TwinViewLivestock_TheBulls_2025 (1)

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Bonnie Thompson, Alameda Agencies, 306 483 7311

Ownership commences to the new owner as soon as the animal is sold. We highly recommend insurance on your bull. Despite every precaution to prevent injury, things out of our control do happen.


All bulls will be semen tested prior to the sale. Twin View Livestock reserves the right to collect in herd semen on any bull in the offering.


This catalog can be viewed online at Announcements from the block will take precedence over catalog material. Design and production by Pittman Digital Media


With rising feed and fuel costs we look forward to working with you to get your bull home in a timely manner. We will do our best to get your bull as close to you as possible if not right into your yard. We will begin delivering bulls following the sale within the prairie provinces. If you are not able to take your bull when we are headed your way, it is the buyer’s responsibility to arrange transport. Any bulls left after April 15 will be charged $4/day. For bulls to eastern Canada, British Columbia or leaving the country, we will organize necessary health testing and assist in custom travel plans up to $200. Costs over $200 will be paid by the buyer. We look forward to working together to get your bull home!


If you are unable to join us in person, please call us or any of our sale staff. We’d be happy to help you find the right bull so you’re completely satisfied. Online bidding and videos will be available with


Give Joe a call if you need help finding a room.


Snacks and happy hour all day Tuesday. The greatest home cooked lunch will be served pre-sale on Wednesday. Thank you to Trouw Nutrition and FCC for their support.


Lazy HJ Land & Cattle

Goodview Gelbvieh

Guymon Livestock

Fairhaven Farms

Eldor Ranch

Red Willow Ranch

Tangle Ridge Ranch

Golden Buckle Gelbvieh

Gary & Sharon Barrett

Cooley Farms of Windsor

Blayne & Allison Klein

Bruce Montgomery

Jeff Anderson

Jacobson Farms Cattle

Deep Sands Livestock

Towerview Ranch

LCF Gelbvieh Livestock

Beamish Land & Cattle

Parker Mann

Big Country Gelbvieh

Kale Mckenzie

Brad & Matti Hurst

Diamond Z Livestock

Classic Cattle Co.

Last Mountain Livestock

Bonnie & Rick Clubbe

MAE Ranching

High Country Acres

RPS Gelbvieh

Why we feed the way we do

We believe breeding cattle should be developed low and slow. We never creep feed because it reduces our ability to know what these cows can do. After weaning, we pail feed a developer pellet from Trouw Nutrition with free choice hay. Even bulls in the show pen are started early and fed low and slow. We want your bull to be athletic and ready to work.

Why a live sale

We believe a live sale is the most equitable and transparent way to establish value. A live sale brings people together and builds community. We want to shake your hand, look you in the eye, share a meal and hear about your family. What we love most about our business is the people.

Why we show

We believe showing cattle is a great opportunity to increase exposure of the breed. Our “show cattle” are no different than those at home. Show selection is based on genetics we want to promote each year. Buying one from the show string does not necessarily mean they’re better than one that didn’t make the trip to town.

Why we emphasize feet and structure

We believe good cattle are built from the ground up. Longevity and trouble free production start at proper structure. We are strict and vigorous in our inspection. Poor footed cattle are recipient cows at best. You don’t have time for foot issues so it’s our responsibility to make them right!


Many factors beyond birth weight influence calving ease. It takes a lot for us to confidently stamp a bull as a calving ease sire. We know our cows and we can only give our best estimate how a bull will work but here’s a few things we hope you consider.

PHENOTYPE - How the bull is constructed; Smooth shoulders, smaller and narrower skull, length of body and balance.

GENOTYPE - Genetics; A predictable and consistent pedigree for birth weight and calving ease. A bull is only half the genetic makeup of your calf crop.

GESTATION - Days from conception to birth. More days, more birth weight.

