Chen pingrong 837679 part b1

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B.1 RESECH FIELD This part of the journal investigated the research eld of Strip and Folding. The Strip and Folding is known as the computation design technique. It can be used to transform a single at surface into a large geometric volume. Both strip and folding are very important elements in the architecture design led. In fact, that the folding technique was an important part in the history of architecture. As discuss by the architecture historian Deleuze, the element of folding is endlessly producing operative, and the folding had played and Important roll in Baroque design as points of in ection, elastic point and transformations are all important components in Baroque mathematics.11

Figure 1: 10 Hills place

With development of computation nowadays, there are increase of architects as well as university research group are investigated those computation design. The complicity of the strip and folding also gives uidity and dynamism feeling which can be used to play with the light and shadow. The strip and folding are often used in facade which produced lighting effected under the sun such as the sculptural facade in 10 Hills Place designed by Amanda Levete Architects. This project is located at narrow street, there are four glazed slashed in the aluminium surfaces for the penetration of the light into the building. This is eventually formed by four curved strips in the surface. 2


1. Deleuze.G.1993.’ The Fold : Lebni and The Baroque; 1-6 2. Rose Etherington, “10 Hills Place By Amanda Levete Architects | Dezeen”, Dezeen, 2018 <> [Accessed 18 April 2018].

Loop 3 design by Code-it is another example of strip, it ‘s composed by numbers of strip to forme the unique curvature form. the strips are forming three loops and merge together to the centre of the design. There is timber structure inside to support the strip to become a stabilised project. 3 Figure 2: Loop 3 The Archipelago Parametrically designed pavilion is designed by Chalmers University of Technology. The aluminium strip was the main component of this project. To fold the aluminium strip, cease was created, and strip are joined together with saw tooth joints. 4

Figure 3: The Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavillion There is no doubt that the computation tool is increasing the complexity of the design outcome. The properties and amount of the strip and folding can be controlled by the parameters in the grasshopper to produced wanted product, however it can surprise people with an unexpected produced. But on another hand, the computation tool also makes fabrication easier, this can be achieved by converting design in to smaller component which can be orderly manufacturing the component as well as construction on site. more importantly, the material constrain can be test prior to the construction, the simulation of the material gives a more ef cient and economical way of the construction. 2 3. ”Loop_3”, Co-De-It.Com, 2018 <> [Accessed 18 April 2018]. 4. Lidija Grozdanic, “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - Evolo | Architecture Magazine”, Evolo.Us, 2018 <http://> [Accessed 18 April 2018].


Figure 3: Seroussi Pavillion

The Seroussi pavilion is designed by Biothing in Paris at 2007. the structure of it is formed by self-modifying patterns of Vectors based on Electromagnetic Field. The pattern of the vectors is based on the logic of attraction and repulsion of the electric eld. After the vector lines set out in plan in early computation design, then the plan was lifted by using sine graph mapper to create the volume. By having sine-wave functions driving the parametric differentiation of orientation and the size of the aperture is producing light/shading and the program of views.5 4. �Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com�, Arch2o.Com, 2018 <> [Accessed 19 April 2018].


Iterati Manipulation of number of circle (nc), the radius of the circle(r) , amount (nf) and length (lf) of eld line. nc=5 r=0.05 nf=24 lf=100

nc=20 r=0.05 nf=24 lf=100

nc=20 r=1 nf=40 lf=100

nc=20 r=1 nf=10 lf=300

nc=10 r=1 nf=5 lf=500





nc=20 nf=5 ns=2 lf=500

nc=20 nf=5 ns=4 lf=500

nc=2 nf=10 ns=4 lf=500

nc=10 nf=10 ns=5 lf=500


Manipulating the graph mapper to altering the the volume and the form of teh structure.

Adding the different number of spinforce (ns) as well as altering the numbers of circle and eld line as well as length of the eld line. nc=5 nf=24 lf=100 ns=0 Rectangle parameter is added to the script inorder to add thickless to the line. This species is mainly focus on movement of x and y unit in the plan and few alteration of numbers

x=0.3 y=1

x=0.7 y=1 number of eld line decrese to 10

x=1 y=1

x=5.6 y=1


nc=5 r=5 nf=5 lf=1000

nc=20 r=3 nf=2 lf=200

nc=9 r=2 nf=10 lf=600


Square Root

Sine Simulation

nc=5 nf=10 ns=9 lf=500

nc=1 nf=100 ns=9 lf=1000

nc=1 nf=10 ns=9 lf=1000

x=5.6 y=5

x=10 y=5

x=20 y=5 number of circle increase from 5 to 10

nc=5 nf=10 ns=9 lf=1000

20 spin force plane was add to the script to see the nal effct. 5

Design Expression : Fludity This iteration gives the uidity and dynamic feeling, the unexpected curvature given by the grasshopper give a sense of softness. It’s also expression of the movement and expect it to be well performance under lights.

