inspiration starts here
Detur Pons Mundo – Building bridges to the world 通向世界的桥梁
Dulwich College Suzhou aspires to be respected internationally as a community committed to developing individuals who seize and act ethically upon the breadth of opportunity the world presents.
Children come first when:
1. The College educates the whole child 2. The College provides a safe, secure and stimulating environment 3. The College recognises that we gain knowledge and understanding of the world by questioning and actively solving problems 4. The College emphasises the benefits and responsibilities of working collaboratively together 5. The College values awareness of the natural world and its resources 6. The College prepares children to live their lives honestly with a spirit of respect for themselves and others 7. The College understands that meaningful, life long learning involves taking risks 8. The College challenges each child to be the best that they can be and supports them in this
Definition of Learning:
Good learning is a meaningful experience where students enjoy making connections between new and existing knowledge, skills and understanding. Students are engaged, challenged and are able to reflect independently and collaboratively on their progress.
Contents Dulwich College Suzhou Guiding Statements Welcome to the Senior School Senior School Staff Term Dates and School Calendar The Senior School Day Safety and Security Student Services Attendance Signing in and Out E-Bikes Communication Reporting of Student Progress Lunchtimes Appearance Lost Property Equipment Rewards and Incentives Behaviour Student Council Friends of Dulwich The Parent Lounge Parent representatives
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Welcome to the Senior School The purpose of this booklet is to provide parents with a range of useful information to help them support their son/daughter as they enter and move through the Senior School. As a School, our door is always open. If parents have any worries about School, we would like to know about them as soon as possible. It is always easier to sort out a minor problem before it becomes a major one. The first point of contact should normally be through the Form Tutor – either through a note in your son/daughter’s School Diary, by telephone, or by making an appointment through the Senior School Receptionist. If the Receptionist is unable to give an instant answer to your question, she will soon find someone who can. Senior School office
Receptionist: 62953118 Jerry Zhou T: 62953172 Yana Kan T: 62953009 Fax: 62953192
PE office
T: 62953316
Staff email
School Address
Dulwich College Suzhou, Senior School, Dongchang Road, Suzhou, SIP 215021
Senior School emergency contact number after 5pm is M: 138 1269 0891 Warm regards, Stuart Bridge Head of Senior School
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Senior School Staff To contact a member of staff, please use the following email structure:
Senior School Leadership Team Head of Senior School
Stuart Bridge
Deputy Head (Academic)
Morag McCrorie
German & TOK
Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Wendy Feherty
Assistant Head (Head of IB/Senior Studies)
Alison Derbyshire
Assistant Head (Head of Key Stage 4)
Lesley Lopez
Assistant Head (Head of Key Stage 3)
Kirsten van Niekerk
Senior School Administration Staff PA to Head of Senior School
Yana Kan
Senior School Office: Assistant
Jerry Zhou
School Office: Reception
Senior School Staff by Faculty Area Faculty
Staff Name
Teaching Areas
English & Drama
Francis Ventham (HoF)
Louise Bridge
Paul Carter
English & Boarding
Jennifer Flounders
English & HoY 8
Mary-Beth Haley
Head of English B & English
Debra MacGregor
Ed Noel
English & Head of Wing
Sharon Ramsey
Rachel Rees
English & Head of Anand
Emma Richmond
Trish Wilson (HoF)
Will Hebbron
John Lee
Evan McKnight
Kirsten van Niekerk
Maths & HoKS 3
Hilary Porritt
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Staff Name
Teaching Areas
Natalie Parker (HoF)
Evelyn Anderson
Biology & Head of Service
Tony Gora
Physics & Maths
Georgia Gratton
Biology & Head of Howard
Otis McFadden
Chemistry & Head of Shackleton
Andrew Sheen
Alexander Veness (HoF)
Tom Dennis
Humanities & HoY10/11
Alison Derbyshire