ENVIRONMENTAL - Weather and feed in the last 30 days of pregnancy. Colder weather increases blood flow in the mother and therefore more nutrition to the fetus. A 90 pound birthweight in April is likely much higher in colder months.


1 - recommended for all females

2 - recommended for well developed heifers or young cows

3 - recommended for young or mature cows

4 - recommended for mature cows

5 - none available, these bulls are culled


It is a pleasure for us to welcome you home to Twin View Livestock for our annual bull sale! This event has been 20 years in the making and we can’t tell you what a privilege it is for us to have you sort through this offering. The cattle are the vehicle to the people. We are honoured by the relationships and the paths we’ve crossed because of Gelbvieh cattle.

This breed and our offering each year is our legacy. Each catalog we create is almost like a love letter, a scrapbook of our work. Our life here at Twin View truly revolves around these cattle. You can rest assured we are dedicated, driven and motivated to make Gelbvieh a household name.

Aaron sold his first bull off the farm 20 years ago. He was an ‘R’. Since then we have marketed bulls off the farm, then through the Twin Bridge Farms bull sale at Brooks and most recently with Fladeland Livestock following our move to Saskatchewan. And now, it’s time to do this the way we’ve always wanted. AT HOME!

Aaron’s first exposure to Gelbvieh cattle came nearly 25 years ago when his family was seeking herd bull options for their commercial cowherd. They needed a breed that would check all the boxes and mate well on a variety of cows. Their first Gelbvieh bull did that and we believe your next Gelbvieh bull will do the same.

For the first time, we’re excited to offer small groups of replacement females. These heifers come from the heart of our cowherd, many of them are registered Balancers. A great addition to this sector is a set of standout heifers from the greatest neighbours you can imagine, the Hicks family. Their heifers are sired by Twin View bulls and come backed by the same high standards you can expect from us.

The cattle are ready for you whenever you can make the trip to Twin View but we’re also only a phone call away and we love to talk cattle. We hope to see you on March 12 in our new barn here on the farm. It has been a major undertaking and a long time coming but we’re thrilled with the outcome.

Join us for lunch and festivities. Investing in genetics from Twin View is the beginning of a relationship. That’s not something we take lightly!

Aaron and Joe





Homozygous Polled | Red | PB94 | Feb-11-2024 | Tattoo: AWB 44M | Calving Ease Score: 2 AWB BIRCH’S THE BOXER 21D COX A LITTLE BIT OF SUGAR 24A AWB TWIN VIEW SUGAR 26F

What a way to kick off the 2025 edition of our bull sale! Ransom Note epitomizes our breeding program by combining some of our key genetic players in a high quality phenotypic package. As a part of our show string last fall, he was in the hunt for the Senior Calf Division at Agribition and then became the Reserve Champion People’s Choice Bull at the Canadian Futurity. Ransom is the natural son of Sugar whose impact on the breed will be felt for years to come. Each of her sons has influenced a purebred operation and she remains a steadfast contributor in our work. Ransom offers shaggy,

red hair, elite foot quality and robust shape along with ample calving ease. Ransom Note is the real deal and we have no doubt he’ll make his own mark much like those before him!

AWB 15Y – Granddam of Lot 2

AWB 111K – Sire of Lot 2-4, Maternal Brother of Lot 1

KHR 39F – Grandsire of Lot 2

Twin View Titanium is a great one to take a closer look at if you need a balanced, multipurpose bull to cover all the bases. He comes back by a beautiful Grizzly daughter with longevity bred in and also offers huge performance. Titanium ranked 1/21 for weaning weight adjusting to 750 pounds at 205 days. He’s extremely long bodied and smooth just like his sire who works for the good people at Fairhaven Farms. If you sell steers by the pound and keep your replacement heifers, Titanium is a logical fit for your work!

