Annual Production Sale
March 27, 2025 • 1:00 PM

Kathleen Rankin
1285 Nine Mile Rd
Olimont, MT 59466

We would like to welcome everyone to our 2025 annual production sale. This is our second online only sale using Bill Pelton as host. We feel that this venue fits our operation with the reduced cattle numbers. We hope that you are able to join us for the closing on March 27, 2025.
We continue to marvel at the adaptability of the Gelbvieh cow and how she can raise an awesome calf and rebreed under our extreme conditions. When researching the Dams of this sale offering, time and time again we see every offspring has been kept as either a bull or a replacement heifer. When she’s a good one, she stays in the herd and keeps producing.
Once again, the bulls were hand fed here at the ranch. They are much quieter and easier to work with this constant interaction. They reached the 3 pound gain target and look good. There were a couple of weeks in January and then again in February where they just held their own with the bitter cold we experienced.
Every animal in the sale has been parent verified to both Sire and Dam and has current genomic enhanced EPDs listed. All purebred animals have been tested for polled and black animals have been tested for color. We always welcome more data on our cattle but are mindful that the cattle have to work in our environment and be profitable to keep us in business. In turn we can supply genetics to you that will keep you in business.
We are excited about the power exhibited by the sale offering this year. Thirty percent of the bulls weighed over 800 pounds off the cow. There has been a noticeable EPD increase in WW, YW and REA. This year we also kept a few higher birth weighted bulls as we have been encouraged to do. We would recommend that you mark these as cow bulls.
The cattle are here at the house and we encourage you to visit if possible. There are pictures, videos and all the data on line at www.kickinghorseranch.com and www.BillPelton.com.
As always, we appreciate the continual support of our repeat buyers and encourage new buyers to contact us with any questions.
Jim & Kathy

Thursday, March 27th, 2025 • 1:00 pm (MDT)
Prebidding opens March 25th, Final Bidding starts @ 1:00 PM Mountain March 27th
Bulls and heifers ae available for viewing any time prior to the sale at the ranch. We are located 13 miles east of Sunburst, MT.
Videos of each lot will be available for viewing on BILLPELTON. COM approximately 2 weeks before the sale
All cattle have genomic enhanced EPDs and have been tested for polled and coat color with results printed in the catalog. All cattle have been sire verified. EPDs are provided by the American Gelbvieh Association and are current as of February 28, 2025.
All cattle sell with a valid health certificate that will allow shipment anywhere in the continental United States. All cattle are guaranteed to meet health requirements to enter Canada.
All bulls have completed a breeding soundness exam and sell as guaranteed breeders. They were hand fed a feed ration that is purposefully balanced to develop the bulls in a safe manner for an average gain of 3 pounds per day. They are current on vaccinations and were poured with CleanUp II prior to the sale.
All females sell as guaranteed breeders and are ready to breed this spring. Heifers have been managed for optimal growth and development with a target of 1.5 pounds of gain. They were Brucellosis vaccinated last fall and were given Citadel VL5 vaccine and poured with CleanUP II at their yearling weight.
All registration papers on the animals selling are in order and will be transferred to the new owner. Papers will be mailed by the American Gelbvieh Association within 30 days of the sale.
All weights presented by the American Gelbvieh Association
BW actual weight at birth
WW 205 day adjusted weight
Ratio nursing ratio within herd
YW 365 day adjusted weight
SC actual scrotal circumference
CE calving ease direct
BW birth weight
WW weaning weight
YW yearling weight
MK milk
TM total maternal
CEM calving ease maternal
HP heifer pregnancy
PG30 30 month pregnancy
ST stayability
SC scrotal circumference
YG yield grade
CW carcass weight
REA ribeye area
MB marbling
$Cow replacement heifer profit
FPI feeder profit index
EPI efficiency profile index
All cattle sell under the standard terms and conditions recommended by the American Gelbvieh Association. A copy of these terms and conditions may be obtained from the AGA. Terms are check or cash. Invoices will be sent out following the sale.
We are offering free feeding of the bulls until April 1st. Free delivery within 400 miles will begin on April 1st. Reliable truckers are available for long distance hauling.
All animals become the responsibility of the buyer after the purchase. Mortality and ASD Insurance is available through: Choice Insurance: Klint Sickler, AFIS k.sickler@insurewithchoice.com 701.483.1864 (office) 701.260.1853 (cell)

Thursday, March 27th, 2025 • 1:00 pm (MDT)
Prebidding opens March 25th, Final Bidding starts @ 1:00 PM Mountain March 27th

The Kicking Horse Ranch online auction will close with horse race style bidding or extended bidding. This means that when the online auction event comes to its scheduled end time there will be 5 more minutes of extended bidding. If bidding continues the sale will stay open until there is a 5-minute stretch with no bidding on any lot. Once there is a full 5 minutes with no bidding on any lot, the whole event will close.
This auction is scheduled to close at 1pm on March 27th.
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• Example 3: The Auction is scheduled to close at 1pm and goes into extended bidding. There is a bid on a lot at 1:02pm. Every lot remains open to bids. Another bid is placed at 1:06. Every lot re-
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Homo Polled Red KHR 03F son from a KHR 52C first calf heifer. There are 6 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. He was the highest gaining bull at 129. Look at CE, WW, $Cow and FPI. Calving ease with performance. Dark red, thick made, eye appealing.

Homo Polled Homo Black KHR 38F son from an American Outlaw first calf heifer. Calving ease with the highest MB EPD of the offering. Smaller frame sized heifer bull, stout.
Polled Red

Homo Polled Homo Black Seminole Wind son from a Twister Dam of Merit with 6 calves for 106 WW and 108 YW. Look at WW, YW, and TM. 118 on gain. Growthy powerful calf, larger frame. This calf has been a standout since birth. Not recommended for heifers until proven.