History & Head of IB/Senior Studies
Jason Stuckey
Humanities & CAS Co ordinator
Virginia Diaz Lopez (HoF)
Julia Kellner
Lesley Lopez
Spanish & HoKS 4
Mi Jung Song
Yuan Hu (HoF)
Zhi Ying Hu
Julia Zhu
Jing Wei
Yuki Tang
Jessica Li
Craig Fullerton (HoF)
Music & TOK
Robert Grice
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Staff Name
Teaching Areas
Physical Education
Chris Scott (HoF)
Kathleen Buehler
PE & JS PE Coordinator
Peter Roberts
PE, Head of SS PE & HoY 12/13
Jamie Lally
PE & House Coordinator & HoY 7
Helen Burden (HoD)
Miriam Bennett
Design Technology
Mark Preston (HoD)
Economics & Business Studies
Gail Sharratt (HoD)
Business Studies & Exams Officer
Winifred Hanson
Learning Support
Diana Carter
SEN & HoY 9
Head Librarian
Leigh Collazo
Librarian Literacy
Director of University Counselling
Lucien Giordano
University & Careers
University & Careers Counsellor
Lukas Devlin
University & Careers
Student Counsellor
Andrew Palmer
Student Counsellor
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Term Dates
New Families and Year 7 Orientation Day
17 August 2016
Michaelmas Term
18 August 2016 to 16 December 2016
Golden Week Holiday
30 September 2016 to 9 October 2016
Lent Term
9 January 2017 to 31 March 2017
Chinese New Year Holiday
23 January 2017 to 3 February 2017
Spring Break
3 April 2017 to 7 April 2017
Trinity Term
10 April 2017 to 23 June 2017
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1st day of term: 18 August
Mid-autumn Festival holiday: 15 September 13 JS Prefects Investiture Mid-Term Break: 3-7 October
Staff Professional Learning: 3-4 November 11 Remembrance Day 25 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Last Day of Term 1: 16 December Christmas holiday: 19 December - 6 January 1st day of term 2: 9 January CNY holiday: 23 January - 5 February
Last Day of Term 2: 31 March spring break: 3-7 April Staff Professional Learning: 10 April 1st day of term 3: 11 April May Day Holiday: 1 May Founders and International Day: 13 May Dragon Boat Festival: 30 May
Term 2 - 50 days
Term 3 - 52 days
last day of school (Half Day): 23 June holiday
YEAR: 181 days
The Senior School Day The Senior School Day is organised into 6 lessons a day. This means that there are 30 lessons in a week. Students have a 20 minute Registration/Tutorial Session at the start of the day. The Lunch Sessions starts at 12.40 and lasts 50 minutes. After school activities start at 15.40 and finish at 16.40. Late buses for students depart at 16.50.
Monday to Thursday
Friday Only
Student Buses Arrive
Student Buses Arrive
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Morning Break
Morning Break
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Senior School Lunch
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
School Day Finishes
15.45 Early Buses Depart 15:40
Activities Start
Activities Finish
Late Buses Depart
Safety and Security in the Senior School Entry to the Campus To gain automatic access through the traffic barrier you will need to request a College ID card either via the Parent Portal or by contacting Admissions. Visitors are required to sign in at the guardhouse (at the gates) and are issued with temporary visitors’ badges. Guards have written information about these procedures in English, Chinese and Korean for parents and visitors, if required.
Safety on Campus In putting children first in all that we do, Dulwich College Suzhou adheres to the Dulwich International Colleges Safeguarding Framework to be certain that every step is taken to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of every child. This includes regular reviews of the physical safety of the buildings and the environment along with routine evacuation drills. All staff also undergo regular safeguarding training to ensure the physical, emotional and social well-being of every child is paramount.
Volunteers Where a parent or other volunteer helps on a one-off basis, he/she will only work under the direct supervision of a member of staff, and at no time have one to one contact with children. However, if a parent or other volunteer is to be in school regularly or over a longer period then they will receive a brief safeguarding induction and sign a Volunteer Safeguarding Statement.