AWB 40F – Dam of Lot 3

178F – Grandsire of Lot 3

Twin View Blade 39M is one who captures our attention with a cocky, “look at me” presence he had from an early age. He’s another son of Ragnar, a Sugar son who was a part of our show string winning National Junior Calf at Agribition in 2022. Blade’s dam is an ultra feminine, beautifully uddered female whose pedigree is a real blast from the past. She resulted when we dug into the tank and pulled out an embryo from a past National Champion, Empress 218F. Blade has enough jam to pad your wallet with steer cheques and his daughters will be gorgeous!

8 Twin View Peak 30M is quite a bull and one we’re just so excited to share with the breed! We believe he is the right direction to head with his added extension, attractive design and awesome foot and joint construction all while maintaining performance and maternal excellence. Peak has already been widely appreciated as Reserve National Senior Calf and Breed Champion in both Legends of the Fall and the President’s Classic. Peak is the direct son of a cow we consider to be one of the elite phenotype females in the breed. Grace 178D is superbly footed, perfectly uddered, big bodied, attractive and simply never misses. We sold her only two daughters through Function and Finesse and she’s been a long run of bull calves with sons to P&R Cattle, Last Mountain Livestock and Eldor Ranch. This year she raised Peak but also produced the Winner’s Selection at the Canadian Bull Futurity and a son named Apex, Senior Bull Calf Champion at Agribition, who will be joining our bull battery

at Twin View. We offered her as a feature in Function and Finesse 6.0 and we’re thrilled to be working with our friends at Beamish Land & Cattle to continue writing her story. Like her, Peak’s story is just beginning and we’ll be watching closely to hear of your success as you work toward the Peak!


AWB 199D – Granddam of Lot 5

BLB 146D – Sire of Lot 5

AWB 14H – Grandsire of Lots 5, 17 & 18, Sire of Lot 6

Twin View Bounty is a unique individual who combines two vastly different genetic lines. He’s power and punch on the maternal side with calving ease and moderation on the paternal. We continue to pull an occasional straw of Drake at breeding time because he works so well on power heifers with added frame and performance like Bounty’s young dam. Malibou 16K is one of Joe’s favourite cows on the farm. She’s the first milking daughter of Preakness and we love her udder design, fertility and disposition. Bounty is puppy dog quiet and offers more stretch and grow than any Drake son before. If you place a value on easy going cattle that are easy to work with then your bull shopping can stop here!

AWB 78E – Paternal


AWB 27H – Maternal


Platoon is a direct son of Preakness and is a bull with additional stretch and grow ideal for British based cows. Platoon is attractive and sound in his design and offers massive potential to create awesome daughters. His dam is from the Wicked cow family who consistently get the job done! She has earned Dam of Merit status and we have a sister to Platoon in the herd with others selling to Dusty Rose Cattle and LCF Gelbvieh. All this while Preakness brings the Gayle family into the mix. Platoon is sure to add pounds and maternal capability to your calf crop!

AWB 218B
Dam of Lot 6
Sister to Lot
Granddam of Lot
Homozygous Polled


We have told the story of JSJ BAHA 35B many times. We’ll never forget her cresting the hill as we toured cows at Jaspers. That moment helped to redirect our program. She met every challenge we threw at her from show cow to donor female with ease. We continue to utilize sons and now grandsons in our work and daughters are following in her footsteps as functional, easy doing, maternally oriented mama cows. Half of our offering this year carry Baha’s genetic contribution. JSJ BAHA 35B - a cornerstone of our breeding program.

AWB 1H – Dam of Lot 12-16, Granddam of Lot 17 & 18

WGG 90J – Sire of Lot 7

Baha 35B – Dam of Lot 7

AWB 20J – Full Sister to Lot 7

Twin View Go Getter 16M ET warrants an apology to vegetarians everywhere. He is all meat and no potatoes! This is one massive, heavy muscled, high performing dude - at one point gaining nearly 6 pounds/day on a ration designed for 3.5. As efficiency, feed conversion and pounds become increasingly important, Go Getter is upping the game. Unfortunately he is the end of an era here as he resulted from the last Baha embryo in the tank. We’d have loved another daughter but we do have three flushmate sisters in production and another works as a donor at Hillsdown Gelbvieh. We’ve never given a cow a full page in the catalog like we have here but Baha earned it. Her influence will remain a touchstone for years to come.

