Air studio 2018 sem1 pingrong chen

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A.6 Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches


A.7 Reference




My name is Pingrong Chen, I’m a third-year architecture student in

University of Melbourne. By taking digital design fabrication in year two, I have basic knowledge about digital design and knowing the bene ts that digital design has brought to the eld of design. By coming to studio air, I found that the digital design has greater potential than what I thought it was. The rhino was the digital tool that was taught in that class. I am looking forwards of learning grasshopper and pushing deeper to the digital design world. 4


A.1 DESIGN FUTURING Architecture is a representation of human behaviour and lifestyle, and it also de nes the perception of the material world. However, there is big concern suggest by Fry, that we are in the condition of defuturing unsustainable. It’s important that architect design works on the eld of social, material, nature as well as take role to guiding or in uence the people’s way of thing.

As suggest by Fry, the ideology and mindset should be changed instead of only changing the design technique. there is no doubt that advanced technology will provide more potentials and possibilities during the design process as well as contributed to the sustainable world. It’s also important to have critical design that delivery message to the community at the time of trying to provide solution to the contemporize issue.

CASE STUDY 1.1 The Cooper Union for the advancement of Science and Art is one of the renowned architects designed by Morphosis Architects in 2006. The design is aimed to show culture features of the city as well as the vibrancy of the institution city. The orgin of the institution is aiming to provide open, accessible and free education, and this spirit is well presented in the design of the building by having the institution be open to the city symbolically. This is achieved by visual transparencies giving by transparent facade and used of the public space to connect the institution to the urban context physically and socially. This is a sustainable green building and becoming the rst academic laboratory building in New York that has LEED-certi ed.

The skin of the building composed of perforated stainless steel to reduced heat during summer time and keep warm at winter time. HVAC is an innovative technology used to increase energy ef ciency. 75% of the building is designed to be ll by the nature light. The building is also consisting of cogeneration plant which will recover the waste heat and provides additional power to the building, Additional to that the green roof also function as part of heat insulation. The Cooper Union for the advancement of Science and Art becomes an important intellectual and cultural centre for the New York. This is contributed both the connectivity of the institution to the city as well as the sustainable features used in this building.

13. Tony Fry, Design Futuring (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2008), pp. 12. 14. Tony Fry, Design Futuring (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2008), pp. 16. 15 ”The Cooper Union For The Advancement Of Science And Art / Morphosis Architects”, Archdaily, 2018 <https://www.> [Accessed 16 March 2018].


Figure 1: The interior of Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

Figure 2: The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art



Robin Hood Garden is design by Alison and Peter Smithson in 1972. It’s a social housing complex in London. This building complex is built in post- war Britain at the time of residential apartment were being built as symbol of progress after the war. It’s a project that contributed to leading gure of social housing with dense population. The design of this project is a responding to post war era when economical and time ef cient project been needed. As post war architects, Smithson is promoting of low cost with the material that is easily get and each project is design according to its function and location. The Robin Hood Garden is built in Brutal style with precast concrete. Smithson was trying to improve people’s live through design. There is garden with rising hill that made of remnant form the construction, this eventually become a communal space which is essential part the design complex. The concept of “streets in the sky” an example of Smithson’s social intension. There is a wide balcony projecting off toward center of site and overlooking to the garden.

Those balconies are creating to form new neighborhood street for these housing unit. The Robin Hood Garden has demonstrated the Smithson’s view of a new form of social housing. It’s important project of British architectural history as well as monument of British modernism. Smithson and Alison are important gure of changing direction of architecture design in 50s and 60s. It was a radical design that instigate change. The term ‘ The New Brutalism’ was a term that adapted by them in 1954. This is an in uential project that in uence on many people. As one of the famous architect, Zaha Hadid seen this project as her favorite. She sees them as rst architects of the twentieth century Britain who make an signi cant architecture discourse, it is known as one of the outstanding example of the post war architecture in Britain. In her opinion that she will let her student to study this project, and to experience the light and space of the design which means the expansion of the in uence of this project will expand to further generation. And this project is contributing to her own design work as well as understanding of the architecture.


