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Cowman’s Kind Reference Sires
Ref Sire J

RNBG 32F9 (Roy)
Roy certainly made a name for himself at the 2022 AGF “Scale and Rail” contest, siring the grand champion purebred pen for carcass value, the grand champion purebred steer for average daily gain and 3rd, 4th, and 5th overall placers in carcass value purebred division. His purebred sons graded 100% choice with a 4.4 average daily gain, 446 marbling score, 16.24 average REA with only .58 inches of backfat and an average yield grade of 2.0. We purchased this purebred bull as the high seller in the southwest Iowa Gelbvieh Bull Sale from Holste Gelbvieh. While on test he was the high gaining bull with a 5.06 ADG with his ultrasound data being equally impressive with a 107 ratio for ribeye area of 15.53 inches and a 1260 scan weight with only .33 inches of backfat and a whopping 125 IMF marbling ratio on ultrasound. He’s being infused deep in our purebred female base.