AWB 130E – Dam of Lot 8

AWB 4G – Maternal Sister to Lot 8

AWB 63K – Full Sister to Lot 8

Twin View Jet Black is a larger outlined, super hairy, sound made dude who’s actively looking for work. He acts as our heat detector, finding every heifer in heat through the windbreak. Joe’s a Simmental guy at heart and he gravitates to Jet Black in a big way. Homo polled and homo black, Jet Black is a great choice to maintain consistency and add pounds come fall. Anytime you see the Gypsy cow family in our pedigrees you can be sure of a fertile, hardworking mother cow. A maternal sister to Jet Black sold to Goodview Gelbvieh and a full sister is working for Silverline Farm. With a yearling ratio of 108 along with his added frame and a bit of Baha in the pedigree, Jet Black will pay huge dividends!

114D – Dam of Lot 9

37J – Maternal Sister to Lot 9

37Z – Maternal Grandsire to Lots 8 & 9

Twin View Stockman 78M is the youngest in our offering but that hasn’t slowed him down. He has weaning and yearling ratios well above average and is so impressive when you get behind him with a massive top and hip combined with a cool look from the side. His dam is a true standby around here who has earned Dam of Merit status. Two maternal sisters to Stockman have sold through Function and Finesse to Diamond Acre Farms and the Lazy HJ crew. The 114D cow caught herself up two full months this year calving just 10 months after Stockman was born. A true stockman will recognize the value in lot 9 very quickly!

23L – Maternal Sister to Lot 10

Twin View Barracuda 53M is another Valhalla son who patterns so consistently with the sire group in terms of added dimension, bone and power. He’s moderate and stout, much like his beautifully designed mother and his maternal sister who was a feature last fall in Function and Finesse to Last Mountain Livestock. The Julie cow family traces back to past National Champion, AR Julie 14J, who has 34 registered progeny. If you needed a pair of bulls to work together we’d have no debates over making Barracuda and Stockman in lot 9 a team!





Homozygous Polled | Red | PB94 | Feb-16-2024 | Tattoo: AWB 51M | Calving Ease Score: 2




Twin View Comin’ In Hot 51M has exceeded every test we’ve put him to with ease. He wasn’t more than a couple days old when he began making himself noticed. He’s hairy and dark coloured, has an exceptional skull shape, is unbelievably balanced from end to end offering a killer look from every angle. He offers big time growth numbers but we believe he’s built to calve easy as well. Starting at just 78 pounds, he exploded to 838 at weaning and nearly 1400 at yearling. His sire is a direct Baha son purchased from us but what maybe excites us most is his mother. When longtime friends and customers, Calvin & Donna Beamish, gave us the chance to pick from their life’s work, we saw “Hot Donna 77J” and fell in love! She is an absolute knockout and we are thrilled to have her as a new addition to our donor arsenal. You’ll be hearing much more about Hot Donna in years to come. Comin’ In Hot is your chance to get in early on one of our next leading matrons. We feel strongly Comin’ In Hot has unique attributes to offer the breed!

Mambo and Boom Town are a pair of Bar None sons by the super foxy Baha 1H donor cow. It made sense for them to share a page with their many similarities in type and design. They’re ultra hairy, deep bodied from chest to flank and so well built from the ground up. Their dam highlighted a past Function and Finesse to the Edwards at Classic Cattle and since then she has 20 registered progeny including sale features and National Champion Bull, Bold Ruler, whose first sons are just a page away. Mating her to Bar None was a no brainer for us. That bull has made a lot of people sit up and take note. His progeny so far have averaged over $11,000 and his son, Universal, is the reigning National Champion Bull. His first daughters are calving now and they are simply dreamy! Baha and Bar None together in Mambo and Boom Town….this is next level!

