Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 21st Annual Bull Sale

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Keeping Your Program on Target...

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 21st Annual Bull Sale

Sons of these great sires sell...


Ten X

March 19, 2016

Black Granite

Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, MT

Gelbvieh • Balancer® • Angus

Central Montana Gelbvieh & anGus GenetiCs 21st annual ProduCtion sale – FroM the heart oF biG sky Country –

t of is im pres si ve se Th ! le Sa ll Bu cs Ang us Ge ne ti cs av ai la ble ! uc ers: ed Ang us ge ne ti ta na Ge lb vieh & br on re M pu l Fe llo w Be ef Prod d ra an nt , Ce ® ng is sues . nc er 21s t an nu al so lve any bree di eh, Ge lb vieh Ba la ly vi ul lb sf Ge es Wel come to th e cc ed su br u re imes pu lp yo nica l an d somet cl udes th e be st ch ra nche rs ca n he te of p of t ou lo gr a is h th ye ar ling bu lls in ce of be ing hi t w it produc t in th e ee di ng ex pe rien bu ll bu ye rs, are yi ng any ot he r as bu u, as yo Th e com bi ne d br lt d cu an ffi di s, t fe el overe as k produc er bu lls ha s be com or k! Plea se do no ng ew yi m bu We, as se ed st oc ho at ur th yo s r be st do at io n . It se em an d we w ill do ou ey – yo u have to rs on de m ee ur br e yo r th co nf us ing in fo rm fo bu ll k any one of To ge t th e be st ques tion s, just as ve ha moder n wor ld . u yo if – n th e Da ne ll in fo rm at io e Da ne ll bu lls at th d an ta w he lmed by this al M Th e bu lls t in ers. Do uble B R an ch . th e Ho uld Fe ed lo on at lt t Bo ou e d th fe to fin d yo ur an sw at en d fe to w n have ag ai n be bu lls have be en ed to th e Le w is ov on lt m Bo be e ill Th w n. Th e Li nh art bu lls ey w is to w hich ti me th ch ou ts ide of Le w M arch 18t h at to r io Di amon d Si x R an pr e im yt y of th em , lo cation s an an in te re st in an ve ha t bu w ill be at th es e , le sa e si re an d on . nt ia lit y yo u de e bu lls pr io r to th de th nfi ew co vi e to th ce h Li ve st oc k A uc ti u, it an w te nd or ge t a ch a bu ll he re fo r yo w ill be ha nd le d IS e st er re th te d in re ur su If yo u ca nn ot at yo d th at ac tion . Be as d mee t w it h h us . Be as su re aran te e of sati sf ! Come ea rl y an gu lls ” bu en se er if plea se ta lk w it un he ht or ig . Ch ec k d/ ec te d by ou r “s ck ed se t of bu lls ct s, co w bu lls an pa pe os er pr w re po si is rd th at yo u are prot th he y pl ate .I ./ te es, an d to st ud ur he rd . Co ntem e lo ok ing fo r A an yo ar ar u in gu yo st d er be an k s th m or he w ra w prog ra l Mon ta na bu ll th at w ill vi si t ab ou t ou r nc er® or Ang us Lo ok to th e Ce nt ! la e Ba m , co eh ou r fam ilies an d vi to s lb ar Ge ye ur he rd fo r s an d fin d th at y w ill have on yo ou t th e pe digree da to y ng ) on bu u yo at lls th eath er pe rm it ti st oc k ne eds . (w ed k se oc st ur ve yo Li r th e im pact th e bu n fo w le Se e h th e bree de rs . Ge ne tics Bu ll Sa er ing at Le w is to it us th w ng ga lk A le ta & d sa eh ean vi pr lls lb Ge at a an al yze th e bu of yo u to jo in us a great ti me to is is Th We in vi te each . pm 5 8t h st arti ng at Fr id ay, M arch 1 yo u sa le day! ! DNA TeSTiNg: All homozygous black and homozygous polled bulls are guaranteed by birth right or by DNA testing. SemeN TeST iNfo: Scrotal measurements are listed on the inside back over. These bulls were tested by Dr. Baxter of Chinook and Dr. Carlson of Lewistown.

HeALTH: The bulls have been fertility tested and scrotal measured. Bulls have also been BVD tested and vaccinated with Preg Guard 9 prior to the sale. Calfhood vacinations have been taken care of by local vets. Yearling work has been done by Dr. Baxter of Chinook and Dr. Carlson of Lewistown.

CMGaG ranChes Danell Diamond Six Ranch Don & Omie Danell 1012 Maiden Road Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5622 Lots 1-23

Bolton Double B Ranch Barry & Dena Bolton 515 Knapp Rd Hilger, MT 59451 (406) 538-5280 Lots 24-34

Linhart Angus

Doug & Penny Linhart Mike & Mardi Vanek Hobson, MT • Lewistown, MT (406) 423-5445 - Doug (406) 366-4668 - Mike Lots 35-52

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Saturday • March 19, 2016 • 1:00 pm (MST) Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, Montana



Kyle Shobe....................... Cell...........................(406) 366-0472

• WE DELIVER! – Not only the finest genetics in the Northwest, but we will deliver your purchases FREE in Montana and anywhere in the continental USA for no more than $300/head.


Volume Discounts:

Yogo Inn....................... Headquarters ....................(800) 860-9646 (406) 535-8721 Super 8...............................................................(406) 538-2581 B & B Motel......................................................(877) 538-3563

• Volume Discount Purchases: 5% on 5-9 bulls 10% on 10 or more bulls

Sale Day Phones:

Cash Back:

(406) 538-3535........................... Lewistown Livestock Auction

• $50 Cash Back per Bull if you haul away on sale day!

(406) 366-6953................................................. Don Danell Cell (406) 366-1192.............................................. Doug Linhart Cell (406) 366-4668.................................................Mike Vanek Cell (406) 366-0162...............................................Barry Bolton Cell

Extended Feeding: • Extended feeding arrangements available after Apr. 1.

Sale Location:


Sale will be held in Lewistown, Montana at the Lewistown Livestock Auction Yards, 83 Stockyard Lane off of Highway 191.

• Insurance will be available sale day.

Terms of Sale: Sale Location!!

• Bulls will sell under the suggested Terms & Conditions of the American Gelbvieh and American Angus Associations.

Lewistown Livestock Auction


• All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. The seller and/or sale management assume no liabilty, legal or otherwise, for any accidents occuring on or about the premises.

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics




Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh

lot of a t c e p x E


orking bulls -fashioned w ld o d o go u and we will ng yo mplished that ake your strive to bri e co W ac e ! n av h fu e n es. We feel w at will help m Wow! It’s bee l ent to the tim sales later – aising bulls th rr R e n . cu -o ce aying specia ay ty la st p en to et w T e mark ualities o this is by p q d th e h ry h it w it sa w w ay t es w at en ec e n th rr e Th that offer the ourselves – cu r program. we have don n goal of ou p you – and will see that ai the TOP ee u k m in yo e to k d th n e u an ra is n – g e ti con offerin e choic average is ad th ed gr re in – b s e ll ve in u o b m ab increase the our calves – and trying to stay e working to ling EPDs of g, b ar n e ar li b w m ar d e m ag an e s er th e av ighest score) ernes attention to erness (the h sale bulls. Th important aspect is tend d r n u l o te f r o fo ge 0 1 ta n er ore a d ribeye on al a high perce bulls. Anoth sure IMF an imals that sc eh ea an vi m b n el te to G ea ts g e ai n av tr 23% of yearli e sell. We h und carcass ade choice. es e also ultraso h each bull w d ours – to gr it W an w ! – s ce es es Ds, sometim n en lv er er ca d ten ake a diff nhanced EP get your E m to at ly es k th o al ac d d ic tr n it m n ra o – o e A st Gen and – Wow! to see if we ar along the DN stry involves rs u s fe d s) le ei in D le h P al d le f (E tt o an s ca s s nd ence the yearling bull vering thousa chnology in rogeny Differ P te co is d k, er d il te e m ew ec , ar n xp se e ts E ea is lving ing the genetic ca p t, o Some of th – u el g p ev in ly d p ed in m re b it r K test. Si that are used n. Although rchase and/o called the 50 y of the traits ic informatio dering for pu et an si ly n n m u ge tr co ce is it e en th e ar u g e ak fl w they feel in EPDs by usin the process enough to m pare animals curacy of the upon to com ac . e ly th re ne-tune e se w ea at cr th ic-Enhanced is to in ted data to fi al ec ll go co e f o Th s are Genom t D c. lo P maly (birth et a o E d g, s’ an n ll an li u al e b b it m ar r n m conge d all ou a ill take ti an g w n g M), it yi in t, st rr p te ca ce e n imal is Multiplex (A an s e done th si av o is a great co an h yp if e w e gr , in ro id h erm Art (DD), h that sa e done to det ttle include Duplication b l ca n ta reliable. Wit ca ed en g id m h in p st o ck el bla of that rtant te ), Dev anomalies in Other impo animal is free dactyly (CA e o n n o th s m ch n m ra ea A co m l ich pass it tura e most see DDF (wh H), Contrac efect and can ay (N d defect). Th e s m u u th al g yo h n , p yi gs ce lf will talo is carr Hydro en and sale ca mating, the ca that animal m a s Neuropathic n se in ea n In m o . h it S) s ic pas (wh D will rosis (O ay see DDC ected with D and they both m aff t and Osteopet u lf ec yo ef ca r d a o , e – ce th rry antee stan omaly) d the dam ca d Six, we guar defect. For in n an e o congenital an th re m f si ia o e s D l th gn el If si carry Dan ow ring). e calf will sh of your cows lder area. At e th u o m s, on to its offsp sh so rd r o if o w k en er ec ev n its – in oth means that, truding from be “Affected” omalies. This an front leg pro a al ted calves. tr it n ex ge n an e produce affec nown co t k o l likely hav n al l f il o w s ee ll fr u ictures ur b ulls are try to have p ! atings with o l S il m L that all our b L w s, U d le B le an R al g U e n hotos rinti LL O recessiv e also extra p the catalog p EREST IN A ar r T e one of these fo IN er e N m Th E ti . M in rg E s .o ll ½S ost of our bu www.gelbvieh WE RETAIN t photos of m ing on the AGA website, ge to 6-538-5622 ed ag ing them. 40 We man ur view d n yo fi r p fo el h le b y la lls avai if you need an of all our bu Give us a call s. ll u b e th f o of some