Aesthetic There is always argument between the aesthetic and the functionally, and I believe that both theme are very important for people. This iteration is generate by conic graph mapper, and the shape of the outcome has given me an inspiration of the ceiling decoration.

Fabrication Fabrication is one of the important part of the design process, an well fabrication can be evaluated by the ef ciency and economically. This iteration has it complicity and has potential to be unroll into pieces which can be cut out by machine and assemble it on site. However this iteration is lacking the spatial arrangement, it can be used as construction of the small pavilion if the part of it been hollowed as well as it can be constructed as a sculpture

Spatial arrangement Most of my iteration is seems to be hard to accommodating object without substitute part of it. The space and the volume given by this iteration is the best one out of all. Also it has exibility that each small component can be move around .



Figure 4: ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010

Figure 5. Material performence of ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010

Steps of Reverse Engineering

Step 1: Draw a circle with divided point and set led line around it

Step 2. Divide the eld line into points and connect with parabola graph mapper which is used to control the curvature

Step 3. Get the most suitable Ste curvature out form the graph se mapper and join the point in to pa curve te

5. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction�, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 < 6. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction�, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <

The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 is an temporary research pavilion designed by the institute for computation Design and the institute of building structure and structural design. In contrast to the conventional architectural design which the material is considered after design, this pavilion is structured to demonstrate material -oriented computational design. Simulation was take in place to maximizing the material behavior. As an successful outcome, this pavilion is contracted by extremely thin plywood strip in bent form. The material property - elasticity of the plywood is the essential part of this design . Bending wood sound incredibly impossible, however the team wants to overcome the dif culties and investigate the proper behavior of the plywood through design parameter to found appropriate form for the pavilion as well as creating bending active system that merges skin.5 There is no doubt that this is an successful project, and this can be proven by the master of the material property of the plywood, and use the founding to produce an physical model that is same as the design model. Additional to that, by using parametric design, they saving the amount of the material will be wasting in the conventional physical testing of the material property. The fabrication purpose was ef cient and economical since all the materials with the join point are cut out precisely by robotic fabrication and can be easily assemble it on the site. This gure below is representation of FEM simulation of the elastic bending strips and resultant force equilibrium of form, and it can be clearly seen that this is same as the pavilion been made as shown in gure‌. Finally, the convex and the concave shapes gives an rich interior of the this pavilion, in another word this is not only function research pavilion, it’s also achieved the aesthetically interesting project, 6

Step 4. Divide the curve into segment once again and dispatch the true and false pattern to create two set of point

?p=4458> [Accessed 18April 2018]. ?p=4458> [Accessed 21 April 2018].

Step 5. Connecting the point Step 6. Rotate and loft two set with curve, and connecting to of the curve separate to form the parabola graph mapper the nal outcome and adjusting the curvature 9



the reverse engineer that I create is similar to the actual pavillion in the way that both product co one another. I create a similar volume and spce with the the orginal model. however I didn’t ma point of my model is not as smooth as the original model is . additional to this, the base that I mad can’t get it out through grasshopper.

Figure 5: ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010

consist of the two sets of the strip that is intersection with made the connection point and the the intersection ade is at, but The original consist of opening which is I


B.4 TECHNIQUE: DEVELOPMENT To start with simpler product, one set of the structure was deleted. shift parameter is added to alter the direction of the curve runs. Both true and false pattern has been tested. number of the led line was alter to produced design out come. However this set of the design seems to be failue since the lines cant not be joined to after baking, for the last iteration I try to alter the starting point of the script and which gives an better result,

The starting point of the script was changed, instead of the eld line, three circle were draw at different height to creat the the sturucture. as shown in the diagram below. shift parameter is added to alter the direction of the curve runs. number of the divide curve is alterd for making iterations.


For this series of the iteration, different graphmapper has use to alter the differences. The founding of this series of iteration is that during the maniputation of the curveature of the gra result can be obtain even withh different grahmapper.

For this series of the iteration, the various point was set for the spinforce to be add on to the desig spinforce iteration in B2, this set of the parameter is harder to control with where the strip is going maybe due to the line is thickening .

graph mapper, simmilar

sign. compare to the ng to spread out, this

This serie of iteration is simplely played around with the radius of teh circle, numbers of the strip as well as length of the strip on the base of Brezie graph mapper. r.


Design Expression : Fludity THis is iteration is only consist of 10 strip, by using shift, it create moment of udity and dynamicsm. It can be use as the structure frame of the pavillion.

Aesthetic Tthis is an smooth iteration and can be use as an decorative piece of furniture and incorporate with my future design to replaced ordinary furniture in the designing project.

Fabrication This iteration can be easily constructed with rannge of material. as precedent of ICD reserch pavillion, this can be simplly created by the plywood, metal sheets can also be used in this pavillion.