Homo Polled Homo Black KHR 38F son from a KHR 67A Dam of Merit with 4 calves for 107 WW, 99 YW. There are three Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. He has 16 EPD’s at 35% or less. Look at RE, MB, and FPI. Large frame, good length.

Homo Polled Black Seminole Wind son from a KHR 15E Dam with 4 calves for 100 WW, 99YW. He has one Dam of Merit and one Dam of Distinction in the pedigree. 12 EPD’s are 35% or less. Look at WW, YW, SC, and CW. Growthy calf, smooth muscled, deep.

Gelbvieh Bulls

Homo Polled Red Revelation son from a 25A Dam with 5 calves for 109 WW and 103 YW. There are 5 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. 112 on gain. Look at WW, YW, M TM and SC. Dark red, well balanced calf.
Homo Polled Red Revelation son from a Cornhusker Red Dam with 4 calves for 102 WW, 97 YW. There are 3 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. Supreme calving ease and fertility with marbling. Growthy, long backed calf.

Homo Polled Red Revelation son from a JLSL 6134D Dam with 4 calves for 101 WW, 99 YW. There are 5 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. He has 10 EPD’s under 35%. Notice CE, WW, YW, M, TM and SC. Maternal fertility. Dark red, good length.


Homo Polled Homo Black Seminole Wind son from a KHR 03N Dam with 7 calves for 100 WW, 99 YW. Calving ease and fertility. Long smooth muscled calf.
Homo Polled Red Mayweather son from a Cornhusker Red Dam with 5 calves for 106 WW, 101 YW. Thick made powerful looking. This calf will surprise you at how thick he is across the rear.

Homo Polled Black HILLE E735 son from a 67A Dam with 4 calves for 101 WW, 104 YW. He has 2 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. 124 on gain. He only has 2 EPD’s greater than 50%. Look at WW, YW, TM CW, REA, MB and FPI. Growthy, long backed calf. Carries his thickness down into the rib. Power and carcass.

Gelbvieh Bulls
Polled Homo Black Seminole Wind son from a KHR 47R Dam. Supreme calving ease, stayability. 15% $Cow. Should be a cow maker. Larger framed, deep fronted.

Homo Polled Red KHR 03F son from a Durango Dam of Merit with 5 calves for 103 WW, 99 YW. There are 3 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. Supreme calving ease with respectable performance. Well balanced, long backed. Large framed.

Homo Polled Homo Black KHR 01E Montana son from a KHR 06W Dam with 11 calves for 96 WW, 101YW. There are 2 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. Definitely longevity in his background. 114 on gain. Look at YW, SC, DMI, CW and RFI. Wide backed, moderate sized.

Homo Polled Red Mayweather son from a Taylor Made Dam of Merit with 3 calves for 104 WW, 99 YW. There are 2 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. Carries his depth from front to back. Would not recommend for use on heifers until proven.

Polled Black Balancer EZ Money son from a KHR 01Z Dam of Distinction with 8 calves for 106 WW, 101 YW. He only has 3 EP’s greater than 50%. Look at CE< CW, REA, MB and FPI. Moderate sized, well-muscled. Homo Polled Red

Homo Polled Homo Black HILLE E735 son from a Granite Yale Dam with 4 calves for
Homo Polled Rd KHR 03F son from a Taylor Made Dam of Merit with 4 calves with 103 WW, 99 YW. His dam is the dam of Tuxedo Red. There are 5 Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. Calving ease with acceptable performance as well as maternal. Look at $Cow and FPI. Dark red, well balanced. Homo Polled Red Mayweather

Purebred & Balancer® Yearling
Polled Homo Black KHR 38F son from a Ramrod daughter with 8 calves for 103 WW, 101 YW. There are two Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. 111 on gain. EPD’s the way we like them. Look at CE, WW, and REA. Nice thickness, Stout looking.

Homo Polled Homo Black HILLE E735 son from a KHR 66E daughter with 4 calves for 101 WW, 96 YW. Once again, EPD’s the way we like them. 108 on gain. Calving ease with respectable performance, adding MB to the mix. Large framed, thick made calf.

Homo Polled Red KHR 50K son from a Taylor Made daughter with 3 calves for 111 WW, 104 YW. Three Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. His Sire’s Dam was an Olympic daughter that raised 11 calves for 104 WW, 102 YW. Really glad I thawed that semen! This young calf had so much going for him. He grew out well, definitely competitive with the rest of the sale offering. Dark red, larger framed, well proportioned.

Purebred & Balancer® Yearling Heifers
Polled Red KHR 03F daughter from a KHR 05T Dam with 11 calves for 99 WW and 96 YW. Longevity. Supreme calving ease. Growthy with volume flowing into her middle.

Homo Polled Red Revelation daughter from a KHR 11F Balancer Dam with 3 calves for 101 WW, 112 YW. Look at WW, YW, TM, SC and REA. This growthy, deep bodied heifer will make a powerful cow.

Lot 410M

KHR 424M


Purebred & Balancer® Yearling Heifers
Homo Polled Black Kyle daughter from a KHR 01E Montana first calf heifer. Look at M, SC and REA. Young calf, moderate sized, thick made.

Black Polled Kyle daughter from a KHR 18U Dam of Distinction with 14 calves for 102 WW, 102 YW. Three Dams of Distinction and one Dam of Merit in her immediate pedigree. Growthy young calf with supreme calving ease and longevity.

Purebred & Balancer® Yearling Heifers

& Kathy Bjorkman
1289 Nine Mile Rd.
Oilmont, MT 59466 First Class Mail
