library in March 1998. Name__________________________________________ Institution_______________________________________ Phone__________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ Nearest Metro ___________________________________ Library type/Subject area ___________________________ _______________________________________________ Other information ________________________________ _______________________________________________ Number of student visitors desired _________________ Full day ________ AM only ________ PM only ______ Available dates ___________________________________ | back to top | back to Chapter Notes | back DC-SLA Homepage |



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