Figure 3: Robin Hood Garden

Figure 3: Public area of Robin Hood Garden


A.2 DESIGN COMPUTATION There is no doubt that the computer is superb analytical engines by its nature. Follow the development of the technology in industrial age, the computation is used as a tool to help designer to enhance their design. The advanced computer-aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies has started to impact on the building construction and design for a few years. Figure 4: CD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010

They have push the designing eld further and providing more opportunities by producing complex form. With development of technology, computation has play an important role in the designing eld. Computation technology can be using to determine the material behaviour that designer don’t know or dif cult to model with traditional designing tool, it tries exploring the potential of the material technology in the design eld.

CASE STUDY 2.1 As example ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 which is institute for computational design. The computational design model is produced according to the embedding behaviour features of material in parametric principle. The entire project is made of bending plywood strips, the elasticity of the plywood played an important role in this project. During the computation process, the characteristic and behaviour of the plywood are tested and analysed,and the form will be gener-

ated based on the collected information. ( gure5 )The computational design also locates the best connection point on the plywood strip. The project consists of 80 different pattern of strip that consist of over 500 unique geometric parts. Those parts are manufactured by robot as planar element and easily assemble on the site rely on the bending force of the plywood. Without computation process, the material property of the plywood would not be maximised.

Figure 5: CD/ITKE Research Pavilion analysis diagram


CASE STUDY 2.2 The contemporary digital architectures are trying to change form the traditional way of design, bypass the aesthetics or convention of style and looking forwards to a brand-new way of thinking to experiment with digital generation and transformation of form that echoed to complex contextual. Parametric is one of the contemporize computation method. It gave powerful notion of architectural form by pictured multiple possibilities and having variable process instead of stable. The international Terminal at Waterloo station design by Nicolas Grimshaw in London is one of the example that gives clear evidence of parametric approach bene ts on both development and conceptual of the design

and construction process. The building is composing of 400m long train shed that cladding with glass. The shed has ‘tapering span narrowed from 50 to 35 meters. The narrow sinuous plan is design to suite complex geometry and the track layout of the site. The spectacular roof structure of the shed is composed by 36 same con gured three-pin bowstring arches in different dimensions. (Figure 7 ) Since the geometry of the platform is asymmetrical, the arches of the roof go steeper on one side and shallower on another side.Each arch will be different depending on the altering of the width of the roof changes along the rack.

Figure 6: The international Terminal at Waterloo station


The parametric model of the design was made according to the design curvature and the size of the span of each arch were replayed. This is more ef cient method than modelling them separately. Additional to this, the parametric model is can also extend to show the connection elements of each arches. In another word, the parametric method can model complex hierarchy of interdependence that gives iterative re nement such dimensional ne turning of the project in all steps of its development from design to construction. As result, this project has clearly shown that the parametric are very useful in term of giving complex outcome of the design.

As different to the pass history, the aarchitect didnot start the design with de ne speci c shape of the building, but instead they coded a series of principles into a sequence of parametric equations. Through these sequence of parametric equations, speci c case of the design can be generated. Parametric design is promoting of experiment and exploring the in nite potential throughout the design with rejection of the xed solutions.


A.3 COMPOSITION/GENERATION The experimenting with computation simulation is commonly used today, its method that used to simulate the performance of the design project, and to incorporate with analyzing of the performance, knowledge about the tectonic, material and parameter production machinery in their design13.The simulation tools gives early predict of the outcome of the design, allowing designer to obtain the best outcome in a more ef cient and economical way. There are new designing opportunities been created by having the performance feedback given by those computation tool in various steps in architecture project. Figure 7: analysis diagram of ICD/ITKE Pavillion 2012

CASE STUDY 3.1 ICD/ITKE research pavilion in 2012 is one of the example that demonstrate the generative design. In this research project, the experiment of biomimetic structure has taking place by using the algorithm aided design method. This is research pavilion is composite of glass and carbon ber and entirely fabricated robotically. This project is inspired by the material and morphological principles of arthropod’s exoskeletons, they use this as starting point of exploration of a new method of architecture construction. 14

The most important aspect of this research project was to transfer the brous morphology of the biological role model into a ber-reinforced composite material. By using form generation method to obtain the shape of the pavilion, simulations in computation process to test various form as well as robotic manufacturing, those three step of design process is allowing the production of a high-performance structure. As result, the research pavilion is only required a shell that consist of 4mm thickness of composite laminate with 8m spanning.