We said from day one we needed to pair Baha 1H and Boxer; the combination would be a female making slam dunk! Just our luck - we only got bull calves. Maybe there was a little luck though because this is an impressive trio of long yearling bulls! Classic Cattle Co. did get heifer calves from the mating including one who sold for $14,000 in Function and Finesse last fall. Calving in July isn’t something we’ll be doing more of but it sure worked on these three. The Boxer continues to be a runaway success for many breeders and Baha 1H is carving her own path. These dudes are really hitting their stride now in a growth spurt and need to be seen to be fully appreciated. No matter what you’re after, one of the brothers has what you need. While Roper 128L (lot 14) leans more to the calving ease side of things, Cinch 130L (lot 16) pushes the power and performance part of their pedigree and Stetson 129L (lot 15) is a happy medium. What they all have in common is a dark, cherry red, shaggy hair, exceptional foot quality and a ton of longevity and maternal value. Take a close look at Roper, Stetson and Cinch - no matter your style, we have no doubt you’ll find the right fit!

Reference Sire, AWB Twin View Bold Ruler 20K ET, 2023 National Champion




AWB 23J – Dam of Lot 17

AWB 22Z – Granddam of Lots 17, 21 &22

JLSL 929G – Grandsire of Lot 1 & 17 Sire of Lot 26

Twin View Brick was named within a day or two of being born for obvious reasons. He’s built with as much dimension and muscle pattern as we’ve put on one. Come to think of it, he might best be described as the black version of his daddy! With the unfortunate injury and loss of National Champion, Bold Ruler, these will be the only two sons ever offered in Canada. Combine the Baha family with a gorgeous young Natalie mother cow the results have potent potential. Hairy, mega stout, great structure and a bulletproof pedigree make Brick one to analyze closely!






If you’ve ever wanted to make cattle softer in their design with more capacity and center body then Twin View Boom is your man! He’s so soggy and loosehided with massive amounts of herd bull character, traits that are generational in his pedigree. He boasts impressive performance and maternal EPD values along desirable carcass details. We have a flushmate sister to Boom in the replacement pen who has been marked as ‘untouchable’ and maternal brothers have sold to two families we have utmost respect for, the Bertschy’s and the Hlavka’s. Boom is the only red son of past National Champion, Bold Ruler, to ever be offered in Canada adding to his worth as a unique breeding piece. Boom!

Homozygous Polled | Red | PB94 | Feb-9-2024 | Tattoo: AWB 37M | Calving Ease Score: 3

94L – Close relation to Lot 19

Twin View Fortune is an ideal candidate if you’re in the market to get heifers bred, to calve them worry free and still maintain a high quality end product. He boasts top 1% values for calving ease and birth weight but doesn’t get out powered on performance. Fortune’s dam comes from our first set of High Caliber daughters to calve and we can’t get enough! They’ve got gorgeous udders, they’re great mamas and they’re fertile! Did we mention she’s a Rosemary? Because it makes us love her even more! Pairing a High Caliber daughter with Grizzly Red locks in the liver red colour and solidifies Fortune’s use as a sleep easy, user friendly herd bull. Fortune… CALVING EASE DELUXE!

KHR 39F – Sire of Lot 19 & 20, Grandsire of Lot 2 AWB 25F – Granddam of lot 19

50H – Granddam of Lot 20

Twin View Tux 12M is another Grizzly Red son who’s been easy to find all year. He started out at just 68 pounds but had an above average weaning ratio of 103. His two year old dam did a bang up job while milking from a tidy udder and breeding right back. When our buddy, Kale Mackenzie, was on the hunt for a good young cow to add to his growing herd, he selected Flossy 5K so we’re excited to hear about his success with her. Tux is so impressive when you consider his huge potential as a calving ease sire combined with rugged good looks, ample muscle shape and herd bull presence!