EPD’s - Expected Progeny Differences • EPD abbreviations used in this information

CE – Calving Ease BW – Birth Weight WW – Weaning Weight YW – Yearling Weight Milk – Milk TM – Total Maternal CEM – Calving Ease Maternal HP – Heifer pregnancy PG30 – 30-month pregnancy

ST – Stayability (cow’s ability to produce a calf after age 6) YG – Yield Grade CW – Carcass Weight REA – Ribeye Area MB – Marbling $Cow – genetic value in dollars of profit of an animal when retained as a replacement female

FPI – Feeder profit index EPI – Efficiency profit index

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh 1

JOB Danell Pride 02C DOB 1/26/15 • Tattoo 02C • Reg. No. 1313560

Mytty In Focus (S A F Focus of E R)

A A R Lady Kelton 5551 (S A V Adaptor 2213)

BR Midland (Twin Valley Precision E161)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

Monarch Sandy Pride S132 Monarch Sandy Pride P064 (JD Daigger 901)

Black Polled Purebred Angus CE 20

BW WW YW Milk -4.3 58 120 21



TM CEM HP PG30 ST 50 7 5.67 0.62 1

Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 647 Ratio 92 Adj. YW 1115 Ratio 91 ADG 2.74 Ratio 88



Lot 1

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.28 36 0.63 1.63 114.51

An 84 pound Purebred Angus that is solid black with incredible calving ease, birth weight, and carcass trait EPDs. A heifer bull that comes from a beautifully uddered, good footed, “never miss” mama cow. Our intention when breeding Angus to Angus is to get more Angus females to produce great Gelbvieh Balancer calves. But, as fate has it, we seem to get more bulls than heifers. This bull is a natural calf out of our great “Sandy” donor line. If you’re looking for a great heifer bull that will give you easy fleshing, moderate framed heifer replacements with great udders, Pride is that bull! Danell


JOB Danell Sundance 05C DOB 2/06/15 • Tattoo 05C • Reg. No. 1313562

GRU Elk Dee Jake 744J (GKT Boo Boo 155E)

Elk Ck Kerry 138L (EGR Elk Creek Loner 712G)

MCFG The Man 113U (MCFG MCF Bruce Almighty 35PET)

JOB Danell Pammy 15Z JOB Danell P.J. 15S (JOB Danell Picasso 18P)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 88% Purebred CE 14

BW WW YW Milk 0.5 75 107 27



TM CEM HP PG30 ST 64 12 12.73 -0.73 5

Lot 2

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.58 33 0.68 -0.04 70.84 74.98

A homozygous polled/homozygous black (solid black) 88% Purebred Gelbvieh bull with a good disposition on a moderate frame. Sundance offers great calving ease, moderate birth weight, explosive growth, moderate milk and carcass EPDs that put him in a class of his own. The mama, Pammy 15Z, is a long sided, moderate framed, beautifully uddered female with a good disposition. We sold ½ interest in this cow to Bar IV Livestock (Barry & Beth Racke) in Cold Spring, KY and they join us in offering full possession and ½ semen interest in Sundance. Pammy is such a beautiful female that we flushed her donor dam, P. J. 15S, to the same sire – hoping for more females like her. Sundance is a definite herdsire prospect with excellent feet, a clean sheath, long neck, smaller head, great eye appeal, and good scrotum. Danell


JOB Danell Runway 16C DOB 2/09/15 • Tattoo 16C • Reg. No. 1313573

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P)

HKAR Laura S382 (A A R Nitro 2211)

JOB Danell Picasso 18P (XXB Drew 565K)

JOB Lariat 688A

JOB Danell Free Style 25T JOB Danell Freely 906L (SLC Freedom 178F ET

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




BW WW YW Milk 0.5 67 103 23

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 56 8 5.86 1.27 5

Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 722 Ratio 103 Adj. YW 1262 Ratio 103 ADG 3.39 Ratio 109

Lot 3

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.37 32 0.32 0.21 74.93

A homozygous polled/homozygous black (solid black) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer bull out of our herdsire/AI sire, Lariat 688A. This cow bull will catch your eye! He is smooth made, clean sheathed, good footed, big hipped, and easy going. I cannot say enough about him – he is flat good! From a good footed, good uddered female. Should make great replacement females with eye appeal, great dispositions, and good udders.

Jan 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s

CED 11

BW 0.0

WW 65

YW 99

Milk 25

TM 58


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

HP 4

PG30 1

ST 5

DMI 0.020


YG -0.14

CW 29

RE 0.45

MB 0.25

FT -0.03

ADG RFI $Cow 0.023 -0.012 57.19

FPI EPI 73.80 116.40

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


CE 12


Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P

Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 698 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1164 Ratio 95 ADG 2.91 Ratio 93

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh Danell

JOB Danell Felix 23C



DOB 2/12/15 • Tattoo 23C • Reg. No. 1313579

Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P (GRU Elk Dee Jake 744J)

MCFG TD Mya 210T (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)

MCFG The Man 113U (MCFG MCF Bruce Almighty 35PET)

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y

JOB Danell Faline 45A JOB Danell Bambini 21T (JOB Danell Picasso 18P)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




Lot 4

CE 13

BW WW YW Milk 1.9 84 121 28

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 70 11 9.62 0.54 8

Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 726 Ratio 104 Adj. YW 1221 Ratio 100 ADG 3.22 Ratio 103

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.56 44 0.73 0.12 82.49

Homozygous polled (DNA)/homozygous black (solid black) 75% Gelbvieh Balancer bull that puts it all together – eye appeal, an amazing EPD package, good footed, and from a good uddered first calf heifer that has outdone herself. Looking at Felix’s smooth front tells me that this Chico Loco son is not only a definite herdsire prospect, but can be used on a few heifers as well. Excellent disposition and very eye appealing.


JOB Danell Free Fall 41C



DOB 2/21/15 • Tattoo 41C • Reg. No. 1313663

CTR CTR Sandhills 0065X (CTR Sandman 6523S)

BGGR Ms Frontpage 803U (Connealy Front Page 0228)

JOB Danell Turnabout 20W (Riverbend Mile High 3718)

BGGR BGGR Gravity 803A

JOB Danell Freespin 45Y JOB Danell Freely 906L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y




Sire of Lots 4, 7 & 9

CE 14

BW WW YW Milk -0.7 67 104 15

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 48 11 0.65 1.64 1

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.36 30 0.33 0.48 82.91

Homozygous polled/ single black (solid black) 3/8 Gelbvieh Balancer. Free Fall is sired by the National Balancer Bull Futurity Champion, Gravity. He is one of the biggest hipped bulls in the sale. This moderate framed cow bull comes from a good uddered young female. A great calving ease cow bull with good growth, great carcass value, and a good tenderness score.


JOB Danell CD Rave II 45C


DOB 2/22/15 • Tattoo 45C • Reg. No. 1313667

Mytty In Focus (S A F Focus of E R)

A A R Lady Kelton 5551 (S A V Adaptor 2213)

JOB Danell Picasso 18P (XXB Drew 565K)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

JOB Danell Raven 22T JEB BCC Birdie 24G (LCBK BCC Bear 43B)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®





Act. BW 83 Adj. 205 723 Ratio 103 Adj. YW 1198 Ratio 98 ADG 2.91 Ratio 93

Lot 6

CE 14

BW WW YW Milk -1.3 62 107 32

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 63 9 4.04 0.97 3

Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 699 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1258 Ratio 103 ADG 3.43 Ratio 110

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.50 32 0.81 1.01 96.99

Homozygous polled, homozygous black (small amount of white by scrotum) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer that offers calving ease, growth, milk, and TOP carcass traits along with a tenderness score of 7! We sold a full brother last year that we liked so well as a calf that we bred mama back the same way, thus creating Rave II. That mama, Raven, has a great udder and a BW ratio of 99 on 6 calves, a WW ratio of 104 on 6 calves, and a YW ratio of 101 on 5 calves. Rave II is a Gelbvieh Balancer bull that comes from a proven “no miss” cow family, a proven sire, and has proven performance of his own – 100 WW ratio, 103 YW ratio, 105 ribeye ratio, and 115 IMF ratio! Rave II is an extremely long, big hipped, very eye appealing, clean sheathed, long strided bull with a wide base. He will have an AI permit and he will be collected before he leaves the ranch. We want progeny from Rave II. January 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s


BW 1.2

WW 67

YW 94

Milk 29

TM 63

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


HP 4

PG30 1

ST 8

DMI 21-


YG 0.022

CW -0.25

RE 27

MB 0.48

FT -0.17

ADG RFI $Cow FPI -0.06 -0.042 -0.024 75.04

EPI 63.51

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh 7

JOB Caesar 688C DOB 2/23/15 • Tattoo 688C • Reg. No. 1313775

Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P (GRU Elk Dee Jake 744J)

MCFG TD Mya 210T (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)

A A R Nitro 2211 (H A R B Nitro 942)

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y

HKAR Laura S382 HKAR Laura M504 (Boyd Powerhouse 5008)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer® (50GV/50AN) CE 13

BW WW YW Milk 0.5 61 101 28



TM CEM HP PG30 ST 58 6 6.49 -0.08 4

Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 734 Ratio 105 Adj. YW 1293 Ratio 106 ADG 3.43 Ratio 110



Lot 7

TG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.26 31 0.11 0.39 76.52

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black (solid black) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer cow bull that offers calving ease, growth, milk, and carcass. Caesar scanned a 13.60 ribeye with a 103 ratio, and a 3.761 IMF with a 109 ratio and has a 105 WW ratio and a 106 YW ratio. His dam is one of the most consistent TOP bull makers I have seen. Caesar is no exception, you can’t help but notice this long, deep, big hipped, smooth made bull in the pen. Caesar is a full brother to our herdsire/AI sire, JOB Lariat 688A - sire to lots 3, 18, 20, and 22. If you want calves that look like them and grow like them, Caesar is your bull. We will have more bulls in the sale next year sired by Caesar’s full brother, JOB Lariat 688A. Danell


JOB Danell TD Columbus 50C DOB 2/24/15 • Tattoo 50C • Reg. No. 1313672

KCF Bennett U271 (KCF Bennett S30)

DLW Ms Matron 802U (DLW Mr Kingston 106P)

JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

MCFG TD Mya 210T JOB Danell Little Kati 2L (MLLC M/L Encore)

Homozygous Black Polled Purebred CE 10

BW WW YW Milk 1.2 87 118 29



Lot 8

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 72 6 4.81 1.08 7 -0.54 40 0.63 -0.44 69.77

Single polled/ homozygous black purebred Gelbvieh bull from one of our TOP producing females, TD Mya 210T. She has produced three TOP herdsires that have sold to purebred breeders. She is the dam of TD Chico Loco 28Y, TD My Man 3Z, and TD My Fortune 3B. We have AI’ed heavily to My Fortune and Chico Loco and the calves are hitting the ground as I write this. Mya is a beautifully uddered female that is a “no miss” mama with a great disposition. Columbus is another herdsire prospect that has a great disposition, is clean sheathed, straight backed, big hipped, and excellent footed. He has bragging rights on a 115 WW ratio (our best), 102 YW ratio, 104 ribeye ratio, 104 IMF ratio (3.58), and 74 Fat ratio! Danell


JOB Danell Stellar 51C DOB 2/24/15 • Tattoo 51C • Reg. No. 1313733

ELK CK Crazy Horse 138P (GRU ELK Dee Jake 744J)

MCFG TD Mya 210T (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)

EXAR New Look 2971 (Bon View New Design 1407)

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y

Monarch Stella S363 Green Garden Stella E020 (ISU Imaging Q 9111)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




BW WW YW Milk 2.5 77 125 24

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 62 7 6.11 -1.59 4

Act. BW 98 Adj. 205 771 Ratio 110 Adj. YW 1265 Ratio 104 ADG 2.96 Ratio 95

Lot 9

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.38 48 0.55 0.53 86.93

A homozygous polled/ homozygous black 50% Gelbvieh Balancer bull that is moderate framed with an easy going disposition. Stellar is a wide topped, big hipped, clean sheathed, good footed, extremely long beef machine that will add pounds to your next calf crop. This cow bull has great calving ease, superior growth numbers, TOP carcass traits and the eye appeal that is so common to this sire group. You will see a lot more Chico Loco sons from our program in the future – they are good!

Jan 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s

CED 11

BW 0.0

WW 65

YW 99

Milk 25

TM 58


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

HP 4

PG30 1

ST 5

DMI 0.020


YG -0.14

CW 29

RE 0.45

MB 0.25

FT -0.03

ADG RFI $Cow 0.023 -0.012 57.19

FPI EPI 73.80 116.40

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


CE 11


DLW New Frontier 33A ET

Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 805 Ratio 115 Adj. YW 1242 Ratio 102 ADG 3.17 Ratio 102

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh Danell

JOB Danell Lebron 57C



DOB 2/28/15 • Tattoo 57C • Reg. No. 1313739

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Lavender 22Y JOB Danell Heather 37W (JOB Danell Picasso 18P)

Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




CE 13

BW WW YW Milk 0.2 69 111 23

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 58 6 4.42 0.43 7

Act. BW 97 Adj. 205 737 Ratio 105 Adj. YW 1293 Ratio 106 ADG 3.57 Ratio 114

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.40 36 0.53 0.48 61.66 84.03

Homozygous polled/ single black (solid black) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer on a larger frame with an exceptionally long body and a good disposition. With carcass traits in the TOP 35% or better, calving ease in the TOP 25% with excellent growth numbers and a 10 for Tenderness, LeBron will get your attention! His great great granddam, Ashley 818G, is a foundation female that has produced a line of females with great udders and dispositions. LaBron will have an AI permit and be collected before he leaves the ranch for in-herd use in our program. LaBron also has bragging rights on his performance – 105 WW ratio, 106 YW ratio, 105 ribeye ratio, and a 114 IMF ratio! This is the good stuff we are after as breeders. Danell

JOB Danell Prime 58C



DOB 2/28/15 • Tattoo 58C • Reg. No. 1313740

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET (MLH Goldrush Visa J40)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Prima Dona 26Y JOB Danell Milady 12U (Riverbend Mile High 3718)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

Sire of Lots 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19 21 & 23




CE 15

BW WW YW Milk -3.7 53 87 20

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 46 10 2.52 0.41 5

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.54 16 0.79 0.71 85.75

Homozygous polled/ black (test pending) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer with a 79 pound birth weight. Prime will be an excellent heifer bull to add carcass and tenderness along with good udders and sound feet to your replacement heifers.


JOB Danell Scotty 59C


DOB 3/01/15 • Tattoo 59C • Reg. No. 1313741

CTR CTR Sandhills 0065X (CTR Sandman 6523S)

BGGR Ms Frontpage 803U (Connealy Front Page 0228)

JOB Danell Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

BGGR BGGR Gravity 803A

JOB Danell Moonbeam 20Z JOB Danell Moondancer 24X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)


Act. BW 79 Adj. 205 670 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1120 Ratio 92 ADG 3.22 Ratio 103

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




Lot 12

CE 11

BW WW YW Milk 2.2 76 118 15

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 53 7 0.90 2.33 5

Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 780 Ratio 111 Adj. YW 1243 Ratio 102 ADG 2.83 Ratio 91

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.42 43 0.53 0.06 73.85

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black (solid black) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer that is on a larger frame with a lot of length and an excellent disposition. Scotty is another cow bull sired by the National Futurity winner, Gravity. He has our 3rd best WW ratio of 111 at 780 pounds and has a calving ease EPD of 11 (TOP 45%) with a WW EPD of 76 and a YW EPD of 118 – both in the TOP 15%! Scotty is big hipped, eye appealing, and will add pounds to your calves. The mama, Moonbeam 20Z, is an excellent uddered female.

January 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s


BW 1.2

WW 67

YW 94

Milk 29

TM 63

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


HP 4

PG30 1

ST 8

DMI 21-


YG 0.022

CW -0.25

RE 27

MB 0.48

FT -0.17

ADG RFI $Cow FPI -0.06 -0.042 -0.024 75.04

EPI 63.51

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh 14

JOB Danell Casanova 60C DOB 3/01/15 • Tattoo 60C • Reg. No. 1313742

KCF Bennett U271 (KCF Bennett S30)

DLW Ms matron 802U (DLW Mr Kingston 106P)

JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

JOB Danell Chickie 31W (JBOB Carolina Fortune 2564JET)

DLW New Frontier 33A ET JOB Danell Hot Chick 10Y

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred CE 10

BW WW YW Milk 1.5 87 128 34





Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 785 Ratio 112 Adj. YW 1323 Ratio 108 ADG 3.22 Ratio 103

Lot 14

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 78 10 6.49 2.26 12 -0.56 47 0.77 -0.03 80.96

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black (white on sheath) purebred Gelbvieh bull that puts it all together. He has our 2nd highest 205 weight of 785 with a 112 ratio. His dam has a 96 BW ratio on 3 calves, 104 WW ratio on 3 calves, 105 YW ratio on 3 calves, 103 ribeye ratio on 3 caves, and 114 IMF ratio on 3 calves. Casanova has an EPD package that reads like a good book – all but two of the measured EPDs are in the TOP 20% of the breed! His personal performance matches those EPDs – 112 WW ratio, 108 YW ratio, 117 ribeye ratio (15.42), and 113 IMF ratio! Murphy’s Law dictates that there will always be a catch when trying to create the perfect bull and Casanova has white on his sheath and by his scrotum. Casanova is a larger framed bull with a straight back, big top, good feet, and a great disposition. A definite herdsire prospect that will also be collected for in herd use before he leaves sale day. Danell


JOB Danell Gemini 62C DOB 3/04/15 • Tattoo 62C • Reg. No. 1313744

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET (MLH Goldrush Visa J40)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Gem 33X MHD Jewel Moon 36U (JOB Danell Crown Royal 23SET)

Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




CE 11

BW WW YW Milk -0.8 69 107 23

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 58 10 3.70 -.18 4

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.55 32 0.87 0.55 86.88

Homozygous polled/ black (solid black) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer with a great disposition on an extremely long body. An excellent cow bull with calving ease, growth, carcass and tenderness. He will add length to your program! His dam, Gem, is good uddered and good footed with a great disposition. If you’re looking for a couple of like made bulls from the same sire – Gemini and Khan 65C (LOT 16) would be that match – they look like full brothers.



JOB Danell Khan 65C DOB 3/07/15 • Tattoo 65C • Reg. No. 1313747

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Xanadu 38U HAG Ms Xena 26L ET (JCGR Bar GT Einstein)




CE 13

BW WW YW Milk -0.7 67 111 28

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 62 7 4.74 -0.45 7

Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 752 Ratio 107 Adj. YW 1302 Ratio 107 ADG 3.57 Ratio 114

Lot 15

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.36 35 0.40 0.60 87.41

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black (solid black) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer on an extremely long body. As I stated above, Gemini 62C (LOT 15) looks like a full brother to Khan. They both offer calving ease, growth, carcass, and tenderness. Khan’s dam, Xanadu 38U, is good uddered and good footed. Khan is extremely long, good footed, and clean made. This bull is no slouch – he brags a 107 WW ratio, 107 YW ratio, 110 ribeye ratio, and 109 IMF ratio!