13. Brady Peters and Xavier De Kestelier, Computation Works (London: The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences), pp. 11,12. 14. “ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018].


Figure 8: ICD/ITKE Pavillion 2012


CASE STUDY 3.2 The Foundation Louis Vuitton Museum in Paris was designed by famous architect Frank Gehry. This case study has demonstrated the transform form the beginning of composition to generation. It has complex form that consist of multiple platform. To get to the result, the computation generation and simulation had played an important role in this process. 13 wwww


In the process of construction of this project, the simulation tool was used to produce a model of his complex design outcome. The parametric scripting driven by the system constraints was using to obtain the information of the building model of enclosure and the structural system. The obtained model information was then carried for fabrication of the project.


In conclusion, The computation generation gives early prediction of the outcome, allowing the changes to be made in the parametric model by simply changing the parameters, this is one of the biggest bene ts that generative design gives, at the same time, it also contributed to material ef cient. Figure 9: The Foundation Louis Vuitton Museum



The computation is an essential tool in term of designing in future design eld. It helps designer to explore the nature of design, as well as exploring deeper in the material properties that hardly to be identi ed in the past. The computation is new way of thing and new approach in term of design compare to the past.

The generation of bene ts of computation also give more ef cient and best out it could possibly be. However, the unsustainable is a big issue that designer cannot ignore, human behaviour are the main cause of defeaturing unsustainability. Sustainable world is essential for design future.

A.5 LEARNING OUTCOME By leaning from the reading, knowing that the Both creativity and rational design are essential during the designing process. The computer in their nature, they can follow the program that ben given to the result. However, the computers are lacking creativity, this is what designers need to provide. It’s also important that a well de ne strategy is one of the essential part to obtain the best effect form the parametric design.


A.6. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches By using grasshopper, they often give you an outcome that is not expect, and surprise you. The complex outcome been given is not always the best designer, however it’s a way that gives you a result that you might not thought of.

By showing those sketches I would like to address that by simmilar parameter that you enter, and only altering one or two progaming, the entire model been given can be signi cantly different.


A.7 Referencing Croft, Catherine, “Robin Hood Gardens — The Twentieth Century Society”, C20society.Org.Uk, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] “The Cooper Union For The Advancement Of Science And Art / Morphosis Architects”, Archdaily, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Fry, Tony, Design Futuring (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2008), pp. 1-16 “ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.UniStuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] “ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.UniStuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Kalay, Yehuda E, Architecture’s New Media (Cambridge Mass: The MIT Press, 2004), pp. 5-25 Kolarevic, Branko, Architecture In The Digital Age (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2003), pp. 3-62 Oxman, Rivka, and Robert Oxman, Theories Of The Digital In Architecture (London: Routledge, 2014), pp. 1-10 Peters, Brady, and Xavier De Kestelier, Computation Works (London: The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences), pp. 8-15


Image: Figure 1: Baan, Iwan, The Cooper Union For The Advancement Of Science And Art/ Morphosis Architetcure, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 2: Baan, Iwan, The Cooper Union For The Advancement Of Science And Art/ Morphosis Architetcure, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 3: Halbe, Rondland, Project Documentation ICD/ITKE, 2018 <http://icd.uni-stuttgart. de/?p=8807> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 4: Halbe, Rondland, Project Documentation ICD/ITKE, 2018 <http://icd.uni-stuttgart. de/?p=8807> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 5: Halbe, Rondland, Project Documentation ICD/ITKE, 2018 <http://icd.uni-stuttgart. de/?p=8807> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 6: Grimshaw, International Terminal Waterloo, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 7: Halbe, Rondaland, “ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 8: Halbe, Rondaland, “ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 16 March 2018] Figure 9: La Foundation, The Building, 2018 < ce.html>


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