Digital Safety Dulwich College Suzhou has a commitment to be a digitally safe community. E-safety is an integral part of the curriculum. The use of ICT equipment and systems are well monitored and appropriate actions are taken where issues are identified. We understand that parents like to take photos of or video record their children in the school play, or at sports day, or school presentations. This is a normal part of family life, and we will not discourage parents from celebrating their child’s successes. However, if there are Health and Safety issues associated with this, e.g. the use of a flash when taking photos could distract or dazzle the child, and cause them to have an accident, we will encourage parents to use film or settings on their camera that do not require flash. If a parent has indicated to the school that they would not like their child’s photograph or video to appear in the school’s materials, brochures, websites, advertisements or press releases, we will ensure that the parent’s wishes are fulfilled. The school cannot however be held accountable for any digital media recording taken by parents or members of the public at school functions.
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Student Services There are a range of emotional, health, and guidance support structures available for Senior School students. These various structures are in place to facilitate a welcoming and safe learning environment for all students. The Deputy Head (Pastoral) oversees the provision of this support, coordinates the PSHE curriculum, and works closely with the Assistant Heads, Heads of Year and Form Tutors to ensure student needs and concerns are attended to. The School Counsellor provides individual and classroom-based support to help students cope with challenges they may face in school, including changes and transitions, conflict resolution, decision making and problem solving. The Director of University Counselling is instrumental in preparing students for life after school by exploring their personal interests and talents, providing information about careers and post-secondary education, and offering guidance on course selection and entrance examinations.
Attendance Policy The school environment is best placed to support learning, and students are expected to maintain the highest possible levels of attendance of lessons. However, learning takes place in many places, and enrichment activities form a key part of the Dulwich Philosophy. To help students maintain a balance in all that they do, the following guidelines are applied: Every student must maintain attendance of 92% throughout the school year. This is the equivalent of 15 days absence. If attendance falls to 95% for any reason whatsoever, the appropriate Assistant Head will meet with the student and their family. The Head of Senior School will be informed of this meeting. To ensure consistent attendance in each term, students would not usually be absent more than 6 days in Term 1, 5 days in Term 2, 4 days in Term 3. Absence from lessons includes any absence that is not required by a compulsory whole class learning activity, and includes illness, compassionate leave and any other type of absence including representing the school at sporting or musical programmes. Re-enrolment may be conditional upon these requirements being met. Representing the College on all offcampus activities is a privilege and selection can depend on how dedicated a student is as a model of the Dulwich Code of Conduct. These Guidelines are designed to help students uphold the Dulwich Values, enjoy a range of commitments, make good choices, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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Signing In and Out of the Senior School a)
If a school bus is late, students should register as they enter the building with Ms Jerry Zhou in the Senior School Office, located on Level 1 to the left of the Senior School Reception Desk. Ms Zhou will be at the desk.
b) Students who arrive late or need to leave early for any other reason must have permission from a parent/guardian or the School Nurse to do so. This should be communicated to the tutor by email prior to the event. If arriving early, students need to sign in at the Senior School Reception Desk. If leaving early: Years 7 – 9: Prior notice should be given to The College. A parent needs to collect his/her child from the main Reception Desk on Level 1 and the student signs out. Years 10 – 13: A student may take a taxi home by him/herself, providing parental consent has been granted either in writing to the tutor or by phone to the Nurse, Head of Year or a member of the Senior School Leadership Team. A permission slip is provided and must be shown to the main Reception Desk on Level 1 and the student signs out. The permission slip must also be shown to the Security Guards on exiting.
E-Bikes Students may have an e-bike in the College in accordance with the Senior School E-bike policy. This is available for students aged 17 and over only. E-bikes must be left in the bike park and should be locked. Students must wear a helmet at all times when using an e- bike and entry to school grounds will be denied if no helmet worn.
Communication between School and Home In addition to this booklet, parents receive a Handbook at the beginning of the year, which outlines the routines of The College and the Senior School and provides information on much more. To ensure that there is a systematic way in which information is shared with parents the following procedures are in place: 1. A College newsletter is usually produced on a weekly basis and is available on the school parent portal which you can access via our website ( This newsletter includes information from all areas of The College as well as important dates for the week ahead. 2. Letters to parents regarding their son/daughter and specific learning activities are generally sent home during the week as the need arises. 3. Year 7 & 8 students have a School Diary, which contains essential information and staff email addresses.