Jan 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s

CED 11

BW 0.0

WW 65

YW 99

Milk 25

TM 58


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

HP 4

PG30 1

ST 5

DMI 0.020


YG -0.14

CW 29

RE 0.45

MB 0.25

FT -0.03

ADG RFI $Cow 0.023 -0.012 57.19

FPI EPI 73.80 116.40

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®


Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 733 Ratio 105 Adj. YW 1176 Ratio 96 ADG 2.91 Ratio 93

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh Gelbvieh



JOB Danell TD Imperial 73C DOB 3/15/15 • Tattoo 73C • Reg. No. 1313755

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET (MLH Goldrish Visa J40)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell TD Ice Cream 7X JOB Danell Black Ice 30P (JOB Danell Diamond Six 41L)

Red Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




Lot 17

CE 15

BW WW YW Milk -1.2 66 110 23

TM CEM 56 8

HP PG30 ST 2.9 1.14 6

YG CW REA -0.44 34 0.57

Act. BW 91 Adj. 205 676 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1220 Ratio 100 ADG 3.30 Ratio 106

MB $Cow FPI EPI .48 58.45 84.92

Homozygous polled/ Red (diluter free) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer. Long sided, clean sheathed, straight backed with a good hip. An opportunity to put some outcross red genetics into your program. A red Ten X grandson is a rare commodity and Imperial is doubly unique if you study his maternal pedigree and see the generations of well known homozygous black Gelbvieh sires. Imperial’s dam is a beautiful long sided, good uddered, good footed purebred Gelbvieh that also has an exceptionally good disposition. Imperial offers exceptional calving ease and birth weight EPDs with explosive growth, stayability, TOP carcass traits, and tenderness. Danell

JOB Danell Eric 75C



DOB 3/16/15 • Tattoo 75C • Reg. No. 1313757

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P)

HKAR Laura S382 (A A R Nitro 2211)

JOB Danell Turnabout 20W (Riverbend Mile High 3718)

JOB Lariat 688A

JOB Danell Cinderella 61Y JOB Danell Cindy Lou 2U (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

JOB Lariat 688A




Sire of Lots 3, 18, 20 & 22

CE 13

BW WW YW Milk 0.5 64 106 27

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 59 7 4.99 1.12 7

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.43 34 0.51 0.61 84.62

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black 50% Gelbvieh Balancer bull that is thick made with a quiet disposition. Excellent calving ease with good growth and carcass traits. The mama, Cinderella 61Y, is another good uddered female that goes back to our donor, Monarch Sandy S132, line. TOP tenderness score (7), TOP ultrasound score with a 13.81 ribeye and a 4.58 IMF. Here’s a bull that will get your calves to grade choice.


JOB Danell Patriot 76C


DOB 3/18/15 • Tattoo 76C • Reg. No. 1313758

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

SDCG X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M 130P)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Mandy B. 48Z Monarch Sandy Pride S132 (BR Midland)


Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 691 Ratio 99 Adj. YW 1237 Ratio 101 ADG 3.09 Ratio 99

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




Lot 19

CE 16

BW WW YW Milk -2.5 60 106 26

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 56 3 4.15 1.62 2

Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 690 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1202 Ratio 98 ADG 3.26 Ratio 104

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.30 30 0.45 1.19 100.83

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black 25% Gelbvieh Balancer bull that is moderate framed and easy on the eye. What an exceptional heifer type bull! An 86 pound birth weight, 690 pound weaning weight, a 10 for tenderness, scanned a 12.38 ribeye and a 5.090 IMF. Patriot’s mama, Mandy B. 48Z, is a beautifully made X Factor daughter that has a perfect udder, is smooth made, and has a great disposition. Patriot’s granddam, Sandy S132 (dam of Lot 1), is a donor in our program that also supports a beautiful udder and has an average IMF of 5.37 (ratio of 130) on 8 calves. Patriot’s AI sire, JOB DANELL A.J. 12A ET, has also proved himself in our program with an average IMF of 3.90 (ratio of 110) on 7 bull calves in our sale - A.J. stamps his calves with length, style, and clean fronts along with good carcass traits. Patriot will have an AI permit and semen collected before he leaves sale day. I will be using Patriot on some heifers and on our larger, heavier birth weight cows. This heifer type bull puts it all together – tenderness, carcass, calving ease, and eye appeal! January 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s


BW 1.2

WW 67

YW 94

Milk 29

TM 63

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


HP 4

PG30 1

ST 8

DMI 21-


YG 0.022

CW -0.25

RE 27

MB 0.48

FT -0.17

ADG RFI $Cow FPI -0.06 -0.042 -0.024 75.04

EPI 63.51

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh 20

JOB Danell Poncho 79C

e l a S

DOB 3/19/15 • Tattoo 79C • Reg. No. 1313761

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P)

JOB Lariat 688A

f o t Ou

HKAR Laura S382 (A A R Nitro 2211)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell Rosalina 8Z JOB Danell Rosa 14T ET (MLH Goldrush Visa J40)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




CE 11

BW WW YW Milk 0.8 75 130 24

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 62 8 5.68 -0.02 4

Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 723 Ratio 103 Adj. YW 1251 Ratio 102 ADG 3.30 Ratio 106


JOB Danell Pickett 89C


DOB 3/30/15 • Tattoo 89C • Reg. No. 1313771

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P)

HKAR Laura S382 (A A R Nitro 2211)

JOB Danell Picasso 18P (XXB Drew 565K)

JOB Lariat 688A

JOB Danell Black Tide 13T ET Monarch Alberda M069 (Alberda Traveler 416)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




CE 12

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.39 49 0.58 0.22 80.62

BW WW YW Milk 1.1 58 101 26

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 55 6 5.94 2.82 4

Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 704 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1221 Ratio 100 ADG 2.91 Ratio 93



YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.33 32 0.28 0.48 76.42

Homozygous polled/ homozygous black 50% Gelbvieh Balancer cow bull that has good calving ease, growth, and carcass. These are the types of bulls that will get your calves to grade choice. His mama, JOB DANELL Black Tide 13T ET, has one of the best udders in our herd. Pickett is another bull that will put good replacement heifers in your pen! Danell


JOB Danell Chachi 81C DOB 3/21/15 • Tattoo 81C • Reg. No. 1313763

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JBOB Carolina Fortune 2564JET (JBOB Carolina CPR)

JOB Danell Chickie 31W JOB Danell Chickadee 24S ET (FHG VVFG Flying H Exclusive)

Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




CE 16

BW WW YW Milk -3.8 57 93 35

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 64 9 5.49 2.00 13


JOB Danell Contact 93C


DOB 4/08/15 • Tattoo 93C • Reg. No. 1314046

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

SPUR Kings Ransome 901J ET (GKT Bud 11G)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

MCFG 8R ET JOB Danell Little Kati 2L (MLLC M/C Encore)

Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®




YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.51 20 0.66 0.59 86.93

CE 11

Homozygous polled/ single black 63% Gelbvieh Balancer that has a “puppydog” disposition. CE and BW EPDs, with an actual 83# birthweight, make him a 4-star heifer bull. His dam, JOB 31W, has an average of 82.3 pound birth weights with a 101 WW ratio on 4 calves. A heifer bull with growth that will work well on heifers and cows, Chachi will put great replacement heifers in your program with lots of milk!

BW WW YW Milk 0.5 70 109 26

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 61 9 4.31 .15 0

Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 749 Ratio 108 Adj. YW 1293 Ratio N/A ADG 3.26 Ratio 104

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.51 35 0.79 0.37 36.78 81.56 118.60

Homozygous polled/ single black 63% Gelbvieh Balancer cow bull that is quite impressive. He was born April 8th and it is hard to notice that he is 2 months younger than the oldest bulls in our pen. Scanned a 16.59 ribeye (our largest) and a 3.77 IMF and has a 749 pound WW with a 108 ratio. Comes from a good uddered, good footed dam. He will put great replacement heifers in your pen. Contact has length and style – he is a good bull that belongs in your herd!


JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

Act. BW 83 Adj. 205 740 Ratio 106 Adj. YW 1213 Ratio 99 ADG 3.09 Ratio 99


Jan 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s

CED 11

BW 0.0

WW 65

YW 99

Milk 25

TM 58


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

HP 4

PG30 1

ST 5

DMI 0.020


YG -0.14

CW 29

RE 0.45

MB 0.25

FT -0.03

ADG RFI $Cow 0.023 -0.012 57.19

FPI EPI 73.80 116.40

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics



Bolton Double B Ranch

ics Angus Genet a Gelbvieh & e, n m ta ti g on in M lv al st Annual Centr ress at ca st ur yo 21 ce e er du you to th and pack s. at can re tract feeders ily welcomes with bulls th at m u s ill fa yo w e ch at id an th ov R to pr for the carcas d grade ouble B ntinues to be s per pound pe of gain an nt co ty The Bolton D ce e al w th go fe e le a tt on tr ca your d an ex ur number ing, and give e per calf an Bull Sale! O soundness, eight at wean ounds or mor w p y ! 50 pa at a th ur tr ty, structural yo ex do ili u rt an , fe yo es lp s— ic increase he er pr t of the genetic cer heif bulls will cattle marke are a big part ieh and Balan up, and our d d bv for an el ad G With today’s nt ly r re al ou re he are in want to retain traits in calves can ill definitely of these traits convenience w ing ll d u A value of your ud an . yo cl ct h in al , n in ic n h st er io w e mat our operat maternal in offspring, d in er if an ve e y We value th he ti lit d ac ut ci is an do ogeny t and ro in re family ty, longevity, l as in their pr ling, treatmen r, as our enti el d a fo n w d as ha as ee fleshing abili , n to br er io d ly at off ur oper ond easi t we love an e bulls we imal and yo ce B Ranch resp an docile; a trai an e l e makeup in th bl al th rm e ou fo u, ar D er s yo p n al Bolto er on uctive ur anim igher reprod cattle on the rd much easi your herd. O day, have a h hildren. All into your he dc er on p an t ti si gr gh g an ei tr w un more take our yo make the e cattle gain ttlemen—to t, which will sy-to-manag mmercial ca unterparts. ea co uct. co at managemen l od to th ta pr y n en r lit ei ow bi am s have sh responsi ality to th eir temper nt qu th ta d or an ad p s th lp im te ey he whole. Studie an on at will genomic st e you more m edstock producers, have ct animals th e use; using le w s se ’s ie al to og d and will mak im se ol n an an as etics, n of an the tech that we, superior gen is just one of rate estimatio le We believe nologies and d more accu s (GE-EPD) ch ce ered in the sa an te r en off ie ew er rl n lls iff ea bu D of r e an ny r ag ou ge fo l nt s al ro va w P on lo d ad te ed ta al was complet hanced Expec d progeny da and Genomic-En nsity) testing , pedigree, an de ce h an ig (h rm le operation D fo H er p Profiler – on your catt k ic ieh or bv in addition to om w el en to G G m % h Angus/15 . Gelbvie ing progra sheets. ce % ed ta an re 85 da sb r e rm ei os fo on th cr er d p and ed in rs an our genetics lts are includ nine Balance d and the resu tunity to put ed Gelbvieh, or br p re op pu e e Gelbvieh an e! o th yp tw te r program, th and phenot . We have s at We apprecia ou nt t D oi P ed ou E pp er r ab sa off ei e di g th in out n mor bulls won’t of the bulls be . ally excited ab doublebranch.com to lear know these s and pictures website at www.gelbvieh le. We are re n D sa to P e ol E th s .b w at ha w er w so r al at ei te te th si si t si eb eb bull to off vi w w , iation es. Our eck out our elbvieh Assoc ing advantag Be sure to ch American G e crossbreed e th th ! d m on an , ra n ds io og at our pr Balancer bree r more inform our bulls and their sires. Fo about cattle, g in lk ta the sale and ve a call. We lo org, or give us