Spatial arrangement The space between two strip can be use as opening , and the hole in the middle can also allowing for the penetrating of light in to the pavillion. once again teh strips can be use to play with the lighting and shadows.




Prototype 2

Prototype 3

Fluidity and dynam the porotype is ma per does has its e strength to perform

The second attem join together. Due knife, therefor I use

The third prototype nection point in th

Lastly, the polystyre vacy as allowing li

For the strip and fo and the material c fabrication

Model Making

polystyrene under bending moment

polystyrene under twisting moment

amic is one of my selected criteria, so that the material that I Choose will need to be exible. The rst attempt of made by cutting hard paper in to strip and cut the opening in the middle of the strip for the connection. The paexibility to form curvature however it is lacking with the strength that it might break anytime. And it doesn’t have orm as structure member .

empt that we made is using the material of polystyrene, it’s exible and has strength when numbers of them can Due to the time consuming we only able to used handmade prototype, and the polystyrene is too thick to be cut by used hot glue gun to join them together.

ype that we made is trying to bend the strip of polystyrene and connect it to the ground, we didn’t use any conthis prototype, but it’s a simulation of what we might be able to achieve in the future design.

tyrene comes with both book and clear color, there mix use of the both those material can be help with gain prig lights penetrating in to the project.

d folding construction, the sequence is better if it’s all the relevant joint and located in the computation method , al can be easily cut by the machine such as laser cut or CNC, in order to get the most ef cient and economical


We want to design an most comfortable space for our client who is a writer. With design prosthetic to the night shift house. We made discussion with group, we deciding that we are going to combine the strips , patterning as well as geometry in to our design. Those three technique has it’s similarity in the way that strip can be arrange in the pattern as well as the geometry. The patterning is well performed for an surface and the geometry and the strip can become part of the structure component. There is an patterning wall on the balcony that will producing shade as well as providing privacy. The curve branch growing from the oor to the ceiling is center pieced of the design. By using soft and dynamic curve intersecting each another, we trying to generate an relaxing environment allowing our client to get more inspiration. The curvature of the branch and be done by strip and folding technique which is relevant to iteration that I had shown below. The branch is growing up to the ceiling, and the patterning that we want to create to act as the insulation since there are more daytime activity. However we failure to add pattern and strip as one pieces in our design, as well as make a pattern bookshelves for our client. With further development of the computation technique, we might be able to overcome it.





After half semester of learning, I think I have better understanding of the computational design. By using grasshopper , it always surprise me with the naturally ow outcomes. By investigating the strip and folding, I actually give me more depth knowledge of using computation technique in real eld of design. And it does give more chance to explore the material properties . And I know that the computation method is not only use to produce those complex form, and it can actually use to speed up the design processes, reduce the chance of making mistake during the construction process. Both creating iteration and reverse engineering is helpful in term of developing my skill of use grasshopper. However, I found it hard of combine two different technique and combine them together, for example, in our design, we have dif culties to put patterning on the strip and folding.

By doing the reverse engineering tho are variety way of getting to the end ning part of my script it gives a simila better tting with another paramete


though the project, I notice that there end product. By changing the beginmilar form and the new script can be eter which is the shift in this case.

Spin force is the one for the main technique that that I get this time, it’s hard to control the direction of the where the eld is going to spread, it works so well in plan and creating smooth curvature. Different length can also give different feeling . The long length strip will always warping together and form a surface.

B.9 Sketch Book wk 5


B.9 Sketch Book wk 6


B.10 Referecing Etherington, Rose, “10 Hills Place By Amanda Levete Architects | Dezeen”, Dezeen, 2018 <> [Accessed 19 April 2018] Grozdanic, Lidija, “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - Evolo | Architecture Magazine”, Evolo.Us, 2018 <> [Accessed 19 April 2018] ”ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 21 April 2018] ”Loop_3”, Co-De-It.Com, 2018 <> [Accessed 19April 2018] “Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com”, Arch2o.Com, 2018 <> [Accessed 19 April 2018]

Image FIGURE 1: Etherington, Rose, “10 Hills Place By Amanda Levete Architects | Dezeen”, Dezeen, 2018 <> [Accessed 19 April 2018] FIGURE 2.”Loop_3”, Co-De-It.Com, 2018 < loop_3.html> [Accessed 19April 2018] FIGURE 3:Grozdanic, Lidija, “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - Evolo | Architecture Magazine”, Evolo.Us, 2018 <> [Accessed 19 April 2018] Figure 4 “Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing - Arch2o.Com”, Arch2o.Com, 2018 <https://> [Accessed 19 April 2018] FIGURE 5: ”ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 21 April 2018] FIGURE 5: ”ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 | Institute For Computational Design And Construction”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2018 <> [Accessed 21 April 2018]


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