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4. Information on student homework can be found at Parents will be provided a user name and password via email at the beginning of the school year. 5. The Parental Portal also contains lots of information and can be accessed from the school website. If you need any help with the parent portal contact 6. All staff, both academic and administrative, are available via email and will reply within 24 hours in order to help answer queries, solve any issues and to celebrate success. Face to face meetings are welcomed. 7. For Senior School Students the first point of contact would normally be their Form Tutor.
Reporting of Student Progress Student progress (attainment and effort) is reported to parents regularly during the year via Progress Grades, Exam Grades, Full Written Reports and Parent Teacher Conferences.
Assessment Calendar Year group
Progress Grades
Full Written Report
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sep/Dec/Apr Oct/Dec/Jun Oct/Mar/Jun Oct/Dec/Jun Oct/Dec Oct/Dec/Mar Sep/Dec
Jun Mar Dec Mar Feb Jun Feb
Parent Teacher Conference Nov/Mar Nov/Mar Nov/Mar Nov/Mar Nov/Mar Nov/Mar Nov/Mar
External Exams
May/Jun May/Jun
Internal Exams/Assessments May May May Nov/May Nov Nov/May Nov
Lunchtimes Students can choose from a wide selection of options including hot food, a large roll or salad. This social occasion either takes place in The College Restaurant or outside with staff and children eating together. Good table manners are encouraged. There is a College nutrition committee made up of interested parents and staff. This group meets regularly and advises Chartwells (the food provider) on menus and shares good ideas and concerns in a very constructive manner.
Packed Lunch If students prefer they may bring a packed lunch from home, which is also eaten in the College Restaurant. We do not offer a heating service for home lunches.
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Snacks There is a morning snack time each day. If your child has a lunch provided by Chartwells, then they will also provide them with the morning snack. However, if your child brings lunch from home then it is necessary for them to bring their own snack for the morning. It is important that your child has a healthy snack each day. We do not allow sweets, chocolate or sugary items as snacks. It is our aim to promote positive and healthy eating habits and with this in mind we suggest the following items as suitable for snacks: cheese, sliced fruit, raisins, crackers, sandwiches, yoghurt. In addition, it is important that your child brings a water bottle to school each day, which is clearly labelled with their name and class.
Appearance Years 7 – 11 All students at Dulwich College Suzhou must wear the school uniform. This is different for warm and cold weather, and students must adhere to seasonal requirements. Our students are our ambassadors, and their dress and behaviour convey an impression to the public of what we are like as a school. Teachers are required to enforce the dress code at all times and to encourage students to take pride in their appearance. The uniform must be worn daily to attend classes. School uniform must be worn correctly at all times on buses, in school and when on a school trip (unless special permission has been given). This includes shirts tucked in and top buttons done up. There are different uniform rules for Year 12 and 13 students.
Once PE lessons are finished the student must change into their daily uniform for the remainder of the day. Students may wear a WHITE undershirt beneath their uniform top; however it may only be visible at the neck line. Students may wear a watch and girls may wear one silver or gold stud in the earlobe of each ear. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings or studs. No other jewellery may be worn unless this is for religious purposes. Hair must always be clean and tidy, worn off the face and styled so as not to invite comment for any reason. All students with hair longer than shoulder length are required to have it tied, using red or navy blue ties in a ponytail. Hair may be coloured if of a natural colour, discreet and appropriate to a school environment. Boys must be clean shaven. Make-up is not permitted. This includes nail varnish. Black polished shoes are a uniform requirement. Girls may wear ankle boots in winter. Training type shoes, high heel, wedges, open toed sandals, sling backs or any type of fashion shoe are not permitted. Skirts must be at or below knee length. Boys
Grey shorts or trousers White College shirt Boys College tie Navy jumper if needed Grey socks that cover the ankle Black leather school shoes
Grey skirt White College blouse Girls College tie Navy jumper or cardigan if needed Knee-length grey socks Black leather school shoes
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Winter: Grey trousers White College shirt Boys College tie Navy jumper or red fleece Grey socks that cover the ankle Black leather school shoes College Blazer (optional)
Winter: College Kilt or Grey trousers White College blouse Girls College tie Navy jumper or cardigan or red fleece Grey stockings or knee-length grey socks Black leather school shoes College Blazer (optional)
Best Dressed (every Wednesday): Grey trousers White College shirt Boys College tie Navy jumper if needed College blazer Grey socks that cover the ankle Black leather school shoes
Best Dressed (every Wednesday): College Kilt White College blouse Girls College tie Navy jumper or cardigan if needed College blazer Grey stockings or knee-length grey socks Black leather school shoes
The PE and House uniform are to be worn when needed.