Ranch r, MT 59451 B e l b u o D Bolton Box 826 • Hilge ch.com


an Lane • POw.boltondoublebr p p a n K 515 280 • ww 406.538.5

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Bolton Double B Ranch 24

Bolton Lincoln 42C DOB 2/13/15 • Tattoo 42C • Reg. No. 1311206

S A V Bismarck 5682 (G A R Grid Maker))

Thomas Ruby Erica 8293 (Mytty In Focus)

SDGC X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M 130P))

Thomas Top Hand 0536

JOB Danell Ella 52Z Monarch Stella S363 (EXAR New Look 2971)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled

Tenderness 7


CE 23

BW WW YW Milk -6.0 57 105 32

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 60 11 2.17 1.69 2

Act. BW 72 Adj. 205 768 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1146 Ratio 93 ADG 2.75 Ratio 91



Lot 24

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.38 24 0.56 1.33 109.96

Sired by Thomas Top Hand - an Angus bull reputation builder in CED, YW and $B. His dam is a favorite in our herd with a history of producing solid-framed, shorter bulls with excellent disposition. Lincoln is moderate framed with extreme power, thickness and dimension. He combines calving ease (top 1-4% CEM and CED) with enhanced end product merit (Ranks in top 1% of the breed in MB and FPI, top 2% YG and has an outstanding 119 IMF Ratio) and all with an excellent disposition - 8 docility.



Bolton Pay Day 45C DOB 2/13/15 • Tattoo 45C • Reg. No. 1321630 JOB Danell Turnabout 20W (Riverbend Mile High 3718)

JOB Danell Jojo 13Y ET (MLLC M/L Encore)

ELK CK Crazy Horse 138P (GRU ELK Dee Jake 744J)

JOB Danell TD Ice Cream 7X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)

JOB Danell Joey 7A

JOB Danell TD Cupcake 34A

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

Tenderness 4


CE 14

BW WW YW Milk -1.6 67 101 22

Lot 25

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 56 8 5.05 1.19 8 -0.60 27 0.57 0.22 79.18

Sired by Joey 7A, a phenotypically flawless bull with extremely good carcass and his dam is a first calf heifer with a beautiful udder. Pay Day delivers carcass merit! (-.6 YG, top 1% in breed, top 1% MB and top 1% FPI, and top 25% REA) with solid growth (828 lb weaning weight - 104 Ratio and a 1306 YW - 106 Ratio) in a calving ease package (top 4% CED and top 25% CEM).



Bolton Happy Feet 46C DOB 2/15/15 • Tattoo 46C • Reg. No. 1311209

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

Deer Valley Rita 0274 (Sitz Upward 307R)

OZZ Ext Governor 3N (FHG VVFG Flying H Exclusive)

Deer Valley All In

JOB Danell Arctic Girl 9Z JOB Danell Stormy 1X ET (JOB Danell Montana Proud ET)

Tenderness 7

Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 813 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1169 Ratio 95 ADG 2.52 Ratio 84


CE 19

BW WW YW Milk -2.8 76 125 34

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 72 13 2.96 2.45 11

Lot 26

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.49 40 0.86 0.76 102.38

Sired by Deer Valley All IN, a Ten X son with superior phenotype. All In has exceptionally high WW and YW. Dam is a young cow with superior stayability and fertility trait EPDs. This bull puts it all together. Use Happy Feets’s EPDs to add performance and end product merit without sacrificing calving ease or maternal traits. Ranks top in the breed in maternal, growth and carcass EPDs. (Top 2% TM and top 1% CED and CEM, top 1% YG and FPI, top 15% WW and top 5% YW, top 3% REA and MB, REA 13.78 - Ratio 105). Wow! Jan 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s

CED 11

BW 0.0

WW 65

YW 99

Milk 25

TM 58


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

HP 4

PG30 1

ST 5

DMI 0.020


YG -0.14

CW 29

RE 0.45

MB 0.25

FT -0.03

ADG RFI $Cow 0.023 -0.012 57.19

FPI EPI 73.80 116.40

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®


Act. BW 87 Adj. 205 828 Ratio 104 Adj. YW 1306 Ratio 106 ADG 3.26 Ratio 108

Bolton Double B Ranch Bolton

Bolton Churchill 47C



DOB 2/16/15 • Tattoo 47C • Reg. No. 1311216

ELK CK Crazy Horse 138P (GRE ELK Dee Jake 744J)

MCFH TD Mya 210T (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)

MCFG The Man 113U (MCFG MCF Bruce Almighty 35PET)

JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y

JOB Danell Chicklet 13A ET JOB Danell Chichadee 24S ET (FHG VVFG Flying H Exclusive)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred

Tenderness 4

Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 850 Ratio 106 Adj. YW 1362 Ratio 111 ADG 3.51 Ratio 116


Lot 27

CE 12

BW WW YW Milk 2.2 85 126 28

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 70 12 8.02 .70 7 -0.56 47 0.61 -0.30 72.20

Sired by Chico Loco, a Pure Bred Gelbvieh with breed leading growth traits (Top 2-4% WW, YW, YG and CW). Churchill has the EPDs to add growth to your program without sacraficing maternal traits. He boasts a whopping 850 lb weaning weight (Ration 106), and a 1362 yearling weight (Ratio 111). His 3.51 ADG is top in the herd. Topping his dad’s record, Churchill is in the top 1-4% in the breed in WW, YW, YG and CW.


Bolton Strutter 48C



DOB 2/16/15 • Tattoo 48C • Reg. No. 1311210

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

Deer Valley Rita 0274 (Sitz Upward 307R)

SDGC X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M 130P)

Deer Valley All In

JOB Danell Daylilly 28Z BRTV Tiger Lilly T21 ET (Partisover Anchor 948)

Homozyous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

Tenderness 10


Lot 28

CE 17

BW WW YW Milk -2.6 64 109 28

TM CEM HP PG30 ST 60 5 3.52 2.32 2

YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.50 31 1.01 1.01 100.14

Sired by Deer Valley All In, a Ten X son top in the Angus breed, and his dam has a history of producing bulls with higher marbling, tendernous and carcass weights. With Strutter’s EPDs expect to improve your programs carcass values and still have calving ease and docility. Strutter has a 10 for tendernous! 4.884 IMF (Ratio 136.0)! 13.6 REA with an extra rib! and an 8 docility. All of that plus he is in in the top 1% in YG, REA, MB and FPI!


Bolton Grant 56C


DOB 2/20/15 • Tattoo 56C • Reg. No. 1311213

S A V Bismarck 5682 (G A R Grid Maker))

Thomas Ruby Erica 8293 (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

Thomas Top Hand 0536

JOB Danell Stylin’ 6Y JOB Danell Montana Style 8W (XXB Drew 565K)


Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 777 Ratio 97 Adj. YW 1176 Ratio 96 ADG 2.93 Ratio 97

Black Hided-Red Carrier Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

Tenderness 8

Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 763 Ratio 95 Adj. YW 1230 Ratio 100 ADG 3.20 Ratio 106


Lot 29

CE 25

BW WW YW Milk -5.0 61 109 32

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 62 15 4.14 1.58 7 -0.42 28 0.49 0.76 97.56

Sired by Top Hand, a Bismarck son with every $ Value Index ranking in the top 5% or higher. His dam is another favorite in our herd, and earned Dam of Distinction status. Grant has the EPDs to add longevity and calving ease (top 1% CED and CEM) while improving carcass merit. He has a whopping 14.68 REA (112 Ratio), 3.804 IMF (106 Ratio), 8 tendernous, ranks in top 3% of breed in MB, 1% YG and 2% FPI. January 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s


BW 1.2

WW 67

YW 94

Milk 29

TM 63

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


HP 4

PG30 1

ST 8

DMI 21-


YG 0.022

CW -0.25

RE 27

MB 0.48

FT -0.17

ADG RFI $Cow FPI -0.06 -0.042 -0.024 75.04

EPI 63.51

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Bolton Double B Ranch Bolton Absolute 58C


DOB 2/24/15 • Tattoo 58C • Reg. No. 1311867

Mytty In Focus (S A F Focus of E R)

BCV Xandree 014X (RLV Top Magic 7T)

VRT Y510 ET (KHR Sam Spade 02S)

BCV Mr Z 204Z

CRLE Azalea 30A CRLE Wisteria 918W (RLV Echo Magic 10R)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

Tenderness 3

Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 780 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1322 Ratio 108 ADG 3.43 Ratio 114


Lot 30

CE 16

BW WW YW Milk -1.3 68 101 31



TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 65 12 5.38 -0.86 3 -0.42 27 0.33 0.50 86.89

Sired by BCV Mr Z, son of Mytty In Focus. With Absolute’s absolute solid weight gain, 1322 Yearling Weight (108 Ratio) and carcass EPDs, top 1% YG, top 10% FPI, IMF of 4.066 (113 Ratio), we expect him to sire progency with higher cutability and more desirable yield, improving your bottom line!


Bolton Eisenhowser 59C


DOB 2/25/15 • Tattoo 59C • Reg. No. 1311214 S A V Bismarck 5682 (G A R Grid Maker)

Thomas Ruby Erica 8293 (Mytty In Focus)

SDGC X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 130P)

Thomas Top Hand 0536

JOB Danell Edgy 59Z JOB Danell Edger 121K (MLLC M/L Encore)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

Tenderness 7


Lot 31

CE 22

BW WW YW Milk -2.9 62 100 34

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 65 14 2.92 2.59 8 -0.51 25 0.75 0.73 93.95

Sired by Top Hand, a Bismarck son with every $ Value Index ranking in the top 5% or higher, and his dam is a young cow with excellent maternal traits, and teat and udder quality. Eisenhower has the EPDs to sire daughters with calving ease (top 1% CED and CEM), strong maternal traits (top 5% in MK and top 15% TM), repoductive efficiency (top 10% PG30) and stayability (top 15%). You can also expect his highly heritable carcass traits (top 1-4% in YG, MB and FPI, top 10% REA and an IMF 3.735 (104 Ratio) to be passed on to his progeny. Bolton

Bolton Ulysses 63C


DOB 3/05/15 • Tattoo 63C • Reg. No. 1311626

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

BDCG PMFG Chief Executive10U1 (RID R Collateral 2R)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Ecstasy 44A JOB Danell Rhapsody 41X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)

Tenderness 7

Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 859 Ratio 107 Adj. YW 1261 Ratio NA ADG 2.92 Ratio 97


Lot 32

CE 13

BW WW YW Milk 0.4 71 116 22

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 58 6 5.75 0.85 5 -0.44 39 0.71 0.58 87.74

Sired by AJ, a Ten X son with a 97.6 FPT (top 4%) and top 2% YG and MB. His dam is a moderate framed female with excellent udder quality and exceptional fertility and stayability EPDs. Ulysses has the ability to sire progeny with higher marbling and carcass weight. He is in the top 1% YG, top 10% REA and MB, top 5% FPT and top 15% CW.

