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Cowman’s Kind Spring Balancer Bulls

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Out of a 1st calf heifer that’s easy on the eye and one of the first Growth Funds in production. Top 4% CE, 30% BW, 30% WW, 20% YW, 35% M, 25% marbling with 15% FPI. Doesn’t get much better.
102 ratio on gain test in spite of being out of a heifer.
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Outstanding first calf dam is a ranch favorite and is as impressive as you would expect from her pedigree.

115 WW and 104 YW with a 105 ratio on gain test as an individual.
Outstanding individual with unmatched pedigree strength for performance and cow power.
Lot 83
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Outstanding dam is a flush sister to the 69Y8 donor and has 9 calves with a 105 nursing ratio. Steller EPD profile highlighted by top 10% growth and the actual data to back it up. 105 WW and 105 REA ratio on ultrasound as an individual. Really good bull!
His granddam is a sale feature and sells as Lot 146. His dam is surfacing as a top, young cow. 102 gain ratio on test and he posted impressive individual data at every checkpoint despite being out of a heifer.
Heifer bull that should sire top replacement females with all the cow power stacked generations deep.
This is an ET bull out of our jointly owned 98B8 donor with Mathews farms. He is the only bull in the sale that doesn’t have genomic enhanced EPDs listed but does have the traditional EPD average of his sire and dam listed due to pending DNA at the lab. With 6 to 8 weeks lag time for DNA results his sample may or may not be back by sale day. In the event they aren’t back, we will guarantee that he will parent verify and that his genomic enhanced EPDs won’t change significantly. This is a really, really good bull from a dam who has produced seedstock herd bulls and high sellers in the past sales.
All bulls except those known by birthright have been tested for homozygous black and homozygous polled. All bulls selling are homozygous polled except Lot 57.
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This bull went to OKC to represent our program and won his share of friends Dam sells as Lot 140. She has 4 calves with a 96 BW and 100 WW ratios Outstanding EPDs across the board with impressive individual data and excellent ultrasound data.
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