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Year 12 and 13 Students in Year 12 and 13 are not required to wear The College uniform, but they are expected to wear business attire. All Year 12 and 13 students are expected to set an example to the rest of The College through their high standards of dress and presentation.
Girls: Girls are required to wear a dark-coloured suit (navy, black, dark grey or dark brown) with either a knee-length skirt or trousers. A plain-coloured collared blouse (with sleeves) should be worn. Appropriate enclosed flat-soled shoes/court shoes and socks/tights should match the clothing. Trainers, t-shirts and very brief or low cut tops are not permitted. A plain jumper may also be worn in cold weather. When the rest of the school is wearing winter uniform, or on formal occasions, girls are expected to wear a matching fitted jacket. They should also wear a Dulwich pin.
Boys: Boys are required to wear a dark-coloured suit (navy, black, dark grey or dark brown) with a matching business shirt (white or light-coloured with simple thin stripes) and Senior College tie. Appropriate dark leather shoes and socks should be worn to match. Trainers or t-shirts are not permitted. A plain v-necked jumper may also be worn in cold weather. When the rest of the school is wearing winter uniform, or on formal occasions, boys are expected to wear their suit jacket. They should also wear a Dulwich pin.
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Further guidance: Clothing should not be heavily patterned or have slogans or emblems. Denim is not to be worn. Hair can be worn down, but off the face. Dyed hair should be of a natural colour. Boys should be clean-shaven. Make-up, nail polish and jewellery are to be suitable for a school environment and must be discrete so as not to invite comment. Girls are limited to one stud earring per ear. Boys may not wear studs or earrings. Students will be expected to wear The College PE and House uniforms when they are needed.
Inappropriately dressed students will be sent home to change.
Lost Property All items that are bought to school should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and class. Students are responsible for their own personal property and possessions. Students who bring valuables to school, including mobile phones, laptops and/or electronic games and devices, do so at their own risk. The College takes no responsibility for these items. Valuables should be locked in lockers when not in use. Cash bought for school trips can be deposited in the Senior School Office safe if not immediately paid to the cashier. Any mislaid named items can be dropped or collected at the Senior School Reception Desk on Level 1. Unnamed items should be placed in the blue bin next to the drawers on the first floor (ground level), at the bottom of the internal stairs to the right of the main Reception Desk. The drawers are clearly labelled and volunteers regularly sort the items from the blue bin into the drawers. Unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of each term. Swimming/PE kits left on buses may be located in either the Junior or Senior School Lost Property areas.
Equipment that Students Require Senior School students are expected to come to school prepared for the school day. They are responsible for their own personal organisation. This means that they need to ensure that they have the relevant books, stationery and writing materials with them in their school bag and their PE kit if it is required. All Senior School students are issued with a locker where they are expected to keep their school bag during the day, along with any books and materials that they do not immediately require. It is the individual students responsibility to keep their locker tidy and locked at all times. • PE and Swimming On PE/Games days, students should bring their PE kit. This consists of College PE shorts or skirt; House coloured shirt and a sun-hat and trainers. For swimming, students need to bring a swimming costume or trunks and towel. Swimming goggles may also be brought along with sun protection cream. If a student is
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unable to do PE or swimming for any medical reason, they should have a written note from their parent or doctor giving the reason. • Stationery All students should have their own equipment. This includes their own writing equipment and stationery. Parents are asked to make sure that pencil cases are clearly marked. From Year 7 students should also have a Mathematical Geometry Set and a scientific calculator that will accept fractions. • School bags These should be clearly marked with the student’s name. • Sun hats Sun hats are strongly encouraged. Parents are asked to help us keep students safe from the harmful damage the sun can do, by supporting this policy. • Mobile Phones and Personal Electronic Devices The use of personal mobile devices (such as tablets and mobile phones) is permitted on breaks, at lunch and before and after school or with the direct permission of a member of staff, given in advance in order to access The College network. Devices may only be used in lessons with the permission of a member of staff and must otherwise be switched off if carried into classes. Students in possession of mobile devices must store them safely. The College is not responsible for any loss or theft of personal mobile devices brought on to its campuses. If a student is not able to manage the technology responsibly, the following consequences will apply: 1. The item will be confiscated and handed to the Head of Pastoral Care in the Senior School Office and a sanction will be issued. On a first offence the item may be collected at the end of the day after a meeting with the Head of Pastoral Care. 2. With second or subsequent offenses a student’s parents will be contacted and an after school detention may be issued.