Jan 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s

CED 11

BW 0.0

WW 65

YW 99

Milk 25

TM 58


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

HP 4

PG30 1

ST 5

DMI 0.020


YG -0.14

CW 29

RE 0.45

MB 0.25

FT -0.03

ADG RFI $Cow 0.023 -0.012 57.19

FPI EPI 73.80 116.40

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Black Hided-Red Carrier Homozygous Polled Balancer ®


Act. BW 83 Adj. 205 788 Ratio 99 Adj. YW 1191 Ratio 97 ADG 2.83 Ratio 94

Bolton Double B Ranch Bolton

Bolton Buck 65C



DOB 3/07/15 • Tattoo 65C • Reg. No. 1311628

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

JOB Danell O.J. 918L (SLC Freedom 178F ET)

JOB Danell Fortunate 47Y (JBOB Carolina Fortune 2564JET)

JOB Danell A.J. 12A ET

JOB Danell Lingerie 77A JOB Danell Lace 5Y (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)

Black Hided-Red Carrier Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

Tenderness 10

Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 785 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1170 Ratio 95 ADG 2.78 Ratio 92


Lot 33

CE 16

BW WW YW Milk -2.4 53 81 27

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 54 8 6.07 0.84 8 -0.43 14 0.43 0.58 80.96

Sired by AJ, a Ten X son who has a 10 for tendernous and is in the top 10% or better for many of his maternal, growth and carcass traits. His dam is a first calf heifer ranking in the top 2% in breed ST and top 10% in HP and PG30. Buck is a calving ease sire that offers muscle and substance. He leads the breed in key carcass traits - 10 out of 10 for tendernous! Top 1% YG, top 10% MB, FPI Index 80.96. Bolton

Bolton Snickers 73C DOB 3/27/15 • Tattoo 73C • Reg. No. 1312685

A A R Justice 7950 (ER Justice N013)

A A R Blackbird 6593 (Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807)

JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)

A A R Justice 2597

JOB Danell TD Caramel 4Z JOB Danell TD Ice Cream 7X (JOB Danell Absolute 12U ET)

Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®

Tenderness 6

Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 781 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1225 Ratio 100 ADG 3.05 Ratio 101


Lot 34’

CE 18

BW WW YW Milk -2.9 51 98 21

TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 46 8 3.06 2.01 7 -0.43 25 0.41 0.48 79.22

Snickers has an excellent disposition and is easy to work. Snickers boasts the top REA in the herd - 16.79! And is in the top 1% of the breed in YG and top 20% in MB. With those EPDs and a 79.22 FPI he has the ability to increase the carcass quality in your program.




January 2016 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s


BW 1.2

WW 67

YW 94

Milk 29

TM 63

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


HP 4

PG30 1

ST 8

DMI 21-


YG 0.022

CW -0.25

RE 27

MB 0.48

FT -0.17

ADG RFI $Cow FPI -0.06 -0.042 -0.024 75.04

EPI 63.51

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Linhart Angus

y Linhart Doug & Penn 59457 Hobson, MT • d R e ak L y le cell g ck A ou D 70 92 62 • 406.366.11 406.423.5445

anek e & Alyssa V , Tanner, Kad T 59457 M n, Mike, Mardi w to is Lane • Lew 318 Juniper Mike cell 406.366.4668

e Videos of th


would ion Sale. We e time ct u d ro P s ic et th rs for taking Montana Gen nnual Central y one of you as produceour past customers for A st 1 2 e th Welcome to ly thank each and ever ecial thanks to all of if it were not for you! e nal d sp e e k li to perso r offering this year. An m. We would not be her ance and rud u ra o g ro at k of perform some of the p k r ac u L o . f d o to loo n u rt o o p ar use ed sup hile heavily and e right to stay your continu UST earn th ur smaller herd, we AI , Capacity and Muscle w all. M at th s w co sm o th f e f w o o ar d ro s se G er p .. h u au .. l al gro ll.. Bec We have a smth terms for dismissal. raise the “cowman’s” busmall, our contemporarycount those lowero b is to ly e e d te v ar er le ri h r p st io m w e t co .W ur co behav please do no in the nation s. Because o leading sires calving ease and carcas his affects the ratios. So em. maintaining get ratioed together. T because we believe in th All the calvesbulls out. They are here and capacity. that we did. ing ratioing the AI sires ws tremendous volume lot and to top se o ch e w s thro ason e feed ass bull who me of the re . These e crazy in th Below are soX - The well known carcw out well and gain lik ke no other in the breed li ro g is , Ten at sy file th me ea His calves coe backed by an EPD pro growth. They ar ey tremendous s from these th w o sh . it off ce es an lv g ca hose perform at thin calves have reat calving ease sire w functional. Expect gre man are we excited. d g d an A an n io ed ck p ct le and du top Bismar per look, sty ts and dled, thick oing into pro ai are big midfirst daughters are just g is siring calves with a su tr ior carcass calves. Our - An exciting sire who calving ease and super kage.....the complete h ac e it p it Black Gran attern. Combine this w k, muscle and an EPD muscle p ttle that have the loo ernal traits. d strong matave tremenad l il w you have ca o h h w me easy and Sitz program package! ll from the body shape.His calves co u b g n u o y carcass Logic - A lots of volume and aternal, and ; not to m , ce as h an ic rm g fo Lo e and sound eal. is all out per dous eye app citing young bull who , good footed, clean mad led n ex Big Sky - A extremely heavy musce and eye-appeal. ain this sire. He is unmatched phenotyp g the bulls ag us. We in ed fe b jo c ct mention his please conta doing a terrifi of Malta for in discussing the bulls, ld u o H a d in ed dL ne is interest ks to Bruce an you!! If anyo t u o h A special than it w it o ld not d illpelton.com .b w w year. We cou to seeing you sale day! w t a e lin look forward bulls are on


s u g n A t r Linha



Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Linhart Angus Linhart



DOB 1/30/15 • Tattoo 5072 • Reg. No. Applied for

Connealy Consensus 7229 (Connealy Consensus)

Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 (S A V Bismarck 5682)

D L Bando 6099 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)

Connealy Black Granite

M L Erica 0722 M L Erica 7522 (W C C Special Design L309)

Purebred Angus CED +10



D L Black Granite 5161 DOB 2/05/15 • Tattoo 5161 • Reg. No. Applied for

Connealy Consensus 7229 (Connealy Consensus)

Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 (S A V Bismarck 5682)

D L Bando 6099 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)

Connealy Black Granite

D L Lass 1619 D L Lass 6119 (ICC Precision E161-4377)

Purebred Angus CED +8

BW +0.2

WW +56

YW +95


Milk +20

CW +37

Marb +.40

RE +.81

BW +0.1

WW +58

YW +97

SC +1.06

Milk +21

CW +37

Marb +.45

RE +.59

Act. BW 83 Act. WW 870 Ratio 110 Adj. YW 1295 Ratio 105 ADG 3.98 Ratio 100

$W $B +58.24 +112.67

A nice made Granite son that comes from our strongest calving ease cow family. This bull is made perfectly to be a heifer bull and has the growth to give them a punch in the end. His young dam is a very pretty daughter of our herd bull who is really making her mark on the herd as a herd bull producer. A half brother by Bismarck sold last year and is working for McKechnie Land & Cattle near Cut Bank. Dam’s Production: BR 4@99 WR 4@103 YR 2@103

Lot 35


M L Black Granite 5072

Act. BW 78 Act. WW 705 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1121 Ratio 91 ADG 3.57 Ratio 90

$W $B +55.41 +107.83

This could be one of the nicest balanced bulls we are offering this year. He has been a true eye catcher since birth. He is a very moderate framed and packed full of muscle. He is a definate calving ease candidate with his low birth weight and being a son of Granite. His young dam is starting to really make her mark on our herd. She stems from a long line of extremely strong maternal genetics. Dam’s Production: BR 3@103 WR 3@99 YR 1@100 Grand Dam’s Production: WR 7@101 YR 3@101 RE 2@103 Linhart


D L Black Granite 5549 DOB 2/08/15 • Tattoo 5549 • Reg. No. Applied for

Connealy Consensus 7229 (Connealy Consensus)

Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 (S A V Bismarck 5682)

Riverfront (Hyline Paradigm 238)

Connealy Black Granite

Bairds Black Lady Q42 Bairds Black Lady K47 (Bairds Triumph 824)

Purebred Angus


CED +6

BW +1.5

WW +50

YW +89

SC +.63

Milk +29

CW +30

Marb +.30

RE +.67

Act. BW 80 Act. WW 835 Ratio 118 Adj. YW 1342 Ratio 109 ADG 4.62 Ratio 116

$W $B +52.70 +98.76

A high growth, big middled son of Granite. This bull has been a standout since birth. He caught the eye of everyone all summer long. This bull has the performance to do it all. This cow was purchased from David Baird and she had performed beyond all expectations. She produces one of the top calves every single year. This is simply a bull that will produce pounds at weaning and be sure to look at his heifers calves for the replacement pen pretty hard! Dam’s Production: BR 9@100 WR 9@102 YR 3@109 IMF 4@111

Lot 37

Spring 2016 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s

CED +6

BW +1.4

WW +49

YW +88

SC +.81

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Doc +13

Milk +23

CW +31


Marb +.54

RE +.48

Fat +.015

$W +44.33

$F +43.29

$G +31.19

$B +106.06

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Linhart Angus 38

D L Power Train 5127 DOB 2/09/15 • Tattoo 5127 • Reg. No. Commercial

ICC Precision E161-4377 (Twin Valley Precision E161)