AWB 22Z – Granddam of Lots 17 & 21 – 23

AWB 59E – Sire of Lot 21

Twin View Diablo is a coming two-year old bull who’s moderate framed, ultra sound and knows how to get the job done! We found ourselves waffling if we had enough bull power for over 40 heifers last spring so we held onto Diablo. He saw some action working alongside High Caliber so we may have calves later in the spring. Just a 64 pound birthweight and a CE EPD of 18 - Diablo is sleep easy and built for speed! To sweeten the deal he’s one of few Crowfoot sons we offer anymore with semen extremely limited and he comes from the Natalie cow family. He will have health testing completed to ensure he’s cleared for landing but if you need a bull to cover a few more heifers than usual, Diablo is up to the task!

JLSL 204K – Dam of Lot 22

AWB 39F – Sire of Lot 22

JLSL 9160G – Grandsire of Lot 22

Twin View Blacklist is a hetero black, homo polled calving ease candidate with limitless potential. We can’t say how proud we are of the job Mayweather has done south of the border at Ledgerwood Gelbvieh. He continues to be a sound, great footed, breeding fool! Blacklist’s two year old dam was our selection from Function and Finesse 5.0. She’s extremely well put together with beautiful udder attachment and teat size and because of her high calving ease pedigree, she offers many mating options for us. Blacklist will mature to be a moderate framed bull with structural integrity for years of safe use in the heifer pen!





Homozygous Polled | Red | PB94 | Feb-28-2024 | Tattoo: AWB 64M | Calving Ease Score: 1



Twin View Weetalabah is a unique breeding piece we’re proud to offer with friends from down under, the Nixon family. We partnered with them to buy Weetalabah’s dam through Function and Finesse and they’ve got a set of embryo calves on the ground now. You’ll be hearing more about her soon but she comes from the Natalie family who will always have a place here because of their functionality and hardworking ways. Throw in a shot of Baha and High Caliber and you’ve got a potent maternal combination. We appreciate the herd bull look he has about him the way he carries himself around the pen. Weetalabah boasts just a 70 pound birthweight with a CE EPD of 18 and a negative BW value. He should calve like a dream but we’d be sure to keep all the daughters we could!

VV 66C –

& 24

MCCA 947G – Grandsire of Lot 24

Twin View Reddington is a dark red, hairy, genomic powerhouse designed to calve easy and create a very saleable calf crop. His two year old dam did an awesome job on her first effort! She’s an ET daughter of our Truffle 66C cow who is among the first noticed on pasture tours. She’s an impressive beast and Reddington’s dam patterns much the same. With just a 68 pound start, Reddington has a weaning ratio of 108 and continued his above average ways through yearling. If you wanted to sort our offering by EPD profile, here’s your smoking gun with every growth and maternal trait well above average and a marbling EPD of 0.28!

SA 48Z – Sister to the dam of Lot 25

Twin View Everest is a long bodied, smooth made bull who offers a truly unique twist. His dam is a true Fullblood Gelbvieh cow, one of only two in Canada we’re aware of. She is a direct daughter of the highly influential Gayle 32N donor who is the matriarch of the Gayle and Gracie Gayle family and has 42 registered progeny. With his user-friendly birthweight, tidy skull and extended front third, we feel strongly that Everest could be another option for some heifers. Sound structure, ideal foot design and fertility continue to pay dividends and Everest is the peak of all three!

SA 32N – Granddam of Lot 25
Granddam of Lot 21


The Boxer will always be a special first for us. He was the first bull we raised that became a National Champion. The Boxer was a prolific breeding bull who walked the pastures at Last Mountain Livestock until he was seven! His greatest success is his progeny. His sons have been well received within the industry but it’s his daughters who will continue to make him a trusted AI option. Each spring when we’re designing matings, The Boxer remains very much in the mix. His legacy is foundational!