Use of Computers and Devices
The use of computers and devices and The College network are subject to the terms described in the DCSZ Senior School Responsible Use Policy, a copy of which can be found on the College’s website and internal portal page. Access to Internet services will require a single daily authentication.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Years 7-13
Senior School Students will be allowed to bring a device into The College to support their learning. The device can be a laptop or tablet and either a PC or Mac. To access the College wireless network, students will be required to authenticate using their Email credentials. In order to print from their device students will be required to install some settings but process guides for Mac, PC and Tablets will be made available. All personal devices will need to have access to Office software or an equivalent APP. ALL Students in Years 7 – 13 will be required to sign a Responsible Use Policy in order to access The College’s wireless network. The right to bring your own device is a privilege and not a right. Misuse of this privilege will result in the suspension of services and/or loss of the aforementioned privilege.
Rewards and Incentives Recognising success and establishing and maintaining boundaries At Dulwich College Suzhou we aim to develop self-motivated, confident and polite students across all areas of school life. Targets and rewards play a vital role in developing these characteristics. Senior School staff aim to nurture this all-important intrinsic motivation within all our students. All individuals, regardless of
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their age and ability need to receive regular praise and encouragement and at DCSZ this is very much part of our teaching philosophy. Tangible rewards will recognise, and regularly celebrate, all forms of social and academic achievement. This may be done within the class, Tutor Group, Senior School Assembly or in a Whole College Assembly. Good behaviour and achievement can be rewarded in any of the following ways: House Points are awarded for good work, excellent effort and attitude around school. House point certificates: 50 Bronze, 100 Silver, 150 Gold, 250 Platinum and 400 Diamond. Certificates of Merit are awarded for excellent effort in a particular task. Speech Day Prizes Throughout the year we run competitions as part of The College House Points System. House Points are given to students for work that has been carried out with a conscientious effort, is of a high standard or shows real progress for the individual. Exemplary behaviour and attitude are also rewarded. The House Competition runs throughout the year between our four College Houses – Anand, Howard, Shackleton and Wing. The Class Competition is based on the same house points gained by the students collectively within the tutor group. At the end of each term the winning class is awarded a prize. The competition continues until June with the overall winning class having an outing with their Form Tutor.
Senior School Behaviour Policy Dulwich College Students are expected to Exercise self-discipline; Show courtesy and consideration to others at all times; Reflect a pride in their appearance; Conduct themselves properly both in school and outside.
Our Aims are that the Dulwich College Suzhou behaviour policy will: Be a system that works for all, involves all school staff as well as parents; Reinforce good choices and discourage poor ones; Relate to the school philosophy and objectives; Ensure that Dulwich College is a happy, safe and purposeful environment, where all children feel secure and have respect for themselves and for others.
Form Tutors regularly take the time to outline The College rules and expectations so that everyone knows exactly where our boundaries lie. But there will be times when unfortunate choices are made and challenging situations will arise. Sanctions will reflect the severity of misdemeanour and will gradually increase in severity depending on the situation. In the first instance, the teacher will give a verbal warning and discuss alternative ways of dealing with a situation. Repetition of the misdemeanour may lead to a further action being taken. When further steps are necessary the incident will be reported to the Head of Year, Assistant Head or the Deputy Head of Senior School (Pastoral). Parents will be contacted and the incident will be recorded and the student will be aware that the incident has been noted.