M L Zara 99 01 (Sitz Alliance 6595)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)

M L Power 197

D L Sky Princess 1827 D L Sky Princess 4274 (Bon View Bando 598)

Purebred Angus CED









Act. BW 85 Act. WW 735 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1315 Ratio 107 ADG 4.86 Ratio 122





This bull is a whoops.....but a good one! His dam jumped the fence during the start of AI and was bred by the neighbors bull. We chose to let her be instead of messing with her and making her a late calver. The sire is a bull we sold to Dan Stilson several years ago and after this calf we wished we could have “borrowed” him some more. This bull is flat good! Big bodied, big topped and knows how to gain. Where do you go wrong with him? Dam’s Production: WR 3@100 YR 1@101

Lot 38



M L Black Granite 5517 DOB 2/17/15 • Tattoo 5517 • Reg. No. Applied for Connealy Consensus 7229 (Connealy Consensus)

Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 (S A V Bismarck 5682)

TC Freedom 104 (Connealy Forefront)

M L Zara 01 05 M L Zara 99 01 (Sitz Alliance 6595)

Purebred Angus CED +8

BW +1.6

WW +53

YW +92

SC +1.09

Milk +25

CW +40

Marb +.51

RE +.57

$W $B +54.21 +122.55

This is another moderate framed son of Granite who has been an eye catcher since summer. This bull is very complete and packed full of muscle. This cow family has been a long standing favorite. His grand dam produced some of the strongest females in our herd. This cow family is extremely strong on the maternal side. Pair that with the calving ease of Granite and wow what a package you have! A half brother by Net Worth sold to the Burleigh Ranch in 2015. Dam’s Production: BR 8@99 WR 9@100 YR 4@101 IMF 3@102 Linhart


D L Big Sky 5787 DOB 2/18/15 • Tattoo 5787 • Reg. No. Applied for

Connealy Earnan 076E (Connealy Consensus)

SAV Primrose 7861 (S A F 598 Bando 5175)

ICC Precision E161-4377 (Twin Valley Precision E161)

Musgrave Big Sky

D L Sky Princess 7087 D L Sky Princess 0827 (Summitcrest Hi Flyer 3B18)

Purebred Angus BW +1.1

WW +51

YW +92

SC +.61

Milk +21

CW +31

Marb +.66

RE +.36

Act. BW 80 Act. WW 800 Ratio 105 Adj. YW 1258 Ratio 102 ADG 3.86 Ratio 97

$W $B +46.74 +113.48

This is a powerhouse bull who is full of growth and performance. This high growth son of Big Sky had heads turning all summer long. This bull will surely sire calves that will pack on the pounds. His dam is fast becoming a favorite because of her confirmation and outstanding performance. She is moderate framed, big bodied and really knows how to produce good calves. Dam’s Production: BR 7@100 WR 7@102 YR 3@100 IMF 2@111 RE 2@100

Lot 40

Spring 2016 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s

CED +6

BW +1.4

WW +49

YW +88

SC +.81

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Doc +13

Milk +23

CW +31


Marb +.54

RE +.48

Fat +.015

$W +44.33

$F +43.29

$G +31.19

$B +106.06

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


CED +5


Connealy Black Granite

Act. BW 76 Act. WW 730 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1187 Ratio 96 ADG 3.99 Ratio 100


Linhart Angus Linhart


D L Ten X 59959 DOB 2/18/15 • Tattoo 5995 • Reg. No. Applied for

Mytty In Focus (S A F Focus of ER)

A A R Lady Kelton 5551 (S A V Adaptor 2213)

Riverbend Mile High 3718 (Bon View New Design 1407)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

D L Tiger Lady 9959 AMF D L Tiger Lady 9659 (S A F Fame)

Purebred Angus CED +4

BW +1.3

WW +56

YW +101

SC +1.07

Milk +21

CW +41

Marb +.96

RE +.69

Act. BW 80 Act. WW 715 Ratio 103 Adj. YW 1227 Ratio 100 ADG 3.79 Ratio 95

$W $B +61.33 +143.90

A square made, stylish son of Ten X son that could go on heifers. He is smooth made and comes from a great line of cows. His grand dam was a solid part of the foundation of our herd. We sold two full brothers (twins) to this bull last spring to Caleb Ridgeway of Stanford. Dam’s Production: YR 1@105 IMF 2@115 RE 2@102 Grand Dam’s Production: BR 10@98 WR 10@103 YR 5@106 IMF 4@105 RE 4@107

Lot 42



DOB 2/20/15 • Tattoo 5295 • Reg. No. Applied for

G A R Grid Maker (G D A R Traveler 044)

S A V Abigale 0451 (Schoenes Fix It 826)

S A V Iron Mountain 8066 (TC Gridiron 258)


S A V Bismarck 5682

D L Tiger Lady 29959 D L Tiger Lady 9959 (Riverbend Mile High 3718)

Purebred Angus CED +6


D L Big Sky 5027 DOB 2/21/15 • Tattoo 5027 • Reg. No. Applied for

Connealy Earnan 076E (Connealy Consensus)

SAV Primrose 7861 (S A F 598 Bando 5175)

ICC Precision E161-4377 (Twin Valley Precision E161)

Musgrave Big Sky

D L Sky Princess 0827 D L Sky Princess 8427 (Bon View Bando 598)

Purebred Angus CED +2

BW +1.9

WW +55

YW +92

SC +.37

Milk +19

CW +33

Marb +.62

RE +.27

BW +1.5

WW +55

YW +95


Milk +18

CW +21

Marb +.70

RE +.75

Act. BW 80 Act. WW 765 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1257 Ratio 102 ADG 3.63 Ratio 91

$W $B +53.46 +104.41

This bull has been just a beast since birth. He is about as big middled and high volume as one will find. He is stamped with ‘cow maker’. The Bismarck sons are really some of the best calving ease bulls you will find. They come easy and then explode with growth and dimension. This bull will really be hard to beat on sale day. Dam’s Production: YR 1@105 Grand Dam’s Production: YR 1@105 IMF 2@115 RE 2@102

Lot 43



D L Bismarck 52959


Act. BW 85 Act. WW 710 Ratio 104 Adj. YW 1218 Ratio 99 ADG 3.97 Ratio 100


M L Big Sky 5538 DOB 2/22/15 • Tattoo 5538 • Reg. No. Applied for

Connealy Earnan 076E (Connealy Consensus)

SAV Primrose 7861 (S A F 598 Bando 5175)

M L Traveler 234D 171 (GDAR SVF Traveler 234D)

Musgrave Big Sky

M L Blackbird 03 05 M L Blackbirs 01 03 (Sitz Alliance 6595)

Purebred Angus

$W $B +41.70 +114.29

Here is a big middled son of Big Sky that will definately add some width and dimension to your calves. This bull has had a look since birth and has just expoloded while in the feedlot. His young dam is becoming a powerhouse herself in our herd by producing stylish, stout made bulls like this one year after year. Dam’s Production: WR 4@102 YR 2@105 IMF 1@138

CED +4

BW +0.4

WW +53

YW +93

SC +.64

Milk +26

CW +31

Marb +.63

RE +.31

Act. BW 80 Act. WW 700 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1212 Ratio 98 ADG 3.60 Ratio 91

$W $B +54.43 +109.49

Here is a high growth Big Sky son that stems from a solid producing older cow. This bull has the length of body and thickness of top that should easily pass on to his progeny and add pounds at weaning. The Big Sky bulls are a touch bigger framed but they all have the muscle and mass to match making them some real powerhouse bulls. A half brother by Net Worth sold to the Burleigh Ranch in 2015. Dam’s Production: BR 8@100 WR 9@106 YR 3@99

Spring 2016 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s

CED +6

BW +1.4

WW +49

YW +88

SC +.81

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Doc +13

Milk +23

CW +31


Marb +.54

RE +.48

Fat +.015

$W +44.33

$F +43.29

$G +31.19

$B +106.06

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Linhart Angus 45

T V Rock Logic 5256 DOB 2/24/15 • Tattoo 5256 • Reg. No. Applied for

Sitz Dimension 8607 (Connealy Onward)

Sitz Forever Lady 612T (Connealy Thunder)

D L Bando 0699 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)

M L Zara 91 05 (M L Traveler 234D 1719)

Sitz Logic Y46

M L Zara 2536

Purebred Angus CED +4

BW +0.9

WW +58

YW +99

SC +1.90

Milk +16

CW +30

Marb +.42

RE +.40

Act. BW 69 Act. WW 660 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1176 Ratio 96 ADG 4.34 Ratio 109



$W $B +48.71 +99.65

This is Tanner’s bull, out of his first show heifer. She is doing a wonderful job for him. This bull is made for heifers. He is long bodied, smooth made and has an acutal BW of 69#. He is moderate in his frame and check out what he has done in the feedlot....a 4.34 ADG. This bull knows how to pack on the pounds. Dam’s Production: BR 2@99 Grand Dam’s Production: BR 8@99 WR 8@102 YR 5@104 RE 5@102



D L Ten X 5287 DOB 2/27/15 • Tattoo 5287 • Reg. No. Applied for Mytty In Focus (S A F Focus of ER)

A A R Lady Kelton 5551 (S A V Adaptor 2213)

D L Bando 0699 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

D L Sky Princess 2787 D L Sky Princess 7087 (ICC Precision E161-4377)

Purebred Angus CED +7

BW +0.2

WW +59

YW +106

SC +1.02

Milk +18

CW +44

Marb +.83

RE +.60


Act. BW 76 Act. WW 660 Ratio 101 Adj. YW 1194 Ratio 97 ADG 3.91 Ratio 98



DOB 2/27/15 • Tattoo 5086 • Reg. No. Applied for

Mytty In Focus (S A F Focus of ER)

A A R Lady Kelton 5551 (S A V Adaptor 2213)

Sitz Upward 307R (Connealy Onward)

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

M L Zara 0856 M L Zara 8536 (ICC Precision E161-4377)

Purebred Angus BW +0.5

WW +61

YW +105

SC +.91

Milk +16

CW +41

Marb +.85

RE +.63

SAV Primrose 7861 (S A F 598 Bando 5175)

TC Freedom 104 (Connealy Forefront)

M L Pearl Enechor 7193 M L Pearl Enechor 99 01 (Sitz Alliance 6595)

