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Cowman’s Kind Spring 3-Way Composite Bulls
These next two lots are kind of exciting and are a new venture for us. As a result of customer input and requests, we decided to make some 25% Gelbvieh, 25% Simmental and 50% Angus bulls that are solid black and are Homozygous Polled and Homozygous Black as well. These bulls are AI sired by the legendary ABS SimAngus bull, Boulder and represents some of the best genetics of all 3 breeds. They are consistent with our focus of producing cattle that have calving ease, performance, eye appeal and marbling. We plan to have them in much larger volume in the future but unfortunately we had about 75% heifers this 1st year. Considering the impact that hybrid corn, milo, beans, or chickens have had on the food supply, it becomes clear that hybrid genetics work in agriculture.
Lot 114
Dcsf Post Rock Blk Bal 19k8
Dcsf Post Rock Blk Bal 26k8
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Harness the power of hybrid vigor with a different mating option. The best of the Gelbvieh, Simmental and Angus breeds brought together. 104 WW ratio as an individual with a 108 REA and 117 IMF (marbling) on ultrasound.
Colby Community College Bull Test Bulls
The following three bulls are on test at the Colby Community College Bull Test. I’ve always been a proud alumni of CCC and when I attended the judging team reunion last fall and upon seeing first hand their renewed commitment to agriculture and the judging team, I decided to enter some bulls to help them out. These three bulls sell March 23 in the CCC Bull Sale. They will sell with the same first breeding season guarantee and have been DNA tested, have genomic enhanced EPDs and are sire verified, just like the bulls selling in our sale. They have been at the college farm since November 4th and will also have gain test information, grow safe feed efficiency testing and ultrasound data. They are good bulls and would have been in the upper half of our bull sale offering. I will be at the sale March 23 so if you want updated performance information, a catalog, or an honest opinion of the bull selling let me know.
Dcsf Post Rock Blk Bal 22k8
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Another 3 way composite bull like Lot 114. These are really, really good bulls. Top 30% growth and 15% marbling EPDs on this stud with a 111 ratio on gain test. Individual ratios of 102 WW and 102 YW ratios with 99 REA and 148 IMF (marbling) on ultrasound.
Dcsf Post Rock Blk Bal 167k8

These next 5 bulls are registered Angus bulls. As our operation transitions to the next generation with my nephew, Kyle, taking an active role on the cattle side and my son-in-law, Will, taking the lead on the crop side, I asked them both to bring new ideas and new ways of doing things. Coming from our many discussions, our goals are to increase customer services, customer contacts, and customer support while also increasing our ability to supply more genetic options for our bull customers. Lots 114 through Lots 121 are the initial steps in that process. We are planning to not only grow the multi breed hybrid bulls but also to grow the Angus side of our operation. We have added an elite Angus donor from Sitz Angus and purchased Angus females from Green Valley Cattle. Kyle also purchased a couple of cows from his former employer, Hoffman Ranch. All have been added to the small Angus herd already in place (all AI sired and some ET produced) that we used mostly in our Balancer operation in the past. The one constant is that regardless of breed or breed mixture, the principles of sound stockmanship are applied first. We insist on good disposition, sound feet, teats and udders with an emphasis on fertility and a sensible frame size with natural fleshing ability. With those bases covered we continue to demand eye appealing cattle with strong EPDs and the actual data to back it up for calving ease, performance and marbling. These bulls are all AI sired and have genomic enhanced EPDs. They are really good bulls but will sell at beginner Angus prices.