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Detention If / when a student is reported in this way 3 times the student will be required to attend detention on a Tuesday afternoon at 3:45. Detention will take precedence over all other activities. These sessions are designed to target the individual needs of each student who is in detention and will involve help with organisation or good habit development for those who consistently miss homework. These sessions may also involve reflecting on behaviour and apologising. When a student is in detention a letter will be sent to the parents explaining what has happened and all actions that have been taken.
Internal Suspension When a more serious incident occurs the Senior Management Team may decide to put a student on an internal suspension. During an internal suspension students do not attend normal lessons but work independently in the office and are supervised during break times. They may also be asked to see the School Counsellor. Parents will be asked to meet with the Deputy Head (Pastoral).
On the Buses All students should know the following rules for the buses: • Follow the instructions of the bus monitor at all times; • Wear a seatbelt at all times; • Stay in the bus seat until the bus has stopped moving; • Treat others with respect; • Show care and consideration for others at all times; • Be safe and keep others safe through considerate behaviour. If a student chooses to break a rule on the bus the following actions will be taken. In the first instance the student will be told that their behaviour is not acceptable and what the next sanction will be if there is no improvement. If the unacceptable behaviour continues, the bus monitor will fill in a behaviour referral sheet and pass it to the Deputy Head (Pastoral). 3 such referrals will result in a week off the bus The 4th Referral will be dealt with by The Headmaster and will result in the child being excluded from the bus service for the rest of that academic year.
Student Council The Dulwich College Suzhou, Student Council is run by the students, for the students. The main goal of the Council is to reassure students that their voice in The College community is heard. All students are allowed to share their opinion and the Student Council makes sure that those ideas reach the right people. This channel of communication has enabled the Student Council to take an active role in the development of the school since it opened in August 2007. At the beginning of each academic year, one student is elected by each Tutor Group to represent their class on the Council. Once these students are appointed, the older representatives then have the opportunity to run for Student Council Vice President or President. The entire Senior School student body elects the President and Vice President. The President has regular meetings with the Head of Senior School and chairs Student Council meetings. The Student Council also organises a number of social and charity events each year, striving to maintain and develop a strong sense of school spirit, and seeking to help those in our wider community who are not as fortunate as ourselves. Popular events during the year include Discos, Battle of the Bands and The Alleynian Idol.
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Being part of the Student Council is an amazing opportunity, making sure that the students really do get to play a part in the development of The College.
Friends of Dulwich The FoD Executive Committee plays an active role in the community at DCSZ. The object of The Friends of Dulwich is to sustain and support The College, in particular by: • Enhancing/enriching the life of the pupils at The College through financial and other support; • Strengthening the links between The College and the local community; • Assisting The College by providing voluntary help and advice.
The Parents Lounge At DCSZ we value our parents. To that end our parents have their own lounge. This is situated on the 1st floor in Room S120 of the main building, next to the main entrance. Parents are welcome to use this lounge at any time from 8:10am to 5pm. Please note that the room is for parents only. It is not reserved for drivers or Ayi. Similarly, children who are students at The College should not enter the room, even if they are with their parents, until they have been collected from class at the end of the school day. A notice board is provided for parents or businesses to advertise events, sales or products. A small fee is charged for advertising on the notice board and this serves to fund refreshments and other consumables for the Parents lounge. The FoD will use the lounge as a base and a number of social functions and information meetings will take place there throughout the Year.
Parent Representatives A parent representative represents each Senior School Tutor Group. These are normally appointed on a volunteer system, however the role can be job-shared if appropriate. The primary function of the ‘Class Rep’ is to facilitate communication between Tutors and parents in relation to volunteers for the classroom or special events. The Class Reps also facilitate the social interaction among families in the school community. Their role is not to have involvement in the day-to-day teaching at The College but to be the liaison between the school and its families. These class representatives form the backbone of our Parents’ Association or FoD.
Senior School Handbook
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