Purebred Angus CED +3

BW +2.6

WW +50

YW +91

SC +.92

Milk +22

CW +37

Marb +.64

RE +.26

Act. BW 83 Act. WW 745 Ratio 109 Adj. YW 1333 Ratio 108 ADG 4.15 Ratio 105

$W $B +40.91 +124.11

This is a soft made Big Sky son who is thick topped and has a big, square hip in him. He is packed full of performance as you can note from his tremendous weaning weight. His dam is a solid producer who adds that softness and easy keeping note to all of her calves. This bull is definately one to check out. A half brother to this bull by Bismarck is working for the Dan Stilson Ranch. Dam’s Production: WR 7@100 YR 4@102

Act. BW 80 Act. WW 705 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1249 Ratio 101 ADG 4.17 Ratio 105

$W $B +67.96 +173.63

A square made, stylish son of Ten X that could possibly go on heifers. This bull is about as complete as you will find. He is backed by the rock solid Ten X bull who packs his calves full of carcass pontential. His Upward dam is about a solid a bull producer as they come. A Bismarck half brother is working at the Stilson Ranch and a Granite half brother was one of our top sellers and sold to the Gary Jenni Ranch in 2015. Dam’s Production: BR 4@99 WR 4@100 YR 3@102

Lot 47

Spring 2016 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s

CED +6

BW +1.4

WW +49

YW +88

SC +.81

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Doc +13

Milk +23

CW +31


Marb +.54

RE +.48

Fat +.015

$W +44.33

$F +43.29

$G +31.19

$B +106.06

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics


CED +7

Connealy Earnan 076E (Connealy Consensus)

$W $B +69.97 +142.46

M L Ten X 5086

DOB 2/28/15 • Tattoo 5793 • Reg. No. Applied for

Musgrave Big Sky

A square made, stylish son of Ten X that could go on heifers. This bull is long sided, smooth shouldered and really nice in his design. He shoudl sirer some calves that will come easy and then grow out nicely on the summer grass. This bulls young dam is by our herd bull and stems from a cow family known for their growth, performance and carcass genetics. Grand Dam’s Production: BR 4@99 WR 4@100 YR 3@100 IMF 2@111 RE 2@110


M L Big Sky 5793


Lot 48


Linhart Angus Linhart


M L Logic 5257 DOB 2/28/15 • Tattoo 5257 • Reg. No. Applied for

Sitz Dimension 8607 (Connealy Onward)

Sitz Forever Lady 612T (Connealy Thunder)

S A V Net Worth 4200 (S A V 8180 Traveler 004)

Sitz Logic Y46

M L Zara 2517 M L Zara 01 05 (TC Freedom 104)

Purebred Angus CED +3

BW +3.0

WW +60

YW +105

SC +1.98

Milk +21

CW +44

Marb +.57

RE +.33

Act. BW 78 Act. WW 665 Ratio 97 Adj. YW 1183 Ratio 96 ADG 3.66 Ratio 92

$W $B +48.94 +132.58

This Logic son has a very neat look to him. He is long bodied, thick made and balances extremely well. He should definately catch your eye in the pen. His young Net Worth dam is fast becoming a favorite within the herd. She is the big middled, high performance cow that cowman dreams of in their herd. Watch for more great sons from her in the future. Grand Dam’s Production: BR 8@99 WR 9@100 YR 4@101 IMF 3@102

Lot 50



DOB 3/04/15 • Tattoo 5959 • Reg. No. Applied for

G A R Grid Maker (G D A R Traveler 044)

S A V Abigale 0451 (Schoenes Fix It 826)

S A F Fame (Minerts Fortune 2000)


S A V Bismarck 5682

D L Tiger Lady 9659 B L Tiger Lady 6395 T (Century Touchstone 131)

Purebred Angus CED +8


D L Bando 0699 5987 DOB 3/09/15 • Tattoo 5987 • Reg. No. Applied for

S A V 5175 Bando 0699 (S A F 598 Bando 5175)

D L Tiger Lady 9659 (S A F Fame)

Connealy Danny Boy (Connealy Timeline)

DL Bando 0699 7959

D L Sky Princess 9787 D L Sky Princess 7087 (ICC Precision E161-4377)

Purebred Angus CED +7

BW +0.3

WW +51

YW +86

SC +1.06

Milk +12

CW +27

Marb +.37

RE +.56

BW +0.4

WW +50

YW +81

SC +.85

Milk +16

CW +40

Marb +.37

RE +.64

$W $B +51.89 +72.27

No going to lie here.....this was supposed to be a heifer. This bull’s mother was a huge part of of our herd. She raised this bull, with no assistance, at the grand age of 16. This cow has produced more powerful bulls than any that we have ever owned. She just didn’t know how to fail and this younger calf is no different. Buy the end of an era and reap the rewards of a bull who will add pounds and make sure to keep his heifer calves. Dam’s Production: BR 10@98 WR 10@103 YR 5@106 IMF 4@105 RE 4@107

Lot 51



Act. BW 71 Act. WW 670 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1153 Ratio 94 ADG 3.54 Ratio 89

D L Bismarck 5959


Act. BW 76 Act. WW 705 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1269 Ratio 103 ADG 3.92 Ratio 99


Act. BW 85 Act. WW 695 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1319 Ratio 107 ADG 4.61 Ratio 116

M L Bando 0699 5298 DOB 3/09/14 • Tattoo 4987 • Reg. No. Applied for

S A V 5175 Bando 0699 (S A F 598 Bando 5175)

D L Tiger Lady 9659 (S A F Fame)

Sitz Upward 307R (Connealy Onward)

DL Bando 0699 7959

M L Blackbird 2958 M L Blackbird 9538 (ICC Precision E161-4377)

Purebred Angus

$W $B +37.29 +98.57

CED +4

This a a son of our herd sire that has definate heifer bull potential. He is a younger bull that has kept up with the older group of bulls with ease. His dam is nice daughter of Danny Boy, who will give you an extra kick of carcass. We used a half brother to this bull as our cleanup bull last year and his calves look great. Buy with confidence here! Dam’s Production: BR 4@100 WR 4@103 YR 2@100 IMF 1@133

BW +1.4

WW +57

YW +97


Milk +19




$W +45.77


This is a very thick made son of our herd bull. This calf is younger but was not left behind at all. This bull has tremendous style and thickness. He will definately add pounds to scale at weaning. His three year old Upward dam is really coming into her production. She is passing on the tremendous growth and power of Upward and showing that she will hold her own in the herd. Dam’s Production: WR 1@100 YR 1@100

Spring 2016 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s

CED +6

BW +1.4

WW +49

YW +88

SC +.81

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

Doc +13

Milk +23

CW +31


Marb +.54

RE +.48

Fat +.015

$W +44.33

$F +43.29

$G +31.19

$B +106.06

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics

ultrasound data Lot #

Scan Wt.

Adj. ReA

Adj. imf

Adj. SC

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1075 1085 1189 1044 1119 1144 1200 1116 1151 oUT 1159 1037 1110 1172 1087 1180 1059 1066 1000 oUT 1039 1015 1028

11.24 13.21 12.47 11.82 13.11 13.89 13.60 13.63 12.23 oUT 13.86 13.31 12.36 15.42 14.87 14.53 13.21 13.81 12.38 oUT 14.21 13.45 16.59

3.373 2.498 2.879 2.736 3.082 3.971 3.761 3.581 3.237 oUT 3.942 3.669 2.919 3.913 3.341 3.771 4.200 4.582 5.090 oUT 3.347 4.052 3.776

36.8 37.9 37.2 39.1 40.5 41.7 40.2 38.2 38.2 oUT 38.8 38.3 39.2 37.3 39.0 40.1 37.8 37.3 41.7 oUT 37.5 41.3 37.6

Lot #

Scan Wt.

Adj. ReA

Adj. imf

Act. SC

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

1122 1197 1165 1235 1143 1194 1161 1131 1138 1036 1058

13.20 12.78 13.78 13.39 13.60 14.68 11.80 12.58 13.91 12.52 16.79

4.280 2.632 2.895 2.811 4.884 3.804 4.066 3.735 3.421 3.181 2.781

38 39 37 39 39 38.5 39 36

Lot #

Scan Wt.

Adj. ReA

Adj. imf

Act. SC

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

1298 1116 1334 1248 1155 1211 1185 1156 1155 1193 1131 1123 1275 1254 1181 1066 1194 1193

13.1 14.2 13.1 12.1 14.0 12.4 14.9 12.1 13.2 11.7 12.4 12.1 13.2 13.7 10.9 12.3 12.9 14.6

3.76 3.24 4.76 5.66 3.49 5.73 3.68 3.85 4.38 3.74 3.31 3.90 4.09 3.94 4.20 2.92 3.38 2.18

38 36 38 39.5 38 42 39 36 39 35 44 35 43 38 38 33 36.5 31


37 39

First breedinG season Guarantee If any bull, valued at $2000 or more, is disabled (confirmed by a veterinarian) during the first breeding season, it will be guaranteed according to the following schedule: Purchase price - $2000 to $2950 – covered at 50% less 1/2 salvage value Purchase price - $3000 to $3950 – covered at 60% less 1/2 salvage value Purchase price - $4000 or more – covered at 70% less 1/2 salvage value Ex. – loss of $2000 bull would give you $1000 credit, less 1/2 salvage loss of $5000 bull would give you $3500 credit, less 1/2 salvage Bulls kept isolated and used in single sire breeding pasture will be guaranteed at 80% of purchase price less salvage value. Ex. – loss of $2000 bull, single sire pasture – $1600 credit, less salvage loss of $5000 bull, single sire pasture – $4000 credit, less salvage Breeding season is defined as a 60 day period following the first turnout of bulls. The guarantee will be offered as a credit by the breeder on one bull in a future Central Montana Genetics Bull Sale or toward a replacement bull if that breeder has one available. (This will apply only to bulls offered by the same breeder that you purchased the original bull from.) Should the bull you purchase cost more that your credit, you pay the difference. If the cost is less, no further credit is due.

M ortality insuranCe ( ’ ) death loss is the buyer s risk

Insurance will be available on sale day.

Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 1012 Maiden Road Lewistown, MT 59457

Offering 50 Yearling Bulls

Lot 3

Lot 25

Lot 35

Lot 7

Lot 26

Lot 37

March 19, 2016 • Lewistown, MT

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