Find an AI sire or Donor Dam By Taylor Buckley
his issue of the Gelbvieh World is all about AI sires and it’s our goal at the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) to make it easy for members and non-members to find bulls that are qualified to sell semen according to AGA criteria. The AGA Online Registry Service has many benefits for active AGA members as well as commercial producers. Amongst the many things you can search in the registry, the AGA has a section where you can look to see what bulls qualify to be AI sires, as well as, which donor cows qualify to register embryo transfer (ET) calves. The AGA has several requirements in place for the elite animals in the registry. These requirements include: All AI sires and donor dams must be tested with a GGPHD, be parent-verified, and tested for all four monitored genetic conditions. Once these criteria are met the AGA will issue a permit on these animals.
To look for a list of qualified AI sires or donor dams, visit the AGA website and then select the registry login from the page selections at the top. Once at the home page of the registry, choose the section titled “for your information” in the drop-down menu choose either “AI Permit Sires and ET Donor Cows”. Each option will provide a comprehensive list of those respective animals. From each list you may print a PDF or download a spreadsheet. The process is very user-friendly. You don’t even need an AGA password or username to access the lists. There are many instances where an AGA member wants to purchase semen and also register those AI calves without any errors. This new AI permit search function list allows a producer to pick a bull or cow that is qualified in the AGA system. If a member is looking at purchasing embryos to be able to register ET calves, they may use the donor dam list to make sure the donor cow is qualified to register ET calves. This search tool is also beneficial for commercial producers. Commercial producers have the convenience of browsing the list of AI sires to find a sire that fits their needs. The AGA cannot stress enough: if you are considering having a bull collected or a female flushed, it is very important that you take the steps to ensure the animal meets the Association’s requirements. The AGA hopes you find this tool useful when doing your research on Gelbvieh and Balancer® animals. D
30 | JANUARY 2021