AWB 37A – Dam of Lot 26, Granddam of Lot 27

JLSL 929G – Sire of Lot 26, Grandsire of Lot 1

AWB 49J - Full sister to Lot 26

Twin View Vault is a well constructed bull wrapped in dark red hide. If you’ve followed our work at all, you’re well versed in the story created by The Boxer. Vault is the natural son of Boxer’s dam who continues her trouble free career here at the age of 12. Other maternal brothers have sold to Les Wiebe and Bluff Island Stock Farm. We have retained daughters including a full sister to Vault and one of our most promising first calvers. Vault is sired by the Bonanza bull we brought up from Washington with Diamond Z. You can expect attractive design and ideal udders from Vault’s daughters and his sons will be easy feeding. You might want to invest in a vault of your own for the cash you’re about to make!

AWB 103J – Dam of Lot 27

AWB 49G – Grandsire of Lot 27

Twin View Primal is a moderate, extremely stout made, wide topped bull with an ideal disposition. He is a direct son of The Boxer and his mother comes from the Julie cow family. 103J just had a heifer calf this spring and milks from a picture perfect udder. She also offers a shot of Baha to the pedigree being a daughter of Gusto. Primal offers a most impressive set of carcass EPD’s with traits in the top 10%. He does have a heavy scur common in the Julie cow family but he’s got a lot to offer. We anticipate Primal will develop into a trouble free herd bull who’ll check all the boxes in his career.

We’re excited to share females from the heart of our herd alongside the bulls for the first time. This is a unique group for us in terms of their genetic makeup and birth dates. Through no fault of their own and thanks to a bull injury, we had a group of cows bred later than our usual calving window. You’ll recognize some of our leading cow families in these May born heifers. They are sired by our resident Black Angus bull or a Red Angus sire and most are registered 44% or 50% Balancers. They will sell in small packages making them attainable to any producer regardless of how many you might need. Heifers will need to be picked up sale day or shortly after unless other arrangements are made with us.

We run a commercial cow herd of 100 Red Angus cows with 25% of them having a Simmental influence. We used to run Red Angus bulls, but after talking with Joe & Aaron about how the Gelbvieh breed could enhance our herd and increase hybrid vigour, we decided to take the plunge. In 2019 we bought our first Gelbvieh bull from Twin View Livestock. We still have that herd sire today and are not in any rush to get rid of him. We have added several other bulls from Twin View bull sales over the years and have been so happy with the traits they have added to our cow herd. They have not only added 100+lbs to our weaning weight, but we also have sounder feet and better milkers and tidier udders.

Having 2 young boys active in our farming operation, the quiet disposition of the bulls we have purchased is a trait we highly value, and that trait is being passed down to the replacements we are keeping now. In the years since purchasing bulls from Twin View, we have pulled zero calves. Accolades not only go to the breed for this trait, but also to how Joe & Aaron facilitate their breeding of seedstock to pass onto us commercial breeders.

We highly admire Joe & Aaron’s eye for cattle, their enthusiasm & time spent with younger herdsmen starting out and the way they are always striving for the next best thing in genotype and phenotype. We are so proud to call them neighbours, mentors and most importantly, friends! Congratulations on 20 years of marketing superb bulls!!



The Hicks family have generously allowed us access to their replacement pen of 20 females to take our pick. And what a set they have to offer! 20 females were retained from approximately 50 making it a top selection. Kurtis and Celine have a very tidy, fault free commercial herd of primarily Simmental Red Angus cross cows that graze across the fence from us during the summer. These late March and April born heifers are half or three quarter blood Gelbvieh and will make tremendous mother cows. Buy with confidence! Heifers will need to be picked up sale day or shortly after unless other arrangements are made with us.

-Celine, Kurtis, Bryce & Levi Hicks


Box 97, Parkbeg, Saskatchewan, S0H 3K0

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